Supreme Court of Judicature Annual Report 2015

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Supreme Court of Judicature Annual Report 2015 • SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Sub1nitted By: Mr. Rashid Mohanted Registrar (ag) of' the Supreme Court of Judicature January 2015 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-15 I I. I Introduction 1-3 1.2 The High Court 3-9 I 1.3 The Full Court 9-10 1.4 The Court of Appeal IO 1.5 The Caribbean Court of Justice 10 I 1.6 Magistrates' Courts 11-14 1.7 Budget 15 I 2. MISSION ST A TEMENT 15' ,....... 3. GOALS 15-18 I """ (i) Access To Justice 15-16 I (ii) Expeditious and Timely Trials 16 (iii) Equality, Fairness and Integrity 16-17 ''· " I .. (iv) Independence a,id. Accountability 17 I (v) Maintenance of Public Trust and Confidence 17-18 ' I 4. ACHIEVEMENTS 18 5. ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT 19-26 I 5.1 Supreme Court Registry 19 5.2 General Administration 19 I 5.2.l Accounts 19-20 5.2.2 Personnel 20 I 5.2.3 Library 20 I 5.3 Judicial 21-22 5.3.l Legal 21-22 I 5.3.2 Marshal 22 I 5.3.3 Probate 22-23 5.3.4 Maintenance of of Buildings 23 I I I 5.4 The Land Court 23-24 I 5.5 The Full Court 24 5.6 Sub-Registries 24 I 5.7 The Court of Appeal 25-26 I 5.8 The Caribbean Court of Justice 26 6. MAGISTRATES' DEPARTMANT 26-53 I 6.1 Introduction 27-49 I 6.2 Jurisdiction of Magistrates Courts 49 6.2.1 Criminal Jurisdiction 49-50 I 6.2.2 Civil Jurisdiction 50-51 I 6.2.3 Magistrates' Courts Registries 51 (i) · Administration 52 I (ii) .Judicial Section 52 (iii) Bailiff Section 52 I (iv) Appeals and Depositions Section 52-53 I (v) Collecting Office Section 53 (vi) Financial Section 53 I 7. MAINTENANCE OF COURTS' BUILDINGS I 8. CONCLUSION ':'-·· 57 I I I I I I • I 1 I I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I I.I INTRODUCTION I The doctrine of separation of powers underscores the provisions of our I Constitution,and it guarantees the independence of the Judiciary. Article 122 A provides: I "122 A (1) All courts al!Jf all persons presiding' over lite I courts sltall exercise tlteir function independently of lite control and direction of any otlter person or authority; I and sllall be free and independent from political, I executive and any otller form of direction and control". y • I In furtherance of this provision Article 123 provides for the establishment of a Supreme Court of Judicature, which consists ?f the High Court and the Court of I Appeal. The Caribbean Court of Justice is the final court of appeal for Guyana. I The Summary Jurisdiction (Magistrates) Act, Cap 3:05 provides for the I constitution of the Magistrates Courts, its practice and procedure, the appointment I of Magistrates and the regulation of their duties. In summary,Guyana has a four tier system which,commencing at its lowest tier is I made up of: I (a) The Court of Summary Jurisdiction commonly referred to as the Magistrates' Courts established by the I I I 2 I provisions of the Summary Jurisdiction (Magistrates) Act I Cap 3:05. I (b) The High Court established in accordance with the provisions of Article 123 of the Constitution,functions in I compliance with the provisions of the Constitution and I High Court Act and Rules Cap3:02. ( l) The Land Con rt is a division of the High Court created by I the Land Registry Act Cap. 5 :02. I( is presided over by a I Commissioner of Title. The land Court functions in the Ombudsman Building which 1s located on I Brickdam,Georgetown and in the Sub-Registry,New I Amsterdam. (ii) The Full Court which is the app~llate jurisdiction of the I High Court, is establishe<fby section75 of the High Court I Act Cap.3:05. (iii) The High Court also has two Sub-Registries; one in New I Amsterdam,Berbice and another in Suddie,Essequibo. I (c) The Con-rt of Appeal established in accordance with the provisions of Article 123 of the Constitution, functions in I compliance with the provisions of the Court of Appeal Act, Cap I 3:0 I. It is a court of review, that is, review of the record of the court's proceedings from which the appeal is fled. I (iv)The Caribbean Court of Justice established m I accordance with prov1s1ons of Article 123 (4) of the I I I 3 I Constitution, became operational on April 1, 2005 by Order I No .10 of 2005, made under the Caribbean Court of Justice Act 2004. The Caribbean Court of Justice in now the final I Court of Appeal of Guyana. I SUPREME COURT - SUBVENTION ENTITY , ' I Article 122 A (2). Subject to the provision of Aztlcles- 199 and 201 of the Constitution, all ,.. courts shall be administratively autonomous and shall be funded by a direct charge upon I ~--- the Consolidated Fund and such courts shall operate in accordance with the principles of I sound financial and administrative management. ' ' '~ I The Supreme · Cpurt is listed among the entities under the Third Schedule· of the --- ,. ' r • I Constitution of Guyana. The pronouncement of the National Assembly of the 1O'h Parliament of Guyana on April 15, 2014 removed the Supreme Court from the schedule ' I of Budget Agencies and approved it as a subvention entity under chart of account 6321 - I Subsidies and Contributions to Local Organizations, thus, allowing the Supreme Court to be financed as a direct charge on the Consolidated Fund, determined as a lump sum by I way of an annual subvention. In essence, this means that the Supreme Court shall manage I its subvention in such a manner as it deems fit for the efficient discharge of its functions subject to conformity with the financial practices and procedures approved by the I National Assembly to ensure accountability and all revenues shall be paid into the I Consolidated Fund. I I I 4 I 1.2 THE HIGH COURT I 1.2.1 Cl\11[, I Article 125 of the Constitution provides for the High Court to be presided over by the Chief Justice and such number of Puisne Judges as may be prescribed by Parliament. I By Order made under the High Court Act, Cap. 3:02, the authorized number of Judges is I eleven (I I) but that complement was increased to twenty (20). However, presently the Supreme Court is functioning with thirteen (13) Puisnee Judges. I The High Court has very wide jurisdiction in civil matters which are heard by a single I Judge sitting without a jury. During 2015 a total of6, 492 civil matters were filed in the Supreme Court Registry, Georgetown, 1207 in the Sub-Registry, New Amsterdam and I 299 in the Sub-Registry Essequibo making a total of 7998 matters filed. To this must be I added the backlog of 2,595. matters in Georgetown, 4,223 in Berbice and 868 in Essequibo making a total of 7,686 backlog matters to be added to the 7,998 filed in 2015 I ' ... ~ making a grand total 15,684 matters to be. heard in 2015.The Judges heard and I determined 4831 matters in Georgetown, 595 matters in Berbice and 203 matters in Essequibo making a total of 5,629 matters concluded in the year 2015 leaving a total of I I 0,055 civil matters pending at the end of2015. I The number pf civil cases awaiting. trial in the Court continues to escalate. The staff of I the Supreme Court Regtstry continues its exercise of auditing of all matters filed in the Registry by bundling them into categories of matters abandoned, deserted, ripe for I hearing and pending in the Registry either for .,leadings to be closed or for decisions to I be delivered by Judges. Matters that are ripe for the hearing are sent to the chambers of the Honorable Chief Justice for Assignment to judges for hearing. The abandoned matters I I I I 5 • I are assigned by the Honorable Chief Justice to Judges for call over of these cases so that I Attorneys-at-law and litigants are given the opportunity to be heard. Most of these matters are deemed abandoned and are dismissed. This is an ongoing exercise. In relation I to this exercise in 2015, 158 Civil Matters were deemed abandoned. This follows the 829 I that were completed 2014, 265 in 2013 and 8,062 in 2012. The number of matters disposed of goes as far back as 2007 in Georgetown, 2005' in Berbice while Essequibo is I dealing with current matters. .- I The Supreme Court is also using the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) method to I deal with civil matters which is done on a voluntary basis. However, there are plans to make Mediation a compulsory step in the civil procedure rules and also to expand the .. ' I pool of trained mec!l~t~rs available to do mediation . ' ' I At the end of 2015, matters were referred to mediatipn by Judges of the High Court and I through requests by Attorney-at-Laws/clients. I The Commercial Court (CD), a specialized court which commenced work on June 21, 2006, was introduced to shortened lengthy trials in the court in the matters. I This Court is now bein,.g adjudicated by two Judgessince the amount of matters being I filed in this court makes it difficult for single judge to handle in a timely manner.
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