II. THE ARMORIAL TOMBSTONE OF LADY JONET KER AT RESTALRIG, 1596. BY WILLIAM DOUGLAS, P.S.A.ScoT. In the little building at Restalrig, now known as St 's Well, ther a larg s i e e armorial stone (fig ) commemoratin.1 e deatth g f o h Jonet Ker, Lady Restalrig, in 1596. It measures 6 feet 5 inches by 3 feet 2 inches, and is in a good state of preservation, wite exceptioth he th f o n e thaon t corners, bearing a few words of the in- scription, has been broken off and is founde b o t .t no The inscription running round the margin now reads: ". . . NE • HONOR- ABL ELAD• Y IONE• R • KE LADT - Y RESTALRIG • QUHA • DEP^RTIT • - en YI t i S d -... K,I "an . .6 Al . .. l close heraldin a s c shiel a somewha f do t fanciful pattern e armTh s. displayed are those of Robert Logan, the sixth laird of Restalrig, impaled with those of Ker. It would seem an easy matter, from the information here given, to identify the persons referred to, but the deeper one digs inte Logath o n pedigree th e more tangled does it become. The doom of forfeiture pronounced over the dug- bodp u f Logayo 160n ni 9 still exercises an influence to confound the genealogist. By that doo e namemth , memoryd an , dignite deceaseth f o y d Robert Logan Fig . Tombston1 . Ladf eo y Jonet Ker. were extinct and abolished, his arms Draw . TS . Caldery nb , October 1927. cancelled, rivin d deletean e d froe mth Books of Arms, and his posterity excluded from enjoying any office, land r righto , s within this kingdom.1 e stonO nth e Loga th e n Arm quarteree sar 4thd thusan , thret 1s : e piles in point for Logan. These Arms were on the Logan Seals at the 1 Pitcairn's Criminal Trials, vol. ii. p. 291. 28 PROCEEDING E SOCIETYTH F O S , DECEMBE , 192712 R . time of the Ragman Roll, and were also illustrated in the Armorial de Berry (fig. 2), and were borne by the 1st, 4th, and 5th Logans of Eestalrig without any addition. quarterd 2n e On eaglnth a , e displayes a , is d will be explained later for Lestalrig. On the 3rd quarter, the three papingoes are for Pepdie and Home. Nichola Pepdie, heiress ancienn oa f t Border famil Pepdiee yth f Duno s - glass, married in the fourteenth century Sir Thomas Home, grandfather of Sir Alexander Home foundeo wh , collegiate 140n i dth 3 e church of Dunglass, and whose descendant Elizabeth Home, daughte co-heiresd ran f Cuthberso t Home of Fastcastle, married before 1553 l the fifth Logan Fig. 2. The Logan Arms. of Restalrig. Her son Robert quartered the Home From Armorial de Berry papillgoes on his shield in 1542. The other co-

(1450), Stodart, vol. i. platheiresse f ,f AhsonA THome TT, married Walte• j TUTr nOgilv. f /-»yo -i c i

vii Dunlugas, and their descendants also quartered the Home papingoes on their shields. The Ker Arms are three five-pointed mullets on a chevron—the e chieArmth f f o s famil f thao y t name. orden I identifo rt sevee yth n Logan laird theid san r wives followe ,th - ing lis given s dateti e Th s. inserted after their t necessarilnameno e sar y thos birtf eo deathd h an t recor ,bu firse lasd dth an t referenc themo et . 1. SIR ROBERT LOGAN (1394-1440) was the first of the Logan family to be designed " of Lestalryk." The earliest instance of this is when e namth e "Roberto Logane domin e Lestalrykd o " appeared, among other knights witnessinn i , gchartea f Joho r n Herrie f Terregleo s f o s June 12, 1397.2 Tradition says that he acquired the lands of Restalrig through marriage with a daughter of the last Baron of the ancient famil f Lestalrigo y . Probabl r Robera direcySi s wa t descendanf o t John de Logan, a follower of Bruce, who was in consequence dis- possessed by King Edward I. of the lands of Grougar,3 for Sir Robert

held these same lands in 1394. Certain writers on the family have 8

claime a dlinea l connection with Ada4 e Loganmd witnesseo wh , a d charter of Alexander II., with Walter Logan of the county of Lanark

Thurbardud an Logae e countd sth f no f Dumfrie yo appeao e th swh n ri 6 Ragman wortho tw Roll, witd e yan th h knight r r RoberSi Si s d an t

1 Scots Peerage, . 451p . vol. iv . 2 Beg. Mag. Sig.,vo\. . Appi .. 157 I..No 3 Cal. 428d an .o 5 f Doc.,42 . pp vol. ii . " Reg. Mag. Sig., . 1411No . vol. ii . . ThomsoA 5 boos hi kn n i Coldingham, App. xxxviii. othersd an , . 6 Liber de Scon., p. 41. ARMORIAL TOMBSTON LADF EO Y JONET KER, RESTALRIG9 2 . Walter Logan who died with Douglas on the fields of Spain, and who gained the immortal honour of being named by Barbour, but for such claim no evidence has been produced that merits serious consideration. Sir Robert seems to have married three times, but there is a mystery abou s wives facte onls hi ti e elusiveinferenc y Th t ar yi sb . d an , e that their ascertainede nameb n ca s . His first wife seems to have been a sister of King Robert III., for s designei e h thay db t king " dilecto f ratri su a charteo n "i f 1394o r . J The pros and cons have been discussed by Dr Burnett in his Intro- ductio fourte th o nt h volum e Exchequerth f eo e seveth s nRolls,a t bu lawful daughter f Robero s . havII t e been otherwise married leavee h , s the matter unsettled. His second marriage seems to have been to Giles, daughter of Lord Somerville s unknowni t e dati th storf e eo t Th f thiybu .o , s marriage is told in that curious book Memorie of the Somervilles,2 and runs thus : — " His second daughter, named Geillis after his ladyes mother, he marryes upo r RoberSi n t Logan lairn pori f Restalrigo dd - ha o wh , tione with her the lands of Finningtoune, Beery-hill and Heathry-hill all lying within the barronie of Cambusnethen, and parishen ther of." Giles' elder sister married in 1427 and her younger in 1435, so dates havalloo t r ew he bee Robert'r nSi s second wife. His third marriage seems to have been before 1429, for the name of his wife at that time was Katherine.3 In 1436 a Papal Remissio r plenarfo n y indulgencs wa e grante o "Robert d t Logan donsel noblemaf o n the diocese of St Andrews, and to Catherine his wife noblewoman," n i 1440 d , an 4Masse s were ordere e saib d o r t dRoberfo Si rd " Daman t e Katryne " his spouse, in St Anthony's chapel near chapea , 1430.n li foundem 5 hi y b d s highli t I y probable that this Katherins ewa heirese lase th th t f Baroo s Lestalrigf ns o wa o wh , last hear1382,n i r besidef do fo 6 s possessing their 3 lands, the Logans quartered on their shield (fig. 3) - The Arms of Logan of Restalrig. an eagli e displayedj- i j , whici_- c<-£ hi, were A thj-i.e Arms of bimon From s Heraldr de Lastalric, as borne on his seal of 1296 attached . ' S5 Ragmane th o t Roll.1 Sir Robert was a man of great importance in his time, though, by

1 Reg. Mag. Sig., vol 1411. . liNo .. ' Vol. i. p. 169. 3 Liber de Melros, vol. ii. p. 516. Papal Letters, vol. viii. p. 614. Rogers' St Anthony's Chapel, pp. 7 and 28. 1 Stodart's Scottish Arms, . 176volp . .ii .

6 5 ' Col. of Doc., vol. ii. p. 546. 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, DECEMBER 12, 1927. sellin o Edinburggt h certain rights ove e Por th f Leitr o t 1398n hi e h , was considered to have been an ill-friend to Leith for many years afterwards. e travelledH 1 , during 1396-99 n embassieo , o Englant s d and foreign parts with Sir John of Ramornie, and in 1427 was one of e hostage th e king'th r s fo s appointes ransom.wa e H n 143.d i 9 heredi- tar ye Holyroo bailith r efo d t landLeonards.S f so diee March H d6t h

1439-40.3 His seal (fig. 42 ) attached to a document of 1439 is illustrated from the original in possession of the Society of Antiquaries of .4 He was pre- deceased by his son Simon. 2. SIB JOHN LOGAN (1430-51) was Simon's r Robert'Si d soan ns grandson n 143I e .h 0 receive e honouth d f knighthoodo r e th n o , e occasio royae th birt th f lo f h o ntwin t a s Holyrood.* In 1444 he was appointed by the King, Sheriff of .6 In 1447 he got a sasin f Restalrig, eo "s drowniwa e th d n an 7i t Fig. 4. Seal of Sir Robert Logan watter of Crawmond" in 1451 at the age of

(W39), in possession of the twenty. His wife's name is unknown and there Society of Antiquaries of Soot- • 8 d f y L land. 3. ROBERT LOGAN (1450-87n infana s twa ) whe s fathenhi r died durind an , s minorite warghi th f Philis o d ywa p Moubray of Barnbogle.9 His wife's name is unknown and there is no recors sealhi f .do JOHR 4SI .N LOGA f Roberto Nn "(1486-1513d so Isobell ,an e th s a )wa "

recordes wifs i e nam hi 1490.t th n eI i f s eo dwa tha hele h t dBaroa n 0

1 Court at Restalrig in 1497-8, and tradition has it that he died with 1

his eldest son John at Flodden1 . His seal in 1504 bears three piles in point.13 5. SIR ROBERT LOGAN (1513-43), who got sasine of Restalrig six

weeks after Flodden, havy ma e bee r John Si nt youngea f bu o , n so r 3

his seal bearing a sta1 r with the Logan Arms may indicate a more distant relationship. Elizabeth Hepburn was his wife in 1516,14 and he married secondly, Elizabeth Home, daughter and co-heiress of Cuthbert Home of Fastcastle before 1533.16 He seems to have married thirdly,

I Edinburgh Charters, p. 48. 2 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xli . 306p . .

1 3 Rogers' St Anthony's Chapel, p. 28. Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xli. p. 312. * Book of Pluscarden, vol. i. p. 376. 6 Reg. Mag. Sig., vol. ii. No. 274. 7 Exchequer Rolls, vol. ix. p. 660. 8 Ghron. of James. 45 II., . p 9 Exchequer Rolls, vol. v. p. 548. 10 Reg. Mag. Sig., vol. ii. No. 1951. II Acts of Lords Counciln i Civiln i Causes. 12 Laing's Seals, . 657 volNo . . ii . 13 Exchequer Rolls, vol. xiv. p. 515. l* Reg. Mag. Sig., vol. iii. No. 132. 16 Scots Peerage, vol. iv. p. 451. ARMORIAL TOMBSTONE OF LADY JONET KER, RESTALRIG. 31 Margare t s widoe namEllemhi th f r n s o ei fo , Hi wa t 1 allegiance to the King is recorded before a Notary in 1521, when he and laire " th f Craigmillado r ilkan themself eo f offerit thaim redy till resist the Kings rebellis ";2 but in 1526 he had offended in some way and for remission had to pay a fine. His seal bearing three piles in point

with sta s recorded.i r 4 3 6. EGBERT LOGAN (1534-61) was the son of Sir Robert and Elizabeth Home. In 1539 he received from his father and mother charters of the lands of Restalrig, Grougar, Hutton, and Flemington. Margaret Seton

daughtea s wa wifs f e George hi n ei s Sh wa , fourth Lord Seton, 5

e Queen'f "th o e d sisteon s 6 an f Maries.o r " Soon after 1550, when they granted a joint charter, they appear to have been divorced, for she afterward sf Hamiltoo marrie u so f a Prestondno d die an 1565n rdi , marriede h d an , secondly, Lady Agnes Gray sometime before 1557. Lady

e daughteAgneth s f wa sPatricko r , fourth Lord Gray. Probable yth 8 marriage took place some years befor birt e e datth f 1557th hf o er o fo , thei n Roberso r s calculatei t o havdt e been about 1555. Lady Agnes survived her husband and married, secondly, Alexander fifth Lord Home, and thirdly, the Master of Glamis. On the 20th May 1547 he was appointed to "the keepin e baile-firth f go f Dowhilo e l aboun vacillatinf o n a gs charwa e -"H 9 acter, first siding with the Lords of the Congre- gation and then with the Queen Regent.10 On the 2nd of July 1560 he, for " certain Indignities put upon the Edinburghers, was arrested by Order of the Magistrates and committed to Prison, wit hstrona g Guar securo dt e himt bu ; proving refractory, threatened the Magistrates; for which he was closer confined in Duress."11 He Fig. 5. Seal of the sixth Laird r abouo die n do t 26th August 1561. s seaHi 1l2 attached to a Charter of 1552, s quarterei (fig d 4th) 5 an . , t thre1s d e pilen i s in possessio writerthe nof . point; 2nd, an eagle displayed; and 3rd, three papingoes.13 7. ROBERT LOGAN (1555-1606) was the son of Robert and Lady Agnes Gray d knowan , o famt n e throug s connectiohi h n wite Gowrith h e I Beg. Mag. Sig., vol. iii. No. 2961. « Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. v. p. 155. Lord High Treas. Aces., vol. v. p. 281. Macdonald's Armorial Seals, No. 1743. 3• Beg. Mag. Sig., . 2056volStirlingd No an .. , 205 d iii No f Rentoris o MSS., Hist. MSS.4 Com., vol. v. p. 647. ' Beg. ' ScotsMag. Peerage,Sig., vol 2881. voliiiNo .. . viii 583. p . . 8 Reg. Mag. Sig., . 1203 No vol .. iv . 9 Reg. Privy Council,. 73 . volp . i .

Calderwood's Kirk of Scotland, 484d an . 4 46 . volpp . i .


1 Edin.1 Council Beg., vol quote, . . iii47 20 . f .Maitlandd y db an 9 1 . pp , II Protocol Book Jasf o . Harlaw . 140p , . " Laing's Seals, 658. .volNo . ii . 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, DECEMBER 12, 1927. mystery casualte s warTh .hi f dyo ende 1576,n di which suggeste th s

year of his birth t1 o have been about 1555. He married Elizabeth Makgill before 1576, and from her lie was divorced; afterwards, in 1579, she was carried off by Thomas Kennedy of Culzean, under cover of an armed force, and she and Thomas were subsequently married. Marion

s Logan'Kewa r s widopresumes i t i wn 1606i d an ds ,onl thawa y t i t 2 r threwithio o e deats ntw year hi marrief d ho s ha tha e h td s i her t I . unnecessary to say more of the Gowrie conspirator, for he is already well know historyo nt havI d e,an previously given some detail lifs ehi f so in my paper on Fastcastle.3 For some unknown reason he had, during s lifee yearlasw hi s landsth , fe hi f tthougd solo sl an ,al d h landless when he died on ( ) July 1606, he was a wealthy man. His estate in " geir, sowme f moneo s d dettis,an y " accordin s Testamenhi o t g t Dative, given up on 28th January 1607, amounted to £29,042, 6s. 8d., but that was all escheated to the Crown by the Doom of Forfeiture in 1609. Among interestin ghimo t e sume iteme th ar , du sn i s 18,000 merks Lory b d Balmerino 15,00d an , 0 merky sb the Earl of Dunbar, which were, no doubt, balances purchase oth f e price Restalrif so Fastcastled gan , sold theo t 160m160n d i amon d 56an :an "e geigth r " there n iteia s m "Ane schip with hir armament Eyen i s - mouth, estimat to the sowme of 500 merkis." The possession of this ship, together with the sale of his lands, suggests the idea that he had made prepara- tio flecountre o nt th e a moment' t ya s notice should necessity arise. His seal in 1578 is quartered 1st and 4th, three piles (not conjoined in point); 2nd and 3rd, an eagle 4 displayed; J and that of 1579 (fig. 6) is the same, and

Figsevent. 6. hSea Lairl d oifn 1579th eillustrate, . .„ d her,e , Iro e inm on „possessio r Jno .. Hewa° t . <• T TT j.

S attache Chartea o dt r Craw. 1 Ther drawina s ei a seal f go , purportine b o gt HewatSCrawDEsq J' of Robert Loga 1576n ni Carr'n i , s Coldingham, 224. p , t beari bu s a tman'a s s totalls i hear d yan t different fro e authentimth c seal f 1571579d o s 8an I thin, a kmistak s beeha en made, more especially as Stodart5 remarks that the heart and three seventeenth-centura nail e sar y additio Logae th o nt Arms. Robert Loga e forfeitenth d lairs survivedwa d by— (1) ROBERT his eldest son, presumably by his first wife Elizabeth Makgill 'nams Hi .e appear h August a 6t wri f n i o st , 1606, where h e

1 Excliequer Rolls, vol. xx. p. 544. * Scots Peerage, vol. vi. p. 594. 3 Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. Iv. p. 56. 4 Macdonald's Armorial Seals, No. 1746. " Scottish Arms, . 177 volp . .ii . ARMORIAL TOMBSTONE OF LADY JONET KER, RESTALRIG. SB " and Alexander, erle of Home, taking burding for him and the remanent his brother and sisteris on the one part, and Marion Ker on the other part," submitte arbitratioo t d n unstatena d dispute. s namei e H n i d! the Testament Dative of 1607, and also in the Doom of Forfeiture of 1609.2 After tha worle th t d moreo known m . hi s (2 and 3) GEORGE and JOHN. These names are given on the authority of Msbet. 3t mentioneno The e e Testamenyth ar n di t Dativen i r no , any contemporary document known to me, and, as is seen in the above extract e eldes th ,Robei'n so t brothere t on answer t bu , r presumablsfo y Alexander n Augusi , t s doubtfui 1606 t i , f i Georgl d Johan e n ever existed n thisI . * Stodart seem o agret n swritini r e fo f wit, go me h the saye mh s that Nisbet "is pedigrenhi e seem r wrong."fa s

(4th, 5thd 6than , ) ALEXANDER, JONET d ANN an ,e namee Ear th n di 4 Testament Dativ 161n i f 1607 e6o d thean , y were grante da reversa f o l attainder, on the grounds of their being at the time of their father's forfeiture all minors and had not participated in any of his crimes.6 This restored the mtheio t r former good fam gavd ean e the righe mth t to enjoy any lands they might acquire, otherwise than by succession to their father. Marion Ker was the mother of Anne. n compilinI g this lis I havt d mucha e h help from Major George Logan Home, who, from his large collection of notes on the family of Logan, has given me, besides many useful hints, a copy of Logan's Testament Dative r thes othed Fo an e. r kindnesse I sexpres m hi o t s my thanks. But to return to the stone. Hugo Arnot in 1788, in describing what he calls " a spacious vaulted mausoleum of a circular figure, with yew trees growing on its top, which was originally the family vault of Loga f Restalrig,o n " says: "n thiI s vault e remain, th ther e f ar eo s persons who have been interred there some hundred years ago, particularly thos f Lado e y Jonet Ker, Lady Restalrig, quha departed this life 17th May 1526."° It is next referred to by David Laing in 1861, who, in describing " the mausoleum-looking building .... often sai o havt d e beee crypth nr familo t y vault r erecteSi y b d Robert Logan," but which had been " undoubtedly attached to the College, perhap e chapter-housth s a st Triduan' S s a r eo s Chapel" says: " Inside ther larga s ei e stone uppee th , r part broken off, wit hshiela d n inscriptiof a armso d an , s followa n s :—' Her honorabl• lyete • e an h• e Lady • lonet • Ker • Lady • Restalrig • quha • departit • this • lyfe • 12 • day

1 MSS., Hist. MSS. Com.,. 79 . p 2 Pitcairn's Criminal Trials, . 276volp . . ii . 3 Heraldry, vol. i. p. 202. ' Scottish Arms, vol. ii. p. 178. 5 Reg. Mag. Sig., vol. . 1412viiNo . . 6 History of Edinburgh, . 257p . VOL. LXII. 3 34 PROCEEDING E SOCIETYTH F O S , DECEMBE , 192712 R . of-Mai Ann• l 152o• 6IK.. ' s originait Thi n i s t lston no positio s i e n havy ma e d beean n brought from without."1 t wil I observee b l e d th tha n o t worde w somth no f t eo s giveno e nar stone and that while Arnot gives the date as the 17th of May, Laing has it the 12th. The missing fragment may have been in existence in the t forthcomintimno f Arnos ei o Laingd t i an t gbu , now. The following questions arise in reading the stone : 1st. Who was Lady Jonet Ker ? 2nd. Whic sevee th f hno Logan Restalrif s o r husbanhe s gwa d ? 3rd. If the date 1526 is correct, how do the Home papingoes come to e shieldth n bo e, seeing thae Logan-Homth t e marriagd di e not take place till about 1533 ? o hazardouto t no o correce t sb t Ii freadina t f sucgo hcarefua l schola Davis ra d Laing I ,woul stone tha beey s th date dsa en ha tth n eo misread. The figure " 2 " of the 1526 is broken, and what remains of it now looks more like "9." The date 1526 is obviously wrong, for the Home papingoe Logan e t comth no o et d ssdi until afte Logan-Home th r e marriage about 1533, and their son, the sixth laird, was the first to be entitled to quarter them on his Arms, and they appear on his seal of 1542. However s alreadi e h , y provided witwiveo dated htw an s s forbid a third. If we take it that the date be 1596, it points to the seventh laird, the Gowrie conspirator, as the husband of Lady Jonet Ker. She may easily have bee s seconnhi d wife, for afte s divorchi r e from Elizabeth Makgill, seeme h havo t s e marrie 158n di 6lada y whose nam s unknownei e Th . only allusio thio nt s marriag lettea n i t Octobers ei 1s writte e th rn no 1586 by the Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas, in which he says: " Of late I was forced at Bestalrig's suit to engage some of my cupboard, anbese dth silve t m jewehi rt marriage."fos hadlI ge hi r o t , 2 l Thaal s ti we kno thiwof s marriage significanis it ,but Logan't of tha tone s children was named Jonet. r LadAfo s y Jone havy t ma eKer Lothiae e beeth sh ,f no n family, thoug r namhhe e doe t Scotse occuth sno n ri Peerage. Arme Th s would allow this, and if this were so, it might help to explain why Logan riske lifs shelteo dhi et t Fastcastla r outlae eth w George Ker, brother Eare o th fLothianf lo , whe secretle nh y returned from abroa 1597.n di 3 The buildin t Triduana'S f go s Well whicn i , stone hth placeds ei s wa , restore 190n d i directio y 7b proprietore th f no e Ear th ,f Moray o l r D .

1 Cliarters of Churches, p. Ixi. 1 Hatfteld MSS., Hist. MSS. Com., vol. iii. p. 178. ' Cal. of Border Papers, vol. ii. p. 917. ARMORIAL TOMBSTON LADF EO Y JONET KER, RESTALRIG5 3 .

Thomas Ross, who carried out the work, describes the condition in which he foun . s filleInsidit d wa d t i ewit h eart rubbisd heighe han th o ht t of the capital of the central pillar, and outside, the roof was heaped with a mound of grass-covered earth some 10 to 12 feet deep. He speaks feelinglriddin n i e difficult th d e buildinf ha go th y e repulsivs h yit f go e content f fightino d e constantlan sth g y rising watee b r o t whic d hha systematically pumped out. Whet lasa flooe s t nth lai wa r d dowd nan the last hole in the paving plugged, the water burst through and com- pletely wrecked it, although composed of concrete, asphalt, and heavy stones. After several attempt combao st flowe th trealisee h , d thae tth buildin pars naturaa f gwa o t l hydraulic press, wit heaha f watedo r too great to be overcome, and that it originally had been the well of St Triduana. When finished, clear and limpid water rose to a height of 2 or 3 feet. Unfortunately, a year or two later, during alterations in the drainage system in the neighbourhood, the water failed, and this has left the floor in a very unsightly condition. He was able to prove, fro e stonemth s e eartfounth hn i d moune roofth ,n do tha t therd eha been a chamber above the well, which had been the " Upper Chapel of e Paristh h Churce Blesseth f ho d Virgi f Lestalrino c " referrea n i o dt charter by James III. dated 3rd Nov. 1477. Of this upper chamber,

which resembles the chapter-house at Inchcolm1 , plans and drawings are printed with his paper in the Transactions of the Edinburgh Archi- tectural Association, vol. vii. 1 Beg. Mag. Sig., . 1329 volNo .. ii .