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Fixed and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland

L ukasz Lach

AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Applications of Mathematics in


Online at MPRA Paper No. 52280, posted 17. December 2013 06:50 UTC Systems Science, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2010



In this paper, the results of testing the causal interdependences between the gross fixed and GDP in Poland are pre- sented. Some recent theoretical deliberations (like alternative method of testing for direction and sign of long run causality) and econometric tests (bootstrap procedure, nonlinear causality test) were applied. The dataset included quarterly data for the period Q1 2000–Q4 2009, however the research was also performed for non-crisis subsample (Q3 2002–Q2 2008). Due to theoretical (formu- lation of growth models) and practical (omission of important variables) reasons employment was chosen as an additional variable. The significant evidence of run feedback between fixed and GDP as well as between fixed assets and employment were found in both periods analyzed. However, the long run positive impact of fixed capital on economic growth was found only for reduced sample. Moreover, the robustness of these results was also approved. The results of this paper provided evidence to claim that fixed capital in Poland is still under its growth-maximising level. Al- though participation in UE stimulated rise in fixed assets, economic crisis have distorted this process. The main policy recommenda- tion resulting from this paper is that the Polish government and private sector should definitely increase the level of fixed invest- ment.

Keywords: fixed assets, economic growth, employment, Granger causality, impulse response

1. Introduction the level and quality of post-Soviet fixed assets, on the one hand, but on the other hand tend to invest reasonably (especially in public infrastructure) to There is no doubt that the fixed capital is one of the avoid the risk of slowing down the pace of economic fundaments of each economy. The economic activity growth. of society requires machines, devices, equipment, In this paper, the case of Poland is analyzed, be- roads, track, power grids, airports, water systems, cause this country is the largest in Central Europe. telephones and other forms of fixed assets. Thus, it Furthermore, Poland was the first of former Eastern seems obvious that economic growth and develop- Bloc countries which started its transition process in ment are strongly dependent on available fixed capi- 1988 and was the only European country whose GDP tal. However, in this specific type of growth rate in 2001 and 2008 remained positive de- capital reduces investment in other types of capital, spite the global economic crises and only little fiscal e.g., the . Moreover, existing fixed stimulus (as in most CESEE countries). To the best assets must be paid for (purchase, investment, main- of the author’s knowledge there are no contributions tenance, repairing, modernization, utilization, etc.), concerning gross fixed capital formation and eco- which increases current expenditures and addition- nomic growth for transitional country from Central ally reduces other investment and . Therefore, Europe which would use reliable up-to-date quarterly it is fully justified to ask whether gross fixed capital data together with recent theoretical solutions and formation in specific economy is below, under or econometric techniques 1. Such an analysis may be of about its growth-maximising level. This question is interest for policy makers both in Poland (in terms of of a great importance especially for economies in maintaining its economic development and increas- transition from Central Europe which aim to improve ing , especially in the public infra-

______* Department of Applications of Mathematics in Economics, Faculty of Management, AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland, tel.: +48 12 6174218, fax: +48 12 6367005, e-mail: [email protected] 1 Due to the lack of reliable datasets of sufficient size, most of the previous papers used panel datasets instead analysing time series for individual country (see Section 2). 34 à. L ACH structure) as well as in other transition economies, economic growth. Similar links between telephones not necessarily in the Central Europe. (one of the physical measures of infrastructure, which, The remainder of the paper is organized as fol- in general, is a dominating component of gross fixed lows. In the next section a literature overview is capital formation) and economic growth were estab- given. In Section 3, the main research conjectures lished by Canning et al. [9]. The cross country contri- concerning the interrelations between gross fixed bution by Sanchez-Robles [36] in turn proved that capital formation and economic growth in Poland electricity generating capacity and road length were are presented. Section 4 contains details of the da- found to have a positive impact on GDP. taset applied. The methodology is briefly discussed On the other hand, there are also empirical studies in Section 5. The empirical results are presented and which provide basis to claim that causality runs in discussed in Section 6. Section 7 concludes the opposite direction, i.e., from GDP growth to fixed paper. capital. Blomstrom et al. [7] performed an analysis of 101 countries using five-year averages of fixed in- vestment shares and GDP growth for the years 1965– 2. Literature overview 1985. They found evidence of unidirectional causality from GDP growth rates to investment rates, but not vice versa. Carrol and Weil [11] performed analogous The early contributions concerned with the dynamic analysis for 64 countries obtaining a similar general interactions between fixed capital and economic conclusion. growth focused mainly on the largest economies of Finally, there is a group of papers which report the world. In general, previous empirical papers can causality running from gross fixed capital formation be clustered into two major groups: contributions (or its major components) to GDP, however, the sign related to public expenditure (in particular, investment of this impact is found to be negative. The latter in public infrastructure) and papers dealing with the means that in some economies fixed capital is above role of fixed capital (machines, equipment, etc.) in the its growth-maximising level, which causes slowdown development of manufacturing process. of the rate of economic growth. Devarajan et al. [14] Aschauer [3] examined the dynamic interrelations examined 43 low- and middle-income countries using between aggregate productivity and government- data covering the period from 1970 to 1990. They spending variables in the case of the USA. The find- found that fixed capital expenditures – usually thought ings of this paper confirmed significant positive im- to be the foundation of economic development – may pact of non-military stock and infra- have been excessive in the economies examined. structure (e.g., roads, airports, water systems, etc.) on Moreover, their results confirmed that governments in productivity. In his later study, Aschauer [4] exam- developing countries being analyzed have been mis- ined the dynamic links between productivity and dif- allocating their resources. Ghali [19] examined the ferent forms of government spending in the case of G-7 case of Tunisia – a developing country implementing countries. He found that shift in government spending the IMF debt-stabilization programmes – and showed from investment in fixed assets (mainly infrastructure) that in the economy examined public investment was to consumption led to significant decrease in the level having a negative short-run impact on private invest- of output. ment and a negative long-run impact on both private The positive impact of fixed assets on economic investment and economic growth. growth has been reported by many authors. De Long The papers presented above are only representa- and Summers [12] found strong causal link running tives of the main research streams. The body of lit- from equipment investment to economic growth. In erature concerned with importance of fixed assets in their cross section of nations each percent of GDP economic growth is expressly larger. Nevertheless, invested in equipment raised GDP growth rate by 1/3 of one can see that the previous empirical literature pro- a percentage point per year, which was interpreted by vided solid evidence to claim that dynamic interrela- the authors as a fact revealing that the marginal prod- tions between investment in fixed capital and eco- uct of equipment is about 30 percent per year. In their nomic growth are not unique and strongly depend on later contribution, De Long and Summers [13] applied characteristics of specific economies. Previous papers more recent data and found that equipment positively have shown that simple assumption that the more the affects productivity. Easterly and Rebelo [17] applied fixed assets the higher the economic growth may be cross country data and found that fixed investment in clearly false, even for developing economies and long transport and communication has a positive effect on run perspective. Therefore, the examination of an Fixed capital and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland 35 issue discussed in the case of Poland seems to be fully To summarize, the empirical investigations of this justified. paper were conducted in two research variants, i.e., a three-dimensional approach involving GDP , EMPL and GFCF in Poland in the period Q1 2000–Q4 2009 3. Main research conjectures (full sample) and a two-dimensional approach in- volving GDP pc and GFCF pc in Poland in the period Q3 2002–Q2 2008 (non-crisis subsample). Some ad- In this paper, abbreviations are used for all the vari- ditional details justifying the choice of variables for ables. Table 1 contains some initial information 2. both periods are presented in the Appendix.

Table 1. Units, abbreviations and short description of variables examined. Abbreviation Description of variable Unit Period for variable Real quarterly gross Full sample domestic product mln PLN GDP (Q1 2000–Q4 2009) in Poland Employment in Poland Full sample based on quarterly thousands EMPL (Q1 2000–Q4 2009) Labour Force Survey Real quarterly gross Full sample mln PLN GFCF fixed capital formation (Q1 2000–Q4 2009) Real quarterly gross Non-crisis subsample domestic product mln PLN GDP (Q3 2002–Q2 2008) pc per capita in Poland Real quarterly gross Non-crisis subsample fixed capital formation mln PLN GFCF (Q3 2002–Q2 2008) pc per capita in Poland

The empirical research was performed for two sam- The main goal of this paper is to examine the ples, i.e., the full sample (Q1 2000–Q4 2009) and structure of causal dependences between economic non-crisis subsample covering the period Q3 2002–Q2 growth and fixed capital in Poland in the last decade. 2008. The motivation to analyze this specific subsam- The first step in causality analysis is test for the sta- ple is twofold. First, the subsample examined covers tionarity of all the variables under study. This is the the time of significant rise in gross fixed capital for- crucial precondition of traditional causality testing. mation in Poland 3. Secondly, in the case of full sample Since GDP, the situation in the labour market and the the application of recent method of testing for direc- size of fixed capital were, in general, dynamically tion and sign of long run impact of fixed capital on changing in the last decade, one may formulate the GDP growth adopted from Canning and Pedroni [10] following: and modified in this paper was impossible 4. Conjecture 1: All time series under study (for re- spective periods) are nonstationary. 2 Details on dataset applied are presented in Section 4. 3 Starting from the third quarter of 2002 Polish economy has Economic theory (production functions, growth mod- gone out from crisis which started in 2001. Moreover, at the Co- els) predicts a strong dependence between labour in- penhagen European Council held on 12 and 13 December 2002, put and production output as well as between various the negotiations between Polish government and EU authorities forms of capital (especially fixed capital) and output. were formally ended. These facts clearly opened a gate for in- Therefore, by analogy, one can presume the existence crease in investment in fixed assets (modernization of equipment, investment in public infrastructure). However, the upward ten- of short run causality between these two sets of vari- dency was stopped by the crisis of September 2008. ables in the Granger sense. Since dependences based 4 This approach (see the Appendix) is based on two theorems on production functions are usually expressed by which originally (see [10]) were related to infrastructure capital. monotone increasing functions (with respect to em- This paper contains not only adaptation of these theorems to over- ployment or capital) feedback, i.e., a mutual Granger all fixed capital but also slight extension of the idea discussed (see the Appendix, point T7). In general, the use of both theorems causality between employment and GDP as well as requires fulfilment of three assumptions, which are formally veri- between fixed capital formation and economic fied for both periods analyzed. growth, can be expected. The existence of these links 36 à. L ACH implies short run feedback between employment and Therefore, it seems to be especially important to ex- fixed capital. However, taking into account the law of amine the following: diminishing marginal returns it is hard to expect that Conjecture 4: In the non-crisis subsample (Q3 2002 these dependences are of linear nature. Therefore, it –Q2 2008) there was a significant and positive seems reasonable to formulate: long run feedback between GFCF pc and GDP pc in Conjecture 2: In the period 2000–2009 there was Poland. a short run feedback between GDP and GFCF as Beside the use of modification of Canning and well as between EMPL and GFCF. The nature of Pedroni’s [10] procedure the standard impulse response these dependences was rather nonlinear. (IR) methodology was additionally applied in order to As already mentioned the period 2000–2009 was the test Conjecture 4, despite the fact that vector autore- time of dynamic changes in Polish economy. The gression based estimates of IR analysis are often criti- Crash of 2000–2002 (IT bubble) caused cised due to high sensitiveness to misspecification of the loss of 5 trillion USD in the market value of com- the underlying unit root and cointegration properties of panies from March 2000 to October 2002. On 11 the data, which lead to serious inaccuracy of results, September 2001 terrorist destruction of the World especially for long horizons (see, e.g., [18] and [35]). Trade Center Twin Towers speeded up the stock mar- On the other hand, contrary to Canning and Pedroni’s ket crash. The NYSE suspended trading for four ses- [10] procedure the IR analysis allows the magnitude of sions. Moreover, in the year 2001 Polish budget defi- shocks to be measured. Therefore, the application of cit exploded and reached by the beginning of August these two different methods of measuring the long run 2001 the level of 100 billion USD. Release of this impact of fixed capital formation on economic growth unexpected information by Polish finance minister seems to be especially important in terms of robustness Jaros áaw Bauc caused immediately deep drop of ex- and validation of empirical results. change rate of Polish zloty, capital flight from Poland In addition, testing the above conjectures is be- and crash on Warsaw . In conse- lieved to provide some details about impact of eco- quence, the investment outlays have been cut and nomic crises and EU accession on the structure of GDP growth rate dropped. The aforementioned con- causal dependences between fixed assets and GDP in sequences of EU accession and crisis of September Poland in the last decade. In general, the suppositions 2008 caused further fluctuations in gross fixed capital reflected in hypotheses 2–4 lead to formulation of the formation in Poland. However, contrary to the fixed last conjecture: capital formation, the GDP in Poland exhibited a sta- Conjecture 5: The economic crises of August 2001 ble upward tendency in the last decade. and September 2008 as well as process of integra- These facts lead to some doubts about the possi- tion with economic and political structures of Euro- bility of existence of long run impact of GFCF on pean Union had a significant impact on the nature of economic growth in Poland . Thus, it is likely that the causal dependences between gross fixed capital for- following conjecture might be true: mation and GDP in Poland in the last decade, espe- Conjecture 3: In the period 2000–2009 there was cially in terms of long run equilibriums. no significant long run impact of GFCF on GDP. The hypotheses listed above will be tested by some On the other hand, in the non-crisis subsample one recent causality tests and procedures. The details of could observe a stable rise in GFCF , EMPL and GDP the testing methods will be shown later (Section 5). time series. Moreover, in this case all modelling as- The test outcomes depend to some extent on the test- sumptions required for application of recent theoreti- ing methods applied, thus testing the robustness of all cal method of testing for direction and sign of long empirical findings is one of the main goals of this run causal dependences developed by Canning and paper. Before describing the methodology, in the next Pedroni [10] were fulfilled 5. At this place in is also section brief characteristics of all the time series in- important to underline that examining the long run cluded in this study are presented. impact of fixed capital on GDP is especially impor- tant, since short run causal link may be related to business cycle or multiplier effects and die out with- 4. The dataset and its properties out having a lasting effect on economic growth.

The first part of this section contains a description of the 5 See the Appendix. dataset applied. In subsection 4.2, the stationarity prop- Fixed capital and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland 37 erties of all the time series are examined. The identifica- a causality analysis based on annual data could not tion of the orders of integration of the time series under have been carried out due to the lack of the degrees of study is a crucial stage of causality analysis. freedom. However, as shown in some papers ([23]) the application of low frequency data (e.g., annual) 4.1. Description of the dataset may seriously distort the results of Granger causality analysis because some important interactions may stay hidden. The chosen dataset includes quarterly data on GDP, The originality of this paper is also related to an- employment and gross fixed capital formation in Po- other fact. As far as the author knows this is the first 6 land in the period Q1 2000–Q4 2009 . Moreover, the study which analyses dynamic interactions between specification of the aforementioned theoretical proce- quarterly gross fixed capital formation and economic dure (see the Appendix) encourages application of growth in Poland, which is a leading country in the GDP per capita and gross fixed capital formation per CEE region. As already mentioned, majority of the capita for reduced sample (Q3 2002–Q2 2008). Thus, previous papers were based on application of panel the dataset contains five variables with 40 (full sam- datasets and annual data. The lack of reliable time ple) or 24 observations (non-crisis subsample). In series of sufficient size is a common characteristic of order to remove the impact of , GDP and most post-Soviet economies and causes serious prob- gross fixed capital formation were calculated at con- lems to the researcher. However, the application of stant prices of the year 2000. reliable quarterly data and modern econometric tech- Since the time series of GDP, employment and niques (described in detail in Section 5) provided gross fixed capital formation were all characterized by a basis for conducting this leading research for one of significant quarterly seasonality, and this feature often the transitional European economies. leads to spurious results of causality analysis, the X- The initial part of data analysis contains some de- 12 ARIMA procedure (which is currently used by the scriptive statistics of all the variables. Table 2 con- U.S. Census Bureau for seasonal adjustment) of Gretl tains suitable results obtained for seasonally adjusted 7 software was applied to adjust each variable . Next, and logarithmically transformed time series. the GDP per capita and GFCF per capita time series In order to conduct a comprehensive preliminary were constructed using seasonally adjusted series of analysis the charts for all the variables under study 8 GDP, gross fixed capital formation and employment . should also be analyzed. Figure 1 contains suitable Finally, each variable was transformed into logarith- plots. mic form, as this operation allows application of lin- In the years 2000–2009 there was a relatively sta- ear form of classical growth models. Moreover, this ble development of the Polish economy since GDP Box–Cox transformation may stabilize variance and exhibited an upward tendency. One cannot forget that therefore improve the statistical properties of the data, the Polish economy was one of the few that managed which is especially important for parametric tests. to avoid an undesirable impact of the 2001 and 2008 The important point that distinguishes this paper crises. However, until the third quarter of 2002 and from previous contributions on fixed capital and eco- after September 2008 one could observe a relatively nomic growth is the application of (less aggregated) low rate of growth of the Polish economy in compari- quarterly data. This is mainly because the data neces- son to other quarters. Similarly, for EMPL in the pe- sarily covered only the recent few years and therefore riod analyzed there was a stable rise between 2003 and 2008, while slight drops were observed until the 6 The Central Statistical Office in Poland (GDP, employment) end crisis of 2001 and after beginning the crisis of and The International Monetary Fund (gross fixed capital forma- September 2008. These tendencies are even more tion) provided the data applied in this paper. evident for GFCF time series. In this case, both crises 7 The seasonal adjustment is also important for assumptions reflected in (2) and (3) in the Appendix. Namely, the quarterly caused significant drops in gross fixed capital forma- seasonality (e.g., parts of the year, annual settlements, etc.) may tion. However, as Fig. 1 shows the finalisation of ne- be an important factor determining the amount of funds going to gotiations with EU and first four years of participation fixed investment during a year. However, when variables under in European systems and structures (political and eco- study are seasonally adjusted, equations (2) and (3) are indeed nomic) was a time of significant rise in both employ- reasonable, as they describe the dynamics of general trends. All ment and GFCF in Poland. Finally, one should note these suppositions were verified using regression-based approach (see the Appendix). that these conclusions are also reflected in charts of 8 As suggested in [10] the workforce was identified with GDP pc and GFCF pc , where significant upward ten- population. dency is clearly present. 38 à. L ACH

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of variables examined. Full sample Non-crisis subsample Variable GDP EMPL GFCF GDP EMPL Quantity pc pc Minimum 12.11 9.51 10.41 9.51 7.79 1st quartile 12.15 9.53 10.45 9.60 7.83 Median 12.26 9.57 10.58 9.63 7.86 3rd quartile 12.41 9.63 10.83 9.67 8.10 Maximum 12.49 9.68 10.93 9.70 8.18 Mean 12.28 9.58 10.62 9.63 7.92 Std. deviation 0.12 0.09 0.18 0.04 0.12 Skewness 0.27 0.48 0.42 –0.42 0.74 Excess kurtosis –1.40 –1.12 –1.36 –0.71 –0.97

Fig. 1. Plots of time series examined. Fixed capital and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland 39

In the next subsection, the descriptive analysis Table 3 contains summary of the results of the sta- of the time series included in the dataset will be tionarity analysis. Bold face indicates finding nonsta- extended by stationarity testing. This is a crucial tionarity at a 5% level. stage of empirical research of this paper (it is a pre- Table 3 shows that all time series were found to be condition for traditional causality testing as well as nonstationary around constant at a 5% level. All three for theoretical procedure described in the Appen- tests pointed at nonstationarity for every analyzed dix), thus it should be carried out with great preci- time series except for EMPL . In this case, nonstation- sion. arity was confirmed by two of the three tests carried out. Anyhow, Conjecture 1 should clearly be ac- 4.2. Stationarity properties of the dataset cepted. Some further calculations (conducted for first differences) confirmed that all variables under study are I(1) 11 . In the first step of this part of research, an Aug- mented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) unit root test was con- ducted. Before conducting the test, the maximal lag 5. Methodology length was set at a level of 6 and then the informa- tion criteria (namely, the AIC, BIC and HQ) were applied to choose the optimal lag. However, the ap- In this paper, several econometric tools were applied plication of the ADF test is related to two serious to test for both linear and nonlinear Granger causality problems. First, this test tends to under-reject the between GDP and gross fixed capital formation in null hypothesis pointing at nonstationarity too often 9. Polish economy. The main part of the research was Second, the outcomes of ADF test are relatively sen- conducted for full sample in a three-dimensional vari- sitive to an incorrect establishment of lag parameter. ant involving GDP , EMPL and GFCF as well as for This is why the Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin non-crisis subsample in a two-dimensional variant 10 (KPSS) test was conducted to confirm or under- involving GDP pc and GFCF pc . mine the results of the ADF one. If two unit root tests lead to contradictory conclusions, a third test 5.1. Linear short and long run must be applied to make a final decision about the stationarity of time series. In this paper, the Phillips– Granger causality tests Perron (PP) test was additionally applied. A non- parametric method of controlling for serial correla- The idea of Granger [20] causality is well known and tion is used when testing for a unit root by means of has been commonly applied in previous empirical stud- PP test. In this case the null hypothesis once again ies, thus there is no need to explain it in detail. By and refers to nonstationarity. large, this concept is used to investigate whether a knowl-

Table 3. Results of stationarity analysis. Test type ADF KPSS PP with constant with constant with constant with with with constant and linear and linear and linear trend constant a constant trend b trend p- value Optimal lag p- value Optimal lag Test statistic p- value Variable GDP 0.99 1 0.19 1 1.08 0.23 0.98 0.52 EMPL 0.00 4 0.00 4 0.78 0.25 0.92 0.60 GFCF 0.53 3 0.63 0 0.52 0.18 0.90 0.66

GDP pc 0.17 1 0.19 0 0.69 0.16 0.09 0.21 GFCF pc 0.99 0 0.89 0 0.64 0.19 0.92 0.91 a critical values: 0.347 (10%), 0.463 (5%), 0.739 (1%). b critical values: 0.119 (10%), 0.146 (5%), 0.216 (1%).

9 Low power against stationary alternatives has been fre- 11 It should be underlined that detailed results of all com- quently reported by many authors, see, e.g., [1]. putations which are not presented in the text (usually to save 10 In contrast to the ADF test, the null hypothesis of a KPSS space) in detailed form are available from the author upon test refers to the stationarity of the time series. request. 40 à. L ACH edge of the past and current values of one stationary An alternative method for testing for linear Granger variable may improve prediction of future values of causality was formulated by Toda and Yamamoto [37]. another one or not. Stationarity is a crucial precondition This approach has been commonly applied in recent in this context, as unfulfillment of this assumption may empirical studies (see, e.g., [38]) as it is free of compli- lead to misleading conclusions by a traditional linear cated pretesting procedures and relatively simple to per- causality test, which has been pointed out in previous form, which may be of great advantage when dealing empirical ([21]) and theoretical ([34]) deliberations. with nonstationary variables. An important feature of the Since all the variables were found to be integrated Toda–Yamamoto (TY) approach is the fact that this of order one three econometric methods suitable for procedure is applicable even if the variables under study testing for linear short and long run Granger causality are characterized by different orders of integration or in this context, namely, a traditional analysis of the when the cointegration properties of the data are uncer- vector error correction model (VECM), the sequential tain 13 . On the other hand, TY approach does not enable elimination of insignificant variables in VECM and us to examine long run causality as it is in the case of the Toda–Yamamoto method were applied. Applica- VEC-based analysis. tion of a variety of methods is believed to be espe- Toda–Yamamoto approach requires the establish- cially important in terms of robustness and validation ment of a parameter p1 (order of Vector AutoRegression of empirical findings. All these methods are well (VAR) model), parameter p2 (highest order of integra- known, thus they will only be briefly described. tion of all variables examined) and then a calculation of In this paper, the Trace and Maximal Eigenvalue the standard Wald test applied for the first p1 lags of the 12 variants of Johansen cointegration test were applied . augmented VAR( p1 + p2) model. After ensuring that As shown by Granger [22] the existence of cointegra- some typical modelling assumptions 14 hold true for the tion implies long run Granger causality in at least one augmented model the test statistic has the usual asymp- direction. To establish the direction of this causal link totic F( p1) distribution ([37]). However, since the sam- one should estimate a suitable VEC model and check ple examined is relatively small the asymptotically (using a t-test) the statistical significance of the error F-distributed variant of TY test statistic was applied as it correction terms. Testing the joint significance (using performs better in such cases ([33]). an F-test) of lagged differences provides a basis for The aforementioned parametric methods have got short run causality investigations. two serious drawbacks. First, the application of as- It is important to note that causality testing based on ymptotic theory may lead to spurious results if suit- the application of an unrestricted VEC model has got able modelling assumptions do not hold. Secondly, a serious drawback. In practical applications it is often the distribution of the test statistic may be signifi- necessary to use a relatively large number of lags in cantly different from an asymptotic pattern when order to model the dynamic multidimensional process in dealing with extremely small samples, regardless of a proper way and avoid the consequences of the autocor- the modelling assumptions. relation of residuals. However, the more lags the less One of the possible ways of overcoming these dif- degrees of freedom, which in turn may have an undesir- ficulties is the application of the bootstrap technique. able impact on test performance, especially for small This method is used for estimating the distribution of samples. Furthermore, testing for linear causality using a test statistic by resampling data. Since the estimated a traditional Granger test often suffers because of possi- distribution depends only on the available dataset it ble multicollinearity, especially for dimensions higher seems reasonable to expect that bootstrapping does than two. This is why the sequential elimination of in- not require such strong assumptions as parametric significant variables is often additionally performed for methods. However, this approach is likely to fail in each VECM equation separately in order to test for short some specific cases and therefore cannot be treated as and long run linear Granger causality. Each step of this a perfect tool for solving all possible model specifica- procedure leads to omission of the variable with the tion problems ([28]). highest p -value ( t-test). The procedure ends when all remaining variables have a p-value no greater than a fixed value (in this paper, it was 0.10). The reader may 13 In such cases, a standard linear causality analysis cannot be find more technical details of this approach in [25]. performed by the direct application of a basic VAR or VEC model. On the other hand, differencing or calculating the growth rates of some variables allows the traditional approach to be used, 12 These tests have been commonly applied in recent empiri- but it may also cause a loss of long run information and lead to cal studies. The reader may find a detailed description of these problems with the interpretation of test results. methods in [29] and [30]. 14 A list of these assumptions may be found in [33]. Fixed capital and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland 41

Since heteroscedasticity may have an undesirable in- In this paper, a nonlinear causality test proposed fluence on the bootstrap test ([28]) the resampling pro- by Diks and Panchenko [16] was applied with some cedure was based on leveraged residuals 15 . In recent typical values of the technical parameters, which have years, the academic discussion on the establishment of been commonly used in previous papers (e.g., [16], the number of bootstrap replications has attracted con- [25]). The bandwidth (denoted as bDP ) was set at a level siderable attention (see, e.g., [28] and [32]). In this paper, of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 while the common lag parameter 19 the procedure of establishing the number of bootstrap (denoted as lDP ) was set at the order of 1 and 2 . replications recently presented by Andrews and Buchin- Since previous studies provided evidence that the sky [2] was applied. In each case, the aim was to choose presence of heteroscedasticity leads to over-rejection such a value of the number of replications which would of the nonlinear test discussed ([16]), all the time se- ensure that the relative error of establishing the bootstrap ries examined were tested for the presence of various critical value (at a 10% significance level) would not heteroscedastic structures (using, inter alia, White’s exceed 5% with a probability equal to 0.95 16 . test and a Breusch–Pagan test).

5.2. Impulse response analysis 6. Empirical results

As a complement to standard linear Granger causality tests, an Impulse Response (IR) analysis was also In this section, the results of short and long run linear performed. Linear Granger causality tests provide an Granger causality analysis as well as the outcomes of opportunity for the establishment of the direction of nonlinear causality tests are presented. The main goal any causal link between variables, but they do not say of these empirical investigations was to examine the anything about the signs (and magnitudes) of this structure of the dynamic relationships between fixed relationship. Therefore, the linear Granger causality capital and GDP in Poland with special attention paid testing is often supplemented with the impulse re- to examination of five research hypotheses presented sponse analysis as it allows predicting the reaction of in subsection 3. The empirical research was performed the dynamic system to the shock in one or more vari- for the full sample (Q1 2000–Q4 2009) and non-crisis ables 17 . In order to examine the nature of this reaction subsample (Q3 2002–Q2 2008). (which is transmitted through the dynamic structure of the VAR model) the residual impulse response func- 6.1. Results obtained for full sample tion was based on one standard deviation shocks 18 . As already mentioned in the case of the period Q1 2000– 5.3. Nonlinear Granger causality test Q4 2009 the adaptation of Canning and Pedroni’s [10] procedure was impossible due to unfulfillment of re- Generally, the motivation to use nonlinear methods in quired assumptions (see the Appendix for details). Thus, testing for Granger causality is based on two facts. First, the examination of short and long run causalities be- the traditional linear Granger causality was found to tween GDP and fixed assets was performed with appli- have extremely low power in detecting certain kinds of cation of traditional econometric methods described in nonlinear causal interrelations ([8], [24]). Second, since Section 5. As the two-dimensional approach (only GDP linear methods are mainly based on checking the statisti- and GFCF ) may lead to spurious results due to omission cal significance of suitable parameters only in a mean of important variables, the research was performed in 20 equation, testing for causality in higher-order structures a three dimensional framework . Since GDP , EMPL (like variance) is impossible ([15]). and GFCF were all found to be I(1) a cointegration analysis was first performed for these variables. All five

15 A detailed description of resampling procedure applied in this paper may be found in [26]. 19 The reader may find a detailed description of the role of these 16 The Gretl script including implementation of all the linear technical parameters and the form of test statistic in [16]. Moreover, methods mentioned with asymptotic- and bootstrap-based variants practical suggestions presented in [25] and concerned with the nonlin- is available from the author upon request. ear procedure discussed were also used in this paper. 17 See, e.g., [23]. 20 The three-dimensional approach (involving employment) 18 Since in each case analyzed no Wold instantaneous causality not only improves the statistical properties of the model ana- was found, no Cholesky decomposition was used. The reader may lyzed but is also strongly justified by economic theory (basic find the theoretical background of these concepts in [33] and [27]. growth models). 42 à. L ACH

Table 4. Results of cointegration analysis for GDP , EMPL and GFCF variables. Johansen Johansen Maximal Trace test Eigenvalue test Maximal Hypothesized number Trace Eigenvalue p- value Eigenvalue p- value of cointegrating vectors statistic statistic Zero 0.46 35.51 0.00 22.02 0.03 At most one 0.31 13.49 0.09 13.49 0.06 At most two 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.96

Table 5. Analysis of causal links between PAT , GDP and EMPL variables (VEC models). Short run p-value Null hypothesis Unrestricted Sequential Asymptotic Bootstrap a Asymptotic Bootstrap a GFCF ™o GDP 0.33 0.37 0.00 0.00 GDP ™o GFCF 0.23 0.31 0.07 0.02 GFCF ™o EMPL 0.21 0.18 0.00 0.00 EMPL ™o GFCF 0.36 0.26 0.05 0.00 GDP ™o EMPL 0.49 0.31 0.00 0.00 EMPL ™o GDP 0.98 0.81 NCL NCL Long run

p- value of EC 1 component p- value of EC 2 component Unrestricted Sequential Unrestricted Sequential Equation Boot- Asymp- Boot- Asymp- Boot- Asymptotic Asymptotic Bootstrap a strap a totic strap a totic strap a GDP 0.22 0.31 NCL NCL 0.94 0.69 NCL NCL GFCF 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.46 0.29 NCL NCL EMPL 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.08 a Number of bootstrap replications established using Andrews and Buchinsky (2000) method varied between 1549 and 2759. possibilities listed in [31] were analyzed to specify the tests 22 . Next, a suitable VEC model was estimated type of deterministic trend. In view of the results pre- model assuming 4 lags (for first differences) and two sented in subsection 4.2 (no trend-stationarity) Johan- cointegrating vectors 23 . Table 5 contains p-values sen’s third case was assumed, i.e., the presence of obtained while testing for linear short and long run a constant in both the cointegrating equation and the Granger causality using an unrestricted VEC model test VAR. In the next step, the information criteria and the sequential elimination of insignificant vari- (i.e., AIC, BIC, HQ) were applied to establish the ables 24 . appropriate number of lags. The final lag length was The results obtained for the unrestricted VEC set at a level of 5 21 . Table 4 contains the results of model did not provide a basis for claiming that short Johansen cointegration tests. run Granger causality run in any direction in the pe- One can see that both variants of Johansen test riod under study. On the other hand, the sequential provided solid evidence (at a 10% significance level) elimination of insignificant variables led to the con- for claiming that the dimension of cointegration space clusion that in the short run there was a feedback be- is equal to two. Moreover, the hypothesis that the tween GDP and GFCF as well as between EMPL and smallest eigenvalue is equal to zero was clearly ac- cepted (last row in Table 4), which additionally vali- 22 It is a well known fact that the case of full rank refers to dates the results of the previously performed unit root stationarity of all time series considered ([33]). 23 The first vector (denoted as EC 1) involved GDP and GFCF while the second one ( EC 2) involved EMPL and GFCF . 21 The maximal lag length (for levels) was set at a level of 6. BIC 24 Throughout this paper, the notation “ x™o y” is equivalent criterion pointed at one lag, however the results of Ljung–Box Q-test to “ x does not Granger cause y”. Moreover, the symbol “NCL” confirmed that in the case of one lag residuals were significantly is the abbreviation of “No coefficients left”. Finally, bold face autocorrelated, which in turn may lead to serious distortion of the always indicates finding a causal link in a particular direction at results of the causality analysis. a 10% significance level. Fixed capital and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland 43

Table 6. Analysis of causal links between the GFCF , GDP and EMPL (TY approach). p- value Null hypothesis Asymptotic Bootstrap a GFCF ™o GDP 0.72 0.63 ( N = 1679) GDP ™o GFCF 0.51 0.35 ( N = 2179) GFCF ™o EMPL 0.36 0.47 ( N = 1839) EMPL ™o GFCF 0.08 0.15 ( N = 1659) GDP ™o EMPL 0.81 0.61 ( N = 1659) EMPL ™o GDP 0.91 0.83 ( N = 2059) a Parameter N denotes the number of bootstrap replications established according to the Andrews and Buchinsky (2000) procedure.

Table 7. Analysis of nonlinear causal links between GFCF , GDP and EMPL variables. p- value

Null hypothesis bDP = 0.5, bDP = 1, bDP = 1.5, bDP = 0.5, bDP = 1, bDP = 1.5, lDP = 1 lDP = 1 lDP = 1 lDP = 2 lDP = 2 lDP = 2 0.07 0.35 0.18 0.42 0.24 0.27 0.24 0.29 0.30 0.49 0.26 0.71 GFCF ™o GDP 0.59 0.39 0.46 0.17 0.07 0.06 0.65 0.57 0.56 0.41 0.70 0.29 0.71 0.55 0.57 0,82 0.92 0.58 GDP ™o GFCF 0.09 0.89 0.34 0.51 0.32 0.42 0.10 0.35 0.65 0.52 0.82 0.71 0.65 0.39 0.29 0.48 0.34 0.19 GFCF ™o EMPL 0.55 0.48 0.43 0.35 0.31 0.08 0.86 0.48 0.51 0.59 0.57 0.38 0.24 0.48 0.17 0.72 0.08 0.25 EMPL ™o GFCF 0.45 0.37 0.58 0.19 0.27 0.27 0.91 0.81 0.75 0.39 0.75 0.33 0.71 0.46 0.63 0.37 0.45 0.52 GDP ™o EMPL 0.21 0.45 0.78 0.71 0.39 0.18 0.89 0.45 0.82 0.32 0.81 0.24 0.32 0.63 0.25 0.35 0.82 0.55 EMPL ™o GDP 0.78 0.32 0.53 0.29 0.62 0.48

GFCF , which also proves that for small samples and lags had to be used which caused (together with small large lags results of estimation of unrestricted VECM sample) that no dynamic links were found to be sta- may indeed be significantly different from outcomes tistically significant at a 10% level (causality from of sequential elimination. Moreover, GDP was found EMPL to GFCF was found to be significant only in to Granger cause EMPL . It is worth mentioning that asymptotic variant). all the results for sequential elimination were found in The final part of the causality analysis was based asymptotic- and bootstrap-based research variants. on nonlinear test and was performed for the residuals In all the research variants, the EC 1 and EC 2 com- resulting from all linear models, i.e., the residuals of ponents were found to be insignificant in the GDP unrestricted VECM, the residuals resulting from indi- equation, which provides a basis for claiming that vidually (sequentially) restricted equations and the GFCF and EMPL did not have a long run impact on residuals resulting from the augmented VAR model economic growth in Poland in the period analyzed. applied in the Toda–Yamamoto method 25 . Table 7 This way important hypothesis 3 should also be ac- presents results obtained while testing for nonlinear cepted. On the other hand, GDP was found to have Granger causality between GFCF , GDP and EMPL . a long run impact on fixed capital. Furthermore, both For each combination of bDP and lDP three p-values the GDP and GFCF were found to cause employment are presented 26 . Since in all the cases examined no in the long run. For the sake of comprehensiveness the Toda–Yama- moto approach for testing for causal effects between 25 Since the structure of linear connections had been filtered GFCF , GDP and EMPL was additionally applied . out after an analysis of linear models, the residuals are believed to The outcomes of the TY procedure are presented in reflect strict nonlinear dependencies (see, e.g., [5]). 26 Table 6. For each pair of bDP and lDP p-values are presented accord- ing to the following rule: Upper row: p-value for residuals of In general, the results presented in Table 6 are in unrestricted VEC model (left), p-value for residuals of sequen- line with outcomes presented in the previous table. In tially restricted equations (right); Lower row: p-value for residuals augmented VAR model applied in TY approach six of TY procedure. 44 à. L ACH significant evidence of heteroscedasticity was found, the use of procedure presented in the Appendix were, no filtering was used. in general, fulfilled. Therefore, in this part of the As one can see test results (performed for residuals empirical research the modification of recent method from augmented VAR model of TY procedure) pro- of testing for the direction and sign of long run vided evidence to claim that there was a nonlinear causal effects between economic growth and fixed feedback between GFCF and GDP . Moreover, the capital developed by Canning and Pedroni [10] and analysis of residuals from unrestricted VECM con- modified in this paper was applied. In the first step, firmed nonlinear feedback between fixed capital for- the cointegration analysis was performed for GDP pc 27 mation and employment. and GFCF pc variables . Table 8 contains results of In general, the results of all the methods provided Johansen tests performed under the assumption of relatively strong support for claiming that in the short Johansen’s third variant and 3 lags (for variables in run there was a feedback between GFCF and GDP as first differences). well as between GFCF and EMPL . These depen- As one can see, the variables examined were found dences were indicated by analysis of sequentially re- to be cointegrated (at 5% significance level). In the stricted equations and nonlinear tests. The low power next step, a suitable VEC model (with 3 lags and one of significance tests applied for small samples was cointegrating vector) was estimated. Finally, the theo- also reported since both these feedback effects were rems presented in the Appendix were used to investi- not supported by outcomes of unrestricted linear mod- gate the long run dependences between both variables. els. Therefore, Conjecture 2 should also be accepted. Table 9 contains results of estimation of VEC model Moreover, it is worthwhile to underline that this con- constructed for GDP pc and GFCF pc variables as well clusion, in general, was confirmed by the results of as the main research conclusion. two completely different methods (a two-stage analy- Outcomes contained in Table 9 (estimation results) sis of the VEC model and the TY approach with re- provided a basis for claiming that for GDP pc and spective nonlinear tests), which validates this major GFCF pc there was a significant feedback in the long conclusion and confirms its robustness when exposed run. Moreover, the estimation results and suitable to statistical tools. theorems (see points T6 and T7 of Theorem 2 in the On the other hand, the lack of long run impact of Appendix) lead to the conclusion that in the non-crisis GFCF on GDP does not seem to be a consequence of period the signs of both these causal links were posi- small sample and power properties of significance tive, which clearly supports Conjecture 4. tests applied, as there were no differences between As already mentioned, Canning and Pedroni [10] results of long run causality testing in unrestricted and used their procedure instead of applying standard IR sequentially restricted variants of VEC-based analysis. response analysis as this way of measuring the sign of The natural explanation for this phenomenon is that long run impact may often be more accurate. How- in analyzed period there were two economic crises ever, the magnitudes of dynamic impacts cannot be (in August 2001 and in September 2008), finalization measured using this approach (it measures the direc- of negotiations with EU and first five years of partici- tions and signs only). Therefore, IR analysis was ad- pation in the structures of European Union. These ditionally performed for GDP pc and GFCF pc variables. events and processes caused significant shocks to Figure 2 presents responses for the period of 20 quar- outlays on fixed assets in Poland. Simultaneously, ters. there was a stable and continuous rise in GDP during As one can see the positive long run impact of per the whole period analyzed. It seems that because of capita fixed capital formation on GDP pc was con- these reasons the long run effect of fixed investment firmed by the results of standard IR analysis, i.e., on economic growth in Poland was not reported in the a rise in fixed assets per capita causes growth of per period Q1 2000–Q4 2009. capita GDP. Moreover, a rise in GDP pc causes a per- manent positive change in GFCF pc . Both these results are in line with outcomes presented in Table 9, which 6.2. Outcomes obtained were based on recent theoretical deliberations de- for non-crisis subsample scribed in the Appendix.

As already mentioned, in the period Q3 2002– 27 The preliminary part of cointegration analysis (i.e., specifi- Q2 2008 general trends in GDP and GFCF time se- cation of the type of deterministic trend, lag selection procedure) ries were relatively similar. This was one of the fac- was performed in exactly the same way as in the case of three- tors which caused that all assumptions required for dimensional model. Fixed capital and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland 45

Table 8. Results of cointegration analysis for GDP pc and GFCF pc variables. Johansen Johansen Maximal Trace test Eigenvalue test Maximal Hypothesized number Trace Eigenvalue p-value Eigenvalue p-value of cointegrating vectors statistic statistic Zero 0.49 17.25 0.02 16.51 0.02 At most one 0.03 0.73 0.39 0.73 0.39

Table 9. Directions and signs of long run causal dependences between GDP pc and GFCF pc . Coefficient Equation Ratio Conclusion of error term a

O2 = –0.12 GDP pc Positive long run feedback between [0.01; 0.00] O2  38.0 per capita gross fixed capital formation O = 0.31 O GFCF 1 1 and GDP per capita. pc [0.04; 0.02] a Numbers in square brackets denote p-values obtained for asymptotic and bootstrap variants, respectively.

Fig. 2. Impulse response analysis for GDP pc and GFCF pc .

For the sake of comprehensiveness standard short In general, results presented in Table 10 lead to con- run causality tests were also performed. Table 10 clusion that the short run causality run from GFCF pc contains results of this analysis. to GDP pc (evidence of causality in the opposite direc- 46 à. L ACH

Table 10. Results of short run causality analysis between GDP pc and GFCF pc . p- value VEC-based approach TY-based approach Null hypothesis Unrestricted Sequential Asymptotic Bootstrap a Asymptotic Bootstrap a Asymptotic Bootstrap a

GFCF pc ™o GDP pc 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.12 0.03

GDP pc ™o GFCF pc 0.19 0.24 NCL NCL 0.09 0.19 tion was rather weak). This phenomenon was reported there was a feedback in the short run. Moreover, rela- by both linear tests for short run causality (VEC- and tively solid evidence was found to claim that the na- TY-based approach). Finally, it should be noted that ture of these links was rather nonlinear, which seems nonlinear causality was not found for residuals re- to be in line with the law of diminishing marginal sulting from any analyzed model, thus results of Diks returns. On the other hand, no long run effect of fixed and Panchenko’s tests are not presented in a separate assets on economic growth was found. This signifi- table. cant result was most likely caused by the fact that To summarize, standard econometric methods (IR analyzed period was extremely dynamic time for Pol- analysis) confirmed outcomes obtained after appli- ish economy. The two economic crises (of 2001 and cation of theoretical procedure adopted from [10] 2008) and first years of accession in political and eco- and modified in this paper. This is especially impor- nomic structures of European Union caused signifi- tant in terms of robustness of empirical results and cant shocks in the level of private and public invest- surely validates major findings of this paper. In ad- ment purposed for fixed assets. On the other hand, one dition, the significant difference in structure of could observe stable rise in the GDP in the last dec- causal dependences between fixed capital and GDP ade. Both these phenomena caused that long run cau- in Poland in both periods analyzed (especially for sality from fixed capital to economic growth was not long run links) provided strong evidence in favour of indicated by traditional statistical tools applied (based Conjecture 5. on concept of cointegration, IR analysis) or recently developed alternative methods (theorems based on growth models). 7. Concluding remarks The results obtained for non-crisis subsample confirmed the supposition that economic crises had seriously distorted the structure of causal depen- The main goal of this paper was the examination of dences between per capita gross fixed capital forma- causal interdependencies between gross fixed capital tion and per capita GDP, especially in the long run. formation and GDP in Poland. The research was per- The application of recent alternative method of test- formed on the basis of quarterly data for the period ing for long run dependences confirmed significant Q1 2000–Q4 2009 (full sample) as well as period positive long term causal feedback between fixed Q3 2002–Q2 2008 (non-crisis subsample). In addition, assets and output. Establishing these crucial causal the data on employment was used in empirical research links is the most important finding of this paper. in three- (variables in levels) and two-dimensional (per Moreover, solid evidence of robustness of these ma- capita measures) approach, since application of work- jor empirical findings when exposed to statistical force is required both from theoretical (production tools was also found. functions, growth models) and practical (statistical The results of this paper have some important problems arising due to the omission of important policy implication. First, the existence of positive variables) point of view. In order to conduct a com- long run influence of fixed assets on GDP in non- prehensive causality analysis both traditional methods crisis period proves that this type of capital in Poland (linear and nonlinear causality tests) as well as some is still under its growth-maximising level. Therefore, recently developed econometric tools (an alternative the opinion that increasing fixed capital formation way of measuring direction and sign of long run influ- may hamper economic growth as it is extremely ence) were applied. costly (higher current expenditures, long term in- The analysis of full sample provided relatively vestment, etc.) is clearly false. In other words, the strong support for claiming that for fixed capital and sustainable economic growth in Poland seems to GDP as well as for fixed capital and employment require increased investment in fixed capital. Sec- Fixed capital and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland 47

ond, the differences in results of causality analysis At – total factor productivity at time t ; (especially in the long run) between full and reduced Gt – fixed capital at time t ; sample confirm that in face of economic crises both Kt – other capital at time t ; the private and public sector reduce the size of in- Lt – employment at time t . vestment in fixed capital in the first place. In addi- For simplicity one should assume a constant sav- tion, the results of this paper seem to prove that ings rate ( s), and that Gt and Kt fully depreciate each completion of negotiation with EU in 2002 was period. Moreover, one should assume that fixed capi- a trigger for rapid increase (as a result of EU finan- tal formation and other capital in period t are a pro- cial support) in investment in various forms of fixed portion of previous output, i.e., assets which in turn had a positive impact on eco- nomic growth in Poland in following years. Finally, Gt W t 1Yt 1 . (2) since major part of gross fixed capital formation in Poland is purposed for investment in infrastructure, Kt 1( W t 1)sY t 1 , (3) the main conclusions of this paper, although directly Combining equations (1), (2) and (3) gives formulated for overall fixed capital, may be, at least to some extent, adopted for causal links between D D E ED 1  ED Y sA 1( W ) W Y L . (4) public infrastructure and economic growth. The latter t t t 1 t 1 t 1 t seems to be a fine starting point for future research Dividing both sides of equation (4) by Lt gives using disaggregated data on fixed investment. ED Y Y ED § L · § · D D E § · ¨ t 1 ¸ Acknowledgements ¨ ¸ t sA 1(W t 1) W t 1¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ . (5) © L ¹t © L ¹t 1 © Lt ¹ The author would like to thank The CEIC Data Company, The Patent Office in Poland and The Statistical Office in Cracow for As one can see, the evolution of per capita output is their help in obtaining the dataset. determined by technical progress, the share of output going to fixed capital formation and the size of em- ployment. The dynamic interrelations between output Appendix per capita and fixed capital formation per capita in the framework of the model examined may be summa- rized in the following theorem. A stylized growth model applied in this paper was adapted from [6]. Moreover, the suggestions of Can- Theorem 1. Let the following assumptions hold true : ning and Pedroni [10] were also taken into considera- Assumption 1 : The log of total factor productivity is tion as they provided the basis for testing the sign of described by the following model long run effects between specified type of capital and GDP without the need of using IR analysis (which log(At ) a0 V t  Ht (6) often produces biased results, especially for small samples). The original paper of Canning and Pedroni where Ht = GH t – 1 + wt for some G  [0, 1] and w t is a [10] examined the links between infrastructure capital zero mean stationary time series . and GDP. In this paper, the approach mentioned was Assumption 2 : The amount of output going to fixed adopted to the case of overall outlays on fixed assets. capital formation is described by the process Moreover, an additional observation (T7) was formu- W W  P (7) lated and proved. t t In order to shed some light on this issue consider where W is a constant and Pt is a zero mean station- the following model (all formulas presented in this ary time series . subsection are for illustrative purposes only – the es- Assumption 3 : The growth rate of population is given timation procedure applied in this paper allows for by the following process more general structures, e.g., application of lags higher than one, etc.) § L · ¨ t ¸ log¨ ¸ K Kt (8) D E 1  ED © Lt 1 ¹ Yt A K G Ltttt , (1) where: where K is a constant and Kt is a zero mean station- Yt – aggregate output at time t ; ary time series . 48 à. L ACH

Then: where eˆt 1 stands for estimated error correction § § Y ·· mechanism . T1: The log of per capita output ¨ ei log.,.¨ ¸¸ con- ¨ ¸ Then: © © L ¹¹t T5: The coefficient O is zero if , and only if , innova- tains a unit root whenever G = 1 and D + E < 1, or G < 1 2 tions to log per capita fixed assets have no long run and D + E = 1. effect on log per capita output . T2: If G = 1 and D + E < 1, or G < 1 and D + E = 1, O § Y · T6: The ratio of the coefficient  2 has the same then log¨ ¸ , and log per capita fixed capital series , O1 © L ¹ t sign as the long run effect of innovations to log per § G · log¨ ¸ , will each be non-stationary and integrated capita fixed assets on log per capita output . © L ¹t T7: The long run effect of innovations to log per cap- of order one. Moreover, there will exist a cointegrat- ita fixed assets on log per capita output implies long ing vector for these variables. Shocks to productivity run effect in opposite direction. Both effects have the will have a long run positive effect on log per capita same signs . output . Proof: For proofs of points T5 and T6 see [10]. For T3: If G = 1 and D + E < 1, then shocks to per capita proof of point T7 assume a positive shock in fixed assets , , have no long run effect on per capita Pt § Y · output . log ¨ ¸ . From equation (2) and assumption 2 this © L ¹ T4: If G < 1 and D + E = 1, then shocks to per capita t0 fixed assets , Pt, will have a non-zero long run effect on implies a positive shock in the next period fixed capi- per capita output . For small shocks , the sign of this § G · tal log ¨ ¸ . The latter implies a long run effect on E © L ¹ effect will be positive if W , and negative if t0 1 D  E O2 E log per capita output with the same sign as  , W ! . O1 D  E which stems directly from point T6. Finally, the per- Proof: See [10] for detailed proof. manent change in per capita output implies permanent Ƒ change in fixed capital per capita, which flows directly from equation (2) and assumption 2. Since W > 0, the An important research question is which (if any) O version of the growth model (with respect to parame- sign of this effect depends only on the sign of  2 . ters D, E, G, etc.) fits best to Polish data. In order to O1 answer this question (i.e., examine conditions (1)–(8)) Ƒ one should analyze individual properties of input data To summarize, using Theorems 1 and 2 one may and verify results of suitable regressions. The next easily test whether gross fixed capital formation in theorem describes method of testing for the directions examined economy is below, under or about its and signs of long run dependences between GDP and growth-maximising level (comp. T6). Moreover, fixed capital. whenever shocks to fixed assets are significantly in- Theorem 2. Let assumptions 1–3 from Theorem 1 fluencing output the opposite long run impact takes § Y · place with the same sign (comp. T7). However, in hold true . Moreover , assume that log¨ ¸ and order to formulate any conclusion based on presented © L ¹t theorems all assumptions have to be fulfilled. In [10], § G · log¨ ¸ are individually nonstationary but together none of these assumptions were examined. In this © L ¹t paper, assumptions 1–3 were formally verified. are cointegrated . Let the estimated error correction Since GDP pc exhibited an upward tendency in the representation of these series be of the form : whole analyzed period while GFCF pc only in the pe-

­ § G · p § Y · p § G · ° ǻ log ¨ ¸ c1  O1eˆt1  I11 iǻ log ¨ ¸  I12 iǻ log ¨ ¸  H1t ° © L ¹ ¦ © L ¹ ¦ © L ¹ ® t i 1 it i 1 it (9) § Y · p § Y · p § G · °ǻ log ¨ ¸ c  O eˆ  I ǻ log ¨ ¸  I ǻ log ¨ ¸  H ° 2 2 t1 ¦ 21 i ¦ 22 i 2t ¯ © L ¹t i 1 © L ¹ it i 1 © L ¹ it Fixed capital and long run economic growth: evidence from Poland 49 riod Q3 2002–Q2 2008, it is hard to expect that pro- [7] Blomstrom M., Lipsey R.E., Zejan M., Is fixed investment the key to economic growth? Quarterly Journal of Economics, portion Wt is stationary around constant. The results of 1996, 111, 269–276. unit root tests performed for Wt and full sample (avail- [8] Brock W., Causality, chaos, explanation and prediction in able from the author upon request) formally con- economics and finance , [in:] J. Casti, A. Karlqvist (eds.), Be- firmed this supposition. 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