In This Issue: I Told You So . 3 Resolutions . .1 Dear Friends . 3 Camp Wellstone . .1 Knee-Jerk Support . 4 Resolutions for a Blue (as in Democratic) New Year To Impeach . 2 Nova M Radio . 6 by Ross Nickow Live Fire . 2 Looking to 2008 . 8 We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, For information or to volunteer call: cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our 847.266.VOTE (8683) lives…not looking for flaws, but for potential. ~ Ellen Goodman Or write to: Lauren Beth Gash, Chair, Tenth Dems Stay the course… ~ George Bush, Dick Cheney, Mark Kirk PO Box 523, Deerfield, IL 60015 Visit the website: Last year, Tenth News featured its first annual list anything, Democrats are looking to make Newsletter:
[email protected] of New Year’s Resolutions from local Democrats. changes. For the year 2007, some local Democrats Editors Barbara Altman, Paul Kelly Activists in the 10th District, as well as those from embrace the following resolutions and passions: throughout the country, fought for their expressed Editorial Staff David Borris, Carmen Mark Curran, Lake County Corbett, Sheldon Drobny, Karen hopes and dreams for a change in Bush’s disas- Fujisawa, Lauren Beth Gash, Ellen Gill, trous policies by volunteering in overwhelming Sheriff John Hmurovic, Nalani McClendon, Ross numbers. The effort put forth made a critical My goals for the New Year are Nickow, Harry Pascal, Mark Paul, Steve difference at local, state, and national levels as to be a better person, a better Rosenzweig, Steve Sheffey, Nessa evidenced by the November Democratic election citizen, a better father, and a Sweet, Mary Trew, Anne Wedner victories.