The NATION AL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY JANUARY, 1937 The American Horticultural Society PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS A pril 12, 1936 OFFICERS President. First Vice-President, Mr. B. Y. Morrison, Washington, D. C. Second Vice-P1'esident, Mrs. Fairfax Harrison, Belvoir, Fauquier Co., Va. Secretary, Mrs. Eugene Ferry Smith, Bethesda, Md. Treasurer, F . J. Hopkins, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS Terms Expiring in 1937 Terms Expiring in 1938 Mrs. Mortimer Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Mr. F. Lammot Belin, Washington, Mr. F. J. Hopkins, Washington, D. C. D.C. Armistead Peter, IV, Washington, Mrs. Floyd Harris, Aldie, Va. D. C. Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Gladwyne, Mrs. Charles Walcott, Washington, Pa. D.C. Mrs. Clement S. Houghton, Chestnut Mrs. Silas B. Waters, Cincinnati, Hill, Mass. Ohio. Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Media, Pa. THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE Published by and for the Society B. Y. MORRISON, Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Mr. Alfred Bates Mr. Sherman D. Duffy Mr. Carl Purdy Dr. Clement G. Bowers Mrs. Mortimer J. Fox Mr. C. A. Reed Mrs. C. 1. DeBevoise Mrs. J. Norman Henry Mr. J. Marion Shull Dr. W. C. Deming Mrs. Francis King Mr. Arthur D. Slavin Miss Frances Edge McIlvaine SOCIETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1937 Alexandria, Vkginia, Garden Qub, ~ethesda Community Garden Club, Mrs. Charles Holden, , Mrs. B. T . Elmore, Rosemont, 103 Locust St., Alexandr,ia, Va. ~ Bethesda, Md. American Amaryllis Society, cklifornia Garden Qub Federation, Wyndham Hayward, Secretary, Miss E. Marlow, Ub., Winter Park, Fla. ' 992 S. Oakland, Pasadena, Calif. American Begonia Society. C. M. Kelly.
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