Volume 131, Issue 6 (The Sentinel, 1911
THE SENTINEL August 12, 1943 Next Z. O. A. Chief-Dr. Israel Goldstein, head of the Jewish National Fund and the Synagogue Council of America, will be the sole presidential nominee at the convention of the Zionist Organization of America, in Columbus, 0., Zionist leaders have agreed. Prominent Participants in Deliberations in New York, July 20-25, of the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe-(left to right) Dr. Max Lerner, who is Professor of International Law at Williams College and also the chief political writer for PM; United States Senator William Langer of North Dakota, one of five Senators who have announced their intention to put before Congress any workable plan submitted by the Emergency Conference; Eri Jabotinsky, son of the late Vladimir Jabotinsky, ultra-radical Zionist leader; Congressman Will Rogers, Jr., who is now in London to enlist British official and other support of the Conference rescue pro- gram; and Arieh Ben-Eliezer and Dr. Alexander B. Hadani of the Com-.iittee for a Jewish Army, which initiated the Emergency Conference. Notable Record - Mrs. Benjamin Samuels, Women's Supreme Council, B'nai B'rith, war bond chairman, directed the 70-day drive resulting in sales of $13,397,000, bringing the amount sold since January I to almost $20,000,000 of the B'nai B'rith total of $112,500,000 to August I, enough to pay for more than three hundred Flying Fortresses. Successful Mexican Visit of American J. N. F. Official-Mendel N. Fisher, executive director of the Jewish National Fund of America, returned to New York last week after spending ten days conferring with leaders of the Mexican Zionist Organization, who are shown presenting him with a check for 100,000 pesos-$20,000-for Palestine Land Redemption.
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