MAHATMA Master in Higher Education Management Developing Leaders For Managing Educational Transformation Objectives: The wider objective is to promote transformation of higher education management in and Georgia through introduction of a new Master's programme/professional development courses in higher education management. The specific objectives evolve around the enhancement of the institutional capacity to implement the new Master's programme/PDCs (teaching and learning and management of the programme; as well as the promotion of a change dialogue between the education stakeholders thorough establishment of a Professional Association of Educationalists leading to system transformation

Activities: * Development of a Master's programme/PDC in HE Management * Introduction of a learning outcome approach to teaching, learning and student assessment methods * Establishment of the Professional Association of Educationalists

Follow the project IN ACTION Results: * Training events: (i) Academic Development – Management and Leadership at CIEP (France) and (ii) Developing leaders in European Partner Countries at CESIE (Italy) * MAHATMA – HEI ADMINISTRATIVE Staff Training Kit * MAHATMA – HEI ACADEMIC Staff Training Kit

Partners: * Coordinator: Armenian State Pedagogical University (Armenia) * Universitat Koblenz-Landau (Germany) * Masarykova univerzita (Czech Republic) * Bath Spa University (United Kingdom) * Middlesex University (United Kingdom) * Centre International d’Etudes Pedagogiques de Sevres (France) * Armenian State University of Economics (Armenia) * State pedagogical institute of Vanadzor named after H. Toumanyan State University (Armenia) * National Center of Professional Education Quality Assurance (Armenia) * Republic of Armenia Ministry of Education and Science (Armenia) * Ilia State University (Georgia) * International Black Sea University (Georgia) * Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia) * Akaki Tsereteli State University (Georgia) * National Center for Education Quality Enhancement (Georgia) * Ministry of Education and Science in Georgia (Georgia) * CESIE (Italy)

Date of project: 15/10/2012 - 14/10/2016

DG of reference: DG EAC, Tempus IV [Armenia] – Action 1. Joint Projects, Curricula Reform

Contact: CESIE: [email protected]

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