Some 3,000 members of the of the Catholic Parent-Teacher Savoy hotel, respectively. Shown ! Justin Hannen, grand knight of Quigg Newton; and Judge Philip Moran, Joseph O’Heron, James ward Leyden, Miss Margaret Sulli­ J. Canavan, John Cavanagh, Wil> Catholic laity of the Archdiocese league March 20 in the Shirley- above (left) at the speakers’ table council 539, Knights of Columbus; Gilliam of the Juvenile court. Hartman, and Charles Hagus; van, and John Mulroy; liam Higgins, Eugene O’Sullivan, of Denver gathered in the past Savoy hotel. Close to 2,000 men at the men’s annual Communion Bishop Charles Quinn, C.M., prin- ( “Register” photo by Smyth) Lt. Gov. Gordon Alcott, Arch­ and second row. Monsignor John James Flanagan, William Kelly, week at two impressive events. took part in the annual Com­ breakfast are, left to right, the |cipal speaker; Urban At the CPTL conference speak­ bishop Urban J. Vehr, Mrs. James Judnic, Mrs. Leonard Swigert, Elmer Kolka, and Gregory Smith. More than 1,000 women attended munion and breakfast March 23 Rev. (Lt. Col.) Edward Gates, V. Vehr; John Bowdern, cheir- ers’ table (right) are: First row, Foley, Bishop , Mrs. Robert Rumble, and Mon­ ("Register” photo by Van's stu­ the annual all-day conference at the Cathedral and the Shirley- C.M., chaplain at Lowry field; an of the breakfast; Mayor left to right. John Leonard Campbell, the Rev. Ed­ signors Harold Campbell, Walter dio) Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1952 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on Mass Attendance Census Planned Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M, Friday Following Issue Number of Communions Also to Be Recorded on Sundays of May lieve crowded conditions in the re­ the difficulty of getting to Mass in DENVER CATHOUC In Ian organized attempt to secure be conducted on the four Sundays after the collection. The count an accurate record of Mass attend­ of May. should note not only those occupy­ spective parishes, but several of the suburban areas where transporta­ ance throughout the Archdiocese of The survey is not to be made by ing the pews but those in the choir churches erected in recent years have tion facilities are limited is prevent­ Denver, Archbishop Urban J. Vehr approximate estimates, but, so far loft and standees as well. already proved too small to care ing some from regular Mass at­ has directed the pastors of all as possible, by actual count. The The census will be taken for four for their expanding congregations. tendance. The survey in May should churches to conduct counts of ac­ Aroibishop, in announcing the cen­ Sundays in order to determine an In some instances this factor has provide a fairly accurate indication REGISTER tual attendance at all Sunday Masses sus by letter to the priests of the average Sunday Mass attendance in contributed to the clergy shortage of the needs of various parishes and in the month of May. The number archdiocese, suggests that the ush­ each church. Special note should be by necessitating extra Masses in sections and offer some guide as of Sunday Communions will also ers be instructed to note the num­ taken of any exceptional factors churches of limited capacity. how best to provide for the expand­ VOL. X LV Il. No. 32. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1952 DENVER, COLO. be counted in the special survey to ber in each pew, possibly right contributing to increased or de­ It is known that in some cases ing needs or a growing population. creased attendance or reception of Communions on any particular Sun­ In Lady of Grace Census day. A special form has been pro­ Delegation From 'Wonderful ' |2 Catholic Highs Needed vided for registering the official count, arid the Archbishop asks that a copy of the record be main­ . Roll Call tained in the individual parish files. Archbishop Tells 119.828 Catholics Recorded in 'Directory' The latest census figures com­ Of 430 Families piled for the 1952 edition of the School Problems By F rank Morriss Official Catholic Directory, to be By L ettie Morrow A three-week census of the infant Parish of Our Lady published in April, give the popula­ of Grace, Denver, has revealed that sonie 430 homes of Colorful welcomed Wonderful Wyoming when tion of the Denver archdiocese as the Archdiocesan Catholic Parent-Teacher league sponsored 1,865 are Catholic, according to the Rev. James Moynihan, 119.828 in the 100 parishes that Figures for the total Catholic population of the Swansea the largest conference in its 15-year history, with approxi­ and Elyria district have not teen tabulated, but, at an are listed. The accurate count to be mately 1,000 persons present in the Shirley-Savoy hotel, average of four persons to a fam- made in the parishes in May will Denver, March 20. enable authorities to determine the ily, there would be 1,720 Our Lady It was the first time representa­ problem of expansion, for fre­ of Grace parishioners. (Editor’s percentage of regular Mass-goers. tives from the neighboring state quently the newly organized .par­ note: Four to a family is too of Wyoming had attended the All Saints' Parish small an estimate. National figures A compilation, such as the one CPTL meet in Denver, and, de­ ishes proved to have double the show 5.2 to the average Catholic to be undertaken, is especially spite blizzard conditions that kept number of families that it was family, advertising experte say. some Wyomingites and Colo­ thought they would have. As an needed in Denver and its suburbs example, he named St. Therese’s New Rectory. Will The average U. S. family is 3.8.) where the mushrooming population radoans at home, there were dele­ The area that up until a year gations from Cheyenne, Casper, in Aurora: When that parish re­ ago was a mission of Annunciation of the past decade shows no sign and Laramie, Wyo., and Colorado cently built a new church, hall, and parish is still undergoing a rapid of let up. There are now 33 par­ Springs. rectory, it was estimated that it was comprised of 125 fam­ Be Finished Soon expansion. -Father Moynihan re­ ishes in the capital city and 10 in Bishop Hubert M. Newell of ilies; the number actually comes The rapidly growing Parish of ports three of-five Sunday Masses the environs. The Archbishop has Cheyenne headed the Wyoming draw capacity attendance. The delegation, which also numbered closer to 700. “If Denver contin­ All Saints, Denver, which received obtained sites for a number of ues to grow, what next?” Father Harley Schmitt as its first Lenten daily Mass and evening de­ the Rt. Rev. Monsignor James A. votions are also well attended. new parishes in outlying sections Hartmann, the Rev. John Marley", “Either we are with God or not,” resident pastor last Dec. 22, is Only the past September, there declared Archbishop Vehr. “There anticipating another milestone in of Denver, the inauguration of and the Rev. James Ruddy. was but a single Sunday Mass. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, can be no neutrality ethically.” its brief but impressive history. In The zeal put into the census by whidh awaits an adequate number THE WYOMING DELEGATION that Bishop Hubert Newell, and the Rev. James Ruddy; “May I ask that you keep your the latter part of this month a 12- and back row, Mipcs- W. T. Lane, president of the speaking at the luncheon, ex­ members of the Men’s club is indi­ of priests. attended the CPTL conference March 2Q plained the tremendous task ahead flawless, moral Christianity as an room rectory, built at a cost of cative of fervor of the ■whole par­ Cheyenne PTA, P. J. Parsoneault, Paul H. 'Workmd, example for your children; that $31,000, including furnishings, The erection of several large new includes, left to right, front row, the Rev. John Vincent Smith, Harry C. Schleicher, and A, L. Ham of parents in the Archdiocese of ish, the pastor says. A map of the Denver in continuing to provide you help us meet the problem of will be completed. area was made, postmen furnished churches in Denver will greatly re­ Marley, the Rt. Rev. Monsignor James A. Hartman, ilton.— (Register photo by Van’s studio) educational expansion in the en­ The parish is in a relatively new adequate Catholic education for the address of every home, and their children. ^ suing years.” area, where more than 12,000 parishioners visited each address. St. Joseph Burse Fund dwelling units have been con­ Non-Catholics were given a letter In Denver grade schools alone. Bishop Newell , structed in the past few years, and from the pastor; Catholic homes How Blessed Mother Tost Her Head' Archbishop Vehr said, in the past Contrasts Changes the energetic' parishioners have an received a census card. Is Increosed to $3,427 10 years the number of children Bishop Newell, first moderator excellent record. In addition to ac­ The Our Lady of Grace Men’s A total of $3,427.41 is the pres­ THE BLESSED MOTHER formed Mary’s face came loose curacy of the boy’s aim. has increased by 4,000, bringing of the Denver CPTL—the posi­ quiring a church building that seats club has 50 members. They and “lost her head” in St. Francis de from its lead moorings in the The story, despite its inauspi­ the total from almost 14,000 in tion now held by the Rev. Ed'^ard about 400 persons and ig valued at ent standing of the St. Joseph the Altar society members have burse—Denver archdiocesan fund Sales’ church, Denver, but she window, sailed down through the cious start, has a happy out­ 1937 to almost 18,000 in 1952. A. Leyden—was featured speaker approximately $50,000, a new par­ done the work on all, the improve­ had had the foresight to insure depth of the sanctuary, and come. For the “innocent icono­ Since 1940 the population Of the at the noonday luncheon. Bishop ish project is the remodeling at a for the assistance of seminarians ments, at a great saving. in their feducation for the holy herself against such loss. splintered on the sanctuary clast’s” father, reminded of state of Colorado has increased by Newell contrasted the 1952 meet­ cost of $8,000 cf a two-story barn, floor. the pitfalls of his own ball-play­ 17 per, cent, he pointed out; and ing with the first organizational donated by Safeway Stores, Inc. School Is First Concern priesthood. Gifts in the past week, The way it happened? A very One of the first concerns, after which add up to $67, came from young lad with an excellent ... ing boyhood by a friendly insur­ the citjr of Denver has grown 29 meeting held in 1937, at which Parishioners have donated 156 ance agent, had bought compre­ per cent. there were present only a handful man-hours of work on the hall. The the debt is lifted, will be the build­ eight contributors. In addition, the “wing” was tossing snowballs in THE INCIPIENT ball-play­ ing of. a school. Father Moynihan Sacred 'Heart of Mary parish, The company of some of his com­ er’s only thought at that mo­ hensive personal liability cov­ Eighth grade pupil* in the pa­ of women, but women with daunt­ structure will be used for a. sum­ declares. Children of the parish erage for all the members of his less courage and pioneering spirit. mertime vacation school and a hall South Boulder, swelled its St. Rob­ rades' in St. Francis’ grade ment was ont of grave retribu­ rochial school* of Denver today Zealous leaders in those early for meetings, dances, and parties. now attend seven different Cath­ ert’s burse by $17.90. school playground area — the tion to come—more from the young family. And so an insur­ ' number 842, explained the Arch­ olic schools—the majority go to only place on the parish grounds Holy Virgin herself than from ance policy, cosigned “Blessed bishop, and first graders num­ years when the Catholic Parent- The 12-room new rectory, built Loyola and Annunci:;tion—in ad­ Donations in the past week, with Mother,” will take care of the Teacher league was in the throes the names of those who made where the boys are permitted to the kindly pastor. It seems that ber 1,514! That spell* the need of growing pains were, said Bishop on one floor without basement dition to public schools. One hun­ indulge in this winter pastime. knowledge of the penalty visited replacing of the Virgin’s beauti­ for two new Catholic high or attic, is located on the five- dred public school students re­ them, follow: Mrs. Mary Jones, ful head. Newell, Mrs. Alfred Rampe, Mrs. acre tract of land on which the Denver, $10; Mrs. Mary Angerer, He flung one particularly upon an iconoclast was not for­ schools in Denver within the next Dwight Shea, Mrs. Thomas J, ceive instructions every Sunday well-constructed missile up into eign even to that youthful brain. * * * few years. church is situated. Besides quar­ in preparation for First Commun­ Denver, a long-time friend of the Morrissey, Mrs. Anthony F. Zar- ters provided for the pastor, and burse, $5; Mrs. M. Archer, Den­ the air, with, perhaps, the imp­ Besides, what must Mary think THE STORY you have just In addition, the number of lengo, and Mrs. Lito Gallegos. ion. "rwo nuns from Annunciation ish notion that it might land on of one of her own boys, faithful a future assistant, there are a parish teach the youngsters in an­ ver, another faithful friend, in read' is true; only the names teacher trainees qualified to meet Their work has been ably fostered guest room, reception room, linen thanksgiving to St. Joseph and St. someone’s head. to the Rosary, who would hit her were suppressed to protect the the state’s teaching requirements by Mrs. James A. Foley, president, ticipation of a summer vacation It did. in the head ■with a snowball? room, a utility room, housekeeper’s school that -will prepare them for Therese, $5; anonymous, Denver, innocent. The insurance man, must by 1953 be doubled from the whose term of office expires in quarters, kitchen, dining room, First Communion. $5; L. H. K., Denver, $2; M. B., But it was the head of the The lad, whbse father before however, was Dave Garland, 415 graduated from Catholic col­ May. and garage. A refrigerator has The parish has ample land— Denver, $5; anonymous, Denver, Blessed Mother, as represented him had no mean ability with prominent member of St. Fran­ leges in 1949 if Denver’s Catholic After listing many of the great­ been donated for the rectory by seven acres—to care for the in­ $25; and anonymous, Denver, $5. in a stained-glass window above the horsehide, reported the cis’ parish, whose own baseball schools are to be sufficiently man­ est changes that have occurred in Christ the King parish. flux of persons into the new in­ Gifts to the St. Joseph burse the sanctuary of the church, damage immediately to the rec­ career has taught him well the ned. the world at large in the past 15 Father Schmitt reports that the dustrial area. Father Moynihan may be sent to Archbishop Urban that received the ill-directed tory. He was treated gently, difficulties that can befall small Archbishop Vehr explained that years, Bishop Newell named some parishioners have many ambitious hopes eventually to see school J. Vehr, ^Denver Chancery office, blow. With consummate ease, though one of the priests made boys with a “wing” beyond their even the establishment of many of the changes locally that have undertakings. They are planning and convent occupy the acres 1536 Logan street, Denver. the piece of colored glass that a slurring remark about the ac­ years. new parishes had not solved the affected the CPTL—the elevation to landscape the five acres sur­ that now boast only the church of Denver to the status of an rounding the church and rectory in and newly expanded five-room archdiocese, the creation of the early spring. Suitable shrubbery rectory. The parish hall in the 'Hatealohg' Harvey Almost as Elusive as Mrs. Chase's Rabbit Diocese of Pueblo, and a one-third and flowers will be planted. The basement of the church—the Increase in the population of Men’s club and Altar society have only auditorium in the area— Denver. been very active in all parish can accommodate 300 persons Declaring that great changes projects. and is much in demand hy local have occurred, also, in the family, The parish embraces a five-mile organizations. the home, and education, the area from the Platte river on the Games parties held in the hall 'Tabernacle' Spawns Anti-Catholicism Bishop said that today emphasis in on Tuesday evenings draw about education has been laid upon prac­ east to the Hogback road on the ticality and functionality, as is 200 persons every week. The By E d M iller cowhand dominie, who, if he could shockers as My Life in the Con­ ment. See photo of Iron Virgin, attempt to heap discredit on the west, limited by Florida avenue on evidenced by the practical type of the north and Dartmouth avenue young parish has a successful fall not be called a “Rider of the Pur­ vent; The Priest, the Woman, and an instrument of death torture. Church. The latest case in point is festival and spring jamboree. ALL OF ENGLEWOOD EVAN- studies to which children are sub­ on the south. Approximately 400 GELIST Harvey Springer’s gall ple Sage,” certainly qualifies as a the Confessional; Behind the Dic­ One hundred and twenty-eight the continuing circulation given a families comprise the parish. Con The parish 4-H club recently an­ “Writer of the PurpTe Page.” tators (the Church, of course); and pages enlarged. Price $1. completely scurrilous and false mitted : Those that will teach them nounced plans for a garden proj­ is divided into three parts: He dis­ to make a livelihood. struction of new dwelling units in likes Commies (it pays well); he “Unfortunately,” said the a few of Springer’s o'wn anti-Cath- Springer’s latest venture in letter by certain Protestant groups, the Burns-Brentwood and Artcraft ect on the church land, which will “Holiday” article, “the evan­ olic writings, among which are The most notably by the Rev. Mr. But the practical'can be most give youngsters something to fill hates Jews (it fills his “taber­ anti-Catholicism is recorded in the impractical,” His Excellency areas indicates a continuing nacle”) ; and he just loathes Cath­ gelist who gets the biggest play Judgment of the Great Whore Information Bulletin, Washing­ Harvey Springer from his ‘taber­ growth, which, in the days ahead, their summer. News that the city in Denver today is the Rev. (which words are superimposed on nacle’ in Denver.” said. Children need to be taught plans a park immediately north of olics (it pays well and it fills the ton: “They’re still at it,” says the their spiritual heritage and how to will evidence the need for a paro­ “tabernacle”). Harvey Springer, a cowboy Jew- the cover over a reproduction of a communication. “The old saying The letter, purportedly written chial school. the parish property means a great copy of Our Sunday Visitor), Why meet the life to come. Education increase in the ’^alue and particu­ Now Pa.tholics as a rule are long- baiter and hate dispenser a la ‘any port in a storm’ seems to by a Catholic priest, “the Rev. Pat­ Gerald L. K. Smith. Springer I Am Not d Roman Catholic, and rick Henry O’Brien,” is a new ver­ must be based on spiritual values larly the usefulness of the land. suffering. They usually “tee off” apply to certain Protestant groups has broadcast hit sermons sev­ Was Peter the First Popel (these who will stopp to any level in their sion of the bogus “K. of C.” oath that remain unchanged, for they Men's Communion Set The church has joined the city in on their j separated brethren only words being superimposed on the are the bases upon which we evalu­ vacating a street that was the when the latter become so ob­ eral times from across the Mexi­ that has done so well for can border where the govern­ cover over a drawing of St. Peter, Springer in the past. According to ate change. north boundary, aijd that will give streperous that no other course stolen lock, stock, and barrel from It is, the Bishop explained, March 30 in Two Cities room for the planting of trees and ment cannot reach him.” its text. Catholics are planning to is possible. If you see a vehement * * * a Register, National Edition of a “change, mend, or blot out the emphasis on the permanent spirit­ shrubs .adjacent to the acres. blast emanating jfrom a Catholic year or so ago.) Archbishop Urban J. 'Vehr of The parish boundaries — Sand SPRINGER’S FAME (and fi­ present Constitution” to force ual values with which the Catholic Denver p d Bishop Charles Quinn, source you can be sure that it is » * ♦ , Parent-Teacher league is most con­ creek on the north, Colorado only in retaliation. nancial independence) stem main­ Catholicism on every American. C.M., will address two men’s an­ boulevard on the west, 40th avenue ly from the adjunct to his Engle­ A SCRIPTURE DISTORTER A check of the Catholic Direc­ cerned, for they must be taught, nual Communion gatherings Sun­ on the south, and Brighton boule­ Take the case of the aforemen­ wood tabernacle which houses his from way back, Springer, however, tory shows that there is no priest first of all, in the 'lome; then in day, March 30. In St. Mary’s vard on the east—take in the tioned “Hopalong” Harvey Sprin­ printing establishment, for from has his followers sold on the fact by that name in the , the school. And it is these spirit­ church in Colorado Springs, Arch­ complete Swansea and Elyria dis­ ger, claiming he is a “Doctor of Di­ these presses pours a stream of that he is an exegete of the first and a double check nade with tbe ual values, he pointed out, that bishop Vehr will offer Pontifical tricts. vinity,” whose Englewood Baptist filth that is both astounding and power. Here, for instance, is an Chancery office of the Diocese of keep the home fundamentally Mass at 8 o’clock and afterward hall has a theater marquee and a nauseating. example of one of his Biblical Rochester, N. Y. (supposedly the sound in the midst of change. will address the men at the Com­ big sign, “Why Pray When You translations: “You go to the eighth In conclusion, the former mod­ munion breakfast in the Antlers Moy Clergy Conference The six-footTplus Rev. Mr. home diocese of the nebulous “Fa­ Can Worry?” splashed on its brick Springer’s approach to publishing chapter of the Book of Acts and ther O’Brien”), shows no record erator said that it is by fidelity hotel. Bishop Quinn, a member of The semiannual clergy confer­ flank. you will find that the Apostles to the principles of the Catholic the faculty of St. Thomas’ semi­ is similar to his preaching tech­ of a priest of that name. ence for priests of the Archdiocese Springer is a character who nique. His speaking is grandi­ said, ‘Peter, get down off your * * * Parent-Teacher league that par­ nary, Denver, will be the 'guest throne, if you were ever up on one. ents can make their greatest con­ speaker at the men’s Communion of Denver will be held at the Ca­ makes a handsome annual figure ose and often violent; clad in cow RECENT ARTICLES in both thedral on Tuesday, May 13, at from hate—and hate alone. boots Rnd Hopalong garb, he pulls You are not the Vicar;of Jesus the Nation and the New Leader tribution to the nation. breakfast at St. Joseph’s , parish. * ♦. * Christ down here at Jerusalem’.” (See Story, Picture* on Page 9) Fort Collins, after the 8 o’clock 10:30 a.m. Papers will be read by the stops on his tremendous voice have scored Springer for his leader Mass. the Rev. Robert McMahon, pastor NOW THE 31MPLE CONSID- and wanders through the audience, The Rev. Mr. Springer’s parish­ ship of the “Catholic-baiters” of of Sts. Peter and Paul’s, on “Con­ ERATION of the Rev. Mr. Spring­ often punctuating his remarks with ioners are sure he is giving them the nation. Indian, Negro Missions vert Techniques,” and by the Very er’s local activities would be great whooping jumps from the accurate information because he But, when the opposition gets 500 Inionts Blessed Rev. William Kenneally, C.M.; and merely wasted space if thaf were floor to the stage of the taber­ spent three weeks in Rome at one too great, as Holiday has pointed the Rev. George C. Tolman, C.M., all to be considered. It is true that time reading the contents of' the out, Harvey, (who used to be a Collection Returns Mode nacle. Vatican library—some 1,900 years’ In St. James' Cereniony of St. Thomas’ seminary. he has a following that is large, In print he is the same wild and carnival “spieler,”) beconfes as Returns in the collection for the A special letter from Archbishop but it is one that could hardly accumulation of “secret docu­ hard to find as Mary Coyle Chase’s woolly Springer. From his presses ments.” Indian and Negro missions, taken In connection with a mit.ion Urban J. Vehr asks as many be called discerning. It is, however, regularly roll copies of the bogus rabbit of the same name. up in the churches of the Arch­ preached by Franciscan Father. priests as possible to be present his extra-curricular activities that Knights of Columbus oath, and Springer’s weekly newsps^er, For instance, the Rev. Mr. diocese of Denver March 2, have Fabian Joyce and Seba.tian Egan for the solemn ceremonies of Holy bear mentioning, because, although such books as the lurid I Was a The Western Voice, invari­ Springer, having flooded the coun. been announced by the Chancery in St. James’ church, Denver, 500 Thursday in the Cathedral, April Harvey Springer is taken lightly Priest. ably carries book advertisements try with the “O’Brien letter,” is office as follows: infants were blessed at a special 10, beginning at 9:30. It is sug­ hereabouts, it is an anomaly that His plush book shop, which ped­ such as the following: CON­ now “somewhere in Europe.” DENVER PARISHES ceremony on the afternoon of gested that parish services be held he is recognized natiopally as the VENT HORROR. Most horri­ Cathedral ...... J480.00 dles everything from scotch tape Ask his confreres at the Engle­ All SainU’ ...... 50.00 March 25, The tots, all too young early enough to make it possible shrewd author of much of the trou­ to dramatic photos of old “Hate- ble revelation of convent cruelty wood tabernacle where he can be Annunciation ...... 77.60 to be in school yet, indicate that for priests not obliged to say Mass ble that exists between races and along Harvey" himself (riding high on record. Beautiful, innocent contacted and they will look off Blessed Sacrament ______406.46 the Rev. William Powers, pastor, that day to receive Holy Commun­ religions in the United States. in the saddle with a Bible in one Barbara Ubrick locked in a nun­ into space and shrug. Christ the King ..... 230.16 will have to provide quite a few ion in the Cathedral. The newly Holy Family ...... 160.90 Holiday magazine, in its article hand and a kerchief round his nery basement dungeon 6 x 8 “Harvey,” they will say, “went Holy Ghost ...... 376.93 more classrooms in the parish be­ blessed holy oils may bo obtained on Denver published in 1949, had bronzed neck), does a thriving feet for 21 year*. Weighed 40 thataway.” Holy Rosary ...... 38.00 fore long. at that time. , quit* a bit to say about Colorado’s business in the- sale of such pounds when taken by govern­ Harvey Springer (Sm Pictnr*, Pag* 16) , (Turn to Pages — Column S) fa mm

PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Strott THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tolf phene, KEyitene 4205 Thuriday, March 27, 1952

The Denver Catholic Indian, Negro Collection Fr. Sullivan Is Credit Union Expert Register fia&hyiL... Published Weekly by the Jesuit Bettered Jamaican Economics Catholic Press Society, Inc. Returns Are Announced governments and private institu­ first month’s saving was $49, 938 Bannock Street, Denver. By John O'Hayre THE BIGGEST MAN in credit tions throughout the Islands in which in Jamaica at the time was Colo. (Continued From Page One) COLORADO SPRINGS— Corpus Chrlsti ...... 197.85 union work in the British West co-op legislation and techniques. no small fortune. Subscription; $2.00 Per Year Mother of Cod ...... 182.10 Divine Reedemer ...... 109.82 Indies is a wee, white-clad Jesuit, Father Sullivan explains that And today, the credit union is PAUMS Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 110.85 Sacred Heart ...... 121.60 the co-op movement in Jamaica doing truly magnificent work. Fa­ Sold in combination with The PretenUtlon ...... 104.42 St. Mary’s ...... 76.00 Father John Peter Sullivan, a florido Register, National Edition, in Sacred Heart ...... 17.90 St. Paul’s (Broadmoor) .... 191.00 perky Bostonian who has revolu­ grew out of a parish sodality that ther Sullivan points out that the fr o m Our Lady of Guadalupe 18.01 he organized shortly after being work the union does is primarily Archdiocese of Denver. S t Anne'a (Arvada) ...... tionized economic thought m Ja­ h e e d s St. Anthony’i ...... 20.00 Craig—St. Michael's ...... 40.00 maica. Father Sullivan is giving a assigned in 1939 to parish work spiritual ind secondarily socio­ YOUR Entered as Second Class S t Cajetan'» ...... 17.50 Cripple Creek—St. Peter’s ..... - 8.86 p h o h e 95.00 series of talks in the Denver area. there. There were 23 lodalists who economic. He and the other guid­ Matter at the Post Office, St Bernadette's ...... Crook—SL. Peter’s ...... 7.16 ing lights of the union look W IK I OR Denver, Colo. St. Catherine’s ...... 250.00 Deertrall— (Mission of Hugo) 8.84 And, despite the, hardships, the started the credit union, and this S t Dominic’s ...... 222.16 Derby—St. Catherine’s ...... 22.49 hot weather, and the hurricanes upon the union as an instrument S t Elliabeth’a ...... 286.00 Elbert—Sacred Heart ...... to give people not only security S t Franeia de Salts* ...... 860.00 Erie—St. Scholastica’s of Jamaica, Father Sullivan loves S t Ignatius Loyola’s ...... 72.19 (Lafayette) ...... his “home” and his native flock. St. Francis' Grad but also in doctrinal and spiritual St. James* ...... 800.00 Estes Park—Our Lady of the And his flock loves the “little guidance. There is a great lack For My Lady! John the Evangelist*s ...... Mountains (Loveland) ...... 10.48 of clergy in the Islands, which re­ PASCHAL CANDLES Evergreen—Christ the King...... ^.9 8 priest" who has taught them how • Furs S t Joseph’* (C.88.R.) ...... U2.B0 to make economics dynamic and Is Alexian Brother sults in serious deficiencies in the St. Joseph’s (Polish) ...... Flagler—St. Mary’s ...... 8.06 training and educating of Cath­ • PLAIN • DECORATED • Restyling S t Leo the Great’s ...... 40.60 Fleming—St. Peter’s ...... 70.00 living more secure by the infilsion St'Louis’ (Englewood) ...... 126.16 FORT COLLINS— of Catholic social teaching. In investiture ceremonies in Sig­ olics. Father Sullivan uses the St. Mary Magdalene’s * Holy Family ...... 6.25 credit union for this purpose, and Repoiring (Edgcwater) ...... 98.00 St. Joseph’s ...... 136.60 Father Sullivan was sent from nal Mountain, Tenn., March 19, Also TRIPLE CANDLES Ft. Logan—St. Patrick’! ...... 83.80 the New England province to it serves its purpose weill. Cleaning S t Patrick’s ...... 86.00 Felix I. Gonzales received the garb • * * Sts. Peter and Paul's ...... 100.00 Ft. Lupton—St. William’s Jamaica in 1939. He maintains as a novice in the Congregation of • Storage St. Philomena’s ...... 160.00 (Plattevllle) ...... that he was not selected or singled IN JAMAICA, the population is St. Rose of Lima’s ...... 1...... 88.42 Ft. Morgan—St. Helena’s ...... 40.00 Cellites, or Alexian Brothers, Fountain— (Colorado Springs— out because the Provincial thought 95-per-cent non-Catholic, but the "All Work GuorintooS to Ploooo" St Theresa’s (Aurora) ...... 180.00 He will be known in religion as St. Vincent de Paul’s ...... 160.00 St. Paul’s) ...... he was the man to do the job. “It Brother De Porres. He is the son credit union officers and leaders Frederick—St. Therese'a ...... are nearly all Catholics. Last year, O ttering Envelopes DANIEL’S PARISHES OUTSIDE DENVER Georgetown—Our Lady of wasn’t that dramatic,” he insists. of the late Rupert Gonzales and Lourdes ...... 5.00 “I was the only man left on the Father Sullivan represented the FUR SHOP Akron—SL Joseph's ...... 69.00 Mrs. Juana Gonzales, and formerly Easter Glenwood Springs—St. Stephen’s 70.00 list, and Jamaica was the only resided at 4086 S. Federal boule­ Holy See at the first Caribbean p e r 1000 111 TABOR BLDG, A L 8124 Aipen—8t. Msry’s ...... (iolden—St, Joseph’s ...... 40.00 Technical conference on co-op­ sOO n th A CURTIS Bouidar—Saertd Heart ...... place a man was needed at the vard, Englewood. A graduate of lOO Boulder, South-^Sacred Heart of Grand Lake— St. Anne's time.” eratives, held in Port of Spain, .... 16.15 (Kremmling) ...... 10.00 * * * St. Francis de Sales’ nigh school, 10 0 Mary ...... GREELEY—* Denver, Brother De Porres entered Trinidad. Dr. D. C. Iferthman Buriinffton—St. Catherlne't ...... 17.91 Our Lady Of Peace ...... 7.21 BUT HIS PRESENCE in Ja­ the postulate here Aug. 17. 1951. He is considered one of the out­ U e d u t e o e i ^ Brizhton—St. Aufuitins’i ...... 132.00 St. Peter's ...... 94.63 maica has been a Godsend in ev­ standing authorities on cy April 2. Newcomers to the pariah are SCHAFFNER Mrs. T. Raymond Young will Miss Helen Malcheaki, 1066 Cler­ iM infnm niurM ffi entertain the St, Margaret Mary mont; Mrs. Adam Eckhardt, 756 Hart Schaffner & Marx. Moke your next 6IORCI F. ROCK. F rc tlM Colorado boulevard; Messrs, and IU 4 C4dlfomi I O V ' I I V G at an evening of bridge on March 19. Mmes. William Horan and Eye Care Frank Weick were recipients of For the Safety of Your (^ods the bridge awards. 638 Empire Bldg. KE. 5840 Tendeifoof Awards Given Dolls and Doll Ports Use Johnson Service on Every Movo Cynthia Cudmore, Judith Haug, C U t u M AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN LINES, INC. Judith Holke, Ann Me Adam, Elsa ANY DOLL CAN "H0VIN8 w m CARX EVERTWHBRR" Seeg^miller and Frances Vaughan BE REPAIRED received the rank of Tenderfoot JhjL TltatiL StoM. STORAGE - PACHIIVG - SHIPPING at the court of awards recently A.BsC* Doll Hoapital Phone P£ 2433 Denver 221 Broadway held at Christ the King school, for Girl Scout troop 449. 1818 Arapahoe, Danvar MA. 7817 AtsSmUm,

1 Tkundoy, March 27, 1952 Offici, 938 Bonneek Strtot THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tilephont, K Eyitont 4205 PAGE THREE Matt Cvetic to Be at South High March 31 2,000 Catholic Men March to Cathedral in Annual Display of Faith Man Who Spied on Reds to Speak

MATT CVETIC, the man Com­ AT HIS TALKS, Cvetic will not of interest to every American citi­ munists call “traitor”, and “stool only expose Red activities, but will zen who is concerned with the pigeon,” will be in Denver Mon­ also tell of the constant mental dangers of Communism in this day, March 31, to tell the story of war they wage on their own mem­ country, Eakins said. Since leaving how the Reds operate withiti the bers in an effort to keep spies out the Communist party, Cvetic has United States and in its organiza­ devoted his time to speaking about tions. Red activities and their threat to With nine danger - filled years American freedom. behind him as an undercover agent * • * for the FBI within the Communist HIS STORY has beep told in the party, Cvetic speaks from his own Saturday Evening Post and in a experiences, about which he made motion picture, I Was a Commu­ 20,000 reports to the FBI. He is nist for the FBI. His experiences brought to Denver under the will also be dramatized on the auspices of the American Legion. radio beginning April 4. The pro­ A public meeting will take place gram will be heard every.Friday Monday at 8:15 p.m. in the South at 8 p.m. over KLZ in Denver, high school auditorium. Cvetic will sponsored by the Carter Oil com­ also address a special meeting .of pany, with motion picture star the Denver Chamber of Commerce Dana Andrews taking the part of Monday noon in the Lincoln room Cvetic. of the Shirley-Savoy hotel. * * * TICKETS ARE BEING SOLD by members of t h e American 54 DPs Arrive; Legion for the public meeting, ac­ cording to J. M. Eakins, chairman of the legion’s Americanism com­ mittee. The price is 25 cents, with Need Sponsors all proceeds going to the American Junior Legion baseball fund. Six Displaced persons continue to hundred complimentary tickets enter the diocese in large num­ will also be distributed to civics bers; two groups, totaling 54 per­ sons, arrived in Denver from New students in Denver high schools. Matt Cvetic Cvetic’s nine agonizing years as York city and New Orleans March a dual personality within the Com­ of their ranks. His success in his 23, lifting the already “grand” total of these unfortunates re­ munist party ended abruptly in own efforts to keep suspicion from 1949. During that time his career settled in the diocese to 1,556 in had cost him the respect of his falling on him is illustrated by the a three-year period. family, the loss of his mother, and warning he received from top Com­ Another sizeable group is land­ the love of his wife, who left him munist officials in America that ing in the U. S. Friday, March 28, when he became a Communist. The his own cell had an informer. What on the S. S. Taylor. The greatest undercover career ended with his the Reds did not know was that number of these persons will be appearance before Congress to the cell leader they were warning German ethnic families (families testify on Red subversive activi­ was the informer they sought. of German racial strain who for ties. His appearance promises to be generations have lived in other European nations and were forc­ ibly driven from their homes ,by Honor Society Preparing the Communists). A number of these families have already been spoken for by kind- Good Friday Radio Log hearted Colorado sponsors, but a few large families, all with farm A wider religious observance of Good Friday is being pro- experience, are still unsponsored, ' moted by the radio committee of Kappa Gamma Pi, Denver chap­ according to the Very Rev. Mon­ ter, with Miss Frances Donlon as chairman. signor Elmer J. Kolka, archdioc­ A complete radio log of special devotional programs emanat­ esan associate director of resettle­ ing from Denver radio stations on Good Friday will be made ment. available to Register readers by the committee. ‘ Here are a few of the g;roupa The Good Friday project is being encouraged nationally in available for placement: The Koch all chapters of Kappa Gamnia Pi, honor and activities society of family, comprising the father, 50; Catholic women’s colleges, which maintains an active censorship of radio and television shows throughout the United States. the mother, 43; and*four boys, 16 13, 8, and 4; L, Miss Donlon, as an outstanding scholar and student leader in Mt. St. Scholastics college, Atchison, Kans., was named to Kappa The Hermanski family, the fa­ Gamma Pi by that college upon graduation in June, 1951. She is ther, 40; his wife, 36; sons, 19 employed_ by the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. knd 16j 15, and 10; and a daughter, 12 is active in Catholic circles in Denver. and the Wilhelm family, the fa­ ther, 46; the mother, 44; a son Some 2,000 Catholic men arose occasion was the annual corporate of Catholic men from all parts of Following Mass and Communion, Quigg Newton, Police Chief Her­ 23; and two daughters, 20 and 11 early the frosty morning of March Communion Mass and breakfast the city. The subject of the Arch­ breakfast was served to more bert Forsyth, Fire Chief Allie RESTAURANT Persons, especially farmers who 23 arid assembled at the Knights sponsored by the Knights of Col­ bishop’s sermon was “Peace.” He than 1,000 men in the Lincoln room Feldman, Manager of Safety Wil­ will soon need workers, are asked of Columbus home, 16th and Grant umbus of Denver. divided his topic into four aspects: of the Shirley-Savoy hotel. Bishop liam Blood, Monsignor Walter to contact Monsignor Kolka at street, Denver, to march to the Archbishop Urban J. Vehr was International peace, peace amongst Charles Quinn, C.M., was the prin­ Canavan, rector of the Cathedral; the resettlement office, 1665 Cathedral of the Immaculate Con­ the celebrant of the Mass!and gave our neighbors, peace in our fam­ cipal speaker . at the breakfast. the Rev. Charles Jones, chaplain of Grant, AC. 3825. ception for the 8 o’clock Mass. The the sermon to a capacity audience ilies, and peace within ourselves. Bishop Quinn was recently ex­ the Denver K. of C., Major Gates, pelled from Communist China chaplain at Lowry field; Judge Tax Burden Is Greater and gave a stirring talk about John Gilliam, Judge David Brof- Program's Opening Changed to April 28 tactics of the Communists, the man, Louis Sullivan of the Post INC. way they take over a country, gain Office department, Arthur Alcorn, Than Food Expenditure power, and crush all their opposi­ Fourth Degree K. of C.; and Jus­ “WHERE DENVER DINES” tion. Especially interesting was' tin Hannen, grand knight of the Americans pay more taxes than Town Meeting Series at Regis Expands Bishop Quipn’s description of the Denver K. of C. ' Featuring a . the money they spend for food, ac­ “people’s court” and the manner The ph(^08 above are various BECAUSE OF PUBLIC INTER­ ings by many of the state’s Wash­ of the Oil Workers union; and T. in which “justice” is dispensed in views of tne parade, the, men at cording to Fred Bennion of the China today. Mass in the Cathedral, and the Large Variety of EST and popular demand, the ington Representatives, who will Raber Taylor, Denver attorney. Colorado Public Expenditure * ♦ ♦ The toastmaster at the break­ breakfast. The speakers, inset, are Town Meeting series slated at Re­ not be able to appear personally, fast was John J. Bowdern. Hon­ Bishop Quinn (left) and Arch­ council. The council is backing ALSO ADDED TO the May 12 a resolution now before Con­ gis college in April has ad^ed an­ will be imported and heard, along ored guests at the head table in­ bishop Vehr. (Register photos by panel is: “Should the U.S. Adopt cluded Archbishop Vehr, Mayor Smyth) SEA FOODS gress to hold expenditures by other session—“What Is Our For­ with the testimony of the other a Program of Universal Military speakers present. In return, a tape Open 11 A.M. to 3 A.M. the federal government in 1953 eign Policy?”—to its star-studded Training?”, are Palmer Hoyt, edi­ to $71,000,000,000. “We can’t go program. recording of the whole program tor and publisher of the Denver Post, and Art Bazata, political fig­ on like this without something The series, originally slated to will be cut and ^ent to the Wash­ Free Dinner Parking ot Any Parking Lot ington speake^ to give him a ure and manager of Centennial busting wide open. Our in­ open Monday evening. May 5, was Easter Fashions moved up to the previous Monday, chance to hear the entire pro­ race track. in the Vicinity flated dollar is going down,” said April 28. The sessions, which will gram. Ed Reilly, an official of the for the young miss J ilt P ru rat Y*gr Pirkint Ticket to Cuhicr’i Deik Mr. Bennion, predicting the day bring together the cream of the Farmer Congressman to Speak Colorado Motor Carriers, also has ALL WOOL From S:tS to 10:0t P.H. when the dollar will buy 25 cents state’s civic experts for discus- agreed to appear with Traffic Several new speakers were Manager Henry Barnes and George worth of goods. 'sions of current problems, will be added this week to the list of men Spring Coats 9.95 held in Regis’ LoyoK hall on the Flanagan of the Retail Merchants’ who will state their views on cur­ association on the June 2 panel, Navy, Tan, Green, Red to campus. rent topics ^and to answer ques­ “Is Denver Solving Its Traffic with pique and lace trim. 1 T QC Program to Be'on Radio tions from the audience. Among Problem?” them are John A. Carroll, former Sizes 4 to 10. I/.7J The Very Rev. Raphael C. Mc­ 30 Panel Speakers Carthy, S.J., Regis president, is Colorado Congressman, who will “It’s a Honey” Dresses sponsoring the Town Meetings. appear on the “Foreign Policy” According to Father McCarthy, pqnel and also on the May 26 Luscious pastels and light plaids. For First Communion Articles They Will take place each Mon­ the panels for the seven town Sizes 3 to 6x 1 to 14. 3.95 to day evening, starting April 28 and panel, “Is America Heading Into meetings will be filled this week, Socialism?” 6.98. ending June 5. Indications are now as four more speakers are needed New Straw Hats 1.98 up see that they will be carried over the Appearing on the same panel to complete the list of 30. air" by one of the local radio sta­ will be James G. Patton, president He also Indicated that the Town tions. of the National Farmers union; Meeting series will be a permanent • * * feature of the college’s expanding J278 SO.D0WNIN0f ANOTHER NEW FEATURE Gene Cervi, Denver newspaper­ program' of service to the com­ RA 6060 also was added to the impressive man; Will Nicholson, Denver fi­ munity in the interest of adult Mrs. Peter Jonke "W h en Children Re/'in" A. P. Wagner & Co. •series of discussions. Tape record- nancier; 0. A. (Jack) Knight, head education. CHURCH GOODS 606-14th Street (BETWEEN CALIFORNIA AND WELTON STS.)

First Communion A new finger-tip length Sets for Boys . and Girls Veil in one size only to Each set consists of fit oil girls of First Com­ “ Jesus Help Me" prayer- munion age. book, b e a u tifu l rosary. I Communion Pin, Mt. Car­ mel Scapular and in on Each pocked in a attractively designed carrying Kit. window display box. 1.45 2.60 $2.50 3.20 4.8 5

Baulevord affers funeral services suited ta all needs, priced ta the means af each family . . . and na family has ever been turned away far lack af Other Chil(dren's Prayerbooks funds. One charge cavers all— there ore na unautharixed extras. Regardless ef cast, every service is camplete. ■' as “Pray Always,” “Welcome Jesus” or “Jesus Make IVfe Worthy” in a variety of quality bindings in black and white to suit every taste. Available singly qr in kit combinations. Baulevord Mortuary is easily accessible from ony part of the city . . . only five minutes from down­ town Denver, ample parking space. BE SURE TO ATTEND THE FASHION SHOW sponsored by the ARCHBISHOP’S GUILD, to-nite, THURSDAY, March 27th, 8:15 p.m. LINCOLN ROOM, SHIRLEY-SAVOY HOTEL.

3020 FEDERAL BOULEVARD GR. 1626 PAGI POUR Offict, 938 Bannock Btrott THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TtUphent, KEyilono 4205 Thuridoy, March 27, 1952 Brownie Guard Mt. Carmel Youths Aid These Missionaries Of St. Vincent's At Conference (St. Vineant da Paul'i Pariah, Danrtr) Forty-two women from St. Vin­ cent's parish attended the 16th an­ nual educational conference in the Shirley-Savoy hotel on-March 20. At the morning lesiion,. the St. Vincent de Paul color guard of Brownie troop 138 presented the colors, under the leadership of Perky, pretty acw patcoti...trifflIy ttilpred Mrs. William O’Brien and Mrs. E. acw iiylet that will mike yonr deughter'e eyce L. Priest. light up. We ffleea out cute new PoU-Ptoot The members of the troop are Mary Beth Baca, Elizabeth Baur- SHdIu ready and waidag. Won't you come enfiend, Sally Sikes, Jessica hr$tr$§SZi. ^ *** them...and tee how pre*testing Finder, Judy Pat Pahh, Carol makee PoU’Puron the extxa>Talae4hoei Henderson, C. C. Hoyt, DSria Kautzky, Mary Ann Muto, K. C. O’Brien, Susie O’Naill, Mary Kath­ erine Priest, Madonna Schlerth, THE BONNIE SHOP Mary Lou Wall, and Maurene Walsh. 751 S. University PE 8273 The Tabernacle society is con ducting an intensive camjpaign for the coflection of old gold and sil­ ver, which is needed to finance its many worthy activities. The chair­ A LETTER from a Servite missionary, by natives of Ingwa'vuma, Natal. Father Kinch men, who are appointed in this the Rev. Edwin_M. Kinch, set off a drive explained in his letter to the Mt. Carmel school ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH parish to take care of the collec­ children that most male converts of that region are tion, are Mrs. E. E. Stanley, RA. on the part of Mt. Carmel school children to raise received into the Church shortly before death because PatronlM Th»$» FritnMy Firms 4389, and Mrs. J. R. McCabe, RA. funds for an expensive 36 mm. camera to be used 0 on the roissibns in South Africa. In a few weeks the of the widespread practice of polygamy. 6291. They may be contacted now, Another outlet for the children’s spontaneous or donors may save the articles un. children collected enough money for the camera, and til later, when they will be col at some personal sacrifice. The children also col­ missionary spirit was a used-stamp drive. Assump­ lected at the church, lected enough to send a small silver chalice to tion school (Welby) co-operated with Mt. Carmel LEN'S Pharmacy Mrs. Ralph McClean will enter Servite Bisbop Conetantine M. Barneschi, who ie to collect more than 26,000 itamps in-their first Open Sundays, 9 to 1 the Vicar Apostolic of Swaziland. Bishop Barneschi drive for 1962. These stamps are to. be sent on to L. C. FEBRi Prop. tain St. Vincent de Paul’i circle Week Dayi 7 to 7 St, Vineant A PaDl'f PariahUanikat of the Altar and R oia^ society visited Denver in the latter part of 1948. the Servite House of Studies near Elgin, 111., where Face-flattering, imported simulated Httra Your Doctor Phono on Friday, March 28, with a dee- Pictured above at the burial of an old native seminarians will sort them for sale. The proceeds Howes Food Store Ua Your Proaeription lert'Iuncneon. man are, left to right. Fathers Edwin M. Kinch, make it possible to send packages to the missions, Petaline rocker. Perky back trim of Boak*r B«wn — Carl* Hiwia 2707 E. Louisiana RA. 3739 The Our Lady of Fatima Rosary O.S.M.; Eugene M. Morgan, O.S.M.; and Sister such as the one containing the chalice donated by A Bi'Low Store At Laoliisns anS Soatb Clartan club members, Robert Luckeii- Annunciate, a native sitter. They are surrounded Servite Sisters from Welby. forget-me-nots with stand-up velvet Quality meats- bach, James Dorsey. Bruce Hanna, Morgan Cline, Joe Marcus, Billy bows. Black, navy, red, white and Groceries * Washington Park Mkta Whelan, John Sullivan, James Fee- ^ St. Dominic's PTA to Meet April 1 Fraih A Froien Fruita R$d & Whit0 Food Storo ley, and Joe Jordan, were enter­ other new shades. Just one of our ex­ and Vegetablea BIUL HUGHESi Props tained by Robert H. Luckenbach citing new Spring collection of sailors, Louisiana and Clayton with a dinner at Boggio’a Rotii- Loyola Dancers Will Present Program Complete Food Semce lerie, and a show in the Para­ shells, profiles, pillboxes, etc. SP. 5717 mount theater. (St. Dominic’s Rarisb, Denver) and square dancing demonstra­ street, Tuesday, April 1, at 1 598 South Gilpin On Tuesday night, March 26, The Rosary Altar society will tions. Sister Margaret Pierre, of o’clocly Little Flower circle, by ira Smart Is Ba Thrlftr" they were entertained for com­ meet Tuesday, April' 1, in the Loyola, will direct the singing and Mrs. Eugene Banahan, 2825 Eliot )j Lovely Spring Handbags $1.99 ^pluitag^~J pleting their Novena of Rosaries church auditorium i t 12:30 p.m. the piano accompanist will be Mrs. street, Wednesday, April 2, at 1 in a specified time. The group The recitation of the Rosary and J. T. O’Brien. The pupils of the o’clock; and the Ave Maria circle The firms listed here de­ meets every Monday night in the Benediction will precede the lunch­ eighth grade of the parish school by Mrs. Charles Lutter, 2832 Zuni serve to be remembered PLUMBING home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Luck­ eon and business meeting. The will be guests. street, at 1 o’clock Thursday, when you are distributing BRICKEY & MOLLOT enbach for the rosary making. meeting date has been changed A luncheon will be served by April 3. . PARIS HATS Fraab HoUat, Owntr The Holy Name society hat so that the April session will Cornivol to Footuro 1820 CALIFORNIA ST. Shoe. IP , IIH Baa., SP. lUl Mrs. L. J. Kelly, and her commit-' •A your patronage in the dif* postponed its meeting for April not fall in Holy Week. tee, Mmes. Elvera Argiletti, Ed­ 'Coronotion Night' "Acroa. from Denvor Dry Good. Co. on California Si." ferent lines of business. Kemodelinsi Repairing from April 9 to Wedneiney. Mrs. Jerry Buckley, program, ward Smith, John Hage, Hugh or Now Work April 16, because of Holy Week. The Rev. J. S. Angers, O.P., in Shop with confidence at FHA Flaandnc III S. Paarl chairman, will present Sister Jean Thornsberry, K. B. Cram, Mary E. charge of the June carnival, has Murry Wolg A|»ointgd Patrice and the dancers from Loy­ Bennett, Minnie Webb, F. G. announced a new feature, "Corona' EAST COLFAX CHILDRENS SHOP Assistant Fire Chief ola school. Sister Jean Patrice is a Lucey, Fred Nichols, William tion Night.” The boy and the girl Murry A. Wolz, 1250 S. Jose­ former student of the parish Naughton, Margaret McCaddon, with the highest record of sup­ offering for spring' and Easter all phine street, has been appointed school. She. is the daughter of Mr. P. 0. Haggerty, M. J. Morahan, port to the carnival will be nationally advertised clothing, shoes, m m E BRAE aseistant fire chief for the city of and Mrs. James M. Harrington, Thomas Mahon, and Anna McGin- “crowned” king and queen. A boy layettes and gifts from birth to 12 years. Denver. Mr. Wolz is a graduate 35^55 Federal boulevard. Mrs. Har- nity, and Miss Clara Gainor. and a girl from each grade will B of Sacred Heart' high school, and rin^on is n, past jpresident of the Mrs. E. J. Phelan will ba-ke a form the “court.4^ Many valuable 1011 East Colfax TA. 5455 Shopping Center attended Colorado university. He society. The dance and song num­ cake to be given away. Plans will and useful articles have been ob­ is a member of the St. Vincent de bers will include Mistress Mary be made for the parish dinner for tained to attract attention to this Paul parish and is active in the and Her Flowers; Gypsy Life; the June carnival, and arrange­ feature. They are an 1881 Rogers Bonnie Brae CONOCO PRODUCTS Holy Name society and the Knights Jacks and Jills; Musketeers; Rain­ ments will be made for the two silverplate lervics, two modern CATHEDRAL PARISH of Columbus. bow Ballet; Women in Symphony; First Masses by newly ordained electric clocks, a sunbeam auto­ HARDWARE {mbrleatlon. Car Waabing, Batteriee priests in May and early June. matic coffeemaster, an electric These Friendly Firms Deserve Your Patronage KOMAC COLORIZER PAINTS Racharged, Tira Vnl^iaing Mrs. Levi J. Saindon will preside. “Cory” knife sharpener, an elec­ SoBsswsres • Toys • Sport Goods BONNIE BRAE CYPC Communion Event The PTA will meet Thursday tric portable mixer, a Toastmaster No Down Payment afternoon, March 27, in the morning service, and many addi­ Ws GIts a .'9 C Ora)B Stampa CONOCXl SERVICE tional ^fte. Hotrt Orarhanling DOYLE’S tS24 E. Expoaltian * SP. SHI 724 So. Unlraraily PE. 9900 church auditorium. Final plans Body A. Fendu' Repair. Scheduled for March 30 will be made for the bake sale The adult choir, under the direc­ Tailorud Seat Carar* Hotar Tina-gp PHARMACY to be held on Saturday, April 8, tion of Ted Sherer, is reheareing Uaad Cara Tha Partlaaiat Praggiat (Cathedral Young People’s Club) Marian McLaughlin is on a two- and on Palm Sunday. The school every Wednesday evening after Preisser's Red & White Bonnie Brae Sunday, March 80, in the 9 week vacation, in Tulsa, Okla., church services. Applications for 17th AVE. AND GRANT she connected with American Air­ ehildrbn will antertaiii. Mrs. Cathedral Motors o’clock Mass in Immaculate Con­ Theo Marie Sponsler will pre­ the choir are still being received. JOB OAmiKY. Flop. KE. SIS7 VKSE DEUVERT Drug Co. ception Cathedral, the Young Peo- lines for a flight to Los Angeles Men’a voices are needed. 17JI Logan EE. SMI Grocery and Market aum 0. Aalinm. Owiwr-lUiwtit pie’s club will receive Communion with jone sister, there to meet an­ sent her miniature pianos. At the Wedntoday evening serr- FANCY MEAra. VEOETA8LBS. AND Have your Doctor phona ut m a body. Breakfast will follow other sister. JWarian and her. sister Cub Scouts QUALITY QBOGEBIES your Praafiiption* icee April 2, Father Angers will in the Albany hotel., Reservations nei(t boarded a plane for Mexico Put on Exhibition Free Delivery SPmee 4447 Beers, Wiaai, Etc. are $1.26. Members should call City and Acapulco. From Acapul­ preach on "Herod, the Mocker.” 1331 EL A.vo. (So. Unlv, and Ohio) 763 So. Uaivariity RA. 2674 Mary Ann Wallace, EA. 8839, or co she will travel to Chicago and The Cub Scouts, pack 66, held a On Friday evening, there will be Free Prompt Delivery Mary Critchton, CH. 4712, by Fri­ Sioux Falls, S.Dak., her home, be­ meeting for their parents, brothers* Holy Hour and Stations of the • day evening. fore returning to Denver. and sisters in the church audito­ Cross beginning at 7:30 p.m. Thare rium March 24. The cubs put on will be Stations for the ehildren on tlMSSN 4 a a . The “backward dance’’ h*• i* MEMBER OF ST. PHIIOMENA’S clothing worn'in the reverse order. geries both go to Francis Bruggen- Mr. or Mrs. McCune, 8858 Fed­ those preparing tpr their First PKESGKIPTIUNS CALLED PARISH in wonderful new colors The ‘^backward*^ ideal were eaty* ibeis, with hisrh garne of 225 and eral boulevard, or any of the CemmuBioiSg th^B othsr class FOR AND DELIVERED 3S3 East Colfax TA. 330A and exciting atyles . . . by ried out all evening in dancing: and high series totaling 820; for the present den mothere.. is for tho xnoro otd^aiiced pupils. entertainment. All present enjoydd girls, both high game and high Circles will be entertained as Colfax at DowiHns Denret “ Gael Originals’* a'n evening: of fun and unique series go to Betsy O’Kane with follows: St. Anne’s bridge circle by Parents of children who hope to fCEystone 3217 ^ No two alike periences. 169 and 469, respectively. Mrs. Fred Sabon, 2666 Stuart have them make their First Com- munion this May should be dili- ent in arranging for their chil- '$5to|20 West Point Debaters Bombard Regis 5ren to be present at all instruc­ HOIV MMKr PAIBH tions. Irregular attendance may result in the children’s not being Patronima These Friendly Firms sufficiently prepared. Portraltt • CanerM • Photo Snppllti 727 So. Unireraity FANXIXG’S TEXACO SERVICE PIANO MUSIC TIRES - BATTERIES UdUfliuVhoto Studio ACCESSORIES (PETE VAN WOENSEL) COMPLETE SERVICING J h L ( jt) lw h L REA80NABLB PRICES Phone: GR 9342 for Appointments 44tb A STUART GR. 9824 4345 W. 4lit Ave. jiiOlITH GAYLORD W ffdi -XooiLL CORN FED MEATS The firms listed here de­ ^hoppin|{ District ON POUL’TBY AND nSH serve to be rem em bered TEI\]^YSOJ\ when you are distributing REMINGTON your patronage in the dif­ 12-IN. U» (33)4 rpra) Record. Hfeat M arket ' W EE m iv Shoes for the Family 4016 Tannyion GR. 0443 ferent lines of business. ^1018 So. Gaylord RA 9863^ Weatherbird and Trimfoot Available at the LOW Price of ^•Breikfaiti • Lunchei^ Sheei fo r Children • Dinners X-Ray Fitting The two cadet debaters though making the debate a close Special | i | one, went down before the per­ ea. from the U. S. Military acad­ sonal suavity and crowd-pleasing .19 .SUNDAY DINNER ...... I Sondol Shoe Store emy, Welt Point, N. Y., give cloaa plu. lalea F Main 6J0 h 9—Mr. ml On. J. Willui 1023 So. Gaylord RA. 5087 arguments of Cadet 'Van Brewster iu end ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH attention to the rebuttal talk being (at right in picture atrleft), who pocUft given by Erneit Barlock of Regis wai voted the outstanding speaker 2 PatroriiMe These Friendly Firms The firms listed here de­ college, Denver, The cadet team, BONNIE-BRAE of the contest, with Barlock'of BEETHOVEN>- rated one of the best in the nation, Regie taking second honors. serve to be remembered bombarded the Regie college team Coneerte No. 6 in E Plat Major SCIENTIFIC Judges for the debate were “Empopor Coaeorto” Texaco b Products when you are distributing lEWEUr on St. Patrick’s day and came out Watch Repaire Lubrication yJP|^ Tire. ' E. H. Gegg, Prop. with an impressive win on the Charles Helgien of the speech FEUCITAS KARKER, PU akt ' your patronage in the dif­ battle over “The Federal Govern­ department of Denver university; Aostriftn Sytnphoaip Oreboatra Dunbar-Andrewi Waabing Aeeaaioriet ferent lines of businois. Guaranteed Repairing ment and Price Controls.” A. J. Bromfield, Denver finaneier; JEWELERS Joe & Andy*s 3339 E. Colfax 1048 So. Gaylord SP. 6026 The Regis team of Ernest and Lowell White, Denver at­ GREIG>- Barlock and Walter Pesci, al torney. Music before and after the Piaoo Coneorto in A Major . 1 SERVICE STATION Mobiloil . Pannsoil • Mobilgaa debate was presented by Miss Jean the

Former Sodalist Heads D. U. Mentors Guilds 'Spring Song' of Fashions March 27 Catechism Classes Held

(Archbishop’s Guild, DcaTor) St, Joteph’t Circle hostess to circle members April 1. tertain members of the circle Mr. and Mrs. John T, Walsh are Owing to the illness of Mrs. Ar­ April 1. The evening will be spent Thrice Weekly at Loyola “Spring S o n g ,” a sym­ thur Fridinger, president, Mrs. in sewing linens. the parents' of a boy, Patrick phony of enchanting fashions Jack Hickisen, vice president, will (Loyola Parith, Denver) will be assisted in the booth by for Easter and into summer, Henry, born in St. Anthony’s hos­ conduct the business meeting. St. Patrick’s Circia Catechism classes for public Mrs. John Madden, candy chair­ will be presented through the pital on St. Patrick’s day. At the St. France* Cabrini’i Circle Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mulcahy an­ school children who will receive man; and Mrs. Robert Ziegler, meeting of the circle the members Mrs. Dudley Taylor is recuper­ nounce the birth of a girl March their First Communion in May are fish pond chairman. courtesy of the May company took up the rosary-making proj­ being conducted every Monday, The mothers of the first grade for the Archbishop’s guild mem­ ating in St. Anthony’s hospital, 18. Mrs. Mary Alice Casey, pres­ ect. , Denver, ident of the circle, was chosen to Wednesday, and Friday afternoon children will supervise the lunch­ bers Thursday evening, March 27, Stella Mari* Circle at 3:45 in Loyola school. room and playground during April. at 8:15 o’clock in the Lincoln St. Jude’t Circle reign as queen of the St. Patrick Mrs. Bernard Weaver will be Mrs. Josephine Keller will en- day ball. On March 24 a games party for Mrs. H. W. Harman and Mrs. room of the Shirley-Savoy hotel. the benefit of the missions was Leonard Hart are the room Tickets at ?1 per person may be + + + + + + held in Loyola school for the mothers’, who will contact mothers purchased at the door. children. This is an annual affair for assistance each day. Additional entertainment for In Charge of Guild's Fashion Show which the children and their The membert of the Altar so­ the evening will be furnished by parents provide the gifts and the dality will take the annual col­ Miss Peggy Chestnut, Miss Joan profit is given to the Mission so­ lection for flowers for Holy Prohaski, and Miss Peggy Sha ciety. Thursday and Easter Sunday at froth, students of Loretto Heights Mrs. William Zint is preparing all Masses on Sunday, March college, Denver. Special prizes will the gym classes for an exhibition 30, and Sunday, April 6, be awarded. to be given at the PTA meeting April 15. At the bazaar meeting on March Fr. Borer Is Speaker 24 the' chairman, George Arno, The Rev. Anton Borer, S.M.D., At the PTA meeting March 18- Elizabeth Elaine Haley h e president, Mrs. Edmund announced that Jim Arkins will was the guest speaker at the meet­ be in charge of the Studebaker (above) was elected presi­ ing in March of Blessed Sacrament Berens, announced the following Sister M. Liguori of the nominating committee: The Rev. display, assisted by Pat Mulligan. dent of Mentors at the University circle. He spoke of his recent ex­ Pfc. Joe Berberick has been of Denver. She was also elected Sisters of St. Francis of periences in the Chinese missions. Edward Murphy, S.J.; Sister Maria Teresa, Mrs. Peter Puhl, Mrs. transferred to Waverly, la., from rush, captain of her sorority Penance and Christian Charity, The meeting was held in the home the camp at Fordland, Mo. Kappa Delta. She is an alumna whose mother-house is located at of Miss Helen Baker March 20 Henry Januks, and Mrs. Russell Hager. Nominations may also be Pfc. John Murphy, son of Mrs. of Cathedral high school, class 5200 Federal boulevard, is now Four members of this group of ’49. teaching in St. Elizabeth’s school. Mmes. Thelma Miles, Luverne offered from the floor. Helen Murphy of 2323 Gaylord, She is a former member of the Schoendollar, Mary McCabe, and Mrs. Edward Gallagher, bazaar has been transferred from Belle­ Cathedral Young Ladies’ sodality Dorothy Nadorff, attended the booth chairman, requests all mem­ ville, 111., to Omaha, Neb. and will take part in their special CPL luncheon. bers who have blocks for the quilt The parishioners are reminded VOSS BROS. vocation program to be presented Our Lady of Sorrow* Circle to return these immediately. She to call the St. Vincent de Paul Sunday, March 30. Everyone is in­ Salvage bureau. CH, 5503, when The March meeting was post­ discarding furniture or clothing. i BAKERIES vited to attend this program in poned until after Easter, when 3 Stores to Serve You Oscar Malo hall, 1845 Logan Mrs. Irene Henderson will be host­ Presentation PTA Mrs. William Boyle is the March street, Denver, at 2 :30 in the after­ hostess for St. Catherine’s bridge ess. Mrs. Marie Kurtz recently re­ circle. noon. turned from a visit to her daugh­ ter and son-in-law in Rapid City, fill Hear Talk by S, Dak. Don’t Worry About Lenten Meals! Myitieal Rota Circle Rev. Harley Schmitt The sewing on altar linens for THE COMMITTEE in charge of the Rosella Hepp, Mrs. Marie Schlereth, Mrs. Gertrude the missiohs was the feature of the MacHendrie, Mrs, Helen Roberts, and Miss Mary FRENCH FRIED JUMBO SHRIMP fashion show for the Archbishop’s guild (Presentation Parish, Denvar) BAKERIES meeting in March in the home of Ellen Logan; and front row, Mrs. Freda Ladewig, With potato salad and rolls. Served hot risht at your door* Mrs. Regina Forness. The meeting to be held Thursday, March 27, at 8:15 p.m. in the Mrs. Helen Falk, Mrs. Peggy Sweeney, Mrs. Louise The Rev. Harley Schmitt will be One’ order enoush for three. **The Finest Onl\f* in April will have Mrs. Bernice Lincoln room of the Shirley-Savoy hotel are, left Dowling, and Mrs. Marion Kelly.— (Photo by the guest speaker for the PTA ALSO DELICIOUS FRIED CHICKEN Bostwick as hostess. to right, back row, Miss Maura O’Sullivan, Mrs. Turilli) meeting to be held on Wednesday, (With above extras) Closed Mondays 87 So. Broadway Our Lady of Lourdai April 2, at 2:30 p.m. in the parish Quick delivery service or you may pick up your order. 753 So. University In March Miss Margaret hall. Father Schmitt spent' the 1550 Colorado Blvd. O’Connor was hostess to circle years 1948 to 1951 in Rome and members for an evening of sew­ You Are a Philanthropist will tell of his many experiences ing for Colorado mission priests. in the Holy City. Our Lady of the Rotary Circia YES YOU ARE a philanthropi glad to have these discards,” you That is the society’s primary Guild H> Sponsor . . and it will take but a fe ZIP,.,tuut Us Mrs. Clella Barry, chairman of have often told yourself. That is reason for operating the St. Vin­ A Slogan Contest the guild’s vestment committee, moments to prove it. your philanthropic nature assert­ cent de Paul Salvage bureau. The 1«1« e. Gaylord Herman Wichter, Prop. SPruce 4 i» FRYS and was a guest of this circle at its Here is Webster’s definition: ing itself. Where to find such peo­ success of its efforts on behalf of The Presentation parish guild, meeting in the home of Mrs. Fran­ “Philanthrophy is the spirit of ple and how to make certain that the needy is - dependent entirely is sponsoring a contest for a 40th ces Burke March 18. Mrs. Barry active good will toward one’s fel­ they are given the things they upon the co-operation received anniversary festival slogan. All aided the group in the sewing of low men, especially as shown in need are deterrents which may from Catholic homes. parishioners from six to 96 are FRESH EGGS a set of green vestments. efforts to promote their welfare.” prompt you to place the articles eligible. The person submitting the Mr. and Mrs. Mary Rosengren A philanthropist, the same au­ in an out-of-the-way corner where winning slogan will be presented Delivery every Friday returned from a trip to Houston, thority explains, is ‘‘one who loves they will do no one any good. YOU ARE DEMONSTRATING with an electric clock at the May NEEDS Tex. mankind and seeks the good of Perhaps unddr the erroneous im­ “the spirit of good will toward guild meeting. A box has been Morning Star Circle others.” pression that other agencies give one’s fellow men, especially as placed in the vestibule of the AND Mrs. Verna DeBell was hostess There you are! Money is not articles to the poor free of charge, shown in efforts to promote their church for the entries. The judg­ W M. HENRY to this circle March 20. Mrs. Kay even mentioned; nothing about we may yield to their solicitations. welfare,” when you permit one of ing will be done by qualified per­ Gonzales will entertain this group your having to endow an institu V * * our trucks to call at your home for sons outside the parish. Entries Located at J. K. Mullen Home at the meeting in April. tion, or settle vast sums upon de THERE IS A METHOD by furniture, beds, bedding, clothing must be in by noon of Easter Sun­ serving projects. which you can be sure your con- stoves, dishes, utensils, pictures, or day. for Boys Membart of tha Archbithop’t any other articles for which you guild are invited to take part in Not that such deeds are not c (This may be put in a mold and frozen in ice and salt.) The breakfast was held in the Brown Palace hotel and the recep­ well and pour over spaghetti. bAbEPIES tion was held in the home of the Sprinkle with paprika, and gar­ All Butter bride’s parents. nish with tomato slices. CAKES The bride is a graduate of St. for Mary’s academy and attended Lo­ Wsddint* retto Heights college. The bride­ and Parties groom is a graduate of East high school. The bride is the daughter tot 8. Broadway—PK. (S2( SAFEWAY 1S24 8. Gaylord 25 Broadway of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Murray, and PEarl 7I1S SPract 74U the bridegroom is the nephew of 15 W. Girard Eatl'w ’d 8U. 1-1N« Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harley.— (Photo by Abdoo studio) J I Thursday, March 27, 1952 Office, 938 Bannock Sfreet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyifene 4205 'A G E SEVEN Plan Showing of 'Monsieur Vincent' March 29 in Holy Ghost HaU , Lourdes PTA Holds Youth Art Contest Father Joseph O'Malley (Onr Ladjr o£ Lourdts Parith, James Van Loon, Mary Steiman, 25. The class this year will num­ D an T er) and Dorothy Angerer. The chil­ ber around 75. The PTA will serve An art contest for members of dren of the school entertained the the first communicants breakfast To Address Fatima Group Our Lady of Lourdes Outdoor parents with a musical program. in the Center House hall follow­ club was held March 25 _ at the Two more contests will be spon­ ing the Mass. All parents are re­ On Saturday, March 29, Our the/20-minute meditation, dwelling monthly PTA meeting, which was sored by the Outdoor club before quested to order the prayer books Lady of Fatima club will hold its on the Crucifixion for his timely attended by more than 200 adults. June, a camera contest and an es­ and outfits for the first communi­ monthly luncheon at 12:45 p.m. in fheme. The Rev. William Mona­ The following members of the club say contest. cants before Sunday. All children ghan, spiritual director of the Sunday, March 30, U the lait must be dressed alike. About 10 Holy Ghost hall, followed at 1:4S club, will lead the prayers, as out­ received the- awards: Edward p.m. with a Holy Houf in Holy Martin won th%first prize of $25, Sunday of the month and Com- children of the State Home who lined by the Reparation society and Patricia Lowe took second munion Sundmy for mombers of will be in the class will be given Ghost church. 'The Rev. Joseph during the church service, which is place. Both winners are in the Our Lady of Lourdes Altar so­ their prayer books and veils. First O’Malley, assistant ,at St.“ Philo­ open to both men and women of ciety. They will receire Holy Communion articles will be on dis­ mena’s, Denver, will be the ^uest the Denver area. sixth grade. Carol M cC urdy, speaker during the meditation pe­ Christine Clements, Judy Mitchell, Communion in a body in the play next Sunday after all the Reservations for the luncheon 8:30 Mats. All members are Masses. Those who do not secure riod of th e H oly Hour. As this Larry Moyer, and Cheryl Smith is the only Lenten Holy Hour con­ can be made by calling Miss Rita won cameras and cash prizes ifor urged to attend the Man and go their outfits in time will not be al­ ducted by this Fatima club, .Fa­ LaTourette, FR. 1062, or Miss Isa­ their entries. In the younger Sec­ to Communion. lowed in the procession this year. Plans for First Communion the ther O’Malley has chosen the Sor- belle McNamara, SP. 2181, on, or tion of the Outdoor club, James The men of the Rocks of rowful mysteries of the Rosary for before, Friday, March 28. One of Angerer won the $15 cash award; first Sunday of Mhy were com­ Lourdes club are preparing their the features of this month’s lunch­ other winners in the division were pleted at the PTA meeting March second annual play for the parish. eon will be the awarding of two T he p lay is w ritte n by th e m en Program on Vocations beautiful handmade .rosaries. Re­ themselves a n d is directed by turns should be m ade to Miss Mar­ George McClelland. Practice for To Be Given March 30 garet Daley, chairman of the ro- the play is held on Wednesday sary-making project, who is con­ nights following the Lenten serv­ By Cathedral Sodality ducting this contest, before the ice in the Center House hall. GATHERED AROUND the Very Rev. will be shown in Phipps auditorium Sunday, March luncheon-meeting. In spite of the bad weather, Monsignor Bernard Cullen, spiritual mod­ 30, at 7:45. They are, left to right,'Roma Casbtun, Tha Cathedral parish sodality + + + work is progressing on the new Bob easier, Tom Ford, Barney O’Kane, and Alice will present a special vocation extention of t h e school. The erator of the St. Thomas University club, is the Nash. Tickets for the movie, which are 80 cents, are profram Sunday afternoon, foundation is in, the plumbers committee working on the details for the presenta­ on sale at the K. of C. home, the James Clarke March 30, at 2:30 in'Oscar Malo have placed their pipe lines, and tion of the motion picture Monsieur Vincent, which Church Goods house, and Wagner Church Goods. the laying of bricks is expected to hail, 1845 Logan street, Denver. +++,++ The program, to which the pub­ Hora n*s begin next week. lic is invited, will feature tha Queen of Heaven Unit religious orders represented in outgtcmdihgly the Archdiocese of Denver. Scene From Movie Plans Party In Spring Priests, sisters, and brothars of De Sales' Class various congregations will ba fln£ funeral service portrayed by children from the The Queen of Heaven Aid so­ Denver parochial schools. The ciety met March 18 with Mrs. V. program, designed to give an in­ need not be denied To Present Play Tout presiding. It was unanimous­ sight into the dress and activi­ ly decided to start future meet- ties of the various orders, was any family because of originally presented to the stu­ ingfs promptly at 1:30 o’clock with dents at the Denver conference finances. At PTA Meeting the recitation of Rosary preced­ of the Junior Catholic Students’ ing the business session. Mrs. Mission Crusade under the di­ Furnishin3s and service (St. Francis de Sales’ Parish, Tout reported for the deanery rection of Father Frederick Me- Denver) meetings of affiliate presidents Callin. In addition to the chil­ ere available here in 6 A three-act play under the di­ held March 17. Mmes. Otto Bueh- dren’s presentation, Father Rob­ rection of Miss Marion Stortz will ler, H. McCormick, R. Mapley, ert Breunig, director of the so­ price ronge wide enough and R. Burkhardt volunteered to dality, will give e brief talk, a* be presented by the speech class serve on a newly formed sick com­ will Sister M. Liguori, a Fran­ io include every need. at the meeting of the Parent- mittee. Mrs. G. J. O’Byrne, chair­ ciscan and former member of Teachers’ association to be held man of the spring party, solicited the sodality. Wednesday, April 2, at 8:15 p.m. the full support of members for (Picture on Page 6) Rev. Joseph O’Malley in the high school auditorium. The the success of this benefit. The council will meet the same evening appointments of this party will be at 7:30 o’clock in the high school in keeping with the golden jubilee library. year celebration to be held in the The semimonthly square dance orphanage during the coming sponsored by the Boosters’ club year. Mrs. O’Byme was awarded will be held this Thursday, March the special prize. A social hour 515 Sixteenth Street (Next to the Paramount) 27, at 8 p.m. in the high school. followed the bosiness meeting. Father Robert Nevans baptized the following March 23: Timothy St. Vincent’s Aid Unit F o r t h e Horan & Son Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. ChaprKs Homer P. Powers, Jr., with Gran­ To Hold Meeting Apr. 1 Easter Paraide . . . ds A. Roth and Frances B. Cum­ KFystone6207 KEystono 62*^8 mings as sponsors; James Thomas, St. Vincent’s Aid society will from waist nipping Inner 1527 Ctoveland Placr son Af Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kar- meet in the home of Mrs. T. Wal­ garments to street wear lisle, with Albert Kretzer and ter O’Connor, 525 Circlo drive, . . . and into the Cocktail Mary A. Karlisle as sponsors; Dan­ Denver, on Tuesday, April 1, at iel Stephen, son of Mr. and Mrs. PIERRE FRESNAY in the role of St. Vincent de hour, to evening . • . . Edwin E. Johnson, with Richard 2 p.m. Sister Mary Cecile of Lor and Phyllis Williamson as spon­ Paul is shown above in a dramatic scene in the picture etto Heights college will be the RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. sors. Monsieur Vincent. The movie will be shown Sunday evening, March guest speaker. • 30, in Phipps auditorium, Denver, at 7:45. The show is being spon­ The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Greg­ sored by members of the St. Thomas University club; tickets are GENERAL TIRES ory Smith baptized Diane Terese, available at 80 cents in the K. of C. home, Clarke’s Church Goods daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James house, and Wagner’s Church Goods. General Batteries R. McCoy, March 23. Her sponsors were Neil R. Sweeney, Jr., and KRAFT RECAPPING Geraldine McCoy. ^ For ACCN Chapter at St. Anthony’s TAILOR GENERAL The Rosary circle will be held TO MEN Tuesday, April 1, at 12:45 in the Fr. Berord Giblin to Conduct 309 Colorado Kraft Inspected home of Mrs. Peter Anderies, 70 Bldf. \ J 9 U E E C E E y Clarkson street, RA. 1426, with Used Tires Mrs. James Anderies assisting. Hour of Recollection Mar. 27 G.T.A.C. Kaay Pay 1401 W. Colfax TA. 6604 Mothers’ auxiliary 126 and com­ Bridal Gowns mitteemen will meet in the home (Archdioceian Council of Catholic home of Dorothy Hoell. of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ott, 426 S. In Formals Nurse*, Denver Chapter) Lillian Mielke is still on the sick Dinner Gowns HuDiboldt, SP. 8556, Tuesday, The Denver chapter of th e list. April 1, at 8 o’clock. ACCN will meet in St. Anthony’s Shirley Cummins is ill with an Street Dresses hospital March 27. An hour of r^c- injury to her shoulder that was in­ D e n v e r.... Suits Regis Graduate Galn^ ollection will be given at 7 :45 by curred when skiing. Miss Cum­ Toppers Father Berard Giblin, O.F.M., of mins is on the staff at Colorado Coats St. Elizabeth’s. The regular meet­ General hospital. Honors at Chicago U . ing will follow. The executive com­ Miss Theresa Kiely is ill in St. "O'MEARA mittee will meet at 7 p.m. Joseph’s hospital. John Crowe, a graduate of Regis A ways and means committee Dr. and Mrs. Lee Albers an­ college, Denver, last year and now meeting will be held in the home nounce the birth of a boy born a student at Chicago university of Margaret Brown, 344 Downing, Mqrch 18 in St. Joseph’s hospital. MEANS DR. JAMES P. law school, this week came in for April 2 at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. James Ball announce special recognition. He was com­ Any member who wishes to pay the birth of a boy, William James, GRAY mended by the Chicago U. faculty her dues may mail .her check to born March 22 in St. Joseph’s hos­ Optometrist for being the outstanding law stu­ Miss Theresa Kiely at 1579 Frank­ pital. Mrs. Ball is the former FORD!" dent in^he freshman class at the lin or contact her at the next Mary Lou Seares, class of '48 of VISVAL CARE school. Crowe had an outstanding meeting. St. Joseph’s nursing school. EYES EX/kMlNED academic record at Regis and was Mary and Earl Baker returned Sister Mary Daniel is seriously riSVAL TRAINING graduated from there with a from a recent trip to Long Beach, ill in St. Vincent’s hospital in Bill­ bachelor of arts degree last June. Calif., where they visited in the ings, Mont. Optometrist 212-13 Colo. Bldg., 1615 Calif. S t Phone for Appointment 1314 Acoma TA. 8883 n s 'O " Fatima Club Members Aid Library “Denver's largest Ford Dealer" (Catholic Information and Mr. Baker was godfather to Chris- Joseph’s hospital. The husband of Library Society, Denver) tena Rene, daughter of Mr. and Mabel Larson is critically ill in a Several members ' of the Our Mrs. Hugene Hoell. They also local hospital. Lady of Fatima Luncheon club visited Mrs. Faye Macker, Balboa, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brechmann, Calif.; Helen Riordan, Albuquer­ Jr., 3401 Nielson lane, announce are active members of the volun­ t teer library program at the James que, N. Mex.; and Evelyn Poli, the birth of Stephanie Ann on Clarke rental library, which is Phoneix, all former members of March 19. Mrs. B^'echmann is a 1 sponsored by the Catholic Infor­ the Catholic Information {ind graduate of the Bryn Mawr train­ mation and Library society. The Library society. ing school for nurses in Penn­ L "Most comfortable s e a t ^ ^ 2 library is staffed Saturdays by Theresa Kiely is a patient in St. sylvania. 1 - Seot odjutlt In 1* IT 1 members pf the luncheon club. + + + + height btiwsen Two of the club members, Jean­ T" 1 nette Ryan and Agnes Mary ,14' ond JO*. _ 1 a gal ever sat in!” Eagen, are assisting Edna Hart­ Volunteer Librarians r 1 man on Saturdays at the Catholic 1 Library. Lenore Jacobson, 1566 1 Logan, ig. the newest volunteer li­ 1 brarian at Clarke’s rental library. Seel dtpHi may .1='^ Two Book Donation* c o s c o Mrs. Howard Sleeper, chairman h* edjuiled by of the volunteer program, states moving back in "Finger-Uft” 1 0 bring more telephone service to the people of that in the past week Adventures «r owt. Model 16-S Colorado, we're building new facilities at the rate in Two Worlds, by A. J. Cronin, and The Greatest Calling, edited of more than $ 1^ 2 million a month! by the Rev. Rawley Myers, a mem- ,ber of the Register staff, have The program includes new buildings . . . new been added to the library. Volunteers for the coming week switchboards and dial equipment . . . more cable, are: Thursday, March 27, Ida teekresteenbe moved up or poles, wire and all the other things necessary to Callahf^n; Friday, March.28, Kath­ erine Harsch; Saturday, March down le pro­ provide telephone service. 29, Minerva Maiers; Monday, vide proper • Feehire bade March 31, Mrs. Howard Sleeper; support. O nly and Tuesday, April 1, Loretto od|usts 3 ways! Money to finance such a huge program must Loughran. (Model 16-F, with fixed come from people who are willing to invest theii" On Ijour in South • 5 full-posture bock-" Marguerite Archer and Mrs. odiustmenls— savings in the business. * Emmett Dwyer, volunteer librari­ without teelsl ans, are touring the Southeastern leckreit HHt to Vital materials are difficult to obtain in the section of the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Ea-rl F. Baker returned “eradl*" beck Talk about comfort for'the working girl! Revolving quantities we need, but we are doing all we can to March 25 from Los Angeles, where In any position. «U-8teel, laddle-shaped, foam rubber-cushioned seat ia secure maximum allotments. Rdjuitable in height by exdusive, poaitive-Iockini "Fin ­ MEMBERS OF Our Lady of Fatima Luncheon ger-Lift" mechanism. . . high enough for third drawer filing, Every effort will be made to complete the pro* club who are active in the volunteer librarian program low enough for bottom drawer. Du Pont “Fabrilite uphol­ gram as planned so we may meet the growing de­ of the James Clarke Rental library, 1633 Tremont street, Denver, Tension of I stery. Tubular steel frame and base, finished in rust-proof, mands of the armed forces and vital defense indus­ are pictured above. spring-action I Left to right, seated are Dora Cavanaugh, who is in charge lilting bock I Bonderized, baked-on enamel. Soft-rubber casters. Popular tries, as well as the requirements of home telephone of the volunteer librarians on Monday and historian of the Catho­ b eeitly adjust- I office colors. Phone today for a free demonstration! I users. lic Information and Library society; Ruth Gibbs, member of the ed (on Model I board of directors of C. I. and L. society; and standing, Marguerite ;15-S,enly). I TOM WALKER PlAl^OS Billington, who represents the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic R*pr*MatetiT* *f KiaibaU, Sohatr, Nurses, Denver chapter, on the deanery library and literature ! BUSINESS FURNITURE CO. The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. Bardmia, SUrr *ad J m*« Fnncii PI*bm committee; Mary Baker, vice president of Catholic Information I C. C. Conn C«na*en«U and Library society; and Edna Nelson of St. Philomena’s parish, I Elaetrle Ort*n 1334 Champa AL. 6268 Fin* RteondiUonid Pi*BM a member of the nursing staff at National Jewish hospital.—(Photo IM I ■. 8B0A0WAT OPrae* TIM by Jerome studio), , Ji PAGE EIGHT Officfl, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, March 27, 1952 Amusements - Dining Policemen's Wives Give Sisters a Rest Sacred Heart PTA Recreation Plans Council

C O . V » E * 0 M eeting April 1 ^ jll^ ^ Whf'rcWhpre the We.'.f VVe.', Rcmoini ^ (Sacred Heart Parish, Denver) The Sacred Heart PTA will meet in Sacred Heart school hall next Tuesday, April 1, at 2:30 p.m. A council meeting for offi­ sf cers and chairmen will precede the regular meeting. At the regular Enjoy 0 Pleasant Drive meeting the slate of new officers and Good Food and Service for the coming year will be "pre­ sented for consideration. The sec­ Like our Grandperenti prepared and lerred at ond grade mothers will be the the Colorful Old hostesses. HOLLAND HOUSE in GOLDEN The mothers are again reminded that if they wish to do so they can Owned and Operated by place their reservations for ^ Mr. and Mrs, M. L. Holland T-shirts, sweat shirts, and caps. Advance reaervations are not neeeaaarr unless They will be in time for the second your party is above 10 ordering of these items. Teal Indeed! We Like Children Those who attended the CPTL all-day conference at the Shirley- Savoy hotel, as representatives of the parish school PTA, were the HE HOLLAND HOIJS Rev. Martin A. Schiltz, S.J.; GOLDEN, COLORADO the Rev. John F. Brady, S.J.; Sister Ann Lorraine, principal of the school; Mmes. Mollie Vigil, James Riley, Ed McCune, Joe Hale, Lloyd Hawkins, Paul Riggs, Mary Martinez, Marie Chq^ez, THE SISTERS WHO TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN Frances Mayfield, Delia Jarger, at St. Clara’s orphanage and at St. Vincent’s home got a Franklin Derby, Buel O’Laughlin, E. Philip Gartland, Austin Gib­ Medel, Gonzales, Katherine Jones, few hours’ “break” the evening of St. Patrick’s day, when wives of bons, Walter McNierney, Jack P. Hannigan, Roy M. Floyd, Thomas Ruth Harris, Bertina Sanchez, Denver police officers “took over” in the kitchens and prefect posts O’Neil, William A. Rell, Paul R. Mayerle, Charles L. Ro<^n, Osborne Victoria Dulac, and Clara Morri­ so that the nuns could attend a party given by the officers for the Lenthall, and Nick Hozduke; and Misses Nora Moore, Mary Galle, son, and James McNieve of the (StM iintH ij K iieh en youngsters. Pictured with Sister Mary Bertrand are Mmes. John Helen Thompson, Rogers, Kennan, Mason, Graeber, Leng, and Car- Little Flower social center. Th0 firmt listed here deserve to Bowdern, Herbert Forsythe, Dick Brown, Leonard Nevin, Tim Crow, roll.—(Regis photo by O’Hayre) Next Tuesday afternoon at 2 be remembered when you ore dis* On Colorado Springs Hiway 85 — Littleton, Colo. o’clock the women of the Spanish tributing your patronage to the dif< Sacred Heart league will meet in ferent lines of busines^^ WILL OPEN SATURDAY, MARCH 29th Plan Meet April ! Sodality hall. Serving Dinners and Smorgasbord Socistiss Resumed Daily 5 to 8 P.M. — Sundays 1 to 7 P.M. Pdlty on April 5^^ Parishioners at All Saints' At St. Bernadette's Closed Mondays - Reserrationa Are Not Necessary - No Liquors (All Saints’ Parish, Denver) Work has been resumed on the All Saints’ parish hall by the (St. Bernadette’s Parish, Denver) men of the parish. A survey on the man-hours of work donated by The Altar and Rosary society the men showed that in one week there were 156 man­ will meet Wednesday evening, In Fort Logan hours of labor donated by the men. The labor committee is pleased with the interest shown by them on this project, and hopes j:nat the April 2, after the services at the WINNER OP NINE « Fort Logan.— (St. Patrick’s parish hall will be completed very soon after Easter. Jefferson hall. The special prize INTERNATIONAL AWARDS Parish)—A games party sponsored New Refrigerator for Pastor will be furnished by Mrs. Eleanor by the men of the Holy Name so­ The members of All Saints’ parish are grateful to members Knober. All women of the parish ciety and the women of the Altar of Christ’the King parish for their generous donation of a Gen­ are invited to attend these — AND NOW WINNER OF A and Rosary .society will be held eral Electric refrigerator, with an 11-foot interior, to Father Har­ monthly meetings. Saturday, April 5, at 8 p.m. Special ley Schmitt, pastor, for the AD Saints’ rectory, which is nearing Monday, March 31, St. Berna attractions include $85 in cash, completion. dette’s circle will meet in the hams, chickens, groceries, a n d St. Rita’s circle will meet in the home of Mrs. Robert Warren, other awards. home of Mrs. John Peila, with Mrs 2621 S. Julian, on Wednesday evening, April 2, at 8 o’clock. Ed Feely as cohostess. There will Thoso who wish to make do­ Lenten services are being held on Wednesday and Friday eve­ be a dessert-luncheon at 12:30, nations should bring them to the nings at 7 :45. All parishioners are requested to attend the services. rectory or drop them in the basket and canasta is to be played. of the Pariah Bulletin St. Gerard’s circle will meet in the vestibule of the church when The parish’s monthly bulletin is being prepared this week for Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences coming to Mass on Sunday, March Thursday evening, March 27, in distribution on Sunday, March 30. Anyone having news to be the home of Mrs. Eleanor Knober and VOTfO THE OSCAR as the 30. printed in the bulletin is urged to contact James H. McLeran, 1735 Father Harley Schmitt was S. Federal boulevard,, or phone SP. 3754. Each member is bringing two bibs guest speaker at the combined she has made as a circle project BIST rORIION FILM of I94S meeting of the«Holy Name society and is donating to the Infant of and the Altar and Rosary society Prague nursery. a on March 5. Fathet Schmitt gave Two Nuns at St. Patrick's Last Tuesday the Infant of an interesting lecture on his trav­ Prague circle met in the home of els in "the Holy Land and his ex­ Mrs. Mary Musser and the quilt periences at the Vatican in the the women of the circle had made Holy Year. Celebrate Fiftieth Jubilee was awarded to Mrs. Anderson of New Convert Class (St. Patrick’s Parish, Denver) 784 Broadway. The money made To Start After Easter On March 19 a Solemn Mass was Order of St. Joseph from the Den­ will be added to the circle’s quota for the school fund. The convert class that started offered by the Rev. Regis McGuire ver parishes. in October, 1951, will come to a to mark the 50th jubilee in re­ Former pupils of Sister Leo­ Mrs. Mary Musser returned close the week before Easter. A ligion for Sister Leocritia Joseph critia remembered her with from a six weeks’ vacation in Flor­ new class will begin immediately and Sister Mary Eulogia. The purse. The sisters wish to thank ida. * after Easter. Those ‘who are in school children sang and Benedic­ all who sent flowers, gifts, and terested should call the Rev. An tion of the Most Blessed Sacra­ helped in any way to make the thony Weinzapfel, SU. 1-6093. ment was held. The Rev. Frederick occasion so joyous. McCallin, deacon, delivered the The women who cooked and Recent Baptisms include those of sermon, and the Rev. Joseph Leb- served the dinner included Mmes, Ellen Georgina Aeverman, daugh­ erer acted as subdeacon. Present ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Aever Anthony Canzona, Catherine An­ in the sanctuary were the Rt. Rev. derson, Joseph Libonati, Elmer DINE man; Carlos David Miera, son of Monsignor Gregory Smith and the Sutliff, and John Craig and daugh­ Monsieur Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miera; and Rev. William Powers. ter. Rick Anthony Archuleta, son of AT ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Moses Archuleta. A dinner for the two jubilarians The committee for the joint and the clerg;y was served follow­ PTA fathers and mothers’ games The next meeting of the par­ ing the Mass. Also present for the ^arty, which will be held Friday, ish societies will be April 2, dinner were members of the two April 18, will meet at 8 p.m. VINCENT after the Wednesday evening Thursday, March 27, in the sisters’ immediate families who timrriKg devotions. Final preparations had come to Denver for the cele­ school meeting room. All those French, Italian and American for the games party will be bration. Lunch was then served to selected for the committees are Pierre Fresnajj made at this meeting. approximately 60 visitors of the asked to be present to make cuisine, deliciously prepared. 15 th Week C e c a ^ J ^ e ’s Sunday Masses are at 8:30 and plant for this affair. Those who Lunchsont * Dinners 10:30. Daily Mass is at 6:45. Eve­ have volunteered donations of Cocklailt 9 ^HiUnimeUiAtuU ;4m tutjcU: • ning devotions during Lent are Party Is Planned gifts are asked to bring them, if Ssrpriilngly Rtatonobls Sriett "tm riLM or tni yiaii" "ONI or YIATI I lltY rOOIISN being held on Wednesday and Fri­ possible, to this meeting. I — ifWth film Aeodemjr \ rilMil" . Doily Ne»i day evenings at 7:30. Sunday, March 30, will be Com­ TREMONT AT mOADWAY I By Lady of Grace 11:30 A.M. la Midniis iiST riiM or TMi Ylur 'Tin nut or yni yiaii" munion day for those who have » not received Communion in the Color by TETHNirnimT E C H N IC O L O R ^ - tonden Tthgtoph - Grand frit du Cineme froo^oit stemiq unv month of March. I COeNCl CMAHTON DOeOTHT MOCU "iin ACYot or nil yiui" ‘Tin nui or yni yiui" Sodality on April 4 DINE ot BOGGIO'S - Grand frii dt la Rraiit laigt The Rosary, a sermon, and ^ lendon (iprtii Benediction of the Most Blessed s 'Tin ACYOt or THI YIAtl" (Our Lady of Grace Parish, Where the visiting celebrities "ONI or Yurs to omiNwiiMiD Denver) Sacrament are combined with the 18TH AT roiiiON nutui"- n. Y. rime> - Vtnict liannial CtfoiiHoo Starts regular novena to Our Lady of The Altar sodality will sponsor enjoy his distinctive meals. CALIF. DENHAM "lANKS WIYH TNE AU-TIMt 8MAYI" a ham games party Friday, April Lourdes at 7:45 p.m. on Wednes -Nawiwaak WED., 4, at 8 p.m. Twenty 12-popnd hams day. Stations of the Cross are con •• snuuMurRouet ducted at 2:15 p.m. and at 7:45 April 2 will be given away. The games will A Lesert rilBi be under the direction of Mrs. J. p.m. on Fridays, followed by Bene­ ^ special Lenten picture depicting the life of Aeleiie at 11 A.M. A. Morgan and Mrs. John Freed. diction. Anyone wishing to sell tickets or The second bazaar meeting ST. VINCENT DE PAUL help with the games is asked to call will be held Friday evening, these women at MA. 04053 or AL. March 28, at 8:30, immediately 5119. following Stations of the Cross, Presented by oF ; The women will use the party in the school meeting room. proceeds to buy padded kneelers The baseball uniforms and other ST. THOMAS’ UNIVERSITY CLUB for the chureh, which will cost equipment necessary to organize about $500. the school team have been pur­ The spring jamboree was very chased. Thanks are extended to all Phipps Aaditoriam— Sunday, March 30 successful. Father James Moyni- who made this project possible. MONEY WILL han thanks all who helped make it Sincere thanks are also given to 7:45 p.m. Donation 80c The jamboree was under the Donald DiPaolo for the time and direction of William Cullen and effort he spent in coaching the Tickets Available — K. of C. ^ Clarke’s — Wagner’s Adam Mollendor. Eight hundred school basketball team. i persons were served at the dinner Those attending t h e annual March 23. CPTL conference on March 20 Steve Cinocco, Ray Castellano, from St. Patrick’s included Mmes. ASfAIRt and Peter Puhl were in charge of William DuBois, Harold Behrens, the dinner. The game^ were under Nick Qualteri, Dominic Carlino, VERA-EIUN-MIIRJOIIIEMAIN the direction of William Cullen and David Porch, Kenneth Keene, Ed­ Adam Mollendor. Clyde Pase win Henry, Herman Wittman, An­ BREWED Wmi PURE supervised the booths.^ William thony Calacito, and Edwin Ken­ 1 Plus Second Full Length Feature Cronin had charge of the grand ney. Those desiring prints of the prize. pictures of St Patrick’s table It Square dancing will be re­ taken that day are asked to pall sumed Saturday night, March Mrs. Kenney at QL. 4437. AT MID LAND ROCKT MOUNTAIN sends 29, at 8 o’clock. ehttls Father Moynihan received three converts into the Church March Receive high earnings safely! Midland dO iV n _ 23. They are Stan Davis, Charles SPRING WATER Jone, and Lois Gannoway. y o u r s p i n e f - The following children were has paid 121 consecutive semi-annual baptized by Father Moynihan; Mary Ann Romero, daughter of dividends in its sixty and a half years. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Romero; Mi­ THURS., FRI., SAT. chael Jone, son of Mr. and MAR. 27, 28, 29 High cosh reserves plus $10,000 insur­ Mrs. Charles Jone; Charles Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis; Arthur Kennedy Peggy Dow ance on each account assures s^ety. PER ANNUM David Allan Herman, son-of Mr. and Mrs. John Herman; and Rus­ BRIGHT VICTORY sel John Jonas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milow Jonas. John Derek — Technicolor SAVE BY MAIL $5.00 or more opens your account. A' processional cross and holy MASK OF THE AVENGER water tank were donated by Mrs Saw rofvlariy fcy *all tr stop eoava»i#nt Jacofiea. Frazzini in memory of her son. CARTOON — COMEDY Norman Frazzini, who was killec, in JKorea. The weekly games party is SUN., MON., TUES. every Tuesday. All are invited to MAR. 30, 31, APR. 1 attend. HKRAl SAVINGS 8 AMERICA'S FINE LIGHT BEER Lenten devotions are held every Clifton Webb — Ann FrancU Wtlcams te Denver’s Plntst Wednesday and Friday night. Sun­ day Masses are at 7, 9, 10, 11, and ELOPEMENT LOAN ASSOaATION ./ COLBURN HOTEL 12:15. Daily Mass is at 7 o’clock. / Communion is given before' the PLANETS DESTROY EARTH • DENVER, COLORADO LUXURIOUS ROOMS Mass. 1 7 th a t GLENAR Cocktail Lounge Because of the bad weather, the TECHNICOLOR Coffee Shop ^ 4-H meeting scheduled for Satur­ WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE day, March 22, was postponed. It ENTRANCE IN LOBBY 10th Avenue at Grant CARTOON — NEWS MAin 6261 will be held Saturday, March 29, at SMLSH COOU CONNUr. tO lBIH . CMMUDO. D, B. CERISE. Usasgtr 11, Children between the ages of 10 and 16 are invited to come. Thuudoy, March 27, 1912 Office, 938 lannock Sheet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4205 RAGE NINE Participate in CPTL All-Day Conference Program Intsruction Glass Junior Newmanites Plan Communion Opening Moved In St. Mary's, Littleton, on March 30 ry s infant were Mr. and Mrs. John Wednesday services consist of Ro­ —The members of the Junior New­ Thompson. sary, sermon, and Benediction, and A! Holy Fam ily man club, for boys and girls of T. J. Hrdlicka,,who resides on Friday services consist of Stations high school age, will receive Holy S. Grant avenue, was called to his of the Cross and Benediction. Sta­ (Heljr Family Parish, Danvar) Communion in a body in the 8 former home in Minnesota by the tions of the Cross are also held The beginning of a new series o’clock Mass on Sunday, March 30, death of his mother. Mrs. NeUie at ?:80 o'clock each Friday after­ of catechetical instructions has followed by breakfast and a pro- Hrdlicka. He was accompanied on noon. Daily Mass is offered at 7 been necessarily changed from [ram in the school hall. The Rev. the drive to Minnesota by his son, o’clock, and Confessions are heard Monday, March 31, to Thursday Frederick D. McCallin, spiritual Ted, Jr. before Mass. Holy Communion is evening, April 3, at 8 o’clock. director, is in charge of the distributed each morning at 6:30. Thereafter the classes will be held program. The women of Our Lady The Adult choir it holding The class of instruction con­ rogular practieot for tho Easter on each Monday and Thursday of the Miraculous Medal prae- ducted bv Father McCallin for evening at 8 o’clock. For the sake sidium of the Legion of Mary will music after tha 10 o’clock Mass of more comfort and convenience, prepare and serve the breakfast. on Sunday mornings and alter both Catholics and non-CathoIics is the instruction will be held in the All boys and girls of high school Lontan sorvicos during tho held in S t Mary’s school each hall of the high school building. age in the parish, both thosb at­ woak. All mombors aro askod to Thursday evening at 8 o’clock and bo in rogular attondanco at tLosa PARTICIPANTS IN THE panel discussion conducted Mary CUre Cervi, Joanne Spano,'Rose Mauser, Rodney Kechtner, and The sacristy wo'rkers for Satur­ tending public schools and those lasts for approximately one hour. Dorothy Sedlmayr. Standing are the consultants, John O’Hayre (right) attending parochial schools, are practices in order to proparo tha Novena devotions to Our Lady of at the Catholic Parent-Teacher league all-day conference day, March 29, are Mis. Burger, music for Holy Woak pnd for of Regis college and James Madigan of Loretto Heights.—(Register and Mrs. Buchholz. On next Sun­ invited to be present. the Mirculous Medal are held each March 20 by pupils of parochial schools ars (left to right), seated, On Sunday, March 23, Mary the Solamn M a s.s to bo Monday evening at 7:45 o’clock, Daniel Pels, William McCabe, photo by Van’s studio) day the *women of the Altar and sung on Easter Sunday morning. Louis Weipert, Joseph McCabe, Rosary society will be at the doors Ann Cummings, infant daughter of and the special general intentions + + of the church after all of the Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings, was Lenten devotions are held in S t continue to be for world peace Masses to receive offerings to baptized in St. Mary’s church by Mary’s church ’ n Wednesday and and the protection of all parish­ Auroron Bringing help defray the expense of decor­ Father McCallin. Sponsors for the Friday evenings at 7:46 o’clock. ioners sem ng in the armed forces. ating the church for Easter. Baptized in the past week Home Silver Star end ' were Sandra Kay Phelan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert First Lt. Jack T. Ruppert, a L. Phejan, the sponsors bein member of St. Therese’s parish, Richard and Lois Phelan; an Aurora, will come home from Ko­ James Edward Hanley, Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. rea next month wearing the Silver Hanley, Sr., with sponsors John Star. The award was given the Salvail and Carol Brodhag. native of Monument, who now lives at 1756 Moline street, Aurora, for 110 at PTA Meeting “gallantry in action.” One hundred ten parents at­ Welcoming Lieutenant Ruppert tended the PTA meeting held in home will be his wife, Eleanor, and the school hall Monday, March 24. two daughters: Patsy, 4, and Pam­ Sister Alicia’s sixth grade won the ela, 2. The Auroran distinguished coin march. himself when serving with the 57th Father John Regan, pastor of Mother of God church, gave an Field Artillery battalion. When interesting talk on the right and his patrol was pinned down by en­ duty of parents to educate their emy fire, he ex'iosed himself to ob­ children. Entertainment was pro­ serve their position and direct vided by the high school band counterfire. His action was cred ider the direction of Hugh Avis ited with helping the completion of Mrs. James Foley, CPTL presi the patrol’s mission with negligi­ dent, complimented the Holy Fam­ ble casualties. ily PTA for having the second Mrs. Ruppert expects her hus­ highest attendance record, with 62 band to reach home about April 6. members present, at the all-day conference held on March 20. Mrs. H. M. Edmonds, president of the Holy Family PTA, requests that anyone who can give a few hours to help staff the Chest- Mobile unit please call her at THE CAST OF THE TALENT SHOW Gibbons (cute kid), Margaret Sabon and Antonette • • Magnelle (old-fashioned costumes), Catherine Men- GL. 0803 or Mrs. Charles Moran provided for the entertainnfent of those ten (glasses), Martha Ann Kauw (hair ribbon), and at GR. 5751. I f yam m m m m k who attended the CPTL all-day conference March Patta Lee (costume); and back row, left to right, Plans are well undar way for 20 is shown above. Front row, left to right, Jerry A1 Frei (straw man), Mrs. Matt Saya (nice gal), the PTA benefit card party that 16th at Stout, TA 1211 Corbetta (drummer), Patricia Weinzinger (doll), Nancy Lee Corbetta (timberliner), Judy Welch will be held in the school hall Dennis Gibbons (blond wig), and Jiminy Mouser (demure). Bill Gannon (iron man), and Don Buck- April 16 at 1 p.m. A very The story of Mrs. Chaney’s work has appeared in several (M ite shirt); and second row, left to right, Jean­ enjoyable afternoon consisting nette Maes, (S. A. costume), Robert Gibbons (top ley (top hat tails).—(Register photo by Van's of luncheon, games, prises, and magazines and hundreds of newspapers. Her ability to save hat),' Michelle Reynolds (bell hop hat), Patricia studio) a style show, is promised to all customers’ time, to answer questions, to help elderly folks or -f + + + + + those attending the party. to baby sit with children personifies our belief that “it takes Radio Play Series more than money, marble, and mahogany to make a bbik.” CPJL Holds All-Day Conference “Dangerous Days,” a 13-week series of radio plays based on Colo­ When you bank at the U.S. National, you’ll find Mrs. (See Page 1 Story Alto) oldest woman present, who has mer, accompanied by Nancy Lee rado history, is being carried bjr Chaney on the job to make banking a helpful, human service. As Mayor Quigg Newton of Den­ eight children, 15 grandchildren, Corbetta; an old-fashioned dance, KOA S atu rd ay s at 8:46 a.m. ver was unable to attend the all­ and nine great-grandchildren, and Margaret Sabgn and • Antoinette Sponsored by the Junior League of And that goes for 199 other employees too...all of whom are day conference of the Catholic whose family represented the fol­ Denver, Inc., the quarter-hour Parent-Teacher league in the lowing parishes: Mt. Carmel, St. Magnelli; vocal solo, Patricia dramatizations are written for eager to prove that in Denver your banking needs can best be Shirley-Savoy hotel, Denver, on Patrick’s, St. Catherine’s, St. Eliz­ Weinzenger; a S o u t h-American children between the ages of 10 served at... March 20, Leonard M. Campbell, abeth’s, Holy Ghost, and Cathe­ dance, Janette Maes; vocal solo, and 15. The aeries is presented in city attorney, conveyed the greet­ dral. Martha Ann Kouw, accompanied chronological order, from the ings of the mayor and the city, The day began for the Parent- legend of the lost Indians of the by Judy Welch; Wuard of Ot skit, ‘ CONSTIUCTIVE SANKIN6 for th* Roctiy Maunloin Enyirt | stating that he was impressed not Teacher league delegates with A1 Frei, Patta Lee, and Bill Gan­ Mesa Verde to the day when Colo­ only by the physical progress of rado joined the Union. The plays % HOUR 1 Mass offered by Bishop Hubert M.. non; an accordion solo, Catharine NATIONAL BANK OF DENVER Catholic education, but chiefly by Newell at 9 o’clock in Holy Ghost Menten; a tap dance by the Gib­ are written to appeal to children FR^ PARKING * in lower grades in an effort to in­ its spirituality. church. The morning session at 10 bons twins, Patty and Bobby, and fO R CUSTOMERS 1 17TH AND STOUT STREKTS \ The greetings of the state of o’clock followed in the Shirley- Michelle Reynolds; and a comic troduce them to the history of MIMIII fiOIIAl OIPOIIY INIURANCf COIPPIATION Colorado were brought by Lieut. Savoy hotel with the program as song and dance by Dennis Gibbons their state. Gov. Gordon Allott, who said that follows: and Jimmy Mauser; the belief in the dignity, rights, Invocation, tha Rev. Regis F. Panel discussion, “Moral and and honor of the individual grew McGuire, assistant pastor of St. Spiritual Values in Public Life,’ out of Judaism and Christianity; Patrick’s church, Denver; St. Vin­ chairman, William McCabe, St. and that it is the duty of parents cent de Paul’s color guard, Brownie Francis de Sales’; participants, to convey to their children a faith troop No. 138; Misses K. O’Brien, Rodney Kechtner, Holy Family; in the greatness and goodness of S. Hoyt, M. Priest, M. Muto, S. Dorothy Sedlmayr, St. Joseph’s; our country and the all-prevailing Sikes, M. Bacca, E. Baurenfiend, Louis Weipert, Cathedral; Rose Providence who watches over it. J. Finder, J. Hahn, C. Henderson, Mauser, Annunciation; Daniel Entertainment at the luncheon D. Kautzky, S. O’Neil, M. Schler- Pelz, ; Joanne was provided by the St. Joseph eth, M. Wall, and M. Walsh; Spano, Assumption; Mary Clare high school mixed chorus and girls’ leader, Mrs. Ceal P ’Brien; and co­ Cervi, St.' Mary’s academy; and First Communion glee club, under the direction of leader, Mrs. Lenore Priest; Joseph McCabe, Regis; consult­ Mrs. Jo Noakes Lnskam, who sang Address of welcome, Mrs. James ants, John O'Hayre, Regis college; Dresses “Song of the Winds,” a love song, A. Foley, president. Catholic Par­ James Madigan, Loretto Heights; and a Negro spiritual. ent-Teacher league; greetings and Miss Marion Stortz, St. Fran­ Beautiful white dresses for In addition to the. speakers and from the Denver County Parents cis de Sales’ high school, faculty her important day! members of the Wyoming delega­ and Teachers’ association — Mrs. supervisor for panel. Sketched, nylon marquilette tion, other notables present intro­ Robert Rumble, president; talent The closing prayer was given by duced by Mrs. Foley included Mon- show, master of ceremonies, Don Monsignor Higgins, pastor of St. encrusted with seed pearls signori John R. Mulroy, William Buckley; Jerry Corbetta, drum- Philomena’s church. and rows of delicate lace. M. Higgins, Joseph P. O’Heron, John P. Moran, Gregory Smith, Fashioned with its own Elmer J. Kolka, James P. Flan­ matching slip. Sizes 6 to 10. agan, Walter J. Genevan, Harold Vocational School Opens V. Campbell, John CaVanagh, Eu­ 16.95 gene A. O’Sullivan, Charles Hagus, Thirty Denver business and Mrs. Boniface Mares, president and John Judnic, all of Denver; civic leaders attended the open­ of the Latin-American Council, / the Very Rev. Monsignor William ing of the Larimer Street Voca­ promised the school her group's Others in a variety of fab­ J. Kelly of Colorado Springs; Miss tional school at 2330 Larimer full co-operation. Margaret Sullivan, president of street, Denver, in Sacred Heart Opening night visitors exam rics, from $8.98 to $25. the Denver deanery CCW; .Mrs. J parish. Howard Johnson, principal ined the -work boys already en­ Leonard Swigert, president of the of the Emily Griffith Opportunity rolled in the school have done in Neusteters New Second ACCW: Mrs. Robert Rumble, pres­ school, served as master of cere­ remodeling and refurbishing the Floor ident of the Denver County Par­ monies. building. Several work tables and ents and Teachers’ association; “Although Opportunity school a 20-foot work bench have been and Mrs. Angela Sumoni, 81, the is located in a central spot,” Mr. constructed by the young carpen­ Johnson said, “we hope we can ters under supervision of T. R. bring vocational traning to the Hefley, their instructor. Get them ready for the public. Larimer Street Vocational Funds for the school were raised school, which hopes to serve an at the Denver Designers’ show held u n a b l e ' 0 • additional purpose . . . that of May 7 and 8 last year. Several keeping these youngsters out of other contributors enabled the lASm PARADE trouble . . . is the first concrete board of trustees to complete its Choos€ from our spring collection of step in that direction.” plans. Dresses - Suits - Skirts - Blouses Jo Aid Crippled Children . d a u i m Sizes 1 thru Pre-teen. advertised M ARY LEE Young Moderns W e 3929 Tennyson St. GL. 2759

LET US MAKE YOUR CAR Sing THIS Spring! H I T ® HAVE OUR FACTORY-TRAINED MECHANICS GIVE YOUR CAR A COMPLETE TO Chevrolet Motor Overhaul All repair work charsad at aathor- iied Chcrrolat flat-rata priftll

ENJOY TROUBLE-FREE WORKING HARD to help Colorado’s crippled chil­ DRIVING ON THAT dren are three persons, shown above, as they plan the VACATIONI gala benefit style show to be given by Alpha Chi Omega sorority at Montaldo’s at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, April 2. From left tp right they are Mrs. Edmund Prendergast, Our Lady pf Grace parish; Theodore *81 » * Hill (assistant manager of Montaldo’s), St. Catherine's parish; and Mrs. P. J. Allen, Christ the King pariah. Mrs. Prendergast’s and Mrs. Allen’s children will be among the small folk who will model 455 Broadway PEarl 4641 fashions from Merry Simmons, Inc., at the festive affair.—lPhoto by Variety club) ' PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Stroot THE DENVER CATHOLIC HfEGISTER Tolophont, Koystona 4205 Thuridoy, March 27, 1952

Westwood Altar Society Mass for Peace on Sunday Blood Donors' Drive Launched at St. Philomena's Dr. F. A. Smith Will Meet on A p ril 2 (Mother of God Perith, DenTtr) March 28. Several hams will be (St. Philomena’s Parish, Denver) 4- 4* ' + + + + + + Parish, As a contribution to world offered as prizes. S t Philomena’s parish hlood (St. Anthony’s Wastwoed) Optometrist peace, a Mass is bein? offered in Lenten devotions are held every St. Anthony’s Altar and Rosary Ml ■ - - - ■ - bank committee announced an in­ lother of God church every Sun­ Tuesday and Friday evening at tensified campaign for blood don PTA Members Assist EaSter Seal Drive society will meet Wednesday, April 2, in the parish hall. day until Easter for religious free­ 1- • • 4. f _lors last Sunday,"to be run in con- Ford Optical Co. dom behind the Iron Cwtain. Pa­ A religious instruction c l a ^ with t h e Denver Red A recent Baptism was that of rishioners are asked to offer their ^ held in the church basement knights of Colum- Patrick Lawrence Reno, son of own prayers and Holy Commun­ Wednesday evening. April 2, at|^^^ committees. The Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Reno. His Eyes Examined * Visual Care ions for the same intention. 8 o’clock. R t Rev. Monsignor William M. sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Individually Styled Glasses The Men’s club will sponsor a .nnounced th. Gessing. games party in thy Church' hall S t Anthony’s, circle met in the 15.58 Broadway after services Friday evening, be 500 donors. More than 100 don­ home of Mrs. McMahan. March' 19. ors offered blood after the Sunday The members decided on the last TAbor 1295 Masses. Sunday of the month as Com­ Joseph Barry, at EA. 7878, was munion day for the circle. Mem­ named chairman for the project. bers are planning to donate time Optometrist The parish committee will make at the Infant of Prague nursery and Optician s all the arrangements with the and also to donate money or cloth­ 3 prospective donors to give blood ing. Mrs. Ann Jensen of Derby Helen Walsh at four hospitals in Denver. was a guest at the meeting. Auocists The parishioners who still wish Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Ball, Mrs. W. R. JOSEPH to givC'blood are asked to write John Ball, and Edith Ball of Ellis, 8YES EXAMINED their names, addresses, apd phone Kans., were recent guests in the Phont TAKisr IMS numbers and turn them in to Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Sole. 21S-21S Msjsstie Bldg. Barry. Donors should refrain from IwniHfli eating greasy foods for four hours before the blood donation. The minimum weight for women donors is 110 pounds. MEMBERS OF THE St. Philomena Par­ Vifquain, Thomas Duggan, Frank Patton, and James Why Pay More?” Envelopes and specific data on ent-Teachers’ association, who placed sev­ Koning. Mrs. Koning is president of the St. Philo­ (Trademark) blood donations will be sent out mena PTA. Money collected through the coin boxes to the registered donors this week. eral hundred coin boxes for the current Easter seal will be used directly in the treatment of handicapped Th* time for letUfying the campaign, are shown as they started their rounds. children in Denver. The treatment center of the Ea*tcr obligation began on the Left to right are Mmes. Robert Bell, Harold Wheat- Crippled Children’s society is at 1360 Vine.—(Photo Wm. W. Myer Drug Stores firtt Sunday of l,ent, March 2, ley, William Rutofsky, William Waggoner, Blake by Mack Switzer) COMPANY and will end on Trinity Sunday, May 8. Confeitioni are heard Colorado Owned Stores daily during the Mattes of Lent Wheatridge Altar Society Joins Deanery Englewood 8QO Ssnta Fe Dr. to facilitate the fulfilling of this ISth and California obligation. 30 Sonth Broadway 3933 W. Colfax Curtis a 15th St. 17th a Trrmont PTA to Meet St. Philomena’s Parent-Teach­ Of Archdiocesan Council of Women ers’ association .will meet on Mon­ day, March 31, in the school hall (Sti. Peter end Paul’s Parish, meeting to join with the deanery. tion class of April ■ 1 will be The meeting will start promptly Wheatridge) Mrs. Elizabeth Salmon was ap­ “Death and Judgment.!’ These in­ at 1:45. There will be election of At the Altar and Rosary society pointed deanery representative. structions begin promptly at 8 officers for the coming year and meeting held in the assembly It was voted to set up a special p.m. and are held in the assembly other important business. The room March 19, Miss Margaret $50 fund for the use of the needle­ room. mothers of the thiid graders will Sullivan of the Denver deanery work committee in the purchase Sacristy workers for Saturday, entertain, with Mrs. Luella Menard spoke. Miss Sullivan, assisted by of material. Harch 29, will be Elizabeth Ruote, and Mrs. Lucille Murphy in charge. Miss Eva Walsh and Mmes. George On Sunday, March 23, Father Josie Sgriznoli, and Millie Thomas. Schwartz, James Cummings, John Robert McMahon baptized Michael Menibers are urged 'to invite T h e Whaatridge Women’s The new headline for Spring guests to attend this meeting, for Flynn, and Fred Gushurst, William, infant of Mr. knd Mrs. traced the structural formation of club will meet in the assembly the interesting entertainment, Frank Stites, of 4095 Fenton room Tuesday, April 1, at in luscious straw, with “Dickey Fashions;” presented by the deanery through the National street. Godparents for Michael Dickey’s Fashions of Bonnie Brae Council of tatholic Women and are Arthur Kabler and Leona Hill. 1 p.m. back trim of double roses and velvet and Englewood. the Archdiocesan Council of Cath­ The subject Father McMahon Large Attendance at bow streamer. Black, navy, red, The fashions will show new ideas olic Women. It was decided at this has chosen for the adult instruc- Men's Club Meeting for Easter, spring, and the early Pfc. Frazzirii Given Honor Tom Vollmer, chairman of the white and other new shades. Come in summer. There will be seven models membership committee for the in five different section^ of the Men’s club, is proud of the large i^nd see our new Spring collection of sailors, shells'* complete fashion review. Fashions modeled will include sportswear, attendance at the past meetings. Cathedral Receives Gift Forty men attended and four profiles pillboxes, etc. casual wear, afternoon dresses, coats and suits, and fashions for members of the clergy, including after 5. Hal Dickey will be the Father McMahon, Fathers Wil­ commentator, and Jean Young, of In Memory of War Hero liam J. ■ Koontz and William H. SIBYL HATS Dickey’s Fashions will co-ordinate Jones, from Holy Family parish; the show. and Father Norbert Walsh, from 1622 Welton Street (Cathedral Pariih, Denrer) the Shrine of St. Anne in Arvada. Mrs. E. J. Murphy, 1673 Jack- In memory of her son, Norman Frazzinf, a Requiem son street, will entertain at a ca­ The next meeting will be held nasta party Thursday evening, altar Missal has been presented to the Cathedral by Mrs. Thursday, April 3, when nomina­ AUTO INSURANCE March 27, honoring Mrs. Floyd Christina Frazzini, 908 E. 14th avenue. Marine Private tion of officer's for the coming Drake, who is leaving next week •’irst Class Frazzini was killed in action on Heartbreak year will be made. with her three children to join Dr. The bake sale sponsored by the Drake in their new home in San lidge Sept. 12, 1951. Mrs. Frazzini, in presenting the Altar and Rosary society will be Liobiiity ^ better protection Francisco, Calif. Missal, said that she “wanted to + + + do something for the Cathedral held Saturday, April 5, at the ^ ond property Fast cloim service Our Lady’s club will be enter­ Wheatridge Realty office, 7065 W. damage where Norman had attended Mass 38th avenue. Chairmen for the A low^poyment tained in the home of Mrs. R. J, so frequently.” He was a graduate limits Reardon, 1362 Cook street, Friday, sale will be Mmes. Cecil Merth and 10/20/S policy for March 28. of Cathedral high school and one Mary Mahoney. careful drivers. of its star athletes. His buddies in Mrs. Mack Switzer returned Korea referred to him as “an ex­ EACH 6 MONTHS No extra charges from a week’s visit with her emplary Catholic.” mother in Collier, Kans Jim Koning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Awarded Silver Star FULLER'S INS. AGENCY James Koning, left for boot train­ Pyivate Frazzini -was posthu­ ing at the U. S. naval station, San mously awarded the Silver Star Office Phone Residence Diego, Calif. for “exceptional courage and gal­ a Mail coupon today for your fra* copy of this halp< PE. 8273 PE. 9292 St. Philomena’s PTA ^as repre­ lantry under fire” at special cere­ sented at t h e CPTL luncheon monies held at Buckley Field ful foldar. It contains photos and dascriptions of tha March 20 in the Shirley-Savoy by March 22. Mrs. Frazzini received vacation ragions tarvad by Union Pacific at listad ba« the following members: Mmes. Joe the award for her son. The cita­ low; also a largo, colorful map showing thair location. general insurance c o , of America Loffreda, William Manning, John tion revealed that Private Fraz­ HOME OFFICE: SEATTIE Vos, John • Majerus, Daniel Hos­ zini had volunteered to evacuate A CAPITA! \ Son Valley, Idaho... California.,. Pacific Northwest STOCK COMPANY^ kins, Roy Struck, Phillip McCabe, the wounded under a hail of ma­ Louis Bennett, William Rutofsky, chine gun fire. During the action .. . Colorado . . . Yellowstone-Grand Teton ... William Waggoner, Elizabeth Me he was wounded but refused medi­ . . . Knight, George Pease, Agnes cal aid and remained with a fallen Zion, Bryce, end Grand Canyon National Parks Berryhill, Albert Bennelli, Robert comrade who had been injured by Las Vegas-Hoover Dam . . . Western Dude Ranches Blackman, Earl Gasser, Mark a land mine. Although he survived Recommended Firms Dunn, Frank Bruno, H. C. Cooper, this action, he was killed in battle R. H. Bell, Harry T. Zook, M. B. the next day. In memory of his Addrtss coupon to— Vifquain, James Koning, Harold courage and that of a comrade, Wheatley, Frank Patton, T. A. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD for AUTO his unit has named an athletic Norman Frazzini 535 Ssvsnitsnih Strsal Duggan, Mack Switzer, Arthur field the “Rust-Frazzini” field in Lingle, George Foy, Bruce Molli- Actual Sis* IVi X 4Vi Inchss Dsnvsr 2, Coloreds Korea. Sompl* and Fries on Bsqusst son, and Ruppert Meek, Sr. Mon­ A tour of the Cathedral J Please send me free "Western SERVICE signor Higgins gave the closing Bodgas & Buttons ior SociatiM; - ! church, and an explanation of Conventiona, Calabrationa & Events ■ Wonderlands" folder. prayer at the business meeting. Rosary Society 1■ the Teitments, altar lineni, the Catalog Me. 700 Tn* lor th# Asking The Rev. Joseph M. O’Malley and stations ef the cross, the holy the Rev. James O'Grady of St water fonts, etc., will conclude WESTERN BADGE & NOV. Co. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Sales & Philomena’s also were present. the series of religious discus­ In Golden Plans St. Paul 2. Minn. De Soto-Plymouth Weekday Masses at St. Philo­ sion classes eoiMucted by the mena’s are at 6:30, 7:15, and 8:15 Rer. John N. Haley. This de- Service Communion is distributed at scriptire tour will be of great All Late Model Used Gars o’clock, and before, during, and interest to both Catholics and Food Sale Apr. 5 after each Mass. Confessions are non-CathoIiei. Parishioners are Golden.— (St. Joseph’s Parish) Carry 5,000 Mile Guarantee heard before and during each Mass encouraged to invite their —The Altar and Rosary society It'8 SPRING again! Factory Trained Mechanics on All Chrysler Made Cars The Rev. Dr. William J. Kenneally, friends to attend. The tour will will meet Wednesday, April 2, at C.M., will give the fifth of a series start in St. Paul’s chapel at 8 1:30 in the parish hall. Mrs. E. L. of lectures Wednesday evening. p.m. Thursday, March 27. Hoppes and Mrs. E. C. Geudner April 2. Stations of the Cross for will be hostesses. Final plans for GRIFFITH MOTORS, Inc. children are on Friday at 3, o’clock Two infants were baptized by the Rev. Owen McHugh on March the Easter food sale, to be held 2770 No. Speer Blvd. O R for parishioners at 7:45. A Saturday, April 5, at the Power ' Holy Hour is held Saturday at 2: George Edwin, son of Mr. and company, will be formulated. 7:45. Mrs. George E. Borela, 1448 Penn­ sylvania street, with Frank and Altar boys for Sunday, March Xhe Men*s club o f thb parish Daisy Madrigal as sponsors; and 30, will 1^: 7 o’clock, Dave DODGE-PLYMOUTH OWNER will meet Xbursday evanin^» Rozanne Marie, daughter of Mr. Manchego, Joe Manchego, £d M arch 2 7 , at 6 o’clock in the and Mrs. Gordon W. Gillis, 1010 Ramirez, and Ivan Hoefer; 8 COMPLETE OVERHAUL tchool auditorium. St. Philo- o’clock, Robert and Ronald Bet- mena’i ichool band will play to Sherman stfeet, with William Gal­ You can get your car completely overhauled NOW, and pay lagher and Mabel Reynolds as tinger, Allan Smith, and Jim et your convenience on our simple “Pay-ai-You-Drive” Plan. entertain the men. Sweeney; 9 o’clock, Bill Peters, Prayers of the parishioners were sponsors. - KACTORT-TRAINED MECHANICS - On March 16, the Rev. Robert Howard Bolitho, Ronnie Brock­ requested for the deceased: Jo way, and Raymond Kimminau; 11 sephine M. Banigan,igj mother of Breunig baptized Mary Robel^, o’clock, Don Defier, Gary Flebbe, JAMES MOTOR CO. two priests of the archdiocese daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dick Waters, and Dan Bolis. 1278 Dodge & Plymduth Sale* & Service K E . 8221 Burton Joseph, Reynolds; E. R R. Tenney, 1833 Emerson street; Lincoln W. Flynn and Geraldine Hourigan Members of St. Agnes’ circle Carey of New Orleans, formerly are working on a new. satin drap­ of this parish; and Hugh J. Falvey. acted as proxies for sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bakay. Father Mc­ ery to be used on the altar of re­ St. Anthony’s club will meet wit pose on Holy Thursday. Mrs. Eu­ Mrs. T. C. Rhoades of 1137 Clay Hugh baptized Peter Allen, son of National Auto Body & Radiotor Co. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. gene Bolitho and Mrs." William FRANK J. NASTLSTT, Member SL PrancU de Selee Parish ton, Friday, April 4 Wagenbach head this committee. RADIATORS, BODIES, HOODS AND FENDERS St. Philomena’s Boy Scouj: troop Schmucker, 1733 Nome street, Au­ Kristine Kovacich, infant daugh­ 124 will sponsor the ticket sale for rora, with Harvey Reece sponsor REPAIRED AND MANUFACTURED by proxy. ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kova­ Repairing Wreck* a Specialty Quality Painting the Boy Scout circus. The area cich, was'baptized by the Rev. An­ io f 04.1. a ” I assigned to St. Philomena’s troop The Very Rev. Monsignor Walter Phone T A . 2 9 1 8 Cj. o tn A ve.|is from Columbine to Colorado J. Canavan baptized Thomas Al­ drew E. Warwick on March 23. boulevard, from Eighth to 12th fred, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Louis avenue. Two prizes to be used for A. Meis, 1621 Fairfax street. Bolis. awards in obtaining merit, badges Sponsors were Harold Corah and First Lt. John J. Polosky, USMC, . 12% to 3 were presented to the scout Iroop Lucille Staples, with Molly Meis left San Francisco March 19 for by M. Blake Vifquain. acting as proxy for Miss Staples. Japan, where he will be stationed New flewert, new blrdt. H U D S b N Baseball practice for the St. Received into the Church by for the n?xt nine months. Mrs. Philomena’s grade school team will Father McHugh was M. Olive Polosky and children, Michael and new bunnies... SALES A //SERVICE commence Thursday, March 27 Gardner, 1425 Washing^ton street Dennis, are residing with her par­ The basketball team will appear Sponsor for Miss Gardner was ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Alkire, new PROPR«8ILTS and Easter tirngl at the Men’s club meeting the same Mabel C. Houston, with Mrs, Fred at Pierce. Arrives From Paris evening. Boggs acting as proxy. TWs liapav-saflmthue thM la aa -adarabla Mrs. Jerome Hayes arrived Wednesday by plane' from Paris Saaay lax will makt yagr kldUUi prauU VIC HEBERT INC. 187 Per Cent of Quota Met for a short visit with her parents, e»4 htip thaai acblsva balaased pa***'* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sweeney. ...halp iKssorv* aenuol ha*. 3660 Downing Mrs. Hayes, the former Mary fw * In 1952 Red Cross Drive Sweeney, has been living in Paris Paalgaad far grawlag hat Calf Strap in blue or white ; Sine* IBIS for several years. She will return by fwa raaowaad atthopadia sargaaa*. 0 9 5 Officials of the 1952 Denver The special gifts division re­ soon to join her husband and her 5 to 8 caf'to.. I Red Cross fund campaign reported ported contributions totaling $89,- three children, Michael, Patrick, y .9 s at the final meeting March 25 and Mary. Mr. Hayes is a grad­ 331.99 or 88.9 per cent of its 8 % to 12 ...„ ILETnamtittiAHi [that 87 per cent of the quota had uate of the Colorado School of l i been reached. The 6,000 volun- $100,500 goal. The group solicita Mines, and, while attending school I teers in this year’s solicitation tion army hit 80.9 per cent of its in Golden, he made his home at M M a Wadfu a Outward Haal "nirwtl a Spatial Slaal Sbaak I armies recorded contributions of $202,500 quota, and the business St. Joseph’s rectory. $391,374.92 or 13 per cent short lerviceQentei* OffiYSLIR-PLYMOUTH army made 87 pqr cent of its $44,- D & F Corinthian Youth Salon—Second Floor UPTOWN MOTON I of the $450,000 local goal. Favor Received 000 quota. 1908 BROADWAY CH. Again this year the'outstanding A reader of the Register "wishes I record of the campaign was made Donations are still being ac­ to express gratitude for many Th* 6rms listed her* dcservs to by the residential army, headed by cepted by mail at the Red Cross, favors received through the inter­ be remembered when you are dis­ Mrs. John.K. Carter. These door- 800 Logan, or contributors are cession of the Sacred Heart of tributing your patronag* to tho dil- to-door saleswomen collected $92,- free to call AL. 0311 and ask that Jesus, Our Blessed Mother, St. Jo Isrent Unas ol businss*. 545.39 or 108.9 per cent of ^ eir a representative pick up the con seph. Mother Cabrini, and the In­ • quota. ^ tribution. fant of Prague, I. i ■I Tkuridoy, March 27, 1952 Offict, 938 Bannock Stroat THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keyitone 4205 RAGE ELEVEN ‘Freak Shot’ 'Just to Pillow My Head'^ From the Mail Hot Stove Prep Baseball to Open April 6 Leadville Baits Corner Help Wanted! Harbinger Snow Shovels Bemember When? Of Spring Denver Champs The Denver Sacred Heart high achool basketball “outlaws” were Wedow Needs Ball Players Dear Sports: undefeated in the parochial league, Hear ye of a parish grade school vhich played in the School of (enrollment 300) basketball team Commerce gym, where two-thirds New Catcher Off Diamonds that challenged St. Catherine’s and S t Philomena’s of DenvSr of one triple-header had to be By Bob H asse called off oecause of “defective Bulldog Coach Bob Bums put (the city and state champs, they out a “Help Wanted” shingle at Cold weather and snow put the tell us) to postseason games. wiring." St. Joseph’s high school this week freeze on outdoor baseball practice Loretto Heights academy had a in the Denver area for most of the We offerpay all expense!, team in the girls' parochial cage with dim hopes of finding an appli­ both ways, because right now we cant for Bud Schoeflin’s old past week and shoveled coaches and conference. players indoors to work out for the are unSble to get down off these The Knights of Columbus spon- backstop position. 10,200-foot mountains for a joy­ The job U no snap, although opening of the 1952 Catholic high ^red their “third annual” hand­ school season April 6. Three games ride to Denver. But we challenge ball tournament that year. it hat its rawardt. Whoovar gpts - are on tap for opening day. ’em all—for free! it must catch Joe No-No Wodow Our grade school team won ScheeU in the state Catholic in tho Danvor Catholic high 'tournament included St. John’s First Round eight of 11 this year from teams school leaguo this toaton and like Climax, Red Cliff, Bracken- of Longmont, St. Peter’s of will ho axpoctad to ham a faw Denver Catholic High School Greelejr, St. John’s of Walsen- ridge, and Buena Vista. In the in- •xtra-baso blows tho way Athletic Association tercless tourney we were elimi­ burg, St. Patrick’s of Pueblo SchoSflin did, April 6 Instate champions), Abbav of Annunciation team vs. Regis nated in semifinals by the juniors tCanon City, St. Mary’s of Colo- Wedow, himself, has an extra and sophomores! job that he is sandwiching between St. Francis’ vs. Mullen high -J’ado Springs, St. Anthony’s of Holy Family team vs. Cathedral The LeadvIlU public geheel .Sterling, and Regis of Denver. his all-star workout in the state efficialt let u( ute their gym Catholic basketball tournament high When? All this was in 1928. April 13 four nights e week for preetieo tAn ad in the "Register” in- and opening day for the Bulldogs St. Joseph’s vs. Annunciation sessions plus feme hours—all =vited Denver sports to choose April 13 against the Annunciation absolutely free. Cardinals. Big Joe is editor of the team 'between a used ’28 Buiek at Sunday games are played at 12, Up here in the sky w« have no f81,650 and a '24 Jewett tour- sportsy Silver and Blue year book, and 4 p.m. assisted by Tommy Turner, foot­ football teams in any of t h e ting at 8375. Regis Giant Dick Brown The first team mentioned in the schools, although the high schodt ball brilliant and an all-star left schedule is the home team. . Russian baths were 65 cents on really has only two good fielder the past two seasons. goes in for a little track. Our Clay street. A new deluxe bun­ school, St. Mary’s, plays only bit- strong arms, in spite of this picture Terriers from the 1981 teem galow on S. Elizabeth street from what might be called an op­ The Regis dean, Father The Cobe Jones-coached Cathe­ ketbaii. dear St. Vincent de Paul’s was that was runnarup to Ragis in­ dral team will inaugurate its sea­ ponent’s point of view.—(Regis clude Jim Lafavra, second haso- Louis G. Mattione, S.J., But Father Georga M. Spahar, begging for a buyer at 84,760. A photo by O’Hayrd) son with a practice game Saturday, paster of St. Joseph’s here, who redecorated seven-room house in man; Bob Hainay, first sackar; batted out a first ball March 17 in March 30, when the Bluejays will and Ray Koch, outfialdisr. was an assistant at St. Cather- St. Philomena’s was for rent at the annual faculty game at the travel south to tangle with Colo­ ina’s in Denver for six years, 840 a month, with two weeks’ rent The Bulldogs’ baseball workouts rado Springs high. Coach Jones, Northside schoql. The early birds says that ha has never seen a free to start. got under way two weeks ago and who has been drilling his squad for parochial grade school toan to Catholic Charities got in a few bunts before the snow were moved indoors to the St. Jo­ the past 10 days, 'is counting match ours! Any takers? 10 20 Year* Ago seph fieldhouse when the snow flurries on the first day of spring. heavily on returning lettermen. —Father Ramon Blech, struck last week, after only three — (Regis photo by O’Hayre) Joe Horan and Ray Rendon will Captain Ed Maher led his Ca­ Annunciation pariih, Help Solve Knotty practice sessions on the Lincoln bear the brunt of the pitching Leadville, Colo. thedral high cagers to the state diamond. burden. parochial title over the Canon City Bob Burns is expecting big Posthumous Star St. Fraacii’ Gremlim got in Bears, 27-25. Another Blue Jay things from Joe Wedow, one of only four days of practice on star was Phil Doran. Family Problem the greatest all-around athletes the Old Timari’ field before Fr. Wogan to 5peak Annunciation team won the ever to don the Silver and Blue Honors Blue Joy they were mowed out. Coachet Holy Name society basketball Late one evening last winter, E t Stuart and Wandy Strohauer Mrs. L. telephoned Catholic Char­ for St. Joseph’s. Coach Burns has title by defeating the St. Fran­ five other letter winners to back Norman Frazzini, former Ca­ have a nucleus of eight latter- To Scout Chaplains cis de Sales’ five, 32-23. Clark ities, Denver, one of the 90 Com­ men, including their hurlar, Dick munity Chest agencies, and pleaded up Wedow but is hunting high and thedral high school baseball and got 12 for the Cards, and low for a backstop capable of Brady, about whom to build Clockar and Yeung paced the desperately that some arrange­ basketball standout, was post­ the squad. In San Francisco ment be made for her four little hanging on to the big hurler’s of­ humously awarded the Silver Star Fransalians. ferings. Catcher Tommy Carroll and girls—aged seven, six, three, and during special ceremonies at Rusty Mather, first sacker-eenter- The Rev. Barry J. Wogan, scout St. Leo’s team was called the one. She explained she could no Buckley field. chaplain for the Denver archdio­ preseason favorite in the Denver 1951 Champs Look Good fielder, are among the returning MULLEN'S MAULING MITTMEN mixed mayhem longer care for them as a nervous The medal was presented to Gremlins. cese, has been named as speaker et parish baseball league. condition was rapidly becoming Regia’ 1952 Raidera, 1951 Norm’s mother, Mrs. Christina with moderation in the Mustangs’ boxing smoker at West Hamburger was -five cents a city ehampiona, look like re- Tigers Won't Talk one of the discussion periods of tha worse, making her increasingly Frazzini, 908 E. 14th street. high March 21. As the picture shows, Gilbert Roth (left) could trundle 12th national conference uf dioc­ pound, beef roast 10, ham 14, unstable. peatera if only on tho atrength Frazzini died of wounds in­ Marty Martelli of Holy Family esan Boy Scout chaplains. coffee 18, Arvada eggs 10 cents of laat year’a roatar, which in­ curred while rescuing a wounded high has had his boys working out his head gently on the rock-as-bye pillows of Bob O’Malley. Both boys For some time seven-year-old cluded John Maior, aophomoro The sessions wifi be held in the a dozen, and a five-room furnished Jennie had been looking after the comrade under fire while in action for two weeks in semi-secret are from Mullen.— (Mullen photo) Sir Francis Drake hotel, San Fran­ house in St. Francis de Sales’ was “relief” pitcher'who looked aa with the marine corps in Korea practices. He “had no time” to give for rent at 820 month. baby while two other children good aa Wedow did in hia firat reporters the lowdown on the cisco, April 16 and 17. Archbishop “minded each other.” This, the last September. team’s prospects, but anyone can John J. Mitty, D.D., who, aa chair­ Guy T. Justis of tha Danvar mother recognized, was unfair to year. man of the NCWC Youth Depart­ Community Chast said that a Other star undergraduates plainly see that Tiger Jack Isen- the children—and her anxiety on among the champs were Dave All-Americans nart, slugging pitcher, will be back. ment, is honora^ chairman of the family of 'fiva could aat on $4 a this score was aggravating her Catholic Committee on Scouting, week. Fielders’ gloves (five-fin­ illness. If only the children could Bryson, Bill Faddis, and Bernie Practice for the Mullen Mus­ Hammons, the first, second, and tangs bagan only this pas( Mon­ BOWLING K. of C. invited the conference to meet in ger with thi^ big league auto­ be given competent care, her mind San Francisco. graphs) were 98 cents. short combo. The Red catcher re­ day. Coaches Dick and Don would be at rest! Brown raport a graen squad this ‘Scout ApoiteUte’ Next day her husband came to mains to be chosen to fill the size­ KNIGHTS or COLUMBUS. DENVER G. Mariacher (S) ...... 160 able slippers of Dick Braun. year but pradiet that the Chris­ ...,.... 81 The theme of the conference will 15 Years Ago ^ the Red Feather agency. He was COUNCIL S3S Rudy (C) ...... 11 160 At Annunciation high, Harry tian Brothars’ school will ha a Standinfi Welch (D) ...... 69 160 center around the spiifitualizing most upset and begged the worker Dehmer (D) .... - ...... 84 169 of the whole family thrmlrt ecout- Parochial baseball opened on to “do something” for them. Pemberton ahould haro a faw real contander as soon as soma Team W L Av*. the Regis diamond with only seven of tha promising frashman and Wardens ...... 62 32 80« Mulligan (GK) ...... 66 188 insf. Such topics as “Training He had come to Denver only re­ old handa to halp along. Tboy Scavello (T) ...... ____ 60 168 schools entered in the league. Sa­ include Ed Horvat, booming sophomoras pick up exparianca. Chancellors ...... 44 40 799 Kane (N) ...... 78 167 Scouters for Service in Leadership cently hoping his wife’s declining 187 cred Heart dropped out. 185-pound firat baaeman; Gil A program of intramural soft- Guards ...... 42 42 786 McNally (C) ...... in the Lay Apostolate,” "Catholic health might benefit by this cli­ ball may show up some hidden Navigators ...... 40 44 809 Bartlett (CL ...... 84 188 Life—A Contribution to Ameiica Names in the preseason base­ mate. But instead her condition Caatollano, aecond aackeri Don Trustees ...... 44 794 W. Swigert TGK) ...... 84 188 ball news were Hartman, Ma­ Mumford, centerfieldor; Jorry talent later in the year. Secretaries ...... V...... 40 44 789 Scherer (W) ...... 69 188 through the Whole Scout Family,” became steadily worse, and doc­ Grind Knightt ...... 34 60 798 Mill! (N) ...... 81 184 “Contributiona the Troop Chaplain lone, Horvat, Hall, Over, Wall, tors held little hope for her re­ Stecklii^e, who ahowod atuff laat Donigan (N) ...... 78 189 Mares, Russell, Vusinich, Auer, year aa a. iroah moundaman; Hish three games Chancellors, 2*674: 181 Gan Make to, the Bo^ and Hie covery unless she could be given Deputies, 2,669 ; Wardens, 2,697. Beckius (C) ...... 84 Parents Through Scouting,” “Spir­ Myrick, and Russio. The Holy complete relief from family re­ Kenny Riedel, piteher, third Wallace, Heffley E. Stolte (S) ...... 60 16( Family Tigers were rated the baaeman, and alugger; and old High game: Deputies, 1,032; Grand Miller (TJ ...... 81 149 itual Activities for the Whole sponsibilities and worries. Mr. L. Knights, 974 : Secretaries, 927, Wendling (D) ...... 84 14! Scout Family—at Parish, Area, team to beat. atandbya lika Nuaaa, Maraa, Wagner (GK) ...... 77 146 owed large medical bills, the chil­ Individual Avtragea and Diocesan Levels,” and “Tech­ The St. Vincent de Paul Work dren were being neglected—and and Maea. Rated 'A ll' Again Duggan (8) ...... 78 181 ingmen’s ball team of unemployed The 1962 schedule tentatively Games Avg. Lerg (T) ...... ;...... 68 13( niques of Diocesan and Area Or­ there seemed to be no way out. King (N) ...... 78 182 Lawlor (G) ...... „...... 81 111 ganization” will be presented and men from the center at 1824 calls for mostly Sunday afternoon Bobby Wallace is one of 48 177 High three garnet: A. Roiil, 684 ; T Larimer journeyed to Ft. Morgan, Mr, L. said he could continue his Carr (G) ...... discussed. work and care for his wife and triple-headers to begin at 2 p.m. the two ex-Regis college A. Roail (T) ...... 84 174 Kins, <68; T. Berlin. 622. where they broke a three-year at Fifth and Federal in West Den­ High zama: T. Stolte, 261; A. Roiil, Father Wogan will present the winning streak for the' Morgan- the house if some plan could be M. Roiii (D) .. 84 174 266; J. Healey, 264. topic "Spiritual Activities for the worked out for the children. ver. Definite diamonds will be H. Swigert (T) ...... 69 172 NOTE: Last round btiins March 2T. men. Winning pitcher—Riordan. puijlished m .these columns. Ramify (C) .... 84 171 No bowling Holy Thursday, April 10. Whole Scout Family—at Parish, For rich folks, two-trouser And so the three older children Mulltn (GK) .. 81 170 League aeeretary, Ed TafelskI, phona Area, aq^d Diocesan Levels.” spring -suits were 822.75, shoe were admitted to Queen of Heaven last week. The other Berlin (D> ..... 84 168 soling was 37 cents a pair down­ orphanage and the baby was ^ ' I I 1 / * I i Lynch * (GK) .. 81 164 Alley HCP SCHEDULE MARCH 2T HCP Alley 00374946 T. Stolte (G) .. 80 164 1 > (8) Wardeni v>. Deputieal (0) 2 town, and roast beef was 17% taken to the Infant of Prague Healey (G) ...... 78 164 3 (») Grand Knighta vi, Trasteei (2) 4 cents a pound. nursery. Here they were given McMahon (G) 42 168 8 (12) Sacretarie* vi. Guards (0) a competent loving care in a home­ Marietta (W) 78 162 7 (8) Chancellori vi..,Navigatora (0) $ the all-time scoring record Boedlng (S) 84 161 like atmosphere. They thrived. Regis. Both Jarratt (W) .... 81 161 Plain Leather Jackets Ultimately Mrs. L.’s health im­ AAU tourney Plonkey (S) .... ' 78 161 Honor Champion Mason (W) .... 78 161 Refinithed and Repaired proved sufficiently to enable her Powera (N) .... 84 160 to take care of the children her­ ...... aw...... ROY SYSTEM, INC. self, and the family was reunited. large lenten SHOE REPAIR Thus, through help of a Red Basketball Team King Kegler Broadway at IrTinrton 6P. 41IS Feather agency, another vital hu­ offs being held this week en man problem was solved. Brighton.— (St. Augustine’s Par­ New York. In the AAU tourney, menu.... ish)—The Knights of Columbus the Ranger-packed fly boys won held a banquet in the parish hall over powerful Oakland and the March 26 honoring their champion Fibber McGee and Molly team Cozy Flame basketball team. The team won the They were defeated only by mighty many complete Denver Municipal Tournament of Phillips 66. M ix Champions March 15. In the sea­ son the K. of C.-sponsored team Hefflay Made All-Catholic won 14 games and lost three. A At Regis, both Heffley and Wal­ dinners___ ^ RED ASH FOR DRIVEWAYS lace made names for themselves. FERTILIZER - FLAG STONE large crowd attended the banquet, which also honored the Brighton Heffley was named to the All PERMAGREEN PLANT FOOD ? | 4 9 high school basketball team, winner Catholic All-American team in of the state’ class A championship. 1949; and Wallace, ranked as the reasonable 50 lb. sack ...... The dinner was prepared by the greatest competitor ever to attend Altar and Rosary society. Special the Northside school, was named entertainment was provided by a to last year’s NAIB' All-American prices___ ALCOTT COAL & ICE CO. group of students from Loretto and to the Helms Foundation all- Bryca HeffUy star roster. 3860 TENNYSON ST. Heights college, and A1 Bucci GL. 1470 played a number of accordion selec­ OPEN EVERY DAY 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. tions; The members of the boys’ so­ 'Pardon My Bony Elbow' PARKING NEXT DOOR dality and the Mother of God so­ ^ NO LIQUOR ■ dality received Communion March Boys, Join the 25. After the Mass the boys and Plan now to have Easter Dinner with us, girls were served breakfast in the Sunday, April 13th. church basement. A games party will be sponso- ed New Denver Junior by the Knights of Columbus in the parish hall Sunday evening, April 6. Nine members of the Junior Le­ Police Band gion of Mary journeyed to Den­ ver recently with Sister Martha Crold^ OLantem (FOR BEGINNERS ONLY) Mary to attend the acies meeting in St. Philomena’s church. Here's on opportunity for boys to join a notionolly '—Regi» photoi by O’Hayre 1265 Bdwy. Near 13th Ave. RESTAURANT KE. 1204 famous orgonizotion and securt musical training under George V. Roy, the man responsible for the high stand­ Old Timers to Hear Leo With an average better ing of the present Junior Police Band. Leo (the Lip) Durocher is than 190, Father William F. oked as a speaker for the 13th Houser, S.J. (above), leads Regis annual Old Timers’ haseball ban­ college intramural bowlers into the quet Tuesday, April 1, at 6:30 in tournament stretch. In Time for EASTER Ages 7 to 10 years— the Shirley-Savoy hotel, Denver. An intramural league darkhorse 7 up to 12 years on bass Other notables on the program (below) is Father Harold L. Stan- horn. No previous mu­ are John C. Picket, judge from sell, S.J. sical training neces­ Cheyenne, Wyo.; and Bob Howstim Sport Coats-Slacks sary. of the Denver Bears. ★ Al Sherlock, president of the All Wool Fabrics Old Timers, and Richard Trerhlett, of the Finest Quality RagUtration at PoHc* banquet boss, sent out a first call Budget Priced Haadquartari. Parents for youngsters to mail in their reg­ must accompany boys. istrations for the 1962 season. The Sloekf Sport Coats address is 508 Mercantile building, 1031 16th street, Denver. $17.95 529.50 Organization m eeting 7 p.m. Fridajr, March Boys’ & Girls’ 28th, in Police Court­ “Easter Parade” room, 2nd floor, Police ARROW ENSEMBLES B uilding, 13th and BICYCLES Harmonizing Smart, Fine Champa. , Striped Shirts in your favorite 1988 ■k Columbia...... 38**, pastels...... ^ Reconditioned...... 15**, ENROLLMENT LIMITED Handaome All Silk Tie...... t2.50 Terms If Desired - NO ENTRANCE FEE Bike Accessories Man Sized Handkerchief...... 55c Denver Junior Police Association, inc. A . L. ALL IN THE GAME, Regis’ Don Robinson (15) went up after a rebound against the Gustavus Adolphus college MEN’S 716 E.. Colfax Ave. Phone MAin 1192, Ext. 279 GLODT team from St. Peter, Minn., and got Center Ed Huse’s eyeball. DEWEY’S SHOP MA. 8392 283 Broadway SPrueo 6488 Strecher-bearers near by are John Gleason (21) and Red Behwaldt.- (Regia photo by O’Hayre)

I PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bonneek Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thuridoy, Morch 27, 1952

w w ^w w w w w WWW w w wyf ■ Nuns Learn New Life-Saving Method NOT JUST A MATTflR OF SEE1IV6 Funeral Held in Missouri A NEW METHOD OF artificial respiration recently adopted by the American Red Cross is being shown State Viiion it not always a cate of jutt teeing, but teeing with Patrolman Marvin E. Bullard, Holyoke (left), and Sister M. Georgia, St. Peter’s. Clyde Saylor of Fleming and Mrs. comfort. Malty people can tee clearly, but cannot ute their Robert Asher, Stirling, are being used as “patients.” R. M. Papich (in checked shirt), special ARC field representative fpr first aid and For Father Joseph Lilly eyet for any length of time without getting a headache, Thit water safety services, was in Steeling March 17-21 teaching the Red Cross instructor’s training course in five three-hour sessions at the Sterling Elks club. Funeral services for the Rev. Fathers, was the celebrant of the it usually a warning that glasses are probably needed. Other students are, front row, left to right, Sister M. Mark, Sterling (hidden by patrolman); Mrs. Joseph L. Lilly, C.M., formerly a Mass. Serving as deacon was the June Wertz, Fleming; Sister M. Nathaniel, Sterling: Sister M. Bertram, St. Peter’s; Miss Maxine Miles, rofessor at St. Thomas’ seminary, Very Rev. William J. Kenneally, Fleming; and Sgt. Floyd Christensen of the state highway patrol; and back row,left to right, Mrs. Care Dlenver, the profefesor of Sacred C. M., rector of St. Thomas’ sem­ Rowan, Fleming; Patrolman “Bud” Graham, Sterling; Glenn Bakke, Sterling; Carl Rowan, Fleming; Scripture iii Kenrick seminary, inary, Denver, Colo.; as subdea­ SW IGERT RROS. and Mrs. George Harms, Mrs. Norris Pyle, and Mrs. Clyde Sayor, all of Fleming. Mayor C. 0. Unfug Webster Groves, Mo., at the time con, the Very Rev. Gilmore H. and State Patrolman Robert Asher, both of Sterling, are standing on the right.— {Stirling Advocate of his death, were held March 25 Guyot, C.M., rector of St. John’s 1550 California KEytlone 7651 photo by Ed Olsen) from the chapel of the seminary. seminary in San Antonio, Tex.; The body lay in state in the and as master of ceremonies, the Better Fition Good Service chapel from the previous day, and Rev. Gerard Stamm, C.M. The for Every Age Optometrists At Right Pricet Office of the Dead was chanted Very Rev. William P. Barr, C.M., by the priests and students of the rector of St. Mary’s university. La GLASSES INDIVIDUALLY STYLED seminary on the evening of the Porte, Tex., delivered the sermon. same day. Father Lilly died March Father Lilly was ordained to the 21 in De Paul hospital, St. Louis, priesthood in Kenrick seminary on following a heart attack. He was June 13, 1918. After ordination 59. he spent two years in further study ^bufuinAcant in, f i a a i . in Rome. Upon return, he taught Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter of in St. Mary’s seminary, St. St. Louis presided in the Solemn Thomas’ seminary, and in the FREDERICK F. PRICHARD of 2243 Mother of Dominic,. Joseph, Jim. and Mass of Requiem and gave the last Catholic university in Washington, California street. Brother of Paul E. Nick Pedatto, Mrs. August Yantorno, absolution before the body was re­ D. C. He became professor of Sac­ Prichard, Los Angeles: £. Leo Prichard, and Mrs. Frank Teti, all of Welby; and moved to Calvary cemetery in St. Wichita, Kans.; and Lyle Prichard, Den­ Mrs. Angelo Cerrone, Mrs. John Cer- red Scripture in Kenrick seminary ver Requiem Mass March 26 in Holy -rone, and Mrs. Otty Cerrone of Denver; Louis for burial. in the fall of 1951. During his Ghost church. Interment Mt. Olivet. and sister of Mrs. Frank Campi of The Very Rev. Thomas V. Cahill, EDWARD R. CAREY, Sr.. 76, for­ Cleveland, 0. Twenty-one grandchildren years in Colorado he organized and merly of 1547 Gaylord street, at New and three great-grai^children also sur­ C.M., and the Very Rev. John J. took an active part in the street Orleans, La. Interment Mt. Olivet Marcl) vive. Requiem High Mass March 20 m Zimmerman, C.M., were chaplains preaching apostolate. He also 22. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel church. Inter­ to Archbishop Ritter in the Mass, taught at the Register College of MURRAY C. RANKIN, Sr., 49, of ment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. and the Very Rev. Wm. A. Flynn, Journalism. 4317 Umatilla street. Husband of Julia JOSEPH E. McW il l ia m s , s i . 4770 C.M., and the Very Rev. James V. Rankin: father of Murray C. Rankin, Pecos' street.. Husband of Dorothy Mc­ Born in'Cape Girardeau, Father Jr.: brother of Elsie Farris and Archie Williams. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boule­ Flannery, C.M., chaplains to the Lilly was the son of the late Ed; Rankin, all of Denver: brother-in-law of vard mortuary. Most Rev. Charles H. Helmsing, Mrs. Mary DiManna and Mrs. Minnie ward S. and Mary A. Lilly, and is DeFeo: and grandfather of Gary Rankin. JOSEPH VIDICK, 47, 4500 Washing­ Auxiliary Bishop of S t Louis, who survived by four brothers. They Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mor­ ton street. Father of Robert, Dorothy, was present in the sanctuary. are John Lilly, St. Louis; Edward tuary. and Patricia Vidick; son of Mr. Aid Mrs. The Very Rev. James W. Stake- Lilly, Chicago, 111.; Robert Lilly,, JAMES HENLEY, 69, of 4867 Mead Louis Koprivio: brother of Mary Piste- lum, C.M., Provincial of the West- street. Husband of Flossie N. Henley. lek, William and John Vidick, Mrs. Memphis, Tenn.; and Charles Lilly, Requiem High Mass March 20 in St. Keith Morris, and Mrs. Edward Sta- ern province of the Vincentian Kalamazoo, Mich. Vincent de Paul’s church. Interment Mt. neiwiski, all of Denver, and Mrs. Walton Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. F. Beaird of Scheveport, La. Requiem CARRIE KUTTNER, 75, of 4116 W. High Mass March 27 in Holy Rosary S6th avenue. Requiem High Mass March church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard 26 in St. Vincent de Paul’s church. In­ mortuary. terment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. JOSEPH REDINGER, 84. of 2400 W. ELIZABETH AGNES BRAUN, 68, of 46th avenue. He is survived by seven 1695 Havana street, Aurora. Mother of nieces and nephews. Requiem Mass was Harold Nilsson of Auroim: and sister celebrated in Assumption church, Walby, of Leo J. Borden of Chicago. Three March 22. Interment. Mt. Olivet. Olinger grandchildren also survive. Requiem mortuary. ' High Mass March 26 in St. Therese’s MAMIE E. HARRIS, 68, of 1425 New­ church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard port street. She is survived by six chil­ Knights Exemplify Degrees for Sterling, Fort Morgan mortuary. dren, John F. Harris, Eileen Dreiling, MARIA PEDATTO, 78. of Welby. and Ann N. Peterson of Denver; Louis sterling.— (St. Anthony’s Par­ hospitals in Colorado and Wyo­ St. Anthony’s students have been 'Ecce Homo' Story Buchholz of Roggen, Clarence Harris of ish)—A joint exemplification of ming. The group of entertainers included. In 1951, it was possible North Platte, Neb.; and Gerald Harris first, second, and third degrees of Ecce Homo, by Tom Dowling, of Chicago: a sister, Ella Corbitt of is sponsored by the Veterans of to schedule only one tr*op, but Jr., read by Mrs. Catherine Fitzsimons army hospital: and 12 the Sterling and Fort Morgan Foreign' Wars, who will provide through the cO-operation of the grandchildren. Requiem High Mass March councils, Knights of Columbus, Schmidt, cast a Lenten setting on meals and transportation. Mrs. students and both schools, a larger the meeting of St. Rita’s circle THEODORE I 25 in St. James’ church. Olinger mor­ was held March 23 in Sterling. A Henry Hupie of the Sterling high and better group of entertainers tuary. six-man team from Colorado of St. Anthony’s Altar and Rosary MARGARET HENNI FAIR, 42, of school faculty will act as chap­ had been formed. society March 19 in the home of 1020 E. Fifth avenue. Wife of Max E. Springs presented the third de­ eron. St. Anthony’s Students Fair; daughter of Mrs. Margaret Henni. gree rite. Mrs. W. J. Haverland, 411 S. Members will begin the 1952 The students from St. Anthony’s Third avenue, with Mrs. J. J. Hy- HACKETHALl Interment Mt. Olivet March 22. Olinger Visitors were present - from appearances as sobn as the who will participate are Leonard mortuary. Loveland, L ongm o n t,.R o g g en , biak assisting hostess. JAMES W. ATKINSON, 56. of 1025 weather permits safe travel. Spe­ Hergenreter and Shirley Schiel, Sherman. Husband of Catherine Atkinson; Fort Morgan, Holyoke, Stoneham, cific dates are yet to be set. vocalists; Joseph Manganaro, who Ecce Homo is the story of a man MORTUARY stepfather of Mrs. Florence Grant. Mili­ and Sidney, Neb. Participants in Though this is the second year the will do his pantomimes; and Leroy who had the idea of photographing tary honors by Francis Brown Lowry the degree work were the Rev, talent troops have been entertain­ Weingardt and Shirley Frasca, ac­ the Holy Shroud of Turin and the post 501, V.F.W. Requiem Mass March startling facts it revealed of the 1449-Sl Kalamath Su 26 in Cathedral. Interment Mt. Olivet. Johrf Canjar, Stonehanj; J. J. Fox- ing veterans, it is the fjrst time cordion players. MARIA F. DE BELLO, 76, 4944 Low­ hoven, grand knight. Sterling; Car­ Passion and death of Jesus Christ, Phone MAin 4006 ell boulevard. Mother of James, Fred, and rol Dunn, state deputy, Colorado said Mrs. Schmidt. Angeline De Bello; sister of Lena Cicconi. Springs; and William Carter, past Mrs. Catherine Schmidt won the Also survived by nine grandchildren and deputy, Denver. Twenty-nine can­ Mother Dies Going to See Priest-Son five great-grandchildren. Requiem Mass high prize, and Mrs. James Too- in St. Catherine’s church March 25. didates were received into the hey the consolation, in a “sham­ M o n II m e n t s Interment Mt. Olivet. Horan mortuary. councils. Mrs. Edward Kane, mother of weeks ago, will'be unable to at­ rock quiz.” We have erected many beauti CATHERINE PAGETT, 87* of 1165 Banquet Served to 400 the Rev. Joseph Kane, pastor of tend his mother’s funeral, which Roiary for Peace (ul monuments in Mt. OliTet Pennsylvania street. Requiem Mass at In the evening a banquet was St. Michael’s parish. Delta, died is taking place from the Church of The Rosary for peace opened 9 o’clock March 27 in Holy Ghost suddenly March 22 as she alighted Pius V in St. Louis Thursday or Cemetery. church. Interment ML Olivet. Horan served in the St. Anthony school the business meeting, in which mortuary. hall to about 400 persons. The from a train in Colorado Springs, Friday of this week. Besides the plans for an Easter bake sale A. T. THOMSON SARAH MARTIN, 72, of 12 Emerson. officials who participated were Wil­ where she had intended to visit her two daughters who accompanied April 5 were announced. Requiem Mass at Mother of God church liam Carter, Denver, past state ailing priest-son. She had made the her on the trip, she is survived by TA. 8018 March 21. Interment Mt. Olivet, Horan Delegates selected for the gen­ 600 Sherman St. mortuary. deputy; Carrol Dunn, Colorado trip from St. Louis, Mo., on the her husband, Edward; two others sons, Edward and John; and an­ eral meeting were Mrs. R. R. CATHERINE REIVA, of Fort Lupton, Springs, state deputy; the Rev. Eagle, accompanied by two of her Powell and Mrs. Catherine Colo. Mother of James Reiva of Fort E. J. Verschraeghen, Sterling; daughters, Mary and Loretto, other daughter, Catherine. Schmidt. The hostesses for the Lupton. Mrs. Lucille Perucca of Louis­ against her d o c to r’s advice. Her maiden name was Catherine I V j ville, and Martin Reiva, ^ d e n , Utah. the Very Rev. Albert Albel, Sid' meeting in April will be Mrs. A. J. JERRY RREEN Requiem Mass will be celeb^ted Friday, ney. Neb., who was the main Shortly after the train stopped at MeSweeney. Mrs. Kane’s condition Heinlein and Mrs. George Hof­ March 28, at 10 o’clock, in St. William’s speaker; and Edward Gruber, the station she slumped over with a before arrival in Colorado Springs mann, Jr. Florist church, Fort Lupton. Interment Mt. l/oveland, master of ceremonies. coronary attack and was immedi­ had caused concern for the two Refreshments were served to 14 Olivet. Horan mortuary, ately taken to Glockner hospital, daughters who were accompanying 1004 15th St. DENNIE F. CASEY, 79, of 818 S. Talent Troops to Entertain members. University boulevard. Father of Orpha where she was anointed by the her. A physician who was also on AMAZING COLLAR MAin 2279 Daywitt and Garfield Casey. Requiem Two talent troops composed of Rev. Paul Reed, chaplain. Doctors the train gave her a thorough ex­ High Mass will be celebrated Friday, students from St. Anthony’s high pronounced her dead on arrival. amination but found no alarming thaVs guaranteed to outlast March 28, at 9 o’clock in SL Vincent de school and Sterling high school Father Kane, in poor condition sign except that her blood pres­ Paul’s church. Olinger mortuary. will entertain veterans in army in Glockner, which he entered two sure was up. SEAT COVERS ROBERT A. DENZLER. 18. of 1689 the body of the shirt , • , or Call a Adams street, formerly of 883 S. Osceola. Husband of Norma Denzler. Son of Mrs. you get a new shirt! Edith l(fjnella of Denver. Stepson of Albert Minella. Brother of Pfc. Joe CAB Denzler, U.S. marine corps, and Alberta Sister Genevieve Sews Her Last Stitch and Michael Minella, both of Denver. MAin 7171 Grandson of Adam C. Davidson of Den­ WAS IT Catherine Walks-Un- and St. Louis were interesting and mothers, to the detriment of skirts Prompt Csartnnt 8«rrlc. ver. Nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. der-the-Ground for whom little made charming coats and dresses. and coats and sweaters. And so she SPAN Shirt CHEAPER RATES Nelson of Denver, Adam Davidson, Jr.; Sister Genevieve sewed the first Sometimes there were yards and stitched on, and hoped and prayed 2-WAY RADIO Arnold and Fred Davidson, and\ Dorothy for more young sisters. CLEAN NEW CABS Vecchiarelli. Requiem High Mass will gingham dress on that hot swel­ yards of sturdy new material to be celebrated Friday, March 28, at 10 o’clock, tering day of August, 1891? There transformed into well-fitting, On Feb. 28, 1952, Sister Gene­ in St. Francis de Sales’ church. Interment was a smile on her lips and a home-tailored outfits. Faithfully vieve finished her last seam. She by Manhattan Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. twinkle in her eye, wWch was not Sister Genevieve treaded her sew­ was carried from her sewing room Custom Made MARY J. YOUNG, 92. at ML Eliza- to leave Sister for OU years of ing machine and stitched into each just in time for the last sacra­ . . . IT'S NEW! IT'S TOUGH! beth retreat, Morrison, late of 1031 S. $ 1 2 .0 0 up Pearl street. Mother of Mrs. Marie M c­ darning, patching, ripping, and article a prayer that the uprisings, mental blessing from Him who Arthur of Portland, Ore.; sister of Mrs. mending at Holy Rosary mission. the ghost-dances, and all the rest­ said, “Whatever you did to the R. W. Fraser, Denver. Life member of Pine Ridge,' S. Dak. Hand-me- less turmoil of the 90s would least of My brethren, you did it 3 .9 5 Sacred Heart Aid, Altar and Rosary so­ Capitol Auto Body ciety of St. Francis de Sales' church. downs from women in New York cease—-that the dusky children of to Me.” After 60 years of unin­ Requiem Mass March 21 in SL Francis Bad Lands and prairie would aban­ terrupted mending and sewing, 1850 Pearl AL 6555 de Sales’ church. Interment Mt. Olivet. don bpw and arrow .^nd feathers after 60 years of peace and joy A real champion . . . a new shirt of fine while CATHERINE McENERY, 86, of 4819 and happiness in God’s service, King street. Requiem Mass in St. Fran­ for erucifix and rosary. broadcloth with extra strong collar which Man­ cis de Sales* church March 24. Interment 4)inie passed quickly. Children after 60 years of daily Mass, of Mt. Olivet. increased in numbers. The mission thousands of visits to Jesus in the BURNS-RIPS hattan guarantees to outwear the body of the TRINIDAD LOPEZ 66, of 925 Mari­ became larger. While styles of Blessed Sacrament, after moun­ posa street. Father of Jesus Lopez, shirt. Soft, fine fibers of the Span collar are MEMORIALS grandfather of Maria Jesus Lopez. Re­ suits and coats, of sweaters and tains of coats and dresses and mil­ OR TEARS quiem Mass March 25 in Our Lady of dresses changed. Sister Genevieve lions of sTitches, Sister Genevieve twisted like a steel cable! French front, button of an unusually wide choice Guadalupe church. Interment 'Mt. Olivet. sewed on, A larger domitory was slipped into heaven quietly, there Eliminated by cuffs. Necksixes 14 to 18 , sleeve lengths 31 of colors and designs, all Trevino mortuary. built for the girls in 1906; a unit to rest after a long, happy, use­ French or Inweaving ALFRED QUINTANA, 68. of 88 S. 84 floor Servleo^ReoionobU Prkei to 36. in grade A granite and Gaylord street. Father of Patricia, Henry for the boys in 1922; a gymnasium ful life. wrought in workmanship and Fred Quintana, Mrs. Silverio Quin­ in 1936, Elementary and high ♦ • ♦ HOSIERY MENDING tana. Brother of Eduvijen, Teodoro, and school were now cbndueted at the RESTING AT LAST? No, Sis­ unsurpassed. George Quintana, aiyi Mrs. Frank Salazar. He is also survivea by 18 grandchildren. mission. Almost without her know­ ter Genevieve is not resting. Close We furnish transportation to Requiem Mass March 26 in Sacred Heart ing it, the great-granddaughters to Mother Koska, whom Chief church, Trevino mortuary. Interment ML Roast’s wife, Anna, welcomed with (jtJMJteAn, and from our display with no Olivet. of her first, charges crowded about obligation. MRS. MARY A. DILLON, of 879 Sher­ her, and several sewing machines a veritable bear hug in 1888 when inweaving Co. man, street, died March 21 in Denver hummed and buzzed in unison with Holy Rosary mission was opened. Phone KE. 4409 *WhtrS Dsnrtr Shops wilh Confidenct'* Kfvston* 2111 General hospital. She had been a Denver Sister Genevieve lies waiting. resident since 1910. Requiem Mass was her old one. Trim, modem high 304 McClintock Bldf. Liesveld Memorial Co. sung March 24 in Mother of God church. school girls in, neat uniforms Right across from her is the tomb —------1554 Calif. — Interment was in Mt. Olivet cemetery. learned from little Sister Gene­ of Chief Red Cloud; all about her 13000 West 44th Ave. Mrs. Dillon is survived by a sister, Mrs. vieve the art of transforming old are valiant Jesuit Fathers, never Margaret S. Carroll; a brother, William Directly Across From Frei, both of Denver: a brother, Michael coats into new oi\es for little girls tiring brothers, and Franciscan Mt. Oliyet Cemetery Hannegan. of Oakland. Calif.; and nine at the mission. Sisters w ho labored with her nieces and nephews. She was born Aug. * * * There seems to be an air of expect­ C L a ^ Phone ARVADA 0499-R-3 19. 1876, in Louisville, Ky.. and came to ancy on this hill-cemetery. Even II Buy DUI AL. (Ill Denver from Shawnee, Okla. She was SISTER GENEVIEVE never See It See It a member of the Third Order of St. Sitter Genevieve grew old. She had no time to do Christ on His plain wooden cross Francis. Capitol mortuary. so. She may have treaded her ma­ seems to be listening. . . . CIOKS WITH THE MRS. MARY MUEULER chine less heartily than formerly, Almost noiseless in their speed, • Mrs. Mary Mueller, a pioneer member 26 in St. Catherine's chnrch. Interment but the smile and the sense of car after car speeds on the high­ T oday Today of St. Joseph’s Redemptorist parish, died Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. GAS T H I H C • March 24 in her home, 1018 Santa Fe MRS. KATHRYN WRIGHT humor was Still hers at 86 and way to Rapid City. The saintly drive, after a short illness. She was 87. Mrs. Kathryn Wright 73, died Sun­ 87. Young sisters were scarce. fathers, brothers, and sisters, as # MUTlIAl BENEFIT Born on June 19. 1864, in the Austrian day, March 23. Mri. Wright was horn in More than 400 pupils were board­ well as Red Cloud, Black Bear, Tyrol, Mrs. Mueller came to America in St. Joseph, Mo., in 1872 and spent 73 1887. She moved to Denver in 1889. Her years of her life there. She had been a ing at the school now, mothered and Brown Eyes, are listen­ ASSOCIATION husband was the late John Mueller, resident of Denver for the past seven by 17 sisters where once 25 had ing, waiting, expecting the car 'stonemason, whom she married in the old years, where she was a member of St, cared for 150. And so Sister that’ will bring eager, generous SL Elizabeth’s church in 1889. She moved John’s church and was affiliated with American girls garbed in brown to SUPPOSE to her home on Santa Fe drive as a the Altar and Rosary society. Genevieve continued to sew, patch, Our Family Group Policy bride and had lived there continuously She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. and mend. How good that skirts continue the work so zealously and since that time. She was a member of E. J. Degan of Omaha, Neb., four sons, were shorter now, making seams selflessly begun. Better than any­ Protect, the Entire Family St. Joseph's branch 61. LCBA. She is Earl E„ Jack W.. and Joe S. Wright, one else do these Intrepid mission­ survived by a daughter, Mrs. Bertha all of Denver, and Frank J. of New York; less long. But buttons seemed to for a few cent, a day. Snapp; a son. John, both of Denver: one two sisters, Mrs. James Guinan of Den­ come off coats mote easily than aries of the Sioux know that the That through the kindness and generosity of your heart, YOU decided this grandchild and one great-grandchild. A ver and Mrs. E. J. Kelly of Hollywood, once upon a time, and little girls fields are ripe for the harvest in very minute* to donate YOUR present Gas or Electric Range and Refrigerator, or Requiem High Mass Is being sung for Calif.; two brothera, James Walsh of seemed to seesaw more boldly, 1952 as they were in 1888 and Mrs. Mueller March 27 in SL Joseph’s Denvtr and William Walah of Lot An­ the ones YOU are intending to purchase, TO THE POOlfeST AND MOST DE­ church. Burial ir^ Mt. Olivet cemetery. geles ; nina grandchildren and three great­ jump higher, run faster, and play 1891—ripe, white for the sickle- grandchildren. harder than their great-grand- hut too few are the laborers. SERVING FAMILY IN COLORADO. MRS. CALISTA F. MOAURO Services were held Friday, March 21, Mrs. Calista F. Moauro. of 4281 Julian in the Howard mortuary. Burial vrill be + + + + street, died Sunday in St. Joseph’s hos held in St. Joseph, Mo. do YOU have any idea as to the TERRIBLE loss YOU would be causing T ) A ,Y ¥ m m pital following a brief illness. Mrs. MRS. TRULY LORENE LEWIS this poorest but most deserving family? ? M JintM . 340hFIlXRAL Moauro was born in Denver 55 years ago Mrs. Truly Lorene Lewis, formerly of and had lived here all her life. Douglas, Wyo,, died Sunday, March 23, Franciscan Sister Buried Her husband. Michael L. Moauro, is 1952, after a long illness. Mrs. Lewis was If YOU have a birthday in the family coming up, a wedding anniversary Phone GLendale 5709 president of the Consumers Fuel com born on Aug. 19, 1921, in Grayville, 111. pany. Besides her husband she is survived She is survived by her husband, Charles or special guests such as the Boss and his Wife, make an appointment and bring Denver !!» Colo. by a son, Norman H. Moauro; a daugh­ Lewis. Requiem High Mass was cele­ At South Dakota Mission your Roast, Ham or Bird in and let us do it the CHAMBERS way. YOU will be ter, Mrs. Betty J. Derzay, and five grand­ brated Wednesday, March 26, in St. Ber­ children, all of Denver. Requiem High nadette's church. Interment ML Olivet. Funeral services for Sister Mary Genevieve, 87, who died the cook of the day! TOPS, that is. Mass was celebrated Wednesday, March Capitol mortuary. FRED DUROCHER Feb. 29 at Holy Rosary Indian mission in South Dakota, were Fred Durocher, 92. of 820 Clarkson held at the mission, with Bishop William T. McCarty, C.SS.R., - Serve food that has been stored in your NON-FROSTING Refrigerator. street, died March 18. He was the former of Rapid City presiding. Father Louis Meyer, S.J., offered the YOU are cordially invited to see our scintillatingly beautiful technicolor president of the Standard Bottling com­ pany. Mr. Durocher was born in Canada. Requiem Mass. In his remarks following the Mass, Bishop Mc­ sound movies showing CHAMBERS “Cooking and Baking with the Gas TURNED During his childhood he moved to Carty praised Sister Genevieve’s devotion to duty and her many OFF.” Northhampton. Hass,, and received his years of service at the mission. education there. He came to Denver in 1879, where he made his home, and re­ Sister Mary Genevieve was bom June 25, 1864, in Buffalo,, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DIE TO BE IN HEAVEN—ASK A CHAMBERS OWNER mained the rest of his life. N.Y. She entered the Congregation of the Sisters oi St. Francis Mi'r Durocher founded the Standard of Penance and Christian Charity in 1887. Four years later she Bottling company in 1886 and, after man­ aging the company for 62 years, be sold was sent to work among the Sioux Indians in South Dakota. For it to the Canada Dry Bottling company the past 61 year? she has been teaching dressmaking to the Indian In 1948. girls and providing for the needs of these children in a most lov­ He is survived by a daughter. Mrs. ing manner. Surely she has now heard the words of Christ, “For fOR NAMES TO BE IIEMEMBERED Angeline D. Schmidt; a son, Walter F. I was naked and you clothed Me.” F. J. BEDNAR CO. Durocher, Sr.; three grandchildren, Mar­ JACQUES BROTHERS garet E., Lillian M., and Walter F. Besides conducting two large Indian missions, the congrega­ Dnrocher, Jr.; and three great-grandchil­ tion to .which Sister Genevieve belonged, and whose mother-house Since 1902 dren. JJtsL 9(ouAmIfeiLiJ^At JjamcL MONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION and novitiate is now at Marycrest, 5200 Federal boulevard, Den­ Requiem High Hass was sung Friday 5480 W. Colfax Avenue \ y\ BE 3-3525 — BE 3-1637 Jnit Off Broadway on (th Aye. March 21, in the Cathedral. Interment'Hti ver, Colo., also coniducts academies, boarding and day schools, and OUvaL hospitals in Colorado, Nebraska, and North and South Dakota.

A ii'iiiirtAtiiifiiliteii’Vi-

f Thursday, March 27, 1952 Offica, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN Strange But True Minister Proposes Lent and the Democratic School Plan d isu ^id iD Ju id lL, Definition of Catholics Soud Id be ike By Paul H. H allett By J. R. Walsh LONGEST IN A COUNTRY as mixed as ours no one CATHOLICS HAVE A definite idea regard­ T?OOM type of school can lay exclusive claim to being ing Lent, but it is curious, even bewildering, In, the American school. As long as financial dis­ As a Flower Turns Its Face to the Sun the various ideas so many persons have regard­ EUROPE abilities weigh against the parent who wants a ing Catholics. Although the meaning of the term 50Q. U lT By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen be said to live mysteriously with the life of God; LONO religious education for his children, the educa­ IT IS FASCINATING, find perhaps signifi­ to operate with a power given by the Almighty. “Catholic” never varies as such, the peculiar G R tA T jji^ O tional rights of the family, guaranteed by both cant, thfe way a flower turns its face toward the AS THE FLOWER in the bower drinks in ideas that arise in conversation with others the Federal Constitution and by the United sun. And green plants, notably certain types, great draughts of vivifying sunlight, so the soul show need for some repetition of facts. The more SACRED Nations Charter, are hobbled. This fact, long have a habit of twisting their leaves in the direc­ in God’s embrace has jts thirst for Him quenched often the facts are repeated, the more likelihood INFIRMARV. recognized by Catholics, was recently re-empha­ tion of the sun’s rays until it almost seems the with a participation in God’s fullness of life. And there is that a great deal of misunderstanding MALTA, sized by the president of the Fresno, Calif., board fragile stems must break with the turning. that thirst for God will be satisfied eternally by will be avoided. Erachd. IK of education, who happens to be the dean of St. The advent of spring, with its fragrant ver­ the soul that leaves its bod/ when still in posses­ In brief, Catholics are members of the Cath­ die/6^ Cent: James’ Episcopal Cathedral in that city, the Rev. dure, is a mirror of God’s resplendent loveliness. sion of God’s grace. olic Church, the one and only Church claiming b y itu Mr. James M. Malloch. to be Christian that dates its existence to Christ, KNIGHTS And the natural processes of God’s growing crea­ The flower turns to the heavens; has its fill; “During the moat vital hours of his or her tures, in|their very loyalty to His decrees, can and blossoms into even more splendid beauty. her Founder. Every other Christian denomina­ OF ST JOHN. day,” said Dean Malloch, “a child is taught tion in existence has a human founder, from NO iP A /a te USED AS A HOSPITAL prove-an example to wayward men.. If the soul turns toward God, it, too, will have its nothing of God and divine law, and this goes on If the flower is anxious to bathe its counte­ fill, and blossom outjinto eternal glory. whom it dates its existence, and is of recent date. through those early and formative years. The nance in the sun’s warm and health-dealing light, Although there are greater authorities to prove unfortunate results are obvious. A large number the intelligent creature of God called man can do ' this fact, even the accepted encyclopedias and of Episcopalian Churchmen have become alarmed milch worse than seek the warmth of God’s love. Display of Faith sound history books admit that the Catholic over /the situation. . . . They are discerning the Church alone traces her existence historically And if the frail plant strains at its root* to By Rev. J ohn B, Ebel true and original meaning of separation of see the torchlight of the skies, should feeble man back to the time of Christ. Church and State and believe that the govern­ do less in his aspirations to assimilate himself, “WHAT’S ALL the fanfare about. Father?” Christ was born in Bethlehem more than ment should encourage and support religion, somewhat at least, to the Divinity? asked the bystander as the men marched into 1950 years ago. His birth and subsequent life so long as it does not favor any one denomination THE PSALMIST SPEAKS of night and dark­ the Denver Cathedral Sunday to the music of conformed exactly to the prophecies uttered above others.” ness as the arena of evil; and of the daylight as Dwight MacCready’s band ensconced squarely in hundreds of years before His time concerning TO THIS END Dean Malloch advocates a the aura of good. St. Paul, too, the peerless Apos­ the middle of Colfax avenue. Probably more than the promised Messias and Redeemer of the hu­ IN IQ. V CENTUPy S r MIGUEL 'S’, man race. He claimed to be the promised Re­ THE Fi n ST NINO WAS BAPTIZED. system that is substantially the same as that in tle to the Gentiles, so treats light and darkness; one onlooker asked the same question as the effect in Ireland and Ontario. He submits a plan for it seems the cloak of ebony that palls the Catholic men, estimated as some 2,000 strong, deemer, and He proved this claim by the beauty by which our government might aid three types night invites works that should never see the marched proudly behind cross and flag from the of His life and character, the sublimity of His AT TUB AGE OF IB. of elementary education, Protestant, Catholic, light. K. of C. home to the Cathedral for Mass and Com­ doctrine, His many miracles and prophecies, and and secular, the latter corresponding to our When a man engages himself and his talents munion, and then again from the church to the finally by His glorious, triumphant Resurrection BLAISE PASCAL, present-day public schools. In areas where there in good works—of charity, modesty, and justice— hotel for breakfast. from the dead on Easter Sunday. Cl'T^i-“ ,cCAn,» are sufficient Jews or Eastern Orthodox, schools he walks in the light of God’s grace, which van­ And it is a ^ood thing, we think, for them to TO PERPETUATE HIS MISSION on earth CATHOUCSCIEmi be asking questions, just as it is a good thing for THE PPOCeSSIOFlAL CPUCITlX for these faiths would be aided; otherwise, the ishes like a snuffed flame upon the advent of as the Savior of mankind. He established the VIITH WE TiCUKE towapps lHl(sn,IWBNT£D parents concerned would have the choice of send­ grave wrong. And when man basks in the warmth us to put on a show once in while to attract some Church, which He commissioned to carry on His THEM. OPIOINATED FOOM THE >\ A/'ARITHMETICAL ing their children to a Protestant, Catholic, or of God’s grace, he is doing as his nature and his attention. On the whole Catholics, perhaps be­ work until the end of time. To act as His per­ CRUCIFIX OH THE STANDARO OF secular school. Where Catholics have no schools supernatural destiny bid him do; and he will cause of their history as a minority in this nation, sonal representative on earth. He designated A CRUSADER PiSAN, FIRST TO MACHINE'FIRST of their own, they would send their children to surely—as surely as the tiny bud will burst into seem to shy away from public appearances. Such Peter as the visible head of the Church. “Thou SCALE JERUSALEM’S WALLS, MECHAMICAU I secular schools, as they do now. Thus freedom of bloom—attain his goal—the enjoyment of the is not the case, for example, with the Commu­ art Peter,” said Christ, “and upon this rock God of Light for an eternity of light. nists. They have long recognized the “lift” and [Peter means rock) I will build My Church, and WHICH IRADinOHALLI TURNED CALCULATOR, choice in an important area of education is propaganda effect furnished by a show. Witness TOWARDS m ENCOURAOm ^eatly expanded, and no one is any worse off, This philosophy of darkness and light is based the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And ...... H IM O N . • e m J on the divinely constructed doctrine of sanctify­ their “peace rallies,” various protest rallies, etc. I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of in respect of the rights of conscience, than he is to the men now. Under the present system, no one type of ing grace. For habitual grace—as this grace, is AND SO WE SAY WELL DONE heaven; and whatever thou shalt bind on earth also termed—imprints God’s image on the soul. who ma'de the event a success, despite the uncer­ shall be bound in heaven; and whatever thou school, secular or religious, has the sole right tain weather conditions and the icy streets that to claim the title “American,” so long as it meets The soul in the state of grace draws its super­ shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” The Denver Catholic Register natural vitality from God Himself, and so can left much to be desired for marching. But we (Matt, xvi, 18-19). the standards of the state and trains for good also ask, where were the other thousands of Den­ P resid en t...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. citizenship, but only one, the secular school, is Again Christ said to Peter: “Feed My lambs; Editor...... Et. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., Jour.D., Litt.D., LL.D. ver Catholic men who could have been there? The feed My sheep” (John xxi, 15). Christ liked to allowed to benefit by the contributions of the Bishop Sheen, TV Star event, not to mention their reception of Com­ Managing Director...... Monsignor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D. taxpayers. As a result, many fewer schools of the call Himself the Clood Shepherd, and to refer to City Editor...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., Litt.D. By Linus Riordan munion, would have done much for them and His Church as His flock. By charging Peter to sort parents would like to send their children to their presence would have done much for the Associate Editors—Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A., Litt.D.; Linus are built than there is, need for. FROM PRESS REPORTS and accounts of feed His lambs and sheep. He appointed Peter Riordan, Ph.D.; Rev. Robert Kekeisen, M.A., LittD.; Paul Hallett, of individuals who watch TV, it would seem prestige of the Church, too, since many judge us the visible head of the whole Church. The What legal chances has Dean Malloch’s plan that there are not too many programs of great by our numbers as well as by our deeds. LittD.; Jack Heher, Litt.M.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan, M.F.A, of being adopted? Probably they are nil, in the Twelve Apostles were thus instructed to look value or real interest. As a result many Colo­ after Hi# whole flock and to take the necessary Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. present stage of Supreme Court interpretation radoans, deprived of TV, have not felt too Thie Paper Printed Entirely By Union Labor of the First Amendment, but certainly there is means for the continuation of the Church. harshly against the fates that Jcept telecasts away. "Where Is He?" , After much laboring, and preaching and go­ no lack of precedent for the proposal. Public sup­ There is an exception, for there is a new Published Weekly by port of private education obtained quite gener­ By Rev. Michael B, Harrison, S.S.C, ing about doing good, Christ was condemned to TV program taking the people of the East by I READ in a missionary magazine recently death on accounli of His assertion, “I am the THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) ally until about. 1850. Since that time the unexpected storm. It is entitled “Life Is Worth 938 Bannock Street, 1 tendency has been to prohibit the expenditure of a strange incident that occurred in a little Son of God”' (Matt, xxvii, 43). On the third day Living,” and, if we may use the term, stars mission church in the Philippine Islands. The after His death, He rose triumphantly from the Telephone, KEystope 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 of public funds for the support nf private schools, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, who has won a large grave, and He spent 40 days on earth consoling but the process has been gradual. The Indian audience for his talks on the Catholic Hour. public school teacher whos6 turn it was to clean Subscription: mission schools received federal aid until the church for Sunday services was unable to and instructing His Twelve Apostles. ' (The Jack Gould, famed radio columnist of the come herself, and sent a group of her pupils period of Lent, however, refers especially to the ?1.00 per year in Archdiocese of Denver. 1900, and Negro schools 'and colleges under - New York Times, writes of the program: "Bishop 40 days Our Lord spent fasting in the desert) Church or private control were receiving some to do the work for her. After some time the pas­ $1.50 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver Sheen appears in front of the cameras for the SHORTLY BEFORE He ascended into heaven, state and, more often, local funds as late as the full 30 minutes, and in effect delivers what tor, thinking that the children were at work clean­ Canada, $2.25 a year per subscription. second decade of this century. In 1917—the year ing the church, dropped in to see how the task Christ gathered His disciples around Him and could be construed as a straight sermon, which was progressing, but he soon perceived that the instructed them as follows: “All power in heaven Foreign countries, including Philippines, $3.00 a year, Massachusetts enacted an amendment to its heretofore has been regarded as one of the tra­ Constitution prohibiting all aid to private youngsters were not interested in cleaning; in­ and on earth has been given to Me. Go,* therefore, ditional ‘don’ts’ of broadcasting. and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them Thursday, March 27, 1952 schools — 168 academies in 27 states were re­ “YET SUCH IS THE FORCEFULNESS of stead there was something strange afoot. The ported as obtaining $441,463 from public ap­ entire group was silently but thoroughly search­ in the name of the Father and of the Son and of Bishop Sheen’s personality and the persuasive­ ing every nook and corner of the church, under the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that propriations, and in 10 Southern states 28 ness of his words and philosophy that a viewer, OFFICIAL! ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER secondary schools for the Negro race—mostly the pews, in the confessional, behind the pillars, I have commanded you; and behold I am with you regardless of his individual faith, finds bimself everywhere. From the main body of the church all days, even unto the consummation of the • The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. under Church control—shared public money in not only paying attention but doing some, seri­ We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ amounts from $50 to $4,500 each. they proceeded to the sacristy to continue their world” (Matt, xxviii, 18-20). ous thinking as well.” search in every drawer and press. There the The Apostles, under the divinely conferred ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or IF IT IS NOT AGAINST the principle of Bishop Sheen is not addressing himself those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. separation of Church and State to recognize that pastor accosted them, only to be greeted by a authority of Peter, set about carrying out the solely to a Catholic audience, but, as Mr. Gould instruction of their Divine Master, gnd thus the We hope The Register will be read in every home of the army and navy chaplains perform a service to the points out, “a member of the Protestant or chorus of little voices all clamoring, “Where is nation at large, and not merely to the religious He?” “Where is He?” / was launched on its triumphal Archdiocese. Jewish faith can draw streng;th and inspiration Then the pastor remembered that he had re­ march down through the centuries. Two hun­ We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in groups they represent, it is impossible to see from his words just as easily as a Catholic.” dred sixty-two Popes, the visible representatives how schools in which religious instruction is The radio world and the TV realm have been cently explained to the Catholic children in that the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. imparted can be regarded as alien tp American school that God is present in every Catholic of Christ, have succeeded Peter in an unbroken amazed with the way TV fans have accepted church. They in turn apparently passed this in­ line of continuity from Christ down to the pres­ * URBAN J. VEHR, education, and in consequence cut off from the “Life Is Worth Living.” So popular is the pro­ ent reigning Pontiff, Pius XII. And the Bishops Jan. 29, 1942 Archbishop of Denver. tax support of those who want to support them. gram that Bishop Sheen’s rating dropped the formation on to some of their non-Catholic friends who decided to find out and see for of the Church, as successors to the Apostles, are When religious leaders decide that the need of TV No. I drawing card and comedian, Milton still under the authority of the Holy Father, perpetuating religious education takes preced­ Berle, from first place to third place in a TV themselves this God who dwelt in the Catholic Forty Hours' Devotion church. Practically all the. group were non- carrying out Christ’s command to "go and make ence over sectarian jealousies the champions of poll. (Berle is on the air at the same time as is disciples of all nations.” ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER pure secularism will lose their decades-old domi­ Bishop Sheen.) Catholics, most of them belonging to the Agli- payan sect. With much difficulty the priest ex­ 'The other denominations that arose, many Week of March 30, Pasiion Sunday nance over American education. Bishop Sheen states the purpose of his TV of which have already passed out of existence, program very simply: He merely hopes to induce plained to them the sacramental presenca of Our Denver, St. Joteph’i (Poliih) church Lord in the tabernacle and convinced them that say that the Catholic Church preserved the truth We do not acquire perfection by pursuing the television viewer sitting at home to have of Christ’s doctrine down to a certain period of Burlington, St. Catherine’i church perfection, but by pursuing God.—Edward Leen. love of God. they could not touch or handle Him. I THE WORDS of those Filipino children are time. After this time, they say, the true doc­ CATHOLIC RADIO LOG being echoed by millions of other Filipinos also, trine was corrupted, and so the Spouse of Christ adults as well as children; they are being echoed became “corrupted.” Station KOA SACRED HEART PROGRAM by hundreds of millions throughout the world THIS SUPPOSITION, however, refutes it­ self, for, granting that the Catholic Church was ASK AND LEARN—Sunday, —Sunday, 6:45 a.vn., and 11 who are seeking to know the one true God and p.m. know not where to find Him. It is more than the Church first founded by Christ, as history 8:30 a.m. proves it to have been, then she could never CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, Station KTLN ^ 1,900 years since Christ issued the command, “Go, teach all nations, preach the Gospel to every have failed in her mission. For, had she failed, 12 noon. FR. JOHN ORDINAS, C.R.— creature,’’ but there are still millions and millions the words of Christ promising that He would be Sunday, 7:15-7:30 a.m. of souls in the world who have never heard of with His Church “all days, even unto the consum­ Station KFEL mation of the world,” and that the “gates of Station KLZ that Gospel, never heard of God or His Divine AVE MARIA HOUR—Sunday, Son. Many of those seeking after the truth are hell would not prevail against it” would have 5t30 a.m., and 11:30 p.m. CHURCH OF AIR — Sunday, echoing jn effect the words of those children, proved false. Thus, either the Church is the true 8-8:30 a.m. “Where is He?”. Church of Christ or Chijistianity falls. Again, ROSARY FOR PEACE—Sun- how could a Church essentially corrupted in one day, 8:15 p.m. Station KBOL, Boulder We as Catholics have an obligation to help them find Him. We must come to their assistance of the earlier centuries be so vitally alive and FAMILY THEATER—Wedne.. SACRED HEART PROGRAM and especially today when so many of those un­ strong in the 20th century? day, 8:30 p.m. Every weekday at 7 a.m. " fortunate peoples are in grave danger, of being swallowed up in the awful abyss of atheistic Careful: Genius at Work! Communism. We must help bring them the light , By Rev, F rancis Syrianey of the true faith before they are lost in the dark- THIS YEAR MARKS the 500th anniversary fiess of Communism. But how can that light of of one of the g;reatest geniuses this world has faith be brought to them unless some volunteer known. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is best to go and teach them? known to most of us for the handful of his paint­ Hear OUR BLESSED LORD is calling for volun­ ings that we still possess. His universal genius, teers, calling for young men and women to .sacri­ however, was perhaps more at home in the scien­ fice themselves, to leave home and country to go tific fields, where his experiments, discoveries, and help those peoples be saved. It is the duty of and new processes in geology, anatomy, botany, ASK and LEARN parents to foster vocations; it is the duty of mechanics, logistics, qualify him for the title every one of us to pray for them. Let us by our “first of the moderns.” Others found fame and prayers and sacrifices, especially now during the fortune by being proficient or expert in one season of Lent, help those n\illions of people in field; few even know that da Vinci possessed the , KOA pagan countries who are still “in darkness and in wealth of skill that was his in many lines. the shadow of death,” to find Him “who is the A great deal of this was the fault of da way and the truth and the life.” Vinci himself. Extremely secretive and jealous 8 :3 0 of his discoveries, he rarely published them unless 'Other 'Josephs' they would benefit some benefactor. Much of his EVERY SUNDAY MORNING greatest work was written in private code or By Peter J. Tomashek cabalistic language indecipherable for many WHEN CHRIST WAS on earth, He spent years after his death. Yet this same man was Que8|ion8 on religion 8ubmitted by the radio three years of His life preaching, teaching, feed­ not only a military strategist, he perfected new audience an8wered on the archdiocesan broadcast. Start them right— ing the hungry, and healing the sick. But for weapons of war, and even suggested steam power 30 years before ,that. He lived in obscurity with for cannons years before the first steam engine Booklet on Catholic Church available free of cost SAVE with a savings account at Mary and His foster father, Joseph. As a human was invented. to all inquirers. being. He needed a human father for care, pro­ HIS MOST STARTLING DISCOVERIES as far as_we are concerned were his enunciation of WRITE TO tection, and support, so that He could grow to The American National manhood, carry on His public ministry, and the principles of flight for heavier-than-air craft. A.SK AND LEARN, Station KOA redeem mankind by His Passion and deatk His studies of birds and the actions of air cur­ ' Denver 2, Colorado THE Bank that will— This was the role that God destined for rents enabled him to predict in theory the practi­ Joseph. Joseph was to be poor because he was cal means by which we send huge planes winging to be the guardian of Him who lived in exemplary through the air. poverty. Hq was to be chaste, for he was to care To a modem age impelled by the constant AMERICAN #earn additional money dependably for Purity Incarnate, and was to be the spouse necessity for speed, Leonardo da Vinci can teach MAin 5314 at 2% interest on all accounts of the Virgin Most Pure. And he was to be the lesson of patience and care. His immortal obedient to God so that, unlearned though he “Last Supper,” perhaps his most famous work, averaging $100 or more. was, he could learn how to be the foster father was the product of 10 years of preparation. The of Jesus from the Real Father. composition, the various facial expressions, the F. J. KIRCHHOF Christ’s work on earth included founding a fidelity of physiognomy combine to give this WAY #give them the advantage of large Church so that His work could be continued. ,He masterpiece a pre-eminent place in world art. “bank reserves” assuring that they established the priesthood, so that in His name The wealth of detail and the supreme insight are the priests could also preach, teach, feed the the marks that characterize the genius in the Construction Co. may have their money when hungry with Christ’s Body and Blood, and heal artist. they want it. those who were spiritually sick. That is why Da Vinci again demonstrates that even genius the priest is referred to as “another Christ.” does not spring full blown from the artist’s mind BUILDERS BUT THE “OTHER CHRISTS” of today in his “Mona Lisa,” the delight and the despair • give them the added convenience need “other Josephs” to care for their material of artists everywhere. It is known that hq spent We Appreciate Your Patronage needs. That is why the Church has established the • four years and infinite pains in producing this of complete banking facilities— lay brotherhood. Nearly every religious order, creation famed for the enigmatic and almost im­ 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. including bank-by-mail service and community, or congregation that has priests, also perceptible smile that touches the woman’s Ups. has lay brothers. And the brothers take the place Another famed work of his, the equestrian statue free parking. in the priests’ lives that Joseph took in Christ’s. of Ludovico il Moro, was . worked on constantly They do the cooking, tailoring, secretarial work, for more than 15 years, but was destroyed by KSTABLISHED IH i farming, plumbing, carpentering—in fact, any­ French invaders before the final form was cast. thing that is needed for the material welfare of NOT EVEN THE TALENT and genius of the community. And like Joseph, they, Jtoo, must da Vinci would permit him to produce an un­ The American Fixture Co, THE NATIONAL BANK be poor, chaste, and obedient. ’Therefore the finished work. His sketchbooks are filled with Manaficlorm of Church dignifies their life by the vows of re­ the painstaking preparations that went into his Church Pews and Altars ligion, anjf puts them on the Toad to perfection. art. A lesson, we think, is obvious for us who o f Denver feel our progress in the way of spiritual perfec­ Church Furniture AMERICAN Thus it is clear that just as the priesthood is the highest dignity that man can attain, so the tion is too slow. Perfection here, like anywhere, Bank, Office, and Store Fixtures 17TH AND LAWRENCE STREETS brotherhood is the next highest Joseph was the is the product of work and constant effort man closest to Christ; the brother is also the The oft-quoted statement that genius is “ 10- Millvoork of All Kinds Umbtr Federal Deposit Insunmc* Coiporation closest to the priest St. Joseph, in the role that per-cent inspiration and 90-per-cent perspira­ HA. 0168 God ordained for him, became one of the greatest tion” is borne out in the life of Leonardo da F. J. Kirehhof, Pres. 1236 Arapahoe St. saints of the Church, in fact, he ia the patron Vinci. What is true of those who. give their lives C. F. Stahl, Pice Pres. Denver, Colo. saint of the Universal Church. The lay brother, to art or science should be no less true of those Hear "AMERICAN SERENADE" on KLZ at 7 p. m. every Friday in imitation of St. Joseph, has a great oppor­ who profess to follow the greatest art and the tunity to obtain a similar high degree of sanctity. highest science—the love of God. J

PAGE FOURTEEN Officfl, 938 Bannock Stroat THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telaphona, Koyitont 4205 Thursday, March 27, 1952

Men's Club to Hold Meeting April 2 Special Graces Available Mar. 30-Apr. 6 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES^ PARISH

. (Annunciation. Pariih, Denror) Patronise These Friendly Firms The Men’s club meeting will be Franciscan to Give Mission in Welby held Wednesday, April 2. It will Alameda Drug Store be held in the Cards club at 3663 Officers of New Club Welby.— (Assumption Parish)—A mission will begin Humboldt street after the Lenten this Sunday, Passion Sunday, March 30, and will end a ^ V. 0. PETERSON, Prop. BUCHANAN’S devotions. week from Sunday on Palm Sunday, April 6. The Very Rev. Cat Rate Drains Christian Bros. Wines All members and men desiring Fabian Joyce, O.F.M., will conduct FonnUiln Servlc# Sandrlce Friday, April 4, being the first Alt Papalar Boar* to become members are encour­ the mission. Each morning the mis­ FiHir aged to attend the meeting. After sionary will give a short instruc­ Friday of the month, there will be BuMin0i$ Apprtiut^d tfa OtIlTar Ihe meeting refreshments will be tion after the 6 and 8 o’clock all-day adoration of the Most Alameda, a So. Broadway PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwy. served. The facilities of the Cards Masses. In the evening at 7:30 Blessed Sacrament. Exposition will club are open to everyone. These there will be the main service, con­ take place in the. 8 o’clock Mas^ CONOCO PRODUaS facilities include pool, shuffle- sisting of announcements and in­ Reposition after evening services. board, Ping-pong, and card games. struction by the missionary, the AUssion articles (rosaries, Lubriration • Delco Batteries St. Anne’s club will meet on Rosary, led by the pastor, sermon prayer-books, etc.) will be in Car Washing i t i s M t Thursday, April 3, at 1 o’clock in by the missionary, hymn by the the vestibule for those who may the home of Mrs. K. J. Glasmann, choir, and Benediction. The evening want them. These can be purchased W. A. (Dutch) THOMAS Cleaners & Dyers 3721 Race street. service will normally last one hour. before and after the evening serv­ Sgt. William J. Eaves, son of The children will have a mission ice. Alameda A Losao PE. 9840 J. H. Boliingar . Dick Tramlatt Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rupp of 3527 of their own for three days start­ Confessions begin Tuesday night Lafayette, is home on a furlough ing Monday* and ending Wednes­ after services. Confessions will be 328 Broadway from the Korean front. day afternoon. Wednesday at 1:30 heard every morning, afternoon, p.m. the missionary will give a and evening of the mission, if nec­ Phones PE. 37.'»S & 3754 Bazaar Plant OFFICERS OF THE recently formed Men’s club of special blessing for babies and essary. To Be Formulated Annunciation parish, Denver, are pictured. Left to right children who have been baptized The pastor, if notified, will take Friday evening, March 28, fol­ are Frank Grebenc, secretary; Father James L. Ahem, moderator; but who have not received their the missionary to visit any sick Coriin's Mobil Service lowing the Lenten devotions, a Paul Denman, president; and Rudy Apodaca, treasurer. First Communion. person in the parish to bestow the BOB CARLIN meeting will be held to make plans blessing for the sick. Parishioners (Mamber St. Francti D« S«1m’ Ftriih) for the midsummer bazaar. All are strongly urged to invite to the Lubrication parishioners are urged to attend. Members to Hear Chopin Selections mission fallen-away Catholics and Walbing . . . Steam Cleaning The high school students en­ interested non - Catholics. Those Very Rev. Fabian Joyce, O.F.M. Pickup & Delivery joyed a skiing trip to Winter Park. who make the mission are asked 1st & Logan SP. 9930 They were accompanied by Fa­ to win God’s favor and blessing by thers Donald McMahon and James Park Hili Altar Society to Meet April 4 bringing at least one person with Ahern. (Blessed Sacrament Parish, est, seven-sixteenths of an inch. 37th Annuol Easter them. This mission is not only for The finals of the intermural Denver) They are made from glass, wood, the mother church in Welby, but Mothers, Fathers' basketball tourney will be held Monday Ball ROTOLO'S The Altar and Rosary society ivory, handcarved jade, metals, in­ also for the people of the mission Thursday evening in the halls and Final arrangements are being churches in Derby, East La^e, and will meet in the school gymnasium cluding sterling silver and solid completed for the 37th annual 796 So. Broadway bring together Don Maes’ sopho­ gold. 'They trace the history of the Westminster. mores against Fred Maes’ seniors. on Friday, April 4, instead of on Easter Monday ball given the Club in Derby the second Friday, which falls on piano from 500 B.C. to the present Milford club of the Blessed Sacra­ The St. Patrick day dance was Good Friday. time. ment parish. The ball has a city­ held in the Welby gym. It was Stondord Gas to ils Mrs. R. W. Schlecht, a member Since this program falls on the wide traditional significance and is sponsored by the Altar and Rosary IT'S SO EASY of the parish, will present four sisters’ feast day, a special invita­ one of the most important affairs society of Our Lady of Sorrows Elects Officers piano selections from Chopin. tion has been extended to the sis­ in the post-Lenten season. mission. East Lake. Gratitude was This will be followed by the ters, and the school children are expressed to Lena Appelhaus and Derby. — (St. Catherine’s Par­ To do your laundry at our auto­ As announced, Daniel J. Mc- exhibition of “Pianos in Miniature’’ also urged to attend. A cordial Ginley, a member of the parish, is her co-workers who cleared $134. ish)—The Mothers and Fathers’ New Fashion matic Self Served Laundry. Just with an explanatory lecture by invitation is extended to all women club of Derby held its meeting Order Your drop it in one, two or more ma­ offering an orchid corsage to any­ GraHtud* Expressed Mrs. Theo Marie Sponsler, who in the parish. one in the parish who sells 10 or March 23 and officers were elec­ chines. Come back in 36 minutes has received national recognition On March 23 the Rev. William J. more tickets. Mrs. Don J. Kirley, To Church Workers ted. Ben Soper was elected presi­ Easter Flowers Cleaners & Dyers or more and it’s clean, spick and for her collection of little pianos, Mulcahy baptized Sharon Kay, ball chairman, DE. 1819, or her co- dent; John Kaiser, vice president; span, and ready to go. Don’t spend daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joe Weiman, Harry Wall, Nick EARLY which is believed to be the largest chairman, Mrs. George- Reynolds, James, and Pat Fagan were and Ruth Alsdorf, recording and Expert Work a whole day and your good dispo­ in the United States. The tiny Bailey, with Theodore Price and EA. 2511, will be glad to deliver financial secretary. A recreation sition doing a 35 minute job. It replicas vary from the largest, Rita Claire Hearty as godparents. thanked for free services recently Fast Service tickets to anyone wishing to assist given to the church; also Joe F. committee was appointed with Cob Phone RA 1818 isn’t worth it. Burrows Washe- which is four and one-half inches Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey acted as in this ticket campaign. The pro­ 530 E. Alameda • SP. 0079 teria, 417 W. 4th. Adv. proxies. Gaccetta, Joe D. Gaccetta, Joe Beren as chairman and Rose Ap- City Delivery across the keyboard, to the small- ceeds are to be applied to the pelhans, cochairtnan. A facilities 10033 E. Colfax-Aurora 82 Over 100 at PTA Meeting Mazzotti and company for $10 do­ church debt. Tickets for the ball, nated for flowers and candles for committee was planned with Frank More than 100 members of the which will be held in the Lincoln Appelhans as chairman. The recre­ Forget-Me-Not PTA and their friends attended St. Joseph’s statue on his feast ST. JOHN'S PARISH room of the Shirley-Savoy hotel, ation committee meets on Sunday Tha firms listed here deserke to the evening meeting held in the are $2.50 per couple, tax included. day. school gymnasium on March 24. The Boy Scouts are having a ■eftemooa at 3:30 in St. Cath­ remembered when you -are dis- Patronise These Friendly Firm* Those who have already com­ scrap-iron drive; and the cubs, a erine’s meeting room. Flower Shop tributinf your patronage to the dif* The guest speaker, Leon, a well- 10 pleted the sale of or more rag drive. Arrangements can be The Altar and Rosary society ferent lines of business. known Denver milliner, held the tickets are asked to contact either 28S So. Downing attention of all present with his made for pick up of these articles will hold its next meeting on Mrs. Kirley or Mrs. Reynolds, so Tuesday, April 1, at 7:30 p.m. The Permanent Waving demonstration of the art of styling that proper arrangements can be by calling Hazeltine 776 W. OLSON'S a Specialty women’s hats. The new spring hat made for the corsages. Tba Aiiumption Altar-Rosarv Holy Name society will meet on was awarded to Mrs. Bernard E. A meeting of the entire commit­ ■eciatjr will hara a ipaghetti Wednesday, April 2, at 7 :30 p.m. My Lady Edith Foster. tee will be held by Mrs. Kirley on dinnar for the public on May 18. Both the first Friday and the Food Market Mrs. Peter Schoendaller, presi­ Thursday, April 8, at 10 o’clock, in The Passion Play, a sound movie first Saturday Masses will be at Beauty Shoppe dent, announced that the lunch­ one of the meeting rooms in the in Technicolor, was shown Tues­ 6 o’clock. Appreciate Your, Business Uinnlt Her. room volunteers for April would be new school basement. day at 7 p.m. in Good Shepherd Marie Schwieder is improving DRAPES after undergoing surgery last 8030 E. 6th EA. 1801 2804 E. 6th Ave. EA. 0788 the mothers of the fourth graders. The inquiry class conducted by mission and at 9 p.m. in Our Lady Because of conflicting parish Father Mulcahy, at which time he of Sorrows mission. It was shown Friday morning in Mercy hos­ CLAYT01\ TEXACO activities, the Mothers’ club has discusses the fundamentals of the Wednesday morning to the school pital. The firms listed here de­ postponed its meeting to Monday Catholic religion, will continue to children attending A ssum ption Rose Appelhans visited her Cleaned by Experts Wublne Tirts serve to be rem em bered evening, April 7. be held on Thursday of each week school, and Wednesday evening in mother and sister in Sterling for The Neighborhood club will hold at 7:30 in the old school hall. a few days last week. She was one Grtulne aecuiorlM the Welby gym for general patron­ when you are distributing a luncheon on Thursday, April 3, Spelling Cantest age. of the sponsors at the Baptism of Fast Service — Pickup & Delivery your patronage in the dif­ at 1 o’clock, in the home of Mrs. On Thursday afternoon, March The grade school basketball Pamela Kay, infant daughter of W* pick IP a ddlrtr Franklin Landauer, 5130 E. 17th her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. ferent lines of business. 27, 40 of the outstanding spellers team, coached by Jim Liley, came Andy Marion, Lessee avenue parkway, at which the Rev. attending Blessed Sacrament through with flying colors this and Mrs. Mel Hergenreter. - «tb a Clayton PR. 7tU Kenneth Funk, assistant in Christ school will meet 40 of the best year, winning that third-place Father Dominic Albino, O.S.M., the King parish, will discuss child spellers from St. John’s school, in psychology. All mothers of Girl trophy in the All-City Junior thanked the women of the Altar ^ BURKE'S BROADMOOR CLEANERS ^ a contest to be conducted by Sister Parochial tournament and fourth- and Rosary society for the dinner Scouts and Brownies are urged to Francis Eileen in the new school attend. place trophy in the All-State Jun­ they prepared and served on the ST. JAMES' PARISH gymnasium. Sister Francis Eileen ior Parochial meet. A “Loyalty occasion of the 40 Hours’ closing 1 Circle News IS supervisor of Loretto elementary Award” plaque was also won in March 18. East Denver South Denver Please Patronise These Friendly Firms _ Members of S t Joan of Arc’s schools. the All-State tournament for hav­ circle will be luncheon and bridge The following children were bap­ TWO On Tuesday, March 26, the sis­ ing the b^:gest following of any tized Sunday, March 23, in Derby, 26 East 11th Ave. 712 So. Pearl guests of Mmes. Ralph Taylor, ters and pupils of Blessed Sacra­ team participating. Don de Luzio ohn Rohan, and Paul Ryan at the ment school were privileged to hear with Father Albino officiating: SHOPS WALT BADGER Says: and Alfred Rossi made All-City Richard Zbyszck Mociag, in­ Phone MA 7442 Phone PE 8485 Chalet on Friday, March 28. Mrs. Sister dementia and Sister Justa, and All-State tournament teams. T. P. Brown was welcomed as a Loretto nuns recently returned to fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanis­ Send your garments to ns now and new member at the February meet­ Don also was given the most val­ laus Mociag, sponsored by Ro- the United States from Commu­ uable player trophy in the All- be ready for the Easter Parade. ing.'' nist-occupied China, discuss their mann Lucki and Hildegard Gunt- Mrs. John Hyland will entertain State meet. nim; and Charles H. Bradford, 1 experiences under the Commu­ St. Bernadette’s circle in her home, nists. There were baseball tryouts at infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 2612 Elm, Tuesday evening, April During the month of March, 13 the Welby ball field for all 13 and B raiord, sponsored by Peter J. Associated Cleaners 1, at 8 o’clock. merit badges were earned by boys 14-year-old boys of the community and Shirley M. Sewalt. The Sacred Heart circle will of troop 145. Three boys received last Sunday afternoon March 23. ST. DOMINIC'S PARISH Pickup and meet Tuesday evening, April 1, in Regardless of race, color, or creed, 6736 E. Colfax Delirery Serrica EA. 5462 the rank of a second class scout. the home of Mrs. Robert Miles. The boys are Fred Albi, Jim Bur­ all boys arc invited to attend. PRESENTATION Patronise These Friendly Merchants Mrs. Lindsay Waters will be nett,- and Eddie Gull. The star Coaches will be Gene Juiliano and hostess to the members of Our rank was pinned on John Carbone. 'Tony Russo. Patronise These Friendly Firms Lady of Fatima circle in her home The Boy Scouts of trdop 145 ask The following high school stu? on Monday evening, April 7. the immediate assistance of all dents will take part in the county The firms listed here de­ St. Joseph’s circle meeting, parishioners in locating scrap declamatory contest, which is be­ DRY CLEANING serve to be remembered scheduled for last Friday, was metal of any kind, but particularly ing held this week in the Adams Prtulnr Rtpmirinr Altcrios when you are distributing postponed until Friday, March 28. heavy pieces such as radiators, hot City high school: Margaret Bad- W* Call Far and DellTcr SnCHSinUlLDR It will be a bridge-luncheon in the water tanks, washing machines, ding, Joanne Spano, Mary Ann your patronage in the dif­ Phona Weatwood 2198 Eatabllihwl l» ll home of Mrs. William Sagstetter, stoves, etc., for their fund-rkising Hoffman, Marlene Rotello, Steve ferent lines of business. 2300 Krameria, with Mmes. scrap drive to be held Saturday, Humann, Earline Arenson, Bar­ Westwood Cleaners 3160 Tejon GLendala 0228 1 5 4 3 L A R IM E R « ALpina 3 4 2 2 F Earl McAndrawi, Prop., Vat. Thomas Lynch and Myrtle Quinn March 29. Anyone knowing of any bara Hartford, and Marie Vade. 3610 Morrison Road as cohostesses. scrap available to the scouts may In the spelling contest will be the Mrs. L. U. Wagner returned call Father Anton Borer, S.M.B., following: Verna Molinaro, Gret- Sunday from a short visit with her at FR. 1692 or Mrs. Donald Kirley chen Lamb, Anthony Catbagan, BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH son-in-law and daughter, Lt. and at DE. 1819. Dolores Suyat, and Nora Jacques. Mrs. Ray Childers, in Albuquer­ LOYOLA PARISH Patronise These Friendly Firms que, N. Mex. Paul Kueser went to Burlington, Patronise These Friendly Firms la., last week to attend the funeral Drive for School Neoring of his mother, Mrs. Rose Kueser. SAVE TIME TRADE AT HOME ROSS VARIETY STORE r-wvrwww w w w w ♦ w w ww w w w w Mrs. J. Vincent Connor, a Close in St. Rose's Parish Rocky Flori and Jo# Hayaa patient in St. Joseph’s hospital for Rocky’s Pharmacy, Inc. NOTJONS . INFANT WEAR W/tat the 10 days, is now recuperating at (St. Rosa of Lima’s Pariih, Barry Wogan were Sandra Lee, Hardwara • Toj. CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING home. Denvar) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Your Convevient The financial drive for a new Bakarich, with Joe and Christine Druggist 2214.16 Kaaraey Doctttr0rder$,ss school is drawing to a close. It is Bakarich as sponsors; and Patricia Preacriptiona Liquor DE. 4488 Classified Ads hoped that all pledge cards will Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 17tb and Raea EAat OSOr y It win pay you to road ALL of the following advertitementa. HOMES FOR SALE be in this week or before the dedi­ William Bowe, with Frank and cation of the new church on April Barbara Truskal as sponsors. 5. The _ goal, $38,000, can be "The Sign reached if each wage earner in the That SelU” COMPANION WANTED UST YOUR HOME parish will pledge a day’s wages K. of C. Speaker ANNUNCIATION WANTED—Woman to share home. Own Home Appliances a month for 15 months. Patronise These Friendly Firms fm Til BirM Prla bedroom in exchange for companionship list now Mrs. Paul Pomponio, dance lilt Vm rraHrti and some wsges. or may have part time list with chairman, announced that all Win tti job. One block church. BOX VL care Only 621.62 dellvera a new Uaytigi bil Reg later. tenna. Alto good used wethtre A reMger- members of the parish have re­ etort. 436 So. Brosdway. PEk 2768. andrews-smathers ceived letters giving information 1735 Eait 31«t Are. MISCELLANEOUS about the affair to he held April Phone CH. 0612 TOWELS a LINEN SUI»PLY company 19 at the K. of C. hall. Happy TBERS REMOVED — 8PRATED — realtor Logan’s orchestra has been en­ TRIMMED oy lioenaad, Iniured. experiaaead MOUNTAIN TOWEL A SUPPLY CO. bcdu-belle sb Service furnished fer Offteec. Berberi, concentrating south and east gaged again this year. The parish­ Assured by S men. Heavy powai aqulpmant tor any aise 2251 K E A R N E Y STREETSP job. Pcrtiliien of nO kinda. Call UILE Reetanrante. Starec. and Biaimeti call ih-2449 ioners will be contacted this week HI FORESTRY TREE SERVICE. AG 6 COPIES DATED: main floor. Its price is only Notions — Infants Wear MEATS AND y ther; Mrs. Ethel Gillies, the oldest and the mother of four, has been Hardware Toys GROCERIES CARY'S Jnn. 23, 1947 Oct. 28, 1948 $9,750. parishioner in regard to residency; with the Juvenile court for the y 2932 West 38th Ave. 1616 Fairfax . fHONI 1500 S. Brondway March 13. 1947 Dec. 2, 1948 and Mrs. Regina Flinn, oldest past 11 years. Nationally known, y parishioner in years. Joseph Musu- she has written articles for maga­ FR. 2716 EA. 7711 y We Pay Cash July 30, 1947 Dee. 16, 1948 WILSON & WILSON mecci received the pair of hurri zines and has carried her views to y Sept 16, 1948 Dee. 30, 1948 cane lamps. radio audiences. She will be in y For Used Furniture Oct. 21, 1948 June 2, 1949 Realtors Troop 206 has planned a hike troduced by Capt. Leonard A. YOUR Fairfax Hardware ► (Memben of St Louti* Ptrlib) for Saturday afternoon, March Nevin of the Juvenile court. The (Colfax at Fairfax) and Tba firmi liatad hara dtatrva to y Cali KEystone 4205 2868 South Broadway 29. Bob Peterson, Jerry Dreiling, meetings of the luncheon club are CLEANERS HARDWARE, GLASS. PAINTS Miacellaneouf Itemt Dick Howes, Carl Graves, and held every Friday noon in the K. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ba rememberad wban you nra dia* JOHN and BERTHA UcBRlDB I PE. 4014 RA. 6423 a Your Help Appreeiated Phone SU. 1-6671 Richard Madrid recently became of 0. home, 16th avenue and Grant FR. 2725 5022 E. Colfax tributhir your patronaga to tba dif- ' OPEN EVENINGS TILL « p.ni. ’ tenderfoot scouts. GL«nd.l« 6in 1711 TEJON ST. street, Denver. Catholic men are H. L. Riadiart, Prop. farent linea of buaintsa. I Baptized recently by the Rev. invited. y i ‘•"■’rn m A'"

'Sunday, Morch 27, 19S2 Offict, 938 Idiineek Strtct THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TdUphont, KEyifond4205 PAGE FIFTEEN ...... General Meeting March 30 ' IIWSURAiVCE STATEM EIVTS the mdy co Among inturaaea companies licensed to trenseet business in Celoredo by the Julesburg Parish to Form Men's Club State Insurance Department are those printed helow as follows: Julesburg.-^(St. Anthony’s Par* chase of steel folding chairs for the mother on Thursday evening. Mrs. ieh)—A Keneral meeting of the rish hall. Nellie Dominquez will Louis Gerk r e p o i^ that more men of » e parish is scheduled hbateu at the meeting April 16. than $160 was cleared'from the MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY Central States Health Sunday evening, March 30, at 7:45, recent dinner served to the Pro­ Womtn Arrange a t which time the idea of organiz* gressive Farmers’ union. It was INSURANCE SINCE 1817 and Accident Association ing a men’s group in the parish For la k e Sale voted to continue the subscription will be discussed. Until the future The Altar and Rosary society to the Young Catkolie M eutngtr Gas and Electric Bldg. TA. 1395 OMAHA, NEBRASKA course of the potential organization met in the home of Mri. Ed for distribution among the younger is mapped, Leo Schumann will act Schindler, Sr. Mrs. Frances Sundav school groups. as chairman and the Rev, Albert Lempka and Mrs. Marie Bellairs Adolph and Ed Slavik are sten­ STATE o r COLORADO INSURANCE STATE OF COLORADO INSURANCE STATE OF COLORADO Puhl as spiritual adviser. will be in charge of the Holy Sat­ ciling the name of St. Anthony DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Intarane* Department Officers of Our Lady of Fatima urday bake salej which will he held church on the new folding chairs. SYNOPSIS o r STATEMENT FOR 19S1 SYNOPSIS o r STATEMENT FOR 1951 Synoptit of BUtement for 1951 ai ren- Baptised recently were Suzanne AS RENDERED TO THE COMMIS­ AS RENDERED TO THE COMMIS* darad to the Commiuioner of Insurance circle recently elected are Mrs. in the law building. It was decided SIONER o r INSURANCE. 3IONER OF INSURANCE. Central State* Health and Accident Ed Jackson, president; Mrs. Pete to start the sale of food stuffs at Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. THE EAGLE riRB COMPANY Or NEW DETROIT FIRE AND MAKINE Aataeiation G.erk, vice president; Mrs. Richard 1:30 in the afternoon and to serve Edwin Leo Leachman. with Chris YORK, NEW YORK. N. Y. INSURANCE COMPANY Omaha, Ntkraaka Groves, secretary; and Mrs. Joe nie and coffee during the sale. J. Leachman and Catnerine Mary ASSETS ...... »?.094,M7.ll DETROIT. MICHIGAN AmcU ...... 8682.668.17 Bauer as sponsors; Christopher, LIABILITIES ...... 4.816,*86.10 ASSETS ...... 89.S24.418.lt Liabilities ..... 608.461.09 Johnson, treasurer. ,Mrs. Pete Mrs. John I,eonard, parish chair­ CAPITAL ...... 1,000,000.00 LIABILITIES______4,227,466.66 Capital ...... Mutual Gerk entertained the circle in her man of the ACCW, volunteered to son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hernan­ Rsstrvs npresentint ditfsrcnM between CAPITAL______1,000,000.80 Surplua ...... 179.092.08 home March 20. The women dis­ appoint committee chairmen to dez, with Feliz and Eulalia Rod­ Value carried In Assets and Actual Ds- SURPLUS ...... 4,096,961.97 (Copy of Certlficata of Authority) riquez as sponsors; Colleen Ann, cember 81, 1081. (Copy of Certificate of Authority.) DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE cussed food dishes they plan to carry on the full program of- SURPLUS ...... 11.688,899.86 DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE. bring to the parish food sale on activities under the Archdiocesan daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rene D. CERTIFICATE OP AUTHORITY Greivel, with Eugene L. Donnelly VALUES ...... 108.07S.06 CERTIFICATE OF AlrTHORITY. To Whom it May Concem: Holy Saturday afternoon. An ap­ Council of Catholic Women. The (Copr of Csrtiflcste of Authority.) To Whom It May Concern: Thii ii to Certify that th* Central Sutee peal was made for more homemade work of the League of the Sacred and Margaret Ann Donnelly as DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE. This is to Certify that tha Datroit Fite Health and Accident Asioeiation organited egg noodles because many of the Heart will be under the chairman­ sponsors. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. and Marine Inaurytce Ck>mpany organiied under th* law* of Nebraak* purauant to lu To Whom It May Conoern; under the laws of Michigan pursuant to its application therefor and in consideration city people ask fpr them in advance ship of Mrs. Val Sanger and a This is to esrtify that Tbs Eacle Firs application therefor and in consideration of ita' compliance with the laws of Colo­ of the sale. group of promoters. It was decided, Company of New York, ortsnited under of its compliance with the laws of Colorado, rado. is hereby lioensed to transact busl- Father Puhl was requested to also, to post the names of all the the laws of Nsw York, pursuant to its is hereby licensed to transact buainau as a neaa aa a Life Inaurance Company until offer Masses for Raymond Rod­ officers of parish organizations application therefor and in ooniidsration Multiple Line Insurance Company until the th* lait day of February next succeeding, Glenwood CCW of its complisnce with the laws of Colo­ last day of February n « t succeeding the the date hereof unless this license shall h* riquez and Margaret Juranek, both and all committee chairmen on the. rado, is hereby lioensed to transact busi- date hereof unleac this liecnse shall be sooner revoked. former Sedgwickites, who were bulletin board, which will be in­ nsss as a Multipit Lins Insurance Com­ sooner revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hive here­ killed > in automobile accidents stalled in the vestibule of the pany until ths last day of Fabruary next IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- unto set my hand and caused the official within the past two weeks. A dona­ church in the near future. Some tuoeeedinc tbs date htreof uniats this unto set my hand and caus^ the official seal of my offioe to be affixed at the Deanery Board licenit thtll ba sooner revoked. seal of my office to be affixed at the City City and County of Denver, thl* flrat day tion of $200 was voted for the pur- of the women reported that they IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ and County of Denver this flrat day of of March, A. D, 1952. dacron shirts had begun sewing articles for the unto set my hand and caused the official March, A. D. 1962. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, parish bazaar. Miss Peggy Don­ teal of my offict to be affixed at tha City (Seal) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, Commissioner of Inaurance. and County of Otnvtr this first day of Commissioner of Insurance. Dinner-Dance Held nelly, former county health nurse, To Meet in Rifle March. A. D. 1982. by manhattan ^ gave a talk on her work with the Rifle. — (S t‘ Mary’s Parish) — (Seal) LUKE J. KAVANAUOH. public health department. Mrs. The board of directors of the Glen­ Commissioner of Inauranoe.-.’ * STATE OF COLORADO In Meeker Parish Marie Bellairs entertained the Insurance Department Republic National Life group with a few piano numbers wood deanery of the Council of STATE OF COLOBADO Synopeia of Statement for 1961 as ran- A new wonder yarn that's still quite scarce, has the Meeker.— (Holy Family Parish) Catholic Women will meet in the Inaurance Department dered to the Commissioner of Insurance Doris Tranel entertained St. Rifle rectory Sunday afternoon, Synopeit of Statement for 1961 u ren- Sonthem Fire Inssraact Company Insurance Company whole country talking! Washes easily . . . dries quickly —^The Altar and Rosary society Anne’s circle in the home of her derad to tha Commiiaioner of Iniuranot Dnrham, North Carolina held its annual S t Patrick’s din­ March 30. The Rev. Edward Arricalteral inanrtnet Company Aiiata ...... 85.168.572.78 Dallaa, Texas ner and dance March 16. Fraezkowski will be host at a buf­ Watartawn, Naw York Liabilitiaa ------8,084,481.86 . . . need no ironing and does not pucker at the seams. First Parish Retreat fet supper following the meeting. Aweta ...... _$27,646.688.61 Cepiul ...... 760,000.00 The highlight of the evening was The Altar and Rosary society Liabilltiaa------16.640,886.99 Contingency Reserve ...... 84.122.18 It's porous for comfortable wear... and is aver so long the big cake bearing 26 green CaptUI ...... 8,000,000 00 Surplus ...... 1,207,968.69 STATE OF COLORADO Is Conducted in Yuma met March 13 in the home of Mrs. Surplus ...... 8,006,882.62 (Copy of Certificate of Antherity) Inauranc* Department candles, made and. donated by (Copy of Cartlflcata of Aethorlty) wearing. Comes in sparkling white with regular cuffs Mrs. A. M. Joy, and displayed by John Steele in Anvil Points, with DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE Synopsis of Statement for 1961 as ren­ Mrs. Leslie'Curfman as cohostess. DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE CER'HFICATB OF AUTHORITY dered to the Commitaioner of Inauranc* the society for church expenses. Yuma.— (S t John’s Parish)— CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Fifteen members and two guests, To Whom it May Concern: Republic Nationtl Life Ininrance Company and soft collar with stays. You'll solve many wardrobe The display netted $50. A full fi­ For the first time in the history To Whom it May Concam: This is )o certify that tha Southarn Fire Dallaa, Tezaa nancial report of the S t Patrick’s of the parish, the men and women Mrs. J. D. Quick and Mrs. Pauline This is to Certify that the Agricultural Inauranoc Company organized under the Asset* ...... 864,704,574.40 were given an opportunity to make Insurance Company organised under the laws of North Carolina pursuant to its traveling problems with one of these fine shirts. 9uan« party will be given the members Julef, were present. Plans were Liibilities _____ 58,824,704,87 a parish retreat, which was con­ completed for the SL Patrick day laws of New York pursuant to iti application application tharafor and in oonaideration Capital ...... — ______467,870.00 at the next meeting of the so­ ducted by the Rev. George Jungles therefor and in consideration of its com­ of Its compliance with the laws of Colo­ Group Contingency Reserve _ 40.727.00 tity is limited . . . early shopping is advisedi ciety, which may have to be post­ dance, held March 15. pliance with the laws of Colorado, U rado, is hereby licensed to transact buai- Surplua ...... 871.872.58 of the Passionist Fathers of St The next meeting will be held hereby llcenaed to transact business as a naaa aa a MnlUple Lina Insuranoa Com­ (Copy of Cortificato of Authority) poned until April because of the Paul, Kans. Because of inclement Thursday, April 10, in the home of Fire Insurance Company until the last day pany until the last day of February next DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE weather. weather, the women’s retreat had Mrs. Jack Fennell, with Mrs. Wil­ of February next succeeding the date hereof succeeding the date hereof nnlata this li­ CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Barbara Zenor, daughter of Mr. unless this license ahall be eooner revoked cense shall be sooner revoked. To Whom it May Concern: t./ be shortened one day, but the liam Dahmke as assistant hostess. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here­ and Mrs. Clay Zenor, has been in IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ Thia is to Certify that the Republic Na­ 10.95 attendance was good for the two • The six-year-old daughter of Mr. unto aet my hand and caused the official unto set my hand and caus^ the official tional Life Insurance Company organized the hospital for surgery. remaining days. The retreat for and Mrs. W. W. Putman of Anvil seal of my office to be affixed at the seal of my office to be affixed at the under the laws of Texaa pursuant to ita John Murray is seriously ill and City and County of Denver, this first day City and County of Denver, this first day application therefor and in consideration the men started on March 16 with Points returned to her home March of March, A. D. 1982. has been taken to Denver for spe­ of March, A. D. 1962. of iti eomplitnc* with th* laws of Colo­ a good showing. The morning Mass 19 after being hospitalized for an (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUOH, (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUOH. rado. ia hereby lieanaad to transact bxwi- cial treatments. Mr. Murray is a Commissioner of Insurance. THE MAY CO. MEN'S FUKNISHIN6S—STREET FLOOK and the evening conferences were ear infection. Commissioner of Insurance. neea aa a Life Insurance Company until pioneer member of Holy Family well attended. the last day of February next succeeding parish. Paul Sheridan, son of Mr. The pastor, the Rev. Clement Mrs. L. J. Sweaney the date hereof unless thia Hcena* shall be Buriad Aftar Matt eooner revoked. and Mrs. James Sheridan, has also Gallagher, is desirous that every­ IN WITNESS WREREOF. I have here­ been in the hospital for medical one in the parish should make an Funeral services for Mrs. L. J Frank England, Jr. Morgan, Liebman & unto aet my hand and caused the official WESTERN GROWN CARDEN SEEDS care. annual retreat. Sweeney, who died March 14 in isal of my offioe to be affixed at the her ranch home near Rifle after Agent Hickey City and County of Denver, this first day For Goad Things to Eat and for Fleature of March, A. D. 1952. an illnesa of several years, were 660 Gat ft Electric Bldg. held March 17 in St. Mary’s church, Inaurance aince 1897 (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH, PLANT A HOME GARDEN THIS SPRING Girls' Camp Hei-Lo to Open DENVER Commissioner of Insuranre. with Father Fraezkowski officiat­ Ga* and Electric Bldg. TA 1395 Hers'i a luggntion. Can bs added to or reduced. ing. Burial was in Rose Hill ceme­ At Loretto Heights June 21 tery under the direction of Farnum mortuary of Glenwood Springs. STATE OF COLORADO INSURANCE STATE OF COLORADO CENTRAL CATHOLIC The Rosary was recited in the fam­ DEPARTMENT Inauranc* Department old Seal Seeds Camp Hef-Lo for girls, spon­ who need it and whoae parents SYNOPSIS OF STATEMENT FOR 1961 Synopsis of StatenMnt for 1961 as ren­ sored by the Sisters of Loretto request it, also is provided in ily home March 16. AS RENDERED TO THE COMMIS­ dered to the Commissioner of Insuranc* CASUALTY CO. on the Loretto Heights college the elementary division. The couple made their home in SIONER OF INSURANCE. Buffalo Inauranc* Company UTAH HOME FIRE INSURANCE Buffalo, Nsw York campus, Denver, will commence Near the close of the camping the Rifle community for 50 years, COMPANY OMAHA, NEBRASKA its six weeks of western life on season, a farewell banquet is and Mr. Sweeney preceded his wife SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH Assets -...... $10,718,894.13 V egetable ASSETS ...... 88.406,276.98 Liabilitiaa . 6,497,485.68 in death several years ago. Mrs. June 21, and continue through held, at which time awards are LIABILITIES ______8,719,166.82 Capital _ 1,000,000.00 Aug. 2, made for individual achievement Sweeney was a member of the CAPITAL ...... 700,000.00 Voluntary Reserve —__ 700,000.00 • STATE OF COLORADO Altar and Rosary society. Surplus ...... 2,516,008.54 Insurance Department Qaraefu Many Facilities in camp sports and in recogni­ SURPLUS .... 1,987.109.11 Synopsis of Statement for 196X aa ren­ The campus boasts of a string tion of outstanding character Margaret Holland was born in (Copy of CertlAcate of Authority.) (Copy of Certtficato of Authority) DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE. DEPARTMENT OP INSURANCE dered to the Commiseioner of Insuranc* of gentle riding horses, archery traita. The Roundup, a Western County Cork, Ireland, on March CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Central Catholic Casualty Company 13, 1876, and came to the United CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. Omaha, Ncbrttka 1 lb. Beans. ^ . T . • *45 1 Pkt. Leaf Lettuce .10 field, swings, playgrounds, picnic horse show in which the camp­ To Whom It May Concern: To Whom it May Concern; States in 1896. Two years later she This is to certify that the Utah Home Aasata ...... 8649.981.89 1 o(. le e tt. . . . .17 2 Qti. Onion Sets . .65 pavilion and barbecue pit, and ers will be the participants, cli­ This is to Certify that the Buffalo In­ L iab ilitie.______212.267.41 the Little theater for movies and maxes the Hei-Lo season. married L. J. Sweeney in Aspen. Fire Insurance Company, organiiad under surance Company organized under the laws Capital ...... Mutual .10 the laws of Utah, pursuant to itf applies- of New York pursuant to its application i ez. Carrots . . . .15 1 Pkt. Parsnips . entertainments. The camp, in its Qualified Camp Staff ’ She is survived by three sons, tion therefor and in consideration of its Surplua N o tai______86.090.00 Maurice and Tom of Rifle and therefor and in consideration of its com­ Surplus ...... 401,768.98 i lb. Hybrid Sweet Com .35 2 lb. Peas . .85 fourth year of operation, is for The camp staff includes both compliance with the laws of Colorado, is pliance with the laws of Colorado, is (Copy of Cartificate of Authority) girls between the third and lay and religious teachers, a Alfred of Denver; a daughter, hereby licensed to transact business as a hereby licensed to transact buainssa aa a DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE 1 Pkt. Cucumber . . .10 I ar. Radiah .12 Margaret of Cheyenne; a sister, fire insurance company until the last day Fire Insuranct Company until the last day nihth grades who are interested trained nurse, a recreational di­ of February next auceeeding the date hereof CER'HFICATB OF AUTHORITY in sports, arts and crafts, rector, an expert riding instruc­ Mrs. Catherine Lynch of Butte, of February next succeeding the date hereof To Whom it May Concern : unless this license shall be sooner revoked. unless this lieenso shall be sooner revoked. This Is to Csrtify that the Central Catho- This ad it good for a—• drama, singing, and dancing. A tor, trained camp counselors, Mont.; and a nephew, Lawrence IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hare- Ile Casualty Company organized under th* tutoring program, for children and expert dietitians. Sweeney of Rifle. unto set my hand and caused the official unto set my hand and caused th* official laws of Nebraska pursuant to its applica­ seal of my office to be affixed at the City seal of my office to be affixed at the tion tberafor and in consideration of its 10< Packet of Finest Mixed Zinnia Seed and County of Denver this ftrtt day of City and County of Denver, this first day March. A. D. 1962. compliance with the laws of Colorado, is with each $1.00 order at our iters, by mail, er at a neigh* of March, A. D. 1962. hereby lieensed to transact busineei aa a (Seal) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. Casualty Inauranc* Company until the last berhoed Dealer’s store handling Gold Seal Seeds. Rangely Group Names Deanery Delegates Commissioner of Insurance. Commlaeioner of loiuranc*. day ef February next sn e e rin g the date heraof unlai* this licenae shall be aooner ravoktd. Rangely.—(St. Ignatius’ Parish) The regular meeting of the Altar at a birthday party in his home Federated Mutual IN WITNESS w h e r e o f ; I have her*- —A special meeting: of the Altar and Rosary society was held March M arch 14. American Progressive unto M t m y hand and canvad tho official and Rosary society 'was held after 11 in the home of Mrs. A. H. Crist, Mr. and Mra. Huber Hutchens Implement B«al o f my offioe to bo affixod at tbo Health Insurance CHsr and County of Denver, this first day Mass March 23 to name deleg:ates with Mrs. George Helfenbein, co­ recently moved to Oklahoma. and Hardware o f M arch, A. D. 1952. to the board of directors* meeting hostess. Plans were formulated for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hume, Sr., Company of New York (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. of the Glenwood Springs deanery th e Glenwood Springs deanery vacationed for a month in Okla­ Insurance Company Commiiaioner of Insurance. to l)e held in St. Mary’s rectory, meeting at Rangely on April 27. homa and Texas. NEW YORK, N. Y. Rifle, Sunday, April 30. Mmes. 1 Mrs. Kaysbier was appointed Dwatonntf Minneiota 0. Kaysbier and Raymond Hall chairman of the food committee; STATE OP COLORADO were mentioned as alternates. Mrs. A. H. Crist, table committee; Insurance Department STATE OP COLOBADO J J . CELLA and Mrs. LeMonto Greenley, pro­ Idaho Springs Unit Synopefs of Statement for 1951 aa re n ­ Insarftiic* Deperttaeiit LEGAL NOTICE gram. A buffet dinner will be Syiiopaia of Statcmftnt for 1951 m r« NOTICE OF DETEKMINATION OF dered to the Commiseioner of - Inaurance dered to the Comminkmer of Iniureaee INSURANCE AGENCY HEIRSHIP served after the meeting. American Progreaalve Health Insurance Federated Motoal Implement and Herdwirt ESTATE OF MAINTLAND MILLIKEN, Mrs. Thomas McGuirk was ap­ Nets $110 at Sale Company of New York Jniurtnct Cdaptnr 1120 Security Bldg. KE 2633 also known u M iitUnd MUliken, DE­ pointed to purchase flowers for the New York, N. Y. OwitaoRg, MianiMta CEASED. Idaho Springs.—The women of A w aU '...... 1433,823.87 Aiiets ...$21,<60,(95.02 No. 90513 altar f o r Easter. Mrs. W. H. Huber gave a rw ort on re­ Liabilitiee______217,426.88 Liabilitie* 15,060,453.65 STATE o r COLORADO N otin ii hereby given that there ha. w ar S t Paul’s parish met March 20 in Capital ----- 161.100.00 Guaranty Fund 600,000.00 boon filed in u id estate a petition eskingr lief. Mrs. Paul T. Guinn gave a S u rp lu s ...... 66.296.79 Innirane* Department ^ Colorado SiJrings ^for a judicial ascertainment and determi­ the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Contingency Reserve «...» 800,000.00 Synopsis of Statement for 1951 a* ren­ report on shrines in the home. nation of the heirs of such deceased, snd Mackey, with Mrs. Ted Seay as co­ (Copy of Certfflcato of Authority) S u rp lu s ...... 4,900.241.37 dered to the CtommiMioner of Insurance ■ettinr forth that the names, addresses and The next meeting will be in the DEPARTMENT OP INSURANCE (Copy ef Certificate of Authority) Republic Insurance Company relationship of all persons, who are or home of Mrs. Lynn Davenport, hostess. Mrs. Fred Leach presided. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE Dallas, Ttxa* . claim to Iw heirs of said deceased, so far with Mrs. Arnold Weiss cohostess. The S t Patrick food and fancy- To Whom It May Concern: CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Asset* ...... i28,612,864.78 as known to the petitioner, are as follows, work sale was a success, netting This it to O rtify that th* American To Whom it May Concern: Liabilities______14,194,752.92 to*wit: Della G. Ripley, 8898 West 86th The MajS'-ef^theHoly Rosary Thia is to Certify that th* Federated CapiUl ...... 4,200,009.00 more than $110, which was given Progpesiivt Health Inauranc* Company of Street, Cleveland, Ohio, Innt of half blood: will be o^brated on Easter Sun­ New York organized under the laws of Mutual Implement and Hardware Insurance Contingency Retervt __ 1,978,134.45 MAY REALTY Maybelle Davis Noble, 6662 Mayfield Road, day, knrW 13, at 8 o’clock. to the building fund. After the New York pursuant to it* application Company organised under th* laws of Surplus ...... 8,144,477.41 Mayfield Heights, Ohio, first cousin; Max­ business meeting, luncheon was therefor and in consideration of ita com­ Minnesota punuant to ita application there- (Copy of Certificate of Authority) ine M. BHzindine, 21920 Doloris Ave.. Father Edward Fraezkowski has served by the hostesses. A substan­ pliance with the laws of Colorado, ia for and in eoneideration of its compliance DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE REALTOR Cupertino, California, 1st cousin, ones re­ selected eight boys for altar tial gift was presented to the hereby licensed to trensset business ee a with the laws of Colorado* ia hereby lU CER'HFICATE OF AUTHORITY moved: William James Milllken, 3643 boys and holds bimonthly classes Casualty Insurance Company until the last censed to transact business as a Multiple To Whom it May Concern: Humboldt Ave., Santa Clara, California. Rev. Francis Potempa for Easter, day of February next succeeding the date Line Insuranee Company until the last day This ia to O rtify that the Republic In­ 1st cousin, once removed; E. La Verne Don­ for them. Confessions will be Those present were Father Po­ hereof unleea this license shall be sooner of February next suceeedinx the date surance Company organized under the laws INSURANCE • LOANS nelly, 65 Newman Avenue, Arcadia, Cali­ hereof unleu this licenae iball be eooner heard Easter Sunday at 7 :30 tempa and mother, Mrs. Potempa, revoked. of Texts punuant to its application fornia, lit cousin, once removed; Howard a.m. and S'aturday preceding revoked. therefor snd in considention of Its com- G. Pauly, 12S Gordenhurst Road, Upper Mmes. William Woodward, Rose IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hera- pliancs with the laws of Colorado, is Easter Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Cate­ unto sat my hand and cauted the offlcid IN WITNESS WHEREOF* I have here­ Montclair, New Jersey, 1st cousin, once Atcheson, Harry Fairchild and unto let my hand and caused the official hereby lieensed to transact busints* as a Ule Theater Bldg. removed; Seth Gilbert Jackson, e/o John chism classes are at 9 a.m. on Sun- teal of my office to be affixed at th* Fire Insuranc* (k>mpeny until th* lest day guest; Rose Adams of Leadville; City and County of Denver, thia first day leal of my offioe to be affixed at the Anderson, Independence. Kansas, 1st cousin, days, choir practice on Sundays at City and County of Denver* thii fln t day of February next succeeding the date heraof Colorado Springe, Colo'. once removed,, Mary Lentz, D. J. Donnelly, Jack of March, A. D. 1962. unless this license shall be sooner revoked. Accordingly, notice is hereby given that 2 p.m., and Stations of the Cross of March* A. De 1952. on Fridays in Lent 7:30 p.m. Connors, Price, Margaret Demp­ (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. (SEAL) LUKE J, KAVANAUGH. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hare- MAIN 1898 on the 22nd day of April, 1962, or the. day ster, John Forester, Fred Leach, Commissioner of Insurance. Commiuioner of Inaurance. unto set my hand and caus^ th* official to which the hearing may be continued, the Mrs. Paul T. Guinn was co­ seal of my offioe to be affixed at the Court will proceed to receive and bear hostess to the T Stars (Texas Co. Elizabeth Mackey, Ted Seay anc City and bounty of Denver, this fin t day proofs concerning the heirs of such de­ women) at their regular meeting Elizabeth, A. E. Saindon, Helen of March, A. D. 1952. ceased. and, upon the proofs submitted, Witherspoon, James Floriene and (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. will enter a decree in eaid estate detennin JHarch 13. Confirmation Rite Scheduled Commissioner of Insurance. ing who are the heirs of such deceased Paul T. Guinn received the ^ rb a ra , Maggie Smythe, Eva WILLIAM C. CRARON person, at which bearinsr all petaons claim' safety award from the Texas Hqller, Ella Beachly, and Ella Cut­ THE MURRAY DRUG CO. ina to be heirs at law of such deceased ler, and Miss Agnes Frederick and may appear and present their proofs. company this month. The award In Colorado Springs Mar. 30 ■ala ttira—116 8. fitsi 6sa*—aAla l«4 Optometrist B. C. HILLIARD. JR., represents 4,000,000-man hours Misa Laura Woodward. Central Standard Life gsrtt twa—812 8. Isis*—«»la 189 ' Administrator. without a loss-of-time injury. The February meeting was held Colorado Springs— Confirmation Delphian society will meet March Profesiitmal Pharmacy 188 North Tajssi S t First Publication March II. 1952 Pat Slane was the honor guest in the home of Mrs. Fred Leach. will take place in St. Mary’s 28 in the home of Mrs. Albert PHONE MAIN iM l Last Publication ApHl 10, 1962 church Sumiay, March 80. Insurance Company sot No. TojoB MAIn 10S8 COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. Osborne. Mrs. Ted Ruge, leader, “NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. and Mrs. George Kendall will be assisted by Mrs. Harry Chicago, Illinois ESTATE OF JEANNE FREEMAN, D.- announce the engagement of their Kennedy. oeu«I. Bishop Quinn W ill A(Jdress The Thimble club will meet for C«l Raur*$ ( o f D onvor) . No. 86121 daughter. Miss (Mary Kendall, to PETE BEROIVl . N oUm U hweby giv«n that on the 2nd James Greene, son of Mrs. Frank a luncheon at 12:30 Friday, Mauxih day of M.y, 1940, Utton tMUinmUry STATE OF COLORADO Candy and lea Craam at Greene. The couple will be married 28, in the home of Mrs. S. J. Inaurance Department ^ FURNITURE SHOPj wu'. iuu«l to th* nndcraigned m c o - Ft. Collins Men at Breakfast UPHOLSTERING. «x«utom of th . ibov. n«m«l «t«t* and in July. Carnazzo. Assisting hostesses will S)mopilt of Statement for 1961 as ran- Johnson-English dcrad to the Commiaaioner of Inauranc* RE-UPHOLSTEBING AND .11 panon, having claim, agslnit uid Port Collins.— (St. Joseph’s Parish)—All the men of St. Mrs. Spencer Penrose left Brus­ be Mrs. Joseph Dugher and Mra. REPAIRING w U t. sr* required to flic them for allow- sels March 22 to travel to Paris, Wiliam Steven. Cantral Standard Life Insuranc* Company . SHp Covtra and Drapartss •nee in th . County Court of th* City Jo s^ h ’s parish will receive Holy Communion in the 8 o’clock Mass Chicago, lUinoii Drug Co. ' Mad* r* Ordw and County of D.nvM', Oilorado, within on ^nday, March 30. The annual Men’s Communion is a big af­ where she will remain until sailing 26tb Wadding Jubilaa Noted AaiaU ..... 884.610.768.25 LENTHERIC ToUetrlei ) Fnmitnrp Made lo Order thirty day. from th* date of flrat fair and all the men of the parish, young and old, are urged to April 17 from LeHavre. She will Mr, and Mrs. Claude Trent cele­ LiabilitU* ...... 77.806.87g.28 ■ publication of thii Notlea or laio claimi arrive in Colorado Springs about brated their 2$th wedding an­ Capital ...... 609,000.90 T.Jan at Bijai 8 t Pb«na tUO )14-88 8« Wthsatch Art. MAIa 11994 will be forever barred. attend. Bishop Charles Quinn, C.M., will be guest speaker at the Raaerv* for Increase in Capital by Stock FRANK FUEEMAN. breakfast for the men to be held in St. Joseph’s school hall'immedi- May 1. niversary March 23. They were Dividend Approved by Shareholders Dec. LEONARD FREEMAN, Jr., ately after the Mass. To Visit in California honored, at a buffet supper riven 10, 1961...... 600.000.00 "tf tour Noadt Art Eloetrteat The Heyse Sheet ARTHUR MARONEY, Misses Monica and Marcella by their daughter, Mrs. John Bush, Contingency Rmerve______703,874.07 Co-executor*.' The weekly instruction for non-Catholics and Catholics will for 50 guests. Surplus ...... 6,000,000.00 Call Uain 939” Metal and Roofing First Publication March 8, 1962 be held in S t Joseph's school hall on Tuesday, April 1, at 8 Reilly will leave March 31 for a (Copy at Certificate of Authority) WIRING—FIXTUKEB AND REPAIRS INCORPORATED Last Publication April S, 1952 p.m. The subject is "Sacraments, Channels of Grace.” trip to the West coast. They will DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE BEATING ROOFING The Newman club will meet in Ammons hall of A. ft M. college stop in Palm Springs, Calif., and Colo. Springs PTA Sends CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Berwick Electric Co. SHEET METAL on Sunday, March 30, at 6:30 p.m. The election of officers will will visit, in Los Angeles with Mrs. To Whom it May Concern: Orville Harris, a former Colorado Thia is to Certify that the Central Stand­ i. 0. BERWICK 189 SO. NEVADA take place. ard Life Insurance Company organised Ph*Mi 9Uhi 9U Springs resident. Group to Conference under the laws of lilinoia purauant to its C*lorMa Sprfttgt CMm .4* AURORA Bishop Quinn, another victim of Ktt 1989 house arrest, and sentencing by a The Thursday Study clpb will Colorado Springs.—T*hree mem­ application therefor and in consideration Red tyranny in Communist China, of its oorapllanc* with the laws of Colo­ 's court” Personal indig­ continue its study of Canada this bers of Bt. Mary’s school PTA and rado, ia hereby licenaad to transact bus!- was expelled from the Diocese of nities, suffered in common with week at a 12:45 p.m. meeting in Monsimor William Kelly at­ nea* ai a Life Insuranee Company until The firms listed here de­ PURSE BROS. Yukiang in September, 1951. He all fellow missionaries in China be­ the home of Mrs. Stephen Clayton. tended the 16th annual educa­ th* Jaat day of Fabruary nest succeeding serve to be rem em bered is now on the faculty at S t Thom­ fore their expulsion,were endured Mmes. Clarence Rubendall and tional conference of the Catholic th* data haraof nnlaai this licenae shall b* as’ seminary, where formerly he by the Bishop. From his key posi­ Parent-Teacher league in Denver aooner revoked. tIfEiS-lllE GROCKKY & MARKET John Drake will lead the discussion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hare- when you are distributing was a student He addresseil the tion and vast experiences in China, The Miraculous Medal novena is March 20. Attending were Mrs. unto set my hand and cani^ the official your patronage in the dif­ Q^oloro <^ne. GBOCERlia - MEATS - FRUITS men’s annual Communion gather­ he ia well equipped to discuss the held- in S t Mary’s church every Ralph Moss, president of the PTA; aeal of my office to be affixed at the VEGETABLIB ing in Denver March 23. past, present, and future of a land Mejiday evening at 7:30. Mrs. Williara Hoyne, vice presi­ City and County of Denver, this flrat (lay ferent lines of business. of March, A. D. 1062. s r 9791 Baa4 C alfu kr% Ph. Aama US Bishop Quinn’s expulsion fol­ long troubled by internal itrife Delphian Chaptar to Moot dent; and Mrs. Calvin Buska, fifth (SEAL) LUKE J. KAVANAUGH. lowed usual trumped-up charges* and Red aggression. Tbn Delta chapter of the grude room mother. CommiiaioDar of Iniuranca. PAGE SIXTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telepk^in^rXEj^^ Tfiuriddy, March 27, 1952' r " ' " 1 I I From Harvey Springer's Purple Press I I Flower Demonstration Will Be Feature I H omemaker’s I I I I Department I Of St. Githerine's Altar Society Rally I I (St. Catherine’. Pari.h, Denver) e.t attendance at the Catholic make costumes for the' spring P a tron if Theta Retiabla and Friendly Firma I I A floral demonstration will be Parent-Teacher league all-day frolic, Her phone number is GL. L.. a feature of the meeting of the conference. The pari.h had 138 9591. Altar and Rosary society to be member, pre.ent. ■ Baptized March 23 was Kath­ held on Tuesday, April 1, in the The lacino cake was presented leen Marie, daughter of Mr. and Bacon & Schramm J . A . Johnson & Son cafeteria, following the recitation to the sisters who teach at St. Mrs. Dominic Lombardi, with Mr. Catherine’s. and Mrs. Dominic Cotroneo as Ettablithed 35 Yeart of the Rosary in the church at 2 COMPOSITION ROOFING p.m. The demonstration will follow Mrs. Ernest Falagrady will sponsor.s. TH E ROOFING • Gutters • Sheet Metal the business meeting and ivill be ROOF REPAIRING • Gas Furnaces presented by John Brierly, man­ ager of Lehrers’ Floral shop, as­ Complete GLASS Service 4020 Bri(Iiton Blvd. CR. 6563 * Gas Conversion Burners 88 Penniylrania • RA 5657 sisted by Mrs. Zella Fugita. • Picture 'Window* • Mirror* • Window Gla** Mrs. D. L. Heinicke and Mrs. O Auto Safety Gla**— Tinted Color* THE BEST IN LUGGAGE F. T. Leonard have recently been O Bath Room Shower Door* 0 Table Top* THE An Kindi enrolled as perpetual members of McVeigh Company the Altar and ^ s a ry society. “If IPs Glass We Have It” Mrs. Valens Jones, president of PAINTING AND the Altar and Rosary society, and DECORATING Mrs. R. Limberg, ways and means DENVER GLASS CO. CONTRACTORS chairman, and her committee, ex­ 2050 Lawrence St. AC. 2703 1328 Inca KE. 0718 tend thanks to all who attended and helped with the St. Patrick’s day card party. Table prizes were WESTERN donated by the members of the CERTIFIED CHEMICAL ways and means committee and WINDOW & HOUSE Mrs. Christine Martin. The fol­ Electrical Centracting & Repairing CLEANING CO. PRODUCTS, INC. lowing women were recipients of special gifts: Mmes. Margaret WE CLEAN Building Maintenance Ball, Clara Bonner, C. Bohnert, EARL J.STROHMINGER Windows Walls Supplies Mary Burke, J. L. Dickerson, P. Woodwork Wall Paper J. Doherty, Laura Fortarel, Rose EUctrIc Compoiy BRUSHES . TOILET TISSUES «nd Bonded Floors (Washed & Waxed) Himstreet, Emma Herman, Rose PAPER TOWELS Leonetti, William Liley, E. K. Mflmber National Electrical Contractors Ats'n. FREE ESTIMATES COMPLETE JANITOR NEEDS Moore, Ed Smith, and Betty FULLY INSURED Thomberry. The lacino cake was 1178 StoA St. AC. 573.? 1180 Klamath Street Resid^tial & Commercial given to Mrs. Ralph Bruno. \ Work Phones TAhor 0103 Mrs. Harry Johnson’s seventh grade group of Camp Fire Girls 1032 18th M Ain1556 TAbor 0104 wrapped the gifts for the card party, and the following Camp Fire Girls, under the supervision of FRED LUCCI Mrs. Harry Johnson, assisted at NOTARY PUBLIC NEW ROOFS — FREE ESTIMATES Compoiitlon Shinfli the party: Lillian Bruce, Linda EHNA MAE LATTA Cito,'--Jackie Engelhardt, Betty Custom Upholstery TAR a GRAVEL — BUILT UP FLATS GE 2539 or RA 4979 Floyd, Marie Pinelli, Theresa Poi­ , ROOF REPAIRS ^ rier, Julie Ann Santangelo, No- and New Furniture WEATHER VANE ROOFING CO. reen Thornton, and Marsha Ann Made to Order 2020 West 33rd. GE. 2539 Villano. Those who assisted with FORMER CARNIVAL SPIELER Har­ the Church to the policies of Hitler and Mussolini. the refreshments were Mrs. J. Beautiful Samples to Show The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional and Hamilton, chairman; Mmes. Louise vey Springer, owner and operator of the Barrace, Vito Bruno, J. Connell, Day or Evening Callt Englewood Baptist Tabernacle, the Western Voice My Life in the Convent (in the upper right and WATERPROOF RASEMENTS — in Color lower right corners) were originally published as R. E. Cuthbertson, J. Kearney, J. Press, and the Protestant Information bureau, ^olb, Frank La Batt., William offers the above assortment of literature, an# more, a type of anti-Catholic “penny dreadful” more than 2842 W. 44th GL. 1222 From the Inside with liquid M INERAL GUM. Both 50 years ago;'they have been put in new dress and 'Liley, John McGinn, L. C. Ste­ to those who would know the “real truth” about the phens, R. Stewart, Gordon Tun- water and alka" proof. Saves painting. Catholic Church. Springer, although not taken very are still being peddled as “something new.” I IVas a Priest, in the lower left-hand corner, is another stead, and F. Welsh. Materials only or the Job complete seriously locally, has established a national reputa­ St. Catherine’* had the high- tion as a minority-baiter. Holiday magazine called vicious piece, the only one of the four printed 1455 Fox St, by Springer, although all four are retailed by him. TERMITES Certified Quality DENVER BRICK STAIN CO, him “a cowboy Jew-baiter and hate dispenser a la CH. 1083 Gerald L. K. Smith.” i The papers in the center are copies of Springer’s (OR FLYING ANTS) ALSO The pamphlet in the upper left hand corner. Western Voice and his advertising catalogue. Behind the Dictators, is a strange attempt to link (See Story on Page I) St. Magdalene's Moat mrncri never ROSES 1736 Blake know they h»re ter- DUMONT SALES CO. TA 4146 mite* until coitlr Mission for Men d*m*re I* alrendjr $1.50 Bishop Quinn Emphasizes Junior Choir Is done. Top quality in America. Strong, Extermination Service on Rat*, heavy - rooted 2 - year field- To Close Mar. 30 Importance of Prayers Mice, Roache*, Clover Mite* & grown plants. Will bloom pro­ A Drawing Interest Bed Bug*. fusely, June to frost. At* Saint James' “Go home and speak for peace” was the advice of a Com­ (St. Mary Magdalene’* Pari.h, For Free Inapection Red Radiance Poinaettia munist guard to Bishop Quinn, who was recently expelled from Denver) Call SP. 4673 McGredy’a Scarlet Communist China. “While you prepare for war?” was the Bishop’s Picture Pink Radiance (St. Jame.* Pari.h, Denver) quick reply. Bishop Quinn, who is a member of the Vincentians, St. Mary Magdalene’s junior choir is rapidly growing and be­ Colo. Terminix Co. Joanna Hill Golden Taliaman The closing of the men’s mission in a talk at Loretto Heights college March 18, emphasized the LleiniH of E. L. Bnci Co. McGredy’a Yellow importance of prayers and a sound education for combating coming one of the most active WirlS'i lirint Tirialti Ceotrol will take place on Sunday after­ groups in the parish. Several new Taliaman Preaident Hoover Communism. 1754 S. Bdwy Geo. Leachman Snow Bird noon, March 30, at 3 o’clock. In describing conditions in China, the Bishop explained the boys have joined the choir and the Beginning March 31 the regular directors urge more boys to come CLIMBERS growth of Communism in China and the complete assumption of to the rehearsal on Thursday eve­ Your Plumber schedule of Masses will be re­ power there. Within a short time all religious privileges were Paul'* Scarlet Blaxe sumed for weekdays, 6 :30 and removed, he pointed out. Bishop Quinn and three other priests ning in the parish hall at 6:30. Lawnmowers: American Beauty 7:30 o’clock. Confessions will be ■vyere arrested last September on the charge of having subversive Male voices are especially needed. R Ed O'Connor, Sr. Ed O'Connor,-Jr. After the rehearsal Thursday eve­ Sharpened and ' 3030 W. 44th Ave. heard during each Mass. literature. He was sentenced to two years in prison, but the sen­ GL. 4323 tence was changed to expulsion from China. ning a program was presented by I Men's Club Postpones the- members, with Patricia Mc- Repaired— All J ____ The Bishop is residing at St. Thomas seminary here in Denver. Meeting One Week Gannon officiating as master of types, power & J ceremonies. The entertainment hand ^ The meeting of St. Jame*’ consisted of a piano solo by Janet 4211 FEN C E N O W ! Men'* club will be po.tponed Holthaus, an accordion solo by Saws Sharpened I one week becau.e of Holy Week. Double-Ring Club Plans S2I FIFTEENTH STREE ELCAR offers you the HEAVIEST CONSTRUCTION Francille Yendena, a tap dance by Qy Factory Methods ■, The next meeting will be held Margaret Harris and Colleen Just Call TA 3642 ; of chain link fence in the region, on Wedne.day, April 16. For Vechozone, a vocal solo by Johnny or PE. 4046 Evenings • HEAVIER TERMINAL POSTS the tame rea.on the Altar and Breakfast on March 30 Mazzuca, and a puppet show pre­ Ro.ary .ociety will put it. meet­ sented by Richard Rudolph. MILAN & SON i ing up one week to the fir*t (St. Jo.eph’* Redemptori.t Xt the meeting of the Altar HEAVIER GATES Friday, April 4. novenas. Attending the 8 o’clock ' MACHINE.SHOP I DRAPERS Pari.h, Denver) and Rosary society the following GALVANIZED AFTER WEAVING FABRIC B,aptized Sunday were Fran­ Mass each day were 250 chil­ 3852 Walnut St. ' cis Patrick, son of Mr. and The St. Joseph Double-Ring dren and 150 adults. The after were assigned the various tasks: club, the membership of which is noon service for the nine days was Sanctuary, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. UPHOLSTERY Mrs. Francis P. O’Neill, with Samz; large linens, Mrs. McLain; ORNAMENTAL WIRE George Cronin and Mary Mo­ composed of married couples from attended by 1,497, and the eve­ han as sponsors; Thomas Van, son this and other parishes through­ ning service by 3,051, making a and small linens, Mrs. Vendena. 926 W. 6th Aye. • Ma. 4507 "•"I— ...... of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Aspin- out the city, will .hold its second grand total of 6,648, or an aver­ Hostesses for the April meeting wall, »vith James and Marian Fer- annual corporate Communion in age of 727 each day. The Papal were Mmes. Griebling, Wieland, Upholstery, Repairing, rigan as sponsors, and Francis the 8:30 Mass and breakfast on Blessing was given at all of the McLelland, and Tanner. Modernizing and Mary ()’Neill acting as prox­ Sunday, March 30. The Epistle side closing services as well as the in­ Circle meetings are as follows: Bum ies; and Ronald Anthony, sqn of will be reserved for the group. dividual blessing. Father Billimek St. Mary Magdalene’s, on March All work guaranteed. Term* Mr. and Mrs. Myles E. Dulaney, The following members will pre­ left Friday for East St. Louis, 111., 27 at the home of Mrs. Theis, 4825 if deaired. Evening call*. W rI m with Joseph and Marie Czarnopys pare the breakfast: Mr. and Mrs. where he will conduct a two-week W. 35th avenue; Lady of Per­ PROPERTY UNES GUARANTEED—LOWER PRICES—BETTER SERVICE George Canny, Mr. and Mrs. V. mission in St. Phillip’s church. petual Help at the home of Mrs. Thoroughly CLEANED as sponsors, and Lehman and Ber- Tracy April 1; Our Lady of No Obligation nadine Beete acting as proxies. D. O’Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ Father Cyril Kierdorf, C.SS.R., Free Estimate wHit RA. 2879 ence Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. R. is much improved and is able to Fatima at the home of Mrs. Graber TAPES-CORDS-SLATS The St. Madeline Sophie circle McNicholas, and Mr. and Mrs. take part in church services. April 2; St. Joseph’s at the home met in the home of Mrs. C. Joe de Clarence Allen. of Mrs. Haug on March 2J; and Mersseman. Honors were won by The St. Joseph’s Bulldogs, cham­ Overnight Service FENCE & SUPPLY CO. Mark Stanford Carey, son of Santa Maria at the parish hall on Mrs. George McNamara and Mrs. pions of the parochial league, March 27. 4405 E. EVANS Colo. Spring. Office Barney Boysen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Carey, was were guests of the Athletic asso­ The St. Patrick’s day movie and ISeic TAPES & CORDS DENVER, COLO. Phone 5-5770 baptized by Father Bernard Kra­ ciation at a steak dinner March social sponsored by the Holy Name Your choice of COLORS mer, C.SS.R. Dan Carey and Evon 20. Yoonne were the sponsors. society was a big success. A crowd Statues and Crucifixes PTA to Meet of more than 300 was present. Expert Re-painting Mr., and Mrs. Tony Cocozzella Parish Pionebr On April 1 No Charge for Storing Veiled in Passiontide Called by Death and daughter leave this week for NEW LOOK The Parent-Teachers’ associa­ New York, where they will board Blinds While Redecorating (Latin Diocesan Ordo) Mrs. Mary Mueller died at the tion meeting is scheduled for Tues­ the Satumia for a three-month Free Plekop ft Dellrery Service • INSTALLATIONS age of 87 in her home at 1018 day, April 1, and several features trip to Italy and the Holy Land. For Old Frame Walls Church calendar, March 30— • SER V IC E DAYor N IG H T April 5, 1952: Passion Sunday, Inca street, where she lived for have been arranged that merit Msgr. Flanagan Dial ACogna 0415 for Estimate 56 years. She was a pioneer mem­ a large attendance. Vital mat­ when the statues and crosses, with Guest at CPTL the exception of the Station ber of the parish. ters of interest to every parent Father James Sullivan, C.SS.R., is discussed at these meetings, At the recent all-day conference Acme Venetian Blind crosses, are veiled to symbolize of the CPTL, the Very Rev. Mon­ Christ’s retirement before His will open a one-week mission on and a special invitation is ex­ K U ta m Brick Siding death. March 31, Monday, Ferial Sunday, March 30, in St. Mi­ tended those paxents who have signor James P. Flanagan was a guest of the Catholic league and Laundry day, when no particular saint’s chael’s church, Weimar, Tex. not been in attendance. The asso­ G A S B U R N ER CO. If ciation was well represented at the was seated at the speakers’ table. The easy, inexpen.ive way to gire feast is kept. April 1, Tuesday, The novena in honor of St. Jo­ The following members of St. Mary 2326 Curtis St. Denver Ferial day. April 2, Wednesday, meeting held in the Byers branch 260 BDWY. RA. 2871 old frame building, a new, mod­ seph, preached by Father Alvin library March 17 to protest the Magdalene’s PTA attended the St. Francis de Paola, 15th-century Billimek, C.SS.R., had its solemn conference: Mmes. Amato, Arm­ ern look. Eliminate, painting and hermit who founded a new reli­ possible closing of the library. In close in all the services March the absence from the city of Fa­ strong, Brunner, Brown, Cribari, proride. extra in.ulation. Ju.t nail gious community and was sent by Epson, Hershbierger, Hethcote, it on over the old exterior. Pope Sixtus IV to assist the dying 19. Attendance figures show an ther Paul V. Schwarz, C.SS.R., the pastor, Father Henry Mo Hines, Hozduke, Kennedy, La CONVENIENT TERMS King Louis XI of France. April 2, increase over the previous two Comb, Makens, Merth, Prettol, IF DESIRED Call for Free Estimate Thursday, Ferial day. April 3, Fri­ Keever, C.SS.R., gavfe his views and received wide acclaim. He Pianfetti, Ranney, Rowe, Sea- day, Feast of the Seven Dolors of wright ’Treat, Thompson, Vollmer, the Blessed Virgin, one of the two Catholic Press Women said in part: “In the final analysis, the memberi of the library commis­ and Ji^Govern. WESTERN ElATERITE ROOFING CO. annual observances of Mary’s sor­ The PTA will .pon.or a card rows in connection with the Pas­ sion are public servants, not mas­ ^cukdoo\U K if Equitable Building CHerry 6651 To Hear Father Jolin ters. We as voters and taxpilyers party the afternoon of April 2 sion and death of her Divine Son. at the Public Service Electric come first. We cannot let our TO PERSONAL, April 5, Saturday, St. Vincent The Catholic Women’s Press lublic servants make a mistake, in.titute. Plan* for thi* party Ferrer, 15th-century native Valen- are being made by Mr*. Thelma club will present a musical pro­ f the library commission is cian who, as a Dominican preacher, hampered by an inadequate budget, Hine*, chairman of the way* RELIABLE. AND COMPLETE did more than anyone else to heal gram at the banquet meeting to be let us get more.” He askfed w at and mean* committee. the Avignon Pahal schism. held in the Olin hotel at 6:30 p.m. fuller use be made of the library. INVESTMENT Thursday, April 3. Rick McNicholas, program chair­ CRANE­ Mrs. Mabel Buechner-Hanson, man, has arranged a program and WHY is SERVICE LINE music chairihan, ■ ■will introduce has designated it as French night. Madame Blanche De Costa and as­ A demonstration of songs a'nd a DENVER'S FAVORin LAUNDRY BASMOR sistants in an illustrated recital of recitation in French will Ije given 4 % “The Life of Puccini.” The Rev. by the French class, taught by The reason Ideal You can depend upon BOSWORTH - SULLIVAN BOILERS r'nYpURHOHE Sister M. Blanche. A film, Wings John J. Jolin, professor at Regis serves more families in SSE to give you personal reliable and complete invest­ college,! will speak on “America Over France, will be shown through Deo'/er than any other ment service and advice . . . whether you're merely Put your dollars to Forward in Music.” Reservations the courtesy of the Pan American laundry is because Ideal S S are to be made with Mrs. Margaret World airways. Another act or customers get just the S S seeking information or wish to buy or sell securities work where they will Reilly, hospitality chairman, TA. two will round out the program, kind of laundry service in small or large amounts. Mr. Fritchle, of the Red Cross Aey want. Plumbing and Heating 6733. The hotel, will not admit any I work the hardest... guests without these reservations. blood bank, will give a short talk, Why don't yon, too, —— Repairg The nominating committee, head­ earning a high rate of "Write or visit BOSWORTH - SULLIVAN soon. Specialiting in Quality ed by Mrs. McDaniels, chairman, Our personnel, our library, and our research report- and assisted by Mmes. Cabbie, Mc­ 4% interest. St. Rose of Lima Parish Nicholas, and Griffith together S S S truly superior work, at — ment ore at your service . . . without any obligation, S LA H ER Y « with Father Schwarz, will present J —- standard prices. '~~a fe id t e copltaf a e J n r p lm the slate of new officers to be Mwat MlaSM erer S250AOO.OO voted upon. Hostesses for the BOSWORTH. SULLIVAN % COMPANY, Inc & COM PANY Perry's Cleaners meeting will be Mmes. Ochs and McDaniels. The First Friday break­ JOHN J. SUlUVAN, Praadeaf Plumbing and Heating Contractors REPUBLIC Good Cleaning fast chairman for April is Mrs. KL 6241 1726 Market Streat LOAN CO. McNicholas and for the McAuley Phone MAin 7127 or 7128 Green Stamps club, Mrs. Clem Hackethal. JOHN J. CONNOR, PrMidMt ROBERT F. CONNOR. Vic* Prwidfnt 1636 Glenorm • Denver, Colo. 2027 W. Alameda RA. 9855 The Family Communion Sunday 6 0 seventeenth ST. • DENVER, color ADO e*ioMbl««4 m s ____ .for April will be held April 6.