I. Highlights • in Kanpetlet Township, the Rice and Maize Production in 2011 Is Expected to Be Low, Due to Farmers' Limited

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I. Highlights • in Kanpetlet Township, the Rice and Maize Production in 2011 Is Expected to Be Low, Due to Farmers' Limited This update covers the period from 1 April to 31 May 2011 and is issued on 3 June 2011. I. Highlights • In Kanpetlet Township, the rice and maize Out of 1,129 MT of rice planned for distribution in production in 2011 is expected to be low, due to Chin up to June, 599 MT has so far been distributed farmers’ limited seeds stocks, as a under FFW, FFT and relief activities. The remaining consequence of rat infestation and crop failure 530 MT will be transported from WFP's warehouse in 2010. in Pakokku to Chin State by mid-June. • In Hakha Township, the number of diarrhea Solidarites International, in cooperation with WFP, cases has increased from 47 in January to 96 in have completed the distribution of 150MT of the April, according to the Department of Public planned 200 MT of rice in 58 villages in Kanpetlet Health. No serious cases of diarrhea were Township. The remaining 50MT should be reported in other townships. distributed by mid June. II. Situation Overview Health – In collaboration with the Department of In Kanpetlet Township, upland farming (maize and Health (DoH), Merlin conducted a three-week Basic rice) has started in April/May. However, farmers Primary Healthcare Training to the Community reportedly have limited seeds stock, as a Health Workers (CHWs) in Hakha Township. consequence of rat infestation and crop failure in 2010. The production is expected to be low and The agency has extended the same training to may further compromise the food security situation auxiliary midwives in Hakha Township, covering a in 2011. period of six months (March-September 2011). Merlin continues to support the CHWs in Hakha In Hakha Township, the Department of Public Township with essential drugs and medical Health (DoPH) reported an increased number of equipments. diarrhea cases—from 47 cases in January to 96 cases in April. The majority of the reported cases Merlin organized public awareness-raising activities were found in children under the age of 14. No on malaria in Hakha in observance of the World serious cases of diarrhea were reported in other Malaria Day (25 April). Malaria IEC materials were townships. distributed to communities. DoPH stated that the main causes for this increase In Tiddim Township, in collaboration with the DoH, include inadequate knowledge of sanitation and CARE organized training of trainers (ToT) on hygiene practices and limited access to safe and HIV/AIDS and refresher trainings on acute clean water as well as to fly-proof latrines. The respiratory infection, reproductive health, diarrhea Department of Health is supporting diarrhea and malaria for the CHWs in 11 project villages awareness-raising activities, along with the during April and May. distribution of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) to revert the trend. World Vision Myanmar conducted awareness- raising sessions on malaria, acute respiratory WFP conducted a logistic assessment in Chin state infection, diarrhea, tuberculosis, and typhoid in 28 in May. The key assessment findings will be shared villages in Tiddim Township. A total of 2,060 with partners in July. Discussion on the possibility to community members participated in the sessions. establish a warehouse in Hakha is currently underway with its cooperating partners. Nutrition – Since April, Merlin has started its programme to refer severe acute malnutrition III. Sectors (SAM) children from its project area, in need of medical treatment, to Hakha Hospital. The referral Food – Food-for-Work and Food-for-Training is subject to the endorsement from respective activities by WFP and its three cooperating partners CHWs and village head committee. have been ongoing in 66 villages in Hakha, Htantlang, Madupi, Tiddim, Tonzang, Mindat, The support includes a provision of medical costs Razua and Gangaw Townships. and accommodation for care givers. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - (Myanmar), 40 Natmauk Road, Tamwe Twonship, YANGON, Myanmar. Tel: +95-1-544500 Humanitarian Update Issued on 03/6/2011 Nutrition monitoring and referral systems have been four villages, covering a total of 160 young integrated into the Primary Health Care training participants. conducted by DoPH, Hakha for Merlin’s sponsored CHWs. In Hakha Township, Country Agency for Development (CAD) and Association François- Xavier Bagnoud (AFXB) organized a two-day WASH – In Tiddim Township, the rehabilitation of training on anti-human trafficking for 20 young water supply systems by UNICEF in four villages is participants. ongoing. In Mindat Township, UNICEF has delivered pipes, essential accessories and IV. Coordination equipments to 10 villages. Following the formation of the new Chin State Agriculture and livelihood – With the Central government, discussion is underway among Emergency Response Fund (CERF) grant partners to organize regular coordination meetings approved in early 2011, UNDP supported three with the new government. The aim of such national NGOs to conduct assessment on food meetings is to further strengthen collaboration insecurity due to flash floods and rat infestation in between humanitarian partners and the local southern Chin area. The assessment, area covers authorities. 94 villages in Kanpetlet, Madupi and Mindat Townships. The assessment is expected to be OCHA organized a meeting with key partners in completed by the end of June. Detailed Yangon on 4 May to discuss the development of implementation of activities will be decided, based Chin humanitarian profile. The profile aims at taking on the assessment results. stock of the situation and activities implemented by partners in order to provide an overview of In Kanpetlet Township, Solidarites will start its humanitarian situation and needs in Chin State. The seeds distribution (rice and corn) in early June to updated document will consist of two main sections; 1,674 households in 52 villages affected by rat an overview and township-based profile. The infestation. content on key sectors (food security & agriculture; WASH; health; livelihoods; nutrition; education) will In Hakha Township, GRET organised a workshop be developed through the existing sector on livelihoods and food security from 25 to 26 May. mechanism. The document will be updated Such workshop is held on a bi-monthly basis to regularly and the first draft is expected to be ready facilitate sharing of experiences among different for review by the end of June. agencies. MIMU has developed several new maps for Chin In Tiddim Township, World Vision Myanmar State, including road access to towns and villages, provided agricultural seeds, sprinklers and pipes to health and school facilities, Township topography 183 farmers. and Chin State topography. Electronic copies of the maps could be found on the MIMU’s Chin page at Protection – In Tiddim Township, World www.themimu.info/Chin . VisionMyanmar organized awareness-raising sessions on human trafficking and safe migration in Contact Information OCHA Chin Office OCHA Yangon Office No. MaTha/060, Pann Chan Lane, Myo Thit Quarter, 40 Natmauk Road, Tamwe Township, Yangon, Myanmar Hakha, Chin State 95 1 544500 95 8610850, 95 98602829 [email protected] [email protected] Chin Monthly Humanitarian Update is prepared by OCHA, with support from the members of Inter-Agency Working Group on Chin State, Myanmar. It is intended solely to provide humanitarian and relevant operational updates in Chin State for humanitarian partners working in country. As such, it should not be treated as a press release. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - (OCHA), 40 Natmauk Road, Tamwe Township, YANGON, Myanmar. Tel: +95-1-544500 .
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