Brompton-on-Swale Parish Council Minutes – 2017/18

25 May 2017 – Annual Parish Meeting

25 May 2017 – AGM

13 July 2017

7 September 2017

14 December 2017

18 January 2018

8 March 2018 Brompton on Swale Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 25 May 2017

1. Attendance/Apologies

The meeting was attended by: Councillors: Andrew Guest, David Dempsey, David Sharp, Max Rutter, Simon Ducker, Richard Haynes and Rupert King

District Councillor: Ian Threlfall County Councillor: Carl Les

Apologies were received from: Councillors: Nigel Mason

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 May 2016 were approved.

Proposed: Cllr D Sharp Seconded: Cllr A Guest

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes

4. Chairman’s Annual Report 2016/17

The Chairman presented the annual report for the past year. This had been circulated prior to the meeting and further copies were available at the meeting. This provides details of the projects and events that the Parish Council has been involved with during the past year. No issues were raised from the report.

5. Issues raised by the public

No issues were raised by members of the public.

The meeting closed at 7.02 pm


Date:……………………………………………………….. Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Annual General Meeting Thursday 25 May 2017

Present: Cllrs A Guest, Chairman D Dempsey D Sharp M Rutter S Ducker R Haynes R King

The Clerk

County Cllr C Les District Cllr I Threlfall

1. Election of Officers: The Chairman asked for nominations for Chairman for the new year. Cllr Dempsey proposed Cllr Guest. There were no further nominations. Cllr Sharp seconded the proposal.

Proposed: Cllr Dempsey Seconded: Cllr Sharp.

The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed by Cllr Guest and witnessed by The Clerk.

The Chairman asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. There were no nominations for the post. The Chairman proposed since there were no nominations the position could remain vacant and a Vice Chairman could be elected at the start of each meeting from among those Councillors present.

Proposed: Cllr Haynes Seconded: Cllr Sharp

2. Apologies for absence: Cllr N Mason

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 13 April 2017 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr King

4. Matters Arising Cemetery (Item 4, para 5, Minutes of 13 April) – A previous issue regarding arrangements for future burials for a resident in the Parish was discussed. The Clerk had responded to the resident to as for confirmation they wished to purchase the two plots which had been reserved and to ensure payment reached the Clerk by 31st May. A letter was received from the resident asking for clarification on cemetery costs and a further question regarding an original estimate from their funeral director. The resident suggests the only way to resolve the situation is for the Parish Council to offer the plot at no cost. The Clerk drafted a response which was read to the Councillors for their comments. The Councillor who was present at the time of the agreement to purchase the plots recalled the conversation that had taken place and confirmed he had explained all of the detail correctly. Further discussion took place and a decision was made to respond to the resident with a request to confirm the reservation of the plots and payment of the fees required. Action – The Clerk

Playing Field, Augustus Gardens, Rabbit Holes (Item 10.1, Minutes of 13 April) – Cllr Rutter had been to check the rabbit holes at the sports field. He noted they had begun to progress further onto the field. No further action at present.

Memorial Bench Request (Item 4, para 4, Minutes of 13 April) – The Chairman will contact the family to confirm the price. RDC have carried out checks and were able to confirm the bench can be sited on the green in Brompton Park. Action – Andrew Guest

5. Election of representatives to Village Society, Richmondshire Local Sports Association, Local Councils Association

5.1 The Chairman asked for nominations for the Village Society. Cllr Ducker the current Chairman of the Village Society and Rupert King is a Committee Member. It was agreed that no further representation would be necessary. This was proposed by Cllr Sharp and seconded by Cllr Rutter

5.2 The Chairman asked for nominations for the RLSA. Cllr Dempsey put himself forward for this position. This was proposed by Cllr Haynes and seconded by Cllr Sharp.

5.3 The Chairman asked for nominations for a representative for the YLCA. Cllr Sharp put himself forward for the position. This was proposed by Cllr Rutter and seconded by Cllr Haynes.

6 Reports 6.1 Reports from Cllr Carl Les – NYCC The Chairman congratulated Cllr Les on his re-election. He apologised for the continuing road work at the white shops which have been delayed and as a result has caused an over run on costs. The Chairman asked for an update on the situation with the street light under Station Road overbridge. The latest position is the joint venture have agreed a light should be installed although no further detail is available. Cllr Les will contact A1L2B for an update. The Chairman said the Parish Council had been approached by a resident concerning the same issue on Bridge Road. He asked if there was any prospect of an additional light in this area. Cllr Les said he had looked at the lighting in Bridge Road and there was a street light which appeared to be adequate. The Chairman mentioned setting up a meeting regarding the footpath around the riverside. He said he was anxious to sort out the issue as soon as possible since there was public pressure on the Parish Council. He said the footpath needs to be reopened in such a way that allows people to walk along quite freely and enjoy it. This path has been walked for many years. In 2005 an application was made for a public right of way. This was granted circa 2009.

The Clerk asked if there was a timescale in place for finishing work at Fort Bridge. Cllr Les said no timescale had been suggested at this point. Cllr Ducker, who had attended the Key Liaison meeting, said A1L2B suggested they would finish up to Catterick Central Junction by the end of July/beginning of August. The local access roads and the motorway would be finished and handed over to highways between Leeming Bar and Catterick central Junction. A1L2B mentioned October for the motorway up to Barton. Fort Bridge was also discussed and it was said they had finished pouring concrete and would be laying tarmac shortly. There are drainage and service issues on Fort Bridge and the embankment has slipped.

6.2 Reports from Cllr Ian Threlfall – RDC Cllr mentioned the £1.2m deficit faced by RDC. Through efficiency savings and restructuring this has been reduced down to £100K. Enhanced recycling will come into force at the end of August, beginning of September. RDC have been able to continue with the warm homes policy and have not cut any other services. The Chairman asked about the consultation on the number of council members. The Council has proposed 24 members to the Boundaries Commission. There will be the opportunity for every resident in the district to make representation along with Parish Councils. Brompton-on-Swale currently have dual ward members. The recommendation did not suggest a change of boundaries although it is currently being considered.

6.3 Reports from Police The police report had previously been circulated by the clerk. Cllr Haynes noted his concerns regarding pavement parking and the issues of road width. He is concerned there may be an accident in the future unless there is some control over where people park. He suggested asking other agencies looking at the issues during school pick up and drop off times. Cllr Les said this s a difficult situation. It is believed school pick up is more of an issue that drop off time. Cllr Les said that some of the responsibility must be that of the school. It was said that the school should talk to the parents about the issues regarding the parking. The Chairman mentioned the parking along Station Road, especially at school times, is quite random. He is concerned about vehicles parking close to the ‘y’ junction at Richmond Road/Bridge Road/Station Road which at times makes manoeuvrability of vehicles extremely hazardous. Cllr Les said that the Highways Manager is looking into a safe crossing area along Richmond Road. Cllr Haynes said that he was aware that young children and parents no longer wanted to cycle along the main roads through the village since the road is quite narrow and the traffic sometimes travels at speed and often used public footpaths. He said that the pavements were, in places quite generous, and asked whether there was scope in reducing the size of the pavements to widen the roads. The Chairman asked whether it would be possible to discuss the issue with Highways to find a solution. Cllr Threlfall asked if it was thought, when A1 upgrade works are complete, the volume traffic passing through Brompton may be reduced. Cllr Rutter asked whether there was a cycle/walk to school initiative for schools. Cllr Les said every school must have a ‘Green Travel Plan’. Cllr Rutter asked whether this could be raised with the school.

7. Current Issues 7.1 Standing Orders – The Chairman mentioned changes to the standing orders which take into account electronic payments, changes on how RDC consult with the Parish Council on planning applications and financial matters because of the need to comply with the new financial regulations. The suggested changes to Item 20.2, Item 28 and Item 29.1 had been circulated prior to the meeting. After further discussion, the changes were proposed and seconded. The Clerk will make the changes and email the updated standing orders to the Councillors.

Proposed: Cllr Dempsey Seconded: Cllr Ducker Action – The Clerk

7.2 Financial Regulations - The Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities in published in March 2017, which had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting, was discussed. The Chairman said this document was used by the Council and forms the basis on which we compile our accounts, report matters and produce our accounts for Audit.

Proposed: Cllr Haynes Seconded: Cllr King

8. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were discussed. The Clerk said that there will be an external fee for the accounts 2016/2017. This had not been included in the budget for 2017/2018. She suggested using £100 from staff costs which had been over estimated in the budget could be used for this purpose. This was accepted by all Councillors. Grass cutting – the budget for 2017/2018 had been prepared prior to confirming a new price with the contractor. Two grass cuts have already been completed. The balance remaining in the budget for grass cutting will allow a maximum of 11 further cuts through to March 2018. Councillors mentioned the need for cutting the grass more frequently during some months. It was agreed the Clerk would contact the contractor and ask if the grass could be cut twice a month when necessary (approx. June to September) up to a maximum of 13 cuts in the financial year.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr King Action – The Clerk No further questions were raised and the accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr King

8.1 The Annual Accounts for 2016/2017 have been circulated prior to the meeting. They have been returned from the Internal Auditor.

8.1.1 Consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement – The Chairman read each Item on the Annual Governance Statement. The Councillors considered each statement (Item no 1 to 8) and agreed as a whole each statement was correct (yes). Item number 9 is not applicable to this Parish. The Annual Governance Statement was approved by resolution. The Statement was signed and dated by the Chairman. The Clerk signed the statement and noted the minute reference.

8.1.2 Consider and Approve the Accounting Statement – The Clerk had signed and dated the statement prior to the meeting. The Councillors considered the statement as a whole and approved the Accounting Statement by resolution.

8.1.3 Ensure Accounting Statements are signed - The Chairman dated and signed the Accounting Statement and noted the minute reference.

The Annual Return and relevant documents will be sent to the external auditor PKF Littlejohn

Action – The Clerk

8.2 Insurance – The Chairman explained we are currently on the third year of a 3year agreement for Insurance with Came and Company. This held the cost to nothing greater than the rate of inflation. The proposed cost for the third year is £313.98. If a new 3year agreement was to be entered into the cost of insurance for the year would be £298.28. Cllr Sharp asked what the insurance covered. The Chairman said it included Public liability, Employers Liability, loss or damage to property, legal expenses, etc. The Clerk will ask Came and Company what may be covered by the policy in respect of the Sports Hall and Field. It was decided to enter into a new 3year agreement with Came and Company and accept the quote for £298.28

Proposed: Cllr Haynes Seconded: Cllr Dempsey Action – The Clerk

A discussion took place regarding insurance for the Village Society. It was confirmed the Village Society own the sports hall building. If the Village Society were to fall into difficulties the hall and field would revert to the Parish Council because the Parish Council hold the lease with RDC. The Chairman asked Cllr Ducker (Chairman of the Village Society) whether he had seen a copy of the lease since it was thought it may be due for renewal. Cllr Threlfall will look into the details of the current lease. Action – Cllr Threlfall 9. Correspondence 9.1 An email was received from a resident asking for the trees to the northern boundary wall of the Cemetery to be pruned. The Chairman asked the Clerk to Speak to the contractor to ask if and when the trees would be scheduled for pruning. Action -The Clerk

9.2 An email was received from Frank Broughton regarding the riverbank woodland. He mentions a disease problem with a number of Hawthorne trees. He contacted the Woodland Trust who advised that it was probably leaf blight which should not kill the trees but recommended that he report the problem to the Forestry Commission, which he has done.

9.3 An email was received from a resident regarding the noise barrier which has been erected adjacent to the village on parts of the A1. The resident has been in contact with A1L2B regarding the issue. He has asked the Parish Council why a barrier has not been erected protecting Brompton Court and Brompton Park from noise from the A1. The Councillors said it was possible since the areas which have not been protected by a barrier have not had vegetation removed on the embankments. It was noted there has been no alteration to the road layout other than to widen it, the trees remain the same. The impact statement produced initially said there was no change in speed of vehicles and the southbound lanes would be further away from Brompton Park. Cllr Les said that he would take the matter up with A1L2B. The Clerk will respond to the resident.

Action – Cllr Les & The Clerk 10. Planning Applications The Chairman asked how the Councillors were ‘managing’ the new online Planning Application system. Some Councillors had some difficulty in accessing the system by some Councillors. The Clerk outlined the system of consultation which the Chairman had previously agreed to ensure that each Councillor was able to comment on every planning application received by the Parish. It was agreed to send a circulation to Councillors to include a copy of the letter and initial planning application. Further documentation, such as plans, would be accessed online through the online portal. The Chairman explained how to access the online Planning Portal. Cllr Threlfall confirmed RDC will arrange training sessions for use of online planning applications system for Parish Councils.

10.1 Planning Applications Granted by Richmondshire District Council

16/00112/FULL – Full Planning Permission for New Gateway/Walled Entrance (As Amended) at The Van Centre, Scorton Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7EQ. 16/00596/LBC - Listed Building Consent to Install heritage Slimlite Double Glazing in Existing and Replacement Windows, etc at 2 Grange Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7HJ.

Planning Applications Previously Circulated to Councillors

10.2 17/002220/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Change of Use to Create an Industrial Unit for Steel Fabrication,B2 at Units 2 and 3 Gatherley Road Industrial Estate, Brompton-on-Swale, Dl10 7QJ No objection in principle. However, concerns were expressed at the early opening hours on Monday to Friday, especially since the site is close to residential properties.

10.3 17/00197/FULL – Full Planning Permission to demolish Existing Entrance and Saddling Boxes, Replace with new Entrance and Saddling Boxes and Reconfigure Parade ring at Catterick Racecourse, Leeming Lane, Catterick Bridge No comments were made or objections were raised.

10.4 16/00782/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Proposed New Trailer Park with New Access at Land off Gatherley Road, Castlevale Industrial Estate, Brompton-on-Swale No objection in principle but the issue of noise and light should be addressed in the interests of neighbouring residential properties to limit disturbance from noise and light.

10.5 17/00253/FULL – Full Planning Permission to Resurface Grassed Area of the Rear and Side Garden, Replace Fence and New Gates at 6 Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7JF No comments were made or objections raised.

11. Minor Matters 11.1 The Chairman asked Councillor Ducker for an update on the Village Society. There will be a discussion with A1L2B about the trees on the embankment close to the sports field. The 200 club continues to thrive. The Duck Race will take place on 2 July. There have been enquiries for hire of the hall from various organisations. There are some issues with the hall regarding heating. The Finances are currently stable.

11.2 An email had been received from the YLCA mentioning the publication of The Good Councillors Guide 2017. The Guide is £3.49 per copy plus postage. The Councillors agreed to purchase a copy. Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Rutter

12. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 13 July 2017

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date : …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 13 July 2017

Present: Cllrs A Guest D Dempsey N Mason D Sharp M Rutter S Ducker R King

The Clerk Cllr C Les

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Haynes, Cllr Threlfall

2. Open Forum: No members of the public were present

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 25 May 2017 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr King

4. Matters Arising Defibrillator (Minutes of 2 March 2017, Item 4 para 2) - Cllr Ducker and the Clerk attended a meeting with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service to discuss the location of the defibrillator at the Community Sports Hall. Cllr Ducker said the original proposal was to locate the defib inside the building but the YAS said there had been only two instances of vandalism to defibs in the area that he covered and said if it were located on the outside of the building it would be of greater benefit to more people within the local area. Cllr Ducker agreed with the YAS it could be located close to the doors of the main entrance. The Clerk said the purchase of an outdoor cabinet would be £400. Further discussion took place regarding the location of the defibrillator in the village such as in the telephone kiosk. It was suggested a further defib could be purchased at a later date. Cllr Ducker mentioned there would be a cost to supply electricity to the defibrillator which, in the Summer months would be negligible but in the Winter, would be higher. The approximate annual cost will be around £15.

The Councillors agreed to apply for funding from RDC to enable the purchase of a defibrillator which would be located on the outside of the Community Sports Hall building.

Proposed: Cllr Ducker Seconded: Cllr Rutter

An amount of £600 has been secured through Cllr Les from the Locality Budget. The Clerk will apply to the Richmondshire Area Partnership Fund for a grant for the remaining balance. Cllr Ducker mentioned that training was available at a cost, which had been included in the funding application.

Action – the Clerk

Cemetery (Minutes of 25 May 2017, Item 4, para) – The Clerk had written to the resident to confirm the reservation of the two plots in question and asked for the fees to be paid as confirmation. A letter had been received from the resident accepting the offer of £150 (2014 price) against plot no P18. The resident requested the same offer of £150 (2014 price) be made to her daughter for plot no R18.

After further discussion, the Councillors agreed to the request that the cost of both plots would be charged at £150. It was proposed to confirm in the letter to the resident if a payment was not received within 10 days of the date of the letter the plots would be released and any further enquiries would confirm the matter has been closed. Any plots reserved after this time would be at the cost of the plots at the time of the reservation.

Proposed: Cllr Ducker Seconded: Cllr King Action – The Clerk

Grass Cutting (Minutes 2 March, Item 6.3) – Cllr Rutter mentioned grass cutting in Augustus Gardens and asked whether Persimmon Homes had produced a cutting schedule. He said the grass is not cut regularly and when it is it often looks a mess. Persimmon Homes cut the large grass area at the front of the estate and the sports field. They also cut most other areas throughout the estate. The Parish Council pay a contractor to cut grass throughout the estate twice a month during the main growing season (13 cuts in total for the season). The clerk said a resident had complained about the grass cutting at the northern end of Gatherley Road. After further discussion, it was decided the Clerk would contact the Persimmon Homes grass cutting contractor and GCH. Action – The Clerk

75 Richmond Road - Easement (Minutes 13 April, Item 4, para 6) – Cllr Mason has spoken to Chas Long. They are able to provide materials to repair the easement and will send someone to assess the quantity needed to complete the work. Cllr Ducker said the resident had questioned moving the raised border adjacent to the easement. The Chairman said the raised border had been moved at a previous request. Cllr Mason confirmed the materials to repair the easement should be free of charge. If the materials were not free of charge the resident must cover the cost.

5.1 Police This had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting. No further comments were made.

5.2 Report from Cllr Carl Les – NYCC A1M Upgrade – Cllr Les said the LAR between J52 and Marne Barracks Southbound will be opening on Friday 14 July. On Friday 21 July, the Northbound and Southbound on the LAR was due to open between J52 and Marne Barracks. The LAR to J51 at Leeming Bar would be opened sometime in July. The Chairman asked whether all restrictions would be removed between the Central Junction and Leeming to make the road into a motorway. Due to ongoing technology works all restrictions will remain for the time being. There is no further information on the works at Fort Bridge. There is no update on the lighting under the motorway bridge at Station Road, Brompton-on-Swale. The question regarding the noise barrier in the village has been answered and the findings sent to the resident who raised concerns. There was a meeting regarding the opening of the riverside footpath. The outcome has yet to be determined. Cllr Les will follow up the matter. The issue of parking in and around the school was discussed at a meeting with the Highways Manager. The Chairman asked if there was any further progress regarding an assisted crossing in the village. Cllr Les will follow up. Cllr Les updated the Councillors with the works at the White Shops. Cllr Les also mentioned the Bridge House Hotel at Catterick Bridge. He raised the matter with the District Council who have set up a multi-agency consultant group involving the police and the fire service. The hotel is currently for sale. Cllr Les said he had received further safety concerns from a resident regarding the change of priority at the Catterick Bridge Junction. He had previously raised concerns with the engineers who informed him they have completed a road safety audit and they were satisfied that it is safe. Further discussion took place regarding the visibility at the junction and the safety of vehicles pulling out of Leeming Lane and turning right towards the Farmers Arms. Cllr Rutter mentioned the pedestrian refuge island. He said it was dangerously close to the junction. He was concerned with a speed of up to 40 mph at the junction pedestrians were not clearly visible to a motorist turning left into Leeming lane from the Farmers Arms until they had turned the corner. The Chairman said it would be extremely useful if further studies were to be undertaken on visibility at the junction, especially turning right from Leeming Lane towards the Farmers Arms to ensure the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists at the Leeming Lane, Gatherley Road and Catterick Road Junction. Action – Cllr Les & The Clerk

On Monday 17 July, the PCC will launch a public 10-week consultation on her business proposal that she is better placed to take over the running of the fire service than the present fire authority. The details of the consultation will be emailed Monday 17/Tuesday 18 July.

Action - Councillors 5.3 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall – RDC Cllr Threlfall was not present at the meeting. However, Cllr King, on behalf of the Village Society confirmed there would not be any issues with RDC renewing the lease on the Sports Field and Building. Cllr Haynes, although unable to attend the meeting, had expressed concerns about the different lengths of time decisions were made on individual planning applications. Concerns were noted about inconsistencies during the decision-making process. Cllr Les said 90 % of planning applications are meant to be decided by Officers, not members. Planning applications should be determined within 13 weeks from the point of application. Cllr Sharp asked whether there was a standard operating procedure for planning. Cllr Les said there are national planning guidelines in place. Cllr Sharp asked whether RDC planning had a procedure/schedule in place for all planning applications and whether this was followed. He proposed asking Cllr Threlfall if he could tell the Parish Council what standards we should expect as residents. There are concerns the Planning Department are not achieving National Standards.

6. Current Issues There were no current items for discussion.

7. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk confirmed she had moved £100 from Salary to External Audit in the Budget for 2017/2018 as per the Minutes of 25 May 2017, Item 8. The Chairman asked if the External Audit for 2016/2017 had been completed. The Clerk confirmed it had not. No further questions were raised.

Proposed: Cllr Mason Seconded: Cllr Dempsey

The Chairman mentioned there are currently only two signatories on the Parish Bank Account. He said there were times it was necessary to have a third Councillor who was able to sign cheques and complete online bank payments. He asked if any Councillor was willing to take on the responsibility. Cllr Sharp put himself forward. The Chairman and remaining Councillors agreed with the proposal. The Clerk reminded Cllr Mason of the need to sign up for online banking. She will ensure Cllr Sharp receives the necessary documentation. Action – The Clerk 8. Correspondence 8.1 A letter had been received by email from the NALC which had previously been circulated to the Councillors. The letter concerns the reform of the data protection legislation and introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation. This change will take place on 25 May 2018. The GDPR imposes new obligations on data controllers and data processors and provides enhanced rights for individuals. Cllr Mason said everything in the data protection act 1998 will remain. Enhanced onus is put on data processors for any data that is owned by the organisation. The level of fine is increasing to 4 times global turnover and there will be more powers for individuals to hold those that process our data to account and to take action against them. The Chairman asked Cllr Mason what the onus would be on the Parish Council. Cllr Mason will look further into the details of the GDPR. Cllr Sharp said he did not believe that our processes would need to change but it would mean ensuring that our current processes were correctly adhered to. He said if data was stolen and used this would be an issue, which may mean it would be necessary to examine processes to ensure data is secure. Action – Cllr Mason

8.2 The Clerk printed an email previously circulated to Councillors regarding the Electoral Review of Richmondshire: Warding Arrangements. The Chairman reminded the Councillors documents had been circulated for the Councillors to write their comments/concerns. These comments will be collated and the views of the Parish Council can be sent. The consultation closes on 4 September 2017. The consultation is for members of the public and organisations.

8.3 The Clerk had previously circulated details regarding a consultation on the disposal of hazardous household waste. These comments will be collated and the views of the Parish Council will be completed online. The consultation closes on 2 October 2017. The consultation is for members of the public and organisations.

9. Planning Applications 9.1 Planning Applications Granted by Richmondshire District Council

16/000894/VAR - Land adjacent to 77 Richmond Road – Variation of Condition 1 Attached to Planning Permission 14/00190/FULL to Allow for revised Design of House and Site Layout.

17/00117/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Installation and Painting of Various Windows and Doors and gates to the rear (Retrospective) and Installation and painting of New Garage Doors to Match at High Gatherley Farm, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7HJ.

16/00686/OUT – Outline Planning Permission for Residential Development of up to 32 Dwellings with all Matters Reserved Except for Access at Robin Hoods Farm, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7JF

17/00261/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Fenced Compound to Enclose a Below Ground Sewage Pumping Station, including a Weatherproof Plant Enclosure and a Vent Stack to provide Sewerage Connection at Moor View, Great North Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7JL

Planning Applications Previously Circulated to Councillors

9.2 NY/2017/0170/73A – Consultation on Planning Application for the purpose of the retention of the prefabricated classroom unit 1583 for a further 6 years on land at Brompton-on-Swale C E Primary School No comments or objections were raised by the Parish Council.

9.3 17/00424/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Re-siting of Previously Approved Dwelling under Planning Permission 11/00782/FULL - Gatherley Grange, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale The Parish Council believe this planning application should be the subject of a new application with all the rigours and objection policies that it provides and there is greater clarity to the details of this NEW development.

9.4 17/00052/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Two Storey Extensions and renovation to existing Dwelling The Parish Council have no formal objections. However, the previous concerns about the appropriateness of the design in the immediate surroundings remain. Concerns have been raised over the lighting impact to neighbouring properties.

10 Minor Matters 10.1 An email had been received from Frank Broughton regarding a fallen tree across the riverside footpath, which he had cleared himself, although there were two further tree stems which he felt could come down onto the footpath. He had obtained a quote form a local tree surgeon for £80 to take down the stems and tidy the area. The tree surgeon has Public Lability Insurance. The Councillors agreed to accept the quotation.

Proposed: Cllr Mason Seconded: Cllr Sharp

10.2 The Clerk had received a telephone call from a resident in St Pauls Drive informing the Parish Council that a new tree which had been donated and planted on the green in St Pauls had died. The Clerk contacted A1L2B to ask if they would like to donate a tree for the green. A1L2B said “it would be really great if we could make it a ‘memorial tree’ but not sure who we could dedicate it to”. The Chairman will discuss ideas with the Clerk after the meeting. Action -The Chairman and The Clerk

10.3 The Chairman mentioned a memorial bench which had previously been discussed. He sent the family details of the cost of the bench but to date no further progress has been made.

10.4 Cllr Mason mentioned a bench at the end of St Edmunds Drive, which is in need of repair and hidden by long grass. No further action at present.

10.5 Cllr King mentioned the signage at the junction of Bridge Road/Station Road/Richmond Road, which he had reported to the Clerk. The Clerk has uploaded the details onto the new NYCC Parish Portal. The sign has been inspected and the Clerk is awaiting further information. Action – the Clerk

10.6 Village Society Update – Cllr Ducker said the lease for the Sports Hall/Field was signed in 1991. The length of the lease is 35 years. He said the Village Society had updated their policy regarding dogs at the Sports Hall/Field. Dogs will be allowed in the reception room at the Sports Hall and on the tarmac area outside the building. This policy will be subject to ongoing review. There is an U16 football team practicing on Fridays, an over 30’s football team will be training, yoga has started on Wednesday evenings and there is a netball try out on Sunday 16th July. The Duck Race was a success and £409 net was raised. The Chairman asked about the 200 club draw results. Cllr Ducker said they were posted on the Brompton-on-Swale Facebook page, in the local pub and usually in the village newsletter. The Chairman asked if they could be posted in the village shop and on the noticeboard. Cllr Ducker mentioned new goalposts were needed for the over 30’s football. The current posts do not meet the FA regulations. New football posts are being sourced, a grant for 50% has been obtained from the FA. The Village Society are seeking further funding.

10.7 Cllr Sharp mentioned some pot holes along Richmond Road. The area of concern is as you travel out of the village towards Richmond and over the bridge, on the left-hand side there are some significant holes on the side of the road. These can be dangerous, especially to cyclists. The Clerk will report to NYCC. Action – The Clerk

10.8 The Chairman mentioned the poor condition of the road in River Lane. There are potholes in various areas down the length of the road. The Clerk will report to NYCC. Action – The Clerk

10.9 The Chairman mentioned the Richmond Road sign opposite St Palls Church that was falling off the post and asked the Clerk to contact RDC. There is a missing road sign outside no 48 Brompton Park, which denotes which houses are in that particular cul de sac. Action – The Clerk

10.10 The Chairman mentioned he was unable to attend the Parish Council meeting scheduled for 7 December 2017. The Councillors agreed to change the date of the meeting to Thursday 30 November 2017.

10.11 Cllr Les said he is unable to attend the next Parish Council meeting and sends his apologies.

11. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 7 September 2017 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date: …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 7 September 2017

Present: Cllrs A Guest D Sharp N Mason R Haynes M Rutter S Ducker R King

The Clerk Cllr I Threlfal

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Les, Cllr Dempsey

2. Presentation: Peter Featherstone, Chief Planning Officer RDC Peter Featherstone gave a resume of the process of planning from receipt of the application to the final outcome. He mentioned consultations with statutory bodies, including the Parish Council. The Chairman and Councillors asked Peter a number of questions regarding the planning process. Cllr Threlfall suggested it would be useful if Peter and the Parish Councillors were to undertake a case study of specific planning applications to gain further understanding of the planning process. The Councillors thought this a good idea. Peter asked the councillors to decide which planning applications they wished to consider for a case study. Once confirmed a meeting would be arranged. Action - Councillors 3. Open Forum: No members of the public were present.

4. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2017 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr King

5. Matters Arising Data Protection (Minutes of 13 July, item 8.1) – Information had been received by the Clerk regarding the new Data Protection Regulations which come into effect in March 2018. All Information had been circulated to the Councillors to keep them up to date. Cllr Mason had no further information at present. Action – Cllr Mason

Defibrillator (Minutes of 13 July, Item 4 para 1) - A funding application was submitted to RDC Central Area Partnership. At a meeting on 13 September a decision will be made to confirm whether the application has been successful.

Cemetery (Minutes of 13 July, Item 4, para 2) – Payment of £300 has been received for the two plots. Receipts have been issued.

Easement, 75 Richmond Road (Minutes 13 July, item 4, para 4) – No further progress to report. Action – Cllr Mason

Memorial Bench (Minutes 17 July, Item 10.3) – The family had agreed to the cost of supply and installation of the bench since the last meeting. The bench is in place on the green in Brompton Park.

St Pauls, Tree on the Green (minutes of 13 July, Item 10.2) – The Chairman said he knew of two families who had a relative who would be happy to have a memorial tree situated on the green in St Pauls Drive. He asked the Clerk to contact A1L2B to discuss the acquisition of a tree. Action – The Clerk

River Lane, Pot Holes (Minutes 13 July, item 10.8) – The pot holes have been repaired although it was suggested a better and longer term option would have been to resurface the whole road.

6. Reports 6.1 Report from the Police This had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Rutter commented on the case reported on 5 September at Nightingale Close regarding an attempted theft from a vehicle.

6.2 Report from Cllr Carl Les – NYCC Cllr Les was not present at the meeting.

6.3 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall – RDC Cllr Mason asked about the progress of works at the white shops. Cllr Threlfall said the works were progressing and expect to be complete by the end of October 2017. He said that the Car park will continue to be free until work was complete. The Chairman asked on progress at the old Coop in Richmond. Cllr Threlfall said as far as he was aware there had not been a planning application submitted at this time with any changes from the new owners.

7. Current Issues 7.1 A1L2B Upgrade – The Chairman had emailed A1L2B to ask for updates on the scheme. The responses received were informative. The scheme is looking at being completed by the end of winter. There is no requirement for lifting Fort Bridge although an extended closure will be necessary to remove the temporary utility bridge. Opening of Fort Bridge is being planned for late October/early November. The opening of the local access road between Gatherley Road and Scotch Corner is being planned for late September/early October. A discussion took place regarding the road layout at Scotch Corner. It is hoped once the upgrade is fully complete and open there should be no queuing traffic Northbound on the A1. Cllr Haynes mentioned signage to Brompton-on-Swale from Catterick Central Junction (Junction 52). Leaving the A1 Northbound at Junction 52 Brompton is signposted to take the 3rd exit on the roundabout, after that there is no further direction to Brompton. The signposts direct traffic to Marne Barracks/Catterick Village with no mention of Brompton-on-Swale. Travelling from Leeming Bar up the local access road northbound towards Catterick Village has a similar issue as there is no further signage pointing traffic to Brompton-on-Swale. The Chairman will contact A1L2B to discuss. Action – The Chairman

7.2 District Council Ward Review – The Chairman had written a response to the Boundary Commission regarding the Richmondshire Electoral review consultation which had been circulated to Councillors. The Proposed changes had been circulated to Councillors. It was noted Brompton on Swale and Easby would share a District Councillor. Current District Councillors will remain in their seat until the next election in 2019. There were no objections to the proposed change.

7.3 Memorial Seat – The Chairman has been approached by a resident asking if it would be possible to place a memorial seat along the riverside walk. Cllr Haynes said there was currently a seat alongside the river close to the River Lane entrance. He suggested some of the current trees/plants be removed to allow for a view towards the river. The Chairman said he would discuss the options with the volunteers who maintain the riverside area. He said if the Councillors could think of another suitable place could they let him know. Action – The Chairman

7.4 Proposal to Parish Council to Adopt Augustus Gardens – The Clerk received an email from Persimmon Homes who are reviewing a long-term strategy for the Play Areas and Open Spaces within the development. After discussions between Persimmon and RDC it has been suggested the Parish Council may be best placed to adopt these areas at Augustus Gardens. The Chairman said if the Parish Council were to adopt the areas they would be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the grass areas and equipment. Cllr Sharp said the sports field and large play park have been there since the development opened and believes they are part of phase 1 planning permission requirements. The Chairman said there must be a discussion with Persimmon Homes to ascertain the exact areas they are asking the Parish Council to adopt. He said discussions with Gary Hudson – RDC Head of Open Spaces and Cllr Threlfall would be necessary for advice. The Clerk had received an estimate of additional costs of any

grass cutting and hedge cutting. These costs would more than double the grass cutting costs for the whole of the village. Cllr Threlfall confirmed Gary Hudson would be happy to attend a meeting to discuss issues with the Parish Council. Cllr Threlfall said the Clerk should request from Persimmon Homes a definitive map of the areas they wish the Parish Council to adopt. Cllr Sharp asked who was currently responsible for the maintenance and up keep of the playparks at Augustus Gardens. The Clerk confirmed that it was currently Persimmon. However, if the Parish Council were to adopt the area this would become their responsibility. The Chairman proposed Gary Hudson is asked to attend the next meeting for the Councillors to consider his advice and decide whether we want to go down the avenue of adoption. The residents of Augustus Gardens would be consulted on their views/wished once the Parish Council have all information to hand. The Highways in the estate have already been adopted by RDC. Action – Cllr Threlfall & The Clerk

8. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. No further questions were raised.

Proposed: Cllr Mason Seconded: Cllr Sharp

The Clerk received a renewal request for the website domain from Easy Space. The cost is £23.87 including VAT. Councillors agreed to renew.

Proposed: Cllr Rutter Seconded: Cllr Sharp

The Clerk received the Annual Wreath Order from the Royal British Legion. Councillors agreed to make a donation to purchase the wreath at a cost of £50.00

Proposed: Cllr Guest Seconded: Cllr Sharp Action – The Clerk 9. Correspondence 9.1 An email was received from a resident in Curteis Drive who was concerned about the speed of the traffic entering the cul de sac. There is no sign at the entrance, although there is a speed ramp. The residents come under The Thirteen Group. The residents have contacted Highways about the issue but they have in turn pointed directly back at The Thirteen Group. The residents have asked if the Parish Council can look into the issue on their behalf. The Councillors are unaware of The Thirteen Group. The Clerk will contact the resident to ask for further information. Action – The Clerk

9.2 An email was received from a resident of Stephenson Road who contacted the Clerk after receiving a copy of the Parish Newsletter. The resident is concerned that the grass cutting on the Augustus Gardens estate is quite untidy and is not cut on a more frequent basis. Cllr Sharp said he believed the problem was caused because Persimmon Homes and the Parish Council both contracted a separate grass cutter for the estate. The Clerk has asked Persimmon Homes for a schedule of grass cutting but has not received the details at this time. Action – The Clerk

9.3 An email was received from the YLCA to inform the Council of an event taking place. The Plunkett Foundation – Inspiring Yorkshire event: 21 September 2017. This is an event to look at community ownership.

9.4 An email was received from RDC. The Councillors are invited to attend the Rural Housing Enabler Conference to be held on 4 October in Selby. The conference will focus on the housing industry and Community Led Housing.

10. Planning Applications 10.1 Planning Applications Granted by Richmondshire District Council 17/00253/FULL – Full Planning Permission to Resurface the Grassed Area of the Rear and Side Garden with a Compliant Wet Pour Impact Absorbing Surface and Replacement of Existing Gate with a fence and 2 new Gates at 6 Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale.

17/00382/FULL – Full Planning Permission for single Storey Steel Portal Frame Building Comprising of Five Individual Units at land to the Rear of Platform 1, Station Road, Brompton-on-Swale.

17/00353/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Change of Use of Public Open Space to Domestic Curtilage at 4 Stephenson Road, Brompton-on-Swale.

Planning Applications Previously Circulated to Councillors 10.2 NY/2017/0189/73A – Consultation of planning application for the purposes of retention of prefabricated classroom unit for a further 6 years at Brompton-on-Swale C E Primary School No comments or objections were raised.

10.3 17/00467/FULL –Full Planning Permission for Conversion and change of Use of redundant Agricultural Buildings to form 2 Dwellings at Rosy Hill Farm, Scorton Road, Brompton-on-Swale No comments or objections were raised.

10.4 NY/2017/0155/COU – Consultation on planning application for the purpose of the change of use of former quarry to a waste recycling facility for the treatment of waste wood by use of mobile plant and machinery on land at Quarry, Kiplin Hall, No comments or objections were raised.

10.5 17/00324/FULL – New Two Storey Dwelling within the side and Garden of Existing Dwelling at 48 Brompton Park, Brompton-on-Swale. Parish Council have strong objections to the planning proposal. Thought has not been given to precedent of a development such as this in the area. The Council base their objection of overdevelopment which is unsuitable for the immediate environment and the reduction of open space and natural landscape. Concerns and objections have been raised regarding visibility and safety of vehicles emerging from the parking space adjacent to the property because of the sharp bend in the road.

10.6 17/00522/FULL – Full Planning Permission for proposed garage Extension at 13 St Pauls Drive, Brompton- on-Swale. No objections were raised. However, the Parish Council wish to comment on the fact there is a building line along this part of St Pauls Drive and this garage extension will break the line.

10.7 17/00526/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Internal Works and Installation of Flue on the Rear Elevation at 3 Bridge Farm Barns, Brompton-on-Swale No comments or objections were raised.

10.8 17/00527/LBC – Listed Building Consent for Internal Works and Installation of Flue on the Rear Elevation at 3 Bridge Farm Barns, Brompton-on-Swale No comments or objections were raised.

11 Minor Matters 11.1 Cllr Haynes commented on the number of emails forwarded by the Clerk. Some of which are not relevant to the Councillors. After further discussion, it was agreed the Clerk should continue to send all emails and individual Councillors will decide if they are relevant.

11.2 Cllr Ducker asked whether the Dog Waste Bin had been installed at the end of the public footpath that leads to the iron Bridge. It was confirmed this has been done. Dog waste bins are emptied each fortnight. Cllr Threlfall confirmed if bins were full and needed to be emptied then RDC could be contacted and the bin would be emptied straight away.

11.3 Cllr Ducker gave an update regarding Village Society. Football will be starting at on the Sports Field, Yoga continues to attract a number of people each week and indoor Bowling continues 3 times each week. LED lighting is being considered as a more economic option than the present lighting. The Village Society is looking to change the day and frequency that its meetings take place.

11.4 Cllr Haynes requested an article in the next Parish Newsletter asking residents to be mindful of hedges and bushes overhanging footpaths and request they be kept trimmed back.

11.5 Cllr Rutter mentioned the speed of traffic through the village, especially Richmond Road. He wondered if it would be possible for the village to have a speed camera van in the area to see if there was a real issue. The Clerk said the issue could be reported as a speed concern. Action – The Clerk

11.6 Cllr Rutter mentioned the email the Clerk had sent asking whether there were football teams playing on the field in Augustus Gardens. Cllr Rutter said he had not seen any teams playing on a regular basis.

12. Date of next meeting – Thursday, 19 October 2017 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date: …………………………………………………………… Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 14 December 2017 Present: Cllrs A Guest D Sharp N Mason M Rutter S Ducker R Haynes

The Clerk Cllr C Les Cllr Threlfall

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Dempsey, Cllr King

2. Open Forum: No members of the public were present.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2017 were approved

Proposed: Cllr D Sharp Seconded: Cllr M Rutter

4. Matters Arising Augustus Gardens - Minutes 19 October, Item 2 The Clerk sent an email with our list of questions to Persimmon Homes. We had received a map from NYCC showing roads/verges it adopted on 19 April 2011. NYCC said Persimmon Homes already hold copies of the Adoption Notice and Plan issued 21 April 2011. Persimmon Teesside will confirm whether Persimmon York hold a copy of the documentation. The Parish Council is not able to copy maps it has received from NYCC due to copyright but can use them for discussions.

Defibrillator – Minutes 19 October, Item 5, Para 1 The defibrillator cabinet has been installed and defib is in situ. Two residents have agreed to be Guardians and their details and all other necessary information has been given to the Yorkshire Ambulance Service. The Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillator Awareness Session will take place on Monday 8 January at 7.00pm. All residents are invited to attend. Notices have been put around the village and in the newsletter. Once the Awareness Session has taken place and an invoice is received we can apply to receive the funding from RDC. We have already received £600 from the Locality Budget. An application has been made to Tesco Bags of Help Scheme to fund another defibrillator although no news has been received at present.

St Pauls, Tree on the Green – Minutes of 19 October, Item 5, Para 4 A tree donated by A1L2B was due to be planted on the green on Wednesday 13 December. However, the ground was too hard to dig. This has been postponed until the new year. A discussion took place to ascertain suitable wording for the memorial plaque. Cllr Haynes suggested ‘Past Residents of St Pauls Drive’ may be appropriate. A Memorial plaque can be purchased via John Blenkirons for £55 or from eBay from around £25. Cllr Haynes said if the plaque was purchased from Blenkirons the quality would be assured.

Proposed: Cllr Haynes Seconded: Cllr Sharp

Easement, Richmond Road – Minutes of 19 October, Item 9.2 The resident was informed of the outcome of the previous meeting which confirmed he could make good the easement which allows him vehicle access to his property. He requested a copy of the minutes of the meeting for him to review and said that he was offered free gravel for the easement and asked if this was 1

still available. I have spoken to Cllr Mason who has confirmed there were no formal discussions to supply the Parish Council free of charge with materials to use for the repair to the easement. Cllr Mason is prepared to speak to a supplier to ask if they are able to assist although is unable to guarantee that materials will be free of charge.

Planning Applications for Consideration as Case Studies, Minutes of 19 October, Item 10.4 The Clerk previously emailed Councillors for suggestions of planning applications for consideration as case studies. Those suggested were Brewery House (January 2017), Lauras Cottage, Richmond Road (Summer 2013) and the two new builds at the Richmond End of the village. Cllr Haynes said he wished to add No 4 River Lane.

5. Reports 5.1 Report from Cllr Carl Les – NYCC Cllr Rutter asked if any progress had been made with regard to the repair of potholes in River Lane. The Chairman said the work on the footpath that had taken place before the parish council meeting on 19 October was not complete and barriers were still in place. Cllr Les said he will look at the situation in River Lane. Cllr Les said the riverside footpath is currently part of the A1L2B building site. Until it has been handed back to NYCC no further progress can be made. Cllr Les will continue to monitor the situation. Cllr Les has details/plans of the new signage in conjunction with the A1 upgrade. He has invited Councillors to meet with him to see the plans along with Councillors from Catterick Village. The A6136 T junction at Fort Bridge was discussed. Cllr Les said the original plans were for a roundabout at this junction. Councillors were concerned about the poor visibility at the junction during the hours of darkness. The junction is dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists when crossing the road since there is no lighting. Cllr Les said all traffic schemes have 3 stages of audit. The final stage is when the road is open. This is when the junction will be under review as part of the road safety audit along with the junction at Catterick Bridge. It is understood there has been an accident at the Junction of Fort Bridge with the A6136. This happened during daylight hours and resulted in a vehicle being written off. Councillors were concerned about vehicles exiting the Catterick Bridge Junction from the direction of Catterick Village and turning right towards Brompton-on-Swale. It is understood there had been accidents at this junction. Cllr Les said the speed limit in this area was reduced to 30 mph during the roadworks but would become permanent. Cllr Haynes suggested perhaps rumble strips at the Catterick Bridge junction might be an option to remind drivers of a change of priority. After further discussion Councillors agreed to put their concerns in writing to Cllr Les. Cllr Les mentioned the additional opening day at the HWRC on Wednesday 27 December to coincide with the Christmas period. Cllr Ducker mentioned the new street lights which had been installed in some areas. He said the light at the junction with Grange Road/Richmond Road was barely illuminated and asked if it was possible to install an LED bulb and clean the casing. Lighting along Richmond Road is maintained by RDC. Cllr Threlfall said approx. 8 concrete lighting columns had already been replaced in Brompton-on-Swale. Lighting column no 3 is due to be repaired in Jan/Feb 2018 and a new lighting column will be installed in Station Road at the new motorway overbridge in Jan 2018. Cllr Haynes mentioned the lamp at the junction with Richmond Road/Parkgate Lane. This lamp has a small wind turbine and solar panel. This provides lighting for a road sign. Cllr Haynes said it is overgrown by trees.

The Chairman said the Parish Council will send a list of concerns to Cllr Les about the junctions around Catterick Central and Fort Bridge and said if he could take this up on the Councils behalf they would be extremely grateful. He asked Cllr Les to inform the Parish Council when the meeting with Catterick Village Parish Council was due to take place to discuss signage. One Councillor from Brompton On Swale Parish Council would attend.

THE Chairman thanked Cllr Les for his attendance at meetings and for his support throughout the year.

Action – Cllr Les and The Clerk


5.2 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall – RDC Cllr Threlfall had nothing specific to report. He said if any issues arose during the meeting he would be pleased to comment/discuss.

The Clerk mentioned the new RDC recycling scheme and asked how it was progressing. Cllr Threlfall said the system was being monitored since the new scheme began.

5.3 Report from the Police No Officers were present. A report had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting.

6. Current Issues 6.1 Budget 2018/2019 - The Clerk explained how she had calculated the budget for 18/19. Various increases in costs were explained and discussed. The unused training budget for 17/18 has been brought forward to the 18/19 budget for essential training courses. Grass cutting costs were discussed in detail. Councillors asked various questions with regard to the budget for 2018/2019 and expenditure for 2017/2018. Cllr Threlfall said there will be a 4% increase in the cost of rubbish collections. Cllr Sharp commented on the Clerks salary and said there may be a need to increase the salary in 2018/2019 to bring it in line with other Councils of a similar size. The Chairman said the Clerks salary would be investigated with the YLCA to confirm the recommended rate of pay. The budget for 2018/2019 was agreed by the Councillors.

Proposed: Cllr Haynes Seconded: Cllr Mason Action – The Chairman

6.2 Precept 2018/2019 - The amount for the precept is to be notified to RDC by 8th January 2018. The precept for the current year is £11852. The Clerk confirmed with Cllr Haynes the precept had been increased by 2% in 2017/2018. Cllr Haynes asked what a rise of 3% would mean to an individual household. The Chairman said a rise of 3% would mean an approximate increase of £1.10 per annum per household on the 2017/2018 Council Tax for the parish. Cllr Threlfall confirmed the increase for RDC would be £5.00 on a band D property. Cllr Les confirmed NYCC will increase the Council Tax by 2% and Adult Social Care by 2%. Cllr Mason and Cllr Sharp suggested an increase of 3% for the 2018/2019 precept.

Proposed: Cllr Mason Seconded: Cllr Sharp Action – The Clerk

6.3 Meeting Dates 2018 - The proposed dates had been circulated prior to the meeting. The dates were agreed by the Councillors. Action – The Clerk Proposed: Cllr Rutter Seconded: Cllr Sharp

6.4 Boundary Review Proposals – The Chairman said the draft proposal received from the Boundary Commission was completely different from the original proposal drawn up by RDC. The Chairman produced a response to the draft proposal from the Boundary Commission. This was emailed to Councillors for their comments and these were combined to produce a comprehensive response from the Parish Council. The Chairman asked whether Councillors wished to make any further changes. The Chairman said it seems the Boundary Commission have created problems when putting their draft proposals together. Cllr Threlfall said it looked as though the Boundary Commission had worked with numbers rather than looking at the geography of the areas and connections with villages. Councillors do not believe a three-member ward will provide true representation for Brompton-on-Swale if it is combined with Catterick Village. There is no community cohesion. Individuals and the Parish Council are able to comment on the draft proposals. It was decided to put up posters in the village to inform residents of the draft proposals and how it may affect the village. Councillors confirmed they were in agreement with the content of the draft response and confirmed they wish to include ‘community cohesion’.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Rutter


6.5 Data Protection Registration – The Clerk registered with the ICO. Details of the registration were emailed to Councillors prior to the meeting asking for the content to be considered. The Clerk asked if Councillors thought any changes should be made. If Councillors agreed with the content this was to be confirmed at the next meeting and noted. No questions or comments were raised by Councillors. Councillors confirmed their agreement with the content of the registration.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Rutter

Cllr Rutter asked what progress had been made with protecting our electronic data. The Clerk has made no progress at present. Action: The Clerk

7. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The defibrillator was purchased in this period. However, £600 grant has already been received towards the purchase. The grant from RDC will follow in due course. The annual website fee has been paid. A significant amount for grass cutting (x 5) has also been paid.

Proposed: Cllr Ducker Seconded: Cllr Sharp

8. Correspondence 8.1 A letter received from the Royal British Legion was received. The letter thanked the Parish Council for its £50.00 donation towards the Poppy Appeal.

8.2 An email was receiver from a resident of Curteis Drive who is concerned with the speed of vehicles entering and leaving residential houses. The resident is also concerned with parking in the road and says that often cars have to mount pavements and weave in and out of parked cars causing congestion at busy times. The Clerk had responded to the resident and suggested that she contact the Police to discuss the matter with them. However, it was noted that parking issues throughout the village are often mentioned in the village newsletter.

8.3 An email was received from the Citizens Advice Bureau Hambleton, Richmondshire & Selby asking if the Parish Council would consider making a donation. Cllr Les declared an interest in the CAB. The Councillors agreed to make a donation of £50.

Proposed: Cllr Rutter Seconded: Cllr Haynes Action – The Clerk

8.4 An email had been received from NYCC confirming the funding for urban grass cutting will be £1082 for 18/19 (the same as 17/18). This figure has been included in the budget calculations.

8.5 A quotation has been received from Yorkshire Treefeller for coppicing willow tree boughs, damage to sycamore trees, cutting the wood, gathering brash and leaving onsite. This would be finishing off work which took place when a willow tree fell across the River side path in May. The cost of the work will be £180.00. The Councillors agreed the work should go ahead and the quote should be accepted.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Ducker Action -The Clerk

8.6 An email was received from the Community Mapping Project Officer at the office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire. The Officer requested attending a Parish Council meeting or speaking to the Councillors in the new year. The Councillors declined the offer.

9.1 Planning Applications Granted by NYCC C1/16/00507/CM – Planning decision notice issued by County Council re Scorton Quarry


9.2 Planning Applications Granted by RDC 17/00660/FULL - Full Planning permission for Demolition of Existing Single Storey Outbuilding and Detached Garage, Erection of Two Storey Extension Incorporating Garage and Additional Living Space at 16 Bridge Road, Brompton-on-Swale.

17/010220/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Change of Use to Create Industrial Unit for Steel Fabrication, B2 General Industrial, Erection of Extension to link 2 units and Utilisation of Existing Hammer Head Access from Castlevale Park Industrial Estate Road at Existing Hino Buildings Units 2 and 3, Gatherley Road Industrial Estate, Brompton-on-Swale.

Planning Applications Previously Circulated to Councillors 9.3 NY/2017/0264/FUL – Consultation on planning application for the purposes of the installation of artificial surface and erection of 4.1 metre cricket nets on land at Brompton-on-Swale CE Primary School, Brompton Park, Brompton-on-Swale No comments or objections were raised.

9.4 NY/2017/0155/COU – Re Consultation on planning application for the purpose of the change of use of former quarry to a waste recycling facility for the treatment of waste wood by use of mobile plant and machinery, importation and temporary stocking of waste wood and finished products prior to removal off site on land at Kiplin Quarry, Kiplin Hall, DL10 6AT No comments or objections were raised.

9.5 17/00803/FULL –Full Planning Permission for a Reed Bed Treatment System for Landfill Leachgate at Scorton Landfill Site, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7EG No Comments or objections were raised.

New Planning Applications 9.6 17/00644/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Change of Use from a House into a Building for the work of the Church, Including Administration at The Old School House, 69 Richmond Road, Brompton-on- Swale, Richmond, DL10 7HF. The details had been circulated prior to the meeting. However not all Councillors had seen the details. During circulation and therefore prior to the meeting two Councillors made no comment however there were two objections. There were two further objections at the meeting. There is a genuine concern of a domestic residence in the heart of the village becoming lost to office space. Councillors said it would be better to repair the church hall to useable condition and use that as an office rather than change the use of a dwelling. Action – The Clerk

9.7 NY/2017/00291/FUL – Consultation on Planning Application for the part retrospective application for erection of a single storey extension to an existing waste management building, erection of an office, mess room, relocation of soil and rubble bins including a 2.4-metre-high push wall, weighbridge and skip storage area on land at Gatherley Road Industrial Estate, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7JQ. Councillors discussed the application and agreed there were no objections. Action – The Clerk

10 Minor Matters 10.1 Cllr Sharp had been approached by a resident of Bronte Close regarding overhanging trees to the rear of the property. The trees are blocking out a significant amount of light in the rear garden. Cllr Sharp asked who owned the land. The Chairman confirmed the land belonged to Persimmon Homes. The Clerk will give contact details to Cllr Sharp to enable the resident to contact Persimmon directly. Action – The Clerk 10.2 Cllr Rutter asked if the Augustus Gardens Estate main road could be gritted during the icy/cold weather. Cllr Les said he believed it to be a priority 3 gritting route.


10.3 Memorial Seat (Minutes 7 Sept, Item 7.3). The Chairman reminded the Councillors of a recently bereaved family who wished to install a memorial seat along the riverside. The family confirmed they would like the seat to be placed at the bottom of River Lane. The view at this point is obscured during a number of months by overgrown trees. The Chairman proposed to obtain quotes to cut back a number of trees at the bottom and cutting back some vegetation in this area.

Proposed: The Chairman Seconded: Cllr Ducker

10.4 Cllr Mason mentioned the article in the newsletter which included a piece about the removal of stones from the riverside. The Chairman said the person who had taken the stones had driven a vehicle over the grass in St Pauls Drive. The same vehicle had been seen on at least two occasions and taken a full load of stones each time. These stones were taken out of the village to use on a property in another dale. The Chairman read a letter that had been sent to the business involved advising them they should not have done this.

Date of next meeting - Thursday, 18 January 2018 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………………………


Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 18 January 2018

Present: Cllrs A Guest D Sharp N Mason M Rutter S Ducker R Haynes D Dempsey R King

The Clerk Cllr C Les Cllr Threlfall

1. Apologies for absence: None

2. Open Forum: No members of the public were present

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2017 were approved

Proposed: Cllr N Mason Seconded: Cllr D Sharp

4. Matters Arising Transparency Fund Application – Minutes 19 October, Item 11.2 An application was made on 20 December via the YLCA to the Transparency Fund to assist with the cost of purchasing a printer. Also included were costs for website hosting for the last 2 years, and staff costs. The total amount requested is £702.40. The YLCA have sent the application to the NALC who are the administrators for the fund.

Augustus Gardens – Minutes 14 December, Item 4, para 1 No progress – still waiting to hear from Persimmon Teesside to confirm if they have Adoption Notice and Plan issue 21 April 2011.

Defibrillator – Minutes 14 December, Item 4, para 2 Awareness session has taken place with 17 residents attending. No news from Tesco Bags of Help regarding fund to purchase a further defibrillator.

St Pauls, Tree on the Green – Minutes 14 December, Item 4, para 3 No further progress.

Planning Applications for Consideration as Case Studies – Minutes 14 December, Item 4, para 5 No further progress. However, Cllr Threlfall explained the Chief Planning Officer would be retiring in March therefore the matter of the case studies the Councillors wished to discuss need to be dealt with as soon as possible. The Clerk will progress the matter. Action – The Clerk Reports NYCC – Minutes 14 December, Item 5 On Tuesday 16 January the Clerk to send a list of concerns to Cllr Les about the Junctions around Catterick Central and Fort Bridge.

Precept – Minutes 14 December 2017, Item 6.2 Precept amount £12208 (3%) emailed to RDC on 5 January 2018. 1

Ward Boundary Commission Review – Minutes 14 December 2017, Item 6.4 Response emailed to Boundary Commission on Monday 15 January. Confirmation email received.

General Data Protection Regulations – Minutes 14 December 2017, Item 6.5 Various emails have been received from YLCA providing information re GDPR. These have been forwarded to all Councillors to ensure there is an understanding of the new regulations and what they entail and the responsibility of the Data Protection Officer.

The Clerk had emailed various articles regarding the GDPR. The Clerk said it was still unclear as to whether the Parish Clerks are able to be Data Protection Officers. Cllr Threlfall confirmed this is the case at present. He said he would attend the executive meeting due to take place which he hoped would clarify the situation. He hoped to have the information by the next Parish Council meeting. Councillors discussed the matter further, including the type and amount of data held. The Chairman asked Councillors, unless further information came to light, whether they would be of the view that the Clerk could be the Data Protection Officer. All Councillors agreed this would be acceptable. Cllr Sharp said if there does become a conflict of interest he would be happy to be the Data Protection Officer or to support the Clerk if she were to continue with the role.

Overhanging Trees, Bronte Close – Minutes of 14 December 2017, Item 10.1 The Clerk had passed contact details for Persimmon Homes to Cllr Sharp regarding the overhanging trees on the Augustus gardens estate. This information would be passed to the resident concerned.

Action – Cllr Sharp 5. Reports 5.1 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall – RDC Cllr Threlfall said the government has raised the sealing for Council Tax increase to 2.99% without the need for a referendum. In February it will be recommended to full council that an increase of 2.99% be implemented. This will raise the RDC base budget by £20K. There are financial challenges ahead for RDC. Expenditure has been reduced by £800K on efficiencies, including staffing and back office costs.

The Chairman said the dog waste bin in Brompton Park is often full, as are others in the village. He said over the Christmas period every dog waste bin was full to capacity. Cllr Threlfall said the Council would always empty between the usual collections. He asked the clerk to contact him and let him know as well as RDC when the bins needed emptying. The Clerk reminded the Councillors RDC had conducted an audit regarding the number of dog waste bins and emptying them. Cllr Threlfall said if additional bins were in the same location he did not think this would pose a problem. Cllr Threlfall has noted the issue and will follow up concerns raised. Action – Cllr Threlfall 5.2 Report from Cllr Carl Les – NYCC Cllr Les said Highways England have given assurances there will be no impact on the A1 upgrade since it was announced there were issues with Carillion. Morgan Sindall will progress as planned. Concerns were raised by Cllr Les regarding the works on the embankment at Fort Bridge. He said he was concerned about work continuing in the extreme bad weather. Cllr King asked if works under the motorway overbridge on Bridge Road and Station Road would be ‘tidied up’. Cllr Les said this would have to be tidied up when the works had been completed. Cllr Les has rescheduled his visit to River Lane to inspect the condition of the road and to see what progress has been made on repairs to the footpath.

Cllr Ducker mentioned the street light at the end of Grange Road. He said it is on but it is not very bright. Cllr Les said if it is NYCC it should be replaced by an L.E.D light. The Clerk mentioned the lamp on the footpath between no 4 and 5 Brompton Park. This light does not always work. It is not marked on any lighting maps. Both NYCC and RDC have said this light does not belong to them. The Clerk had progressed the matter with RDC. Cllr Threlfall will follow up. Action – Cllr Threlfall & The Clerk


Cllr Haynes asked how he can identify whether a lamp belongs to NYCC or RDC. Cllr Les explained each lamp has a number which helps to identify who is responsible for the maintenance. He said you call NYCC to log the fault and it would be dealt with whether the lamp was maintained by County or District Council.

Cllr Rutter mentioned a grant of money that is available to those Parishes that are on the Tour De Yorkshire route. Brompton-on-Swale is not on the TDY route therefore the Parish would not qualify for grant funding.

Cllr Les mentioned the A1 Upgrade signage meeting with Catterick Village Parish Council. He is currently waiting for confirmation of a date and will contact the Brompton-on-Swale Chairman once a date has been confirmed. Action – Cllr Les 5.3 Report from the Police No Officers were present. A report had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting.

6. Current Issues There were no Current issues for discussion.

7. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk has applied for a VAT refund of £657.

Proposed: Cllr Dempsey Seconded: Cllr Haynes

8. Correspondence 8.1 A letter received from HMRC explained a new VAT reference number would be issued to replace our existing customer identification number. A timescale was not noted in the correspondence.

8.2 Documentation was received from the Department for Communities and Local Government – The provisional 2018-19 local government finance settlement consultation paper, published 19 December 2017. The document had been emailed to Councillors prior to the meeting. The document reminds Councillors that since the introduction of council tax referendums in 2012- 13 no referendum principles have been set for local precepting authorities such as town and parish councils, although this remains under review.

8.3 An email was received from YLCA regarding Dementia Friendly Councils. The email asked whether the Parish Council was interested in attending sessions which would explain what the Parishes could do when they become dementia friendly. Cllr Rutter said since there was an older population in the village he thought it would be good for the Parish Council to find out further information on how to become dementia friendly. The Councillors were interested in attending a session if it were offered. Action – The Clerk

8.4 An email was received from Age UK detailing some of the services they are able to offer. Age UK asked if the Parish Council would be interested in receiving further information. The Councillors said they would be happy to receive further information which could be passed to residents. Cllr Threlfall said there was a dementia friendly session taking place at the Town Hall on 23 January at 2.00pm. Action – The Clerk

8.5 An email had been received from a resident who is concerned that permanent signage on the A1 Upgrade route does not mention Brompton-on-Swale. Councillors discussed the signage in and around the area. It is suggested the new signage sends traffic along the most direct route.

9.1 Planning Applications Refused by RDC 17/00324/FULL - Full Planning permission for Proposed New Two Storey Dwelling Within the Side and rear Garden of Existing Dwelling at 48 Brompton Park, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7JW.


9.2 Planning Applications Granted by RDC 17/00526/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Internal Works and Installation of a 1.5m Flue at 3 Bridge Farm Barns, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7HX

17/00527/LBC – Listed Building Consent for Internal Works and Installation of a 1.5m Flue at 3 Bridge Farm Barns, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7HX

17/00576/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Proposed Front Porch at 20 Bridge Road, Brompton-on- Swale, DL10 7HW

17/00596/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Installation of Dropped Kerb and removal of Section of Wall to Create Off Street Parking at Rhyl Cottage, 9 Richmond Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7HF

16/00970/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Initial demolition and Safeguarding Works to Prevent Collapse and Carrying out of Additional Demolition Works Considered Necessary to Stabilise the Building, Reconstruction of Original Structure and Associated Repair Works to Building at Sundial House, 18 Richmond Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7HE

Planning Applications Previously Circulated to Councillors 9.3 17/00886/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Replacement Single Storey Extension to Rear at 17 Station Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7HN No comments or objections were raised

9.4 17/00897/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Erection of Factory Side Extension to Include Small Workshop, Main Workshop and Offices at Waddington Buildings Ltd, Station Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7SH No Comments or objections were raised.

New Planning Applications 9.5 17/00891/FULL – Full Planning Permission for A New Vehicle Wash Bay Facility to Replace Existing ‘Open Air’ Unit at Swale Auto Sales limited, Gatherley Road, Brompton-on-Swale, DL10 7JB No comments or objections were raised. Action – The Clerk

9.6 17/00923/CAAD – Certificate of Alternative Development in Relation to Construction of Showroom Extension to Unit 1 and Construction of 3 no Additional units at The Sleep Centre Ltd, Unit 1 Station Road, Brompton-on-Swale, Richmond, DL10 7SN No comments or objections were raised. Action – The Clerk

10 Minor Matters 10.1 Cllr Haynes asked what the current position is with regard to a traffic island or crossing point on Richmond Road. He said the volume of traffic is still high and the speeds at which some vehicles travel through the village is over the 30mph limit. Cllr Les will begin discussions regarding this issue. Action -Cllr Les

10.2 Cllr Sharp said he would like to be an active member of the Area Committee for Richmondshire on behalf of the Brompton-on-Swale Parish Council. The Chairman said he was pleased that Cllr Sharp had been put forward.

10.3 Village Society - Cllr Ducker said there was some maintenance work required at the hall. The outside lights will cost approx. £650 to repair. Football has continued over the winter season. Income has seen a small increase although with ongoing maintenance costs the finances must be managed carefully. The hot water is currently not working. There are enquiries about hiring the hall. The Chairman suggested details of the


events at the hall were put on the village noticeboards to show residents and visitors what activities take place and when. Cllr Ducker said the Village Society was short of volunteers to help organise events. Suggestions were made as to how residents could be engaged in activities at the Sports Hall. The Chairman asked Cllr Ducker in what ways the Parish Council could help.

10.4 Cllr Haynes suggested changing the location of the village noticeboard. He said it would be better placed close to the village shop/post office. It was agreed to ask the village shop if they would consider a noticeboard being placed near to/at the shop.

Proposed: Cllr Haynes Seconded: Cllr Dempsey Action – Cllr Haynes

10.5 The Clerk sent details of an Induction Training Day for Newer Clerks to the Chairman. The course will be run by the YLCA. It will take place on Friday 16 March in York. The cost is £115 per person. The Councillors agreed the Clerk could attend the course. The cost of the course will be taken from the training budget for 2017/2018. This would mean no training costs from 2017/2018 would be carried forward into the 2018/2019 budget, which would be adjusted to reflect the change.

Proposed: Cllr King Seconded: Cllr Rutter Action – The Clerk

10.6 The YLCA emailed details of the next meeting which will take place on Friday 9 February at Scorton Village Hall. The guest Speaker will be Rishi Sunak MP and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Cllr Sharp and the Clerk will attend.

Action Cllr Sharp and The Clerk

Date of next meeting - Thursday, 8 March 2018 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………………………


Brompton on Swale Parish Council

Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP Tel: 01748 818155 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 8 March 2018

Present: Cllrs A Guest D Sharp N Mason R King

The Clerk Cllr C Les Cllr Threlfall

1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs S Ducker, D Dempsey, R Haynes and M Rutter

2. Open Forum: No members of the public were present

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2018 were approved

Proposed: Cllr D Sharp Seconded: Cllr R King

4. Matters Arising Transparency Fund Application – Minutes 18 January 2018, Item 4, para 1 As previously notified to Councillors we have received further monies from the Transparency Fund. We have purchased a printer/scanner/copier.

Planning Applications for Consideration as Case Studies – Minutes 18 January, Item 4, para 5 The Clerk had contacted Peter Featherstone, who confirmed he would shortly retire. He has spoken with his colleagues Bart Milburn (the Council’s new Planning Manager) and Ian Nesbit (recently appointed as Development Management Team Leader) as the relevant senior officers in the new Planning Team and they would very much want to continue with the liaison and guidance for Parish Councils that has previously taken place and would ask that you let them have further details of the two developments that you would wish to use as case studies and they will contact you to see how they can best assist. Action – The Clerk

YLCA Training Course for Newer Clerks – Minutes 18 January, Item 10.5 The Clerk has adjusted the training costs in the budget for 2018/2019 – the training budget for 2017/2018 will be used and will no longer be carried forward into next year.

YLCA Meeting - Cllr Sharp said he and the Clerk had attended the YLCA meeting on 9 February. He said it was a really useful meeting. There was a lot of conversation about the new GDPR. The Chairman asked if there was any clarity on whether the Clerk could be the Data Protection Officer for the Parish Council. Cllr Sharp said there was no further news at present. He said the new GDPR was more about providing the information as a request and he believes the main task for the Parish Council is to complete a data audit. He said this is a lengthy piece of work and asked if there was some capacity for the Clerk to complete additional hours of work. He asked if the Parish was in a financial position to offer additional paid hours of work to the Clerk. After further discussion it was thought this would be possible. Financial documents, including PAYE and salary information must be kept for 7 years. It was said insurance documents must be kept for around 40 years, however the Clerk will contact the Parish’s current broker to confirm the details. The YLCA have said planning documents do not need to be kept for any length of time because they are available on the District Council Planning Portal. Cllr Sharp suggested documents which needed to be destroyed could be done so by a document shredding company to save time. The Clerk mentioned the need 1

for a document retention policy which would ensure future documents would only be kept for as long as it was needed or legally required.

The Chairman asked the Clerk and Cllr Sharp to bring forward proposals. Action – Cllr Sharp and The Clerk

St Pauls, Tree on the Green – Minutes 18 January 2018, Item 4, para 4 The Chairman asked the Clerk to contact A1L2B to progress the supply of a tree for the green in St Pauls Drive. Action - The Clerk Junctions at Catterick Bridge and Fort Bridge The Chairman mentioned concerns raised by residents about the hazards when pulling away from the racecourse (Leeming Lane) and turning right towards Brompton-on-Swale. The Chairman had been approached by a resident who said they had to wait around 15 mins to pull out of the junction at Fort Bridge to turn right towards the Catterick Garrison. The Chairman said he is concerned about road safety and traffic management in the areas. Cllr Les confirmed there had already been a serious accident at the junction with Fort Bridge. Cllr Threlfall confirmed there had aditionally been a previous accident. A road safety audit has been done in both areas. The third stage road safety audit will not be completed for some time. There is currently a 30mph temporary speed limit on Catterick Bridge Junction and Fort Bridge. After further discussion the Councillors said they would write to Cllr Les to express concerns. Cllr King mentioned additional traffic problems on race day at the racecourse. He said it had taken him half an hour to negotiate the junction at Catterick Bridge because of the volume of traffic in the area. It was agreed that it would be extremely useful if residents would write to Cllr Les with their concerns.

The Chairman confirmed he and the Clerk had attended a meeting regarding A1 and local signage. Cllr Les said he has fed the information in and is awaiting a response from Highways and Morgan Sindall

5. Reports 5.1 Report from Cllr Carl Les – NYCC Cllr Les said he had been dealing with a problem with litter in 2 areas. One at Leeming Bar and one at Catterick Village. Cllr Les has confirmed Highways England is responsible for the motorway. The Joint Venture is responsible for the improvement scheme area, including litter picking until the scheme is complete. Once the scheme is finished the local access road will be handed over to NYCC who then become responsible for maintenance of the road and RDC become responsible for litter picking. The slip roads and the roundabouts remain the responsibility of Highways England.

River Lane – Cllr Les said the footpath works cannot be finished until BT raise their man hole covers. Once this has been done NYCC will resurface the footpath. The potholes in the road have been discussed with Area 1. There are two schemes for consideration, to patch the road or resurface the area. Once the costs have been calculated a discussion will take place to decide on which scheme. The Chairman said it would be more economical in the long term to resurface the road properly.

A resident had mentioned possible parking restrictions in River Lane. The Chairman said because residents cannot park in their usual area due to the roadworks in River Lane they are parking close to the entrance of St Pauls Drive, partly on the footpath.

Cllr Les said the Engineers do not think a traffic island in Richmond Road would be of benefit. However, Cllr Les has introduced £5000 in the budget for Highways or Environmental Project which will run alongside the Locality Budget. Cllr Les said the additional monies could be used for projects such as traffic islands in villages where residents would benefit. The Chairman said there are times during the day where Richmond Road is extremely quiet but at certain times the road is difficult to cross even for an able-bodied person. Cllr Les said he thought it would be a useful addition to the road. The Chairman said it would help to deter speeding vehicles through the village. Cllr Les said the Council tax will raise by 2.99% and adult social care by 2%. This will earn an additional £3 million.


Cllr Rutter asked the Chairman to mention the pot holes at the entrance to Brompton park which are in need of repair. Cllr Les asked the Clerk to report these through the NYCC Portal to log the problem.

Cllr Mason mentioned the ‘pot hole’ on the road to Catterick Garrison shortly after leaving Fort Bridge junction, where the road has not been resurfaced. There is deep hole where the two sections of road meet. Cllr Les will contact Stuart Culley at A1L2B.

5.2 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall – RDC Cllr Threlfall had previously indicated RDC would increase the Council Tax by 2.99%. However due to an increase in the Rural Support Grant the Council Tax will increase by £5.00. RDC held a planning workshop to promote the portal and promote their website. RDC will be supporting their budget by £18K out of the reserve funds. Fairer funding is not guaranteed to come to rural areas. There is a workshop for the new RDC website coming shortly – the date will be advised.

Cllr Sharp asked when recycling collections would restart. Cllr Threlfall said recycling will return to the usual collection cycle and black bins will be collected as usual.

Cllr Rutter asked the Chairman to mention RDC 46 Street Light to Cllr Threlfall. The Clerk had only received the details this evening and would report through RDC website.

The Chairman mentioned the dog waste bin in Brompton Park which was often overflowing. He mentioned a previous discussion where it had been suggested another bin could be placed back to back on the same post. Cllr Threlfall asked if it had recently overflowed and therefore been reported to RDC. The Clerk said she had not seen it overflowing recently.

Cllr Sharp asked about grit bins. It is understood there are no grit bins in Augustus Gardens. Cllr Mason asked whether it was possible to have grit bins in Brompton Court where residents could orchestrate people to put grit on the roads. Cllr Les said if communities wanted to have grit bins they could buy their own or go direct to NYCC to purchase one. He said if we were to purchase grit bins from NYCC the parish could join the refilling service and the bins would be filled up ready for winter and during winter. The cost remains the same however many times the bin is filled up.

5.3 Report from the Police No Officers were present.

6. Current Issues 6.1 Cemetery Fees – Prior to the meeting the Clerk had circulated details of current cemetery prices and suggested increases of 3%, 5% and 10% for the year 2018/2019. The Chairman read the income and expenditure at the Cemetery over the last 3 years. After further discussion it was decided to increase the fees by 3% and rounded to the nearest £.

Proposed: Cllr Mason Seconded: Cllr Sharp

6.2 Amendments to Speed Limits – Brompton-on-Swale – NYCC had emailed details regarding Amendments to Speed Limits in Brompton-on-Swale. The changes detailed in the email are that the 40 mph areas will remain as they were prior to the A1 upgrade. There has been a temporary 30mph speed restriction over Catterick Bridge and on toward/over Fort Bridge. Cllr Haynes had emailed the Chairman and Clerk with his comments prior to the meeting. He suggested 30 mph should be the limit in all of the 40 mph notified areas because this would encourage vehicles not to speed throughout the village. The Chairman confirmed a speed limit of 40 mph would be imposed from Catterick North Bridge down Gatherley Road to past the racecourse and onto Fort Bridge. Cllr Mason said the Parish Council had previously understood there were to be 30 mph speed restrictions at the junction of Catterick Bridge Hotel and were disappointed to note this was not the case.


The Councillors discussed the safety aspects of the junction at Catterick Bridge Hotel and were concerned to see that a speed limit of 40 mph and not 30mph had been imposed.

6.3 Commemoration of end of 100 years of 1st World War - The Chairman said this year marks 100 years of the end of the 1st World War. We are close to a large military establishment and a number of people in the village lost their lives in the war. He asked if there was anything could be suggested as a way to commemorate the event. Councillors will consider the subject and come with ideas to the next meeting.

6.4 Wild Flowers for St Edmunds - Cllr Mason had received an email from a resident who said it would be nice to see some wild flowers planted on the land to the left of the entrance to St Edmunds. Cllr Threlfall said there is such an area in Scorton which has proved to be quite high maintenance. The Chairman and Cllr Sharp like the suggestion of poppies in that area which would coincide with the commemoration of the end of 100 years of world war one. Cllr Sharp said it was important to consult with the residents in the area to ensure there were no objections.

The Chairman asked Councillors for suggestions for the next meeting on 19 April. Cllr Threlfall is aware of the area mentioned and will consult with RDC since the land is under their ownership.

Action – Parish Councillors and Cllr Threlfall

6.5 Dog Fouling – Cllr Rutter had emailed his concerns about dogs being allowed to foul in the basketball area at Augustus Gardens. The Chairman said if there was photographic evidence of dog fouling taking place this could be reported to the Dog Warden at RDC. The Chairman asked Cllr Threlfall whether deterrent would be to have a sign in the area. Cllr Threlfall noted the area and said it would be treated as a ‘hotspot’ by RDC.

Action – Cllr Threlfall

Cllr Mason mentioned that during the recent period of snow there was more dog foul which had not been picked up than was usual.

7. Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read out. The Clerk said larger invoices were expected to be received which would need to be paid before the end of the financial year. The Clerk said it was a possibility that there were 3 grass cuts in the budget for 17/18 which had not been used. Cllr Sharp asked whether these could be brought forward into the 18/19 budget. He suggested that grass cutting could begin earlier in the growing season should the weather allow. The Clerk will discuss the details with the contractor to ensure the grass is cut as early as possible.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Mason Action – The Clerk No further points were raised. The financial accounts were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Mason

Prior to the meeting the Clerk emailed the Chairman with request to purchase two encrypted memory sticks at an approximate cost of £24 to £36. This would ensure the Parish Council are compliant with the GDPR. One would remain with a Councillor, having previously backed up the Parish Council Laptop and the other with the Clerk. They would be swapped on a regular basis to ensure the files are up to date. The Clerk had made a request to have a second key cut for the safe at an approximate cost of £7.00. Both proposals were approved.

Proposed: Cllr Sharp Seconded: Cllr Mason

The Clerk will send the details of the Encrypted Memory Stick to a Parish Councillor who would confirm the item is correct for the Parish Council.


Update on Audit for end March 2018 - The Clerk has confirmed there is no requirement to have a limited assurance review or to submit an Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor because our gross income or expenditure did not exceed £25000. However, we must complete a Certificate of Exemption at a meeting after 31st March 2018. We must comply with the Transparency Code. There are no fees to pay for exempt Authorities. The budget for 2018/2019 had allowed £200 against an external audit, however it was agreed to leave it as a contingency at this present time.

8. Correspondence 8.1 A letter had been received from the Royal British Legion, Poppy Appeal. It was to inform the Parish Council about an update to their new process. A reminder letter will no longer be sent. The Annual wreath for Remembrance must be ordered each year. The Chairman reminded Councillors the Parish Council usually donate £50.00 each year for the wreath. Councillors confirmed they would donate £50.00 in 2018/2019.

Proposed: Cllr King Seconded: Cllr Mason

9. Planning Applications

9.1 Planning Applications Granted by RDC 17/00886/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Replacement Single Story Extension to the Rear at 17 Station Road, Brompton-on-Swale, Richmond, DL10 7HN

New Planning Applications 9.2 18/00104/FULL – Full Planning Permission for Extensions and Alterations Including a Two Storey Rear Extension to Replace Existing Single Storey Extension with a Change of Roof Type to Single Storey Side Extension and Alterations to Form a front Porch at 65 Brompton Park, Brompton-on-Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP

No comments or objections were raised. Action – The Clerk 10 Minor Matters 10.1 Cllr Mason mentioned the light on the footpath which runs between no 4 and 5 Brompton Park to Station Road. The lamp has an intermittent fault. The Clerk has been trying to ascertain whether NYCC or RDC is responsible for the maintenance. She asked how the problem can be resolved. Cllr Threlfall is following up the issue with RDC. Cllr Les asked the Clerk to write to him about the issue.

Action – The Clerk and Cllr Threlfall

10.2 A local family who had previously asked to have a memorial bench sited along the riverbank have confirmed the exact location. Trees in the area will need to be trimmed back as will some of the ‘greenery’. The Chairman will discuss the matter with the riverbank volunteers and the tree surgeon.

Proposed: Cllr King Seconded: Cllr Mason

10.3 Cllr Threlfall reminded Councillors the results of the Boundary Ward Commission review would be published on 3 April.

Date of next meeting - Thursday, 19 April 2018 at 7.00pm

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………………………