ON THURSDAY 19 th MAY 2011 AT 7.00PM

Present: Mr B Frisby, Mr D Martin, Mr M McCarthy, Mr W Chown, Mr M , Mr W Jago, Mr G B Smith, Capt R Atkinson (Harbour Master). Apologies Mr M Hewitt, Mr S Summers.

In Attendance: Mr N Billing (Deputy Harbourmaster), Mrs P Hicks (Secretary), Mr J Porter, Mr I Kitto.

To Take Information The Chairman welcomed Brian Smith as the new and Comments Commissioner for Rock. BF also clarified that from Any Members “Declarations of Interest” should be declared more often of the Public and interested parties would be asked to leave the room Present: when any matters in which a Commissioner has a personal interest are discussed.

John Porter asked the Commissioners if there was any more up to date information regarding the Finding Sanctuary Project and Marine Conservation Zones. A new map had been found on the FS website, which the HM had printed off for discussion. The proposed MCZ was not currently in the main dredged area within port limits but Finding Sanctuary had gone against the advice gained by meeting with the Commissioners and proposed the whole width of the estuary from a line between Cant Hill / Pinkson Creek all the way up to

Polbrock Bridge as a potential MCZ. The new map could

affect Tim Marshall and John Porter’s beds. It doesn’t

affect the water ski area, and it’s not a threat to the Rock

Moorings, dredging or speed limits. The moorings at

Wadebrige could be affected if speed limits are introduced – however FS could not state what measures would be introduced to protect the environment within MCZ’s. DM asked about the Duchy foreshore and fundus and the wild fowling rights. MM noticed that the edge of the estuary is in the MCZ and is still in the port limits, WC said that this won’t affect static gear. John Porter said that he would raise an objection and fight for his muscle and oyster beds, but that this new map might mean the end of the Brixham and Belgium boats that come each year to fish this area, which means loss of revenue.

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BS asked if this would affect our dumping grounds – HM stated that the ‘water column protection zone’ bordered PHC’s licence dump ground and he would need to find out more information. PHC had however just paid for and renewed their three year licence for the dumping grounds, so HM would not envisage a problem until it came to the next renewal. WJ/MM both raised the point that how can PHC determine if they need to object to something if there is no way of knowing what management measures will be put into place before an area is designated. HM stated that most of the ports sector and many other affected bodies had already complained about this very point, however it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. HM reminded the Commissioners that the local MP had also written to DEFRA but as yet had not received a reply. HM to write to FS noting objections to the extended area (Cant Hill to Polbrock), the potential effect on revenues being lost on visiting beam trawlers and to ask for more information on the effects on PHC’s licensed dumping grounds.

Invoices and Invoices totalling £144,473.17 had been paid during this Payments for the period. period ending 11.05.11 HM confirmed that the electricity bill for the Fishermen’ s Stores (Query raised last meeting) was estimated and would even itself out on the next meter read. The water rates for Rock Public Conveniences had been based on a reading, but had been high because the previous bill was based on an underestimated figure.

WC commented that the insurance renewal was a reduced amount this year. HM informed the Commissioners that Aston Scott had ‘gone out to market’ with a presentation detailing our insurance needs and safety measures to compare premiums. Navigators and General came back with the lowest quote and although HM had been reluctant to exit what had been a very good relationship with the current insurers, the difference in premiums was too large to ignore. N&G gave PHC a fixed price for three years with a 7% discount provided that we don’t make any claims over 20% of the annual insurance premium.

WJ asked about John Piper’s invoice – HM informed the Commissioners that, yet again, someone had deliberately blocked the drain by forcing a towel down the toilets at Rock.

DM asked about the paint from Practical Compounds. This is special paint for the coating the new pontoon piles which had inevitably been scratched during 28/06/2011 2

installation. The extra paint ordered will be used on the inner harbour pontoon piles next time the harbour dries down for maintenance.

Approval of Minutes The minutes circulated to the Commissioners prior to this 04/11 meeting were then adopted as a true and accurate record of meeting 04/11.

Matters Arising Socket on the New Pontoon – This was deferred from from Meeting the last meeting and because Mr A Smith had not 04/11 attended this meeting BF asked BS his opinion on the socket. BS stated that it would not be used by the Water Taxi because of health and safety matters and because there was no wheelchair access from the pontoon. BF asked the Commissioners if they were all happy not to 05/11/01 install the socket and all agreed. BS said that the slipway would have to remain ‘as is’ until the end of the season and then the Commissioners would review to decide if they wished to alter it.

The new steps for the trip boat pontoon had been returned from the galvanisers and would be installed soon but there was a delay on the clamps as Mr Clive Kemp from Walcon had been very ill.

Tina Evans – HM had written to Tina Evans advising her that the donations had now been forwarded to the charities.

Patrol/Pilot Boat RHIB – MCA had finally given their consent to using a RHIB as an occasional pilot boat, but they would be specifying an endorsement stating that the RHIB was not to be used for pilot duties with ships carrying dangerous goods because of the petrol engines. Nick Billing had been to Quinquiri Marine to have a meeting with them and with Mecal to iron out any questions about the boats spec. HM had given Quinquiri approval to start sourcing the hull and tubes for the vessel.

St Minver Lowlands – Parish Meeting – WJ had attended the meeting. The council raised concerns about the Rock toilets closing times in the evening and hinted that they might be able to get someone to lock them in the evenings. Await contact from the council.

Metcalfes Solicitors – This personal injury claim had been passed on to Sunderland Marine (the ferry insurers) to deal with.

Professional Indemnity Insurance – The quote (for P.I.I. to cover the harbours licensing activities) had been accepted. As this was a cost which was unavoidable (the 28/06/2011 3

MCA had insisted on all its authorised agencies providing them with indemnity) the cost would need to be passed on to the PHC licensed vessels when the next schedule of rates meeting was held.

Red Brick Building – the CCTV camera covering the entrance to and the area in front of the toilets was currently being installed.

Financial Briefing The Commissioners read the financial briefing prepared by Nicky Dyer.

HM pointed out to the Commissioners that the dredger had completed some good contracts and more enquiries had been received – income for this area was doing very well.

MM informed the Commissioners that Mrs Dyer had passed all her recent accountancy exams. The Commissioners would like to congratulate Mrs Dyer on her success and send a bouquet of flowers. HM to action.

Correspondence Mr Josh Humphries – writes to the Commissioners regarding his harbour charges and to clarify the differences in his harbour dues and those of other fishing boats. HM stated that he had not moved Mr Humphris onto the preferential rate for bona fide fishing vessels ‘beneficially owned and operated from Padstow, Port Isaac or ’ because “this concession is given at the discretion of the Padstow Harbour Commissioners” as published on the schedule. As yet Josh Humphries had not proved himself to be a bona fide fisherman and was still making minor mistakes which inconvenienced the harbour and other harbour users. BF asked the HM to write to him along these lines, pointing out the reasons why he was being charged the rate for a visiting fishing vessel.

Cornwall Council - Road Traffic Order, Rock – The proposed new Traffic Order only changes the dates that the parking regulations start on one side of the road to dates earlier in the year. HM had telephoned the Council and they hadn’t realised it was our leased land. As long as the Council agree not to send enforcement officers onto our land, PHC would not object to the proposals. The Commissioners could still ask for the TRO to be removed at a later date – decided to monitor the situation over the busy summer season.

Mary Hibbert – Writes to let the Commissioners know that Mr John Hibbert had died and asks for the transfer of his mooring - N4 to her. HM had tried to phone but 28/06/2011 4

had no success. The Commissioners needed more information, HM to write to Mrs Hibbert and bring the information to the next meeting.

Ralph & Co – Black Tor Ferry Lease – The Lease had now been signed, sealed and retuned and they also included an invoice from the Duchy’s solicitors.

Mr Richard Taylor – Writes re the damage to his boat on the Rock mooring last year. The commissioners did not feel that PHC was at fault because the damage would not have occurred if the boats had been fitted with propeller protection as required in PHC’s terms and conditions. HM explained that Mr Taylor was a very good longstanding customer of PHC’s and the Commissioners discussed the matter of compensation as a “without prejudice” one off payment. Some Commissioners felt that making a payment would appear to be admitting liability and would set a precedent for any future issues. The Commissioners decided to vote on the matter. Yes – 3 votes. No - 4 votes. HM to write to Mr Taylor regarding their decision not to pay any compensation. 05/11/02

Mr A McRae – writes to the Commissioners to thank them for all the help received from Rob Norfolk (Berthing Master) during their stay. They also comment about the exceptional cleanliness of the shower blocks around the harbour.

Mr I Kitto – (letter received on the night of the meeting) – Writes to ask about operating another 12 passenger rib from Padstow harbour. MM asked about other names on the waiting list to operate trip boats. HM explained that there was a list, but some of the names would probably no longer be interested. PHC had capped the number of boats operating from the harbour to 12 for health and safety reasons – now the new pontoon was operational, this number could be re-assessed. HM also stated that one of the limiting factors on the number of boats operating was the available mooring space in the North Dock. Any owners who already had a mooring or could keep the boat elsewhere would be easier to accommodate than those expecting a mooring space within the harbour. Mr Kitto said that he is willing to launch his boat on a daily basis if there isn’t a place for him to moor in the harbour. Commissioners instructed HM to write to everyone on the waiting list enquiring whether they still wanted to run a trip boat, and if so, what were their plans. As Mr Kitto was already on the waiting list and ready to order a boat imminently, he would like a decision soon if possible. The Commissioners decided to give Mr Kitto permission 28/06/2011 5

to operate from the pontoon, providing that he launch the boat in and out every day. Proposed by MM and 05/11/03 seconded by ME and carried.

Port Administrators Name for Patrol/Pilot RHIB - A name was required for the Business new RHIB – ME had suggested “Stepper” or “Stepper Point”. The Commissioners agreed on “Stepper” - 05/11/04 proposed by MM, Seconded by DM and carried.

Mannin – HM had gone to Dry Dock for a quote for repairs to the Mannin and replacing the propeller. Quote was acceptable – although this was not a guaranteed final figure. HM authorised to go ahead and organise dry dock at Penzance early July.

Black Tor II – New Engines and Gearbox – A quote of £39,993 had been received for the two new Perkins engines. Additional costs would also be incurred for the larger coolers which would be needed for these new engines. If these new engines were a success then it may be a good idea to re-engine the Black Tor 1 with a similar design next winter, as the hours on her engines were getting excessive.

Finding Sanctuary – already covered

Items for Party in the Park (MM) – In the last two years the Discussion Commissioners and staff had got together at a bbq at the harbour. This year MM thought it might be nice to do something different and he suggested “Party in the Park” at Prideaux Place on Friday 17 th June at 6.30 p.m. The Commissioners will pay for the staff, Commissioners and one guest each. All we have to do is bring our own picnic. The Commissioners agreed this was a good idea –HM to action.

Buoys at Cant Hill (WJ) – WJ had received complaints about the buoys marking the oyster beds at Cant Hill and Porthilly – some felt that they were taking over waterskiing area. RSWSC had reported that there were also buoys at Tregonce. HM and WJ had taken a trip in the rib to look and found no buoys at Tregonce, but some of the buoys at Cant Hill were unsuitable. HM to ask Tim Marshall to change the buoys marking his beds.

Road Traffic Order – Rock (WJ) – already covered.

Date of Next 23 rd June 2011 at 19.00 hrs in the Padstow Harbour Meeting Office.

There being no other business, the meeting closed to the public at 20.35 hrs. 28/06/2011 6

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