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The-Cultural-Development-In-North THE CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN NORTH-WESTERN LUCANJA C. 600-273 BC The Cultural Development in North-Western Lucania C. 600-273 BC by HELLE W. HORSN}ES <<L'ERMA>> di BRETSCHNEIDER ROMAE MMII ANALECTA ROMANA INSTITUTI DANIcI, SUPPL. XXVTII Accademia di Danimarca - Via Omero, 18 - 00197 Rome - Italy Lay-out by the editors © 2002 <<L'ERMA>> di BRETSCHNEIDER, Rome PUBLISHED WITH FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM The Dr. M. Aylwin Cotton Foundation Landsdommer V Gieses Legat The Danish Research Council for Humanities G. E. C. Gads Fond Novo Nordisk Fonden Horsnaes, Helle W. The cultural development in North-Western Lucania : c. 600-273 B.C. / by Helle W. Horsnaes. - Romae: <<L'ERMA>> di BRETSCHNEIDER , 2002. - 195 p. : ill.; 29 cm. (Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum ; 28) ISBN 88-8265-194-0 CDD 21. 937.7 1. Scavi archeologici - Lucania - 600-273 a.C. The journal ANALECTA ROMANA INSTITUTI DANICI (ARID) publishes studies within the main range of the Academy's research activities: the arts and humanities, history and archaeology. Intending contributors should get in touch with the editors, who will supply a set of guide- lines and establish a deadline. A print of the article, accompanied y a disk containing the text should be sent to the editors, Accademia di Danimarca, 18 Via Omero, I - 00197 Roma, tel. +39 06 32 65 931, fax +39 06 32 22 717. E-mail: [email protected] Contents Acknowledgements . 7 Chapter 1. Introduction ........................................ 9 1.1 The background for the study .................................. 9 1.2 History of archaeological research in Lucania ............... 13 1.3 Culture and ethnicity .......................................... 17 1.4 The chronological framework .................................. 19 1.5 Summary ....................................................... 22 Chapter 2. Topography ........................................ 25 2.1 Morphological changes since antiquity ....................... 25 2.2 Communication routes ......................................... 30 2.3 Natural resources .............................................. 34 2.4 Summary ....................................................... 36 Chapter 3. Archaeological evidence from Northwestern Lucania ......................................... 39 3.1 Settlements ...................................................... 39 3.2 Cemeteries ...................................................... 52 3.3 Sanctuaries ..................................................... 99 3.4. Oscan epigraphy .............................................. 105 3.5 Interpretations of the archaeological evidence ............... 107 Chapter 4. Literary sources ................................. 119 4.1 The most important sources .................................. 119 4.2 Oinotrians and Oinotria ..................................... 119 4.3 The foundation of Poseidonia ............................... 122 4.4 Lucanians .................................................... 123 4.5 Alexander Molossus' campaigns in Italy .................... 129 Chapter 5. Conclusions ...................................... 131 Catalogue of sites .............................................. 139 List of illustrations ................................................ 179 Index .............................................................. 181 Bibliography and abbreviations .................................. 187 Acknowledgements In the mid-eighties the school of Classical Seminars in London 1998, and The Greeks Archaeology at the University of Copen- and the Others in Athens 1998 .4 I wish to hagen initiated a research programme at thank all the participants of these seminars Pontecagnano (SA) in collaboration with the for their lively interest and many valuable Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell'Agro Pi- comments on my papers. Friends and col- centino at Pontecagnano and the Istituto leagues in Great Britain, Holland, Italy and Universitario Orientale, Naples.' During a the US, have read parts of the dissertation or year of studies at the I.U.O. and periods of discussed special issues in a lively e-mail cor- fieldwork in Pontecagnano I became in- respondence. My thanks go to all of them. creasingly intrigued by the rich archaeologi- While working on the dissertation, travels cal remains of the ancient peoples of the to conferences and exhibitions were of in- hinterland. Undertaking research on this valuable importance. These travels were topic was aimed first of all at satisfying my funded by the University of Copenhagen and own curiosity to know more about the peo- the "Ingeniør Svend G. Fiedler og hustru's ples who lived and worked in this part of the Foundation". I also wish to express my grat- Mezzogiorno. itude to my tutor, Annette Rathje, lecturer in The present volume is a revised edition of Classical Archaeology at the University of the main chapters of my Ph.D. dissertation. Copenhagen, who supervised my work on presented in 1999. The dissertation also in- the dissertation in 1996-1999; to John Pind, cluded appendices that have been or will be who saved me many days of work by helping published as separate articles, and a database me organize the funerary material in a data- of c.1400 published tombs from the study area. base; to Pernille Flensted-Jensen, who dis- To avoid a too voluminous publication these cussed matters concerning Pseudo-Scylax parts are not included in the present volume. with me and translated and commented on The research on which the dissertation Pseudo-Scylax 12 for me; to my friends and was based profited greatly from a number of colleagues Anne Marie Carstens, Helle institutions and individuals who have helped Damgaard Andersen and Mette Korshoim me gain access to publications, first of all the for lively discussions, disagreements and cru- Royal Library of Copenhagen and the li- cial support. braries of the National Museum and the Ny I am most grateful to Dr. Jan Zahle and Carlsberg Glyptotek. Many friends and col- Dr. Gunver Skytte, former and present di- leagues have searched, xeroxed, sent or oth- rector of the Accademia di Danimarca in erwise supplied me with literature. Rome, for accepting my work for publication Particular aspects of the dissertation were in the ARID Supplementum series. The pub- discussed during my participation in the sec- lication was made possible through generous tion on Urbanization processes in early his- grants from my present employer The Royal toric Greece and Italy at the FAA conference Collection of Coins and Medals at the Na- in Ravenna 1997,' the seminar on Ceramics tional Museum, from the Dr. M. Aylwin Cot- in Contexts in Stockholm 1997,' The Ritual ton Foundation, from the C.E.G. Gad Foun- 8 H. W. HORSNS dation, from the Landsdommer V. Giese been discussed, and information deriving Foundation, from the Novo Nordisk Foun- from them have only been hinted at in ad- dation, and from the Danish Research Coun- ditional footnotes. cil for the Humanities. My most sincere Quotation marks have been employed to thanks to all of them. distinguish between ethnic names used by It has not been possible to update the bib- ancient authors and those employed to de- liography and make a thorough revision of scribe archaeological types by modern schol- the material since the end of 1998. Refer- ars. Thus Oinotrian land is the area de- ences to later studies or material published scribed as Oinotrian by Herodotus, while after that date will be found only occasion- "Oinotrian" pottery is the modern type ally, and important works, notably Joseph name. Exceptions to this rule are the names Coleman Carter: The Chora of Metaponto used by A.D. Trendall, i.e. Lucanian, Paestan (University of Texas Press, Institute of Clas- etc. pottery. sical Archaeology, 1998), have therefore not Unless otherwise indicated, dates are BC. 1 Strom 1993. 2 Horsns 2002. Horsris 2001. Horsns 1999. Introduction Section 1.1 The background for the a certain degree being used as an illustration study - and more rarely as a confirmation - of the literary sources, rather than as an independ- The aim of the present volume is to study and ent source. It is consequently interpreted in discuss the indigenous inhabitants of North- light of a history based on almost exclusive- Western Lucania: their cultural characteris- ly literary sources. By giving the archaeolog- tics, their actions and their interactions. ical material priority in the present study, I The study has been undertaken as a de- do not intend to claim the superiority of one construction: I mean by that a study of the kind of evidence over another, but I wish to archaeological remains freed, as far as possi- point out areas where an archaeological ble, from the successive interpretations im- study may shed fresh light, provide new per- posed on them by the literary sources. The spectives and thus balance the traditional ap- aim is to see whether it is possible, by way of proach. old-fashioned archaeological methods (such as the distribution of types), to reconstruct The area an historical development, to gain knowl- The primary area of research has been de- edge of cultural features, and/or postulate fined topographically as comprising both the existence of cultural groups. If it is pos- coastal zones, river valleys and highlands. sible to write a history by means of the ar- The northern limit is defined by the water- chaeological material, will it then differ from courses from the source of the Tito in the a history based on the literary evidence? Is it mountains south of Potenza, following
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