T CATHOUC LAITY, 3,000 STRONG, GATHER AT TWO IMPRESSIVE EVENTS IN DENVER Some 3,000 members of the of the Catholic Parent-Teacher Savoy hotel, respectively. Shown ! Justin Hannen, grand knight of Quigg Newton; and Judge Philip Moran, Joseph O’Heron, James ward Leyden, Miss Margaret Sulli­ J. Canavan, John Cavanagh, Wil> Catholic laity of the Archdiocese league March 20 in the Shirley- above (left) at the speakers’ table council 539, Knights of Columbus; Gilliam of the Juvenile court. Hartman, and Charles Hagus; van, and Monsignor John Mulroy; liam Higgins, Eugene O’Sullivan, of Denver gathered in the past Savoy hotel. Close to 2,000 men at the men’s annual Communion Bishop Charles Quinn, C.M., prin- ( “Register” photo by Smyth) Lt. Gov. Gordon Alcott, Arch­ and second row. Monsignor John James Flanagan, William Kelly, week at two impressive events. took part in the annual Com­ breakfast are, left to right, the |cipal speaker; Archbishop Urban At the CPTL conference speak­ bishop Urban J. Vehr, Mrs. James Judnic, Mrs. Leonard Swigert, Elmer Kolka, and Gregory Smith. More than 1,000 women attended munion and breakfast March 23 Rev. (Lt. Col.) Edward Gates, V. Vehr; John Bowdern, cheir- ers’ table (right) are: First row, Foley, Bishop Hubert Newell, Mrs. Robert Rumble, and Mon­ ("Register” photo by Van's stu­ the annual all-day conference at the Cathedral and the Shirley- C.M., chaplain at Lowry field; an of the breakfast; Mayor left to right. Monsignors John Leonard Campbell, the Rev. Ed­ signors Harold Campbell, Walter dio) Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1952 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on Mass Attendance Census Planned Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M, Friday Following Issue Number of Communions Also to Be Recorded on Sundays of May lieve crowded conditions in the re­ the difficulty of getting to Mass in DENVER CATHOUC In Ian organized attempt to secure be conducted on the four Sundays after the collection. The count an accurate record of Mass attend­ of May. should note not only those occupy­ spective parishes, but several of the suburban areas where transporta­ ance throughout the Archdiocese of The survey is not to be made by ing the pews but those in the choir churches erected in recent years have tion facilities are limited is prevent­ Denver, Archbishop Urban J. Vehr approximate estimates, but, so far loft and standees as well. already proved too small to care ing some from regular Mass at­ has directed the pastors of all as possible, by actual count. The The census will be taken for four for their expanding congregations. tendance. The survey in May should churches to conduct counts of ac­ Aroibishop, in announcing the cen­ Sundays in order to determine an In some instances this factor has provide a fairly accurate indication REGISTER tual attendance at all Sunday Masses sus by letter to the priests of the average Sunday Mass attendance in contributed to the clergy shortage of the needs of various parishes and in the month of May. The number archdiocese, suggests that the ush­ each church. Special note should be by necessitating extra Masses in sections and offer some guide as of Sunday Communions will also ers be instructed to note the num­ taken of any exceptional factors churches of limited capacity. how best to provide for the expand­ VOL. X LV Il. No. 32. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1952 DENVER, COLO. be counted in the special survey to ber in each pew, possibly right contributing to increased or de­ It is known that in some cases ing needs or a growing population. creased attendance or reception of Communions on any particular Sun­ In Lady of Grace Census day. A special form has been pro­ Delegation From 'Wonderful Wyoming' |2 Catholic Highs Needed vided for registering the official count, arid the Archbishop asks that a copy of the record be main­ Parish. Roll Call tained in the individual parish files. Archbishop Tells 119.828 Catholics Recorded in 'Directory' The latest census figures com­ Of 430 Families piled for the 1952 edition of the School Problems By F rank Morriss Official Catholic Directory, to be By L ettie Morrow A three-week census of the infant Parish of Our Lady published in April, give the popula­ of Grace, Denver, has revealed that sonie 430 homes of Colorful Colorado welcomed Wonderful Wyoming when tion of the Denver archdiocese as the Archdiocesan Catholic Parent-Teacher league sponsored 1,865 are Catholic, according to the Rev. James Moynihan, 119.828 in the 100 parishes that Figures for the total Catholic population of the Swansea the largest conference in its 15-year history, with approxi­ and Elyria district have not teen tabulated, but, at an are listed. The accurate count to be mately 1,000 persons present in the Shirley-Savoy hotel, average of four persons to a fam- made in the parishes in May will Denver, March 20. enable authorities to determine the ily, there would be 1,720 Our Lady It was the first time representa­ problem of expansion, for fre­ of Grace parishioners. (Editor’s percentage of regular Mass-goers. tives from the neighboring state quently the newly organized .par­ note: Four to a family is too of Wyoming had attended the All Saints' Parish small an estimate. National figures A compilation, such as the one CPTL meet in Denver, and, de­ ishes proved to have double the show 5.2 to the average Catholic to be undertaken, is especially spite blizzard conditions that kept number of families that it was family, advertising experte say. some Wyomingites and Colo­ thought they would have. As an needed in Denver and its suburbs example, he named St. Therese’s New Rectory. Will The average U. S. family is 3.8.) where the mushrooming population radoans at home, there were dele­ The area that up until a year gations from Cheyenne, Casper, in Aurora: When that parish re­ ago was a mission of Annunciation of the past decade shows no sign and Laramie, Wyo., and Colorado cently built a new church, hall, and parish is still undergoing a rapid of let up. There are now 33 par­ Springs. rectory, it was estimated that it was comprised of 125 fam­ Be Finished Soon expansion. -Father Moynihan re­ ishes in the capital city and 10 in Bishop Hubert M. Newell of ilies; the number actually comes The rapidly growing Parish of ports three of-five Sunday Masses the environs. The Archbishop has Cheyenne headed the Wyoming draw capacity attendance. The delegation, which also numbered closer to 700. “If Denver contin­ All Saints, Denver, which received obtained sites for a number of ues to grow, what next?” Father Harley Schmitt as its first Lenten daily Mass and evening de­ the Rt. Rev. Monsignor James A. votions are also well attended. new parishes in outlying sections Hartmann, the Rev. John Marley", “Either we are with God or not,” resident pastor last Dec. 22, is Only the past September, there declared Archbishop Vehr. “There anticipating another milestone in of Denver, the inauguration of and the Rev. James Ruddy. was but a single Sunday Mass. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, can be no neutrality ethically.” its brief but impressive history. In The zeal put into the census by whidh awaits an adequate number THE WYOMING DELEGATION that Bishop Hubert Newell, and the Rev. James Ruddy; “May I ask that you keep your the latter part of this month a 12- and back row, Mipcs- W. T. Lane, president of the speaking at the luncheon, ex­ members of the Men’s club is indi­ of priests. attended the CPTL conference March 2Q plained the tremendous task ahead flawless, moral Christianity as an room rectory, built at a cost of cative of fervor of the ■whole par­ Cheyenne PTA, P. J. Parsoneault, Paul H. 'Workmd, example for your children; that $31,000, including furnishings, The erection of several large new includes, left to right, front row, the Rev. John Vincent Smith, Harry C. Schleicher, and A, L. Ham of parents in the Archdiocese of ish, the pastor says. A map of the Denver in continuing to provide you help us meet the problem of will be completed. area was made, postmen furnished churches in Denver will greatly re­ Marley, the Rt. Rev. Monsignor James A. Hartman, ilton.— (Register photo by Van’s studio) educational expansion in the en­ The parish is in a relatively new adequate Catholic education for the address of every home, and their children. ^ suing years.” area, where more than 12,000 parishioners visited each address. St. Joseph Burse Fund dwelling units have been con­ Non-Catholics were given a letter In Denver grade schools alone. Bishop Newell , structed in the past few years, and from the pastor; Catholic homes How Blessed Mother Tost Her Head' Archbishop Vehr said, in the past Contrasts Changes the energetic' parishioners have an received a census card. Is Increosed to $3,427 10 years the number of children Bishop Newell, first moderator excellent record. In addition to ac­ The Our Lady of Grace Men’s A total of $3,427.41 is the pres­ THE BLESSED MOTHER formed Mary’s face came loose curacy of the boy’s aim. has increased by 4,000, bringing of the Denver CPTL—the posi­ quiring a church building that seats club has 50 members. They and “lost her head” in St. Francis de from its lead moorings in the The story, despite its inauspi­ the total from almost 14,000 in tion now held by the Rev.
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