entropy Article On Entropy, Information, and Conservation of Information Yunus A. Çengel Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, USA;
[email protected] Abstract: The term entropy is used in different meanings in different contexts, sometimes in contradic- tory ways, resulting in misunderstandings and confusion. The root cause of the problem is the close resemblance of the defining mathematical expressions of entropy in statistical thermodynamics and information in the communications field, also called entropy, differing only by a constant factor with the unit ‘J/K’ in thermodynamics and ‘bits’ in the information theory. The thermodynamic property entropy is closely associated with the physical quantities of thermal energy and temperature, while the entropy used in the communications field is a mathematical abstraction based on probabilities of messages. The terms information and entropy are often used interchangeably in several branches of sciences. This practice gives rise to the phrase conservation of entropy in the sense of conservation of information, which is in contradiction to the fundamental increase of entropy principle in thermody- namics as an expression of the second law. The aim of this paper is to clarify matters and eliminate confusion by putting things into their rightful places within their domains. The notion of conservation of information is also put into a proper perspective. Keywords: entropy; information; conservation of information; creation of information; destruction of information; Boltzmann relation Citation: Çengel, Y.A. On Entropy, 1. Introduction Information, and Conservation of One needs to be cautious when dealing with information since it is defined differently Information. Entropy 2021, 23, 779.