MATH 262/CME 372: Applied and Winter 2021 Elements of Modern Lecture 6 — January 28, 2021 Prof. Emmanuel Candes Scribe: Carlos A. Sing-Long, Edited by E. Bates

1 Outline


1. Aliasing example 2. Discrete convolutions 3. Fourier series 4. Another look at Shannon’s sampling theorem

Last Time: We introduced the Dirac comb and proved the Poisson summation formula, which states that the of a Dirac comb of period T is also a Dirac comb, but with period 2π/T (modulo a mutiplicative factor 2π/T ). We discussed the problem of sampling an analog signal f(t) by measuring its values at time intervals of length T , and we represented the discretized signal fd as a superposition of Dirac delta functions. The Poisson summation formula was instrumental in proving the aliasing formula, which states that the Fourier transform fˆd of the discretized signal is the 2π/T -periodization of the spectrum fˆ of the analog signal. From this calculation, we saw that when f is bandlimited and T is sufficiently large, no aliasing occurs in the periodization. When this is the case, we can recover the original signal from its samples via Shannon’s sampling theorem.

Today: We will first revisit the topic of aliasing by observing it for an actual signal. Then, in the pursuit of further studying discrete signals, we shall introduce Fourier series. Understanding these discrete sums as a special case of the Fourier integrals we know well, we will survey the properties Fourier series have in analogy with Fourier transforms. In particular, the Poisson summation formula will be employed once more to show that complex exponentials again form an orthonormal basis of L2-space. The machinery of this basis will actually provide a second proof of Shannon interpolation.

2 A case of aliasing

To make concrete our study of aliasing, let us consider the very simple signal   3π 1 h i 3π t i −3π ti f(t) = cos t = e 2 + e 2 . 2 2

1 Its Fourier transform is 1   3π   3π  fˆ(ω) = δ ω + + δ ω , 2 2 − 2  3π 3π  meaning f is bandlimited on 2 , 2 . From last lecture we know that the is then 3 − 2 (three samples for every two units of time). Suppose we did not know this and instead guessed f were bandlimited on [ π, π]. We would then believe samples were only needed every 1 unit of − time. But this sampling rate is now below Nyquist and thus too slow to prevent aliasing. Let us P see why: The Fourier transform of the discretization fd = n∈Z f(n)δn with T = 1 is X 1 X  3π   3π  fˆd(ω) = fˆ(ω 2πk) = δ ω + 2πk + δ ω 2πk . (1) − 2 2 − − 2 − k∈Z k∈Z which is a spike train of spacing π. What we then see in the frequency range [ π, π] is not fˆ, but − rather   ˆ 1  π   π  fd(ω)I ω π =g ˆ(ω) = δ ω + + δ ω , {| | ≤ } 2 2 − 2 | {z } | {z } from k = −1 from k = 1

5⇡ 3⇡ ⇡ ⇡ 3⇡ 5⇡ 2 2 2 2 2 2

k = 2 k =0 k = 1 k =1 k =0 k =2

Figure 1: Shown above is the portion of the Dirac comb fˆd in [ π, π], which has contributions from − five different copies of fˆ, corresponding to k = 0, 1, and 2 in (1). Part of each of the k = 1 copies ± ± ± is aliased into the interval [ 3π , 3π ], giving artifact delta functions (displayed with solid lines) in the − 2 2 supposed frequency band [ π, π]. Such aliasing produces low-frequency artifacts in signal reconstruction. −

This is the Fourier transform of π  g(t) = cos t , 2 a cosine wave with frequency three times smaller than that of f. Indeed, if Shannon’s formula is naively applied to fˆd, the signal recovered is

X X 3π  X π  X f(n) sinc(t) = cos n sinc(t) = cos n sinc(t) = g(n) sinc(t) = g(t) 2 2 n∈Z n∈Z n∈Z n∈Z

2 since g is bandlimited to [ π, π] and f is not. − In other words, by sampling f at too low a rate, we cannot detect the difference between the signal f and the signal g: their values at the integers are identical. Shannon interpolation can only return the unique function that gives those samples and is bandlimited to [ π, π]. In this case, that − function is g(t).

2 2

3π  π  Figure 2: When sampled at the integers, the functions f(t) = cos 2 t and g(t) = cos 2 t return identical values. The higher frequency of f (solid, black) is aliased into the lower frequency band [ π, π], − giving a reconstruction of g rather than of f.

3 Discrete convolutions

Now we consider discrete signals f(n) n∈ , or more precisely, discrete-time signals. As in lecture { } Z 1, we are interested in linear maps L : f Lf. We define for τ Z the translation of f as 7→ ∈ fτ (n) = f(n τ), n Z, − ∈ and we say L is time-invariant if (Lf)τ = Lfτ . The discrete impulse δ is defined as ( 1 n = 0, δ(n) = 0 otherwise, and the discrete convolution between f and g as X (f g)(n) = f(m)g(n m). ∗ − m∈Z

As before, δ acts as the identity under convolution: X (f δ)(n) = f(m)δ(n m) = f(n)δ(0) = f(n), ∗ − m∈Z

3 Consequently, for any time-invariant map L, X X X (Lf)(n) = f(m)(Lδm)(n) = f(m)(Lδ)m(n) = f(m)(Lδ)(n m). − m∈Z m∈Z m∈Z

If we let h := Lδ, we see that Lf = f h. The kernel h is called the impulse response for L, ∗ and we conclude that every time-invariant map can be written as the convolution with the impulse response. It is easy to check that the converse is true, and so a map is time-invariant if and only if it is a convolution with a fixed function. We saw in the continuous-time case that complex exponentials are eigenvectors of time-invariant operators. The same is true in the discrete setting, but now the exponentials are evaluated only at iωn integers. Indeed, write eω(n) = e , n Z. For a time-invariant map L, ∈ X iω(n−m) iωn X −iωm X (Leω)(n) = (h eω)(n) = h(k)e = e h(m)e = eω(n) h(m)eω(m). ∗ m∈Z m∈Z m∈Z

We once more have a transfer function

X X −iωm hˆ(ω) := h, eω = h(m)eω(m) = h(m)e , h i m∈Z m∈Z defined to be return the eigenvalue for the eigenfunction eω:

Leω = hˆ(ω)eω.

We call hˆ the Fourier series of h. In fact, this is just a special case of the Fourier transform. Considering the discretization X fd(t) = f(n)δ(t n), − n∈Z of a continuous-time signal f(t), we have

X −iωn fˆd(ω) = f(n)e , n∈Z which is the Fourier series of the discrete-time signal f(n) n∈ . { } Z

4 Fourier series

What separates Fourier series from Fourier transforms is their periodicity. Since only integer values of m are considered, X hˆ(ω) = h(m)e−iωm m∈Z is necessarily 2π-periodic in ω. This fact is actually one we already know, since we learned in Lecture 5 that discretization in time is equivalent to periodization in frequency. Obviously Fourier transforms need not be periodic. After all, the inverse Fourier transform told 2 us that every L function is a superposition of complex exponentials with frequencies in R. Once

4 again drawing analogy with the continuous case, we can ask: Is every periodic L2 function (with period 2π) the superposition of exponentials with frequencies in Z? Perhaps less surprising now, but no less amazing, the answer is yes.

To properly develop this answer, we consider a periodic domain S = R/2πZ (read “R modulo 2πZ”), which we call the circle. To say f is a function on S just means f is 2π-periodic: f(t) = f(t + 2π) for every t R. ∈ 2 2 Instead of working in the vector space L (R), we now work in L (S), the vector space of square- integrable functions on the circle:  Z π  2 2 L (S) = f : S C : f(t) dt < . → −π | | ∞

2 L (S) is a Hilbert space under the inner product Z π f, g = f(t)g(t) dt, h i −π and complex exponentials with integer frequencies form a basis.

Theorem 1 (Riesz-F´ejer). The sequence en k∈ where { } Z 1 int en(t) = e , √2π

2 is a complete orthonormal set for L (S).

Riesz-F´ejer’stheorem is equivalent to Shannon’s sampling theorem. By this, we mean that if we know Riesz-F´ejer,then Shannon’s theorem is an easy consequence and vice versa. Since we proved Shannon’s theorem, we will show how Riesz-F´ejeris an easy consequence. Historically, Riesz-F´ejer came first.

Recall from linear algebra that if v1, v2, . . . , vd is an orthonormal basis of an d-dimensional inner { } product space, any vector v has representation

d X v = vn, v vn. h i n=1

The analogous statement is true for infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, namely that if vn n∈ is { } Z a complete orthonormal set, then X v = vn, v vn. (2) h i n∈Z So Theorem 1 states that for f square-integrable in [ π, π] with f( π) = f(π), we can write − − X f = cnen with cn = en, f , (3) h i n∈Z which means Z π 1 X int 1 −int f(t) = cne with cn = f(t)e dt. √2π √2π −π n∈Z

5 Here the right-hand side of the first expression is the Fourier series of f, and we understand the equality to hold in the L2 sense. That is, f(t) is equal to √1 P c eint for all t outside a set of 2π n∈Z n measure zero. Equivalently, f(t) is the L2-limit of the partial sums

1 X S f(t) = c eint N √ k 2π |n|≤N as N . The coefficients cn = en, f are called the Fourier coefficients of f. → ∞ h i

4.1 The Parseval-Plancherel theorem

Before proving Theorem 1, we make some linear algebraic observations. Not only do orthonormal bases provide simple vector representations, but they also lend themselves to easy computations of inner products, in particular norms: If v is given by (2), then * + 2 X X X X 2 v = v, v = vm, v vm, vn, v vn = vm, v vn, v δmn = vn, v . k k h i h i h i h ih i |h i| m∈Z n∈Z m,n∈Z n∈Z So even without Theorem 1, whenever X X f = en, f en g = en, g en h i h i n∈Z n∈Z we must have X 2 X 2 f, g = en, f en, g and f = en, f . h i h ih i k k |h i| n∈Z n∈Z 2 The inner product on the left is occurring in L (S), while the inner product on the right is taking place in `2, the space of square-summable sequences. This duality is the Fourier series analog of the Parseval-Plancherel theorem for Fourier transforms. We may even write the latter equality as 1 X f 2 = fˆ(n) 2, k k 2π | | n∈Z where fˆ(n) is now given by an integral not over R, but rather over S: Z π fˆ(n) = f(t)e−int dt. −π

Exercise: Use the Parseval-Plancherel identities to prove

∞ X 1 π2 = . n2 6 n=1

Hint: Consider the Heaviside function f(t) = I t > 0 . { }

6 4.2 Proof of Fourier series L2-convergence

Proof of Theorem 1. A direct computation, which we omit for the sake of brevity, shows that ∞ en n∈ is an orthonormal set. To prove its completeness, we will first show that any ϕ C (S) { } Z ∈ is expressible in the form (3), and then appeal to a density argument. The details of the density argument are technical and tangential to the key ideas of the proof; the only necessary fact is that C∞ functions are dense in L2. Let ψ be a bandlimited function whose Fourier transform is φ(t)1( t π). Then Shannon’s theorem | | ≤ asserts that X ψ(t) = ψ(n) sinc(t n). − n∈Z (This is where one can do a bit of work and show that because φ is a smooth periodic function, ψ decays rapidly at so that the sum above is well defined and convergent. This is not difficult and ∞ omitted.) Taking Fourier transform on both sides of the equation yields X X φ(t)1( t π) = ψ(n)e−int1( t π) = ψ( n)eint1( t π) (4) | | ≤ | | ≤ − | | ≤ n∈Z n∈Z since the Fourier transform of a sinc is the boxcar. Also the Fourier inversion formula says that 1 Z π ψ( n) = φ(t)e−int dt. − 2π −π

Hence, (4) states that for all t [ π, π], ∈ − X 1 int φ(t) = cn(φ) e , n √2π where cn(φ) are the Fourier coefficients of φ. That’s it! We now complete the proof in the case where f is not nice by appealing to density. We need to show that as N , → ∞ X f SN f 0,SN f = en, f en. k − k −→ h i |n|≤N 2 ∞ Let f L (S) and ε > 0 be given. For any m and any ϕ C (S), we have ∈ ∈ 2 2 X 2 2 Smf Smϕ = Sm(f ϕ) = en, f ϕ f ϕ . k − k k − k |h − i| ≤ k − k |n|≤m

∞ By density, we can choose ϕ C (S) and N sufficiently large that ∈ 1 1 f ϕ < ε and ϕ Smϕ < ε m N. k − k 3 k − k 3 ∀ ≥ An application of the triangle inequality yields

f Smf f ϕ + ϕ Smϕ + Smϕ Smf < ε m N, k − k ≤ k − k k − k k − k ∀ ≥ proving the claim.