Chapter of Narbonne (1260): St. Clare's Name Placed in One Litany; an Office of Double Rite Commanded by Pope
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LITURGY IN HONOR OF SAINT CLARE The liturgies in honor of St. Clare through the centuries witness to her place in the Church throughout the ages. There are important studies on this subject, but resources remain scattered for the most part. The records of the early Chapters of the Friars reveal the earliest phases of the development of the cult of St. Clare. Decrees of the General Chapters of Friars Minor: Chapter of Narbonne (1260): St. Clare's name placed in one litany; An Office of double rite commanded by Pope. Chapter of Pisa (1263): Feast of St. Clare placed among Offices of Major Double Rite. Chapter of Lyons (1272): The name of St. Clare should be placed in the litany for Holy Saturday and all other litanies and her Legend as published in the General Chapter should be had by every house. Chapter of Paris (1292): The General Chapter wishes and ordains that the history of St. Clare be pondered by all; that it be received and sung throughout the whole Order. If the history on hand be defective, let it be redone by someone commissioned by the General. Chapter of Assisi (1340): That the commemoration of St. Clare be celebrated throughout the whole Order as it is done for our other saints. Chapter of Barcelona (1357): The feast of the Translation of Saint Clare is to be celebrated by the Friars and Sisters on the second Day of October. Chapters of 1485 and 1500: That the Creed was to be said in Masses of her feast. [Orbis seraphicus III, Rome, 1684: 145; Chronologia Historico-legalis, Naples, 1650:154.] Chapter of Mechelen (1499): That the feast of St. Clare have an octave. At the Library of the Sacro Convento and the Protomonastery in Assisi there are manuscripts containing liturgies for Mass, and entire canonical liturgies dedicated to her. The following is but one of these: Library of the Sacro Convento (Assisi). Codex 338, ff. 73a-74a. Office of St. Clare of ancient origin. The primary resource for medieval hymns on Clare is the following collections which include Ms. sources, introductions to historical and literary periods, and complete texts of all known hymns and sequences with few exceptions. Blume, Cl., O.M., Dreves, H.M., Bannister, Ed. Analecta hymnica medii aevi. 55 volumes. Leipzig, 1886-1992. Chevalier, Cyr Ulysse Joseph, Ed. Repertorium Hymnologium Catalogue des Chants, Hymnes, Proses, Séquences, Tropes en usage dans l'Eglise Latine depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours. 6 vols. Louvain, 1892 - 1921. ___. Repertorium der Lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters. Münster Westfalen: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1979. Daniel, Hermann Adalbert , Ed. Thesaurus hymnologicus sive hymnorum canticorum sequentiarum circa annum MD usitarum Colletio. 5 vols. Lipsiae: Loeschke, 1855. Schneyer, Johannes. "Lateinische Sermones-Initien des Hochmittelalters für die heiligenfeste des Franziskanerordens." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 61 (1968): 3-78. [Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 73 (1980): 750. J. B. Schneyer missed a sermon on Clare in the above collection.] The most thorough study of the content of hymns on Saint Clare in English, is the following work which includes texts, themes, and bibliography of 51 hymns: Cashall, Mary Immculata, O.S.F. Hymns in Honor of Saint Clare of Assisi: An Exhaustive Analysis of Their Content and Structure. Thesis, University of Ottawa. Mohegan Lake, 1964. Other resources on liturgy in honor of St. Clare are the following: Lehmann, Leonard. "Das bild der hl Klara in Latienischen Hymnos des 13, bis 15. Jahrhunderts." Collectanea Franciscana 63 (1993): 423-70. Buchannan, E. S. "O Clare Lucis Clarior." An Early Latin Song Book. New York: Charles A. Swift, Inc. 1933. "Clara de lichtende." Franciscaans Leven 55 (1972): 236-43. "En in Regno claritatis." A sequence for the Office of St. Clare, very ancient. Latin and English. The Saints of Assisi. 1926: 184-9. Nicolini, Evangelista. "L'alta ispirazione del padre Santini nella mirabile opera del transito di S. Chiara [The great inspiration of Fr. Santini in the wonderful work of the transitus of St. Clare]." Chiara d'Assisi 4 (1955): 44-52. Les manuscrits liturgiques latin de la bibliothèque Vatican I. Psautiers, Antiphonaires, Hymnaires, Collectaires, Brèviaires. Ed. Pierre Salmon, O.S.B. Vatican City: Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, 1968. Mss. 22, 203, 323, 336, 469, 470. Saxer, Victor. "Manuscrits liturgiques, calendriers et Litanies des Saints, des XIIe au XVIe siècle, conservés à la Bibliothèque Capitulaire de Tarazona. Hispania Sacra 23 (1970): 335-402; 24 (1971): 367-423; 25 (1972): 131-83. Schumcki, Octavain, O.F.M. "Die verehrung der hl. Klara im Gebetbuch 'Seraphische Andachts = Flanmen von P. Bonaventure Kresslinger." Collectanea Franciscana 63 (1993): 97-133. [A study of devotions and para liturgies in honor of S. Clare.] Temple, David, O.F.M. "St. Francis and St. Clare and the Custody of the Eucharist." The Cord 38 (1988): 214-6. Tosti, Salvator, O.F.M. "Descriptio Codicum Franciscanorum. Bibliothecae Riccardianae Florentinae." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 1 (1908): 432-42; 6 (1913): 162. [Part I contains a description of various codices including n.232 and n.284 which contain a hymn of St. Clare, offices for her feast, the octave, and the translation of St. Clare. Part II contains a commemoration of St. Clare.] Zambetti, Nadia Maria, O.S.C.: Inno Akathistos in onore di santa Chiara d’Assisi.” Forma Sororum 25, 4 (1998): 242-275. Devotion to St. Clare through the Centuries: de Armellada, Berdino. "Devoción a Santa Clara de Asís in España im ensayo de sondeo en la actualidad." Collectanea Franciscana 63 (1993): 135-55. Dedieu, Hughes. "Quelques asjects de le devotion a Sainte Claire in France auz XIX et XX siecles." Collectanea Franciscana 62 (1992): 533-46. [Popular piety in France. Parishes and chapels dedicated to her.] Cargnoni, Constanza. "L'Immagine di Santa Chiara nella predicazioni e nella Letteratura devozionale degli ultimi tre secoli in Italia (1617-1913)." Collectanea Franciscana 63 (1993): 501-70. Carossino, Antonio. "Santa Chiara d'Assisi patrona dei Marinai." Forma Sororum 32 (1995): 275-79. Dedieu, Hughes, O.F.M. "Quelque aspects de la dévotion à Sainte Claire en France aux XIX- et XX siècles." Collectanea Franciscana 62 (1992): 547-66. Lopez, Felix, O.F.M. "O culto de Santa Clara em Portugal" Col. Estud. 4 (1953): 356-64. Reber, Ortrud. Die Gestaltung des Kultes weiblicher Heiligen im Spätmittelalter. Die Verehrung der Heiligen Elisabeth, Klara, Hedwig und Birgitta. Hersbruck bei Nürnberg: Karl Pfeiffer's Buckdruckerei und Verlag, 1963. [A. van Dijk, O.F.M. offers an extended review of the above dissertation offering valuable resources apparently omitted from this study. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 59 (1966): 156-66.] ---. "Die Heilige Klara im lickt der Religios-Devotionalen Deutschen Literatur Zwischen dem 16. und 19. Jahrhundert." Collectanea Franciscana 62 (1992): 567-94. Van Dijk, Stephen Auralian, O.F.M. "Il Culto di Santa Chiara nel Medioevo." Santa Chiara d'Assisi: Studi e cronaca del VII Centenario. Assisi: Comitato Centrale per il VII Centenario Morte S. Chiara, 1954. 155-205. [Van Dijk offers the first documented account of liturgies on St. Clare.].