Guide to Air Force Installations Worldwide
Guide to Installations Worldwide 2017 USAF Almanac Whiteman AFB, Mo. A1C Michaela R. Slanchik/USAF Active Duty Installations This section includes Air Force-owned and mand: AFTC/AFMC. Unit/mission: Arnold became a hero of the Mexican-American War -operated facilities around the world. (It also Engineering Development Complex (AFTC/ and early developer of California, as well as a lists the former USAF bases now under other AFMC), flight, space, and missile ground testing. senior appointee/diplomat for four Presidents. service leadership as joint bases.) The section History: dedicated June 25, 1951. Named for Transferred to USAF 1948. Designated AFB does not list all units or agencies at each base. Gen. of the Air Force Henry H. “Hap” Arnold. April 1951. Many USAF installations also host numerous tenants, including other USAF major com- Aviano AB, Italy APO AE 09604. Nearest city: Buckley AFB, Colo. 80011. Nearest city: Den- mand units and civil, DOD, federal, and other Aviano. Phone: 011-39-0434-30-1110. Own- ver. Phone: 720-847-9431. Owning command: service entities. ing command: USAFE. Unit/mission: 31st AFSPC. Unit/mission: 140th Wing (ANG), air FW (USAFE), fighter operations; 724th AMS mobility, fighter operations, mobile missile warn- Altus AFB, Okla. 73523. Nearest city: Altus. (AMC), air transportation services. History: ing; 460th SW (AFSPC), space surveillance, Phone: 580-482-8100. Owning command: dates from 1911 as Italian air base. USAF missile warning; 566th IS (ACC), intelligence; AETC. Unit/mission: 97th AMW (AETC), train- began operations 1954. Air Reserve Personnel Center, Guard and ing. History: activated January 1943. Inactivated Reserve personnel support.
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