Year: 1983 - 84 AGM March 1, 1983

Past President: Bill Kormylo

President: Elmer Bartel/Lucille Blanchette

1st. Vice President: Lucille Blanchette/Bill Kormylo

2nd Vice President: John Nelson/

Treasurer: Keith Walker

Secretary: Marvin Sveistrup

Professional Development: Jean-Yves Rochon

Public Relations: Al Yanuszewski

Regional Reps

Metro: Helen Loeppky


Westman: Larry Budzinski

South Central: Lorenzo Tougas

South East: Anne Berg

Interlake: Bob Scott

Northern: Jack Epp

C.C.D.B.: Hugo Stephan Administrators7 Association of

Past President - Bill Kormylo President - Elmer Bartel Vice President - Lucille Blanchette Secretary - Marvin Sviestrup Treasurer - Keith Walker

Business Meeting Agenda

Hay 20, 1983 - 9:30 A.M.

St. James - Assiniboia School Division #2 - Teacher Centre

1 . Acceptance of Agenda 2. Minutes of the March 22, 1983 Business Meeting 3. Business Arising From the Minutes a) Logo for Letterhead - K. Walker b) Notification of Agencies - M. Sviestrup c) Letter to Bert Cenerini - M. Sviestrup ^ d) Letter to S.D. re: NorthernRep. - E. Bartel e) Letter to Deputy Minister - E. Bartel f) Letters to Divisions re: Executive Members - E. Bartel k. Treasurer's Report - K. Walker 5. Correspondence a) Reply from the Minister of Education b) Letter of Resignation - President 6. Committee Reports a) Public Relations - A. Yanuszewski

b) Professional Development - jean Ives Rochon c) Resolutions Committee - John Nelson 7. Reports from Regions - Re: Task Force on Resolutions a) - Resolution #1 b) Westman Region - Resolution #3 c) Metro Region - Resolution #5 8. Duties of Coordinators - Job Description - H. Stephen 9. List of Objectives for S.E.A.A.M. - #13, lA, 6 15 10. Update on Special Ed. Certification Requirements 11. Replacement of President - Action 12. Other Business 13. Next Meeting - September 16, 1983 l^t. Adjournment SEAAM Executive Meeting May 22, 1983 St. James Teachers' Center Present: Elmer Bartel, Lucille Blanchette, John Nelson, Keith Walker, Bill Kormylo, Jean Yves Rochon, Al Yanuszewski, Hugh Stephen, Jack Epp, Lorenzo Tougas, Larry Budzinski, Bob Scott and Marvin Sveistrup Motion: Epp/Nelson - that we accept agenda as circulated, with one minor change. Carried Motion: Budzinski/Scott - that we adopt the minutes of executive meeting of April 22, as circulated. Carried Business Arising Out of Minutes - Keith Walker reported that the logo for the SEAAM letterhead was not finished yet. Would try and have it for the September executive meeting. - letters to various agencies re list of executive members - on hold pending changes in executive. - letter to Bert Cenerini - being forwarded - letter to Deputy Minister is gone out. 'v ^ - letter to Superintendent of Flin Ron School Division re co-ordinator's attendance at Executive meetings is gone out.

Treasurer's Report - Keith Walker - bank balance of $1,419.72 - 2 C.C. & D. Branch consultants have requested a refund of $30 for Conference expenses. Hugo Stephen will attend to this matter.

Correspondence - a letter from Elmer Bartel to the Minister was read. - the Minister's letter to Elmer was read. - the Minister's letter to the Free Press regarding a particular article re special needs programs was read.

Attitude of SEAAM A lengthy discussion took place re the impressions newspaper articles such as _ Maureen Brosnahan's have on the public. There is little the Association can do other than work on its P.R.. The public relations chairperson should contact the Free Press re the Association's willingness to co-operate and provide information re special education programs. Also compliment it on the "Deaf-Blind" article. More contacts need to be made with local community newspapers to improve P.R. SEAAM Meeting Page 2 May 22, 1983

President's Resignation A letter of resignation from the president was read. Motion: Epp/Yanuszewski - that the president's resignation be accepted with regret. Carried

Replacement of President Motion: Walker/Epp - that Lucille Blanchette assume the President's position effective August 1, 1983. The second vice-president will move up to the position of first vice, and the position of second vice will remain open until the fall meeting when a temporary replacement will be appointed. Motion: . Rochon/Blanchette - that John Nelson be appointed first vice-president of the Association, effective August 1, 1983. Carried Motion: Blanchette/Budzinski - that we move a vote of thanks to Elmer for all he has done for the Association, and that we congratulate him on his recent appointment as Superintendent of Schools for the Garden Valley School Division. Carried The membership is to be advised of the executive changes through the regional The secretary was instructed to write to Dennis Wrightson, the new co-ordinator for Beautiful Plains, welcoming him to the position, and inviting him to join the Association. Public Relations Report - Al Yanuszewski - three newsletters will be issued during the year. - a letter will go out to the regional reps asking them to advise all members in their region, and solicit articles for the newsletter. Articles should be forwarded directly to Al. - the first newsletter will go out early in September, with deadline for submission of articles by August 15. - all newsletters will contain a "president's message". - Elmer will be asked to submit a farewell message in the September issue.

Professional Development - Jean Yves Rochon - distributed report (see attachment) - discussion of theme for the Conference SEAAM Meeting May 22, 1983 Page 3

Professional Development (cont.) - Suggestion: Programming Accountability 1. How do special ed. co-ordinators determine placement for children with special needs? I.E.P.'s? 2. Can FRAME people be involved? 3. Program Evaluation: what are the components of a good program? 4. How do you develop a long-range plan for a special ed. program for the division? 5. Fees up to $100 would be reasonable. 6. More time has to be set aside for the business meeting. 7. Maureen Brosnahan will be invited to attend. The committee will present another report at the next executive meeting. Resolutions #1 - Interlake Region - will be holding a meeting on June 6 to consider this resolution and will have a report for fall meeting. #3 - Westman Region - presented a report (see attachment) Distinction: Accountability may not include accounting. SEAAM should offer its services to Glen Nichols in the area of accounting.. Helen Loeppky, the Metro Region rep. will be invited to join the committee studying this resolution. #5 - Metro Region Helen Loeppky was not present to make a report.

Duties of Co-ordinators Hugo Stephan did not have this completed, but will have a report for the fall meeting. List of Objectives from Winter Conference - will be dealt with at fall meeting

Miscellaneous 1. Distribution of proposed new guidelines for Special Education Diploma dated 6/12/82. This is a draft only. There could still be some changes. SEAAM Meeting May 22, 1983 Page 4

Miscellaneous (cont.) 2. Letter from Minister - May 16, 1983 re Special Needs - needed to be more specific - exactly how money should be spent. 3. Motion: Tougas/Scott - that SEAAM pay J of Jack Epp's travel expenses of $118.77. Carried Next Meeting - September 16, 1983 beginning at 9:30 a.m. - at St. James Teachers' Center

Secretary's Note It will not be policy to send reminder notices re meetings, unless there is some change from previous arrangements, eg. date or location. The executive has planned four meetings per year - on the 3rd Friday of September, November, January'and May. (See minutes of March 22 meeting). Please reserve those dates now. Epp/Yanuszewski - that the meeting adjourn. Carried SOURIS VALLEY SCHOOL DIVISION No. 42

DIVISIONAL. OFFICE - CIVIC CENTRE Chairman TRUSTEES PHONE 483-2178 F. E. WHITE, S. CUNNINGHAM, Nesbitt Vice-Chairman SOURIS, MANJTOBA S. H. HANSEN, Souris J.K.CORY, Wawanesa W. R. KIRKUP, Souris KOK2CO B. M. MAGUIRE, Elgin W. E. SCHAFFER, B.A., B.Ed. DR. BOYD McCALLUM, Souris Superintendent J. PHILLIPS, Hartney Box 878, Souris L. L. ROBINS, Souris D. R. ROSE, Carroll J. S. NELSON, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed. C-ordinator of Special Services W. J. WISMER, C.A. Secretary-Treasure Box 820, Souris

June. 7, 1983

Ms. Lucitle Blanchette, President S.E.A.A.M. C/0 Ttianscona Sptiingfiield School. Vivision 760 Kildatie Avenue, East , Manitoba. R2C 324 Veati Lucille: The, purpose ofa this is to advice, you that 1 have, fie.ce.nttg resigned as Co-ordinator o^ Special Services &or Souris Valley School Vivision in oftdeA to become the. Principal o£ Haze.1 M. Kellington School, in Weepowo. - thib change, to coincide, with the. new school ye.aA. AA a neAult., I mu&t albo te,ndeA, with. tome, btsiong ie.gtie.tA, my potitton 04 Tiut Vice.-PtieAide.nt o£ the, Spe,cial Education Admin-i&ttiatotiA Assoc- iation o£ Manitoba, e.^e.ctive, June, 30, 1983. 1 fteatize, that this may be 0f$ some, sutiptUse, to you, howe,ve,n, the. situation was not ne.aA to ization at OUA last executive me.e.ting, Although my absence, wiJ'.l alt,e,ti the, a£ Vice.-Ptie.side,ncy somewhat - it need not be di^fiuptinQ to the. executive and its duties, 5. E. A. A.M. ha& many se,nioti membe.tis who can capably assume. le,adeAShip tiole.s. 1 have. apptie,ciate.d the, oppotitunity to se.five. with S.E.A.A.M. the, last fiew ye.atis. It i^> an organization with a. ge.nuine, and valuable putipose.. 1 wish you and the executive continued success in advocating Special Education Services to children. Sincetiely Q ^3. Nelson Co-otidinatoti Special Services JW/gc 5.A. Johnso-' Secretary- Treasu Ph. 3S5-2216 PINE CREEK SCHOOL DIVISION No. Box 420 — Glaastone. Manitoba ROJ OTG

June 7, 1983

Mr. Bert Cenerini Director, Child Care & Development Branch Department of Education 1181 Portage Avenue WINNIPEG, Manitoba R3G OT3 ' Dear Mr. Cenerini: On behalf of the Special Education Administrators Association of Manitoba and all the co-ordinators in the province, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your Branch for all the assistance you have given our organization during the past few years, and the work you have done on behalf of special needs children in Manitoba. Particularly, we would like to thank you for the assistance you have provided to our annual winter conference, both financially and professionally. The contributions of your Branch and its staff have been invaluable. May we also offer our congratulations to you personally on your appointment to the position of Director of the Branch. We feel that this in itself is a guarantee of continued goodwill and co-operation between the Branch and our Association. All the very best in the future. Yours truly,

Marvin H. Sveistrup Secretary, SEAAM MHS:jh c.c. Elmer Bartel SEAAM EXECUTIVE MEETING September 16, 1983 ^ Present: Lucille Blanchette, Bill Kormylo, Hugo Stephan, Anne Berg, Darryl Johnson, Marvin Sveistrup, Keith Walker, Jean Yves Rochon, Larry Budzinski, Bob Scott Lucille Blanchette called the meeting to order and welcomed Darryl Johnson, the new representative from Metro Region. Walker/Scott - that we accept the agenda as printed. Carried Waiker/Budzinski - that we adopt the minutes of the last meeting as distributed. Carried Business Arising out of the Minutes - request for reimbursement by two C.C.&D. Branch personnel for expenses to winter conference has been attended to - Interlake report on Resolution No. 1 - a study has been undertaken and reports will be forwarded to each region. A final report will be presented to next winter's conference. - Westman report on Resolution No. 3 - no additional information to that presented at the May 22 executive meeting is available. No one seems to know what changes in the new ESP, if any, will be made. - Metro report on resolution No. 5. The study is still underway, and will be dealt with at the next meeting of the region's co-ordinators on September 22. The report will be finalized then, and recommendations made. - Role of the Co-ordinator - Hugo distributed a copy. This is a draft copy of Hugo's own concepts of the position. It is not official Department policy. The draft is presented in general terms, and Hugo would like some feedback. Reps should take the draft back to their regions and bring in recommendations to the annual general meeting. Berg/Walker - that Bill Kormylo will co-ordinate this exercise and will report at a subsequent executive meeting. Carried - Update on Meeting Dates Executive meeting dates for the year will be November 18, January 20, and May 18. - Letterhead - Keith presented five samples. Two were selected for further consideration. Correspondence - letter of resignation from John Nelson - request for membership by Ida Bear, Co-ordinator of Special Education for the South Western Tribal Council. - retirement banquet for Al Stevens. SEAAM EXEC. MTING. September 16, 1983 Page 2 Correspondence - cont. Walker/Berg - that Lucille Blanchette officially represent our association at this affiar and that she be authorized to present him with an honorary life membership to SEAAM. Her expenses will be paid by the Association. Carried - Sexual Abuse Workshop - sponsored by Marymound School. The conference co-ordinator is Mel Mandel - to be held October 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 442 Scotia Street. Treasurer's Report $751.47 in Bonus Savings $551.50 in Chequing Telephone credit card No. is 204-482-2337-4568 Scott/Johnson - that the treasurer's report be accepted. Carried Public Relations Report Al Yanuszewski was not present but sent word that the only article he had received for the newsletter was the president's message. Each regional rep should write a brief report on activities in their region and forward it to Al by September 28. Executive meeting minutes should be included in the newsletter. Professional Development Report - Jean Yves confirmed that our annual conference would be March 1 and March 2 at the Westward Village Inn in . Topic: Program Design - Evaluation and Accountability Bob Prouty from St. Paul, Minnesota will be the facilitator. The committee will be meeting with him on October 24 to discuss the format of the Conference. He will be in Winnipeg at the time of our conference so there may be some savings on expenses. A program outline will likely be available at the next executive meeting. - Hugo reported the availability of tapes on programming for children with Autistic tendencies. He will provide additional information on these tapes to Al for the newsletter. - Bill suggested that SEAAM might consider setting up separate P.O. sessions in addition to the annual conference. Perhaps three sessions a year. Each region could be responsible for planning such sessions every other year. Reactions: ^ - there are already many P.O. sessions being staged on various topics. - concern about the amount of time co-ordinators are already away from their work. - we really have to look at the needs of co-ordinators, and SEAAM EXEC. MTING. Septmber 16, 1983 Page 3

^ Professional Developmen._ t Report (cont.) - canvas them at the regional level to determine their specific needs - e.g. frequency of such sessions, willingness to attend, etc. 1) Do we need more workshops organized by SEAAM? 2) Will co-ordinators attend? 3) What specific topics need to be addressed? Reports from Regions a) Interlake - hold meetings, usually every month - include co-ordinator of C.C.D.B. - are planning a workshop on 04 and special ed programs on Nov. 24 & 25. b) Westman - Parklands - two new co-ordinators - Dennis Wrightson for Beautiful Plains and Neil McQuarry for Souris Valley. - Bill McBride from Turtle Mountain is chairman for the group. c) Metro - first meeting of the year is scheduled for next week. - looking at a day - treatment program - studying residual costs for non-resident students -—- d) South East - meet every six weeks - Ann Berg is chairperson - working on projects in early identification and mainstreaming e) South Central - Louis Beadin of Mountain S.D. is chairman - three meetings annually, one of which is a joint meeting with superintendents - Regional co-ordinator of C.C.&D.B. is involved in part of the meetings. - Bruce Wood is a new member from Pembina Valley S.D. - Parent Advisory Council has been re-activated to look at pre-school services New Business Regulation P250 - MR 146/83 - updates low incidence students on September 1 and January 1 - considerable discussion re implications Replacement of Vice-President Walker/Scott - that we accept the resignation of John Nelson with regret. Carried The secretary was instructed to write a letter to John thanking him for his work with SEAAM. SEAAM EXEC. MTING. September 16, 1983 Page 4 New Business (cont.) Walker/Scott - that a letter be written to Elmer Bartel , thanking him for his work with SEAAM. Carried Rochon/Berg - that the past president (Bill Kormylo) assume the position of acting 1st vice-president for the remainder of the term. Carried The president will appoint someone to serve as 2nd vice-president. Names suggested were: Louis Drewe - Red River S.D. Del Kitch - Swan Valley S.D. Roger Dubois - Seine River S.D. Resolutions for next A.G.M. - Bill will address this matter. Other Business Berg/Walker - that logo No. 1 presented by Keith Walker be accepted as the official letterhead for SEAAM. Amendment to constitution re membership (will be tabled until Nov. 18). T.M.H. graduation A meeting with C.A.M.R. - Reps from C.A.M.R. will be contacting co-ordinators re all students who will be graduating from schools and will not be able to take their place in the community without some support. K. Walker moved adjournment. RESOLUTION: REGARDING MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS IN THE SCHOOLS

Proposed by Metro S.E.A.A.M.

Whereas there are a large number of students currently in the public school system exhibiting mental health problems, and

Whereas the PASCO Report indicates future trends to community based treatment, and

Whereas there is currently insufficient medical and therapeutic assistance available;

Be it resolved that the Department of Education enter into discussions with the Department of Health to providing additional training programs in the area of Child Psychiatry, and

Be it further resolved that the Department of Education set up a task force to investigate the levels and types of assistance required to provide appropriate programs for these students, and

Be it futher reslved that the Minister of Education ask the PASCO Commission to further examine the mental health issue as it pertains to school programs and services. RESOLUTION: REGARDING SEVERELY MULTI-HANDICAPPED STUDENTS

Proposed by Metro S.E.A.A.M.

Whereas increasing numbers of severely multi-handicapped students are about to enter the school system, and

Whereas school divisions have been alerted by parent groups and pre- school programs of the impending arrival of these students, and

Whereas the needs of these students are such that health input is required in the form of occupational therapy, physiotherapy, nursing assistance and medical consultation, and other therapies, and

Whereas the level of funding available is insufficient to meet the financial requirements of providing for these students;

Be it resolved that the Department of Education set up a task force to investigate the levels and types of assistance required to provide an appropriate program for these students, and

Be it further resolved that the Department of Education enter into discussion with the Department of Health and Department of Community Services to consider the joint funding of such programs, and

Be it further resolved that the Minister of Education involve S.E.A.A.M. in any such discussions and investigations. SEAAM Executive Meeting November 18, 1983

Present: Lucille Blanchette, Keith Walker, Bill Kormylo, Marvin Sveistrup, Hugo Stephan, Jean Yves Rochon, Darryl Johnson, Laurie Tougas, Joe Gieni Motion: Gieni/Johnson - that the agenda be accepted as circulated. Carried Motion: Johnson/Rochon - that the minutes of the September 16 meeting be adopted as ciruculated. Carried Business Arising from Minutes - Al Stevens retirement social - Lucille and Hugo reported an excellent affair. Al will be presented with an honorary life membership certificate at a later date. Correspondence - Letter from Westman/Parklands region requesting an amount of $100 for each region to cover operating expenses. Motion: Walker/Gieni - that $50 be granted to each of Westman and Parklands regions to cover operating expenses. Carried - Letter from Westman/Parklands region advising that this region had split up into Westman and Parkland regions and Joe Gieni had been appointed the rep. for Westman. Larry Budsinski would continue as Parkland Rep. Also an invitation to the president or her designate to attend any of their joint meetings. Next meeting scheduled for Minnedosa on January 13/84. Motion: Rochon/Johnson - that the Association pay the expenses of the president or her designate to attend meetings of the various regions. Carried Treasurer's Report - Bank balance of $1,297.46 - Letterhead Proposed costs - $112 to $170 for 2,000 sheets, depending on quality of paper, etc. - $134 to $260 for 2,000 envelopes. Motion: Walker/Lougas - that we purchase $1,000 letterheads and envelopes in blue and yellow colours. For: 8 Abstentions: 1 Motion: Kormylo/Gieni - that we refer a decision on the life membership certificates until our next Executive Meeting on January 20. Carried Fee Structure The setting of fees for 1984 will be delayed until the costs of the March conference have been determined. SEAAM Executive Meeting November 18, 1983 Page 2

Professional Development Report - Jean Yves Rochon - conference reminder for March 1 & 2 at Westward Village Inn in Portage la Prairie. - Jean Yves has met with Bob Prouty to draft a conference agenda. It is a two day format, which might include an evening session. - Prouty is on "Outcome-based" program proponent. He will start each session with some theoretical background, followed by small group workshops trying to apply some of the theory. Group leaders (members of the P.O. committee) will help organize these group activities. - The P.O. committee will finalize arrangements before Christmas and will get a program brochure out early in the new year. - All details will be finalized on January 20. Discussion re inviting the Minister to speak at the banquet. The president will make the contact with the Minister. - Discussion re membership and who can attend the conference. Larger divisions have several people involved with the administration of special ed. programs. They should all be able to join the Association. Consultants with C.C. & D. Branch should be able to attend the conference. Public Relations Al Yg.nuszewski was absent but did send word that the newsletter was almost ready to go and would be out by the end of November. Regional Reports Inter!ake - study on "Mainstreaming" is being undertaken and a final report should be available at the next executive meeting. - the Child Care & Development Branch (Hugo et al) are preparing an inservice package on mainstreaming. This will be made available to all Divisions. Westman - looking at draft of co-ordinators' role guidelines as presented by Hugo. - looking at P.O. needs - Doing work in the area of pre-school and Kindergarten assessments. - studying the qualifications and experience of co-ordinators. - prefer workshop format for inservices. South-Central - a Regional Advisory Committee, which includes all co-ordinators, is looking at the needs of at-risk pre-schoolers. Has had three meetings. Has explored SEAAM Executive Meeting November 18, 1983 Page 3

the services that are available and what needs to be added. A survey of the incidence of at-risk pre-schoolers has been conducted and results have been compiled. These indicate that most handicapped children are receiving some kind of support, except in the area of speech and language. A meeting with the Director of Community Services, reps, from C.A.M.R. and S.C.C. & planned for January 17 to look at ways and means of delivering appropriate supports to handicapped pre-schoolers. Metro - looking at the whole issue of residual costs. - suburban divisions follow a similar formula. - Winnipeg #1 uses a different format. It considers all costs in calculating its formula and is therefore considerably higher than the suburban divisions. - Brandon S.D. has nominal charges but most rural divisions have none. - Role of the Co-ordinator - would like more detail than the draft presented by Hugo. Have organized a sub-committee to come up with a broader role description. - doing other studies of service available. e.g. - Multiply handicapped pre-schoolers - Vocational Rehab. Services - Occupational therapy & physiotherapy - Special Day Treatment programs being established around the city. Inservices - C.E.C. - February 16 & 17 - Dev. Ed. (Provincial) March 9 Resolutions for the Annual General Meeting - All regions should have their resolutions in before next executive meeting - January 20. - regional reps should include resolutions on the agenda of their next meeting. - call for resolutions should also appear in the newsletter. - the executive will draft a resolution to amend the constitution to permit the granting of Honorary Life Memberships. New Business a. Grants for students after age 21 - at present all student grants are available to them. b. C.A.S. reorganization - probably an urban problem and will be referred to Metro region co-ordinators,. SEAAM Executive Meeting November 18, 1983 Page 4 c. Definitions for Low Incidence Funding - learning disabled and emotionally disturbed - the Department is wrestling with the establishment of clear-cut guidelines for identifying such students. A good sharing of procedures in the various divisions on how these students are identified and the types of supports that are available to such students. Next meeting January 20, 1984,at St. James Teachers Center beginning at 9:30 a.m. iSpecial Education Administrators' Association of Manitoba

Past President - Bill Kormylo President - Lucille Blanchette Vice-President - Secretary - Marvin Sviestrup Treasurer - Keith Walker

Business Meeting Agenda Friday, January 20, 1984 - 9:30 a.m. St. James-Assinibola School Division No. 2 - Teacher Centre 1. Acceptance of agenda. 2. Minutes of the November 18, 1983 Business Meeting. 3. Business arising from the Minutes 1) January 13, 1984 - Westman/Parklands 2) letterhead 3) Newsletter 4. Correspondence - Marvin Sveistrup 5. Treasurer's Report - Keith Walker 6. Professional Development Report - Jean Yves Rochon 7. Public Relations Report - Al Yaneszewski 8. Regional Reports: Interlake - Bob Scott Westman - Joe Gieni South Central - Lorenzo Tougas Metro - Darryl Johnston Parkland - Larry Budzinski Norman - Jack Epp South-East - Anne Berg Department of Education - Hugo Stephan 9. Resolutions for Annual General Meeting a) from Regions b) from Executive

. . .2 -

SEAAM Executive Meeting January 20, 1984 Present: Jean Yves Rochon, Larry Budzinski, Lorenzo Tougas, Keith Walker, Anne Berg, Lucille Blanchette, Hugo Stephan, Joe Gieni, Bob Scott, Jack Epp, Marvin Sveistrup, Bill Kormylo, Darryl Johnson Motion: Gieni/Epp - that the agenda be accepted as circulated. Carried Motion: Berg/Tougas - that the minutes of November 18 meeting be adopted as circulated. Carried Business Arising from Minutes - apologies from president for being unable to attend last Westman/Parklands meeting. - will attempt to attend the next meeting. - Keith Walker delivered 1,000 copies of letterhead and envelops to secretary. - total cost of these was $360.00. - there is no word on the newsletter - it has not come out to date. Correspondence Nil Treasurer's Report - a bank balance of $936.56. ^ - a reminder to send out $50 to each of Parklands and Westman as authorized at last meeting. Professional Development Report - Jean Yves presented the proposed agenda for the March 1 & 2 Conference to be held at Westward Village Inn in Portage la Prairie. - Hugo will attend to printing the revised program and mailing it to members. - application forms will be sent to all Divisions, C.C.D.B. co-ordinators, associate members, etc. - anyone connected with special education programs should be invited to attend. - the hotel requires a deposit of $200.00. The treasurer was instructed to attend to this matter. - the regional reps will act as group leaders for the sessions. They will meet with Bob Prouty at 9:00 a.m. on March 1 to have tasks assigned. - Keith will arrange for membership in the groups. - the hotel will make a cash bar available before, during, and after the banquet. - Lucille will attend to the banquet speaker. Hopefully the Minister will be available. - Hopefully there can be 100% attendance by co-ordinators. Arrangements are being made on this basis, and anything less could mean a financial loss to the Association. Public Relations Report - No report, as P.R. rep was absent. SEAAM Executive Meeting Page 2 January 20, 1984

Regional Reports (a) Interlake - Ken Weber did an inservice in November for all special education personnel. Reported as a huge success. - planning an inservice for aides - also planning an inservice for teachers working with emotionally disturbed youngsters - to be conducted by people from Knowles School. (b) Westman/Parklands - held a meeting last week - concern expressed that newsletter had not been published - concern re high cost of attending the Conference on March 1 & 2 - transportation, rooms, etc. - suggestion that copies of minutes of executive meetings be distributed to all members by the secretary. This is normally done through the regional reps. However, for this occasion secretary will send minutes to all members directly. - concern expressed re cut backs by the government for P.O. by the Department of Education. - recommend that the president write a letter to Bert Cenerini emphasizing the importance of P.O. and urging the Department to restore such funding as soon as possible. (c) South-Central - still working on the organization of a pilot project for delivery of services to at-risk pre-schoolers. - meeting was held on January 17 with John Robson of Department of Health, Community Services and Corrections and Bert Cenerini of Child Care and Development Branch. (d) Metro - met recently with representatives of the Society for Cripplied Children and Adults. - indication that more severely multiply handicapped children are surviving to enter the school system. - how can quality programs be assured for such children? - have set up a sub-committee to do further study Two Trends have developed: 1) more handicapped children are surviving 2) more families are keeping these children - Residual costs study - Winnipeg #1 calculates costs differently than all other Divisions. All costs are considered - classrooms, heat, lighting, transportation, etc. Hence residual costs in Winnipeg #1 are considerably higher than for other divisions. - role of the co-ordinator - a sub-committee has been set up to study this topic. SEAAM Executive Meeting Page 3 January 20, 1984

(d) Metro - continued - New programs - River East S.D. - programs for schizophrenic adolescents - day treatment center for severe behavorial disordered youngsters - very strong treatment component. (e) Norman - frustration of small numbers and great distances - discontinuing of funding for P.D.'s causing frustration - mini SAG at on March 1 & 2 - many single-parent families and broken homes - good liaison with other service agencies (f) South-Eastern - meet quite regularly - P.O. activities with resource teachers, principals, and aides - extensive use of video tapes. - Dr. Prouty did an inservice in the fall - more study needed for services to at-risk pre-schoolers - looking at recommended resource teacher qualifications (Bill Kormylo reported that a committee had made recommendation re resource teacher qualifications to the Minister a year ago, but no reactions have been received. Concern was expressed at this extended delay.) Our president will write a letter to the Minister expressing concern with this delay. - concerns expressed re delivery of O.T. and Physio services. Education Finance Review Report - SEAAM should be prepared to make a submission in reaction to the report, even if it is positive. Concerns - suggestion re compensatory funds - assumption is that Winnipeg #1 is the only division having such programs in place. The suggestion is that other divisions can apply for funds only in the form of development grants. - supportive of pilot projects - see pg. 21 of report. - Reaction to recommendation re clinical services. Provision of these services could be difficult in small rural divisions. - any organization wishing to react to the report should advise Glenn Nicholls. Motion: Kormylo/Gieni - that the present write to the Committee indicating SEAAM's desire to react to the Report. Carried - co-ordinators desiring to have input here should send their ideas to Lucille who will get a committee together to prepare a submission. - if the Department sets up a committee to deal with compensatory education, SEAAM should have representation on such a committee - executive agrees with recommendations on transportation i.e. pay full approved costs. SEAAM Executive Meeting Page 4 January 20, 1984

Resolutions Report (see attached) Life Membership - check with other organizations re regulation of life membership - e.g. M.T.S., M.A.S.S. - develop a policy statement re criteria - SEAAM executive should have power to recommend candidates for life membership, according to criteria spelled out by the general membership at the annual general meeting. - membership should come prepared to develop criteria at the annual general meeting. Nominations Committee Report Chairman - Bill Kormylo, Joe Gieni and Bob Scarth - will have a slate of officers for the annual general meeting Bob Scarth has announced his retirement effective June, 1984. Has offered his services to SEAAM after his retirement. The executive gratefully accepts his offer. Motion: Bill Kormylo/Jack Epp - that the executive recommend to the membership the creation of the position of Executive Assistant on a two-year trial basis. Carried Anne Berg adjourned the meeting. SPECIAL EDUCATION ADMINISTRATORS' ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA

SEAAM Executive Meeting January 20, 1984

Present: Jean Yves Rochon5 Larry Budzinski, Lorenzo Tougas. Keith Walker, Anne Berg, Lucille Blanchette, Hugo Stephan, Joe Gieni, Bob Scott, Jack Epp, Marvin Sveistrup, Bill Kormylo, Darryl Johnson Motion: Gieni/Epo - that the agenda be accented as circulated. Carried Motion: Berg/Tougas - that the minutes of November 18 meeting be adopted as circulated. Carried Business Arising from Minutes - apologies from president for being unable to attend last Westman/Parklands meeting. - will attempt to attend the next meeting. - Keith Walker delivered 1.000 copies of letterhead and envelops to secretary. - total cost of these was $360.00. - there is no word on the newsletter - it has not come out to date. Correspondence Nil Treasurer's Report - a bank balance of $936.56. - a reminder to send out $50 to each of Parklands and Westman as authorized at last meeting. Professional Development Report - Jean Yves presented the proposed agenda for the March 1 & 2 Conference to be held at Westward Village Inn in Portage la Prairie. - Hugo will attend to printing the revised program and mailing it to members. - application forms will be sent to all Divisions, C.C.D.B. co-ordinators, associate members, etc. - anyone connected with special education programs should be invited to attend, - the hotel requires a deposit of $200.00. The treasurer was instructed to attend to this matter. - the regional reps will act as group leaders for the sessions. They will meet with Bob Prouty at 9:00 a.m. on March 1 to have tasks assigned. - Keith will arrange for membership in the groups. - the hotel will make a cash bar available before, during, and after the banquet. - Lucille will attend to the banquet speaker. Hopefully the Minister will be available. - Hopefully there can be 100S attendance by co-ordinators. Arrangements are being made on this basis, and anything less could mean a financial loss to the Association. SEAAM Executive Meeting Page 3 January 20, 1984

(d) Metro - continued - New programs - River East S.D. - programs for schizophrenic adolescents - day treatment center for severe behavorial disordered youngsters - very strong treatment component. (e) Norman - frustration of small numbers and great distances - discontinuing of funding for P.D.'s causing frustration - mini SAG at The Pas on March 1 & 2 - many single-parent families and broken homes - good liaison with other service agencies (f) South-Eastern - meet quite regularly - P.O. activities with resource teachers, principals, and aides - extensive use of video tapes. - Dr. Prouty did an inservice in the fall - more study needed for services to at-risk pre-schoolers - looking at recommended resource teacher qualifications (Bill Kormylo reported that a committee had made recommendation re resource teacher qualifications to the Minister a year ago, but no reactions have been received. Concern was expressed at this extended delay.) Our president will write a letter to the Minister expressing concern with this delay. - concerns expressed re delivery of O.T. and Physio services. Education Finance Review Report - SEAAM should be prepared to make a submission in reaction to the report, even if it is positive. Concerns - suggestion re compensatory funds - assumption is that Winnipeg #1 is the only division having such programs in place. The suggestion is that other divisions can apply for funds only in the form of development grants. - supportive of pilot projects - see pg. 21 of report. - Reaction to recommendation re clinical services. Provision of these services could be difficult in small rural divisions. - any organization wishing to react to the report should advise Glenn Nicholls. Motion: Kormylo/Gieni - that the present write to the Committee indicating SEAAM's desire to react to the Report. Carried - co-ordinators desiring to have input here should send their ideas to Lucille who will get a committee together to prepare a submission. - if the Department sets up a committee to deal with compensatory education, SEAAM should have representation on such a committee - executive agrees with recommendations on transportation i.e. pay full approved costs. SEAAM Executive Meeting Page 4 January 20, 1984

Resolutions Report (see attached) Life Membership - check with other organizations re regulation of life membership - e.g. M.T.S., M.A.S.S. - develop a policy statement re criteria - SEAAM executive should have power to recommend candidates for life membership, according to criteria spelled out by the general membership at the annual general meeting. - membership should come prepared to develop criteria at the annual general meeting, Nominations Committee Report Chairman - Bill Kormylo, Joe Gieni and Bob Scarth - will have a slate of officers for the annual general meeting Bob Scarth has announced his retirement effective June, 1984. Has offered his services to SEAAM after his retirement. The executive gratefully accepts his offer. Motion: Bill Kormylo/Jack Epp - that the executive recommend to the membership the creation of the position of Executive Assistant on a two-year trial basis. Carried Anne Berg adjourned the meeting. RESOLUTIONS FOR S.E.A.A.M. Annual General Meeting - 1984

Westinan/Parklands Regions 1) WHEREAS Speech and Language Pathologist services are now functioning effectively throughout the province, and WHEREAS most speech and language handicaps are detected early and programmed for by Pathologists, and WHEREAS the majority of speech and language handicapped children are not included in low incidence funding, and WHEREAS most program implementation is carried out by resource teachers, thereby further limiting their development of the consultative role in their schools, and WHEREAS an inordinate amount of resource teacher time is required for speech/language program implementation, and WHEREAS some of the program implementation could be satis- factorily handled by para-professionals with ongoing training and supervision by the speech pathologist, '""" BE IT RESOLVED that the Westman/Parklands Special Education

Go-ordinators1 Association request S.E.A.A.M, to bring this concern to the attention of the Minister of Education in order that aides for speech and hearing be included in the grant structure.

2) WHEREAS Speech and Language Pathologists1 services are established at the minimal level, and WHEREAS Speech and Language Pathologists have a seriously oversubscribed case load, BE IT RESOLVED that S.E.A.A.M. take the necessary steps to bring this issue to the attention of the Minister. 2.

3) WHEREAS no provincial Department of Education direction has been established for the provision of appropriate education for gifted and talented students, and WHEREAS the Department of Education has acknowledged the need for programs for gifted and talented students by including gifted and talented in high incidence funding, and WHEREAS many divisions are working in isolation to develop adequate programs for the gifted and talented, and WHEREAS there is no provision for consultative services from the Department of Education, BE IT RESOLVED that S.E.A.A.M. pursue this concern with the Minister of Education with the objective of establishing consultative services at the Departmental level. DRAFT


The special education coordinator:

1) Assists the school division in formulating a philosophy of special education.

2) Identifies the needs for special educational programs and support services.

3) Proposes, develops, supervises and evaluates special educational programs and support services.

4) Provides ongoing consultation for special education personnel.

5) Provides ongoing consultation and support to classroom teachers to ensure appropriate programming for students with special educational needs in regular classrooms.

6) Provides ongoing consultation to parents of children with special educational needs.

7) Provides leadership for professional development for division personnel as this relates to appropriate programming for students with special educational needs.

8) Coordinates and facilitates clinical, medical and other commu- nity based support services.

9) Carries out a public relations program which furthers acceptance and support for students with special educational need and their educational program in the community. April 12, 1983

Editor Winnipeg Free Press 300 Carlton Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R33 2K6

Dear Sir/Madam:

I write in response to Maureen Brosnahaoi's recent article, "Learning Disabled Field 'a Mess''. Like Professor Bravi, I was very disappointed at the negative and narrow focus presented by Ms. Brosnaham on an issue which is critically important to both parents ^nd the education system.

During my interview with Ms. Brosnaham, I made many positive comments on the very valuable studies done in the last few years and on the services provided to children with special needs. Many of these children v/ould not have been in the school system a decade ago. Today, schools in Manitoba are doing more for more children then ever before. Children with hearing and vision problems ate being identified and assisted early in their schooling. Children with physical handicaps are, for the most part, educated in the 'mainstream'. Children with emotional needs receive support and understanding. Children with learning difficulties receive the attention of skilled professionals.

All these children benefit from the $36 million special needs support provided by the provincial government and from the efforts of dedicated professionals throughout the education system.

As Ms. Erosnahara's article points out, the school system is not yet meeting the full needs of every child. No one can deny that. But we must build on the considerable strengths of the system and on the dedication of the many teachers, teacher aides, specialists and administrators who are already going the extra mile with exceptional children. Ms. Brosnaham did not give sufficient recognition to these people and to the tremendous advances which have been made. It is also clear from the reaction of both Professor Bravi and myself that we do not feel our views were accurately presented in the article.

Yours sincerely,



JanuoAy 31, 1984

MA. HoftbeAt Ce.neAA.viL, ViAe.ctoA Child Caste, and Development Eftanch H 67 Postage Avenue W-inn-tpeg, Manitoba R3G 0T3

QUA kAAociation Executive. i&iAh&A to e-xpAUA itA d*A appointment and diApleoAuAe. that the. Child CaAe. and development Bnanch ka& not made- fiund pfiovjj>i.on& ^ofi tke. Annual GeneAal Con^eAence to be. keJtd on Match 1 and 2, 19S4. It 4eem6 xcnconcecuab^e that Auch a situation WOA allowed, to develop and to a^eat a ghoup o& educator &o dite.ctty i.nvotve.d uiith Atte-ndance. at the. annual. con& faon ^.ep^eienta^tveA tiemote. A.egxx>n4 -U bound to be. a^e.cte.d becauie o^ the. lack o£ £ accommodation^. con£eAe.nce. always heJLd at the. end o£ the. fiiAcal yean ptiavi.ncMit goveA.nme.nt de.pafttme.nt!>. Con&e.que.ntly , un£e44 ^und& ate. e.oJimasike.d ^on. the, 3pecta£ Education Co-onHinatofiA ' gfioup, we constantly nun the. tit>k that Auch a Actuation wWl le-peJat 4 We ceAta-inly thiA unfortunate. Actuation. QUA. A&AocJMtion would appte.ciate. a&AuSianceA that ^on. the. 1985 yeast, and ^on. AubAe.quent yejOAA, fiundA Mill, be fiofithcoming OA steadily OA in fte.ce.nt yeasiA. Appte.ciation ^oft Auch aAA-ii>tance. can only be. by out diAapp04.ntme.nt at b&ing dep^cved o^ Lt thL& yeast.

VOUAA tftuly,


January 31, 19S4

VA. Glen Ni,choH!>, MAiAtant Ve.puty MiniAteA 511-1181 Postage, Avenue., Manitoba K3G OT3

Set, -te: Education Ecnonce OuA k&bocJiaXJLQn Executive, ha* lev-tewed the. finance. Re.poit pu,bliAhe.d by the. Ve.pantment o£ Education. We toci/i to make. AubmiAAion* to the. committze.

LucMe, Blanchette,, Co-Ondinaton. oi SeAvi.ce*

c.c. Matvin Svei.nAtAu.p



TRANSCONA- SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 12 TELEPHONE: 224-1271 The. Honourable. Maureen Hempkill, Minister ofa Education, 1 ST VICE-PRESIDENT Room US Legislative Building, KEITH WALKER Wi.nni.peg, Manitoba. LORD SELKIRK SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 1 1 TELEPHONE: 785-8224 VeoJt Ms. Hempkttl: On behalf o£ the. Special Education Administrators ' Association 2ND VICE-PRESIDENT o{ Manitoba (SEAAM) J would like, to express QUA. appfie.dlatA.on DARRYL JOHNSON £or granting us an appot.ntme.nt with you. on November 9, 1984. ST. JAMES - ASSINIBOIA SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 2 TELEPHONE: 888-7951 QUA. group had an opportunity to share our concern* related to children entrusted to OUA care. Ln the. e.dacational A y* tern. We aZ&o weJlc.ome.d the. opportunity to o^eA OUA co-operation 4.n a SECRETARY consultative./ 'collaborative. MARVIN SVEISTRUP f—--. INE CREEK TMJO new concern* have, been vo-ice-d Ai.nce, we met with you: SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 3O TELEPHONE: 637-2319 1. There, appear* to be. a neerf to transport St. Amant and Re.hab-ilitation Centre, student* year-round. TREASURER Vet, transportation grants are- &or te.n-month programming, for example, -en Tran&cona- Spring £-ie£d LARRY BUDZINSKI Vi-Vstilon we. &pewt $4,642.00 to transport 5 students BIRDTAIL RIVER SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 38 i.n July and August to the. above.-name.d summer programs. TELEPHONE: 562-367O Tne^e stude.nts re-quire. continuous programming. Their pare.nts would be. hard-pressed to program &or them during the. Bummer months. Could the^e. additional be. £ully reimbursed to the. The. Metro Area, has di^-iculty adequate Hearing Impaired consultant services firom Chi£d Care "Development Branch due to the demands ^or similar services i.n the rural area. Metro Special Education Co-Ordinator would like to see a consultant in that area o& disability added to the Child Care Development Branch Stafifi and designated eKclusi.vely &or the Metro area.

...2 We le-ite/iote OUA ^invitation to have, you addAeAA OUA 06 gueit 4peafee/t, at the AnnuaC GeneAal Meeting banquet to be. heJtd on Thuuday, Fe.bnu.any 28, 1985 at appioxx>nate£.{/ 6:30 p.m. at the Manitoba Inn -in Pontage, la OUA A&Aocuation wJUU, >ie.-c,an^

LucMe. Blanchette,, Spe.cial Education AdminiAtAototiA' Association o& Manitoba.

LB/tm cc: MaAvin Meeting with the Minister of Education- -November 9, 1984 SEAAM Table Officers - Lucille Blanchette, Bill Kormylo, Keith Walker, Marvin Sveistrup, Larry Budzinski, Bob Scarth

1. Clinical Services Concerns: Will all divisions be required to provide their own clinical services, or will services through C.C. & D.B. continue to be available. Response: Quite aware of the problems facing some divisions in providing their own service. No division is going to be forced into providing its own services. Eventually, some divisions may be able to take more responsibility for this, and may want to, with appropriate funding. The Department will probably always be involved in inservicing and supervision of clinicians. More consultants probably don't need to be added, but rather there perhaps could be a restructuring of the system so that areas such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, public health, audiology, etc. might come under "education" instead of "health" and "community services".

2. Multi-handicapped Concerns: - many divisions don't have the expertise to provide services for such children - the Manitoba Development Centre is releasing some clients to school divisions - Divisions want this to be an "orderly" process - Divisions are willing to try to provide a program for such children, but some feel that not enough background information is being provided to assist schools in the takeover. - not enough funding is being provided through the Low Incidence II program to provide adequate supports for such students - community services is sometimes asking schools to keep some 21 year old students for an additional year. Response: - Divisions do have the authority to retain 21 year olds for an additional year - Low Incidence funding will still be available for such students - 100% of Low Incidence dollars will be available for additional supports.

3. Low Incidence Funding Concern: Divisions have been realizing only about 60% of this money, after per-pupil grants have been substracted. Response: Will be making an announcement next week on the Nicholl's report. Will contain a reference to this funding. Mting with Minster of Ed. November 9, 1984 - 2 -

/— 4. Speech and Language Concerns: -the act governing the delivery of such services is explicit that therapy must be carried out by qualified therapists. -services to pre-schoolers are lacking in many rural areas. Response: guidelines for Low Incidence funding do not exclude those requiring therapy in the area of speech and language. 5. Resource Teacher Qualifications Concern: Teacher entering the program want to know what courses, etc. are necessary for certification. Response: Minister is meeting with officials from the University of Manitoba to address this issue.

6. Gifted & Talented Concerns: - uncertainty as to whether the Department has a consultant for this. Is Joanne Beavis a consultant for gifted & talented programming? Response: Special needs includes provision for gifted and talented programming. Will check on what Ms. Beavis' role is.

7. Other a) SEAAM organization wishes to enter into regular dialogue with the minister - review of resolutions passed at the A.G.M. - speaker at banquet during SEAAM's A.G.M. - Portage la Prairie, February 28, 1985. b) Hopefully, we can move towards 90% government funding, but probably won't be able to move very far on this right away. c) Large sums of money are being put into special needs. We have to know where that funding is going and how it can be used most effectively. d) Hopefully grants can be provided to divisions more quickly so that they can reduce interest costs. e) Officials at the Department will be notified that funding should continue for those 21 year olds still in school. f) Before other consultants are added, we first need to see what's available - under other departments, etc. g) Compensatory grants will continue to be made. h) Programs for Early Identification will be continued. IKX/CAPOM I AOMINHTU tOti' SPECIAL EDUCATION ADMINISTRATORS' | ASKXlAtlON W MANITO4A ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA

MINUTES OF THE WESTMAN / PARKLANPS SEAAM MEETING on OciobeA 5, J9S4 -tw Rotting School Vi.v-ision Boafid

PRESENT: F. Co.£e, B. Peonage, M. Sedol, R. Emi&ck, V. Kitch, P. Wfughtson, N. McQuaviie., 8. 8e££, L. Badz-Ln^kl, H. 5-tep^n.., I?. Hiddlzton, P. Elv kbbwt' 3. G^vvin, E. Vollo^, J. LoRibeAAt/, 8. Mc.Bfu.di Gu.nt>tt>: Judy RznnaAd, VavJ.d McG^ego^ MINUTES I A. Motion: 8e££/Sedo.>i - ;tfoa£ ^e adapted agenda be adopted. 8. Motion: Se.dotL/Coi& - that tkz minutu o& tke. £.cu>t mzzting be. adopted

C. fie.: hia/iing AcAe.e.ning - th&ie. AtejrU.ngl.y kcu> not been muc/i opposition to the. change. - i.e.. AcA.e.e.ning on£y K, Qft. I, Ape.ciat e.d. - p&ihap* some, e.du.c.ation should be done, in the. schools at paAtic.atasi ££A tLe.gatiding ke.atu.YiQ, e.{,^e.c.ti> o& noise., etc. - Ve.nniA Wtught&on is to took into this poss-ib-ULity B what -is avaitabte. 6 fnpofit at the. next meeting ^ II financial Report - P. Balance -in account $123.52 111 Provincial S.E.A.A.M. - Beu A. the. meeting with the. was cancelled. 8. position o& 2nd vice.-pfie.side.nt o& executive -is open C. Bob Scafith has volunteered to be. executive ass-istant to SEAAM. His expense* would be. covered and he would be. w-Hting to visit school divisions. V. Inse-fivice. - 15616- PhystcaKLy Handicapped

E. Provincial Annual SEAAM con^eAence - Feb. 2S & Mafich 1, 1985 attacked nepont] ...II " - 2 -

F. would lika to fionmaLiza the. pieces oft maating with. the. HiniAtan. G. Novambcn 9th, the. to mint wit.k the. MtniAtan. ltam& fion the. Bniefi t /. 901 fion Aavanaly handi.cappad [tnan&pontation gnantb)

1 . Laval 3 3. Continuity ofi Compan&atony gnant S native, ad. gnantA. 4. Community liaison na school. laav-ing 8 adult p/wg/>.

5. "Token" coM(itta.nt fiox. Gtfitad 6. Speec/i siAAua

IV Psia-Sc.hoot (EanJLy Ckitdhood) Scsie.e.ning A. The. mount* ofi and UAOA baing made, ofi the. gfiantA weAe. fiapontud biie.fily: 7. Bob, Wex^, Dennis, Ruth, Mani.e., Beu, Patti all tiapontad that ptwpot>att> had been accepted and g^antA would be 2. Fo^z. the. moAt pant, movwik wtlZ be. aied fiox. pSLofieAAtonal de.veJLopme.nt ofi lei octree , ^LndeJiQaJitan, Qtiada one. (8 -in 4ome cowe4, nuue.siy} te.ache.SK>. Some fiund* w^M. be. Apant on mate.sualt> £ 04 8. P/L. Vofiaan VamaAhata AJ> Ea/ily Education Consultant wiJ:h tke. Vapantmant. A Easily Childhood ConfieAanca -u> beting plannad fioi aaAly '85. CompanAatosiy GiantA A. A quick AuSivay wai> dona: 1. Val, Ruth, Mania, LOM.LJ, appltad fioi S siacaivad fiund*. 2. Monies afia beting utJJLizad to pfwv

B. Hugo Staphan ficpoitad that thasia money i.n tha budgat fioi company atony QfiantA . Thcia iA a wonk^hop plannad

1984-S5 Wonkthopi Baing Plannad Oct. IS - R/T - Admi.n4j>tnatont> ' Wonkthop - Vn. Vavij> na Communication pnocaA&oA - Panklandf> (Dauphin) ...II, - 3 - Oct. 19 - R-T, K-2. L.V. Workshop - mountain (Roblin) PoSSib-ititieS : - Westefw R.T. - funding available (NeiJL & Von] TMH - based on Suggestions ^fiom last yeafi - Ruth will be. meeting with PeteA (tiilby

Ve.veZopme.ntal. Ed. -planning mtg. next week OEC - plan* ^ofi \pfLil (LaAAy] (Klestman R-T and School hdm&>ioom te.ach&u 6 B. Judy Rannafid ^fiom Spe.c-iai MateJu.att> SeA.v4.ceA Apoke. about the. availab^Lty o& alte.finate. ^otumat mateJtMiti> {-I.e.. bnaAJLte,, laSLge.-ptiint,B audio tapu) ptu.nt-handi.cappe.d &> . / . LoAge ptunt book* ate. onty £01 vtAuatty -cmpo-tAed - mut>t be. made, fiofi consultant &e.fw&eAt> ne.e.d. 2. Ant/ whole. te.xt may be. &e,nt -in &OA taping - no cn^iteAAja - ju&t

3. W-Lll do wo/Lkifiop-6 -in AchoolA fie. how to produce. betteA 4. Gfiade. 12 Stude.nt Initiate.d Pfioje.ct - audio taping &OA btind &tude.ntA. C. NeAJL &uggeAte.d the. poM-ible. ne.e.d &ofi a "Validity o& Ofial Testing"

V. Judy's phone. numbe.A -is 945-7840. l/III Scfie.e.ning Changes (se.e. -ite.m I.C.) IX SoufiiA (/alle.y ChJJ,dAe.n's Md Pfiojzct - WexX McQuafiAle. Vav-id McGfLe.gofL - pfioje.ct social wofikeA - ducfLibe.d the. pfwgfLom & hit, fiole. as a "shafie.d" woAkeA undeA the. supe.Av-ii>-ion o& C.A. and the. school div-is-ion The. puApose. of, the. pfLoje.ct is to deal w-ith s-ituations bz^ofie. a afiiseA i.e.. PfLe.vejition. H-U, fiole. -involves courses, eleme.ntaAy school counselling, conceAns fie. be.haviofi ofi abase., coordinating community s eAviceA . An advisory committe.e. sets the goals, defines tcfums, evaluates, B relates community conceAns . ... 4