OO Vol 4 81-82 Blacksawwingnest 87.Docx
Ornithological Observations An electronic journal published by BirdLife South Africa and the Animal Demography Unit at the University of Cape Town Ornithological Observations accepts papers containing faunistic information about birds. This includes descriptions of distribution, behaviour, breeding, foraging, food, movement, measurements, habitat and plumage. It will also consider for publication a variety of other interesting or relevant ornithological material: reports of projects and conferences, annotated checklists for a site or region, specialist bibliographies, and any other interesting or relevant material. Editor: Arnold van der Westhuizen NEST SITE OF BLACK SAW-WING AT BETTYS BAY, WESTERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA Les G Underhill Recommended citation format: Underhill LG 2013. Nest site of Black Saw-wing at Bettys Bay, Western Cape, South Africa. Ornithological Observations, Vol 4: 81-82. URL: http://oo.adu.org.za/content.php?id=87 Published online: 08 June 2013 - ISSN 2219-0341 - Ornithological Observations, Vol 4: 81-82 81 NEST SITE OF BLACK SAW-WING AT BETTYS BAY, WESTERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA Les G Underhill* Animal Demography Unit, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa. * Corresponding author: les.underhill@uct.ac.za The Black Saw-wing Psalidoprocne holomeleana is endemic to southern Africa (Earlé 1997b). It seems however to be a relatively poorly-known species, with 27 of the 29 references in Vernon and Dean (2005) being to multispecies accounts (fieldguides, atlases, reviews, etc) and the two remaining references, though devoted to the species, are one-page short notes. The Black Saw-wing appears not have a single full-length paper devoted to it.
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