The Journal of Insurance & Indemnity

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The Journal of Insurance & Indemnity The Journal of Insurance & Indemnity Law A quarterly publication of the State Bar of Michigan’s Insurance and Indemnity Law Section Volume 10, No. 1 January 2017 In this Issue Section News From the Chair ............................................................................................................................................2 Adam Kutinsky Editor’s Note ...............................................................................................................................................3 Hal O. Carroll Scenes from our November Program .........................................................................................................3 Insurance & Indemnity Law Section 2016-2017 Officers and Council .....................................................23 Feature Articles Is the Auto Negligence Threshold Impaired? Nope, All is Well. ................................................................4 David Christensen Property Insurance 101 The Co-Insurance Clause: Don’t Let Your Policy Limits Fool You .......................7 By Jason Liss Will the No-Fault Act Halt the Retreat of Michigan Courts from the Innocent Third Party Rule? .............11 By James T. Mellon Columns Legislative Update: Notable Bills Passed in the Lame Duck Session ......................................................22 Patrick D. Crandell Insurance and Indemnity 101: The Jargon of the Trade ............................................................................9 Hal O. Carroll Business Court Report ..............................................................................................................................12 Kassem Dakhlallah ERISA Decisions of Interest ......................................................................................................................15 K. Scott Hamilton Kimberley J. Ruppel Selected Insurance Decisions ...................................................................................................................17 Deborah A. Hebert No Fault Corner: Uber Vehicles and No-Fault—New Legislation Changes the No-Fault Landscape Once Again! ............................................................................................................................................19 Ronald M. Sangster, Jr. This journal is published by the Insurance and Indemnity Law Section, State Bar of Michigan Hal O. Carroll, Journal Editor (734) 645-1404 Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors or the editor and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the section council or the membership. The Journal of Insurance and Indemnity Law Volume 10 Number 1, January 2017 From the Chair I would like to wish a happy new Our section intends to organize three additional educa- year to all 932 members of our grow- tional programs this term all related to insurance or indemnity ing section and I also offer a note of matters. Of course, our quarterly Journal which is edited by gratitude to the council and other ac- Hal Carroll will be published and include case updates and tive members for their hard work in feature articles. 2016. I welcome our new committee We are also very fortunate to maintain a section account chairs, Renee VanderHagen (Education balance of $33,088.35 and are discussing ideas for use of the Adam Kutinsky, Dawda Mann Committee) and Rabih Hamawi and funds. One idea would include the funding of a scholarship Pat Crandell (Membership Commit- for law students interested in insurance. Despite the impor- tee). Rabih and Pat are also two of our tant role of insurance in legal transactions and disputes, many newest council members. Pat has also offered to regularly law schools do not offer a class on the subject and few law update our section council on new legislation affecting in- students strive to work in the insurance field. Perhaps a schol- surance and indemnity matters. arship would help generate more interest in the practice of The last event of 2016 was an excellent program about insurance law. professional responsibility organized by our new chair-elect, The subject of neutrality was raised at the last council Larry Bennett. This program was the first event of many to be meeting in response to a recent Journal article. It should not offered this term and the first program of recent memory that come as a surprise that the Journal has prompted more than focused on ethics. The presenters covered various subjects, one such discussion over the years, especially when the opin- ion of a feature article author differs from the opinion of a including a discussion of the work-product doctrine and the Journal reader. To address this natural response to opinion/ attorney-client privilege where in-house counsel is involved. editorial pieces, each Journal includes the following statement One of the panelists focused on the tri-partite relationship in the Editor’s Notes: which he discussed at length. Thetri-partite relationship is described as the relationship among an insurer, its insured, The Journal – like the Section itself – and defense counsel retained by the insurer to defend the in- takes no position on any dispute between sured against third-party claims. In the words of the Michi- insurers and insureds. All opinions ex- gan Supreme Court, the tri-partite relationship “contains pressed in contributions to the Journal rife possibility of conflict.”1 And, when an underlying insur- ance dispute develops between an insurance company and its are those of the authors. insured, the common-law rule articulated by one presenter One purpose of the Journal and most legal publications is is that the primary duty of loyalty owed by the defense at- to generate critical responses from its readers. After all, the torney retained by the insurer lies with the insured, and not free market place of ideas is based upon the principle that the the insurer. Defense counsel should keep this general rule in truth will emerge from an open, free and honest debate. It mind when a coverage dispute arises between his client and is when an attorney publishes his opinion that this debate is the insurance company. opened and other opposing viewpoints are shared in response. The program also covered the grievance process from start Although we may not reach the truth through the debate ev- to finish, which included some very helpful tips. For instance, ery time, we always learn a great deal through the process. even with frivolous complaints, it is essential that a response is filed to prevent a default and no matter how ridiculous the grievance allegations may be, it is recommended that ethics Endnotes counsel be hired. As stated by one presenter, the common 1 Atlanta International Insurance Company v Bell, 438 Mich 512; adage applies to grievance matters that “an attorney who rep- 475 NW2d 294 (1991) resents himself has a fool for a client.” 2 State Bar of Michigan Insurance and Indemnity Law Section The Journal of Insurance and Indemnity Law Volume 10 Number 1, January 2017 Editor’s Notes By Hal O. Carroll The Journal – now in its ninth year – is a forum for the exchange of information, analysis and opinions concerning insur- ance and indemnity law and practice from all perspectives. TheJournal – like the Section itself – takes no position on any dispute between insurers and insureds. All opinions expressed in contributions to the Journal are those of the author. But we welcome all articles of analysis, opinion, or advocacy for any position. Copies of the Journal are mailed to all state circuit court and appellate court judges, all federal district court judges, and the judges of the Sixth Circuit who are from Michigan. Copies are also sent to those legislators who are attorneys. TheJournal is published quarterly in January, April, July and October. Copy for each issue is due on the first of the preced- ing month (December 1, March 1, June 1 and September 1). Copy should be sent in editable format to the editor at HOC@ SCENES FROM OUR NOVEMBER PROGRAM Professional Responsibility Challenges Facing Lawyers Today Prof. Peter Henning Alan M. Gershel Michael J. Sullivan Kenneth M. Mogill State Bar of Michigan Insurance and Indemnity Law Section 3 The Journal of Insurance and Indemnity Law Volume 10 Number 1, January 2017 Is the Auto Negligence Threshold Impaired? Nope, All is Well. By David Christensen, Christensen Law A pair of recent articles1 suggest that the automobile neg- an interpretation. Moreover, there are two dozen plaintiffs ligence serious impairment of body function threshold has that have experienced the Court of Appeals affirming dismiss- become so minimal that it is all-but dead. Contrary to that als of their case on the threshold issue who would also disagree spin, the numbers demonstrate that the threshold is alive and with her statement. healthy. The evidence shows that the threshold is perform- ing its function of maintaining a crucial balance since it was Limited Probative Value of Unpublished Cases returned to being defined by the plain and simple language of The second issue that deserves response is Ms. David’s the statute. suggestion that unpublished cases present some value for the In order to recover non-economic damages, a plaintiff in courts in deciding threshold cases. They do not. The unpub- an automobile negligence action must not only prove that lished cases do not show trends and they do not offer author- they were injured, but that the injury amounted to a “seri- ity in the threshold area. In
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