36Th General Assembly
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The Orthodox Presbyterian Church MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING AT SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND MAY 20 - MAY 24, 1969 I PUBLISHED BY The Orthodox Presbyterian Church 7401 Old York Road Philadelphia, Peniisylvania 19 126 I THIRTY-SIXTHGENERAL ASSEMELY 3 I MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ORTHODOXPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MEETINGAT SILVER SPRING,MARYLAND =Y 20, 1969 - MAY 24, 1969 I TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 20 The Thirty-sixth General Assembly was called to order at 9:oO a. m. by the Rev. i Arthur 0. Olson, Moderator of the Thirty-fifth General Assembly. Mr. Olson, con- stituted the meeting with a worship service and delivered a sermon on the subject, “Two Attitudes toward the Preaching of the Cmss,” using 1 Corinthians 1: 18 as his text. The Roll of the Commissicmers follows: Presbytery of the Dakotas Ministers: Harold L. Baurer, Larry D. Conard, Paul A. Doepke, Abe W. Ediger, Howard E. Hart, Jack J. Peterson, Russell D. Piper, Maurice Riedesel, Robert D. Sander, Stanford M. Sutton Jr. Presbytery of New Jersey Presbytery of the Northwest Ministers: Albert G. Edwards, David A. Hitt 4 THIRTY-SIXTHGENERAL ASSEMBLY Presbytery of Olaio Mmisters: Calvin K. Cummings, George F. Morton, Laurence C. Sibley Jr., Arthur B. Spooner, Henry P. Tavares Ruling Elders: John C. Smith-Faith, Marietta; Reuben R. Stuart-Covenant, Pittsburgh Presbytery .f Philadelphia Ministers: Lester R. Bachman, John F. Bettler, Henry W. Coray, D. Clair Davis, Everett C. De Velde, F. Clarke Evans, Charles H. Ellis, John P. Galbraith, George W. Mall Jr., Barry R. Hofford, Ronald E. Jenkins, Robley J. Johnston, Rollin P. Keller, Robert D. Knudsen, Arthur W. Kuschke Jr., Robert L. Marshall, John J. Mitchell, Robert E. Nicholas, Ronald L. Shaw, Leslie W. Sloat, Young J. Son, Arthur J. Steltzer, Robert L. Thoburn, Edwin C. Urban, Laurence N. Vail, Samuel van Houte, Robert L. Vining, Paul Woolley Ruling Elders: Leonard G. Brown-Bethany, Nottingham; Bernard Duskin-Trinity, Fairfax; William R. Ferguson-OPC, Kirkwood; E. E. Goodrich-Covenant, Burtons- ville; William A. Haldeman-Emmanuel, Wilmington; Richard E. Lauxstermann- Grace, Vienna; Garlton A. Robinson-Knox, Silver Spring Ruling Elders (alternates) : John 0. Kinnaird-Bethany, Nottingham; Ray Logsdon- Cwercant, Burtonsville; Hugh S. Pettis-Knox, Silver Spring; John H. Van Voorhis- Covenant, Burtonsville Presbytery of the South Ministers: .Elmer &I.Dortzbach, George W. Knight 111, Cromwell G. Roskamp, John H. Thompson Jr., Cornelius Tolsma, Robert G. Valentine, Luder G. Whitlock Ruling Elder: R. Joe Roberson-Sharon, Hialeah Presbytery of Southern California Ministers: H. Wilson Albright, Ralph E. Clough, Bruce A. Coie, Edwards E. Elliott, Lawrence R. Eyes, Robert H. Graham, Calvin R. Malcor, Dwight H. Poundstone, Eugene C. Saltzen, Salvador M. Solis Ruling Elders: Walter P. Flores-Beverly, Los Angeles; Robert Kopecky-OPC, Hacienda Heights; Daniel Yahuso-OPC, Garden Grove Presbytery of Wisconsin Ministers: John J. Barnett, W. Harllee Bordeaux, James L. Bosgraf, Francis D. Breisch Jr., Ivan J. De Master, Henry H. Fikkert, George E. Haney, George W. Marston, Donald M. Parker, Henry D. Phillips, William A. Shell, Donald F. Stanton, Eugene B. Williams Ruling Elders: Calvin Le Mahieu-Bethel, Oostburg; Warren L. Neerhof-Calvary, Cedar Grove; Clarence Roskamp-Christ of Cedarloo, Cedar Falls; W. Lee Troup-BetheZ, Wheaton On motion it was determined that for the purpose of determining full travel fund compensation, attendance through t,he evening session of Friday, May 23, should be deemed to fulfill the requirement of attendance at every session of the Assembly. On motion requests to excuse Mr. Spooner after the Tuesday morning session and Mr. Son after the Thursday sessions were granted. Mr. Ellis presented a report for the Committee on Arrangements. Mr. Mitchell presented the report of the Stated Clerk. On motion that part of the report listing ministers in non-pastoral charges was ordered included in the Minutes without being read orally. The report is as follows: THIRTY-SIXTHGENERAL ASSEMBLY 5 REPORT OF THE STATED CLERK The Minutes of the Thirty-fifth General Assembly are presented herewith. The Minutes were published in September 1968 and copies were distributed to all ministers and sessions as well as to other churches with which the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is in correspondence. The Clerk has noted several typographical errors, and calls attention to the following correction in the record: on page 104, at the middle of the page, the total estimated costs for radio program production, given in the supplementary report of the Committee on Radio and Television, should read $21,637 instead of $12,637. The Clerk has also conducted such correspondence as the duties of the office require. In particular, at the instruction of the Thirty-fifth General Assembly, the Clerk has cor- responded with the Reformed Churches in New Zealand and has received from them their Acts of Synod of 1967 containing various reports and papers on the subject of the Sabbath; the Synod has not concluded its study, but awaits the report of a special study committee due to report late in 1969. In accordance with the instructions of the Thirty-fifth General Assembly the Clerk has prepared a docket that includes a minimum of 33 hours for debate. The additional time tentatively proposed for consideration of the report of the Committee on Revisions to the Form of Government has not been docketed since that committee is not prepared to present its completed report to the Thirty-sixth General Assembly. The docket and printed reports to the Thirty-sixth General Assembly were mailed to ministers and clerks of sessions on May 6, 1969, two weeks prior to the opening of the Assembly. The Clerk has acted as agent for the denomination in endorsing applicants for service in the chaplaincy of the military services and has performed such other duties as are re- quired by Rules 19 and 20 of the Standing Rules of the General Assembly. The report of the General Assembly Fund is as follows: GENERAL ASSEMBLY FUND STATEMENTOF CASHRECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS MAY 1, 1968 TO MAY15, 1969 RECEIPTS Balance - Previous Assembly $(- 468.33) Contributions $9,655.55 Minutes ______________________I_________________---------------------------------------- 210.39 Form of Government 4.00 Miscellaneous 5 1.OO 9,920.94 ------ --__-____ Total Accountable $ 9,452.61 DISBURSEMENTS Printing and Mailing Minutes $2,162.32 Form of Government 254.59 Fees - Stated Clerk - 35th G. A. 150.00 Assistant Clerk ____________________________I___________---------------------- 25 .OO Statistician 50.00 Stationery, telephone, and postage I_________-_______________________286.44 Incorporation of Trustees of G. A. 401.80 File Cabinet for Stated Clerk 68.25 Incorporation of Pension Committee -_____________________I_________ 500.00 6 THIRTY-SIXTHGENERAL ASSEMBLY Travel - Delegates: Christian Reformed Synod 144.73 Reformed Presby. (N. A.) Synod ____________________I___58.50 Free Church of Scotland 166.00 Reformed Ecumenical Synod 1,562.37 Committees : Ecumenicity & Interchurch Relations 1,477.90 Guidance 9.00 Sunday School Report 14.50 Presbyterial Records 50.00 Radio & Television _____________________I__________________-_-------_- 1,OS 1.5 9 Management Needs __I 77.63 Reformed Presby. & Orthodox Presby. 13.27 Stewardship 12.07 Travel Fund 16.12 Proof Texts for Catechisms ________I___________I_86.10 Ministerial Training __ __-_ 143.60 Confer with Christian Ref. Church ___ 545.74 Reformed Ecumenical Synod 1969 Assessment $850.00 Baarn SMissions Conf. ~- 599.28 1,449.28 ----- Miscellaneous ~ -__- 7.88 10,8 14.68 ------ --------- Balance - May 15, 1969 -__- $(- 1,362.07) The Thirty-fifth General Assembly requested the presbyteries to include in their statis- tical reports to rhe General Assembly the occupations of ministers on their rolls who are not in pastoral charges, and instructed the Assembly’s Stated Clerk to include this information in his report to the General Assembly. The information has been received, collated, and is presented herewith. The abbreviation in parenthesis indicates the presbytery to which the individual belongs. Tnhe report is as follows: OCCUPATIONS OF MINISTERS NOT IN PASTORAL CHARGES Adams, Jay E. (N. J.)-Faculty, Westminster Theological Seminary Andrews, Egbert W. (Phi.)-Foreign Missionary, Taiwan Bachman, Lester R. (Phi.)-Retired Balcom, Curtis A. (Dak.)-Retired Beech, Thomas A. (N. C.)-Public school teacher Betzold, John W. (Phi.)-Chaplain, U. S. Armed Forces Bird, Herbert S. (Dak.)-Foreign Missionary, Ethiopia Bordeaux, Wm. Harllee, Th. D. (Wis.)-Accounts Executive, Radio Station WMRP Bowman, Marven O., Jr. (Ohio)-Pastor, non-0. P. church Calderwood, David C., Ph. D. (S. C.)-Retired Chanoux, Leonard F. (N. J.)-Public school teacher Christian, George S. (N. J.)-Public school teacher Clowney, Edmund P., D. D. (N. J.)-Faculty, Westminster Theological Seminary Conn, Harvie M. (N. J.)-Foreign Missionary, Korea Cooper, Thomas M. (Phi.)-Public school teacher Davis, D. Clair, Th. D. (Phi.)-Faculty, Westminster TheologicaJSeminary Duff, Clarence W. (Phi.)-Foreign Missionary, Ethiopia Duff, Donald J. (Wis.)-Christian school Bible teacher THIRTY-SIXTHGENERAL AssEnxBLY 7 Frame, John M. (Ohio)-Faculty, Westminster Theological Seminary Freeman, David, Ph. D. (NY&NE)-Retired Gaffin, Richard B. (Wise)-Foreign Missionary, Taiwan Gaffin, Richard B., Jr. (Phi.)-Faculty, Westminster Theological Seminary Galbraith, John P. (Phi.)-Gen. Secretary, Committee on Foreign Missions