Brussels, 13.3.2019 C(2019) 1848 final



to the

Commission Delegated Decision

on the multiannual Union programme for the collection and management of biological, environmental, technical and socio-economic data in the and aquaculture sectors



CHAPTER I1 Definitions

For the purpose of this Annex, definitions in Regulation (EU) 2017/10042, Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/20093, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/20114, and Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council5 shall apply. In addition, the following definitions shall also apply: (1) active vessels: vessels that have been engaged in any operation (one day or more) during a calendar year. A vessel that has not been engaged in fishing operations during a year is considered "inactive". (2) anadromous species: living aquatic resources with lifecycle starting by hatching in freshwater, migrating to saltwater, returning and finally spawning in freshwater. (3) catadromous species: living aquatic resources with lifecycle starting by hatching in saltwater, migrating to freshwater, returning and finally spawning in saltwater. (4) catch fraction: a part of the total catch, such as the part of the catch landed above the minimum conservation reference size, the part landed below the minimum conservation reference size, the part discarded below the minimum conservation reference size, de minimis discards or discards. (5) days at sea: any continuous period of 24 hours (or part thereof) during which a vessel is present within an area and absent from port. (6) fishing days: any calendar day at sea in which a fishing operation takes place, without prejudice to the international obligations of the Union and its Member States. One fishing trip can contribute to both the sum of the fishing days for passive gears and the sum of the fishing days for active gears on that trip. (7) fishing ground: (group of) geographical units where fishing takes place. These units shall be agreed at marine region level on the basis of existing areas defined by Regional Fisheries Management Organisations or scientific bodies. (8) fleet segment: group of vessels with the same length class (LOA, length overall) and predominant fishing gear during the year.

1 This Chapter replaces Chapter I of of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251. 2 OJ L 157, 20.6.2017, p. 1. 3 Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of 20 November 2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy, amending Regulations (EC) No 847/96, (EC) No 2371/2002, (EC) No 811/2004, (EC) No 768/2005, (EC) No 2115/2005, (EC) No 2166/2005, (EC) No 388/2006, (EC) No 509/2007, (EC) No 676/2007, (EC) No 1098/2007, (EC) No 1300/2008, (EC) No 1342/2008 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No 2847/93, (EC) No 1627/94 and (EC) No 1966/2006 (OJ L 343, 22.12.2009, p. 1) 4 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 of 8 April 2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy (OJ L 112, 30.4.2011, p. 1). 5 Regulation (EU) No1380/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council on the Common Fisheries Policy, amending Council Regulations (EC) No 1954/2003 and (EC) No 1224/2009 and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2371/2002 and (EC) No 639/2004 and Council Decision 2004/585/EC (OJ L 354, 28.12.2013, p. 22)


(9) metier: a group of fishing operations targeting a similar (assemblage of) species, using similar gear6, during the same period of the year and/or within the same area and which are characterised by a similar exploitation pattern. (10) research surveys at sea: trips carried out on a research vessel, or a vessel dedicated to scientific research for stock and ecosystem monitoring, and designated for this task by the body in charge of the implementation of the national workplan established in accordance with Article 21 of Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council7.

CHAPTER II8 Data collection methods

Data collection methods and quality shall be appropriate for the intended purposes defined in Article 25 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 and shall follow the best practices and relevant methodologies advised by the relevant scientific bodies. To this end, the methods and the result of the application of the methods shall be examined at regular intervals by independent scientific bodies in order to verify that they are appropriate with respect to the management of the common fisheries policy.

CHAPTER III9 Data requirements

1. Data sets 1.1. Under the workplans drawn up in accordance with Article 21 of Regulation (EU) No 508/2014, Member States shall establish the data to be collected amongst the following sets as specified in points 2 to 7 of this Chapter: (a) biological data, by catch fraction, on stocks caught by Union commercial fisheries in Union and outside Union waters and by recreational fisheries in Union waters; (b) data to assess the impact of Union fisheries on the marine ecosystem in Union waters and outside Union waters; (c) detailed data on the activity of Union fishing vessels in Union waters and outside Union waters as reported under Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009; (d) social and economic data on fisheries10; (e) social, economic and environmental data on aquaculture;

6 As specified in Annex XI of Regulation (EU) No 404/2011. 7 Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2328/2003, (EC) No 861/2006, (EC) No 1198/2006 and (EC) No 791/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 1255/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 149, 20.5.2014, p. 1). 8 This Chapter replaces Chapter II of of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251 9 This Chapter replaces Chapter III of of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251 10 Data on the processing industry may be collected on a voluntary base, in that case the segmentation and variable in Table 11 may be used


1.2. The data to be collected shall be established in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 taking into account the thresholds set out in Chapter II of the Annex of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) C(2019)1001 establishing the list of mandatory surveys and thresholds for the purposes of the multiannual Union programme for the collection and management of data in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. 1.3. Data shall be collected to enable valid estimates to be derived for the type of fisheries, temporal periods and areas based on end-user needs agreed at marine region level. The frequency of data collection is to be coordinated at marine region level, unless stated otherwise in this Annex and corresponding tables. 2. Biological data on stocks caught by Union commercial fisheries in Union and outside Union waters and by recreational fisheries in Union waters. Such data shall consist of the following: (a) Catch quantities by species and biological data from individual specimens enabling the estimation of: (i) For commercial fisheries, volume and length frequency of all catch fractions (including discards and unwanted catches) for the stocks listed in Tables 1A, 1B and 1C, reported at the aggregation level 6 as set out in Table 2. The temporal resolution shall be coordinated at marine region level based on end-user needs; (ii) For commercial fisheries, mean-weight and age distribution of catches of the stocks listed in Table 1A, 1B and 1C. The selection of stocks from which these variables have to be collected and the temporal resolution shall be coordinated at marine region level based on end-user needs; (iii) For commercial fisheries, sex-ratio, maturity and fecundity data for stocks listed in Tables 1A, 1B and 1C of catches at frequencies needed for scientific advice. The selection of stocks from which these variables have to be collected and the temporal resolution shall be coordinated at marine region level based on end-user needs; (iv) For recreational fisheries, annual volume (numbers and weights or length) of catches and releases for the species listed in Table 3 and/or the species identified at marine region level as needed for fisheries management purposes End user needs for age or other biological data as specified in paragraphs (i) – (iii) shall be evaluated for recreational fisheries at marine region level. (b) In addition to data collected under point (a), data on anadromous and catadromous species listed in Table 1E caught by commercial fisheries during the freshwater part of their lifecycle, irrespective of the way these fisheries are undertaken, as follows: (i) stock-related variables (for individual specimens, on age, length, weight, sex, maturity and fecundity, by life stage, but further specified on a species and regional basis), and (ii) annual catch quantities by age class or life stage. (c) In addition: as regards eel, information (e.g. data, estimates, relative trends, etc.) collected annually in at least one river basin per eel management unit on : (i) the abundance of recruits, (ii) the abundance of the standing stock (yellow eel), and (iii) the number or weight and sex ratio of emigrating silver eels,


and as regards all wild : information collected annually – unless agreed otherwise at regional level - on the abundance of smolt and parr and number of ascending individuals. The designation of rivers to be monitored for eel and salmon shall be defined at regional level. The selection of stocks from which these variables have to be collected shall be coordinated at regional level based on end-user needs. 3. Data to assess the impact of Union fisheries on marine ecosystems in Union waters and outside Union waters Such data shall consist of the following: (a) For all types of fisheries, incidental by-catch of all birds, mammals and reptiles and protected under Union legislation and international agreements, including the species listed in Table 1D, including absence in the catch, during scientific observer trips on fishing ships or by the fishers themselves through logbooks. Where data collected during observer trips are not considered to provide sufficient data on incidental by-catch for enduser needs, other methodologies, shall be implemented by Member States. The selection of these methodologies shall be coordinated at marine region level and be based on end-user needs. (b) Data to assist in the assessment of the impact of fisheries in Union waters and outside Union waters on . The variables used for assessing the impact of fisheries on marine habitat shall be those recorded under Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. Data shall be disagregated at fishing activity level 311, unless a lower level of aggregation is required at regional level, in particular in the case of marine protected areas. When data recorded under Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 are not at the correct resolution or are not of sufficient quality or coverage for the intended scientific use, they shall be collected in an alternative way by using appropriate sampling methods. Data as recorded under Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 are to be made available at the appropriate level of aggregation to the National Institutions implementing the workplans. (c) Data for estimating the level of fishing and the impact of fishing activities on marine biological resources and on marine ecosystems, such as effects on non-commercial species, predator-prey relationships and natural mortality of fish species in each marine region. Such data shall be first assessed within pilot studies. Based on the outcomes of these pilot studies, Member States shall determine future data collection specific for each marine region, coordinated at marine region level and based on end-user needs.

4. Detailed data on the activity of Union fishing vessels12 in Union waters and outside Union waters as recorded under Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. Data to assess the activity of Union fishing vessels in Union waters and outside Union waters consist of the variables as indicated in Table 4. Data as recorded, reported and transmitted under Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 are to be made available in the form of primary data to the national institutions implementing the workplans. When these data are not to be collected under Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 or when data collected under Regulation (EC) No

11 See Table 2 12 Including specific requirements for RFMOs such as specified in Regulation (EU)1343/2011


1224/2009 are not at the correct resolution or are not of sufficient quality or coverage for the intended scientific use, they shall be collected in an alternative way by using appropriate sampling methods. These methods shall allow for the estimation of variables listed in Table 4 at the lowest relevant geographic level by fleet segment (Table 5a) and metier level 6 (Table 2). 5. Social and economic data on fisheries to enable the assessment of the social and economic performance of the Union fisheries sector. Such data shall consist of the following:

(a) Economic variables as indicated in Table 5A according to the sector segmentation of Table 5B and according to the supraregions as defined in Table 5C. The population shall be all active and inactive vessels registered in the Union Fishing Fleet Register as defined in Commission Regulation (EC) No 26/200413 on December 31st of the reporting year and vessels that do not appear on the Register at that date but have fished at least one day during the reporting year For inactive vessels only capital value and capital cost shall be collected. In cases where there is a risk of natural persons and/or legal entities being identified clustering may be applied to report economic variables in order to ensure statistical confidentiality. Clustering may also be used if necessary to design a statistically sound sampling plan. Such clustering scheme shall be consistent over time. Economic data shall be collected on an annual basis. (b) Social variables as indicated in Table 6. Social data shall be collected every three years starting in 2018. Data on employment by education level and employment by nationality may be collected on the basis of pilot studies. 6. Social, economic and environmental data on marine aquaculture, and optionally on freshwater aquaculture, to enable the assessment of the social, economic and environmental performance of the Union aquaculture sector. Such data shall consist of the following:

(a) Economic variables as indicated in Table 7 according to the sector segmentation set out in Table 9. The population shall be all enterprises whose primary activity is defined according to the European Classification of Economic Activities NACE14 codes 03.21 and 03.22 and who operate for profit. Economic data shall be collected on an annual basis. (b) Social variables as indicated in Table 6. Social data shall be collected every three years starting in 2018. Data on employment by education level and employment by nationality may be collected on the basis of pilot studies.

13 Commission Regulation (EC) No 26/2004 of 30 December 2003 on the Community fishing fleet register (OJ L 5, 9.1.2004, p. 25). 14 Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 establishing the statistical classification of economic activities NACE Revision 2 and amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3037/90 as well as certain EC Regulations on specific statistical domains.


(c) Environmental data on aquaculture as indicated in Table 8 to enable the assessment of aspects of its environmental performance. Environmental data may be collected on the basis of pilot studies and extrapolated to indicate totals relevant to the total volume of fish produced in the Member State. Environmental data shall be collected every two years.


Biological Data Table 1A15 Stocks in Union waters

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

East Arctic, Norwegian sea and Barentsz sea

European Eel Anguilla anguilla I, II

Tusk Brosme brosme I, II

Atlanto-Scandian Clupea harengus I, II,

Cod Gadus morhua I, II

Capelin Mallotus villosus I, II

Melanogrammus Haddock I, II aeglefinus

Micromesistius Blue whiting I-II poutassou

Pandalus Northern I, II borealis

Saithe Pollachius virens I, II

Reinhardtius Greenland halibut I, II hippoglossoides

Salmon Salmo salar I, II

Scomber II, scombrus

Sebastes Golden Redfish I, II marinus.

Sebastes Deep sea Redfish I, II mentella.

15 This Table replaces Table 1A of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251. 16 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 17 International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission 18 Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations


Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Trachurus Horse mackerel IIa,

Skagerrak and Kattegat

Sand eel Ammodytidae IIIa

European Eel Anguilla anguilla IIIa

Herring Clupea harengus IIIa/22-24, IIIa

Coryphaenoides Roundnose grenadier IIIa rupestris

Eutrigla Grey gurnard IIIa gurnardus

Aspitrigla Red gurnard IIIa, cuculus

Cod Gadus morhua IIIaN

Cod Gadus morhua IIIaS

Glyptocephalus Witch flounder IIIa cynoglossus

Dab Limanda limanda IIIa

Melanogrammus Haddock IIIa aeglefinus

Merlangius Whiting IIIa merlangus

Merluccius Hake IIIa, merluccius

Micromesistius Blue whiting IIIa poutassou

Nephrops Norway lobster Functional unit norvegicus

Pandalus Northern shrimp IIIa borealis


Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Pleuronectes Plaice IIIa platessa

Saithe Pollachius virens IIIa

Salmon Salmo salar IIIa

Turbot Psetta maxima IIIa

Scomber Mackerel IIIa scombrus

Scophthalmus Brill IIIa rhombus

Sole Solea solea IIIa

Sprat Sprattus sprattus IIIa

Trisopterus Norway pout IIIa esmarki

All commercial , Selachii, Rajidae IIIa rays & skates19

Baltic Sea —

European Eel Anguilla anguilla 22-32

22-24/25-29, 32/30/31/ Herring Clupea harengus Gulf of Riga

Common Coregonus IIId Whitefish/houting lavaretus

Coregonus Vendace 22-32 albula

Cod Gadus morhua 22-24/25-32

Dab Limanda limanda 22-32

Perch Perca fluviatilis IIId

19 To be reported at species level


Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Flounder Platichtys flesus 22-32

Pleuronectes Plaice 22-32 platessa

Turbot Psetta maxima 22-32

Salmon Salmo salar 22-31/32

Sea trout Salmo trutta 22-32

Sander Pike-perch IIId lucioperca

Scophthalmus Brill 22-32 rhombus

Sole Solea solea 22

Sprat Sprattus sprattus 22-32

North Sea and Eastern Channel

Sand eel Ammodytidae IV

Catfish Anarhichas spp. IV

European Eel Anguilla anguilla IV, VIId

Argentine Argentina spp. IV

Eutrigla Grey gurnard IV gurnardus

Tusk Brosme brosme IV

Herring Clupea harengus IV, VIId

Common Shrimp Crangon crangon IV, VIId

Dicentrarchus Sea bass IV, VIId labrax

Eutrigla Grey gurnard IV gurnardus

EN 10 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Cod Gadus morhua IV, VIId

Glyptocephalus Witch flounder IV cynoglossus

Helicolenus Blue-mouth rockfish IV dactylopterus

Lepidorhombus Four-spot megrim IV, VIId boscii

Lepidorhombus Megrim IV, VIId whiffiagonis

Dab Limanda limanda IV, VIId

Lophius Black-bellied angler IV, VIId budegassa

Lophius Anglerfish IV piscatorius

Macrourus Roughhead grenadier IV berglax

Melanogrammus Haddock IV aeglefinus

Merlangius Whiting IV, VIId merlangus

Merluccius Hake IV VII merluccius

Micromesistius Blue whiting IV, VIId poutassou

Lemon sole Microstomus kitt IV, VIId

Blue ling Molva dypterygia IV

Ling Molva molva IV

Red mullet Mullus barbatus IV, VIId

Striped red mullet Mullus IV, VIId

EN 11 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code surmuletus

Nephrops Norway lobster all functional units norvegicus

Pandalus Northern shrimp IVa East/IVa/IV borealis

Common scallop Pecten maximus VIId

Phycis Greater Forkbeard IV blennoides

Forkbeard Phycis phycis IV

Flounder Platichthys flesus IV

Pleuronectes Plaice IV platessa

Pleuronectes Plaice VIId platessa

Saithe Pollachius virens IV

Turbot Psetta maxima IV, VIId

Reinhardtius Greenland halibut IV hippoglossoides

Salmon Salmo salar IV, VIId

Scomber Mackerel IV, VIId scombrus

Scophthalmus Brill IV, VIId rhombus

Sebastes Redfish IV mentella.

Sole Solea solea IV

Sole Solea solea VIId

Sprat Sprattus sprattus IV/VIId

EN 12 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Trachurus Horse mackerel IV, VIId trachurus.

Tub gurnard Trigla lucerna IV

Trisopterus Norway pout IV esmarki

John Dory Zeus faber IV, VIId

All commercial Sharks, Selachii, Rajidae IV, VIId rays & skates20

North East Atlantic and Western Channel

Alepocephalus Smoothhead VI, XII bairdii

Sand eel Ammodytidae VIa

Boarfish Capros aper V, VI,VII

Scallop Pecten maximus IV, VI, VII

Aequipecten Queen scallop VII opercularis

Spider Maja squinado V, VI,VII

European Eel Anguilla anguilla all areas

Scabbardfish Aphanopus spp. all areas

Argentine Argentina spp. all areas

Argyrosomus Meagre all areas regius

Aspitrigla Red gurnard all areas cuculus

all areas, excluding X and Alfonsinos Beryx spp. IXa

20 To be reported at species level

EN 13 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Alfonsinos Beryx spp. IXa and X

Edible crab Cancer pagurus all areas

VIa/VIaN/ Herring Clupea harengus VIa S, VIIbc/VIIa/VIIj

Conger Conger conger all areas, excluding X

Conger Conger conger X

Coryphaenoides Roundnose grenadier all areas rupestris

Kitefin Dalatias licha All areas

Dasyatis Common stingray VII, VIII pastinaca

Birdbeak dogfish Deania calcea V, VI, VII, IX, X, XII

Dicentrarchus Sea bass all areas, excluding IX labrax

Dicentrarchus Sea bass IX labrax

Dicologlossa Wedge sole VIIIc, IX cuneata

Engraulis IXa (only Cádiz) encrasicolus

Engraulis Anchovy VIII encrasicolus

Etmopterus Velvet belly VI, VII, VIII spinax

Eutrigla Grey gurnard VIId,e gurnardus

Va/Vb/VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIe- Cod Gadus morhua k

EN 14 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Glyptocephalus Witch VI, VII cynoglossus

Helicolenus Bluemouth rockfish all areas dactylopterus

Homarus Lobster all areas gammarus

Hoplostethus Orange roughy all areas atlanticus

Lepidopus Silver scabbardfish IXa caudatus

Lepidorhombus Four-spot megrim VIIIc, IXa boscii

Lepidorhombus Megrim VI/VII, VIIIabd/VIIIc, IXa whiffiagonis

Dab Limanda limanda VIIe/VIIa,f-h

all areas, excluding VIIIc, Common squid Loligo vulgaris IXa

Common squid Loligo vulgaris VIIIc, IXa

Lophius Black-bellied angler IV, VI/VIIb-k, VIIIabd budegassa

Lophius Black-bellied angler VIIIc, IXa budegassa

Lophius Anglerfish IV, VI/VIIb-k, VIIIabd piscatorious

Lophius Anglerfish VIIIc, IXa piscatorious

Capelin Mallotus villosus XIV

Melanogrammus Haddock Va/Vb aeglefinus

Haddock Melanogrammus VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIb-k

EN 15 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code aeglefinus

Merlangius Whiting VIII/IX, X merlangus

Merlangius Whiting Vb/VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIe-k merlangus

Merluccius IIIa, IV, VI, VII, Hake merluccius VIIIab/VIIIc, IXa

Microchirus Wedge sole all areas variegatus

Micromesistius Blue whiting I-IX, XII, XIV poutassou

Lemon sole Microstomus kitt all areas

Blue ling Molva dypterygia all areas, excluding X

Molva Spanish ling X macrophthalma

Ling Molva molva all areas

Mullus Striped red mullet all areas surmuletus

Starry smooth-hound Mustelus asterias VI, VII, VIII, IX

Mustelus Smooth-hound VI, VII, VIII, IX mustelus

Blackspotted smooth- Mustelus VI, VII, VIII, IX hound punctulatus

Nephrops Norway lobster VI Fuctional unit norvegicus

Nephrops Norway lobster VII Functional unit norvegicus

Nephrops Norway lobster VIII, IX Functional unit norvegicus

EN 16 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

all areas, excluding VIIIc, Common Octopus vulgaris IXa

Common octopus Octopus vulgaris VIIIc, IXa

Pagellus Blackspot sea bream IXa, X bogaraveo

Pandalid Pandalus spp. all areas

Parapenaeus Deepwater rose shrimp IXa longirostris

Phycis Greater Forkbeard all areas blennoides

Forkbeard Phycis phycis all areas

Pleuronectes Plaice VIIa/VIIe/VIIfg platessa

Pleuronectes Plaice VIIbc/VIIh-k/VIII, IX, X platessa

Pollachius Pollack all areas except IX, X pollachius

Pollachius Pollack IX, X pollachius

Saithe Pollachius virens Va/Vb/IV, IIIa, VI

Saithe Pollachius virens VII, VIII

Polyprion Wreckfish X americanus

Turbot Psetta maxima all areas

Reinhardtius Greenland halibut V, XIV/VI hippoglossoides

Hippoglossus Atlantic halibut V, XIV hippoglossus

Salmon Salmo salar all areas

EN 17 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Sardina VIIIabd/VIIIc, IXa pilchardus

Spanish mackerel Scomber colias VIII, IX, X

Scomber II, IIIa, IV, V, VI, VII, Mackerel scombrus VIII, IX

Scophthalmus Brill all areas rhombus

ICES Sub areas V, VI, Golden Redfish Sebastes marinus XII, XIV & NAFO SA 2 + (Div. 1F + 3K).

ICES Sub areas V, VI, Deep sea Redfish Sebastes mentella XII, XIV & NAFO SA 2 + (Div. 1F + 3K)

Cuttlefish Sepia officinalis all areas

Sole Solea solea VIIa/VIIfg

Sole Solea solea VIIbc/VIIhjk/IXa/VIIIc

Sole Solea solea VIIe

Sole Solea solea VIIIab

Sea breams (in plural) Sparidae all areas

Mediterranean horse Trachurus VIII, IX mackerel mediterraneus

Trachurus Blue jack mackerel VIII, IX, X picturatus

Trachurus IIa, IVa, Vb, VIa, VIIa-c, Horse mackerel trachurus e-k, VIIIabde/X

Trachurus Horse mackerel VIIIc, IXa trachurus

Pouting Trisopterus spp. all areas

John Dory Zeus faber all areas

EN 18 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

All commercial Sharks, Selachii, Rajidae IV, VIId rays & skates21

Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea

European Eel Anguilla anguilla all areas in the Med

Aristeomorpha Giant red shrimp all areas in the Med foliacea

Aristeus Red shrimp all areas in the Med antennatus

Bogue Boops boops 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2

Coryphaena Dolphinfish all areas in the Med equiselis

Coryphaena Dolphinfish all areas in the Med hippurus

Dicentrarchus Sea bass all areas in the Med labrax

Horned/curled octopus Eledone cirrhosa 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1

Eledone Musky octopus 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 moschata

Engraulis Anchovy all areas in the Med encrasicolus

Engraulis Anchovy Black Sea GSA 29 encrasicolus

Eutrigla Grey gurnard 2.2, 3.1 gurnardus

Illex spp., Squid all areas in the Med Todarodes spp.

Billfish Istiophoridae all areas in the Med

Common squid Loligo vulgaris all areas in the Med

21 To be reported at species level

EN 19 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Lophius Black-bellied angler 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1 budegassa

Lophius Anglerfish 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1 piscatorius

Merlangius Whiting Black Sea GSA 29 merlangus

Merluccius Hake all areas in the Med merluccius

Micromesistius Blue whiting 1.1, 3.1 poutassou

Grey mullets Mugilidae 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1

Red mullet Mullus barbatus all areas in the Med

Red mullet Mullus barbatus Black Sea GSA 29

Mullus Striped red mullet all areas in the Med surmuletus

Common octopus Octopus vulgaris all areas in the Med

Nephrops Norway lobster all areas in the Med norvegicus

Pagellus Pandora all areas in the Med erythrinus

Parapenaeus Deepwater rose shrimp all areas in the Med longirostris

Penaeus Caramote prawn 3.1 kerathurus

Turbot Psetta maxima Black Sea GSA 29

Sardina Sardine all areas in the Med pilchardus

Mackerel Scomber spp. all areas in the Med

Cuttlefish Sepia officinalis all areas in the Med

EN 20 EN

Area (ICES16, IBSFC17 Species or FAO18 area code) Species (common name) (scientific name) where the stock is located/stock code

Sole Solea vulgaris 1.2, 2.1, 3.1

Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata 1.2, 3.1

Picarels Spicara smaris 2.1, 3.1, 3.2

Sprat Sprattus sprattus Black Sea GSA 29

Mantis shrimp Squilla mantis 1.3, 2.1, 2.2

Mediterranean horse Trachurus All areas in the Med mackerel mediterraneus

Mediterranean horse Trachurus Black Sea GSA 29 mackerel mediterraneus

Trachurus Horse mackerel all areas in the Med trachurus

Trachurus Horse mackerel Black Sea GSA 29 trachurus

Tub gurnard Trigla lucerna 1.3, 2.2, 3.1

Clam Veneridae 2.1, 2.2

Transparent gobid Aphia minuta GSA 9,10,16 and 19

Sand smelt Atherina spp GSA 9,10,16 and 19

Trisopterus Poor cod All Regions minutus

All commercial Sharks, Selachii, Rajidae All Regions rays & skates22

22 To be reported at species level.

EN 21 EN

Biological Data Table 1B23 Stocks of Outermost Regions of the Union

Species (common name) Species (scientific name)

French Guyana

Red snapper Lutjanus purpureus

Prawns Farfantepenaeus subtilis

Acoupa weakfish Cynoscion acoupa

Smalltooth weakfish Cynoscion steindachneri

Green weakfish Cynoscion virescens

Sea catfishes Ariidae

Tripletail Lobotes surinamensis

Torroto grunt Genyatremus luteus

Snooks Centropomus spp.

Groupers Serranidae

Mullets Mugil spp.

Guadeloupe and Martinique

Snappers Lutjanidae

Grunters Haemulidae

Groupers Serranidae

Lion fish Pterois volitans

Tuna-like fish

Blue marlin Makaira nigricans

Dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus

Reunion Island and Mayotte

23 This Table replaces Table 1B of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 22 EN

Species (common name) Species (scientific name)

Snappers Lutjanidae

Groupers Serranidae

Tuna-like fish Scombridae

Swordfish Xiphias gladius

Other bill Istiophoridae

Dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus

Bigeye scad Selar crumenophthalmus

Azores, Madeira and

Atlantic Scomber colias

Sardinella Sardinella maderensis

Horse mackerel Trachurus spp.

Sardine Sardina pilchardus

Parrotfish Sparisoma cretense

Limpets Patellidae

EN 23 EN

Biological Data Table 1C24 Stocks in marine regions under Regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs) and Sustainable Fishing Partnership Agreements (SFPAs)

IATTC (Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission)

SPECIES When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Frequency of information as laid down in Chapter III of this Annex, stock Collection of boundaries, as fixed by the competent RFMOs or Regional fisheries Biological organisations (RFOs), shall be taken into account and appropriate variables sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Scientific Common Geographical Area Priority name name Thunnus Yellowfin East Pacific Ocean High albacares tuna Thunnus Bigeye East Pacific Ocean High obesus tuna The data collection is annual and the Katsuwonus Skipjack East Pacific Ocean High updating/processing pelamis tuna of the data must be done timely to fit Thunnus Albacore East Pacific Ocean High the schedule of the alalunga tuna stock assessments. Thunnus Pacific East Pacific Ocean High orientalis bluefin tuna

Xiphias Swordfish East Pacific Ocean High gladius

Makaira Blue East Pacific Ocean High nigricans marlin (or mazara)

Makaira Black East Pacific Ocean High indica marlin

Tetrapturus Striped East Pacific Ocean High audax marlin

ICCAT (The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic )

24 This Table replaces Table 1C of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 24 EN

SPECIES When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Frequency of information as laid down in Chapter III of this Annex, stock Collection of boundaries, as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken Biological into account and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each variables stock.

Scientific name Common Geographical Area Priority name Thunnus Yellowfin Atlantic Oceanand High albacares tuna adjacent seas Thunnus obesus Bigeye Atlantic Oceanand High tuna adjacent seas The data collection is annual and the Katsuwonus Skipjack Atlantic Oceanand High updating/processing pelamis tuna adjacent seas of the data must be done timely to fit Thunnus Albacore Atlantic Oceanand High the schedule of the alalunga tuna adjacent seas stock assessments. Thunnus Bluefin Atlantic Oceanand High thynnus tuna adjacent seas

Xiphias gladius Swordfish Atlantic Oceanand High adjacent seas

Makaira Blue marlin Atlantic Oceanand High nigricans (or adjacent seas mazara)

Istiophorus Sailfish Atlantic Oceanand High albicans adjacent seas

Tetrapturus White Atlantic Oceanand High albidus marlin adjacent seas

Prionace Blue shark Atlantic High glauca Oceanandadjacent seas

Auxis rochei Bullet tuna Atlantic High Oceanandadjacent seas

Sarda sarda Atlantic Atlantic High Oceanandadjacent seas

Euthynnus Atlantic Atlantic Medium alleteratus back Oceanandadjacent seas skipjack

EN 25 EN

SPECIES When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Frequency of information as laid down in Chapter III of this Annex, stock Collection of boundaries, as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken Biological into account and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each variables stock.

Thunnus Blackfin and Medium atlanticus tuna adjacent seas

Orcynopsis Plain Atlantic Ocean and Medium unicolor bonito adjacent seas

Scomberomorus Serra Atlantic Ocean and Medium brasiliensis Spanish adjacent seas mackerel

Scomberomorus Atlantic Ocean and Medium regalis adjacent seas

Auxis thazard Frigate Atlantic Ocean and Medium tuna adjacent seas

Scomberomorus King Atlantic Ocean and Medium cavalla mackerel adjacent seas

Scomberomorus West Atlantic Ocean and Medium tritor African adjacent seas

Scomberomorus Atlantic Atlantic Ocean and Medium maculatus Spanish adjacent seas mackerel

Acanthocybium Atlantic Ocean and Medium solandri adjacent seas

Coryphaena Dolphinfish Atlantic Ocean and Medium hippurus adjacent seas

NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organisation)

SPECIES When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Frequency of information as laid down in Chapter III of this Annex, stock Collection of boundaries, as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken Biological into account and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each variables stock.

EN 26 EN

SPECIES When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Frequency of information as laid down in Chapter III of this Annex, stock Collection of boundaries, as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken Biological into account and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each variables stock.

Scientific name Common Stocks as defined by the Priority name RFMO Gadus morhua Cod NAFO 2J 3KL Low

Gadus morhua Cod NAFO 3M High

Gadus morhua Cod NAFO 3NO High The data collection is annual and the Gadus morhua Cod NAFO 3Ps High updating/processing Gadus morhua Cod NAFO SA1 High of the data must be done timely to fit Glyptocephalus Witch NAFO 3NO High the schedule of the cynoglossus flounder stock assessments.

Glyptocephalus Witch NAFO 2J3KL Low cynoglossus flounder

Hippoglossoides American NAFO 3LNO High platessoides plaice

Hippoglossoides American NAFO 3M High platessoides plaice

Limanda Yellowtail NAFO 3LNO Medium ferruginea flounder

Coryphaenoides Roundnose NAFO SA0+1 Low rupestris Grenadier

Macrourus Roughhead NAFO SA2+3 High berglax grenadier

Pandalus Northern NAFO 3LNO High borealis shrimp

Pandalus Northern NAFO 3M High borealis shrimp

Amblyraja Thorny NAFO 3LNOPs High radiata

Reinhardtius Greenland NAFO 3KLMNO High

EN 27 EN

SPECIES When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Frequency of information as laid down in Chapter III of this Annex, stock Collection of boundaries, as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken Biological into account and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each variables stock. hippoglossoides halibut

Reinhardtius Greenland NAFO SA1 High hippoglossoides halibut

Hippoglossus Atlantic NAFO SA1 Low hippoglossus halibut

Sebastes Redfish NAFO SA1 High mentella

Sebastes spp. Redfish NAFO 3LN High

Sebastes spp. Redfish NAFO 3M High

Sebastes spp. Redfish NAFO 3O High

Urophycis White NAFO 3NO High tenuis hake

Mallotus Capelin NAFO 3NO High villosus

Beryx sp. Alfonsinos NAFO 6G High

Illex Shortfin NAFO Subareas 3+4 Low illecebrosus squid

Salmo salar Salmon NAFO S1+ ICES Sub- High area XIV, NEAF, NASCO

FAO marine area 34- Fisheries Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF)

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Scientific name Common Geographical Area Priority The data collection name is annual and the

EN 28 EN

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Brachydeuterus 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , 34.3.3- updating/processing Grunt high spp. 6. of the data shall be done timely to fit Caranx spp. Jack 34.3.1. , 34.3.3-6. high the schedule of the stock assessments. Cynoglossus Tongue 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , high spp. sole 34.3.3-6.

Decapterus spp. Scad 34.3.1. , 34.3.3-6. high

Dentex Canary 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , medium canariensis dentex 34.3.3-6.

Dentex Congo 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , medium congoensis dentex 34.3.3-6.

Dentex Large- 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , high macrophthalmus dentex 34.3.3-6.

Dentex 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , medium maroccanus dentex 34.3.3-6.

34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Dentex spp. Dentex high 34.3.3-6.

Engraulis 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Anchovy high encrasicolus 34.3.3-6.

Epinephelus White 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , 34.3.3- high aeneus grouper 6.

Ethmalosa Bonga 34.3.1. , 34.3.3-6. high fimbriata shad

Southern Farfantepenaeus 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , pink high notialis 34.3.3-6. shrimp

Lesser Galeoides 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , 34.3.3- The data collection African high decadactylus 6. is annual and the threadfin updating/processing of the data shall be Common 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Loligo vulgaris high done timely to fit squid 34.3.3-6. the schedule of the

EN 29 EN

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Benguela 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , stock assessments. Merluccius polli high hake 34.3.3-6.

Merluccius Senegalese 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , high senegalensis hake 34.3.3-6.

34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Merluccius spp. Other hake medium 34.3.3-6.

Octopus Common 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , high vulgaris octopus 34.3.3-6.

axillary Pagellus acarne 34.1.1. high sea bream

Pagellus Red 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , high bellottii pandora 34.3.3-6.

Pagellus Blackspot 34.1.1. medium bogaraveo sea bream

34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Pagellus spp. Pandora high 34.3.3-6.

Blue Pagrus 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , spotted sea high caeruleostictus 34.3.3-6. bream

Deepwater Parapenaeus 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , rose high longirostris 34.3.3-6. shrimp

Pomadasys Bastard 34.1.1. medium incisus grunt

34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Pomadasys spp. Grunt high 34.3.3-6.

West Pseudotolithus African 34.1.1. high spp. croakers

Sardina Sardine 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. high pilchardus

EN 30 EN

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Sardinella Round 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , high aurita sardinella 34.3.3-6.

Sardinella Short-body 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , high maderensis sardinella 34.3.3-6.

Scomber Chub 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , high japonicus mackerel 34.3.3-6.

Other 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Scomber spp. high Mackerel 34.3.3-6.

34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Sepia hierredda Cuttlefish high 34.3.3-6.

Common 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Sepia officinalis high cuttlefish 34.3.3-6. The data collection is annual and the 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , updating/processing Sepia spp. medium 34.3.3-6. of the data shall be done timely to fit 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , Sparidae Sea bream high the schedule of the 34.3.3-6. stock assessments.

Sparus spp. Sea bream 34.1.1. high

Atlantic Trachurus 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , horse high trachurus 34.3.3-6. mackerel

Cunene Trachurus 34.1.1. , 34.1.3. , 34.3.1. , horse high trecae 34.3.3-6. mackerel

Umbrina Canary 34.3.3-6. medium canariensis drum

SEAFO (South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation)

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

EN 31 EN

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Scientific name Common Geographical Area Priority name

Dissostichus Patagonian South East Atlantic High eleginoides toothfish

Beryx spp. Alfonsinos South East Atlantic High

Red/Golden South East Atlantic Chaceon spp. High

Pelagic South East Atlantic Pseudopentaceros armourhead / High richardsoni Southern boarfish

Blackbelly South East Atlantic Helicolenus spp. High rosefishes The data collection Hoplostethus Orange South East Atlantic High is annual and the atlanticus roughy updating/processing of the data shall be Horse South East Atlantic Trachurus spp High done timely to fit mackerel the schedule of the Scomber spp Mackerel South East Atlantic High stock assessments.

Polyprion South East Atlantic Wreckfish Medium americanus

Tristan rock South East Atlantic Jasus tristani Medium lobster

Lepidotus Silver South East Atlantic Medium caudatus scabbardfish

Schedophilus Imperial South East Atlantic Low ovalis Blackfish

Schedophilus Violet South East Atlantic Low velaini warehou

Allocyttus South East Atlantic Oreo dories Low verucossus

EN 32 EN

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Neocyttus South East Atlantic


Allocyttus South East Atlantic


Pseudocyttu South East Atlantic


Emmelichthys Cape South East Atlantic Low nitidus Bonnetmouth

Ruvettus South East Atlantic Oilfish Low pretiosus

Promethichthys Roudi South East Atlantic Low prometheus escolar

Macrourus spp. Grenadiers South East Atlantic Low

Blue South East Atlantic Antimora rostrata Low antimora

Epigonus spp Cardinal fish South East Atlantic Low

Merluccius spp Hake South East Atlantic Low

Notopogon Orange South East Atlantic Low fernandezianus bellowfish

Octopodidae and Octopus and South East Atlantic Low Loliginidae squids

WCPFC (Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission)

SPECIES When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Frequency of information as laid down in Chapter III of this Annex, stock Collection of boundaries, as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken Biological into account and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each variables stock.

Scientific Common Geographical Area Priority The data collection name name is annual and the

EN 33 EN

SPECIES When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Frequency of information as laid down in Chapter III of this Annex, stock Collection of boundaries, as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken Biological into account and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each variables stock.

Thunnus Yellowfin West Central Pacific High updating/processing albacares tuna Ocean of the data shall be done timely to fit Thunnus Bigeye West Central Pacific High the schedule of the obesus tuna Ocean stock assessments.

Katsuwonus Skipjack West Central Pacific High pelamis tuna Ocean

Thunnus Albacore West Central Pacific High alalunga tuna Ocean

Thunnus Pacific West Central Pacific High orientalis bluefin Ocean tuna

Xiphias Swordfish West Central Pacific High gladius Ocean

Makaira Blue marlin West Central Pacific High nigricans (or Ocean mazara)

Makaira indica Black West Central Pacific High marlin Ocean

Tetrapturus Striped West Central Pacific High audax marlin Ocean

Acanthocybium Wahoo West Central Pacific Medium solandri Ocean

Coryphaena Dolphinfish West Central Pacific Medium hippurus Ocean

Elagatis Rainbow West Central Pacific Medium bipinnulata runner Ocean

Lepidocybium Escolar West Central Pacific Medium flavobrunneum Ocean

Lampris regius Moonfish West Central Pacific Medium (opah) Ocean

EN 34 EN

SPECIES When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Frequency of information as laid down in Chapter III of this Annex, stock Collection of boundaries, as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken Biological into account and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each variables stock.

Mola mola Sunfish West Central Pacific Medium Ocean

Istiophorus Sailfish West Central Pacific Medium platypterus Ocean

Tetrapturus Spearfish West Central Pacific Medium angustirostris Ocean

Ruvettus Oilfish West Central Pacific Medium pretiosus Ocean

Prionace Blue shark West Central Pacific High glauca Ocean

Carcharhinus Oceanic West Central Pacific High longimanus whitetip Ocean shark

Carcharhinus Silky shark West Central Pacific High falciformis Ocean

Alopias big eye West Central Pacific High superciliosus thresher Ocean

Alopias Common West Central Pacific High vulpinus thresher Ocean

Alopias Pelagic West Central Pacific High pelagicus thresher Ocean

NB: for WCPF, the following reporting requirements for long liners shall be added: 1) Number of branch lines between floats. The number of branch lines between floats shall be reported for each set. 2) Number of fish caught per set, for the following species: albacore (Thunnus alalunga), bigeye (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax), blue marlin (Makaira mazara), black marlin (Makaira indica) and swordfish (Xiphias gladius), blue shark, silky shark, oceanic whitetip shark, mako sharks, thresher sharks, porbeagle shark (south of 20°S, until biological data shows this or another geographic limit to be appropriate), hammerhead sharks (winghead, scalloped, great, and smooth), whale shark, and other species as determined by the Commission.

EN 35 EN

If the total weight or average weight of fish caught per set has been recorded, then the total weight or average weight of fish caught per set, by species, shall also be reported. If the total weight or average weight of fish caught per set has not been recorded, then the total weight or average weight of fish caught per set, by species, shall be estimated and the estimates reported. The total weight or average weight shall refer to whole weights, rather than processed weights.

WECAFC (Western Central Atlantic Commission)

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Scientific Common Geographical Area Priority name name

Panulirus Caribbean West Central Atlantic High argus Spiny Lobster

Strombus gigas Queen West Central Atlantic High Conch

Shark-like Sharks, West Central Atlantic High Selachii, rays & Rajidae skates The data collection Coryphaena Dolphin West Central Atlantic High is annual and the hippurus fish updating/processing of the data shall be Acanthocybium Wahoo West Central Atlantic High done timely to fit solandri the schedule of the Epinephelus Red Hind West Central Atlantic High stock assessments. guttatus

Lutjanus Silk West Central Atlantic High vivanus snapper

Lutjanus Blackfin West Central Atlantic High buccanella snapper

Lutjanus Red West Central Atlantic High campechanus snapper

Penaeus Penaeus French Guiana EEZ High subtilis shrimp

EN 36 EN

IOTC ( Tuna Commission)

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Scientific name Common Geographical Area Priority name

Thunnus Yellowfin Indian Ocean Western High albacares tuna and Eastern

Thunnus obesus Bigeye tuna Indian Ocean Western High and Eastern

Katsuwonus Skipjack Indian Ocean Western High pelamis tuna and Eastern

Thunnus Albacore Indian Ocean Western High alalunga tuna and Eastern

Xiphias gladius Swordfish Indian Ocean Western High and Eastern The data collection Makaira Blue marlin Indian Ocean Western High is annual and the nigricans (or and Eastern updating/processing mazara) of the data shall be done timely to fit Makaira indica Black Indian Ocean Western High the schedule of the marlin and Eastern stock assessments. Tetrapturus Striped Indian Ocean Western High audax marlin and Eastern

Istiophorus Indo-Pacific Indian Ocean Western High platypterus sailfish and Eastern

Auxis rochei Bullet tuna Indian Ocean Western Medium and Eastern

Auxis thazard Frigate tuna Indian Ocean Western Medium and Eastern

Euthynnus Kawakawa Indian Ocean Western Medium affinis and Eastern

Thunnus Longtail Indian Ocean Western Medium tonggol tuna and Eastern

EN 37 EN

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III of this Annex, stock boundaries, Biological as fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Scomberomorus Indo-Pacific Indian Ocean Western Medium guttatus king and Eastern mackerel

Scomberomorus Narrow- Indian Ocean Western Medium commerson barred and Eastern Spanish mackerel

Prionace Blue shark Indian Ocean Western High glauca and Eastern

Alopias Bigeye Indian Ocean Western High superciliosus thresher and Eastern shark

Carcharhinus Silky shark Indian Ocean Western High falciformes and Eastern

Carcharhinus Oceanic Indian Ocean Western High longimanus whitetip and Eastern shark

Alopias Pelagic Indian Ocean Western High pelagicus thresher and Eastern shark

Sphyrna lewini Scalloped Indian Ocean Western High hammerhead and Eastern shark

Other RFMOs

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III Annex, stock boundaries, as Biological fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Scientific name Common Geographical Area Priority The data collection name is annual and the

EN 38 EN

SPECIES Frequency of When designing sampling plans aiming at collecting biological Collection of information as laid down in chapter III Annex, stock boundaries, as Biological fixed by the competent RFMOs or RFOs, shall be taken into account variables and appropriate sampling effort shall be allocated to each stock.

Trachurus Jack SPRFMO Convention High updating/processing murphyi mackerel Area of the data shall be done timely to fit Euphausia Krill CCAMLR Convention High the schedule of the superba Area stock assessments.

Dissostichus spp. Toothfish CCAMLR Convention High Dissostichus Area eleginoides and Dissostichus mawsoni)

Champsocephalus Mackerel CCAMLR Convention Low gunnari icefish Area

Resources of fish, molluscs, SIOFA Convention Area crustaceans and other sedentary species within the competence area, but excluding: i) sedentary species subject to the fishery jurisdiction of coastal States pursuant to article 77(4) of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and; ii) highly migratory species listed in Annex I of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

EN 39 EN

Biological Data Table 1D25 Species to be monitored under protection programmes in the Union or under international obligations

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

Bony fishes Teleostei

Annex II of the Barcelona Convention26, Annex IV of the Black Sea Sturgeons Acipenser spp. and Black Sea; Baltic Biodiversity and sea; OSPAR II, IV Landscape Conservation Protocol; OSPAR27 ; HELCOM28

Smoothheads Relevant for deep Alepocephalidae All Regions (Slickheads) sea fisheries 29

Alepocephalus Relevant for deep Baird's smoothhead All Regions Bairdii sea fisheries

Alepocephalus Relevant for deep Risso's smoothhead All Regions rostratus sea fisheries

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Pontic shad Alosa immaculata Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Allis shad Alosa alosa OSPAR II,, III, IV OSPAR

Common Coregonus OSPAR II OSPAR Whitefish/houting lavaretus

Cod Gadus morhua OSPAR II, III; Baltic OSPAR; Helcom

25 This Table replaces Table 1D of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251. 26 Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean. 27 OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic 28 HELCOM Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area 29 Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002 of 16 December 2002 establishing specific access requirements and associated conditions applicable to fishing for deep-sea stocks.

EN 40 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework Sea

Long-snouted seahorse Hippocampus OSPAR II, III, IV, V guttulatus (synonym: OSPAR Hippocampus ramulosus)

Short-snouted seahorse Hippocampus OSPAR II, III, IV, V OSPAR hippocampus

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Black Sea shad Alosa tanaica Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Blue antimora (Blue Relevant for deep Antimora rostrata All Regions hake) sea fisheries

Relevant for deep Black scabbardfish Aphanopus carbo All Regions sea fisheries

Aphanopus Relevant for deep Scabbardfish All Regions intermedius sea fisheries

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Crayfish Astacus spp. Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Big-scale sand smelt Atherina pontica Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Annex IV of the Black Sea Belone belone Biodiversity and Garfish Black Sea euxini Günther Landscape Conservation Protocol

Alfonsinos Beryx spp. All Regions Relevant for deep

EN 41 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework sea fisheries

Relevant for deep Brotula Cataetyx laticeps All Regions sea fisheries

RCG (Regional Co-ordination Vendace Coregonus albula Baltic Sea Group) Baltic recommendation

Cyclopterus Relevant for deep lumpfish All Regions lumpus sea fisheries

Regulation (EC) Diplodus Annular seabream Mediterranean Sea No 1967/200630 annularis (min. cons. size)

Regulation (EC) Sharpsnout sea bream Diplodus puntazzo Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 (min. cons. size)

Regulation (EC) White sea bream Diplodus sargus Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 (min. cons. size)

Regulation (EC) Two-banded sea bream Diplodus vulgaris Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 (min. cons. size)

Dissostichus Relevant for deep Patagonian toothfish All Regions eleginoides sea fisheries

Dissostichus Relevant for deep Antarctic toothfish All Regions mawsoni sea fisheries

Regulation (EC) Groupers Epinephelus spp. Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 (min. cons. size)

Vulnerable species Epigonus Black cardinalfish All Regions Relevant for deep telescopus sea fisheries

Annex IV of the Gobies Black Sea Black Sea Biodiversity and

30 Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 of 21 December 2006 concerning management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea, amending Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1626/94 (OJ L 409, 30.12.2006, p. 11).

EN 42 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework Landscape Conservation Protocol

Bluemouth (Bluemouth Helicolenus Relevant for deep All Regions redfish) dactylopterus sea fisheries

Hippoglossus Relevant for deep Atlantic halibut All Regions hippoglossus sea fisheries

Vulnerable species Hoplostethus All Regions; OSPAR Orange roughy Relevant for deep atlanticus I, V sea fisheries

Hoplosthetus Relevant for deep Silver roughy (Pink) All Regions mediterraneus sea fisheries

Silver scabbard fish Lepidopus Relevant for deep All Regions (Cutless fish) caudatus sea fisheries

Regulation (EC) Lithognathus Stripped sea bream Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 mormyrus (min. cons. size)

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Golden grey mullet Liza aurata Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Leaping mullet Liza saliens Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Relevant for deep Greater Eelpout Lycodes esmarkii All Regions sea fisheries

Macrouridae other than Grenadiers (rattails) other Coryphaenoides Relevant for deep than roundnose grenadier All Regions rupestris and sea fisheries and roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax

Roughhead grenadier Macrourus All Regions Relevant for deep

EN 43 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework (Rough rattail) berglax sea fisheries

RCG Baltic recommendation; Annex IV of the Merlangius Baltic Sea and Black Black Sea Whiting merlangus Sea Biodiversity and Landscape Conservation Protocol

OSPAR I, II, III, IV, OSPAR; European eel Anguilla anguilla Baltic sea HELCOM

Atlantic Salmon *Salmo salar OSPAR I, II, III, IV, OSPAR; Baltic Sea HELCOM

Bluefin tuna OSPAR V OSPAR; *Thunnus thynnus HELCOM

Relevant for deep Blue ling Molva dypterygia All Regions sea fisheries

Relevant for deep Common mora Mora moro All Regions sea fisheries

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Mullet Mugil spp. Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Nesiarchus Relevant for deep Black gemfish All Regions nasutus sea fisheries

Notocanthus Relevant for deep Snubnosed spiny eel All Regions chemnitzii sea fisheries

RCG Baltic Osmerus Smelt Baltic Sea recommendation, eperlanus HELCOM

Regulation (EC) Spanish sea bream Pagellus acarne Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 (min. cons. size)

Pagellus Blackspot seabream Mediterranean Sea Regulation (EC) bogaraveo No 1967/2006

EN 44 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework (min. cons. size)

Regulation (EC) Common sea bream Pagrus pagrus Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 (min. cons. size)

Regulation (EC) Polyprion Wreckfish Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 americanus (min. cons. size)

Polyprion Relevant for deep Wreckfish All Regions americanus sea fisheries

Annex IV of the Black Sea Pomatomus Biodiversity and Bluefish Black Sea saltatrix Landscape Conservation Protocol

Small redfish (Norway Relevant for deep Sebastes viviparus All Regions redfish) sea fisheries

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Beluga Huso huso Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Spiny (deep sea) Trachyscorpia Relevant for deep All Regions scorpionfish cristulata sea fisheries

GSA 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and Annex VIII of the Oceanic sea breams Brama spp. Black Sea GSA 29 Reg. 894/97

Annex IV of the Black Sea Scomber colias Biodiversity and Black sea Gmelin Landscape Conservation Protocol

Crystallogobius National Crystal gobid Black sea linearis management plans

Chimaera Baltic Sea Helcom Rabbit fish monstrosa

EN 45 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

Allis shad Alosa alosa Baltic Sea Helcom

Twaite shad Alosa fallax Baltic Sea Helcom

Autumn-spawning Clupea harengus Baltic Sea Helcom herring subsp.

Zope Abramis ballerus Baltic Sea Helcom

Bleak Alburnus alburnus Baltic Sea Helcom

Asp Aspius aspius Baltic Sea Helcom

Barbel Barbus barbus Baltic Sea Helcom

Gudgeon Gobio gobio Baltic Sea Helcom

Ziege Pelecus cultratus Baltic Sea Helcom

Phoxinus Baltic Sea Helcom Eurasian minnow phoxinus

Vimba Vimba vimba Baltic Sea Helcom

Spined loach Cobitis taenia Baltic Sea Helcom

Trout Salmo trutta Baltic Sea Helcom

Vendace Coregonus albula Baltic Sea Helcom

Coregonus Baltic Sea Helcom balticus Synonym: Coregonus lavaretus, Baltic houting migratory

Coregonus Baltic Sea Helcom maraena Synonym: Coregonus lavaretus, Maraena stationary

Coregonus Baltic Sea Helcom Pallas's houting pallasii

Osmerus Baltic Sea Helcom Marine smelt eperlanomarinus

EN 46 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

Lophius Baltic Sea Helcom Black-bellied angler budegassa

Spinachia Baltic Sea Helcom Sea stickleback spinachia

Entelurus Baltic Sea Helcom Snake pipefish aequoreus

Nerophis Baltic Sea Helcom Straightnose pipefish ophidion

Nerophis Baltic Sea Helcom Worm pipefish lumbriciformis

Greater pipefish Syngnathus acus Baltic Sea Helcom

Broad-nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle Baltic Sea Helcom

Coryphaenoides Baltic Sea Helcom Roundnose grenadier rupestris

Melanogrammus Baltic Sea Helcom Haddock aeglefinus

Pollachius Baltic Sea Helcom Pollack pollachius

Ling Molva molva Baltic Sea Helcom

Lumpenus Baltic Sea Helcom Snakeblenny lampretaeformis

Ocean perch Sebastes marinus Baltic Sea Helcom

Norway redfish Sebastes viviparus Baltic Sea Helcom

Miller's thumb Cottus gobio Baltic Sea Helcom

Alpine bullhead Cottus poecilopus Baltic Sea Helcom

Myoxocephalus Baltic Sea Helcom Shorthorn sculpin scorpius

Longspined bullhead Taurulus bubalis Baltic Sea Helcom

Triglopsis Baltic Sea Helcom Fourhorn sculpin quadricornis

EN 47 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

Cyclopterus Baltic Sea Helcom Lumpsucker lumpus

Striped seasnail Liparis liparis Baltic Sea Helcom

Montagu's seasnail Liparis montagui Baltic Sea Helcom

John Dory Zeus faber Baltic Sea Helcom

Dicentrarchus Baltic Sea Helcom European seabass labrax

Ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta Baltic Sea Helcom

Cuckoo wrasse Labrus mixtus Baltic Sea Helcom

Symphodus Baltic Sea Helcom Corkwring wrasse melops

Greater weever Trachinus draco Baltic Sea Helcom

Wolf-fish Anarhichas lupus Baltic Sea Helcom

Ammodytes Baltic Sea Helcom Lesser sandeel marinus

Ammodytes Baltic Sea Helcom Small sandeel tobianus

Pomatoschistus Baltic Sea Helcom Painted goby pictus

Bullet tuna Auxis rochei Baltic Sea Helcom

Euthynnus Baltic Sea Helcom Little thunny alleteratus

Orcynopsis Baltic Sea Helcom Plain bonito unicolor

Scomber Baltic Sea Helcom scombrus

Hippoglossus Baltic Sea Helcom Atlantic halibut hippoglossus

Swordfish Xiphias gladius Baltic Sea Helcom

Niger Blackfish Centrolophus Baltic Sea Helcom

EN 48 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework niger

Cartilaginous fishes

Anoxypristis RFMOs, High Narrow sawfish All oceans cuspidata priority

RFMOs, High Birdbeak dogfish Deania calcea All oceans priority

Etmopterus RFMOs, High smooth lanternshark All oceans pusillus priority

RFMOs, High Dwarf sawfish Pristis clavata All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Green sawfish Pristis zijsron All oceans priority

Raja (Dipturus) RFMOs, High Norwegian skate All oceans nidarosiensis priority

RFMOs, High Thornback ray Raja clavata All oceans priority OSPAR ; Helcom

RFMOs, High Undulate ray Raja undulata All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Pelagic Thresher Alopias pelagicus All oceans priority

Alopias RFMOs, High Big Eye Thresher All oceans superciliosus priority

RFMOs, High Common Thresher Alopias vulpinus All oceans priority; Helcom

RFMOs, High Starry ray Amblyraja radiata All oceans priority

RFMOs, High priority, Iceland catshark Apristurus spp All oceans Vulnerable species Relevant for deep sea fisheries

Carcharhinus RFMOs, High Silky shark All oceans falciformis priority

EN 49 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

Carcharhinus RFMOs, High Galapagos shark All oceans galapagensis priority

Carcharhinus RFMOs, High Oceanic whitetip shark All oceans longimanus priority

RFMOs, High All Carcharhinus priority, Barcelona Sandbar shark oceans+Mediterranean plumbeus Convention Annex and Black Sea II

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Sand tiger shark Carcharias taurus oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea II

Carcharodon RFMOs, High Great white shark All oceans carcharias priority

RFMOs, High Centrophorus priority, Barcelona Gulper shark All oceans and seas granulosus Convention Annex III; OSPAR

Relevant for deep Gulper shark species Centrophorus spp All Regions sea fisheries

Centrophorus RFMOs, High Leafscale gulper shark All oceans and seas squamosus priority; OSPAR

RFMOs, High Centroscyllium priority, Relevant Black dogfish All oceans fabricii for deep sea fisheries

RFMOs, High Centroscymnus priority, Relevant Portuguese dogfish All oceans coelolepis for deep sea fisheries; OSPAR

RFMOs, High priority, Centroscymnus Longnose velvet dogfish All oceans Vulnerable species crepidater Relevant for deep sea fisheries

RFMOs, High Cetorhinus Basking shark All oceans and seas priority; OSPAR; maximus Helcom

EN 50 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

Chimaera Relevant for deep Rabbit fish (rattail) All Regions monstrosa sea fisheries

RFMOs, High priority, Chlamydoselachus Frilled shark All oceans Vulnerable species anguineus Relevant for deep sea fisheries

RFMOs, High priority, Kitefin shark Dalatias licha All oceans Vulnerable species Relevant for deep sea fisheries

Annex IV of the Black Sea Dasyatis Biodiversity and Stingray Black Sea pastinaca Landscape Conservation Protocol; Helcom

RFMOs, High priority, Relevant Birdbeak dogfish Deania calcea All oceans for deep sea fisheries

RFMOs, High priority, Barcelona Dipturus batis All oceans and seas Convention Annex II; OSPAR; Helcom

White skate * alba OSPAR II, III, IV OSPAR

RFMOs, High priority, Etmopterus Greater lanternshark All oceans Vulnerable species princeps Relevant for deep sea fisheries

RFMOs, High priority, Relevant Velvet belly Etmopterus spinax All oceans for deep sea fisheries ; Helcom

RFMOs, High Winghead hammerhead Eusphyra blochii All oceans priority

EN 51 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

RFMOs, High All Galeorhinus priority, Barcelona school shark, tope shark oceans+Mediterranean galeus Convention Annex and Black Sea II; Helcom

RFMOs, High Galeus priority, Relevant Blackmouth dogfish All oceans melastomus for deep sea fisheries

RFMOs, High priority, Relevant Mouse catshark Galeus murinus All oceans for deep sea fisheries

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Spiny butterfly ray Gymnura altavela oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea II

RFMOs, High All Sharpnose sevengill Heptranchias priority, Barcelona oceans+Mediterranean shark perlo Convention Annex and Black Sea III

RFMOs, High All Bluntnose six-gilled Hexanchus priority, Barcelona oceans+Mediterranean shark griseus Convention Annex and Black Sea II; Helcom

Large-eyed rabbitfish Hydrolagus Relevant for deep All Regions (Ratfish) mirabilis sea fisheries

RFMOs, High Shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchus All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Longfin mako Isurus paucus All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Porbeagle Lamna nasus All oceans priority, OSPAR; Helcom

RFMOs, High All Leucoraja priority, Barcelona Sandy Skate oceans+Mediterranean circularis Convention Annex and Black Sea II

Maltese skate Leucoraja All RFMOs, High

EN 52 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework melitensis oceans+Mediterranean priority, Barcelona and Black Sea Convention Annex II

RFMOs, High Reef manta ray Manta alfredi All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Giant manta ray Manta birostris All oceans priority

Mobula RFMOs, High Longhorned mobula All oceans eregoodootenkee priority

Mobula RFMOs, High Lesser devil ray All oceans hypostoma priority

RFMOs, High Spinetail mobula Mobula japanica All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Shortfin devil ray Mobula kuhlii All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Devil fish Mobula mobular All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Munk's devil ray Mobula munkiana All oceans priority

Mobula RFMOs, High Lesser Guinean devil ray All oceans rochebrunei priority

Mobula RFMOs, High Chilean devil ray All oceans tarapacana priority

RFMOs, High Smoothtail mobula Mobula thurstoni All oceans priority

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Starry smooth-hound Mustelus asterias oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea III

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Common smooth-hound Mustelus mustelus oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea III

RFMOs, High Blackspotted smooth- Mustelus All priority, Barcelona hound punctulatus oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex

EN 53 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework and Black Sea III

Galeus Baltic sea Helcom Blackmouth catshark melanostomus

Scyliorhinus Baltic sea Helcom Small-spotted catshark canicula

Thorny skate Amblyraja radiata Baltic sea Helcom

Leucoraja Baltic sea Helcom fullonica

Torpedo Baltic sea Helcom Spotted torpedo marmorata

RFMOs, High priority, Sailfin roughshark Oxynotus All oceans Vulnerable species (Sharpback shark) paradoxus Relevant for deep sea fisheries

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea II

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Common sawfish Pristis pristis oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea II

Pseudocarcharias RFMOs, High Crocodile shark All oceans kamoharai priority

Pteroplatytrygon RFMOs, High Blue stingray All oceans violacea priority

Relevant for deep Round skate Raja fyllae All Regions sea fisheries

Relevant for deep Arctic skate Raja hyperborea All Regions sea fisheries

Raja Relevant for deep Norwegian skate All Regions nidarosiensus sea fisheries

Spotted ray Raja montagui OSPAR I, II, III, IV OSPAR; Helcom

Whale shark Rhincodon typus All oceans RFMOs, High

EN 54 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework priority

RFMOs, High All Rhinobatos priority, Barcelona Blackchin guitarfish oceans+Mediterranean cemiculus Convention Annex and Black Sea II

RFMOs, High All Rhinobatos priority, Barcelona Common guitarfish oceans+Mediterranean rhinobatos Convention Annex and Black Sea II

Rhinochimaera Relevant for deep Straightnose rabbitfish All Regions atlantica sea fisheries

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Bottlenose skate Rostroraja alba oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea II

RFMOs, High Scymnodon priority, Relevant Knifetooth dogfish All oceans ringens for deep sea fisheries

Selachimorpha (or Selachii), (to be RFMOs, High Other sharks defined by species All oceans priority; Helcom according to landing, survey or catch data)

RFMOs, High Somniosus priority, Relevant Greenland shark All oceans microcephalus for deep sea fisheries ; Helcom

RFMOs, High Scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Great hammerhead Sphyrna mokarran All oceans priority

RFMOs, High Smooth hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena All oceans priority

Spurdog, spiked dogfish Squalus acanthias All RFMOs, High oceans+Mediterranean priority, Barcelona

EN 55 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework and Black Sea Convention Annex III, OSPAR; Helcom

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Sawback angelshark Squatina aculeata oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea II

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Smoothback angelshark Squatina oculata oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea II

RFMOs, High All priority, Barcelona Angel shark Squatina squatina oceans+Mediterranean Convention Annex and Black Sea II, OSPAR; Helcom

Petromyzon Sea lamprey OSPAR I, II, III, IV OSPAR; Helcom marinus

Lampetra River lamprey Baltic sea Helcom fluviatilis

Mammals Mammalia

Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Cetacea – all Conservation of Cetaceans – all species All areas species natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

Rec. GFCM31/36/2012/2 Balaenoptera Minke whale Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the acutorostrata Barcelona Convention

Bowhead whale Balaena OSPAR I OSPAR mysticetus

Blue whale Balaenoptera All OSPAR OSPAR musculus

31 General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

EN 56 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

Northern right whale Eubalaena All OSPAR OSPAR glacialis

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Balaenoptera Sei whale Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the borealis Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Balaenoptera Fin whale Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the physalus Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Short-beaked common Delphinus delphis Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the dolphin Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 North Atlantic right Eubalaena Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the whale glacialis Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Globicephala Long-finned pilot whale Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the melas Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Dwarf sperm whale Kogia simus Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention

Rec. Megaptera Humpback whale Mediterranean Sea GFCM/36/2012/2 novaeangliae & Annex II of the Barcelona

EN 57 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Mesoplodon Blainville's beaked whale Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the densirostris Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Killer whale Orcinus orca Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention; Phocoena Mediterranean Sea; Harbour porpoise Council Directive phocoena OSPAR II, III 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora OSPAR

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Physeter Sperm whale Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the macrocephalus Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Pseudorca False killer whale Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the crassidens Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Stenella Striped dolphin Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the coeruleoalba Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Rough-toothed dolphin Steno bredanensis Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention

EN 58 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/2 Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention

Rec. GFCM/35/2011/5 & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention; Monachus Monk seal All areas Council Directive monachus 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Phoca hispida Conservation of Saimaa ringed seal All areas saimensis natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Halichoerus Conservation of Grey seal All areas grypus natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Harbour seal Phoca vitulina All areas natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

Council Directive Phoca hispida Baltic ringed seal All areas 92/43/EEC on the bottnica Conservation of natural habitats and

EN 59 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework of wild fauna and flora

Birds Aves

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Calonectris Cory's Shearwater Parliament and of borealis the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Phalacrocorax Great Cormorant Parliament and of carbo the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Northern Gannet Morus bassanus Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Puffinus Balearic Shearwater Parliament and of mauretanicus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of

EN 60 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Common Scoter Melanitta nigra Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Phalacrocorax European Shag Parliament and of aristotelis the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Great Shearwater Ardenna gravis Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Fulmarus Northern Fulmar Parliament and of glacialis the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive Calonectris 2009/147/EC of Scopoli's Shearwater diomedea the European Parliament and of the Council on the

EN 61 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Bucephala Barrow's Goldeneye Parliament and of islandica the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of Bucephala Common Goldeneye the European clangula Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of

EN 62 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European European Herring Gull Larus argentatus Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Larus Glaucous Gull Parliament and of hyperboreus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Great Skua Catharacta skua Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of Greater Scaup Aythya marila wild birds; Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Landscape Conservation Protocol

Common pochard Aythya ferina Black Sea Annex IV of the Black Sea

EN 63 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework Biodiversity and Landscape Conservation Protocol

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Lesser Black-backed Larus fuscus Parliament and of Gull the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Little Auk Alle alle Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Stercorarius Long-tailed Jaeger Parliament and of longicaudus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Razorbill Alca torda Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Stercorarius Arctic Jaeger Parliament and of parasiticus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive Arctic Loon Gavia arctica 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of

EN 64 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Puffinus Audubon's Shearwater Parliament and of lherminieri the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Melanitta Black Scoter Parliament and of americana the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Podiceps Black-necked Grebe Parliament and of nigricollis the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive Somateria 2009/147/EC of Common Eider mollissima the European Parliament and of the Council on the

EN 65 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Common Guillemot Uria aalge Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Common Loon Gavia immer Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Mergus Common Merganser Parliament and of merganser the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Histrionicus Harlequin Duck Parliament and of histrionicus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of

EN 66 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Somateria King Eider Parliament and of spectabilis the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Larus Mediterranean Gull Parliament and of melanocephalus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Mew Gull Larus canus Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of

EN 67 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Podiceps Red-necked Grebe Parliament and of grisegena the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Slender-billed Gull Larus genei Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Steller's Eider Polysticta stelleri Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Stercorarius Pomarine Jaeger Parliament and of pomarinus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive Thick-billed 2009/147/EC of Murre/Brünnig's Uria lomvia the European Guillemot Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of

EN 68 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Pterodroma Zino's Petrel Parliament and of madeira the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Pallas's Gull Larus ichthyaetus Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of

EN 69 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Pelecanus Great White Pelican Parliament and of onocrotalus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Oceanodroma Leach's Storm-petrel Parliament and of leucorhoa the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Phalaropus Red Phalarope Parliament and of fulicarius the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Phalaropus Red-necked Phalarope Parliament and of lobatus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Oceanites Wilson's Storm-petrel Parliament and of oceanicus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of

EN 70 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Band-rumped Storm- Hydrobates castro Parliament and of petrel the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Black Tern Chlidonias niger Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Hydroprogne Caspian Tern Parliament and of caspia the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Common Gull-billed Gelochelidon Parliament and of Tern nilotica the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Common Tern Sterna hirundo Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of Pterodroma Desertas Petrel the European deserta Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of

EN 71 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Pagophila Ivory Gull Parliament and of eburnea the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Thalasseus Lesser Crested Tern Parliament and of bengalensis the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Hydrocoloeus Little Gull Parliament and of minutus the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Little Tern Sternula albifrons Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Hydrobates Monteiro's Storm-petrel Parliament and of monteiroi the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii the European Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of

EN 72 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Rhodostethia Ross's Gull Parliament and of rosea the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Sabine's Gull Xema sabini Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Thalasseus Sandwich Tern Parliament and of sandvicensis the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Thayer's Gull Larus thayeri Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Pelagodroma White-faced Storm-petrel Parliament and of marina the Council on the conservation of wild birds

All areas Directive 2009/147/EC of Hydrobates European Storm-petrel the European pelagicus Parliament and of the Council on the conservation of

EN 73 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework wild birds

Lesser black-backed gull OSPAR I OSPAR list of Larus fuscus threatened and fuscus declining species

Ivory gull OSPAR I OSPAR list of Pagophila threatened and eburnea declining species

Steller's eider OSPAR I OSPAR list of threatened and Polysticta stelleri declining species

Little shearwater Puffinus assimilis OSPAR V OSPAR list of baroli threatened and (auct.incert.) declining species

Balearic shearwater OSPAR II, III, IV, V OSPAR list of Puffinus threatened and mauretanicus declining species

Black-legged kittiwake OSPAR I, II, OSPAR list of threatened and Rissa tridactyla declining species

Roseate tern OSPAR II, III, IV, V OSPAR list of threatened and Sterna dougallii declining species

Iberian guillemot Uria aalge – OSPAR IV OSPAR list of Iberian population threatened and (synonyms: Uria declining species aalge albionis, Uria aalge ibericus)

Thick-billed murre OSPAR I OSPAR list of threatened and Uria lomvia declining species

Reptiles Reptilia

All areas Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Lepidochelys Kemp's ridley sea turtle Conservation of kempii natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora; Rec.

EN 74 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework GFCM/35/2011/4 & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention

All areas Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and Loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta flora; Rec. GFCM/35/2011/4 & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention; OSPAR

All areas Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and Dermochelys Leatherback turtle flora; Rec. coriacea GFCM/35/2011/4 & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention; OSPAR

All areas Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and Eretmochelys of wild fauna and Hawksbill sea turtle imbricata flora; Rec. GFCM/35/2011/4 & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention

All areas Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and Green turtle Chelonia mydas of wild fauna and flora; Rec. GFCM/35/2011/4 & Annex II of the Barcelona

EN 75 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework Convention

Rec. GFCM/35/2011/4 Nile soft-shelled turtle Trionyx triunguis Mediterranean Sea & Annex II of the Barcelona Convention

Molluscs Mollusca

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Striped venus Chamelea gallina Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Banded wedge shell Donacilla cornea Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

National Eledone especies Eledone spp. All areas management plans

Mytilus National Mediterranean mussel All areas out of Med galloprovincialis management plans

Annex IV of the Black Sea Mytilus Biodiversity and Mediterranean mussel Black Sea galloprovincialis Landscape Conservation Protocol

Annex II of the Patella Patella spp. Mediterranean Sea Barcelona Convention

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Rapa whelk Rapana venosa Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

EN 76 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework

Acanthocardia National Tuberculate cockle All areas tuberculata management plans

National Murex Bolinus brandaris All areas management plans

National Hard clam Callista chione All areas management plans

National Wedge shell Donax trunculus All areas management plans

Ocean quahog Arctica islandica OSPAR II OSPAR

Azorean barnacle Megabalanus OSPAR V All where OSPAR azoricus it occurs

Dog whelk Nucella lapillus OSPAR II, III, IV OSPAR

Flat oyster Ostrea edulis OSPAR II OSPAR

Azorean limpet Patella All OSPAR where it OSPAR ulyssiponensis occurs aspera

Crustaceans Crustacea

Regulation (EC) Homarus Lobster Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 gammarus (min. cons. size)

Chaceon (Geryon) Relevant for deep Deep-water red crab All Regions affinis sea fisheries

Annex IV of the Black Sea Biodiversity and Brown shrimp Crangon crangon Black Sea Landscape Conservation Protocol

Annex IV of the Black Sea Palaemon Biodiversity and Baltic prawn Black Sea adspersus Landscape Conservation Protocol

Rockpool prawn Palaemon elegans Black Sea Annex IV of the

EN 77 EN

Common name Scientific name Region / RFMO Legal framework Black Sea Biodiversity and Landscape Conservation Protocol

Regulation (EC) Crawfish Palinuridae Mediterranean Sea No 1967/2006 (min. cons. size)

Cnidarians Cnidaria

Rec. GFCM/36/2012/1 Red coral Corallium rubrum Mediterranean Sea & Rec. GFCM/35/2011/2

For prohibited species: only individuals captured dead shall be used. They shall be discarded after the measurements. The data collection is annual and the updating/processing of the data must be done timely to fit the schedule of the stock assessments.

EN 78 EN

Biological Data Table 1E32 Freshwater anadromous and catadromous species

Non marine Species Areas where the Species (common Stock is (Scientific name) name) located/stock code

Eel Management Units as defined European in accordance Anguilla anguilla Eel with Council Regulation (EC) No 1100/200733

all areas of Salmon Salmo salar natural distribution

All inland waters Sea trout Salmo trutta that exit in the Baltic Sea

32 This Table replaces Table 1E of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251. 33 Council Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007 of 18 September 2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel (OJ L 248, 22.9.2007, p. 17).

EN 79 EN

Table 234 Fishing activity (metier) by Region

Level Level Level Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 LOA classes (m) (d) 1 2 6

Mesh size and Activit Gear Gear Target other Gear type

y classes groups assemblage (a) selecti



<12 <18 <24 <40

- - -

s -

< 10 < 10 12 18 24 &+ 40 Boat Anadromous dredge species (ANA) (b) [DRB] Catadromous Dredge species (CAT) Dredges s Mechanise Cephalopods d / Suction (CEP) (b) dredge Crustaceans [HMD] (CRU) Demersal Bottom species (DEF) otter trawl Deep-Water (b) [OTB] species (DWS) Finfish (FIF) Multi-rig Freshwater otter trawl species (no (b) Bottom [OTT] code) trawls Miscellaneous Bottom (MIS) pair trawl Mixed (b) [PTB] Trawls Cephalopod and Demersal Beam trawl (MCF) (b) [TBB] Mixed Crustaceans Midwater and Demersal

otter trawl (MCD) (b) [OTM] Pelagic Mixed Deep- trawls water species Midwater and Demersal pair trawl (MDD) (b)

[PTM] Mixed Pelagic Fishingactivity

34 This Table replaces Table 2 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 80 EN

Hand and and Demersal Pole lines (MPD) (b) [LHP] Molluscs Rods and [LHM] (MOL) Lines Large Pelagic Trolling fish (LPF) (b) Hooks lines [LTL] Small Pelagic and fish (SPF) Lines Drifting Large Pelagic longlines fish (LPF) and (b) [LLD] Small Pelagic Longlines fish (SPF) Set longlines (b) [LLS]

Pots and Traps (b) [FPO]

Fyke nets (b) [FYK]

Stationary uncovered Traps Traps (b) pound nets [FPN]

Fixed installation s for fences (b) and weirs (code needed)

Trammel (b) net [GTR]

Set gillnet Nets Nets (b) [GNS]

Driftnet (b) [GND]

Purse seine (b) [PS] Surroundin Seines g nets Lampara (b) nets [LA]

EN 81 EN

Fly shooting (b) seine [SSC]

Anchored seine (b) Seines (c) [SDN]

Pair seine (b) [SPR]

Beach and boat seine (b) [SB] [SV]

Glass eel Other Other gear fishing (no Glass eel (b) gear code)

Misc. Misc. (Specif (b) (Specify) y)

Other activity Other activity

than fishing than fishing

Inactiv Inactive e

Footnotes: (a) according to existing coding in relevant Regulations (b) according to existing coding in relevant Regulations (c) with Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)/in free schools (d) in the Mediterranean <6m and 6-12m

EN 82 EN

Table 335 Species to be collected for recreational fisheries

Area Species

Salmon, eels and seatrout (including 1 Baltic Sea (ICES Subdivisions 22-32 in fresh water). and cod.

Salmon and eels (including in fresh 2 North Sea (ICES areas IIIa, IV and VIId) water). Seabass, cod, pollack and elasmobranchs

Salmon and eels (including in fresh 3 Eastern Arctic (ICES areas I and II) water). Cod, pollack and elasmobranchs

Salmon and eels (including in fresh North Atlantic (ICES areas V-XIV and water). Seabass, cod, pollack, 4 NAFO areas) elasmobranchs and highly migratory ICCAT species.

Eels (including in fresh water), 5 Mediterranean Sea elasmobranchs and highly migratory ICCAT species.

Eels (including in fresh water), 6 Black Sea elasmobranchs and highly migratory ICCAT species

35 This Table replaces Table 3 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 83 EN

Table 436 Fishing activity variables

Variables 37 Unit


Number of vessels Number

GT, kW, Vessel Age Number


Days at sea Days

Hours fished (optional) Hours

Fishing days Days

kW * Fishing Days Number

GT * Fishing days Number

Number of trips Number

Number of fishing operations Number

Number of nets / Length (*) Number/metres

Number of hooks, Number of lines (*) Number

Numbers of pots, traps (*) Number


Value of landings total and per commercial species Euro

Live Weight of landings total and per species Tonnes

Prices by commercial species Euro/kg

(*) Collection of these variables for vessels less than 10 metres is to be agreed at marine region level

36 This Table replaces Table 4 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251. 37 All variables to be reported at the aggregation level (metiers and fleet segment) specified in Table 3 and Table 5B. and by Sub- region/Fishing ground as specified in table 5Cb

EN 84 EN

Fleet economic Data Table 5A38 Economic variables for the fleet

Variable group Variable Unit

Gross value of landings Euro

Income Income from leasing out quota or other fishing Euro rights

Other income Euro

Personnel costs Euro Labour costs Value of unpaid labour Euro

Energy costs Energy costs Euro

Repair and maintenance Repair and maintenance costs Euro costs

Variable costs Euro

Non-variable costs Euro Other operating costs Lease/rental payments for quota or other fishing Euro rights

Operating subsidies Euro Subsidies Subsidies on investments Euro

Capital costs Consumption of fixed capital Euro

Value of physical capital Euro Capital value Value of quota and other fishing rights Euro

Investments Investments in tangible assets, net Euro

Financial position Long/short Debt Euro

38 This Table replaces Table 5A of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 85 EN

Total assets Euro

Engaged crew Number

Unpaid labour Number Employment

Total hours worked per year Number

Number of vessels Number

Mean LOA of vessels Metres

Fleet Total vessel's tonnage GT

Total vessel's power kW

Mean age of vessels Years

Days at sea Days Effort Energy consumption Litres

Number of fishing Number of fishing enterprises/units Number enterprises/units

Value of landings per species Euro Production value per species Average price per species Euro/kg

EN 86 EN

Fleet economic Data Table 5B39 Fleet segmentation

Length classes (LOA) (1)

10-< 0-< 10 40 m 12 m 12-< 18-< 24-< Active Vessels m or 6-< 12 18 m 24 m 40 m 0-< 6 m larger m

Beam trawlers

Demersal trawlers and/or demersal seiners

Pelagic trawlers

Using “Active” Purse seiners gears Dredgers

Vessel using other

active gears

Vessels using Polyvalent “active” gears only

Vessels using


Drift and/or fixed


Vessels using Pots

Using and/or traps (2) (2) “Passive” gears Vessels using

other Passive gears

Vessels using Polyvalent

“passive” gears only

39 This Table replaces Table 5B of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 87 EN

Using Vessels using Polyvalent active and passive gears gears

Inactive vessels

1. For vessels less than 12 meters in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black sea, the length categories are 0-<6, 6-<12 metres. For all other regions, the length categories are defined as 0-<10, 10-<12 metres.

2. Vessels less than 12 meters using passive gears in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea may be disaggregated by gear type.The fleet segment definition shall also include an indication of the supra-region and, if available, a geographical indicator to identify vessels fishing in outermost regions and exclusively outside EU waters

Fleet economic Data Table 5C40 Geographical stratification by Region

Sub-region/Fishing ground Region Supra region


Cluster of spatial units on level 3 as defined in NAFO (FAO area 21) Table 3 (NAFO Division)

Cluster of spatial units on level 4 as defined in Baltic Sea; North sea; Baltic Sea (ICES areas III b-d) Table 3 (ICES Eastern Arctic; NAFO; subdivision) Extended North Western waters (Ices areas V, VI and North Sea (ICES areas IIIa and IV), VII) and Southern Western waters

Cluster of spatial units on level 3 as defined in Eastern Arctic (ICES areas I and II) Table 3 (ICES Division) North Western waters (ICES areas Vb (only Union waters), VI and VII)

40 This Table replaces Table 5C of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 88 EN

Non Union North Western waters (ICES areas Va and Vb) (only non- Union waters))

Southern Western waters (ICES Cluster of spatial units on zones VIII, IX and X (waters around level 3 as defined in Azores), Table 3 (ICES/CECAF Division) CECAF areas 34.1.1, 34.1.2 and 34.2.0 (waters around Madeira and the Canary Islands))

Mediterranean Sea (Maritime Waters of the Mediterranean to the East of Cluster of spatial units on line 5°36′ West), Mediterranean Sea and level 4 as defined in Black Sea Table 3 (GSA) Black Sea (GFCM geographical sub- area as defined in Resolution FCM/33/2009/2)

Other regions where fisheries are operated by Union vessels and RFMO’s sampling Sub- managed by RFMO’s to which the Other Regions. areas (except GFCM) European Union is contracting party or observer (e.g. ICCAT, IOTC, CECAF…)

EN 89 EN

Table 641 Social variables for the fishing and aquaculture sectors

Variable Unit

Employment by gender Number FTE by gender Number Unpaid labour by gender Number Employment by age Number Employment by education level Number per education level Employment by nationality Number from EU, EEA and Non-EU/EEA Employment by employment status Number FTE National Number

41 This Table replaces Table 6 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 90 EN

Table 742 Economic variables for the aquaculture sector

Variable group Variable Unit

Gross sales per species Euro Income(*) Other income Euro

Personnel costs Euro Personnel costs Value of unpaid labour Euro

Energy costs Energy costs Euro

Livestock costs Euro Raw material costs Feed costs Euro

Repair and maintenance Repair and maintenance Euro

Other operating costs Other operating costs Euro

Operating subsidies Euro Subsidies Subsidies on investments Euro

Capital costs Consumption of fixed capital Euro

Capital value Total value of assets Euro

Financial results Financial income Euro

Financial expenditures Euro

Investments Net Investments Euro

Debt Debt Euro

Livestock used kg Raw material weight Fish Feed used kg

Weight of sales Weight of sales per species Kg

42 This Table replaces Table 7 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 91 EN

persons employed Number/FTE

Unpaid labour Number/FTE Employment Number of hours worked by Hours employees and unpaid workers

Number of enterprises (by category on Number of enterprises Number the number of persons employed)

(*) Includes direct payments, e.g. compensation for stopping trading, refunds of fuel duty or similar lump sum compensation payments; excludes social benefit payments and indirect subsidies, e.g. reduced duty on inputs such as fuel or investment subsidies.

EN 92 EN

Table 843 Environmental variables for the aquaculture sector

Variable Specification Unit

Medicines or treatments By type Gram administered1

Mortalities2 Percent

1. Extrapolated from data recorded under Annex I, point 8 (b), of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 1) 2. Extrapolated as a percentage of national production from data recorded under Council Directive 2006/88/EC (L328, 24.11.2006, p.14), Article 8, Paragraph 1 (b)

43 This Table replaces Table 8 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 93 EN

Table 944 Segmentation to be applied for the collection of aquaculture data45

Hatch eries Polyc techniques1 and Shellfish farming techniques ulture nurse ries2

En Re Off-bottom Ta clo cir nk Ot su cu Rafts Long s he re lat Ca line Po an r s io ges On- nd d m 6 All methods Other an n bottom3 s ra et d sy ce ho pe ste wa ds ns ms ys 5 4

Salmon Trout Sea bass & Sea bream Tuna Eel Sturgeon (Eggs for human consumptio n)Other fresh water fish Other marine fish Mussel Oyster Clam Crustacean Others molluscs

44 This Table replaces Table 9 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251. 45 For definitions of farming techniques, see Regulation (EC) No 762/2008.

EN 94 EN

Multispecie s Seaweeds

Other aquatic organismsFootnotes: 1. Enterprises shall be segmented according to their main farming technique. 2. Hatcheries and nurseries are defined as places for the artificial breeding, hatching and rearing through the early life stages of aquatic . For statistical purposes, hatcheries are limited to the production of fertilised eggs. Further juveniles stages of aquatic animals are considered being produced in nurseries. When hatcheries and nurseries are closely associated, statistics shall refer only to the latest juvenile stage produced. (COM (2006) 864 of 19 July 2007) 3. “On-bottom” techniques cover shellfish farming in inter-tidal areas (directly on the ground or surelevated) 4. Recirculation systems means systems where the water is reused after some form of treatment (e.g. filtering). 5. Enclosures and pens are defined as areas of water confined by nets, mesh and other barriers allowing uncontrolled water interchange and distinguished by the fact that enclosures occupy the full water column between substrate and surface; pens and enclosures generally enclose a relatively large volume of water. (COM (2006) 864 of 19 July 2007) 6. Cages are defined as open or covered enclosed structures constructed with net, mesh or any porous material allowing natural water interchange. These structures may be floating, suspended or fixed to the substrate but still permitting water interchange from below. (COM (2006) 864 of 19 July 2007).

EN 95 EN

Table 1046 Economic and social variables for the processing industry sector that may be collected on a voluntary basis

Variable group Variable Unit


Turnover Euro Income Other income Euro

Personnel costs Euro

Personnel Costs Value of unpaid labour Euro

Payment for external agency workers (optional) Euro

Energy costs Energy costs Euro

Raw material costs Purchase of fish and other raw material for production Euro

Other operational Other operational costs Euro costs

Operating subsidies Euro Subsidies Subsidies on investments Euro

Capital costs Consumption of fixed capital Euro

Capital value Total value of assets Euro

Financial income Euro Financial results Financial expenditures Euro

Investments Net Investments Euro

Debt Debt Euro

46 This Table replaces Table 11 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

EN 96 EN

Number of persons employed Number

FTE National Number

Employment Unpaid labour Number

Number of hours worked by employees and unpaid Number workers

Number of Number of enterprises Number enterprises

weight of raw weight of raw material per species and origin material Kg (OPTIONAL) (OPTIONAL)

SOCIAL VARIABLES Employment by gender Number Employment by age Number Employment by education level Number per education level Employment by nationality Number per country in the world FTE National Number

EN 97 EN