Wetland This list shows many of the common species that are found in wetlands and that are available from nurseries on the Wetland Plant Suppliers list. The wetland indicator status refers to how frequently a species is found in wetlands out of the range of habitats the species will grow in. The abbreviations for status in the table stand for: OBL - Obligate >99% occurrence in wetlands FACW - Facultative Wetland 66-99% occurrence in wetlands FAC - Facultative 33-66% occurrence in wetlands FACU - Facultative Upland 1-33% occurrence in wetlands A positive sign indicates a frequency toward the higher end of the category (more frequently found in wetlands), and a negative sign indicates a frequency toward the lower end of the category (less frequently found in wetlands). The wetland indicator status was found in the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: 1988 Maryland. The area of the state in which species occur commonly as natives are also shown. The following abbreviations refer to physiographic regions of the state: S - Statewide A - Allegheny Mountain Section (Garrett County) R - Ridge and Valley Section (Allegany, Washington, and western Frederick Counties) P - Piedmont Section (eastern Frederick, Carroll, Montgomery, Howard, northern and central Baltimore and Harford, and northern Cecil Counties) C - Coastal Plain Section (St. Mary's, Charles, Calvert, Prince George's, Anne Arundel, southern Baltimore, Harford, and Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset, and Worchester Counties) N - Northern Coastal Plain Section (southern Baltimore, Harford, and Cecil, Kent, eastern Queen Anne's, and northern Caroline Counties) E - Lower Eastern Coastal Plain Section (western Queen Anne's, southern Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset, and Worchester Counties) Pot- Potomac River area

Indicator Area of Species Status State Trees Acer rubrum FAC S Red Maple Acer saccharinum FACW ARP Silver Maple Betula nigra FACW RPC River Birch Carpinus caroliniana FAC S American Hornbeam

Chionanthus virginicus FAC+ PC White Fringe Tree Diospyros virginiana FAC- RPC Common Persimmon Fraxinus pennsylvanica FACW S Green Ash Ilex opaca FACU+ S American Holly Liquidambar styraciflua FAC C Sweet Gum Nyssa sylvatica FAC S Black Gum Platanus occidentalis FACW- S American Sycamore Populus deltoides FAC P Eastern Cotton-wood Quercus bicolor FACW+ C Swamp White Oak Quercus nigra FAC E Water Oak Quercus palustris FACW RPC Pin Oak Quercus phellos FAC+ C Willow Oak

Indicator Area of Species Status State Salix nigra FACW+ S Black Willow

Taxodium distichum OBL E Bald Cypress Shrubs Alnus serrulata OBL S Brook-side Alder Amelanchier canadensis FAC C Oblong- Service-berry

Aronia arbutifolia FACW S Red Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa FAC A Black Chokeberry Cephalanthus occidentalis OBL S Common Buttonbush Clethra alnifolia FAC+ C Coast Pepper-bush Cornus amomum FACW RPC Silky Dogwood Cornus stolonifera FACW+ A Red-osier Dogwood Hamamelis virginiana FAC- S American Witch-Hazel Ilex verticillata FACW+ S Common Winterberry Itea virginica OBL C Virginia Willow Leucothoe racemosa FACW C Fetter-bush Lindera benzoin FACW- S Northern Spicebush Lyonia ligustrina FACW S Maleberry

Indicator Area of Species Status State Magnolia virginiana FACW+ C Sweetbay Magnolia

Myrica pensylvanica FAC C Northern Bayberry Physocarpus opulifolius FACW- Pot Eastern Ninebark Rhododendron maximum FAC AR Rosebay Rhododendron Rhododendron viscosum OBL S Swamp Azalea

Sambucus canadensis FACW- S American Elder Vaccinium corymbosum FACW- S Highbush Blueberry Viburnum dentatum FAC C Arrow-wood Viburnum prunifolium FACU S Black-haw Sedges and Rushes Carex crinita OBL S Fringed Sedge Carex intumescens FACW+ ARC Bladder Sedge Carex lurida OBL S Shallow Sedge Carex stricta OBL S Upright Sedge Carex vulpinoidea OBL S Fox Sedge esculentus FACW S Chufa Cyperus strigosus FACW S Straw-color Flatsedge

Indicator Area of Species Status State Dulichium arundinaceum OBL S Three-way Sedge

Eleocharis obtusa OBL S Blunt Spikerush Juncus effusus FACW+ S Soft Rush Scirpus pungens FACW+ S Three-square Bulrush Scirpus atrovirens OBL S Green Bulrush

Scirpus cyperinus FACW+ S Wool-grass Scirpus validus OBL S Soft-stem Bulrush Emergents and Submerged Aquatics Acorus calamus OBL C Sweetflag Alisma plantago-aquatica OBL PC Broad-leaf Water-plantain Caltha palustris OBL ARPN Common Marsh-marigold Elodea canadensis OBL RPC Broad Water- Hibiscus moshuetos OBL C Swamp Rosemallow Iris versicolor OBL S Blueflag Orontium aquaticum OBL C Golden Club Peltandra virginica OBL C Arrow Arum Pontederia cordata OBL S Pickerel Weed

Indicator Area of Species Status State Sagittaria latifolia OBL S Broad-leaf Arrow-head

Saururus cernuus OBL C Lizard's Tail Typha angustifolia OBL C Narrow-leaf Cattail Typha latifolia OBL S Broad-leaf Cattail Vallisneria americana OBL RPC Wild Celery Wildflowers and Grasses

Andropogon gerardi FAC S Big Bluestem Aquilegia canadensis FAC ARP Wild Columbine Arisaema triphyllum FACW- S Swamp Jack-in-the-pulpit Asclepias incarnata OBL S Swamp Milkweed Aster lateriflorus FACW- S Calico Aster Aster novae-angliae FACW- S New England Aster Aster novi-belgii FACW+ C New York Aster Aster puniceus OBL S Swamp Aster Campsis radicans FAC C Trumpet-creeper Chelone glabra OBL S White Turtlehead Cicuta maculata OBL S Spotted Water-hemlock

Indicator Area of Species Status State Equisetum hyemale FACW S Rough Horsetail

Eupatorium perfoliatum FACW+ S Common Boneset Glyceria canadensis OBL ARP Canada Manna Grass Glyceria striata OBL S Fowl Manna Grass Helianthus angustifolius FACW C Swamp Sunflower

Impatiens capensis FACW S Spotted Touch-me-not Leersia oryzoides OBL S Rice Cutgrass Lobelia cardinalis FACW+ S Cardinal Flower Lobelia siphilitica FACW+ ARP Great Blue Lobelia Ludwigia alternifolia FACW+ S Bushy Seedbox Mertensia virginica FACW S Virginia Bluebells Mimulus ringens OBL S Alleghany Monkey-flower Monarda didyma FAC+ A Oswego Tea Beebalm Phalaris arundinacea FACW+ C Reed Canary Grass Poa trivialis FACW RPN Rough Bluegrass

Rudbeckia lanciniata FACW S Cut-leaf Coneflower Saxifraga pensylvanica OBL AR Swamp Saxifrage

Indicator Area of Species Status State Solidago rugosa FAC S Wrinkled Golden-rod

Spartina pectinata OBL PC Prairie Cordgrass Thalictrum pubescens FACW+ PC Tall Meadow-rue Tiarella cordifolia FAC- AR Heart-leaf Foamflower Verbena hastata FACW+ S Blue Vervain

Vernonia noveboracensis FACW+ S New York Ironweed Viola labradorica FAC A Alpine Violet Adiantum pedatum FAC- ARP Northern Maiden-hair Athyrium filix-femina FAC C Subarctic Lady Fern cristata FACW+ S Crested Shield-fern Dryopteris carthusiana FAC+ ARP (spinulosa) Spinulose Woodfern Onoclea sensibilis FACW S Sensitive Fern Osmunda cinnamomea FACW S Cinnamon Fern Osmunda claytoniana FAC ARP Interrupted Fern

Osmunda regalis OBL S Royal Fern Thelypteris noveboracensis FAC S New York Fern

Indicator Area of Species Status State Thelypteris thelypteroides FACW+ S Marsh Fern

Woodwardia areolata FACW+ C Netted Chainfern Woodwardia virginica OBL C Virginia Chainfern