Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences Vol. 48 (10), October 2019, pp. 1516-1520 New record of Melithaea retifera (Lamarck, 1816) from Andaman and Nicobar Island, India J. S. Yogesh Kumar1*, S. Geetha2, C. Raghunathan3 & R. Sornaraj2 1Marine Aquarium and Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, (MoEFCC), Government of India, Digha, West Bengal, India. 2Research Department of Zoology, Kamaraj College (Manonmaniam Sundaranar University), Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India. 3Zoological Survey of India (MoEFCC), Government of India, M Block, New Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. *[E-mail:
[email protected]] Received 25 April 2018; revised 04 June 2018 Alcyoniidae octocorals are represented by 405 species in India of which 154 are from Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Surveys conducted in Havelock Island, South Andaman and Shark Island, North Andaman revealed the occurrence of Melithaea retifera and is reported herein as a new distributional record to Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This species is characterised by the clubs of the coenenchyme of the node and internodes and looks like a flower-bud. The structural variations and length of sclerites in the samples are also reported in this manuscript. [Keywords: Octocoral; Soft coral; Melithaeidae; Melithaea retifera; Havelock Island; Shark Island; Andaman and Nicobar; India.] Introduction identification15. The axis of Melithaeidae has short The Alcyonacea are sedentary, colonial growth and long internodes; those sclerites are short, smooth, forms belonging to the subclass Octocorallia. The rod-shaped9. Recently the family Melithaeidae was subclass Octocorallia belongs to Class Anthozoa, recognized18 based on the DNA molecular Phylum Cnidaria and is commonly called as soft phylogenetic relationship and synonymised Acabaria, corals (Alcyonacea), seafans (Gorgonacea), blue Clathraria, Melithaea, Mopsella, Wrightella under corals (Helioporacea), sea pens and sea pencil this family.