(All the Census Publications of thi~ State will bear Volume No. VIII)

PART I General Report including Subsidiary Tables (in Sub-parts)

PART II-A General Population Tables

PART II-B Economic Tables (in Sub-parts)

PART II-C Cult1.l.ral and Migration Tables (in Sub-parts)

PART III Household Economic Tables

J>ART IV Housing and Establishment Tables (in­ (in SUb-parts) cluding Subsidiary Tables) and Report

PART V Special Tables for Scheduled Castes and (in Sub-parts) Scheduled Tribes

PART VI Village Survey Monographs (A Separate Sub­ part for each Village Surveyed)

PART VII Survey of Handicrafts of the State (A Separate Sub-part for each Handicraft Surveyed)

PART VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration

PART VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation




District Census Hand-books for each of the 43 Districts in Madhya Pradesh CONTENTS

Pages Notes and Explanations i-vii Appendix I Standard Industrial Classification viii-xvi Appendix II .. National Classification of Occupations xvii-xxiii Selected Statistics Selected Statistics of India, Madhya Pradesh, Divisions, Districts and Important Towns of Madhya Pradesh xxiv-xxxiii Revised Area and Density Figures xxxiv-xxxvi Introducing the District xxxvii-Ixxxxv

PART I A.GENERAL POPULATION TABLES 1-7 Table A-I Area, Houses and Population 3 Appendix I 8tatement showing 1951 territorial units constituting the present set up 4 Appendix II Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000 4 Appendix III Houseless and Institutional population 4 Table A-II Variation in population during sixty years 5 Appendix District and Tahsils showing 1951 population according to their territorial jurisdiction in 19/,)1, changes in area and population involved in thoB:e changes 5 Table A-III Villages classified by population 6 Table A-IV Towns (and town-groups) classified by population in 1961 with variation since 1901 . _ . . . . 7

B-ECONOMIC TABLES 9-109 (i) General Economic Tables 9-77 Primary Census Abstract 10-11 Table B-T Workers and non-workers classified by sex and oroad age- groups 12-13 Table B-Ill

Part A Industrial classification of workers ~nd non-workers by educational levels in urban areas onlp - . 14·15

Part B Industrial classification of workers I and non-workers by educational levels in rural areas orlly 14-17 Table B·IV Part A Industrial classification by sex and class of worker of per­ sons at work at Household Industry 18·21 Paf't B Industrial classification by sex and class of worker of per­ sons at work in Non-Household Industry, Trade, Busi- ness, Profession or Service • • 22·27 (ii) Pages Part C Industrial classification by Sex and Divisions, Major groups and Minor groups of persons at work other than Cultivation 28·39 Table B-V Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at work other than Cultivation in District!Tahsils 40·58 . ' Table B-VI Occupational Divisions of Persons at work other than Culti­ vation classified by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Educatio­ nal levels in urban areas only 60-63 Table B-VII

Part A Persons working principally (i) As Cultivators, (ii) As Agricu1tural Labourers or (iii) At Household Industry Classified by Sex and by Secondary work, (i) At House­ hold Industry (ii) As Cultivators or (iii) Agricultural Labourers 64-66 Part B Industrial Classification by Sex of Persons working in Non­ household Industry, Trade. Business, Profession or Service who are also engaged in Household Industry •. 67-71 Table B- VIII

Part A Persons unemployed aged IS and above by Sex, broad Age- groups and Educational levels in urban aYt;as only .. 72-73 Part B Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by Sex and Educa­ tional Levels in rural areas only 72-73 I Table B-IX .. Persons not at work classified by Sex, Broad Age-groups and type of activity 74-77 (ii) Household Economic Tables 78-109

Table B-X Sample Households (i) engaged neither in cultivation nor in Household Industry, (ii) engaged either in Cultivation or Household Industry but not in both and (iii) engaged both in Cultivation and Household Industry for all areas 78 Table B·X' Sample Households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural and urban areas separately 78-79 Table B-XII Sample Households engaged in Cultivation only c1assified by size of land cultivated and number of family workers and hired workers in rnral and urban areas separately 80·85

Table B-XIII Sample households engaged both in cultivation and house­ hold industry showing size ofland ;cultivated classified by principal household industry in n{ral and 1trban areas separately . , 86-87 Table B-XIV Sample households engaged only in household industry classified by principal household industry in all areas 88-91 Part A HousehC'lds claSsified by major groups of principal house­ hold industry and number of persons engaged 88-89 Part B Households classified by minor groups of principal house­ hold industry .. 90-91 (iii)

Pages Table B-XV Sample households engaged both in cultivation and house­ hold industry classified by size of land in rural and urban areas separately 92-97 Table B-XVI Sample principal household industry classified by duration of work in a year and' total number of workers engaged in household industry in all areas 98-107 Table B-XVII . Sample households classified by size and participation in household cultivation or industry 108-109



Table C-I Family composition of sample households by relationship· to head of family classified by size of land cultivated 112 Table C-I1 Age and marital status . , 113-116 Table C-1I1

Part A Age, sex and education in all areas 117 Part B Age, sex and education in urban areas only 118 Table C-V Mother tongue 119-120 Table C-VII Religion 121 Table C-VIII Part A Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Castes 122-123 Part B Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Tribes 122-123

Table D-I1 Place of birth 124-125


Table E-I Census houses and the uses to which they are put 128-129 Table E-II Tenure status of sample census households living in census houses used wholly or partly as dwellings 130-131 Table E-III Census houses used as factories and workshops classified by industry, power and No power used and size of employ­ ment. 132-159 Table E-IV Distribution of sample households living in census houses used wholly or partly as dwellings by predominant material of wall and predominant material of roof 160-161 Table E-V Sample households classified by number of members and by number of rooms occupied 162-163 (iv)


Tahsilwise population of Scheduled Castes in rural areas only 165 Tahsilwise population of Scheduled Tribes in rural areas only 165 Table SCT--I Part A Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Castes 166-169 Part B Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Tribes 170·171 Table SCT- II Part A Age and marital status for Scheduled Castes 172-176 Part B Age and marital status for Scheduled Tribes 172-176 Table SCT-III Part A Education in urban areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 177 Part B Education in rural areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 178 Table SeT-IV Part A Religion for Scheduled Castes 178 Part B Religion for Scheduled Tribes 179 Table SCT-V Sample households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 180

SC-SPECIAL TABLE FOR SCHEDULED CASTES ONLY 181-182 Table SC-I Persons not at work classified by sex, type of activity and educational levels for Scheduled Castes 181-182

ST-SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES ONLY 183-188 Table ST-I Mother-tongue and bilingualism for Scheduled Tribes 183-186 Table ST-II Persons not at work classified by sex and type of activity for Scheduled Tribes 187-188



OTHER DISTRICT STATISTICS 329-360 Table 1.1 Monthly rainfall and rainy days 330-333 Table 1.2 Mean maximum, highest, mean minimum and lowest temperature recorded at HaJragarh () ob:;ervatory 334 (v)

Pages Table 2A.1 Land utilisations statistics 335-

Table 2A.2 Area under principal crops ••C" ••• 336-337 Table 2A.3 Gross area of crops irrigated and total and net area irrigated 338

Table 2A.4 Net area irrigated by source of irrigation I 338 Table 2A.S Major and medium irrigation projects 339 Table 2A.6 Yield rates of principal crops in Lbs. per acre 339 Table 2B.1 Fortnightly wholesale price quotations of staple food grains 340-341 Table 2B.2 Daily Wages (in Rupees) paid to males, females and non­ adults separately for skilled and unskilled persons in spec;:ific agricultural and non-agricultural occupations 342-343 Table 2C.l Statistics of livestock and agricultural implements 344 Table 2C.2 Taccavi Loans distnbuted 344 Table 2D 1 Statistics of Co-operative Societies 345 Table 2D.2 Statistics of Insurance and National Savings 346 Table 2D.3 Li~t of Banks 347 Table 2E Consumer price index number for working class 347 Table 3. 1 Statistics of criminal justice 348 Table 3.2 Strength of police and jails 348 Table 3.3 Annual receipts under certain heads of revenue 348 Table 3.4 Land revenue for the decade 349 Table 3.5 Statistics of regIstration 349 Table 36 Statistics of Local bodies 349-350 (i) Inccme and Expenditure of Municipal Council, Sehore 349 (ii) Income and Expenditure of Municipal Cc.uncil, Bhopal 350 (iii) Income and Expenditure of Panchayats 350 Tahle 4 Community development coverage 351 Table S Educational statistics 351 Table 6A.l Health statistics 352 Table 6A.2 Number of persons who availed family planning methods 353 Table 6A.3 Vaccination statistics 353 Tshle 6AA B. C. G. Campaign 353 Table 6A.5 Progress of national malaria eradication programme 353 Table 68.1 Births and Deaths classified by sex and Rural/Urban 354 Table 6B 2 Deaths in the District from some selected causes 354 Table 7.1 Commnnication statistics-Roads 355 Table 7.2 Distance from Sehore to the head quarters of contiguous distr cts. Divisional head quarters, State Capital Towns and all cities having more than one million population. 355·356 Tab'e 7.3 List of Railway Stations 356 Table 7.4 List of Post Offices, Telegraph and public call offices. 357-358 Table 8.1 List of important fairs and melas 359-360


Sehore District Frontispiece ERRATA

Page Table No. Particulars Column For Read No. No. 3 Table A-I (c) Bairagarh T. A. 9 16,872 16,827 10 Primary Census Abstract Budni Tahsil Rural 9 ,3,251 3,213. 17 Table B-1II Part Industrial classification ..•. Levels in Heading URBAN RURAL 23 Table B-IV Part B In Major Group 60-63 Total 5 180 280 45 Table B-V Division 4 Category III 3 17,979 7,979 51 Table B-V Family 806 Total 7 19 lO 153 Table E-III Bhopal City (Municipality) Minor Group 303 II No Power 6 1

161 Table E-IV Budni Tahsil Rural 15 21 22 163 Table E-V Bhopal City Municipality 13 968 1,968 168 Table SCT-I (U) in Unclassified 4 536 636 169 Table SCT-I Caste No.6 Chitar 30 I 169 Table SCT-I Caste No. 7- Dhanuk 30 171 Table SCT-I SCT I Part-B above columns 21-22 after category VII 21-22 VII VIII 184 Table ST-I Huzur Tahsil Rural in All Scheduled Tribes Mother Tongue 2 734 731') 184 Table ST-I _...... do ...... Tribe No. _) Gond or Daroi 2 328 329 4. Ashta 185 Table ST-I Below columns 2 to 5 2-5 Blank Tahsil(R) 185 Table ST-I Tahsil (Rural) Mother Tongue Hindi in Pardhi 3 41 44 188 Table ST-II Budni Tahsil RuraJ in All Scheduleds Tribes 2 2,575 2,576 2 inconsistency even n case of these nineteen districts. Revision 0 Table A-r on the basis of these area figures was not feasible at this late stage; the only alternative was to print these revised crea figures also in this Hand-book.

4. One unfortunate fact about these Hand-books is that they became avail­ able to the users rather late in ~he decade. This is partly due to the considerable time required for the collection of infor:-nation from various authorities and partly to difficulties in printing. Owing to the fact that State presses, with a heavy back­ log of prjnting weighing down on them, would find it impossible to print all the District Census Hand-books themselves, arrangements have been made for printing them in private presses. If these Hand-books are to have a useful life of more than four or five years of inter-censal decennium, more expeditious methods for the collection of non-census statistics, for the preparation and checking of the manuscripts and for printing will have to be devised.

5. The Census Organisation is grateful to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having been :::) kind as to undertake the publication of these Hand­ books and to the Superjntendent, Government Printing and his organisation­ particularly the Assistant Superintendent, Printing, Government Regional Press,. and his staff-.for the printing arrangements made. The inspiration behind this ambitious VE'nture is that of our indefatigable Registrar General, Shri Asok Mitra, to whom we are all deeply grateful. Our thanks are also due to the various authorities who supplied us with all the necessary statistics.


The publication of District Census Hand-books, which was begun in the 1951 Census, represents a significant step in the process of making census statistics available for the smaller territorial units basic to executive and developmental administration. Apart from the fact that the proper implementation of policy .depends on the ability of the administrative authorities concerned . to quantify accurately the variables involved, it is at these levels that policies get really thoroughly tested; also, policies can fail-and probably have failed-because their statistical basis was weak. It is undoubtedly necessary that gaps in statistics at .lower levels be filled as rapidly as possible. It was not possible at this Census to base all cenSU3 statistics on the development block as the unit mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the I971 Census will recognise the bJock as th~ basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operational purposes.

2. What we have tried to..do in the 1961 Census Hand-books is to make them more informative by the inclusion of as many categories of non-census statistics as possible; some of these are climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, bank- .ing, education, health etc. There is also an introductory note to each Hand­ book high-lighting the more striking fea ures. It has not been possible for the -Census Organisation to check the accuracy of the figures supplied by various authorities; it is to be hoped that some other organisation, better equipped for the purpose, will take up this task.

3. For the seventeen districts of Mahakoshal (Part of erstwhile Madhya 'Pradesh) and for Panna and Tikamgarh districts of erstwhile Vindhya Pradesh, which are part of' the present State of Madhya Pradesh, the area figures for -districts 'and tahsils furnished, by the Director of Lanc~ Records and presented in Table A-I are internally inconsistent in the sense that the tahsil areas do not add up to the district area. This inconsistency arose from the fact that, in the case of these districts, the district area includes, but the tahsil areas exclude, 'forest' area for which the tahsilwise breakup was not then available. Later on, while this Hand-book was in the press, the Director of Land Records brought out revised area figures for the year 1962-63 for tahsils and districts, -which among other improvements, do not suffer from the defect of intern? 1 NOTES AND EXPLANATIONS

This note gives the meanings and explana­ with a population at least of 5,000 with atleasU tions of terms and concepts used in this Hand­ three-fourths of the adult male population being book. 'This is necessary because, without a engaged in ,non-agricultural pursuits. The proper grasp of the meanings of such simple rural-urban classification, being operationally concepts as building, house, household, worker. cardinal and prior in point of time to the etc., it is not possible to appreciate the data census count, had to be tackled earlier and a list presented in the Handbook. Thus, one who of 219 towns in the State was therefore, pre­ does not know that an unpretentious hut in the pared much earlier than the census proper. thick of Bastar forests with unplastered bamboo This...included 28 habitations which were tenta­ walls and a thatch roof and with space hardly tively treated as towns, the intention being that, enough for two cots is not a whit less of. a build­ after the 1961 Census data became available, ing than the Indian versions of the skyscrapers their cases would be re-examined. Later on, in one of the metropolitan cities, or that a however, no modification was made in the list, central jail housing all manner of criminals and even though 7 towns did not satisfy 'either the shady characters is as much a household as the minimum population criterion or the one based household of the most pious and god-fearing on the ratio of non-agricultural adult males citizen in the State, may not be able to appre­ being 75% or greater. These are Gogaon in ciate what exactly the figures represent. Besides West Nimar, Datla Eandhi in Chhindwara (both explaining the terms and concepts, the note under 5.000 in population); and, Icchawar also contains brief notes on the salient and Patan, Pendra, Akaltara, Aran,g respectively in peculiar features of some of the Census tables Sehore, , BiIaspur, Bilaspur, and Raipur presented in this Handbook. Districts (not satisfying the economic criterion). The reason for not disturbing the original list of Census.-The Census in India is a decennial towns was that as many as 14 habitations which operation taking place in February-March of did not satisfy one or the other of the criteria the first year of every decade. It ensures laid down earlier managed to sneak into the list coverage of all members of the population of towns as municipalities, and inclusion of irrespective of age. The operations constitut~ seven more such towns was not supposed to ing a Census involve, besides counting of heads, introduce greater demographic distortion than the counting of numerous attributes of the was already preselIlt. The cases of Chachaura­ person cOUlnted. These are demograph'ic, Binaganj town in and Sardarpur­ social, economic and cultural in nature. The Rajgarh in Dhar District are peculiar in that number of these attribut~s regarding which each of these two municipal towns consists of information is recorded has been increasing two distinct habitations separated by 2 miles in from census to census and is limited only by the first and 3 miles in the second case, considerations of cost, time alld organisation. Population.-The important thing about a popu­ All areas, which were not urban were rural. lation is that it is dynamic. It is a constantly They consisted of 'villages'. A very large changing entity. These changes take place by majority of the census villages were ~revenue the natural processes of birth and death as well villages', which had well demarcated or re­ as by migration. A statement of population cognised boundaries, and which included not only has therefore little sense unless the point of time' the inhabited portion (or portions) but also to which it relates is also stated. A population agricultural land and uninhabited waste ( ot figure is correct only for a particular point of other) lands. The census village was thus not time; and, eyen though in practice one may synonymous with a habitation or a dwelling; in omit to indicate this point of time, one fact, a village could contain two or more distinct should none the less be clear about it. The habitations separated by considerable distances population figures presented herein refer to the known variously as ~tola' or 'mazra' Or 'para'. sunrise of 1st March, 1961, unless otherwise Besides, in many districts there were forest stated. villages, situated inside Reserved forests and without clearly demarcated boundaries. The Rural-Urban Classification:-Data collected at a:r:eas ent~red against these villages in the a Census is usually presented separately for the VIl~age DIrectory are thus only approximate. rural and urban areas. A 'town' or a 'town­ It IS to be noted that being as observed by group' constitutes an urban area. A 'town' in Martin [Qensus Superintend~nt (old) Madhya tile 1961 Census was either (i) a municipality, Pradesh, 1911 and Census Commissioner for cantonment or corporation; or (ii) a habitation India, 1921] arbitrary and irregular units of eii ) area, carved out chiefly for revenue and admini. that a particular group of towns is situated in strative purposes, there are many revenue such a way, and exhibits some interconnecting villages which do not have any habitation. They features of such a kind, that they can be consi­ are not, therefore, of much demographic interest, dered a single demographic entity whose organic and their inclusion in the Village Directory is nature is likely, to become more and more evideniS Dnly for a proper tally of area aggregates. in the future. Examples are: Bhopal City with: Bairagarh in the West and Heavy Electricals A-General Population Tables: Township in the East; and Durg Towl'l. and There are four main tables and three Bhilai Industrial Township. The other type of appendices in this series. town~roup is a group only in name in the sense that It represents a group of localities which Table A~l.-This table presents the basic figures geography unites but definition separates. relating to area, houses and population separately Examples are Sagar Towngroup consisting of for the rural and urban areas of each district, Sagar Municipality and Sagar Cantt. and €ach tahsil, and for each city, towngroup or' Jabalpur Towngroup (consisting of Jahalpur town. The area figures used in the table for the Corporation, Jabalpur Cantb. and Khamaria). district and the tahsils are those furnished by ~n ?oth these i~stances, the urban complex the State Director of Land Records. In case of IS smgle and contmuous, but as each corporation the district, the area figures furnished in 1962 ?r cantom;nent ~s a separate town by definition, by the Surveyor-General, India are also given. It gets splIt up m the Census into more than one The Surveyor-General does not furnish area town. In Madhya Pradesh there are six town­ figures for tahsils. In case of cities and towns, groups in all; three of them belong to the first the area figures are furnished by the local type: Bhopal in Sehore District: Murwara in urban authority (if any) in charge of the munici­ and Durg in Durg District· pal administration, or by the local revenue the other three belong to the second type, Pach~ authorities. Except in case of Raipur and m~rh! in . District, Sagar in Sagar Sagar districts, there is no agreement between DIstrIct and J abalpur In J abalpur District. the area figures for the district furnished by the Director of Land Records and the Surveyor. Houseless & Institutional Population:-"House­ General, India. These differences arise princi­ less population" means those- who did not live pally from the differences in the methods and were not enumerated, in Census-houses at adopted by the two agencies in measuring and the last Census. Obviously these swell the -computing the area. ranks of the social destitutes who, to speak in every day parlance do not have even a roof over In the case of eighteen districts (Bastar, their heads, but live under the shade of trees or Raipur, Durg, Raigarh, Bilaspur, Surguja, bridges or on pavements. "Institutional popula­ Balaghat, Seoni, Chhindwara, , Narsi~ tion" means the population that was enumerated mhapur, Jab~lpur, Sagar, Hoshangabad, Betul, in institutions at the last census i.e., in hostels East Nimar, Tikamgarh and Panna), only the jails, boarding houses, hospitals etc. • district 'total' and 'rural' figures for area include the forest area; the figures for forest area were not available for individual tahsils in these Class of Towns.-T'owns are classified into six districts, and hence the tahsilwise area figures classes as below according to their population for these districts do not include forest sizes:- area. This fact ~s important particularly for Population range appreciating the district and tahsil population Class density figures of these districts. The population I 100,000 and above density (i.e., persons per square mile) given in eolumn 4 of the table is calculated on the basis of II 50,000-99,999 the figures of area supplied by the State Directo­ III 20,000-49,999 rate of Land Records. IV 10,000-19,999 Occupied Residential House.-This is a V 5,000-9,999 Census house which was actually occupied at the VI Below 5,000 time of enumeration for residential purposes -either partly or fully. The concept of 'Census Towns of Class I are also known as Cities. house' together with the allied concepts of 'building' and 'household' are dealt with later in "Status~' of a town means the authoritv in this note. . I charge of its local urban administration. Thus Town G1·oup.-The introduction of the concept of a town could have a Municipal Corporation' a "towngroup" is a new feature of the 1961 Census. Municipality, a Cantonment Board a G~am One kind of 'towngroup' has its basis in what Panchayat, a Town or Notified Area' Committee may be called demographic prognosis, this being etc. • ( iii )

B-(i) General Economic Tables.-This series securities deposited in a bank, and doing no other mcludes 22 tables containing information on work, were treated as non-workers. Persons certain economic aspects of the population. The professionally engaged in anti-social activities. concepts involved have undergone significant (i.e., thieves, robbers, prostitutes, beggars, etc.) changes as compared with the 1951 and earlier were, however, not treated as workers. The Censuses. In the 1951 and earlier censuses or at approach to the concept of "work" was pragmatic any rate in the last few censuses income or econo­ and numerous illustrations were given to clarify mic independence (and dependence) were treated the concept. The basis of work was held to be as the criteria for denoting the economic status satisfied in the case of seasonal work i.e., work of a person. Separate account used to be taken at cultivation, livestock, dairying or household of all persons who were economically independent industry if the person has had some regular work and of those who were economically dependent. of more than one hour a day throughout the grea­ An intermediate category of economic semi-inde­ ter part of the working season. In the case of pendence was also introduced in the 1931 Census. regular employment in any trade, profess,ion, This consisted of the ',earning dependents' of the service. business or commerce the basis of work 1951 Census and even there the element of income was satisfied if the person was employed during was present. This income-based classification any of the fifteen days preceding the day on which seems to have not infrequently resulted in a he was visited by the Census enumerator. A suppression of information relating to those who person who was working but was absent from worked in household economic activities but did his work during those fifteen days or for 8l longei not actually earn any income like men other period owing to illness or other causes was than the head of the household and women of the treated as worker. Work included not only family or children working at the family cultiva­ actual physical work but also effective supervision ~ion or cottage industry but not ea:r:ning any and direction of work. Incomes. The 1961 Census introduced the con­ cept of work and totally abandoned the 'income' The Working Ca'tegories:-The primary classifica­ approach. Thus all people who worked (i.e., tion of the population is by means of a simple were "economically active") including family dichotomy into workers and non-workers. The workers who were not in receipt of any income, & former is further sub-divided into nine sub-classes working children who did not earn enough for or working categories of the Census. These are their maintenance were treated as workers. On listed below; the correspondence with the the other hand such persons as a receiver of rents Standard National Industrial Classification is. on immovable property, or of interest on also indicated.

CENSUS WORKING CATEGORY CORRESPONDING DIVISION OR MAJOR GROUP OR MINOR GROUP OF NIC Workers in cultivation I , ' Minor Groups 000, 001,002, 003, 004, II Agricultural Labourers The same as in I above III Workers in mining, quarrying, live-•. Major Groups 01, 02, 03 and 04 and Division 1; stock, forestry, fishing, hunting Minor Glroups 005, 006, 007, 008, 009 (if not and plantations, orchards and classifiable as household industry) al1~ed activities IV Workers in household industry Minor Groups 005 to 009, 013, 014, 015, 020 to 026, 031, 032, 040 to 048, 107 Divisions 2 & a. (excepting Minor Groups 201, 217, 218, 232,. 252, 260, 290, 324, 325, 338 and 380) if on a household scale V Workers in manufacturing other ... Divisions 2 & 3 than household industry VI Workers in construction Division 4 VII Workers in Trade and Commerce Division 6 VIII Workers in Transport Storage Division "7 and Communications IX Workers in other services Divisions 5, 8 & 9 (iv)

The only term requiring explanation is PRINCIPAL AND SECONDARY ,WORKER: household industry, the others being self­ Table KVII Part A and Part B involve the explanatory. As regards household industry, aJ concepts of principal and secondary work. For three-fold test was laid down, viz:- every worker the principal work had to be indi~ (a) "Household Industry" should consist of cated in the case of a person who was engaged manufacture, processing or servicing and in more than one work, and also the secondary may include sale but should not be con­ work if he was engaged in two or more than two fined simply to buying and selling. At productive activities. The concepts of primary least part of the goods offered for sale and secondary work had nothing to do with the from the household should be manu­ income accruing to a person from his work. factured or processed by members of the The principal work of a person was that activity • household. which took up most of his time; similarly the (b) "Household Industry" should be on the: secondary work (in case a person was engaged household scale where the workers in two or more than two kinds of work) was that which took up less time than the principal work mainly will be the Head of the house~ hold himself and/or members of the but greater than the other kinds of work. Unless household, the role of hired workers speCifically stated to the contrary in the table from outside being of secondary heading itself the tables in the Handbook are importance. Thus, in any Hou!sehold based on the principal work of a person. Industry, members of the household should be in a position to lend a hand' Non-workers :-The non-working section of the in the industry whenever they find the population also was divided ineo eight classes time in the course of their daily chores. according to the nature of their activities. Thus Household Industry cannot, therefore, be a non-worker could be (i) a full time student 01' on the scale of a registered factory but child attending school, (ii) a pel.:on engaged in home duties (like a housewife or other adult can use machinery and employ power female who does no other work) (iii) dependent like steam engine or oil engine or electri­ including an infant or child not attending school, city to drive the machinery. a person permanently disabled from work (c) Location also is important, for proximit",f because of illness or old-age; (iv) a retired decides participation by members of person who is not employed again, rentier, a the household. In a village this parti­ person living on agricultural or non-agricul~ cipation is possible if the Household tural royalty, rent or dividend, or an'! other' Industry is located at home or within person of independent means for securing which: the village because village organisation he does not have to work and who does no other' is such as makes it possible for mem­ work; (v) a beggar, vagrant or independent bers of the household to move about woman without indication of source of income freely in the village to look after their and others of unspecified source of existence; work. In urban areas such free move­ (vi) a convict (not an undertrial who was to be ment is not possible, and therefore, recorded for the work he did before being for household industry in urban areas admitted to Jail); (vii) persons who were seek­ we should consider only those indus­ ing employment for the first time; and (viii) tries which are located or at least the persons who previously had worked, but were major part of whose work is located at out of employment, and were again seeking home. work. Class of Worker:-A worker, other than a culti­ Education Levels :-A person was treated as vator, agricultural labourer or a worker at ill!terate i~ he did n~t. satisfy the test of literacy, thIS meanmg the abIlIty both of reading and household industry could be: (i) an Employer, writing. The test of reading was held to be that is, who hires one or more persons in his satisfied if a person could read printed matter work; '(ii) an Employee, that is, who does Ilis or easily legible manuscripts. The test of work under others for wages or salary in cash writing was the ability to write a simple letter. The minimum educational level is primary or or kind; (iii) a Single Worker, that is, who is junior basic, and this includes all persons who doing his work without employing others, except have passed this examination but have not casually, and without the help of other members passed the next higher level examination i.e., of the family, except casually (this includes matriculation or higher secondary. Persons workers working as members of a co-operative); who had formal schooling but had not passed the primary or junior basic level examination and (iv) a Family Worker, that is, who is doing were literates without any educational levels. his work in his own family without wages or A person belonging to any particular educa­ salary in cash or kind. A person could be an' tional level means a person who has passed the employee in a household industry also. examination denoting that level. (v)

INDUSTRIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION We have used only the three digit Code number' ()F WORKERS: for classifying occupation. All occupations are' divided into ten divisons to each of which a Workers have also been classified according digit is allotted. The first digit of the code to their occupation and industry. The concepts number of an occupation stands for the 'Division' ,of 'industry' and 'occupation' are of fundament~l . into which it is classified. Each division is then importance in connection with all economlC sub-divided into a number of groups not exceeding activity and it is necessary that they should not ten. The first and second digits of the code be confused with each other. By "industry" is number represent the 'Division' and 'Group' into meant the sector of economic activity in which which an occupation is classified. Each group a worker is engaged 'e.g., the textile industry, again is divided into a number of families not mining industry, etc., whereas by 'occupation' exceeding ten and t}le first three digits of the code is meant the exact function that a worker per­ number stand for the division, group and family forms in that sector e.g., fitter, carpenter, into which an occupation is classified. To typist, etc. Occupation thus is "a trade,. {!r?­ illustrate, the code number 911 stands for the fession or type of work performed by an llldlVl­ family 911 (Cooks, cook-bearers, ,domestic and

The instruction for drawing the 20% sample census-houses which were not owned by the ot()f households from the houselists are reproduced households living in them were treated as 'rented' below:- , even though no rent was being actually paid. "Before marking the sample households the Houselists should be arranged in order oil '''Factory'' and "Workshop" :-As is clear from location code numbers in the case of rural areas its definition, a Census house could be a workshop. for tahsil etc., and in the case of urban areas A workshop is a place where some kind of pro­ other than towns with population Qf 50,000 and duction, repair or servicing goes on, or where over. In the case of towns with population of goods or articles are made and sold. A bigger -50,000 and over the Houselists should be arranged workshop which was either registered under the in order of blocks. The first sample household Indian Factories Act or was of the scale of a' should be chosen randomly among the first five registered factory was returned as a factory. households in the first Houselist. From that For a manufacturing, repairing or servicing every fifth household from the first random establishment to be registered under the Indian household should be continuously marked ...... Factories Act, it should have ten or more workers The sample should be marked continuously for if using power and twenty or more workers if not all the Houselists. If in a particular Houselist using power. at the end two households are left after the marking of the sample households then these VILLAGE DIRECTORY AND ITS ApPENDICES: hous,eholds should be carried over to the next Village Directory:-The Village Directory cor­ Houselist and the third household in that list responds to the Primary Census Abstract of the should be marked as sample households". 1951 Census. It gives for each village of the district: (a) information relating to area, census houses, households, scheduled castes and scheduled Census House and Census Households :-The con­ tribes and literacy; and (b) the classification ofl cepts of "building" "house" and "household" are the population into workers and non-workers, and important and differ somewhat from their con­ again 'workers' into their 'Industrial Categories' notations in common speech. A building refers Iileparately for both the sexes. For facilitating to the enti:t;e structure on the ground. A census comparison with the Census Handbook of 1951 house is a structure or part of structure inhabited the serial number at which the village is to be or vacant or a dwelling, a shop, a shop-cum­ found in 1951 Handbook is also given. A new dwelling or place of business, workshop, school feature introduced in this Census is the presenta­ etc., with a separate entrance. A census house tion of additional information about each village was thus a building, or part of a, building with a relating to schools, hospitals, child and maternity separate entrance. A census house could have welfar,e centres, medical practitioners, electricity, a variety of uses, residential as well as non_ post and telegraph offices etc. This has been residential; or it might be vacant (at the time of done by entering symbols against the name of each houselisting). village. Another novel feature is the presenta­ tion in eleven appendices of useful information relating to villages and towns i.e., industrial A household was defined as "a group of establishments, places situated on bus routes, or persons who commonly live together and would within five miles of a railway station, places hav­ take their meals from a common kitchen unless ing pucca wells, markets, public reading rooms, the exigencies of work prevented any of them drains etc. from doing so." A household necessarily lived in a census house or part of a census house. The To enable the reader to locate the village in definition of a household was broad enough to the Village Directory without much difficulty) an include all persons living together in a census. alphabetical index of village names is given. house and dining from the same kitchen even if 'This gives for each village the 1961 they were not related to one another. S'uch were location code number of the village (in the Village ihe institutional households, like jails hostels Directory, villages are arranged according to hospitals etc. The house in which a 'household their Location Code Numbers) ; and its location lived could either be owned or rented. All code number in the 1951 Hand-book. (viii)

APPENDIX-I STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION This c:1assi,ication groups the industries into 9 Divisions 45 Major Groups 343 l\tfinor Groups The divisions, major groups and minor groups with their Code numbers are listed below.

~~~----~----_----- Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) ------_ Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Preparation of timber 022 Fishing and Hunting. Production of fuel including char- 00 Field Produce and Plantation Crops:­ coal by exploitation of forest 023 Production of oereal crops (includ­ Production of fodder by exploita- ing Bengal gram) such as rice, tion of forests 024 wheat, jowar, bajra, maize 000 Production of gums, resins, lac, Production of pulses such as arhar, barks, herbs, wild fruits and leaves moong, masur, urd, khesari, other by the exploitation of forests 025- gram 001 Production and gathering of other Production of raw jute and kindred forest products not covered above 026- fibre crops 002 Production of raw cotton and 03 Fishing: - kindred fibre crops 003 Production of oilseeds, sugarcane Production of fish by fishing in sea 03o. and other cash crops 004 Production of fish by fishing in in- Production of other crops (includ- land waters including the operation ing vegetables) not covered above 005 of fish farms and fish hatcheries 031 Productjon of fruits and nuts in Production of pearls, conch, shells, plantation, vines & orchards 006 sponges by gathering or lifting from Production of wood, bamboo, cane sea, river, pond 032 reeds, thatching grass etc. 007 Production of juice by ta:pping 04 Livestock and Hunting:­ palms 008 Production and rearing of livestock Production of other agricultural (large heads only) mainly for milk produce (including fruits and nuts and animal power such as cow, not covered by code number 006 & buffalo, goat 040- flowers) not ,covered above 009 Rearing of sheep and production of wool 041 01 Plantation Crops:- Rearing and production of other Production of tea in plantation 010 animals (mainly for slaughter) such Production of coffee in plantation 011 as pig 042- Production of rubber in plantation 012 Production of ducks, hens and other Production of tobacco in plantation 013 small birds eggs by rearing and poultry farnung 043" Producti.on of ganja, cinchona, opium 014 Rearing of bees for the production of honey wax and collection of Production of other plantation honey' , 044- crops not covered above 015 Rearing of silk worms an~ produc. 02 Forestry and Logging:- tion of cocoons al'ld raw sIlk 04?, Planting, replanting and conser- Rearing of other small animals and vation of forests 02'0 insects 046 Felling and cutting of trees and Trapping of animals or games transportation of logs 021 propagation • 047 ( ix )

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) ~------Production of other animal hus­ 21 Beverages:- bandry products such as skin, bone, Production of distilled spirits, ivory & teeth 048 wines, liquor from alcoholic malt, fruits and malts in distillery and Division l-Mining and Quarrying:­ brewery 210 10 Mining and Quarrying:- Production of country liquor. 211 Mining of coal 100 Production of indigenous liquor M'ining of iron ores 101 such as toddy, liquor from mahua, Mining of gold and silver ores 102 palm juice 212 Mining of manganese 103 Production of other liquors not Mining of mica 104 covered above 213 Mining of other non-ferrous metallic Production of aerated and mineral ores 105 water 214 Mining of crude petroleum and Production of ice 215 natural gas 106 Quarrying of stone (induding Production of ice-cream 216 slate), clay, sand, gravel, limestone 107 Processing of tea in factories 217 Mining of chemical earth such as Processing of coffee in curing soda ash 108 works 218 Mining and Quarrying of non­ metallic products not classified Production of other beverages Z19 above such as precious and semi­ precious stones, asbestos, gypsum, 22 Tobacco Products:- sulphur, asphalt 109 M'anufacture of bidi 220 Division 2 & 3-Manufacturing:­ Man ufacture of cigars and cheroots 221 2'0 Foodstuffs: - ::.Ylanufacture of cigarette and Production of rice, atta, flour, etc. cigarette tobacco 222 by milling, Dehusking and process- Manufacture of hookah tobacco 223 ing of crops and foodgrains 200 Manufacture of snuff 224 Production of sugar and syrup from Manufacture of jerda and other sugarcane in mills' 201 chewing tobacoo 225 Production of indigenous sugar, Manufacture of other tobacco pro­ gur, from sngarcane or palm juice ducts and production of candy 202 226 Production of fruit products such 23 Textile-Cotton: - as jam, jelly, sauce and canning and Cotton ginning, cleaning, pressing preservation of fruits 203 and baling 23n Slaughtering, preservation of meat Cotton spinning (other than in and fish and canning of fish 2'04 mills) 23t Production of bread, biscuits, cake Cotton spinning and weaving in and other bakery products 205 mills 232' Production of butter, ghee, cheese Cotton dyeing, bleaching 233 and other dairy p'roduds 206 Cotton weaving in power looms 234 Production of edible fats and oils (other than hydrogenated oil) 207 Cotton weaving in handlooms 235 Production of hydrogenated oils M'an ufacturing of khadi teXitile in (Vanaspati) 208 handlooms 236 Production of other food products Printing of cotton textile 237 such as sweet-meat and condiments, Manufacturing of cotton nets 238 muri, murki, chira, khoi, cocoa, Manufacturing of cotton, cordage, chocolate, toffee, lozenge 209 rope and twine 239 (x)

'Major Group Description Minor Group 'Major Group Description Minor. Group (Code' (Code) (Code) (Code) 24 Textile-Jute: - Manufacture of coir and coir pro- '2:17 J ute pressing and baling 240 ducts Jute spinning and weaving 241 Manufacture of umbrellas 278 Dyeing and bleaching of jute 242 Processing and manufacture of tex- tile products not covered above 279 Printing of jute textile 243 Manufacture of other products like rope, cordage from jute arid similar 28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden fibre such as hemp, mesta 244 Products:- Sawing and planing of wood 280 25 Textile-Wool: - Manufacture of wooden furniture & Wool baling and pressing 250 fixtures 281 Wool cleaning and processing Manufacture of structural wooden (scouring) 251 goods (including treated timber) such as beams, posts, doors, Wool spinning and weaving in mill 252 windows. 282 Wool spinning other than in mills 253 Manufacture of wooden industrial Wool weaving in powerloom 254 goods other than transport equip­ Wool weaving in handloom 255 ment such as bobbin and similar Embroidery and art work in equipment and fixtures 283 woollen textile 256 Manufacture of other wooden pro­ ducts such as utensils; toys, artwares 284 26 Textile-Silk: - Manufacture of veneer and plywood 2'85 Spinning and weaving of silk textile Manufacture of plywood products in mill 260 such as tea chest 286 Dyeing and bleaching of silk 261 Manufacture of boxes and packing Spinning of silk other than in mills 262 cases other than plywood 287 Weaving of silk textile by power Manufacture of materials from loom 263 cork, bamboo, cane leaves and other allied products ' Weaving of silk textile by handloom 264 288 Printing of silk textile 265 Manufacture of other wood and allied products not covered above 289 Manufacture of silk cordage, rope and twine 266 29 Paper and paper Products:­ Z7 Textile-Miscellaneous:­ 'Manufacture of pulp from wood, Manufacture of carpet and all other r~gs, wastepaper and other fibres similar type of textile products 270 and the conversion of such pulp into Manufacture of hosiery and other any kind of paper and paper board knitted fabrics and garments 271 in mill 290 Embroidery and making of crepe Manufacture of pulp from wood, lace and fringes 272 rags, wastepaper and other fibres and the conversion of such pulp Making of textile garments includ- into any kind of paper and paper ing raincoats and headgear 273 board handmade 291 Manufacture of made up textile goods except wearing apparel such Manufacture of products, such as .as curtains, pillow cases, bedding paper bags, boxes, cards, envelopes -materials, mattress, textile bags 274 and moulded pulp goods from paper, paper board and pulp 292 Manufacture of water-proof textile -products such as oil cloth, tarpaulin 275 30 Printing and Publishing:- Printing and publishing of news- Manufacture and recovery of all papers and periodicals 300 types of fibres for purposes of padd- ing, wadding, and upholstery filling 276 Printing and publishing of books 301

~-- ~----- ~-- (xi)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) ------All other types of printing including Manufacture of matches 334 lithography, engraving, etching, block making and other work con- Manufacture of medicines, pharma­ nected with printing industry 302 ceutical preparations, perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet prepara- All types of binding, stiching, siz­ tions except soap 335 ing and other allied work connected with binding industry 303 Manufacture of soap and other washing and cleaning compounds 336 31 Leather and Leather Products:­ Manufacture of turpentine, synthe- Currying, tan:qing and finishing of tic, resin, and plastic products and hides and skins and preparation of materials (including synthetic finished leather 310 rubber) J37 Manufacture of shoes and other leather footwear 311 ' Manufacture of common salt 338 Manufacture of clothing and wear- Manufacture of other chemicals & ing apparel (except footwear) made chemical products not covered of leather and fur 312 above (including inedible oils Rnd Manufacture of leather products fats) 339 (except those covered by Code Nos. 311, 312), such as leather uphols­ 34 Non-metallic Mineral Products tery, suitcases, pocket books, ciga­ other than Petroleum and Coal:- rette and key cases, purses, sadd- Manufacture of structural clay pro- lery, whip and other articles 313 ducts such as bricks, tiles 340 Repair of shoes and other leather Manufacture of cement and cement foot-wear 314 products 341 Repair of all other leather products Man ufacture of lime 342 except footwear 315 Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone dressing and stone 32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products: "- crushing 343 Manufacture of tyres and tubes 320 Manufacture of stonewares, other Manufacture of rubber footwear 321 than images 344 Manufacture of rubber goods used Manufacture of stone images 345 Manufacture of all kinds of other Manufacture of plaster of paris for industrial purpose 322 and its products 346 rubber products from natural or Manufacture of asbestos products 347 synthetic rubber including rubber M'anufacture of mica products 34& raincoat 32'3 Production of petroleum, kerosene 35 Man\lfacture of earthenware and and other petroleum products in earthen pottery: - 3501 petroleum refineries 324 Manufacture of chinaware and Production of coal tar and coke in crockery 351 coke oven 325 Manufacture of porcelain and its Manufacture (If other coal and products 352- coaltar products not covered else- Manufacture of glass bangles and where - 326 • beads 358 33 Chemicals and Chemical Products:- Manufacture of glass apparatus 354' Manufacture of basic industrial Manufacture of earthen image, chemicals such as acids, alkalis & busts and statues 35S, their salts not elsewhere specified 330 Manufacture of earthen toys and Manufacture of dyes, paints, artw3res except those covered by colours and varnishes 331 code No. 355 356 Manufacture of fertilizers 332 Manufacture of glass and glass products except optical and photo­ ~'anufacture of ammunition, explo- graphic lenses and glass products SIves and fire works 333 covered above 857. (xii)

Major Group . Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group' (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 35, Manufacture of other non-metallic Manufacture of electric lamps and mineral products not elsewhere funs M5 specified 359 Manufacture of insulated wires and cables 376 36 Basic M'etals and their products ex­ cept Machinery and Transport Manufacture of all kinds of battery 377 Equipment: - Manufacture of electronic equip- Manufacture of iron and steel ment such as radio, microphone 378 including smelting, refining, rolling, conversion into basic forms such as Manufacture of electric machinery billets, blooms, tubes, rods 360 and apparatus, appliances not specified above 379 Manufacture including smelting, refining of non-ferrous metals and 38 Transport Equipment:­ alloys in basic forms 361 Manufacture, assembly and repair- Manufacture of armaments 362 ing of locomotives 380 Manufacture of structural steel Manufacture of wagons, coaches, products such as joist, rail, sheet, tramways and other rail road plate 363 equipment other than that covered Manufacture of iron and steel by Code No. 363 381 furniture 364 Manufacture and assembling of motor vehicles of all types (except- Manufacture of brass and bell ing motor engines) 382 metal products 365 Man ufacture of motor vehicles Manufacture of aluminium products 366 engines parts and accessories 383 Manufacture of metal products Repairing and servicing of motor (other than of iron, brass, bell metal vehicles 384 and aluminium) such as tin can 367 Manufacture of bicycles and tri­ Enamelling, galvanising, plating. cycles and accessories such as (including electroplating) polishing saddle, seat frame, gear 385 and welding of metal products 368 Building and repairing of water Manufacture of sundry hard wares transport equipment such as ships, such as G. I. pipe, wire net, bolt, boats, and manufactur~ of marine screw, bucket, cutlery (This will engines 386 also include the manufacture of sundry ferrous engineering pro­ Manufacture & repair of air trans- ducts done by jobbing engineering port equipment including aero~ concerns which cannot be classified planes, aeroengines 387 in major groups 36, 37,38, and 39). 369 Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 388 Manufacture of other transport 87 Machinery (All kinds other than equipment not covered above such transport) and Electrical Equip­ as animal drawn and hand drawn ment:- vehicles 389 Manufacture and assembling of machinery (other than electrical) 39 Miscellaneous manufacturing Indus~ except textile machinery 370 tries: Manufacture and assembling of prime mover and boilers, other than Manufacture of optical instrurr.ents electrical equipment, such as diesel and lenses, opthalmic goods and engines, road rollers, tractors 371 photographic equipment and sup- TJlies 390 Manufacture of machine tools 372 Manufacture of textile machinery Manufacture of scientific, medical and accessories 373 and surgical instruments and equip- Manufacture of heavy electrical ment and supplies 391 machinery and equipment such as Assembling and repairing of motors. generators, transformers 374 watches and clocks 392 ... , (Xlll,

'Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group, ('Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Manufacture of jewellerj, silver­ Wholesale trading in vegetables, ware and wares using gold and fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish ot~er precious metals 393 dairy produds eggs, poultry and other foodstuff (not covered else Manufacture and tuning of Musical where) 601 Instruments 394 Wholesale trading in all kinds of Manufacture of stationery articles fabrics and textiles products such not covered elsewhere such as pencil, as garments, hessian, gunny bag, pen-holder, fountain pen 395 silk and woollen yarn, shirtings, Manufacture of sports goods 396 suitings, hosiery products 602 Manufacture and repair work of Wholesale trading in beverages, such goods not assignable to any other as tea (leaf), coffee (seed and group 399 powder), aerated water 603 Wholesale trading in intoxicants Division 4--Constr7lction such as wines, liquors 604 -40 Construction: - Wholesale trading in other intoxi. Construction and maintenance of cants such as opium, ganja etc, 605 buildings including erection, floor- Wholesale trading in tobacco, bidi, ing, decorative constructions, ele­ cigarettes and other tobacco pro- ctrical and sanitary installations 400 ducts 606 Construction and maintenance of Wholesale trading in animals 607 roads, railways, bridges, tunnels 401 Wholesale trading in straw and Construction and maintenance of fodder 608 telegraph and telephone lines 402 Construction and maintenance of 61 Wholesale trading in medicines and water ways and water reservoirs chemicals 610 such as bund, embankments, dam, Wholesale trading in fuel and light- canal, tank, tubewells, wells 403 ing products such as coke, coal, kerosene, candle 611 Division 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Wholesale trading in toilets, perfu- Sanitary Services mery and cosmetics 612 :50 Electricity and Gas:- Wholesale trading in metal, porce- Generation and transmission of lain and glass utensils, crockery, electric energj 500 china ware 613 Distribution of electric energy 501 Wholesale trading in wooden, steel Manufacture of Gas in gas works and other metallic furniture and and distribution to domestic and fittings 614 industrial consumers 502 Wholesale trading in footwear 615 Wholesale trading in tyres, tubes ,51 Water Supply and Sanitary Services:­ and allied rubber products 616 Collection, purification and distri­ Wholesale trading in petrol, mobil bution of water to domestic and oil and allied products 617 industrial consumers 510 Wholesale trading in other house­ . Garbage and sewage disposal, hold equipment not covered above 618 operation of drainage system and all other types of work connected 62 Wholesale trading in bricks, tiles and with public health and sanitation 511 other building materials 620 Wholesale trading in wood, bamboo, Division 6-Trade and Commerce cane, thatches and similar products 621 60 Wholesale Trade:- Wholesale trading in cereals and 63 Wholesale trading in paper and Pulses 600 other stationery goods 630

--~-=---~ ----~---_---- -_ (xiv)

:Major Group Description Minor Group' Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Wholesale trading in agricultural Retail trading in toilet goods, per- and industrial - machinery equip­ fumes and cosmetics 651 ment and tools and appliances other Retail trading in medicines and than electrical 631 chemicals 652 Wholesale trading in electrical machinery and equipment like Retail trading in footwear, head­ gear such as hat, umbrellas, shoes motor, battery, electric fan, bulb 632 and chappals 653- Wholesale trading in all kinds of Retail trading in tyres, tubes and transport and storage equipment 633 allied rubber products 654- Wholesale trading in skins, leather Retail trading in petrol, mobiloil and fur 634 and allied products 655- Wholesale trading in clocks, eye glasses, frames 635 66 Retail trading in wooden, steel and other metallic furniture and fittings 6600 Wholesale trading in hardware and sanitaryequipmen.t 636 Retail trading in stationery goods and papers 661 Wholesale traditng in scientific, medical and surgical instruments 637 Retail trading in metal, porcelain and glass utensils 662' Wholesale trading in precious Retail trading in earthenware and metals and stones, gold and silver- earthen toys 663 wares and jewellery 638 Retail trading in other household Wholesale trading in all goods not equipment not covered above 664 covered above 639 67 Retail trading in bricks, tiles and 64 Retail Trade:- other building materials 670 Retail trading in cereals, pulses, Retail trading in hardware and vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, sanitary equipment 671 oil, fish, dairy products, eggs, Retail trading in wood, bamboo poultry 640 cane, bark and thatches '672' Retail trading in beverages such as Retail trading in other building tea (leaf), coffee (seed and powder), rna terials 673- aerated water 641 68 Retail trading in agricultural and Retail trading in intoxicants such industrial machinery equipment, as wines, liquors 642 tools and appliances 680- Retail trading in other intoxicants Retail trading in transport and such as opium, ganja, etc. 643 storage equipm.':mts 681 Retail trading in tobacco, bidi, ciga­ Retail trading in electrical goods rettes and other tobacco products 644 like electric fan, bulb, etc. 682 Retail trading in fuel such as coke, Retail trading in skins, leather and coal, firewood and kerosene 645 furs and their products excluding Retail trading in food stuffs like footwear and headgear 683 sweetmeats, condiments, cake~, Retail trading in clock and watch, biscuits, etc. 646 eye glass, frame 684 Retail trading in animals 647 Retail trading in scientific, medical Retail trading in straw and fodder 648 and surgical instruments 685 Retail trading in precious stones 65 Retail trading in fibres, yarns, and jewellery 686 dhoti, saree, readymade garments Retail trading in -musical instru­ of cotton, wool, silk and other tex­ ments, gramophone record, pictures tiles and hosiery products; (this and paintings including curio mcludes retail trading in piece­ , dealing 687 goods of cotton, wool, silk and Book-selling 688 other textiles) 650 Retail trading in goods unspecified 689 (xv)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 69 Trade and Commerce M'iscellaneous:­ 73 Communication: - Importing and exporting of goods Postal, telegraphic, wireless and and commodities 690 signal communications 730 Real estate and properties 691 Telephone communication 731 Stocks, shares and futures 692 Information and broadcasting 732 Division 8.-Services: Providents and insurances 693 80 Public Services (This does not in­ Money lending (indigenous) 694 clude Govt., Quasi-Govt. or local Banking a.nd similar type of body activities, other than adminis­ financial operation 695 trative, in such fields as transport, Auctioneering 696 communication, information and Distribution of motion pictures 697 broadcasting, education and scienti­ fic services, health, industries, pro­ All other activities connected with duction, construction, marketing & trade and commerce not covered operation of financial institution above including hiring out of dur- each of which is classified in the able goods such as electric fan, appropriate industry groups) :- microphone, rickshaw, etc. 699 Public Services in Union and State Division 7.-Transport, Storage and Communi­ army including territorial corps cation: and volunteer corps· 800 70 Transport:- Public Service in Navy 801 Transporting by railways 700 Public Service in Air Force 802 Transporting by tramway and bus Public Service in Police 803 service 701 Public service in administrative Transporting by motor vehicles departments and offices of Central (other than omnibus) 702 Government 804 Transporting by road through Public service in administrative other means of transport such as departments and offices of Quasi­ hackney carriage, bullock cart, ekka 703 Government organisation, munici- Animal transporting by animals palities. local boards, etc. 805 such as horses, elephant, mule, Public service in administrative camel 704 departments and offices of State Governments 809 Transporting by man such as carry- ing of luggage, hand cart driving, 81 Educational and Scientific Services:­ rickshaw pulling, cycle rickshaw Educational services such as those driving 705 rendered by technical colleges, tech­ Transporting by boat, steamer, nical schools and similar technical ferry, etc, by river, canal 706 and vocational institutions 810 Transporting by boat steamer Educational services such as those ship, cargo boat by sea o~ ocean '707 rendered by colleges, schools and similar other institutions of non- Transporting by air 708 technical type 811 Transporting by other means not Scientific services and. research insti­ covered above 709 tutions not capable of classification under any individual group 812 '71 Services incidental to transport 82 Medical and Health Services:­ such as packing, carting travel Public health and medical services agency 710 rendered by organisations and indi­ viduals such as by hospitals, sana­ 72 Storage and Ware Housing:­ toria, nursing homes, maternity Operation of storage such as ware- and child welfare clinic as also by houses 720 l:lakimi, unani, ayurvedic, allopathic Operation of storage such as cold­ and homeopathic particulars 820 storage 721 Veterinary services rendered by Operation of storage of other type 722 organisations and individuals 821 (xvi)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 83 Religious and Welfare Services:­ 87 Recreation Services:- Religious services rendered by reli­ Production of motion picture and gious organisations and their estab­ allied services such as processing lishments maintained for worship editing etc. 870 or promotion of religious activities, Recreation services rendered by this includes missions, ashrams and cinema houses by exhibition of other allied organisations 830 motion pictures 871 Religious and allied services render.:. Recreation services rendered by ed by pandit, priest, preceptor, organisations and individuals such fakir, monk 831 as those of theatres, opera Welfare services rendered by orga. companies, ballet and dancing nisations operating on a non-profit parties, musicians, exhibitions, basis for promotion of welfare of circus, carnivals 872 the community such as relief soci­ Recreation services rendered by eties red-cross organisation for the indoor and outdoor sports by orga­ collection and allocation of contri- nisations and individuals including bution for charity 832 horse, motor etc. racing. 873 84 Legal Services:- 88 Personal Services:- Legal services rendered by barris­ Services rendered to households ter, advocate solicitor mukteer, such as those by domestic servants, pleader, muk'urie, munshi 840 cooks 88~ Matrimonial services rendered by Services rendered to households such as those by governess tutor organizations and individuals 841 private secretary ., 881 85 Business Services:- Services rendered by hotels, board- Engineering services rendered by ing houses, eating houses, 'cafes, professional organisations or in- restaurants and similar other orga­ dividuals· 850 nisations to provide lodging and boarding facilities 882 Business services rendered by orga­ nisations of accountants, auditors, Laundry services rendered by orga· book-keepers or like individuals 851 nisations and individuals, (this includes all types of cleaning Busine~s service~ ~endered by dyeing, bleaching, dry cleaning professIOnal organIsatIOns or indi­ services) 883 VIduals such as of those of advertis- ing and publicity agencies 852 Hair dressing, other services render- ed by organisation and individuals Bus!ness services. re~dered by pro- such as those by barber hair­ fesslOnal orgamsatlOns' or indi- dressing saloon and beauty'shops 884 viduals such as of those rendered by news agency, news paper corres­ Services rendered by portrait and pondent, columnist, journalists commericial photographic studios 885 editors, authors ' 853 89 Sen'ices (not elsewhere classified):­ 86 Community Services and Trade and ServicE'S rendered by organisations Labour Associations:- or indiyiduals not elsewhere classi- S.ervices rendered by trade associa­ fied 890' tIO!ls, chambers of commerce trade u.mons and similar other organisa- Division 9-Activities not adequately tIOns 860 descil'bed: Services rendered by civic, social 90 Activities unspecified and not cultural, political and fraternal adequately described including organisations such as rate payers activities of such individuals who association, club, library 861 fail to provide sufficient information Community services such as those about their industrial affiliation to rendered by public libraries enable them to be classified 900 museums, botanical and zoologicai Fresh entrants to the Labour gardens etc. 862 ~arket 999 --__ -_------~~~~------(xvii)

APPENDIX-II NATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPATIONS (Code Structure) Which classifies occupations into 331 Occupational Families (three-digit code numbers) 75 Occupational Groups (two-digit code numbers) 11 Occupational Divisions (one...digit code numbers) Note I.-The Cla8~ification does not provide separate code numbers for Apprentices, Foremen and Instructors (in-plant only). These may be classified by giving the prefixes of "A", HB", or "C" respectively before the code number of the occupation which is being learned, supervised or instructed. Note I/.-n. e. c.-not elsewhere classified.

DIVISIONS, GROUPS AND FAMILIES () Professional, Technical and Related Workers: 032 Physicians, Homeopathic 033 Physicians, others 00 Architects, Engineers and Surveyors:- 034 Physiologists 000 Architects 035 Dentists 001 Civil Engineers (including overseers). 039 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists, 002, Mechanical Engineers n.e.c. 003 Electrical Engineers 04 Nurses, Pharmacists and other Medical & 004 Chemical Engineers Health Technicians:- Metallurgical Engineers 005 040 Nurses Mining Engineers 006 041 Midwives and Health Visitors 007 Surveyors 042 Nursing Attendants and Related 009 Architects, Engineers and Surveyors, Workers n. e. c. 043 Pharmacists .and Pharmaceutical Technicians 01 Chemists, Physicists, Geologists and other Physical Scientists:- 044 Vaccinators 010 Chemists, except Pharmaceutical 045 Physiotherapists, Masseurs and Chemists Related Technicians 011 Pharmaceutical Chemists 046 Sanitation Technicians 012 Physicists 047 Optometrists and Opticians 013 Meteorologists 049 Medical and Health Technicians. 014 Geologists and Geophysicist n.e.c. (excluding Laboratory Assis­ tants see 091). 015 Mathematicians 019 Chemists, Physicists, Geologists and 05 Teachers: - other Physical Scientists, n.e.c. 050 Teachers, University 02 Biologists, Veterinarians, Agronomists & 051 Teachers, Secondary SchoolS' Related S'cientists:- 052 Teachers, Middle and Primary 020 Biologists and Animal Scientists Schools 021 Veterinarians 053 Teachers, Nursery and Kindergarten 022 Sliviculturists Schools 023 Agronomists and Agricultural Scien­ 059 Teachers, n.e.c. tists 029 Biologists, Veterinarians, Agrono­ 06 Jurists:- mists and Related S

07 Social Scientists and Related Workers:- 101 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 070 Economists cials, State Government 071 Aceountants and Auditors 102 Administrators and Executive Offi­ cials, Local Bodies. 072 Statisticians and Actuaries 103 Administrators and Executive Offi. 073 Geographers cials; Quasi-Government 074 Psychologists 104 Village Officials 075 Personnel Specialists 109 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 076 Labour and Social Welfare Workers cials, Government, n.e.c. 077 Sociologists and Anthropologists 11 Directors and Managers, Whosesale and 078 Historians, Archeologists, Political Retail Trade:- Scientists and Related Workers 110 Directors and Managers, Wholesale 079 Social Scientists and Related Trade Workers, n.e.c. 111 Directors and Managers, Retail Trade OS Artists, Writers and Related Workers:- 080 Authors 12 Directors, Managers and Working Pro­ CSI Edi.tors, Journalists and Related prietors, Financial Institutions:- Workers 120 Directors, Managers and Working 082 Translators, Interpreters and Proprietors, Banks Language Specialists 121 Directors, Managers and Working 083 Painters, Decorators and Commer- Proprietors, Insurance cial Artists 129 Directors, Managers and Working 084 Sculptors and Modellers Proprietors, Financial Institutions, 085 Actors and Related Workers 13 Directors, Managers and Working Pro­ 086 Musicians and Related Workers prietors, other:- 087 Dancers and Related Workers 130 Directors, Managers and Working 089 Artists, Writers and Related Proprietors, Mining,.Quarrying and Workers n.e.c. Well Drilling 131 Directors, Managers and Working 09 Draughtsmen, and S'cience and Engineer­ Proprietors, Construction ing Technicians, n.e.c. 132 Directors, Managers and Working 090 Draughtsmen Proprietors, Electricity, Gas, Water 091 Laboratory Assistants and Sanitary. 099 Science and Engineering Techni­ 133 Directors, Managers and Working cians, n.e.c. Proprietors, Manufacturing Other Professional, Technical and Related 134 Directors, Managers and Working ox Proprietors, Transport and Com~ Workers:- munication OXO Ordained Religious Workers 135 Directors, Managers and Working OXI Non-ordained Religious Workers Proprietors, Recreation, Entertain­ OX2 Astrologers, Palmists and Related ment and Catering Services Workers 136 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, Other Services DX9 Other Professional, Technical and Related Workers, n.e.c. 139 Directors, Managers and Working OX4 Geographers Proprietors. n.e.c. 1 Administrative, Executive and ManageTial 2 Clerical and Related Workers: Workers W Book-keepers and Cashiers:- OX3 Librarians, Archivists and Related Workers: 200 Book-keepers, Book-keeping and 10 Administrators and Executive Officials, Accounts Clerks Government: - 201 Cashiers 100 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 202 Ticket Sellers and Ticket Inspectors eials, Central Government (All De­ including ushers ~nd Ticket Collectors fence Services Personnel to be (excluding tho~e on moving trans­ Inc]uded in this family) port) (xix)

21 Stenographers and Typists:- q4 Money-Lenders and Pawn-Brokers:- 210 Stenographers 340 Money-Lenders (including Indige. 211 Typists nous Bankers) 341 Pawn-Brokers 22 Office Machine Operators: 220 Computing Clerks and Calculating 4. Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and Machine Operators Related Workers: 221 Punch Card Machine Operators 40 Farmers and Farm Managers:- .229 Office Machine Operators, n.e.c. 400 Cultivators (Owners) 28 Clerical Workers, Miscellaneous:- 401 Cultivators (Tenants) 280 General and other Ministerial Assis, 402 Farm Managers, Inspectors and tants and Clerks Overseers 289 Miscellarieous Office Workers includ­ 403 Planters and Plantation Managers ing Record keepers, Moharrers, 404 Farmers and Farm Managers, Diaphers, Packers and Binders of Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing office papers. 409 Farmers and Farm Managers, n.e.c. 29 Unskilled Office Workers:- 41 Farm Workers:- 290 Office Attendants, Ushers, Hap 410 Farm Machinery Operators Porters etc. n.e.c. 411 Farm Workers, Animals, Birds and . Insects Rearing ! Sales Workers: 412 Gardeners (malis) 30 Working Proprietors, Wholesale and 413 Tappers (Palm, Rubber trees, etc.) Retail Trade:- 414 Agr.icultural Labourers 300 Working Proprietors, Wholesale 415 Plantation Labourers Trade 419 Farm Workers, n.e.c. 801 Working Proprietors, Retail Trade 42 Hunters and Related Workers:- 31 Insurance and real estate salemen, sales­ 420 Hunters men of securities and services, and 421 Trappers auctioneers :- 429 Hunters and Related Workers, n.e.c. 310 Agents and Sulesmen, Insurance 311 Agents, Brokers and Salesmen, Real 43 Fishermen and Related Workers:- Estate 430 Fishermen, Deep Sea 312 Brokers and Agents, Securities and 431 Fishermen, Inland and Coastal Shares Waters 313 Auctioneers 432 Conch and Shell gatherers, Sponge 314 Valuers and Appraisers and Pearl Divers 319 Insurance and Real Estate Salesmen, 439 Fishermen and Related Workerg, Salesmen of Securities and Servi'Ces, D.e.C. and Auctioneers, n.e.c. 44 Loggers and other Forestry Workers:- 32 Commercial Travellers and Manufacturers' Agents:- 440 Forest Rangers and Related Workers 320 Commercial Travellers 441 Harvesters and Gatherers of Forest Products including lac (except logs). 321 Manufacturers' Agents 442 Log Fellers and Wood Cutters 329 Commercial Travellers and Manu­ facturers' Agents, n.e.c. 443 Charcoal Burners and Forest Pro-­ duct Processors 33 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Related 449 Loggers and other Forestry Workers. Workers:- n.e.c .. 330 Salesmen and Shop Assistants, Wholesale and Retail Trade 5 Mh'les, Quarrymen and Related Workers:. 331 Hawkers, Pedlars and Street Vendors 50 Miners and Quarrymen:- 339 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and 500 Miners Related Workers, n.e.c. 501 Quarrymen (xx)

502 Drillers, Mines and Quarries 166 Inspectors, Supervisors, Traffic Con­ 503 Shot Firers trollers, Despatchers, Transport:- 509 Miners and Quarrymen, n.e.c. 660 Inspectors, Supervisors and Station Masters 51 Well Drillers and Related Workers:- 661 Traffic Controllers 510 Well Drillers, Petroleum and Gas 662 Signalmen and Pointsmen 511 Well Drillers, other than Petroleum and Gas 67 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Tele­ communication Operators:- 52 Mineral Treaters:- 670 Telephone Operators 520 Mineral Treaters 671 Telegraphists and Signallers 59 Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers, 672 Radio Communication and Wireless n.e.c.:- Operators 590 Miners, Quarrymen and Related 673 Teleprinter Operators Workers, n.e.c. 679 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Tele-Communication Operators, n.e.c. 6 Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations: .38 Postmen and Messengers:- 60 Deck Officers, Engineer Officers and Pilots, Ship:- 680 Postmen 600 Deck Officers and Pilots, Ship 681 Messengers (including Dak Peons) 601 Ship Engineers 69 Workers in Transport and Communication 61 Deck and Engine-room Ratings (Ship), Occupations, n.e.c. Barge Crews and Boatmen:- 690 Ticket Sellers, Ticket Inspectors. 610 Deck Ratings (Ship), Barge Crews including Ushers and Ticket and Boatmen Collectors on moving Transport 611 Engine-Room Ratings, Firemen and 691 Conductors, Road Transport Oilers, Ship 692 Workers in Transport Occupations. 62 Aircraft Pilots, Navigators and Flight n.e.c. Engineer.s :- 693 Inspectors, Traffic Controllers and 620 Aircraft Pilots Despatchers, Communications 621 Flight Engineers 694 Workers in Communication Occupa­ tion, n.e.c. 622 Flight Navigators 63 Drivers and Firemen, Railway Engine :-.- 7-8 Craftsmen, Production Process Workers, and Labourers not elsewhere classified: 630 Drivers 631 Firemen 70 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and 64 Drivers, Road Transport:- Related Workers:- 640 Tramcar Drivers 700 Fibre Preparers, Ginners, Cleaners, Scourers, etc. 641 Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle Drivers 701 Blow-room Workers and Carders 642 Cycle Rickshaw Drivers and Rick­ 702 Spinners, Piecers and Winders shaw Pullers 703 Warpers and Sizers ~43 Animal Drawn Vehicle Drivers 704 Drawers and Weavers 649 Drivers. Road Transport, n.e.c. 705 Pattern Card Preparers (including Palki and Doli Bearers) (excluding Printers) 65 Conductors. Guards and Brakesmen 706 Bleachers, Dyers and Finishers (Railway) :- 707 Knitters and Lace Makers 650 Conductors 708 Carpet Makers and Finishers 651 Guards 709 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and Related Workers, n.e.c. 652 Brakesmen (xxi)

"11 Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Related 752 Fitter-A8Semblers and Machine Workers:- Erectors (Except Electrical and 710 Tailors, Dre~s Makers and Garment Precision Instrument Fitter-Assem­ Makers blers) 711 Hat and He:,d-gear Makers 753 Mechanics-Repairmen (Except Elec­ trical and Precision Instrument 712 Furriers Repairmen) 713 Upholsterers and Related Workers 754 Sheet Metal Workers 714 Pattern Makers, Markers and Cutt- 755 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters ers, Textile Products, Leather Gar­ 756 Welders and Flame Cutters ments and Gloves 757 Metal Plate and Structural Metal 715 Sewers, Embrioderers and Darnersl Workers Textile and (i'ur Products 758 Electro-Platers, Dip-Platers and 719 Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Relat­ Related Workers ed Workers, n.e.c. 759 Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Welders, Platers and Delated Work­ Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers ers, n.e.c. (including Metal-engrav­ (except Gloves and Garments) and Related ers other than printing) Workers:- 720 Shoe Makes and Shoes Repairers 76 Electricians and Related Electrical and 721 Cutters, Lasters, Sewers, Footwear Electronics Workers:- and Related Workers 760 Electricians, Electrical Repairmen 722 Harness and Saddle Makers and Related Electrical Workers 729 Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers 761 Electrical and Electronics Fitters (except Gloves and Garments) and 762 Mechanics-Repairmen, Radio and Related Workers, n.e.c. Television 763 Installers and Repairmen, Telephone Furnacemen, Rollers, Drawers, Moulders and Telegraph and Related Metal Making and Treating Workers:- 764 Linemen and Cable Jointers 730 Furnacemen, Metal 769 Electricians and Related Electrical and Electronics Workers, n.e.c. 731 Annealers, Temperers and Related Heat TreateJ's 77 Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, 732 Rolling Mill Operators, Metal Coopers and Related Workers:- 733 Blacksmiths, Hammersmiths and 770 Carpenters, Joiners, Pattern Makers Forgemen (Wood) 734 Moulders and Coremakers 771 Shipwrights and Body Builders 735 Metal Drawers and Extruders 772' Sawyers and Wood Working Machi- 739 Furnacemen Rollers, Drawers, nists Moulders and Related Metal-Making 773 Coach and Body Builders and Treating Workers n.e.c. 774 Cart Builders and Wheel Wrights "'14 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch 775 Cabinet Makers Makers, Jewellers and Related Workers:- 779 Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, 740 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch Coopers. and Related Workers, n.e.c. and Clock Makers and Repairmen 741 Jewellers, Goldsmiths and Silver- 78 Painters and Paper Hangers:- smiths 780 Painters and Paper Hangers 742 Jewellery Engravers • 79 Bricklayers, Plasterers and· Construction Tool-Makers, Machinists. Plumbers, Weld­ Workers n.e.c.:- ers, Platers and Related Workers:- 790 Stone Cutters, Stone Carvers and 750 Fitter-Machjni~ts, Tool-makers and Stone Dressers Machine Tool Setters 791 Bricklayers, Plasterers, Masons 751 Machine Tool Operators 792 Glaziers (xxii)

793 Cement Finishers and Terrazzo and 828 Coffee and Tea Blenders and Relatecr Mosaic Worlcers Work~rs 794 Hut Builders and Thatchers 829 Millers, Bakers, Brewmasters and\ 795 Well Diggers Related Food and Beverage Workers,. n.e.c. 799 Bricklayers, Plasterers and Construc­ tion Workers, n.e.c. 83 Chemical and Rela~d Pr~cess Workers:- 830 Batch and Continuous Still Operators~ 80 Corr.positors, Printers, Engravers, Book­ Binders and Related Workers:- 831 Cookers, Roasters and other Heat Treaters, Chemical and Related. 800 Type-setting Machine Operators Processes 801 Compositors 832 Crushers, Millers and Calenderers. 802 Proof-Readers and Copy Holders Chemical and Related Processes 803 Printers (Paper) 833 Paper Pulp Preparers 804 Printers (Textile) 834 Paper Makers 805 Photo-Litho Operators, Photo-litho­ 839 Chemical and Related Process, graphers Workers, n.e.c. 8(}6 Engravers, Etchers & Block Makers (Printing) 84 Tobacco Preparers and Products Makers: 807 Stereotypers 840 Curers, Graders and Blenders" 808 Book Binders Tobacco 809 Compositors, Printers, Engravers, 841 Cigarette Machine Operators Book-Binders and Related Workers, 842 Cheroot, Cigar and Bidi Makers n.e.c. 843 Snuff and Zarda Makers 849 Tobacco Preparers and Product 81 Potters, Kilnmen, Glass and Clay Formers Makers, n.e.c, and Related Workers:- 810 Furnacemen, Kilnmen and Ovenmen 85 Craftsmen and Production Process Workers n.e.c. 811 Potters, and Related Clay Formers 850 Basketry Weavers and Related 812 Blowers and Benders, Glass Workers 813 Moulders and Pressers, Glass 851 Tyre Builders, Vulcanisers and 814 Grinders, Cutters, Decorators and Related Rubber Products Makers Finishers 852 Plastics Products Makers 815 Pulverisors and Mixers, Cement, Clay 853 Tanners, Fellmongers, Pelt Dressers­ and other Ceramics and Related Workers 819 Potters, Kilnmen, Glass and Cla~' 854 Photographic Dark Room Workers Formers and Related Workers, n.e.c. 855 Makers of Musical Instruments and Related Workers ,82 Millers, Bakers, Brewmasters and Related 856 Paper Products Makers Food and Beverage Workers:- 859 Craftsn1:en and Production Process. 820 Millers, Pounders, Huskers and Par­ Workers, n.e.c. chers, Grains and Related Food Workers 86 Testers, Packers, Sorters and Related 821 Crushers and Pressers, Oil Seeds Workers:- 822 Dairy Workers (Non-Farm) 860 Checkers, Testers, Sorters, Weighers, 823 Khandsari, Sugar and Gur Makers and Counters 824 Bakers, Confectioners, Candy and 861 Packers, Labellers and Related Sweetmeat Makers Workers 825 Makers of Aerated Water and 87 Stationary Engine and Excavating and Brewers Lifting Equipment Operators and Related 826 Food Canners, Preserverf: and Re­ Workers:- lated Workers 870 Operators, Stationary Engines and; 827 Butchers Related Equipment (xxiii)

871 Boilermen and Firemen 93 Building Care-Takers, Cleaners 3i1d 872 Crane and Hoist Operators Related Workers:- 873 Riggers and Cable Splicers 930 ' Building Care-Takers 874 Operators of Earth-moving and 931 Cleaners, Sweepers and Watermen Other Construction Machinery, n .. e.c. 94 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians and 875 Materials-handling Equipment Opera­ Related Workers:- tors 940 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians 876 Oilers and Greasers, Stationary and Related Workers Engines, Motor Vehicles and Relat­ ed Equipment 95 Launderers, Dry Cleaners and Pressers:- 879 Stationary Engine, and Excavating and Lifting Equipment Operators 950 Laundrymen, Washermen and Dho­ and Related Workers, n.e.c. bies 951 Dry-cleaners and Pressers 89 Labourers, n.e.c.:- 890 Loaders and Unloaders 96 Athletes Sportsmen and Related Workers: 899 Labourers, n.e.c. 960 Athletes, Sportsmen and Related WOl'iterS ~ Service, Sports and Recreation Workers. 97 Photographers and Related Camera Opera­ 90 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards and tors:- Related Workers:- 970 Movie Camera Operators 900 Fire Fighters and Related Workers 979 Other Photographers 901 Police Constables, Investigators and Related Workers 99 Service, Sports and Recreation Workers, 902 Customs Examiners, Patrollers and n.e.c.:- Related Workers 990 Embalmers and Undertakers 903 Watchmen and Chowkidars 999 Service, Sport and Recreation 909 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards, Workers, n.e.c. and Related Workers, n.e.c. X Workers not Cla$sijiable by occupation .91 House Keepers, Cooks, Maids and Related Workers:- XO Workers without occupations:- 910 House Keepers, Matrons, Stewards XOO Workers without occupations: (Domestic and Institutional) Matriculates and above 911 Cooks, Cook-Bear,ers (Domestic and X08 Workers without occupations: Institu ti onal ) Literates 912 Butlers, Bearers, Waiters, Maids and X09 Workers without occupations: other Servants (Domestic) Others 913 Ayas, Nurse-maids X8 Workers Reporting Occupation Unidenti­ 919 House-Keepers, Cooks, Maids, and fiable or Unclassifiable:- Related Workers, n.,e.c. X80 Workers reporting occupations un­ identifiable or un classifiable :92 Waiters, Bartenders and Related Workers 920 Waiters, Bartenderi and Related X9 Workers not Reporting Occupation:­ Workers (Institutional) X90 Workers not Reporting occupation. (xxiv)


Note:-Under Column 3, (a) represents area fi~ure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Un jonlS tate/Division / Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/T()wn Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of househo1d1 Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 oj, 5 6 7 8

INDIA T (a) I,23~,561 (b) I,2ll18'4·~ 358 56'7,351 ~,'70o 78,855,S86 840511,887 R I,~13.535 297 56'7.351 65.070.27~ 68,HS,5d i U :140867 ';,305 2,';00 13,,85,3:14 1';'5~.s71

MADHYA PRADESH ". T (al I71 ,aJ.7 (b) 169,042 192 7G,414 219 6,~30,854 6,615'5h R 168.3II1II 165 7G,414 5,3i6,498 5,628,373 U 711o 6,428 ~U9 854,356 987,-07 Division T (a) 17,!Z53 (b) 17,:115·5 200 6,594 24 595,496 6';1,261 R 17,155·' 166 6,594 506,,06 5340736 U 59.8 9,739 24 88,790 116,sa5 I 110rena T (a) 4,489 (b) 4,511.5 174 1,290 6 134,7(i8 142,804- R 4,507.2 159 1,290 121,645 129,293 U 4.3 15,611 6 13,063 13,511 2 Bhind T (a) 1,723 R (b) 1,720.1 3i3 898 4 134,708 113,916 U 1,717.0 346 898 95,831 104,439 3.1 15,128 4 8,593 9,477 3 Gwalior T ( a) 2,002 (b) 2,015.0 326 760 4 95,868 124,830 R 1,988.2 168 760 55,457 60,484 U 26.8 12,124 4 40,411 64,346 4 Datia T (a) 782 (b) 785.7 255 416 38,112 39,249 R 783.7 218 416 32,755 33,137 U 2.0 14,715 5,357 6,112 5 Shivpuri T (a) 3,986 (b) 3,943. I 142 1,308 3 108,766 110,897 R 3,939.9 132 1,308 101,503 102,881 U 3.2 12,266 "3 7,263 8,016 6 Guna T (a) 4,271 (b) 4.UO.l 141 1,922 6 113,618 119,565 R 4,H9.7 123 1,922 99,515 104.502 U 20.4 3,665 6 11,103 15,063 Rewa Divi.ion T (.) 2:1,145 (b) u,'77·8 187 10,638 18 8150913 8&"909 R 2!l1,iel·5 176 10,638 761,397 8!l15t4S7 U 76 .3 3,445 18 540516 5". 7 Tikarngarh T (a) 1,9H (b) 1,960.9 232 872 88,630 93,830 R 1,958.7 222 872 84,563 89,519 U 2.2 9,389 4,067 4,281 8 Chbatarpur T ( a) 3,381 (b) 3,330.3 176 1,076 5 115,636 126,377 R 3,2·95.7 161 . 1,076 104,417 114,IIO U 34.6 1,630 5 11,219 12,267 9 J'anna T (a) 2,716 (b) 2,785.0 119 934 65,378 '72,882 R 2,784.5 113 9:H 62,173 69,201 U 0.5 31,579 3,205 3,681 xxv

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Contd. India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T -----_------per 1000 Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females males Persons 1961 1951·1961 U

9 10 II 12 13 14 15 2

439,231,771 226,293,201 212,941,57° 941 1°5,333,281 24'00 +:zr'50 T (b) 360,298,168 183,5°4,°95 176,794,°73 963 68,3(>4,933 18'96 R 78,936,603 4r.789,106 36,147,497 845 37,028,348 46 '91 U

32,372,4°8 16,578,204 15,794,2°4 953 5,544>862 17'13 +24'17 T 2']0,745,174 14,085,°38 13,660,136 97° 3,53°,896 12'73 +20'95 R 4>627,234 20493,166 2,134,068 856 2,013,966 43'52 +47'7° U

3.436,639 1,841,668 1,594>971 866 588,172 17' J:I +22'12 T 2,854,229 1,526,730 1,327,499 870 355,363 12'45 +19'55 R 582,410 314>938 267,472 849 232,8og 39'97 +36 '52 U

783,318 4-26,061 357,287 839 116,616 14·89 +23·64 Tl 716,221 388,901 327,320 842 89,701 12·52 +20·36 R 67,127 37,160 29,967 806 26,915 40·10 +74·30 U

641,169 3+6,797 29+,372 849 111,617 17·41 +21·44 T2 593,516 320,175 273,3-1- 1 85-1- 94,551 15·93 + 17·78 R -1-7,653 26,622 21,031 790 17,066 35·81 +!:J8'06 U

657,376 353,813 30+.063 859 183.33G 27 ·87 +24·06 T3 333,-1-28 178,648 154)80 866 +7,699 14·31 + 18·09 R 32+,++3 175,165 149,283 852 135,637 41·81 +30'85 U

200,467 103,640 9+,827 898 29,836 14-'88 +22·00 T4 171,037 90,264 80,773 895 20, Il5 11·76 +35, 11 R 29,430 15,376 14,054 914 9,721 33·03 -21·99 U

Si7.'l'i4 295,543 2G2,4 11 888 64,522 11·5G +17·19 T5 519.072 274,718 244,354 889 49;862 9·61 + 14·28 R :{8,882 20,825 18}057 867 14,660 37·70 + 77·65 U

595,825 313,814 282,01 I 899 82,245 13·80 +23·64 T6 520,955 274,024- 246,931 901 53,435 10·26 +22·45 R 74,870 39,790 35,080 882 28,810 38·48 +32·62 lJ

4,25[,042 2,180,496 2,°7°,546 950 499,783 II: '76 +114. 65 T 3,988,IU'7 2,°37,5811 1,950,635 957 401,185 10·06 +116'92 R 2611,825 142,914 119,911 839 gO,598 3i'51 --11'00 U

455,662 239,035 216,627 906 44,067 9·67 +24·44 T7 435,193 228,339 206,854 906 36,698 8·43 +25·81 R 20,469 10,696 9,773 914 7,369 36·00 + 1· 12 U

587,373 310,65_~ 276,720 891 65,932 11·22 +22·08 T3 531,054 280,559 250,495 893 47,072 8·86 +22·93 R 56,319 30,094 26,22.5 871 18,860 33·49 + 14'59 U

331,257 170,942 160,315 93fl 31).034 10·88 +27·57 1'9 314,520 162,132 152,388 940 29,214 <),29 +32·39 R 16,737 8,810 7,927 900 6,820 0·75 -24·26 U XXVI

SELECTED STATISTICS OF INDIA, MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS, Note: - Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

,Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residenti al No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 Satna T (a) 2,823 (b) 2,866'3 242 1,753 4 137,4.':0 147,CE8 R 2,857 ·2 221 1,753 123,670 132,231 U 9·1 6,965 4 13,781) 14,857 !II Rewa T (a) 2,509 (b) 2,427 ·6 18 2,296 142,452 156,911 R 2,422 ·9 301 2,296 134,316 147,175 U 4.7 9,143 8,136 9,736 :12 Shahdol T (a) 5,412 (b) 5,354·4 155 1,974 ') 164,8,')4 176,452 R 5,330·6 145 1,974 151,876 163,077 U 23·8 2,427 5 12,978 13,375 113 Sidhi T (a) 4,OCO (b) 3,953 ·3 147 1,733 101,513 111,369 R 3,951·9 146 1,733 100,382 110,114 U 1·4 3,692 1,131 1,255 'Indore Diviston ... T (a) 27,341 (b) 25,525.6 232 11,003 62 1,062,218 1,133,830 R 25,412 ·4 177 11,003 832,700 847,060 U 113.2 12,604 62 229,518 286,770 El4 Mandsaur T (a) 3,966 (b) 3,654 ·3 206 1,576 12 146,902 150,173 R 3,641'8 163 1,576 115,576 116,945 U 12·5 12,762 12 31,326 33,228 115 R atl am T (a) 1,727 (b) 1,878·0 257 1,038 5 91,103 92,776 R 1,869 ·2 185 1,038 63,858 64,932 U 8·8 15,676 5 27,245 27,844 .16 T (a) 2,360 (b) 2,343 ·6 282 1,111 6 118,755 133,443 R 2,332 ·1 192 1, III 86,159 88,049 U 11·5 18,654 6 32,596 45,39'~ t7 Jhabua T (a) 2,615 (b) 2,622 ·7 196 1,331 6 88,284 89,627 R 2,621·4 183 1,331 8].009 82.284 U 1·3 26,862 6 7;275 i,343 .is Dhar T (a) 3,150 (b) 3,183 ·5 202 1,471 6 116,351 119,339 R 3,163 ·3 182 1,471 103,455 106,131 U 20·2 3,300 6 12,896 13,208 :19 Indore T (a) 1,479 (b) 1,369 ·4 550 640 4 108,369 146,097 R 1,343 ·2 224 640 54,704 55,347 U 26·2 17,288 4 53,665 90,750 :'20 TIewas T (a) 2,706 (b) 2,596·9 172 1,039 7 88,486 89,260 R 2,589·1 147 1,039 75,006 75,59'~ U 7·8 8,638 7 13,400 13,6(;6 :21 West Nimar T ~a) 5,206 b) 3,751·4 264 1,715 13 171,4[2 177,463 R 3,739·9 228 1,715 147, Iff 150,647 U 11·5 12,007 13 24,316 26,8 H; '22 East Nimar T ~a) 4,132 b) 4,125 ·8 166 1,082 3 132,486 135,652 R 4,112·4 129 1,082 105,767 107,131 U 13·4 11,469 3 26,719 28,521 XXVll

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Goutd. India, while (b) represents area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T per Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females 1000 m~les Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

694,370 353,430 3HJ,940 965 108,237 15·59 +25'22 T 10 630,916 318,866 312,050 979 ' 83,585 13·25 +27·93 R 63,454 34,564 2d,890 836 24,652 38·85 +3'40 U

772,602 388,887 383,715 987 114,998 14·88 +21·90 TIl 729,537 364,483 365,054 ' 1,002 95,639 13,11 +27·31 R 43,065 24,404 18,661 765 19,359 44·95 -29·14 1.'

829,649 424,042 405,607 957 85,423 10·30 +27'49 TIZ 771,889 392,624 379,:!65 966 66,036 8·56 +29,47 R ,)7,760 31,418 26,342 838 19,387 33·56 +5'87 U

580,129 293,507 286,622 977 45,092 7·77 +24·95 T 13· 575,108 290,579 284,529 979 42,941 7·47 +23·87 R 5,021 2,928 2,093 715 2,151 42·84 U

5,931,593 3,065,693 2,865,900 935 1.~3°,410 20'74 +27.65 T 4,504,813 2,306,1OtH! 2,198,601 953 586,067 13'oX +25'74 R 1,426,780 ' 759,481 667,299 879 644.343 45'16 +34'08 U'

752,085 390,731 361,354 925 168,796 22·44 +23·98 Tl4' 592,554 305,891 286,663 937 100,829 17·02 +20·63 R 159,531 84,840 74,691 880 67,967 42·60 +38·24 U

183,521 249,047 234,47-i 941 103,431 21·39 +26·67 T 15, 345,105 176,213 168,892 958 43,589 12·63 +28·09 R 138,416 72,834 65,582 900 59,842 43'23 +23·26 U

631,720 344,515 317,:W5 921 155,100 23·44 +21·79 TI6: 447,018 229,589 217,429 947 60,335 13·50 +21·77 R 214,702 114,926 99,776 868 94,765 44·14 +21·83 li

514,384 262,695 251,689 958 31,116 6·05 +34·42 T 17 478,657 243,941 234,716 962 16,645 3·48 +27·66 R 35,727 18,754 16,973 905 14,471 40·50 +361·65 U

643,774 328,177 315,597 962 86,607 13·45 +27·74 T 18 577,285 293,192 284,093 969 60,826 10·54 +25·21 R 66,489 34,985 31,504 901 25,781 38·77 +54·96 U

753,594 400,470 353,124 882 288,115 38·23 +25·38 T 19, 301,511 155,873 145,638 934 59,194 19·63 +25·38 R 452,083 244,597 207,486 '848 228,921 50·64 +25·39 li.'

446,901 230,761 216,140 937 77,404 17·32 +29·42 T2<1' 379,521 195,434 184,087 942 51,805 13·65 +21·71 R 67,380 35,327 32,053 907 25,599 37·99 + 101·20 U

990,464 505,919 484,545 958 151,802 15·33 +30·55 T2L 852,387 433,675 418,712 965 CJ6,B16 11·36 +28· J4. R 138,077 72,244 65,833 911 54,986 39·82 +47·68 U

685,150 .'153,378 331,772 CJ39 168,039 24·53 +30'88 T22' 530,775 272,404 258,371 948 96,028 18·09 +32·20 R 154,375 80,974 73,401 906 72,01l 46·65 +26'53 U ... XXVUl


Note:-Ur,der Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per Inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bhopal Division T (a) 22,233 (b) 22,202 '5 175 g,868 37 756,058 803,011 R 22,087 '0 147 g,868 636,71I 669.724 U IIS'S !;'422 37 Ilg,347 :133.287 23 T (a) 2,388 (b) 2,384'9 221 1,064 5 103,299 106,880 R 2,378 ·5 199 1,064 93,788 96,367 U 6·4- 8,325 5 9,511 10,513 24 Rajgarh T (a) 2,383 (b) 2,365'7 218 1,673 5 93,751 104,622 R 2,351'0 199 1,673 84,384 94,565 U 14·7 3,330 5 9,367 10,057 25 T (a) 2,839 (b) 2,819'5 174 1,498 4 96,016 99,295 R 2,816'4. 151 1,498 83,894 85,771 U 3·1 20,803 4 12,122 13,524 26 Sehore T (a) 3,600 (b) 3,607 ·2 209 1,557 7 146,299 159,644 R 3,569 ·0 135 1,557 96,410 100,631 U 38·2 7,117 7 49,889 59,013 27 T (a) 3,272 (b) 3,277·7 126 1,401 3 82,591 88,452 R 3,272 ·8 119 1,401 78,757 83,846 U 4·9 4,430 3 3,834 4,606 28 Hoshangabad T (a) 3,867 (b) 3,856·3 160 1,399 9 125,776 132,194 R 3,818·4 131 1,399 100.829 106,637 U 37·9 3,144 9 24,947 25,557 29 Betul T (al 3,834 (b) 3,891·2 114 1,276 4 108,326 111,924 R 3,330'9 132 l,n6 93,649 101,907 U 10·3 4,576 4 9,677 10,017 ... T (a) 29,326 (b) 29,227 '4 196 13,108 40 1,173,460 1.216,395 R 29,050 '1 164 13>108 981,670 1,012,041 u 177'3 5>450 40 191,79° 204.354 30 Sagar T (a) 3,961 (b) 3,960'5 201 1,846 8 163,374 167,087 R 3,932 ·3 157 1,846 130,071 131,538 U 28·2 6,406 3 33,303 35,549 31 Damoh T (a) 2,827 (b) 2,BOg ·7 156 1,144 2 94,332 97,993 R 2,800 ·4 137 1,144 83,735 86,795 U 8·3 6,744 2 10,547 11,198 32 Jaball'ur T (a) 3,918 (c) 3,903 ·2 326 2,267 II 273.039 282,377 R 3,81R ·9 210 2,267 175,604 180,255 U 89'5 5,280 11 97,435 102.122 33 Narsimhapur T (a) 1,979 (b) 1,981'4 208 993 4 81,933 88,138 R 1,962 ·1 185 993 72,786 77,762 U 19 ·3 2,')37 4 9,147 10,376 34- Mandla T (a) 5,127 (b) 5,120 ·0 134 2,088 2 136,018 139,484- R 5,116'1 127 2,088 129,229 132,118 U 3·9 8,370 2 6,789 7,366 XXIX

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Contd, India, wpile (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females per Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T --~-~------~-~-.. ---.--... --- 1000 males Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females Persons 1961 1951-19bl U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

30877,°34 2,020,592 1,856,442 919 643,415 16·60 +27'38 T 3,250,765 x,6'79,8.P x,57°,9lt4 935 38lt,ltOO U'76 +£2'26 R 626,269 34°,751 285,518 838 l1:6I,ltI5 4I '71 +62'71 U

526,135 270,777 255,358 943 74,325 14,13 +21·45 T23 473,105 2'~2,8H 230,261 948 53,243 11· 25 + 18·74 R 53,030 27,933 25,097 898 21,082 39·75 +52·53 U

516,871 269,666 247,205 917 51,G16 9·99 +20·90 T2.4 467,852 243,937 223,915 918 34,825 7·44 +21·09 R 49,019 25,729 23,290 .905 16,791 34·25 +19·12 U

489,213 258,840 230,373 890 66,102 13·51 +26·71 T25 424,933 224,290 200,6-f3 895 41,478 9·76 +23·92 R 64,280 34,550 29,730 860 24,624 38·31 +48·92 U

754,684 40~.785 349,899 864 162.083 21·48 +44·82 T26 482,892 252,692 230,200 911 48,733 10·09 +23·29 R 271,792 152,093 119,699 787 I13,345 41·70 + 109·97 U

411,426 215,709 195,717 907 54,967 13·36 +30·46 T27 SS9,5S8 203,930 185,658 910 47,725 12·25 +26·19 R 2J,838 11,779 10,059 854 7,242 33·16 +230·03 U

618,293 319,760 298,533 934 }41,594 22·90 +21·52 T28 499,070 256,040 243,030 949 85,932 17·22 +20·90 R 119,223 63,720 55,503 871 55,662 46·69 +24·19 U

560,412 281,055 279,357 994 92,728 16·55 +24·08 T29 513,325 2:'6,108 257,217 1,004 70.259 13·69 +22·83 R 47,087 24,9!7 22,HO 887 22;469 47·72 +39·50 U

507!.n,60ll 2,911,657 a,80!}'945 965 I, [77,649 20'58 +2['74 'I 40755,366 a,391,761 2,363,605 988 738,988 15'54 +[6'70 R 966,236 5 19,Ss6 446,340 859 438,661 45'4° +54'57 U

796,547 414,834 381,713 920 163,412 20·52 +25·21 T30 615,843 318,273 297,570 935 88,389 14·35 +20·10 R 180,7M 96,561 84,143 871 75,023 41·52 +46·40 U

438,343. 223,067 215,276 965 80,874 18·45 +22·63 T31 382,570 193,806 188,764 974 56,166 14·68 +21·90 R 55,773 29,261 26,512 906 24,708 44·30 +27·83 U

1,273,825 662,045 611,780 924 363,656 28·55 +21·83 T32 801,179 403,056 398,123 9SS 135,123 16·87 +7·28 R 472,646 25S,9S9 213,657 825 228,533 48·35 +58·18 U

412,406 211,238 201,168 952 88,864- 21·55 +21·6i. T33 363,410 185,321 178,089 961 66,578 18,32 +20·34- R 48,996 25,917 23,079 890 22,286 45·49 +31,94- U

684,503 341,294- 343,209 1,006 97,122 14·19 +25·00 T34 651,359 324,111 327,248 1,010 81,222 12·47 +22·12 R 33,114 17,183 15,961 929 15,900 47·97 +132·70 U xxx


Note .. __:Undt'r Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor GeJIeral of

Union/State/Division! Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

35 Chhindwara T (a) 4,565 (b) 4,573 ·7 172 1,896 8 158,486 164,978 R 4,561'2 151 1,896 139,400 144,097 U 12·5 7,890 8 19,086 20,881 36 Seoni T (a) 3,376 (b) 3,360'7 156 1,589 103,817 109,118 R 3,357 ·4 147 1,589 98,070 102,679 U 3·3 9,258 5,747 6,439 37 Balaghat T (a) 3,573 (b) 3,514 ·2 230 1,285 4 162,461 167,220 R 3,501·9 217 1,285 152,725 156,797 U 12·3 3,759 4 9,736 10,423 Bilaspur Division T (a) lU,305 (b) 21,351 ·8 192 8,111 20 8°7,1192 860,358 R 21,~86'7 180 8,U1 748,800 797,619 U 65'1 4,180 20 59,°92 62,739 38 Surguja T (a) 8,626 (b) 8,565 -5 12 I 2,397 6 202,183 210,888 R 8,558 ·8 116 2,397 191.684 200,008- U G·7 6,507 6 10;-!99 10,880

39 Bila~pur T (a) 7,615 (b) 7,777 ·9 260 3,529 10 402,339 437,734 -R 7,731'2 240 3,529 366,339 399,468- U 46·7 3,611 10 36,000 38,266 40 Raigarh T (a) 5,064 (b) 5,008 ·4 208 2,185 4 203,370 211,736 R +,996 ·7 196 2,185 190,777 198,143 U I 1·7 5,114 4 12,593 13,593

Raipur Division T (a) 30,914 (b) 30,841 ·6 164 11,092 18 1,01 9,817 1,065,816 R 3°,729 '0 149 1I,0!'2 908,514 941,736 U 1I2·6 4>3'57 .... 18 111,303 124,080 41 Durg T (a) 7,576 (b) 7,500'3 251 4,041 8 393,485 415,715 R 7,429 ·0 222 4,041 331.623 348,411 U 71·3 3,304 8 61;862 -67,304 42 Raipur T (a) 8,214 (b) 8,213 ·6 244 3,811 8 417,662 438,415 R 8,177 ·2 217 3,811 374,146 387,779 U 36·4 6,259 8 43,516 50,636 43 Bastar T (a) 15,124- (b) 15,127·7 77 3,240 2 208,670 211,686 R 15,122 ·8 75 3,240 202,745 205,546 U 4·9 5,501 2 5,925 6,140 CLASS I TOWNS Indore (Muni- U 21·56 18,318 42,916 79,942 cipal Corporation) 2 j abalpur (Town- U 66·89 5,487 3 73,304 76,923 Group) (a) jabalpur U 52·00 5,680 59,606 63,055 Corporation (b) Jabalpur U 7·20 5,696 6,714 6,847 Cantonment ( c) Khamaria U 7·69 3,982 6,984 7,021 Ordnance Factory XXXI

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Contd. India, ~hile (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage T ----~------~- --_---,__- 'per Educated percentage decade R Persons Males F~ma1es 100Qmales Persons 1961 variation U 1951-61 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

785,535 396,672 388,863 980 127,919 16·28 +21·52 T35 687,r46 344,727 342,419 993 89,969 1'3·G9 +14·91 R 98,389 51,915 46,444 894 37,950 38·57 +11)3·05 U

523,741 261,060 262,681 1,006 89,313 17·05 +20·66 T36 493,467 245,345 248,122 1,011 75,087 15·22 +20·64 R 30,274 15,715 H·,559 926 14,226 46·99 +20·98 U

806,702 40!,447 405,255 1,009 166,489 20·64 + 16·34 T37 760,392 377,122 383,270 1,016 146,454 19·26 + 15·39 R 46,310 24,325 21,985 904 20,035 43·26 +34·71 U

4009!},757 2,ofG,862 2,052,8g5 1,003 618,052 15- 08 +19.83 T -.3,827,644 :1,902,544 :1,925,100 :1,012 4g8,54° :13'02 +:l6·6g R 1172,113 :14-1,318 127,795 886 u9,512 43'92 +92 '99 U

1,036,738 530,166 506,572 955 94,806 9·15 +26·12 T38 992.94~ 505,933 487,016 963 77,595 7·81 +24·00 R 43,789 2 },233 19,556 807 17,271 39·44 + 105·91 U

:2,021,793 998,738 1,023,055 1,024 368,528 18·23 +15·79 T39 1,853,356 910,157 943,199 1,036 291,050 15·70 +10·59 R 168,437 88,581 79,856 902 77,478 46·00 + 140·15 U

t,041,226 517,958 523,268 1,010 154,658 14·85 +22·06 T40 981,339 486,454 494,885 1,017 129,895 13·24 +22·14 R 59,887 31.504 28,383 901 24,763 41·35 +20·75 U

'5,°54,741 2,5II,236 2,543,5°5 1,013 787.381 :15'58 +25'26 T 4.564,14° 2,24°,368 2,323,772 1,037 568,553 :12'46 +:19'72 R 490,601 270,868 219,733 8u 218,828 44.60 +199'97 U

1,885,236 946,154 939,082 993 336,479 17·85 +27·23 T41 1,649,682 808,081 841,601 1,041 232,361 14·09 + 17·55 R_ 235,554 138,073 97,481 706 104,118 44·20 +200·53 U

2,002,00'4 9fl2,679 1,019,325 1,037 370,254 18·49 +22·07 T42 1,773,856 864,016 909,840 1,053 268,520 15·14 + 17·16 R 228,148 118,663 109,485 923 101,734 44·59 +81·17 U

1,167,501 582,403 585,098 1,005 80,648 6·91 +27·77 T43 1,140,602 568,271 572,331 1,007 67,672 5·93 +27·44 R 26,899 14,132 12,767 903 12,976 48·24 +43·71 U AND TOWN GROUPS 394,941 213,346 181,595 851 200,140 50·68 +27·05 U 367,014 202,874- 164,140 809 185,404 50·52 +42·81 U 29'),375 159,998 135,377 846 143,973 48·74- +45·03 U 41,014 25,995 15,019 578 24,606 59'99 + 19·84 U 30,625 16,881 13,744- 814 16,R25 54·9-1- +60·22 U XXXll

SELECTED STATISTICS OF INDIA, MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS, Note:--Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the S'Irveyor General of

Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns rt'Sidential No. of householdt Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 Gwalior (Muni- U 24 ·11 12,467 37,143 59,355 cipal Corpo- ration) 4 Bhopal Town- U 36·57 6,096 3 42,289 49,228 Group (a) Bhopal Mu- U 27·49 6,743 33,117 39,947 nicipality (b) Govindpura U 7·07 2,935 5,867 5,912 Industrial Township (Heavy- Electricals Ltd.) (c) Bairagarh U 2·01 8,372 3,305 3,369 (Town- Area) 5 Ujjain (Muni- U 6·75 21,357 18,334- 30,970. cipality) 6 Raipur (Muni- U 9·72 14,382 25,785 30,823 cipality) 7 Durg Town-Group U 47·90 2,781 2 37,919 41,452 (a) Bhilai Nagar U 40·14 2,145 I 27,224- 30,22.5 Industrial Township (b) Durg Muni- U 7·76 6,071 10,695 11,227 cipality 8 Sagar Town--- U 19·33 5,415 2 18,082 20,094 Group (a) Sagar l'vIuni- U 13·03 6,561 14,659 16,666 cipality (b) Sagar Can- U 6·30 3,045 3,423 3,428 tonment CLASS II TOWNS Muni- U 5·00 17,494 17,965 18,122 cipality 2 Bilaspur Muni- U 12·49 6,942 18,286 19,188 cipality 3 Burhanpur U 4·39 18,699 13,524 14,150 Municipality 4- Khandwa Muni- U 8·71 7,291 11,231 12,340 cipality 5 Murwara Town- U 13·04 4,637 3 13,740 .14,402 Group (a) Murwara- U 8·48 5,444 10,987 11,159 Municipa- lity (b) Tikuri U 0·88 8,284- 1,005 1,469 Factory Town- ship (c) Ordnance U 3·68 1,906 1,748 1,774 Factory Area Katni '" XXXl~l


India, while tb) represents ~rea figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females per Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T 1000 males Educated percentage variation R ---Persons Males Females Persons 1961 . 1951-1961 U

9 10 II 12 13 14 15 2

300,587 162,204 138,383 853 127,535 42·43 +24·43 U

222,948 125,875 97,073 771 97,194 43·59 +117·87 U 185,374 102,584 82,790 807 80,010 43·16 +81'15 U 20,747 14,419 6,328 439 8,946 43·12' U

16,827 8,812 7,955 897 8,238 48·96 U

144,161 77,005 67,156 872 67,666 46·94 + 11·05 U'

139,792 73,977 65,815 890 66,324 47·44 +55·66 U

133,230 83,566 49,664 594 65,861 49·43 +557·96 u: 86,116 57,953 28,163 486 43,179 50·14 U

47,114 25,613 21,501 839 22,682 48·14 + 132·67 U

104,676 56,303 48,373 859 46,734 44·65 +30·73 U. 85,491 45,735 39,756 869 38,158 44·63 +28·67 U 19,185 10,568 8,617 815 8,576 44·70 +40·80 U. AND TOWN GROUPS

87,472 46,391 41,081 886 41,855 47·85 +37·96 U·

86,706 45,795 40,911 893 43,970 50·71 +121·76 U

82,090 42,410 39,680 936 36,093 43·97 +17·16 U

63,505 33,790 29,715 879 32,639 51·40 +22·27 U·

60,472 32,085 28,387 885 26,591 43·97 +78·47 U· 46,169 24,554 21,615 880 19,838 42·97 +36·26 U'

7,290 3,702 3,583 969 3,617 50·03 Ur

7,013 3,829 . 3,184 832 3,106 44·29 U xxxiv


Density Density A reat in (Popula- Areatin (Popula- State/Division/Districtl Sq. miles Population tien per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population tion per Tahsil ( 1962-ti3) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 -Sq. mile)

1 2 3 4- 1 2 3 4-

MADHYA PRADESH 170 ,145 311 ,37 2,408 1,0 10 2,~ 694,370 242 1 R aghurajnagar Tahsil 1,247 307,361 ~46 17,207 30436,639 1100 2 Narr.d l'ahgl 701 135,886 194 1 4,512 783,348 174 3 Amarpatan Tah~il· 483 142,049 294 1 Ambah Tahsil 410 170,028 415 4 1,,1 mar Tahf iI 435 109,074 251 2 Morena Tahsil 412 155,914 378 11 2,428 772,602 318 3 J oura Tahsil 615 141,411 230 I Teonthar Tahsil· 612 148,219 242 4- Sabal~arh Tahsil 501 123,051 246 5 Bijeypur Tahsil 1,117 66,849 60 2 Sirrrour Tahsil· 581 187,786 323 3 Mauganj Tahsil· 720 290 6 Sheopur Tahsil 1,457 I 26,{195 87 208,444 4- Huzllr rahsil 515 228,153 443 :2 1,719 641,169 373 1 Bhind Tahsil 530 230,969 436 12 5,352 829,649 155 2 Gohad Tahsil 397 117,471 296 1 Beohari Tahsil· 1,015 139,837 138 3 Meh!l"aon Tahsil 374 131,992 3:-3 2 Bandhogarh 1 ahsil 1,401 168,861 121 4- Lahar Tahsil 418 160,737 385 3 Sohl\gpllr Tahs!! 2,255 438,14:i 194 4 T>ashparakarh Tahsil· 681 82,S[),) 122 '3 2,016 657,876 326 1 Gird Tahsil 1,039 424,729 409 13 SIDH! DISTRICT 4,012 58\),129 145 724 169,633 2 l'ichhore Tahsil 234 1 Gopadhanas Tahsil 1,820 332,774 183 3 Bhanrler Tahsil 253 63,514 251 2 l'eosar Tah,il* 1,156 141,593 97

~ 786 200,467 255 3 Singrauli Tahs;1. 736 10-'>,762 144 1 Seondha Tabil * 358 84,063 235 117,104 5.93:1,;93 2:19 2 Da1iaTah~il 42B llG,404 272 14 3,650 752,085. 206 5 3,934 557,954 142 1 J awaJ Tahsil 606 86,240 142 607 1 Pohri Tahsil· 73,771 122 2 Neemuch Tahsil 326 98,326 302 93,29,) 2 Shivpuri Tahsil 755 124 3 Manasa Tahsil 586 99,924 171 3 Karera Tahsil 760 133,708 176 4 Bhanpura Tah,il 401 58,518 146 4 Kolaras Tah~il 886 109,922 124 5 Malhar~arh Tahsil 311 74,449 239 5 I'ichhore T~h.i1· 916 147,25i\ 151) 6 G aroth Tahsil 439 89,143 203 7 Manrliaur Tahsil 489 146,680 300 (; GUNA DISTRICT 4,240 595,825 141 ) 8 Sitamau Tah~il 492 98,805 201 1 Guna Tah~i1 1,218 130,029 107 2 Ashoknagar Tahsil 918 151,466 165 15 1,878 483,521 257 T~hsil 126,329 143 3 Mungaoli 886 1 Jaota Tahsil 525 142,068 271 4 Raghc:garh Tahsil 757 104,545 138 2 Alot Tahsil 366 83,650 229 5 Chachaura Tahsil 461 83,456 181 3 Sailana Tahsil 474 72,357 IS3 .REWA OIVSlON 112,468 4,1151,°42 189 4 Ratlam Tah~il 513 185,446 361 7 1,934 455,662 236 16 VJJAIN DISTRICT 2,344 661,720 282 1 Niwari Tahsil· 509 124,673 245 I Khachrod Tahsil 495 126,438 255 743 160,011 2 Jatara Tahsil· 215 2 Mahidpur Tah,il 437 88,561 203 3 Tilfamgarh Tahsil 682 170,978 :L51 3 Taraoa Tahsil 402 95,501 238 18 CHHATA~PUR DISTRICT 3,330 5B7,373 176 4 l!Iadnagar 1 ahsil 472 102,894 218 I Laundi Tahsil· 679 127,333 188 5 Ujjail' Tabs;l .'i38 248,326 462 2 Chhatarpur Tahsil . 1,294 297,923 23(, - Ii 2,623 514,384 196 3 Di" awar 1 ah~i1 1'357 162112 119 1 Thandla TahsIl 404- 89,747 222 9 2,546 331,257 130 2 Petlawad Tahsil 369 66,097 179 1 AJaigarh Tahsil· 323 56,145 J740 3 Jhabua Tahsil 557 129,775 233 2 Panna Tamil 1,070 143,741 134 4 J obat Tahsil 424 98,502 232 3 Pawai Tahsil· 1,153 131,371 114 5 Alirajpur Tahsil 869 130,263 150 xxxv


Density Density Areatin (Popula- Areatin (Popula- State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population don per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population tion per Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962-63) 1961- Sq. mile)

2 3 4, 2 3 4-

18 DHAR DISTRICT 3,141 643,774 2{)5, 25 2,819 489,213 174- 1 BadlJawar Tahsil 411 76,389 186 1 Talisil· 381 39,433 103 82,853 171 2 Sardarpur Tahsil 456 84,900 186 2 Sironi Talisil 484- 62,602 195 3 Dhar Tahsil 752 141,949 189 3 Tahsil 321 4- Basoda Taluil 885 159,086 180 4 K1Jkshi Tahsil 663 146,722 221 5 Vidisha Tahsil 748 145,239 194 5 Manawar Tahsil 859 193,814- 226 26 SEHORE DISTRICT 3,613 754,684- 209 753,594- 510 19 1,479 1 Tahsil 554- 80,687 146 1 Depalpllr Tahsil 395 84,533 214 2 Seh,)te Tahsil 612 124,148 203 2 Sawer Tahsil 294 70,431 240 3 H uzur Tahsil 517 291,028 563 3 Indore Tahsil 394 480,164 1,219 4 Ashta Tahsil 562 108,245 193 4- Mhow Taru.il 396 118,463 299 5 Jchhawar Tahsil 429 46,049 107 6 Nasrullagallj Tahsil· 523 53,699 103 , 20 DISTRICT 2,683 446,901 167 7 Rudni Tahsil· 416 50,828 122 I Sonkatch Tahsil 507 II 1,668 220 27 3,278 411,426 126 121,648 235 2 Dewas Tahsil 517 1 Raisen Tahsil 525 59,419 Il3 3 Bagli Tahsil 690 83,512 121 2 Ghairatganj Tahsil· 355 37,884 107 4- Kannod Tahsil 544 72,231 133 3 Tahsil 352 52,077 148 5 Kha.egaon Tah'il 425 57,842 136 4 Gohargallj Tahsil· 683 57,591 84 5 Tahsil 549 92,660 169 WEST NIMAR DISTRICT 990,464 191 21 5,178 6 Silwani Tahsil· 498 47,349 95 1 Barwaha Tah.sil 544 IlI,112 204- 7 Tahsil· 316 64,446 204 2 Maheshwar Tahsil 352 73,310 208 3 Barwani Tahsil 624- 105,368 169 28 3,851 618,293 161 4 Rajpur Tahsil 511 142,013 278 I Tahsil 1,263 187,1-10 148 5 Kasrawad Tahsil 391 82,367 211 2 Seoni Tahsil 522 73,769 141 6 Sendhwa Tahsil 1,009 159,010 158 3 Hoshaflgabad Tahsil 773 195,424- 253 7 Khargone Tahsil 977 208,331 213 4- Soha~pur Tahsil 1,293 161,960 125 8 Bhikangaon Tahsil 770 108,953 141 29 3,891 560,412 144 22 EAST NIMAR DISTRICT 4,128 685,150 166 I Bhainsdehi Tahsil· 1,320 137,041 104- 1 Khanclwa Tahsil 1,446 310,833 215 2 Betul Tahsil 1,603 192,824 120 2 Harsud Tahsil· 1,421 136,073 96 3 Multai Tahsil 968 230,547 238 3 Burhanpuf T ah.il 1,261 238,244 189 JABALPUR DMSION ~275 5,7IU,60ll1 195 30 3,950 796,547 202 22,203 3,877,034 174 23 2,385 526,135 221 I Khurai Tahsil 938 195,155 208 2 Banda Tallsil* 711 113,746 160 1 Susr.er Tahsil 491 96,461 196 3 SaI!ar Tahsil 1,063 301,417 284- 2 Allar Tahsil 561 108,794- 194 4- Rehli Tahsil 1,238 186,229 150 3 Shajapur Tahsil 698 171,916 246 4 Shuja1pur Tahsil 635 148,964- 235 31 2,815 438,343 156 1 Hatta Tahsil 1,022 147,315 144 24 2,366 516,871 218 2 Damoh Tahsil 1,793 291,028 162

1 Tahsil 632 139,285 220 32 JABALPUR DISTRICT' 3,909 1,273,825 326 2 Rajgarh Tahsil 422 79,036 187 I Murwara Tahsil 1,177 312,686 266 3 TIla(\ra Tahsil 44~ 94,090 212 2 Sihora TahSil 1,191 282,228 237 4 Sarangpur Tahsil 349 87,222 250 3 Patan Tahsil 561 131,507 240 5 Narsin~,arh Tahsil 520 117,238 225 4 Jabalpur Tahsil 980 544,404- 556 XXXVI


Density Density Areatin (Popula- Areatin (Popula. State/Division/Dis trict / Sq. miles Population «on per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population tionper Tahsil (1962-63 ) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) 2 3 4 2 3 4

33 NARSIMHAPUR DISTRICT 1,983 412,406 208 39 lHLASPUR DISTRICT 7,710 2,021,793 262: 1 Gadarwara Tahsil 913 204,923 224 I Mungeli Tahsil 1,588 .323,027 203· 2 Bilaspur Tahsil 666,185 2 Narsimhapur Tahsil 1,070 207,483 194 2,207 302 3 'Katgh0ra Tahsil 2,435 333 T438 137 4 J anjr:;ir Tahsil 869 391,304 45Qo 34 5,120 684,503 134 5 S akti Tahsil 611 307,839 5()4, 1 Niwas Tahsil· 1,417 184,543 130 40 RAIGARH DISTRICT 4,969 1,041,226 210' 2 Dindcri Tahsil· 1,568 179,968 115 1 Udaipur Tahsil· 914 176,893 194- 3 Mandla Tahsil 2,135 319,992 150 2 J ashp,'r Tahsil 2,190 306,105 140> 3 Ghargoda Tahsil· 749 136,751 183- 35 CHHINDWARADISTRICT 4,576 785,535 172 4 Raigarh Tahsil 624 236,354 379' I ChhiTldwara Tahsil 2,008 406,803 203 5 Sarangarh Tahsil 492 185,123 376 2 Amarwara Tahsil· 1,479 172,409 117 RAlPUR DIVISION 30 ,716 500 540741 J65- 3' Sausar Tahsil 1,089 206,323 189 41 DVRG DISTRICT 7,498 1,885,236 251 1 Kawardha Tahsil 1,228 172,468 140' 3,362 523,741 36 156 2 Khairagarh Tahsil 1,246 225,376 181 1 Lakhnadon Tahsil· 1,546 192,733 125 3 Be~etara Tahsil· 1,102 317,006 288: 2 Seoni Tahsil 1,816 331,008 182 4 Rajnandgaon Tahsil 820 269,019 328' 5 Dul'!! Tahsil 1,147 520,100 453- 37 3,560 806,702 227 6 San.iari Balad Tah·il 1,955 381,267 195- 1 Wara Seoni Tahsil 930 369,669 397 42 RAIPUR DISTRICT 8,094 2,002,004 247 2 Balaghat Tahsil 1,049 284,885 272 I Baloda Bazar Tahsil 1,764 499,665 283- 2 Raipur Tahsil 1,120 495,392 442- 3 Baihar Tahsil· 1,581 152,148 96 3 Mahasamund Tahsil 1,877 456,209 243- 4 Dhamtari Tahsil 1,574 328,920 209' BILASPUR DIVISION 1ZI,17~ 4,ogg,757 194 5 Bindranawagara Tahsil· 1,759 221,818 126 SURGUJA DISTRICT 8,493 1,036,738 38 122 43 RASTAR DISTRICT 15,124 1,167,501 77 1 Bharatpur Tahsil· 1,217 29,549 24 I Bhanupratappur Tahsil· 930 58,751 63- 2 Baikunthpur Tahsil 507 84,300 166 2 Kanker Tahsil 1,346 151,329 112 91,260 3 Surajpur Tahsil· 2,172 271,881 125 3 Narayanpur Tabs;!· 3,260 28- 4 Kondagaon Tahsil· 2,487 186,745 75- 4 Pal Tahsil 1,485 114,695 77 5 Biiap'lr Tahsil· 1,489 93,668 63· 5 Manendragarh Tahsil 703 117,825 168 6 Dantewara Tahsil· 1,633 134,148 82- 6 Amhikapur Tahsil 1,777 343,172 193 7 J agdalpur Tahsil 1,991 343,051 172 7 Samri Tahsil· 632 75,316 119 8 Konta Tahsil • 1,988 108,549 550

• Entirely Rural Taluil. t Area figures f umished by the State Survey Department. INTRODUCING THE DISTRICT

K~ S. :Bhatnagar Superintendent of Gensu, Operations, Miulhya Pradesh

The District by the Narmada. The main rivers are Betwa, Sehor'e is one of the two districts' of the erst­ Parbati along with their tributaries in the north­ while , the other being Raisen. ern system and the Narmada with its tributaries in the south. During the days of princely State, it was known as nizamat-mq,shriq or the western district. It The Betwa lies mostly in the Malwa plateau,'sloping towards the south to meet the river Narmada, which forms The Betwa a river of antiquity, was also the boundary of the district with Hoshangabad. known as Vetravati and if! mentioned in Kalidas' The topography is typical of the region; somewhat Meghdoot. The river rises ~ear BhojpU:r in'Rai­ unJulating rolling downs of yellow grass, inter­ sen district and flows in the north west'erlY spersed with areas of rich black cotton soil. The direction. The rivers Kaliasot, Ajnar and Halali hill system is formed by the great Vindhyan range are the main tributaries. '1'he river flows into and the spurs of the main chain. Towards the south Vidisha, Guna and Shivpuri districts before lies the main line of the Vindhyas entering district in Uttar Pradesh, where and a little beyond lie the, plains of Nal'mada, Mata Tila Dam has been constructed across it. , . " rhe hilly region constitutes about 14% of the area The Parbati in the district and another 18% lies in the plains, the bulk nearly 68 % is in the Malwa plateau. The river rises at :Buranakheri village in The elevation in Bhopal , Berasia , Sehore , Ichha- , near Ashta and ,flows north·ea.st war and Ashta forest ranges is between 1450' to into Rajgarh and Guna districts, fipally joining 1800' above sea level, whereas towards the south the Chamba1. This' i~ 'also called western Pa:.;bati. it is between 900' to 1000'. The highest point to distinguish it from a river of the same name in being 2107 feet near Amamai village. The dis­ Shivpuri and Gwalior districts. Its main tribu­ trict headquarters ,are at Sehore and Bhopal, the taries are the Sewan, (flowing near Sehore town) capital of the State is included in it, being a the Paru, the Ajnar and the Utaoli flowing near tahsil headquarters. Shampur. Boundaries The Narmada The district lies between latitudes 22° 33' and 23° 54' north and longitudes 76° 11' and 78° 02' The Narmada is one of the most sacred and east and is surrounded by Dewas and Shajapur important rivers of the State. Rising in the districts in the west, Rajgarh district in the Amarkantak hills it flows towards the southern north-west, Vidisha district in north-east, Raisen border of the district. It usually contains a great district in the east and Hoshangabad district in volume of water. It is not uavigable and there is no road bridge over it, although one between the south. ,The district is a part of Bhopal Com­ Bhopal and Hoshanga bad is under construction. missioner's division. When completed it will greatly facilitate the flow The River System of road traffic between Bhopal- and other The district lies in the drainage basin of the districts of the State. The followiug rivers are Yamuna and the Narmada; the northern portion its main tributaries Kolar, Sip, Kakeri, Gunja.ri being drained by the Yamuna and the soutllern Babar aud Dobi. (xxxviii)

The Forests ber (Zizyphua jujuha) and karonda (Oarrisa The total area. of the forests in the district spinarnm). is 601.69 sq. miles and is divided into 605 compa­ Protection of forests rtments. It consists of the following types. The forests of this district belong to the type (1) Foot hill type teak forest with or without 'Southern Tropical dry deciduous' with minor bamboos, extent of 'Dry deciduous Scrub forest' classifi­ (2) Dry deciduous type with or without cation. The first Forest Act was brought into bamboos, force in 1870 A. D. Later on all the khalsa areas (3) Mixed forest a.nd under the management of the Department were (4) Ba.mboo forest. declared to be reserved forest hy various notifi­ cations of Bhopal Government under regulation The forest has been exploited for the follow­ 3. dated the 12th January 1916. The State had ing minor produce, bamboos, kha.it', tendu leaves a Forest Act in the Bhopal Forest Ac\ of 1916 gr&ss, hides, horns, honey, wax and gum. Coupe~ which was more or less an version of the are worked and sold annual1y to the forest Indian Forest Act of 1878. contractors. The timber requireil for domestic Once the forest was said to be thick and wild consumption is felled departmentally and sold life more plentiful. Lately however due to de­ on forest paSSeR. forestation and indiscriminate shooting the wild The floristic composition is given below. life has become scarce. Amon~ the bigger animals tiger sher (fells tigris), Panthers tendua (lelia Overwood pardus), hynae, lakkad baggha (Hyena striata) bear, bhalu (Melursus ursinus) are found. Sam­ Teak (Teet()na grandis), dhn.ora (Anog-ei.'f.CJ1UJ­ bhar (Rusa unicolor), cheetal (cervusaxis), chink­ latifoUf&) salai (Bo.'Jwellia serrata). Rai (Terminalia tnmento.9a\ mundi (Mitrafryva Pervifolia), hija ara (Gazelle bennetti), black buck (Antelope cer­ (Pterocarpusmarsupium), mahua (Madhw'a indica). vicapra), blue bull or neelgai (Boselaphus trage­ camelus) and swamp deer are also SAen in the Remal (8almeUa malahricum), hA.ldu (Adina cordi jungles. Wild boars (Sus cristalus) jackals (Oanis /oUa). Where the climate is moister. the follow­ aurevs) are fairly common. i.ng are also found koha (TerminaTia arj'llna), Jamun (IiJngenia jombolana), jZular (ficus glome­ Birds of nearly all descri ption oommon to the rata). region are met with. Game birds of mi~ratory Under wood n'\ture are found along with ducks snipes, teals, partredges, sand grouse, green pigeon and pea The following /varieties are met with-tendn fowl. In the rivers specially in the Narmada, (Diospyros-melanoxylon). mt')yen (Lannea grandi.~), Betwa and Parbati, many varities of fishes, and 8ch~r (Burhanania lati/oUa), kachnar (Bauhinia cr()codiles are met with. Fishes are also found tJaraegata), bel (Aegele marmalos). aonla (Emblica in some of I the big tanks of the district. The ojficinalis), amaltas (cassia fistula), khair (Acacia main variettes of fishes are jhalar (Barilius barila), catechu), palas (Butea /rnndosa), kulu (sterculia kharpate (Puntius chrysopoma), 'baduB (Tor urens). 1chudree) Rawaa (Oatlaeatla), rohu (Labeofimbria­ tus), lon;h (Wallagoattu), sanwal (Ohanna striatus) Uader growth and bam (Masta cembelus armatus). Snakes and scorpions of a.ll desoriptions are commonly met Grass is found as undergrowth and also a9 pure crop. Owing to heavy grazing and repeated with. fires the grass of good qnality is comparatively Climate rare. Bans (Dendro calamus strictus) occurs on The average mean daily maximum and mini­ the slopes. The other undergrowth is like ar ( Acacia caeaia), gurar (Mflletia aurtio'U/ala). mum temperatures are 40.7°c in May and 10.6°0 (xxxix) in January. The climate on the whole is mode­ placed it on firm footing. It wall Dost Moham­ rate and the three seasons well defined. The med ,who had decided to build his capital at district receives rains from the Arabian sea mon­ Bhopal in 1722. His successor Yar Muhammad soons which commence each year in the early Khan however went back to Islamnaga.r. On his June (although even in May some showers are death his son Faiz Muhammad Khan shifted ,the received) and by July it reaches the zenith. capital to Bhopal, which has since then remained Along with July, August is also a very wet mo~th, but by September the monsoons begin to taper the capital city of princely St~e of Bhopal, later off. By October the rainfall is over and a notice­ of Part C, Bhopal State and now the biggest State able change in the weather is observed. There of the country. Thus Bhopal city is nearly two is only one meteorological station in the district hundred and forty years old (in 1961). The at Bairagarh; rain gauges however have been fixed dynastv continued to rule till the formation of at eight places. During the decade the rainfall averaged 1,103.69 mms ',the lowest and the high­ Part C Rtate in 1949. est being 587.6 and 1,525.6 mms in years 1951 Sehore, the dist'rict headquarters stands 1750' and 1955 respectively. ' above sea level and lies 24 miles to the south­ The winter begins to set in by November and west of Bhopal the main town in the district. December and January are the coldest months. During the Mughal days the town did not appear The temperature has been known to go down to be an important one. In the British days the upto 3.8°c in February 1957. The winter is township was divided into two parts viz. the generally very pleasant and lasts upto February. By March it begins to grow warmer and in April Town and Sehore Station under the British Poli­ it becomes hot; the evenings however remaining tical Agent. cool. The summer commences from near about the middle of April and May is usually the hottest In 1818 Captain Stewart selected the site at month. When the rains are delayed and do not Sehore for st,ationing the Contingent Force break until the end of June or so, June also required to be kept under the treaty. The r~mains hot. The highest temperature recorded British station was under the control of the at Bairagarh observatory was 45.6° in May 1953. Political Agent and his assistants. In 1857 when Historical Background the Resident at Indore Col. Durand vacated the Indore Residency, he came to Sehore for refuge. The history of the district is a part of the history of Bhopal State. The State was founded The Begum however felt that his presence along by Dost Mohammed, an Afghan who came with a with other Englishmen would create more difficu­ body of imperial troops to Malwa. Taking lties, so she advised the Englishmen to move over advantage of the chaotic conditions among the to Hoshangabad. In January 1858, 150 per­ chieftains Dost Mohammed began acquiring sons were executed by the British for their alleg­ smaller principalities. By treachery and deceit ed participation in the 1857 events. Sehore he destroyed the Deora Rajputs, slaughtering and station was handed over to Bhopal State in flinging them into the close by stream since then known as RaIaH nadi or the river of slaughter. October 1929 and since then it remained with He shifted his headquarters to lslamnagar and Bhopal State. As far as the other tahsils of the built a fort. Dost Mohammed died in 1726 but district are concerned, prior to 1951 there were before he died he had carved out the State and many administrative changes. (xl)

The most important one being as per Notification (then known as the Prince of Wales Hospital) No. 8 dated the 5th May 1950 reproduced was constructed in 1892. The city continued to below* :- grow and in 1910 palace was constru­ cted along with New Idgah and area on the Bhopal Shamla Hill was developed. During the Second The name Bhopal is said to be derived from World war, Bairagarh township began to grow. Bhojpal or Bboja's dam referring to Raja BhoIa It was selected for the site of a Prisr'ner of War of Dhar, one of whose minister is said to have Camp and whl-'n the war was over, the area came built the great dam. Dr. Fleet thought that the to the State. The refugees who came on the parti­ name was derived from Bhupala, the King. ti.on of the country were settled later.Some ofthese According to a tradition the city stands on the barracks and buildings were used to accommodate site of an old town founded by Raja of the officials and other employee of the Govern­ Dhar. On 6 July 1722 Dost Mohammed, built ment when the capital of the new State came over Fatehargrh fort and town walls of the present to Bhopal on 1 Nov. 56. During the last decade, city. It was however during Nawab Faiz the growth was far too rapid mainly due to, the Muhammed's reign that the capital was shifted founding of the Capital the establishment of the on a permanent basis. Once the capital was Heavy Electrical Plants at Govindpura and shifted to Bhopal its growth was fairly rapid. In natural increase i. e. high rate of birth and 1795, the Lower lake, Pukhtapur Talab was cons­ Imrvival. tructed. Between 1808-19 the city population The New Capital had begun to sprawl out of the town walls and newer mohallas began to come into existence. On 1 November 1956, it seemed that all During the years 1819-37 the expansion con­ roads led to Bhopal. From Nagpur. then Capital of tinued and Gohar Mahal Palace was constructed. old Madhya Pradesh State came the offices and The magnificent mosque Jama-Masjid was cons. men who looked after them; from Gwalior and tructed in 1856 and a water works was established Rewa, came a bulk of offices, officers and men; at the cost of Rs 5 lacs in 1869. The rapid while those at Bhopal also remained in the station. growth seems to have continued and in 1884 the From some other towns too came some Central Railway line (formerly known as Great offices and everybody seemed to be converging Indian Peninsula Railway) was laid followed by to Bhopal. Allied to the shifting of capital were Ujjain-Bhopal link on the Western Railway in various problems like the accommodation for the 1895. With this the trade and commerce of the Government servants. It had been decided to city began to expand. The Hamidia Hospital locate the residential areas in the Tantya Tope

*PART-I.ORDERS OF THE GOVERNMENT REVENUE DEPARTMENT BHOPAL STATE Notification No.8, dated the 5th May, 1950 Subject :-Reconstruction of Districts and Tahsils of Bhopal State. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 7 of the Bhopal Land Revenue Act 1932 the Chief Commissioner, Bhopal State is pleased to reshuffle the boundaries of the existing Districts and Tahsils of t~e Bh~pal State and to reorganise the same as per list and map appended to this NotIfication. 1 T~e ~stern and Western Districts with their reorganised boundaries shall hence forth be called Raisen and Sehore DIstncts respectively. . 2 The .Tahsils of , Doraha. Mardanpur, Shahganj, Bari and sub-divisions of Sultanpur and .Dewanganj are hereby abolIshed. 3 A new Tahsil to be known as Budni Tahsil is hereby constituted with its headquarters at Budni. 4 The Rais,,:n District shall consist of the Tahsils of Raisen, Ghairatganj, Begumganj, Silwani, Udaipura, Bareli and GoharganJ. 5 The Sehore District shall consist of the Tahsils of Sehore, Ashta, Ichhawar, , Budni, Huzur and Berasia. 6 The new bOlJndaries of the Districts and Tahsils as per list and map hereto appended shall come into force with effect from the 1st of June, 1950. By order, Rajendra Narain Bisarya, Revenue Secretary, Bhopal State (xli)

Nagar-south of tbe old city. With an immense Consequent to the last Elections the constitu­ constructional activity the landscape soon began encies were revised in 1964 and now Sehore Parli­ to change and Bhopal began to acquire a 'new mentary Constituency consists of the following look'. To begin with not all offices were straight Assembly Constituencies- away shifted to Bhopal. The Chief Engineer (1) Berasia, (2) Bhopal (which includes some P.W.D. (B. & R.) continued at Gwalior and Chief part of T. T. Nagar), (3) Govindpura (H. E. L. & Engineer Irrigation at Raipur. The Directors of remaining part of T. T. Nagar), (4) Bairagarh, (5) Agriculture and Industries continued to function from Rewa and Indore respectively. As when Sehore, (6) Budni, (7) Ashta and (8) Narsingarh. accomodation became available these offices' were In 1962 for the State Legislature the district brought to Bhopal. The Board of Revenue, M.P., returned six members from the following consti­ the Accountant General, M. P., the Excise and tuencies. (1) Budni, (2) Ashta (SC), (3) Sehore, Transport Commissioners still function from (4) Bhopal, (5) New Bhopal and (6) Berasia (SC). Gwalior, the Registrar Co-operatives, the State Forthe next elections however the district has been Public Service Commission, the Labour Commis­ split up into seven constituencies. Two sioner function from Indore, similarly the Chief constituencies Bhopal and New Bhopal have now Conservator of Forests is at Rewa and the High been split up into three and have been revised as Court of Judicature at .Tabalpur. under (1) Bhopal, (2) Govindpura and (3) Bai­ Initially the Secretariat was located in the ragarh. The rest remain unaffected. Blocks near the former Assembly Hall and the The Revenue Administration new Legislative Assembly was accommodated in Minto Hall, a building constructed on the visit In its present form the district came into of the former Viceroy Lord Minto. The new existence on 5th May 1950*after the State became Secretariat building, Vallabh Bhavan, named a Part C State. There have not been many changes after the late Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, former in the constitution of the district. The Deputy Prime Minister of India, and the man history of the district, known as nizamats in who integrated the princely states stands on the the former Bhopal State is given below. At the top of Arera Hill (renamed as Laxminarayan beginning of the twentieth century the adminis­ Giri) was formally opened in 1965 and construct­ tration of districts is best described in the Gazet­ ed at a cost of 0.96 crores. The new Secretariat teer of the State. "The State, for administra­ commands an excellent 'view surveying the coun­ tive purpose, is divided into three districts, viz tryside from its vantage point. It has become Nizamf1t-i-Mashrik, Nizamat-i-Maghrib and Niza­ the most prominent landmarK of the surrounding rnaf-i-J1tnub. Each Nizamat comprises nine area. tahsils. The Administrative set up Each Nizamat is in charge of a nazim who The Representation of the People is the Chief Revenue Officer, District Magistrate In the Parliament: and a Civil Judge. He is assisted by tahsildars in ch&rge of tah~ils who are first or second class For the 1962 General Elections Bhopal magistrates and munsifs. Other officers are the Parlia~entary constituency' comprised of the kanungos, patwaris and inspector of police. followmg Legislative Constituencies. Each village of tl.ny size is a. community in S. No. and Extent in terms of Assembly Name of Constituencies itself having its own artisans, the carpenter, Constituency blacksmith and leather worker who are paid by So share of the village grain at each harvest. Other Bhopal 215 , 216 Bareli, 217 Budni, 218 Ashta, 219 Sehore, 220 Bhopal, 221 New members are the village servants such as the nai Bhopal and 222 Berasia. or barber, a most important individual who * Revenue Deptt., Bhopal State notification No.8 dated the 5th May 1950. (xlii) besides his technical duties acts as go-between in Maghrib or Western Division, the South-western arranging marriages, the or washerman and section." the chaukidar or village watchman. Over the By 1931 again the four Nizamats were reduced whole commuuity is the patel or headman who to two. Sehore the British Station had been is responsible for the proper condition of his handed over to the State. The report mentions-**** village and assists the mustajir in collecting the revenue. "At the time of the last Census the State was divided for administrative purposes into four He is assisted by the patwari or village Nizam~ts and 26 tahsils. Certain changes in, and accountant and register-keeper."* amalgamation of, the administrative units have At the time of 1911 Census the position taken place since then. At present there are remained the same. The Census Report says-** only two Nizamats ~ Nizamat-i - Maghrib and "The State is divided at present into 3 Nizamats, Nizamat-i-Mashriq and the number of tahsils has viz. Nizamat-i-Ma.shriq, Nizamat-i-Junub and been reduced to 21". Nizamat-i-Maghrib and 28 tahsils for administra­ The other important changes which took tive purposes. One Nizamat and 5 tahsils have place between 1931 and 1951, were after the State been abolished since 1901. The largest Tahsil is had been merged into the Indian Union as a Part Goharganj with a.n area of 701 square miles, the C State. smallest is Ahmadpur with an area of 123 square miles." When Sehore district was reconstituted after abolition of (1) Shahganj and Mardanpur tahsi1s, The description in the Gazetteer and Census some villages of which were transferred to Budni Report are simila.r. By 1921 the four nizamats and Nasrullaganj tahsils (2) of Jawar tahsil of pre-1901 era were restored. The Census villages of which were transferred to Ashta tahsil. Report says-*** The district has remained practically unchanged Administrative Division.'I-"The State is for during the decade. administrative purposes divided into four Niza­ mats these being sub·divided into 26 tahsils. The Offices at District Level Nizamats are named after the four points of the compass. The office of the Collector and District Magistrate: The Nizamat-i-Shimal or Northern Division lies to the north-west, the city of Bhopal lyjng The Collector is the chief revenue authority in its south-eastern corner, the Nizamat-i-Junub in the district. He is also the District Magistrate, or southern Division comprises the south-eastern in which capacity he is responsible for the main­ area; the Nizamat-i-Mashriq or eastern Division tenance of law and order. He is assisted by an comprises the south-eastern area' the Nizamat-i­ Arlditional District Magistrate who is posted at Mashriq or eastern-Division comp~ises the north­ Bhopal, the District Magistrate's headquarters eastern section of the State, the Nizamat-i- being Seh()re. (At the time of going to the Press

·The Central India State Gazetteer Series Bhopal State Gazetteer Page No. 60-61 Vol. III Text and Tables by Captain C. E. Luard M. A. (Oxon) I. A. Superintendent of Gazetteer in Central India. Assisted by Munshi Kudrat Ali, State Gazetteer Officer.

··TheCentral India State Census Series 1911 Vol. III Bhopal State Census Report Page 1 Tel(t and Tables by Major C. E. Luard M. A. (Oxon) I. A. Superintendent of Census Operations, in Central India. ···The Central India State Census Series 1921 Vol. II Bhopal State Page No.1 Text and Tables by Lieut. Colonel C. E. Luard, C.I.B.,M.A. (Oxon) I. A., Superintendent of Census Operations, in Central India. ····Central India State Census Series 1931 Volume VII Bhopal State-Page No. 1 Part I-Report, Part II-Tables by C. S. Venkatachar I. C. S., Superintendent of Census Operations in Central India and M. Mahmood Ali Khan. (xliii)

October 65, a camp office for the District Magis­ Each tahsil is plaoed in the oharge of a. rate has been provided at Bhopal and at Sehore tahsildar (an officer of subordinate Executive an Additional Collector has been posted). On the Service assisted by one or more naib tahsildars. revenue side the Collector is responsible for the To supervise the work of a tahsildar a Deputy maintenance of land records, collection of Govern­ Collector is plaoed in the oharge of the sub­ ment revenues and their deposit in the treasury. hearing and disposing of revenue cases. He is division (for ea.ch tahsil is a. sub-division) and is assisted by an.Additional Collector (from the called the Sub-Divi~ional Officer. Apart from lAS) and eight Deputy Collectors (from State this the Collector is also assisted by the Land Civil Service) out of which four are posted at Records Staff, which is spread out in the tahRils. Bhopal and the rest at Sehore. Some Deputy The tahsil is further divided into Revenue Ins­ Collectors are also, appointed Sub-Divisional pector's Circles and Patwari halkas; the details Magistrate and assist the District Magistrate in being. maintaining law and order.

No. of No. of police No. of No. of patwari stations including Corporations and District tahsils R. I. Circles halkas outposts Municipalities 3 4 s 6

Sob ora 7 22 284 38 2

The Revenue Settlements After the Settlements, in 1903 an 'Unees Sala Bandobast' settelement for nineteen years was Regarding earlier settlements the following introduoed in 1908. The current settlement extracts from the St,ate Gazetteer is interesting .• was effected in 1929-30 and this introduced "In early days in Bhopal as in all other the ryotwari pattern of tenancy. The jagirs Native States the Land revenue was farmt'd out. were aholished in 1953·54. whole tahsils bein~ some times made over to one person. Sikandar Begam abolished this system. The Soils but the staff required for the rlirect arrangement Soils of following description are met with. of the revenue was founel too costly Rnd the Kali ()ha?J'ras I & IT, Sa/gutta, Dhalu Kana, Kat. farming system was re-introduced' by her suocessor. Gorwa I & II. Kali Ohawras J and II are the black. clayey types of soils, fertile and capable In 1839 the first settlement was made, for of retaining moisture. Ohawras signifies even three years the demand being Rs. 10 lakhs. lying soil. The soil Bssessment varies from Rs. 3 Revisions were made from time to time in 1842 , to 9 an acre. Sa/gutta is usually low lying land, for 15 years, in 1870 for 13 years, in 1889 for 20 the soil of which is particularly good for rice years, in 1902 for 10 years, but revised in 1903 for 5. cultivation, it is assessed at about Rs. 6.00 an acre. Dhalu and Kana are inferior variety of The revenue demand fixed in 1855 amounted to Rs. 20 lakhs. The last settlement fixed the soil and assessed between Rs. 1.12 and 2.06 per demand at Rs. 20.8 lakhs which gives the acre. K aU Gorma I & TI are black cotton soUs modera te incidence of Rs. 1-13.4 per acre of but less fertile and do not retain moisture for cultivated land, 7 annas per acre on the total area long. The average assessment for the district of the State". {Jomes to Rs. 2.88 per acre.

• eaThe ~ntral India State Gazetteer Series Bhopal State Gazetteer Page No. 66 Vol. III Text and Tables by ~tam C E. Luard M. A. (Oxon) I. A. Superintendent of Gazetteer in Central India. ASSisted by Munshi Kudrat Ali, State Gazetteer Officer. (xliv)

The Judiciary The Police Department The headquarters of Sessions Judge is at The Superintendent Police at Sehore (an officer Bhopal and Sehore falls under his jurisdication. from the Indian Police Services) looks after the There has been a complete separation of the working of the Police Force in the district exclu­ Judiciary from the, Executive since long. The ding Bhopal Town Group, for which a Senior Sessions Judge is assisted by the Additional Superintendent Police is posted at Bhopal. There Sessions Judges and Civil Judges and Magistrates are other Police officers to assist both of these. who are the members of Judicial Service and For Sehore (excluding Bhopal) the sanctioned subject to the control of High Court of Judi. strength is given below. The district falls under cature, Jabalpur. the jurisdiction of DIG Crime and Railways who also acts as a range DIG.

District Superintendent Sub·Inspectors Assistant Head of Police Inspectors Sub-Inspectors Constables Constables 2 3 4 5 6 5 24 3 59 422

The Medical Department against the designed area of 7,400 acres. The A Civil Surgeon has been posted at Sehore table below -gives the arca irrigated by various and another at Bhopal. A part from these two sources.

Civil Surgeons, a S~perintendent looks after the Net, area Irrigated by different ~~)Urces Hamidia Hospital at Bhopal. Besides these a Decade Women's Hospital known as Sultania Zanana Sources 1951-52 1960-61 Variation % Hospital under a Superintendent has also been 2 3 located at Bhopal. 4 5 The Hamidia Hospit~l is attached to the 1 Canals 783 3,321 +2,538 +2.24. 14 Gandhi Medical College, which started functioning 2 Tanks 793 2,739 +1,946 +245.40 from 1955. Besides these some of the other major 3 Wells 7,652 18,136 +10,484 +137,01 constr.:uctions have been the Hospital at T. T. 4 Other Sources 2,007 5,515 +3,508 +174.79 Nagar and another built by the Heavy Electricals - Management. All Sources 11,235 29,711 +18 ,476 +164.45

The Public Works Department Tbe Community Deve]opment Coverage The department is under an Executive The entire district has been covered by the Bngineer whose headquarters are at Sehore. The N.E.S. Bloeks. The oldest are those at Sehore National Highway 12-Bhopal- passes Phand'l (Huzur tehsil) and Ichhawar aU having through the district. Other important roads are been started from 2-10-52. The details of the Sehore-Ashta Dewas-Ujjain and Indore a State Blocks are at Table 5 page 351. High ,,'ay and 29 miles cf district roads. The work pertaining to construction of buildings at Local Bodies Rural Bhopal is looked after under two heads the Capital The panchayats functioned nnder Bhopal Project and the regular Circle. Panchayat Rajya Niyam 1953; but these have now The Irrigation Department been revised and the Panchayats have been An Executive Engineer is posted at Bhopal. reconstituted under M. P. Pancbayat Act 1962. At present one medium scheme-viz. Hathai Khera There are at present 224 Panchayats; their break­ Tank in Huztir tahsil, irrigates 3,175 acres as up being*: *Based on report from District Panchayat and Welfare office. Sehore. xlv

Panchayats in Sehora Block 46 Besides these Town Area Committee for 30 Ashta, Bairagarh, Ichhawar and Berasia are also Ashta 38 functioning. Ichhawar 22 The Educationa] Institutions N asrullaganj 28 The first School was started in 1831 at Phanda (Huzur) 30 Sehore and was known as Seh9re High School. Berasia 30 It is said to have been started by the British, 224 when Sehore was under their occupation. At Bhopal the first School was started in So far no Panehayat has been given the right 1860 by Shah lahan Begum. Initially it was to collect land revenues. affiliated to Calcutta University later to Al1ahabad Local Bodies Urbali University. A Girls School was started in 1890. Compulsory education was introduced in 1918. There are two municipalities in t.he district With these modest beginnings the educational one at Bhopal and the other at Sehore. facilities multiplied fast and today the district has excellrnt facilities for general and technical Bhopal Municipality education. It was confltituted in 1903 under an Act of General Education 1903 for the management of municipal affairs. During the State time there was a Degree In 1916 a new Aot based on the U.P. Municipality College (Hamidia College) at Bhopal, but follow­ Act was passed, thereafter Bhopal State Munici­ ing its merger with the Union, the greater facil­ palities Act came into force in 1955; only to be ties were made available. Hamidia College was replaced by the M. P. Municipalities Act 1961. started in 1946 as an Intermediate College and The members used to be nominated upto 1917 has now become a leading institution offering after which 15 members were elected and 10 post Graduate facilities in Arts subject. Coa~h­ nominated. Seats for the Scheduled Caste were ing in law and commerce is also available. Pr.lOr reserved for the first time in 1956 and have been to its bifurcation, Science subjects were also beIDg continued under the present act. At present taught. They are now being taught in the the Council consists of forty one members Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya at Bhopal. The thirty ejected and eleven nominated. Maharani Laxmi Bai Degree College is for women. The income and expenditure statement are given (Apart from this there are 16 Higher Secondary on p. 350. Schools in Bhopal only). A. Post Graduate Basic Sehore Municipality Training College for the teachers has also been located at Bhopal. A State Institute for Edu­ The first Council was formed in 1940 with five elected and five nominated members who cation has been located at Sehore, a Regional College of Education has been started from 1964 were Government Rervants. The formalities for establishing the municipality were gone through at Bhopal. in 1939. The District Magistrate used to be the Technical Education Chairman till 19l,7 when the practice was dis­ continued and an elected member was appointed During the last fifteen years more and more the Chairman. It was however in 19·i9 that th~ facilities for technical education have been made power to elect chairman was given to the Conncil. available. To be~in with the Mahatma Gandhi By this time the body had become completely Medical College was started in 1955. The representative. Maulana Azad College of TachnolollY (a Centrally aided institution) began functioning in July 1960. (Please see p. 349 for Income and expendi­ The Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Agriculture College ture of the Municipal Council). came into existence in 1955. The S.V. Polytechnic xlvi

Institute was founded on 15th Aug. 1953 and a shifted in 1965. The offices of the Impector women's Polytechnic was ~stablishad in Jan. General of Police and Jails has all along been in 1964. J\ll teaching colleges are affiliated to the Bhopal. The P.W.D. Buildings and Roads office Vikram University at Ujjain. The district offers was located in Gwalior- initially and later trans­ excellent educational facili ties. ferred to Bhopal in May 1960. It is now housed The Agriculture Department near Bhad Bhada in sheds. The Chief Engineer A District Agriculture Officer hal'! been Irrigation's offices were located in Raipur and posted at Sehore to carry out the departmental have been shifted in 1965, when more accommod­ schemes. There are 6 Demonstration farms, ation became available. The offices of the Capital one Horticulture Research Station and two Project looked after the construction work nurseries. A Plant Protection Unit is located at in the Capital. The Directorates of Information Schore. For soil conservation work the district and Publicity, Tribal Welfare, Economics & is divided into two sub-divisions and contour Statistics have all along been at Bhopal bunding operations have been undertaken. with Public Health Engineering Department (Please also see CuIt.ivation) which looks after the water supply. Apart from The Forest Department the above, i.e. Secretariat and Heads of Depart­ A Divisional Forest Officer is posted at ment's offices, all divisional level offices are also Sehore and another at Bhopal (also please see located here. under Forests). The Central Government Some of the other offices at Sehore are Assis The Accountant General M. P. has a branch tant Fisheries Officer's, office Central and State office at Bhopal, the main office being at Gwalior. Excise Offices, Soil-Conservation. Offices, District The All India Radio at Bhopal started functioning Statistical Office, Sugar Cane Specialist and the in the year 1956. The studio is locaterl on the Commandant Home Guards. The District Shamla Hill. The Income Tax Offices have been Education Officer and the Assistant Director of located at Bhopal but the State at present falls Industries cover the district from Bhopa1. under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of The Offices at Bhopa] Income Tax at Nagpur. Only in 1965 the Post The State Government Master General's office has been shifted to Bhopal The Secretariat of the State Government from Nagpur. The National Archives have Men functions from Vallabh Bhawan on the Laxmi founded lately. Apart from these a divisional Narain Giri (formerly known as Arera Hill). office of the Central Water and Power Commission Before it moved into the present building it was is also located. During the State time, the forces scattered over different Blocks of buildings on of the State were stationed at Sultania Lines, Bhopal-Bairagarh road. The residence of former which has now been handed over to the Defence Political Agent has been converted into Raj . Ministry., The Archaeolo~ical Department has Bhawan. Minto Hall which was constructed in 1910, serves now as the- Legislature and the stationed I a Superintendent for M. P. Circle. offices of the Law Department. Th{l Directorate Recently"a Temple Survey office has been added of Agriculture and Veterinary are located to the ~bove. As a centrr of Gcvernment admini­ in the South T. T. Nagar area. They were stration, Bhopal continues to expand very fast. located In Rewa in 1956, for want of accommo­ The main obstacle in this expansion is the dation an~ were shifted here in July 1960. accommodation. Towards Habibganj (south of The Directorate of Public Instruction and the the main township) in the open spaces, buildings Board of Technical Education are also in the are corning up to eccommodate more and more capital. The Government Printing Press is at offi-;;es. As these become ready offices move in Bairagarh and the old State Press in Ibrahimpura to occupy them; the vacant spaces are fast filling serves as the office and store. The Directorate up, a new landscape is emerging as these of Industries was initially located at Indore and silhollttes appear against the skyline. xlvii


THE PEOPLE, The Growth of Population During the last sixty years the population of the district has gone up by 98.85% which is only a. little a.bove the Stl,l.te rate of growth of 92.00%. The tahle below gives the details. Table Showing Percentage variation of Population 1901-1961 (+ Increase) (-Decrease) State T Division/ R' 1901- 19~1- 1941- 1931- 1921- 1911- 1901- District U 1961 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Madhya T + 92.00 + 24.17 + 8,67 + 12.34 + 11.39 1.38 + 15.30 Pradesh State R + 80.13 + 20.95 + 6.01 + 10.49 + 10.45 2.21) + 17.78 U + 217.36 + 47.70 ...... + 33.16 + 32.78 + 23.03 + 10.87 10.91 Bhopal T + 73.80 + 27.38 + 4.47 + 7.62 + 7.90 2.52 + J5.38 Division R + 64.14 + 22.26 + 3.57 + 4.72 + 6.S1 + 2 S5 + 19.26 U + 150.27 + 62.71 + 11.15 + 35.46 + 23.27 2.16 15\30 Sehore T + 98.85 + 44.82 + 11.29 + 9.50 + 11.34 6.82 + 8.61 District R + 77.87 + 23.29 + 11.43 + 2.81 + 7.70 4.53 + 22.48 U + 151.55 + 109.97 + 10.87 + 36.19 + 28.68 - 16.41 26.24

The Growth through the Decades: 1901 and the the excessive cold. This, though producing some Famine distress and much pecuniary loss to the State and The decade 1901-11 shows an increase of the individual cultivator, did not cause famine, 8.61 % in the total population. The preoeding the autumn crops being excellent. decade 1891-1901 was not conductive to the The famine of 1899·1900 caused a diminution growth, during which period Bhopal State lost in the population of 32 percent. Every thing 30% of its population as a result of the great possible was done for the unfortunate cultivator, Malwa Famine of 1899-1900 corresponding to seven lakks being spent Oil relief both charitable 1956 of Vikram Samvat. The entire Malwa region and through works. A great influx of MaJ'waris remembers it as 'Ohhapan-ka-sal' for its seems to from Rajputana added to the distress." have destroyed much of the population. This The Yaers 1901-11 is what Luard wrote* in the State Gazetteer. Before 1911 the district was beginning to "In 1899-1900, however, the great drought recover its lost population and grow in the nor· whioh attacked Malwa affected this region also, mal way. Of the growth Luard. then Superin­ and caused a very serious diminution of the tendent of Census wrote**:- population from which the country has not yet recovered. In every village numerous houses are "The increlse on the present occasion is due met with, roofless and in a state of decay, due, almost entirely to the rebound after the famine as the peop1e .state, to "Okkapan,/ea-sal" or the of 1900 which very seriously affected the year 56, i.e. 1956 of the Vikram Era, or 1899 western part of the Central India Agency and j A.D. In 1905 great damage was wrought to the especially the Hilly Tracts, causing heavy morta­ spring cr~ps, notably to the poppy and grain by lity among those at the two extremes of life.

* The Central India State Gazetteer, Series, Vol. III, Bhopal State, P. 59, Text and Tables by C. E. Luard and Kudrat Ali, 1908. ** The Central India State Censlls Series, Vol. Ill-Bhopal State, P. 5, Census Report for 1911, Text and Tables, by C. E. Luard. (xlviii)

In the last decade the country was visited by recorded throughout the State. a severe epidemic of plague which 'affected the 1912-13-The rainfall was timely and ample Plateau section of the State, for which the plague and crops were good, though some damage was returns give a figure of 2,725 deaths, but the true done by heavy rain in September. Fodder was figure is considerably higher. The effects of ample but prices somewhat high. A severe out­ plague were mainly confined to urban area. break of cholera took place along the Narbada There have been no artificial stimulants to Valley in the summer and mortality was rather increase the popUlation such as the extension of heavy. irrigation works, iudustrial developments or the 1913-14-The rainfall was below the average like, the six factories present in the capital town but timely and well distributed and crops were employ only 542 persons." normal. Fodder was ample and prices were steady. Some plague occured in Bhopal city and Thus whereas the growth in the rural areas Berasia, but was not of a severe type. A little was more or less normal, the urban areas suffered local cholera appeared in some villages. and the city of Bhopal, lost to the extent of 27 % 1914-15-The rainfall was ample and well­ of the popula60n. The growth rate is somewhat distributed, crops being normal in character. below the rate of Bhopal division and State. In the Fodder was sufficient but prices were high. Plague division itself Vidisha,Betul and Rajgarh districts occured in Bhopal city being severe from August showed a much higher rate of growth and this is to November-when 2,500 deaths were reported. A responsible for an increase of 15.38% in Bhopal little local cholera took place. division. 1915-16-Rainfall was a little below normal The Decade 1911-21 but sufficient and well-distributed and crops were good. Fodder was ample and prices fell a little. Then followed the dark-decade disaster deci­ Health was good. mating and dwindling the population. During this period, excepting the years 1915-16 and 1916-17-The rainfall was excessive amount­ 1916-17 which were near normal, no other year ing to 66 inches and the kharif crop was damaged went without its quotft of mishaps and epidemics. in consequence, but the Rabi was above the This is how Luard (by now, a Lieutenant Colonel normal. Public Health was good except for an out-break of cholera in June in a few villages. in the Indian Army) Superintendent of Census Operations in Central India Agency. described* 1917-18-The rainfall was above normal and the conditions. the Kharif crop sufficient while the Rabi crop was poor as no winter rain fell. Plague broke out "A survey of the last ten years shows the in Bhopal city in July and continued till Decem­ following conditions:- ber, over 3,000 deaths were reported. 1910-11-Agricultural conditions were good, 1918-19-The rains broke in June but a long though locally excessive rain did some damage. break followed causing general anxiety. Rain, Plague appeared and continued until the end of however, fell, in the end of Julyand saved the the years and some sporadic cholera in August situation. The Kharif crop was fair and Rabi and September 1910. normal. 'Fodder was sufficient but prices were very high inspite of prohibited export. The in­ 1911-12-Rainfall was sufficient but badly fluenza epid,emic took its heavy ton of lives here distributed at first, though good late rain saved as elsewhere in Indill.. It appeared in October the situatipn and prices were normal, fodder 1918 and spread like wild fire. All possible aid was being ample. Plague was present until the end of rendered but it meant little in the face of such a the year. It was very severe in the city where scourge. The dea.ths from this cause were said 4,430 deaths were recorded, over 8,000 being to be over 50,000.

* The Central India State Census Series, '1921. Vol. II - BhQpal State. Page 4-5, Part I & II-Text and Tables by C. E. Luard. (xlix)

1919-20-The rainfall was rather below nor­ The Decade 1921-31 . mal an.d fodder sufficient; Prices remained high. During the decade there was no famine. The There was an out-break of plague from January population was now beginning to shake off the to April 1920. after-effects of the dark decade and although the crop conditions were far from good, a steady rise 192()-21-The rains. were poor and badly in the population is observed. The figure is a distributed and both crops were poor, a general little above (for the firBt time) the growth of the decrea.se of 10 percent in the out-turn I taking division. C.S. Venkatacher in his Report* gave place. returns being 25 peccent below normal. the following causes. Prices ruled high tIond fodder was rather scarce. "The Variation in population is due to two Puhlic health was good. causes, viz. natural and mi!!,'ration. To appreciate , Summary-From the account given above the increase in population we have to isolate and it will be seen that during the ten years the crops study how far the excess of births over the deaths and how' far migration have contributed to the WNe good exc~pt in 1916 to 1917 and 1918, when excessive rain damaged the autumn crop and in growth of the population. 1920-21 when the rains were poor, public health The regiBtered vital statistics in the way they was affected by plagub in 1911.12, 1913-14, 1914- are at present collected are far from reliable to be used with confidence in correlating them with 15 and 1917·18. Cholera ocoured locally only. the census data. According to the figures suppli­ The severest visitation .was the influenza epide­ ed the total births were 196,099 and deaths mic of 1918, when 50,\)(}\) deaths were reported 162.181. The computed popul~tion comes to and this was certainly below the truth. Prices 725,366 as a.gainst the actual population of were high most of the time. Generally speaking, 729,955. This would suggest the State has gained however; the decade ha.s not, sa... e from influenza, by immigration where as the figures go to show been a-bad one." that the-state loses by immigration. The number Luard had been Superintendent of Census of immigrants found in the State in this Census Operations on three occasions (1901, 1911 and is 63,781 as against 68,219 of the last Census. 1921), apart from writing Gazetteers of the State The fiaures for emigrants are incomplete as of the Centml India Agency he knew the Central several" provinces"have not supplied them. They I~dia Agency like the back of his palm. hi'! opi­ are, however, available for the United a,nd Cent­ m~ns, therefore, deserve highest respect; yet he is ral Provinces, the Gwalior State and the States beIng only too mild when he says that "Generally in Central India which practically cover the speaking however, the decade has not, save from whole volume of emigration. The total number influezna, been a bad one." In this dark decade of emigrants enumerated in these places amounts disaster, no fewer than 63,000 persons (and the to 7(1,256. Not muc~ reliance can, therefore, be registration is by no means complete) perished placed on the vital statistics. We are, therefore. due to tbe plague and influenza only. There is no handicapped in making an accurate estimate due record of the deaths caused by cholera which also to this important lacuna in our exact information made its appearanc~ not infrequently. If these. But from general cons~derations we can safely are also added to the figure of 63,ODO: then the put down that the increase due to migration is resultant figure would only stagger us, at this a negligible quantity and that a greater part of length of time. The loss of population bad been the increase is due to natural causes. The latter very great and the figures reflect the long tale of depend to a very large extent on public health woe, suffering and deaths of the population. It and on the economic prosperity of the people. was an ill wind and none seem to have prospered Though the public health was on the whole satis­ during the period. factory, the economic .and seasonal conditions in

• The Celltral India State Census Series. Vol. VII-Bhopal State, Part I & II-Report and Tables Volume. by C.S. Venkatchar. 1 the State received considerable set backs in making good use of accommodation vacated by . several years and they have perhaps retarded the the Italian POWs. Bairagarh in 1941 was a full growth of the population during the village with 246 ';!ouls. This decade saw its emer­ decade." gence as a town on the periphery of Bhopal. From From now on the growth is fairly steady and 1941 onwards, there has been a continuous constant. growth and the distriot which includes the city of Bhopal, has grown by leaps and bounds. In The Decade 1931-41 1949 the State was given the status of part 'C' The district returned an increase of 9'50%. State in the Union and the development conti­ The increase in the urban areas being consi­ nued. derably higher 36.19% than that in rural areas The 1951-61 Decade 2.81 %. The health history of the decade was nearly normal and although the prices of commi­ The present decade shows 44.82% rise in the population, it is the highest for any district ties fell; the growth rate was not affected in any measure. The rate of growth is higher than in in the State, and the reasons are not far to seek. Bhopal division, but somewhat less, than that Whereas upto Nov. 1956, the State continued to make progress aided mostly by the financial for the State. So~e of the adjoining districts grants to a part 'C' State; the re-organisation of show much less increase, like Raisen+4.73 and the States in 1956 accelerated the rate, literally Ho~angabad + 0.16; whereas Vidisha + 10.85, spiralling the growth, On 1st November 1956 RaJgarh+9.73 and Shajapur+12.56 are nearer Sehore in the matter of growth. Bhopal, a town in Sehore district, found itself to be the capital of the then second biggest (now The 1941-51 Decade biggest) State of the country and to it flocked, government servants from Nagpur, (former capi­ During this decade the growth of population tal of M. P.), Gwalior and Indore (former capitals was. _generally speaking, somewhat slow. The of M. B.) and Rewa (former capital of V.P.). district, however, returned a growth of 11.29%, which is higher than that for Bhopal division in The part 'C' State capital-was already fact highest in the division. The decade ~aw functioning. As the capital settled down, came momentous changes and each in its turn contri­ more traders and business establishments began buted to the growth of the population in the functioning. The needs of the f"st expanding capital gave ample opportunity to the la.bourers district. 'lhe decade opened with the grim war traders and other merchants. Thus 8 new conditions. The Nawab of Bhopal had offered chapter, the brightest in the history of Bhopal, to locate a prisoner of war troW) camp at Baira­ began. garh where the Italian POWs were interned. With The same year it had been decided to esta­ th~ cessastion of hostilities in 1945, followed, a brIef post war recor struction period and the blish a Heavy Electrical Project at Govindpura, a small village about three miles from Bhopal, State embarked on these. for manufacturing heavy electrical goods. The This was followed by the partition of the project had been set up by the Government of country and the independence which come about India in the public sector in collaboration with in 1947. For a while the civil conditions wer~ Associated Eleotrical Industries of U. K. and has much disturbed. The communal riots immediately gone iAto production since 1960. With t.he before and after the Independence caused a lot setting up of the above plant, came its personnel of Muslims to flee and come over to Bhopal in from different places and this gave encouragement the hope of better security. After the partition of to other ancillary industries. The conditions the country refugees from Pakistan particularly thus being very congenial the rate of growth has from Sindh came and were settled in the distric naturally been high. The total population of the t Ii

district increased by 233,568 persons out of which The Growth in Urban Areas Bhopal Town Group, i.e. Bairagarh, Bhopal in­ cluding T. T. Nagar Area and H.E.L. Township There are seven towns including Bairagarh and H. E. L. Township - Govindpura which at G?vindpura alone shows an increase of 120,615 appears for the first time. These are (1) Bhopal persons. Thus Bhopal Town alone is responsible (M)-includes the newly established T.T. Nagar for 51.64% of the growth of the district. In area (18.1,374); (2) Govindpura Industrial Town­ Bhopal Town Group the population has more ship (HEL) (20,747); (3) Bairagarh (TA) (16,R27); than doubled itself, exhibiting an inc~ease of 1]7.87%. This, iii indeeda very high rateof (4) Sehore (28,489); (5) Ashta (TA) (8,981); growth and excepting D~lfg Town Group which (6) Berasia (TA) (6,238) and (7) Ichhawar (5,136). includes Bhihinagar, and shows an increase of From the above, numbers I, 2 and 3 form Bhopal 5.57.06%, is the highest for towns returning popu­ Town Group with a total population of 2:2,948 lation of 1 lakh or above. In case of Durg how~ persons. The above towns have been classified as ever it should be borne in mind that out of follows:- 133,230 persons 86,i 16 are from Bhilainagar.


Showing Classification of Towns (1901-1961)

District/Town Group/Town 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 2 3 4 5 6 7 II

Bhopal Town-group II II III II II (a) Bhopal Municipality I II II III IJ II

(b) Govindpura Industrial Town~hip (HEL) III (e) Bairagarh IV Sehore III IU IV IV IV IV IV

Ashta V V V VI VI VI V Bcrasia V VI VI VI VI VI Iehhawar V VI VI VI VI VI

The growth of population in towns is as bringing the total of population to 77,023 per­ below:- sons. The growth between 1881 to 1951 has been given in the table on the next page. Bhopal Bhopal Town group appears in 1961 only, During the 1901-11 decade the population therefore, the growth up to 1951 covers the area fell owing to a severe plague epidemic, the effects which has now been designated as Bhopal Munci­ of which were mostly confined to the urbiJ,n pality. At the opening of the twentieth century area. Plague took a very h~avy toll in 1903. The (1901) the city returned a population of 77,023 deaths were particularly high because some persons and it was not before the next fifty years sections were averse to innoculation. Plague that it crossed this mark. The first Census of the again appeared in 1911-12 and the city recorded city took place in 1881 and between 1881-1891 it 4,430 deaths. The epidemic continued upto 1915. increased by +0.27% and this was followed by Then Jame the dreadful influenza of 1918-19 another increase of 10% in 181JI-1001 decade which was a country wide epidemic. As a result Iii


Showing Towns and Town-group classified by the population and variation since 1901

Name of the Town Decade Percentage Area and Status Year Persons Variation dacade variation

2 3 4 5 6

Bhopal (M) 1901 77,023 1911 56.201 20.R1Q 27m 1921 45,OQ4 11.110 19.77 1931 61,037 + 15.943 + 35.26 1941 7'i,22R + 14.191 + 23.25 1951 102.113 + 27.105 + 11i.01 27.49 sq. miles 1961 185.374 + 83.041 + 81.15 71.20 sq. kms

Govindpura Industrial 7 .07 sq. miles 196 1 20,747 Township fH.E.L) lR.31 sq. kms

Bairagarh 2 .01 sq. miles 1961 16.R27 5.21 sq. kms Town Area

of these the populaiion suffered. Further during Independence went on, the communal harmony this period no industries or trading establish­ was disturbed everywhere. Bhopal was the ments were founded. In his report for India the second biggest Muslim State, after Hydera.bad. Census Commissioner J. T. Marten observed'" Muslims, in the hope of better protection came "Bhopal whioh has neither trade nor industry of to Rhopal; many did not return but settled down. importance has decl ined." Following the partition of the country many By 1931 the worst was over for Bhopal and refugees also came and settled at Bhopal. The the population increased by 15,943 persons or decade also saw the sun-set of the British admi­ nistration of the princely States and its resultant 35.36% in the deoade registering an increase of 1,594 persons or nearly 3% per year. This growth poJiticll.l chll.nges. Bhopal State beca.me a part 'C' Rtate by 1949 hut continued to thrive. has been kept upto 1941. In 1931-41 decade too the rate of growth was 1,419 persons annually or The Flying Fifties and the Galloping Population about 2%. In these two decades the growth 1951-61 appears steady. The main reasons for the conti­ The POP" lation increased by 117.87 % or nued growth being absence of epidemic and help­ 120,615 persons, or nRarly 12% or 12,061 persons ful eonditions. annually. this is indeed very high and the The 1941-51 decade is an important one, for reasons, nob for to seek. The city is now the it sets the pace of growth of the populatipn. The capital of the largest State of the country and a decade registered an increase of 36.03% or 27.105 maior industry viz. the Heavy Electricals which persons; or 3.6% or 2,710 persons annually. The has been established here. The lesser causes years 1!l4fl and 1947 marked disturbed communal being A. comparatively free decade, from epidemics situation in the count,ry. As the talks for scarcities ooupled with stable conditions.

• Census of India, 1921, VoL I-Report, Part I. by J.T. Marten, pp. 69. (lhi)

Bhopal Town Group is a new entity intro­ Percentage +. Increase. duced in the 1961 Census. It constitutes Baira­ Year Persons Males Females Variation -Decrease garh, Govindpura (Heavy Electricals Ltd.,) along 1 2' 3 4 S 6 with the munioipal area of Bhopal. These towns 1931 13,860 7,367 6,493 + 272 + 2.00 exhibit such a cpntinuity and cohesion in so 1941 16,831 9,108 7,723 + 2,971 + 21.44 mdny features, that they have be.:m considered 1951 20,879 11,199 9,680 + 4,048 24.05 a single unit. The growth in Bhopal munioipal + 1961 28,489 15,461 13,028 + 7,610 36.45 area is also of high order being 81.15%. + This however inoludes the growth due t6 the Ashta influx of the government servants and persons Ashta had been a town since 1901. It also oonnected with the affairs of the State to the reveals the same pattern of growth as Sehore. city. The popUlation of 1991, went down; and that Sehore figure was only exceeded by lO6 in 1.941. During In the case of Sehore too, the loss of popula.­ the 1951-61 decade however it shows an increase· of44.06% Or 4.4% annually. tion during 1901-B deQade, ~ould not be made up till 1941. Even in 19~1 the popUlation 16,831 The pattern of growth for Ashta has been-as was still short by 331 of. 1901 fjgure whereas foUows:- the loss was heavy in 19B, the 1911-21 deoade did Pereentage Decade +Increase not reveal any conspicuous loss. On the contrary Year Persons Males Females Variation -Decrease it showdd a gain of+ 12.25%. Thereafter the rise 2 3 4 s 6 has been steady being 36.45% during thifl decade. 1901 5,534 2,785 2,749 1911 4,855 2,451 2,404 679 12.27 The table below gives the variation of popu­ lation since 1891. 1921 2,463 1,252 1,211 - 2,392 49.27 Percentage 1931 4,952 2,553 2,399 + 2,489 + 101.06 Deca"e + Increase 1941 5,640 2,932 2,708 688 13.89 Year Persons Males Females Variation -Decrease + + 1951 6,234 3,261 2,973 + 594 + 10.53 2 3 4 5 6 1961 8,981 4,670 4,311 + 2,747· + 44.06 1891 16,232 8,647 7,585 Berasia and (ebhawar 1901 16,864 8,880 7,984 + 632 + 3.89 1911 12,105 6,381 5,724 - 4,759 28.22 The percentage increase in these two towns is 1921 13.588 7,861 5.727 + 1,483 + 12.25 indicated below :- Percentage Decade + Increase Town Year Persons Males Females Variation -Decrease I 2 3 4 !) 6 1 Bcrasia 1901 4,276 2,205 2,071 Ichhawar 1901 4,352 2,152 2,200 Berasia 1911 2,624 1,337 1,287 1,652 38.63 Ichhawar 1911 3,914 2,059 1,855 438 10.06 Berasia 1921 2,195 1,127 1,068 429 16.35 Ichhawar 1921 3,284 1,770 1,514 630 16.10 Berasia 1931 2,219 1,125 1,094 + 24 1.09 Ichhawar + 1931 3,662 1,904 1,758 + 378 1t.51 Berasia + 1941 4,152 2,t92 1,960 .+ 1,933 + 87. It Jchhawar 1941 3.997 2,031 1.966 + 335 + 9.15 Berasia 1951 Declassified Ichhawar 1951 Declassified Berasia 1961 6,238 3,389 2,849 Ichhawar 196' 5.136 2,698 2,438 (liv)

The growth pattern is the same for both The Growth io Rural Areas towns as in the case of Sehore and Ashta. After The growth in the rural areaS has been to 1901, there was a continuous loss of population the tune of 77.87% against the divisional and and the same was not made up till 1941, when State growth of 64.14% and 80.13% respectively. both the towns were declassified. By 1921. Berasia The pattern conforms to the divisional and State wa.s reduced to nearly half its 1901 population. pattern. In 1931-41 decade Berasia showed considerable growth returning an increase of 87.11 %. In the Tbe Tabsils, Towns, Villages and Houses case of Ichhawar however the loss was not so great even in 1911 or the dark decade. All towns There are seven tahsils in the district viz. in the district started to lose in population after (1) Sehore, (2) Ashta, (3) lIuzur (which includes 1901. In the two decades that followed, epidemics the city of Bhopal), (4) Berasia, (6) Ichhawar, like plague and influenza played havoc and (6) Budni and (7) Nasrullaganj. the loss of lives was very substantial. By 1921 the population in practically all the towns had Sebore sunk to their lowest. It is only thereafter that The tahsil has a total area of 612 sq. miles some growth becomes noticeable. During 1921-31, and lies towards West of Bhopal. 'fhe district the conditions were better, so there has been no headquarters town is Sehore. loss, but the increase is almost marginal. How­ ever after 1931 the conditions improved and a The following details regarding the tahsils steady growth is noticed. are of some interest.

Name of Districtl Area· in Density Total Location of Tahsil sq. miles Population per sq. mile villages Towns Headquarters 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sehore District 3.613 754.684 209 1.706 7 Sehore Sehore Tahsil 612 124.148 203 302 • Sehore Ashta Tahsil 562 108,245 193 308 Ashta Huzur Tahsil 517 291,028 563 303 3 Bhopal Berasla Tahsil 554 80,687 146 308 Berasia Ichhawar Tahsil 429 46,049 107 159 Ichhawar Budni Tahsil 416 50,828 122 157 Budni Nasrullaganj Nasrullaganj Tahsil 523 53,699 103 169

In area Sehore is the biggest tahsil and Budni Hnzur (Rural)-142 per sq. mile. the smallest. In population Huzur tahsil is the Thus If we leave Huzur tahsil for its figures biggest and also most densely populated (563 per include Bhopal Town Group. and hence dl ·es not sq. mile). This however should not su~gest heavy convey an accurate idea of density of popUlation, concentration of population in rural areas. be­ then Sehore followed by Ashta appear more cause, the figure of 563 per sq. mile is mostly densely populated. Ashta & Berasia tahsils have due to the urban areas in Bhopal Town the highest number of villages (308) while Budni Group. The rllral areas however rettlrn only the least. Also two tahsils viz. Budni and 142 persons per sq. mile. The details are:- Nasrullaganj have no towns in them. They are Huzur (Urba.n)-6,096 pflr sq. mile therefore entirety rural areas. • Area figures given above are those supplied by the Director of Land Records-1962-63 and differ only slightly from tho~e published in Census of India 1961, Vol. VIII Madhya Pradesh, Part II-A General Population Tables. (Iv)

Tbe Size of Villages The table reveals that in area a village in The inset table indicates the size of the Nasrullaganj is the biggest and in Huzur tahsil village in sq. miles and acres. it is the smallest. The area of a village of the Table-showing area per village-1961 (area based on district is more or Jess the same as that for one revised area figures furnished by Director of Land Records). in the division. A village in the district however

Division/ , Area of a Population sustains greater population than that in the divi­ District/ Village in per inhabited Tahsil sq. miles Acres village sion or the State. Although on an average the 1 2 3 4 population is less than 500 persons per village yet Bhopal Division ~.08 1,331 393 when compared to the division or the Stat£' this is Sehore District 2,12 1,357 485 Berasia Tahsil 1.80 1,152 287 higher. In Huzur tahsil the population per village Sehore Tahsil 2.03 1,299 431 is the highest being 1,111 persons. Huzur Tahsil 1.7'1 1,094 1,111 Ashta Tahsil 1.82 1,165 392 The Population in Villages 1951-61 Ichhawar Tahsil 2.7Q 1,728 334 Nasrullaganj 3.09 1,978 327 The table below gives the percentage of Tahsil Budni Tahsil 2.65 1,696 343 villages and popUlation during the decade.

Table showing percentage of Villages and Population by class of villages 1951-61

Less than 500 500-999 1,000-1,999 ,-______..A.. ___ __, ,-____-_..A.. _____...... ,-______.A.-.-- ...... Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of No. of villages population in No. of villages Population No. ofvillages population in in this class this class to in this class in this class in this class to this class to to total No. total popula· to total No. to total popu· to)al No. of total popula. District Year of villages tion. of villages lation villages tion 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sehore 1961 83.62 54.38 12.78 27.53 2.96 12.59

1951 89.09 59.91 8.48 21.69 1.91 10.26 ------.------

2,000-4,999 5,000'5,999 10,000 and above ..A.. ______...... ,---_____..A. ,- ---. Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of No. of villages population in No. of villages population in No. of villages population in in this class to this class to in this class to this class to in this class this class to total No. of total popula· total No. of total popula' to total No. of total population villages tion villages tion villages 9 10 11 12 13 14

0.64 5.50 0.46 4.61 0.06 3.53

From the above it follows that the percentage of most marked; also the villages in this category villages with less than 500 persons has gone down, 12.78% contribute 27.53% of the population. since these went into a higher category 500- A natural result of the growth of the population 999 which shows an increase of 4'30%. It is in is that the villages have become more populous. the above category that the change has been In 195], Bairagarh with a population of (lvi)

over 10,000 (pop. 13,816) was trea.ted as a. village houses of bricks and mortar with roofs of local and hence t.he return under columns 13 and 14. or Mangalore tiles or of galvanised iron· sheets, The Houses: sometimes covered with tiles. Pacca houses are few and mainly confined to urban areas or higger "The huts of a.griculture classes are small towns. A roof of grass or . covered with cbhola mud dwellings with bamboo doors, the roofs (Buteo, frondQ8a) leaves may still be seen among being tiled, thatched with grass or covered with the poorer types. Houses of paccQ bricks with mud. The house is )lsually formed with a. court;... cement are found mainly in the urba.n areas. yard for the cattle," wrote C. E. Luard in the In Bhopal city, where stone is easily available, State Gazetteer, 1907. Although the pattern of houses are made of stones. In the Government houses remains unchanged, their designs are now residential colony of T. T. Nagar, tbe houses are different. The houses are still made of mud, mainly of stones. mud a.nd stones with wooden doors, mostly of mango, babul or sometimes sheesham wood. In The Occupied Houses 1951-61 a great many houses 1000.1 tiles would be seen; but in few of them Mangalore tiles may also be The table below gives the decade variation seen. Villages nearer road side show m,ore of the occupied houses.

Occupied HOllses Decade Percentage ,-_____--A.- ___..... Variation Variation District/Tahsil 1951 1961 + Increase +lncrease

2 3 4 5

Sehore District 105,920 146.299 +40,379 +38.12

Berasia Tahsil 13,596 t6,284 + 2,688 +19.77 Sehore Tahsil 20,126 23,199 + 3,073 +15.27

Huzur Tahsil 31,722 55,623 +23,901 +75.35 Ashta Tahsil 17,.608 21,240 + 3,632 +20.63 Ichhawar Tahsil 7,292 8,219 + 927 +12~71

Nasrullaganj Tahsil 7,348 11,409 + 4.061 +55.27

Budni Tahsil 8,228 10,325 + 2,097 +25.49

Whereas the population increased by 44.82% of increase in the number of occupied houses. the increase in the number of occupied houses is This is followed by Nasrullaganj tahsil. Among 38.12% which is fairly good. It also emphasises the tahsils Ichhawar ha.s returned the least that during the decade pressure per occupied house variation. The tremendous increase in Bhopal has increased. Huzur tahsil shows the highest rate city is acoounted for thus: (lvii)

Occupied Houses Decade Percentage Population r------...... ---~ Variation Variation Variation Unit 1951 1961 + Increase + Increase + Increase 2 3 4 5 6

Bhopal Town Group 20,87S 42,289 +21,414 + t02.58 +lt7.87 Bhopal City 20,366 33.117 +12,751 + 62.61 + 81.15 2 Bairagarh .Headquarters, 107 3.305 + 3,198 +2,988.79 Gandhinag3;r, Bairagarh Kalan 3 Govindpura HEL Township 241 5,867 + 5,625 +2,324.38 which includes 1 Pip!ani Chamaran 66 2 Siddiqpura , 4 3 Gadia 35 4 Govindpura I 5 Kalwa Kalan 26 6 Barkhera ltO

From the above it is obvious that congestion it is not possible to establish the number of in the town group has increased. In Bhopal houses that might have existed. If however we city where the population increased by 81.15% make a projection as per 1951 returns (5.36 per. the increase in the number of the houses is to sons per occupied house, the number of houses the tune of 62.61 %. The table below gives the should have been 2,577). On this projected comparative position tahsil wise of persons per figure the present density would be 5.36 per occupied house in 1951 and 1961. house. This indicates no change in the 1951 position. Persons per occupied house Bhopal Town Group r----A.---., District/Tahsil 1951 1961 Variation In Bhopal Town Group there are 5.27 per­ sons per house and that during the decade the 2 3 4 congestion has increased by 0.37% persons per house. As compared to some other cities the Sehore District 4.92 5.16 +0.24 position is :- Berasia Tahsil 4.83 4.95 +0.12

Sehore Tahsil 4.84 5.35 +0.51 Name of the City Persons per occupied house Huzur Tahsil 5.36 5.23 -0.13 2 Ashta Tahsil 4.72 5.10 +0.38 Indore 9·29 Ichhawar Tahsil 4.78 5.60 +0.82 2 labaJpur 5.01 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 4.46 4.71 +0.25 8.09 Budni Tahsil 4.54 4.92 +0.38 3 GwaJior 4 Bhopal 5.27 Whereas in a.ll tahsils the congestion in each 5 Ujjain 7.86 hQ'llSe has incre_ased, the returns from Huzur indicate a relief in congestion. This however appears only illusory. In 1951 the number of The congetion per house in Bhopal Town houses for Bairagarh has been shown at 107 only Group is therefore not as great as that in Indore, as against a population of 13,816 persons. Appa­ Gwa.1ior and Ujjain although it is slightly more rently this is inaccurate. At this length of ,time than that in Jabalpur. (lviii)

Households.per Sq. Mile 2 3 4

The district returns a total of 44 households Indore District 107 41 3.464 per sq. mile; the break-up for rural and urban Jabalpur District 72 47 1.141 areas being 28 and 1,545 respectively. In terms Gwalior District 62 30 2.401 of the State, division and other city districts the comparable position is indicated below :_ 57 38 3.947

Density of Household per Sq. Mile Thus the district has fewer households per State/Division r-----___ .A.. ______--, District Total Rural Urban sq. mile when compared to other city districts of its category. I 2 3 4 The Density in Rural and Urban Areas Madhya Pradesh 39 33 1,372 The table indicates the number of persons Bhopal Division 36 30 1,154 per sq. mile in the rural and urban areas of each Sehore District 44 28 1,545 tahsil.

Persons per sq. mile r------.A..------, Urban area in District/Tahsil Total Rural Urban sq. mile 1 2 3 4 5

Sehore District 209 135 7.115 38.2 Berasia Tahsil 147 135 27,122 0.2 Sehore Tahsil 203 157 27,132 1.1 Huzur Tahsil 563 142 6.096 36.6 Bhopal (M) 6.743 ,6,743 27.49 Govindpura (HEL) Town-ship 2,935 2,935 7.07 Bairagarh (T A) 8,372 8.372 2.01 Ashta Tahsil 193 177 40.823 0.22 Ichhawar Tahsil 107 95 42.800 0.12 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 103 103 Budni Tahsil 122 122

The Rural Areas on their books, as municipal area and in others Among the tahsils Ashta with 177 persons their figures are not up-to-date. In Bhopal city specially in old township the congestion is consi­ to a sq. mile represents the highest concentration derable. of population and' J chhawar the least. For rllral areas the highest and lowest figures in the State Whp,n compared to other important cities thp, are Sakti tahsil (Bilaspur district) 524 and congestion in Bhopal is as follows: Bharatpur tahsil (Sarguja district) 33 persons_ Name of City Persons per sq. mile The Urban Areas 1 2 The above statistics revea~ that Ichhawar Ind0re 18.318 is most. densely populated urban area followed Jabalpur (Town Group) 5;487 by Ashta, Sehorl;) and Berasia and Bhopal Town 12,467 Group. This is not the true position because Gwalior Bhopal (Town Group) 6,096 the area figures are not accurate. In some cases 21.357 the municipalities return only such area as is Ujjain (lix)

Thus among cities of its class, Ujjain is most sixty years, reveals, that the proportion of congested and is followed by Indore, Gwalior, females is declining in every decade. Bhopal and Jabalpur in that order. The district generally follows the same The Proportion of Sexes pattern. The changes in the proportion of sexes The general tendenoy in the State in the last has been as follows :

Total ,-______Females- ____ per thousand.A. ______males .. Rural District Urban 1961 '1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 2 3 4 5 6 "7 8 ~

Sehore Total 864 910 904 917 919 952 N.A. Rural 911 917 914 927 935 957 N.A. Urban 787 890 872 877 848 931 957

Bhopal divisiqn also returns less females the cities where major industries have been than males. Eversince 1911 the number of established recently. (for in such places the pro­ females has steadily! been going down. This is a portion of females is very low) then the position general charact.eristic of the region. In this is :- part of the State as one goes north the propor­ tion of females "becomes less, sinking to 839 Females pcr Unit 1,000 males females per one thousand males in Morena. dis­ 2 trict. The decline in the proportion of the females has been the highest (46) during the last Jabalpur Cantonment 578 decade, in which the decline in the urban areas Khamaria Ordinance Factory 814 was 103. This is mainly due to the coming up Municipal Corporation 846 of the HEL at Govindpura and the shifting of the capital at Bhopal. In the Industrial areas Bhopal the number of females are generally less. The Municipality 807 same observation also holds good for urban Balragarh 897 areas, also, thrmgh in some what limited way. HEL Govindpura 439 In the present case the two factors combine and Durg Town Group 594 the number of females faUs low. 'rhe proportion Bhilai Nagar Industrial Township 486 of fpmales for Bhopal and other cities is given Durg Municipality 839 below:

The pattern is obvious. In the Industrial Proportion of females pcr Name of the City one thousand males areas the females are very Jew and Govindpura with 439 represents the lowest sex ratio. 2

Indore 85} Marital Status Jabalpur Town Groul> 809 All persons in the 0-9 age-group have been Gwalior 853 tabulated as never married. Whereas in the Bhopal Town Group 171 case of males this appears sufficiently accurate, Ujjain 872 as is revealed by only 7.76% married males in the 10-14 age-group, but in the case of females As oomp:ued to other ci ties Bhopal has retllr. with 35.35% married in the 10-14 age-group, ned a. very low proportion of females. If we take the possibility of marriage in later part of the (l~)

0-9 age·gro~p cannot be entirely ~led out.. The table b~loW. gives the details of m~l'ita~ statUIJ :-

Table-showing Marital Status

Total Popu- Divorc:ed or lation Never Married Married Widowed ,-separated__ ..A. __ ..... Unspecified ,..--_..A.__ , ,.-~_..A. __~ ,-_...... _~ t---..A._--, ,-_-A.__ ..... Age Group M F M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

All Ages 100 100 49.58 39.77 46.14 49.61 3.98 10.36 0.30 0.25 Neg. 0.01

~9 100 100 100 100 1~14 100 100 92.13 64.47 7.76 3.5.35 0.04 0.13 0.07 0.0.5 15-19 100 100 68.14 15.66 31.49 83.64 0.27 0.46 0.10 0.24 2~24 100 100 36.04 3.13 62.79 9.5.46 0.89 1.07 0.28 0.34 25-29 100 100 14.93 0.99 82.41 96.32 1.97 2.32 0.69 0·37

3~34 100 100 6.46 0.39 89.59 92.98 3.28 6.07 0.67 0.56 35-39 100 100 4.20 0.26 90.59 88.49 4.52 10.78 0.69 0.47 .. ~ 100 100 3.33 0.24 88.64 76.48 7.40 22.56 0.63 0.72 45-49 100 100 2.56 0.20 86.75 65.89 10.08 31.44 0.61 0.47 5~54 100 100 2.28 0.17 82.21 48.83 15.00 50.55 0.51 0.45 55-59 100 100 1.94 0.17 79.47 44.37 18.15 55.01 0.44 0.45 60-64 100 100 ],70 0.14 74.13 23.26 23.81 76.10 0.36 0.50 65-69 100 100 1.69 0.11 69.90 20.69 28.17 78.99 0.24 . 0.21 70+ 100 100 1.77 0.20 56.97 10.71 40.97 88.89 0.29 0.20 A.N.S. 100 100 79.44 67.66 17.74 10.21 1.61 1.70 0.40 0.81 20.43

Some of the salient features of the table are. group and remains over 80% upto 50-54 but in In 15-19 age-group 83.64% females are married the case of females it falls from 88.49% for 35-39 and only 15.66% never married. This appears to 76.48% for 40-44 and goes down further to to be the age-group fur marriage for females for 65.89% for 45-49 a.nd 48.83 % for 50-54 ages; among the males less than one third 31.49% only also in the last age-group the percentage of are marri'ed. I t is however in the 20-24, 25-29 widows shoots upto 50.55% and widowers to and 30-34 age-groups where over 90% females 15.00%. The same pattern is notiueable for are married and even amollg the males t.he per­ 55-59, 60-64 and 65-69 age-groups; the petcent­ centage is sufficiently high being 62.79%, 82·41 % age of married males .and females declining. and 90.59% respectively. In these age-groups Along with this is a corresponding increase in there are few widows or widowers except in the the percentag~ of widows 78.99% and widowers age-group 30-34 where 3.28% males and 6.07% 28.17% in tne 65-69 age-group. Only 0.30% females belong to that category. From the 35 males and 0.25% females live as divorced or a~d above ages the percentage of wiflowers and separated anp in no age-group is their percentage widows begin to rise with 4.52% and 10.78% more than one. Whereas one male out of every respectively. twenty five males is a widower, the number of In the 35-39 age-group the percentage of widows is la.rger, for one out of every ten women married males is 90.59% the highest for any age- is a widow and five are married., (lxi)

The Age Tables district and comparable da.ta for the Sta.$ is pre-

The Ql ge structure of the population in the sented in the table given below:

.-______Percentage of populatiQD .A. in the age-group Sebore Di&trict State Sex Ratio ,--___.A. _____...... r------.A.------...... ,--____ .A. ____...... Age Group p M F P M F Sehore District State

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

All Ages 10Il.0 53.6 46.4 100.0 51.2 48.8 864 953

0-4 16.4 8.3 8.1 16.4 8.2 8.2 977 996 5-9 13.9 7.2 6.7 14.3 7.3 7.0 937 966 10-14 9.6 5.2 4.4 10.1 5.4 4.7 823 847 0--14 39.9 20.7 19.2 40.8 20.9 19.9 924 947

15-19 7.9 4.2 3.7 7.9 4.1 3.8 875 929 20-24 10.2 54 4.8 8.6 4.2 4.4 877 1,069 25-29 9.2 5.0 4.2 8.8 4.5 4.3 850 939 30-34 7.6 4.2 3.4 7.4 3.9 3.5 802 891

15-34 34.9 18.8 16.1 32.7 16.7 16.0 853 959

35-39 5.9 3.4 2.5 5.8 3.1 2.7 749 878 40-44 5.3 3.0 2.3 5.2 2.7 2.5 800 950 45-49 3.7 2.1 1.6 4.2 2.2 2.0 710 886 50-54 3.7 2.0 1.7 4.0 2.1 1.9 802 908 55-59 1.7 l.0 0.7 2.1 1.1 1.0 790 903 35--59 20.3 - 11.5 8.8 21.3 11.2 10.1 768 905

60-64 2.3 1.3 1.0 2.4 1 2 1.2 843 1,080 65-69 0.8 04 0.4 0.9 0.4 0.5 838 1,157 70+ 1.7 08 0.9 1.8 0.7 1.1 1,02.5 1,373 60+ 4.8 2.5 2.3 5.1 2.3 2.8 902 1,190

Age not stated 0.1 0.1 Neg. 0.1 0.1 Neg. 948 898

The data is based on ungraduated ages. (The One out of every five persons is in the age ages have not been smoothed). The quin-quennial group 35-59. The population is generally youth~ age-grouping adopted, reduces the distorting ful as is obvious from the fact 74.8% or nearly effects on the age-heapings at multiples of 5, three~fuurths of it is under 34 years of age. hence it would be safer to consider the discussion to broa.der age-groups of 0-14, 15--34,35-59 and Changes in Age Distribution-1951-61 60+, which correspond to the childhood, youth, middle age and old age. These changes indicate the trend of ~rowth~ whereas 1951 figures are based on a 10% random The table reveals a. similar pattern for the sample the 1961 figures are on the total count. district and State with nearly 2 out of every 5 In making this comparison we are assuming that persons 39.9% in the district being less than 15 10% sample represents the whole, with this years of age and similarly one out of 3 persons limitation the comparison is offered. being in the 15-34 age-group. It is however the children 0-14 years that constitutes the bulk of popUlation. (lxii)

Table-showing percentage distribution of 100 2 3 persons in 1951-1961 into broad age-groups Born in other districts of the 96,485 12.78 Statl:: 1951 1961 Born in contiguous districts 48.524 6.43 r-----A.---"""'\ r-----A.----, Age group P M F P M F 1 Hoshangabad 14,070 1.86 2 Dewas 7,554 1.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 Raisen 7.214 0.96 4 Shajapul 6,835 0.91 0-14 37.7 5 Vidisha 5,992 0.79 19.4 18.3 39.9 20.7 19.2 6 Rajgarh 4,983 0.66 15-34 34.6 17.8 16.8 34.9 18.8 16.1 7 Guna 1,876 0.25 35-64 25.0 13.8 11.2 22.6 12.8 9.8 Non-contiguous districts of the 47,961 6.35 State 65+ 2.6 1.3 1.3 2.5 1.2 1.3 Born in other States beyond 62.705 8.31 A.N.S. 0.1 Neg. 0.1 0.1 0.1 Neg. Madhya Pradesh Born Outside India 18,900 2.51 The table reveals that the proportion of Born in countries in Asia beyond children 0-14 age-group has increased by 2.2% India Pakistan 17,946 2.38 and that of young persons 15-34 by 0.3%. As Afganistan 47 against this the proportion of middle aged per­ Burma 541 Ceylon sons has decreased by 2.4%. In the other ages China T 3 759 0.10 the composition has remained practically unchan­ Nepal ged. The increase in 0-14 age-group suggests Singapore-Malaya 8 Elsewhere 8 more births-and survival after births and mig­ 9 ration. Both factors appear to hold good in the Africa America 3 ~ase of Bhopal. The increase in 15-34 age-group 1 IS accounted for by a favourable balance of Australia migration consequent to the industrialisation and Europe 51 raised political set up of Bhopal. U nclassifiable 41 Migration As many as 48,524 persons or 6.43% are born The table below, for the district reveals that in the seven contiguous districts of Sehore. Out 59.26% of the population was born and enumera­ of these 14,070 persons are from Hoshangabad ted in the place of ~numeration. This emphasises and this is followed by those born in Dewas t~e immobility of a great portion of the popula­ (7,554) and Raisen (7,214). Almost an equal tIOn. Another 17.14% of the population is that number 47,961 are born in other districts of the of very limited mobIlity; that is they ha~e been State. These figures are further analysed under ~orn and also enumerated within the district Bhopal city. As many as 62,705 or 8.31% of Itself Thus we have over three-fourths of the the popUlation came from other States in the p~pu.lation 76 40% who have moved within the country. As far as those born outside India are ~ dIstrIct only. The details are :_ concerned, 1~,900 persons or 2.51 % of the popu­ lation has been returned under t,his category. TabJe-showi!lg ~he places of birth of the dlstnct population Out of these 17,946 or 2.38% of the total popu­ lation, were born in Pakistan. For some other countries the figures are: Nepal 759, Burma Birth Place Population Percentage . 54, Afgan%stan 47, United Kingdom 44 and Ceylon II. 2 3 Sehore district Total Population Bhopal Town Group 754,684 100.00 Born in place of enunleration 447,211 59.26 The migration statistics of Bhopal Town Born else~here in the district of enumeratIon 129,342 17.14 Group give an interesting indication regarding the movement of the population to this city. (!xiii) 2 3 Birth Place-Bhopal Town Gronp 0.02 Burma 50 Ceylon 10 7 Population Percentage Malaya, Singapore and British Birth Place Borneo 1 2 3 Saudi Arabia 4 Iran 1 3 222,948 100.0 China Total Population Indonesia 1 205,912 9236 8 Born in India Africa 154,315 69.22 51 0.G2 Within Madhya Pradesh Europe 105,386 47.27 44 002 Born in place of enumeration United Kingdom (including N. Ireland) Born elsewhere in the district 8,244 3.70 3 Germany (Unspecified) 4 of enumeration ' Elsewhere 40,b85 18.25 Z Born in other districts of the America State 1 14,829 6.65 Australia Born in Contiguous districts 002 Unclassifiable 36 Indore 3,120 1.40 Dewas 357 0.16 Raisen 2,364 1.06 The table reveals, the only 47.2'1% have been Vidisha 2,564 1.15 Rajgarh 781 0.35 born and enumerated in the city as oompared to Guna 1,080 0.49 59.26% in the district and only 50.97% were Shajapur 477 0.21 Hoshangabad 4,086 1.83 born in the district of enumeration a.s oom­

Otller districts of the State 25,856 1[.60 pared to 76.40% for the district. This therefore suggests that the city has received 49.03% of the BOfI~ in. other States/Union SI,S'}7 23.14 population from places outside the district aud TerritOries of India beyond Madhya Pradesh 18.25% of it consists of persons born within the Andhra Pradesh 1.343 0.60 State. The highest number of persons to the 15.673 7.03 city came from Hoshangabad 4,086, followed by Uttar Pradesh 18,023 8.08 Rajasthan 3.943 1.77 Indore 3,120. Persons born in other districts Kerala 1,695 0.76 (non-adjoining ones) come of the State constitut­ Madras 2.677 1.20 Punjab 3,213 1.44 ing 11.60% of the city's population. Nearly one­ Bihar 954 0.43 Orissa 106 0.05 fourth oftbe popula.tion 23.14% is born in other Assam 80 0.04 States. The highest number 18,023 or 8.08% 1.159 0.52 & Kashmir 197 0.09 hails from Uttar (Pradesh followed by Mahara­ Mysore 706 0.32 shtra. 15,673 or 7.03% Ra.jasthan 3.943 or 1.77% West Bengal 835 0.37 919 0.41 punjab 3,213 or 1.44% and Madras 2,677 or Himachal Pradesh 17 0.02 Tripura 2 Neg, 1.20%. Figures for other States are well below Pondichery Neg. Goa, Daman and Din 53 001 1%. Comparable figures for 1951 are given in the Born outside India 17,000 7.62 inset table below. The high rate of migrants Asia 16,938 7.60 who have come to the city would be obvious Pakistan 16,108 7.22 from the following table, which is for the dis- Nepal 724 0.32 Afganistan 30 001 trict. (lxiv)

Table-showing the population variation and percentage variatio~ or the persons bom in contiguous States in 1951 and 1961 and enumerated in Sehore District or Madhya Pradesh

Population Variation Percentage S.N. Name of the State ,-----"----~ 1951 1961 Variation 5 6 2 3 4 1,416 2,776.5 1 Andhra Pradesh 51 1,467 + + 15,982 1,527.9 2 Maharashtra 1,046 17,028 + + 18,698 444.8 3 Uttar Pradesh 4,204 22,902 + + 155.1 4 Rajasthan 2,831 7,223 + 4,392 + 1,775 100.0 5 Kerala 1,775 + + 2,708 2,334.5 6 Madras 116 2,824 + + 3,265 543.3 7 Punjab 601 3,866 + + 8 Born out side India 17,946 3,071 20.6 Pakistan 14,875 + + ---- The main reasons appear to be the establi· districts of which were formerly in old Madhya shment of Heavy Electricals Ltd. at Govindpura, Pradesh and the growth of subsidiary industries which attracted a lot of technicians and engi· coupled with the expansion of trade as it irew neers, more particularly from the Punjab and to feed the growing capital. The increase is southern states, the shifting of the capital from highest in the case of persons born in Andhra Nagpur on 1·11-56, which accounts for the high Pradesh 2,776.5% and Madras 2,334.5%. The number of persons born in Maharashtra; eight inset table presents the duration of migrants :-

Duration of Residence.A.______in the Town ~ ,-- less than 16 years Peflod not Total Migrants one year 1-5 years 6-10 years II-IS years and over Stated ,-__..A-_-----... ,-__.A- __ -"\ r---_....A-___ -"'"\ r---..A-.-...... ,------'---...... ,--_...... ---, ,.-----'------. P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 117,562 68,872 48,690 16,409 8,352 31.882 20,794 6,577 6.173 7.995 7,156 4,106 4,387 1.903 1,828

24,761 52,676 12,750 ~151 8,493 3,731 From the above it follows that over 21 06% not yet been able to settle down, as appears have come to Bhopal, only within the last year. obvious from the sexual imbalance. This further Another striking feature is the sexual imbalance­ reveals that those who migrate take quite some for in this group there are only 509 females per time to settle down and even five years are not 1,000 males. This category of immigrants there· enough. It is only among those migrants, who fore, consists of those who came in search of have been here for six years or more that there is employment or business and came alone, leaving some semblance of sexual parity. their familes behind. As many as 44.81 % came Similar data of migrants from Pakistan is to Bhopal within 1 to 5 years and these are presented in t!he following table: Migrants born in mostly the government servants, who also have Pakistan. Duration of Residence in Bhopal r------...... ------... Lass than , 16 years Period Total one year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years and over not stated r---~-..A..- ___ ~ ,--__..A.._~ ,---_-"-_---.. ,---_..A..._~ ,...... ---_..A.----""'"\ r---....A--~ r--..A.--~ P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16,IOi 8,1140 7,1611 632 403 2,106 1,416 1,931 1,588 4,117 3,589 72 56 82 116 ------1,035 3,522 3,519 7,706 128 198 (lxv)

A great number of migrants came during The U.K. Nationals are mostly in the HEL as the period, immediately before or after the advisers. partition of the country. The town has continued Religion to receive migrants from Pakistan much after form the bulk of the population of partition, for as many as 47.84%, came the district, constituting 615,510 persons or within the last ten years i.e. (1950-59). There 81.56%. This is followed by the Muslims with were very few migrants prior to 16 years before 126,364 persons or 16.74%. Thus the two March 61. communities, together constitute 98.30% of the Regarding the persons born in other coun­ population in the district. The religionwise tries Bhopal returns very few only 724 from Nepal, population in the district for the two decades is 50 from Burma and 44 from United Kingdom. given in the inset table below :

Table-showing religionwise population (1951-1961)-Sehore District

Decade Variation 1951 1961 ,---__.A. __ --, + Increase r------A.----. - Decrease Popula- Percen- Popula- Percen- r------"------. Religion tion tage tion tage Population Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 All Religions 521,116 100.00 754,684 100.00 + 233.568 + 44.82 Hindus 414.887 79.62 615,510 81.56 + 200,623 + 48.36 Muslims 101,633 19.50 126,364 16.74 + 24,731 + 24.33 318 0.06 2,850 0.38 + 2,532 + 796.23 Jains 3,543 0.68 5,997 0.79 + 2,454 + 69.26 Christians 672 0.13 2,466 0.33 + 1,794 + 266.96 Buddhists 3 Neg. 1,437 0.19 + 1,434 + 47,800.00 Others 60 0.01 60 0.01

The religious composition of the district has all religions notable ones being Sikhs +796.23%, changed slightly in as much Hindus show an Christians 266.96%and Buddhists +47,800.00%. increase of 1.94% over the 1951 proportion and Their total, however, is not great. the Muslims who in 1951 formed nearly one·fifth Religion Returns:Rural/Urban Areas 19.50% of the popUlation are now about one­ The following table presents the rural! sixth 16.74%. There has been some increase in urban break-up of the population :- Table-showing religions returns--rural & urban arells-Sehore District

T Total R Popula- Year U tion Hindus Muslims Jains Sikhs Christians Buddhists Others 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1961 T 100.00 81.56 16.74 0.79 0.38 0.33 0.19 001 R 100.00 92.58 7.11 0.27 0.02 0.02 Neg. Neg. U 100.00 61.98 33.86 1.73 1.01 0.88 0.52 0.02 1951 T 100.00 79.62 19.50 0.68 0.06 0.13 Neg. 0.01 R 100.00 92.01 7.65 0.31 0.01 0.02 U 100.00 42.13 55.35 1.79 0.21 0.47 Neg. 0.05 (lxvi)

Table-showing distribution of 100 persons professing different religions

T R Year U Hindus Muslims Jains Sjkhs Christians Buddhists Others I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]951 T ]00.00 ]00.00 ]00.00 ]00.00 100.00 100.00 ]00.00 R 86.86 29.50 34.52 15.09 9.52 U 13.]4 70.50 65.48 84.91 90.48 100.00 100.00

]961 V· 100.00 ]00.00 100.00 10000 100.00 100.00 100.00 R 72.63 27.]7 21.64 4.07 3.16 0.70 3.33 U 27.37 72.83 78.36 95.93 96.84 99.30 96,67 Table-showing Religionwise Variation Literacy between the decade The district has returned 21.48% as literates. This is higher than the figure for the division 1951-1961 .--___.A._ ___ ~ of 16.60% or 17.13% for the State; yet this is Religion Rural Urban lower than the India figure of 24%. The figure 2 3 for Bhopal Town Group is 43.59% details being: Percentage Hindus + 24.06 + 190.59 Unit Muslims + 14.54 + 28.43 Bhopal Town Group 43.59 Sikhs + 141.67 + 912.59 Bhopal City (M) 43.16 Jains + 6.13 + 102.54 HEL Govindpura 43.12 Christians + 21.88 + 292.76 Bairagarh 48.96 Buddhists + 100.00 + 50,800.00 The comparable figures for other cities are: Indore 50.68 Where as the Hindus do not show any change Jabalpur 50.52 for the rural areas, in the urban areas they show Gwalior 42.43 proportionate increase of 19.85%. With the Ujjain 46.94 Muslims it is the other way round: their pro- There has been substantial progress in lit- portion has been reduced to 33.86% in 1961 as eracy during the last decade as is noticed from compared to 55.35% in 1951. the table presented below: Table-showing progress of Iiteracy-Sehore District

,-.------______Total Population ..A. ______--. District! 1951 1961 Percentage Tahsil , ______..A. ______--. ,-______..A. ______-----> Increase P M F P M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sehore District 8.78 13.17 3.95 21.48 30.27 11.30 254.23 Berasia Tahsil 3.31 569 0.64 10.86 17.98 2.83 303.45 Sehore Tahsil 6.62 10.87 l.89 14.81 22.81 5.77 185.08 Huzur I ahsil 16.18 22.08 9.59 35.78 45.06 24.14 285.19 Ashta Tahsil 4.02 5.19 0.63 10.55 18.13 2.54 241.60 Ichhawar Tahsil 4.84 8.28 1.01 10.36 17.12 2.96 183.03 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 5.90 10.55 0.93 11.80 19.71 3.20 227.78 Budni Tahsil ---_------_._------_.---_-7.16 12.44 1.42 16.27 26.85 4.65 209.70 Bhopal Town Group 21.85 29.19 13.62 43.59 52.98 31.43 277.69 ------(lxvii)

2 3 · The increase has been nearly two arid half times for the district in general. In Berasia tahsil Sehore Tahsil 14.10 11.34 the literacy figure has gone up by more than Huzur Tahsil 60.11 64.25 three times. Whereas 3 out of 10 males are literates in the district; among the females only Ashta Tahsil 7.31 7.05 11 out of 100 !lre literates. When one considers Ichhawar Tahsil 3.68 ~.94 the high percentage of literacy in Huzur tahsil Nasrullaganj Tahsil 4.22 3.91 (which again is mainly due to Bhopal Town 5.84 5.10 group) the low' percentage of literates in, other Budni Tahsil ------tahsils, specially among the females stands out, Bhopal Town Group 56.24 59.97 in marked contrast. The female figures of 2.83% literates in Berasia tahsil, 2.54% in Ashta, 2.96% From the table it is obvious that but for in Ichhawar are indeed very IbW. Although there high percentage of literates in Bhopal town has been substantial progress in the literacy yet group, the literacy figures for the distriG.t would much still remain.s to be done. be much less. Out of a tOO literate persons the spread out Mother Tongue amo~tahsils is presented below: Table-showing 100 literates The district has returned as many as 73 languages. Of these there are 12 languages with Persons speakers of over 1,000 persons. In 1951 thirty District/Tahsil ..- __ _..A.. __-----'""\ 1951 1961 eight languages including dialects of Hindi and 2 3 Rajasthani were returned. The progress in the Sehore district 100.00 100.00 number of speakers of languages returning more Berasia Tahsil 4.74 5.41 than 1,000 speakers is indicated below: Table-showing Mother Tongues-Sehore District (1951-1961)

Total Speakers Mother Tongue r------'------""' Decade + Increase Languages 1951 1961 Variation Decrease

2 3 4 5 Total Speakers 52t,tt6 754,684 + 233,568 + 44.82 Hindi 379,743 574,290 + 194,547 + 51.23 2 Urdu 11 t,905 107,592 4,313 3.85 3 Gujarati 337 3,353 + 3,016 + 894.96 4 Gondi 3,878 3,799 79 2.04 5 Bengali 430 1,852 + 1,422 + 330.70 6 MaJayaJam 29 1,765 + 1,736 + 5,986.21 7 Marathi 754 15,765 + 15;011 + 1,990.85 8 Punjabi 1,561 7,082 + 5,521 + 353.68 9 Tamil 55 2,898 + 2,843 + 5,169.09 10 TeJllgu 5 1,710 + 1,705 + 34,100.00 11 Sindhi 13,367 23,870 + 10,503 + 78.57 12 Marwari 1,353 2,551 + 1,198 + 88.54 (lx\riii)

The returns reveal that Hindi is the mother rise in speakers aTe: Malayalam- + 5,98({21% tongue of a little over three-fourths of the rocketting (rom 19 speakers to 1,765, Marathi population and that during the decade the + 1,-990.85% soarinffrom 754 sPeakers to 15,765, number of Hindi speakers has gone up by 51.23% Tamil + 5,169.09% shooting from 5S speakers which also suggests that a great proportion of to 2,898 and Telugu + 34.100.00% again spiraU,­ ing from 5 speakers in 1951 to 1,710 in 1961. the population that came to Bhopal was Hindi A study of the returns of these languages for speaking. Urdu has shown a decline of 3.85%. Bhopal Town Group reveals an interesting The speakers of Gujarati, Bengali and- Punjabi pattern. The table below presents the language have increased nine, three and three times res­ returns for the Bhopal Town Group vis-a-vis the pectively. Among languages showing phenomenal district.

Table-showing Languages returned as Mother Tongue in the District and Bhopal Town Group

Total speakers ~-______Total Speakers in BhopalA- ______Town Group--. Percentage in District to total Languages Persons Persons Males Females persons (col. 2)

2 3 4 5 6

Bengali 1,852 1,800 1,393 407 97.19 2 Gujarati 3,353 2,921 2,427 494 87.12 3 Hindi 574,290 88,030 48,333 39,697 15.33 4 Malayalam 1,765 1,700 1,288 412 96.32 5 Marathi 15,765 14,679 7,780 6,899 93.11 6 Marwari 2,551 1,014 786 228 39.75 7 Punjabi 7,082 6,600 4,923 1,677 93.19 8 Sindhi 23,870 22,377 12,184 10,193 93.75 9 Tamil 2,898 2,825 1,890 935 97.48 10 Telugu 1,710 1,664 1,077 587 97.31 lJ Urdu 107.592 73,051 38,351 34,700 67.90

Out of the twelve languages of 1,000 speakers decade thus saw the Capital town grow with and above speakers of ten (Hindi and Gondi speakers of many languages. The speakers of excepted) are mostly confined to the Town Group. , foreign languages are however very few. These returns emphasise yet another feature: the disparity between sexes: again th€ males out­ Further, of these' Janguages in the case of number the females specially the speakers of as many as seven out of eleven, over 90% of the Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Marwari, Punjabi, speakers are from the town itself. These are: Tamil and Telugu. Where people do not settle Bengali 97.19%, Malayalam 96.32%. Marathi down and only live for service or occupation or 93.11%. Punjabi 93.19%. Sindhi 93.75%, Tamil business, they do so without their families. The 97.48% and TeJugu 97.31 %. Excepting Sindhis. disproportion of females in the HEL finds its many of whom are settled in Bairagarh ,the reflection in these returns as well. Speakers of speakers of oth~r languages are in HEL and the Urdu and Sindhi are more or less permanently city. settled heBce the proportion of sexes is normal. This is so also in the case of Marathi speakers As regard$ Gujarati and Marwari the posi. who are mostly government servants having tion, with 87.12% and 39.75% speakers in the come mainly froOl Nagpur, Indore, and Gwalior town, is simil~r to others. Even a great majority after the establishment of the capital here. The of Urdu speakers 67.90% are confined to the (lxixl _. Town Group. The comparative low percentage Categones of work Total ----"-- of Hindi speakers in the town, essentially workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX emphasises its multiJingual character. Hindi 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 however is spread over the entire district and is 100.00 31.92 43.44 2.00 9.35 3.00 2.08 0.24 0.31 7.66 not confined to any particular locality. In the town however 39.48% of the total population As many as 376 persons 275 males and 101 speaks Hindi. " females are still engaged in tanning and currying 'of hides, the main branch of their work, for what The Scheduled Castes & Tribes they were regarded as unclean. Out of the~e The Scheduled Castes and Tribes are enume­ 131 persons 75 males and 56 females are tn rated in accordan~ with the "The Scheduled urban areas. Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Balahis Order, 1956. The district has returned a total Next to the Chamars in number are too of 117,917 persons 61,481 males and 56,436 Balahis. females as Scheduled Gastes and 30,348 persons The Balahis are a functional caste of village 15,111 males and 15,237 females as Scheduled servants. Russel and Hiralal think that Balahi Tribes. They live mostly in the rural areas. is derived from the Hindi word 'Bulahi' meaning Since in 1951 the ta~ulation was not caste-wise to call. The Balahis number 36,234 persons and also because the list; has undergone revision, 18,610 males and 17,624 females and constitute it is not possible to comvare the figures of the 30.73% of the Scheduled Caste population. They two decades. live almost entirely in rural areas. As many as The Scheduled Castes 35,100 persons or 96.87% are in rural areas. Their main occupations are indicated below: Among the Scheduled Castes the main ones Categories of work are: Chamars 53,903, Balahis 36,234, Mehtar ~------...... Totakl III-Ill-IV V VI VII VIII IX 5,154, Dhobi 4,730, Bansphor 3,842, SiIawat wor ers 9 ]0 12345678 3,164, Mehar 2,577 and Koli or Katia 4,293 per­ 100.00 51.46 39.21 1.37 0.30 0.20 064 0.14 0.21 647 sons. (Only castes returning a popUlation of 1,000 or above, are described. Mehtar or Bhangi Chamars The Mehtar or Bhangis number 5,154 persons 2,690 males and 2,464 females and constitute The word is derived from Sanskrit 'charm' 4.37% of these castes. Unlike other castes th~y meaning skin and 'kar' a worker-meaning a live in urban and rural areas-in fact more 1D worker in leather. The chamars thus represent urban areas (53.24%). They are the traditio nal the traditional workers in leather and hides. In scavengers and are mostly employed in t~e the last few years they have been giving up this municipalities for cleaning of the towns as IS occupation, because it was regarded as unclean indicated in the inset table. They were regarded and they were branded as untouchable. As a as untouchables. Nearly over two-thirds of the result of social reform untouchability has been workers among them are engaged in 'Other abolished. The chamars have returned 53903 services' and as many as 1,261 persons 770 males persons 28,028 males and 25,875 females 'and and 491 females are engaged in s~ave_nging. The constitute 45.71% of the Scheduled Caste break-up for this special occupatlOn IS : popUlation. They are the largest single caste. Table-showing persons engaged in Scavenging They live mostly In rural areas (48,809 persons or 90.55%) and are mainly engaged in cultiva­ Total Females Rural Persons Males tion, as agricultural labourers and household Urban 4 industry in which they make and mend leather 1 2 3 491 \\are articles. - The inset table gives the details Total 1,261 770 245 177 68 Rural 423 of their categories of work. Urban 1,016 593 (lxx)

The inset table below gives the categories Besides these as many as 94 persons 76 males of work in which they are engaged : and 18 females, all in urban areas, are engaged Categories of work in scavenging. Total ~ --.A. -. workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Silawat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 '8 9 10 The Silawats were the workers in stones. 100.00 4.10 18.1~ 1.84 0.21 2.18 0.26 0.26 4.79 68.23 They have returned 3,164 persons 1,736 males The main category of work for the caste is and 1,428 females and constitute 2.68% of the in 'O~her services'-which includes scavenging and Scheduled Caste population. They live mostly workIng as agricultural labourers. in the rural areas (2,246 persons or 70.99%). Dbobis The table below gives their main categories of work: The Dhobi is a functional caste of washer­ Categories of work me~. H~ is scheduled only for Sehore and Total ,- _.A. -. workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Ralsen districts in the State. Th ey h ave returned 6 7 8 9 10 4,730.persons 2,527 males and 2,203 females and 1 2 3 4 5 2.64 3.74 16.24 0.68 1.28 16.58 constItu~e 4.01 % of the total Scheduled Caste 100.00 37.41 19.98 1.45 population. They live mostly in rura] areas Mebar ~3,602 p~rs~ns or 76.15%) and are engaged mostly The Mehars are perhaps the same as Mahars l'In cultivatIOn and 'other services.,. lDcluding aund:nng and washing of clothes and workers found in the Mahakoshal districts. They have as agncultural labourers. returned 2,577 persons 1,417 males and 1,160 females and constitute 2.19% of the Scheduled The table gives their details of the nature of work. Caste population. Their main occupations are cultivation, working as agricultural labourers Total Categories of work and in 'Other services. They live almost entirely workers I------..A..- II III IV V VIVrr-VIDrX in rural areas (2,395 persons or 92.94%). The 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 table below gives their main categories of work: _ __32_.2=1_2_7_. 7_7 -:;:I00~.OO _3_.0::__:4~0~.4~1 __:2~~.55 0.82 0.29 1.03 31.88 Categories of work r-______.A- ______----. Basor or Bansphor Total I II III IV V IX workers VI VII VlII 'B T,he ter~ Bansphor is derived from the Hindi 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ans meanIng bamboos and 'Phor' . 100.00 37.83 49.33 2.19 0.85 0.85 0.99 0.35 0.70 6.91 bre k' meanIng a Ing-thus it signifies a bamboo breaker-a worker in ba moosb an d has become a generic Koli or Katia The Kolis or Katias are the occupational caste term for worke rs In. t h e wooden goods. The Bansphor 3,842 persons 2,030 males and 1,812 of weavers and village watchmen. They number females constitute 3.26% of the Scheduled Caste 4,293 persons 2,240 males and 2,053 females cons­ popUlation, and live mainly in the rural areas tituting 3.64°'~ of the Scheduled Caste population. (2,630 p~rsons or 68.45%). The inset table gives They live mostly in the rural areas (2,292. persons the detaIls of their work: or 53.38%) and. are mainly engaged as agncultur~l Categories of work labourers, cultivators, in the weaving and .m Total r-----____...A.... 'Other Services'. The inset table gives the detaIls workers I II III IV VV)-VII-Vlu-ix of their occupation: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Categories of work 100.00 ~~~~.97 43.40 2.25 1.33 0.23 0.64 22.58 ~~~~ers I-n--iIl~-Iv.A-v- vIvnvlo-IX . Their main occupation stilI appears to mak­ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mg of wooden products and working in it at home as a household industry-category IV. 100 00 16.04 31.71 1.42 13.38 10.92 5.~ 2.56 456 14.00 (!xxi)

The SCheduled Castes (Generally) 96.21 %). Their main occupation is cultivation In the district the Scheduled Castes are and working as agricnlturallabourers. The inset spread out in all tahsils but Ashta, Huzur, and table gives details: \ Sehore tahsils alone return nearly two-third Categories of work Total r------A.--:---___""" 65.69% of their population. They are found in . workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX least concentration in Budni tahsil (5.7%), even , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 in urban Bhopal Town group they constitut~ 100,00 43.24 45.44 2.88 1.22 0.36 1.10 0.11 0 63 5.02 9.67%. The inset table gives the distribution. Karku Table-showing distribution of Scheduled' The Karku (which seems to be misspelt) Castes by Tahsils appears to be the same tribe as Korku. The Karkus Percentage of Tahsil population have returned 5,293 persons 2,600 males and 2 2,693 females and constitute 17.44%of the Schedu­ led Tribes population. They too live almost Total population 100.00 entirely (with the exception of 7 persons) in the 1 15.28 Berasia Tahsil rural areas. Their main occupation is cultiva­ 23.94 2 Ashta Tahsil tion, working as agricultural labourers and in 3 Huzur Tahsil 21.69 'Other Services'. Their categories of work are: 4 Sehore Tahsil 19.05 Categories of work 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 7.21 Total r------J------"""' workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 7.08 1 2 3 4· 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 Budni Tahsil 5.75 -_---... 100.00 50.34 38.08 4.24 1.05 •. 0.06 0.03 0.25 5.95 Bhopal Town Group 9.67 Bhilala The district has returned 4,978 persons 2,629 The Scheduled Tribes males and 2,349 females or constituting 16.40%of There are 30,348 persons 15,111 males and the Scheduled Tribes population. . Almost all 15,237 females who have been returned as Schedu­ (with the exception of 2) live in rural areas. led Tribes and they constitute 4.02% of the C.S. Venkatachar is of the view that the Bhilalas district's population. As many as 9 Scheduled are of a mixed origina result of Rajput marry­ Tribes have been returned in the district. The ing Bhil women. The Bhilalas however, are main ones are; Gond 12,755, Korku 5,293, kq.own to deny the same. They are mostly work­ Bhilala 4,978, Keer 2,757, Saharia 1,703 and Bhil ing as cultivators or as agricultural labourers. 1,527 (only such as have returned a population Their categories of work are: of 1,000 or above have been considered). ------.-~ _. ~_-- Categories of work __Jo..- __ ---__.., Gonds Tota\ workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX The Gonds are found in 39 districts out of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 10 43 in Madhya Pradesh: not found at all in Datia 100.00 80.43 16.25 2.07 0.03 0.07 1.15 and Dhar and not scheduled in Sagar and Damoh. Thus their spread out covers the entire State. Keer There are conflicting views about the origin of The District has returned 2,757 persons the word Gond. The Gonds had established 1,342 males and 1,415 females as Keers and they a kingdom in the fourteenth century and later constitute 9.08% of the Scheduled Tribes popula­ they took to the jungle. They number 12,755 ion. The tribe is essentially a cultivating (and persons 6,257 males and 6,498 females and Con they make good cultivators) type and is said to stitute the 42.03% of the total Scheduled Tribes have migrated from the Rajasthan side. They population of the district. They live almost Jive entirely in the rural areas and 9 out of 10 are entirely in the rural areas. (12,271 persons or cultivators. Their categories of work are: .(lxxii)

Categories of work Total r------___--A. ___ Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100.00 59.39 31.65 4.98 0.21 0.Q7 0.14 3.56 ------Saharia cutting and selling its produce. In the district they have been returned mainly as agricultural The district has returned 1,703 persons 841 labourers. Whereas they generally work in the males and 862 females or constituting 5.61% of forests but are equally agreeable for working as Scheduled Tribes population of the district. The agricultural labourers and the enumeration perio_d Sahariya is essentially a forest dwelling tribe and also coincided with the season for increased labour are found in north-western districts of the State. in fields. They live in rural areas (1,674 persons Their main occupation is working in the forests, or 98.30%). Their pattern of work is:-

Categories of work Total r------~------~ Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to

100.00 12.45 76.13 1.23 0.21 2.67 7.31

ted into Central 'India from Rajasthan side­ Bhils Jodhpur and Udaipur. They mostly work as culti­ The tribe is distributed in as many as 25 vators, agricultural labourers, workers in constru­ districts of the State. Sehore district returns ction and in 'Other services'. Nearly one-fifth 1,527 persons 787 males and 740 females or (19.91 %) of them live in urban areas where they 5.03% of the total Scheduled Tribes population. work as labourers. The categories of work According to Sir John Malcolm the Bhils migra- are:-

Categories of work ,-______---.A. ______--~ T~al Workers I II III IV V VI VII' VIIl IX 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100-00 24.84 38.91 341 0.64 2.02 13.65 1.07 15.46

Table-showing Scheduled Tribes The Scheduled Tribes Generally distribution by Tahsils

Whereas the concentration of Scheduled DistricttTahsii Percentage Castes was least in Budni and Nasrutlaganj tahsils, 1 2 it is the highest in respect of Scheduled Tribes Sehore District 100.00 being 20.25% and 38.27% of the total Scheduled 1 Berasia :rahsU 4.86 Tribes popUlation in the district. This is followed 2 Sehore Tahsil 6.84 7.5R by Ichhawar 16.61%. Thus these three southern 3 Huzur Tahsil 4 Ashta Tahsil 5.59 tahsils account for more than three-fourths 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 16.61 75.13% of the district's Scheduled Tribes popula­ 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 38.27 tion. The spread out of the Scheduled Tribes for 7 Budni Tahsil 20.25 the other tahsils is- Bhopal Town Group 3.08 (lxxiii)

In Bhopal Town Group 3.08% of the tion falls. As far as Gwatior is concerned, like Scheduled Tribes are found. These are mostly Indore it is also an urban district. Bhils and some Gonds who work as general In Sehore itself the urban concentration has labourers. improved-has gone up by 112, which represents The Rural/Urban Composition a considerable change. In the district referred to earlier, the changes in proportion is not so consi­ There has been a considerable change in the derable. The 1951 composition is indicated rural and urban_ composition during the decade. below:- Out of 1,000 persons, there were 752 in rural areas and 248 in urban ones in 1951. The decade Total persons Rural Urban saw a movement from rural areas to the urban District 1 2 3 4 ones. Added to thi~ is the movement from other Indore district 1.000 400 600 urban areas in and outside the State, to the newly 1,000 714 286 established capital at Bhopal. The result was that Jabalpur district 532 468 in 1961, there Were 360 persons in the urban areas Gwalior district 1,000 248 and 640 still in the rQral ones. When compared Sehore district 1,000 752 to the other districts ithe position is:- U jjaln district 1,000 676 324 947 53 Table-showing rural/urban break-up (Total Durg district 1,000 population 1,000 persons) --- In none of the above districts has the pro­ gress towards urbanisation so great. Most of this Total popula- is due to growth of the Bhopal Town Group, tion of the City Rural Urban district following the establishment of capital and start­ 2 3 4 ing of Heavy Electricals.

Indore 400 600 753,594 In Huzur tahsil in which Bhopal town is 2 JabaJpur 629 371 1,273,825 situatad the composition is urban 766 and rural 3 Gwalior 507 493 657,876 234. Other districts (15 in number excluding 4 Sehore 640 360 754,684 those in M.P.) in the country which have return­ 5 Ujjain ed a higher urban population (higher than 360 676 324 661,120 6 Durg urban) are:- 875 125 1,885,236 Madhya Pradesh 857 143 32,372,408 Percentage of urban S. No. District State population 4 . Indore district leads in the State with 1 2 3 1,000 highest urban concentration; followed by Gwalior 1 Bombay Maharashtra 1,000 2 Calcutta West Bengal J~balpur and Sehore,in that order. The popula- 622 tIOn of Sehore and I d d' . . 3 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh '. n ore Istncts IS nearly equal. 608 4 Ahmedabad Gujarat 542 Indore dlstnct is mostly an urban district in the Bangalore Mysore sense that alo . hI' . 5 521 th' ng WIt t Ie premier city of the State 6 Nagpur Maharashtra 495 ere IS Mhow Cantonment and two more town~ 7 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 481 Depalpur and Sawer both having a popUlation of 8 Simla Punjab Uttar Pradesh 461 o:er 10,000 persons and because of these towns 9 Dehra Dun 461 ar Jammu &: Kashmir to Srinag 423 t e concentration of population shows a high Bikaner Rajasthan 11 410 urban percentage. Jabalpur and Durg districts, Uttar Pradesh 12 387 both exceed a population of a million. In area and 13 Rajkot Gujarat 381 number of villages both are much bigger than 14 Poona Maharashtra Rajasthan. 374 Sehore and so proportionately the urban popula- 15 Ajmer (lxxiv)

When compared to the above the aU India THE WORKING FORCE ranking of the districts of the State would be Indore 5th, Gwalior 9th, Jabalpur 16th and Sehore The Worker/Non-worker Ratio 17th. The District &: neighbouring districts Within the district itself the progress in The district has returned 463 persons as urbanisation is as follows:- workers and 537 as non-workers. This is gene­ rally speaking well below the figure for Bhopal Table-showing proportion of Roral/Urban division and Madhya Pradesh with 504 and 523 population-1951-1961 workers respectively. Comparable statistics for near by districts are given below:- 1951 1961 Districtl ~ ___A_~ ~ ___~ __~ Tahsil Rural Urban Rural Urban ~orkers per 1,000 persons Males T and Females 2 3 4 5 R ~------. Unit Females Sehore District 752 248 640 360 U Persons Males 2 3 4 5 1 Berasia Tahsil 1,000 923 77 602 440 2 Sehore Tahsil 786 214 771 229 Madhya Pradesh T 523 R 552 616 486 U 349 524 145 3 Huzur Tahsil 398 602 234 766 Bhopal Division T 504 603 396 4 Ashta Tahsil 925 75 917 83 R 534 617 445 U 349 535 129 5 Ichhawar 593 313 Tahsil 1,000 888 Sehore District T 463 112 R 517 609 416 114 6 Nasrullaganj U 367 566 Tahsil 1,000 1,000 Rajgarh District T 549 625 467 R 572 638 500 149 7 Budni Tahsil 1.000 1,000 U 333 499 Vidisha District T 473 620 307 R 49'2 632 334 There has been no change with respect to U 348 538 127 Nasrullaganj and Budni. The change in Berasia RaiseD District T 478 603 341 and Ichhawar tahsiIs is due to Berasia and Ichha­ R 484 607 348 212 war being treated as towns in 1961. In Sehore, U 383 529 the change only reflects the normal increase of Hoshangabad District T 463 575 342 the town and cannot be regarded as high, for R 498 595 395 316 495 11l during the decade the increase is limited to 15. U The same remarks also hold good for Ashta. In Huzur tahsil the urban increase has been of a very From the above it appears that from the ~iglroffier from 602 to 766 or 164 persons. This above group of districts Sehore along with IS due to (i) addition of Bairagarh (16,827) to the Hoshangabad has returned the least number of town group (ii) the founding of Heavy Electricals workers. A high rate of participation does not Town~hip at Govindpura (20,747) and (iii) the necessarily indicate economic advancement, but establlshment of capital at Bhopal. As more the contrary· in many cases. It has also been obser- buil~ings become ready, ~epartmental offices ved that where the main prop of the economy of prevIously located in divisional towns come a district is either cultivation or work as agricul­ over. tural labourers, the rate of participation is high. In SclIore a number of other occupations The Central Government offices also are cause the participation rate to decline. gradually being shifted as and when acco­ Working Force: within the district mmodation becomes available. Thus a steady growth for Bhopal as an important administrative The proportion of workers to non-workers is centre appears assured. indicated below:- (lxxv)

Percentage of A' comparison of the participation rate, .A.____ """' amon! the towns reveals the following pattern . District/Tahsft Workers' Non- workers Workers per 1,000 persons Males and Females J.-__ ___~ 3 2 Unit- Persons Males FemaJes Sehore District 46.3 53.7 1 2 3 4 Indore 287 476 66 Berasia Tahsil 46.5 53.5 Jabalpur Town Group 337 525 105 Sehore Tahsil 50.8 49.2 GwaliOr 288 485 56 Huzur Tahsil 40.0 60.0 Bhopal Town Group 369 575 102 Ujjain 304 499 SI Ashta Tahsil 52.6 47.4 Durg 508 717 156 Ichhawar Tahsil 54.2 45.8 Nasrullaganj Tah!'iI 48.6 51.4 Indore has returned the least number of per­ sons and males at work and Gwalior returned the Budni Tahsil 47.6 52.4 least number of females workers in the State. JabalpuI and Bhopal town group in this respect Among the t~sils Ichhawar has returned the are nearer each other. The fewer female workers highest number of workers and Huzur the lowest. in Gwalior should not cause any surprise because Fewer workers in Huzur are due to Bhopal Town in northern districts - Bhind, Morena and Gwalior Group, an urban centre; f()r in urban areas in­ few females have been returned; despite the fact variably fewer workers .nave been returned. The that in two of these districts viz. Bhind and rate of participation in other tahsils is more or less similar. Morena there are hardly any big towns yet the number of female workers is only 72 and 102 Workers/Non-workers in Bhopal Town Group respectively. Further in all these towns a fairly large number of full time students are returned as The proportion of workers in the town group non-workers. These factors tend to keep down falls to 369 per 1,000 persons, the lowest in the the number of workers. district for any unit. In cities very few Women The Pattern of work are returned as workers and even among the The table below gives the categories of work males the number is somewhat less. in which the workers are engaged.

Categories of work Total Unit ,------.A.------W.orkers J II 111 IV V VI VII VIII iX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 Bhopal Town 100.00 Group 1.03 0.36 2.39 3.66 23.56 16.76 13.31 7.71 31.22 Ranking 8 9 7 6 2 3 4 5 As may be expected cultivation engages only construction can be guaged by the fact that 1.03 % of the total workers; this is just the oppo­ 16.76% of the workers or 13,793 persons are eng­ site of the general pattern of the district where as aged in constrnctional activities and out of these many as 42.50% 'Of workers are engaged in culti­ 5,137 persons or 6.24% are in HEL alone. The vation. The highest number of workers 31.22% fourth category of work is trade and commerce are engaged in 'Other Services' and this agrees which takes in 13.31% of the workers. These Wi1h the general oonsensus which seems to regard four categories account for 84.85% of the Bhopal as chidiy a Servicemen's city. This is workers. followed by Workers engaged in manufacturing processes. Out of 23.56% of workers 19,392 per­ The Occupational Pattern compared with other sons engaged in manufacturing other than House­ cities. hold Industry 6,717 or 8.16% are from Govind­ The inset table following presents the distri­ pura Industrial Township (HEL). The extent of bution of 100 workers among industrial categories. (lxxvi)

Tlible-showirrg 100.00 worker's distribution among Industrial Categories

~ ______Categories-A of workers Total .... City 'Workers ] IT III IV V VI VII VIII IX 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Indore City 100.00 0.74 0.22 1.30 4.04 35.37 3.89 19.80 5.72 28.92 Gwalior CHy 100.00 2.88 1.03 2.24 3.93 30.45 6.12 16.37 6.54 30.44 Ujjain City 100.00 2.53 0.87 1.09 4.68 32.27 4.14 17.75 7.91 28.76 Durg City 100.00 3.11) 1.01 2.52 2.71 43.49 13.77 9.48 6.30 17.62 JabaJpur Town 100.00 3.14 1.02 1.77 10.07 22.68 5.02 12.14 11.55 32.61 Group Bhopal Town Group 100.00 1.03 036 2.39 3.66 23.56 16.76 13.31 7.71 31.22

In all these cities/town gt'oups more than one has the highest percentage in construction. fifth of the population is engaged in manufactu­ Indore leads in Trade and Commerce and is ring other than Household Industry. These are completely non-cultivating type and Jaba\pur has mostly mills, factories and in cases of Bhopal the highest among three cities of these workers Town Group and Durg heavy industries. Durg engaged in transport, storage and communica­ returns the highest percentage of workers in the tions and in other services. above category fonowed by Indore 35.37% and The Non-workers classified into eight Ujjain 32.27%. Bhopal Town Group is fifth in The non-workers were in the table this category. Jabalpur leads in cultivation with categories the details are presented 3.14% of the workers engaged in it and Indore below- is at the bottom with 0.74% in cultivation. The Table-showing distribution of 100 persons ~f Non.working population amllng tbeIr percentage of workers as agricultural labourers activities by sex Sehore district-1961. is stil11ess, the highest being 1.03% in Gwalior T and lowest 0.22% in Indore. The percentage of R Females workers in the household Industry is also low District Category U Males 3 4 5 varying from 10.07% in Jabalpur to 2·.11% in 2 100.00 Total Non-working T 10000 Durg.,In Mining, Qarrying, Hunting and Fishing, Sehore 100.00' Population R 100.00 the percentage of workers is again low varying U 100.00 100.00 6.22 from 2.52% in Durg to 1.09 in Ujjain. Fun Time Students T 36.04 R 29.09 L39' In construction the highest percentage of wor­ U 46.44 12.34 kers in Bhopal 16.76% followed by Durg 13.77% T 0.89 39.23 Household Duties 1.3} 31.8\ R 47.35 both of which are yet sprawling administrative U 0.24 and industrial cities. T 59.70 53.99 Dependents, Tn.ants 65.30 and Disabled R 67.91 As may be expected Indore again leads in U 4741 39.66- the proportion of workers engaged in Trade and T 1.19 0.19 Retired. Rentier or 0.27 0.16- Commerce with 19.80% of its total workers in Indep~ndentme3ns R U 2.56 0.?.3 this category. Durg comes at the bottom with 0,26 T l.O~ 9.48%. In transport storage and communications Beggars, vagrants 1.20 0.31 etc. R 0.20 Jabalpur with 11.55% of its workers leads and in U 0.77 T 0.22 0.07 this category. Indore comes out last. In 'Other Inm~tes of Institu- 0.02 . tionS R Services' Jabalpur, Bhopal and Gwalior return at U 0 .. 53 017 0.02 least 3 persons out of 10 workers their figure Pe1'l!ons seeking T 0.51 0.07 0.01 employment for R 0.03 being 32.61%. 31.22% and 30.44% and are very the first time U 1.16 closely followed by Indore 28.92% and Ujjain 0.02 Unemployed but T 0.42 28.76%, Durg in this respect returns only 17.62%. R o.n 0.02. seeking work 0.02 Dutg1ls thUS ·rlta-inJy lj'tnarittfaeturing town. Bhopal U 0.89 (lxxvii)

A category-wise analysis of these is present­ difference'in the rural and urban percentages. The ed below:- dependents are much less in urban areas. Full Time Students Retired, Rentter or persons of Independent ~eans Among the males 36.04% are full time stu­ dents and the number goes to 46.44% in the , In this category, there are proportionately urban areas. With the females, however, the more persons in urban areas than the rural ones percentage is much less being only 6.22% in the mainly because in the rural areas, people gene­ district but 12.34% in ,urban areas. rally work even in later age-groups and secondly in towns, persons in the old age-groups prefer to Household Duties settle down. In this mainly the fet;nales are engaged. The THE PATTERN OF WORK percentage as may be expected goes up for urban Workers and their classification in the various areas. Categories of work Dependents, Infants and Disabled The workers in the district are mainly depen­ Over 50%of the non-workers both among the dent on cultivation, followed by workers as males and females are from this category. Between agricultural labourers and in 'Other Services'. the age 0-9, the number of workers is very few. The pattern of these occupations for each tahsil Another noticeable feature in this category is vast is indicated in the table below:-

Table-showing workers classified according to category of work-Sehore District-1961

Categories of work District! Total ,------~------.------. TahSil! Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX City

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11

Sehore District 100.00 42.50 19.05 2.53 4.60 6.48 4'49 4.76 2.21 13.38 Berasia Tahsil 100.00 54.28 27.73 2.85 4.66 0.21 0.39 2.00 0.24 7.64 2 Sehore Tahsil 100.00 51.28 22.61 2.59 5.62 2.73 0.79 3.18 0.76 10.44

3 Huzur Tahsil 100.00 15.45 8.50 2.68 3.69 17.48 12.23 9.84 5.82 24.31

4 Ashta Tahsil 100.00 64.44 20.60 1.63 4.91 0.45 0.25 2.08 0.15 5.49 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 100.00 67.35 15.87 2.59 5.23 0.45 0.40 1.35 0.14 6,62 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 100.00 49.00 37.71 1.81 4.08 0.27 0.30 1.31 0.15 5.37 7 Budni Tahsil 100,00 47.36 26.55 4.01 5.38 0.14 1.92 2.21 0.97 11.46 Bhopal Town Group 100.00 l.03 0.36 2.39 3'.66 23.56 16.76 13.31 7.71 31.32

The salient features of the table above reveal, proportion of workers in Manufacturing other that dependence on cultivation is highest in than Household Industry and in Trade and Ichhawar tahsil but least in Huzur where,the high­ Commerce and Transport Storage and communi­ est proportion of workers is in 'Other Services'. cations is highest in the district. Also very few In Nasrullaganj the proportion of agricultural workers are found in Budni, Nasrullaganj and labourers is the highest. In Huzur tahsil the Berasia in the category of Manufacturing. (lxxviii)

If agricultural labourers are also added to workers are in these categories. these under cultivation we have 61.55% of the The number of workers per category is incli­ workers in these two categories or 6 out of 10 cated below- Sehore District

Total Workers ,..------"------. Category Brief Description Persons Males Females Percentage Ranking 2 3 4 5 6 7 In Cultivation 148,469 91,255 57,214 42.50·

II As Agricultural Labourer 66,)46 35,132 31,414 19.05 2 III I!l Mining, Quarrying, LIvestock, Forestry, Fish­ ing, Hunting and Planta­ tions Orchards and allied activities 8,846 7,858 988 2.53 8 IV At Household Industry 16,062 11,586 4,476 4.60 6 V In Manufacturing other than Household Industry 22.647 20.956 1,691 6.48 4

VI In Construction 15,685 12,330 3,355 4.49 7

VB In Trade & Commerce 16,620 15,752 868 4.76 5 VIII In Transport, Storage and Communications 7,745 7,639 106 2.21 9

IX In Other Services 46,739 37,386 9,353 13.38 3

Bhopal Town Group, is the least dependent on CULTIVATION cultivation: there being 15.45% working popula­ The highest number of workers engaged in tion in this category. any given category are those in cultivation, where The Land utilisation 425 persons out of every 1,000 workers are emp­ The table below gives the pattern of land loyed. Among the tahsils, Huzur which includes utilisation.

Area Area under under permanent Area under barren pastures land put and un- and other Area under Total area according to non-agri- culturable grazing Net area Cultivable Area under to Village papers Forest cultural uses land lands sown waste fallow lands

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2,303,593 581,802 108,855 8,096 650,207 891,489 42,506 25,638 100.00 25.20 4.72 0.35 28.16 38.62 1.84 1.11

The area sown at the beginning of the When compared to 1951-52 the area under twentieth century was 26% or nearly one-fourth cultivation has steadily been going down. This of the total area of the State. Although a compa­ is partly 'due to the fact that near Bhopal agricul­ rison would not be strictly speaking very accu­ tural land has been taken' for the site of rate, however the present statistics point to a Industrial Projects viz. the H.E.L. The variation considerable increase since then. has been as follows:- (lxxix)

Decade for 1960-61. The district grows more of Rabi Net Area Variation sown - Decrease Percentage crops than Kharif ones. Year (in acres) + Increase Variation 1 2 3 4 Among the crops wheat is sown in greater 1951-52 922,950 1960--61 891,489 - 31,461 - 3.41 " area, in fact the acreage under wheat is the high- The cultivation is mostly of the dry type-and est for any crop. In acreage wheat is followed by only 29,711 acres are irrigated. The cultivators de- Juar which occupies nearly one-fifth of the area pend entirely on rainfall, for the means of irdga- sown. The area sown more than once is only tion are meagre. Privately owned wells are the main 2.93% and among tahsils it is highest in Ichha- source of irrigation followed by canals.Lately some war, being 7.90%. Even at the beginning of the improved methods have become popular; these are twentieth century the proportion of wheat to mostly the use of green manures, fertilisers, jowar was practically the same; the acreage improved seeds, summer ploughing and soil con- . S figures of earlier times refer to the entIre tate servation. Sugar cane is a popular crop in Sehore and Ashta tahsils and some cultivators have won and so render comparison somewhat difficult; the highest productivity prizes in the Country. but the proportion gives a fair indication of the The Cropping Pattern changes, if any. One important change is, that The table below gives the cropping pattern the cultivation of poppy has been given up. Table-showing area sown under major crops in 1960-61 in each tahsil

Net AREA SOWN UNDER District/Tahsil Area ,------"- sown Rice Jowar Maize Wheat Total Gram Tur Other Total Cereals pulses Pulses & Millets 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sehore District 100 2.15 18.18 1.66 52.58 74.74 8.68 2.83 5.41 16.92 Berasia Tahsil 100 0.86 28.22 4.14 49.11 82.37 9.56 3.26 2.931 15.75 2 Sehore Tahsil 100 2.06 27.79 1.57 49.27 80.73 8.82 3.34 3.40 15.56 3 Huzur Tahsil 100 1.87 9.64 1.32 64.48 77.35 9.47 1.16 8.67 19.30 4 Ashta Tahsil 100 3.49 22.93 1.22 49.41 77.10 5.51 4.05 4.51 14.07 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 100 7.09 16.82 2.28 54.92 81.39 10.93 2.37 4.44 17.74 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 100 0.68 5.93 0.63 55.79 63.24 4.24 3.19 4.33 11.76 7 Budni Tahsil 100 0.87 4.95 0.31 47.26 54.28 15.86 1.21 11.99 29.06

Table-showing area sown under major crops in 1960-61 in each tahsil AREA SOWN UN DER ------. Total Total Sesamum Lin- Total Cotton Total Total area Total Net area Area food food (tIl) seed oil non- sown Net area cropped sown sown grains crops seeds food sown=l00 Area more crops double cropp- than ed Area once 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 91.66 93.97 2.82 2.84 6.10 2.40 9.05 3.02 100 97.07 2.93 98.12 99.30 0.62 1.66 3.61 0.27 4.08 3.38 100 96.73 3.27 96.29 100.15 0.36 1.35 1.93 0.49 3.31 3.46 100 96.66 3.34 96.65 98.89 0.48 1.75 2.92 0.09 3.37 2.26 100 97.79 2.21 91.17 94.24 0.07 1.48 1.86 7'50 9.60 3.84 100 96.30 3.70 99.13 103.79 0.43 1.46 1.99 2.01 4.79 8.58 100 92.10 7.90 75.00 75.43 11.21 8.09 19.36 4.75 25.16 0.59 100 99.42 0.58 83.34 83.98 9.87 5.61 15.56 0.74 16.68 0.66 100 99.34 0.66 (lux)

THE MAJOR CROPS area of 20,858 aeres in 1951-52 is the highest for Food Crops the decade; The variation has been as follows:- Wheat Net area Decade Percentage Wheat is a major rabi crop of the district. Year sown under variation variation Rabi crops are sown near winter and cut before rice (in acres) the summer. The acreage under wheat has shown 2 3 4 a steady increase. It was 247,148 acres in 1951-52 1951-52 20,858 and during the decade it varied between 226,267 1960-61 19,178 1,680 8.05 in 1952-53 and 513,590 acres in 1959-60. It is mostly an unirrigated crop and only 12,776 acreS 'There are no rice mills in the district. are irrigated. About half of the cultivated area in each tahsil of the district is under wheat. Maize The variation is as follows- Like rice maize is grown in less than 20,000 acres. The acreage variation has been from Net area sown under wheat Percentage 13,659 in 1951-52 to 19,015 in 1952-53. Tahsils Year (in acres) Variation variation 1 where acreage under jowar is high also return 2 3 4 higher acreage und~r maize, thus Ichhawar, 1951-52 247,148 1960-61 Berasia and Sehore have returned somewhat hi­ 468,703 + 221,555 + 89,64 gher acreage. It is entirely an un irrigated crop Jowar and the decade variation shows an increase of 8'19%, details being:- Next to wheat, IS Jowar which is sown in nearly one-fifth of the net area sown. It is a Net area Decade Percentage kharif crop and is sown in rains and cut in winter. Year sown under variation variation Among the tahsils NasrulJaganj, Budni and maize (in acres) ~uzur have returned less than 10% area under 2 3 4 Jowar. There has been an increase in the area 1951-52 13,659 under jowar during the decade. Generally speak­ 1960-61 14,777 1,118 8.19 ~ng a little over one lac acres are sown with + + Jowar. It went down to 76,175 acres in 1956-57 from 206,499 acres in 1952-53. It is entire1yan PULSES un irrigated crop and sown in nearly one-tenth Gram area in Berasia, Sehore and Ashta tahsils. The variation has been as follows_ Gram is sown as a rabi crop in nearly one­ twelfth of the net sown area. In Budni tahsil the proportion of the area under gram is high Net area Decade Percentage Year sown under variation being 15.86%. In 1951·52, 111,828 acres jowar variation (in acres) the highest for the decade were sown with gram. 1 2 3 4 Thereafter it has shown a steady decline and 1951-52 133,315 went down to 69,804 acres in 1958-59. It is 1960-61 162,103 mostly an unirrigated crop. The decade variation + 28,788 + 21.59 has been as follows:- Rice

Net ~rea Decade Percentage The district grows very little of rice and the Year sown under variation variation gram total acreage under it has been abuut 15,000 acres lin acres) only. The rice that is grown is mostly of a coarse 2 3 4 quality and amvng the tahsils rice is grown in a 1951-52 111,828 blggtr area in lchhawar, Ashta and Sehore. The 1960--61 77,417 34,411 30.77 (lxui)

Tur shown an upward trend in the last few years the variation being:- Tur is the other main pulse grown in the dis­ trict. It covers only 2.83 % of the area net sown Net area sown Variation Percentage and grown in all tahsils. The acreage under tur Year under condi- variation has varied from 15,923 acres in 1956-57 to 37,748 ments & spices (in acres) acres in 1952-53. The variation in acreage is 1 2 3 4 given in the inset table. 1951-52 3,680 1960-61 4,993 + 1,313 35.68 Net area Percentage + Year sown under Variation variation (Tur in acres) The main condiments are onions, garlic, gin­ .2 3 4 ger, coriander and chillies. It is mostly irrigated. 1951-52 26;546

1960-61 25,211 1,335 5.03 NON FOOD CROPS Oil seeds

Sugar Cane Sesamum (til) and linseed are the two main oil seeds grown. The area under sugar cane has been between 8,000 to 9,000 acres after 1955-56, prior to which Sesamum is was much less. In 1952-53 it fell to 2,514 acres The acreage under seSamum has varied from the lowest in the last decade. In 1960-61 the cane 7 ,329 acres in 1955-56 to 39,793 in 1951-52 the was sown in 9,661 acres and the production was highest ever during the decade. Among the 6.400 tons, the production of sugar cane shot up tahsils the area sown with til is proportionately thereafter. Some cultivators of the district have higher in Nasrullaganj and Budni, almost insig­ won prizes in the All India competition for sugar nificant in Ashta. The variation has been: cane production. In the year 1964-65, a farmer in Has~pura village produced 2,170 maunds of Year Net area sown Variation Percentage sugar cane ptlr acre to claim the first prize in under sesamum variation India. The sugar cane grown in the district is (in acres)

used by the Bhopal Sugar Mills at Sehore and in 1 2 3 4 some cases the cultivators also make jaggery out 1951-52 39,793 of it. There are some very good sugar cane farms - 36.75 in the district specially in Sehore and Ashta tah­ 1960-61 25.168 - 14,625 sils. The decade variation is : Linseed Net area sown Percentage The rea und er 1msee· . d h as been around Year under sugar cane Variation variation (in acres) 20,000-22,000 acres and like sesamum it is propor­

1 2 3 4 tionately higher in Budni and Nasrullaganj tahsils. 1951-52 7,765 The decade variation has been: 1960--61 9,661 + 1,896 + 24.42 ------Net area sown under Linseed Decade Percentage Year (in acres) Variation variation Condiments and spices; 2 3 4 The area under condiments and spices in 1951- 1951-52 25,094 233 + 0.93 52 is very little being 3,680 acres only, It has 1960-61 25,327 + (lxxxii)

All Fruits & Vegetables Cultivation Generally The area under fruits and vegetables has been A littl@ over nine-tenth of the net sown area. steadily going up. It was 4,700 acres in 1951·52 in the district is under the food crops; only 2.93% and touched 6,124 acres in 1959-60. Since these of th e area is sown more than once. Irrigation are irrigated crops, the growth is gradual. Among facilities are still very meagre but the technique the fruits, oranges, lemon, papayyas and guavas of sugar cane production in some area is of a are very popular. Local vegetables are grown for very high order. consumption in Bhopal. Workers as Agricultural Labourers Irrigation There are 66,546 persons 35,132 males and 31,414 females who have been returned as At the beginning of the twentieth century agricultural labourers. They constitute 19.05% poppy, sugar cane and garden produce alone were of the total working force of the district and irrigated. The facilities for irrigation are still vary from 37.71% in Nasrullaganj to 8.50% very meagre and only 3.3% of the area net sown of the total workers in Huzur tahsil. The was irrigated. The different sources of irrigation main reasons for this variation appears to are wells, tanks, canals and other sources; their be that in bigger villages or urban centres, break-up being: agricultural labourers are found in much lesser numbers. Thus Budni and Berasia tahsils with

,--______Area IrrigatedJ.- ______(1960-61) , few urban centres and big villages, return a com­ Tanks Wells Canals All other paratively higher percentage. Local enquiries All sources sources reveal that even for bigger villages agricultural 2 3 4 5 labourers have to be imported from nearby vil­ 29,711 2,739 18,136 3,321 5.515 lages. During the decade the wages went up to Rs. 1.50 for male labourers in the farms. The percentage 100.00 9.22 61. 04 11. 18 18. 56 artisans were paid as much as Rs. 4.50. The wages seem to be I:lpiraUing and each year they During the decade the progress under irriga­ shoot up. Lately in the bigger villages a shortage tion has been as follows :- of labourers has been noticed when the wheat crop is cut, labourers from nearby areas a.re Source Area Irrigated ,------"------~ known to come for about a month or so. 1951-52 1960-61 Workers in Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Fores­ 1 2 3 Canals 783 3,321 try, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations Orchards Wells 7,652 18,136 and allied activities. Tanks 793 2,739 There are 8,846 persons 7,858 males and 988 All other sources 2,007 5,515 females constituting 2.53% of the workers in this category and are mostly spread out in the Thus there has been an increase under all rural areas. The main categories of the work heads. are: (lxxxiii)

S. Code Brief Description of the category Total workers Percentage to the Rank No. No. ..____ ---A-___---, total no. of P M F workers in this category 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

009 Production of other agricultural produce 758 685 73 8:57 2 (including fruits and nuts not cqvered by code number 006 and flowers)

2 040 Production and rearing of livestock (large 5,041 4,607 434 56.99 1 heads only) mainly for milk and animal power,such as cow, buffalo, goat

3 020 Planting, replanting and conservation of 437 437 4 forests

4 005 Producti'pn of other crops (including vege­ 577 442 135 6.52 3 tabl ) not covered above

I Such categories as have returned 400 persons Workers in Household Industry and above alone have been considered. From the above it follows that in code 040 which in The district has returned 16,062 persons many cases is allied to cultivation, the number 11,586 males 4,476 ftmales or 4.60% of the total of workers is high. Other categories have how­ workers in this category: the details of which ever returned fewer workers. are given below :-

S. Code Brief Description of the Category Total Workers Percentage No. No. r-- to the total P M F no. of wor- Rank kers in this category

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 040 Production and rearing of livestock 366 322 44 2.28 14 (Ia!ge heads only) mainly for milk and ammal power such as cow, buffalo, goat

2 048 Production of other animal husbandry 455 306 149 2.83 12 products such as skin. bone. ivory and teeth

3 206 Production of butter, ghee, cheese and 327 159 168 2.03 15 other dairy products 4 207 Production of edible fats and oils (other 496 315 181 3.09 10 than hydrogenated oil)

5 220 Manufacture of bidi 1,180 559 621 7.35 6 6 235 Cotton weaving in handlooms 562 277 285 3.50 9 7 273 M.aking of textile garments including 2,175 1,848 327 13.54 1 ramcoats and headgear

8 282 JYfanuf~cture of structural wooden goods 1,790 1,771 19 11.14 1 (lDcludlDg treated timber) such as beams posts, doors, windo\\s ' 9 288 Manufacture of materials from cork. 1,628 816 812 10.13 3 bamboo, cane, leaves and other allied products I 10 311 Manufacture of shoes and other leather 1,621 1,176 44.5 10.10 4 footwear (lx~xiV) .'

Percentage to the total S. Code Brief Description of the Category Total Workers no. of wor- Rank No. No. ,--__-----A. _____, kers in this P M F category 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 314 Repair of shoes and other leather foot- ,420 300 120 2.61 13 wear

12 333 Manufacture of ammunition, eJCplosives 210 tlO 100 1.31 16 and fire works 13 340 Manufacture of structural clay products 807 503 304 5.02 7 such as bricks, tiles 14 350 Manufacture of earthenware and ear- 1.037 665 372 8.14 5 then pottery 15 364 Manufacture of iron and steel furniture 762 692 70 4.74 8 16 393 Manufacture of jewellery, silverware and 491 458 33 3.06 11 wares using gold and other precious metals

The ma.in household industries are (1) code products (4) code no. 311 manufacture of shoes DO. 273 making of textile garmets including rain­ and other leather footwear (5) code no. 350 manufacture of earthenware and earthen pottery coats and headgear (2) code no. 282 manu­ and (6) code no. 220 manufacture of bidi. facture of structural wooden goods (including These at e mostly the conventional household treated timber) sach as beams, posts, doors, win­ industries with a predominant rural character­ dows (3) code no. 288 manufacture of materials istic. The tahsil wise details of the Household from cork, bamboo', cane, leaves and other allied Industries in the rural areas are:

Tahsil r------.A.------.Workers in Household Industry , ______-A Rural ______--. , _____ = _____Urban.A. ______--. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 Berasia Tahsil 1,368 1,103 2.65 380 297 83

Sehore Tahsil 2,099 1,594 505 1,447 895 552 Huzur Tahsil 1,281 953 328 3,016 1,889 1,127

Ashta Tahsil 2,419 1,776 643 378 237 141

Ichhawar Tahsil 1,065 806 259 240 149 91

Nasrullaganj Tahsil 1,065 934 131

Budni Tahsil 1.304 953 351

Bhopal Town Group and Sehore are the only Some other Important Household Industries: two places where workers in household industry are in some number in the urba~ areas. There BatlYa Making aDd Zari Embroidery are hardly any industries in H. E. L. and Baira­ garh so it is only in Bhopal city that they are This industry is mostly confined to Bhopal confined. city and workers under this have been classified (lxxxv)

both under-the household industries and manu­ Bidi Making facturing other than household industry. The This industry was started round about 1936- industry is now nearly a hundred years old hav­ 37 in Sehore for the first time. The labour was ing been patronised by Nawab Shah Jehan plentiful and hence cheap. The raw material Begum. Initially the craftsmen came from Kan­ tendu Diospyros-melanoxy!on, leaves were in the pur, Lucknow and Delhi. In 1955 two schemes, vicinity and her.ce it is a popular household in­ dustry. The tobdcco however is imported from one for training in Zari embroidery and another outside. for Zari designing cum-demonstration were star­ ted. The excellent quality of the products, have Manufacturing other than Household Industry made Bhopal fam?us all over the country and 'the district has returned 22,647 persons lately, these 'batwas' have become an excellent 20,956 males and 1,691 females or 6.48% of the foreign exchange earner. In the city the em­ workers in this category. In urban areas alone poriums display an excellent range of batwas and there are 21,372 persons 19,972 males and 1,400 zari.embroidery. f"males or 94.37% of the above category.

The break-up for the urban areas is:-

Towns Total workers (Towns returning less than 200 Percentage to total persons of the category .-______workers--A--_ not considered) Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 Sehore 1,652 1,516 136 7.73 Bhopal Town group 19,392 18,174 1,218 90.74 (M) 12,019 11,379 640 56.24 Bairagarh 656 578 78 3.07 H.E.L. 6,717 6,217 500 31.43 Ashta 211 167 44 0.99

Thus in this category, are included mostly these two towns. The details about the Manu­ workers from Bhopal cit.y (M) and Govindpura­ facturing categories a.re:- HEL Township. As many as 87.67% are from

S. Code Brief Description of the category Total workers Percentage to Rank No. No. r------. total workers of P M F the category 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 005 Production of other crops (including vege­ , 577 442 135 2.70 12 tables) not covered above in 000 to 004-for details please see P (iii)

2 009 ~roduction of other agricultural produce 758 685 73 3.55 9 (Including fruits and nuts not covered by code number 006 and flowers)

3 040 Production and rearing of livestock (large 5,041 4,607 434 ' 23.40 2 heads only) mainly for milk and animal power such as cow, buffalo, goat

4 201 Production of sugar and syrup from sugar­ 764 752 12 3.57 8 cane in mills (lxxxvi)

S. Code Brief Description of the Category Total Workers Percentage No. No. r------A.-----..... to tbe total p M F no. of wor- Rank kers in this category

8 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 5 220 Manufacture of bidi 752 613 139 3.52

6 231 Cotton spinning (other tban in milJs) 500 488 12 234 15

7 232 Cotton spinning and weaving in mills 2.181 2,148 33 to.20 3

8 273 Making of textile garments including rain­ ],076 1,004 72 5.0~ 5 coats and headgear

9 282 Manufacture of structural wooden goods 878 874 4 4.11 7 including treated timber) such as beams. posts, doors, windows

10 290 Manufacture of pulp from wood, rags, 528 524 4 2.47 13 wastepaper and other fibres and the con­ version of such pulp into any kind of paper and paper board in mill

11 302 All other types of printing including litho­ 520 519 2.43 14 graphy, engraving, etching block making and other work connected with printing industry

J2 340 Manufacture of structural clay products 1,130 655 475 529 4 slIch as bricks, tHes

J3 350 Manufacture of earthenware and earthen 702 489 213 3.28 11 pottery

14 369 Manuf8cture of sundry hard wares such as 1,031 1,029 2 4.82 6 G. 1. pipe, wire net, bolt, screw, bucket, cutlery (This will also include the manu­ facture of sundry ferrous engineering pro­ ducts done by jobbing engineering con­ cerns which cannot be classified in major groups 36, 37, 38 and 39)

15 374 Manufacture 0' heavy electrical machi­ 6.130 5,8~J 329 28.68 nery and equipment such as motors, generators, transformers

Thus the Heavy Electricals Limited forms Workers iu Construction the main industry. It is still in &. st.age of ex­ There are 15,685 persons 12,330 males 3,355 pansion and as yet has not reached its optimum females constituting 4.49% of the workers in this production level. Apart from those engaged in category, Out oftheRc 13,793 person!'or~7.94% category 040, which is 'lcry general and does llot are working in Bhopal Town Group. The cons­ need any detailed analysis, the other category is truction activity has heen of a very high order of those engaged in cotton spinning code no. 232. since the re-organisation of the State. An entire (lxxxvii) township - the H. E. L. at Govindpura along with various offices, came up during this period. The residential localit.y of Tatya Tope Nagar and the details regarding the workers are :-

Code No. Brief description of the category Total workers Percentage to Rank ,------..A.-----,total workers of P M F the category

2 3 4 5 6 7

400 Construction and maintenance of buildings 10,735 8,432 2,303 68.44 including erection, flooring, decorative cons­ tructions, electrical & sanitary installations

401 Constructions and maintenance of roads, rail­ 4,468 3.495 973 28.49 2 ways bridges, tunnels

402 Constructions and maintenance of telegraph 150 150 0.96 4 and telephone 'lines

403 Constructions and maintenance of water ways 332 253 79 2.12 3 and water reserviors such as bund, embank­ ments, dam, canal, tank tubewells, wells

The figures under Code 400 emphasise the in Bhopal Town Group is indeed of a very high potential expansion of the district with epecial order; as many as 95.17% of the worker", of the reference to the Bhopal Town Group. district are from the town group. In other codes 401,402 and 403 however, Bhopal Town Group The table below gives the break-up of these does not constitute such a high percentage of categories for Bhopal Town Group. In the cate­ workers although in 401 there are 76.99%, of the gory construction code no. 400 the concentration total workers in the district.

Table:- showing workers in construction (Bhopal Town Group)

Code No. Brief description of the category Number of workers Percentage to Percentage to ------the same code the total P M F No. of the workers of the district category

2 3 4 5 6 7 400 ~onstr:uction lI;nd maintenance of buildings 10,217 8,054 2,163 95.17 65.14 Inclu~Ing erectI~n, flooring, decorative cons­ tructIOns, electrIcal & sanitary installations

401 Constru.ctions and maintenance of roads, rail­ 3,440 2,606 834 76.99 21.93 ways brIdges, tunnels

402 Constructions and maintenance of telegraph 5 5 3.33 0.03 and telephone lines

403 Constructions and maintenance of water ways 131 121 10 39.46 0.84 and water reserviors such as bund. embank­ ments dam. canal, tank tubewells wells (lxxxviii)

Trade and Commerce these 13,717 persons are in the urban areas- Bhopal 'fown Group alone constituting 10,955 This category of work accounts for 16, 620 persons, or 65.91 % of the category. The details persons 15,752 malef; and 868 females. Out of of the category are:-

Code No. Brief description of the category Total workers Percentage Rdnk r--___.A. ____ ------, to Total p M F workers in the category 2 3 4 5 6 7 600 Wholesale trading in cereals and pulses •. 1,014 960 54 6.10 5 640 Re!ail trading in cereals, pulses, \egetables, 6,451 5,918 533 38.81 frUIts, sugar, spices, oil, fish, diary products, eggs, poultry

644 Retail trading in tobacco, bidi, cigarettes and 935 889 46 .5.63 6 other tobacco products

646 Retail trading in food stuffs like sweetmeat 1,627 1,590 37 9.79 2 condiments, cakes, biscuits, etc.

650 Retail trading in fibres, yarns, dhoti, saree, 1,405 1,397 8 8.45 3 readymade garments of cotton, wool, silk and other textiles and hosiery products; (this in~ eludes retail trading in piece-goods of cotton, wool, silk and other textiles) 689 Retail trading in goods unspecified 1,332 1,263 69 8.01 4

The above reveals the usual pattern of trade in this male dominated category of work, A being mostly of tht1 r~tail type. great number of them viz. 6,899 persons or 89.1 % of the workers of the category are from the urban Workers in Transport Storage and Communica­ tions areas. Bhopal Town Group alone constitutes

There are 7,745 persons 7,639 males and 106 6,344 pel'sons or 91.96% of the workers in the females constituting 2.21 % of the total workers urban areas. The break-up of the category is :-

Code No. Brief description of the category Total workers Percentage Rank .A. _____--, to Total p M F workers in the category 2 3 4 5 6 7 700 Transporting by railways 2,737 2,696 41 35.34

701 Transporting by tramway lind bus service 939 936 3 12.12 3

702 Transporting by motor vehicles (other than 1,367 ],365 2 17.65 2 omnibus)

703 Transporting by road through other means of 926 910 ]6 11.96 4 transport such as hackney carriage, bullock cart, ekka

705 Transporting by man such as carrying of 461 450 11 5.95 6 luggage, hand cart driving, rickshaw pulling, cycle rickshaw driving 730 Postal telegraphic, wireless and signal com- 561 559 2 7.24 5 munications (lxxxix)

Two railway lines cross the district. The Workers in Other Services Central Railway main line running from Bombay The category includes public services educa­ to Delhi, Delhi to Madras passes through Bhopal, tional and scientific services medical and health and from Bhopal also branches off the Western services. religious, welfare, legal, business, com­ Railway· broadguage-Bhopal-Ujjain-Nagda and munity, recreation personal and services not Bhopal-Indore branch line. Thull a sizeable elsewhere classified or not adequately described. proportion 35.34% of the workers are engaged There are 46,739 persons 37,386 males 9,353 in this category. This is followed by those females, constituting 13.38% of the total workers engaged in transport by motor vehicles other in this category. than omnibus.' Many from the above are engaged The category ranks third. Consequent to the with Governmept departments or its undertaking. location of the capital, the setting of the Govern­ There are no tramways in the district. the workers ment offices, the number of Government servants under code 701 are therefore those engaged in spiralled during the decade. As many as 31,426 the transport by bus services, the number of persons, 26,489 males 4,937 females, or 67 24 % which after the formation of the new State has are in the urban areas and Bhopal Town Group contributes 25,690 or 54 96 % out of them. The gone up considerably. table below gives the details:-

S. Code Brief description of the category Total workers Percentage Rank No. No. r------A ---. to total p M F workers of the Category 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 803 Public service in Police 3,381 3,353 28 7.23 4 2 805 Public service in administrative depart­ 1,166 1,137 29 2.48 9 ments and offices of quasi-government organisation, municipalities, local boards, etc. 3 809 Public services in administrative depart­ 5,901 5,840 61 12.62 ' 2 ments and office~ of State Government. 4 811 Educational services such as those rendered 4,926 3,806 1.120 10.54 3 by colleges, schools and similar other ins­ titutions of non-technical type.

5 820 Public health and medical services ren­ 2,227 1,537 690 4.76 6 derd by organisations and individual~ such as by hospitals, sanatoria, nursing homes, maternity and child welfare clinics as also by hakimi, unani, ayurvedic, allo­ pathic and homeopathic practitioners

6 872 Recreation services rendered by organi­ 1,034 954 80 2.21 10 sations and individuals such as those of theatres, opera companies, ballet and dancing parties, musicians exhibitions, circus, carnivals 7 880 Services rendered to households such as 2,465 1,S55 610 5.27 s those by domestic servants, cooks 8 883 Laundrj services rendered by organisa­ 1,948 1,501 447 4.17 7 tions and individuals, this includes all types of cleaning, dyeing, bleaching, dry cleaning, services 9 884 Hair dressing. other services rendered by 1,849 ),824 25 3.96 8 organisation and individuals such as those by barber, hairdressing saloon and beauty shops 10 Activities Unspecified and not adequately 13,453 8,185 5,268 28.78 described including activities of such in­ dividuals who fail to provide sufficient information about their industrial affilia­ tion to enable them to be classified. (lxnx)

Leaving aside code 900 which does not carry shows a. clea.r decrease. With the increase in the tiS far, public service in 8ta.t~ Government employment potential in the town, it is likely accounts fol' 5,901 persons. In 195] there were that many of them took to new trades or calling; 2,956 employees with the State Government. The the work as a domestic servant being arduous and expansion in educational services is underlined not pa.rticularly attractive. Also due to increased by the fp-et that there are 4,92G workers in the wages, it is likely that many persons who could district as against 922 in 1951. The number of just afford to keep an underpaid domestic servaut, female workers in 1961 stands at 1,120 as against had to do withDut them. The returns unmistak· 138 in 1951. The increase in those in the Police ably reveal that fewer domestic servants than Department has been of a high order. There are ever before are now engaged in this category. 3,38! persons as against 1,854 in 1951. In the Medical and Health service the number of workers, has gone upto 2,227 as against 600 in The Central Government offices started shift­ 1951. The Gandhi Medical College started in ir.g to Bhopal, on the formation of the new State. 1955, gave a great opportunity for expansion of There were 452 persons in the employment of the the calling. Added to this was the all round Central Government as against 124 in 1951. By increase in the medical facilities made available 1961 the following offices had been located in to the public. As against 188 female workers in Bhopal; The All India Radio, The Superintendent, 1951 there were 690 in 1961. There has again Archaeological Department, sub-office of the been a consiuerable increase in the workers ~countant General. M. P., Central Excise, C. P. engaged in laundries and laundry Eervices, their . D. the National Archives, Central Water number having gone up from 830 in 1951 to 1948 Power Commission and the Tourist office. in 1961. Barbers also show an increase from The expansion of the offices also contributed to 1400 in 1951 to 1849 in 1961. In the local boards the increase of workers in the category. and municipalities also the itlCrease in the Dumber Those rendering services to the households has been of a high order. The workers rise from "ucb as services rendered by domestic servants 598 in 1951 to 1,166 in 1961. and ~ooks nuznher 2,465 as against 2,845 in 1951 Thtl table below gives the comparable figures showmg a d H' ecrease. ere 1S one category of of the decade for a few important categories of work, which despite the population increase, work.

Category of work Workers in Increase + Percentage ,------_.!....------. variation 1961 1951 Decrease - 2 3 4 5 Public Service in Police .. 3,381 1,854 + 1,527 + 82.362 Public Service in Central Government 452 124 + 328 + 264.516 Public Service in ad " . of' mlDlstrahve departments and OffiCfS 1,166 598 + 568 + 94.983 boird~sl.:~vernment organisation, municipalities, local , c.

Public services in .ldministrative departments and offices 5,901 l,955 2,946 99.695 of Slate Governments + +

Educational services code Nos. 810, 811 & 812 5,821 922 + 4,899 + 531.344 Medical & Health Services Code Nos. 820, 821 2,390 600 + 1,790 + 298,333 Service rendered as domestic servants: cook!> etc. 2.465 2,845 380 - 13.356 l.aundry services t,948 830 + 1,I1B + 134.69~ (lxxxxi)

Communications Some Industries in tbe district Except for the Bhopal Sugar Mills at Sehore The district is fortunately well connected by most of the large scale industries are located in a net work of railways and roads. The main Bhopal. Some of the main ones are described broad guage line of Central Railway-Delhi­ below:- Born bay-Madras. passes through the district and Bhopal is a junction from where trains go directly (1) The (New) Bbopal Textile Mill to U jjain, Indore, Rathm and Ahmedabad in the west , Delhi and Northern India in the north, The Mill started in 1938 as a registered joint Bombay in south-west, Nagpur, Madras in the stock company and is equipped with about 15,000 south and Bilaspur in south-east. The western spindles and 400 looms. It mostly produces railway broad guage-branch line touches Sehore coarse cloth and obtains the raw material from and provide an effective link with the rest of the the adjoining districts, Saurashtra and Berar, - country. The doubling of rail track between Bhopal-Bina and ItarRl now under construction (2) Tbe Bbopal Straw Products will go a long way in ensuring faster flow of The Bhopal Straw Products were started in traffic. There are nine railway stations on the 1938. It produces plain straw, boards and corru­ Central Railway and i fOl,lr on the Western gated straw board rolls engaging 300 labourers. Railway, in the district. Bhopal is a stop for an It is the biggest in Central India. tra,ins and a b('lFey is attac.'hpd to Punjab Mail to Bombay, G. T. Expre~FI to Dplhi and Bilaspur (3) The Central India Floor Mill Express to Jabalpur. This ensures better accom­ modation to those who leave or come t.o Bhopal. The Floor Mills are managed by M./S. Wallace Floor Company of Bombay and produces, atta Roads sooji, and rawa, its production touches 100 tons a day. The only important road passing through Rehore is Dewas.Bhopal Stat.e HighwaY-18. The (4) Bhopal Sugar Industries more imp(lrtant roads however pass through Bhopal; The Bhopal-Jaipur National Highway The Bhopal Sugar Mill was started inI93~.39 passes through Bhopa! and when an all weather It has a capacity of 1.000 to 1,200 tons per day and works for 3 to 4 months in year. It obtains l>rid-ge over Narmada is constructed near Hoshan­ its requirements mostly from neighbouring gabad, would provide an effective link with the districts. During the time of Bhopal, the late south. This also connects the northern parts of the ruler Nawab Hamiddulla Khan encouraged the State. Also through Bhopal passes the Jabalpur- growth of industries by offering several induce­ • ments to the enterpreneurs. These were mostly Bhopal Dewas road which connects the eastern in the nature of grant of liberal concessions like part of the State to the western district. Apart exemption from octroi duty, cheap power. grant from these main roads the district roads practi­ of cheap and free site of land. As a result of cally cover the entire district. The district is this policy industries grew fast between 1936- also now on the air map and lAC flight touches 1947. Thereafter followed an era of uncertainty Bhopal on its way from Delhi to Nagpur. Besides when the fate of the State hung in balance. As a result of this some concerns like Vegetable these telegraph facilities are available at all tahsil Ghee Factory and East India Company.crumpled. headquarters, Bairagarh, Govindpura. Facilities Some of the other industries are the Narmada for phones are available at Sehore, Bhopal, Baira­ Valley Refrigerated Products (2) Bhopal Glass garh and Budni. and Chemicals Ltd. and Bhopal Bone Mills. - (lX~xxii)

HEAVY INDUSTRY The District and Statistics The Distriet occupies 2.12 of the space of Th'e Heavy Electricals (India) Ltd. % the State and contributes 2.33 % of the popula­ The Project has been set up by the Govern­ tion, therefore the density of the population in ment of India in collaboration with Associated the district is slightly more than that for the Electrical Industries of the U. K. in 1956. It State being 209 as compared to 190 for the State. went into production in July 1960, producing As compared to Bastar district the biggest in area switch gears, power transformers, instrument (15,124 sq. miles), Sehore is a little less than transformers, traction motors The principal one-fourth; its area being (3,613 sq. miles) or consumers are the State Electricity Board, Hydro­ 23.89 % of Bastar; yet it is more than four and Electric Projects and the . half times bigger than Datia the smallest district When fully in production it will employ 20,000 of the State. Some comparable districts in area persons. An ancillary Industrial Estate has also are Hoshangabad 3,856.3, West Nimar 3,751.4, come up in the private sector. Mandsaur 3,654.3 and Balaghat 3,514.2 sq. miles, as per Director of Land Records figures. In area SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES the district ranks twenty first. In terms of population it returns a little more than one-third The Batwa Making and Zari Embroidery * of the most populous district viz. Bilaspur and returns more than three and half times the popu­ The Batwa (Purse) and the Zari embroidery lation of Datia, the smallest. in population. In work of Bhopal is famous all over the country. population the following districts are within the The industry was founded during the reign of same range of population as Sehore; Morena Nawab ~hah Jehan Begum (1844-1901) who (783,348), Rewa (772, 602), Indore (753, 594) and patronised art and craft. She encouraged crafts~ Mandsaur (752, 085). In population the district men to come to Bhopal and the workers in Zari ranks fifteenth and represents 'nearly average are said to have come from Kanpur, Lucknow district in the State'. In the matter of growth and Delhi and the craft is confined mostly to over the last 60 years the district ranks 19th Muslims. In 1958 a co-operative society of having shown an increase of 98.85 %. During women workers was formed. The products are the last decade however it tops in percentage mostly batwa purses. growth which is 44.82. The district returns one person out of every CONCLUSION five or 21.48% as a literate. This is well below The Lay Out the India figure of 24.00% but a little_ above the Situated mostly in the Malwa Plateau the State figure 17.13%. Even in the urban areas the figure of literacy 41.70% is much below the ~istrict enjoys a mild climate and if not exactly India figures of 46.91 %. As compared to some of 1U the centre of the State, is sufficiently in the the city-districts this figure is somewhat low for, middle part of it. The forest area in the district Indore (50.64), Gwalior (41.81), Ujjain (44.14), has steadily been decre~sing and the vegetation Jabalpur (48.35) have all returned higher li~eracy becoming less dense. On the other hand there figures. The district has further returned fewer has been industrial growth coupled with the females per thousand persons 864, mainly be- emergence of Bhopal as an administrative Centre. cause in the urban area of Bhopal the sex-ratio The expansion and growth continue and the is much less being 771: but this is- more or less district would soon outstrip others both in ex­ in conformity with other districts with impor­ pansion and growth. tant cities; Indore 882, Ujjain 921, Gwalior 859 ~.~F:or~gr~e-a~te-r~d~et-a~·l""'-f-Z""'·-E""'b""'·""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~ Emt'd ISO an. m rOldery and Batwa making of Bhopal, the reader is referred to the monograph, "Zari TCl ery and Batwa maklDg of Bhopal" M. P. by P. K. Dixit, a Census Publications. · dxxxxiii)

'and Jabalpur 924 represent more or less the same however had continuous existence since 6 July characteristics. In the case of Jabalpur and 1722, when I)ost Mohammed the founder of Ujjain the sex-ratio in th~ two cities is 809 and Bhopal dynasty built the Fategarh Fort. It was 872. however during the reign of Nawab Faiz Mohammed Khan, that Bhopal permanently be­ came the capital of the State. The Economy

The occupational returns reveal that two The old city is entirel)' towards the north of persons out of every five are engaged in cultiva­ Roshanpura naka. The road coming down from tion and one out of five as agricultural tabourer. Shamla hill to Minto Hall (Vidhan Sabha Thus three persons out of five are engaged in Bhavan) was the boundary for the old Bhopal. occupations allied to cultivation. The technique The new township-T. T. Nagar area was cons­ of cultivation o( sugar cane has been improved tructed mostly from 1956 onwards after the considerably in some areas. At the same time decision to locate the capital was taken. The one out of every ten persons is engaged in either Heavy Electricals Plant has been located about 3·4 miles east of the town. manufacturing goods as a household industry OJ" otherwise. This underlines the industrial poten­ tial of the city. Never before were so many Some of the important old buildings are the persons engaged in' such occupation. Along with Taj Mahal, Jama Masjid, Moti Masjid. The this the number of persons engaged in 'Other present rulers live in the area known as Ahmada­ Services' is going up. The district is thus bad which is situated about two miles to the growing up fast and seems to be the thresh-hold west of the town. The Raj Bhawan, Minto Hall of good economic growth along with consider­ are some of the old buildings. Among the newer able e.ll.panskn. buildings the following deserve some mention: The Vallabh Bhavan (1965), the Laxmi Narain IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE DISTRICT Temple, the Tagore Bhavan. The Secretariat (VaUabh Bhavan) is 1840 feet above sea level. Ashta (Pop. 8,981) The All India Radio Station is located on the Shamla Hill. The area around Habibganj is Ashta is the tahsil headquarters town lying growing fast as the offices and private housing 28 miles west of Sehore on Sehore-Dewas road. colonies come up. It was once the headquarters of nizamat magrib and is situated on the eastern bank of Parwati. Berasia (Pop. 6,238) :'t was once known for at dyeing. The industry Berasia town is about 24 miles north-west still exists; the weavers are mostly Muslims and of Bhopal and was an old village in the Raisen lately looms are being operated by electricity Sarkar of Subah Malwa. The tah~il he3,dquarters also. Apart from the tahsil the Block headquar­ ters are also located along with the dispensaries are !ocated here along with a police station and both Civil and Veterinary and Police station. Block.

Bairagarh (Pop. 16,827) Bhopal (Pop. 185,374)

The capital town of the State is situated on A small town ship about 5 miles west of a sandstone ridge 1652 feet above sea level and Bhopal. It grew up chiefly ail a Prisoner of War is located between the edges of two great lakes. Camp during the Second World War and refugee Legend has it that the city stands on the old site camp thereafter. The Government Printing founded by Raja Bhoja of Dhar lOW-55. It has Press, and the airport are located here. (lxxxxiv)

Budni (Pop. 2,103) here that Dost Mohammed a.ssembled Rajpnt rulers for talks and then treacherously murdered Budni village is a railway station on ­ them. The bodies were tbrown into Tahal river Bhopal section of the Central Railway. It is :t subsequently known as Halali Nadi. tahsil and Block headquarters and a police station and dispensary is located here. Jawar (Pop. 2,669) A village in Ashta tahsil, or.ce a tahsil head­ Ichhawar (Pop. 5,136) quarters. A dispensary and a police station are located here. The town is the headquarters of the tahsil of the same name. It lies aoout 12 miles south Sehore (Pop. 28,489) of Sehore. The area was once the jagir of Bour Sehore town is 1,750 feet above the sea level boun, a French noble family which migrated to at the confluflnce of two local streams Sewan and India. Salvador Bournboun became a general Lotia which have been dammed to give an ade­ in State Army. A Block and Police Station are quate water supply. The British founded the located here. Civil Station in 1818 and the State also located the tahsil. The British stationed their Political Islamnagar (Pop. 853) Agent and in 1929 handed the station back to the State. The town is reached by railway train and The village is about 6 miles to the north~. west of Bhopal and played an important part in road from Bhopal being about 24 miles to the the history of the State. There are some old west. The disriot named after Sehore town in­ tombs and a primary school is located. It was cludes the oapital. (Ixxxxv)

REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 9 Census of India 1961 Volume VIII Madhya Pradesh The following Census Reports, gazetteers Part II-A General Population Tables and other official publications have been freely by G. Jagathpathi I. A. S., consulted. Superintendent of Census Operations, 1 The Central India State Census Series 1911 Madhya Pradesh. Volume III Bhopal State Gazetteers Census Report Text and Tables by Major C. E. Luard M. A. (Oxon), I. A., 1 The Central India State Gazetteers Series Superintendent of Census Operations in Bhopal State Gazetteer Central India. Volume III-Text and Tables by Captain C. E. Luard, M. A. (Ox on) I. A , 2 Census of India 1921 Superintendent of Gazetteer in Central India Volume XVIII Assisted by Central India Agency Munshi Kudrat Ali Report and Tables State Gazetteer Officer. by Lieut. Colonel C. E. Luard, C. I. E., M.A. 2 Imperial Gazetteer (Oxon), I. A., Superintendent of Census Operations. Other Publications 1 Delimitation of 3 Census of India, 1921 Parliamentary and Assembly Volume I-Report, Part I Constituencies Order 1961 by J. T. Martin. VI-Madhya Pradesh 4 Central India States CenRus Series }931 Published by the Election Commission, Volume VII Bhopal State India. Part I Report and Part II Tables 2 Statistical Abstract of by C. S. Venkatachar I. C. S. Madhya Pradesh 1961·62 Superintendent of Census Operations 1D Published by the Directorate of Economics Central India and & Statistics Madhya Pradesh. M. Mahmood Ali Khan Census Officer, Bhopal State. 3 Zari Em broidery and Batwa-Making of S Censue of India, 1951 Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Volume XV by P. K. Dixit Madhya Bharat & Bhopal Part I-A Report 4 A Memoir of Central India by Ranglal, B. A., by Sir John Malcolm. Census Commissioner, Madhya Bharat & Bhopal. We are also grateful to the following officers in the district. The Collector Sehore along 6 District Census Handbook 1951 with his subordinate offices, (2) The Divisional Iforest Officer, (3) Panchayat & Welfare Officer, 7 Census of India 1961 (4) The District Statistical Officer, (5) The Paper No. I of 1962 Executive Engineer, P. W. D. Building and Final Population Tables Roads, (6) The Executive Engineer Irrigation, by Registrar General of India (7) Superintendent Police and (8) The Chief Exe­ 8 Census of India cutive Officer, Municipal Council, Bhopal. I am Paper No. I of 1963 also thankful to my former colleague Shri P. K. 1961 Census-Religion Dixit for enabling me to use some material by Registrar General of India from his unpublished study of Bhopal City. , ,; 45 I' SEHORE DISTRICT

SCAlE IiIILES r ,i "i





, -23

22 4



~--l~,'t~7' ------~------~------T7'~---I------~1~5'------~!O~------.~.~ , ------~--~18' E A-GENERAt POPULATION TABLES



AREA. HOUSES AND POPULATlgN , Number of Villages Number of Total Area in Population r----..A..__ ","" No. occupied Population , ____ -..A.. _____ -. District/Tahsil Rural ,.-_-.A.-_","" per Inha- Unin- of residental Town Urban Sq. miles Sq. Km. I Sq. mile bited habited Towns houses Persons Males Females

2 3(a) 3(b) 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11

SEll ORE DISTRICT T (a)3,600 9,324.00 .. (b)3,607.18 9,342.59 209 1,557 149 7 146,299 754,684 404,785 349.P9

I Berasia Tahsil T 549.92 1.424.29 147 281 27 1 16,284 80,687 42,734 37,953 R 549.69 1,423.70 135 281 27 14,985 74,449 39,345 31.104 U 0.23 0.59 27,122 1,299 6,238 3,389 2,849

I Berasia T. A. U 0.23 0.59 27,122 1,299 6,238 3,389 2,849

2 Sehorr Tahsil T 611.68 1,584.25 203 288 14 1 23,199 124,148 65,835 58,313 R 610.63 1,581.53 157 288 14 19,423 95,6:9 50,374 45,285 U 1.05 2.72 27,132 3,776 28,489 15,461 13,028

2 Sehore M. U 1.05 2.72 27,132 3,776 28,489 15,461 13,028

3 Huzur Tahsil T 517.02 1,339.08 563 2fi2 41 3 55,623 291,028 161,959 129,059 R 480.45 1,244.36 142 262 41 13,334 68,080 36,084 31,996 U 36.57 94.72 6,096 3 42,289 222,948 125,875 97,073

3 Bhopal Town group U 36.57 94.12 6,096 3 42,289 -- 222,948 125,875 97,073 (a) Bhopal M. U 27.49 71.20 6,743 1 33,117 185;374 102,584 82,79) (b) Govilldpura illdus- U 7.07 18.31 2,935 1 - 5,867 20,747 14,419 6,328 trial Township (H.£.I,.) (c) Bairagarh T. A. U 2.01 5.21 8,;m 3,305 16,872 8,872 7,955 4 Ashta Tahsil T 561.61 1,454.57 193 276 32 1 21,240 108,245 55,640 52,605 R 561.39 1,454.00 177 276 32 19,646 99,264 50,970 48,294 U 0.22 0.57 40,823 1,594 8,981 4,670 4,311

4 Ashta T. A. U 0.22 0.57 40,823 1,594 8,981 4,670 4,311 5 Ichhawar Tahsil T 428,90 l,llO.85 107 138 21 1 8,219 46,049 24,049 22,000 R 428.78 1,110.54 95 138 21 7,288 40,913 21,351 19,562 U 0.12 0.31 42,800 931 5,136 2,698 2,438

5 Ichhawar T. A. U 0,12 0.31 42,800 931 5,136 2,698 2,438

6 Nasfullaganj Tahsil R 522.48 1,353.22 103 164 5 11,409 53,699 27,956 25,743

7 Budni Tahsil R 415.57 1,076.33 122 148 9 10,325 50,828 26612 24,216

Note:-Under columns 3(a) and 3(h), (a) represents the area figures furnished by the Surveyor General of India, (b) represent» the area figures furnished by the State Survey Department. The area figures of tahsils, total and rural 'lre bascul on the figures of the State Survey Department. 2 'The Urban area figures are collected by the Census Organisation. 3 Population per square mile has been calculated on area figures furnished by the State Survey Office. 4 Towns treated as such for the first time in 1961 are printed in italics 5. M. stands for Municipality and T. A. for Town Area. 4


Statement showing 1951 Territorial Units Constituting the present set up (Only those names/areas which have undergone changes since 1951 have been shown below)

Details of gain in territories Details of loss in territories Net Area r------A------, ~ _____ ..A..-___-. Gain(+) Loss(-) Area Area ,-__.A. __..... ~_' __.A.~ Name of 1951 r--..A..-~ District/Tahsil Territorial Brief Description Sq. Sq. Brief Des- Sq. Sq. Sq. Sq. Units Miles Km. cription Miles Km. Miles Km. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to

SEHORE DISTRICT Note:-No territorial changes occured in the district during the decade APPENDIX II

Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000

Note:-There is no such village or town in the district.



Institutional Population ~ ,-______Houseless.A. Population ______~ ,-______-..A.. ______Total Rural District/Tahsil Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SEHORE DISTRICT Total 5,857 3,696 1,161 5,378 5,086 191 Rural 3,693 2,245 1,448 93 91 2 Urban 1,164 1,451 713 5,285 4,995 290 1 Berasia Tahsil Total 377 219 158 7 7 Rural 337 191 146 Urban 40 28 12 7 "I 2 Sehore Tahsil Total 1,435 926 509 287 283 4 Rural 1,423 916 507 .. Urban 12 IO 2 ' 287 283 4 3 Huzur Tahsil Total 3,165 2,020 },145 4,965 4,679 286 Rural 1,053 607 446 Urban 2,112 1,413 699 4,965 4,679 286 4 Ashta Tahsil Total 398 233 165 32 30 2 Rural 398 233 165 6 4 2 Urban 26 26 5 Ichhawar Tahsil Rural 21 11 10 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil Rural 309 186 123 87 87 7 Budni Tahsil Rural )52 )01 51 5



Percentage decade District Year Persons Decade variation Variation Males Female, 2 3 4 5 6 7 SEHORE 1901 379,528 N. A. N. A. DISTRICT 1911 412.209 + 32.681 +8.61 211,141 201,068 1921 384,085 - 28,124 -6.82 200,112 183,973 1~31 427,629 + 43,544 +11.34 223,081 204,548 1941 468,254 + 40,625 +9.50 245,971 222,283 1951 521,ll6 + 52,862 +11.29 272,828 248,288 1961 754,684 + 233,568 +44.82 404,785 349,899


District and Tabsils showing 1951 population according to their territorial jurisdiction in 1951, changes in area and population involved in those changes

1951 Population Population in Net increase (+) according to 1951 adjusted or decrease (-) .-__Area--A..- in 1961___ -, 1961 Area in 1951 jurisdiction to jurisdic- between Popula-,-----A..-----, prevailing in tion of cols. District/Tahsil Sq. miles Sq.Km. tion Sq. miles Sq. Km. 1951 1961 7and 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SEHORE DISTRICT 3,607.18 9,342.59 754,684 3581.0 9,274.8 521,116 521,116 (+26.2)* (+67.8)* 1. Berasia Tahsil 549.92 1,424.29 80,687 548.0 1,419.3 65,678 65,678 (+ 1.9) (+5.0) 2. Sehore Tahsil 611.68 1,584.25 124,148 607.0 1,572.1 97,443 97,443 (+4.7) (+12.1) 3. Huzur Tahsil 517.02 1.339.08 291.028 \ 517.0 1,339.0 169.987 169,987

4. Ashta Tahsil 561.61 1,454.57 108,245 555.0 1,437.5 83,108 83.108 (+6.6) <+17.0) 5, ICl}hawar Tahsil 428.90 1,110.85 46,049 429.0 1,111.1 .. 34.829 '34,829

6. Nasrullaganj 522.48 1,353.22 53,699 510.0 1.320.9 32,746 32,746 Tahsil (+ 12.5) (+32.3)

7. Budni Tahsil \ 415.57 1,076.33 50,828 415.0 1,074.9 37,325 37,325 (+0.5) (+ 1.4)

Note-*The district and Tahsits have not undergone any jurisdictional change since 1951. The differences in the area shown for 1961 and 1951 is due perhaps to computational error. 6



I-Villages with less than 2,000 population Total ~ ______-A------_- ...... Number of Total Rural Population Less than 200 Population 200-499 Population District/Tahsil inhabited .-___.A. _____...... r-----A-----...... r-----A-----...... villages Persons Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

SEHORE DISTRICT 1.557 482.892 252,692 230,200 703 39,956 35,488 599 98,174 89,004 1 Berasia Tahsil 281 74,449 39,345 35,104 140 8.164 7,011 108 17,510 15,450 2 Sehore Tahsil 288 95,659 50,374 45,285 121 7.127 6,527 114 19,016 17,108 3 Huzur Tahsil 262 68,080 36,084 3'1,996 135 7,493 6,471 93 15,008 13,370 4 Ashta Tahsil 276 99,264 50,970 48,294 108 5,884 5,332 107 16,880 16,067 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 138 40.913 21,351 19,562 68 3,794 3,436 51 8,353 7,496 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 164 53,699 27,956 25,743 68 4,001 3,534 66 11,205 10,405 7 Budni Tahsil 148 50,828 26,612 24,216 63 3,493 3,177 60 10,202 9,108


I-Villages with less than 2,000 Population-Cone/d. II-Villages with population 2,000-9,999 A r------A------...... r------...... 500-999 Population 1,000-1,999 Population 2,000-4,999 Population 5,000-9,999 Population ~ ,-____.A. ____ ...... ___-A __ -"",", ,-_____ ..A.____ ...... r----A----...... Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SEHORE DISTRICT 199 68,921 64,009 46 31,793 28,996 10 13,848 12,703 1 Berasia Tahsil 26 9,170 8,481 7 4,501 4,162 .. 2 Sehore Tahsil 40 14,445 12,909 11 7,115 6,364 2 2,671 2,377 3 Huzur Tahsil 28 9,813 8,868 6 3,770 3,287 .. 4 Ashta Tahsil 48 15,723 15,116 9 6,817 6,418 4 5,666 5,361 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 13 4,551 4,316 6 4,653 4,314 ., 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 25 8,341 7,804 4 2,893 2,583 1 1,516 1,417 7 Budni Tahsil 19 6,878 6,515 3 2,044 1,868 3 3,995 3,548 7



Name of Status Area in 1961 Percentage Townl of ,-----'---~ Decade decade Town-group town Year Sq. miles Sq.Km. Persons variation variation Males Females

, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Class I (100,000 and above)

Bhopal Town group 1901 77,023 .. .. 39,177 37,846 1911 56,204 - 20,819 - 27.03 29,043 27,161 1921 45,094 - 11,110 - 19.77 24,033 21,061 1931 61,037 + 15,943 + 35.36 32,718 28,319 1941 75,228 + 14,191 + 23.25 40,466 34,762 1951 .. .. 102,333 + 27,105 + 36.03 54,039 48,294 1961 36.57 94.72 222.948 +120.615 +117.87 125,875 97,073 (a) Bhopal Municipality 1901 77,023 .. .. 39,177 37,846 ,/ 1911 56,204 - 20,819 - 27.03 29,043 27,161 1921 45,094 - Il,110 - 19.77 24,033 21,061 1931 61,037 + 15,943 + 35.36 32.718 28,319 1941 75,228 + 14,191 + 23.25 40,466 34,762 1951 .. 102,333 + 27,105 + 36.03 54,039 48,294 1961 27.49 71.20 185,374 + 83,041 + 81.15 102,584 82,790

(b) Govindpura 1961 7.07 18.31 20,747. 14,419 6,328 " Industrial Town- ship (Hea~y Electricals Ltd.) ,}c) Bairagarh Town Area 1961 2.01 5.21 16,827 8,872 7,955 Oass m (20,006-49,999) Sehore* Municipality 1901 16,864 .. .. 8,880 7.984 1911 12.105 4,759 - 28.22 6,381 5.724 1921 13,588 + 1,483 + 12.25 7,861 5,727 1931 13,860 + 272 + 2.00 7.367 6.493> 1941 16,831 + 2,971 + 21.44 9,108 7,723 1951 .. " 20,879 + 4,048 + 24.05 11,199 9.680 1961 1.05 2.72 28,489 + 7,610 + 36.45 15,461 13,028 a.S5 V (5,001)..9,999) Ashta Town Area 1901 5.534 .. .. 2,785 2,749 1911 4,855 679 - 12.27 2,451 2,404 1921 2.463 2.392 - 49.27 1,252 I,2lI 1931 4.952 + 2,489 +101.06 2.553 2,399 1941 5,640 + 688 + 13.89 2,932 2,708 1951 .. " 6,234 + 594 + 10.53 3,261 . 2,973 1961 0.22 0.57 8,981 + 2,747 + 44.06 4,670 4,311 Berasia Town Area 1901 4,276 .. .. 2.205 2.071 1911 2,624 1,652 - 38.63 1,337 1,287 1921 2,195 429 - 16.35 1,127 1,068 1931 2,219 + 24 + 1.09 1,125 1,094 1941 4,152 + 1,933 + 87.11 2.192 1.960 1951 .. " Declassified 1961 0.23 0.59 6,238 3,389 2,849 Ichhawar Town Area 1901 4,352 .. .. 2,152 2.200 1911 3.914 438 - 10.06 2,059 1.855 1921 3.284 630 - 16.10 1,770 1.514 1931 3.662 + 378 + 11.51 1,904 1,758 1941 3,997 + 335 -I- 9.15 2,031 1,966 1951 .. " Declassified .. 1961 0.12 0.31 5,136 2,698 2.438

Nott:-*In 1931 Senore Station with a population of 10,183 (M. 6.029. F. 4,154) in 1921. Population 7,741 (M. 4.156 F.3,585) in 1911 and Population 11,755 (M. 6,244, F. 5,511) in 1901 was merged with Sehore Town.



Total No. of persons enumerated Occupied houses (including inmates of institutions ,....___ __J.. District/Tahsil Area .._____ and houseless-.A-- _____persons) ...... Scheduled Castes in No. of No. of ,.------"----...... Sq. miles houses households Persons Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SEHORE DISTRICT T 3,607.1 146,199 159,644 754,684 404,785 349,899 61,481 56,436 R 3,569.0 96,410 100,631 482,891 252,692 230,200 52,194 48,666 U 38.2 49,889 59,013 271.792 152,093 119,699 9,287 7,770 1 Berasia Tahsil T 549.9 16.284 16,725 80,687 42,734 37,953 9.299 8,721 R 549.7 14.985 15,412 74,449 39,345 35,104 8,836 8,330 U 0.2 1,299 1,313 6,238 3,389 2,849 463 391 2 Sehore Tahsil T 6JJ.7 23,199 25.550 124,148 65,835 58,313 11,574 10,883 R 610.6 19,423 19,788 95,659 50,374 45,285 9,692 9,197 U 1.1 3,776 5.762 28,489 15,401 13,028 1,882 1,686 3 Huzur Tahsil T 517.0 55,623 63,377 291,028 161,959 129,069 14,16] 11.411 R 480.4 13,334 14,149 68.080 36.084 31,996 7,862 6,310 U 36.6 42,289 4?,228 222,948 125,875 97,073 6,305 5,101 4 Ashta Tahsil T 561.6 21,240 22,200 108,245 55,640 52,605 14,532 13,701 R 561.4 19,646 20,507 99,264 50,970 48,294 14,094 13,275 U 0.2 1,594 1,693 8,981 4,670 4,311 438 426 5 Ichhawar Tahsil T 428.9 8,219 9,068 46,049 24,049 22,000 4,090 4.412 R 428.8 7.288 8,051 49,913 21,351 19,562 3,891 4,246 U 0.1 931 1,017 5,136 2,698 2,438 199 166 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil· R 522.5 11,409 1l,473 53,699 27,956 25.743 4,256 4,095 7 Budni Tahsil'" R 415.6 10,325 11,251 50,828 26,612 24,216 3,563 3,251

PRIMARY CENSUS WORKERS r------A------~ III IV V In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry. Fishing, Hunting and Plantations At Manufacturing other than

District/Tahsil Orchards and Allied activities ..Household___ .A. ____ Industry ...... Household Industry r------~----___., r------.A.-----~ Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 SEHORE DISTRICT T 7,858 988 11,586 4,476 20,956 1,691 R 5,630 651 8,119 2,482 984 291 U 2,228 337 3,467 1,994 19,972 1,400

Berasia Tahsil T 1,014 55 ],400 348 65 13 R 918 33 1,103 265 33 11 U 96 22 297 83 32 2 2 Sehore Tahsil T 1,485 146 2,489 1,057 1,577 144 R 1.216 77 1,594 505 61 8 U 269 69 895 552 1,516 136 3 Huzur Tahsil T 2,800 324 2,842 1.455 18,936 1.442 R 1,060 99 953 328 762 224 U 1,740 225 1,889 1,127 18,174 1,218 4 Ashta Tahsil T 770 160 2,013 784 204 49 R 699 143 1,776 643 37 5 U 71 17 237 141 167 44 5 Ichhawar Tahsil T 555 92 955 350 no 2 R 503 88 806 259 27 2 U 52 4 149 91 83 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil· R 407 66 934 131 39 32 7 Budni Tahsil· R 827 145 953 351 25 9 *Note:-Entirely Rural 11

ABSTRACT WORKERS ~---____ -_-_--A __ -__ - __ ---~ I II Literate and Educated Total Workers As As Scheduled Tribes 1 persons (HX) Cultivator Agricultural Labourer ,-___--A- __' _""" ,-__-.A. ____ ...... Districtl ,-----A------""I ~----,A.-_-""" ,-____,A. ____-. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Tahsil 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15,111 15,237 122,545 39,538 239,894 109,465 91,255 57,214 35,132 31 ,.~14 T 14,442 14,726 44,311 4.427 153,813 95,878 89,131 56,317 34.585 31.066 R 669 511 78,234 35,111 86,081 13,587 2,124 897 547 348 U 714 762 7,684 1,075 26,043 11,465 14,478 5,882 6,028 -1,372 T 676 733 6,174 503 24,256 11,103 14,347 5,832 5.925 4,340 R 38 29 1,510 572 1,787 362 131 50 103 32 U 1,000 1,075 15,018 3,367 39,289 23,794 18,415 13,932 7,612 6,654 T 979 1,065 7,741 479 31,258 21,820 17,928 13,696 7,479 6,545 R 21 10 7,277 2,888 8,031 1,974 487 236 133 i09 U 1,265 1,035 72,979 31,160 94,251 22.298 11,804 6,200 5,178 4,735 T 735 629 p,295 650 21,884 12,364 11,097 6,056 4,992 4.626 R 530 406 66,684 30,510 72.367 9,934 707 144 186 109 _U- 882 814 10,089 1,334 33,324 23,600 20,953 15,728 5,784 5,943 T 879 814 8,351 638 30,879 22,939 20,653 15,630 5,732 5,903 R 3 1,738 696 2,445 661 300 98 '52 40 U 2,428 2,613 4,118 651 14,337 10,622 9,140 7,669 2,042 1,918 T 2,351 2,547 3,093 206 12,886 9,966 8,641 7,300 1,969 1,860 R 77 66 ],025 445 1,451 656 499 369 73 58 U 5,926 5,687 5,511 825 16,946 9,172 8,924 3,875 5./19 4,730 R

2,896 3,251 7,146 1,126 15,704 8,514 7,541 3,928 3,369 3,062,_ R

ABSTRACT - Conold. ,-______WORKERS--A- ______, NON-WORKERS ~---,A.---_. VI VII vm IX X In In In Transport, Storage and In Construction Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services , ,-____.A. ___...... ,-___,_.A. ____ ---. ,-____.A. ____ ...... ,-____.A. ____ -. r-~----..A------"'); Districtl Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Tahsil 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 12,330 3,355 15,752 868 7,639 106 37,386 9,353 164,891 240,434 T 1,049 324 2,584 319 834 12 10,897 4,416 98,879 134,322 R 11,281 3,031 13,168 549 6,805 94 26,489 4,937 66,012 106,112 U 123 22 671 78 91 2,173 695 16,691 26,488 T 59 16 328 48 6 1,537 558 15,0~9 24,001 R 64 6 343 30 85 636 137 1,602 2,487 U 469 29 1,891 118 477 2 4,874 1,712 26,546 34,519 T 142 22 433 41 112 .. 2,293 926 19,116 23,465 R 327 7 1,458 77 365 2 2,581 786 7,430 11,054 U 11,150 3,104 10,979 485 6,679 104 23,883 4,449 67,708 106,771 T 364 97 443 66 427 12 1,786 856 14,200 19,632 R 10,?§6 3,007 10,536 419 6,252 92 22,097 3,593 53,508 87,139 U 127 15 1,114 72 83 2,276 849 22,316 29,005 T 50 6 447 54 8 1,477 555 20,091 25,355 R 77 9 667 18 75 799 294 2,225 3,650 U 65 36 319 18 35 1,]]6 537 9,712 11,378 T 38 34 ]55 13 7 740 410 8,465 9,596 R 27 2 164 5 28 376 127 1,247 1,782 U 7Z 2 323 18 40 1,083 318 11,010 16,571 R 319 147 455 79 234 1,981 793 10,908 15,702 R 12 TABLE WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS CLASSIFIED

WORKERS r-- --"------~ I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Total As Plantations, Orchards Rural Total Total Workers As Agricultural and Urban Age group population (I-IX) Cultivator Labourer Allied activities r------A.------, r-----"--~ r-___.A.----. ,----A.-_---. r-----...... ------. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13


Total AU ages 754,684 404,785 349,899 239,894 109,465 91,255 57,214 35,132 31,414 7,SS8 988

0-14 300,872 156,380 144,492 12,178 6,970 4,802 3,713 2,947 2,229 1,990 73 15--34 263,844 142,415 121,429 129,309 59,958 44,422 31,449 19,328 16:724 3,510 545 35-59 153,285 86,708 66,577 83,842 37,853 34,657 19,797 11,162 11,019 1,994 327

60+ 36,200 19,034 17,166 14,536 4,674 7,373 2.253 1,693 1,440 364 43 Age not stated 483 248 235 29 10 I 2 2 2

Rura) All ages 482,892 252,692 230.200 153,813 95,878 89131 56,317 34,585 31,066 5,630 6Sl

0-14 196,310 102,207 94,103 10,218 6,334 4,733 3.652 2,919 2,210 1,867 64 15-34 159,102 81,486 77,616 77,841 52,145 43,547 30,999 19,044 16,554 2,448 359

35-59 102,847 56,263 46,584 55,105 33,343 33,762 19.457 10,962 10,880 1,093 204

60+ 24,325 12,575 11,750 10,645 4,053 7,088 2,207 1,658 1,421 222 24

Age not stated 308 161 147 4 3 2 2

Urban All ages 271,792 152,093 119,699 86,081 13,587 2,124 897 547 348 2,228 337

0-14 104,562 54,173 50,389 1,960 636 69 61 28 19 123 9

15-34 104,742 60,929 43,813 51,468 7,813 875 450 284 170 1,062 186

35-59 50,438 30,445 19,993 28,737 4,510 895 340 200 139 90t 123

60+ 11,875 6,459 5,416 3,891 621 285 46 35 19 142 19

Age not stated 175 87 88 25 7 13



WORKERS NON-WORKERS _____---.A.----',------. ,----"-----, IV V VI VII VIII IX X

fu fu At Manufacturing In Transport, In Household other than House- In Trade and Storage and Other Age Industry hold Industry Construction Commerce Communications Services group ,--_...... _---. t '--__--. , ___.A. __--. , __.A. ___ --. ,--_.A.______,..-__.A. __ --. ,.-___.A.. __--. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2


11,586 4,476 20,956 1,691 12,330 3,355 15,752 868 7,639 106 37,386 9,353 164,891 240,434 All ages T. 406 229 45f 100 351 260 322 18 49 3 854 345 144,202 137,522 0-14

5,533 2,564 14,458 I 1,022 7,819 2,202 7,690 293 4,660 63 21,889 5,096 13,106 61,471 15-34 4,637 1,502 5,490 502 3,804 842 6,400 419 2,706 37 12,992 3,408 2,866 28,724 35-59 1,009 180 555 64 349 51 1,335 138 220 3 1,638 502 4,498 12A92 60+ ,1 1 2 3 1 5 4 13 219 225 A.N.S.

8,119 2,482 984 291 1.049 324 2,584 319 834 12 10,897 4,416 98,879 134,32.2 AU ages R. 244 117 45 20 38 38 38 4 4 330 228 91,989 87,769 0--14 3,754 1,382 561 185 618 \209 1,156 113 461 7 6,252 2.337 3,645 25,471 15-34 3,398 883 343 74 356 72 1,152 157 348 4 3,691 1,612 1,158 13,241 35-59 723 100 35 12 37 5 238 4S 21 623 239 1,930 7,697 60+ 157 144 A.N.S.

3,467 1,994 19,972 1,400 11,281 3,031 13,168 549 6,805 94 26,489 4,937 66,012 106,112 All ages U. 162 112 406 80 319 222 284 14 45 2 524 117 52,213 49,753 0-14 1,779 1,182 13,897 837 7,201 1,993 6,534 180 4,199 56 15,637 2,759 9,461 36,000 15-34 1,239 619 5,147 428 3,448 770 5,248 262 2,358 33 9,301 1,796 1,708 15,483 35-59 286 80 520 52 312 46 1,097 93 199 3 1,01 5 263 2,568 4,795 60+ 2 3 5 4 12 2 62 81 A.N S. 14 TABLE


,.---______WORKERSA--. ______""" I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing Hunting and As plantations, Total population of workers and As Agricultural Orchards and S. No. Educational levels non-workers CUltivator Labourer Allied activities r------A------"""' r--__.A.--~ r---.A..---. r------"----~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II


TOTAL 271,792 152,093 119,699 2,124 897 547 348 2,228 337

Illiterate 158,447 73,859 84,588 1,274 853 462 345 1,244 333 2 Literate (without educational level) 69,846 44,009 25,837 581 37 71 2 525 1 3 Primary or Junior Basic 17,578 12,581 4,997 146 6 13 106 2 4 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 17,797 14,309 3,488 102 1 269 1 5 Technical diploma not equal to degree 2,691 2,621 70 4 8 6 Non technical diploma not equal 23 15 8 to degree 7 University degree or post-graduate 4,304 3,711 593 17 65 degree other than technical degree 8 Technical degree or diploma -Total 1,106 988 lJ8 10 equal to degree or post-graduate degree ti) Engineering 464 464 (ii) Medicines 171 135 36 (iii) Agriculture 134 134 8 (iv) Veterinary or Dairying 17 17 (v) Technology 4 14 (vi) Teaching 313 231 82 (vii) Others 3 3 2



TOTAL 482,892 252,692 230,200 89,131 56,317 34,585 31,066 5,630 651 illiterate 434,154 208,381 225,773 71,314 56,087 32,401 31,013 4,939 644 2 Literate (without educational level) 39,604 35,770 3,834 15,689 222 2,013 51 517 7 3 Primary or Junior Basic 7,091 6,605 486 2,013 8 170 2 143

4 Matriculation and above 2,043 1,936 107 U5 1 31

1 Berasia

TOTAL 74,449 39,345 35;104 14,347 5,832 5,925 4,340 918 33 2 Illiterate 67,772 33,171 34,601 11,778 5,814 5,543 4,333 795 33 3 Literate (without educational level) 5,604 5,143 461 2,247 18 354 7 110 4 Primary or Junior Basic 849 810 39 307 28 13 5 Matriculation and above 224 221 3 15 15



WORKERS NON-WORKERS ,.... ------~-----~------~ r-----..A..--- ___ IV V VI VII -VIII IX X

In In Manufacturing Transport, At other than In Storage and In Household Household In Trade and Communi- Other Industry Industry Construction Commerce cations Services ,..-___ .A.._--""'\ ,..-__.A.. __ -","",\ r--.A..---, r-~ ,..--___.______" "-----... r----.A..- ---... S.No. M F M· F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


3.467 1,994 19,972 1,400 11,281 3,031 13,168 549 6,805 94 26,489 4,937 66,012 106,112 T. 1,935 1,807 6,321 ),290 7,300 2,997 4.260 509 2.763 79 9,023 3,295 39.277 73,080 1 1,342 179 6,164 . 60 2.205 19 6,431 31 2,339 2 7,343 265 17,008 25,241 2 168 6 1,796 15 434 1,322 5 623 I 2,080 111 5,893 4,850- 3 19 2 2,594 26 965 14 917 4 906 9 5,251 901 3.285 2,530 4 2,237 202 8 11 13l 46 20 24 5 3 13 4 6 3 506 6 119 224 154 3 2,191 206 432 377 7

353 56 6 9 457 JJ2 97 6 8

352 55 3 8 37 9 ( i ) 2 127 30 5 6 (ii) 43 83 (iii) 17 (iV) 4 (V) 228 82 (Vi) (Vii)



8,119 2,482 984 291 t.049 324 2,584 319 834 12 10,897 4,416 98,879 134,322 T. 6,060 2.452 705 285 872. 322 873 303 491 12 6,647 4,286 84.079 130,369 1 1,782 27 214 6 136 2 1,352 16 225 1,868 53 11,974 3,450 2 276 3 45 33 339 88 833 36 2,665 437 3 1 20 8 20 30 1.549 41 161 66 4


1.103 265 33 11 59 16 328 48 6 1,537 558 15,089 24,001 T. 885 264 20 11 47 16 136 48 2 1,014 556 12,951 23,526 1 194 00 13 9 161 4 211 1,840 436 2 24 1 1 31 120 2 286 36 3 ..' 2 192 12 3 4 16 TABLE PART B-INDUSTlUAL CLASSIFICATION OF WORKERS AND

WORKERS r--·------"------...... I n III In Mining, Quarrying, Live- stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, As Orchards and Total population of workers and As Agricultural Allied activities S.No, Educational levels non-workers Cultivator Labourer • _ __,A. ___...... r------"------. r---.Jo.-----. r---..A----. Persons Males Females M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 Sehore

TOTAL 9~,657 50,172 45,285 17,928 13,696 7,479 6.545 1.216 77 2 Illiterate 87,439 42,633 44,806 14,305 13,628 7,125 6,538 1,131 76 3 Literate (without educational level) 6,601 6,202 399 3.133 68 319 7 68 1 4 Primary or Junior Basic 1,312 1,247 65 464 35 16 5 Matriculation and above 305 290 15 26 1 3 Huzur

TOTAL 68,082 36,086 31,996 11.097 6,056 4,992 4,626 1,060 99 2 Illiterate 61,135 29,789 31,346 8,624 5,995 4,605 4,612 921 97 3 Literate (without educational level) 6,045 5,451 594 2,262 58 371 14 114 2 4 Primary or Junior Basic 636 594 42 188 3 16 18 5 Matriculation and above 266 252 14 23 1

4 Ashta

TOTAL 99,264 50,970 48,294 20,653 15,630 5,732 5.903 699 143 1 Illiterate 90,275 42,619 47,656 16,963 15,579 5,410 5.8~2 643 143 2 Literate (without educational level) 7,721 7,100 621 3,381 47 306 11 41 3 Primary or Junior Basic 956 948 8 295 4 16 13 4 Matriculation and above 312 303 9 14 2 5 Icbhawar

TOTAL 40,9/3 21,351 19,562 8,641 7,300 1,969 1,860 503 88 1 Illiterate 37.614 18,258 19.356 7,396 7,288 1,861 1,856 437 87 2 Literate (without educational level) 2,463 2,299 164 1,019 11 95 4 32 I 3 Primary or Junior Basic 723 685 38 224 1 13 27 4 Matriculation and above 113 109 4 2 7 6 NasrrullaganJ

TOTAL 53,699 27,956 25,743 8,924 3,875 5,119 4,730 407 66

1 Illiterate 47,363 22,445 24,918 7,096 3,855 4,750 4.720 338 66 2 Literate (without educational level) 5,045 4,365 680 1,636 20 331 8 41 3 Primary or Junior Basic 971 854 117 184 38 2 22 4 Matriculation and above 320 292 28 8 6 7 Budai

TOTAL 50,828 26,612 24,216 7,541 3,928 3,369 3,062 827 145 1 23,090 5,152 3,928 3,107 3,062 668 142 Illiterate 42,556 19,466 3 ' 2 Literate (without educational level) 6,125 5,210 915 2,01l 237 ' III 3 Primary or Junior Basic 1,644 1,467 177 351 24 34 4 Matriculation and above 503 469 34 27 1 14 17



______------A WORKERS NON-WORKERS ------~ r---A---~ IV V VI VII' VIII IX X

In In Manufacturing Transport, At other than In Storage and Household Household In Trade and Commu- In Industry Industry Construction Commerce nications Other Services r--_...... --. r----.A.--,-, ,...._--A.---. • ...... --"""'\ .------"------. ,.-_____._--~ ,.-__...J.- ___-, S. No, M E M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


1,594 505 61 8 142 22 433 41 112 2,291 926 19,116 23,465 T 1,258 500 37 8 127 22 157 41 59 1,478 904 16,956 23,089 1 249 4 21 10 188 30 368 9 1,816 310 2 87 1 3' 5 85 21 199 7 332 57 3 3 2 246 6 12 9 4


953 328 762 224 364 97 443 66 427 12 1,788 856 14,200 19,632 T 682 315 594 223 303 97 227 59 285 12 1,247 845 12,295 19,091 1 235 13 129 1 53 189 7 97 291 6 1,710 493 2 35 22 5 26 32 80 ., 172 39 3 1 17 3 1 13 170 5 23 9 4


1,776 643 37 5 50 6 447 54 8 1,477 555 20,091 25,355 T 1,336 643 17 2 50 6 86 50 764 535 17,350 24,806 1 396 11 3 280 4 5 310 7 2,370 549 2 44 9 77 3 124 4 367 3 4 279 9 4 4 Tahsil

806 259 27 2 38 34 155 13 7 740 410 8,465 9,596 T 601 258 8 2 31 34 37 13 1 500 397 7,386 9,421 1 181 1 7 3 88 3 111 4 760 143 2 24 9 4 29 1 38 9 316 28 3 3 1 2 91 3 4 4 Tahsil

934 131 39 32 77 2 323 18 40 1,083 318 11,010 16,571 T 665 128 18 31 53 2 87 18 18 506 289 8,914 15,809 1 240 3 21 1 20 189 16 227 12 1,644 636 2 29 2 40 5 104 7 430 108 3 2 7 1 246 10 22 18 4 Tahsil 953 351 25 9 319 147 455 79 234 1,981 793 10,908 15,702 T 633 344 11 8 261 145 143 74 126 1,138 760 8,227 14,627 1 287 6 12 1 41 2 257 5 70 350 15 1,834 883 2 33 1 2 16 51 26 168 7 762 169 3 1 4 12 325 11 85 23 4 18



,-_____Branch.A. of___ tndnstry---, Total Employee Others Total r----__"'O"'-----" r----__"'O"'------. r-----.A.-----" Division and Major Group of Rural I. S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


ALL DIVISIONS T 11,586 4,476 504 235 11,082 4,241 R 8,119 2,482 124 21 7,995 2,461 U 3,467 1,994 380 214 3,087 1,780 Division 0 Agricultllre, livestock, T 694 237 7 687 237 fishing and hllnting R 492 121 3 489 121 U 202 ]]6 4 198 ]]6 Major Groups 00 Field produce T 4 3 and plantation crops R 1 1 U 3 2 01 Plantation crops T 1 U 1 02 Forestry and logging T 5 28 2 3 28 R 5 28 2 3 28 04 Livestock and hunting T 684 209 4 680 209 R 486 93 1 485 93 U 198 116 3 195 116 Divi$ion 2&3 Manufacturing T 10,892 4,239 497 235 10.395 4,004 R 7,627 2,361 121 21 7.506 2,340 U 3,265 1,878 376 214 2,889 1.664 Major Group~

20 Foodstuffs T 813 450 48 2 765 448 R 561 347 21 540 347 U 252 103 27 2 225 101 21 Beverages T 33 16 33 16 R 2 2 U 31 16 31 16 22 Tobacco products T 561 621 1"14 199 377 422 R 2 1 . . 1 .. U 559 621 183 199 376 422 23 Textile-cotton T 514 455 22 5 492 450 R 223 166 5 1 218 165 U 291 289 17 4 274 285 24 Textile-jute T 18 9 18 9 R 4 .. 4 U i4 9 14 9 25 Textile-wool T 15 23 15 23 U 15 23 15 23 26 Textile-silk T 2 2 U 2 2 27 Textile-miscellaneous T 1,900 33] 72 14 1,828 317 R 1,549 235 25 13 1.524 222 U 351 96 47 1 304 95 28 Manufacturing of wood T 2,705 831 72 7 2,633 824 and wooden products R 2.076 523 44 5 2.032 518 U 629 308 28 2 601 306 29 Paper and paper products T 6 4 6 4 U 6 4 6 4 30 Printing and publishing T 10 10 U 10 10 19



Employee Others Total, -~ Branch of Industry ,-____..A.--- ___-. ,-____.A. __ ..... ,._____ .A.. Total r-----...A..----, Division and Major Group of Rural L S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Major Group 31 Leather and leathers T 1.607 573 40 2 1,567 571 396 products R 1,218 396 5 1,213 U 389 177 35 2 354 175 32 Rubber, petroleum and T 6 4 2 coal-prod uct s U 6 4 2 33 Chemicals and chemkal T 140 114 2 138 114 products R 49 43 49 43 U 91 71 2 89 71 34-35 Non-metalic mineral T 1.243 705 27 6 1,216 699 products other than R 994 571 15 2 979 569 petroleum and coal U 249 134 12 4 237 130 36 Bask metals and their T 776 72 15 761 72 products except machinery R 613 58 3 610 58 and transport equipment U 163 14 12 151 14 37 Machinery (all kinds other T 11 11 1 than transport) and electri- U 11 11 1 cal equipment

38 Transport equipment T 30 4 26 R 1 3 U 27 4 23 39 Miscellaneous rna nu ractu- T 502 33 7 495 33 ring industries R 333 22 2 331 22 U 169 11 5 164 11 Note :-Lines with nil entries have been omitted 20


______Branch ..A.of______Industry -, Total Employee Others ,-___..A. __---"'\ ,--_-.A. _-----, ,------"-----, Division of I, S. 1. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7


ALL DIVISIONS 8,119 2,482 124 21 7,995 2,461 0 Agriculture livestock 492 121 3 489 121 forestry, fiBbing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying

2&3 Manufacturing 7,627 2,361 121 21 7506 2,340 1 Berasia Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DlVISIONS 1,103 265 5 1,098 265 0 Agriculture. livestock, 47 8 47 8 forestry. fishing and hunting 2&3 Manufacturing 1,056 257 5 1,0)l 257 2 Sehore Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 1,594 505 11 1,583 505 0 Agriculture, livestock, 197 197 forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 1,397' 505 II 1,386 505

3 Huzur Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 953 328 24 5 929 323 0 Agriculture, livestock. 191 93 191 93 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 762 235 24 5 738 230

4 Ashta Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 1,776 63 19 1,757 643

0 Agriculture, livestock. forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 1,776 643 19 1,757 643 5 Ichhawar Tabsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 806 259 10 2 796 257 0 Agriculture. livestock, 2 2 forestry. fishing and hunting Mining and quarr) iog

2&3 Manufacturing 804 259 8 2 796 257 21



Branch of Indutry Total Employee Other , ______-A-- _____~ ,.....-_A___ ~ r----A--.." Division of I. S. I. D. Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7

6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 934 131 35 11 899 120 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 2& 3 Manufacturing 934 131 3S 11 899 120

7 Budni Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIO;'llS 953 351 20 3 933 348 o Agriculture, livestock, 55 20 1 54 20 forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 2& 3 Manufacturing 898 331 19 3 879 328 22



Family worker Total Employer Employer Single worker ,-__J.- _ _ ---.. ______Branch of..A.. Industry ______-. Total .-__-"- __--.. r---..A.. _------, ,---_-"-__-., __..A.. __--.. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Divinion and MajoI Group of I.S.I.C. 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SEHORE DISTRICT 1,446 6,367 140 60,848 7,830 28,652 6,945 6,054 ALL DIVISION T 101.921 16,361 3,943 613 U 79.943 10,348 5399 104 53,389 6,742 17,212 2,889 378 7,759 956 434 II 2,75:- 132 3,326 435 1,244 a Agriculture, livestock, forestry T 333 189 fishing and hunting U 2,152 306 126 6 1,185 44 508 67 208 43 239 209 00 Field produce and plan- T 1,247 297 40 4 760 41 87 tation crops U 998 144 24 2 707 34 100 21 167 01 Plantation crops r 5 4 U 5 4 451 37 56 20 02 Forestry and longing T 1,182 134 76 2 599 75 2 U 464 21 65 2 263 110 17 26 160 13 72 13 03 Fishing T 279 26 46 (J U 174 8 46 83 2 45 16 2,503 342 877 136 04 Livestock and hunting T 5,046 499 316 5 1,350 94 U 511 133 36 2 169 10 211 27 95 Mining and quarring T 99 32 38 3 49 29 12 U 76 31 21) 2 47 29 10 Mining and quarrying T 99 32 38 3 49 29 12 U 76 31 29 2 47 2') 262 848 243 2&3 Manufacturing T 20,956 1,691 1,027 13 1fi,l71 1,173 2,910 137 U 19,972 1,400 1,008 11 15,687 1,055 2,587 IY7 69(1 267 24 121 16 20 Foodstuffs T 2,162 82 209 4 1,565 37 t6 U 2,050 65 201 3 1,533 31 202 15 11'+ 21 Beverages T 117 25 9 92 11 7 13 9 U 117 25 9 92 11 7 13 9 22 Tobacco products T 616 139 27 290 54 281 74 18 11 U 616 139 27 290 54 281 74 18 II 5 23 Textile-cotton T 2,728 60 43 2,575 42 98 13 12 U 2,685 58 43 2,553 42 78 11 11 5 24 Textile-jute T 2 3 1 3 U 2 3 1 3 25 Textile-wool T 12 12 U 12 12 26 Textile-silk T 8 1 6 1 2 U 8 1 6 I 2 27 Textile -miscellaneous T 1,134 115 214 3 3Y6 70 443 27 81 15 U 1,077 III 212 3 386 70 401 26 78 12 28 Manufacture of wood T 1,218 26 92 506 4 551 10 66 15 and wooden products U 1,152 17 92 491 3 512 5 57 9 29 Paper and paper products T 580 4 3 532 33 3 12 U 571 4 3 5~4 32 3 12 30 Printing and publishing T 887 I 18 836 1 21 12 U 81)7 1 18 836 1 21 12 31 Leather and leather T 469 18 43 128 9 282 9 16 products U 444 II 43 121 7 265 4 15 23



,-_____Branch -A.of ______Industry Total ,-Employer__.A.. ____ ,-EmplQyee__ .A. __ ., Single worker Family worker Total ,--__.A.-.---..' ,-__ .A. __ -. ,-___ .A. ___ -, . Division and Major Group of I.S.I.C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 SEHORE DISTRICT-Contd. 32 Rubber, petroleum and T 42 6 9 18 9 coal products U 42 6 9 18 9 33 Chemicals and chemical T 134 8 12 102 7 9 II products U 130 8 12 98 7 9 II 34-35 Non-metallic mineral products T 1,537 R45 35 3 1,074 593 200 71 228 178 other than petroleum and coal U 906 594 30 2 701 484 80 30 95 78 36 Basic metals and their T 1,692 4 63 2 1,366 203 2 60 products except machinery U 1,672 4 60 2 1,358 197 2 57 and transport equipment 37 Machinery (all 'kinds T 6,520 331 26 6,202 327 277 4 15 other than transport) U 6,520 331 26 6,202 327 277 4 15 and electrical equip- ment 38 Transport equipment T 755 157 486 24 88 U 753 157 486 23 87 39 Miscellaneous manu- T 355 16 70 2 4 193 7 90 5 facturing industries U 340 15 69 4 181 6 90 5 4 Const,.uction T 12,330 3,355 262 9,508 2,932 2.560 423 U 11,281 3,031 245 8,964 2,681 2,072 350 40 Construction T 12,330 3,355 262 9,508 2,932 2,560 423 U J 1,281 3,031 245 8,964 2,681 2,072 350 5 Electricity, gas, water and T 2,461 749 2,235 567 226 182 sanitary services U 2,106 596 2,006 512 100 84 50 Electricity and gas T 957 3 919 3 38 U 868 3 830 3 38 51 Water supply and sani- T 1,504 746 1,316 564 188 182 tary services U 1,238 593 1,176 509 62 84 6 Trade and commerce T 15,752 868 3,536 89 2,731 39 6,702 494 2.783 246 U 13.168 549 2,997 70 2,500 32 5,370 328 2,301 119 60-63 Wholesale trade T 1.661 63 180 2 614 10 605 50 162 U 1,636 48 277 2 606 10 593 35 160 64-68 Retail trade T 13,594 793 3,215 87 1,726 23 6,046 438 2,607 245 U ll,064 491 2,696 68 1,505 17 4,733 288 2,130 118 69 Trade and commerce T 497 12 41 391 6 51 6 14 miscellaneous U 468 10 24 389 5 44 5 11 7 Transport. storage and communications T 7,639 106 449 6 5,756 69 1,434 31 U 6,805 94 441 6 5,008 60 1,356 28

70-71 Transport T 6,610 94 449 6 4,727 57 1,434 31 U 5,854 82 441 6 4,057 48 1,356 28 72 Storage and warehollsing T 123 123 U 123 123 73 Communications T 906 12 906 12 U 828 12 828 12 24



Branch of Industries Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker ,------"-_ r----"-~ ,.----"-----. ,.....-----'----~ ,-__...A._--, ,-__.A. __~ Totar Division and Major Group of I.S.I.C. Urban Males Females Males Fomalcs Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SEHORE DISTRICT-Cone/d. 8 Services T 26,740 3,336 643 15 20,408 2,508 4,821 578 867 235 U 20,024 2,685 568 10 17,206 2,251 1,734 323 516 101 80 Public services T 10,771 129 10,696 119 75 10 U 9,332 102 9,257 92 75 10 81 Educational and scientific T 4,641 1,180 4,462 1,157 179 23 services U 3,505 1,119 3,455 1,105 50 14 82 Medical and health T 1,675 715 49 4 1,352 525 244 149 30 37 services U 1,338 502 47 2 1,181 431 96 66 14 3 83 Religious and welfare T 974 39 18 2 362 27 594 10 services U 478 34 5 1 290 26 183 7 84 Legal services T 178 2 4 20 154 2 U 166 2 4 19 143 2 85 Business services T 328 6 279 1 43 U 280 6 248 1 26 86 Community services, T 345 20 325 19 20 1 trade and labour associations U 314 11 294 10 20 1 87 Recreation services T 1,138 83 43 4 244 4 808 66 43 9 U 443 43 30 3 167 4 203 27 43 9 88 Personal services T 6,270 1,099 480 5 2,451 614 2,562 294 777 186 U 3,798 807 434 4 2,096 544 813 173 455 86 89 Services (not elsewhere T 420 68 43 217 42 143 23 17 3 classified) U 370 64 42 199 38 125 23 4 3 9 Activities not adequately T 8,185 5,268 16 6 1,246 407 6,623 4,511 300 344 described U 4,359 1,656 14 1 804 105 3,438 1,483 103 67 90 Activities unspecified and T 8,185 5,268 16 6 1,246 407 6,623 4,511 300 344 Dot adequately described U 4,359 1,656 14 1 804 105 3,438 1,483 103 67 25 TABLE B-:-:-IV


Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker r-_-----..A..------, ,-___J-. __-, ,-_--A.__ ,

Division of I. S. I. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SEHORE DISTRICT (RURAL)

ALL DIVISIONS 21,978 6,013 968 36 7,459 1,088 11,440 4,056 2,111 833 o Agriculture, livestock, 5,607 650 308 5 1,570 88 2,818 368 911 189 forestry, fisbing and bunting 1 Mining and quarrying 23 1 9 1- 2 12 2&3 Manufacturing 984 291 19 2 484 118 323 65 158 106 4 Construction 1,049 324 17 544 251 488 73 5 Electricity, gaS, water 355 153 229 55 126 98 and sanitary services, 6 Trade and commerce 2,584 319 539 19 231 7 1,332 166 482 127 7 Transport, storage and 834 12 8 748 9 78 3 Communications 8 Services 6,716 651 75 5 3,202 257 3,088 255 351 134 9 Activities not adequately 3,826 3,612 2 5 442 302 3,185 3,028 197 277 described 1 Berasia Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 2,881 666 126 13 1,289 243 1,327 365 139 45 o Agriculture, livestock, 918 33 46 2 383 10 406 5 83 16 forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 33 11 5 11 4 15 3 2 3 4 Construction 59 16 2 38 9 19 7 5 Electricity, gas, water 31 25 6 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 328 48 57 9 129 2 103 13 39 24 7 Transport, storage and 6 6 communications 8 Services 821 119 16 512 85 278 31 15 2 9 Activities not adequately 716 408 210 108 506 300 described 2 Sebore Tabsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 4,257 1,074 123 9 538 129 2,832 623 764 313 o Agriculture, livestock, 1,215 77 51 101 589 28 474 47 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 1 2&3 Manufacturing 61 8 2 4 50 2 5 6 4 Construction 142 22 4 87 11 51 11 5 Electricity, gas, water 40 32 7 40 25 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 433 41 4S 15 253 13 120 27 7 Transport, storage and 112 III communications 8 Services 1,986 109 20 2 220 30 1,617 44 129 33 9 Activities not adequately 267 785 5 80 232 500 35 200 described 26



Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker ,,-______..A.. _____ -. r----.A ... r--..A..----. r-----A----. ,--..A..~ r---__J...--...... Division of I. S. I. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 Huzur Tabsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 4,842 1,354 281 3 2,010 308 2,260 871 :191 172 0 Agriculture, livestock 1,060 99 26 253 2 695 69 86 28 forestry, fishing and hunting .. J. 1 Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 762 224 5 428 106 192 29 137 89 4 Construction 364 97 1 91 80 272 17 5 Electricity, gas, water 207 13 186 6 21 7 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 443 66 240 2 1 1 200 40 2 23 7 Trausport, storage and 427 12 411 9 16 3 communications 8 Services 872 79 9 612 10 220 56 31 12 9 Activities not adequately 707 764 28 94 644 650 35 20 described 4 Asbta Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 2,718 763 135 2 1,024 41 1,182 666 377 S4 0 Agriculture, livestock. 699 142 17 161 443 105 78 37 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 1 2&3 Manufacturing 37 5 4 15 15 3 3 2 4 Construction 50 6 17 33 6 5 Electricity, gas, water 39 37 18 8 21 29 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 447 54 84 2 35 2 200 47 128 3 7 Transport, storage and 8 8 communications 8 Services 1,038 63 30 669 30 250 21 89 12 9 Activities not adequately 400 455 101 220 455 79 described 5 Icbbawar Tabsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 1,470 547 162 1 543 90 658 404 107 52 0 Agriculture. livestock, 481 88 147 258 59 58 23 18 6 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 22 9 2 11 2&3 Manufacturing 27 2 12 8 7 2 4 Construction 38 34 6 7 32 27 5 Electricity, gas, water 21 9 2 2 19 7 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 155 13 13 8 94 6 40 6 7 Transport, storage and 7 7 communications 8 Services 368 50 226 20 132 21 10 9 9 Activities not adequately 351 351 2 15 2 313 320 21 29 described 27



Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker _.A. _____-, r- r----...... ---, ,--_...... --. .---...... _--, r----A.----. ,------"----, Division ofI. S. I. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 1,969 436 62 ' 3 732 7S 992 303 183 S5 0 Agriculture, livestock. 407 66 S 140 13 203 29 59 23 forestry. fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 39 32 1 3 7 31 23 4 4 Construction 77 2 5 22 50 2 5 Electricity, gas, water 26 29 7 6 19 23 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 323 18 47 7 225 11 44 7 7 Transport, storage and 40 4 22 14 communications 8 Services 814 97 1 489 48 270 42 55 6 9 Activities not adequately 243 192 42 1 180 173 21 18 described 7 BudDi Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 3,841 1,173 79 S 1,323 202 2.189 824 250 142 0 Agriculture. livestock, 827 145 16 274 3 424 109 113 32 forestry. fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manu facturing 25 9 2 11 1 12 S 3 4 Construction 319 147 5 283 144 31 3 5 Electricity, gas, water 22 2 16 1 6 1 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 455 79 53 4 36 2 257 36 109 37 7 Transport, storage and 234 3 183 48 communications 8 Services 817 134 474 34 321 40 22 60 9 Activities not adequately 1,142 657 46 17 1,090 630 6 10 described 28 .._

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( Figures for Division only, are given )

Branch of Total Workers Workers at Household Workers in Non-housfhold Industry Industry Industry etc. r----..A.---. ,..------"------. r------A.------, r-----..A------...... Division of I.S.I .C, Persons Males Females Males Femalas Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Berasia Tabsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 4,915 3,984 931 1,103 265 2,881 666 0 Agriculture, livestock .. 1,006 965 41 47 8 918 33 forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 1,357 1,089 268 1,056 257 33 11 4 Construction 75 59 16 59 ~ 16 5 Electricity, gas, water 31 31 31 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 376 328 48 328 48 7 Transport, storage and 6 6 6 communications 8 Services 940 821 119 821 119 9 Activities not adequa- 1,124 716 408 716 408 tely described Z Sehore TahSil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 7,430 5,851 1,579 1,594 505 4,257 1,074 o Agriculture, livestock, 1,489 1.412 77 197 1,215 77 forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 1 2&3 Manufacturing 1,971 1,458 513 1,397 505 61 8 4 Construction 164 142 22 142 22 5 Electricity, gas, water 72 40 32 40 32 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 474 433 41 433 41

7 Tran~port, storage and 112 112 112 communications 8 Services 2,095 1.986 109 1,986 109 9 Activities not adequa- 1,052 267 785 267 785 tely described

3 Huzur Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 7,477 5,795 1,68Z 953 328 4,84Z 1,354 0 Agriculture. livestock, 1,443 1.251 192 191 93 1,060 99 forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 2&:3 Manufacturing 1,983 1,524 459 762 235 762 224 4 Construction 461 364 97 364 97 38



( Figures for Division only are given )

Branch of Total Workers Workers at Household Workers in Non-household Industry Industry etc. ,---.A.Industry__ -. r------.A.------______,...-____..A. ____ -. ,...-______.A. _____ -. Division of I.S.Le. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 Huzur Tahsil (Rural)-Concld.

5 Electricity, gas, water 220 207 13 207 13 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 509 443 66 443 66 7 Transport, storage and 439 427 12 427 12 communications 8 Services 951 872 79 872 79 9 Activities not adequa- 1,471 707 764 707 764 tely described

4 Ashta Tahsil (Kural)

ALL DIVISIONS 5,900 4,494 1,4()6 1,776 643 2,718 763 0 Agriculture, livestock, 841 699 142 699 142 forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 5 2&3 Manufacturing 2,461 1,813 648 } ,776 643 37 4 Construction 56 50 6 50 6 5 Electricity, gas, water 76 39 37 39 37 and sanilary services 6 Trade and commerce 501 447 54 447 54 7 Transport, storage and 8 8 8 communications 8 Services 1,101 1,038 63 1,038 63 9 Activities not adequa- 855 400 455 400 455 tely described

5 Ichhawar Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 3,082 2,276 806 806 259 1,470 547 0 Agriculture, livestock, 571 483 88 2 481 88 forestry, fishing ar:d hunting Mining and quarrying 22 22 22 2&3 Manufacturing 1,092 831 261 804 259 27 2 4 Construction 72 38 34 38 34 5 Electricity. gas, water 30 21 9 21 9 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 168 ISS 13 155 13 7 Transport, storage and 7 7 7 communications 8 Services 418 368 50 368 50 9 Activities not adequa- 702 351 351 351 351 tely described 39



( Figures for Divisi'on only are given )

Branch of Total Workers Workers at Household Workers in Non-household Industry Industry etc. Industry ,.-______-J>.. ______---. ,.-___---.A. ____...... r---.A.--...... ,------'------...... Division of I.S.I.C. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 Nasrullagaoj Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 3,470 2,903 567 934 131 1,969 436 0 Agriculture, livestock, 473 407 66 407 66 forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 1,136 973 163 934 131 39 32 4 Construction 79 77 2 77 2 5 Electricity, gas, water 55 26 29 26 29 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 341 323 18 323 18 7 Transport, storage and 40 40 40 communications 8 Services 911 814 97 814 97 9 Activities not adequa- 435 243 192 243 192 tely described

7 Budni Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS '6,318 4,794 1,524 953 351 3,841 1,173 0 Agriculture, livestock, 1,047 882 165 55 20 827 145 forestry, fishing and hunting

Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 1,263 923 340 898 331 25 9

4 Construction 466 319 147 319 147 5 Electricity, gas, water 24 22 2 22 2 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 534 455 79 455 79 7 Transport, storage and 234 234 234 communications 8 Services 951 817 134 817 134 9 Activities not adequa- 1,799 1,142 657 1,142 657 tely described 40

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(Figures for divisions only are given) Note :-For description of categories III to IX and of division of N. C. O. please refer to Explanatory Notes and Appendix II.

Total Total r------A.--__~ r-----_..A.------. Division Category Persons Males Females Division Category Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

1 Berasia Tahsil (Rural) 2 Sebore Tahsil (RuraJ)-Concld.

ALL DIVISIONS Total 4.915 3,984 931 Division 3 Total 470 433 37 III 951 918 33 VII 470 433 37 IV 1,368 1,103 265 V 44 33 11 Division 4 Total 1.489 1,412 77 VI 75 59 16 III 1,292 1,215 77 VII 376 328 48 IV 197 197 VIII 6 6 IX 2,095 1,537 S58 Division 5 Total 1 1 III 1 1 Division 0 Total 477 444 33 IV 47 47 IX 430 Division 6 Total 112 112 397 33 VIII 112 112 Division 1 Total 60 57 3 IX 60 Division 7-8 Total 3,189 /,867 1,322 57 3 IV 1,902 1,397 505 V 69 61 8 Division 2 Total 26 25 1 VI 164 142 22 IX 26 25 1 VII 4 4 IX 1,050 267 783 Division 3 Total 376 328 48 VII 376 328 48 Division 9 Total 1,299 1,224 75 IX 1,299 1.224 75 " Division 4 Totol 959 918 41 III 951 918 33 IV 8 8 3 Huzur Tahsil (RUral) 5,795 1,682 Division 6 Total 6 6 ALL DIVISIONS Total 7,477 VIII 6 III 1,159 1.060 99 6 IV 1.281 953 328 V 986 762 224 Difi&ion 7-8 Total 2,629 1,867 762 VI 461 364 97 IV 1,313 1,056 257 VII 509 443 66 V 44 33 11 VIII 439 427 12 VI 75 59 16 IX 2,642 1,786 856 IX 1,197 719 478 Division 9 Totol 382 339 43 Division 0 Total 299 273 26 IX 382 339 VI 3 3 .. 43 IX 296 270 26 2 Sehore Tahsil (Rural) Di"ision 1 Total 62 61 1 ALL DIVISIONS Total 7,430 5.851 1,579 VI 9 9 III 1,293 1,216 77 IX 53 52 IV 2,099 1,594 505 V 69 61 8 Division 2 Total 81 80 1 VI 164 142 22 V 1 1 vn 474 433 41 VI 4 4 VlIl 112 112 VIII 5 5 IX 3,219 2,293 926 IX 71 70 Division 0 Total 664 596 6B IX 664 596 68 Division 3 Total 512 446 66 III 3 3 Division 1 Total 2 2 VII 509 443 66 IX 2 2 Division 4 Total 1;159 1,060 99 Division 2 Total 204 204 III 1,156 1,057 99 IX 204 204 IX 3 3 57


(Figures for divisio,;!s only are given) Note :-For description of categories III to IX and of division ofN. C. O. please refer to Explanatory Notes and Appendix H.

Total f--- ___Total.A.. ______, ______.A. ______--, Division Category Persons Males P,emales. Division Category Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

3 Huzur Tabsil (Rura1)-Concld. 5 Ichhawar Tahsil (Rural)

Division 6 Tolal 429 417 12 ALL DIVISIONS Total 3,082 2,276 806 VI 14 14 .. III 591 503 88 VIIT 414 402 12 IV 1,065 806 259 IX 1 1 V 29 27 2 VI 72 38 34 Division 7-8 Total 4,500 3,095 1,405 VII 168 155 13 IV 1,281 953 328 VIII 7 7 V 985 761 224 IX 1,150 740 410 VI . 431 334 97 VIII 16 16 .. Division 0 Total 188 160 28 IX 1,787 1,031 756 IX 188 160 28

Division 9 Total 435 363 72 Division I Total 44 37 7 VIII 4 4 HI 5 5 IX 431 359 72 VIII 1 1 IX 38 31 7 4 Ashta Tahsil (Rural) Division 2 Total 4 4 ALL DIVISIONS Total 5,900 4,494 1,406 V 1 1 III 842 699 143 IX 3 3 IV 2,419 1,776 643 V 42 37 5 Division 3 Total 168 155 13 VI 56 50 6 VII 168 155 13 VII 501 447 54 VIII 8 8 .. IX Division 4 Total 588 500 88 2,032 1,477 555 I1I 586 498 88 IV 2 2 Division 0 Total 533 495 38 IX 533 495 38 Division 6 Total 5 5 VIII 5 5 Division I Total 86 83 3 IX 86 83 3 Division 7-8 Total 1,864 1,218 646 / IV 1,063 804 259 Division 2 Total 68 66 2 V 23 21 2 IX 68 66 2 VI 70 36 34 VIII 1 1 .. IX 707 356 Division 3 Total 501 447 54 351 VII 501 447 54 Division 9 Total 221 197 24 V 5 5 Division 4 Total 841 699 142 VI 2 2 III 841 699 142 IX 214 190 24

Division 5 Total 1 J 6 NasruJlaganj Tahsil (RllJ'al) III 1 1 ALI, DIVISIONS Total 3,470 2,903 567 III 473 407 66 Division 6 Total 8 8 IV t.065 934 131 VIII 8 8 V 71 39 32 VI 79 77 2 VII 341 323 18 Division 7-8 Total 3,374 2,264 1,110 VIII 40 40 IV 2,419 1.776 643 IX 1.401 1,083 318 V 42 37 S VI 56 50 6 IX 857 DMsion 0 Total 384 326 58 401 456 VI 2 2 Division 9 VII 4 4 Total 488 432 56 VIII 1 1 IX 488 432 56 IX 377 319 S8 _58


(Figures for divisions only are given) Note :-For description of categories III to IX and of division of N. C. O. please refer to Explanatory Notes and Appendix II.

Total Total ,-_____..A.....- _____-. ,------"------. Division Category Persons Males Females Division Category Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil (Rural)-Concld. 7 Budni Tahsil (Rural)-Concld.

Division 1 Total ]05 10] 4 Division 0 Total 323 287 36 VI 2 2 VI 3 3 VII 3 3 IX 320 284 36 IX 100 96 4 Division 1 Total 168 154 14 Division 2 Total 106 100 6 III 5 5 IX 106 100 6 VI 4 4 VII 16 16 Division 3 Total 334 316 18 IX 143 129 14 VII 334 316 18 Division 2 Tota 105 88 17 Division 4 Total 485 414 71 III 15 1 14 III 473 407 66 VI 1 1 V 10 5 5 IX 89 86 3 IX 2 2 Division 3 Total 518 439 79 Division 6 Total 32 32 VII 518 439 79 VIII 31 31 IX 1 1 Division 4 Total 1.011 861 ]50 III 931 802 129 Division 7-8 . Total 1,658 ],306 352 IV 75 5S 20 IV 1,065 934 131 V 1 .. 1 V 61 34 27 IX 4 4 VI 73 71 2 VIII 8 8 Division 6 Total 214 . 212 2 IX 451 259 192 III 2 2 VI 3 3 Division 9 Total 366 308 58 VIII 189 189 VI 2 2 IX 20 20 IX 364 306 58 Division 7-8 Total 3,347 2,222 1,125 7 Budni Tahsil (Rural) III 19 19 IV 1.229 898 331 25 8 ALL DIVISIONS Total 4,794 1,524 V 33 6,318 VI 455 308 147 III 972 827 145 VIII 40 40 IV 1,304 953 351 1,571 932 639 V 34 2S 9 IX VI 466 319 147 VII 534 455 79 Division 9 Total 632 531 101 VIII 234 234 VIII 5 5 IX 2,774 1,981 793 I


Educational Levels ~------

Literate Primary Matricu- Technical Total (without or lation or diploma Occupational Age- Literate educational Junior Higher not equal Division No. group Total Workers Workers levels) Basic Secondary to degree r----.A.--"""'\ ,-..A.__ -. ..--"------. ,--A._-. .---"---"""'\ ~--"---. P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SEHORE

ALL DIVISIONS Total 95,752 83,410 12,342 50,564 2,032 26,349 557 6,529 140 10,921 957 2,597 46 0-14 2.419 1.863 556 406 34 345 29 60 4 1 1 15-34 57.502 50,309 7.193 32,592 1.606 14,865 327 4.506 93 8,087 869 2,425 35 35-S9 31.673 27.642 4.031 15.966 364 9,848 177 1,827 42 2,719 86 166 10 60+ 4,12.7 3,571 556 1,584 26 1.280 23 135 1 110 1 6 Age not stated 31 25 6 16 2 11 1 1 4 1 Division 0 Total 8,267 6,694 1,573 6,326 1,416 948 133 384 97 2,162 836 912 46 PrOfessional, 0-14 6 1 4 2 1 technical and 15-34 4.368 1.196 328 78 201 62 1,701 761 763 35 related workers 35-59 1,720 201 463 46 162 35 431 73 144 10 60+ 231 11 152 9 19 30 1 5 Age not stated 1 1 1

Division 1 Total 2,780 2,745 35 2,535 32 789 9 315 5 689 11 22

Administrative. 0-14 2 2 " .. executive and 15-34 1,107 15 331 3 134 3 339 7 11 managerial 35-59 1,334 16 406 5 172 2 . 330 4 10 workers 60+ 90 1 49 1 9 19 I Age not stated 2 1 I

Division 2 Total 11.561 11,280 281 9,877 154 2,889 40 931 5 4,896 90 23 Clerical and 0-14 10 6 .. 3 1 related workers 15-34 6,611 121 1,667 21 615 5 3,571 83 18 35-59 3,048 27 1,123 19 294 1,297 7 5 60+ 145 92 19 25 Age not stated 3 1 2

DiviSion 3 Total n,183 10,702 481 7,360 35 5,429 29 1,156 4 645 2 4 Sales workers 0-14 70 3 53 2 17 1 .. 15-34 3,781 17 2,496 13 740 2 459 2 3 35-59 2,974 13 2,412 12 355 1 169 I 60+ 532 2 466 2 43 17 Age not stated 3 2 1

DiviSion 4 Total 2,136 1,770 366 703 6 500 3 95 2 87 1 2 Farmers, fisher- 0-14 12 12 .. .. men, hunters 15-34 380 3 263 1 59 1 48 1 1 loggers and 35-59 279 3 195 2 35 1 38 1 related workers 60+ 32 30 1 1 Division 5 Total 90 60 30 3 2 1 Miners, quarry- 15-34 3 2 men and related Workers 61 D-VI


Educational. Levels ,------"- --. University degree or Non- post-gradu- ,..--______Technical degree or diploma equal.A. ______to degree or post-graduate degree ... technical ate degree diploma other than Veterinary not equal technical Enginee- Medi, Agricul· and Techno- Teach- to degree degree ring cine ture dairying logy ing Others ,---A----. ,.....--"'-_----, ,.....--'---"""\ ,.....--"----. ,...... __...... -~ ,.....-...... ~ ,....._.A.---, ,.....-.A._--. ,....._ ...... ---. Age- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F group 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2 DISTRICT

15 4 3,262 216 455 130 30 51 17 4 231 82 3 Total 0-14 7 3 2,044 187 356 88 26 30 IS 4 164 66 1 15--34 4 1 1,173 29 98 41 4 21 1 66 15 2 35-59 4 45 1 1 1 1 1 60+ A.N.S.

7 2 1,119 194 418 125 30 35 16 4 195 78 I Total

" .. 0-14 '3 771 167 330 86 26 21 15 4 ]44 66 15-34 331 27 87 38 4 14 .. 50 11 35-59 4 17 ] ] 1 1 1 60+ A.N.S.

3 662 3 18 2 11 I 23 4 Total 0-14 2 257 2 ]2 6 14 15-34 1 393 ] 6 5 9 4 35-59 12 60+ A.N.S. -

I 2 1,121 17 3 2 11 Total .. 0-14 2 792 16 3 5 15-34 320 1 2 6 35-59 9 60+ A.N.S. 122 I 2 1 Total .. 0-14 81 1 1 15-34 35 1 35-59 6 60+ A.N.S. 13 I 3 2 Total .. 0-14 6 3 15-34 7 2 35-59 60+ Total 15-34 62



Educational Levels

Literate Primary Matricu- Technical Total (wihout or lation or diploma Occupational Age- Literate educational Junior Higher nat equal Division No. group Total Workers Workers levels) Basic Secondary to degree r--_...A , ,--_.A.-_...... ---A--~ r---"-~ ,----"----. ,---"-----. P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SEHORE

Division 6 Total 5,222 5.138 84 2.834 10 1,888 494 380 9 2 Workers in 0-14 5 5 transport and 15-34 1,777 10 1,145 370 219 9 2 communication 35-59 996 699 115 154 occupations 60+ 54 38 9 6 Age not stated 2 1 1 Division 7-8 Total 43,928 35,886 8,042 15,974 299 10,416 272 2,174 21 1,680 6 1,631 Craftsmen, pro- 0-14 217 23 192 21 25 2 duction process 15-34 11.453 199 6,563 179 1,694 16 1,515 4 1,626 workers and labou- 35-59 3,934 68 3,326 63 428 3 157 2 5 rers not elsewhere 60+ 368 8 333 8 27 8 classified Age not stated 2 1 2 1 Division 9 Total 10,320 8,887 1,433 4,912 78 3,469 71 977 6 369 1 1 Service,sports 0-14 84 7 71 6 13 1 and recreation 15-34 3,030 37 2,057 32 693 4 228 workers 35-59 1,665 30 1,219 30 264 137 60+ 130 4 119 3 7 4 Age not stated 3 3 Division X Total 265 248 17 40 2 19 3 12 1 Workers not 15-34 22 2 13 6 classified by 35-59 16 5 2 6 occupation 60+ 2 1 1

Note:-LiDes with nil entries have been omitted. 63


BY SEX, BROAD AGE-GROUPS AND EDUCATIONAL LEVELS IN URBAN AREAS ONLY-Concld. r------Educational. Levels,------University degree or Non· post-gradu- ,----______Technical degree or diploma equal --A.______to degree or post-graduate degree -. technical ate degree diploma other than Veterinary not equal technical Enginee· Medi- Agricul· and Techno- Teach- to degree degree ring cine, ture dairying logy ing Others ,---J..._-. r----'---...,. r--..A.-~ ~----"'----. ,___....-...... ,.---"-______,A.__ ""\ ,-A._""\ ,-A.--, Age­ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F group 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2 DISTRICT-Cone/d. 67 1 3 Total 0-14 41 1 15-34 25 3 3~59 1 60+ A.N.S. 1 60 12 Total 0-14 44 10 15-34 16 2 35-59 60+ A.N.S.

3 92 1 Total 0-14 1 49 15-34 2 43 35-59 60+ A.N.S. 6 1 Total 3 15-34 3 35-59 60+ 64



Secondary..A. ______Work -.. r-- Principal work At As ,-----~------. Household As Agricultural Cultivator, AgriCUlture Labourer or Total Industry Cultivator Labourer Household Industry (Division Rural ,------'------, ,---__.A.-- _ __. r----"----. and Major Group) Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SEHORE DISTRICT

Cultivator T 3,681 777 4,357 3,022 R 3,642 769 4,264 2,954 U 39 8 93 68 Agriculture Labourer T 616 349 6,361 4,963 R 615 348 6,333 4,869 U 1 1 28 94 Household Industry T 1,445 241 632 360 R 1,399 237 623 354 U 46 4 9 6 DMsion 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry T 16 6 8 4 fishing and hunting R 7 3 7 2 U 9 3 J 2 Major Groups 02 forestry and logging T R U

04 Livestock and hunting T IS 6 8 4 R 6 3 7 2 U 9 3 1 2 p;v;s;on 2&3 Manufacturing T 1,429 235 624 356 R 1,392 234 616 352 U 37 1 8 4 Major Groups 20 Foodstuffs T 120 66 46 41 R 116 66 44 40 U 4 2 1 22 Tobacco products T R .. U 1

23 Textile-cotton T 19 It 33 22 R 16 10 33 22 U 3 1 24 Textile-jute T R U

27 Textile-miscellaneous T 105 10 32 22 R 104 10 32 22 U 1 28 Manufacture of wood T 506 30 113 79 and wooden products R 492 30 107 76 U 14 6 3 31 Leather and leather T 319 62 251 127 products R 317 62 251 127 U 2 65



Secondary Work ~------~------~ Principal work At As ,------"------, Household As Agricultural

Cultivator. Agricultural Labourer or Total Industry ,--__Cultivator-.A. ___ -. ,-__Labourer-.A. ____ --. Household Industry (Division Rural ,-___.A. ___-. and Major Group) Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Major Groups 33 Chemicals and chemical T products R U 34 - 35 Non-metallic mineral T 167 53 III 57 products other than R 163 53 III 57 petroleum and coal U 4 36 Basic metals and their T 115 2 22 3 products except machinery R 112 2 22 3 and transport equipment U 3 38 Transport equipment T 2 R 2 U

39 Miscellaneous manufactu- T 73 16 S ring industries R 68 ,16 S U 5

1 Berasia Tahsil Cultivator R 501 41 721 41%

Agricultural labourer R 120 29 5,323 4.006

Household Industry R 191 17 65 :Z2 qVision 0 Agriculture. Iivestock,fore- R 7 7 stry fishing and hunting Dtvision 2&3 Manufacturing R 184 17 58 22 2 Sehore Tahsil Cultivator R 580 155 774 513 AgricuJturallabourer R 154 86 260 no

Household Industry R 181 38 92 81

Division 2&3 Manufacturing R 181 38 92 81 3 Huzur Tahsil Cultivator R 2S 17 29 29 Agricultural labourer R 13 19 4 4

Housebold Industry R 190 33 98 46

Division 2&3 Manufacturing R 190 33 98 46 66



Secondary Work r------.A.----.-.------, Principal work At As r------"------.. Household As Agricultural Cultivator, Agriculture Labourer or Total Industry Cultivator Labourer Household 1ndustry (Division Rural r------"------.. r----.A.-----.. r----..A.--- --;--.. and Major Group) Urban Males Females Males Females Males Fcm~les

2 3 4 5 6 7 $

4 Ashta Tahsil Cultivator R 627 178 1.180 1,004 ,\gricultural labourer R 93 91 283 342 HousehOld Industry R 427 63 78 93 Division 2&3 Manufacturing R 427 63 78 93 5 Ichhawar Tahsil Cultivator R 1,469 265 916 635 Agricultural labourer R 105 39 133 135

HousehOld Industry R 189 58 118 41

Division 2&3 Manufacturing R 189 58 118 41 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil Cultivator R :1.92 38 270 226 Agricultural labourer R 50 19 142 153 Household Industry R 105 12 26 4 Division 2&3 Manufacturing R 105 12 26 4 7 Budni Tahsil Cultivator R 148 75 374 135 Agricultural labourer R 80 65 188 109 Household Industry R 116 16 146 67 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, fore- R 3 2 stry, fishing and hunting Division 2&3 Maufacturing R 113 13 146 65 67

TABLE B-VII PART B-INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS WORKING IN NON-HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY, TRADE, BUSINESS, PROFESSION OR SERVICE WHO ARE ALSO ENGAGED IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY Note :-For description of Divisions and major groups, kindly see Appendix I to Explanatory Note. P- W. : Principal Work, A. W. : Additional Work Principal Work Principal Work ~ ______A. ______-. ~ ______-A ______~ Additional work Additional work at Household Industry at Household Industry (Division & Major Group) Males Females (Division & Major Group) Males Fcm:lles I 2 3 I 2 3 SEHORE DISTRICT-TOTAL P. W. Division 0 7,759 956 P. W. Major group 29 580 4 A. W. Division 0 2 A. W. Division 2&3 1 Major group 04 2 Major group 28 I A. W. Division 2&3 8 2 Major groups 20 3 I P. W. Major group 31 469 18 23 1 A. W. Divi.lion 2&3 2 28 I Major groups 27 I 31 I 34-35 I 34·35 2 36 1 P. W. Major group 37 6,520 331 A. W. Division 2&3 1 P. W. Major group 00 1,247 297 Major group 28 I A. W. Dil'isioll 0 1 Major group 04 1 P. W. Major group 39 355 16 A. W. Division 2&3 2 1 A. W. DiI'ision 2&3 1 Major groups 20 I I Major group 27 I 34-35 1 3355 P. W. Majorgroup 02 1,182 134 P. W. Division 4 12,330 A. W. Division 0 1 A. W. Division a 1 Major group Major group 04 1 04 I 2&3 A. W. Division 2&3 1 A. W. Didsion 6 Major group Major groups 22 1 23 I 23 2 P. W. Major group 03 279 26 2R 3 A. W. DiviSion 2&3 1 Major group 20 1 P. W. Major group 40 12,330 3,355 A. W. DiI'ision 0 1 P. W. Major group 04 5,046 499 Major group 04 I A. W. Division 2&3 5 .. A. W. Division 2&3 6 Major groups 20 I Major groups 22 1 28 1 23 2 31 I 28 3 34-35 1 36 I P. W. Division 5 2,461 749 P. W. Division 2&3 20,956 1,691 A. W. DiviJion 0 2 A. W. Dil'isioll 2&3 14 Major group 04 2 Major groups 20 2 A. W. Division 2&3 5 22 I Major groups 20 2 23 3 22 I 27 4 23 I 28 2 28 1 31 1 34--35 I P. W. Major group 50 957 3 A. W. Division 0 2 P. W. Major group 20 2,162 82 Major group 04 2 A. W. Division 2&3 3 A. W. Division 2&3 3 Major groups 23 2 Major groups 22 1 27 1 23 1 P. W. Major group 23 2,728 60 28 I A. W. DMsion 2&3 5 51 1,504 746 Major groups 20 2 P. W. Major group A. W. Divi3ion 2&3 2 23 I 20 2 27 I Major group 31 1 P. W. Division 6 15,752 868 P. W. Major group 27 1.134 115 A. W. Division 0 4 A, W. Division 2&3 1 Major groups 00 1 Major group 22 I 04 3 68

TABLE B-VII PART B-Oontd. Principal Work Principal Work ,.------"------. r------"- ---. Additional work Additional work at Household Industry at Household Industry (Division & Major Group) Males Females (Division & Major Group) Males Females 1 2 3 1 2 3 SEHORE DISTRICT (TOTAL)-Contd. SEHORE DISTRICT (TOT ALl-Condd. A. W. Division 2&3 59 8 P. W. Major group 81 4,641 1,180 Major groups 20 26 6 A. W. Division 0 1 22 1 Major group 04 1 23 5 A. W. Division 2&3 2 2 24 2 1 Major groups 27 I I 27 14 1 28 1 28 1 34-35 1 34.35 2 1,675 715 4 P. W. Major group 82 38 A. W. Division 0 1 39 4 1 63 Major group 04 P. W. Major group 60-63 1,661 A. W. Division 2&3 2 A. W. Division 0 1 Major group 28 2 Major group 04 1 A. W. Division 2&3 1 P. W. Major group 83 974 39 Majar group 23 t A. W. Division 2&3 2 P. W. Major group 64-68 13,594 793 Major groups 20 1 A. W. Division 0 3 39 I Major groups 00 1 P. W. Major group 84 178 2 04 2 A. W. Division 2&3 1 A. W. Division 2&3 58 8 Major group 20 1 Major groups 20 26 6 P. W. Major group 87 1.138 83 22 1 A. W. Dvision 2&3 3 23 4 Major group 28 3 24 2 1 27 14 1 P. W. Major group 88 6.270 1.099 A. W. Division 0 2 28 1 2 34-35 2 Major group 04 A. W. Division 2&3 33 3 38 4 1 39 4 Major groups 20 106 24 1 P. W. Division 7 7,639 28 28 A. W. Division 2&3 5 1 Ml\ior groups 20 1 36 28 2 39 3 J P. W. Major group 89 420 68 31 1 2 2 34-35 1 A. W. Division 2&3 Major group 22 2 2 P. W. Major group 70-71 6,610 94 5.268 5 P. W. Di~ision 9 8,185 A. W. Division 2&3 2 / Major groups 20 1 A. W. Division 0 Major group 04 2 I 28 2 21 31 1 A. W. Division 2&3 18 Major groups 20 I 34-35 1 23 4 3 P. W. Division 8 26,740 3.336 27 2 A. W. Division 0 5 28 ., 7 Major group 04 5 31 12 4 A. W. Division 2&3 66 9 33 1 Major groups 20 5 1 2 22 2 2 34-35 3 P. W. Major group 90 8.185 5.268 23 2 2 1 24 1 A. W. Division 0 Major group 04 2 1 27 2 1 21 18 28 35 3 A. W. Division 2&3 )0 Major groups 20 1 31 23 4 3 33 1 27 2 34-35 3 7 J 28 36 31 12 4 39 4 J 33 1 P. W. Major group 80 10,771 129 3 2 A. W. Division 0 1 34-35 Major group 04 1 SEHORE DlSTlUcr (RURAL) A. W. Division 2&3 23 Major groups 20 3 P. W. Division 0 5,607 650 23 2 A. W. Division 2&3 7 1 27 1 Major groups 20 3 1 28 3 28 I 31 10 31 1 33 1 34-35 1 34-35 3 36 1 69

TABLE B-VlI PART B-Oontd. Principal Work Principal Work r------__J...------.. ,------"------.. Additional work Additional work at Household Industry at Household Industry female> (Division & Major Group) Males Females (Division & Major Group) Males 2 3 1 2 3 1 SEHORE DISTRICT (RURAL)-Contd. SEHORE DISTRICT (RURAL)-Concld. 153 P. W. Major group 70-71 756 12 P. W. Major group 00 249 4 A. W. Dvivion 2&3 1 1 A. W. Division 2&3 20 1 1 Major groups 20 I Major group 28 2 P. W. Major group 03 105 18 31 I A. W. Division 2&3 1 P. W. Division 8 6,716 651 Major group 20 I A. W. Division 0 J I P. W. Major group 04 4.535 366 Major group 04 A. W. Division 2&3 43 4 A. W. Division 2&3 5 4 1 Major groups 20 I Major groups 20 28 1 23 2 31 I 28 24 2 34-35 1 31 10 36 1 34-35 36 1 P. W. Division 2&3 984 291 39 2 A. W. Division 2&3 1 80 1,439 27 1 P. W. Major group Major group 20 A. W. Division 2&3 17 P. W. Major group 23 43 2 Major groups 20 3 A. W. Division 2&3 1 23 2 Major group 20 1 28 2 31 10 P. W. Division 4 1,049 324 A. W. Division 0 J P. W. Major group 81 1,136 61 Major group 04 1 A. W. Divisioll 2&3 1 A. W. Division 2&3 2 Major group 34-35 1 Major groups 23 1 28 1 P. W. Major group 82 337 213 A. W. Division 0 1 P. W. Major group 40 1,049 324 Major group 04 1 A. W. Division 0 1 A. W. Di~'ision 2&3 2 Major group 04 1 Major group 28 2 A. W. Division 2&3 2 Major groups 23 I P. W. Major group 83 496 5 28 1 A. W. Division 2&3 1 Major group 20 1 P. W. Division 5 355 153 A. W. Division 2&3 2 P. W. Major group 87 695 40 Major group 20 2 A. W. Division 2&3 2 Major group 28 2 P. W. Major group 51 266 153 A. W. Division 2&3 2 P. W. Major group 88 2.472 292 Major group 20 2 A. W. Division 2&3 23 1 P. W. Division 6 2.584 319 Major groups 20 I A. W. Division 0 2 28 20 Major group 04 2 36 I A. W. Division 2&3 38 6 39 2 Major groups 20 21 6 P . W. Division 9 3.826 3,612 24 1 2 1 27 14 A. W. Division 0 Major group 04 2 t 34-35 I 17 15 39 1 A. W. Division 2&3 Major groups 23 4 3 P, W. Major group 64-68 2,530 302 27 1 A. W. Division 0 2 28 6 Major gpoup 04 2 31 II 3 A. W. Division 2&3 38 6 34-35 2 2 Major groups 20 21 6 24 1 P. W. Major group 90 3.826 3,612 27 14 A. W. Division 0 2 1 34-35 1 Major group 04 2 1 39 1 A. W. DMsion 2&3 17 15 Major groups 23 4 3 P. W. Di,i.ion 7 834 12 1 A. W. Division 2&3 4 27 Major groups 20 1 28 6 28 2 31 11 3 31 1 34-35 2 2 70


,----__Principal---A-- Work______-,. Principal Work ,.------"------""" Additional Work Additional Work at Household Industry at Household Industry (Division & Major Group) Males Females (Division & Major Group) Males Females 1 2 3 I 2 3 SEHORE DISTRICT (URBAN) SEHORE DISTRICT (URBAN)-Contd. P. W. Division 0 2,152 306 P. W. Major group 50 868 3 A. W. Division 0 2 A. W. Division 0 2 Major group 04 2 Major group 04 2 A. W. Division 2&8 1 1 A. W. Division 2&3 3 Major groups 23 1 Major groups 22 1 34-35 1 23 1 P. W. Major group 00 998 144 2~ 1 A. W. Division 0 1 Major group 04 1 P. W. Division 6 13,168 549 A. W. Division 2&3 1 A. W. Division ,0 2 Major group 34-35 1 Major groups 00 1 P. W. Major group 02 464 Z1 04 1 A. W. Division 0 1 A. W. Division 2&3 21 2 Major group 04 1 Major groups 20 5 A. W. D;vision 2&3 1 22 1 Major group 23 1 23 5 P. W. Division 2&3 19,972 1,400 24 1 A. W. Division 2&3 13 27 Major groups 20 1 28 1 22 1 34-35 1 23 3 38 4 27 4 39 3 28 2 P. W. Major group 60--63 1,636 48 31 1 A. W. Division 0 1 34-35 1 Major group 04 1 P. W. Majorgroup 20 2,050 65 A. W. Division 2&3 1 A. W. Division 2&3 3 Major group 23 1 Major groups 23 2 27 1 P. W. Major group 64-68 11,064 491 P. W. Major group 23 2,685 58 A. W. Division 0 1 A. W. Division 2&3 4 Major group 00 1 Major groups. 20 1 A. W. Division 2&3 20 2 23 1 Major Groups 20 5 27 1 22 1 31 1 23 4 P. W. Major group 27 1,077 111 24 1 A. W. Division 2&3 1 27 Major group 22 1 28 1 P. W. Major group 29 571 4 34-35 1 A. W. Division 2&3 1 38 4 Major group 28 1 39 3 P. W. Major group 31 444 11 P. W. Division 7 6,805 94 A. W. Division 2&3 2 A. W. Db'ision 2&3 1 Major groups 27 1 Major group 34-35 1 34-35 1 P. W. Major group 70--71 5,854 82 P. W. Major group 37 6,520 331 A. W. Di~ision 2&3 1 A. W. Division 2&3 1 Major group 34-35 1 Major group 28 1 2,685 P. W. Major group 39 340 15 P. W. Division 8 20,024 A. W. Division 2&3 1 A. W. Division 0 4 Major group 27 1 Major group 04 4 23 5 P.W. Division 4 11,281 3,031 A. W. Division 2&3 Major groups 20 I A. W. Division 2&3 4 2 Major group I 22 2 22 I 23 I 24 .., 28 2 27 <- P. W. Major group 3,031 28 II 40 11,281 I A.W. Division 2&3 4 33 1 34-35 3 Major groups 22 2 1 23 1 39 102 28 2 ~ . P. W. Major group 80 9,332 P. W. Division 5 2,106 596 A. W. Division 0 1 A. W. Division 0 2 Major group 04 1 Major group 04 2 A. W. Division 2&3 6 A. W. Division 2&3 3 Major groups 27 1 Major groups 22 1 28 1 23 1 33 1 28 1 34-35 3 71

TABLE B-VII PART B-Ooncld. Principal Work Principal Work r----~-----.A..----..:.!...--~ (------~------~ Additional Work Additional Work at Household Industry at Household Industry (Division & Major Group) Males Females (Division & Major Group) Males Females I 2 3 I 2 3 SEHORE DISTRICT (URBAN)-Conc1d. p. W. Major group 81 3,505 1,119 3 Huzur Tahsil (Rural) A. W. Division 0 1 Major group 04 1 P. W. Division 5 207 13 A. W. Division 2&3 2 1 A. W. Division 2&3 2 Major groups 27 I I P. W. Division 6 443 66 28 I A. W. Division 2&3 5 I P. W. Division 7 427 12 4 P. W. Major group 83 478 34 A. W. Division 2&3 P. W. Division 8 872 79 A. W. DMsion 2&3 1 2 Major group 39 1 A. W. Division 2&3 P. W. Division 9 707 764 A. W. Division 0 I P. W. Major group 84 166 2 2&3 8 A. W. Dil'ision 2&3 J A. W. Division Major group 20 I 4 Ashta Tahsil (Rural) P. W. Major group 87 443 43 P. W. Dhision 0 699 142 A. W. Division 2&3 J A. W. Division 2&3 I Major group 28 I P. W. Division 2&3 37 5 A. W. Division 2&3 I P. W. Major group 88 3,798 807 P. W. DM,ion 4 50 6 A. W. Division 0 2 A. W. DivisIOn 2&3 I Major group 04 2 P. W. Division 6 447 54 A. W. Division 2&3 10 2 A. W. Division 2&3 4 Major groups 24 I P. W, Division 8 1,038 63 28 8 A. W. Division 2&3 15 39 1 P. W. Division 9 400 455 2&3 II 4 P. W. Major group 89 370 64 A. W. nivision A. W. Division 2&3 2 2 5 Ichhawar Tahsil (Rural) Major group 22 2 2 p. W. Division 4 38 34 P. W. Division 9 4,359 1.656 A. W. Division 0 1 A. W. Division 2&3 4 3 p. W. Division 6 155 13 Major groups 20 I 2 27 A. W. Division 0 A. W. Division 2&3 16 3 28 368 50 31 P. W. Division 8 A. W. Division 0 I 33 15 34-45 A. W. Division 2&3 P. W. Division 9 351 351 P. W. Major group 90 4,359 1,656 A. W. Division 0 2 A. W. Division 2&3 4 3 A. W. Division 2&3 2 .Major groups 20 1 27 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil (Rural) 28 NIL 31 7 Budni Tahsil (Rural) 33 34-35 P. W. Division 0 827 145 6 1 1 Berasia Tahsil (Rural) A. W. Division 2&3 P. W. Division 4 319 147 NIL A. W. Division 2&3 1 6 455 79 2 Sehore Tahsil (Rural) P. W. Division A. W. Division 2&3 13 2 P. W. Division 8 1,986 109 P. W. Division 8 817 134 A, W. Division 2&3 3 3 A. W. Division 2&3 8 1 P. W. Division 9 267 785 P. W. Division 9 1,142 657 A. W. Division 2&3 4 A. W. Division 2&3 2 72


Persons seeking employment for the first time ,------"------...... Age Groups r------"------~ Total Age not ' S. No. Educational Levels Unemployed Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35+ stated ,-----"----, r---"---. ,-_J.---,. r _.A._...... ,---"---...... ,---"--...... r---"-...... r----"---. P MFM F M FM F M FM F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Total 1,384 1,327 57 743 30 307 11 279 12 83 3 29 2 45 2 1 Illiterate 412 388 24 192 7 94 2 43 2 30 1 8 2 17 2 Literate (without Educa- 532 523 9 260 6 120 4 80 2 24 11 25 tional level) 3 Primary or Junior Basic 173 170 3 109 1 46 44 9 1 7 3 4 Matriculation or Higher 226 212 14 158 13 47 5 97 5 12 1 2 2 Secondary 5 Technical diploma not 6 6 3 2 equal to degree 6 University degree or 30 24 6 17 3 11 3 6 post-graduate degree other than Technical degree 7 Technical degree or Total 5 4 J 4 2 J J diploma equQI to degree or post-graduate degree

(i) Engineering 3 3 3 2 1 (ii) Medicine 2 1 1 1

Lines with nil entries have been omitted.



Persons Unemployed r------Total unemployed Illiterate ,....------"------~ ,------"------...... S. No. District(rahsil Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 S 6 7


SEHORE DISTRICT 189 151 38 127 89 38 1 Berasia Tahsil 77 39 38 61 23 38 2 Sehore Tahsil 3 Huzur Tahsil 22 22 11 11 4 Ashta Tahsil 10 10 5 5 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 3 3 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil 22 22 to 10 7 Budni Tahsil SS 55 40 40 73


AGE GROUPS AND EDUCATIONAL LEVELS IN URBAN AREAS ONLY r------...A-=------__.Persons employed before but now out of employment and seeking work Age Groups r------~------. Age not Total 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ stated S. No. ,--__..__---. ,-___...... _---, r--__.._----. ..-__.._-- ...... ,-_A__ ...... ,---...... ~ ,--_"__-__. ,---"---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


S84 27 106 2 149 4 140 12 80 4 89 3 20 2 T 196 17 36 2 49 3 44 5 29 3 31 2 7 2 1 263 3 46 57 68 1 35 1 47 1 10 2

61 2 14 18 14 2 7 6 2 3 54 1 9 22 11 7 4 1 4 3 5

7 3 2 3 3 1 6'

1 1 7

o. (i) J (ii)



by Educational Levels ------_...... --. Literate (without educational levels) ,--______A ______--, ,-______Primary or .A.Junior Basic --. ,-______MatriculationA _____and above---, Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females S. No. I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1


31 31 22 22 9 9 10 10 6 6 1 I •• 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 6 9 9 5 5 1 1 7 74 TABLE


Total Dependents,infants Total ,-______Non-working..A. ______population -. Full time students Household duties and disabled Rural r-.-----"-----. ,-___..A. ___ -. r---..A.----. Urban Age-group Persons Males Females M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II


Total All ages 405,325 164,891 240,434 59,420 14,962 1,473 94,319 98,445 129,795 0-14 281,724 144,202 137,522 50,304 13,071 1,183 8,576 92,594 115,810 15-34 74,577 13,106 61,471 9,112 1,886 198 56,960 1,746 2,258 35-59 31,590 2,866 28,724 58 24,551 1,084 3,703 60 + 16,990 4,498 12,492 .. 34 4,216 2,809 7,826 . Age not stated 444 219 225 4 5 16 212 198

Rural All ages 233,201 98,879 134,322 28,767 1,871 1,312 44,070 67,148 87,711

0-14 179,758 91,989 87,769 26,534 1,710 1,111 6,531 64,281 79,492 15-34 29,116 3,645 25,471 2,233 161 140 24,283 726 898 35-59 14,399 1,158 13,241 39 11,082 478 1,924 60 + 9,627 1,930 7,697 22 2,170 1,506 5,263 Age not stated 301 157 144 4 157 134

Urban AI! ages 172,124 66,012 106,112 30,653 13,091 161 50,249 31,297 42,084

0-14 101,966 52,213 49,753 23,770 11,361 72 2,045 28,313 36,318 15-34 45,461 9,461 36,000 6,879 1,725 58 3"2,677 1,020 1,360 35-59 17,191 1,708 15,483 19 13,469 606 1,779 60 + 7,363 2,568 4,795 .. .. 12 2,046 1,303 2,563 Age not stated 143 62 81 4 5 12 55 ()4

1 Berasia

Rural All ages 39,090 15,089 24,001 2,969 277 9,682 11,791 13,849 0-14 27,891 13,995 13,896 2,679 274 1,478 11,297 12,140 15-34 6,426 587 5,839 290 3 5,488 165 288 35-59 3,265 189 3,076 2,426 78 578 60 + 1,429 284 1,145 286 217 802 Age not stated 79 34 45 4 34 41

2 Sehore

Rural All ages 42,581 19,116 23,465 3,104 172 6,015 15,731 17,197 0-14 34,883 17,959 16,924 2,803 163 1,062 15,156 15,699 15-34 3,940 536 3,404 301 9 3,178 156 ' 217 35-59 2,034 195 1,839 1,442 87 366 60 + 1,692 400 1,292 333 306 915 Age not stated 32 26 6 26

3 Huzur

Rural All ages 33,832 14,20Q 19,632 12,670 284 6,748 1,356 12,531

0- 14 26,157 13,312 12,785 12,401 251 920 966 11,602 15-34 4,455 407 4,048 269 3~ 3,914 89 78 35-59 2,029 150 1.879 1,702 73 165 60 + 1,152 251 901 212 208 667 Age not stated 39 20 19 20 19

4 Asht.

Rural All ages 45,446 20,091 25,355 3,715 219 68 5,782 16,025 19,228 O-J4 36,521 18,806 17,715 3,281 217 40 205 15,459 17,277 15-34 4,416 679 3,737 434 2 18 3,479 137 228 35-59 2,249 207 2,042 10 1,601 84 400 60 + 2,176 356 1,820 497 302 1,282 Age not stated 84 43 41 43 41 75



Persons employed Retired, Inmates of penal, Persons seeking before but now out rentier or Beggars, vagrants mental and charitable employment for the of employment and independent means etc. ,.--institutions__ -"-___ """1 first time seeking work r-----.A---~ ,..----...... ----"""1 r----"------. ,...---.A.~ Age M F M F M F M F M F group 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

DISTRICT 1,963 455 1,694 632 367 176 835 45 694 50 All ages T 55 50 15 15 45 6 0-14 68 27 541 1S4 237 120 742 36 462 30 15-34 651 203 740 208 89 32 46 9 198 18 35-59 1,243 225 356 214 26 9 2 28 '2 60+ 1 2 6 .. Age not stated

270 215 1.187 417 19 67 15 109 23 All agel R 38 36 20 5 0-14 25 11 401 98 9 44 8 67 12 15-34 89 82 513 135 7 3 7 29 II 35-59 156 122 235 142 3 8 60 + 6 Age not stated

1,693 240 507 215 348 176 768 30 585 27 All ages U 17 14 IS 15 25 .. I 0-14 43 16 140 56 228 120 698 28 395 18 15-34 562 121 227 73 82 32 43 2 169 7 25-59 1,087 103 121 72 23 9 2 20 2 60 + 1 2 Age not stated

Tahsil 34 51 255 104 13 15 27 23 All ages R 18 4 1 0-14 2 1 104 39 11 8 15 12 15-34 7 20 91 34 2 7 11 11 35-59 2S 30 42 27 60+ Age not stated

Tahsil 31 43 250 38 All ages R 0-14 79 15-34 12 108 19 35-59 31 31 63 13 60 + 6 Age not stated

TahSil 27 9 122 60 3 6 16 All ages R 5 12 0-14 I 33 22 J 6 9 15-34 13 4 55 8 2 7 35-59 14 4 29 18 60+ Age not stated

Tabsil 33 20 217 106 5 20 8 All ages R 8 16 15 3 0-14 7 6 72 22 1 5 5 15-34 II 10 100 31 2 35-59 15 4 31 37 2 60+ Age not stated 76



Total Dependents, infants Total Non-working population Full time students Household duties and disabled Rural r----. __.A.. _____ ""' r-----"----. r--..A.-----. r-----"------. Urban Age-Group Persons Males Females M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

5 Ichbawar

Rural All ages 18,061 8,465 9,596 1,424 88 194 2,071 6,740 7,376 0-14 15,147 7,917 7,230 1,270 85 155 506 6,492 6,637 15-34 1,327 267 1,060 154 3 31 990 48 61 35-59 632 78 554 6 416 36 114 60 + 895 176 719 2 159 137 531 Age not stated 60 27 33 27 33 6 NasruJlaganj

Rural All ages 27,~81 11,010 16,571 1,948 416 626 6,834 8,255 9,243 0-14 20,023 10,071 9,952 1,577 321 546 1,074 7,946 8,549 15-34 4,227 550 3,677 371 89 49 3,560 79 24 35-59 2,170 167 2,003 12 1,816 72 160 60 + 1,161 222 939 19 384 158 510 Age not stated 7 Budni

Rural All ages 26,610 10,908 15,702 2,937 415 424 6,938 7,250 8,287 0-14 19,136 9,869 9,267 2,523 393 370 1,286 6,965 7,588 15-34 4,325 619 3,706 414 22 42 3,674 52 2 35-59 2,020 172 1,848 11 1,679 48 141 60 + 1,122 241 881 1 299 178 556 Age not stated 7 7 7 77



Persons employed Retired, Inmates of 'penal. Persons seeking before but now out rentier or Beggars vagrants mental an~ chari'table employment for the of employment and independent means ,--__etc..A... __ -., ,-institutions__..A. __ , first time seeking work ,-_--A-_---, ,--.A...__ , ,----"----., Age M F M F M F M F M F group 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

Tahsil 28 3.4 76 27 1 2 All ages R 2 0-14 4 28 6 15-34 5 13 30 11 35-59 19 21 18 8 60 + Age not stated

Tahsil 46 42 110 36 3 6 16 All ages R 2 2 0- 14 2 3 29 1 2 6 12 15-34 23 14 58 13 "-.. 2 35-59 21 25 21 20 2 60 + Age not stated


71 16 ]57 46 8 21 40 All ages R 5 5 1 0-14 10 56 8 5 15 25 15-34 30 9 71 19 3 1 8 35-59 31 7 25 19 6 60 + Age not stated 78



Households Households engaged neither Households engaged both Total in Cultivation Households engaged in in Cultivation Rural Total number nOr in household engaged in Household and Household District/Tahsil Urban of households Industry cultivation only Industry only Industry

2 3 4 5 6 7

SEHORE DISTRICT T 31.787 17,335 11.675 1.768 1,001) R 20.130 6.528 11.332 1,271 999 U 11.657 10,807 343 497 10

1 Berasia Tahsil R 3.083 933 1.852 150 148 2 Sehore Tahsil R 3,959 1,313 2,183 324 139 3 Huzur Tahsil R 2,830 1.036 1,457 174 ]63 4 Ashta Tahsil R 4,102 1,052 2,597 248 205 5 Ichhawar TahSil R 1,611 388 939 101 183 6 NasruJlaganj Tahsil R 2.295 874 1,233 118 70 7 Budni Tahsil R 2,250 932 1,071 156 91




Note :-Figures 1,2 and 3 in column 1 stand for: 1. Owned or held from Government. 2. Held from private persons or Institutions for payment in money. kind or share, 3. Partly helc!. from Government and partly from private persons for payment in money. kind or share.

,-______Households enga~ed in cultivation.A. ______by size of Jand in acres -. No.of Interest in Cultivating Less 1.0- 2.5- 5.0- 7.5- .0.0- 12.5- 15.0- 30.0- 50+ Unspe- land cultivated households than 1 2.4 4.9 7.4 9.9 12.4 14.9 29.9 49.9 cified

2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 13


Total 12,331 170 376 950 1.532 1,322 1,621 758 3,738 1,199 661 4 1 10,116 161 332 801 1.303 1,086 1.306 598 3.005 983 538 3 2 973 8 40 l24 155 124 172 69 245 25 10 1 3 1,242 1 4 25 74 112 143 91 488 191 113

1 Berasia Tahsil (Rural)

Total 2,000 43 6[ 192 272 247 293 101 540 170 81 1 1.574 41 52 148 229 200 233 73 409 135 54 2 186 2 8 40 29 25 32 8 38 4 .. 3 240 1 4 14 22 28 20 93 31 27 79


SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED IN CULTIVATION CLASSIFffiD BY INTEREST IN :LAND AND SIZE OF LAND CULTIVATED IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS SEPARATELY-Concld. , BASED ON 20% SAMPLE , Note :-Figures 1, 2 and 3 in column 1 stand for: 1. Owned or held from Government. 2. Held from private persons or Instituions for payment in money, kind or share, 3. Partly heJd from Government and partly from private persons fOf payment in money, kind or share.

~ ______Households engaged inA ______cultivation by size of land acres._~ _____--~ No. of Interest in Cultivating Less 1.0- 2.5- 5.0- 7.5- 10.0- 12.5- 150- 30.0- 50+ Unspe- land cultivated households than 1 2.4 4.9 7.4 9·9 12.4 14.9 29.9 49.9 cified

2 ' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 Sehorl' Tahsil (Rural) Total 2,322 15 54 139 247 205 281 145 785 286 165 .. 1 2,067 . 14 50 121 215 178 242 132 703 256 156 2 107 1 3 16 23 II 17 8 22 3 3 3 148 I 2 9 16 22 5 60 27 6

Huzur Tahsil (Rural)

Total 1,620 38 49 lI5 192 181 152 99 497 183 III 3 I ],257 37 37 90 ]39 134 109 79 394 151 84 3 2 18~ 1 12 23 43 36 22 10 36 5 1 3 174 2 10 II 21 10 67 21 26

4 Ashta Tahsil (Rural)

Total 2,802 25 119 266 416 348 377 176 810 20U 65 I 2,473 24 II1 243 390 310 333 151 682 165 58 2 87 ] 13 9 9 20 8 24 I 2 3 242 2 10 17 29 24 17 104 34 5

5 Ichhawar Tahsil (Rural)

Total 1,122 14 48 150 230 178 183 55 220 36 8 1 964 13 43 130 200 152 159 40 186 34 7 2 63 1 5 15 11 9 5 3 8 3 95 5 13 17 19 12 26 2

6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil (Rural)

Total 1,303 25 9 20 59 60 188 86 516 197 142 1 1 1,034 22 6 18 50 49 141 62 407 156 123 2 173 2 3 2 8 10 39 18 77 It 2 3 96 1 1 I 8 6 32 30 17

7 Budni TahSil (Rural)

Total 1,162 10 36 68 116 103 147 96 370 127 89 I 141 10 27 51 80 63 89 61 224 86 56 2 168 9 15 26 24 37 14 40 ] 2 3 247 2 10 16 21 21 106 40 31 SEHORE DISTRICI' (URBAN) Total 353 4 12 46 47 27 20 19 84 47 46 1 1 327 4 12 4S 41 25 20 16 77 43 43 1 2 12 1 2 2 2 4 1 3 14 4 1 3 4 2 80



Cultivating househ,~Jds according to number Total of cultivating r------A------~ households 1 Person ,-______2---A- Persons______"""'\ Size of land r------A-----""" r-----"------, (Class ranges House- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired in acres) holds workers workers holds workers holds workers workers r--A--__ r--.A.--__ ,-__ .A. __-. M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12


All sizes 11,332 17,441 11.444 5,325 1,794 1.668 126 4,097 4,644 3,186 364 Less than 1 126 117 62 2 84 68 16 31 28 33 1 1.0- 2.4 309 328 199 56 146 125 21 120 123 113 4 2.5- 4.9 823 1.001 638 72 241 221 20 405 441 359 10 5.0- 7.4 1,400 1.828 1,313 183 283 260 23 678 744 587 25 7.5- 9.9 1,195 1,668 1,120 333 226 210 16- 508 574 412 30 10.0-12.4 , 1,482 2,213 1,445 228 236 225 11 624 714 497 37 12.5-14.9 712 1,072 713 165 99 94 5 293 336 233 17 15.0-29.9 3,514 5,766 3,834 1,610 399 388 11 1,173 1,359 835 152 30.0-49.9 1,136 2,144 1,398 1,112 61 60 1 218 266 97 73 50 + 631 1,297 719 1,562 17 15 2 47 59 20 15 Unspecified 4 .7 3 2 2 2 1 Berasia

All sizes 1,852 2,878 1,317 466 441 413 28 \ 665 818 445 67 Less than 1 34 30 14 27 19 8 4 4 4 1.0- 2.4 49 51 19 I 33 30 3 12 12 II 1 2.5- 4.9 173 219 83 6 74 69 5 75 92 56 2 5.0- 7.4 259 345 179 6 82 76 6 106 126 85 1 7.5- 9.9 230 331 161 14 59 56 3 98 121 71 4 10.0-12.4 272 421 191 19 61 60 1 109 136 71 II 12.5-14.9 97 152 83 13 14 13 1 44 S5 29 4 15.0-29.9 502 862 375 132 75 75 179 225 103 30 30.0-49.9 161 300 159 127 15 14 29 34 12 12 50 + 75 167 . 53 148 1 1 9 13 3 2 2 Sehore

All sizes 2,183 3,435 2,703 720 219 202 17 770 819 666 55 Less than 1 II 10 4 8 7 I 3 3 3 1.0- 2.4 47 47 28 3 21 19 2 21 20 20 2 2.5- 4.9 130 149 105 14 38 35 3 66 66 62 4 5.0- 7.4 233 316 247 13 29 28 I 122 133 III 7.5- 9.9 184 269 206 14 18 14 4 90 97 78 5 10.0-12.4 266 389 304 9 31 28 3 121 130 109 3 12.5-14.9 140 208 155 25 8 7 I 62 69 51 4 15.0-29.9 748 1,220 994 183 50 48 2 236 251 199 22 30.0-49.9 265 508 395 179 10 10 37 37 25 12 50 + 159 319 265 280 6 6 12 13 8 3 3 "uzur All sizes 1.457 2,159 1,228 2,007 290 265 25 515 612 364 54 Less than 1 28 26 14 1 19 16 3 6 5 7 1.0- 2.4 41 43 22 16 31 23 8 4 4 4 2.5- 4.9 100 115 64 33 32 30 2 52 58 45 1 5.0- 7.4 176 216 137 53 41 39 2 98 109 81 6 7.5- 9.9 158 207 126 153 39 35 4 58 68 42 6 10.0-12.4 139 195 116 83 29 27 2 55 62 44 4 12.5-14.9 85 125 69 75 21 20 1 28 32 23 I 15.0-29.9 453 698 402 727 61 59 2 157 194 96 24 30.0-49.9 171 305 172 386 12 12 47 65 18 11 50 + J03 224 104 478 3 2 10 15 4 I Unspecified 3 5 2 2 2 2 Note :-Lines with nil cutries have been omitted. 81 B-XII LAND CULTIVATED AND NUMBER OF FAMILY WORKeRS AND HIRED WORKERS A.REAS SEPARATELY


~of ______persons engaged in cultivation _A ------. 3-5 Persons ,-_____6-10 Persons .A.. ______---, More than 10 Persons r------A------. ,-___---A. _____ ---, Size of land House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired (class ranges holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers in acres) r----A..------. f""'T'""-..A..--~ ,-_.A.-----, M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


4,545 8,556 6,072 1,778 760 2,274 1,824 1,121 136 299 236 2,062 All sizes 11 21 13 1 .. .. Less than 1 38 66 55 6 3 10 8 6 2 4 2 40 1.0- 2.4 164 305 237 24 11 31 20 18 2 .3 2 20 2.5- 4.9 406 733 621 . 48 28 84 79 32 5 7 3 78 5.0- 7.4 419 783 613 58 30 84 65 61 12 17 14 184 7.5- 9.9 574 1,132 820 67 42 133 110 33 6 9 7 91 10.0-12.4 292 555 417 62 24 81 54 24 4 6 4 62 12.5-14.9 1,658 3,155 2,271 558 231 754 637 174 53 110 80 726 15.0-29.9 648 1,199 746 493 189 564 505 208 20 55 49 338 30.0-49.9 334 605 278 461 201 530 344 563 32 88 75 523 50 + 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 Unspecified Tahsil (Rural) 667 1,382 698 257 78 262 144 122 I 3 2 20 All sizes 3 7 2 Less than I 4 9 5 .. .. 1.0- 2.4 23 52 22 4 1 6 2.5- 4.9 71 143 88 5 .. .. 5.0- 7.4 72 148 86 to I 6 I 7.5- 9.9 100 218 114 8 2 7 5 10.0--12.4 35 70 43 9 4 14 10 .. 12.5-14.9 229 491 232 87 19 71 40 15 15.0-29.9 93 175 83 88 24 77 63 27 30.0-49.9 37 69 23 46 27 81 25 80 3 2 20 50 + Tahsil (Rural) 1,010 1,846 1,504 343 170 522 472 175 14 46 44 147 All sizes .. Less than 1 5 8 6 I 1.0- 2.4 25 47 40 .. 10 2.5- 4.9 76 136 118 5 6 19 17 8 5.0- 7.4 70 138 107 4 6 20 17 5 7.5- 9.9 103 194 160 6 11 37 32 10.0-12.4 65 116 95 10 5 16 8 11 .. 12.5-14.9 411 752 641 124 48 159 146 17 3 10 6 20 15.0-29.9 169 310 233 91 47 144 131 36 2 7 6 40 30.0-49.9 86 145 104 102 47 127 121 98 8 28 32 77 50 + Tahsil (Rural) 468 893 551 249 104 256 193 271 80 133 95 1,433 All sizes 3 5 4 1 Less than 1 2 4 2 3 10 8 6 I 2 10 1.0- 2.4 11 17 11 9 4 8 4 13 1 2 2 10 2.5- 4.9 31 54 44 9 4 10 10 10 2 4 28 5.0- 7.4 49 86 63 17 4 7 6 16 8 11 11 114 7.5- 9.9 46 89 55 12 6 13 12 19 3 4 3 48 10.0-12.4 28 54 32 14 5 15 10 8 3 4 3 52 12.5-14.9 172 324 210 84 28 69 57 72 35 52 37 547 15.0-29.9 73 141 83 53 26 61 49 61 13 26 22 261 30.0-49.9 53 119 47 50 23 60 35 64 14 28 17 363 50 + 1 3 2 2 Unspecified 82 TABLE


,..-______Cultivating households..A ______according to number ., Total of cultivating

,..-______households A ______~ 1 Person 2 Persons c------_.J!,...------~ ,.------"------~ Size of land House- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired (Class ranges holds workers workers holds workers holds workers workers in acres) ,.--_..A __~ ,.-__ A_--. ,..-----"------. M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 Ashta

All sizes 2,597 4,050 3,153 465 290 261 29 954 1,026 808 74 Less than 1 16 15 11 8 6 2 6 5 7 1.0- 2.4 97 97 75 5 34 28 6 52 53 50 1 2.5- 4.9 231 295 222 7 45 41 4 122 129 II3 2 5.0- 7.4 371 485 396 18 59 51 8 183 194 162 10 7.5- 9.9 317 422 321 12 46 43 3 155 172 132 6 10.0-12.4 350 543 403 33 32 29 3 128 145 100 11 12.5-14.9 169 265 196 15 21 20 1 60 64 53 3 15.0-29.9 786 1,374 1,068 174 40 38 2 223 239 176 31 30.0-49.9 195 407 350 118 4 4 22 21 ]4 9 50 + 65 147 III 83 1 1 3 4 1 ' 1 5 Ichhawar All sizes 939 1,567 1,276 700 48 38 10 322 340 285 19 Less than 1 10 8 8 1 3 2 1 7 6 7 1 1.0- 2.4 3R 48 40 31 5 5 .. 20 21 19 2.5- 4.9 113 143 130 ]2 10 7 3 60 62 57 1 5.0- 7.4 201 281 241 89 15 12 3 91 97 80 5 7.5- 9.9 153 260 196 130 8 7 1 46 50 37 5 10.0-12.4 153 2X4 212 70 2 1 1 55 60 47 3 12.5-14.9 48 78 65 28 18 19 15 2 15.0-29.9 186 380 325 256 3 2 21 22 20 .. 30.0-49.9 31 68 44 72 2 2 4 3 3 2 50 + 6 17 15 11 6 Nasrullagunj

All sizes 1,233 1,850 974 590 242 239 3 461 532 344 46 Less than 1 21 22 11 I3 12 1 5 5 5 1.0- 2.4 8 9 3 6 6 .. 2.5- 4.9 18 19 11 .. 8 8 8, S 8 5.0- 7.4 56 70 45 1 17 17 28 28 27 1 7.5- 9.9 55 68 43 6 14 14 27 30 22 2 10.0-12.4 167 213 122 5 45 45 84 96 70 2 12.5-14.9 82 114 69 3 17 17 .. 40 46 33 1 15.0-29.9 493 724 392 67 106 104 2 213 247 156 23 30.0-49.9 193 344 166 126 14 14 47 62 20 12 50 + 139 265 III 382 2 2 9 10 3 5 Unspecified 1 2 1 7 Budni All sizes 1,071 1,502 793 377 264 250 14 410 497 274 49 Lessthan 1 6 6 6 6 '.' 1.0- 2.4 29 33 12 16 14 2 II 13 9 2.5- 4..9 58 61 23 .' 34 31 3 22 26 18 5.0- 7.4 104 115 68 3 40 37 3 50 57 41 2 7.5- 9.9 98 111 67 4 42 41 1 34 36 30 2 10.0-12.4 135 168 97 9 36 35 1 72 85 56 3 12.5-14,9 91 130 76 6 18 17 1 41 51 29 2 15.0-29,9 346 508 278 71 64 62 2 144 181 85 22 30,0-49.9 120 212 112 104 4 4 32 44 5 15 50 + 84 158 60 180 4 3 4 4 1 3 Notes:-Lines with nil cutries have been omitted. 83 B-XII

LAND CULTIVATED AND NUMBER OF FAMILY WORKERS AND HIRED WORKERS-Oontd' AREAS SEPARATELY 20% SAMPLE) of persons engaged in cultivation ______--A- ___------"""'"'

3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons ,--More_____ than 10.A. ______Persons -.. ,..--._--:::Y'---"'------"""'"' r------A.------"""'"' House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired Size of land holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers (dass ranges r---..A...--_____ r--.A--"",,\ r----A-----. in acres) M F M F M F,

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Tahsil (Rural)

1,177 2,176 1,760 303 171 564 527 85 5 23 29 3 All sizes 2 4 2 Less than 1 11 16 19 4 .. .. 1.0- 2.4 59 109 90 5 5 16 15 2.5- 4.9 123 221 204 8 6 19 22 5.0- 7.4 113 198 177 6 3 9 9 7.5- 9.9 183 345 280 19 7 24 20 3 10.0-12.4 83 164 126 11 5 17 16 I .. 12.5-14.9 450 841 665 125 72 251 219 18 1 5 6 15.0-29.9 118 218 163 83 49 154 160 26 2 10 13 30.0-49.9 35 60 34 42 24 74 66 37 2 8 10 3 50 + Tahsil (Rural)

4-11 828 682 133 100 294 252 149 28 67 47 399 All sizes .. . . Less than 1 12 20 19 1 2 2 30 1.0- 2.4 42 73 69 6 1 1 1 5 .. 2.5- 4.9 81 138 126 20 11 31 29 14 3 3 3 50 5.0- 7.4 79 155 123 15 16 42 32 40 4 6 3 70 7.5- 9.9 78 169 122 13 15 49 38 II 3 5 4 43 10.0-12.4 26 47 42 12 3 10 7 4 1 2 I 10 12.5-14.9 109 199 165 52 40 120 113 45 13 37 26 159 15.0-29.9 12 23 14 10 10 28 19 23 3 12 8 37 30.0-49.9 2 4 2 4 4 13 13 7 50+ Tahsil (Rural)

436 812 463 284 86 240 145 200 8 27 19 60 All sizc:-S 3 5 5 Less than 1 2 3 3 1.5- 2.4 2 3 3 .. 2.0- 4.9 10 20 17 I 5 5.5- 7.4 14 24 21 4 7.0- 9.9 38 72 52 3 10.0-12.4 24 46 35 2 I 5 I .. 12.5-14.9 }57 309 188 41 16 58 41 3 6 5 15.0-29.9 113 206 101 97 19 62 45 17 .. .. 30.0-49.9 72 122 37 137 49 110 57 180 7 21 14 60 50 + 1 2 1 Unspacified Tahsil (Rural)

346 619 414 209 51 136 91 119 All sizes Less than 1 2 6 1 1.0- 2.4 2 4 2 2.5- 4.9 14 21 24 1 5.0- 7.4 22 34 36 2 7.5- 9.9 26 45 37 6 1 3 3 10.0-12.4 31 58 44 4 1 4 2 12.5-14.9 130 239 170 45 8 26 21 4 15.0-29.9 70 126 69 71 14 38 38 18 30.0-49.9 49 86 31 80 27 65 27 97 50 + 84



Cultivating households according to number Total of cultivating ~------~------~ households 1 Person 2 Persons Size of land r------~------~ ~----..A..----_. ~------..A..------_. (Class ranges House- Family Hired House-- Family House- Family Hired in acres) holds workers workers holds workers holds workers workers ~ __ ..A.. __ --. ~ __ ..A.. __ --. ~--~----. M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


All sizes 343 489 191 376 88 85 3 75 81 42 27 Less than 1 4 4 1 3 3 1 1 1 1.0- 2.4 12 15 9 1 5 5 3 3 3 2.5- 4.9 44 55 33 11 18 17 1 13 13 12 1 5.0- 7.4 44 71 29 6 12 12 11 13 6 3 7.5- 9.9 26 36 19 24 5 5 8 7 4 5 10.0-12.4 20 29 15 7 5 5 7 9 3 2 12.5--14.9 19 28 14 7 5 5 .. 6 6 3 3 15.0-29.9 81 119 47 67 18 17 1 19 21 8 9 30.0-49.9 46 65 16 83 9 9 4 4 1 3 50 + 46 65 6 170 8 7 1 3 4 1 1 Unspecified 1 2 2 85 B-XII LAND CULTIVATED AND NUMBER OF FAMILY WORKERS AND HIRED WORKERS-Condd. AREAS SEPARATELY


of persons engaged in cultivation ______• __~ ______~_.A.. ___ _:_------~------, More than to Persons 3-5 Persons ,...--_____6-10 Persons..A.. ______...... ,-_____..A..-- _____ -, r--~----..A..-----...... House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired Size of land holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers (class ranges r---..A..---.. ,.-__ .A.. __ -, r-----'---...... in acres) M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


143 250 113 149 31 61 23 130 6 12 70 All sizes Less than 1 4 7 6 1 1.0- 2.4 12 24 18 4 1 1 2 6 2.5- 4.9 21 46 23 3 5.0- 7.5 10 18 10 4 3 6 5 15 7.5- 9.9 7 10 8 5 1 5 4 10.0-12.4 7 12 9 4 1 5 2 12.5-14.9 39 68 33 43 5 13 5 15 .. 15.0-29.9 26 39 11 47 6 12 4 22 1 1 11 30.0-49.9 16 24 3 38 14 19 1 72 5 11 59 50 + 1 2 2 Unspecified 86 -=to- ..... - --M ....

..... M- ..... -o

o .... - -- ....'" on M

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...... 00 .....'" .....

.... r- 00 -


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0. ...::lo o... ° ~ 88


SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED ONLY IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN ALL AREAS ( BASED ON 20% SAMPLE ) PART A-Households classified by Major Groups of Principal Household Industry and number of persons engaged

Total Households engaged in Household Industry according

number ,-______to the number_.A. of persons ______engaged ~ Total of Code No. Household Industry(Division Rural House- l 2 3-5 6-10 More of I. S. I. C. and Major Groups only of I.S.I.C.) Urban holds Person Persons Persons Persons than 10 Un- Persons specified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DISTRICT ALL INDUSTRIES T 1.768 862 618 270 17 1 R 1,271 657 435 171 7 1 U 497 205 183 99 10 Division 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, T 133 66 46 21 fishing and hunting R 118 58 42 18 U 15 8 4 3

Major Groups 00 Field produce and T 7 5 plantation crops R 6 4 U 1 I

01 Plantation crops T R 02 Forestry and logging T 12 2 7 3 R 12 2 7 3

03 Fishing T 15 10 5 R 15 10 5

04 Livestock and hunting T 98 49 32 17 R 84 42 28 14 U 14 7 4 3

Division 2 & 3 Manufacturing T 1,635 796 572 249 17 1 R 1,153 599 393 153 7 1 U 482 197 179 96 10 -

Major Groups 20 Foodstuffs T 117 50 51 16 R 74 31 36 7 U 43 19 15 9

22 Tobacco-products T 116 50 40 25 1 U 116 50 40 25 1

23 Textile-cotton T 95 35 34 24 2 R 50 24 17 8 1 U 45 11 17 16 1

24 Textile-jute T 5 t 2 R 2 1 1 U 3 t 25 Textile-wool T 1 t R 1 t 27 Textile-miscellaneous T 218 131 66 20 R 167 100 52 15 U 51 31 14 5 28 Manufacture of wood and T 404 221 132 50 wooden products R 298 178 86 34 U 106 43 46 16 89



( BASED ON 20% SAMPLE ) PART A-Households classified by Major Groups of Principa)"Household Industry and number of persons engaged-Cone/d.

Total Households engaged in household Industry according number to the number of persons engaged Total of ~------~------~----~ Code No. Household rndustry (Division Rural House- l 2 3-·5 6-10 More of I. S. I. C. and Major Groups only of I.S.I.C.) Urban holds Person Persons Persons Persons than 10 Un- Persons specified 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DISTRICT-Concld. Major groups 29 Paper and paper products T 2 1 1 U 2 I 1

30 Printing and publishing T 2 2 U 2 2

31 Leather and leather T 308 162 100 43 2 products R 268 154 83 30 U 40 8 17 13 2

32 Rubber. petroleum and T coal products U

33 Chemicals and chemical T 2 2 products U 2 2 34-35 Non-metallic mineral T 218 57 96 57 8 products others than R 190 50 85 49 6 petroleum and coal U 28 7 11 8 2

36 Basic metals and their T 74 41 27 6 products except machinery R 57 33 19 5 and transport equipment U 17 8 8 1 37 Machinery (all kinds other T 1 1 than transport) and R 1 1 electrical equipment

38 Transport equipment T 1 1 U 1 1

39 Miscellaneous manu- T 70 41 21 7 1 facturing industries R 45 27 13 5 U 25 14 8 2 1 90




PART B-Housebolds classified by minor groups of principal bousebold industry and number or persons engaged

Code Household Industry Minot Group ~utnber of Code Household Industry Minor Group Number of No. of (Division) Households No. of (Division) , Households__.A. __-, I.S.I.C. , __.A.---""", I.S.tC. T R U T R U

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 SEHORE DISTRICT

All Industries 1,768 U71 497 209.3 ·Satto., bhDnja, paper, Mrri, danauri, 'tHauri, sewal, apalam etc. 5 5 005.1 Production of vegetables 3 2 209.4 Making of chura or chira, muri, 006.1 Production of fruits and nuts in murki, khoi 3 1 2 plantation, vines and orchards 4 4 209.5 Making of chat 1 J 015.1 Pan cultivation 1 1 209.6 Making of dalmot, chanachur (jor) 023.1 Production of charcoal ~ 3 garam, rewari etc. 1 1 025.1 Production of kathha S 5 220.0 Manufacture of bidi 116 116 025.2 Production of lac 4 4 230.0 Cotton ginning, cleaning, carding, 031.0 Production of iish by fishing in pressing and baling 17 13 4 i,?land waters and ponds including 231.0 Cotton spinning (by charkha and fish farms and fish hatcheries 15 15 takali) 5 4 040.1 Rearing of goat for milk and 233.1 Dyeing of cloth (cotton) and yarn 7 3 4 animal power 29 29 235.0 Cotton cloth weaving in handlooms 65 29 36 040.2 Rearing of buffalo for milk and Printing C'f cloth (cotton) animal power 3 3 237.0 244.1 Making of 'rope and cOf.oag.e. 040.3 Rearing of cows for milk and 2 animal power 6 6 out of hemp 2 244.2 Making of roJ)e and cordage, 040.5 Production and rearing of livestock 3 mainly for milk and animal power out -of jute 3 n.e.c. 43 43 255.0 Weavln'g of woo11en clotb in 041.1 Sheep breeding and rearing 6 4 2 handloom such as blankets, rugs, pashmina, thulma, gudma etc. 041.2 Production of wool 2 2 271.3 Making of parandas and c~telas 1 1 042.1 Rearing and production of pigs and goats (mainly for slaughter) .z 272.2 Making of jari thread, zardoshi 4 3 1 043:1 Poultry keeping and productioo 272.3 Traditional embroidery 1 1 ~q~ 5 4 272.5 Lace garland making 6 5 043.2 Rearing and production of du(:ks, hens eCc. and other small birds e. g. 272.7 Making of kargota. mai'n garlands, pigeons, parrots, p'eacock, maina etc. shell, garlands etc, 4 3 044.2 Collection of wax and honey 273.2 Traditional garments 160 158 2 200 1 Production of flour by village 273.4 Making of textile garments chakkles or flour mill by grinding including rain-coats and head- wheat, maize, gram etc. 7 4 3 gears n.e.c. 37 37 200.6 Parching of grains 11 6 5 274.1 Weaving of khes, bed covers, 202.1 curtains pillow cases and table-cloth. Gur and khandsari making from 3 sugarcane and palm 3 2 1 cloth bags etc. 3 276.3 Processing of coconut fibre for 205.0 Production of bread, biscuit, cake upholstery 2 2 and other bakery products 2 2 280.0 Sawing, planing and milling of wood 206.0 Production of butter, cream, ghee, 281.0 Manufacture of wooden furniture cheese, chhana, khowa and other and fixtures 7 7 dairy products 14 14 282.0 Manufacture of structural wooden 207.0 Oil pressing ghani, kolhu or by goods (including treated timber) small machines 47 30 17 such as beams, posts, doors, windows 69 45 24 283.1 Carpentary works concerned with 209.2 Making of sweat-meats, laddu, peda, repairs of agticultural implements barphi, batasa etc. 23 16 7 (wood) 94 91 3 91



PART B-Households classified by major group of priucipal housebold industry and number of persons engaged-Cone/d.

Code Household Industry Minor Group Number of Code Household Industry Minor Group Number of No. of ((Description) Hou~eholds No.of (Description) Households I.S.I.C. ,-__.A. __-. I.S.I.C. ,--__ ..A.. __ --.. T R U T R U 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 SEHORE DISTRICT-Cone/d.

284.2 Manufacture of wooden utensils, 333.0 Manufacture o~ fire works and artware and decorative wooden other explosives such as pataka etc. boxes (patras) 335.1 Manufacture of incense 284.3 Manufacture of wooden toys and perfum.:s 1 340.1 Making of bricks 67 58 9 284.4 Sandal wood and otherwood carving 340.2 Manufacture of roofing tiles 1 284.9 Manufacture of other wooden 343.4 Manufacture of other structural products n. e. c. 53 48 stone goods, stone dressing and 5 stone crushing n.e.c. 288.3 Making of mats, handfans and umbrellas from palm leaves 4 2 350.0 Making of earthenware such as 2 pottery, etc. 149 131 18 288.5 Making of baskets and broomsticks 134 76 58 365.2 Making of brass ware 2 2 288.6 Making of donas (drone) and 367.2 Making of articles from tin sheets pattals (patravali) from leaves 37 31 6 288.9 368.3 Engraving, embossing, polishing Manufacture of other articles and welding of metal products from leaf, cane, bamboo, cork and other allled products n. e. c. 2 2 368.4 Enamelling and galvanizing of 292.7 metal products 2 2 Making of paper flowers etc. 2 2 303.0 369.1 Ma'llufacture of agricultural Book binding, stitching, sizing implements such as ploughshare, and other work connected with khurpi, kudal etc. 30 27 3 book binding industry 2 2 310.1 369.2 Manufacture of light engineering Flaying, processing of hides and goods including bolts and screws 25 25 skins including taxidermy 3 3 369.8 Foundry, Industry (including 310.2 Cur~Ying, tanning and finishing blacksmity) 13 2 II of hides and skins preparation of 378.0 Repairing and servicing of radios 1 finished leather 25 15 10 388.0 Repair of cycle and rickshaw 1 310.3 Stuffed animals 2 2 393.1 Inlay work with ivory and brass 1 1 311.1 Making of leather boots, shoes or 393.2 Goldsmithy 59 39 20 chappals (slippers, sandals) 201 173 28 393.9 Manufacture of jewellery, 311.3 Manufacture of other footwear n. e.c. silverwares etc. n.e.c. 1 1 314.0 394.0 Manufacture, repairing and tuning Repair of shoes, chappals and of musical instruments such as other leather footwear 76 74 2 harmonium, tabla, sitar, bansuri etc. 320.0 Vulcanising tyres and tubes 1 399.4 Making of lac bangles 8 3 5 92 TABLE SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED BOTH IN CULTIVATION AND HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY

( BASED ON r------Cultivating Households engaged in Total of cultivating 1 Person ,.-_____2 Persons.A.. _____ ...., households which are ,.-_____J... ___--, engaged in Household Industry Size of land ,-- --A.______, (class ranges House- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired in acres) holds workers workers holds workers holds workers workers ,---""'---...., ,....-.._..A..-----, ,..--_.A..__ --, M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SEHORE All Sizes 999 1,691 1,074 806 116 114 1 320 371 245 14 Less than 1 44 51 26 21 21 15 17 13 1.0- 2.4 67 98 66 3 7 7 38 40 36 .. 2.5- 4.9 ]27 185 124 43 17 17 .. 53 62 41 3 5.0- 7." 132 206 142 45 25 23 2 41 43 38 ] 7.5- 9.9 127 195 137 117 12 12 44 47 36 5 10.0-12.4 139 265 159 92 11 11 38 49 25 2 12.5-14.9 46 84 45 70 3 3 16 20 10 2 J5.0-29.9 224 421 249 229 17 17 64 80 41 7 30·0-4!J.9 63 123 79 125 2 2 11 13 5 4 50+ 30 63 47 82 1 1

I Berasia

All Sizes 148 261 147 60 13 13 54 64 42 2 Less than I 9 11 7 3 3 4 4 4 1.0- 2.4 12 13 II 1 1 10 10 JO .. 2.5- 4.9 19 26 17 3 3 10 13 6 1 5.0- 7.4 13 28 13 .. 2 2 3 3 3 7.5- 9.9 17 28 16 3 2 2 6 S 4 10.0-12.4 21 47 18 4 8 10 6 12.5-14.9 4 JO 3 2 " 1 2 .. .. 15.0-29.9 38 73 42 14 2 2 10 II 8 1 30·0--49.9 I) 12 11 14 2 3 1 50+ 6 13 9 22

2 Sehore All Sizes 139 233 156 33 21 21 36 38 28 6 Less than 1 4. 5 2 2 2 I 1 I 1.0- 2A 1 Jl 5 1 I 3 3 3 2.5- 4.9 9 )) 9 2 2 3 3 3 5.0- 7.4 14 18 13 .. 4 4 4' 4 4 .. 7.5- 9.9 2) 29 21 2 4 4 7 7 6 1 JO.0-12.4 15 31 21 2 2 1 1 J 12.5-14.9 5 8 5 1 1 1 1 2 ., ., 15.0- 29.9 37 66 42 17 4 4 12 13 9 2 30.0-49.9 21 43 30 8 " 4 4 I 3 50+ 6 11 8 5 I

3 Huzur

All Sizes 163 285 170 298 17 17 48 58 37 1 Less thall 1 10 11 1 5 5 3 3 3 1.0- 2.4 8 16 ]0 .. 4 4 4 2.5- 4.9 15 26 8 1 4 4 5 7 3 5.0- 7.4 16 24 19 11 2 2 6 6 6 '1.5- 9.9 23 33 25 45 1 1 9 9 9 10.0-12.4 13 23 12 18 1 1 5 8 2 6 12.5-14.9 14 26 14 36 " .. 5 4 ]5,0-29.9 44 85 50 68 3 3 JO 14 6 30.0-49.9 12 22 13 86 1 1 1 1 50+ II 19 12 33 93 B-XV' CLASSIFIED-DrY SIZE OE LAND IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS SEPARA'l'ELY

20% SAMPLE ) ,------_.....------.------,Household Industry 3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons' ,-_____More than.A. 10______Persons ...... ,-______-A______-, r------.A.---.----.

House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired Size of land holds workers workers holds, workers workers holds workers workers (class ranges r------.A.----, r---A---. ,-__ .A--_-, in acres) M F M F M F J3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DISTRICT (RURAL) 445 909 577 125 84 222 1117 161 34 75 53 496 AJI Sizes 8 13 13 l"ss than 1 19 40 19 3 3 II 11 .. " 1.0- 2.4 49 88 69 8 7 17 12 22 1 1 2 10 2.5- 49 59 125 86 9 5 12 13 10 2 3 3 25 5_0- 7.4 61 114 90 15 5 12 6 14 5 10 5 83 7.5- 9.9 73 159 94 18 12 38 35 8 5 8 5 10.0-12.4 18 38 18 5 5 13 9 13 4 10 8 6"50 12.5-14.9 112 242 142 30 21 62 55 26 10 20 11 166 15.0~ 29.9 32 66 37 19 14 31 31 30 4 11 6 72 ~O.O- 49.9 14 24- 9 18 12 26 25 38 3 12 13 26 50+

Tahsil (Rural) 68 153 79 22 12 25 21 35 1 6 5 1 All Sizes 2 4 3 Less than 1 I 2 I 1.0- 2.4 6 10 11 2.5- 4.9 8 13 10 . . .. 5.0- 7.4 8 15 9 3 1 3 3 7.5- 9.9 12 35 10 1 2 2 4 10.0-12.4 2 4 2 1 4 3 12.5-14.9 23 52 29 7 3 8 5 6 15.0-29.9 5 6 5 8 2 3 5 6 . . .. 30.0-49.9 1 2 1 2 4 5 3 19 1 6 5 1 50+

Tahsil (Rural) 72 143 97 14 9 29 31 3 1 2 10 All Sizes I 2 1 Less than 1 3 7 2 1.0- 2.4 4 6 6 2.5- 4.9 6 10 9 5.0- 7.4 10 18 15 7.5- 9.9 11 24 17 4 3 10.0-]2.4 3 5 5 1 .. .. 12.5-14.9 17 37 22 4 3 10 11 1 2 10 15.0-29.9 13 29 17 3 4 10 12 2 30.0-49.9 4 5 3 5 1 5 5 50+

Tahsil (Rural) 65 133 83 23 18 47 29 49 15 30 21 225 All Sizes 2 3 4 Less than I 3 6 3 6 3 ].0- 2.4 6 15 5 1 2.5- 4.9 6 11 9 6 2 5 4 5 5.0- 7.4 9 17 14 3 2 3 9 2 3 2 33 7.5- 9.9 4 7 5 1 2 6 4 2 1 I 1 15 10.0-12.4 5 11 5 1 2 5 2 5 2 4 3 30 12.5-14.9 21 45 30 3 5 13 7 15 5 10 7 50 15.0-29.9 4 6 5 4 2 3 2 9 4 11 6 72 30.0-49.9 5 12 3 4 2 6 7 4 1 1 2 25 50+ 94



Cultivating Households engaged in

Total of cultivating , _____1 Person.A. ______. 2 Persons households which are ,-----~------. engaged in Household Industry Size of land __------A.------"""\ (class ranges House- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired in acres) holds workers workers holds workers holds workers workers ,_---A. __"'"\ ,---.A._","\ r---.A.--__. M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 Ashta

All Sizes 205 346 236 17 19 19 79 89 60 9 Less than I 9 10 8 2 2 5 6 4 1.0- 2.4 22 32 21 2 2 13 15 II 2.5- 4.9 35 56 35 1 2 2 18 21 14 1 5.0- 7.4 45 72 48 I 10 10 12 13 10 I 7.5- 9.9 31 48 37 4 2 2 12 12 8 4 10.0-12.4 27 58 42 3 1 1 6 7 4 1 12.5-14.9 7 12 9 3 3 3 J5.0-29.9 24 46 27 4 10 12 6 2 300-49.9 5 12 9 4 50+ S Icbhawar All Sizes 183 318 246 362 10 9 40 45 34 1 Less than I 4 6 2 1 1 2 3 I J.O- 2.4 10 15 11 3 2 2 3 3 3 2.5- 4.9 37 52 46 39 1 1 .. 14 15 12 5.0- 7.4 29 45 36 33 3 2 1 8 8 8 7.5- 9.9 25 43 32 63 .. S S 5 JO.0-J2.4 30 55 41 64 J 1 4 5 3 12.5-}4.9 7 14 10 28 1 1 " .. 15.0-29.9 34 71 55 117 1 1 4 6 2 30.0-49.9 5 10 7 II 50+ 2 7 6 4 6 NasrullaganJ

All Sizes 70 115 50 7 14 13 1 29 37 19 2 Less than 1 4 4 4 4 .. .. 1.0- 2.4 1 I 1 1 1 I 2.5- 4.9 2 4 2 .. .. I 1 I 5.0- 7.4 3 4 4 I .. 1 I I I 7.5- 9.9 5 8 4 I I 2 2 2 " 10.0-12.4 21 34 12 3 4 4 10 14 S 1 12.5-14.9 4 5 2 1 I 3 4 2 15.0-29.9 23 40 15 2 3 3 9 12 5 1 30.0-49.9 4 8 4 .. .. 2 2 2 50+ 3 7 6 2 7 Budai All Sizes 91 133 69 29 22 22 34 40 25 3 Less than 1 4 4 4 4 1.0- 2.4 7 10 7 .. 1 I 4 4 4 2.5- 4.9 10 10 7 1 5 5 2 2 2 5.0- 7.4 12 15 9 3 3 7 8 6 7.5- 9.9 5 6 2 2 2 3 4 2 10.0-12.4 12 17 13 .. 2 2 4 4 4 .. 12.5-14.9 S 9 2 3 .. .. 3 3 1 2 15.0-29.9 24 40 18 7 4 4 9 12 5 I 30.0-49.9 7 16 5 2 1 1 2 3 1 50+ 5 6 6 16 95 B-XV CLASStFlED BY SIZE OF LAND IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS SEPARATELY


Household Industry r-- ---...... 3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons ~~--~--~-----_, ,- -""'\ ,- ----......

If:'se- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired Size of land workers {class ranges Ids woders workers bolds workers workers holds ,--_..A.__ ...... workers r--_....-..Jt.,..--____ ~_.A._-...... in acres) M F M F M F 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Tahsil (Rural) 93 ]89 ]32 8 ]4 49 44 All Sizes 2 2 4 .. Less thim I 6 12 6 3 4 1.0- 2.4 14 29 18 4 3 2.5- 4.9 22 45 35 4 3 5.0- 7.4 17 34 29 .. -. 7.S- 9.9 15 31 21 2 5 19 17 10,0-12.4 3 6 3 .. I 3 3 12.5-)4.9 11 24 13 2 3 10 8 J5.0-.29.9 3 6 3 4 2 6 6 300-49.9 50+ Tahsil (Rural) 90 ]66 ]23 40 26 61 6] 61 17 37 27 260 All Sizes 1 2 I .. .. Lees than 1 4 8 4 3 I 2 4 ...... , 1.0- 2.4 15 22 23 6 6 13 9 22 1 I 2 10 2.5- 4.9 14 29 18 3 2 3 6 5 2 3 3 25 5.0- 7.4 15 25 21 8 2 6 3 5 3 7 3 50 7.5- 9.9 18 35 25 13 3 T 9 2 4 7 4 49 10-0-12.4 3 6 4 .. I I I 8 2 6 5 20 12.5-14.9 18 35 25 7 7 21 24 4 4 8 4 106 15.0-29.9 2 4 2 3 6 5 11 .. .. 30.0-49.9 1 2 4 5 6 50+ Tahsil (Rural)

26 6] 25 5 ] 4 5 All Sizes Less than 1 .. .. 1.0- 2.4 I 3 1 2.5- 4.9 I 3 2 5.0-1.4 2 5 2 .. 7.5- 9.9 7 16 7 2 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 II 25 to 15.0-29.9 2 6 2 .. .. 30.0-49.9 2 3 I 2 4 5 50+ Tahsil (Rural)

31 64 38 13 4 7 6 13 All Sizes " Less than 1 2 5 3 .. 1.0- 2.4 3 3 5 I 2.5- 4.9 2 4 3 5.0- 7.4 ., 7.5- 9.9 6 It 9 .. 10.0-12.4 2 6 I 1 12.5-14.9 11 24 J3 6 .. 15.0-29.9 3 9 3 .. 1 3 I 2 30.0-49.9 2 2 1 5 3 4 5 11 50+ 96



Cultivating Households engaged in ,------Total of cultivating 1 Person 2 Persons households which are e-----.A..-___...... ,-______.A.. __ - ___ engaged in Household ,.---______Industry.A.. ______---., Size of land House- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired (class ranges holds workers workers holds workers holds workers workers in acres) r---.A..-~ M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 SEHORE Ail Sizes 10 18 5 10 2 2 2 2 2 Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 1..5- 4.9 2 4 2 1 5.0- 7.4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5- 9.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 15.0-29.9 3 7 6 1 1 30.0-49.9 1 3 2

Note:-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 97


20% SAMPLE) r--Household____ Industry.__J.. _____ - ______------. 3-5 Persons 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons r------A.-----~ r------,-----A------. r------"------.

House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired Size of land holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers (class ranges ,---.A.__ --, r---J..--~ r---J..---. in acres) M F M F M F 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 DISTRICT URBAN 5 11 3 6 1 3 4 All Sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2 4 2 1 2.5- 4.9 1 1 1 1 5.0- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 1 3 2 1 3 4 15.0-29.9 I 3 2 30.0-49.9 98

TABLE SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY DURATION HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN ( BASED ON Note:-In column 2. (a) stands for "with cultivation" and Household Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry Total r------"------...... r------A------,r------~-----...... (Division and Rural House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major Group Urban holds .----"-----, workers holds r---.A.-----., workers holds r---.A.-----, workers only) M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SEHORE AI,L DIVISIONS ,T 2.777 3.870 1.984 899 153 239 164 265 261 342 197 51 (a) 1,009 1,709 1,079 816 109 197 143 265 128 196 127 37 (b) 1.768 2,161 905 83 44 42 21 133 146 70 14 R 2.270 3.258 1.632 844 146 232 158 265 236 313 184 51 (a) 999 1.691 1,074 806 109 197 143 265 1271 193 126 37 (b) 1,271 1.567 558 38 37 35 15 109 120 58 14

U 507 612 352 55 7 7 6 25 29 13 (8) 10 18 5 10 .. . ' .. 1 3 1 (b) 497 594 347 45 7 7 6 24 26 12 Division 0 T 234 337 168 95 I I 18 20 13 4 Agriculture. Iivcst(lck, (a) 101 173 105 92 9 11 11 3 forestry, fishing and (b) 133 164 63 3 1 I 9 9 2 1 hunting R 218 319 160 93 J 1 18 20 13 4 (a) 100 172 104 91 9 11 11 3 (b) ]]8 147 56 2 1 I 9 9 2 1 U 16 18 8 2 (a) 1 1 1 J (b) 15 17 7 1 Major Group 00 T 16 25 14 13 4 3 2 Field produce and (a) 9 18 11 13 .. Plantation crops (b) 7 7 3 4 3 2 R 15 24 14 13 4 3 2 (a) 9 18 11 13 .. (b) 6 6 3 4 3 2 U la) (bl Major Group 01 T Plantation crops (a) (b)

R (a) .. (b) I Major Group 02 T 13 15 13 Forestry and logging (a) 1 1 1 (b) 12 14 12 R 13 15 13 (a) I 1 1 (b) 12 14 12 Major Gr oup 03 T 18 25 3 2 3 Fishing (a) 3 8 (b) 15 17 3 2 3 R 18 25 3 2 3 (a) 3 8 (b) 15 17 3 2 3 Note:-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 99


20% SAMPLE) (b) for "without cultivation" 7 to 9 Months 10 Months to 1 year Months not stated ,.-______..A- ______, ,.-______..A._- _____~ ,.------~------, Family workers Hired HOl,lse- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired T House- ,.-__ ..A.. __ _, ,.-__ ..A.. __-, holds workers holds workers holds ~--"""_---, workers R M F M F M F U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 DISTRICT 232 338 205 25 1,862 2,52] 1,]78 432 269 430 240 126 T 84 135 92 9 564 946 558 379 124 235 159 126 (a) 148 203 113 16 1,298 1,575 620 53 145 195 81 (b) 188 274 l65 14 1,441 2,021 893 389 259 418 232 125 R 84 135 92 9 556 932 555 370 123 234 158 125 (a) 104 139 73 5 885 1,089 338 19 136 184 74 (b) 44 64 40 11 421 500 285 43 10 12 8 1 U ...... 8 14 3 9 1 1 1 1 (a) 44 64 40 11 413 486 282 34 9 11 7 (b) 15 19 17 2 168 241 120 76 32 57 17 13 T 0 3 5 4 2 75 126 78 74 14 31 12 13 (a) 12 14 13 93 115 42 2 18 26 5 (h) 15 19 17 2 153 224 113 74 31 56 16 13 R 3 5 4 2 74 125 77 73 14 31 12 13 (a) 12 14 13 79 99 36 1 17 25 4 (h) 15 17 7 2 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 J .. (a) 14 16 6 1 1 1 1 (h) 6 II 4 6 11 8 13 TOO 5 10 4 4 8 7 13 (a) I 1 2 3 I (b) 5 10 4 6 11 8 13 R 5 IO 4 4 8 7 13 (a) 2 3 1 (b) U .. (a) 1 (b) T 01 . . .. (a) 1 I (b) R .. .. (a) 1 1 (b) 12 14 13 T02 1 1 1 .. (a) II 13 12 1 (b) 12 14 13 R 1 1 1 .. (a) 11 13 12 1 (b) 8 8 2 7 13 T03 ...... 3 8 (a) 1 1 1 8 8 2 4 5 (b) 1 1 1 8 8 2 7 13 R ...... 3 8 (a) 1 8 8 2 4 5 (b) 100 TABLE SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY DURATION HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN.

(BASED ON Note:-In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation"and Household Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry Total ,-______..A. _____ --. r--_____ ..A. ____---, r------.....A---~ (Division and Rural House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major Group Urban holds r---..A.--""",\ workers holds r--..A._-, workers holds ,----"---,workers only) M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SEHORE

Major Group 04 T 186 271 137 82 12 14 II 4 Livestock and hunting (a) 88 146 93 79 9 11 11 3 (b) 98 125 44 3 3 3 1 R 171 254 129 80 12 14 11 4 (a) 87 145 92 78 .. 9 II 11 3 (b) 84 109 37 2 1 3 3 1 U 15 17 8 2 (a) 1 1 1 1 (h) 14 16 7 1 Division 1 T j 2 1 5 Mining and quarrying (a) 1 2 1 5 (h)

R 1 2 1 5 (a) 1 2 1 5 (h) Major Group 10 T 2 5 Mining and quarrying (a) 2 5 (b) .R 2 5 (a) 2 5 (h)

Division 23 T 2,542 3,531 1,815 799 152 239 163 265 243 322 184 47 Manufactllring (a) 907 1,534 973 719 109 197 143 265 119 185 116 34 (b) 1,635 1,997 842 80 43 42 20 124 137 68 13 R 2,051 2,937 1,471 746 145 232 157 265 218 293 171 47 (a) 898 1,517 969 710 109 197 143 265 118 182 115 34 (b) 1,153 1,420 502 36 36 35 14 100 111 56 13 U 491 594 344 53 7 7 6 25 29 13 (a) 9 17 4 9 .. J 3 I (b) 482 577 340 44 7 7 6 24 26 11 Major Group 2{) T 346 539 358 545 63 119 90 260 34 46 37 17 Foodstuffs (a) 229 414 288 537 59 117 87 260 21 37 25 17 (b) 117 125 70 8 4 2 3 13 9' 12 R 302 489 332 536 63 119 90 260 32 45 36 17 (a) 228 411 288 533 59 117 87 260 21 37 25 17 (b) 74 78 44 3 4 2 3 II 8 11 U 44 50 26 9 2 (a) 1 3 ., 4 (h) 43 47 26 5 2 Major Group 22 T 119 114 103 16 2 2 Tobacco products (a) 3 5 .. 2 (b) 116 109 103 14 2 2 U 119 114 103 16 2 2 (a) 3 5 2 (b) 116 109 103 14 2 2

Note:-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 101


20% SAMPLE) (b) for "without cultivation" ,-______7 to 9 Months.A. ______""'\ 10 Months to I year Months not stated ~----__--.A.-- __ ---""'\ ~------.A.------~ House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired T holds ,-_....-.A._-. workers holds ~-_.A.-_~ workers holds ,---"----. workers R M F M F M F U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 DISTRICT

2 4 3 2 152 220 113 76 19 33 9 T04 2 4 3 2 70 116 74 74 7 15 5 (a) 82 104 39 2 12 18 4 (b) 2 4 3 2 138 204 106 74 18 32 8 R 2 4 3 2 69 115 73 73 7 IS 5 (a) 69 89 33 1 11 17 3 (b) 14 16 7 2 U I 1 1 1 .. .. (a) 13 15 6 I I I (b) 1 2 1 5 T 1 1 2 1 5 (a) (b)

1 2 1 5 R 1 2 1 5 (a) (b)

2 5 T 10 2 5 (a. (b) 2 5 R 2 5 (a) (b) 217 319 188 23 1,693 2,278 1,057 351 237 373 223 113 T 23 81 130 88 7 488 818 479 300 110 204 147 113 (a) 136 189 100 16 1,205 1,460 578 51 127 169 76 (h) 173 255 148 12 1,287 1,795 779 310 228 362 216 112 R 81 130 88 7 481 805 477 292 109 203 /46 112 (a) 92 125 60 5 806 990 302 18 119 159 70 (b) 44 64 40 JJ 406 483 278 41 9 II 7 1 U ...... 7 13 2 8 1 1 1 1 (a) 44 64 40 II 399 470 276 33 8 10 6 (h) 13 20 13 165 230 125 166 71 124 93 102 T20 5 13 5 78 130 78 158 66 117 93 102 (a) 8 7 8 87 100 47 8 5 7 (b) 8 17 7 128 184 106 157 71 124 93 102 R 5 13 5 77 127 78 154 66 117 93 102 (a) 3 4 2 51 57 28 3 5 7 (b) 5 3 6 37 46 19 9 U .. .. 1 3 4 (a) 5 3 6 36 43 19 5 (b) 3 2 2 108 105 93 16 5 7 5 T22 .. .. 3 5 .. 2 . . .. (a) 3 2 2 105 100 93 14 5 7 5 (h) 3 2 2 108 105 93 - 16 5 7 5 U .. .. 3 5 2 .. .. (a) 3 2 2 105 100 93 14 5 7 5 (b) 102 TABLE SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY DURATION HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN (BASED ON

Note:-In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and

Household Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry ,------__ ..A-______-"\ r------..A-~------.... r------...A..------. IDivision and Total House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major Group Rural holds ,.---__..A.._---., workers holds r--..A..-______workers holds r----"-----. WOf- only) Urban M F M F M F kers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SEHORE Major Group 23 T 107 129 102 2 10 12 7 20 21 17 2 Textile-cotton (a) 12 24 14 2 4 7 4 4 7 5 2 (b) 95 l(}S 88 6 5 3 16 14 12 R 62 82 45 2 8 11 5 14 18 I3 2 (a) 12 24 14 2 4 7 4 4 7 5 2 (b) 50 58 31 4 4 1 10 11 8 U 45 47 57 2 2 6 3 4 (a) .. · ...... (b) 45 47 57 2 2 6 3 4 Major Group 24 T 7 12 9 2 I Textile-jute (a) 2 3 2 2 1 (b) 5 9 7

R 4 5 3 2 (a) 2 3 2 2 (b) 2 2 1 U 3 7 6 tal .. . . (b) 3 7 6 Major Gronp 25 T 3 5 3 Textile-wool (a) 2 4 2 (b) 1 I 1

R 3 5 3 (a) 2 4 2 (b) 1 1 1

Major Group 27 T 265 340 112 28 4 8 7 9 11 5 Texti Ie-Miscellaneous (a) 47 77 44 23 3 5 4 4 5 5 (b) 218 263 68 5 l 3 3 5 6 R 214 280 94 24 3 5 4 8 10 5 (a) 47 77 44 23 3 5 4 4 5 5 (b) 167 203 50 ] 4 5 U 51 60 18 4 3 3 (a) .. · ...... (b) 5] 60 18 4 I 3 3 I 1 Major Group 28 T 664 930 412 91 20 27 15 70 99 37 3 Manufacture of wood (a) 260 432 251 81 13 21 12 35 54 26 3 and wooden products (b) 404 498 161 10 7 6 3 35 45 II

R 557 794 349 90 20 27 15 62 85 36 3 (a) 259 431 250 81 13 21 12 35 54 26 3 (b) 298 363 99 9 7 6 3 27 31 10 U W7 136 63 8 14 (a) 1 1 1 (b) 106 135 62 8 14 Major Group 29 T 2 2 Paper and paper products (a) .. · . .. (b) 2 2 1 U 2 2 1 (a) .. . . (b) 2 2 1 Note:-Lincs with nil entries have iJeen omitted. 103


1 to 9 Manths , ______10 Montns-A ______td 1 year -. ,--____Months..A- ______not stated --, ______..A-----_---, T ""-House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired R ,-___ ..A. __ --, nolds ,----"----, workers holds workers holds ,---..A. __....., workers U M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 DISTRICT 3 4 2 68 84 74 6 8 2 T 23 .. .. ., 3 6 5 I 4 .. (a) 3 4 2 65 78 69 5 4 2 (b) 2 2 33 44 26 5 7 R .. .. 3 6 5 1 4 .. (a) 2 2 30 38 21 4 3 1 (b) 2 2 35 40 48 U . , ...... (a) 1 2 -2 35 40 48 1 1 (b) 4 3 4 5 4 T 24 ...... (a) 1 4 3 4 5 4 (b) 2 2 R ...... (a) 2 2 1 (b) 4 3 2 3 3 U ,...... (a) 1 4 3 2 3 3 (b) 3 5 3 T25 2 4 2 \ (a) 1 1 1 (b) 3 5 3 R 2 4 2 (a) J I J (b) 9 12 8 218 278 81 24 25 31 11 3 T27 3 5 3 32 54 27 19 5 8 5 3 (a) 6 7 5 186 224 54 5 20 23 6 (b) 8 10 8 170 224 66 20 25 31 11 3 R 3 5 3 32 54 27 19 5 8 5 3 (a) 5 5 5 138 170 39 1 20 23 6 (b) 2 48 54 15 4 U ...... (a) 1 2 48 54 15 4 (b) 50 71 48 2 491 681 285 84 33 52 27 2 T28 20 31 25 2 176 294 162 74 16 32 26 2 (a) 30 40 23 315 387 123 10 17 20 1 (b) 36 51 34 2 407 580 237 83 32 51 27 2 R 20 31 25 2 175 293 161 74 16 32 26 2 (a) 16 20 9 232 287 76 9 16 19 1 (b) ]4 20 14 84 101 48 1 U ...... 1 1 1 ., (a) 14 20 14 83 100 47 1 1 1 (b) T29 (a) (b) U (a) (h) 104

TA'BLE SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY DURATION HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN ( BASED ON Note:-In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivatioD"and Household Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry Total , _____A- ____, , ______.J.. _____-.., ro-----.A.-----, (Division and Rural House- Family workers Hired House-Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major Group Urban holds ,-_.A..__ , workers holds ,_.A..__ , workers holds ,-__ .A.. ___ , wor- only) M F M F M F kers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SEHORE Major Group 30 T 2 2 Printing and publishing (a) (b) 2 2 U 2 2 (a) (b) 2 2 Major Group 31 T 507 697 373 37 33 47 29 2 54 74 42 12 Leather and leather (a) 199 322 232 16 19 32 25 2 30 47 34 products (b) 308 375 141 21 14 15 4 24 27 8 12 R 467 629 339 33 33 47 29 2 53 73 41 12 (a) 199 322 232 16 19 32 25 2 30 47 34 .. (b) 268 307 107 17 14 15 4 23 26 7 12 U 40 68 34 4 (a) (b) 40 68 34 4 1 Major Group 32 T Rubber, petroleum and (a) coal products (b)

U (a) (b) Major Group 33 T 4 5 2 Chemicals and chemical (a) 2 3 2 products (b) 2 2 R 2 3 2 (a) 2 3 2 (b) U 2 2 1 (a) .. (b) 2 2 1 Major Group 34-35 T 291 433 263 41 11 15 9 41 53 39 12 Non-metallic mineral (a) 73 123 88 26 6 9 7 17 24 17 11 products other than (b) 218 310 175 15 5 6 2 24 29 22 1 petro.leum and coal R 261 387 240 30 11 15 9 39 47 36 12 (a) 71 119 86 26 6 9 7 16 21 16 11 (b) 190 268 154 4 5 6 2 23 26 20 1 U 30 46 23 11 2 6 3 (a) 2 4 2 1 3 1 (b) 28 42 21 11 1 3 2 Major Group 36 T 134 193 54 29 5 S 3 2 9 13 3 Basic metals and their Ca) 60 94 43 23 3 3 2 2 6 8 3 products except machi- (b) 74 99 11 6 2 2 1 3 5 nery and transport equipment R 117 170 S3 25 S S 3 2 8 12 3 1 (a) 60 94 43 23 3 3 2 2 6 8 3 1 (b) 57 76 10 2 2 2 1 2 4 U 17 23 4 Ca) (b) 17 23 4 1 1 Note:-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 105

B-XVI OF WORK IN A YEAR AND TOTAL NUMBER OF WORKERS ENGAGED IN ALL AREAS-Contd. 20% SAMPLE) (b) for "without cultivation" 7 to 9 Months 10 Months to I year Months not stated r-----__..A.-----..... r------~-~-----..... r------.A..------, House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired T holds r---.A._-..... workers holds r--~---"""\ workers holds ,..._-.A. __ " workers R M F M F M F U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 DISTRICT 2 2 T 30 (a) 2 2 (b} 2 2 U .. .. (a) 2 2 (b) 31 40 23 5 368 505 262 I3 21 31 17 5 T 31 ]5 20 14 3 124 203 ]49 6 11 20 10 5 (a) ]6 20 9 2 244 302 113 7 10 11 7 (bl 29 36 20 5 331 442 232 9 21 31 17 5 R 15 20 14 3 124 203 149 6 11 20 10 5 (al 14 16 6 2 207 239 83 3 IO 11 7 (b) 2 4 3 37 63 30 4 U ...... , (a) 2 4 3 37 63 30 4 (b) T32 .. .. (a) 1 1 (bl U .. (a) 1 (b) 2 T 31 2 (a) (b) 2 1 R 2 1 (a) (bl ..

U (a) (b) 92 146 79 14 87 125 74 15 60 94 62 T 34-35 25 43 31 1 21 38 26 14 4 9 7 (a) 67 103 48 13 66 87 48 1 56 85 55 (b) 76 120 69 4 75 111 64 14 60 94 62 R 25 43 31 I 20 37 25 14 4 9 7 (a) 51 77 38 3 S5 74 39 S6 85 55 (b) 16 26 10 10 12 14 10 U .. .. 1 1 1 .. (a) 16 26 10 10 11 13 9 1 (bl 11 14 8 2 99 143 3S 24 10 18 5 T 3

( BASED ON Note:-In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation"and

Household Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry Total r------_..A... ______-, ,--______.A.. ______-, r------"------., (Division and Rural HQuse- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House-Family workers Hired Major Group Urban holds ,----"----, workers holds r----"--..... wolkcrs holds r---.A.---. wor- only) M F M F M F kers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Major Group 37 T Machinery (all kinds other (a) than transport) and (b) electrical equipment R (a) (b) Major Group 38 T Transport equipment (a) (b) U (a) (b) Major Group 39 T 88 127 23 9 2 2 2 Miscellaneous manufac- (a) 18 33 7 9 2 turing inustries (b) 70 94 16 2 2 R 61 92 11 6 2 (a) 16 29 6 6 2 (b) 45 63 5 U 27 3S 12 3 2 2 (a) 2 4 1 3 (b) 25 31 11 2 2

Note;-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 107


20% SAMPLE) . , (b) for "without cultivation"

7 to 9 Months 10 Months to 1 year Months not stated r------A------~ r- ...... r------A---__--....., T House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired R holds r----"----.. workers holds r-___,.A.----,. workers hOlds ,--...... ---, workers U M F M F M F

15 16 ' 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 DISTRICT

1 1 T37 .. .. (a) 1 1 (b) 1 1 R (a) 1 1 (b) 1 1 1 T38 ...... (a) 1 1 1 (b) U .. (a) 1 1 (b) 3 4 1 76 111 21 8 6 8 1 1 T39 2 3 1 14 27 5 8 1 1 J 1 la) 1 1 62 84 16 5 7 (b) 3 4 J 53 80 10 6 4 6 R 2 3 I 13 24 5 6 .. (a) 1 1 40 56 S 4 6 (b)

23 31 U 2 2 2 I I U 1 3 .. 2 1 1 1 1 (a) 22 28 11 1 1 (b) 108



Total Size of sample

Total Tolal No. of ,-__. househol,ds_J.,. ___ ---. Ruarl No. of sample Urban house- Total households popu- house- Total sample household Single member Particulars holds lation holds population households ,-____....A. ____..... ,-____ ..A._-__..... ,-____.A.. _____ --, P M F P M F Households M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SEHORE TOTAL ALL RURAL AREAS 159,644 754,684 404,785 349,899 31,787 147,692 78,406 69,286 2,999 2,273 726 100,631 482,892 252,692 230,200 20,130 95,394 49,685 45,709 1,537 1,017 520 1 Households engaged neither in cultivation nor in Household Industry 6,528 23,716 12,366 11,350 1,I14 692 422 2 Households engaged in Household Industry only 1,271 5,888 3,082 2,806 59 50 9 3 Households engaged in cultivation (All sizes) 12,331 65,790 34,237 31,553 364 275 89

Size of holding groups (in acres) 7 5 (i) Less than 1 170 721 377 344 12 8 fOi) 1.0-2.4 376 1,556 808 748 24 16 45 34 11 ;(iii) ~.5-4.9 950 4,200 2,203 1,997 38 20 (iv) M-7.4 1,532 7,271 3,700 3,571 58 8 (v) 7.5-9.9 1,322 6,419 3,398 3,021 45 37 11 (vi) 10.0-12.4 1,621 8,163 4,269 3,894 47 36 8 4 (vii) 12.5-14.9 758 3,873 2,024 ),849 12 83 67 16 (viii) 15.0-29.9 3,738 20,796 10,834 9,962 21 3 (ix) 30.0-49.9 1,199 7,832 4,104 3,728 24 14 11 3 (x) 50+ 661 4,931 2,506 2,425 (xi) Unspecified 4 28 14 14 ALL URBAN AREAS 59,013 271,792 152,093 119,699 11,657 52,298 28,721 23,577 1,462 1,256 206 109




~ ______Size-A of ______sample households ~

2·3 Members 4-6 Members 7·8 Members 10 Members and over

~ ~ __-----A. ____ ~ _____.A. _____ -. ~-___.A. _____ ~ ~------"------~ s. Households M F Households M F Households M F Households M F No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DISTRICT

8,598 11,991 9,839 13,723 35,176 32,069 5,019 20,080 18,417 1,448 8,886 8,235 T 5,196 7,051 6,263 9,268 23,543 21,979 3,272 12,890 12,065 857 5,184 4,882 R

2,227 2,927 2,705 2,631 6,503 6,111 505 1,944 1,825 51 300 287 1 340 458 400 645 1,627 1,539 200 802 711 27 145 147 2 2,629 3,666 3,158 5,992 15,413 14,329 2,567 10,144 9,529 779 4,739 4,448 j

43 46 61 97 260 206 17 57 69 1 7 3 (i) 127 158 168 181 442 412 40 165 139 4 27 21 (ii) 285 412 344 489 1,212 1,154 118 465 418 13 80 70 (iii) 393 539 485 809 2,010 1,980 235 891 888 37 222 198 (iv) 312 460 351 695 1,783 1,638 239 934 869 31 184 155 (v) 376 533 442 829 2,169 1,931 311 1,208 1,166 58 323 344 (vi) 176 248 203 396 1,025 941 141 560 527 33 183 174 (vii) 687 956 828 1,809 4,721 4,359 908 3,615 3,348 251 1,475 1,411 (viii) 166 227 196 470 1,244 1,144 349 1,413 1,306 190 1,199 1.079 (ix) 64 87 80 214 538 557 209 836 799 160 1,034 986 (x) 3 9 7 1 S 7 (xi) 3,402 4,940 3,576 4,455 11,633 10,090 1,747 7,190 6,352 591 3,702 3,353 U


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~ ~ . ·_.,.,MOO"'''''''II'>M ·M I/) eo • 0\ l- <'l : ~OO~M~~~=f'M\o-~ ~ O\N('f'100M'-O_ ...... -1-- ...... • ~('I")('I")--

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Ed&'cational levels , ______-..A. ______.~

Literate (without Primary or Junior Matricula~ioD Total population Literate educational level) Basic and above ,-__..A. __' --. ,.-___..A. ____~ r------"-----~ ,---"-----., ,.----"--.--~ Age-group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Famales 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SEHORE DISTRICT

All ages 754,684 404,785 349,899 -282,240 310,361 79,779 29,671 19,186 5,483 23,580 4,384 0- 4 123,586 62,522 61,064 62,522 61,064 .. .. 5- 9 104,989 54,204 50,785 44,451 45,333 9,627 5,347 126 105 ., 10-14 72,297 39,654 32,643 20,100 24,290 15,237 6,589 4,249 1,694 68 70 15-19 59,799 31,889 27.910 16,534 21,862 8,138 3,757 4,873 1,298 2,344 993

20-24 77,052 41,046 36,006 20,604 29,471 9,105 4,008 3,146 938 8,191 1589 25-29 69,417 37.532 31,885 22,264 27,440 8,331 2,960 1,878 576 5,059 909 30-34 57,576 31,948 25,628 20,825 22,750 7,109 2,122 1,312 330 2,702 426 35-44 84,494 47,666 36,828 32,719 33,504 10,257 2,636 1,811 381 2,879 307

45--59 68,791 39,042 29,749 27,831 27,895 8,042 1,643 1,297 134 1,872 77 60+ 36,200 19,034 17,166 14,165 16,525 3,919 605 491 26 459 to Age not stated 483 248 235 225 227 14 4 3 1 6 3 118

f r I \ I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I

I 0) I I e I I ~I I~ I I ~ I I~ I I to I I ~ I 101 I ~ I ·\Otr\OOtf"')\C)f"')Nt'--\O ..... 01 ·O\ .... r-N ..... O.,.,"'''' 1 "1-:,QO'O('f')M~ I ~ I -- I ~I I" I ... I £ I 0\ ~ I -a I N ~ 1;'1 ... l:! I <1)1 IIc::. I 8td , 1£ I ~1:5 i) -{ ... I =,~ ag I ...... 1 --= :: I l'! I "0 I .g~ I .. ~ .... ~v I.<;::~~§_ 18 00 I ~ ::-"0 -5 13 ~ I (l.l I ... 00) -- ... J ~ o~ ~ ~~ 01)\ 1:5 ~;::I.e: <.)~ I '" .... I ~'go~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~~ L~ I'i j o_..-("r')N_ I I I I II) I ... l 0. ::I 0. ...o ;::Ia ~ 0) ~ OIl ... ~ OIl ~ , 119

TABLE C-V MornER TONGUE (Alpbabetical Order)

--A.Total____ ---, ( Rural Urban r- r--'------A.-----..... ---"------, language Persons Males 'Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DISTRICT All Languages Total 754,684 404,785 ;149,899 482.892 252,692 230,200 271,792 152,093 119,699 1 A/ghani!Kabuli/Pashto/ 142 116 26 14 14 128 102 26 Pakhto/Pathani 2 Arabic! Arbi 6 4 2 6 4 2 3 Assamese 429 426 3 429 426 3 4 Awadhi 8 6 2 4 4 4 2 2 5 Bahawalpuri 300 186 114 91 87 4 209 99 110 6 Baghelkhandi 8 5 3 8 5 3 7 Banjari 79 42 37 69 34 35 10 8 2 8 Barel 71 33 38 71 33 38 9 Beldari 17 11 6 17 11 6 .. .. 10 Bengali 1,852 1,423 429 30 18 12 1,822 1,405 411 11 Betuli 4 4 4 4 12 Bhilali 602 300 302 602 300 302 .. 13 Bhili 3 3 1 1 2 2 14 Bhojpuri 33 31 2 33 31 2 15 Bihari 290 284 6 .. 290 284 6 16 Brajbhasha/Brajbhakha 2 1 1 2 1 17 Bundelkhandi 40 33 7 40 33 7 18 Burmese 24 23 1 24 23 I 19 C e ylonese/Simelul Sin- 1 1 1 1 ghalese 20 Chhattisgarhi 84 73 11 84 73 It 21 Chinese/Chini 7 2 5 7 2 5 22 Derawal 4 4 4 4 23 Dhedi 5 5 5 5 24 Dogri 17 8 9 17 8 9 25 English 366 273 93 3 3 363 270 93 26 Gadaria 3 2 1 3 2 1 27 Garhwali 352 334 18 352 334 18 28 German 2 2 2 2 29 Ghati 2 2 2 2 .. 30 Goanese 23 13 10 23 13 10 31 Gondi 3,799 2,039 1,760 3,408 1.708 1.700 391 331 60 32 Gorkhali 616 611 5 1 I 615 610 5 33 Govari I 1 1 I 34 Gujarati 3,353 2,677 676 232 143 89 3.121 2,534 587 35 Gurmukhi 212 129 83 212 129 83 36 Halabi 7 2 5 7 2 5 37 Hindi 574,290 301,591 272,699 453.167 235,358 217,809 121,123 66.233 54.890 38 Jaipuri 8 4 4 8 4 4 39 Kachchhi 18 12 6 18 12 6 40 Kanjari 200 154 46 200 154 46 41 Kannada 598 390 208 4 4 594 386 208 42 Kashmiri 119 94 25 I 1 118 93 25 43 Khandeshi 39 22 17 39 22 17 44 Kharia 1 1 .. 1 1 45 Konkani 223 173 50 223 173 50 46 Koshti-Marathi 2 . . 2 2 .. 2 47 Maithili 21 17 4 4 4 17 17 48 MalayaJam 1,765 1.347 418 30 27 3 1.735 1,320 415 49 Malvi 520 397 123 82 82 438 397 41 50 Manipuri/Mcithei 3 3 .. 3 .. 3 51 Marathi 15,765 8.394 7,371 723 403 320 15,042 7,991 7,051 52 Marwari 2,551 1,784 767 1,318 882 436 1,233 902 331 53 Mewari 121 114 7 121 114 7 54 Multani 23 13 10 23 13 10 55 Muria I 1 1 1 56 Nepali 541 462 79 9 9 532 453 79 57 Nimadi 1I5 81 34 40 26 14 75 55 20 58 Odki 158 84 74 158 84 74 .. 59 Oriya 456 339 117 217 111 106 239 228 11 60 Pabari-Unspecified 24 21 3 24 21 3 120


MOTHER TONGUE (Alpbabetical Order)-Ooncld.

Total Rural Urban ,-_____.A. ____-. ,-_____---A. _____--.. ,------"------. Language Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DISTRICT-Cone/d.

61 Panchali 1 1 .. J 1 62 Parsi-Gondi 285 161 124 124 124 161 161 63 Persian 115 115 114 114 1 I 64 Portuguese 129 129 66 66 63 63 65 Punjabi 7,082 5,157 1,925 161 72 89 6,921 5,085 1,836 66 Rajasthani 571 518 53 68 32 36 503 486 17 67 Sanskrit 102 102 102 102 68 Santali 2 2 2 2 69 Sindhi 23.870 13,164 10,706 595 486 109 23,275 12,678 10,597 70 Surgujia 1 1 1 I 71 Tamil 2,898 1,947 951 60 46 14 2,838 1,901 937 72 Telugu 1,710 1,105 605 31 14 17 1,679 1,091 588 73 Urdu 107,592 57.786 49,806 21,161 12,435 8,726 86,431 45,351 41,080 RURAL S. Total S. Total N. Mother ,,------"------, N. Mother ,------"------, Tongue Persons Males Females Tongue Persons Males Femals 2 3 4. 5 2 3 4 5 1 Berasia Tahsil 5 Ichhawar Tahsil Total 74,449 39,345 35,104 Total 40,913 21,351 19,562 1 Hindi 70,070 37,060 33,010 1 Hindi 39,757 20,745 19,012 2 Urdu 4,057 2,062 1,995 2 Urdu 693 353 340 3 Marwari 72 37 35 3 Bhilali 244 125 119 4 Marathi 22 II II 4 Gondi 130 76 54 5 Gondi 5 Marwari 10 7 3 6 Bhilali 6 Marathi 4 2 2 7 Others 228 175 53 7 Others 75 43 32 2 Sehore Tahsil 6 NasruJlaganj Tahsil Total 95,659 50,374 45,285 Total 53,699 27,956 25,743 I Hindi 90,002 46,134 43,868 I Hindi 48,771 25,365 23,406 2 Urdu 4,899 3,548 1,351 2 L'rdu 2,218 1,193 1,025 3 Marwari 405 352 53 3 Gondi 2,048 1,031 1,017 4 Marathi 17 14 3 4 Marwari 216 146 '70 5 Gondi 5 Marathi 26 12 14 6 Bhilali 6 Bhilali 7 Others 336 326 10 7 Others 420 209 211 3 Huzur Tahsil 7 Budni Tahsil Total 68,080 36,084 31,996 Total 50,828 26,612 24,216 1 Hindi 63,550 33,398 30,152 1 Hindi 46,010 24,039 21,971 2 Urdu 3,803 2,269 1,534 2 Urdu 1,893 1,002 891 3 Marathi 219 99 120 3 Gondi 1,229 601 628 4 Marwari 173 91 82 4 Marathi 372 228 144 5 Gondi 1 1 5 Marwari 214 130 84 6 Bhilali 6 Bhilali 163 86 77 7 Others 334 227 107 7 Others 947 526 421 4 Ashta Tahsil Total 99,264 50,970 48,294 1 Hindi 95,007 48,617 46,390 2 Urdu 3,598 2,008 1,590 3 Marwari 228 119 109 4 Marathi 63 37 26 5 Bhilali 195 89 106 6 Gondi 7 Others 173 100 73 Note:-Speakers of first six Languages in the District are shown seperately, speaker!' of "other languages" have clubbed together as "others" 121



Total Total Buddhists Christians Hindus ,..-__A. __ "'""'I ,..-___A.--~ Rural ,..------.-A.------';"-o ,--...... ---, District/Tahsil Urban Persons Males Females M F M F M F I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

SEHORE DISTRICT Total 754,684 ~,785 349,899 783 654 1,489 977 329,397 286,113 Rural 481,89.2 252,692 230,200 6 4 56 22 232,906 214,144 Urban 271,792 152,093 119,699 777 650 1,433 955 96,491 71,969

1 Berasia Tahsil R 74,449 39,345 35,104 36,307 32,245 2 Sehore Tahsil R 95,659 50,374 45,285 6 1 43,553 40,999 3 Huzur Tahsil R 68,080 36.084 .,31.996 20 2 33.219 30.090 4 Ashta Tahsil 'R 99,264. 50,970 48,294 8 5 47,936 45,072 5 Ichhawar Tahsil R 40.913 21,351 19,562 4 3 20,662 18,756 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil R 53,699 27,956 25,743 6 3 26,077 24,086 7 Budni Tahsil R 50,828 2€i,612 24,216 6 4 12 8 25.152 22,896



Other religion Religion not Total Jains Muslims Sikhs & persuasions stated Rural .-_ ...... _-, ,..-__.A. __ "'""'I , __.A._---" ,..-. _ _.A._---"\ ,---...... --"'""'1 District/Tahsil Urban M F M F M F M F M F 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 SEHORE DISTRICT Total 3,143 2,854 68,208 58,156 1,733 1,117 30 26 2 2 Rural 625 673 19.022 15,316 75 41 2 Urban 2,518 2,181 49,186 42,840 1,658 1,076 28 26 2 2

1 Berasia Tahsil R 53 45 2,985 2,814 2 Sehore Tahsil R 14 7 6,795 4,276 6 2 3 Huzur Tahsil R 46 22 2,775 1,869 24 13 4 Ashta Tahsil R 381 468 2,637 2,746 8 3 5 Ichhawar Tahsil R 59 66 618 737 8 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil R 36 39 1,822 1.602 15 13 7 Budni Tahsil R 36 26 1,390 1,272 14 10 2 122 TABLE SCHEDULED CASTES AND PART A-Classification by Literary and Industrial Category

WORKERS r:------I

Total Literate and Total Rural Educated Workers District/Tahsil Urban Total Illiterate Persons (I-IX) As Cultivator r----.A.-_-----" r--.A.~ r---.A.--~ r---.A._-..... r----.A.--~ P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

SEHORE DISTRICI' T 117,917 61.481 56436 55,844 56,101 5,637 335 39,610 28,126 14,268 10,089 R 100,860 51,194 48,666 48,751 48,583 3,443 83 34,127 25,757 14,170 10,010 U 17,057 9,287 7,770 7,093 75,18 2,194 252 5,483 2,369 98 79 I Berasia Tahsil R 17,166 8,836 8,330 8,271 8.321 565 9 5,579 3.226 2,278 1,048 2 Sehore Tahsil R 18,889 9,692 9,197 9,166 9,178 526 19 6,382 5,305 2,231 1,950 3 Huzur Tahsil R 14,172 7,862 6,310 7,298 6,290 564 20 5,206 3,491 1,861 1,075 4 Ashta Tahsil R 27,369 14,094 13,275 13,248 13,264 846 11 9,293 7,838 4,995 3,867 5 IChhawar Tahsil R 8,137 3.891 4,246 3,666 4,243 225 3 2,819 2,351 1,406 1,277 6 NasruJIaganj Tahsil R 8,351 4,256 4,095 3,897 4,089 359 6 2.690 ]'995 925 496 7 Budni Tahsil R 6,776 3,563 3,213 3,205 3,198 358 15 2,158 1,551 474 297 TABLE SCHEDULED CASTES AND PART B-Classification by Literacy and Industrial Category

,..------WORKERS I II III In Mining Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fi­ Ltieratc shing, Hunting Total & Total As and Plantations Rural Educated Workers As Agricultural Orchards and District/Tahsil Urban Total Illiterate Persons (I-IX) Cultivator Labourer Allied activities ,..-___ ....A. ___""-\ ,--__..A.. __~ ,---"---, ,..-_..-A._-, r---.A.-~ r-.,.--A---., P M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 )2 13 14 15 16 17

SEHORE DISTRICT T 30,348 15,111 15,237 14,348 15,141 763 96 9,592 1,530 4,735 3,603 3,445 3,265 sao 61 R 29,168 14,441 14,726 13,812 14,653 630 73 9,159 7,313 4,7103,588 3,434 3,257 481 57

U 1,180 669 511 536 488 133 23 ~33 217 2S 15 11 8 19 4 J Berasia Tahsil R 1,409 676 733 666 733 10 .. 354 276 76 41 278 181 2 Sehore Tahsil R 2,044 979 ),065 962 1,061 17 4 716 489 143 100 ·482 345 21 3 Huzur Tahsil R 1,364 735 629 700 628 35 1 472 312 132 76 207 188 50 "" 4 Ashta Tahsil R 1,693 879 814 844 811 35 3 530 453 350 313 151 125 10 S Ichhawar Tahsil R 4,898 2,351 2,547 2,295 2.547 56 "" 1,624 1,378 1,081 942 323 309 III 39 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil R 11.613 5.926 5,687 5,642 5,~81 284 6 3,642 2,663 2,127 1,263 1,319 1,357 128 4 7 Budni Tahsil R 6,147 2,896 3.251 2,703 3,ln 193 59 1,821 1,742 801 853 674 752 161 13 123 C-VIII SCHEDULED TRIBES of workers Bnd Non-workers among Scheduled Castes NON

______WORKERS-A ______~ ~--~--~WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X In Mining Quarrying, Livestock, In Forestry, In Trans- Fishing, Hun- Manufaetu- port. As ting and Plan- At ring other In Storage Agricultural tations, Oreba- House- than House- In Trade and Labourer rds & Allied hold hold Constru- & Com- Commu- In Other Total activities Industry Industry ction merce nications Services Rural r--_.J..-~ r----"-~ ,---"-----, ,...--"-__...... r---A..-...... ,-_.A.---. ,----A.--., ~-.A._~ r--~"" Urban M F M F M F 'M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 P 18 19 zo ZI 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

13,264 12,659 1.130 79 3,044 1,460 1,280 279 1,060 296 291 47 501 13 4,772 3,204 21,871 28,310 T 13, III 12,562 1,041 64 2,238 847 352 126 194 23 96 5 123 1 2,802 2,119 18,067 22,909 R 153 97 89 15 806 613 928 153 866 273 195 42 378 12 1,970 1,085 3,804 5,401 U 2.438 1,828 112 4 258 65 2 2 25 15 IS 451 264 3,257 5,104 R 2,679 2,587 228 12 522 235 33 41 17 20 611 521 3,310 3,892 R 1.867 1,883 245 12 195 80 304 114 78 44 5 81 531 320 2,656 2,819 R 3.235 3,390 179 6 459 229 5 15 2 11 1 393 344 4,801 5,437 R 803 789 113 11 246 56 5 1 1 243 Z18 1,072 1,895 R 1,300 1,299 36 17 268 53 3 8 4 3 2 149 122 1,566 2,100 R 789 786 128 2 290 129 2 30 5 5 18 424 330 1,405 1,662 R C-VIII SCHEDULED TRIBES of workers and Non-workers among S(!beduled Tribes NON ______WORKERS-..A. ______---, WORKERS ,_-..A.-__ ~ IV V VI VII VIII IX X

In In Manufacturing Transport, At other than In Trade Storage and Household Household In and Communi- In Other Total Industry Construction Commerce cations Services ,-___.A.Industry___ ...... Rural ,---A__ -, ,-_--"-__..... ,---.A.__ ~ ,r--""'"""--. r-----"-----. r----"----, Urban M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

109 67 68 32 154 91 10 2 69 502 409 5,519 7,707 T 87 55 7 2 45 15 2 1 51 342 338 5,283 7,413 R 22 12 61 30 109 76 8 1 18 160 71 236 294 U 10 44 322 457 R 30 20 19 11 21 12 263 576 R 7 10 20 46 47 263 317 R 10 8 15 349 361 R 17 12 92 75 727 1,169 R 12 1 5S 38 2,284 3,024 R 18 13 16 4 1 30 120 107 1,075 1,509 R 124



,-Enumerated____. ______in Rural or.A. Urban ___ • ______area of the District..:., .

,-_____Total.A ____-. Rural ,-_____Urban .A ______Country, State and District r------..A..------, where born Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SEHORE DISTRICT TOTAL POPULATION 754,684 404,785 349,899 482,892 252,692 230,200 271,792 152,093 119,699 A-Born in India 735,743 393,909 341,834 481,914 252,OS1 229,863 253,829 141,858 111,971

1 Within Madhya Pradesh 673,038 354,008 3/9,030 474,048 247,067 226,981 198,990 106,941 92,049 (a) Born in place of enume- 447,211 278,908 168,303 310,850 203,293 107,557 136,361 75,615 60,746 ration

(b) Born elsewhere in the 129,342 33,595 95,747 113,905 26,921 86,984 15,437 6,674 8,763 district of enumeration

(c) Born in other districts of 96,485 41,505 54,980 49,293 16,853 32,440 47,192 24,652 22,540 the State

(i) Born in districts 48,524 18,118 30,406 33,052 10,342 22,710 15,472 7,776 7,696 contiguous to the Sehore District

(1) Hoshangabad District 14,070 5,827 8,243 9,375 3,177 6,198 4,695 2,650 2,045 (2) Dewas District 7,554 2,423 5,131 6,837 2,125 4,712 717 298 419 (3) Raisen District 7,214 2,536 4,678 4,305 1,177 3,128 2,909 1,359 1,550 (4) Shajapur District 6,835 2,020 4,815 5,470 1,460 4,010 1,365 560 805 (5) Vidisha District 5,992 2,379 3,613 2,847 873 1,974 3,145 1,506 ],639 (6) Rajgarh District 4,983 2,020 2,963 3,574 1,282 2,292 1,409 - 738 671 (7) Guna District 1,876 913 963 644 248 396 1,232 665 567

(ii) Non-contiguous 47,961 23,387 24,574 /6,241 6,511 9,730 31,720 16,876 14,844 districts ofthe State II Siaies in India beyond Madhya 62,705 39,901 22,804 7,866 4,984 2,882 54,839 34,917 19,922 Pradesh Andhra Pradesh 1,467 934 533 79 50 29 1,388 884 504 Bihar 1,084 920 164 98 88 10 986 832 154 Maharashtra 17,028 9,575 7,453 967 607 360 16,061 8,968 7,093 Orissa 109 90 19 3 3 106 87 19 Rajasthan 7,223 4,204 3,019 2,861 1,649 1,212 4,362 2,555 1,807 Uttar Pradesh 22,902 15,583 7,319 3,087 2,100 987 19,815 13,483 6,332 Assam 84 65 19 1 1 83 64 19 Gujarat 1,393 810 583 88 47 41 1,305 763 542 Jammu & Kashmir 223 166 57 13 10 3 210 156 54 Kerala 1,775 1,372 403 41 34 7 1,734 1,338 396 Madras 2,824 1,865 959 135 82 53 2,6~9 1,783 906 Mysore 740 494 246 20 20 720 474 246 Punjab 3,866 2,507 1,359 390 246 144 3,476 2,261 1,215 West Bengal 881 636 245 25 17 8 856 619 237 Delhi 1,025 626 399 57 29 28 968 597 371 Himachal Pradesh 18 15 3 1 1 17 14 3 Tripura 3 2 1 3 2 1 Goa 58 35 23 58 35 23 Pondicherry 2 2 2 2 B-Born in countries in Asia 18,836 10,816 8,020 975 638 337 17,861 10,178 7,683 beyond India (Incl. U.S.S.R.) Afganisthan 47 39 8 11 9 2 36 30 6 Burma 54 33 21 4 4 50 29 21 Ceylon 11 7 4 11 7 4 China 3 2 1 ., 3 2 1 Nepal 759 671 88 15 12 3 744 659 85 Pakistan 17,946 10,053 7,893 942 610 332 17,004 9,443 7,561 Indonesia 1 " 1 1 " 1 Arabia 6 3 3 2 2 4 1 3 Iran 1 1 ,. J 1 Malaya 8 7 1 7 6 125



Enumerated in Rural or Urban area of the District ,------"------. ,-___---A--- Total ___., Rural ,-_____Urban..A.. _____ -. Country. State and District ,------"------. where born Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DISTRICT-Cone/d. C-Born in countries in Europe 51 27 24 51 27 24 (Excl. U.S.S.R.)

U.K. 44 23 21 44 23 21 Germany 3 2 1 3 2 1 France 1 1 1 1 Switzerland 2 2 2 2 Italy 1 1 D-Born in Countries ioAfrka 9 5 4 1 1 8 4 4 Egypt 1 1 1 1 Countries not Stated 8 4 4 1 7 3 4 E-Born in countries in America 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 Canada 1 I 1 1 U.S.A. 2 1 1 1 F-Born in countries in Australia 1 1 1 1 Australia

G-Unclassifiable 41 26 15 1 40 25 15


Occupied Census r------"-

Hotels, Census Hostels, Sarais Total Total No- houses vacant Workshop- Dharamshalas, Rural of census at the time of Shop-cum cum- Tourist homes & Shops excluding District/Tahsil Urban houses house-listing Dwellings dwellings dwellings Inspection houses eating houses 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9

SEHORE DISTRICT Total 218.386 10.543 135,111 1,380 5,733 368 4.794 Rural 149,379 5.369 84,663 855 4,857 133 651 UrbaD 69,007 5,174 SO,558 515 876 235 4,141 J Berasia Tahsil Total 23,278 714 15,582 179 694 16 15) Rural 21,573 617 14.370 147 641 15 63 Urban 1,705 97 1,212 32 53 1 92 2 Sehore Tahsil Total 40,165 1,577 19,254 281 1,508 40 523 Rural 32,703 1,204 14,282 160 1,087 18 126 Urban 7,462 373 4,972 121 421 22 397 3 Huzur Tahsil Total 76,776 5,199 53,067 481 537 201 3,599 Rural 20,655 841 10,999 150 307 6 94 Urban 56.121 4,358 42.068 331 230 195 3,505 Bhopal City (Municipality) 47,608 3,236 35.860 219 216 163 3,139 4 Ashta Tahsil Total 30.717 1,278 20,110 179 1.292 34 220 Rural 28,432 1.017 18,662 161 1,173 17 108 Urban 2,285 261 1,448 18 119 17 112 5 Ichhawar Tahsii Total 14,087 715 6,893 58 611 2 61 Rural 12,653 630 6,035 35 558 2 25 Urban 1,434 85 858 23 53 36 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil· Rural 18,805 578 10,905 91 525 32 107 7 Budni Tahsil· Rural 14,558 482 9,4/0 111 566 43 129

• Entirely Rural 129



Houses used as ------:------. Schools and other edu- Places of Public health & cational institu- entertainment (Cine- medical institu- Factories tions including Restaurants, mas, theaters, clubs, tions Hospitals, Business workshops training classes, sweetmeat gymnasiums) and Health centers, Total houses and coaching and shops and community gather- Doctor's clinics, Rural & Offices worksheds shop classes eating places ing (Pancbayatghar) Dispensaries etc. Others Urban District/Tahsil 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 I

843 3,142 759 163 2,553 231 52,656 Total SEHORE 140 1,371 560 31 1,883 97 48,768 Rural DISTRICT 703 1,771 199 132 670 134 3,888 Urban 25 155 76 4 282 14 5,382 Total 1 Berasia Tahsil 10 120 69 2 258 11 5,250 Rural 15 35 1 2 24 3 132 Urban 74 585 ll8 20 589 36 15.560 Total 2 Sehore Tahsil 23 414 86 6' 467 17 14,813 Rural 51 171 32 14 122 19 747 Urban 632 1,626 234 117 802 106 10,175 Total 3 Huzur Tahsil 22 160 90 4 350 6 7,626 Rural 610 1,466 144 113 452 100 2,549 Urban Bhopal City 518 1,320 126 107 414 86 2,204 (Municipality) 39 292 124 11 448 18 6,672 Total 4 Ashta Tahsil 20 225 114 9 396 14 6,516 Rural 19 67 l(l 2 52 4 156 Urban 10 181 54 5 178 23 5,296 Total 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 2 149 48 4 158 15 4.992 Rural 8 32 6 1 20 8 304 Urban 23 194 84 2 148 16 6,100 Rural 6 Nasrullganj Tahsil· 40 109 69 4 106 18 3,471 Rural 7 Budni Tahsil· 130



,....______Households in Census .A. ______Houses used as: -. Total Total Rural Tenure No.of Shop-cum workshop-cum Dwelling with District/Tahsil Urban status Households Dwellings dwellings dwellings other uses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SEHORE DISTRICl' Total Total 30,789 28,477 222 1,118 972 Owned 21,394 20,185 159 1,000 50 Rented 9,395 8,292 63 118 922

Rural Total 20,229 18,174 145 942 968 Owned 17,899 16,829 127 895 48 Rented 2,330 1,345 18 47 920

Urban Total 10,560 10,303 77 176 4 Owned 3,495 3,356 32 105 2 Rented 7,065 6,947 45 71 2

1 Berasia Tahsil Total Total 3,375 3,249 18 108 Owned 3,112 2,990 17 105 Rented 263 259 1 3 Rural Total 3,115 3,006 13 96 Owned 2,940 2,834 12 94 Rented 175 172 I 2 Urban Total 260 243 5 12 Owned 172 156 5 11 Rented 88 87 1 2 Sebore Tahsil Total Total 5,131 3,878 46 302 905 Owned 3,497 3,203 34 259 1 Rented 1,634 675 12 43 904 Rural Total 4,013 2,872 28 211 902 Owned 2,907 2,684 22 201 Rented 1,106 188 6 10 902 Urban Total 1,118 1,006 18 91 3 590 519 12 58 1 Owned 2 Rented 528 487 6 33

3 Buzur Tahsil Total Total 11,463 11,272 74 86 31 Owned 4,887 4,775 31 55 26 Rented 6,576 6,497 43 31 5

Rcral Total 2,815 2,708 26 50 31 Owned 2,558 2,464 22 46 26 Rented 257 244 4 4 5

Urban Total 8,648 8,564 48 36 Owned 2,329 2,311 9 9 Rented 6,319 6,253 39 27 Bhopal City (Municipality) Total 7,360 7,297 30 33 Owned 2,125 2,108 8 9 Rented 5,235 5,189 22 24 4 Ashta Tahsil Total Total 4,470 4,160 30 265 15 Owned 4,168 3,876 28 250 14 Rented 302 284 2 15 1 Rural Total 4,140 3,861 28 236 15 Owned 3,928 3,658 26 230 14 Rented 212 203 2 6 1

Urban Total 330 299 2 29 Owned 240 218 2 20 Rented 90 81 9 131


Households in Census Houses used as: Total Total r------.A.------_""'" Rural Tenure No.of Shop-cum workshop-cum Dwelling with District/Tahsil Urban stat\ls HQuseholds Dwellings dwellings dwellings other uses 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8

5 Ichhawar Tahsil Total Total 1,808 1,667 J1 121 9 Owned 1,703 1,574 9 117 3 Rented 105 93 2'" 4 6 Rural Total 1.604 1,476 1 113 8 Owned 1,539 1.422 5 110 2 Rented 65 54 2 3 6 Urban Total 204 191 4 8 1 Owned 164 152 4 7 1 Rented 40 39 1 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil* Rural Total 2,316 2,178 14 118 6 Owned 2,080 ],957 13 107 3 Rented 236 221 1 11 3

7 Budni Tahsil* Rural Total 2,226 2.073 29 118 6 Owned 1.947 1,810 27 107 3 Rented 279 263 2 lJ 3

"'Entirely rural 132


CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT Division, Number of factories and--A. workshops______by size of employment ~ Major Group Kind of fuel r- and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SEHORE DISTRICT Rural Division 2&3 Total 6.228 4.566 1.652 9 1 Manufacturing I All fuels 136 71 63 2 (a) Electricity 5 3 2 (b) Liquid fuel 131 71 60 .. II No Power 6,092 4,495 1,589 7 1 Urbna Total 2.647 944 1,490 III 62 29 6 5 I All Ceuls 377 69 245 27 17 12 2 5 (a) Electricity 348 62 224 26 17 12 2 5 (b) Liquid fuel 29 7 21 1 .. n No Power 2.270 875 1,245 84 45 17 4 Rural Major Group Total 441 301 140 20 I All fuels 128 68 60 (a) Electricity 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 125 68 57 II No Power 313 233 80 Urban Total 571 153 385 21 8 2 2 1 All fuels 181 43 127 4 6 1 (a) Electricity 157 38 108 4 6 1 (b) Liqued fuel 24 5 19 .. 11 No Power 390 110 258 17 2 1 2 Rural Minor Group Total 134 75 59 200 I All fuels 127 68 59 (a) Electricity 3 3 (bJ Liquid fuel 124 68 56 II No Power 7 7 Urban Total 171 45 120 3 3 I All fuels 168 42 120 3 3 (a) Electricity 145 37 102 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 23 5 --18 II No Power 3 3 Urban Minor Group Total 2 1 1 202 II No Power 2 1 1 Rural MinorG roup Total 1 203 II No Power 1 Urban Total 1 1 II No Power 1 1 133



Division. ',Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r------"------..... and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persous persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DISTRICT-Contd. Rural Minor Group Total 1 1 205 II No Power I 1 Urban Total 32 9 22 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricily 1 1 II No Power 31 9 21 Rural Minor Group Total 1 206 II No Power 1 Urban Total 2 1 II No Power 2 1 Rural Minor Group Total 213 171 42 207 All fuels 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No Power 212 171 41 Urban Total 54 18 32 1 2 1 All fuels 11 1 6 1 2 1 (a) Electricity 10 \ 1 5 1 2 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No Power 43 17 26 Rural

Minor Group Total 91 53 38 209 II No Power 91 53 38 Urban Total 309 78 209 16 3 2 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity I .. 1 II No Power 308 78 209 16 2 1 2 Rural MrejorGroup Total. 1 1 21 II No Power 1 1 Urban Total 14 6 6 .. 2 I All fuels 5 3 1 1 (a) Electricity 4 2 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 Il No Power 9 3 5 1 134



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r------..A.------.. and Minor Group or 1 2-5 6-9 10--19 20-49 50--99 100 of I. S. I. C. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DlSTRICT--Contd. UrbaD Minor Group Total 1 210 II No Power 1 Rural Minor Group Total 1 1 212 II No Power 1 1 Urban Total 1 II No Power 1 Urban Minor Group Total 8 4 4 214 I All fuels 2 1 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 I II No Power 6 3 3 :':' Urban Minor Group Total I 1 215 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity I 1 Urban Minor Group Total 3 2 216 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 1 1 (b) Liquid fuels 1 1 II No Power 1 Rural Major Group Tolal 2 2 22 II No Power 2 2 Urban Total 148 34 53 21 27 12 1 II No Power 141 34 53 21 27 12 1 Rural Minor Group Total 2 2 220 II No Power 2 2 Urban Total 147 34 52 21 27 12 1 II No Power 147 34 52 21 27 12 1 Urban Minor Group Total 1 1 225 II No Power 1 1 Rural Major Group Total 131 99 32 23 I All fuels 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 II No Power 129 97 32 Urban Total 186 4S 105 24 10 1 1 1 AI/fuel 14 2 9 1 1 1 (a) Electricity 13 1 9 1 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No Power 172 43 96 23 10 135


Division, Number of factories and.A. workshops ______by size of employment -. Major Group Kind of fuel r- and minor Group or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 of I. S. I. C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DlSTRICT-Contd. Rural Minor Group Total 16 16 230 I All fuels 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 II No Power 14 14 Urban Total 36 14 21 1 I All fuels 12 2 9 1 (a) Electricity 11 1 9 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 .. n No Power 24 12 12 Urban Minor Group Total 1 I 232 I All fuels I 1 (a) Electricity I 1 Urban Minor Group Total 10 2 7 233 II No Power 10 2 7 Rural Minor Group Total 110 78 32 235 II No Power 110 78 32 Urban Total 137 29 75 23 9 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 .. 1 II No Power 136 29 75 23 9 Rural Minor Group Total 4 4 236 II No Power 4 4 Urban Total II No Power Urban Minor Group Total 237 II No Power Rural Minor Group Total 1 1 239 II No Power 1 1 Rural

Major Group Total 4 <4 24 II NoPowar 4 4 Rural Minor Group Total 4 4 244 II No Power 4 4 136

TABLE E-III CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-Oontd, Division, Number of factories :and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r------.A. ~ and Minor Group or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 of J. S. I. C. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DlSTRICT-Contd. Rural Major Group Total 5 4 1 25 II No Power 5 4 1 Rural Minor Group Total 5 4 1 255 II No Power 5 4 1 Urban MajorGroup Total 1 1 26 II No Power 1 1 Urban

Minor Group Tota) 1 1 266 II No Power 1 i\ Rural Major Group Total 561 444 116 1 27 11 No Power 561 444 116 1 Urban Total 476 251 219 1 3 1 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricit)' 1 1 II No Power 475 250 219 1 3 1 1 Rura) Minor Group Total 4 4 271 II No Power 4 4 Rural

Minor Group Total 7 3 4 272 II No Power 7 3 4 Urban Total 14 7 6 1 II No Power 14 7 6 1 Rural Minor Group Total 541 431 109 1 273 II No Power 541 431 109 1 Urban Total 460 243 213 1 2 1 II No Power 460 243 213 1 2 1 Rural Minor Group Total 7 4 3 274 II No Power 7 4 3 Urban Total 2 1 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 II No Power 1 1 137

TABLE E-III CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-Contd. Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r------:------.A.------, and minor Group or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 of I. S. I. C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DISTRICT-Contd. Rural Minor Group Total 2 2 278 II No Power 2 2 Rural Major Group ToJal 1,692 1,194 493 4 1 28 I All fuels 6 1 3 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 4 1 3 II No Power 1,686 1,193 490 2 1 Urban

nJfai 185 51 112 14 4 4 I All fuels 42 2 27 9 1 3 (a) Electricity 40 2 25 9 1 3 (b) Liqllidfuel 2 2 II No Power 143 49 85 5 3 1 Rural

Minor Group Total 11 7 4 280 I All fuels 4 I 3 (b) Liquid fuels 4 1 3 II No Power 7 6 1 Urban Total 34 3 23 6 2 All fuels 32 2 22 6 2 (a) Electricity 31 2 21 6 2 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No Power 2 1 Rural Minor Group Total 13 8 4 1 281 II No Power 13 8 4 1 Urban Total 80 24 43 7 4 2 I All fuels 7 3 2 1 1 (a)Electricity 7 3 2 1 1 II No Power 73 24 40 5 3 1 Rural Minor Group Total 2 2 282 II No Power 2 2 Urban Total 1 1 I All Cules 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 Rural Minor Group Total 1,165 904 259 2 283 II No Power 1,165 904 259 2 Urban Total 4 4 II No Power 4 4 138



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment ,----______..A. ______"""' Major Group Kind of fuel and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persous persons and above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DlSTRICT-Contd. Rural I Minor Group Total 148 125 21 2 284 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No Power 146 125 21 Urban Total 45 21 23 I All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 II No Power 44 21 23 Rural Minor Group Total 350 145 205 288 II No Power 350 145 205 Urban Total 17 2 15 II No Power 17 2 15 Rural

Minor Group Total 3 3 289 II No Power 3 3 Urban Total 4 3 All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 II No Power' 3 2 Urban Major Group Total 15 4 6 5 29 II No Power 15 4 6 5 Urban Minor Group Total 15 4 6 5 292 II No Power 15 4 6 5 Rural Major Group Total 4 4 30 II No Power 4 4 Urban Total 41 9 16 4 8 3 1 I All fuels 29 4 10 3 8 3 I (a) Electricity 29 4 10 3 8 3 1 11 No Power 12 5 6 1 Urban Minor Group Total 5 2 3 300 All fuels 5 2 3 (a) Electricity 5 2 3 139


Division. ,--______Number of factories and.A. ______workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 5{}-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C power use Total Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 IO SEHORE DISTRICT-Contd.

Rural Minor Group Total 4 4 302 II No Power 4 4 Urban Total 24 5 10 3 5 I All fuels 22 4 9 3 5 (a) Electricity 22 4 9 3 5 II No Power 2 1 1 Urban

Minor Group Total 12 4 6 1 303 I All fuels 2 I 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 1 II No Power 10 4 5 Rural Major Group Total 1,912 1,517 395 31 II No Power 1,912 1,517 395 Urban Total 198 48 147 3 1 All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 11 No Power 196 48 145 3

Rural Minor Group Total 331 260 71 310 II No Power 331 260 71 Urban

Total 27 2 24 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No Power 25 2 22 Rural Minor Group Total 1,527 1,217 310 311 II No Power 1,527 1,217 310 Urban Total 165 43 120 2 II No Power 165 43 120 2 Rural

Minor Group Total 40 27 13 313 II No Power 40 27 13


Total 5 2 3 II No Power 5 2 3 140

TABLE E-Ill CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-Oontd. Number of factories and workshops by size of employment . Division, r-______.A.------. Major Group Kind of fuel 100 and Minor Group or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons of J. S. I. C. Power used and above 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 SEDORE DlSTRICT--Contd.


Minor Group Total 14 13 314 II No Power 14 13 Urban

Total 1 I II No Power 1 1


Major Group Total 13 3 10 32 I All fuels 6 6 (a) Electricity 6 6 II No Power 7 3 4


Minor Group Total 12 3 9 320 I All fuels 6 6 (a) Electricity 6 6 II No Power 6 3 3


Minor Group Total 1 322 II No Power 1


Major Gtoup Total 6 5 I 33 1I No Power 6 5 I Urban

Total 30 10 16 4 I All fuels 3 3 (a) Electricity 3 3 II No Power 27 10 16 1 Urban

Minor Group Total I 1 331 II No Power 1 ) Urban

Minor Group Total 1 332 J All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 Rural

Minor Group Total 6 5 333 II No Power 6 5 Urban

Total 10 3 7 II No Power to 3 7 141



Division. ,-______t'l'umber of factories and workshops---A. ______by size of employment .... Major Group Kind of fuel and Minor Group or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 of I. S. I. C. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DISTRICf --Contd_

Urban Minor Group Total 10 5 5 33' n No Power 10 5 5 Urban Minor Group Total 5 3 336 n No Power 5 3 Urban Minor Group Total 3 2 339 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 .. 2 II No Power 1 1 Rural Major Group Total 679 420 256 3 34&35 II No Power 679 420 256 3 Urban Total 70 25 44 1 If No Power 70 25 44 1 Rural

Minor Group Total 3 2 340 II No Power 3 2 Rural Minor Group Total 3 2 342 II No Power 3 2 Urban Minor Group Total 1 344 II No Power 1 Rural Minor Group Total 673 417 253 3 350 II No Power 673 417 253 3

Urban Tota) 69 25 43 ) II No Power 69 25 43 1

Rural Major Group Total 550 403 147 36 II No Power 550 403 147

Urban Total 196 63 129 4 I All fuels 19 4 14 J (a) Electricity 19 4 14 1 11 No Power 177 59 115 3 142



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel .------"------...... and Minor Group or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 of I.S.I.e. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Parsons and above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DlSTRICT-Contd, Urban Minor Group Total 7 1 6 360 II No Power 7 1 6 Urban

Minor Group Total 7 5 2 362 II No Power 7 5 2 Rural Minor Group Total 364 II No Power Rural

Minor Group Total 11 7 4 365 II No Power 11 7 4 Urban Total 21 9 12 II No Power 21 9 12 Urban

Minor Group Total 72 18 54 367 II No Power 72 18 54 Urban Minor Group Total 22 6 16 368 I All fuels 17 3 14 (a) Electricity 17 3 14 II No Power 5 3 2 Rural Minor Group Total 538 395 143 369 II No Power 538 395 143 Urban Total 67 24 39 4 I All fuels 2 I 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 1 ·11 No Power 65 23 39 3 Urban

Major Group Total 59 17 33 3 2 1 3 37 I All fuels 31 5 18 2 2 1 3 (a) Electricity 31 5 18 2 2 1 3 II No Power 28 12 15 1 Urban Minor Group Total 10 8 2 372 I All fuels 10 8 2 (a) Electricity 10 8 2 Urban Minor Group Total 7 3 4 373 I All fuels 7 3 4 (a) Electricity 7 3 4 ", 143



Division, Nurhber of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ~---~------_,J... ______--. and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Minor Group Total 5 1 1 3 374 I All fuels 5 1 1 3 (a) Electricity 5 1 1 3 Urban

Minor Group Total , 3 2 375 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No Power 1


Minor Group Total 10 3 7 377 I All fuels 4 2 2 (a) Electricity 4 2 2 II No Power 6 1 5 Urban

Minor Group Total 16 7 8 1 378 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 II No Power 15 7 8 Urban

Minor Group Total 8 3 4 379 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 I No Power 6 3 2 Rural Major Group Total 2 2 38 II No Power 2 2

Urban Total 251 116 127 5 2 1 I All fuels 41 5 29 4 2 1 (a) Electriricy 40 5 29 3 2 1 (b) Liquid /tIel 1 1 11 No Power 210 III 98 1


Minor Group Total 3 1 1 1 380 All fuels 3 1 1 1 (a) Electricity 3 1 1 1 Urban

Minor Group Total 84 19 59 4 1 1 384 I All fuels 38 4 29 3 1 1 (a) Electricity 37 4 29 2 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No Power 46 15 30 1 144



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel , ______.A.. ______-.. and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEHORE DISTRICT-Condd.

Rural Minor Group Total 2 2 388 II No Power 2 2

Urban Total 163 96 67 II No Power 163 96 67

Urban Minor Group Tota) 1 389 II No Power 1

Rural Major Group Total 238 170 67 1 39 lJ No Power 238 170 67 1


Total 193 109 81 1 2 1 All fuels 3 2 1 (a) Electricity 3 2 1 II No Power 190 109 79 1 1


Minor Group Total 30 22 8 392 II No Power 30 22 8 Rural

Minor Group Total 208 157 50 393 II No Power 208 157 50


Total 122 63 57 I 1 II No Power 122 63 57 1 1


Minor Group Total 8 8 394 II No Power 8 8 Rural

Minor Group Total 30 13 17 399 II No Power 30 13 17 Urban

Total 33 16 16 1 I All fuels 3 2 1 (a) Electricity 3 2 1 II No Power 30 16 14 145



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,.------"------and MiDor Group or l' 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 of I. S. I. C. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Berasia Tahsil (Rural)

Division 2&3 Total 761 455 30S 1 (Manufacturing) I All fuels 11 5 6 (b) Liquid fuel 11 5 6 II N~ power 750 450 299 1 Minor Groups 200 Total 11 5 6 I All fuels 11 5 6 (b) ',Liquid fuel 11 5 6 12 207 II No power 24 12 2 2 209 II NO power 4 2 12 235 II No power 14 239 II No powev 1 1 273 II No power 46 28 18 281 11 No power 1 1 283 II No power 175 126 49 284 II No power 17 14 3 288 II No power 76 23 53 310 II No power 31 27 4 311 II No power 153 95 58 333 II No power 2 2 342 II No power I 350 II No power 106 60 45 369 II No power 84 49 35 .. ~ 393 II No power 13 6 7 399 II No power 2 1 Berasia Tahsil (Urban)

Division 2& 3 Total 88 7 79 1 1 (Manufacturing) I AU fuels 7 7 (a) Electricity 4 4 (b) Liquid fuel 3 3 I[ No power 81 7 72 1 1 Minor Group 200 Total 5 5 I All fuels 5 5 (a) Electricity 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 207 II No power 9 9 209 II No power 8 8 220 II No power 2 1 1 .. 230 Total I All fuels (a) Electricity 1 237 II No power 1 1 273 II No power ' 19 4 15 146

TABLE E-III CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT -Contd. Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,---______.A. ------, and Minor Group or of J. S. J. C. I 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Berasia Tahsil'(Urban)-Concld. Minor Group 282 Total 1 1 All fuels 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 283 1 1 II No power I I 284 II No power 3 2 288 II No power 4 4 311 II No power 15 15 350 II No power 7 7 367 II No power 1 1 369 11 No power 1 1 388 II No power 2 2 393 II No power 4 4 399 II No power 4 2 2

2 Sehore Tahsil (Rural)

Division 2&3 Total 1,501 (Manufacturing) 1,203 298 I All fuels 20 11 9 (a) Electr! city 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 19 11 8 II No power 1,481 1.192 289 Minor Groups 200 Total 18 10 8 J All fuels 18 10 8 (a) Electricity 1 .. J (b) Liquid fuel 17 10 7 207 Total 50 41 9 I All fuels 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 .. 1 1I No power 49 41 8 209 II No power 220 26 14 12 II No power 1 .. 1 230 II No power 235 5 5 II No power 56 53 3 244 II No power 273 4 4 II No power 131 110 21 278 II No power 1 1 280 Total 2 2 I All fuels 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No power 1 I 281 II No power 1 1 .. 283 II No power 266 223 43 284 II No power 38 35 3 288 II No power 109 53 56 310 II No power 98 93 5 311 II No power 328 286 42 313 11 No power I 1 314 II No power 11 10 333 II No power 2 342 II No power 2 2 350 II No power 170 120 50 369 II No power 120 97 23 393 II No power 50 41 9 399 II No power 11 2 9 147


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,.-______A ______-. and Minor or 2·5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of l.s.I.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persous persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Schore Tahsil (Urban)-Concld.

Division 2&3 Total 592 226 322 29 12 3 ( Manufacturing) I All fuels 15 3 12 (a) Electricity 4 1 3 (b) Liquid fuel 11 2 9 II No power 577 223 310 29 12 3 Minor Groups 200 Total 13 2 11 1 All fuels 13 2 11 (a) Electricity 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 10 2 8 205 II No power 2 2 207 Total 13 7 6 I All fuels 1 I (b) Liquid fuel 1 .. 1 II No power 12 7 5 209 II No power 65 17 47 214 II No power 2 2 220 II No power 32 15 9 2 3 3 230 II No power 8 5 3 233 II No power 3 3 235 II No power 110 IS 64 22 9 272 II No power 2 2 273 11 No power 106 67 39 280 II No power 1 I 281 II No power 13 5 7 284 II No power 12 3 9 288 II No power 10 9 289 II No power I 302 Total 1 1 I All fuels I 1 (a) Electricity I 1 310 II No power 25 2 22 1 311 II No power 49 10 37 2 313 11 No power 1 1 336 II No power 2 1 1 350 II No power 14 11 3 362 n No power 2 1 1 365 II No power 17 7 10 367 II No pOwer 2 368 II No power 3 2 1 369 II No power 22 12 10 378 II No power 1 388 II No power 20 12 8 392 II No power 3 1 2 ~93 II No power 28 16 12 399 II No power 9 8 14'S


Division. \ Major Group Number of factories and workshops by size of employmeat Kind of fuel r------'------and Minor or Group of I.S.I.e 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50--99 100 power use Total Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 3 Huzur Tahsil (Rural) Division 2&3 Total 467 343 123 1 I All fuels 15 8 7 (a) Electricity 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 14 8 6 II No power 452 Minor Groups 335 116 1 200 Total 15 8 7 I All fuels 15 8 7 (a) Electricity 1 (b) Liquid fuel 14 8 6 207 II No power 17 12 5 209 II No power 7 4 3 220 II No power 1 230 II No power 4 4 255 II No power 4 4 272 II No power 5 ] 4 273 II No power 50 43 7 283 II No power 92 69 23 284 II No power 20 14 6 288 II No power 42 21 21 310 II No power 13 12 1 311 II No power 30 26 4 313 II No power 1 1 350 II No power 58 40 17 .. 365 II No power 1 1 369 II No power 90 68 22 393 II No power 16 15 399 II No power

3 Huzur Tahsil (Urban) Division :z&3 Total 1,696 589 948 76 48 24 6 5 I All fuels 341 62 216 27 17 12 2 5 (a) Electricity 335 60 213 26 17 12 2 5 (b) Liquid fuel 6 2 3 1 II No power 1,355 527 732 49 31 12 4 Minor Groups 200 Total 142 41 95 3 3 I All fuels 139 38 95 3 3 (a) Electricity 134 36 92 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 5 2 3 11 No power 3 3 202 II No power 2 203 II No power 1 1 20S Total 30 9 20 .. J All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 .. 1 .. II No power 29 9 19 1 149



Division, Numb.er of factories and..A.. workshops ______by size of employment ..;.., Major Group Kind of fuel r----'!- and Minor Group or 1 , 2-5 6-9 10--19 20--49 50-91? 100 of I.S.I.C. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Person~ Persons and above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fa 3,Huzur Tabsil (Urban)-Conhl. Minor Group 206 II No power 2 1 1 207 Total 23 10 9 2 I All fuels 10 5 2 (a) Electricity 10 1 5 2 II No power 13 9 4 209 Total 208 59 132 11 3 2 I All fuels 1 (a) Electricity I 1 II No power 207 59 132 II 2 2 210 II No power I 212 II No power 214 Total 6 4 2 I All fuels 2 (a) Electricity 2 1 II No power 4 3 215 Total 1 AU fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 216 Total 2 J All fuels I (a) Electricity I II No power 1 220 II No power 110 19 43 18 22 7 225 II No power 1 1 230 Total 15 5 9 I All fuels 10 1 8 (a) Electricity 10 1 8 II No power 5 4 232 Total 1 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 233 II No power 6 4 235 Total 2 1 All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 II No power 1 266 II No power 1 1 272 II No power 12 5 6 1 273 II No power 285 142 139 2 1 274 Total 2 1 1 I All fuels 1 (a) Electricity II No power 1 150


CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-Oontd. Division. Major Group Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Kind of fuel r------____A_~ _____-- .. --____ ~_--. and Minor or Group of l.s.I.e. I 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to

3 Huzur Tahsil (~rban)-Contd. Minor Group 280 Total 32 3 21 6 2 1 All fuels 31 2 21 6 2 (a) Electricity 31 2 21 6 2 II No power 281 Total 66 18 36 6 4 2 I All fuels 7 3 2 (a) Electricity 7 3 2 I II No power 59 18 33 4 3 283 II No power I I 284 Total 26 13 12 I All fuels (a) Electricity II No power 25 13 12 288 II No power 1 1 289 Total 3 2 J All fuels (a) Electricity 1 II No Power 2 292 II No power 14 3 6 5 300 Total 5 2 3 I All fuels 5 2 3 (a) Electricity 5 2 3 302 Total 23 4 JO 3 5 1 All fuels 21 3 9 (a) Electricity 3 5 I 21 3 9 3 5 I II No power 2 1 1 303 Total 12 4 6 I All fuels 2 1 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 1 II No power 10 4 5 310 Total 2 2 1 All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 311 II No power 70 17 53 313 II No power 4 3 314 II No power 320 Total 12 3 9 1 All fuels 6 6 (a) Electricity 6 6 II No power 6 3 3 322 II No power 331 11 No power 151



Division, N:umber of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r- --"-----~------. and Minor or 1 2·5 6·9 10·19 20·49 50·99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 Huzur Tahsil (Urban)-Contd. Minor Group 332 Total 1 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity I 1 333 II No power 3 2 I 335 II No power 9 4 5 336 II No power 3 2 1 339 Total 3 2 I A~l fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No power I 344 II No power I 1 350 II No power 29 3 2S 360 II No power 7 I 6 362 II No power 5 4 365 II No power 2 1 1 367 II No power 68 17 51 368 Total 19 4 15 I All fuels 17 3 14 (a) Electricity 17 3 14 II No power 2 1 1 369 Total 37 10 24 3 I All fuels 2 1 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 .. 1 II No power 35 9 24 2 372 Total 10 8 2 All fuels 10 Ii 2 (a) Electricity 10 8 2) Total 7 3 4 373 I All fuels 7 3 4 (a) Electricity 7 3 4 374 fotal 5 3 I All fuels 5 1 1 3 (a) Electricity S 1 1 3 375 Total 3 1 2 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No power 1 1 377 Total 10 3 7 I All fuels 4 2 2 (a) Electricity 4 2 2 II No power 6 1 5 378 Total 15 6 8 I All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 II No power 14 6 8 152

TABLE E-III CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-Oontd. Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r------..A.------.------~--- ...... and minor Group or I 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 of I. S. I. C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons PersoDB and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 Huzur Tahsil (Urban)-Coneld. Minor Group 379 Total 8 3 4 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No power 6 3 2 380 Total 3 1 I All fuels. 3 I (a) Electricity 3 I 384 Total 84 19 59 4 I All fuels 38 4 29 3 1 Ca) Electricity 37 4 29 2 1 (b) Liquid fuel I .. 1 II No power 46 15 30 I 388 II No power 131 80 51 389 II No power I 392 11 No power 26 20 6 393 II No power 54 26 26 394 II No power 6 6 399 Total 18 6 II I All fuels 3 2 (a) Electricity 3 .. 2 II No power 15 6 9

Bhopal City (Municipality)

Division 2&3 Total 1,536 527 871 69 44 20 4 1 I All fuels 316 61 204 24 15 10 1 1 (8) Electricity 313 59 204 23 15 10 I 1 (b) Liquid fuel 3 2 1 II No power 1,220 466 667 4S 29 10 3 200 Total 130 40 85 2 3 I All fuels 127 37 8S 2 3 (a) Electricity 125 35 85 2 3 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 II No power 3 3 202 II No power 2 203 II No power 205 Total 27 7 19 All fuels 1 I (a) Electricity 1 1 II No power 26 7 18 206 II No power I 1 207 Total 21 10 8 2 I All fuels 8 I 4 2 (a) Electricity 8 1 4 2 II No power 13 9 4 209 Total 179 54 111 9 2 2 I All fuels 1 I (a) Electricity I .. J II No power 178 54 III 9 1 2 153


Division, Number, of factories and workshopsA ______by size of employment ~ Major Group Kind of fuel ,- and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of J.S.I.C. power used Total Person, Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bhopal City {Municipality)-Contd. Minor Gronp 210 II No power 212 II No power I 214 Total 5 3 2 I All fuels 2 1 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 I II No power 3 2 I 215 Total 1 All fuels 1 fa) EJectricily 1 216 Total 2 All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 .. II No power 1 I 220 II No power 95 15 36 17 21 5 225 II No power 230 Total 15 5 9 I All fuels 10 1 8 (a) Electricity 10 1 8 II No power 5 4 I 233 II No power 5 4 234 Total 1 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 235 II No power 1 266 II No power 1 1 272 II No power 12 5 6 1 273 II No power 260 129 128 2 274 Total 2 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 II No power 1 280 Total 31 3 21 5 2 I All fuels 30 2 21 5 2 (a) Electricity 30 2 21 5 2 II No power 1 1 281 Total 62 16 34 6 4 2 All fuels 7 3 2 1 1 (a) Electricity 7 .. 3 2 1 1 II No power 55 16 31 4 3 1 283 II No power 1 1 284 Total 20 9 10 1 All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 II No power 19 9 10 288 II No power 1 1 289 Total 1 1 All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 292 II No power 14 3 6 5 302 Total 26 4 10 3 6 3 All fuels 24 3 9 3 6 3 (a) Electricity 24 3 9 3 6 3 TI No power 2 1 1 303 Total 10 2 6 1 1 I All fuels 2 1 1 (al Electricity 2 1 1 II No power 8 2 5 154


Division. Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r------~------._---- and Minor or 1 2-5 6--9 10--19 20-49 50--99 100 Group of J.S.T.e power use Tota) Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 Bhopal city (Munic:ipality)-Contd. Minor Groups 310 Total 2 2 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 311 II No power 69 16 53 314 II No power 1 1 320 Total 12 3 9 All fuels 6 6 (a) Electricity 6 6 II No power - 6 3 3 322 II No power 331 II No power 332 Total All fules (a) Electricity 1 333 II No power 3 2 335 II No Power 9 4 5 336 II No power 2 2 339 Total 3 2 I All fuels 2 2

(a) Electricity 2 I •• 2 II No power 1 344 II No power 1 1 350 II No power 29 3 25 360 II No power 7 I 6 362 II No power 5 4 365 II No power 2 1 367 II No power 63 13 50 368 Total 18 4 14 I All fuels 16 3 13 (a) Electricity 16 3 13 II No power 2 1 369 Total 33 7 23 3 I All fuels 2 1 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 1 II No power 31 6 23 2 372 Total 10 8 2 I All fuels 10 8 2 (a) Electricity 10 8 2 373 Total 7 3 4 I All fuels 7 3 4 (a) Electricity 7 3 4 375 Total 3 2 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 l II No power 1 155

TABLE E-III CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY POWER ANn NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-Oontd. Division, Numbj!r of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r------,------"------, and minor Group or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 2Q-49 50-99 100 of 1. S. I. C. power used Total Person'· Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bh~pal city (Municipality)-Concld.

Minor Groups 377 Total 10 3 7 I All fuels 4 2 2 '(a) Electricity 4 2 2 II No power ,6 5 378 Total 14 5 8 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 II No power 13 5 8 379 Total 8 3 4 All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No power 6 3 2 380 Total 3 I All fuels 3 (a) Electricity 3 384 Total 84 19 59 4 All fuels 38 4 29 3 (a) Electricity 37 4 29 2 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No power 46 15 30 1 388 II No power 116 72 44 31\9 II No power 1 I 392 II No power 26 20 6 393 II No power 39 19 18 394 II No power 6 6 399 Total 17 6 II All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No power 15 6 9 4 Asbta Tabsil (Rural) Division 2 & 3 Total 1,398 1,037 358 3 I AU fuels 29 11 18 (b) Liquid fuel 29 11 18 II No power 1,369 1,026 340 3 Minor Groups Total 27 11 16 200 All fules 25 9 16 (b) Liquid fuel 25 9 16 II No power 2 2 205 II No power 207 II No power 68 60 8 209 II No pOwer 12 9 3 156

TABLE E---III CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY~ POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-Oontd. Division, ~ ______Number of factories and _Aworkshops ______by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel and Minor or 2·5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persous persons and above 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 Asht. Tahsil (Rural)-Concld. Minor Group 230 Total 2 2 I All fules 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 235 II No power 34 20 14 273 II No power 123 93 30 280 Total 2 2 I All fuels 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 281 II No power 5 3 2 282 II No power 2 2 283 II No power 271 209 61 284 II No power 29 23 6 288 II No power 19 4 15 302 II No power 4 4 311 II No power 438 345 93 313 II No power 10 9 314 II No power 3 3 333 II No power 2 2 340 II No power 3 2 I 350 II No power 187 120 66 364 II No power 1 1 365 II No power 7 3 4 369 II No power 86 70 16 388 II No power 1 1 393 II No power 54 37 16 399 I' 'No power 7 5 2 4 Ashta Tahsil (Urban) Dhision 2&3 Total 186 78 105 3 I All fuels 10 2 8 (a) Ele ctri city 4 4 (b) Liquid fuels 6 2 4 Mihor Groups II No power 176 76 97 3 200 Total 7 7 I All fuels 7 7 (a) Electricity 4 4 (b) Liquid fuels l 3 '}Jj7 II No power 8 8 , 209 II No power 22 1 18 3 216 Total 1 I All fuels (b) Liquid fuel 1 157


Division, ~ ______Number of factories and A workshops ______by size of employment ~ , Major Group Kind of fuel and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of I.S.I.C. Power used Total: Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Person& and above 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 Asht. Tahsil (Urban)-Concld.

Minor Groups 230 Total 7 4 3 I All fuels I (b) Liquid fuel 1 II No power 6 3 3 235 II' No power 24 13 11 236 II No power 1 1 273 II No power 34 19 15 280 Total I All fuels (b) Liquid fuel 1 283 II Nopower 2 2 284 II Nopower 288 II No power 1 292 II No power 1 3It II No power 31 16 15 333 II No power I 335 II No power 1 350 II Nopower 5 5 369 II No power 3 2 1 388 II No power 6 5 392 II No power 1 1 393 II No power 27 15 12 394 II No power J 1 5 Icbbawar Tahsil (Rural) Division 2&3 Total 707 439 267 1 I All fuels 9 3 6 (a) Electricity 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 8 3 5 II No power 698 436 261 1 Minor Groups Total 8 3 5 200 All fuels 8 3 5 (a) Electricity 1 (b) Liquid fuel 7 3 4 207 II No power 31 25 6 209 II No power 1 1 230 II No power 1 1 271 II No power 4 4 272 II No power 2 2 273 II No power 65 52 13 280 Total 5 4 I All fuels 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 II No power 4 4 158



Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel e------.A.------...... and Minor Group or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 of I.S.I.C. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons PersoD~ Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l!l 5 Ichbawllr Tabsil (Rural)-9oncJd. Minor Groups 281 II No power 2 2 283 II No power 118 85 32 288 II No power 27 7 20 289 II No power 1 1 310 II No power 188 127 61 311 II No power J06 45 61 350 II No Power 95 43 52 369 II No Power 32 19 13 393 If No Power 20 17 3 399 II No Power I 1 5 Ichhawllr Tabsil (Urban) Division 2&3 Total 85 44 36 3 1 1 All fuels 4 2 2 (a) Electricity 1 1 (b) Liquid Fuel 3 1 2 11 No Power 81 42 34 3 1 1 Minor Groups Total 4 2 2 200 All fuels 4 2 2 (a) Electrpcity 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 3 1 2 207 II No Power 1 1 209 II No Power 6 1 4 220 II No Power 3 230 II No Power 5 5 233 II No Power I 1 235 II No Power 1 1 273 II No Power 16 11 5 281 II No Power 1 1 284 II No Power 3 3 288 II No Power I I 333 II No Power 6 6 350 II No Power 14 11 3 365 II No Power 2 I 1 367 II No Power 1 1 369 II No Power 4 3 388 II No Power 4 3 1 393 II No Power 9 6 3 394 II No Power I I 399 II No Power 2 2 6 Nasrullag&nj Tahsil (Rural) Division 1.&3 Total 719 593 124 1 1 I All fuels 24 18 6 (b) Liquid fuel 24 18 6 n No Power 695 575 118 1 1 Minor Groups Total 28 22 6 200 All fuels 24 18 6 (b) Liquid fuel 24 18 6 II No Power 4 4 207 II No Power 17 16 1 209 II No Power 17 6 11 230 II No Power 4 4 233 II No Power 4 1 3 236 II No Power 4 4 273 II No Power 75 64 10 274 II No Power 7 4 3 281 II No Power 1 283 II No Power 138 117 21 284 II No po"Vcr 19 18 1 288 II No power 27 16 11 310 II No power 1 1 159



Division, Number of factories and workshops__--A- ______by size of employment ,

Major Group Kind of fuel ,--~ and Minor Group or '1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 cf I. S. J. C. Power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO

5 Nasrullaganj Tahsil (Rural)-Concld. Minor Groups 311 II No power 219 211 8 313 II No power 28 16 ]2 350 II No power 30 19 11 365 n No power 3 3 369 II No power 60 44 16 388 II No power 1 1 393 1I No power 29 24 5 399 II No power 7 3 4 7 Budoi Tahsil (Rural)

Division 2&3 Total 675 496 177 2 I All fuels 28 15 11 2 (a) Electricity 2 .. 2 (b) Liquid fuel 26 15 11 U No power 647 481 166 Minor Groups Total 27 16 11 2eo All fuels 26 15 1\ (b) Liquid Cuel 26 15 II 1I No power 1 1 203 II No Power 1 I 206 II No Power 1 1 207 II No Power 6 5 1 209 II No Power 24 ]7 7 212 II No Power 1 1 235 II No Power 2 2 255 II No Power 1 1 273 II No Power 51 41 10 278 II No Power 1 1 280 II No Power 2 1 1 281 II No Power 3 1 2 283 If No Power 105 75 30 284 Total 25 21 2 2 I All fuels 2 2 (a) Electricity 2 2 II No Power 23 21 2 288 II No Power 50 21 29 289 II No Power 2 2 311 II No Power 253 209 44 350 II No Power 27 15 12 369 II No Power 66 48 18 393 II No Powtr 26 17 9 399 II No Power 1 1 160 TABLE DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS LIVING IN CENSUS HOUSES USED AND PREDOMINANT


Predominant material of wall ~------~------~ Grass, leaves C.r. sheets All Total Total No. reeds or other other Rural of or Un burnt Burnt metal Cement mate- District/Tahsil Urban households bamboo Timber Mud bricks bricks sheets Stone concrete rial

2 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 11 12

SEHORE DISTRICT T 30,789 2,t66 1,567 16,029 1,371 6,727 77 2,399 302 151 R 20,229 1.821 1,308 14,788 922 839 19 493 7 32 U 10,560 34S 259 1,241 449 5,888 58 1,906 295 119

1 Berasia Tahsil T 3,375 161 89 2,904 128 64 1 26 2 R 3,115 157 87 2,767 41 35 .. 26 2 U 260 4 2 137 87 29 1

2 Sehore Tahsil T 5,131 209 33 3,621 623 525 4 91 I 24 R 4,013 197 16 3,293 300 92 2 89 .. 24 U 1,1lS 12 17 328 323 433 2 2 I

3 Huzur Tahsil T lJ,463 463 295 2,643 104 5,241 72 2,226 300 119 R 2,815 135 55 2,123 97 60 17 322 6 .. U 8,648 328 240 520 7 5,181 55 1,904 294 119

Bhopal City (Municipality) 7,360 163 197 515 4,216 52 1,890 209 118

4 Ashta Tahsil T 4,470 53 45 3,862 26 480 4 R 4,140 53 45 3,744 26 268 4 U 330 118 212

5 Ichhawar Tahsil T 1,808 57· 209 1,358 70 97 16 1 R 1,604 56 209 1,220 38 64 16 1 U 204 I 138 32 33

6 Nasrullagang Tahsil'" R 2,316 796 734 384 267 131 1 3

7 Budni Tahsil'" R 2,226 427 162 1,257 153 189 35 1 2

Note:- "'Entirely rural. 161




Predominant material of roof r------..)I...------~

Grass, leaves, Tiles, Corrugated iron Asbestos Concrete Total reeds, thatch, slate, zinc, or other cement Brick and All other Rural District} wood or bamboo shingle metal sheets sheets and lime stone material Urban Tahsil

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

2,650 23,780 1,868 1,042 542 799 108 T SEHORE 1,967 17,828 308 87 3 12 24 R DISTRICT 683 5,952 1,560 955 539 787 84 U

175 3,153 29 3 3 1 11 T Berasia Tahsil 163 2,932 7 3 10 R 12 221 22 3 I U

475 4,305 305 22 7 9 8 T 2 Sehore Tahsil 427 3,514 54 11 2 5 R 48 791 251 11 7 7 3 U

777 7,085 1,252 951 532 784 82 T 3 Huzur Tahsil 179 2,537 81 10 .. 6 2 R 598 4,548 1,171 941 532 778 80 U

435 3,953 1,063 740 448 643 78 Bhopal City (Municipality)

178 4,154 137 1 T 4 Ashta Tahsil 170 3,916 53 1 R 8 238 84 U

291 1,444 70 1 2 T 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 274 1,290 38 1 1 R 17 154 32 1 U

570 1,688 53 5 R 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil

184 1,951 21 59 3 7 R 7 Budni Tahsil 162



Households Households with no regular rOom with one room Total ,.---__..A- ____-, ,-____ .A.. ____--. Rural Total-number Total no.of Total number Number of Number of Number of Number of District/Tahsi) Urban of households members . of rooms households members households members ,.-- --"----, ,.----"---, ,-__.A.-_-, M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 11 12

SEHORE DISTRICT T 30,789 76,632 67,778 47,557 149 260 231 19,758 43,651 38,601 R 20,229 48,780 44,810 29,021 123 231 204 13,883 30,527 27,920 U 10,560 27,852 22,968 18,536 26 29 27 5,875 13,124 10,681

Berasia Tahsil T 3,375 8,276 7,467 5,367 8 9 J3 2,117 4,635 4,132 R 3,B5 7,624 6,891 4,848 8 9 13 1,977 4,341 3,884 U 260 652 576 514 140 294 248

2 Sehore Tahsil T 5,131 12,806 11,568 8,410 72 141 J30 2,984 6,517 5,888 R 4,013 9,736 8,952 5,946 72 141 130 2,557 5,584 5,171 U l,llS 3,070 2,616 2,464 427 933 717

3 Huzur Tahsil T 11,463 29,631 24,553 18,716 47 81 66 6,841 15,302 12,630 R 2,815 6,908 6,102 4,264 21 52 39 1,791 3,983 3,454 U 8,648 22,723 18,451 14,452 26 29 27 5,050 I1,319 9,176

BhoPal City (Municipality) 7,360 19,262 16,188 12,243 19 24 22 4,449 9,953 8,143

4 Ashta Tahsil T 4,470 10,714 10,295 6,452 1 2 2 3,160 6,918 6,590 R 4,140 9,825 9,459 5,737 1 2 2 3,004 6,569 6,245 U 330 889 836 715 156 349 345

5 Ichhawar Tahsil T 1,808 4,597 4,236 2,759 9 4 3 1,160 2,695 2,457 R 16,04 4,079 3,747 2,368 9 4 3 1,058 2,466 2,262 U 204 518 489 391 102 229 195

6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil* R 2,316 5,406 5,028 2,955 12 23 17 1,778 .3,888 3,624

7 Budni Tahsil* R 2,226 5,202 4,631 2,903 1,718 3,696 3,280 \



Households Households Households Households with two rooms with three rooms with four rooms with five rooms or more ,-----__,.__---~ ,----A----~r_---~~--~ ,.------"------""""' Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of No. of No. of Number of Total households mem'bers households members households members households rooms members Rural r----"--, ,.--_.A.__ ~ ,.-----"'---....., , _ _.A. __-, Urbdn M F 1\:1 F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2

7,671 21,105 18.514 1,879 6.088 5,571 745 2,686 2,480 587 3,840 2.842 2.381 T SEHORE 4.517 12,309 11,317 1,120 3,499 3,298 374, 1,286 1,221 212 1,248 928 850 R DISTRICT 3.154 8,796 7.197, ' 759 2.589 2,273 371 1,400 1,259 375 2,592 1,914 1,53\ U 795 2,132 1,932 266 823 724 118 400 387 71 385 277 279 T 1 Berasia Tahsil 737 1,976 1,793 241 742 654 95 330 320 57 294 226 227 R 58 156 139 25 81 70 23 70 67 14 91 51 52 U I 1.410 3,817 3,429 364 1,163 1,070 170 618 555 III 834 550 496 T 2 Sehore Tahsil 1,011 2,730 2,485 234 762 688 91 307 273 48 301 212 205 R 399 1,087 944 130 401 ~82 79 311 282 83 533 338 291 U 3,259 9,079 7.442 750 2,564 2,279 297 1,120 1,000 269 1.919 1,485 1,136 T 3 Huzur Tahsil 717 1,936 1.707 196 588 578 SS 202 198 ·35 231 147 126 R 2.542 7,143 5,735 554 1,976 1,701 242 918 802 234 1,688 1,338 1,010 U 968 5,520 4,750 506 1,829 1,574 204 812 737 214 1,524 1,124 962 Bhopal City (Municipality)

925 2,520 2,465 237 722 700 83 272 270 64 399 280 268 T 4 Ashta Tahsil 833 2,282 2,243 205 635 628 68 20ll 203 29 180 129 133 R 92 238 222 32 87 72 15 64 62 35 219 151 135 U 447 1,248 1,/48 12/ 400 366 43 153 155 28 170 97 107 T 5 Ichhawar 384 1,076 991 ]03 356 318 31 1I6 109 19 109 61 64 R Tahsil 63 172 157 18 44 48 12 37 46 9 61 36 43 U 430 1,/77 1,/06 76 230 219 13 42 42 7 37 46 20 R 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil* 405 1,132 992 65 186 213 21 81 71 17 96 107 75 R 7 Budni Tahsil* SCT-SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES . AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 165


1 Barasia 2 Sehore 3 Huzur 4 Ashta 5 Ichhawar 6 Nasrulla- 7 Budni Name of Scheduled Tahsil Tahsil Tahsil Thasil Tahsil ganj Tasil Tahsil ,....--"--~ ,--...... -~ r--.A._-, r----"----, ,--"---, ,--...... ----, r--_.A._--, Caste M F M F M F M F M F M F MF

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 IS SEHORE DISTRICT All Scheduled Castes 8,836 8,330 9,692 9,197 7,862 6,310 14,094 13,275 3,891 4,246 4,256 4,OJ5 3,563 3,213

1 Balahi 690 679 2,320 2,261 851 693, 10,127 9,275 2,106 2,292 1,576 1,3S7 327 316 2 Bansphor or Basor 343 354 292 298 327 259 38 27 83 70 73 67 226 173 3 Bedia 85 169 66 49 118 98 38 56 52 56 4 Beldar 2 6 5 21 30 13 9 2 5 Chamar, Jatav or Mochi 5,300 5,001 5,687 5,384 4,967 3,998 3,442 3,462 1,531 1,675 2,160 2,012 2,187 2,003 6 Chitar 24 19 2 7 Dhanuk 6 9 1 8 17 10 3 3 5 14 8 Dhobi 389 381 432 377 461 360 III 96 52 52 194 169 284 244 9 Kanjar 54 52 10 Khatik 106 44 33 20 13 11 2 11 Koli or Katia 714 646 263 249 104 79 45 50 3 20 43 41 35 12 Mehar 623 509 54 22 283 210 42 41 321 290 J3 Mang 4 2 2 14 Mehtar or Bhangi 153 187 198 262 152 126 269 276 62 84 178 167 159 137 15 Pasi 10 11 11 16 Silawat 373 295 320 248 550 456 2 2


Name of Scheduled Tribe 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

All Scheduled Tribes 676 733 979 1,065 735 629 879 814 2,351 2,547 5,926 5,687 2,896 3,251

1 Bhil 25 36 201 201 113 99 101 96 114 133 35 45 16 8 2 Bhilala 92 95 25 3 385 392 547 492 1,461 1,253 118 113 3 Gond or Daroi 89 81 139 144 329 284 56 34 297 371 3,317 3,334 1,756 2,040 4 Karku 215 257 20 6 255 203 1,311 1,462 643 592 153 169 5 Keer 8 11 3 18 24 1 2 468 460 844 917 6 Kol 133 7 Mogia 125 138 22 29 8 13 31 30 39 41 8 Pardhi 6 17 94 101 50 66 33 34 38 43 2 3 7 3 9 Saharia Sosia or Sor 431 461 208 227 187 157 1 1 166

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M ... v 00 IC (' co 0\ 0_ M ... v on IC t- co .... ,..... ""'"' ,..... ,...... ,...... 170 TABLE PART B-INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONS AT WORK


SEHORE DISTRICT All Scbeduled Tribes 29,168 14,442 14,726 9,159 7,313 4,710 3,588 3,434 3,257 481 57 87 55 1 Bhil 1,223 605 618 420 316 129 104 195 168 23 1 6 2 BhiIala 4,976 2,628 2,348 1,640 1,214 1,329 968 228 235 57 2 1 3 Gond or Daroi 12,271 5,983 6,288 3,763 3,161 1,823 1,257 1,557 1,681 153 41 46 41 4 Karku 5,286 2,597 2,689 1,759 1,378 856 724 634 562 127 6 2S S 5 Keer 2,757 1,342 1,415 797 609 429 406 266 179 65 5 3 6 Kol 8 4 4 4 2 I 2 1 7 Mogia 476 215 251 127 109 45 56 79 51 2 .. 8 Pardhi 497 230 267 140 81 30 20 61 52 42 2 4 6 9 SahaTia, Sosia or Sor 1,674 828 846 509 443 68 53 412 328 12 2



WORKERS r------1 II III IV In Mining, Quarrying Livestock, Forestry, Fishing. Hunting & Plantations, At As Orchards & House· Total Workers As Agricultural allied hold Name of Scheduled Tribe Total (l-lX) Cultivator Labour.!f activities Industry ,..-__.A. __...... --_A._-, .-----"-----.. r--...... -- ...... ,---"---, r---~A~ P M F M F M F M F M F M F I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

SEI-JORE DISTRICT An Scbeduled Tribes 1,180 669 511 433 217 15 15 11 8 19 4 21 12. J Bhil 304 182 122 129 73 .. 5 3 2 Bhilaia 2 1 1 1 I 1 o. .. o • 3 Gond or Daroi 484 274 210 179 52 12 2 6 7 11 1 4 Karku 7 3 4 2 I 2 1 5 Keer 6 Kol 3 2 1 2 1 ...... 7 Mogia 51 31 20 25 13 1 22 12 8 Pardhi 153 83 70 40 36 13 11 4 2 9 Saharia, Sosia or S Jr 29 13 16 J1 9 10 UnclassifitabJe 147 80 67 44 30 171



______W 0 R K E R S -. ,-NON·WORKERS___.A. ____ ....., V VI VII VlII X X

In Manufacturing In other than In Transport, household In Trade and Storage and In Industry Construction ,-Commerce__.A.. __ ....., CommunicatioIls Other Services S. No. ,.._ _.A.. __~ r--.A.--...... ,_..,...A..~., ,----"-----, r----A.-, M F M' F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 ]8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

(RURAL) 7 2 45 15 2 1 51 342 338 5,283 7,413 All S. T. 6 22 15 5 34 27 ]85 302 I .. 2 23 9 988 1,134 2 J 13 33 136 140 2.220 3,127 3 2 " 8 107 78 838 1.311 4 1 2 31 19 545 806 5 I I .. 2 6 1 2 98 142 7 2 t " 90 186 8 6 9 62 319 403 9



______W-.A.. 0 R ______K E R S , r----.A..-NON-WORKERS__ ., V VI VII VII IX :x

In Manufacturing In other than In Transport household In Trade and Storage and In Industry Construction Commerce Communications Other Services S. No. ,-_-.A..__ -, , __.A.. __-, ,--_ __A.. __--.. ,-__.A. __ .. ,----"--, ,.---"---. M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


61 30 109 76 8 1 18 160 71 236 294 All S. T. 5 7 53 38 5 60 24 S3 49 1 .. .. " 1 2 22 2 40 26 7 12 69 14 95 158 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 ., S 2 1 6 2 1 6 7 7 2 19 25 43 34 8 11 9 .. ., 2 7 9 34 21 1 2 8 6 36 37 10 172

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SEHORE DISTRICT Educational levels ~------~------~ Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Name of Scheduled Total Illiterate educational level) Junior Basic and above ~ __..A.. __~ Caste and r---.A.--~ ~----"----~ ~----"---, -~ r---_j._---~ Scheduled, Tribe Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 . I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (i) Scheduled Castes

All Sebeduled Castes 52,194 48,666 48,751 48,583 2,660 73 766 10 17 I Balahi 17,997 17,103 16,685 17,088 990 13 317 2 5 2 Bansphor or Basor 1,382 ],248 ],28] ],238 79 10 22 3 Bedia 359 429 329 426 22 3 8 4 Beldar 44 44 42 44 2

5 Chamar, Jatav or 2~,274 23,535 24,007 23,510 ],0]5 23 245 2 7 Mochi 6 Chitar 25 21 23 2] 2

7 Dhanuk 32 44 30 44 1 1 / 8 Dhobi 1,923 1,679 1,679 1,672 178 5 64 2 2 9 Kanjar 54 52 54 52 10 Khatik 154 75 135 71 ]7 4 2 11 Koli or Katia ],187 ],105 ],055 ],101 97 4 3S 12 Mang 3 7 3 7 13 Mehar 1,323 1,072 1,200 1,066 102 4 21 2 14 Mchtar or Bhangi ] ,171 1,239 ],050 ],231 86 6 32 2 3 ]5 Pas! 21 ]2 ]5 12 5 16 Silawat 1,245 ],001 1,]63 1,000 64 18 (ii) Scheduled Tribes All Scheduled Tribes 14,442 14,726 13,812 14,653 514 72 11S 1 1 1 Bhil 605 618 571 615 30 3 3 2 Bhilala 2,628 2,348 2,598 2,345 29 3 1 3 Gond or D aroi 5,983 6,288 5,613 6,243 309 45 61 4 Karku 2,597 2,689 2,542 2,687 47 2 8 5 Keer 1,342 1,415 1.223 1,395 78 19 41 6 Kol 4 4 4 4 7 Mogia 225 251 222 251 3 8 Pardhi 230 267 228 267 2 9 Saharia, Sosia or 828 846 811 846 16 Sor TABLE SOT-IV PART A-RELIGION FOR SCHEDULED CASTES Note-All the Scheduled Castes profess Hindu Religion 179

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TABLE 80-1 PERSO,NS NOT AT WORK CLASSIFIED BY SEX, TYPE OF ACTIVITY ANI> EJ>.UCAl'IONAL LEVElS, FOR SCHEDULED CASTES Persons seeking Persons employed emptoyment before but now out Total Non-working Full time for the first of employment and Educational Levels population students time seeking work Oth~rs ,-______.A. ____-, r---"'-.~ ,-__.A. __.-. ,-____.A. ___-, ,-__ .A. __--. P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 ., SEHORE DISTRICT TOTAL Total SO.181 21.871 28,310 _ 2,541 181 59 1 45 13 19.226 28,11' Illiterate 47,789 19,745 28.044 569 43 30 1 27 13 19,119 27,987 Literate (without educational 1,674 1,445 229 1,313 115 24 13 95 114 level) Primary or Junior Basic 692 660 32 641 20 3 4 12 12 Matriculation or Higher 20 17 3 15 2 1 1 1 Secondary Above Matriculation or 6 4 2 3 1 1 1 Higber Secondary RURAL Total 40·,976 18,067 22,909 1,743 60 12 1 6 J2 16,306 22,836 Illiterate 39,587 16,729 22,858 463 29 8 1 4 12 16,254 22,816 literate (without educational 881 839 42 795 24 2 42 18 level) Primary or Junior Basic 50} 492 9 479 7 1 2 10 2 Matriculation or Higher 4 4 4 Secondary Above Matriculation or 3 3 2 1 Higher Secondary URBAN 2,920 5.279 Total 9,205 3,804 5,401 798 121 47 39 1 1 2,865 5,171 Illiterate 8,202 3,016 5,186 106 14 22 23 53 96 Literate (without educational 793 606 187 518 91 22 13 level) 2 10 Primary or Junior Basic 191 168 23 }62 13 2 2 1 Matriculation or Higher 16 13 3 11 2 1 1 Secondary 1 Above Matriculation or 3 1 2 1 1 Higher Secondary 1 Berasia Tahsil (Rural) 5,082 Total 8,361 3.257 5,104 439 9 6 1 2 12 2,810 5,074 Illiterate 8,069 2.973 5,096 180 9 4 1 2 12 2.787 8 Literate (without' educational 250 242 8 219 2 21 level) Primary or Junior Basic 42 42 40 2 2 Sebore Tabsil (Rural) 3,113 3,886 Total 7,202 3,310 3,892 196 6 1 3,111 3.885 Illiterate 6.996 3,111 3,885 2 1 Literate (without educational 102 95 7 93 6 level) Primary Or Junior Basic 103 103 102 .. , Matriculation or Higher 1 .... Secondary Note:-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 182


person~ seeking Persons employed employment before but now out Total Non-working Full time for the first of employment and seeking work Others Educational Levels population students time ,-_ _J-___-. r----_.A..-----...... ,..--_J-___...... ,-_ _J-_-. ,-____.A. _---. P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 Huzur Tahsil (Rural) Total 5,475 2,656 2,819 140 8 2,516 2,811 Illiterate 5,337 2,530 2,807 16 1 2,514 2,806 Literate (without educational 112 102 10 100 6 2 4 level) Primary or Junior Basic 26 24 2 24 4 Ashta Tahsil (Rural) Total 10,238 4,801 5,437 466 3 5 1 4,329 5,434 Illiterate 9,926 4,494 5,432 178 2 4 4,311 5,430 Literate (without educational 172 169 3 158 11 3 level) Primary or Junior Basic 139 137 2 129 7 Matriculation or Higher 1 SecondarY

5 Icbhawar Tahsil (Rural) Total 2,967 1,072 1,895 82 5 990 1,890 Illiterate 2,910 1,018 1,892 34 2 984 1,890 Literate (without educational 21 20 15 5 level) Primary Or Junior Basic 36 34 2 33 2 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil (Rural) Total 3,666 1,566 2,100 167 4 1 1 1,397 2,096 Illiterate 3,494 1,398 2,096 1,397 2,096 Litera{~ (without educational 156 152 4 152 4 level) Primary or Junior Basic 13 13 13 Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or 3 3 2 1 Higher Secondary 7 Budni Tabsil (Rural) Total 3,067 1,405 1,662 253 25 1 1,151 1,637 JIliterate 2,855 1,205 1,650 55 15 1,150 1,635 Literate (without educational 68 59 9 58 7 2 level) Primary or Junior Basic 142 139 3 138 3. Matriculation or Higher 2 2 2 Secondary Note:-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 183

TABLE· ST~I MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM FO. SCHEDULED TBIBE& \ Total p«:rsons returned as spealCing a language subsidiary to the Total speakers Mother Tongue Subsidiary languages r----..A..----, r-----..... --.--"""\ Name of Scheduled Tribe Males Females Males Females 2 4 5 6 SEHORE DISTRICT AU Scheduled Tribes 15,111 15,237 1,409 1,452 English (M-17), Gond! (M-96, F-7S), Guj­ rati (M-9, F-I). Hindi (M-l,24S, F-I,358). Marathi (M-Z6. F-16), Marwari (M-l), Sans­ krit (M-ll). Urdu (M-3, F-2) Mother To~gue : 1 Barel Total 13 8 13 8 Hindi (M-13. F-8) 1 Bhilala 13 8 13 8 Hindi (M-13, F-8) Mother Tongue : 2 Bhilall Total 278 281 122 43 Hindi (M-I22, F-43) 1 BhiJala 276 280 122- 43 Hindi (M-122. F-43) 2 Gond or Daroi I 1 3 Unclassified 1 Mother Tongue : 3 Bhili Total 1 1 Bbil I Mother Tongue: 4 Chbattisgarhi Total 1 2 1 1 English (M-I), Hindi (P-1) 1 Gond or Daroi 1 2 I 1 English (M-1), Hindi (F-I) Mother Tongue: 5 Gondi Total 1,587 1.671 1,110 1,244 English (M-2), Hindi (M-1,098, P-I,233), Marathi \M-lD, F-Il} 1 Gond or Daroi 1,579 1,657 1,102 1,230 English (M-2), Hindi (M-l,09O, F-l,219), Marathi (M-W. F-ll) 2 Karku 8 14 8 14 Hindi (M-8, F-14) Mother Tongue: 6 Gujarati Total· 28 29 I Bhil 19 22 2 Pard hi 9 7 Mother Tongue: 7 Hindi Total 13,021 13.066 147 82 English (M-JO), Gondi (M-96. P-74), Guja­ rali (M-9, P-l), Marathi (M-16, F-5), Marwari (M-2), Sanskrit (M-ll), Urdu (M-3- F-2) 1 Bhi! 737 682 28 5 English (M-2), Gujarati (M-B), Marathi (M-14, F-5), Marwari (M-2). Urdu (M-2) 2 Bhilala 2,340 2,060 3 Gond or Daroi 4,534 4.702 104 74 English \M-5)Gondi (M-96. F-74), Maratbi (M-2), Urdu (M-I) 4 Karku 2.592 2,679 1 Sanskrit (M-I) 5 Keer 1,342 1,415 13 English (M-3). Sanskrit (M-IO) 6 Kol 5 4 7 Mogia 256 271 8 Pardhi 299 327 Gujarati (M-l, F-l) 9 Saharia. Sosia or Sor 841 862 10 Unclassified 75 64 2 Urdu (F-2) Mother Tongue.. 8' Khandeshi Total 3 t Bhil 3 Mother Tongue: 9 Marathi Total 46 55 8 7 English (M·l). Gondi (P·I), Hindi (M.7, '-6) 1 Bhil 23 36 2 Gond or Daroi 16, 13 8 7 English (M-l), Gondi (F-l), Hindi (M-i, F-6) 3 Kol 1 1 4 Pardhi 5 3 5 Unclassified 1 2 184

TABLE ST-I MOTHER TONGUE AND BILINGUALISM FOR SCHEDULED TRIBE8-0ontd. Total persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to the Total speakers Mother Tongue Subsidiary languages Name of Scheduled Tribe ,.--_.Jo..__ -, r----.A.-----. Males Females Males Females

1 2 4 5 6 SEHORE DISTRICT-Coneld. Mother Tongue : 10 Marwari Total 3 1 BhU 3 Mother Tongue: 11 Nepali Total 1 J J J Hindi (M-I, F-I) 1 Unclassified 1 1 J 1 Hindi (M-t, F-l) Mother Tongue : 12 Nimadi Total J 1 Bhilala 1 Mother Tongue : 13 Parsj-Gondj Total 124 123 5 66 English (M-3), Hindi (M-2, F-66) I Gond or Daroi 124 123 5 66 EngHsh (M-3), Hindi (M-2, F-66) Mother Tongue : 14 Tamj) Total 1 1 Hindi (M-1) 1 Gond or Daro; I 1 Hindi (M-l) Mother Tongue : 15 Telugu Total 2 I Hindi (M-l) J Bhil 1 2 Gond or Daroi 1 Hindi (M-I) Mother Tongue : 16 Urdu Total 2 1 Unclassified 2 SEHORE DISTRICT (RURAL) All Scheduled Tribes 14,442 14,726 1,322 1,072 Gondi (M-87, F-74), English (M-7), Urdu ( M-I), Hindi (M-I,21S, F-997), Gujarati (M-I, F-l), Sanskrit (M-ll) I Berasia Tahsil (Rural) Mother Tongue : Hindi All Scheduled Tribes: 676 733 I Bhil 25 36 2 Good or Daroi 89 81 3 Mogia 125 138 .\. 4 Pardhi 6 17 S Saharia. Sosia or Sor 431 461 2 Sehore Tahsil (Rural) Mother Tongue: Hindi An Scheduled Tribes 979 1,065 1 BhiJ 201 201 2 Bhilala 92 95 3 Gond or Daroi 139 144 4 Keer 8 11 5 Karku 215 257 6 Mogia 22 29 7 Pardhi 94 101 8 Saharia, Sosia or Sor 208 227 3 Huzur Tabsil (Rural) Mother Tongue - Hindi All Scheduled Tribes 734 629 1 Urdu (M-t) I Bhil 113 99 2 Bhilala 25 3 .. 3 Gond or Daroi 328 284 I Urdu (M-I) 4 Keer 3 1 5 Karku 20 6 6 Mogia 8 13 7 Pardhi 50 66 8 Saharia, Sosia or Sor 187 157 185 TABLE ST I


Total persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to the Total speakers Mother,----.A- Tongue______r----..A.--~, Subsidiary languaaes Name of Seheduled Tribe Males Females \ Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6

All Scheduled Tribes 879 814 122 43 HiDdi (M-I21. F-4l) , Motber Toque : Hindi Total 749 684 1 Bhil 101 96 2 Bhilala 263 264 3 Good or Daroi 56 39 4 Keer 18 25 S Katku 255 203 6 Magia 31 30 7 Pardhi 25 27 Motber Tongue : Gujarati Total 8 7 1 Pardhi 8 7 \ Mother Tongue : Bbilall Total 122 123 122 -13 Hindi (M-J22, F-43) 1 Bhilala 122 123 122 43 Hindi (M-I22, F43) I ! Ichbawar Tahsil (Rural)

All Sckeduled T~ 1.351 2,547 23 41 GODdi (M-9, F-l) , Hindi (M-14, F-j9) Motber Tougue : Hindi Total 2,260 2,413 9 2 Gondi (M-9. F-2) 1 Bhil 115 133 2 Bhilala 465 419 3 Good or Daroi 273 309 9 2 Gondi (M ..9, Fol) 4 Keer 14 2 .. 5 Kol 3 3 6 Karku 1,312 1,462 7 Magia 39 41 8 Pardhi 39 41 Motber Tongue: BbUait Total 77 95 1 Bhilala 76 94 2 Good or Daroj 1 I Motbei Tongue : Goodl Total 14 39 14 39 Hindi (M-14, F ... j9) 1 Good or Daroi 14 39 14 39 Hindi (M-14, F-39)

6 Nasrulblganj Tahsil (Rural) All Scheduled Tribes 726 Good! (M-71 , F-70), English (M-6), SaDSkrit (M-ll). HiDdi (M-i38, F·399) Mother Tongue : HIMli TtI,IIl 4,886 4,587 86 70 Gondi (M-71, F-70), English (M-4). Sanskrit (M·ll) 1 Bhil 35 45 2 Bhilala 1,436 1,236 3 Gond or Daroi 2,318 2,252 72 70 Gondi (M-71, F-70), English (M-I) 4 Keer 455 460 13 Sat'iskrit (M-10). En,lisb (M·3) 5 Karku 642 592 1 Sanskrit (M.I) 1 Pardhi 2 186

TABLE ST-I MOTHER TON,GtJE_ANJ> BILINGUALISM FOR SCHEDULED,.TRIBES7""Ooncld. Total persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary to the Total speakers Mother Tongue Name of Scheduled Tribe r-~-----. r-----J..------'\ Subsidiary languages Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil (Rural)-Concld. Mother Tongue : BhilaU Total 5 1 Bhilala 5 Mother Tongue : Gondi Total 899 1,035 628 391 Hindi (M-626, F-39J), English (M-2) 1 Gond or Daroi 899 1,035 628 391 Hindi (M-626, F-391), English~(M-2) Mother Tongue : Parsi Gondi Total 122 56 1 Gond or Daroi 122 56 Mother Tongue: Nimadi Total 1 1 Bhilala 1 Mother Tongue : Gujarati Total J 1 Pard hi I Mother Tongue: Barel Total 13 8 12 8 Hindi (M-J2, F-8) 1 Bhilala 13 8 12 8 Hindi (M-12, F-8) 7 Budni Tahsil (Rural) AU Scheduled Tribes 2,896 3,251 450 519 Gondi M-7, F-2), Hindi (M-441, P-st. English (M-I). Gujarati M-l,F-l) Mother Tongue : Hindi Total 2,197 2,570 9 3 Gondi (M-7, F-2), English M-l), Gujarati (M-l, F-1) 1 BhU 14 4 English (M-I) 2 Bhilala 58 42 3 Gond or Daroi 1,127 1,448 7 2 Gondi (M-7, F-2) 4 Keer 844 916 5 Kol 1 I 6 Karku 145 155 7 Pard hi 7 3 Gujarati (M-I, F-l) 8 Saharia, Sasia or Sor 1 1 Mother Tongue : Gondi Total 623 547 439 450 Hindi (M-439, F-450) 1 Good or Daroi 615 533 431 436 Hindi (M-43I, F-436) 2 Karku 8 14 8 14 Hindi (M-8, F-14) Mother Tongue : Parsi Gondi Total 2 67 2 66 Hindi (M-2, F-66) I Gond or Daroi 2 67 2 66 Hindi (M-2, F-66) Mother Tongue: Blulali Total 73 63 I Bhilala 73 63 Mother Tongue : Marathi Total 4 1 Bhit 4 Mother Tongue : Telqu Total 1 I Bhil I lSV TABU ST-II PEltSONS NOT AT WOK CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND TYPE OF , ' ACflVlTY FOB. SCHEDULED TRIBES

Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Total Full time employment for of employment Name of Scheduled Non-working population students the first time and seeking work Others Tribe r-----_,A.------,. ,--_.A.--.. r---A.-~ r---- ..A.._~ __ --",\ ,--_.A.--,. P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SEHORE DISTRICT

All Scheduled Tribes 13,2%6 5,519 7,707 420 29 4 2 5,CW3 7,~78

1 Bhil 589 Z38 351 12 22~ 351 2 BIIllala 2111 988 1,134 10 1 978 1,133 3 Gond or Daroi 5,600 2,315 3.285 251 21 2 2 2,060 3,~ 4 Karku 2,151 839 1,313 28 1 2 809 1,311 5 Keu 1.351 545 806 91 3 4.,~ 803 6 Kltl 2 2 2 7 Magia 253, 104 141} 7 1 97 148 8 Pardhi 353 133 110 1 132 110 9 Saharia. Sosia or Sor 731 311 410 17 304 410 10 Unclassified 73 36 37 3 2 33 35 1 Berasia TahsR (Rural) All &lheduled' Tribes 779 322 457 13 309 457 I Bhil 36 8 28 7 28 2 Good or Daroi III SI 60 51 60 3 MOlia 156 61 95 61 95 4 Pardhi 19 2 17 1 I 17 5 Saharia, Sosia or Soc 457 200 257 II 189 257 2 Sehore Tahsil (Rural) All Scheduled Tribes 839 263 576 3 260 576 1 BbiJ )54 56 98 56 98 2 Bbillala 100 30 70 29 70 3 Goad or Daroi 172 46 126 46 126 4 Kmku 191 49 142 48 142 5 Keer 3 3 3 6 Mogia 6 3 3 3 3 7 Pardhi 87 33 54 33 54 8 Saharia, Sosia or Sor 126 46 80 45 80 3 Huzur Tahsil (Rural) All Scheduled Tribes 580 263 317 1/ 252 317 1 Bhit 8\ 38 43 37 43 2 Bhilala 16 13 3 13 3 3 Gond or Daroi 239 109 130 3 106 130 4 Kar.i{U 5 5 5 5 Mogia 14 5 9 2 3 9 6 Pardhi 86 20 66 20 66 7 ~aharia, Sosia or Sor 139 73 66 5 68 66 4 Asbta Tahsil (Rural) All Scheduled Tribes 699 338 361 15 323 361 I Bhi! 71 30 41 2 28 41 2 Bhilala 304 139 16S 9 130 16S 3 Gond or Daroi 24 12 12 12 12 4 Keer 20 8 12 3 5 12 5 Karku 203 113 90 113 90 6 Mogia 36 18 18 17 18 7 Pardhi 41 18 23 18 23 188



Persons employed Persons seeking before but now out Total Full time employment for of employment Name of Scheduled Non-working population students thefirst time and seeking work Others Tribe r------___,A.., _____--. ,----A.__ --. ,.-__.A. __ --. ,.-_----A.-----.. ,.--.A._"", P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5 Ithhawar Tahsil (Rural) All Scheduled Tribes 1,907 738 1,169 8 2 730 1,167 I Bhit 104 38 66 5 33 66 2 Bhilala 435 212 223 212 222 3 Gond or Daroi 265 81 184 3 78 184 4 Karku 1,038 383 655 383 655 5 Mogia 28 11 17 11 16 6 Pardhi 35 13 22 13 22 7 Kol 2 2 2 6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 5,316 2,284 3,032 167 3 1 I ~.. 2.115 3.029 1 Bhit 36 12 24 12 24 2 Bhilala 1,190 566 624 566 624 3 Gond or Daroi 3.023 1.277 1.746 102 3 1 1.173 1,743 4 Keer 489 195 294 41 154 294 5 Karku 575 233 342 24 209 342 6 Pardhi 3 1 2 1 2 7 Budni Tahsil (Rural)

All 5cheduled Tribes 2.575 1,075 1,501 170 3 2 903 1,498 1 Bhil 5 3 2 2 1 2 2 Bhilala 77 28 49 528 49 3 nond or Daroi 1,513 644 869 119 25 869 4 Keer 839 342 497 47 3 295 494 5 Karku 137 55 82 2 2 51 82 6 Pardhi 5 3 2 3 2 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY



I Berasia Tahsil Alphabetical List of Villages 191-194 District, Town and Village Directory 195-209

2 Sehore Tahsil Alphabetical List of Villages 210-213.0 Town and Village Directory 214-227

3 Huzur Tahsil Alphabetical List of Villages 228-231 Town and Village Directory 232-247

4 Ashta Tahsil Alphabetical List of Villages 248-251 Town and Village Directory 252-265

5 Ichhawar Tahsil Alphabetical List of Villages 266-267 Town and Village Directory 268-275

6 Nasrullaganj Tahsil Alphabetical List of Villages 276-277 Village Directory 278-285

7 Budni Tahsil Alphabetical List of Villages 286-287 Village Directory 288-293 KEY TO NOTATIONS

P for Primary School Mcw for Maternity and Child Welfare Centre M for Middle School Po for Post Office H for High School To for Telegraph Office C for Higher Institutes including Colleges PTo for Posts and Telegraph office T for Technical Institution E for Electricity D for Dispensary Ei for Electricity for Industrial uses Rhc for Rural Health Centre Ea for Electricity for Agricultulal uses Hos for Hospital Ed for Electricity for Domestic uses MP(A)for Medical Practitioners (Allopathic) S for Safe or protected water supply (including pipes, tubewells. etc.) MP(H) for Medical Practitioners (Hom')eopathic) L.C. No. for Location Code Number MP(O) for Medical Practitioners (Others) F.V. for Forest Village

Note :-Name (s) of Hamlet (s) is/are printed in Italics below the name of the village in the Alphabetical Lists of Villages. 191



Location Serial Location Serial No. Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 t 2 3 4 t 2 3 4 46 Bebrawal 48 14 A 47 Berkhedi 55 88 48 Bhoodor Khurd 281 277 1 Agra 215 194 49 Bhoodor Kalan 2S-t 278 2 Ajabpura 216 190 50 Bhanpur 36 100 3 Amlya 2 5 51 Bhaisana 41 78 4 Amarpur 57 38 1 Amajhir 2 Jatkapura 5 Ankiya 91 37 52 Bhatni 49 21 6 Anandipura 161 299 53 Bheelkho 45 96 7 Aurjunkhedi 100 135 54 Bhujpura 60 25 8 Arrai Sardar Singh 133 152 55 Bhakwaha 73 31) 9 Arrai Rai Singh 152 151 56 Bhujpura Khurd 74 31 229 10 Arrawti 249 57 Bhaopura 143 51 II Azampur 222 215 58 Bhojapura 176 187 1 Nathu kheda B 59 Bhonrasa 223 218 12 Baboo Khedi 6 7 60 Bhensonda 232 209 61 Bhens Kheda 293 28t 13 Barkheda Khurd 30 20 62 Bhungiyal 296 257 14 Barbeli Kalan 38 13 63 Bichhnei 72 133 15 Bania Todi 44 98 64 Bijawan Kalan 9() 39 16 Badbeli Khurd 46 90 65 Bijawan Khurd 49 17 Barkhedi 55 89 119 66 Bineka 235 225 18 Barkheda Kalan 58 35 67 Birha-Shamkhedi 208 176 19 Bandarua 68 87 68 Birhai 209 175 20 Bandi Khedi 89 36 69 Borpura 126 106 21 Bamhori to7 304 22 Barrai 113 125 c 23 Badli 122 66 70 Chandpura 11 306 24 Bagapura 125 105 71 Chachahedi W2 41 25 Barela [(heda 134 ISO 72 Chandasalol III 102 26 136 144 Barkheda Yakub 73 Chatahedi 128 115 27 Babachia 137 143 J Moha/lpura 28 Binjari 141 50 74 Chandankhedi 168 16' 29 Bamhora 160 63 75 Chhapariyal 205 159 30 Baksi 173 53 76 Charpahadi Viran 213 228 31 Barkheda Moji 188 169 77 Chapariya 218 207 32 Basai 202 171 78 Chak Kheda 237 206 33 l3arricheel Kheda 211 217 79 Chataua 241 227 34 Bawlikhar 227 191 80 Charpahadi Bazyaft 261 216 35 Barrigujar 252 202 81 Chak Pecpa\ Kheda 274 261 36 Barkheda Baramad Gunga 254 237 82 Chandbad-Kadim 290 265 37 Barodi 255 235 83 Chhatri 294 282 38 Bair,lgaTh 154 166 84 Chedkheda 308 284 39 Barkht:di Baramt'd 258 249 40 B.igraj 271 242 D 41 BaHimutsil Bagraj 272 279 85 Daryapur 64 82 42 Bandi Khedi 291 264 86 Danderi 76 77 43 Bairkhedi Kalan 304 288 87 Damila 106 74 44 Berl-.hedi Khurd 307 289 1 Khedli 45 Beejapura (Bijapura) 10 3(!7 88 Daknal 185 185 192

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES":"'Oontd. ~ 1 BERASIA TAHSIL Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial No. No. Code No. Name of Village ]961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 j 1951 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 89 Daulatpura 107 ]82 127 Hinotiya Piran 112 155 1 Barelakheda 2 Ahmadpura 128 Hingoni 115 132 3 Chamnrpura 4 Gangapura 1 Janakpur 90 Damkheda 214 222 129 Hiran Khedi 243 200 91 Darwali 247 231 1 Karo!l 9:! Dangroli 224 223 130 Hinoti Sadak 276 270 93 Dewal Kheda 1~7 174 131 Hindola 283 280 94 Dhaman Todi 28 ]5 132 Hinotiya 123 68 95 Dhankapura 37 97 96 Dhaturiya 87 138 I 97 Dhoot Khedi ]40 43 133 Ibrahimpura 201 176 98 Dhenkpur 164 112 ]34 Ijgiri 266 243 I BijoripllrQ 135 Imaliyaswaroup 186 180 99 Dhanora 175 61 136 Imaliya Narendra 212 216 100 Dhamarra 259 244 137 )ndarpura 81 119 101 Dillod 267 245 1 Motipura 102 Dongargaon 47 18 103 Doiyai J 98 139 J HaripUTQ 138 Jagmeri 75 28 104 139 Jamsar Kalan 83 122 Dohaya 85 126 J BlIgl; 1 M ahuakhera 2 Banjar pura 805 4 Jhagar DUngariya 153 153 3 Dewalkheda 140 Jamusar Khurd 131 123 G 1 Bhuripathar 2 Bejakheri 106 Ganyati 93 72 3 Lalookhedi 107 107 Garha Brahman 8 2 141 Jajpura 127 108 62 Garha Khurd 62 71 142 Jangalipura 159 109 58 Gana Khedi 4 3 143 Jajankhedi 182 110 Garha Kalan 77 70 144 Jafrabad 264 248 I Barkhedideo 2 Shankargarh 145 Jaitpura 300 266 ]11 Ganga Khedi 163 116 ]46 Jhirnian 195 60 226 112 Garentiya Bazyaft 181 ]65 147 Jhikairya Khurd 204 113 Garentia Dangi 238 211 148 Jhirnian Kankar 228 192 114 Gangapiplia 250 196 240 220 115 149 Jhikariya Kalan Ghogalpur 24 16 147 108 116 150 Junapani Goriya 27 294 263 247 117 151 Junapani Goojar Todi (Gujartodi) 79 94 118 K Gondipvra 109 104 119 Gonda Khedi 156 44 152 Kalapatha 18 298 120 Goriya San Kbeda 242 ]98 153 Karhaiya Khurd 121 54 121 Gunga 299 260 J Gaireshkheda 2 Rumakhedi H 3 Dipakhedi 26 122 Haripura 154 Kadhaiya Kalan 31 35 292 123 42 79 Hamid Khedi 154 148 155 Karhaiyakota 124 Habibganj ]78 178 J Kolapura 2 Joripura ]25 50 75 Harra Kheda 268 269 156 Ka1yanpur 126 66 93 Hinotiya Ghat 70 129 157 Kandi Khedi I Salnakhedi 2 BheronpurQ 158 Kandi Khedi 92 32 3 Bamulia J59 Kanera 94 73 193



Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. No, Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

160 Karhaiya Shah 96 1]4 200 Kotra 174 56 161 Karhaiya Brahman lOS 76 201 Kotrachopra 305 286 162 Kalapipal 144 52 J Fauladganj 163 Karariya 190 164 202 Kolukhedi Khurd 12 309 J Bijoripura '2 Ghosipura J Bhammapura 2 Lotapura 164 Karhaiya Kho 196 193 203 Kulhore 191 160 J Gangakheda 204 Kutkipura 297 256 165 Karhlliya Chanw'ar 206 188 L 166 Karanpura 217 139 167 Kachnariya 236 201 205 Laharpur 138 142 168 Kalara 278 251 206 Lalaria 167 157 169 Karondia 298 255 207 Latifpur 193 158 170 Ketai-Devapura 21 295 208 Laloi 197 181 171 Kesho Khedi 270 241 I Nichilaloi 2 Unchilaloi 172 Keetgarh 33 296 3 Naikapura 173 Keet Khedi 180 117 209 Langarpur 225 224 I Kumhar pura M 174 Khata Khedi 3 J 246 175 Kh':dli 7 308 210 Maholi Baramad 257 I Chhaodikhedi J Gujarpura 176 Khcjada-Kalyanpur ]9 II 211 Majidgarh 5 4 177 Khandariya 23 293 1 Kheda 178 Khcr Khedi 25 17 81 179 Khejraghat 26 24 212 Manakund 52 180 Kher Kheda 34 297 213 Malkhari 54 91 61 305 181 Khajuriva 39 23 214 Manjheda-Manjhedi 71 128 182 Khejra Padhar 97 131 215 Manpura 86 J Khejdapadhar 2 Chak Khejra 216 Mauwa Kheda 63 181 Khajuri-Rani 99 136 217 Mangalgarh 118 47 184 Khejraghat 116 140 218 Mani Khedi 172 45 185 Khitwas 148 109 219 Mahua Kheda 198 Ill4 186 Khejra-Misar 130 124 220 Mankhiyai 203 163 187 Khajuri-Ranku 171 145 230 204 188 Khejda-Kamal 192 221 Madnai 162 259 222 Mani Khedi 288 189 Khejragopi 199 183 223 Menapura 32 27 190 Khajooliya-Ramdas 220 213 224 Megra / 117 42 191 Khukharla 229 205 225 Megra Kalan 151 167 192 Khuja Khedi 248 231 226 Meethi Chhapri (Mithichhapri) 194 59 193 Khejra Babar 273 276 227 Mundk Jattan 69 121 lY4 Khedi 287 254 228 Mundla Chand 155 141 J95 Khadimpur 289 263 229 Mundia Kheda 303 267 196 Khai Kheda 86 137 N 197 Kolukhedl 269 240 ]9 198 Kolu Khedi Viran 150 III 230 Najirabad 29 199 Kolukhedi Kalan 157 55 231 Naisamand 53 83 1 Bhalia 2 Ratawalit..heda 3 Bediupura 4 Khumalkheda I Khedli 2 Chollka 5 Daulatpura 6 Kishna Kheda 232 Narda Damodar ]69 147 194



Location Serial Location Serial' Serial eldeNo. No. Serial Code No. No. No. N~me of Village 961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 Z 3 4

233 Narcla Bazyaft 221 214 ] Hajipura 2 Bhoipura S 234 Nal Kheda 231 203 272 Sahodara 13 9 235 Namdarpura 286 253 273 Saloi Sangraj 179 177 236 Ne Kali 5f 80 274 Sapahawa 234 219 237 Neem Khedi 59 29 275 Sagoni Kalan 239 234 238 Netapura 145 65 276 Sagoni Kburd 246 233 239 Naidanpur '162 113 277 Sagonizora 302 287 278 Semra ' 95 95 P 279 Sesapura 108 301 240 Patlapani 17 291 280 Semri Khurd 165 166 I Banjaron-ka-pura 281 Semra Bhenronpura 183 57 241 Patalpur 22 310 282 Semra Kalan 233 221 242 Pasaiya 78 84' 283 Semri Kalan 260 238 243 Parsoriya 114 130 284 Semd Jagir 295 283 244 Pad Ii 120 34 285 Shahpura 110 103 2"5 Parwariya 135 149 286 Shukla 158 64 246 Parason 139 46 287 Sindhora 15 10 247 Parsora 146 69 288 Siyar Kalan 43 85 1 Nayapura 289 Sohaya 84 127 248 Pathariya -149 110 290 Sonkachh 245 210 249 Patalpur 189 168 1 Bijoripura 250 Pardi 277 272 291 Surajpura 1 12 2S1 Peepakhedi 14 8 Sukalia 292 274 252 292 PeepaJ Khedi Virau (pipalkhedi) 132 156 293 Surana 40 22 253 Peepaj Khedi-Bazyaft 256 230 294 Sujanpura 6S 99 254 Peepal Kheda 279 258 295 Sumer 101 40 255 Pipaliakadim 282 273 296 Sunga 104 67 256 PipaHya Hasnabad :WO 179 1 Lodapura 2 Bhanwarpura 257 PipaJia Junnardar 3 Rughnathpura 4 Kutkipura 306 285 5 Daikapura 258 Purakhana 88 134 T R 297 Tarawali Kburd 82 120 259 Rawatpura 16 290 298 Tarawali Kalan 244 199 260 Ramaha 20 300 299 Tanda 253 239 261 Ramtek 124 303 300 Thikariya Baramad 80 92 262 Rampura Khurd 129 113 301 Thikariya Laxmanpura 142 48 263 Ramgarha 177 186 302 Tinoniya 67 101 264 Rampura Balacholl 226 195 Tikan Khedi 210 212 1 Balachon 303 26S Ratua Ratanpur 301 268 U 266 Rehtai 219 208 304 Umariya 9 6 267 Richhai I 184 302 305 Urnariya 170 146 268 Ronjhiya Bazyaft 262 275 306 Undrai 251 197 269 Rondiya 265 250 307 Unt Kheda 280 271 270 Runaba 103 33 I Gofkuflda 271 RtJSallj..MutasiJ Dillod 275 262 308 Unida 285 252 1915

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J I 198


Ocro- Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- Hous~ Scheduled Scheduled and TotatWor- No. Village available acres ses hold$ Total Ptrpulation Castes Trii;es Educated kers (I· IX} r---.A..-~ ,...... --..A..-.. .-_.A,~ .....---'---"", r-A---I-, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 ]2 13 14 15 16 17

26/1 Berasia Tahsil ROtAI 351,805.97 14,985 15,412 39,34535,104 8,836 8,330 676 733 6,174 5413 24,256 11,1(1'3 74,449

1 Surajpura P. ],]95.65 87 87 382 202 ]80 44 40 29 137 64 2 Amlya 1.329.58 24 24 107 61 46 2 .. .. 4 41 23 3 Khatakhedi P. 1'952.09 50 50 268 141 127 30 23 24 29 20 92 4 Ganakhedi 1.5t1.96 36 36 200 ]03 97 19 25 I 74 ] 5 Majedgarh P. 966.17 53 53 259 134 125 30 35 10 89 11

6 Babookhedi 835.17 16 16 84 47 37 13 8 3 31 14 7 Khedli 784.13 17 17 79 44 35 23 17 1 28 3 8 Garha Brahman P. 2,579.13 41 41 207 113 94 23 26 18 2 62 9 9 Umariya 827.58 27 27 144 74 70 25 24 4 51 38 10 Beejapur 593.41 8 8 45 23 22 15

II Chandpura 1,639.30 25 25 148 79 69 7 3 1 56 12 Kolukhedi Khurd P. 1,819.57 52 52 262 146 116 23 16 6 83 4 13 Sahodara 58909 3 3 14 7 7 1 I ...... 6 6 14 Peepa Khedi 725.70 29 29 121 61 60 11 15 8 15 1 ., 40 39 15 Sindhora P. 3.895.81 ]35 ]35 652 331 321 to3 93 I 95 9 ]93 114

16 Rawatpura 1.589.47 2& 28 168 97 71 2 2 2 .. 3 45 29 ]7 Patlapani 1,605.33 30 30 152 75 77 3 3 4 2 39 32 18 Kalapatha 1,867.32 7 7 25 20 5 .. 12 19 Khejdakalyanpur 1,488.39 38 38 180 100 80 28 18 .. 2 68 1 20 Ramaha 1,857.55 23 23 121 71 50 41 20 1 2 34 2

11 Ketaidevapura 986.77 ...... Uninhabited .. · . .. 22 Patalpur 1,732.73 20 20 108 60 48 7 6 .. 27 25 23 Khandariya 1.930.43 28 28 172 97 75 7 4 .. .. 3 49 18 24 Ghogalpur 908.89 34 34 164 92 72 .. 2 9 " S7 27 25 Kherkhedi 584.41 26 26 99 54 45 36 30 1 38 18

26 Khejraghat P. 1.003.14 43 43 215 1I0 105 11 12 27 71 13 27 Goriya 1,048.74 4 4 24 15 9 . . .. 8 · . 28 Dhamantodi 1,440.22 36 36 ]59 84 75 28 23 1 .. 54 2 29 Najirabad P.M.D,Hos,Mcw,Po. ],090.02 222 224 ],059 611 448 130 130 215 46 426 114 30 Barkheda Khurd 1.038.28 28 28 ]40 79 61 27 23 2 52 4

31 Kadhaiya Kalan P. 1,035.74 63 63 577 215 362 35 36 3 3 15 3 98 31 32 Menapura P. 1,269.04 13 13 56 25 31 10 13 ] 14 12 33 Keetgarh 978.08 . . Uninhabited .. 34 Kherkheda 849.67 ...... Uninhabitt:d .. · . 35 Haripura 1,180.68 21 21 102 56 46 4 3 31

36 Bhanpur 1.780.86 9 9 60 30 30 ., 20 37 Dhankapura 412.39 .. ., .. .. Uninhabited .. .. · . 38 Barbelikalan P. 1,191.09 66 66 348 181 167 14 15 8 10 7 127 82 39 Khajuriya P. 1,146.02 59 59 236 124 112 19 17 I 28 .. 74 40 40 Surana P. 1,658.13 59 59 267 162 105 61 64 11 I 100 36

41 Bhaisana 1.518.29 24 24 107 59 48 .. 3 7 2 .. 41 · . 42 Karhaiyakota P. 2.301.54 95 95 455 251 204 109 92 34 3 157 8 43 Siyar Kalan 1,076.18 4 4 20 12 8 .. 4 2 10 I 44 Baniyatodi 55399 ...... Uninhabited ...... · . 45 Bheelkho P. 1.368.41 123 123 622 332 290 101 ]00 7 1 60 3 186

46 Badbeli Khurd 679.67 12 12 63 35 28 7 18 · . 47 Dongargaon P. 1,149.98 42 42 246 121 125 19 23 3 70 56 48 Behrawal P. 1,235.51 63 63 287 147 140 25 26 8 92 67 49 Bhatni P. 962.03 60 60 237 135 102 7 5 90 36 50 Kalyanpur 782.92 29 29 133 69 64 48 199

tmtfiASIA T A'HStL

WORKERS Non------~------~~--- ~ Workers L.C. H III IV V VI vn VIII IX X No.

,.----A---, .-~ .--A._ ...... "....--"--~ ,..----"----"\ r-A-....., .__.._-~ .--"---...... -~ ,.---A-----, M F M F M F M F M F "1M F M F M F .-M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

14,347 5,832 5,'25 . 4.340 918 33 1,103 265 33 11 59 16 328 4s 6 1,537 S58 15,089 24;001

93 64 23 17 2 2 65 116 I 40 22 1 o. 20 23 2 41 38 5 2 6 49 127 3 45 11 1 9 5 4 .. 29 96 4 70 2 I 1, 7 1 9 7 45 114 5

17 12 7 2 2 2 3 .. 16 23 6 19 .. 3 6 3 16 32 7 45 9 6 11 51 85 8 46 35 5 3 23 32 9 11 2 2 8 22 10

37 7 .. II 23 69 II 69 .. .. 3 I 2 3 8 63 112 12 j 6 I . , , . J I 13 29 24 .. ., 3 .. ., .. . . 8 15 21 21 14 75 25 25 31 17 23 29 , I 2 25 4 19 24 138 207 15

38 23 7 6 52 42 16 27 23 12 9 36 45 17 12 .. .. S 5 18 40 14 13 I 32 79 19 27 4 3 37 48 20

.. " .. Uninhabited ,. 21 22 23 5 2 33 23 22 43 15 6 3 48 57 23 49 24 3 ~ 35 45 24 29 12 9 6 16 27 25

43 12 14 2 II 39 92 26 6 .. 2 .. 7 9 27 29 2 19 .. 6 . , 30 73 28 151 66 56 II 26 18 175 37 185 334 29 41 3 , 9 I 2 27 57 30

54 15 33 16 4 4 2 117 3}1 31 8 9 2 3 2 .. I 11 19 32 Uninhabited 33 ...... Uninhabitro .. . . 34 13 18 25 46 35

20 .. .. 10 30 36 ...... Uninhabited . . . . , . 37 83 65 9 2 17 2 16 15 54 85 38 37 " 21 24 7 3 16 6 50 72 39 71 36 13 9 I 5 62 69 40 31 .. 10 ' , 18 48 41 127 4 8 22 4 94 196 42 8 I 2 2 7 '43 .. Uninhabited .' . . 44 131 38 9 3 5 146 290 45

15 3 , , 17 28 46 43 39 , . .' 4 7 ,. '. 16 16 51 69 47 50 45 14 7 6 4 1 16 14 55 73 48 57 2 19 19 14 13 I 3 ' . 45 66 49 46 2 21 64 50 200


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wot-, No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---.A..--, r--...... ~-...... ,----"-~ ...... ,-_.A.._...... ,....__"""'--. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11

51 Nekali 296.54 6 6 24 10 14 7 9 6 1 52 Manakund p. 470.21 49 49 213 118 95 22 22 29 69 3 53 Naisamand p. 1,044.62 149 149 792 441 351 160 162 54 3 275 53 54 Malkhari 296.89 14 14 76 47 29 4 20 55 Berkhedi 903.55 16 16 82 48 34 9 5 28 5

56 Barkhedi P. 549.42 5 5 27 15 12 .. 8 57 Amarpur P. 960.52 79 79 378 205 173 36 31 27 130 56 58 Barkhedakalan P. 852.73 50 51 278 147 131 40 38 53 86 55 59 Neem Khedi p. 729.99 49 49 250 132 118 27 27 1\ 8 22 2 81 60 60 Bhujpurakalan P. 1,158.97 69 69 330 169 161 31 33 I 9 22 112 67

61 Manjheda-Manjhedi 1,492.74 22 22 105 54 51 I 27 13 62 Garha Khurd 178.38 46 46 201 118 83 51 34 14 67 18 (>3 Mauwa Kheda 539.92 Uninhabited 64 Dariyapur 533.17 Uninhabited 65 Sujanpura 317.30 ., Ullinhabited

66 Kandikhedi 197.34 21 21 97 55 42 9 9 41 17 67 Tinoniya 498.23 Uninhabited 68 Bandarua 1,154.19 30 30 151 75 76 10 12 43 ., 69 Mundla Jattan 1,110.89 22 22 81 40 41 28 19 70 Ilinotiyaghat P. 1,662.87 31 31 153 86 67 12 9 5 3 50 2

71 Manpura P. 748.62 35 35 194 104 90 64 56 54 10 72 Bichhnai 438.07 5 5 28 15 13 7 .'4 2 7 73 Bhakwaha P. 949.80 57 57 241 126 11'5 40 36 2 7 16 4 79 54 74 Bhujpurakhurd 260.04 4 4 12 6 6 .. J 4 2 75 Jagmeri 603.92 13. t3 45 25 20 12 to 17

76 Danderi 806.09 " Uninhabited 77 Garhakalan P. 3,089.23 152 152 948 546 402 20 19 35 45 99 21 332 101 78 Pasaiya P. 1,039.54 36 36 166 95 71 10 11 2 56 19 79 Gujartodi P. 932.80 36 36 183 112 71 16 12 2 67 9 80 ThikariyabaramaCl 563.02 18 18 90 44 46 30 8

81 Indarpura 605.57 13 13 68 41 27 5 2 19 12 82 Tarawali Khurd P. 1,415.46 38 38 201 110 91 8 18 14 R 13 72 44 83 Jamusarkalan P. 3,777.62 191 191 841 464 377 148 121 29 28 38 4 288 20 84 Sohaya P,D,Po. 3,133.()0 222 222 1,219 614 605 96 101 5 148 16 367 117 85 Dohaya P. 1,602.29 48 48 282 147 135 54 59 9 11 86 4

86 Khai Kheda 402.95 14 14 83 47 36 .. \ 29 87 Dhaturiya P. 1,197.16 83 84 387 197 190 130 131 38 4 114 52 88 l>urakhana P. 890.62 48 49 255 125 130 26 34 16 77 23 89 Bandikhedi 524.33 48 48 196 96 100 71 90 Bijawankalan P. 384.71 61 61 302 163 139 15 15 118

91 Ankiya P. 1,522.25 102 105 519 272 247 68 53 3 52 5 168 107 92 Kandikhedi 698.08 Uninhabited 93 Ganyari 1,160.64 14 14 63 35 28 12 12 25 2 94 Kanera 579.73 16 16 73 42 31 11 12 4 4 2 26 \ 95 Semra 984.90 44 44 192 103 89 8 7 6 8 3 62 25

96 Karhaiyashah P. 2,504.94 96 96 460 245 215 9 9 13 13 44 4 148 74 97 Khejrapadhar 926.48 34 34 133 64 69 36 36 40 3 98 Dojyai 654.85 43 43 188 99 89 38 35 6 70 99 Khajurirani P. 775.32 48 48 205 117 88 41 35 33 68 100 Arjunkhedi P. 856.03 41 42 227 123 104 3 7 25 71 201


WORKERS Non- --._------"------...... Workers II III IV V 'VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ---, ,-_..A-_-, ,....-A--, 1 r---A--...... ,-_.A....--, ,..----"'---, ,-~ ,-=..A..---, r---"'---, ,_..... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

6 ", 4 13 51 3, 61 6 " 2 49 92 52 152 34 50 10 24 17 3 29 9 166 298 53 17 3 27 29 54 24 5 4 20 29 55

5 3 .. .. 7 12 56 73 34 11 20 3 23 21 1S 117 57 52 S'1 \i 4 6 2 2 II 16 61 76 58 44 34 21 13 3 .. 13 13 51 58 59 70 23 31 2 10 II 7 25 57 94 60

24 13 3 .. .. 27 38 61 14 12 3 18 9 .. 1 19 9 51 65 62 •• i " Uninhabited 63 .. Uninhabited .. 64 .. Uninhabited 65

32 9 17 . , .. 14 25 66 .. .. Uninhabited . . .. 67 25 .. 18 ., 32 76 68 23 14 4 5 I 12 22 69 41 9 2 36 65 70

42 6 12 4 50 80 7.1 4 .. 3 ...... S 13 72 35 2S 18 13 3 4 19 16 47 61 73 4 2 2 4 74 17 8 20 75

.. .. Uninhabited . , " ...... 76 169 68 47 4 26 2 13 2 73 29 214 301 77 41 10 19 5 39 52 78 50 .. 10 9 5 2 45 62 79 22 8 8 14 38 80

19 12 .. " 22 15 81 39 32 44 " 1 38 47 82 205 4 72 8 .. 6 8 2 .. " 3 1'76 357 83 211 2 88 112 7 26 I .. 13 2 1 21 247 488 84 56 28 4 2 61 131 85

27 2 .. 18 36 86 61 21 27 22 2 9 3 11 2 4 4 83 138 87 40 7 27 10 2 1 7 6 48 107 88 4Y 8 14 " 25 100 89 58 34 23 3 4S 139 90

55 7 93 94 7 5 11 104 140 91 .. .. Uninhabited .. ., 92 12 2 6 4 1 10 26 93 19 1 1 4 I I 16 30 94 34 28 25 41 64 95

Jl6 66 19 7 1 7 5 97 141 96 18 I 20 2 2 24 66 97 62 7 29 89 98 49 19 49 88 99 48 23 52 104 100 202


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I..JX) , ___..A.. __---,. ,_..A.._-. ,-..A.._""",,\ ,.....--..A..---, ,_-A.---, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Sumer 522.11 18 18 97 53 44 33 102 Chachahedi 284.86 Uninhabited 103 Runaha P. 2,903.48 141 141 610 334 276 38 42 77 3 192 97 104 Sunga P. 1,892.17 76 76 351 192 159 56 46 103 40 105 Karhaiya Srehman 397.68 11 11 55 31 24 19

106 Damila P. 707.90 45 45 222 123 99 17 71 107 Bamhori 577.84 10 10 62 30 32 18 108 Sesapura 955.89 16 16 81 46 35 .' 26 to9 Gondipura P. 1,294.28 43 43 249 124 125 11 11 3 5 8 69 55 110 Shahpura P. 1,019.12 38 39 171 99 72 5 5 6 56 45

111 Chandasaloi 1,282.73 27 27 131 54 77 13 11 3 7 31 41 112 Hinotiya Pi ran P. 797.95 56 56 277 138 139 III 94 25 83 5 113 Barrai P. 924.39 56 )6 286 156 130 39 37 20 84 5 114 Parsoriya P. 1,236.48 41 41 216 135 81 23 25 24 71 115 Hingoni P. 1,039.12 56 56 227 115 112 67 66 5 63 5

116 Khejdaghat P. 544.89 31 31 143 77 66 3 3 6 2 47 2 1I7 Megra P. 340.68 46 46 211 Il9 92 23 20 I 79 34 118 Manga1garh M,Po. 1,867.65 126 126 555 298 257 49 50 46 43 70 16 163 37 119 Bijawan Khurd 416.70 14 14 67 31 36 .. ., 23 120 Padli 577.72 24 24 124 66 58 4 4 12 41 21

121 Karhaiya Khurd 500.35 14 14 81 36 45 24 122 Bad Ii 657.93 26 26 102 53 49 6 7 41 123 Hinotiya 1,728.02 32 33 152 81 71 9 10 57 124 Ramtek 737.67 7 7 26 14 12 14 125 Bagapura P. 722.87 48 48 233 121 112 21 17 II 76 50

126 Borpura 837.57 Uninhabited 127 Jajpura 236.43 Uninhabited 128 Chatahedi P. 2,214.46 66 66 309 161 148 40 41 31 107 75 129 Rampura Khurd 804.59 14 16 84 51 33 23 19 36 19 130 Khejra Misar P. 1,900.26 45 45 240 134 106 45 40 9 79 53

131 Jamusar Khurd P. 2,330.21 79 79 373 199 174 11 9 17 114 78 132 Pi pal Khedi 438.58 ., Uninhabited 133 Arrai Sardarsingh 715.20 19 19 107 58 49 28 22 7 29 2 134 Barelakheda P. 422.50 21 21 90 52 38 22 23 6 1 2 31 135 Parwariya 633.81 15 15 121 71 50 23 21 9 4 9 47 15

136 Barkheda yakub P. 1,558.93 118 118 555 271 284 104 94 I 35 176 97 137 Babachiya P. 3,753.06 226 233 1,017 550 467 154 150 II 13 101 5 34R 137 138 Laharpur P. 1,091.20 47 47 229 127 102 51 54 16 83 14 139 Parason P. 1.407.39 79 79 364 201 161 30 28 53 61 26 7 119 34 140 Dhoot Khedi P. 968.06 79 79 342 182 160 20 8 5 9 25 21 112 15

141 Banjari 100.52 ...... Uninhabited 142 Thikriya Lxmanpura 316.05 13 13 49 30 19 7 3 .. 19 3 143 Bhaopura 668.21 27 27 139 76 63 6 7 3 57 8 144 Kalapipal 473.67 10 10 70 39 31 21 145 Netapura 637.17 17 17 84 50 34 29

146 Parsora P. 1,189.39 68 68 310 167 143 25 22 4 103 13 147 Junapani P. 1,272.57 20 20 91 46 45 .. 5 6 28 22 148 Khitwas p, 1,351.22 47 47 189 106 83 34 34 4 4 10 73 36 149 Pathariya 450.45 8 8 38 18 20 2 3 13 11 150 Kolu Khedi Viran 73.65 Uninhabited 203


WORKERS Non- r------"------. Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,....---"---. r---"----. r----'-~ r-~ ,..---"---. rr---'--...... ,...---"---. ,..---"---. r---"----. ,----'-- ...... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

25 8 .. .. 20 44 101 , .. Uninhabited .. , . 102 102 17 70 ' 75 2 9 5 2 4 3 142 179 _ 103 73 21 2 12 2 14 19 89 119 104 19 12 24 10:'i

61 .. 5 4 52 9S 106 15 2 1 12 32 107 26 20 35 108 48 38 20 17 1 55 70 109 48 45 5 3 43 27 110

22 31 9 10 23 36 III 48 35 5 .. ., 55 134 112 58 2 19 3 2 5 .. n 125 ]13 53 .. 17 I 64 81 114, 51 5 11 1 52 107 115'

35 II 2 1 30 64 116 29 38 33 9 . , . , 3 40 58 117 47 64 29 17 6 4 3 22 8 135 220 118 17 3 3 . , 8 36 119 20 18 21 2 1 25 37 120

24 12 45 121 32 9 .. 12 49 122 51 3 2 24 70 123 14 .. .. 12 124 70 50 6 45 62 125

Uninhabited 126 " .. .. ., ., .. Uninhabited ...... 127 71 61 18 14 14 4 .. 54 73 128 20 15 4 2 4 ., 8 2 15 14 129 59 43 13 IO 3 4 55 53 130

98 6S 13 13 3 .. 8S 96 131 .. .. Uninhabited . , 132 11 17 1 29 47 133 20 II 21 38 134 9 23 II 14 4 24 35 135

120 58 55 39 1 95 187 136 163 38 140 99 5 35 3 2 202 330 137 44 1 33 13 , , 2 2 2 44 88 138 30 I 81 33 1 1 1 5 84 127 139 52 37 15 12 2 4 5 70 145 140

.. ., Uninhabited " .. 141 10 4 3 3 2 11 16 142 27 8 3 15 12 19 55 143 21 .. .. 18 31 144 25 3 1 21 34 145

92 11 9 2 2 64 130 146 ]8 17 4 5 2 2 2 18 23 147 41 20 17 16 9 2 I 3 33 47 148 7 9 2 J 3 . , , . 1 5 9 149 Uninhabited 150 204


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) , __..A. ___ ...... ,__,A__ ...... ,.-_ ..... _....., ,.-_.A.---., ,----A._-"' P M F M F M F M F M F

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ 10 II ]2 13 14 15 ]6 17 ]51 Megra Kalan P. 2.234.62 ]29 129 618 331 287 74 76 43 201 130 152 ATTai Raisingh 877.23 25 25 JI6 64 52 34 25 2 33 153 Dungariya P.M.D.Mcw. 2.152.68 227 227 936 516 420 149 152 80 6 320 126 154 Hamldkhedi P. 1,172.24 54 54 306 167 139 25 20 30 III 31 155 Mundlachand P. 930.38 44 44 198 102 96 25 27 3 30 59 2

156 Gondakhedi 862.92 28 28 114 58 56 7 9 .. .. 36 4 157 Kolu Khedi Kalan P.D. 3,160.09 160 ]60 706 371 335 85 93 39 4 220 11 158 ~hukla 409.25 30 30 122 71 51 36 29 159 Jangliapura 719.95 25 25 110 55 55 .. 33 26 160 Bamhora 833.83 39 39 156 87 69 1 10 50 38

161 Anandlpura 733.51 .. Uninhabited 162 Njdanpur P. 1,328.60 24 24 123 70 53 4 4 25 44 13 163 Gangakhedi 809.84 26 26 124 68 56 9 7 44 29 164 Dhenkpur P. 1.269.94 72 72 318 167 151 22 23 ., 9 104 96 165 Semd Khurd P. 1,044.40 53 53 284 139 145 37 35 I 6 96 48

166 Bairagarh P. 1.578.46 60 60 306 176 130 41 30 17 99 26 167 Lalaria P,M.D,Po. L783.83 402 402 1,678 762 ' 916 149 144 180 19 466 60 168 Chandankhedi 999.95 .. Uninhabited ., .. .. ]69 Nareladamodar P. 1,277.Q7 47 47 247 144 103 51 41 54 4 84 11 170 Umariya 638.37 25 25 114 60 54 30 27 12 37 I

171 Khajuriranku P. 762.16 39 39 212 110 102 40 38 52 2 66 7 172 Mani Khedi P. 640.02 13 43 224 109 115 13 23 ., ., 7 73 7 173 Baksi P. 2,079.82 136 136 594 298 296 92 96 13 13 10 191 103 174 Kotra P. 1,772.00 46 52 244 129 115 19 12 10 13 28 2 85 57 175 Dhanora P. 538.70 44 45 217 120 97 37 31 29 5 77 11

176 Bhojapura P. 1,343.48 54 54 279 152 127 18 19 14 16 19 2 80 28 177 Ramgarha P. 1,309.95 6l 61 275 149 126 23 18 .' 14 83 63 178 Habibganj P. ' 2,583.33 135 135 676 338 338 28 29 12 10 45 4 211 152 179 Saloisangraj 539.71 32 32 170 87 83 8 9 16 53 13 180 Keetkhedi 1,293.30 15 15 87 45 42 18 18 to 32 27

181 Garentiya Bajyaft P. 1,250.72 45 45 256 136 120 48 34 16 85 47 182 Jagankhedi 1,066.73 37 41 175 81 94 20 19 53 53 183 Semrabhenropura P. 1.277.75 55 38 267 148 119 25 28 7 109 42 184 Richhai 662.39 14 14 61 33 28 .. ' . 21 20 185 Daknai 227.63 1 1 6 4 2 4 2 2 I

186 Imali)aswfUop 994.79 10 10 54 31 23 .. 5 16 187 Dewalkheda p. 613.15 19 19 103 54 49 5 2 7 .. 29 29 188 Barkhedamoji 776.69 20 20 82 49 33 13 12 2 1 37 10 189 Patalpur 638.87 ...... Uninhabited .. 190 Karariya P. 1.899.50 61 61 319 174 145 62 49 19 2 H2 53

191 Kulhore P. 1.857.38 120 120 686 323 363 165 170 65 3 210 83 192 Khejda Kamal 705.96 ...... , Uninhabited . . .. 193 Latifpur 395.11 17 17 90 45 45 4 3 12 12 21 194 Meethi Chhapri 645.14 22 22 107 59 48 .. .. 4 7 43 20 195 Jhirnia P. 2,012.61 64 64 309 170 139 57 49 5 3 3 105 49

196 Karhaiyakho P. 2,972.37 57 57 264 138 126 36 33 2 2 18 .. 92 51 197 Laloi P.Po. 2,019.11 141 141 702 357 345 105 91 1 tl 102 6 228 137 198 MahuaKheda 658.52 31 31 131 69 62 II 7 5 7 5 50 32 199 Khejragcpi 623.67 22 22 113 58 55 12 - 14 1 13 3 ' 31 19 200 Pipaliya Hasanbad P. 1.081.97 56 60 323 180 143 5 5 16 99 69 205


WORKERS Non------~---- Worl ers Le. n III IV V VI vn VITI IX --- X No.

...... _-, ,--"--- ,-...... -""'\ ,_ ,---"--. ,__.A._., ,_...... _., ,,-----A------. ,--'--., ,_...... _""'\ ,-...... ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 \28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

120 80 SO SO 8 12 4 7 130 151 151 17 " 16 .. .. 31 52 152 165 48 126 77 16 3 10 1 196 294 153 94 22 13 9 3 I .. 56 108 154 25 17 2 17 43 94 155

23 8 4 .. 5 22 52 156 78 69 11 11 12 5 45 151 314 157 36 28 .. 1 35 22 158 29 26 4 . " .. ., .. n 29 159 38 22 5 10. 3 2 I 37 31 160

.. .. Uninhabited 161 32 10 6 3 2 4 26 40 162 31 21 3 2 6 4 6 24 27 163 66 71 32 25 5 I 63 55 164 69 34 24 14 3 43 97 165

68 Ii 29 9 .. r .. I .. ., 77 104 166 165 9 113 40 10 21 3 .. . . 56 8 101 296 856 167 ...... Uninhabited ...... 168 30 32 6 .. .. 22 5 60 92 160 8 7 1 I 19 I 23 53 170

24 1 20 2 22 4 44 95 171 35 2 37 5 .. 1 . , . . . . " .. 36 108 172 111 61 9 13 1 18 9 1 1 39 31 107 193 173 47 14 44 5 2 1 3 16 9 44 58 174 60 3 10 ! 13 43 86 175

50 13 14 15 8 4 3 72 99 176 66 45 I 5 14 ., 2 13 66 63 177 123 71 49 80 21 5 5 8 127 186 178 38 10 7 3 2 5 34 70 179 27 22 5 5 13 IS 180

35 19 21 23 6 21 3 I .. 51 73 181 36 20 2 1 7 4 7 29 28 41 182 77 20 19 22 7 3 3 .. 39 77 183 4 17 18 2 12 8 184 I 2 1 185

13 3 " IS 23 186 16 II 10 18 I 1 25 20 187 20 9 8 7 2 12 23 188 ...... Uninhabited .. " ., . . 189 45 19 35 34 I 92 92 190

144 IS 52 42 4 . . 2 10 3 .. 15 113 280 191 .. . . Uninhabited . . 4 192 9 .. II I 24 45 193 34 13 9 7 .. 16 28 194 64 19 29 30 6 2 4 65 90 195

29 56 51 1 . . 3 3 .. 46 75 196 136 91 24 30 21 II 7 29 16 129 208 197 24 21 II II 9 6 .. 19 30 198 25 13 ., 3 ., 3 6 27 36 199 63 46 6 18 10 3 4 2 I 15 81 74 200 206


Workers Name Area Occu- Literate ...------L.C. of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,.--_..A._--, ...--__..A.--, r--..A.--, ...----"-_-.. ...--_....A.--, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Ibrahimpura p. 999.79 43 43 177 103 74 .. 17 1 59 38. 202 Basai P,M. l,861.57 297 297 1,333 689 644 88 88 2 240 22 353 198 203 Mankhiyai P. 1,299.23 61 61 310 162 148 44 45 32 9 97 47 204 Jhikariya khurd P. 905.51 43 60 373 208 165 48 37 12 120 36 205 Chhapariyai 275.32 34 34 152 81 71 15 10 10 50 8

206 Karhaiya Chan war P. 1,225.30 82 88 397 218 179 19 14 1 37 143 76 207 Daulatpura P. 1,234.11 60 60 292 159 133 13 10 1 10 118 57 208 Birhashamkhedi p. 1,901.32 87 87 402 210 192 104 95 2 36 143 82 209 Birhai 445.90 6 4 16 9 7 .. 3 3 5 210 TikanKhedi P. 415.58 30 41 175 97 78 1 2 23 6 57 18

211 Barricheelkheda P. 1,019.92 29 29 161 82 79 31 28 13 2 52 43 212 Imaliya Narendra P. 2,045.47 58 59 317 172 145 60 61 22 109 64 213 Charpahadi 663.97 .. .. Uninhabited . . ., .. 214 Damkheda P. 2,786.85 139 156 778 406 372 131 117 28 35 :9 4 237 108 215 Agra 1,062.61 4 4 21 10 11 6 6 4 8

216 Ajabpura 436.34 47 45 186 97 89 10 8 7 8 10 63 47 217 Karanpura 602.80 25 25 112 55 57 13 12 6 .. 40 7 218 Chapariya P. 1,095.60 33 33 185 108 77 3 5 29 1 59 48 219 Rehtai 621.87 7 7 38 19 19 . , 3 14 .. 220 Khajooriya Ramdas p. 1,353.40 67 86 405 215 190 100 106 6 47 131 36

221 Narella Bajyart 940.74 17 22 110 57 53 6 7 32 12 32 11 222 Azampur 627.16 4 4 24 14 10 .. 9 5 223 Bhonrasa 1.654.73 17 17 94 55 39 14 11 5 28 16 224 Dangroli 1,061.57 22 23 114 63 51 42 40 9 5 ., 30 14 225 Langarpur P. 1,520.61 56 66 333 174 159 28 12 1 2 12 106 67

226 Rampura Bala Chon P. 2,655.10 176 176 799 421 378 65 70 63 54 71 I 284 220 227 Bawlikhar P. 421.32 36 36 173 93 80 5 7 15 16 47 3 56 36 228 Jhiraniya Kankar P. 1.258.46 58 58 274 149 125 26 28 3 3 23 91 63 229 Khukaria P. 1,298.30 84 84 417 214 203 55 66 3 4 28 10 126 65 230 Madnai 565.98 Uninhabited .'

231 Nalkheda P. 1,708.60 139 151 714 385 329 100 95 42 225 142 232 Bhensoda P. 1,857.66 72 106 493 256 237 52 44 41 3 159 131 233 Semra Kalan p. 2,018.84 91 91 446 236 210 55 57 60 1 160 112 234 Saphawa P. 1.537.10 45 45 238 123 115 12 15 24 73 54 235 Bineka 1,369.64 27 27 117 63 54 47 40 3 40 27

236 Kachnariya P,D,Rhc,S. 2,182.12 97 102 578 254 324 87 85 4 2 35 5 174 241 237 Chakkheda 444.93 10 10 39 20 19 1 4 .. 14 9 238 Garentia Dangi P. 1,432.06 45 62 261 133 128 40 42 48 9 SI 46 239 SagonikaJan P. 952.57 18 34 159 88 71 36 26 23 I 59 52 240 Jhikariyakalan 1,524.89 26 26 120 62 58 19 17 6 33 28

241 Chataua P. 657.15 54 67 337 181 156 35 32 31 .. 112 86 242 Goriya Sankheda P. ]'495.16 60 60 249 133 116 20 18 10 3 74 56 243 Hirankhedi P,S. 1,586.06 107 109 475 242 233 85 91 46 5 150 131 244 Tarawal Kialan P. 1,648.43 59 60 269 148 121 54 44 29 1 103 49 245 Sonkachh P. 1,582.63 93 95 371 183 188 103 110 27 123 74

246 SaaoniKhurd 250.59 ...... , Uninhabited ...... 247 Darwaji 489.26 14 22 98 62 31> 9 4 3 14 40 24 248 Khujarkhedi P. 298.62 23 21 148 78 70 6 7 15 52 38 249 Arrawati 133.80 17 22 94 50 44 21 16 .. 17 29 3 250 Gangapipalia P. 1,423.52 77 77 399 210 189 31 26 1 4 20 121 98 207


______WORKERS--A.. ___. ______-.. Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VHI IX X L.C , No. ,_.A--~ ,_A_~ ,--A..--, ~ ,--A..-~ ,---A..=-.. ~~ ,-_A--, ,---..A--_-.. ,--A. -.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

34 22 13 11 1 11 5 44 36 201 141 73 101 89 17 76 16 6 2. 4 2 8 15 336 446 202 63 21 25 26 1 4 4 65 101 203 66 3 44 32 5 2 3 88 129 204 25 2 25 6 31 63 205

51 1 79 74 3 3 3 4 75 103 206 85 48 5 9 22 .. ", 6 41 76 207 91 60 35 13 3 6 1 8 8 67 110 208 5 .. .4 ,7 209 29 25 n 2 40 60 210

28 18 19 22 5 3 30 36 211 65 50 6 " I 20 9 17 4 63 81 212 ...... Uninhabited " 213 145 39 53 57 23 6 5 2 II 4 169 264 214 4 8 6 3 215

36 16 47 9 2 34 42 216 23 7 7 7 3 15 50 217 39 38 7 7 11 3 2 49 29 218 12 I 1 ,. . . . . 5 19 219 62 4 32 21 II 26 9 2 84 154 220

19 II 11 2 25 42 nl 9 2 3 5 5 222 28 16 27 23 223 21 14 9 .. .. 33 37 224 72 47 23 17 8 3 3 68 92 225

151 142 87 78 21 15 2 8 137 158 226 29 I 10 34 3 7 7 I 37 44 227 56 59 13 .. 9 8 . . 5 3 58 62 228 64 17 53 44 7 4 .. . . 2 88 138 229 .. Uninhabited 230

108 42 83 91 14 9 2 tR, .. 160 187 231 ' 94 2 44 t26 2 15 I I 2 1 In IO~· '2;32 > R3 59 48 46 2 21 7 2 4 76 98 233 57 44 12 9 .. I ~ 50 61 234 33 21 6 5 I 23 27 235

11 I 197 45 40 II 3 6 80 83 236 14 9 .. 6 10 237 46 6 33 40 2 52 82 238 25 31 29 21 4 I 29 19 239 22 19 <; 8 2 29 30 240

67 59 27 26 6 I 12 69 70 241 50 40 18 15 3 I 3 59 60 242 88 80 39 45 2 II 3 4 .. 6 3 92 102 243 53 29 31 17 5 6 I 2 I 1 5 45 72 244 74 54 33 18 5 6 I 5 60 114 ' 245 'h ...... Uninhabited ...... 246 25 14 12 10 I 2 22 12 247 39 31 9 7 4 26 32 248 20 4 I 3 1 3 21 41 249 83 66 17 20 12 12 3 6 89 91 250 208


Occu­ Workers Area pied Literate ,.---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,.-_ _.A.__ -. ,.-_...... _. ,.-_...... --. ,.-_.A.__, ,.--.A._, P M F M F M F M F M F·

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Undrai P. 894.67 SO SO 226 113 113 16 19 17 90 R4 252 Barrigujar S. 1,265.41 45 50 205 94 III 27 30 .. 4 76 80 253 Tanda P. 1,248.05 39 52 221 115 106 16 12 4 2 11 .. 73 43 254 Barkheda Bararnad Gunga 2,580.39 85 110 676 359 317 64 65 75 3 213 11 P.Po. 255 Barodi P. 1,398.23 60 80 370 187 183 75 78 35 12 110 111 256 Peepa) I<:hedi Bajyaft P. . 794.05 51 64 276 138 138 18 18 2 4 29 4 89 16 257 MahoU Baramad P. 1,134.14 70 79 371 190 181 35 43 40 6 114 64 258 BaJ'khedt Baramad 525.49 17 18 85 42 43 35 35 6 6 .. 21 18 259 Dharnatra P,M,Po. 2,768.22 195 201 1,156 606 550 94 97 6 4 158 34 324 57 260 Sernri Kalan P. 1,458.15 45 50 230 130 100 47 42 20 84 51 261 Charpahari Bajyaft 613.06 3 3 18 7 11 5 4 262 Ronjhiya BajYllft P,D. 1,013.02 37 44 307 157 150 39 24 11 8 25 2 94 19 263 Junapani P. 724.50 89 95 445 243 202 66 38 23 1 149 81 264 Jafrabad P. 881.21 18 23 110 67 43 17 5 10 .. 32 15 265 Rondiya P. 1,513.51 90 105 462 282 180 65 51 69 2 176 67 266 Ijgiri p. 1,647.89 67 79 370 205 165 97 86 7 5 34 .. 131 92 267 Dillod P,M,D,MP(O},Po. 2,518.39 156 167 734 366 368 118 108 2 6 145 5 243 198 268 Harrakheda P,Po. 1.706.71 76 88 431 214 217 49 3 149 118 269 Kolu Khedi P. 452.34 34 39 183 91 92 20 26 25 61 37 270 Keshokhedi 606.62 I 16 20 93 56 37 16 12 6 32 16 271 Bagraj P. 756.52 28 37 183 105 78 32 19 17 3 61 36 272 Barrirnutsil Bagraj P. 1,299.17 46 58 260 132 128 39 36 7 86 52 273 Khejra Babar P,D. 1,560.94 101 117 572 306 266 100 95 32 159 101 274 Chakpeepalkheda 197.08 .. .. Uninhabited .. . . 275 Rusallimutsil Dillod P. 607.22 51 60 282 141 141 6 9 18 94 81 276 Hinotisadak P. 1,225.79 94 106 466 251 215 49 44 150 1 170 135 277 Pardi P. 821.09 39 42 219 110 109 25 25 .. .. 37 3 68 52 278 Kalara P. 3,393.91 175 177 675 357 318 90 76 7 6 156 3 253 124 279 Peepal Kheda P. 1,457.43 87 88 485 232 253 32 33 1 .. 65 10 138 95 280 Unt Kheda 1,531.62 60 62 321 171 150 45 50 2 I 34 4 102 75 281 Shoodor Khurd 1,05211 19 19 90 43 47 14 12 4 26 20 282 Pipaliakadirn P. 854.67 58 63 340 184 156 63 52 . . 36 112 91 283 Hindola 788.80 30 39 192 100 92 28 25 13 10 8 63 42 284 Bhoodorkalan P. 1,500.87 65 67 317 159 158 6 105 83 285 Unlda 935.55 55 65 367 195 172 134 12 286 Narndarpura 706.61 12 13 74 38 36 .. .. 3 26 17 287 Khedi P. 547.27 19 22 117 68 49 3 2 7 41 31 288 Manikhedi P. 1,698.54 64 66 317 172 145 39 28 22 110 71 289 Khadirnpur P. 1.485.92 40 42 228 116 112 .. 26 76 46 290 Chandbadkadirn 889.04 . . Uninhabited .. 291 Bandikhedi 613.31 26 28 144 69 75 40 49 .. II 43 36 292 Sukalia P. 1,043.57 93 101 468 245 223 95 80 1 66 154 100 293 Bhenskheda P. 2,975.42 76 .79 405 194 211 70 64 12 129 98 294 ChhatJi P. 174.37 22 22 84 46 38 4 4 30 21 29S St:mri Jagir 752.07 5 5 18 9 9 5 5

2i6 Bhung~i 1,070.79 36 36 178 91 87 26 24 56 46 2iI1 KulkiJlUJa P. 858.21 20 28 144 74 70 28 25 45 37 298 Karondia P. 1,449.59 III 116 536 278 258 134 129 24 6 180 138 299 Gunga P,M,H,D,Po. 3,273.57 362 267 1,201 669 53'Z. 100 III 153 20 414 178 300 Jaitpura P. 732.46 33 33 205 110 95 16. 31 24 67 51 "391 Ratuaratanpur P. 2,208.32 56 59 340 191 149 55 38 61 123 61 302 SagonijDra 536,03 8 8 28 18 10 2 3 2 10 7 303 Nfundia Kheda 346.47 30 34 171 83 88 16 31 15 1 54 48 304 Bairkhedikalan 859.88 31 31 144 81 63 57 47 7 1 49 38 305 Kotrachopra P. 2,129.57 34 36 176 92 84 27 27 18 2 57 47 306 Pipalia Junnardar P. 491.25 15 18 107 55 52 6 8 14 35 32 307 Bairkhedi Khurd 243.62 ...... Uninhabited .. ., 308 Cheelkheda 694.66 23 24 108 58 50 I 4 42 24 209


WORKERSA--______~ Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. .-A---, ,...--..A.--, r-.A..---. ,--.A.._--. ,-_.A.._--. r--.A..--, r--.A..---. ,---'----. ,..---"----. ,--.A._...... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 2~ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

39 32 48 52 1 2 23 29 251 41 39 33 41 2 18 31 252' 49 32 21 11 3 ., .. 42 63 253 128 2 67 ,9 2 12 3 146 306 254 59 58 44 45 3 4 8 77 72 255 52 2 22 4 .. 4 1 2 5 12 49 122 256 63 15 22 36 9 1 15 9 1 4 2 76 117 257 II 7 6 11' 4 ...... 2l 25 258 197 15 83 30 .. 15 5 7 .. 22 7 282 493 259 65 45 14 6 2 1 2 46 49 260

4 3 1 ., " .. " .. 2 7 261 ,. 61 2 28 " I " 2 4 " 2 13 63 131 262 83 26 42 45 11 2 5 3 4 2 1 6 94 121 263 23 15 8 .. .. ., ., 1 35 28 264 68 20 31 44 37 3 8 32 106 113 265

72 43 52 49 3 ...... 4 " 74 73 266 121 131 69 62 31 2 2 3 2 15 3 123 170 267 66 67 34 41 6 18 9 .. 7 18 1 65 99 268 44 24 8 13 1 1 3 4 30 55 269 22 11 10 5 24 21 270 47 27 13 9 .. ., 1 44 42 27J 66 2 30 15 21 I " .' 2 46 76 272 101 54 42 44 7 1 3 8 147 16~ 273 ...... ' .. Uninhabited ' , .. . . . , . . .. 274 63 59 22 20 t 1 1 7 47 60 275 109 88 43 44 6 5 6 81 80 276 43 31 21 ., 4 42 57 277 21 .' " .. 104 36 87 81 1 34 4 22 3 5 104 194 278 77 50 52 45 2 3 2 .. 2 94 J58 279 47 33 44 41 3 3 1 5 69 75 280 15 15 10 5 ., 1 ., ., 17 27 281 81 67 18 22 3 4 6 2 72 65 282 37 22 22 20 1 ., I 2 37 50 283 62 52 25 23 " 12 8 5 1 54 75 284 76 12 58 61 160 285 22 11 3 6 12 19 286 38 , 3J 3 . " .. .. ., .. .. 27 18 287 67 40 35 29 I 4 1 1 1 2 62 74 288 52 31 15 15 .. , . 9 40 66 289 ., Uninhabited ., 290 22 16 12 20 4 3 2 ., 26 39 291 70 49 65 51 II .. 2 .. 6 91 123 292 81 71 28 18 15 7 2 2 2 65 113 293 23 16 7 5 16 17 294 5 4 I 4 4 295 30 23 23 23 3 35 41 296 28 25 17 12 ...... 29 33 297 96 80 78 57 ...... 5 1 . , I .. 98 120 298 207 96 113 69 27 5 25 5 9 1 32 3 255 354 299 37 27 27 24 3 43 44 300 88 40 27 21 7 ·1 68 88 301 3 7 7 .. .. S 3 302 41 33 12 15 .. 1 29 40 303 20 19 27 19 . , I 1 .. 32 25 304 30 20 23 27 1 3 35 37 305 31 26 4 6 20 20 306 .. ., .. ., .. " Uninhabited " .. 307 25 15 13 9 2 1 16 26 308 210



Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

41 Bhilakheri SS 65 A 42 Bhoja Kheri 61 51 I Abdul1apur 202 253 43 Bhoj 95 77 2 Acharoi 29 41 44 Bhojpura 222 212 3 Ahmadpur 48 36 45 Bhatoni 238 236 4 Ahata Haweli Sehore 303 311 46 Bhagwanpura 242 248 5 Alhada Kheri 229 243 47 Bhandeli 271 289 6 Alampura 244 255 48 Bhensa Kheri 276 262 1 Amrod 184 166 49 Bhoj Nagar 279 277 8 Amla 236 219 50 Bhilkhera Khurd 292 306 9 AmajMr 273 234 10 Ammamai 302 298 51 Bichhni 90 95 99 96 11 Arnm Sultapura 43 48 52 Bichhia 53 Bijora 191 180 1 Sultanpura 54 Bijori 192 178 12 Atralia 147 125 55 Bishan Khera 216 208 13 Awantipura 201 182 56 Bijlon 232 254 14 A waH Khera tAonli Khera) 299 296 57 Bilkisganj 280 288 15 AzmatNagar 57 7] 58 Bikrampura 5 7 B 59 Bisan Khera 21 17 80 82 }6 Barnawad 2 3 60 Booda Khera 17 Bansia 4 4 C I Budhupura 18 Bazar 24 23 61 Chandoar 14 10 19 Barkhera Hasan 34 26 J Bamanpura 20 Ban Khera. 46 61 62 Chhatarpura 26 40 21 Badarka 59 68 63 Charnal • 37 46 22 Bamoolia 70 98 1 Khera I Pura 64 Chhatri 60 55 23 Bairagarh Chhatri 72 54 65 Choki 101 80 24 Barkhera Dewa 79 56 66 Chhapri 157 129 25 Bard 77 103 67 Chhapri Khurd 178 192 26 Barkhera Kharet 93 81 68 Chondi 185 169 27 Barkheri 102 78 69 Chhapri Kalan 190 196 28 Barari Khurd 120 115 70 Chitoria Ban 217 224 29 Bairagarh Ganesb 126 139 225 225 30 Baradi Kalan ]29 71 Chitoria Lakha 117 227 237 31 Barbeli 145 72 Chitoria Hema 134 231 250 32 Barkhera Sukal 161 161 73 Chanderi 247 213 33 Baktal 179 187 74 Chhapri Baramad Ashta 75 Chainpura 261 284 34 Barwa Kheri 221 281 35 Bar Kheri 256 263 D 36 Barnar,af 266 261 37 Bamulia 275 271 76 Dehri 52 28 38 Barkhera Bazyalt 283 273 77 Deoli ]40 ]46 39 Bairagarh Khuman 85 102 78 Dendi 234 221 40 Bherupura 36 43 19 Deharia Khurd 287 299 J Jhagria 80 Dhan Kheri 137 130 211



Location Serial Location Serial Code No No. I, Serial Code No. No. Serial' 1951 No. Name of Village ]961 ]951 , No. Name of Village 1961 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 ]23 Jamni 214 257 81 Dhabla 258 259 124 Jahangirgarh 58 70 82 Dhaboti 274 268 Jahangirpura 241 244 83 Dhaman Khera 289 269 125 1 Nayapllra 2 84 Dhan Kheri 142 149 Ujjadpllr~ 85 Dhobi Kheri 131 145 126 Jetla 22 l8 ,86 Dida Kheri 226 235 127 Jetli 136 123 87 Dolatpura 75 72 128 Jhar Khera 121 122 88 Dobra ]56 159 129 Jhagaria 138 124 89 Dodi 163 168 130 Jugrajpura 28 25 ]2 90 Durgaon 11 K 91 Dupadia Bhil 175 164 131 Kakukheri 31 38 92 Duparia Dangi ]46 126 132 Karlat 56 66 G 1 Shankorpura 93 Gawa 8 8 133 Kasar Kheri 86 57- 94 Garhi Bagraj 41 30 134 Kadrabad 96 IQ5 286 292 95 Gadia 135 K.isba Shampur 98 112 96 Gerukhan 284 275 136 Kasba Doraha 109 92 97 Ghat Palasi 76 101 1 Sunda 137 Katpon 114 79 98 Gopalpura 54 179 1 Dhekra 2 H a/yo Bhil 99 Gokalpura 235 214 138 Kachnaria 133 142 100 Gundi 38 44 139 Karanj Khera 135 l31 140 Kapoori ISO 148 101 Gul Kheri 106 110 102 Gurbhela 240 232 141 Kararia Bhil 165 191 103 Gyaraspura 92 305 1 Nayapllro H 142 Kachnaria 187 202 205 104 Hasanpur Tinonia 45 60 143 Kahari Kadim 196 105 Hatiya Khera 82 74 144 Kalyanpura 199 200 1 Bugli Ba/apllra 145 Kararia Ata 204 211 106 Hasanpura 172 155 146 Kalapahar 265 303 254 245 \07 Hasnabad ]47 Kahari Jadid 295 270 215 209 108 Hedarganj 148 Khasta Kheri 62 52 47 34 109 Hirapur 149 Khai Khera 73 59 I Banjarapura lUO 93 lID Hingoni 69 100 150 Kherabad 104 107 111 Hinoti 81 83 151 Khadampur 115 143 112 Himn Kheri 105 111 152 Khandwa 136 113 Hir:tpur 257 265 153 Khajocria Khurd 116 130 116 I 154 Khusamda 134 14~ 114 Imalia Bhoj 83 304 155 Khajooria Kalan 156 Khamalia 173 163 115 Imalia Hasan 108 90 157 Kharpa 205 210 116 Imli Khe~a 291 274 158 Khokhri 251 227 J 159 Khedli 21() 287 117 Jajan Kheri 125 138 281 29t ] 18 Jamonia Khurd 139 120 160 Khorania ] 19 Janpur Bawaria 158 ]83 161 Khari 288 295 120 Jakha Kheri 170 186 162 Khutia Kheri 296 266 259 286 12\ lamonia 182 175 163 Kishanpura 24) 122 Jata Khera 252 229 164 Kolu Kheri 33 212



Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of VHlage 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

165 Kodia Chhitu 180 184 203 Mograram 253 233 166 KOlJlljhir 264 231 204 Mungaoli 19 22 167 Kota Karar 300 297 205 Mukhtar Nagar 97 108 168 Kushalpura 18 21 206 Muhali 154 156 169 Kulas Kalan 233 282 207 Mungaoli 160 158 170 Kulas Khurd 245 258 208 Muskara 223 220 209 Mullani 248 216 L 171 N Lasoodia Khas 197 204 172 Lasoodia Dhakar 207 207 210 Naiheri 51 67 173 Lasoodia Parhar 213 171 211 Nabipur 111 85 174 LalaKheri 250 218 212 Natra Kheri 122 87 175 Lasoodia Bazyaft 294 300 213 Narela 162 162 176 Lila Kheri 293 294 214 Napla Kheri 239 238 177 215 Napli 260 285 Lodipura 13 178 15 216 Nivaria 107 114 Londia 141 147 217 Nipania 144 133 M 218 Nipania 151 150 179 Mahua Khera 219 Noni Kheri 127 132 10 13 220 Nonikheri Gusain J Pura 183 174 180 Magardi Khurd p 12 It 181 221 Pater 3 Magardi Kalan 15 14 182 J Khakandarpllra Magarda ]6 16 183 Manpura 20 9 222 Patera 17 19 184 Marhati 35 47 223 Patharia 32 37 J Bi/ondia 2 Jhal{ria 224 ParHa 42 31 185 Manjhera 225 Padyala 53 99 49 33 186 Mand Khera 226 Panbihar 88 109 66 64 187 Mahua Khera J Kheri 91 94 J Chainpura 2 Bhatpura 227 Patan 113 88 188 Manpura 228 Pachawan 203 172 112 86 189 Magar Khera 229 Ii 220 256 ]43 140 Pad 190 Manpura 230 Pachpipaliya 224 223 ]68 154 191 Mana Khera 231 Patni 285 290 176 198 192 Mahodia 232 Phanda 40 32 208 197 J Pura Katkia 193 Mendora 7 5 233 Pilikarar 2 1 Puro 234 Pilu Khed 44 50 194 Meni Kheri 177 ]89 235 Pipal Khera 64 62 195 Mittu Kheri 118 137 236 Pirpatan 67 73 196 Motipura 27 39 237 Pipalyamira 243 249 197 Moonj Khera 117 135 238 Pipalner. 267 260 198 Moondla Kalan 166 188 199 Mogispur R 219 241 J Ahadi 2 KodiDl{hcu 200 239 Rawat {{hera 25 42 Morga 167 190 240 Ramja Kheri 63 53 201 Moondla Khurd 188 65 6~ 202 201 241 Rasulpur Mographool 218 239 242 Rawan Khera 84 104 213



Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of VlIIage 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4

243 Raipur 89 113 277 Shikarpur 290 267 244 RasIa· Kheri 119 119 278 Shivpuri 209 193 245 Rampalasi 132 144 279 Shahpur Kodia 210 195 246 Rata Khera 164 165 280 Sherpur 211 251 247 Raju Kheri 169 185 248 Raipura 171 157 281 Shahjahanpur 87 75 249 Raipur Nayakhera 195 170 1 Hinchai 250 Ramkheri 206 206 282 Sit Khera 23 24 283 Sikandarpura 74 76 251 Rafeek Ganj 228 240 252 Rasalpura 237 226 284 Sikandarganj 110 91 2 Deswa/ipurD 253 Ralawati 268 280 1 Bara Mandir 285 Sikandarganj 246 283 254 Kheri 278 278 269 279 255 Ratna Kheri 298 293 286 Sikandarpura 71 91 256 Rabia Bad 301 308 287 Soti 257 Rolu Kheri 189 199 1 Pura 288 Sonkatch 123 121 258 Rola 159 152 289 Sonda 262 217 S 290 Sua Khera 50 27 259 Satanbari 6 6 T 1 Jhiri 2 Tanda 3 Tu/sipan 291 Takia 94 84 260 Sankala 30 45 292 Taj 174 167 261 Salahpur 39 35 293 Takipur 212 252 262 Sankher 68 69 294 Thuna Khurd 193 176 263 Sarkhera , 103 106 1 Chhota ThUIUJ 2 Cltandmllri 264 Satpon 124 89 295 Thuna Kalan 194 173 265 Satornia 148 127 296 Titora 255 764 266 Sagrampur 198 222 297 Tarnia 149 128 267 Saranga Kheri 230 242 U 268 Satpipalia 272 230 269 Saradi 128 118 298 Udpura 263 228 270 Sagoni 282 272 299 U1jhawan 277 276 9 20 271 Sali Khera Gusain 297 307 300 Umarjhir 272 Sekhpura (Shekhpura) 152 151 301 Usmania 249 215 273 Semra Dangi 155 160 W 274 Semli Khurd 181 181 275 Semli Kalan 186 203 302 Waheedganj 78 58 276 Sewania 200 194 303 Waheedganj 153 153 214- -<"l 0\- -\0 t-.

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\ L 216


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,..----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-__-'- ____ ,---"-~., ,..---A._-. ,..-_.A._., ,..-__-'-----, P M F M F M F M F M p'

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

26/2 Sehore Tahsil Rural 390,806.42 19,423 19,788 50,374 45,285 9,692 9,197. 979 1,065 7,741 47931,25821,820 95,659

1 Pilikarar 636.86 20 20 81 39 42 .. 27 19 2 Barnawad ],166.87 25 25 130 72 58 3 2 .. 1 41 28 3 Pater P. 1,674.16 67 67 295 161 134 16 12 13 19 11 96 51 4 Bansia P. 718.90 69 70 310 166 144 35 33 14 9 18 10] 83 5 Bikrampura 839.98 Uninhabited

6 Satanbari P. 2,815.94 83 85 300 204 96 9 10 13 18 20 ]19 20 7 Mendora P. ],583.74 40 4] 187 102 85 22 16 .. 7 71 45 8 Gawa P. 2,643.31 90 92 437 237 200 26 27 15 17 33 3 152 89 9 Umarjhir 1,739.78 27 28 105 53 52 ., 3 3 31 15 10 MahuaKhera 664.19 39 39 257 137 120 26 28 ] 103 74

11 Durgaon P. 760.72 67 68. 327 169 158 17 20 2 19 100 87 12 Magardi Khurd 700.55 26 27 120 61 59 13 8 20 29 8 2 39 23 13 Lodipura p. ],627.73 72 72 298 ]68 130 22 20 8 4 3 1 107 57 ]4 Chandbar P. 722.19 87 87 411 217 194 32 31 14 31 28 6 146 85 15 Magardi Kalan 1,096.04 27 27 148 70 78 2 4 11 12 11 3 48 32

16 Magarda P. 2,260.61 96 96 413 209 204 46 48 4 5 15 129 123 17 Patera 1,158.63 42 42 193 100 93 3 7 12 9 59 49 18 Kusalpura 680.25 4 4 13 7 6 ...... 6 4 19 Mungaoli 1,482.38 58 65 293 160 133 78 59 11 10 3 90 73 20 Manpura P. ],306.60 55 55 237 III 126 21 28 7 75 62

21 Bisankhera 415.56 Uninhabited .. .. 22 Jetla 762.24 6 6 34 15 19 ., .. ., 1 10 7 23 Silkhera P. 2,403.76 91 96 439 231 208 36 39 5 2 15 148 102 24 Bazar P. 1,362.12 32 39 ]79 9] 88 10 10 .. .. 25 60 42 25 RawatKhera 584.60 27 27 146 75 71 13 13 17 18 8 50 24

26 Chhatarpura P. I,] 72.64 60 60 329 173 156 34 41 ] 3 ]0 110 106 27 Motipura 701.28 40 40 ]82 94 88 29 19 8 12 5 61 48 28 Jugrajpura 648.85 9 10 61 36 25 8 4 2 2 .. 14 IO 29 Acharoi P,S. 869.10 63 63 315 167 ]48 8 14 3 3 28 ]05 79 30 Sankala P. 863.08 78 78 319 ]64 ]55 43 37 3 3 22 103 88

31 Kakukheri 481.31 24 24 153 87 66 5 5 8 60 34 32 Palharia 566.54 32 32 130 71 59 ., .. .. 4 50 23 33 Kolukheri P. 425.62 20 20 85 50 35 7 5 I 3 10 25 22 34 BarkheraHasan P.M,D,Mcw,Po 3,354.69 271 271 1,326 695 631 152 147 I 184 19 408 228 35 Marhati P. 1,075.96 47 47 237 133 104 38 36 23 5 75 57

36 Bherupura 617.68 38 38 113 66 47 43 23 7 2 5 45 27 37 Charnal P,Rhc,Po. 3,473.94 190 190 879 463 416 49 49 9 9 80 9 288 196 38 Gundi 579.06 14 14 67 32 35 II 12 ,3 6 19 16 39 Salahpur 574.73 Uninhabited ...... 40 Phanda 576.03 27 27 125 63 62 4 7 1 3 36 28

41 Garhibagraj 758.31 21 21 103 56 47 7 6 5 35 26 42 Parlia 532.48 33 35 148 82 66 ., .. .. 7 48 41 43 Arnia Sultanpura P. 925.78 59 59 260 132 ]28 54 58 7 4 28 6 77 60 44 Pilu Kheri P. 1,198.51 89 89 375 186 189 : 28 25 ]5 23 33 ., 119 90 45 Hasanpur Tinonia P. 2,304.30 171 171 825 416 409 71 79 1 3 53 4 265 197

46 Ban Khera P. ].071.24 75." 75 336 166 170 42 32 2 4 25 105 89 47 Hirapur 550.84 33 ' 33 149 88 61 1 "I 1 2 5 1 48 29 48 Ahmadour P,M,D,Po. 603.93 207 209 947 501 446 70 56 70 26 292 118 49 Manjhera P. 908.01 43 46 196 102 94 17 15 .. 19 66 54 50 Sua Khera P. 1,019.37 65 66 344 178 166 42 34 1 1 • 48 100 79 217


WORKERS Non- r------"------, Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,---'-__ -. ,-_.A..---, ,-_.A..---, ,._.A.._, ,-_.A.._-. ,-'--A.-..... ,.---"---. ,.-_.A.._",""\ ,-_.A.._..... ,_.A.._ ...... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F '\ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28, 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

17 ,918 13,696 7,4796,5451,216 77 1,594 505 61 8 142 22 433 41 112 2,293 926 19.116 23,165 26/2

25 19 .',. 2 , 12 23 I 30 21 8 7 3 31 30 2 61 26 16 25, 15 2 2 65 83 3 66 34 35 49 .. .. 65 61 4 Uninhabited 5

76 6 61 17 43 3 14 " " " 85 30 26 38 4 II I 6 31 40 7 97 61 25 24 18 11 4 85 III 8 13 9 15 9 " 22 37 9 49 27 4 13 ,12 38 34 34 46 10

57 71 II 59 25 25 ,9 " 3 2 6 69 22 7 16 IS I ,. 22 36 12 49 4 37 41 12 2 7 3 2 7 61 73 13 63 24 39 61 15 4 19 6 71 109 14 40 26 8 6 22 46 15

85 91 33 27 10 5 " 80 81 16 48 39 IO 10 1 41 44 17 4 3 2 1 ,. ., 1 2 18 65 20 17 53 1 2 I 4 70 60 19 47 45 18 16 8 2 36 64 20

., ., Uninhabited .. .. 21 10 7 ,. " 5 12 22 J09 76 24 26 7 8 83 106 23 32 26 16 16 7 3 2 31 46 24 27 5 20 19 2 1 25 47 25

69 80 18 26 17 4 2 63 50 26 42 31 9 17 1 6 3 33 40 27 13 8 1 2 ,. -.. ., .. . . 22 15 28 58 29 28 49 12 3 2 1 2 62 69 29 57 53 35 35 2 6 ., 1 I 61 67 30

34 28 3 3 22 3 27 32 31 38 18 12 5 21 36 32 16 15 b 6 .. . , . . .. ,. ., 1 1 25 13 33 188 143 117 67 6 19 8 30 I 17 1 30, 9 287 403 34 41 31 26 26 6 2 58 47 35

31 19 14 8 .. ,. 21 20 36 138 105 93 86 .. 33 5 6 2 16 175 220 37 12 10 5 6 2 .. .. 13 19 38 " Uninhabited " ...... 39 18 12 17 16 1 27 34 40

29 19 6 7 21 21 41 28 25 14 16 6 " " .. 34 25 42 42 28 26 28 6 4 1 2 55 68 43 62 49 35 41 6 12 ., 4 67 99 44 145 ll5 85 79 1 20 2 5 8 151 212 4S

57 50 35 39 9 4 61 81 46 II 4 37 25 :~ ",it- •• .. ,. . . 40 32 47 75 41 75 64 14 25 58 3 9 36 10 209 328 48 36 ,. 31 24 23 " 5 .. 1 36 40 49 51 46 30 30 6 8 1 2 2 3 78 87 50 218


Workers Name Area Occu- Literate r----- L.C. of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) .-_.A.__ --. r---.A.---, r--.A.---, r---"---, ,-_...A.--"""", P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Naiheri P. 898.39 64 64 279 148 I3I 9 7 .. 12 100 67 52 Dehri P. 873.65 53 59 301 166 135 40 40 15 5 9 5 102 75 53 Padyala P. 1,867.35 116 116 511 255 256 68 55 34 1 179 162 54 Gopalpura P. 694.24 45 45 196 100 96 27 33 24 4 67 56 S5 Bhilakheri 257.25 I 1 4 2 2 2 1

56 Karlat 952.72 29 29 133 68 65 25 16 6 2 41 31 57 Azmatnagar p. 870.63 81 84 364 184 180 49 44 16 107 112 58 Jahangirgarh 428.86 3 4 14 7 7 4 5 59 Badarka 1,096.78 50 51 242 122 120 4 .. 79 75 60 Chhatri P. 1,468.02 128 129 561 295 266 99 96 72 4 194 159

61 Bhojakheri 474.48 14 14 66 31 35 10 7 10 19 12 62 Khasta kheri 453.16 18 18 91 47 44 21 24 4 32 25 63 Ramjakheri 770.41 34 34 169 91 78 18 18 .. 7 52 43 64 Pipalkhera P. 801.80 39 39 190 107 83 23 18 4 4 20 61 52 65 Rasoolpur 416.67 58 62 276 141 135 6 5 16 92 90

66 Mand Khera P. ],619.31 69 69 284 149 135 36 33 31 100 91 67 Pirpatan 1,031.64 .. Uninhabited ...... 68 Sankher 744.23 47 47 232 130 102 61 49 .. .. 4 87 59 69 Hingoni P. 763.73 37 37 183 95 88 23 30 4 5 34 2 59 39 70 Bamulia 2,051.51 124 125 563 293 270 41 32 38 2 195 127

71 Soti P,Po. 1,677.24 158 167 753 390 363 60 69 14 18 57 3 242 217 12 Bairagarh Chhatri 717.62 34 34 141 68 73 27 29 .. .. 13 42 41 73 Khaikhera P. 3,681.42 179 182 867 480 387 93 89 18 9 130 320 208 74 Slkandarpura P. 617.36 51 52 244 126 118 38 38 8 11 7 81 69 75 Dolatpura 1,265.20 38 38 167 87 80 35 34 5 53 46

76 Ghatpalasi P. 2,062.77 129 133 656 348 308 114 116 7 8 38 205 181 77 Barri P. 823.25 69 69 303 154 149 50 52 53 1 97 89 78 Waheed Ganj 1,242.34 6 6 25 15 10 9 8 5 1 11 7 79 Barkhera Dewa P. 1,774.13 92 92 394 210 184 56 51 22 124 102 80 Boodakhera 1,234.46 Uninhabited

81 Hinoti P. 1,627.63 132 139 687 352 335 47 54 20 15 66 2 210 135 82 Hatya Khera P. 2,117.50 86 86 409 220 189 38 35 3 33 1 133 81 83 Imaliabhoj 1,518.37 9 9 39 21 18 7 .. 13 7 84 Rawankhera P. 2,339.32 73 90 481 263 218 43 42 .. 45 1 152 91 85 Bairagarh Khuman P. 2,116.50 127 128 552 292 260 65 59 3 3 63 4 184 157

86 Kasarkheri 660.63 23 23 115 68 47 2 3 5 51 33 87 Shahjahanpur P. 1,256.16 94 95 456 240 216 100 100 19 4 151 116 88 Pan bihar P. 1,484.76 62 72 314 157 157 76 77 15 98 78 89 Ralpur 792.49 8 11 68 35 33 7 26 18 90 Bichhnl 592.81 Uninhabited

91 Mahua Khera 921.55 120 120 505 255 250 91 90 26 153 127 92 Gyaraspura 532.63 6 6 33 14 19 9 6 93 Barkhera Kharet P. 1,344.99 40 41 195 99 96 38 40 12 61 40 94 Takia 1,964.97 35 38 162 86 76 2 3 1 2 49 II 95 Bhoj 1,518.37 28 28 131 73 58 2 41 29

96 Kadrabad P. 1,808.06 94 94 432 228 204 ' 42 41 48 142 90 97 Mukhtar Nagar P. 1.583.65 201 201 1,031 534 497 146 148 .. 3 51 339 315 98 Kasba Shampur P,M,D,Rhc, 3.611.84 478 479 2,235 1,194 1,041 306 313 22 23 343 32 670 377 Hos,Mcw,MP{O),Po,E,Ed,Ei, 99 Blchhia P. 2,631.21 176 • 176 820 440 380 61 64 81 4 285 209 100 Kherabad 131.54 .. Uninhabited .. 219 SEHORE TAHSIL

______WORKERS A-____ Non- ...... Workers L.e. I If III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. r----'---. ,--...... --"""' ,---A._...... r--A-...... ,..---"--...... ~_..A..-...... ,-_...... _ ...... ,....--"--...... ,-_...... - ...... ,--...... - ...... M F M F M F M F M F 'M F M F M F M F M F \ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ~ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

60 13 19 . 50 18 2 3 48 64 51 4S 37 75 20 ...... 64 60 52 84 87 S6 59 3 20 10 3 13 6 76 94 53 34 34 2S 22 5 , .. J 2 33 40 54 2 1 1 55

29 25 11 6 .. .. I 27 34 56 74 89 18 23 8 3 4 77 68 57 3 5 I .. , .. .. 3 2 58 62 64 12 11 ' ...... 1 ., 4 . . 43 45 59 99 88 46 48 2 32 20 6 2 8 1 101 107 60

11 5 8 7 .. 12 23 61 25 22 7 2 ...... " 1 15 19 62 33 29 12 12 4 I I 1 2 39 35 63 38 35 19 17 ...... 4 46 31 64 67 64 9 16 1 II 9 1 I 3 49 45 65

65 59 34 32 49 44 66 ...... Uninhabited .. . . 67 79 47 7 12 ., 1 .. 4L. 43 .68 33 21 21 18 4 .. .. 1 36 49 69 Ito 81 65 46 5 3 12 98 143 70

151 131 70 86 2 12 .. 4 3 .. 148 146 71 21 17 ]8 23 .. 2 .. .. I I 26 32 72 198 134 44 54 8 31 12 21 7 II 8 160 179 73 56 48 22 21 " .. 1 2 45 49 74 26 23 25 21 2 2 .. .~-. ,..: 34. ,,34' 75.. . . 101 87 86 88 3 3 7 2 3 5 143 127 76 57 55 34 34 4 2 57 60 77 7 5 4 2 " .. 4 3 78 68 52 40 48 9 .. " 7 2 86 82 79 .. Uninhabited .. .80

150 103 47 30 .. 7 2 4 2 142 200 81 80 54 25 27 5 15 8 87 108 82 12 6 I 1 ...... 8 II 83 88 53 47 36 5 2 2 . , .. .. lD .. 111 ]27 84 85 86 57 21 14 3 8 I 2 I 17 46 108 103 85

33 24 4 2 13 7 " .. I 17 14 86 129 98 12 17 2 1 .. 1 7 89 100 87 48 35 47 43 t .. .. 1 1 .. 59 79 '88 14 14 2 2 5 5 2 9 15 89 Uninhabited .. 90

110 84 II 43 32 102 123 91 5 3 4 3 S 13 92 54 29 7 11 .. 38 S6 93 41 8 7 3 1 37 6S 94 37 28 4 I 32 29 95

64 S4 S6 36 8 9 2 3 86 114 96 208 191 106 94 .. .. 21 30 . . 2 . . 2 195 182 97 192 142 66 34 29 3 88 SI .. . . 23 65 6 17 190 141 524 664 98 170 132 76 65 3 11 4 2 ., .. 10 7 11 3 155 171 99 Uninhabited .. 100 220


Occu- Workers Area pied I.:iterate L.C. Ntnne of ,Pacilities in 'Hou- House- Schetklled Sche6u1ed and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,--._J-< ...... • ~--- +, *1 .~ " ,----""'---. f '1 r- P M F eM P M JP 1M .1" M F 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 '10 "11 12 13 14 'IS 16 17

101 Choki 1,366.02 17 17 88 55 33 20 21 11 9 5 14 2 102 .Bar Kheri 1,851.45 76 76 374 204 170 52 52 2 1 8 131 101 103 Sar Khera P. 1,878.98 101 101 452 234 218 35 34 52 140 88 104 Khadampur P. 1,324.52 70 70 375 199 176 33 37 18 2 143 117 105 Hiran Kheri 722.12 20 20 141 69 72 22 23 6 1 45 34

106 GulKberi P. 990.43 42 42 243 117 126 49 56 22 1 69 65 107 Nivaria P. 1,844.61 81 81 350 185 165 47 54 5 49 4 114 87 108 Imaliabasan 950.48 36 36 224 113 111 5 3 5 64 54 109 Kasbadoraha P,M,H,D,Mcw, 2,715.10 558 558 2,813 1,477 1,336 192 198 230 33 797 2i18 Po,E, Ea,Bd,Ei. 110 Sikandarganj 2,310.18 25 25 126 66 60 3 2 15 34 27

111 Navip.ur P. 474.62 20 20 114 54 60 12 14 21 35 30 112 Manpura 394.96 25 25 117 57 60 .. .. 6 34 20 113 Patan P. 2,849.49 220 220 1,136 621 515 104 102 10 13 59 398 294 114 Katpon 1,209.40 55 55 259 134 125 16 15 .. 3 .. 83 67 115 Khandwa P,M,D,Rhc,Po. 4,178.16 320 326 1,500 799 701 100 103 2 177 15 472 379

116 l{hajoQria Khurd P. 981'16 92 92 478 244 234 39 38 41 146 127 117 Moonj Khera 619.68 34 34 152 73 79 35 37 4 50 34 118 Mittu J<.heri P. 823.27 30 35 175 85 90 20 21 27 49 18 119 RaslaKheri 1,643.91 .. Uninhabited .. 120 Barad Khurd 336.84 13 13 47 23 24 4 2 4 14 16

121 JharKh_ p,s.E,Ea.Ed. 3,671.07 288 296 1,354 701 653 252 255 4 3 98 438 320 122 Natra IC!herf. 470.01 7 7 32 18 14 2 1 .. 6 13 8 123 ~nkalch P,S. 1,690.39 57 58 215 123 92 37 34 2 2 15 81 50 f24 SatporC 1,143.01 14 14 58 32 26 18 16 2 22 14 125 Jajan Kheri 868.91 31 31 171 94 77 9 10 18 55 50

126 Bairagarh Ganesb 528.60 7 7 67 34 33 5 6 10 23 5 127 Noni Kheri 1,06389 35 43 228 122 106 1 4 2 85 29 128 Saradi P. 3,065.32 281 295 1,270 680 590 88 85 99 443 309 129 Baradi Kalan P. 636.33 36 37 174 92 82 33 33 11 58 62 130 Khusamda 741.73 37 39 167 79 88 15 15 2 62 47

131 Dhobi Kheri p. 1,015.88 44 44 252 128 124 19 27 .. 7 66 56 132 Rampalasi 1,244.15 28 28 149 82 67 16 19 2 20 .. 46 36 133 Kachn~a P. 1,971.71 171 173 801 411 390 88 84 77 1 260 238 134 Khajooria Kalan P,Po. 2,486.62 235 239 1,086 564 522 73 73 4 149 12 362 285 135 Karanj Khera P. 795.34 31 31 180 91 89 11 12 16 58 13

1)6 .&tli 247.77 6 8 64 30 34 4 5 3 24 22 137 Dhan K-beri 275.86 Uninhabited 138 Jhagaria 488.46 27 37 167 82 85 8 7 10 66 62 139 Jamoniya Khurd P,S. 2,033.90 132 132 598 310 288 146 146 26 3 1-98 1-82 140 Deoli P. 1,554.49 71 71 390 199 191 47 38 31 I 113 108

141 I,.ondia. P. 1,194.41 47 47 214 107 107 13 17 23 71 64 142 Dhan.. Kheri P. 1,438.92 103 104 596 304 292 53 56 64 196 174 J43 r;1agar Khera P. 1,410.66 67 69 369 197 172 16 21 25 123 97 144 Nipania P. 1,355.46 49 49 195 97 98 10 16 21 64 65 14S Barbeli 806.61 28 28 146 75 71 7 6 22 50 31

146 Duparia.danei 628.30 35 35 179 92 87 11 10 2 52 47 147 A,tralia 316.29 27 28 112 S4 58 2 3 5 35 35 148 Satornia 937.9\) 32 39 172 96 76 23 17 5 63 52 149 Tornia 805.66 27 35 159 90 69 50 38 9 59 42 150 Kapoori P. 2,057.36 38 38 207 99 108 66 71 18 63 56 221


WORKERS Non- .... --A. -, Workers ] H IfI IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,...... _.., ,_,A,_-, ~ ,-~ ~-. ,----A-..... """'\ ~--. ,----""0--. ,--A.--. ,-A--, M F M F 'M F M F M F \M F M F M F M p- M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 '25 16 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

8 2 5 " .. I 4t 31 101 107 76 15 . 19 8 6 .. 1 73 69 'to2 79 73 43 . 14 9 5 .. 2 I 94 130 103 62 64 44 . 31 1 23 17 3 10 5 56 59 104 24 23 18 II 2 1 24 38 105

33 38 23 24 I 8 3 .. 2 2 48 61 106 77 55 13 :z 2 6 2 I .. 15 28 71 78 107 SO 43 6 .. ' .. . , 1 ... . . 8 10 49 51 lOB 212 70 47 27 30 5 99 33 2 4 72 I 23 308 82 680 1.118 Jt>9 24 21 5 5 . 1 3 32 33 110

21 21 14 9 19 30 III 34 17 3 ...... 23 40 H2 264 191 66 65 7 58 36 2 3 223 22t 113 62 53 19 13 2 1 " .. 51 58 114 214 218 173 151 36 26 7 3 20 3 327 322 115

91 91 19 25 5 17 4 ., 14 7 98 107 116 26 12 12 14 2 10 .. 8 23 45 117 33 7 II 10 2 .. 2 I 36 72 118 .. " .. Uninhabited ...... 119 5 8 9 8 9 8 120

271 210 87 65 5 15 7 7 5 47 38 263 333 121 II 7 I 1 1 ...... 5 6 122 45 29 23 18 4 4 I 4 2 42 42 1.23 19 13 1 I 2 ., 10 12 124 32 37 13 9 6 4 2 2 39 27 125

16 1 .. 4 3 4 11 28 126 45 3 28 25 12 ...... 37 77 127 255 185 115 115 12 30 4 I 2 2 4 24 3 237 281 128 43 41 15 21 34 20 129 39 33 22 14 17 41 130

48 45 9 10 2 3 4 I 62 68 I3t 36 32 5 2 2 .. .. 3 2 36 31 132 ISS 154 69 84 II 14 .. .. 4 .. 7 151 152 III 144 143 138 121 18 29 16 2 9 3 2 20 2 20~ 237 134 43 4 8 8 5 2 1 33 76 135

17 17 7 5 6 12 136 ...... Uninhabited ...... 131 42 48 15 14 5 2 .. 2 ., 16 23 U3 134 127 12 12 I 7 4 4 40 39 112 106 139 72 76 32 31 7 2 1 86 83 140

47 51 17 13 3 .. 2 2 36 43 141 121 113 55 56 2 13 5 1 4 108 118 142 83 64 22 29 16 3 1 1 1 14 75 143 45 46 15 19 .. 2 2 33 33 144 36 22 13 9 1 25 40 145

37 34 13 13 2 40 40 146 25 27 10 8 .. 19 23 141 39 35 16 17 4 ., 4 33 24 148 44 30 12 12 2 . 1 31 27 1~9 28 33 26 23 5 4 36 52 ISO 222


Occu- Workers I Area pied Literate r----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX)' ,-__.A. __ • ,-_.A.__ , ,.-_...... _. ,---A._, ,.---A._-. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Nipania P. 1,591.04 131 132 682 366 316 41 39 124 7 222 172 152 Sekhpura P. 1,477.11 92 93 506 254 252 54 60 8 17 27 137 119 153 Waheedganj 569.13 26 26 123 60 63 8 6 2 35 26 154 Muhali P. 1,472.45 90 91 449 210 239 19 22 29 125 155 155 Semaradangi 3,023.07 177 215 993 540 453 88 73 101 3 317 236

156 Dobra P. 1,693.29 61 61 280 151 129 35 32 29 5 95 68 157 Chhapri P. 1,404.43 29 39 211 108 103 35 36 12 72 63 158 Janpurbawaria P. 2,724.73 137 140 763 380 383 42 46 57 244 176 159 Rola 1,236.56 75 76 358 191 167 2 10 13 15 37 119 109 160 Mungaoli M. 2,637.06 196 196 884 464 420 60 62 3 115 13 287 198

161 Barkhera Sukal 349.69 ., Uninhabited ., 162 Narela 575.91 14 14 77 44 33 7 33 20 163 Dodi P. 1,529.57 82 82 395 203 192 17 19 18 123 110 164 Rata Khera 549.43 13 14 100 52 48 3 1 6 36 24 165 Karariabhil P. 975.37 75 77 355 193 162 97 83 19 117 86

166 Moonda Kalan P,Po. 2,238.87 155 155 828 431 397 72 48 56 7 256 105 167 Molga 747.12 18 18 83 48 35 7 1 30 7 168 Manpura 491.21 25 25 156 81 75 7 5 14 1 50 46 169 Raju Kheri 600.32 37 38 190 94 96 14 13 3 64 50 170 Jakha Kheri P. 705.83 35 35 173 85 88 19 28 9 62 47

171 Raipura P. 1,490.56 141 141 631 340 291 50 27 128 4 176 128 172 Hasanpura 346.07 7 7 45 29 16 7 6 10 16 6 173 Khamalia P. 1,027.14 149 149 731 388 343 33 25 32 240 186 174 Taj 750.35 32 32 156 84 72 27 20 13 49 45 175 DupadiabhiJ 1,445.54 66 66 332 177 155 71 51 32 112 86

176 Mana Khera P. 778.70 72 72 339 173 166 19 12 40 91 15 177 Meni Kheri 598.72 11 12 49 2S 24 11 11 1 15 8 178 Chhapri Khurd P. 536.42 45 45 208 111 97 82 67 13 72 47 179 Baktal P. 1,324.97 51 54 239 132 107 18 17 19 79 47 180 Kadiachhitu P. 1,138.09 65 65 315 167 148 77 55 18 93 91

181 Semli Khurd P. 1,505.57 40 40 162 78 84 19 14 34 2 42 34 182 Jamonia p. 2,47641 105 108 565 350 215 48 34 30 14 41 259 103 183 Noni Kherigusain P. 1.752.74 103 105 530 293 237 225 150 .. 24 168 140 184 Amrod P. 1,342.86 44 44 193 98 95 11 10 2 8 63 53 185 Chondi 999.62 22 22 136 74 62 13 10 2 48 33

186 Semali Kalan 708.04 33 33 169 87 82 3 4 2 60 41 187 Kachnaria 882.96 55 55 271 147 124 13 14 3 1 77 13 188 Moondla Khurd P. 855.99 84 84 407 185 222 31 21 36 3 106 5 189 Rolu Kheri 6:16.70 27 27 111 62 49 31 19 2 39 2 190 Chhapri Kalan p. 1,028.41 63 63 289 144 145 22 17 11 93 79

191 Bijora 1,047.98 56 57 254 132 122 61 62 26 2 72 59 192 Bijori P. 2,199.08 136 141 631 341 290 30 .27 '69 2 201 146 193 Thuna Khurd 2.129.68 36 36 185 107 78 6 14 30 ) 57 29 194 Thuna Kalan P,T,Po. 2,521.99 130 132 663 363 300 97 95 103 3 232 lSI 195 Raipur Naya Khera P. 1,976.71 69 74 410 214 196 , 38 42 27 1 128 101

196 Kaharl Kadim P. 630.63 38 38 193 100 93 16 17 8 59 22 197 Lasoodia Khas 776.77 58 58 273 130 143 18 27 3 75 68 198 Sagrampur P,Mcw. 1,418.99 53 53 317 162 155 33 29 9 108 83 199 Kalyanpura 667.02 7 7 34 17 17 1 1 11 6 200 Sewania P. 1,377.30 88 88 432 236 196 23 10 12 131 113 223


WORKBRS Non------'-- ---. Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Le. 0 No. ,.-....A.--, r--"---. ,..--.A---, ,---A.--, r---A---. 1\--"---' r--.A._,",\ r---A.---. r--.A.--. ,-_...... --. M F M F M F M F M F ,M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

129 100 74 70 8 3 8 2 144 144 151 65 63 57 56 2 7 6 Il7 133 152 26 21 8 5 ...... 1 25 37 153 74 to6 39 47 .. 10 2 .. 2 .. .. 85 84 154 156 143 54 62 36 6 23 11 2 6 40 14 223 217 155

56 37 30 26 6 4 3 1 56 61 156 56 51 12 11' .. .. " .. 4 1 36 40 157 146 145 18 .. 33 .. 14 5 2 31 26 136 Z07 158 76 79 20 29 5 1 6 .. .. 2 to , . 72 58 159 145 128 31 15 3 21 5 1 6 80 50 177 222 160

...... Uninhabited .. .. ., 161 28 18 .. 5 2 .. " .. .. II 13 162 94 87 18 22 3 1 1 2 5 80 82 163 33 22 3 2 ...... 16 24 164 68 57 33 29 6 3 5 2 76 76 165

151 65 78 39 13 5 2 6 175 292 166 20 8 7 .. .. 2 18 28 167 30 36 17 10 2 1 .. .. 31 29 168 41 36 .. 4 4 15 14 30 46 169 39 32 19 2 1 1 15 23 41 170

89 79 25 9 61 40 164 163 171 12 2 2 I .. .. 2 3 13 10 172 172 144 28 35 14 20 5 6 2 148 157 173 38 35 II to ...... 35 27 174 81 61 19 25 3 6 3 65 69 175

64 9 20 6 3 2 2 82 151 176 9 4 5 4 1 10 16 177 47 32 21 15 3 " .. .. 1 .. 39 50 178 49 30 20 15 2 .. 1 2 2 4 1 53 60 179 52 61 3 6 5 3 27 27 74 57 180

25 18 7 3 1 ...... 9 12 36 50 181 52 43 161 57 22 2 2 1 3 .. 1 17 1 91 112 1&2 126 117 21 18 8 1 2 2 1 9 3 125 97 183 4Q 38 J3 15 1 35 42 184 46 32 2 1 26 29 185

26 29 40 3 2 27 41 186 53 2 14 II 6 .. 4 70 III 187 73 5 31 ...... 1 1 79 217 188 24 II .. 1 4 1 .- 23 47 189 65 56 25 23 1 .. 2 51 66 190

38 34 7 .. 3 2 16 7 23 60 63 191 140 93 40 43 .. .. 6 6 9 10 140 144 192 42 22 6 5 7 2 2 ...... 50 49 193 120 100 13 9 16 .. 14 8 2 9 58 34 131 149 194 85 72 25 26 9 3 3 6 86 95 195

29 12 19 to 6 2 2 .. 41 71 196 55 59 11 9 1 8 55 75 197 86 63 15 20 2 5 54 72 198 6 4 5 2 .. 6 11 199 87 86 41 24 - 3 3 105 83 200 224


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes - Educated kers (I-IX) ,-___.A. __--. ,-_.A._--. ,-_.A._--. ,----A.--, ,-.A.----. .. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Awantipura 565.41 11 II 142 67 75 3 45 151 202 Abdullapur 773.92 2 3 8 4 4 3 152 203 Pachawan P. 951.43 76 80 346 192 154 21 18 43 2 104 153 204 Karariaata 387.34 19 22 98 56 42 21 19 2 36 154 205 Kharpa 751.17 52 52 241 133 108 50 35 17 70 155

206 Ram Kheri P. 755.99 41 41 199 100 99 28 36 1 .. 17 61 156 207 Lasoodia Dhakar P. 961.09 70 72 362 174 188 70 70 8 10 23 4 116 157 208 Mahodia P, Po. 3,192.56 157 157 681 351 330 68 72 1 76 6 232. 158 209 Shivpuri' 489.97 6 6 27 10 17 7 11 3 9 159 210 Shahpur Kodia 807.56 62 62 277 147 130 8 6 21 3 97 160

211 Sherpur 984.82 37 37 242 130 112 27 21 6 9 7 86 161 212 Takipur P,S. 1,324.67 71 71 307 167 140 40 30 . . 21 .. 107 162 213 Lasoodia Padhar P,D. 3,129,62 120 126 601 331 270 110 87 3 2 76 8 209 163 214 Jamni 1,169.37 42 43 221 118 103 17 17 .. 18 1 77 164 215 Hedarganj P. 1,657.92 133 133 553 271 282 54 55 1 54 4 186 165

216 Bishan Khera 624.29 13 13 79 44 35 13 9 5 29 166 217 Chitoriyaban P. 1,580.18 60 60 293 163 130 47 35 3 3 10 107 167 218 Mographool P. 1,112.14 74 74 409 209 200 40 46 10 141 168 219 Mugispur 478.28 47 47 246 141 105 10 6 7 85 169 220 PadIi 1,078.49 35 35 nl 106 115 23 27 13 68 170

221 Barwa Kheri P. 752.27 38 43 210 ] 16 94 25 29 19 2 75 171 222 Bhojpura 359.26 3 3 14 7 7 .. 4 4 5 172 223 Muskara P,D.Mcw. ],240.24 134 135 619 321 298 43 49 85 4 191 173 224 Pachpipaliya P. 1,079.86 88 88 414 21(1 204 60 50 33 1 134 174 225 Chitoriyalakha P. 1,004.05 47 47 225 120 105 29 23 19 82 175

226 Dida Kheri 425.62 11 11 47 28 19 2 5 2 13 176 227 Chitoriyahema P. 857.40 33 33 189 84 105 26 28 .. 5 56 177 228 Rafeeqganj P. 1,792.90 93 93 431 231 200 27 25 25 16 34 2 141 178 229 Alahada Kheri P. 897.26 38 38 187 99 88 10 .. 54 179 230 Saranga Kheri P. 505.73 47 47 306 212 94 27 6 156 180

231 Chanderi P. 1.368.70 64 64 472 296 176 57 36 2 23 5 226 181 232 Bijlon 2,634.29 ]21 122 602 315 287 65 65 .. .. 45 7 206 1&2 233 Kulas Kalan P. 1,690.48 144 144 644 348 296 46 39 I I 32 224 183 234 Dendi 791.96 47 47 223 121 102 44 40 9 7 25 75 ]84 235 GokaJpura 309.05 4 4 22 10 12 5 8 7 185

236 Amla P. 859.51 54 54 254 119 135 25 31 13 69 186 237 Rasalpura 649.53 .. . ' Uninhabited .. 187 238 Bhatoni 491.73 39 39 202 99 103 7 6 ] 2 68 188 239 Napla Kheri P. 620.32 43 45 272 146 126 . . . . 21 86 189 240 Gurbhela P. 1,866.96 132 136 727 3~8 339 51 47 32 230 190

241 Jahangirpura P,Po. 2,003.47 173 173 848 443 405 99 II 264 191 242 Bhagwanpura 506.92 5 5 13 6 7 2 6 192 243 Pipaliyamira P. ],282.06 50 50 260 141 119 22 19 18 86 193 244 Alampura P. 957.03 44 45 293 148 145 7 S 13 .. 89 194 145 Kulas Khurd 1,529.74 66 66 348 183 165 20 22 8 1 130 195

246 Sikandarganj 687.07 3 3 123 69 54 ·9 9 2 48 196 247 Chapribaramad Ashta 1.100.88 14 14 69 40 29 .. 11 25 197 248 Mullani P. 394.32 77 77 366 183 183 87 94 37 107 198 249 Us mania 272.57 11 II 43 23 20 6 5 5 13 199 250 Lala Kheri P. 490.82 79 79 378 187 191 34 34 20 117 200 225


,______WORKERS__.J._ Non- --. Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,..-A-. r--'---. 1 r~ ~ r-i--.A.--, r=...... ---. r-.A.--, ,--...... ---. r--"----, M 'F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ,, 18' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

16 9 29 19 22 47 201 3 2 .. .. . , ...... 1 2 202 67 61 17 24 3 2 .. 2 1 6 6 2 88 67 203 28 14 8 5 .. .. 20 23 204 40 35 21 22 6 2 63 51 205

37 6 17 6 2 3 .. .. 2 39 87 206 58 40 30 31 , 14 8 2 2 4 58 114 207 102 21 80 80 IS 17 1 17 4 119 225 208 3 7 5 .. . . " 1 1 1 9 209 52 23 27 36 11 3 2 4 50 69 210

15 .. 37 21 5 .. 18 11 11 5 44 74 2II 79 64 10 12 ' 5 .. 3 ...... 10 .. 60 64 212 93 47 57 50 .27 -l 6 1 1 4 3 18 10 122 16! 213 44 50 17 15 11 " 3 2 41 38 214 107 116 45 53 121 Jl' 3 2 85 ltO 215

13 2 11 2 2 2 1 15 31 216 74 63 28 13 2 2 1 56 54 217 111 103 28 22 .. .. 2 68 75 218 55 43 25 25 1 1 3 56 37 219 54 56 11 11 2 1 38 48 220

63 49 8 6 2 41 39 221 5 4 .. ••1 . . . . . , .. 2 3 .222 108 52 60 ~9 18 2 2 3 1 130 184 223 75 72 42 39 12 5 1 76 92 224 58 46 22 16 2 38 43 225

11 12 2 3 15 4 226 43 47 13 15 ...... 28 43 227 75 77 44 37 4 5 8 I 2 2 90 86 228 26 22 20 21 2 6 45 45 229 1 110 17 44 6 56 71 230

40 21 17 24 4 .. .. 165 23 70 108 231 85 26 65 77 48 8 6 .. 2 4 109 172 232 124 91 42 44 32 18 11 8 .. 124 150 233 47 24 5 5 3 3 15 17 46 58 234 6 6 I 3 6 235

39 8 24 25 3 3 50 102 236 ...... Uninhabited ...... 237 59 55 9 6 ., 31 42 238 61 40 20 8 .. .. 5 60 17 239 147 106 57 61 21 3 5 158 169 240

161 128 91 75 7 5 179 202 241 2 .. 4 2 ...... 5 242 59 43 21 25 2 .. .. 1 3 55' 51 243 68 63 14 12 '5 5 .. .. . , 2 59 65 244 71 59 35 29 2 2 3 3 17 2 53 72 245

20 6 28 21 48 246 23 15 .. .. 2 .. .. 15 14 247 63 62 30 36 4 4 .. .. 6 76 85 248 8 7 ...... 3 2 3 4 10 6 249 87 71 13 15 3 13 3 1 70 102 250 226 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu. Workers Area pied Literate ,--- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled No. and Total Wor- Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-----A.__ ...... ,..---'-_-. ,-_.A.--, ,---"-_...... ,--A_...,... P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

251 Khokri P. 949.20 35 35 203 109 94 22 24 62 49 252 Jata Khera P. 3,173.28 115 119 572 321 251 41 29 38 200 138 253 Mograram P,M,Po 1,287.Q7 178 191 1,085 589 496 34 37 3 6 122 4 451 303 254 Hasnabad P. 1,636.63 58 58 315 171 144 29 1 93 63 255 TitoTa 726.24 45 45 200 106 94 60 60 19 67 60

256 Barkheri P. 752.66 71 71 313 161 152 102 106 26 111 93 257 Hirapur P. 903.62 54 54 339 166 173 17 12 36 2 110 90 258 Dhabla 963.62 82 82 394 197 197 41 35 19 2 129 94 259 Kishanpura 254.51 Uninhabited 260 Napli 563.28 11 12 50 27 23 4 4 10 13 14

261 Chainpura P. 1,201.43 44 48 243 138 105 40 35 36 79 44 262 Sonda P. 418.97 64 64 282 162 120 40 26 38 5 88 64 263 Udpura P. 548.88 36 36 153 84 69 30 27 13 47 42 264 Konajhir 1,367.98 10 13 66 36 30 18 17 3 2 21 13 265 Ka1apahad 1,772.49 23 23 80 40 40 1 28 26

266 Barnagar P. 3,891.12 148 149 686 365 321 125 114 2 54 4 220 115 267 Pipalner 668.98 25 25 130 75 55 6 6 4 44 32 268 Ralawati 764.51 21 21 163 87 76 6 6 3 58 52 269 Sikandarpura P. 634.86 Uninhabited .. 270 Khedli P. 818.48 57 61 289 150 139 18 25 19 95 73

271 Bhandeli 717.30 65 65 301 160 141 1 27 101 60 272 Satpipalia M. 1,769.37 120 120 600 319 281 30 27 62 5 182 127 273 Amajhir P. 2,787.92 134 141 691 355 336 46 43 66 4 236 171 274 Dhaboti 3,511.05 80 80 398 214 184 46 26 16 16 44 3 124 107 275 Bamolia P,Po. 4,244.54 253 264 1,135 608 527 66 65 148 11 395 268

276 Bhansa Kheri P. 1,006.08 51 52 371 190 181 46 47 21 127 71 277 Uljhawan P,Po. 3,192.69 251 254 1,274 651 623 118 117 10 10 154 12 404 268 278 RamaKheri P. 613.07 65 65 327 175 152 14 8 30 4 111 80 279 Bhojnagar P. 1,394.24 61 61 323 162 161 27 32 48 4 101 111 280 Bilkisganj P,M,D,Po. 2,526.07 262 265 1,182 673 609 117 101 12 10 148 ,26 412 243

281 Kharania 1,528.23 Uninhabited .. .. 282 Sagoni 1,473.46 66 66 335 167 168 15 11 32 49 9 5 105 80 283 Rar Khera Bajyaft 1,296.82 I 1 4 1 3 1 I I 284 Gerukhan 1,305.94 43 43 196 98 98 20 27 II 19 14 3 60 54 285 Patni 1,841.72 94 94 492 256 236 27 37 35 46 12 1 146 III

286 Gadia 1,435.18 9 9 36 15 21 15 21 Il 8 287 Deharia Khurd 1,544.61 8 8 39 24 15 17 12 .. 3 16 288 Khari P. 2,150.68 29 29 142 73 69 6 4 38 37 7 46 3. 289 Dhaman Khera 2,570.74 43 44 208 114 94 84 78 30 16 5 62 52 290 Shikarpur P. 2,603.33 80 80 423 223 200 26 17 5 6 14 4 148 109 291 lmli Khera 2.160.89 22 22 85 41 44 i 14 19 2 1 .. , 30 19 292 Bhil Kheri Khurd 1,292.00 17 17 100 52 48 39 36 2 33 293 Lila Kheri 97825 22 22 157 77 ,80 13 13 45 50 3 50 7 294 Lasoodia Bajyaft 454.72 3 3 7 5 2 3 1 3 295 Kahari Jadid ],502.53 39 39 244 127 117 26 34 50 62 7 69 58

296 Khutia Kheri 854.28 7 7 34 20 14 8 8 2 13 2 297 Sali Kheragosain 1.237.00 15 15 90 46 44 26 44 28 ]9 298 Ratna Kheri 1,833.90 12 12 58 31 27 II 15 7 20 II 299 Awali Khera 850.47 36 36 166 82 84 15 24 20 35 8 52 3 300 Kota Karar 854.06 1 1 12 5 7 2 I 2 6 3

301 Rabiabad 4.594.00 I I 12 7 5 5 4 4 302 Ammamai 1,427.55 29 29 157 83 74 11 7 53 52 45 2 303 Ahata Haveli Sehore 80 Uninhabited 227


WORKERS Non------..-----.------_"._------~ Workers I II JJJ IV V VI VII VIII IX X LoC No . .---"--...... ,....._...... --. r--A---. r----'"---, r---"-- ...... ,----"-=...... ,...--..A.-...... r--"-~·r---"-- ...... ,---A---. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F \ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 78 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 30 14 JJ ...... 8 8 47 45 251 108 90 49 40 21 10 4 5 4 7 .. 121 113 252 173 169 91 77 21 12 .. .. 3 163 45 138 193 253 57 37 26 . 25 5 1 4 I 78 81 254 53 51 14 9 39 34 255

82 67 27 26 ...... 2 50 59 256 89 83 7 4 2 4 3 1 7 56 83 257 88 70 30 24 7 4 68 103 258 .. .. Uninhabited ., . .. 259 8 9 3 5 2 14 9 260

59 37 19 7 ...... 59 61 261 55 42 J8 16 .. 4 3 3 .. 8 3 74 56 262 31 35 6 7 . 2 5 .. 1 2 37 27 263 16 10 3 3 1 I 15 17 264 24 22 4 4 12 14 265

128 65 36 44 33 3 2 .. 8 12 3 145 206 266 37 28 4 4 .. I 2 31 2'\ 267 49 44 7 8 2 .. .. 29 24 268 ., ...... Uninhabited ., . . 269 65 56 18 17 3 4 5 55 66 270

80 52 16 8 4 .. .. 1 S9 81 271 120 100 31 21 21 6 3 7 .. 137 154 272 142 114 66 52 .. 19 4 9 I 119 165 273 90 85 26 21 2 3 1 . , .. 3 90 77 274 268 201 79 57 3 24 to 1 3 17 213 259 275

62 57 18 14 39 5 ...... '3 .. 63 110 276 217 162 104 88 5 53 15 5 2 1 19 1 247 355 277 82 64 18 11 7 5 4 64 72 278 , 78 95 20 16 . " .. .. 3 61 50 279 239 161 100 82 8 16 3 3 43 261 366 280

.. ., .. Uninhabited . ' .. 281 69 47 36 33 62 88 282 1 ...... , 3 283 31 28 27 26 . . 2- .. .. 38 44 284 74 56 49 55 8 13 I I 110 125 285

.. .. 11 8 .. 4 13 286 9 4 ., 3 " 8 15 287 10 I 33 2 3 27 66 288 37 26 24 26 . . \ . 1 52 42 289 97 97 27 12 12 4 8 75 91 290

15 10 12 9 3 II 25 291 .. 32 . , 1 . . ., 19 48 292 34 5 1 11 6 27 73 293 1 .. 2 2 2 294 45 41 18 17 6 58 59 295 4 7 2 2 7 12 296 .. .. 28 19 18 25 297 14 6 4 5 2 It 16 298 29 23 3 30 81 299 1 2 2 7 300

.. " 4 .. .. 3 5 301 23 J 21 1 .. .. J 38 72 302 .. Uninhabited ., 303 228



Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

1 2 3 4 2 3 4 44 Bag Sewaniya 204 284 A 1 Mazdoortola 45 Beenapur 29 59 I Acharpura 52 57 46 Behanta 126 105 Agariya Jagir 24 2 19 47 Beelkhera Kalan 153 177 3 Ahmadpur Kalan 222 283 48 Bhanpur 117 123 4 Akbarpur 235 235 49 Bhouri 125 98 5 Amoni 61 42 50 Bhensakhedi 142 107 6 Amakhera J56 168 51 Bheronpur 253 276 7 Amrawad Khurd 207 157 52 Bhoj Nagar 2')0 264 8 Amjhira 209 148 53 Bheronpur 42 60 9 Amarpura 258 212 54 Bhanpur 260 214 )0 Amravad Kalan 289 259 55 Bisankhedi 81 109 Bilkhariya Kalan 147 140 11 Anwla 274 207 56 57 Bishankheri 155 175 12 Arwaliya 70 68 58 Bilkhiriya Khurd 267 274 13 Ared. 122 135 59 Borban 143 104 8 60 Borkheri 189 187 61 Borda 276 213 14 Barkberi Hajam 13 17 C 15 Balampur 21 36 62 Chanderi 10 3 22 4 )6 Bagoniya 63 Chhindwada 23 1 64 Chanched 32 25 17 Barkheri Abdulla 35 37 65 Chand pur 67 74 18 Badarka Sadak 90 85 66 Chandukheri 77 75 19 Badwai 93 116 67 Chopra Kalan 98 44 20 Barkhera Bondar 101 100 68 Chhola 118 125 21 Barkhera Salam 110 95 69 Chand bad 130 167 22 Bairagarh Kalan 112 106 70 Chorsagoni 171 142 23 Bakaniya 124 96 71 Chhaoni 200 240 72 Chuna Bhatti 202 170 24 Bamhori Jagir 154 176 73 Chandanpura 219 239 25 Bansiya 172 149 74 Chhapari 232 221 26 Barkhera Nathu 180 229 75 Chichli 250 244 27 Barkhera Pathaai J85 158 76 Chhan 269 277 28 Barkheri Kalan 197 238 77 Chhawni Adampur 136 141 29' Barkheri Khurd 198 236 0 30 Bagmungaliya 205 289 78 Damkheda 121 129 31 Barkheri 216 230 , 79 Dangroli 187 153 32 Bavariya Kalan 221 285 80 Damkhera 220 242 33 Barrai 224 290 81 Dahriya Kalan 242 203 82 Deopur 12 9 83 48 3'4 Bavariya Khurd 225 294 83 Dewalkheri 84 Deepri 270 278 35 Banjari 234 237 85 Dhamaniya 138 93 36 Bagli 240 296 86 Dharampuri ' 157 171 37 Bagroda 256 295 87 Dolatpur Thikariya 36 80 38 Bairagarh 263 245 88 Dob 46 38 39 Bangrasiya: 272 275 89 Dobra 79 76 134 40 Badjhiri 273 208 90 Dopra 162 91 Doulatpur 249 216 41 BavaJi Kheda 295 304 92 Dohri Kalan 265 246 42 Bandori 301 273 93 Dupadiya '3 18 43 BanIUu:ril 174 150 94 Dubdi 176 190 229


3 HUZUR TAHSIL \ Location Serial, Location Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village J961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4


132 Kachhi Barkhera 2 95 Gadmurra (Gudmurra) 60 41 2i 133 Kanera 96 Gadiya 159 163 b 3! 134 Kadhiya g ~I 97 Ganyari 33 55 135 Karhod Khurd 9 30 98 Ghatkheri 84 51 136 Kalapeepal 18 29 99 Ghasipura 55 71 137 Kardai 38 II 100 Genhukhera 251 253 138 Kalyanpura 43 6J 101 Golkhedi' 40 66 139 Kalakheri 75 81 102 Gondarmau 92 113 140 Kalyanpur 85 4i 103 Govindpura 145 164 141 Karhod Kalan 105 127 104 Gora 181 179 142 Kanasaiya 123 01 105 Gole (Jagir) 298 263 143 Kajlas \78 184 106 Guradiya 51 15 144 Kalkhera 215 23l 107 Guradi Ghat 282 281 145 Katara 223 29! 146 Kankadiya 278 251 H 147 Kalapani 296 21<) 148 Kalyanpur 243 204 108 Hajjampura 53 61 149 Kanchbavali 41 61 109 Halalpur 127 110 150 Keeratnagar 20 33 151 5 34 110 Hataikhera 146 139 Khinchita! 152 Khamkheda 3.0 64 III Hataikheri 188 194 153 Khejradeo <66 78 112 Hinotiya 15 23 154 Khejraharamad (07 131 113 Hinotiya Kachhiyan 132 134 155 Khori .09 91 114 Hinotia Alam 264 255 156 Khetlakhedi 09 91 157 Kharkhedi 148 94 I 158 Khamlakhedi {50 ISS 159 Khajuri Sadak 151 18. 115 ImaJiya 73 46 160 Khajuri Khurd 161 141 116 Imaliya Jargar 279 256 161 Khajuri Kalan (70 159 117 lntkheri 54 58 162 Khukariya ~91 19~ 118 Intkhcri Chhap 167 183 163 Khudaganj 199 241 119 Inayatpur 277 251 164 Kharpi 213 193 120 Islam Nagar 56 67 165 Kharpa 229 197 166 Khurchani 257 2It J 167 Khandabad 303 279 168 Khajuri 28 65 121 Jamalpura 129 118 169 Khad Bamooliya 292 274 122 Jamoniyachhir 141 99 170 Kolua Kalan 1.33 162 123 lamoniya Kalan 186 154 171 Kokta 135 Hi 124 latkheri 192 202 172 Kolukheri '140 188 125 Jatkheri 239 287 173 Kohfira 144 III 126 Jhanpadiya 24 2 174 Kolua Khurd 164 146 175 Kotra Sultanabad 183 174 ]27 .Jhirniya 63 79 176 Kodiya 193 19. 128 Jhi_!iyakhera 137 303 177 Kodi 283 26i 294 , 269 129 Jhangariya 208 J78 Kotra 291 179 Kuthar It 14 130 Jhagariya Khurd 245 209 180 Kurana 78 71 J31 Jl?gi Barri 37 6 18J Kusbalpura 233 22i 230



Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. ~o. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 1 2 3 4 2 3 4


182 La mbakb era 94 120 224 Parwaliya Sani 69 69 183 Laukheri 113 108 225 Parewakheda 80 70 184 Lalpura 173 155 226 Parwaliya Sadak 89 86 185 Lasudliya Ghat 177 191 227 Palasi Jagir 103 117 186 Laharpur 206 212 228 Padariya Jat 226 152 187 Lakhapur 152 181 229 Panchawa :lOO 258 188 Lasudliya Gosai 194 199 230 Pempura 62 301 231 Pempura 68 72 M 232 Pempura 169 169 189 Malikheri 97 128 233 Phanda Kalan 149 92 190 Manikherikot 39 16 1 Station 2 B.D.O. Block 191 Malikheri 195 233 234 Phanda Khurd 175 189 192 Mandori 217 243 235 Phatehpur Dobra 247 224 193 Mandora 218 228 236 Phatahpur 34 28 194 Mahua Kheda 248 227 237 Pipaliya Chhapar Band 49 7 195 Maksi 254 300 238 Pirthipura 50 8 196 Mahavadiya 287 220 239 Pipaliya Bajkhan 96 124 197 Meerpur II~ 103 240 Pipaliya Zahirpir 99 43 198 Misrod 252 288 241 Pipalner 102 101 199 Mittookhedi 259 226 242 Pipalani Chamaran 160 160 200 Morga 65 83 243 PipaJiya Dhakar 166 188 291 Mohammadgarh (Sattikhera) 82 52 244 Pipaliya Pendekhan 184 286 202 ~oha)j Jagir 120 133 245 Pipaliya Hatila 210 151 203 Mominpura 7 35 246 Pipaliyakesho 281 265 2O:J Mungaliya Khurd 44 54 247 PipaJiya Kunjadgarh 271 297 205 Mungaliya Hat 47 84 248 Pipaliya Rani 293 266 206 Mungaliyakot 58 53 249 Pipaliya Berkhedi 297 257 207 Mubarikpur 91 102 250 Puraman Bhawan 71 47 208 Mundla 244 205 R 209 Mungaliya Chhap 168 182 251 Raipur 4 19 N 252 Raslakhedi 17 26 I I 210 Nabibag 95 121 253 Ratatal 27 2lf Nayapura 128 114 254 Ratibad 64 81 212 Narda Shankari 134 165 255 Rasuliya 76 87 213 Nandni 212 200 256 Ratanpur 87 90 214 Narela Bajyaft 227 156 257 Rasalakhedi Jadid 106 126 215 Narela 228 206 258 Ratibad 231 222 216 Nayapura 236 254 259 Ranpadiya 255 298 217 Narela Hanumantsingh 284 282 260 Rasooliya 262 247 218 Neori 115 115 261 Ratanpur 268 279 219 Neelbad 88 88 262 Rojibeh 26 10 179 231 220 Neelbad 196 234 263 ROlukheri 39 221 Nipaniya Jat 16 22 264 Rusallichunagar 45 119 222 Nipaniya Sukha 25 5 265 Rusalli 104 56 223 Nishatpura 116 122 266 RusaUi Beldar 57 231



Location Serial location Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

S 285 Semri Kalan 280 262 286 Sewaniya 291 272

267 Sagonia I 20 287 Shahpur 14 12 268 Samardha 100 302 288 Shampur 72 SO 269 Sajidabad (Karariya) 119 130 289 Shah pur 203 173 270 Sagoni Kalan 163 144 290 Shamsagarh 275 218 271 Sankal 165 145 291 Siddiqpur ..IS8 161 272 Sayastakheri 190 192 292 Singarcholi 114 III 201 172 273 Salaiya 237 248 293 Singpur 19S 274 Sankheri 238 249 294 Sikandrabad 214 295 Sobhapur Jahej 299 261 275 Sarvar 246 210 296 Sumerkheri 31 27 276 Satgadi 261 21S 297 Sukhi Sewaniya S9 40 217 Samardha Kaliyas~ 285 280 298 Suhagpur 266 250 278 Samashpura 286 217 290 Suraiya Nagar 302 267 279 Semra Syed 74 49 T 280 Sewaniya Onkara 108 136 281 Semra Kalan 131 131 300 Tarasewaniya 48 73 282 Sewaniya Gond 182 178 301 Thuakhera 288 260 302 Tilakheri 211 201 283' Semri Bazyaft 230 223 303 Tumra 86 89 284. Semri Khurd 241 299 I Patniya 232 / N r"I -...... I' N

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Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ~--- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- kers (I-I":') No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes ,-Tribes...... - __ r--Educated...... - __ r--...... ___ r---...... _--...... ,-...... ---- P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

26/3 Huzur Tahsil (Rural) 307,481.86 13,334 68,080 36,084 7,862 6,310 735 629 6,295 650 21,88412,364 14,149 31,996

1 Sa gonia 1,079.83 11 11 68 36 32 2 20 16 2 Kachhi Barkhera P. 1,145.02 32 32 153 92 61 43 35 29 50 4 3 Oupadiya 431.39 12 12 103 53 50 22 18 17 30 16 4 Raipllr P,M,Po. 2,047.85 116 119 544 278 266 115 100 89 7 163 14 5 Khinchital 360.33 Uninhabited

6 Kanera 538.22 15 17 64 36 28 6 9 2 2 26 14 7 Mominpura 527.08 4 4 15 9 6 2 5 4 8 Kadhiya P. 520.83 20 20 97 52 45 9 8 3 3 7 30 28 '9 Karhod Khurd 1,300.35 44 44 188 97 91 8 3 1 1 71 54 10 Chanderi P. 3,229.94 106 112 571 301 270 60 46 85 5 188 42

11 Kuthar P. 1,505.47 67 81 400 213 187 23 22 4 18 2 125 76 12 Oeopur 505.22 9 9 51 30 21 2 18 2 13 Barkheri Hajam 734.38 24 24 168 92 76 32 29 5 1 57 42 14 Shahpur 1,196.77 62 65 315 175 140 40 27 27 2 107 86 15 Hinotiya 488.63 27 27 146 73 73 24 29 3 10 3 44 35

16 Nipaniyajat P. 1,227.35 72 79 463 241 222 50 46 6 10 57 12 146 89 17 Raslakhedi 712.59 43 43 195 104 91 29 20 1 1 13 53 39 18 Kalapeepal 405.34 Uninhabited 19 Agariyajagir P. 2,055.86 55 60 266 142 124 69 57 7 2 86 69 20 Keeratnagar 2,192.95 Uninhabited

21 Balampur 4,575.04 87 91 555 301 254 76 55 24 19 35 196 142 22 Chhindwada 2,351.44 94 100 437 246 191 65 41 I 31 150 101 23 Bagoniya P. 2,046.96 77 95 489 251 238 62 58 S4 4 143 97 24 Jhanpadiya 1,062.91 33 33 149 82 67 28 20 10 2 52 42 25 Nipaniya Sukha P. 1,438.73 51 51 264 138 126 105 94 5 76 37

26 Rojibeh 583.61 .. Uninhabited 27 Ratatal 933.70 38 38 218 112 106 16 :7 12 69 54 28 Khajuri P. 920,46 50 50 247. 129 118 18 15 2 24 2 70 39 29 BeenapltT P. 809.44 43 50 312 ]68 144 23 17 51 4 84 48 30 Khamkheda P. 1,908.58 74 74 368 193 175 35 29 2 6 33 3 103 72

31 Sumerkheri 295.80 3 9 25 17 8 4 I 4 2 12 4. 32 Chans;hed 588.39 7 7 36 19 17 1 2 5 12 14 33 Ganyari 630.15 19 19 78 43 35 6 4 3 29 13 34 Phatahpuf 641.88 2 2 7 4 3 1 2 1 2 2 35 Barkheri Abdulla 1,823.60 13 13 63 34 29 11 7 1 1 4 3 14 13

36 Oolatpur Thikariya 1,064.60 13 12 68 35 33 7 11 23 14 37 Jogibarri 393.02 Uninhabited 38 KardaJ 808.57 30 30 142 82 60 75 38 6 2 48 35 39 Manikherikot 1,364.48 20 20 91 47 44 8 ]6 2 29 18 40 Golkhvadi P. 300.41 22 22 105 63 42 5 4 7 34 17

41 Kanch Baali 120.83 5 5 21 11 10 5 8 5 42 Bheronpur 142.83 40 46 214 113 101 23 17 9 8 12 76 49 43 Kalyanpura 501.54 ,Uninhabited 44 Mungaliya Khurd 574.85 Uninhabited .. 45 Rusallichunagar 487.52 5 5 18 9 9 8 9 7 5

46 Dob 740.34 28 28 115 63 52 8 4 3 .. 38 27 47 Mungaliyahat P. 1,538.89 138 142 626 325 301 83 56 70 6 201 179 48 Tarasewaniya P,O. 2,846.37 167 199 984 548 436 132 102 86 3 318 180 49 Pipaliyachhapar Hanad 602.90 16 16 78 49 29 30 17 34 19 50 Pirthipura 276.71 7 7 27 14 13 14 11 9 6 237


______WORKERS--A. ______Non- -. Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,-__ .A.~-. r-"----, ,.--.A.---, r--.A.--. ,-_.A._-. ,.....--"---. ~--. ,--~ ,-_.A._-. ,---"---. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

11,097 6,056 4,992 4,626 1,060 99 953 328 762 224 364 97 443 66 427 12 1,786 856 14,200 19,632 2613

12 10 7 6 16 16 1 21 23 4 3 3 42 57 2 21 5 8 11 ...... 1 23 34 3 100 3 35 3 3 8 3 .. .. 3 1 13 4 115 252 4 .., Uninhabited 5

13 10 8 4 3 10 14 6 4 3 ., 1 1 .. 4 2 7 21 18 8 10· 1 22 17 8 52 38 19 16 .. 26 37 9 138 16 26 26 8 4 12 113 228 10

87 57 22 16 4 7 2 2 3 88 111 It 13 2 4 1 12 19 12 36 31 13 11 7 1 .. 35 34 13 74 59 26 20 I 7 1 5 68 54 14 21 14 ]6 17 5 4 2 29 38 15

77 61 29 25 6 10 2 16 6 95 133 16 30 23 20 16 1 1 .. 1 51 52 17 .. Uninhabited .. 18 62 48 19 21 2 1 .. 2 56 55 19 .. Uninhabited .. 20

75 60 77 71 2 1 36 II 3 105 112 21 98 50 38 50 3 5 .. .. 6 1 96 90 22 92 49 6 15 5 3 17 II 3 2 ]8 18 108 141 23 24 21 17 20 7 2 2 1 30 25 24 51 17 22 20 2 1 62 89 25

Uninhabited ...... 26 51 43 6 8 5 2 3 5 43 52 27 47 14 18 15 3 2 59 79 28 50 42 II 2 20 4 2 84 96 29 82 52 19 18 2 2 90 103 30

1 8 4 2 5 4 31 5 5 6 9 .. .. I 7 3 32 19 9 6 4 1 I 2 14 22 33 1 1 2 2 1 34 9 8 1 3 2 2 2 20 16 35

18 8 5 6 12 19 36 .. Uninhabited .. 37 27 19 18 16 3 .. .. 34 25 38 15 II 10 7 1 3 18 26 39 25 12 9 5 29 2S 40

7 4 .. 1 1 .. 3 5 41 58 35 15 14 2 I 37 52 42 Uninhabited 43 .. Uninhabited .. . . 44 5 3 I 2 1 2 4 4S

22 11 15 16 1 25 25 46 112 98 62 73 6 10 6 7 2 4 124 122 47 204 119 88 59 .. 14 6 6 2 230 256 48 26 12 4 7 4 15 10 49 5 2 2 4 2 5 7 50 238


Occu. Workers Area pied Literate r---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available a~res ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r----.A.-----, r--.A.-...... r--.A.---. ,-~ ,-A----. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Guradiya 556.54 33 33 175 99 76 88 57 6 53 46 52 Aeharpura P. 1,237:88 25 54 220 120 100 36 37 21 1 78 22 53 Hajjampura 461.43 11 11 50 27 23 3 7 2 I 18 12 54 Intkheri P. 554.92 54 63 247 132 115 40 32 19 13 30 5 84 56 55 Gbasipura 58.54 13 13 62 28 34 2 2 1 4 17 15

56 .Islarnnagar P,M,Po,To. 2,742.72 146 164 853 457 396 39 29 92 17 236 134 57 Rusalli Beldar 22844 Uninhabited .' 58 Mungaliyakot 2,263.56 37 37 194 102 92 46 34 8 5 65 45 59 Sukhisewaniya 1,866.43 83 85 572 272 300 56 32 11 J5 66 43 J40 23 60 Gadmurra 1,667.84 28 29 179 98 81 10 7 12 9 13 5 69 43

61 Amoni 4,170.65 82 105 342 210 132 54 34 69 47 18 135 51 62 Pempura 988.21 65 86 422 217 205 42 31 I 8 134 114 63 Jbirniya 1,625.61 19 19 158 80 78 I 1 50 56 2 1 38 3 64 Ratibad 975.53 26 26 110 58 52 3 4 7 2 45 30 65 Morga 461.01 Uninhabited ",

66 Khejradeo P. 633.90 54 54 209 112 97 40 32 10 I 67 41 67 Chand pur 670.57 23 23 ll8 59 59 16 9 3 1 41 30 68 Pempura 308.87 Uninhabited .. .. ., 69 Parwaliyasa.ni 907.21 66 80 389 201 188 31 30 3 22 122 103 70 Arwaliya P,D.,Mew. 649.70 59 68 323 174 149 21 16 41 7 107 71

71 Puraman Bha wan 187.11 5 5 43 23 20 2 2 10 1 13 9 72 Shampur 238.08 29 29 149 87 62 14 II 22 1 39 29 73 Imaliya 1,959.81 98 98 516 276 240 30 28 48 9 178 76 74 Semra'lyed 469.26 69 69 338 184 154 15 9 19 4 107 55 75 Kalakheri P. 1,138.19 65 70 319 180 139 41 25 31 26 20 116 71

76 Rasuliya 965.92 25 41 184 97 87 39 36 12 58 49 77 Chandukheri P. 1,099.94 81 82 360 189 111 36 40 31 I 123 100 78 Kurana P,S. 1,842.06 113 113 534 287 247 121 104 6 8 64 8 180 158 79 Dobra 372.00 22 22 113 60 53 11 II 1 .. 34 25 80 Parewakheda 674.46 22 24 128 79 49 20 II 12 1 51 30

81 Bisankhedi P. 419.88 66 70 352 182 170 62 63 19 110 110 82 Mohammadgarh (Sattikhera) 115.16 2 2 12 5 7 .. I 2 2 ., 83 Dewalkheri 301.64 35 35 175 85 90 27 20 7 51 42 84 Ghatkheri 304.05 7 7 29 14 15 1 .. .. 2 11 5 85 Kalyanpur 4,007.48 86 86 422 219 203 85 69 14 13 42 137 83

86 Tumra P,M,D,Po. 5,832.68 327 338 1,517 824 693 163 154 2 2 172 10 497 320 87 RatanpUT P. 1,206.06 47 53 283 163 120 40 18 3 34 2 115 73 88 Neelbad 1,081.91 17 19 71 38 33 3 6 .. 27 17 89 Parwaliya Sadak P. 2,639.05 113 142 623 343 280 80 73 70 4 217 165 90 Badarka Sadak 508.95 27 35 153 92 61 4 2 8 60 32

91 Muharikpur P. 1,045.26 72 76 361 189 172 24 21 41 108 65 92 Gondarmau P,S. 2,209.26 89 101 525 266 259 82 58 24 174 158 93 Badwai P. 1,861.71 103 J08 556 303 253 35 53 ) 71 4 185 ]13 94 Lamhakhera M. 1,334.52 66 70 358 189 169 34 32 2 65 9 95 37 95 Nabibag P. 441.37 51 53 248 124 124 93 67 52 7 62 40

96 Pipaliya Bajkhan P. 609.63 49 49 237 124 113 21 18 19 1 74 28 97 Malikheri P. 553.32 57 58 253 131 122 31 23 3 5 43 10 80 44 98 Choprakalan 2,140.03 130 130 797 416 381 71 63 67 7 286 236 99 Pipaliya Zahirpir 2,065.78 143 143 770 396 374 141 100 26 29 98 16 247 156 100 Samaldha P. 10,784.30 29 37 179 94 85 4 2 10 16 9 57 34 239


______WORKERS.A. Non- r------..... Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ~,-~ , ,...--.A.---, ,_.A._., ,-.A._., ~ ,....-----'--., ,..-~ ,-_.A._ ..... M F M F M F M F M F 'M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 .28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

28 I 17 44 4 .. 1 3 1 46 30 51 38 15 7 1 5 6 3 18 6 42 78 52 11 6 5 5 1 . , .. 1 9 11 53 25 10 46 43 1 5 2 7 48 59 54 9 9 6 6 2 11 19 55

95 77 91 55 2 19 3 5 3 18 221 262 56 .. .. Uninhabited .. . , . . 57 47 28 17 n .. .. " .. 37 47 58 53 19 40 4, 3 16 24 3 132 277 59 30 6 18 31 21 6 29 38 60

33 28 8 8 2 .. 14 11 76 2 3 75 81 61 109 91 13 12 . .. 4 4 2 8 5 83 91 62 5 1 3 2 30 .. 42 75 63 26 22 15 8 3 . , .. 1 13 22 64 Uninhabited 65

33 14 30 27 .. 2 2 45 56 66 29 20 10 10 2 .. 18 29 67 ...... Uninhabited .. .. ., 68 84 76 10 6 2 2 . , .. 1 22 21 79 85 69 41 36 5 9 12 3 1 1 4 41 24 67 78 70

5 6 .. 8 3 .. . . 10 11 71 13 16 15 7 9 6 .. 1 1 48 33 72 118 24 52 51 .. 7 .. 1 98 164 73 84 41 18 14 1 1 .. 2 1 77 99 74 71 42 31 24 5 7 5 2 64 68 75

52 46 6 3 ...... 39 38 76 87 72 5 27 17 .. 6 1 1 2 .. .. 5 . . 66 71 77 90 85 47 56 14 1 14 3 1 3 5 1 10 8 107 89 78 24 17 10 8 ...... 26 28 79 31 18 8 2 4 8 10 28 19 80

70 72 25 38 3 8 3 72 60 81 1 .. " .. .. 1 3 7 82 34 23 15 17 2 2 34 48 83 5 1 6 4 .. .. , . 3 10 84 79 40 25 38 12 3 7 1 9 5 82 120 85

258 167 125 125 22 52 20 2 .. .. 14 4 23 4 327 373 86 77 60 26 II 5 3 1 I 1 I 2 48 47 87 22 15 3 2 ...... 2 . . 11 16 88 135 119 28 39 13 18 5 5 8 10 2 126 115 89 30 17 6 7 1 22 8 1 32 29 90

33 21 44 40 4 4 .. 7 2 3 12 2 81 107 91 93 99 54 58 6 .. 6 1 2 ., 6 1 6 92 101 92 58 56 73 50 21 2 8 3 3 2 5 10 7 118 140 93 33 1 39 36 1 ., 3 5 .. 14 94 132 94 20 10 9 29 4 1 3 26 62 84 95

46 8 30 20 2 .. 2 ,. 50 85 % 48 3 29 40 .. f ( .. .. . , ...... 2 .. 51 78 91 74 20 88 176 II ., 7 1 1 50 27 6 1 10 8 39 3 130 145 98 121 62 77 69 10 5 13 8 5 I 4 20 8 149 218 99 32 24 17 8 10 37 51 100 240


Occu. Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village kers (I-IX) available acres ses holds ,----A.Total Population__ , Castes Tribes Educated ,----'-_-. ,-_A___,.... ,-_"""--"\ ,-- ...... --, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Barkhera Bondar P. 2,365.25 ]25 131 589 292 297 112 106 50 5 188 174 102 Pipalner P. ],208.12 46 49 214 114 ]00 20 19 13 68 49 103 PaJasi Jagir P. 552.67 55 57 287 ]42 145 34 28 57 10 81 83 ]04 Rusalli 263.82 27 29 122 74 48 2 JO .. 6 " 42 26 )05 Karbodkalan P. 499 33 70 71 354 183 171 86 75 ] 19 ] 112 59

106 Rasalakhedi Jadid 632.13 48 48 227 115 112 ]6 12 22 I 70 21 107 Khejra Baramda P. 1,350.78 89 84 382 191 191 63 50 .. 57 14 136 101 lOS Sewaniya Onkara P. 1,012.03 64 78 411 209 202 27 27 9 6 70 6 121 26 109 Khori 1,791.59 22 22 92 44 48 1 2 1 24 23 110 Barkhera Salam P. 2,054.44 135 ]42 643 336 307 66 55 57 221 183

11l Meerpnr 525.46 Uninhabited .. " .. 112 Bairagarhkalan P. 1,750.84 133 138 591 312 279 95 87 55 10 200 147 113 Laukheri P,S. 1,072.07 77 77 360 192 168 56 42 79 10 107 82 ]14 Singarcholi 595.71 29 30 123 59 64 I 13 8 23 2 37 22 115 Neori 639.12 48 51 235 126 109 19 22 2 2 20 3 75 38

116 Nishatpura ., .. Included in Bhopal Town .. " .. 117 Bhanpur P. 904.92 72 84 341 189 152 17 10 " 32 3 126 59 118 Chhola Included in Bhopal Town .. 119 Sajidabad (Karariya) I neluded in Bhopal Town .. 120 Mobali Jagir 637.33 39 31 156 78 78 5 6 29 3 56 45

121 Damkheda 737.72 57 52 293 149 144 41 41 2 19 .. 93 73 122 Aredi 1,516.47 47 53 257 128 129 51 45 8 3 69 2 123 Kanasaiya P. 4,491.60 77 87 441 238 203 '28 24 14 1 141 70 124 Bakaniya P. 2,079.92 133 133 574 294 280 73 68 25 3 203 146 125 Bhouri P,M,Po. 3,668.57 217 232 ],121 596 525 70 48 ]0 7 ]59 6 342 230

126 Behanta P. 761.28 55 55 221 106 115 21 5 40 .. 66 65 127 Ha}alpur 390.75 29 38 153 85 68 21 14 1 2 32 16 S9 24 128 Nayapura P. 208.15 33 36 179 95 84 5 3 45 6 56 16 129 Jamalpura Included in Bhopal Town •. 130 Chand bad Included in Bhopal Town ..

l3I Semrakalan Included in Bhopal Town .. 132 Hinotiya Kachhiyan .. Included in Bhopal Town .. . . 133 Koluakalan 1,102.54 25 29 151 75 76 24 19 .. 3 .. 41 134 Nare)a Shankari P. 1,430.41 142 149 810 412 398 61 51 1 30 3 247 5 135 Kokta 750.65 Uninhabited ..

136 Chhawni Adampur 3,970.37 ]23 139 581 304 277 76 66 1 4 39 2 209 121 137 Jhiriyakhera 1,041.03 4 4 18 12 6 4 I 5 2 2 4 5 138 Dhamaniya P. 1,442.19 53 53 259 133 126 22 13 II 13 9 87 66 ]39 Khetlakhedi 282.61 5 5 27 15 12 .. " 2 .. 10 6 140 Kolukberi P. 1,202.25 83 83 379 197 ]82 44 15 44 3 113 73

141, Jamoniyachhir P. 603.16 44 44 207 107 100 22 18 23 62 48 142 Bhensakhedi P,E,Ed. ],105.78 63 63 286 150 136 58 47 20 I 91 59 ]43 Borban P,S. 449.60 32 32 129 74 55 3 24 2 37 33 ]44 Kohfira . . Included in Bhopal Town ...... ]45 Govindpura .• Included in Govindpura Town (H.E.L.)

146 Hataikhera P. 1,476.32 159 219 1,078 570 508 234 179 140 25 347 119 141 Bilkbariya Kalan 952.49 23 23 276 ISO 126 79 ]5 28 2 III 50 148 Kharkhedi 595.08 17 17 136 72 64 32 62 16 40 23 149 Phanda Kalan P.M,Po,E,Ed. 3,574.63 225 238 1,058 566 492 90 74 171 20 348 223 ISO Khamlakhedi 367.70 10 10 42 21 21 2 1 1 14 5 241


WORKERS Non------.. Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,...--"-_.. ,...--A.--,. ,..---A.-.. ,..---A.--.. ,.--,,/0.._ .. M--A.=.. ,---A._., ,--,,/0..--,. ,..--,,/0.._-, ,.--Jo--.. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

126 119 41 52 7 2 2 2 3 6 104 123 101 43 32 16 ~7 1 1 ,. 1 6 46 51 102 27 39 16 40 4 6 2 1 2 1 3 21 2 61 62 103 1 41 26 .. 32 22 104 59 28 33 27' 3 4 5 3 2 4 2 71 112 105

33 10 12 10 3 1 12 3 2 4 45 91 106 50 34 40 65 18 16 2 . , S .. 2 5 55 90 107 36 2 68 23 5 1 2 1 2 1 6 88 176 108 13 6 10 13 1 2 2 20 25 109 155 129 37 50 ,18 6 2 2 3 115 124 110 .. .. ., Uninhabited .. .. III 74 10 41 119 43 5 16 12 J J 7 17 J 112 132 112 42 47 13 32 i4 . 1 3 6 6 2 2 19 2 85 86 113 6 13 1 'I 1 3 4 2 2 17 9 22 42 114 18 18 4 8 9 1 3 8 3 5 9 20 6 51 71 115

...... " .. Included in Bhopal Town •• .. ., . . 116 24 16 22 38 3 2 15 42 1 11 6 5 63 93 117 Included in Bhopal Town •. 118 .. Included in Bhopal Town .• 119 38 29 9 16 2 3 3 22 33 120

40 19 35 57 10 3 2 3 .. 2 56 66 121 31 I 32 I 1 .. 2 .. 1 1 1 59 127 122 50 24 .. 25 2 3 1 3 3 57 43 97 133 123 93 77 59 68 25 10 ...... 3 13 1 91 134 124 192 100 70 98 12 30 30 2 1 3 5 18 10 254 295 125

43 43 9 21 2 . . 2 1 .. .. 1 . . 8 1 40 50 126 5 4 3 2 3 1 1 ., 2 1 3 4 5 3 33 12 26 44 127 18 II I 2 4 1 4 .. 13 2 14 2 39 68 128 Included in Bhopal Town .. 129 Included in Bhopal Town .. 130

Included in Bhopal Town .. 131 .. Included in Bhopal Town .. .. 132 16 19 ...... 2 1 1 2 34 76 \33 106 101 2 3 5 1 4 23 1 4 165 393 134 .. Uninhabited .. 135

87 60 9 27 4 2 37 4 37 2 39 20 95 156 136 3 1 I .. " .. 4 8 1 1~7 56 49 22 17 3 4 46 60 138 10 5 .. I .. 5 6 139 50 2 42 67 9 8 4 2 84 109 140

29 21 25 27 .. 2 2 .. 2 45 52 141 31 21 37 37 5 1 5 1 12 59 77 142 20 18 6 14 8 1 .. 1 .. 1 37 22 143 Included in Bhopal Town .. .. 144 .. Included in Govindpura Town (H.E.L.) .. 145

35 27 16 1 59 26 13 53 20 13 4 121 77 223 389 146 19 9 .. 1 I .. 76 23 ., 3 12 17 39 76 147 22 13 11 10 2 I 2 2 32 41 148 146 113 90 84 8 37 13 6 7 4 18 36 9 218 269 149 11 1 3 4 7 16 150 242


Workers Name Area Occu- Literate r------L.C. of Facilities 'in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village avail:lbJe acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,--_..A.__ ...... r---.A..-, r-.A.-""",'r~--" ,-:__ ...... ~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Khajuri Sadak P.E.Ei 855.01 91 91 472 245 227 18 22 49 7 146 58 152 Lakhapur P. 704.05 53 53 265 128 137 38 34 2 23 8 82 46 153 Beelkhera Kalan P. 1,371.68 73 95 431 222 209 61 58 7.9 4 133 117 154 Barnhori Jagir 422.45 Uninhabited 155 Bishankheri P. 1,394.94 43 50 219 117 102 41 28 15 73 40

156 Arnakhera Iucluded in Bhopal Town .. 157 Dhararnpuri Included in Bhopal Town ., 158 Siddiqpur Uninhabited 159 Gadiya Uninhabited 160 Pipalani Chamaran Uninhabited

161 Khajuri Khurd P. 604.30 151 153 443 255 188 32 30 14 19 49 5 152 22 162 Dobra 307.17 12 12 74 43 31 12 5 1 6 23 1 163 Sagoni Kalan P. 430.35 62 62 195 ]17 78 41 25 1 14 85 42 164 Kolua Khurd 621.10 28 31 137 74 63 19 II 10 42 20 165 Sankal P. 1,794..78 172 172 710 409 301 208 134 17 22 58 8 275 108

166 Pipaliya Dhakar P. 1,061.49 50 50 243 122 121 16 16 35 1 75 52 167 Intkheri Chhap P. 1,194.68 57 57 296 144 152 12 18 33 2 87 69 168 Mungaliya Chhap P,Po. 3,265.86 268 272 1,230 666 564 136 90 1 3 13l 5 392 233 169 Pernpura Included in Bhopal Town ., 170 Khajuri Kalan P. 3,577.94 179 179 828 429 399 71 55 50 235 27

171 Chorsagoni 335.92 III III 380 235 145 103 57 2 24 165 82 172 Bansiya 1,982.89 31 31 154 84 70 10 9 7 10 8 48 1 173 Lalpura 611.86 Uninhabited 174 Bankheri 241.61 Uninhabited .. \ 175 Phanda Khurd 638.06 30 37 186 101 85 16 10 28 .. 57 36

176 Dubdi 389.57 22 22 90 50 40 3 4 1 29 20 177 Lasudliya Ghat' 367.95 19 23 112 61 51 5 3 6 37 23 178 Kajlas P. 817.22 43 43 211 116 95 II 7 25 74 55 179 Rolukheri 334.82 8 8 15 9 6 2 1 1 8 3 180 Barkhera Nathu P,Po. 1,727.23 127 127 596 317 279 83 51 60 208 55

181 Gora 1,121.39 41 47 247 139 108 27 21 2 73 38 182 Sewaniya Gond 774.10 31 41 145 81 64 3 3 20 13 8 2 55 35 183 Kotra Sultanabad Included in Bhopal Town., 184 Pipaliya Pendekhan P. 404.21 28 33 168 90 78 10 7 20 9 47 29 185 Barkhera Pathani P. 1,832.77 125 125 601 317 284 127 89 59 4 190 65

186 Jamoniya Kalan ·p,Po. 1,273.04 87 92 720 375 345 26 24 22 24 46 4 353 163 187 Dangroli 523.05 37 37 144 68 76 11 11 13 43 14 188 Hataikheri 432.32 II 12 58 30 28 12 14 3 16 I 189 Borkheri 317.86 18 18 139 76 63 2 1 7 48 1 190 Sayasta Kheri P. 685.29 49 49 250 132 118 40 31 39 84 40

191 Khukariya 395.33 24 24 129 65 64 4 7 18 40 3 192 Jatkhedi 427.98 19 19 64 33 31 9 18 12 25 11 193 Kodiya P. 1,474.01 97 97 493 247 246 19 8 28 i53 14 194 L:::sudliya Gosai 677.82 12 12 79 44 3; 4 19 4 .. 27 9 195 Malikheri 875.81 24 25 116 59 57 3 2 1 2 30 10

1% Neelbad p. 697.75 28 41 211 97 114, 42 40 20 7 57 6 197 Barl;heri Kalan P. 513.57 42 67 341 180 161 23 19 27 116 78 198 Barkheri Khurd 170.14 20 22 100 56 44 41 34 2 31 4 199 Khudaganj 473.01 Uninhabited 200 Chhaoni 704.06 43 44 249 131 118 71 48 2 10 70 20 243


WORKERS Non------~~------~ Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Le. No. ,...... ,...__. ,..--..A..--, r--...... ---, .----.A.--. r--.A.---, r--.A.---, r--.A.---, r--...... ~ r--.A.~ r--.A.--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

87 1 34 48 4 1 18 7 99 169 151 35 1 37 43 1 3 1 4 1 1 46 91 152 64 59 43 47 17 1 2 .. 2 6 7 89 92 153 . , .. . . ! • Uninhabited .. .. 154 32 25 )i 11 6 13 2 3 7 1 44 62 155

Included in Bhopal Town .. 156 Included in Bhopal Town .. 157 Uninhabited .. 158 Uninhabited 159 .. Uninhabited 160

35 3 9 9 3 81 18 3 11 103 166 161 18 I 3 .. 2 .. .. 20 30 162 2 .. 3 . 3 75 41 .. 2 . . 32 36 163 20 18 1 13 3 .. 1 .. 4 1 32 43 164 68 8 6 4 117 43 6 6 60 64 134 193 165

50 32 19 17 I 2 I .. 4 47 69 166 50 36 26 33 .. 6 1 ., 2 2 57 83 167 190 97 92 106 14 2 45 18 25 5 I 7 3 18 2 274 331 168 .. . . Included in Bhopal Town ...... 169 161 , 3 23 10 8 6 9 6 4 12 15 5 194 372 170

24 2 138 82 .. , .. 70 63 171 43 4 .. 1 36 69 172 .. Uninhabited .. 173 .. Uninhabited ...... 174 33 20 20 16 4 44 49 175

22 16 7 4 21 20 176 32 23 .. 5 .. 24 28 177 54 43 14 12 2 4 .. 42 40 178 1 7 2 ...... 1 1 3 179 147 12 27 27 3 6 7 4 20 8 109 224 180

47 27 2 5 1 16 11 66 70 181 27 21 2 1 .. .. 1 .. 1 22 14 26 29 182 .. .. Included in Bhopal Town ., ., 183 21 13 9 15 2 7 .. 7 .. .. 1 43 49 184 75 39 19 16 10 12 8 18 I 55 2 127 219 185

75 18 27 43 14 2 2 2 3 168 63 98 22 182 186 24 7 I 2 1 9 12 25 62 187 10 I 5 .. 1 14 27 188 45 I 2 .. f .. . . 28 62 189 47 17 28 23 3 2 2 2 48 78 190

27 2 8 1 .. 3 2 .. 25 61 191 17 3 6 7 2 . , .. 1 8 20 192 85 1 58 13 4 1 5 94 232 193 19 7 9 1 17 26 194 24 2 4 8 1 29 47 195

32 8 6 2 3 11 1 .. 40 108 196 98 66 I 2 .. 15 12 64 83 197 25 4 .. 6 25 40 198 .. .. Uninhabited . . 199 20 7 18 13 6 24 61 98 200 244


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate .----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village I available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kefS (I-IX) .-___.A.. ___-, .-_,_.A..--, .----.Jo---, ,-_.A.._-, .-_...... :_-. PM FM F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Singpur Included in Bhopal Town •• 202 Chuna Bhatti Included in Bhopal Town •• 203 Shahpur Included in Bhopal Town ...... 204 Bag Sewaniya P. 962.74 48 48 231 122 109 23 23 16 2 76 49 205 Bagmungaliya P. 851.05 59 59 290 145 145 30 32 27 84 80

209 Laharpur 411,67 29 29 III 51 60 10 5 1 3 6 I 36 34 201 Amrawad Khurd P. 1,094.12 50 50 222 118 104 19 17 16 I 10 4 86 57 208 Jhangariya 977.39 13 13 60 37 23 23 13 1 1 3 .. 19 209 Amjhira P. 2737.00 91 91 401 203 198 16 17 2 4 18 1 120 59 2\0 Pipaliya Hatila 254.20 1 275 2 2 5

211 Tilakheri P,M,D., 1,050.46 134 134 617 _ 309 308 52 43 68 6 200 160 Mcw,Po. 212 Nandni 849.53 41 41 218 113 105 20 18 29 3 66 31 213 Kharpi P. 619.12 28 28 150 86 64 I 1 15 .. 45 29 214 Sikandrabad P. 1,252.88 40 53 310 178 132 18 8 4 21 2 77 4 215 Kalkhera 98719 38 38 164 82 82 34 43 4 49 32

216 Barkheri 1,056.82 26 34 167 91 76 9 9 2 46 I 211 Mandori 826.85 29 36 208 109 99 16 23 3 51 2 218 Mandora 715.02 4 7 37 22 15 1 2 9 219 Chandanpura 1,198.07 2 2 2 2 2 220 Damkhera 871.43 4 444 2 4

211 - Bavariya Kalan P. 2,562.50 215 228 1,053 548 505 89 66 11 4 171 19 337 230 222 Ahmadpur Kalan 420.49 13 13 99 46 53 1 5 13 5 30 23 223 Katara 1.023.81 44 40 204 109 95 34 8 18 69 52 224 Barrai P,S. 1,109.37 57 57 226 124 102 22 13 31 20 17 79 63 225 Bavariya Khurd P. 769.09 67 67 273 148 125 28 14 20 85 10

226 Padariya Jat 1,104.63 50 50 276 151 125 28 17 6 94 65 227 Narela Bajyaft 342.65 3 4 15 8 7 .. 4 228 Narela P. 843.01 51 51 318 174 144 4 2 36 104 84 229 Kharpa 993.20 40 40 217 1I~ 98 13 36 8 70 35 230 Semd Bazyaft 908.60 41 57 287 159 128 21 8 9 87 4

231 Ratibad P, 415.05 46 55 346 187 159 15 21 72 100 8 232 Chhapari 644.07 ...... Uninhabited .. 233 Kushalpura 348.29 28 35 183 107 76 32 20 3 53 11 234 Banjari 521.66 I 1 I 1 .. .. 1 235 Akbarpur P. 410.68 31 31 163 90 73 32 26 3 49 32

236 Nayapura P. 389.41 20 22 113 59 54 11 8 3 2 8 32 20 237 Salaiya P. 418.52 44 44 191 104 87 18 18 14 52 3 238 Sankheri 320.32 .. Uninhabited .. ., .. 239 Jatkhedi P. 684.29 40 40 175 101 74 30 20 26 1 58 42 240 Bagli P. 533.97 29 29 124 66 58 5 4 12 1 45 29

241 Semri Khurd 441.17 24 25 121 67 54 25 20 9 4 9 46 24 242 Dahriya Kalan P. 314.65 32 32 185 96 89 2 1 15 55 53 243 Kalyanpur 364.83 11 11 67 33 34 1 I 8 17 16 244 Mundla P. 952.03 56 56 276 152 124 17 19 7 107 34 245 Jhagariya Khurd P. 1,056.30 34 34 170 88 8~ 23 6 12 5 53 39

246 Sarvar P. 1.350.75 46 46 221 116 105 3 4 16 68 4 247 Phatehpur Dobra 1,395.58 19 22 148 84 64 45 6 248 Mahua Kheda 830.42 Uninhabited .. 249 Doulatpur 656.82 11 11 55 31 24 2 3 29 12 20 12 250 Chichli 1,429.17 16 16 91 47 44 2 4 3 25 15 245


----______- ______WORKERS A ______~ Non- Workers L.C. I If 111 IV V VI vn VIII ' IX X No.

,- r--~ ._J,,_ ...... ,---"--~ • ...... :.A._-; .--"-_""""'\ ,-_A_"""",\ ,--"-_""""'\ ._A_-. ,---"--~ M F'"""' 'M F M F M F M F, M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

.. Included in Bhopal Town ., 201 ., Included in Bhopal Town .. 202 ...... , . . ' Included in Bhopal Town •. .. ., ., 203 38 29 13 20 5 3 7 10 46 60 204 19 21 62 59 1 2 61 65 205

16 14 19 20 .. .. 15 26 206 72 51 8 '6 2 1 3 32 47 207 12 7 .. ., .. . . 18 23 208 56 19 I I 3 41 57 83 139 209 5 2 210

92 82 44 49 3 37 20 3 5 6 2 13 3 109 148 211 38 13 20 16 6 2 47 74 212 39 24 6 5 ., .. 41 35 213 30 2 24 2 to 6 .. .. 6 1 101 128 214 30 19 14 11 3 1 1 1 33 50 . 215

34 1 6 ...... , 6 45 75 216 26 2 3 5 6 2 4 5 58 97 217 '9 .. 13 15 218 .. 2 .. 219 I 3 220

97 131 20 1 22 18 35 7 .. 4 9 2 31 119 71 211 275 221 8 3 17 20 ., 1 2 2 16 30 222 36 20 31 31 I I .. .. 1 40 43 223 47 36 25 25 I 2 2 2 1 1 .. 45 39 224 40 35 3 3 1 2 2 9 63 115 225

65 54 16 9 7 2 2 3 57 60 226 3 .. .. 1 4 7 227 81 71 18 13 .. I .. '4 70 60 228 39 26 14 9 6 6 .. 2 3 49 63 229 32 13 2 36 I 2 4 1 72 124 230

61 18 8 16 2 .. .. 3 87 151 231 ...... , .. Uninhabited .. . . 232 30 4 11 3 3 13 54 65 233 1 .. " ...... 234 20 17 26 15 2 1 41 41 235

20 16 10 4 27 34 236 29 1 23 2 .. .. 52 84 237 " .. " .. Uninhabited " 238 30 27 18 9 4 2 .. I .. 5 4 43 32 239 20 12 17 13 6 2 I I 2 21 29 240

23 12 20 11 3 21 30 241 46 44 8 8 1 41 36 242 16 15 1 1 ...... 16 18 243 77 30 20 I I .. 5 3 2 2 45 90 244 44 1 5 16 I 19 2 1 3 35 43 245

45 .. 2 7 11 2 48 101 246 30 5 2 13 .. .. 39 58 247 ...... Uninhabited 248 15 9 2 2 1 .. 2 11 12 249 15 6 3 9 5 I 1 22 29 250 246


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kersO-IX) r----.A.---. ,-_.A. _-. ,-_.A.._-. ,-_..A.._-. ,----"-_-., P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Genhu Kheda 309.26 16 16 73 41 32 2 4 3 4 1 1 21 8 252 Misrod P,M,D,Mcw,S, 1,464.54 208 207 929 468 461 82 82 1 95 15 289 123 Po,To.E,Ed,Ei. 253 Bheronpur 560.55 24 24 140 70 70 9 8 12 2 32 13 254 Maksi 365.52 8 8 34 18 16 7 3 12 9 255 Ranpadiya P. 1,133.93 61 61 276 156 120 17 13 5 19 91 58

256 Bagroda P,D. 3,719.91 140 140 731 317 354 63 67 47 10 246 179 257 Khurchani P. 1,185.25 70 70 301 161 140 20 16 9 1 91 55 258 Amarpura 254.38 13 14 92 44 48 41 39 22 17 259 Mittookhedi 316.24 1 1 6 4 2 2 I 260 Bhanpur 2,326.97 17 19 77 47 30 5 12 3 3 2 25 9

261 Satgadi 1,592.44 Uninhabited 262 Rasooliya 301.00 2 2 5 3 '} 3 2 . . .. 2 I 263 Bairagarh P. 1,161.52 132 132 707 365 342 93 81 1 75 14 196 104 264 Hinotia Alam P. 801.05 57 57 274 144 130 5 5 3 3 6 75 9 ·265 Dohri Kalan 812.46 15 15 61 26 35 11 16 1 1 2 19 7

266 Suhagpur P. 444.72 42 42 201 100 101 18 17 13 50 6 267 Bilkhiriya Khurd 40183 6 6 25 15 10 14 10 9 6 268 Ratanpur P. 1,295.77 81 85 403 210 193 40 46 83 3 125 104 269 Chhan P. 762.78 30 30 128 66 62 20 14 7 7 36 30 270 Deepri P.S. 1,290.06 59 59 345 171 174 54 33 23 4 91 65

271 Pipaliya Kunjadgarh 403.29 7 7 44 30 14 15 6 3 2 17 7 272 Bangrasiya 902.12 36 36 176 98 78 6 3 4 3 8 59 38 273 Badjhiri 582.98 53 53 241 131 110 I II 4 71 36 274 AnwJa P. 3,601.96 72 72 366 187 179 34 16 21 4 24 2 99 20 275 Sha.qJsagarh 1,512.30 8 11 43 25 18 8 4 5 1 15 3

276 Borda P. 2,068.34 37 45 200 115 85 24 23 22 2 67 52 277 Tnayatpur 328.97 38 38 168 87 81 1 9 2 44 39 278 Kankadiya 311.71 16 21 89 37 52 6 2 26 13 4 23 15 279 Imaliya Jargar 221.44 20 23 111 56 55 3 2 12 35 26 280 Semri Kalan p. 464.84 27 46 233 130 103 5 3 48 69 7

281 Pipaiya Kesho 615.42 36 /36 154 78 76 11 7 11 5 52 31 282 Guradi Ghat 703.18 33 33 187 96 91 18 6 24 3 58 46 283 Kodi 497.05 32 32 118 56 62 7 8 13 7 15 4 35 27 284 NareJa Hanumantsingh P. 680.13 31 31 158 79 79 21 23 17 3 48 26 285 Samardha Kaliya Sot P. 798.56 36 36 194 97 97 25 17 17 19 31 1 50 43

286 Samashpura 1,096.50 10 11 46 29 17 6 3 3 2 3 16 5 287 Mahavadiya 1,574.13 1 1 2 1 1 .. J r 288 Thuakhera P. 883.87 40 48 209 115 94 15 13 16 17 31 2 73 32 289 Amravad Kalan P. 572.21 52 65 259 140 119 20 14 1 36 4 89 44 290 Bhojnagar 509.17 22 22 100 58 42 2 1 1 4 32 13 , 291 Sewaniya 270.61 5· 5 22 15 7 1 5 2 12 2 292 Khadbamooliya 331.97 9 9 45 24 21 I 4 1 2 14 12 293 Pipaliya Rani 402.93 19 19 86 48 38 3 1 • 17 33 21 294 Kotra 399.71 10 10 45 18 27 4 7 12 J5 295 Bavalikbeda 2,975.7J ... Uninhabited

296 Kalapani 3,404.49 Uninhabited 297 Pipaliya Berkhedi 582.22 ., Uninhabited 298 Gole (Jagir) P. 976.03 87 88 427 224 203 32 23 26 45 38 4 126 95 299 Sobhapur Jahej 304·60 28 28 127 66 61 2 5 4 40 34 300 Panchawa 356.89 18 18 88 47 41 4 3 1 36 27

301 Bandori 401.77 35 35 153 86 67 IO 5 8 47 28 302 Suraiya Nagar P. 456.76 40 41 186 106 80 27 15 25 61 33 303 Khandabad 313.94 17 17 82 33 49 6' 5 3 19 14 247


WORKERS Non------"--~------_, Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X LC. No. -,.-A----, r--"""'___ r---"--., r--..A..._., r---A.-, r-"\--"--, r---A.-, r---"--""", ,.--A-_, r--A---, M F M F M F M F M F ~ F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

6 1 15 7 .. .. 20 24 251 94 55 116 54 10 2 24 7 6 13 2 24 4 179 338 252 17 4 10 9 2 2 38 57 253 10 7 2 2 .. 6 7 254 45 28 23 23 10 2 13 4 65 62 255

123 87 90 83 , 5 .. 11 3 8 ., 3 2 6 4 -131 175 256 53 1 4 44 .. 4 8 1 1 25 5 70 85 257 6 13 .. .- 12 1 3 4 22 31 258 .. 2 1 .. . . 2 1 259 3 6 5 17 3 22 21 260

Uninhabited .. 261 I 1 I . .. .. I 1 262 . : .. · - 73 19 92 80 I 17 5 6 7 169 238 263 46 4 18 5 i 5 4 2 69 121 264 2 3 16 4 1 7 28 265

30 3 16 2 3 50 95 266 5 4 4 2 ...... 6 4 267 86 69 19 31 2 4 4 2 / I 7 2 85 89 268 22 21 12 7 .. 2 · . .. .. 2 30 32 269 47 29 22 23 5 11 9 2 2 1 3 2 80 109 270

10 4 6 3 " · . 1 .. 13 7 271 16 6 25 21 5 2 4 3 8 6 39 40 272 49 4 10 29 .. 3 9 3 60 74 273 57 18 17 2 I 8 3 10 3 88 159 274 4 2 2 7 2 1 10 15 275

26 14 9 2 3 2 28 - 32 48 33 276 27 25 15 11 2 1 43 42 277 15 I 7 11 1 3 14 37 278 22 19 9 6 I ., .. 2 I 21 29 279 44 2 14 I 2 I 1 6 4 61 96 280

41 27 9 4 2 .. .. 26 45 281 37 24 14 20 3 I 2 I 38 45 282 19 17 13 8 I 3 1 21 35 283 36 19 9 7 2 · . 1 31 53 284 23 18 17 23 8 I 2 47 54 285

7 6 2 5 13 12 286 I " .. .. ., .. 1 287 34 II 18 19 7 .. ., 7 7 2 42 62 288 37 22 19 20 2 to I 8 12 2 51 75 289 15 5 13 8 2 I 1 26 29 290

9 2 I 3 5 291 2 1 8 II 3 10 9 292 23 15 9 6 15 17 293 6 5 6 10 .. " 6 12 294 Uninhabited 295

Uninhabited 296 " \ .. .. Uninhabited 297 63 54 44 41 8 4 6 98 108 298 31 26 6 8 2 1 26 27 299 24 18 9 9 2 11 14 300

36 24 8 4 2 .. .. 1 39 39 301 25 20 11 10 2 19 2 1 3 45 47 302 13 5 5 8 1 1 14 35 303 248



Location Serial Location Sedal Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

A 41 Barghati 261 141 42 Barlia Baramad Slddiqganj 262 162 1 Abdullapur 141 93 43 Bar Kheri (Mewatlan) 296 180 2 Abmadpur 135 46 44 Barkhola 298 183 3 Alipura 106 52 45 Beesu Kberi 36 201 4 Amipur 146 119 46 Bejnath 47 218 5 Amla Majjo 162 247 47 Beda Kheri 87 114 6 Amarpura 194 249 48 BeeJpan 185 189 7 Am Kheri 297 181 49 BheeJ Kheri 35 105 8 Anandipura 176 80 50 Bhonri Kalan 42 231 9 Anwall Khera 291 185 51 Bhamoora 80 11 )0 204 Arotia (Jawar) 72 52 Bhati Khera 121 295 II Arma Ganji 74 213 53 Bhaon Khera 127 212 12 Arelia 167 64 54 Bheronpura 131 61 13 ArniaRam r2ll 122 55 Bhagwanpura 137 67 '4 Arnia Daud 213 121 56 Bhana Kheri 150 191 IS Arnia lobri 244 129 57 Bhonrasa 181 120 1 De~/i 58 Bhonphor 205 72 16 Atralia 7 22 59 Bhatoni 215 127 J7 Atralia 160 197 60 Bbonra 216 126 B 61 Bhee) Kheri Baramad 238 143 62 Bhatpura 263 IR4 18 Bagraoda 53 17 63 Bor Khera 9 25 19 Bamulia Kheellchi 63 100 64 Burana Kheri 271 287 20 BamuIia Raimal 67 236 C 1 JaisingRpura 34 21 Baj Kheri 71 229 65 Choparia 26 219 22 Barlia Barama.d dabri 82 39 66 Chapsi 48 Chhapri 57 33 23 Banbirpura 19 7 67 30 24 Bahadurpura 104 50 68 Chacha Kheri 58 235 25 Baonipura 110 87 69 Chhayan Khurd 66 98 55 26 Baman Kheri 133 49 70 Channotha 27 Bandaria Hat 163 250 71 Chachrasi 102 53 1 Khohri 12 Chhapar 269 130 28 Bar Khera 165 251 13 Chintamanpura 155 267 29 BamuJia Bhati 172 7{) 74 Chhayan Kalan 289 246 1 Pura 30 Bapcha 182 123 D 31 Bager 183 117 75 Dabri 81 43 32 Barjhiri 184 128 76 Dalpatpura 85 90 200 ~3 Barchhapura 188 276 77 Dar Khera 93 34 Barodia Gadri 204 150 78 Darapur 177 83 75 35 Baman Kheri 209 73 79 Dallupura 207 202 156 36 Bar Kheri (Siddiqganj) 223 180 80 Decpl~ Kheri 37 Bandaria Dalia 224 283 81 Dewan Kheri 231 158 38 Bala Khera 230 271 82 Dehmat 251 23<) 39 Baja Kheri 250 240 83 Deogarh 283 146 40 Bapcha Baramad 256 168 84 Deopur 294 176 249



Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

85" Dhanana 51 12 127 Himmatpur 11 221 86 Dhinga Kheri 217 260 128 Hirapur 24 13 87 Dhurara Khurd 218 258 129 Husainpur Kherl 6 II 88 DhanKheri 243 134 [ 89 Dhurada Kalan 245 , 259 90 Dodi 94 209 130 lIahi 252 231J 91 Donia 180 82 131 Ismail Kheri 149. 298 92 Duka 50 10 J 93 Duparia 60 29 ]32 Jafrabad 62 98 F 133 Jata Khera 112 94 94 Fatehpur Kile Rama ]09 89 134 Jawar 91 300 95 Fatehpur 257 165 ]35 Jagmalpur 138 71 136 Jagannathpura 140 78 G ]37 Jahanpura 253 169 96 Gadra Kheri 33 102 138 Jasmat 254 167 97 Gau Kheri 43 228 139 Jassupura 281 ]82 98 Gawa Khera 90 109 140 Jhalela 128 211 99 Gajna 192 274 1 Mud; Kher; 100 Gangal Kothri 232 161 141 Jheekri (Jawar) 148 178 101 Gawala 156 265 142 Jhirnia 212 74 102 Gawali 157 264 143 Jhar Kheri 237 149 144 103 Ghan Shyampura 139 47 Jheekri 279 188 145 Jhajanpura 246 285 104 Gopalpur 99 56 39 233 105 Godi 3 20 146 liwapur Mahoria 106 Gondpura 285 133 K 107 Goyindpura 286 290 108 Guraria Mandha 123 187 147 Kamalpur Kheri 5 19 109 Guraria Roopchand 147 118 148 Karman Kheri 13 225 110 Gunjari 161 248 149 Kachnaria 28 28 150 Kanapura 34 106 III Guraria Sirajuddin 171 71 112 151 Kajlas 37 203 Guraria Verma 186 257 113 152 Kalapipal 40 232 Guraria Kalan 195 270 114 153 Kalyanpura 45 19.5 Guraria Khurd 226 273 115 154 Kania Kheri 46 220 Guraria Bajyaft 267 136 116 ISS Kankaria Kheri 95 210 Guraria Rao 275 241 117 1 Dak Bangalow Guraria Banda 126 196 156 Kazi Kheri 107 42 H 157 Kandra Kheri 116 III 118 Harnawda 41 226 158 Kabir Kheri 151 299 119 Hajipur 44 222 159 Katla 220 262 120 lIakimabad 54 35 160 Kannod 234 ]59 121 Harnia Gaon 77 161 Kachrod 259 164 122 194 Hakimpur J Khekhakhedi 2 Baldipura Kher; 123 78 193 Hamid Kheri 101 44 162 Kadu Kheri 277 173 124 Halia Kheri 125 187 256 ]63 Kasampura 145 95 Har Raj Kheri 208 ]39 164 Keu Kheri 59 3] 126 Harjipura 272 288 165 Keshopur 75 215 1 Leemath 166 Kelapam 270 132 250



Location Serial Location S.erial Serial Code No. No. Seria.l Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

167 Kham-khera Bejnath 16 217 208 Mehmudabad Kheri 178 84 168 Khari 79 216 209 Memda Kheri 200 154 169 Khajuria Jawar 92 208 210 Mirzapur 97 57 170 Khempur 136 66 211 Mitthupura 268 131 171 Khatsura 153 190 212 ~ohammadpur Pakhnl 61 9~ 172 Khejra Khera 159 198 213 Molu Kheri 64 99 173 Khalaria 169 69 214 Mohammadpur 122 294 174 Khajuria Kasam 196 269 215 MoTU Kheri 233 160 175 Khandorapur 214 125 216 Mundla Mohabba 10 202 J76 Kham Khera Jatra 236 152 217 Murawar 12 223 177 Kheniyapura 239 135 218 Mundla 23 16 1 Udana Kheri 219 Mundi Kheri 83 36 178 Killod 242 137 220 Mundla Magarda 193 275 179 Kothri Kalan 65 10l 221 Muradpura III 88 180 Kodakpura 190 277 222 Mullani Mangalpur 117 110 181 Kurawar 14 221 223 Mubarakpur 144 116 I Biliahipura 224 Mugli 143 97 182 Kumrawada 20 3 N 183 Kundia Nathu 38 234 280 184 Kundia Dhanga 118 297 225 Nangipura 222 235 151 185 Kurli Kalan 189 279 226 Nanakpur 290 243 186 Kumharia 264 147 227 Narpa Kheri L 228 Neelbar 227 281 229 Nipania Kalan 8 23 152 192 187 Lasueia Sukha 25 32 230 Nijamri 188 Lasuria Khas 32 103 231 Nimaora 221 261 189 Lakhmipur 52 15 232 Norangpur 174 81 190 Lasuriapur 164 253 233 Naugaon 276 171 I Bar/ia 2 Semalpuro 234 Nomania 295 177 3 Banjarapura p 191 Lachhi Rampura 166 252 192 Lasuria Bijaisingh 224 203 153 235 Palasi 15 193 Lakhiya 225 282 236 Pao Kheri 17 5 194 Lakhapllra 240 76 237 Pataria Goyal 21 6 195 Lakhu Kheri 266 142 238 Parwa Gosayan 29 26 196 Loras Khurd 4 21 239 Parwalia Chohan 69 205 197 Loras Kalan 56 14 240 Pagaria Chor 100 54 M 1 Kheri Kherli 198 Maina 2 2 199. Malna Kneri 241 Pardi Kheri 129 60 30 27 200 Mana Kheri 242 P3rolia 132 62 31 104 201 Malipura (Jawar) 243 Paladia 168 65 70 207 202 Mali Kheri (Bajyaft) '1 Kharla 84 38 244 Pataria Chohan 197 254 203 Malipura Ashta 105 51 204 Mali Kheri 245 Pangri 2\0 124 199 155 205 Magar Kheri 246 Pagaria Hat 228 237 241 138 206 247 Pama Kheri 273 245 Mani Rampura 280 179 207 Metwara 248 Peelikarar Khurd 282 144 120 186 J Daipura 2 Kasaipura 249 Peethapura 287 289 3 Ba/ahipllra 4 Khera 250 Peeli karar Kalan 284 145 ~l


Location Serial' Location Serial

No. Serial ' No. Serial Code No. CMeNoc No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 , 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 -79 251 Phoodra 76 214 277 Shankerpur 175 148 252 Pipalia Rai~s 255 166 278 Shampur Tappa 206 272 253 Pipalia Chamaran 260 163 279 Shahpura Magarda 229 244 254 Pirana Kheri ' 293 174 280 Shahjahanpura 249 199 255 Pipalia Salarsi 125 281 Shampur Magarda 288 291 R 282 Sihoda 18 8 292 256 Rajjakpura 103 48 283 Siddiq Ganj 248 175 257 Rasulpura 114 115 284 Singar Chori 278 85 258 Rampura Khurd 274 242 285 Sobha Kheri 179 1 259 Rampura Kalan 292 170 286 Sui Kheri 1 260 Richharia 170 68 T 261 Rolla Gaon 265 140 287 Tanda 55 37 262 Rupeta 96 58 288 Tajpura 134 63 263 Rupa Hera 130 59 289 Teepa Kheri [19 108 S 290 Titoria 49 9 230 2M Samarda 113 113 291 Tigaria 73 206 265 Satbara 154 266 292 Tolka Khera 68 266 Sanga Kheri 201 157 267 Samn 219 263 U 268 Samardi 115 107 198 255 269 Sandho Kheri 86 96 293 Udanpura 172 270 119 296 Udaipura 258 Semli BaTi 294 112 295 Umarpur 88 271 Shahbajpura 108 40 286 296 Umardar 247 272 Shambhu Kheri 22 4 191 278 273 Shiv Kheri 27 24 297 Urli 274 Shekhu Khera 124 293 W 275 Shahpura Panchapur8 158 268 92 276 Shekhrapura 173 86 298 Wafapur (Dhakni) 142 252

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OCC11_- Workers Area pied Literate r---- L.C. Name of Facilities in . Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,..-_--"-_--. ,..--.A.._--. ,..---"--"""\ ,..---"----. ,..--"----. P M F M F M F M F M P 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

26/4 Ashta Tahsil (Rural) 307,481.86 19,646 99,264 50,970 14,094 13,275 879 814 8,351 638 30,87922,931) 20.507 48,294

1 Sui Kheri P. 853.80 54 54 228 100 128 5 21 4 4 19 1 72 81 2 Maina P,M,H,D,MP{O),Po. 7,424.93 633 .641 3,096 1,540 1,556 358 353 2 407 23 888 710 3 Godi P. 838.20 53 53 245 122 123 16 13 23 1 68 58 4 Loras Khurd P. 1,676.92 85 85 434 205 229 ts 8 3 18 126 III 5 Kamalpur Kheri P. 357.47 41 41 182 87 95 3 2 5 13 50 48

6 Husainpur Kheri P. 1,160.04 62 62 289 159 130 11 12 15 83 59 7 Atralia P. 1,360.05 86 86 438 222 216 33 33 42 1 142 93 8 Nipania Kalan M. 5,271.31 318 318 1,561. 824 737 115 158 9 3 202 18 452 139 9 Bor Khera P,D,Rhc,Mcw,Po. 1,730.05 115 115 543 291 252 121 108 67 10 171 140 10 Mandla Mohabba P. 1,990.20 140 150 714 366 348 28 26 55 4 214 186

( II Himmatpur 566.00 Uninhabited 12 Murawar P,M. 3,012.66 228 234 1,066 534 532 141 145 6 6 95 3 315 292 13 Karman Kheri P,Po. 1,318.44 153 162 712 373 339 1I2 103 71 3, 221 199 14 Kurawar P,M. 2,948.54 159 112 857 449 408 106 102 65 9 261 214 15 Palasi P. 586.41 25 28 158 86 72 55 46 5 47 44

16 KhamKhera BejlTlath P,M,Po. 3,650.16 376 380 1,855 944 911 174 164 5 5 145 5 566 499 17 Pao Kheri P. 1,225.68 42 42 201 99 108 35 36 .. 17 4 52 47 18 Sihoda P,Po. 3,603.90 314 314 1,515 788 787 172 173 1 2 114 3 454 306 19 Banbirpur 161.53 18 18 77 39 38 34 35 2 25 18 20 Kumrawada P. 1,251.12 56 56 280 150 130 36 26 10 96 60

21 Pataria Goyal P. 1,219.53 58 58 283 140 143 32 37 31 2 79 28 22 ShambhuKheri P. 749.57 37 42 211 105 106 1 10 1 65 64 23 Mundla P. 630.86 28 28 134 16 58 17 20 4 43 40 24 Hirapur P. 1,897.02 103 104 531 269 262 16 14 52 2 157 85 25 Lasuria Sukha P. 935.49 42 42 207 107 100 22 22 10 64 58

26 Choparia P. 1,803.35 124 124 559 291 268 114 113 43 2 175 129 27 Shiv Kheri P. 529.21 40 40 192 101 91 59 50 13 ., 60 49 28 Kachnaria P. 1,136.98 66 67 329 171 158 40 34 57 1 103 34 29 Parwa Gosayan 221.88 34 34 156 75 81 57 54 .. 1 38 33 30 Maina Kheri P. 1,059.50 35 35 150 73 77 39 39 1 , 17 45 33

31 Mana Kheri P. 2,010.68 58 58 298 151 147 70 59 35 3 88 73 32 Lasuria Khas P. 1,572.68 96 101 516 260 256 65 65 62 9 151 115 33 Gadra Kheri P. 564.61 23 23 104 50 54 9 10 (- 6 5 31 18 34 Kanapura 168.96 ...... Uninhabited ...... 35 Bheel Kheri P. 1,226.34 95 101 448 228 220 57 58 22 23 76 3 143 120

36 Beesu Kheri P. 1,255.28 76 82 398 197 201 135 134 1 50 6 118 lOS 37 Kajlas P,M. 2.482.31 301 295 1,510 772 738 299 296 '3 8 241 21 447 322 38 Kundia Nathu P. 1,280.96 66 68 388 210 178 84 70 1 67 1 124 112 39 Jiwapur Mahoria P. 992.38 65 65 308 152 156 35 33 33 1 88 87 40 Kalapjpal P. 899.86 54 55 260 125 135 20 21 3 12 1 77 66

41 Harnawada p. _I,410.38 92 97 472 219 253 18 19 5 7 53 2 147 160 42 Bhonrikala P. 1,279.54 81 96 434 206 228 85 84 9 13 42 2 .132 137 43 Gau Kheri 371.84 30 31 147 82 65 34 25 4 54 42 44 Hajipur P. 1,206.60 66 67 309 159 150 ' 51 41 33 94 96 45 Kalyanpllra P. 1,321.81 90 90 396 192 204 83 83 19 106 31

46 Kania Kheri P. 1025.54 42 53 234 124 110 38 32 3 77 68 47 Bejnath P. 2,653.20 161 163 720 351 369 12 13 62 215 220 48 Chapsi 798.60 26 26 139 73 66 29 16 7 6 4 49 36 49 Titoria P. 1,745.77 96 96 511 268 243 114 95 8 165 19 50 Duka P. 1.020.37 70 70 322 156 166 40 45 10 97 7 255


- ______WORKERS-A--- Non------. Workers J II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,----..A._-. ,...... _-, r--..A.--. ,---'----. r--..A.--. \ r:---A.--. ,-=..A.--. ,---"---, ,----..A. --. M F M F M F M F M F 1M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

20,653 15,630 5,732 5,903 699 143 1,776 643 37 5 50 6 447 54 8 1,477 555 20,091 25,355 26/4

45 54 23 ' 25 1 1 ...... 3 .. 28 47 1 448 378 222 220 13 lO2 78 2 1 3 25 8 73 25 652 846 2 52 47 7 10 .. " 7 1 2 .. 54 65 3 62 48 38 34 5 15 9 9 .. Il 5 79 118 4 40 41 7 4 1 1 1 2 1 37 47 5

62 48 15 7 .. 5 3 .. 1 76 71 6 79 51 43 40 8 6 2 .. 1 .. 5 .. 80 123 7 260 60 107 48 1 37 22 1 17 6 29 3 372 598 8 91 76 69 63 " 12 .. 5 1 114 112 9 139 72 51 114 11 7 3 3 152 162 10

...... Uninhabited ...... , . . II 181 151 80 121 I 26 15 18 2 .. 10 3 219 240 12 145 123 46 64 1 20 9 5 3 10 .. 146 140 13 155 144 32 56 29 17 4 28 10 188 194 14 33 35 7 9 3 4 39 28 15

351 332 112 140 22 44 23 3 34 4 378 412 16 29 25 22 22 ...... J 47 61 17 277 191 112 108 2 40 7 12 11 .. 334 481 18 16 14 ...... 9 4 14 20 19 56 31 34 27 5 2 1 54 70 20

56 5 18 20 3 3 2 ., 61 115 21 32 38 20 1 12 26 40 42 22 25 22 12 ...... 6 18 33 18 23 96 47 36 36 3 14 .. 3 5 2 112 177 24 49 42 13 15 1 I 1 43 42 25

96 85 46 44 11 11 2 9 116 139 26 36 30 20 19 3 .. 1 41 42 27 69 .. ' 27 30 4 4 .. 3 68 124 28 26 23 10 10 1 1 .. 37 48 29 33 17 11 16 1 28 44 30

43 31 33 33 10 9 1 .. 63 74 31 90 65 42 44 12 4 7 2 109 141 32 20 8 7 10 3 .. 1 19 36 33 ...... Uninhabited .. . , . . 34 93 75 42 45 8 85 100 35

85 80 25 28 .. 7 ...... 1 .. 79 93 36 296 217 77 91 4 26 7 3 15 3 26 4 325 416 37 99 95 19 15 .. 1 2 5 86 66 38 63 71 13 13 7 3 2 2 64 69 39 42 47 20 19 10 3 2 48 69 40

93 110 27 47 16 8 2 3 72 93 41 97 106 29 29 2 2 4 74 91 42 47 38 7 4 ., 28 23 43 71 78 22 18 .. .. 1 65 54 44 67 4 30 27 1 6 2 86 173 45

64 62 8 6 4 .. .. 1 .. 47 42 46 116 118 78 97 10 5 3 5 2 136 149 47 28 29 12 7 8 1 24 30 48 124 13 33 6, .. .. 5 3 103 224 49 68 5 22 1 2 4 2 59 159 50 256


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds ,-Total___ Population.A._....:....., Castes Tribes Educated kers(l-IX) ~,---.A.--. ,....--"---. r-----'-~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Dhanana P. 1,101·54 43 46 255 134 121 72 72 21 1 76 57 52 Lakhmipuf P. 349.11 39 40 224 108 116 30 32 17 2 68 63 53 Bagraoda P. 783.45 47 53 366 194 172 27 1 116 91 54 Hakimabad P. 1,675.34 103 110 568 292 276 72 61 47 161 112 55 Tanda P. 768.29 41 41 197 114 83 32 26 4 73 54

56 LorasKalan P. 1,004.58 44 44 249 121 128 13 12 15 73 25 57 Chbapri P. 450.67 30 30 149 77 72 26 25 2 40 38 58 Chacha Kheri 674.51 35 35 177 91 86 18 11 8 51 37 59 Keu Kheri 382.81 22 22 82 47 35 9 10 4 31 25 60 Duparia P. 1,730.30 141 143 697 355 342 116 117 21 3 219 144

61 Mohammadpur Pakhni P. 852·86 52 52 267 126 141 15 15 11 83 85 62 Jafrabad P. 871.64 86 86 429 218 211 70 63 19 136 114 63 Bamulia Kheenchi P. 1,953.17 77 83 440 224 216 67 65 31 4 132 57 64 ~oIu Kheri P. .710.09 75 75 345 171 174 41 47 1 18 2 103 90 65 Kothri Kalan P,M,H.D, Hos, 5,599.44 593 594 3,024 1,567 1,457 219 219 32 24 330 71 959 631 Po, E,Ed, El.

66 Chhayan Khurd 1,036.02 23 23 125 70 55 36 24 6 44 45 67 Bamu Iia Raimal P. 1,992.40 120 125 637 312 n5 101 93 6 12 44 202 199 68 TolkaKhera 372.77 16 19 85 49 36 38 27 1 34 23 69 Parwalia Chohan P. 437.07 48 49 253 118 135 99 93 12 71 84 70 Malipura (Jawar) 335.64 9 9 53 25 28 9 9 4 13 13

71 Bajkheri P. 366.70 30 29 166 86 80 25 24 7 51 44 72 Arolia (Jawar) 474.33 60 63 304 140 164 76 77 12 1 100 tOo 73 Tigaria P,Po. 1,036.70 127 135 693 342 351 99 93 74 7 210 157 74 Arnia Ganji P. 1,888.50 123 128 631 304 327 80 82 62 191 193 75 Kesbopur P. 1,012.28 24 25 112 58 54 56 26 4 38 28

76 Phoodra P. 2.076.62 148 158 735 367 368 143 125 62 2 229 185 77 Harania Gaon P. 1,416.34 116 116 570 280 290 93 97 85 5 182 43 78 Hakimpur P. 1,577.61 82 86 404 199 205 72 77 37 7 126 121 79 Khari P,Po. 3,058.17 283 284 1,334 687 647 154 156 120 4 413 254 80 Bhamoora 816.46 27 32 188 103 85 55 52 14 70 47

81 Dabri P. 1,820·99 90 100 615 307 308 86 89 80 2 176 68 82 Bar1ia Baramad Dabri 776.86 ...... Uninhabited . . .. 83 Mundi Kheri P. 529.35 47 48 214 113 101 19 13 15 67 64 84 Mali Kheri (Bajyaft) P. 1,050.89 68 68 344 177 167 95 98 10 101 88 '85 Dalpatpura 732.91 30 ~O 146 75 71 17 13 5 46 43

86 Sandho Kheri P. 957.71 68 69 325 171 154 64 64 29 107 94 87 Bedakheri P. 1,006.82 82 96 577 313 264 77 66 52 187 151 88 Umarpur P. 493.62 53 54 248 121 127 38 40 10 70 68 89 Teepakheri P. 522.01 20 20 97 57 40 11 8 17 1 31 23 90 Gawa Khera P. 1,932.88 194 194 929 446 483 177 171 29 5 263 216

91 Jawar P,M,H,D,Hos, 3,517.88 574 580 2,669 1,386 1,283 307 305 22 22 450 75 763 459 MP(O),Po. 92 Khajuria Jawar P. 1,601.28 112 116 588 286 302 56 43 41 165 168 93 Dar Khera P. 1,526.72 121 121 604 315 289 57 58 64 3 222 190 94 Dodi P,Po. 1,102.81 62 66 356 204 152 72 71 to .. 137 64 95 Kankaria Kheri P. 888.43 39 46 220 106 114 48 : 47 9 2 70 53

96 Rupeta P. 1,351.23 92 96 469 254 215 25 30 31 i65 103 97 Mirzapur P. 622.25 32 34 153 84 69 29 29 11 55 37 9~ Channotha P. 1,289.21 83 83 416 198 218 126 124 31 3 122 95 99 Gopalpur P. 442.94 47 49 292 150 142 II 12 17 89 76 100 PagariaChor P. 1,589.18 101 104 532 282 250 102 105 56 20\ 101 257

ASUJA TAHSIL WORKERS __.A.. , Non- ~ Workers I II, III IV V VI VII VIII IX X LC. No. ~ ,.,....--A---.. ..._'"'"""\ ,.--.A._-... M-.A.~ ,---A.--., ,--.A.--... r--.A.--... ,--....____, M, M F F M F M~ M F Itt., F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

39 37 17 13 10 .. 7 7 3 58 64 51 48 51 16 11 1 3 o. 1 40 53 52 48 41 II '.. 45 39 2 ., 1 9 10 78 81 53 123 87 28 25 7 .. 2 1 131 164 54 61 43 10 !? 2 2 41 29 55

58 13 9 12 1 5 48 103 56 30 31 8 7, .. 2 37 34 57 37 31 10 6\ 4 .. 40 49 58 19 20 9 5 .. .. 3 .. 16 10 59 114 75 72 58 3 3 16 8 1 13 136 198 60

57 60 19 25 I 3 4 43 56 61 92 82 36 31 6 1 .. 2 82 97 62 81 14 38 33 \ .. 6 7 1 6 3 92 159 63 65 61 19 25 . 6 .. 8 4 .. ., .. .. 5 .. 68 84 64 535 400 140 128 148 5 103 58 2 ... 6 34 3 1 90 37 608 826 65

28 31 16 14 .. '0 '0 .. 26 10 66 148 145 40 52 I 10 2 3 .. 110 126 67 31 ' 20 .. .. 3 3 15 13 68 44 56 21 28 3 3 47 51 69 7 9 6 4 12 15 70

39 34 7 7 4 '3 .. " 1 35 36 71 77 73 17 23 3 3 .. 1 1 2 40 64 72 143 125 32 25 24 7 4 1 6 132 194 73 154 160 22 29 II 4 4 lI3 134 74 27 17 9 11 2 20 26 75

177 144 41 37 .. 7 3 .. 2 2 138 183 76 127 12 23 31 4 20 .. 1 2 5 98 247 77 87 91 36 29 " 2 I .. .. I .. 73 84 78 241 146 109 97 1 36 9 I 5 20 2 274 393 79 25 1 23 40 13 6 9 33 38 80

123 21 46 46 4 .. 3 131 240 81 ...... " .. Uninhabited ...... 82 46 30 19 34 2 .. .. 46 37 83 45 42 47 45 I 1 8 76 79 84 19 23 22 20 5 29 28 85

59 ~ 58 26 29 9 2 8 5 ,. " 4 ., 64 60 86 81 81 26 31 47 24 15 7 .. 1 1 16 8 126 113 87 51 41 14 27 2 '0 1 2 51 59 88 22 18 8 5 o' I 26 17 89 173 131 70 81 18 3 2 183 267 90

353 242 129 138 7 77 35 3 79 7 115 37 623 824 91 134 141 15 25 10 2 6 121 134 92 173 157 17 26 23 7 .. .. 9 93 99 93 98 58 3 3 2 3 2 30 2 o' 67 88 94 62 48 7 4 1 1 36 61 95

142 89 10 13 8 5 89 112 96 46 28 6 9 .. 3 29 32 97 87 78 26 7 8 10 1 76 123 98 84 6r 4 9 0' 6 o' J 61 66 99 12l) 88 25 6 15 7 29 4 81 149 100 258


Occu~ Workers Area pied Literate r----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,------A.---, r-_""'_---. r---A..--.. r--..A.----. r---A-~ P ,M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Hamid Kheri P. 774.61 38 38 207 96 111 53 52 9 55 62 102 Chachrasi P. 416.83 54 60 263 130 133 11 11 16 81 78 103 Rajjakpura 311.14 Uninhabited 104 Bahadurpura 385.95 12 12 62 31 31 1 20 16 105 Malipura Ashta 593.53 29 29 166 79 87 24 22 6 50 44

106 Alipura P,M,E,Ed. 483.75 229 235 1,172 . 615 557 96 91 270 54 325 122 107 Kazikheri P. 724.90 38 38 202 99 103 72 65 12 63 54 108 Shahbajpura 250.39 10 11 58 27 31 8 12 18 18 109 Fatehpur Kile Rama P. 597.84 40 40 176 93 83 15 16 12 57 45 ltO Baonpura 372.37 28 30 142 72 70 5 5 3 44 39

111 Muradpura 509.55 I 1 5 3 2 3 2 2 2 112 Jata Khera P. 859.80 52 53 320 159 161 68 ' 67 23 1 92 99 113 Samarda P. 1,625.28 107 108 535 264 271 29 21 49 3 161 146 114 Rasulpura P. 1,014.42 68 70 373 192 181 62 65 11 107 94 115 Samardi 389.57 17 17 81 38 43 22 19 1 24 27

116 Kandra Kheri P. 601.82 58 59 315 164 151 39 41 25 92 91 117 Mullani Mangalpur, P. 1,832.71 32 32 198 112 86 5 6 22 61 53 118 Kundia Dhanga P. 2,286.95 54 61 317 177 140 78 69 34 98 72 119 Semli Bari P. 806.53 57 65 759 139 120 66 58 14 80 73 120 Metwara P,M,D,Rhc, 2,980.53 416 460 2,238 1,173 1,065 244 226 2 353 56 681 481 MP(O), Po.

121 Bhati Khera 395.55 22 26 130 74 56 7 39 34 122 Mohammadpur 412.27 13 13 59 32 27 5 21 15 123 Guraria Mandha 672.41 2 2 4 3 1 2 2 1 124 Shekhu Khera P. 1,663.84 82 90 413 214 199 110 96 37 132 113 125 Pipalia Salarsi '562.03 25 32 129 68 61 22 25 4 42 37

126 Guraria Banda P. 651.77 24 30 147 74 73 49 47 11 50 47 127 Bhaonkhera P. 928.31 47 53 243 130 113 50 49 12 1 81 70 128 Jhalela P. 3,031.21 105 126 667 337 330 64 60 Ii 7 23 2 207 172 129 Pardi Kberi P. 1,399.05 53 53 288 146 142 11 9 13 1 88 65 130 Rupa Hera P. 779.86 49 49 248 126 122 64 59 25 2 12 49

131 Bberonpur P. 836.44 66 66 278 145 133 34 37 - 2 87 65 132 Parolia 899.33 51 51 242 128 114 70 73 19 77 61 133 Bamankheri 343.99 Uninhabited 134 Tajpura P. 452.26 40 40 195 98 97 3 5 15 62 59 135 Ahmadpur 780.16 2 2 3 2 1 2 I

136 Khempur 485.01 17 17 82 39 43 6 4 2 26 26 137 Bhagwanpura P. 825.12 44 51 227 120 107 24 22 19 ., 74 59 138 Jagmalpur P. 920.41 56 57 249 145 104 86 20 6 I 93 76 139 Ghanshyampura 442.57 6 6 65 33 32 3 22 19 140 Jagannathpura 154.92 6 6 32 16 16 3 I 10 12

141 Abdullapur 308.72 8 8 29 15 14 2 I 3 13 7 129 129 596 286 310 34 31 44 5 196 191 142 Wafapur (Dhakni) P. 1.223.12 76 _ 143 Mugli P. 1,487.19 151 151 693 348 345 33 28 2 3 203 189 144 Mubarakpur P. 1,267.95 77 81 445 230 215 51 50 2 41 3 137 108 145 Kasampurll 677.51 19 21 99 49 50 38 40 7 34 24

146 Amipur 1,088.90 15 15 61 30 31 17 22 23 21 147 Guraria Roopchand P. 2,665.82 74 77 356 194 162 49 37 4 3 17 133 101 148 Jheekri (Jawar) 943.50 33 42 200 109 91 81 61 I 63 52 149 Ismail Kheri P. 589.08 41 46 174 100 74 59 43 15 60 45 150 Bhana Kheri P. 677.12 47 62 251 125 126 50 51 11 82 77 259


WORKERS-A______Non------.. Workers I n III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. r--"---.. ,...... -:-A--...... ,..---J.---, r----'--.. r---"--...... ,--.-.A--...... ,.---A._...... ,....--'----. ,.-_.A._ ...... ,----A..._...... _ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

44 50 10 P , . 41 49 101 53 49 26 29 1 49 55 102 .. .. Uninhabited . . 103 14 9 5 1 1 II 15 104 27 26 18 18 5 29 43 105

86 23 16 27 3 57 29 13 7 37 4 105 39 290 435 106 53 41 9 13 1 36 49 107 14 8 4 10 9 13 108 32 28 19 17 6 .. 36 38 109 31 31 4 1 1 1 7 7 28 31 110

.. 2 2 ...... I . . III 72 83 13 .. r· 3 .. 4 16 67 62 112 110 lOR 29 38 :3 9 .. 3 7 103 125 1I3 85 76 15 16 4 2 3 85 87 114 JO 16 14 1l 14 16 lIS

53 51 28 39 10 1 72 60 116 "4 50 6 3 .. .. 1 51 33 117 72 62 J3 8 6 1 7 1 79 68 1I8 59 54 10 10 .. · ...... 11 9 59 47 119 426 356 61 50 18 1 51 21 3 28 3 90 53 492 584 120

34 30 5 4 35 22 121 19 15 .. 2 II 12 122 ...... 2 .. . . I . . 123 113 102 13 9 6 2 82 86 124 40 35 2 2 26 24 125

46 47 I . . .. · . 3 .. 24 26 126 74 66 3 2 .. 2 1 2 1 49 43 127 160 142 12 11 28 17 2 2 5 130 158 128 72 62 14 3 .. . . 2 58 770- 129 60 41 8 7 2 2 54 73 130 66 50 5 15 15 · . I 58 68 131 48 38 26 22 I I .. 2 51 53 132 ...... Uninhabited ...... 133 45 42 17 17 36 38 134 2 1 135

23 24 3 2 .. 13 17 136 45 32 28 27 I .. 46 48 137 52 35 40 41 I 52 28 138 18 14 4 5 11 13 139 8 9 2 3 6 4 140

10 6 2 I ...... 2 7 141 126 107 27 51 7 1 1 1 33 33 90 119 142 115 118 48 65 15 15 6 4 6 .. 145 156 143 95 94 II 3 16 15 11 93 107 144 30 22 4 2 15 26 145

10 13 13 8 7 to 146 128 94 4 7 I 61 61 147 51 42 4 8 10 46 39 148 44 39 IO 2 3 5 40 29 149 73 67 9 9 43 49 150 260


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wot- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,----A..__ --. ,-__..A.---. r--~~ ,----"------,---"--""" P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

151 Kabir Kheri 666.82 .. Uninhabited 152 Nijamri 690.10 17 22 89 46 43 21 29 2 29 26 153 Khatsura 1,013.33 54 61 254 114 140 105 106 3 80 87 154 Satbara . 627.01 24 24 93 50 43 19 18 3 34 31 155 Chintamanpura 926.35 11 11 74 43 31 4 22 16

156 Gawala P. 1,881.60 89 100 463 233 230 103 109 22 3 150 133 157 Gawali P,Po. 1,697.15 99 117 538 265 273 77 80 60 4 175 148 158 Shahpura Panchapura 705.96 23 23 103 56 47 42 37 2 30 29 159 Khejra Khera 251.78 16 17 78 47 31 33 21 30 22 160 Atralia P. 1,049.87 50 62 275 137 138 41 36 9 101 81

161 Gunjari 279.02 5 7 30 16 14 ., 12 8 162 Amla Majju P. 2,218.30 111 1t8 510 263 247 81 81 2 17 176 150 163 Bandaria Hat P. 1,899.59 59 61 325 166 159 117 116 15 113 104 164 Lasuria Pur P. 1,720.90 67 67 338 182 156 20 15 34 115 73 165 Barkhera P. 1,040.53 99 99 483 252 231 111 91 32 165 137

166 Lachhi Rampura 706.84 61 61 290 147 143 65 62 16 I 97 73 167 ArOlia P. 1,395.17 104 109 534 275 259 96 _ 95 56 3 166 142 168 Paladia P. 504.16 79 79 382 212 170 62 60 12 132 101 169 Khalaria 756.29 .. ., .. Uninhabited .. 170 Richharia P. 840.26 38 43 244 127 117 21 16 23 75 20

171 Guraria Sirajuddin P. 1,188.78 37 38 217 128 89 14 11 1 25 2 88 40 172 Bamulia Bhati P. 1,884.30 130 131 609 309 300 118 113 2 35 194 78 173 Shekhrapura 177.6$ .. .. Uninhabited 174 Norangpur P. 591.88 47 47 210 109 101 51 55 18 68 46 175 Shankarpur 289.01 16 16 79 45 34 22 18 5 28 15

176 Anandipura P. 489.09 38 39 204 113 91 35 28 10 67 53 177 Darapur 261.14 20 20 91 45 46 21 19 4 28 30 178 Mehmudabad Kheri 389.48 1 3 25 11 14 2 I 1 9 5 179 Sobha Kheri P. 537.22 39 43 208 107 101 44 45 .' 6 65 57 180 Donia P. 555.51 48 48 240 131 109 56 44 I 24 75 56

181 Bhonrasa P,S. 481.56 31 32 165 80 85 5 9 .' 18 48 16 182 Bapcha P,S. ],327.39 102 106 478 252 226 61 61 I 19 164 160 183 Bager P,S. 2,508.20 150 165 893 449 444 41 39 .' 75 5 253 64 184 Barjhiri P. 605.81 35 35 219 117 102 55 28 1 8 I 75 59 185 Beelpan P. 2,750.17 98 101 427 215 212 117 118 21 2 135 119

186 Guraria Verma P,D,Rhc. 4,228.79 134 184 805 415 390 86 85 75 5 253 209 187 Halla Kheri 1,730.73 19 23 97 54 43 20 20 4 32 2S 188 Barchhapura P. 721.44 120 120 575 314 261 ., 40 3 171 144 189 J( urli Kalan 1,451.12 27 28 161 94 67 28 22 I 55 39 190 K(ldakpura 662.60 20 21 80 40 40 14 15 24 19

191 Urlj P. 1,988.95 58 58 234 135 99 25 18 14 17 21 1 . 88 63 192 Gajna 1,242.33 50 50 205 104 101 56 51 6 67 61 193 Mundla Magrda 404.25 ., .. .. .' Uninhabited 194 Amarpura P. 1,184.08 60 60 339 186 153 . 18 15 18 2 109 83 195 Guraria Kalan / 323.73 26 26 1I3 59 54 56 53 38 36

196 Khajuria Kasam P. 1,495.88 147 148 748 386 362 128 117 2 101 7 237 195 197 Pataria Chohan - 680.08 28 28 145 73 72, 6 3 4 44 43 198 Udanpura 471.85 5 5 16 9 7 7 6 199 Mali Kheri 636.77 32 32 230 141 89 .. 5 98 49 200 Memda Kheri 335.85 27 27 126 57 69 15 18 1 34 35 261


______~ ______WORKERS A __~ ______~ Non- Workers L.C. \ No. I II III IV V i VI VII VIII IX X \ ~--. r-,.....A--. r-_.A.--.. r--A--. ,_.A._-. .----'---. r--A--. ,.....--.A._-. ,_A_--, ,.-~..A.--. M F M F M. F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Uninhabited .. 151 16 13 3 4 10 9 17 17 152 72 73 6 13 2 34 53 153 24 24 6 '7 3 16 12 154 21 16 21 15 155

125 109 21 24. 2 .. 2 83 97 156 120 109 37 36 10 2 3 1 5 90 125 157 20 19 6 10 2 .1. 2 26 18 158 17 10 13 12 17 9 159 63 47 31. 32 5 2 2 36 57 160

12 8 .. 4 6 161 120 106 17 38 II 11 4 5 12 2 87 97 162 102 98 9 6 1 1 53 55 163 95 66 11 6 2 6 1 67 83 164 133 124 20 12 10 1 87 94 165

77 56 15 16 " 4 1 50 70 166 123 118 26 24 3 12 2 109 117 167 III 83 11 18 2 7 .. .. 1 80 69 168 .. Uninhabited .. .. 169 67 20 8 52 97 170

42 2 15 37 6 21 4 40 49 171 104 59 78 14 9 .. 8 115 222 172 .. Uninhabited .. 173 39 2 15 44 6 3 5 41 55 174 19 10 5 5 3 1 17 19 175

49 44 10 8 3 4 46 38 176 25 27 1 3 2 ,17 16 177 7 4 2 1 .. .. ~ 9 178 38 29 25 27 " I 1 .. 1 42 44 179 51 44 19 12 1 1 3 56 53 180

34 16 7 .. 5 2 32 69 181 119 122 38 38 5 .. .. 2 88 66 182 192 57 35 2 18 5 .. ., 4 4 196 380 183 61 48 13 9 . . .. 1 2 .. 42 43 184 100 96 27 23 3 1 2 2 80 93 185

181 159 38 49 10 10 4 10 162 181 186 26 22 5 3 .. 1 22 18 187 148 134 .. 1 2 6 2 15 6 143 117 188 48 35 4 4 2 1 39 28 189 19 16 4 3 1 16 21 190

69 48 17 15 47 36 191 60 53 6 8 .. 37 40 192 ...... , Uninhabited ., .. .. 193 95 77 12 6 I 77 70 194 34 34 4 2 "j 21 18 195

187 164 26 28 21 3 3 149 167 196 38 39 6 4 29 29 197 3 3 4 3 2 I 198 31 29 8 7 42 13 16 ." 43 40 199 21 20 9 14 4 1 23 34 200 262


Workers Name Area- Occu- Literate ,------L.C. of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---.A..-...... ,-__-"----, ,-.-..A.--, ,..--:'----. r----Ao---. P M F M F M F M F M F.' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Sanga Kheri 682.42 31 31 154 68 86 7 9 5 47 49 202 Deepla Kheri 880.78 52 52 281 138 143 10 12 54 54 22 82 75 203 Lasuria Bijaisingh p. 1.542.58 67 69 384 193 191 61 55 68 134 10 204 Barodia Gadri P. 1,198.52 95 98 472 234 238 71 67 29 147 131 205 Bhonphor P,MP(O). 1,284.85 131 134 636 340 296 65 61 77 7 208 170

206 Shampur Tappa p. 488.03 57 57 310 170 140 36 34 4 2 18 102 83 207 Dallupura 388.46 .. Uninhabited 208 Har Raj Kheri P. 670.77 107 110 531 249 ~82 63 61 2 63 2 143 138 209 Baman Kheri 395.85 .. Uninhabited 210 Pangri P. 584.38 49 50 246 120 126 69 66 80 7

211 Arnia Ram P. 687.40 82 82 394 204 190 55 57 10 126 35 212 Jhirnia 244.76 .. Uninhabited 213 Arnia Daud S. 839.93 61 61 282 145 137 59 55 18 4 95 86 214 Khandorapur P,S. 849.04 47 51 220 110 110 39 39 23 59 66 215 Bhatoni p. 942.69 --.85 99 482 245 237 49 53 19 162 147

216 Bhonra P,D,MP(O),Po. 8,896.61 388 396 1,814 957 857 14 14 2 129 4 599 470 217 Dhinga Kheri 1,465.00 26 29 146 82 64 71 58 2 43 40 218 Dhurara Khurd 848.47 12 12 50 29 21 5 3 15 10 219 Samri 1,140.80 27 27 130 68 62 2 3 41 41 220 Katla 328.69 23 23 105 57 48 48 41 40 33

221 Nimaora 908.25 7 7 37 18 19 4 6 13 13 222 Nangipur:l 1,126.76 19 19 113 54 59 29 22 35 31 223 Bar Kheri (Siddiqganj) 1,810.99 15 19 79 40 39 23 22 28 23 224 Bandaria Dalia 1,224.08 32 32 130 68 62 22 23 II 42 33 225 Lakhiya p. 1,899.90 86 86 390 198 192 72 74 5 122 34

226 Guraria Khurd P. 822.60 38 38 184 99 85 9 7 13 60 32 227 Neelbar p. 1,174.68 127 129 604 315 289 85 12 47 3 174 134 228 Pagaria Hat P,MP(O),Po. 784.52 170 177 809 417 392 144 143 65 10 239 165 229 Shahpura Magarda 473.20 3 3 19 9 10 5 4 3 7 1 230 Bala Khera 649.03 18 18 110 49 61 23 26 2 31 29

231 Dewan Kheri P. 876.55 70 70 344 174 170 72 74 8 1I9 103 232 GangalKothri 1,005.51 26 26 119 60 59 35 34 43 37 233 Moru Kheri 762.50 40 40 197 103 94 43 36 2 57 55 234 Kannod P,MP(O). 2,367.17 160 160 788 422 366 125 119 107 6 239 73 235 Nanakpur P. 720.08 47 47 250 122 128 19 29 30 70 60

236 Kham Khtra htra P. 1,923.!5 95 132 617 310 307 115 107 52 2 1~4 \52 237 Jhar Kheri P. 793.19 61 61 303 149 154 54 51 20 22 14 106 105 218 Bheel Kheri Baramad 572.32 46 61 268 142 126 53 ~4 1 14 100 80 239 Kheniyapura P. 643.67 50 50 234 107 127 61 64 9 73 81 7.40 Lakhapura 265.18 Uninhabited

241 Magar Kheri 501 97 38 38 190 lOl 89 32 27 1 57 47 242 Killod 455.21 50 50 247 137 110 57 58 7 5 92 68 243 Dhan Kheri 258.10 .. .. Uninhabited .. 244 Arnia Johri P. 4,858.76 136 140 715 387 328 66 66 134 89 13 220 161 245 Dhurada Kalan P. 2,071.38 60 72 359 181 178 lIS 106 25 114 80

246 Jhajanpura 1,081.62 14 14 60 35 25 . 17 16 2 20 14 247 Umardar 1,741.10 34 34 153 82 71 .. 50 29 248 SiddiQgauj P,M,D,Po. 3,322.67 338 342 1,348 696 652 157 157 4 219 33 431 229 249 Shahjahanpura 512.54 Uninhabited .. 250 Baja Kheri 1,053.93 • 17 17 63 30 33 11 17 18 10 263


WORKERS Non- ,_------"--"------. Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,--A---, r-.A..--.... r__"___" ,...---'---. r-.A.--. ,,...... --A_~ r--A---. r---A--. r--"-----. ,----A.._~ M F M' F M F M F M F ~M F M F M F M F M F \ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 1.7 ',28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37

37 40 10 9 21 37 201 74 70 7 5 I 56 68 202 101 8 26 2 " 6 .. 1 59 181 203 87 82 45 , 47 2 7 2 1 4 87 107 204 III 5 58 ' 163 16 12 1 4 7 132 126 205

72 57 30 19 7 .. 68 57 206 . , Uninhabited ...... 207 100 104 17 2~ 2 14 8 .. 7 3 2 106 144 208 I' ., .. Uninhabited 209 47 2 12 10 2 II 3 40 119 210

94 31 14 7 8 3 4 78 155 211 .. .. Uninhabited .. 212 62 62 23 24 8 2 50 51 213 38 44 11 14 7 8 .. 3 51 44 214 122 Jl9 21 17 17 9 2 2 83 90 215

411 332 90 113 2 60 17 7 4 28 3 358 387 216 42 38 1 2 " 39 24 217 10 7 5 3 14 11 218 ~7 38 4 3 27 21 219 36 30 4 3 17 15 220

13 13 .. 5 6 221 n 25 3 6 19 28 222 25 20 3 3 12 16 223 39 31 2 2 I 26 29 224 III 3 6 31 3 2 76 158 225

56 14 4 18 ., .. 39 53 226 110 97 38 37 14 .. .. 6 6 141 155 227 142 104 74 59 12 2 I 2 8 178 227 228 6 I I 2 9 229 31 29 18 32 230

95 90 15 12 5 3 55 67 231 33 28 10 9 17 22 232 49 46 5 7 3 2 .. 46 39 233 131- 34 80 36 " 21 3 6 183 293 234 61 48 5 2 4 2 8 52 68 235

132 123 18 4 20 11 3 7 18 126 155 236 76 80 20 25 7 3 43 49 237 87 66 7 14 3 3 42 46 238 54 38 14 42 4 .. 1 34 46 239 .. Uninhabited ,. 240

49 42 5 5 2 .. 1 , . 44, 42 241 63 48 16 18 5 2 6 2 45 42 242 .. .. Uninhabited ., .. 243 151 119 53 41 12 4 167 167 244 94 67 16 13 4 67 98 245

14 9 6 5 15 II 246 36 18 14 11 ...... 32 42 247 188 83 101 122 5 33 17 " .. 40 2 62 7 265 423 248 Uninhabited .. 249 17 10 2 12 23 250 264 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu- Workers Area pied Literate L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scbeduled and TotalWor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~ r---"--"'" ,..---A---, ,.. .. ,~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Dehmat 723.65 22 22 84 42 42 23 19 2 25 _25 252 lIabi 387.52 14 14 50 29 21 4 5 3 23 11 253 Jahanpura 125.76 Uninhabited 254 Jasmat P. 970.75 139 143 644 311 333 139 131 88 6 185 181 255 Pipalia Raidas P. 1,102.63 34 34 158 88 70 15 8 ... 20 3 55 44

256 Bapcha Baramad P. 1,832.38 92 92 443 234 209 i2 9 18 145 119 257 Fatehpur 326.52 Uninhabited .. 258 Udaipur P. 665.85 70 70 296 165 131 5 6 31- III 74 259 Kachrod (Kbachrod) P. 3,423.72 197 203 938 477 461 161 161 47 6 288 158 260 Pipalia Chamarao P. 509.55 22 30 160 80 80 25 25 15 52 29

261 Barghatl 411.86 37 45 209 110 99 32 37 11 71 46 262 -Barlia Baramad 686.33 25 30 171 89 82 47 43 17 56 21 Siddiqganj P. 263 Bhatpura 153.03 .. Uninhabited .. 264 Kumharia 201.03 Uninhabited .. .. 265 Rolla Gaon P,Po. 1,988.98 89 1I5 531 275 256 75 66 49 47 46 6 153 102

266 Lakhu Kberi 395.93 22 33 165 81 84 35 36 ., 4 59 41 267 Guraria Bajyaft P. 524.20 48 48 240 120 120 35 42 1 3 14 78 64 268 Mitthupura 675.98 24 24 124 64 60 56 42 4 37 36 269 Chhapar P. 927.06 116 116 530 274 256 84 67 8 13 29 159 117 270 Kelapani 1,015.72 1 1 5 2 3 2 2 1 1

271 Burana Kheri 2,646.03 23 23 100 50 50 26 36 31 26 272 Harjipura 954.53 18 17 103 53 50 12 13 24 16 28 24 273 Pama Kherl 234.00 6 6 23 13 JO 13 JO .. ., 6 6 274 Rampura Khurd 188.64 7 7 32 20 12 4 2 7 10 5 10 7 275 Guraria Rao 3,117.99 7 7 29 16 13 16 13 7 9

276 Naugaon P. 3.253.27 154 164 735 376 359 95 82 9 76 6 246 208 277 Kadu Kheri 631.05 22 25 126 68 58 68 58 2 34 27 278 Singar Chori P. 1,861.62 78 99 505 267 238 55 42 59 6 152 33 279 Jheekri 1,274.55 16 20 88 46 42 17 19 1 31 16 280 Mani Rampura 265.18 22 29 150 83 67 26 14 44 31

281 Jassupura 1,024.58 17 21 93 49 44 2 .. 25 4 282 Peelikarar Khurd 200.02 2 2 6 2 4 3 2 2 3 283 Deogarh 111.17 Uninhabited .. 284 PeeJikarar Kalan 635.86 6 6 26 13 13 .. .. 13 13 7 7 285 Gondpura 1,771.50 Uninhabited ..

286 Govindpura 2,533.63 7 7 44 27 17 .. 2 15 9 287 Peethapura 1,000.43 15 15 96 53 43 49 39 32 16 288 Sham pur Magarda 3,479.05 34 34 241 134 107 133 106 74 66 289 Chhayan .Kalan 136.34 1 I S 2 3 .. 1 .. I J 290 Narpa Kheri 4,469.54 42 42 188 110 78 51 29 6 66 4S

291 Anwali Khera 4,507.53 12 12 71 35 36 35 36 .. 20 20 292 Rampura Kalan 3,079.10 91 110 514 273 241 64 45 30 27 43 7 167 117 293 Pirana Kheri 442.56 21 29 122 58 64 30 33 34 27 294 Deopur 654.14 Uninhabited ., .. 295 Nomania 855.03 7 7 42 21 2,1 21 21 13 11

296 Bar Kheri (Mewatian) 597.40 9 9 40 20 20 1 1 16 9 297 Am Kheri 1,603.50 9 10 45 27 18 4 I 11 15 .. 15 11 298 Barkhola 1,648.15 44 55 253 126 127 16 17 79 75 5 61 55 265


______--..l___ WORKERS---"- ______-, Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.e. No. ,...~ ,...-..A._-",-_.A.=...... - ...... ,-----A----, ,..._....___., , I ,...--"---,. ,..._ ,..._ -. ,...---"--. M F M F M F M F M F 1M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

25 25 17 17 251 20 6 2 5 .. 6 10 252 .. Uninhabited .. " 253 127 112 36 60 3 12 4 .. 7 5 126 152 254 48 37 6 5 2 I 33 26 255

118 100 15 14 5 6 4 .. 89 90 256 .. .. Uninhabited .. . . " 257 87 58 10 14 1 9 1 .. .. 1 3 1 54 57 258 151 77 53 39 26 24 8 2 4 3 27 31 189 303 259 42 26 8 3 2 28 51 260

62 33 9 13 .. .. 39 53 261 52 19 3 2 33 61 262 Uninhabited 263 .. I .. .. Uninhabited .. 264 106 60 18 10 6 10 6 13 26 122 154 265

54 36 2 5 .. 2 22 43 266 65 5S 7 9 4 1 42 S6 267 27 28 10 8 ...... 27 24 268 97 77 41 30 2 16 6 2 3 I 115 139 269 1 1 I 2 270

26 22 5 4 19 24 26 24 2 25 26 i7172 6 6 7 4 273 9 7 .. 10 5 274 6 9 1 9 4 275

161 157 39 45 2 29 6 2 13 130 151 276 32 27 2 ...... 34 31 277 84 17 24 2 11 11 5 2 20 9 115 205 278 24 14 6 2 I 15 26 279 40 26 4 5 ,/ .. 39 36 280

17 2 6 2 24 40 281 2 3 .. 1 282 .. Uninhabited .. .. 283 7 7 . . .. 6 6 284 .. Uninhabited ., 285

13 8 2 I 12 8 286 20 10 12 6 21 27 2117 71 64 2 2 60 41 288 I 1 ...... 1 2 289 43 26 15 19 6 2 44 33 290

20 10 .. .. 15 16 291 110 71 50 44 2 4 1 106 124 292 24 2 7 2S .. 3 24 37 293 Uninhabited 294 2 11 11 8 10 295

14 6 2 3 4 11 296 13 6 2 5 .. 12 7 297 39 33 15 18 2 5 4 65 72 298 266



Location Serial Location . Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951.

2 3 4 2 3 4

41 Deh Khedi 37 23 A 42 Dewan Khedl 102 72 Abidabad 59 141 43 Dewadia 103 103 1 J ewantal 2 Gularchhapri 44 Dehriya Mukati 87 150 1 Kalam Kheda 45 Dhamanda 14 1 2 Alipur J32 113 46 Dhablamata 42 33 3 Amlaha 2 146 47 Dhabla Ray 60 61 4 Amla Ramjipura 29 24 48 Dharmpuri 78 66 5 AmlanoAbad 114 101 49 Dhain Kheda 143 134 6 Arwaliya 91 67 50 Durgpura 15 7 7 Ariya ]29 81 51 Dudlai 147 85 II AtraliYa 39 21 B G 9 Barkheda 17 24 52 Gaon Talab 67 109 10 BamJadadb 48 139 53 Gaji Khedi 85 124 11 Baman Khedi 64 50 24 Gadiya 154 98 12 Bawadi Noabad 71 31 55 Gau Khedi 100 68 J3 Balondiya 76 145 56 Golu Khedi 22 2 14 Balapura 81 51 57 Goyal Khedi 62 53 15 Bawadiya Chor 88 154 58 Gora Khedi 90 65 16 Babcha 109 70 59 Gudari 134 135 17 Bagan Kheda 120 82 HI Bawadiya Gushaio 140 96 H 19 Balupat 157 114 60 Haliya Khedi 63 52 20 Beerpura 141 132 61 Haraspur 145 88 21 Bhada Kbedi 1 148 62 Himmatpura 112 78 22 Bhojpura 9 8 63 Huliya Khedi 130 95 23 BhauKhedi ]9 29 24 Bhagwatpur 49 59 I 25 Bishan Kheda 23 18 64 Int Kheda 45 152 26 Bishan Khedi 27 5 J 27 Bichholi 32 37 28 Binakpura 55 39 65 Jamonia Hatesingh ]8 28 29 Bijori JI9 83 66 Jamuniya Fatehpur 110 69 30 Bordi Kalan 116 117 67 Jat Khedi 79 64 Jamli 125 ))2 31 Borpani (DhundaJawa) 149 116 68 69 Jhalki . 82 49 32 Bordi Khurd 155 99 Jhal Pipli 137 157 33 Birijis Nagar ]26 130 70 86 C 71 Jhar Kheda 139 72 Jogra Khedi 38 22 34 Chhapri Talluk 21 4 73 Jujha~pura 104 102 35 Chhapri Karan 26 56 36 Chandpura 31 40 K 37 Chhapri Miyan 94 75 74 Kaliya Khedi 8 147 38 Cheekalpani 117 156 75 Kankad Kheda 13 26 39 Cbainpura Jl8 71 76 Kalyanpura Dubey 40 42 77 Kalyanpura Khurd 47 D 66 78 Kalapipal 84 126 40 Daulatpur lSI 91 79 Kaneriya lOS 119 267



Location Serial Location Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. Serial No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4

128 84 80 Karanpura P 81 Khejra 56 32 82 Khauriya GheDgi 89 62 122 Patariya Banka 3 10 I Khauriya 2 Ghengi 123 Patariya Seedha 6 11 83 Kham Kheda 107 143 124 Partap Pura 17 15 84 Kheri 124 110 125 Pal Khedi 30 25 85 Kherpura 5 16 126 Pangri 69 35 86 Kolu Khedi 133 138 127 Pangri 74 120 87 Kotra 156 111 128 Pangra Khati 83 108 88 Kudi 20 30 129 Parwaliya 101 77 89 Kulhadi 25 3 130 Phangiya 135 131 90 Kushalpura 113 100 R 91 Kundi Khal 146 89 131 Rampura 36 20 61 60 L 132 Ram Nagar 133 Ramgarh 86 129 92 Laslldiya Ram 12 27 134 Ratanpur 92 76 93 Lao Khedi 33 58 135 Ramdasi 122 80 94 Lasudiya Shekhu 34 57 136 Ragunathpura 152 92 123 95 Lasudiya Gondi 44 137 Rupadeh 153 97 96 Lasudiya Goyal 50 54 138 Rupdi 148 93 97 Ladawd 53 45 98 Larpura 65 48 S 99 Lasudiya Kaogar 98 107 139 Sewaniya Pathar 77 122 100 Laliya Khedi 138 90 140 Sat Pipliya 80 63 101 Lawa Khedi 99 142 141 Sali Kheda 108 144 102 Lotiya 106 151 142 Samanpura 142 133 103 Lohapathar 150 158 143 Saras 144 IS'} 144 Semlijadid 57 127 M 1 Semlizadid 2 Manzi Khedi 104 Magarpat 136 160 145 Sendho Khedi 70 36 105 MandaI Garh 158 137 146 Sewaniya 97 106 9 106 Mohanpur Lendi 4 147 Shaharyar Nagar 54 43 107 19 Mola Khedi 28 148 Shahpura III 74 108 Molga 51 44 149 Siradi 52 46 109 Mogra 68 34 150 Singapura 127 87 110 Mohanpur Noabad 72 125 151 Sohan Chhapri 47 155 111 Mawada 73 128 152 Sohan Kheda 75 153 112 Mundla 121 79 153 Suwa Kheda 115 118 113 Moyapani 131 115 154 Sukaliya Hansraj 7 12 10 6 N 155 Suoar Khedi T 114 Narsingh Kheda II 13 115 Nagli 16 14 156 Tankpura 43 121 116 Nawalpura 58 140 157 Torniya 35 55 117 Nayapura 95 104 U 118 Nadan 159 136 73 119 Neebu Kheda 46 149 148 VOlar Khat 93 120 Nipaniya 96 lOS 121 41 Nilbad 123 94 159 Yarnagar 41 268

co In 0\ M ....:I I 0 Ito 0\ I I"- ... ~ I"- I "} ... ~ = f'l ~ ... fIl I ~ r-: ~ - l;..t":: co l"- I"- ~ 0\ M ~ & ~ I '3 1 co ! ;i ~ ,.,...... E-t ~I u12' ... c\ r.ti "'"

~ I .( l N I() co .... M N N \C I"- ~ M l"- !§ ...... ~ ... Se ~ ~ < .-4 - ~ II~'"i'~"r ~ 0\ I"- 00 t"- =0:: I-~i IC \0 \C 0 00 \C ...... , ...,~ ..., tJ .... mi ~ N ... l~~Eo<.:.:1 ::e N' ....~ ~ .-4 ... - l 11'1 ... IC 11'1 N II') In ~ ..., :10 ..., ~ ... '1"J ... IC ,.,...... "'" o 0 flto N= ! 1;j'1"J~i"CO GO In 0\ 0 ... 8os::l ... In 00 0\ ...... g ~ N ~ N N- :l tg L2 "'" ..; ! ... ..; f'l \C ..., :g \C ...IC S; ~ '1"J fIto ... 'O._ N N ~]10 .. I"- ... "- t"- M In (::: "- -§E-< ::e S f'l tl} L - N N

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Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(I-IX) ,-___..A._--""'"\ ,---'---""'"\ r---'----, r_..A.~ r---'-_____ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

26/5 Icbbawar Tabsil (Rural) 274,4J9.62 7,288 8,051 40.913 Zl,35119,5613,891 4,246 2,351 2,547 3,093 206 1~,886 9,966 1 Bbadakhedi P. 985.89 59 59 367 201 166 51 59 41 .. 109 94 2 Amlaha PD,Mcw.MP(O), 2,874.64 217 217 1,026 552 474 101 109 ". 124 11 326 248 Po,E,Ed,Ei,Ea. 3 Patariya Banka 301.68 11 15 90 44 46 15 15 1 28 24 4 M ohanpur Lendy 387.67 25 31 176 94 82 22 21 7 49 48 5 Kherpura 208.22 .. Uninhabited

6 Patariya Seedha 536.72 27 33 145 66 79 13 12 .. 4 39 41 7 Sukaliya Hansraj P. 640.91 -20 27 143 78 65 24 23 3 5 10 46 36 8 Kaliyakhedi 826.20 17 17 110 63 47 14 21 .. 8 38 27 9 Bhojpura 287.06 8 13 68 37 31 7 8 1 1 19 18 1'0 Sunarkhedi 332.56 .. Uninhabited

11 Narsingh Kheda P. 1,534.51 121 153 757 378 379 119 125 16 16 40 237 203 12 Lasudiya Ram P. 1,256.98 59 63 281 155 126 25 29 42 96 77 13 Kankadkheda P, 1.831.55 168 169 853 430 423 36 35 15 " 271 206 14 Dhamanda P,M,D,Mew, 2,849.58 238 297 1,495 763 732 76 89 160 15 405 213 MP(O). 15 Durgpura P. 723.13 45 46 226 111 115 24 27 17 2 61 62

16 Nagli P. 578.75 36 41 234 127 107 19 11 2 8 42 73 55 17 Partappura 508.26 21 21 121 60 61 25 40 3 6 4 35 30 18 Jamoniya Hatesingh P. 2.293.46 56 56 260 145 115 39 35 17 .. 90 76 19 Bhaukhedi P,M,D, Rhc, 5.257.75 331 362 ].856 962 894 75 95 2 163 8 569 421 Mew. S.Po. 20 Kudi 1,699.11 29 29 194 99 95 16 9 24 43 6 57 47

21 Chhapri Talluk 680.25 42 56 312 164 148 30 33 15 93 82 22 Golu Kheda P. 1,534.15 153 154 772 387 385 107 113 .. 23 244 200 23 Bisalankdeda 578.82 19 20 130 64 66 5 8 2 .. 1 34 34 24 Barkheda P. 1.175.88 80 80 375 203 172 66 87 6 7 59 .. 119 65 25 Kulhadi P. 1,242.64 47 61 282 141 141 49 66 16 2 83 89

26 Chhapri Karan 657.23 9 16 83 36 47 14 22 . , 35 .. 23 24 27 Bishankhedi P,M,Po. 1,614.52 87 87 495 269 226 45 59 1 68 5 135 117 28 Mola Kehdi 312.58 19 19 97 51 46 18 25 .. 6 .. 28 34 29 Amla Ramjipura P,Mew. 1,130.66 59 59 331 166 165 40 55 1 39 5 97 101 30 Palkhedi P. 1,174.63 78 78 395 209 186 20 19 12 33 1 122 116

31 Chandpura 698.36 .. Uninhabited 32 Bichholi 2,157.41 14 14 89 41 48 20 27 I ., 31 22 33 Lao Khedi P. ],193.66 57 63 333 172 161 60 59 14 1 105 77 34 Lasudiya Shekhu P. 827.16 52 56 242 117 125 41 27 18 I 80 63 35 Torniya P. 1,260.52 70 81 372 182 190 48 76 28 3 114 95

36 Rampura P. 865.34 36 36 168 96 72 9 12 12 58 46 37 Dehkhedi 524.35 24 24 129 70 59 24 30 .. I 44 35 38 Jograkhedi 401.77 14 14 90 40 50 7 32 4 7 29 28 39 Atraliya 323.79 14 15 76 33 43 5 9 7 21 32 40 Kalyanpura Dubey 150.83 Uninhabited

41 Yar Nagar 327.34 .. .. . , Uninhabited .. 42 Dhabla Mata P. 3,586.91 73 77 413 222 191 19 45 6 6 26 125 76 43 Tankpura 1.538.67 21 21 101 55 46 ,1 ] 33 27 3 36 26 44 Lasudia Gondi 1.499.41 17 17 78 43 35 '8 12 16 20 3 28 21 45 lntkheda P. 1,315.18 32 32 ]56 82 74 4 3 37 36 2 54 37

46 Neebukheda 1,016.01 4 4 29 15 14 4 3 6 4 3 7 4 47 Sohan Chhapri 1,015.07 16 16 85 41 44 2 .. 38 44 1 25 23 48 Bamla Dadh 1,088.32 22 22 126 67 59 1 30 45 3 49 40 49 Bhagwatpur 1,469.98 28 35 162 81 81 50 64 1 13 .. 45 48 50 Lasudiya Goyal P. 1.540.89 57 67 352 173 179 93 123 35 6 98 84 271


WORKERS.A.______...... Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ~ ,----'---, ,--A-...... ,.---A-...... ,---.A.-...... ~--'-----, ,---.A.~ ,---.A._...... ,----'-----, ,---"-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 as 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

8,641 7,300 1,969 1,860 503 88 806 259 27 2 38 34 155 13 7 740 410 8.465 9,596 26/5 83 73 21 21 1 ...... 4 92 72 1 162 128 88 \11I 5 21 5 9 2 2 17 1 2 20 226 226 2 13 13 9 7 6 4 .. 16 22 3 44 45 4 3 .. .. 1 45 34 4 .. .. Uninhabited .. 5

31 38 2 3 .. 4 .. 2 27 38 6 21 17 20 18 2 .. 1 3 32 29 7 33 23 4 4 1 " 25 20 8 15 15 3 3 .. 1 18 13 9 .. Uninhabited .. 10

128 123 69 77 17 16 2 5 141 176 II 52 42 33 35 4 2 .. ., 5 59 49 12 170 151 47 54 :I5 23 1 2 .. 14 .. 159 217 13 258 149 40 29 i5 45 4 10 1 47 30 358 519 14~ 31 38 22 23 2 5 50 53 15

53 43 15 10 4 2 54 52 16 22 16 Jl 14 I 25 31 17 56 44 32 32 .. .. 2 ...... 55 39 18 331 311 85 76 33 4 44 5 12 2 2 62 23 393 473 19 18 11 16 20 7 16 16 42 48 20

76 80 11 I 2 2 1 2 .. 71 66 21 150 142 38 17 5 19 3 32 38 143 185 22 29 33 5 1 .. " . . .. 30 32 23 74 45 11 .. 1 9 .. 1 24 19 84 107 24 70 76 3 I 1 1 8 11 58 52 25

21 24 ...... 13 23 26 112 106 .. .. 10 13 11 134 1M 27 19 27 3 2 1 3 .. 2 5 23 12 28 55 64 11 2 4 7 10 2 18 25 69 64 29 89 100 10 2 3 9 4 II 10 87 70 30

., ., .. Uninhabited ., .. . . 3) 27 22 .. 4 .. 10 26 32 92 75 9 2 1 .. o. 3 .. 67 84 33 65 53 3 ) 3 .. 1 8 9 37 62 34 73 73 14 I 8 7 5 1 11 16 68 95 35

50 40 2 2 2 4 3 38 26 36 30 22 14 13 26 24 37 25 27 .. .. 2 2 I 11 22 38 15 24 1 3 .. o' 5 5 12 II 39 ., Uninhabited ., 40

...... Uninhabited ., ...... 41 89 59 34 17 2 97 115 42 30 21 6 5 19 20 43 27 20 1 1 .. .. 15 14 44 36 22 8 4 10 9 2 28 37 45 7 4 .. 8 10 46 6 2 .. 21 47 19 21 ...... \ . . 16 19 17 6 14 14 3 2 7 7 18 19 48 41 45 I I I I .. I 2 36 33 49 55 56 12 5 6 I I 19 26 75 95 50 272 VILLAGE DIRECI'ORY

Occu- Workers Area pied Literate .---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village I available acres ses bolds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) , __A._--"\ ,.----'-_-. ,---'---. ,.-_.A.---.. .----"-_"""" P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 MoJga P. J,955.57 70 71 410 218 ]92 34 60 14 8 38 2 120 ]01 52 Siradi P 1,577.60 66 67 360 202 158 42 37 30 115 88 53 Ladawad 121.48 Uninhabited 54 Shaharyar Nagar 546.37 .. Uninhabited ., 55 Binak-pura 1,069.00 3 4 12 7 5 3 3 2 4

56 Khejra 1,053.15 31 37 164 88 76 6 5 35 33 7 60 24 57 SemIi Jadid P. 3,361.62 94 94 551 291 260 34 37 4 3 35 3 182 55 58 Nawalpura 1,581.76 16 16 69 38 31 4 5 21 24 1 .. 25 19 59 Abidabad P,D. 6,217.94 108 108 500 269 231 42 52 81 94 18 16 179 123 60 Dhabla Ray P. 887.52 101 124 647 347 '300 80 90 66 3 210 224

61 Ram Nagar P,M,Po. 1;517.44 114 145 740 388 352 123 135 5 5 70 8 242 187 62 Goyal Khedi 560.87 7 10 41 22 19 4 3 2 17 11 63 HaIiya Khedi P. 712.36 31 31 195 106 89 6 6 32 38 30 55 50 64 Bamankhedi 477.84 Uninhabited 65 Larqura 394.98 Uninhabited

66 Kalayanpura Dhakad P. 913.63 44 44 203 94 109 9 11 6 2 64 50 67 Gaon Talab ' 1,385.32 .. Uninhabited 68 Mogra P. 1,835.90 37 39 210 1I0 100 29 28 7 4 13 59 39 69 Pangri 605.07 .. Uninhabited 70 Sendho Khedi 584.97 Uninhabited

71 Bawadiyanoabad 906.19 28 32 202 106 96 11 14 17 66 58 72 Mohan Purnoabad S. 956.10 14 14 80 42 38 5 3 4 1 5 26 20 73 Mawada P. 1,474.49 39 39 154 87 67 10 9 4 4 55 20 74 Pangri (P.V.) 894.54 9 9 50 28 22 5 8 1 10 4 15 12 75 Sohankheda 2,216.18 35 35 176 91 85 15 14 61 55 3 58 37

76 Balondiya P. 3,160.76 37 37 208 H2 96 5 .5 59 63 13 62 53 77 Sewaniya Pathar (P. V.) 2,905.06 21 23 112 50 62 ., 36 57 29 30 78 Dharmpuri 206.46 . , ., Uni nhabited .. ., 79 Jat Khedi P. 571.57 35 35 178 97 81 39 33 5 3 4 63 48 80 Sat Pipliya P. 1,633.84 86 87 443 223 220 75 92 27 2 135 126

81 Balapura P. 1,155.73 45 46 212 116 96 42 39 14 73 67 82 Jhalki P. 2,242.48 172 189 942 487 455 82 93 .. 71 3 307 246 83 Pangra Khati P. 943.61 54 61 294 152 142- 9 22 43 43 36 3 94 68 84 Kala Pepal P. 2,576.43 106 113 537 300 237 64 67 16 22 49 6 196 125 85 Gajikhedi 3,198.82 90 93 476 265 211 25 26 2 20 53 4 158 116

86 Ramgarh 1,303.41 20 20 115 66 49 .. .. 46 29 87 Dehariya Mukati (P.V.) 923.45 13 13 75 42 33 25 19 1 1 23 16 88 Bavadiya Chore P. 3,764.26 48 48 271 148 123 6 5 117 108 21 2 82 63 89 Khajuriya Ghengi P. 3,198.30 105 106 492 261 231 81 104 35 1 171 149 90 Gora Khedi 752.90 23 23 118 55 63 23 35 1 40 33

91 Arwaliya 408.38 12 15 77 37 40 .. 5 23 25 92 Ratanpur P. 998.39 38 38 217 116 101 62 70 18 66 50 93 Umarkhal P. 1,700.88 44 44 230 138 92 55 43 5 5 21 88 55 94 Chhapri Miyan 442.26 Uninhabited ...... 95 Naya Pura P. 1,691.19 99 122 647 339 308 59 59 20 14 59 233 186

96 Nipaniya P. 1,040.66 33 41 260 127 133 12 13 .. 27 2 82 80 97 Siwaniya P. 2,613.99 46 51 256 146 II~ 33 27 12 27 17 79 59 98 Lasudiya Kangar P. 1.485.13 61 68 365 181 184 40 56 22 51 15 104 90 99 Lawa Khedi 9,156.32 36 37 200 115 85 3 2 75 71 6 76 50 100 yauKhedi P. 1,342.88 62 77 382 197 185 40 67 1 14 123 118 273


,...______WORKERS-A Non------""'\ Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. r---"--""""""\ ,--.... --. ,--~ ,--...... ---, ,.--...... - ...... ,.--...... - ...... r---"----, ,--...... - ...... ,....--"---, ,.---"--...... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

96 85 IS 18 1 3 3 4 98 8S 51 81 67 29 20 1 .. 4 1 87 70 52 .. Uninhabited .. 53 Uninhabited .. .. 54 2 1 2 3 4 55

33 15 20 9 2 3 2 28 52 56 114 39 49 16 3 11 2 3 109 205 57 14 11 9 8 2 .. .. . , .. 13 12 58 95 63 15 16 38 2 4 2 5 22 40 90 108 59 136 ]55 27 64' 3 37 4 1 6 ] 137 76 60

163 130 28 29 1 23 19 2 27 7 146 165 61 10 9 4 2· 3 5 8 62 49 44 5 6 .. .. 51 39 63 Uninhabited 64 .. Uninhabited .. 65

53 42 10 8 .. .. 1 30 59 66 .. .. ., Uninhabited .. 67 40 26 18 13 .. . . 51 61 68 .. Uninhabited .. 69 .. Uninhabited .. 70

61 S3 3 5 1 .. 40 38 71 22 18 1 2 2 J 16 18 72 27 11 26 9 1 1 32 47 73 15 12 ...... 13 10 74 29 20 3 15 13 2 2 1 10 33 48 75

32 32 IJ 14 16 2 5 ,,: ~. 2 50 43 76 25 23 4 7 21 32 77 ...... Uninhabited ...... 78 37 29 15 17 2 5 2 I .. 3 34 33 79 89 89 16 33 3 15 3 1 II 88 94 80

57 56 15 11 .. .. J 43 29 81 216 172 76 74 4 1 9 180 209 82 6; 56 20 12 2 3 .. 4 .. 58 74 83 115 86 36 37 1 26 1 18 1 104 112 84 115 96 19 17 7 7 2 2 8 1 107 95 85

31 15 15 14 ...... 20 20 86 12 11 1 4 2 6 3 ...... 19 17 87 54 46 14 13 8 2 3 1 1 1 2 66 60 88 117 110 30 34 16 4 2 4 3 90 82 89 31 25 8 8 1 15 30 90

23 25 .. .. 14 15 91 58 47 6 3 .. .. 1 .. 50 51 92 75 49 6 1 4 3 ., .. 3 2 50 37 93 ...... Uninhabited ...... 94 146 115 39 46 3 36 25 2 7 106 122 95

67 69 9 11 2 .. .. 4 45 53 96 66 37 9 12 2 2 to 67 51 97 62 51 28 27 7 .. 7 12 .. 77 94 98 46 41 2 .. 17 5 10 3 .. 1 1 39 35 99 91 71 20 15 1 4 2 3 4 74 97 100 274


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I:JX) , ___.A. __...... ,-_.A._-. ,-_.A._-. ,-_.A. ~ ,-_ _.A,------, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Parwaliya 174.25 ...... Uninhabited .. 102 Dewankhedi 358.30 1 I 2 2 .. ., ...... 2 103 Dewadia M,DMcw, 1,804.08 321 367 1,931 999 932 106 116 185 30 586 303 MP(O), Po. 104 Jujharpura 315.29 .. . , .. Uninhabited ., ., 105 Kaneriya 2,372.08 SO 55 221 127 94 2i 20 9 10 75 57 106 Lotiya (F.V.) 5,631.06 14 14 76 A5 31 12 6 30 20 .. 21 12 107 Kham Kheda (F. V.) 4,572.01 15 15 98 50 48 .. .. 47 44 1 30 22 108 Salikheda (F. V.) 2,710.62 15 15 85 42 43 1 1 41 42 27 20 J09 Babcha 128.55 .. .. Uninhabited ...... 110 Jamuniya Fatehpur P. 562.91 31 41 203 109 94 14 14 33 64 58 111 Shahpura P. 671.64 33 44 250 137 113 66 74 .. 15 3 72 70 ll2 HimmatpuTa P. 1,218.82 33 44 219 117 102 29 37 2 8 7 ' 68 56 113 Kushalpura p. 297.95 37 40 226 i21 105 19 16 .. . . 7 .. 75 61 114 Amlanoabad P. 1,214.44 103 105 524 291 233 45 36 7 3 40 1 171 129 115 Suwa Kheda 912.38 .. Uninhabited .. 116 Bordi Kalan P. 3,337.12 144 147 752 180 372 56 46 51 60 54 230 110 117 Chlkal Pani 3,784.35 24 28 131 72 59 .. 29 20 6 52 33 118 Chainpura P,D,Rhc. 3,021.27 61 74 403 209 194 38 41 42 123 110 119 Bijori 786.08 19 20 61 31 30 5 5 4 17 19 120 Bagan Kheda 203.71 14 19 112 60 52 1 33 20 121 Mundla P. 1,302.81 62 82 402 213 189 S5 44 20 27 10 134 87 122 Ramdasi P. 1,614.98 70 85 423 224 199 53 57 24 28 40 lSI 114 123 Nilbad P. 2.058.24 65 67 362 187 175 26 25 40 37 33 115 107 124 Kheri P,D,Po. 5,321.20 248 249 1,206 636 570 88 86 27 39 112 11 390 263 125 Jamli P. 2,920.03 55 55 247 131 116 9 5 61 76 21 75 62 126 Brijis Nagar P,D,Po. 7,907.36 229 297 1,453 741 712 126 111 . 30 45 202 21 442 337 127 Singapur 1,014.60 18 20 106 50 56 1 .. 8 7 2 32 26 128 Karanpura 631.10 .. " . . .. Uninhabited ...... 129 Ariya P. 1,248.38 94 123 645 264 381 88 71 12 23 56 4 199 296 130 Huliya Khedi 741.17 1 1 9 5 4 5 4 3 2 131 Moyapani 1,939.84 14 14 62 42 20 24 18 24 17 132 Alipur 905.54 15 15 104 49 55 39 33 1 33 30 133 Kolu Khedi 468.34 5 5 20 10 10 .. .. 10 10 1 10 S 134 Gudari P. 919.68 45 46 210 118 92 33 31 29 47 16 68 59 135 Phangiya P. 2,275.53 32 33 173 96 77 5 5 83 71 2 60 43 136 Magarpat 3,424.48 15 15 95 52 43 .. 50 43 .. 29 18 137 Jhal Pipli 5,034.17 42 42 179 100 79 17 16 74 42 5 .. 63 49 138 Laliyl? Khedi P. 3,588.06 41 48 258 129 129 18 13 89 112 3 I 71 71 139 Jhar Kheda p, 873.68 54 65 297 127 170 4 4 87 95 8 1 66 81 140 Bawadiya Gushain P. 2,532.05 49 75 382 207 175 34 54 18 21 34 3 133 94 141 Beerpura 786.23 26 26 lIS 67 51 6 1 48 49 1 ., 43 33 142 Samanpura 676.37 27 27 124 69 55 4 3 23 35 6 2 41 28 143 Dhain Khcda 3,174.01 13 15 75 40 35 3 1 33 31 1 27 16 144 Saras 6,362.05 29 30 135 77 58 3 9 54 43 4 50 35 145 Haraspur P. 2,431.57 33 37 157 88 69 14 9 14 16 6 49 37 146 Kundi Khal 1,424.96 34 35 ]99 104 95 .. 80 65 2 56 48 147 Dudlai p. 972.58 63 88 442 237 205 40 68 9 4 35 144 111 148 Rupdi 685.31 16 16 88 43 45 5 5 13 II 3 .. 28 22 149 Borepani Dhundlawa 5,654.56 26 31 162 87 75 48 54 3 1 50 42 150 Loha Pathar 5,662.29 30 31 182 94 88 39 27 1 4ls 51 151 Daulatpur P. 4,348.44 81 86 343 176 167 48 30 17 42 37 94 70 152 Raghunathpura 653.65 18 19 112 57 55 24 16 20 15 3 34 30 153 Rupadeb 1,514.58 7 7 39 16 23 ., II 20 2 12 10 154 Gadiya ],727.33 18 25 120 57 63 10 2 47 48 1 39 37 155 Bordi Khurd 1,480.46 2 2 5 2 3 1 J ] 2 1 156 Kotra 2,885.15 .. Uninhabited " 157 Balupat 3,194.94 .. .. Uninhabited . . 158 Mandalgarh 1,980'48 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 159 Nadan 2,704.89 29 29 135 73 62 28 31 60 9 43 31 275 ICHHAWAR TAHSIL

______WORKERS-A ______- __ Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX """ X L.C. No. ,-=...... ____ ,---A.____ ,--...... ____ ,-_..A._-, ~ ,--...... _""" ,--A_""" ,--A~ ,-_"""'_""" ,-_...... ---. M F M F M F M P M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Uninhabited 101 2 ...... 102 360 220 78 46 17 45 17 5 20 61 20 413 629 103 .. .. Uninhabited .. 104 55 39 14 18 2 3 52 37 105 18 to 2 ·2 1 24 19 106 29 22 I 20 26 107 27 20 . . .. 15 23 108 ...... Uninhabited .. .. J09 51 49 11 9 2 45 36 110 53 60 16 9. 3 65 43 111 63 52 5 4 ...... 49 46 112 64 52 8 8 1 .. .. " 2 1 46 44 113 124 101 30 25 3 9 I I I 3 2 120 104 114 .. Uninhabited .. 115 129 49 58 60 .. · . 36 2 5 .. 150 262 116 29· 22 2 2 . 13 7 8 2 20 26 117 JOO 80 J4 30 6 3 .. 86 84 118 15 14 4 .. 2 1 14 11 119 27 17 2 3 4 27 32 120 111 76 7 9 9 2 6 79 J02 121 113 93 21 21 5 7 " .. 5 73 85 122 73 75 20 23 3 .. 10 5 7 4 .. 2 .. 72 68 123 271 190 36 61 11 I 41 2 3 26 11 246 307 124 52 46 14 16 2 5 2 56 54 125 219 212 76 97 25 47 18 44 2 2 29 7 299 375 126 27 23 4 3 I 18 30 127 ...... Uninhabited .. . . " .. .. 128 50 208 27 26 .. I 77 36 10 7 24 18 1 1 9 65 85 129 1 2 2 2 2 130 21 14 3 3 18 3 131 30 27 3 3 16 25 132 9 5 .. .. 1 • 5 133 52 45 12 12 2 2 2 50 33 134 48 35 9 8 I 2 36 34 135 23 17 4 1 · . .. .. 1 1 23 25 136 34 29 I 3 21 10 2 2 5 5 37 30 137 62 68 3 3 3 .. 3 58 58 138 55 54 10 I 1 ., ., 26 61 89 139 112 86 12 5 5 3 1 3 74 81 140 31 24 10 8 2 24 18 141 34 25 7 3 28 27 142 19 tl 5 5 .. 3 .. 13 19 143 40 31 .. 3 .. 7 4 27 23 144 33 24 8 12 3 3 1 2 39 32 145 41 37 6 11 9 ...... 48 47 146 118 92 J3 17 .. 5 8 2 93 94 147 19 16 6 6 3 .. 15 23 148 32 33 4 18 5 " 37 33 149 41 51 I 6 46 37 150 70 57 5 4 .. 17 4 2 .. 5 82 97 151 20 20 10 7 J ·. 3 3 23 2S 152 11 10 .. .. 1 4 13 153 30 29 7 8 2 18 26 154 2 1 2 155 .. Uninhabited .. 156 .. Uninhabited .. " .. 157 ...... J . . 2 I 158 21 19 17 12 1 1 3 30 31 159 276



Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. No. No. Serial Code No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 I 2 3 4 2 3 4

A 43 I Agra J05 115 Chandagahall 103 89 2 Amdob 11 144 44 Chandpura 119 113 3 Ameerganj 21 158 45 Chich 139 94 I Bhesan 2 BIInyaglIOn 46 Chorsa Kheri 160 69 3 Gulti 47 Chhitgaon Kachhi 162 103 4 Ambajhi, 23 146 48 Chhlpaner 165 60 S Amba 39 29 fi Amlara 118 J12 D 7 Anba ladeed )69 101 49 Dabd 2 170 II Atralia 147 78 50 Demawar 164 105 B 51 Dhaba 24 142 , Basant,ar Paoiri 43 )6. 52 Dhandia 63 44 10 Bainsad 6. 25 53 Dhamanda ,69 128 54 Dbannas 74 24 11 Barodia 65 85 12 S5 Dhankot 135 107 Bankot SI 13 13 56 Dholpur 152 66 Bain 90 8 57 Digwar 128 110 14 Barkheri Jll to J5 58 Donglapani 16 162 Bansdeo 114 54 16 59 113 53 Bachgaoa J21 16 Dobhan J7 Basania 129 !11 G 18 Bamagar 131 64 60 Gutwani 38 2 '9 Bagwara 144 58 20 J Amlapan; 2 Bhadbhada BalagaoD 146 77 124 65 21 Babri 61 Gilhari lS7 106 1'25 79 22 Bargaoo- 62 Gillor )68 102 1 Mannasia 23 Beela Kbera 6 35 63 Gohan 56 136 24 Bhura lOlera 4 36 Gorakhpur 102 51 25 Bhilai 64 14 33 Gopalpur 130 5Z 26 65 Bbadakui 53 38 44 26 27 66 GularpuJa Bhlmga_ 62 45 28 Bhabbar H 79 )31 31 30 29 Beelpati. 67 Habeebnagar 28 141 50 7 30 Bljlan 68 Hameedganj (Tumri) 95 46 J Ghogkra 31 Borpalli 1 148 69 Hathighat 55 84 32 Borthera Khurd SO 6 Harmhow 57 139 33 70 Bod lOt 9 34 71 Halia Kheri 132 76 Bor&hati )09 126 35 J Borkhera KaIaD 115 80 36 Itawa Khurd 29 3 Bor Kbed 140 97 72 1 Bor;wa'a C 31 13 Hawa ladeed Sf: 127 Chatarbta 15 143 3& 74 !tawa Kalan 123 62 Chhapri 51 22 J Suwapani 2 Bhilwakbo 75 Itarsi 137 63 3 BhQdila Kbera J 39 Chichlaha Kalan (}7 135 76 lamonia Bajyaft 58 129 40 Chicblaha Khurd 68 120 17 lamonia Pandagaon 145 67 41 Chhitgaon Moj,i 75 42 18 lhali 19 32 42 Chichli. 89 11 19 lhirnia 52 28 277



Location Serial Serial Location Code No. No. Serial Serial No. Name of Village 1961 1951 Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4 80 Jhagar 142 104 124 Panchor 54 41 81 Jhaklaha 125 Palasi Khurd 151 59 59 23 82 Jog1an 126 Palasi Kalan 84 88 60 27 127 Patrani K 106 116 128 Parlia 83 Kankaria 41 155 127 91 129 Pandagaon 84 Kalwana 99 124 138 68 130 Pipalia 85 Khlljoori 3 145 110 12 86 Kharsania 83 47 131 Pipalia Khalsa lOS 119 87 Khanpura 87 114 132 Piplani 17 88 Khatia Kheri 86 86 R 133 Pipalkota 89 Khargaon 156 100 76 131 134 Rafiqganj 90 Kishanpur 49 4 18 169 (Lodhri) 91 Kosmi 10 168 135 Ratanpur 92 Kothra Pipalia 47 14(1 34 156 93 Kurinayapura 136 Rampura Chakaldi 42 133 30 16i 94 Kumantal 137 Ramgarha- 98 121 112 I ~ 138 Rala 104 90 L J Sarwarganj 95 Lawapani 22 160 139 Ranipura 159 61 96 Larkui 32 31 140 Richariya Jadeed 163 91 97 Lanchor 45 40 141 Richharia 133 82 M 142 Rithwar 64 41 98 Mariyado 26 34 143 Rinjharia 100 "122 99 Manji Kheri 71 18 144 Rujan Kheri 116 81 100 Magada 82 19 S 101 Mahrugaon 145 Sankota 12 164 85 87 102 Mahagaon Kadeem 146 Satrana 97 til 92 50 103 Malajpur 147 Sarsodia 122 17 107 125 104 Mahagaon Jadeed 148 Satdeo 166 71 134 J09 J N eema Kheri 105 Manjhli 149 96 149 Semalpani Jadeed 36 154 106 Mandhi 155 70 150 Sewania f3 1M 107 Mogra Khera 151 Semalpani Kadeem 93 4'1 7 153 108 Mohai J Salarond 70 5 152 Seegaon 136 j7 N 153 Seelkanth 161 IJ 109 Nawalgaon 5 110 Narela 37 154 Shampur n 2Q 37 130 J Thikari Khera III Nahar Khera 155 Shamoogaon 46 151 141 .. Oi 112 Nadiakhera Bajyaft 48 132 156 Sirali 9 J.61 113 Nandgaon 157 Sirali 96 92 20 15j 114 Nasrullaganj 158 Singpur 117 83 25 165 159 Sisli 150 115 Nadiakhera Khalsa 51i 120 118 160 Soyat 116 Nandkot 78 121 153 75 161 Sonhia 126 91 1 17 NaraY~npura 158 162 Sohan Kheri 1.54 74 118 Nimota 5S 73 21 163 Soraidhaba 8 147 119 Nipania 77 137 164 Sonerd 40 3~ 120 Nimnagaon 94 48 165 Sukarwas 91 121 Neelkanth 14 1 Chamel; 148 95 T 166 Tajpura .66 134 p 167 Tikamod 3j 152 122 Palaspani 27 149 168 THaria 141 123 Pattalai 98 35 156 169 Tigali 161 13 278 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r----..A.---~ ,-- _J.---~ r-_.A..-~ r--.A._~ r--.A.-~. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11- 12 13 14 15 16 17

26/6 Nasrullagaoj Tahsil (Rural) 330,286.78 11 ,409 53,699 27,956 4,256 4,095 5,926 5,687 5,511 825 16,946 9,172 11,473 25,743 1 Borpani 3,252.40 7 8 45 20 25 20 25 1 12 7 2 Dabri P. 8,875.45 57 63 276 157 119 21 12 50 38 15 5 93 40 3 Khajoori 11,763.11 54 54 405 209 196 I I 180 166 6 136 75 4 Bhura Khera 3,56'.24 n 6 55 30 25 11 9 12 11 3 18 15 5 Nawalgaon 3,848.56 16 16 126 72 54 7 8 59 43 5 52 25

6 Becla Khera 2,647'90 7 8 63 34 29 34 29 22 19 7 Mogra Khera 2,897.64 20 20 176 98 78 5 5 88 71 64 46 8 Soraidhaba 1,851.31 3 4 17 8 9 8 9 7 4 9 Sirali 3,372.61 Uninhabited IO Kosmi 5,510.85 11 10 71 , 35 36 34 36 20 22

11 Amdoh 3,048.19 20 20 142 75 67 74 66 44 26 12 Sankota 1,759.16 19 19 III .64 47 6 2 58 44 32 30 13 Sewania 2,016.16 26 29 195 103 92 103 92 75 54 . 14 Bhilai 3,068.30 55 56 318 169 149 17 12 141 135 6 1I8 90 15 Chatarkota 2,106.73 5 5 29 16 13 16 13 8 5

16 Donglapani 5,455.57 6 7 23 J3 10 8 6 2 8 3 17' Piplani P. 6,005.10 80 93 444 237 207 5 5 205 187 25 129 109 18 Rafiqganj (Lodhri) 2,250.63 51 51 258 141 117 5 7 64 51 7 88 67 19 Jhali P. 1,107.30 48 49 244 132 112 63 67 37 37 18 87 53 20 Sirali 2,815.53 23 24 110 56 54 10 10 4 4 3 39 26

21 Ameerganj P. 7,240.32 107 113 631 319 312 19 17 262 256 12 3 193 181 22 Lawapani 735.42 9 9 52 28 24 28 24 1 15 16 23 Ambajhir 1,138.94 10 13 88 52 36 52 36 30 16 24 Dhaba 1.497.51 33 38 201 97 104 10 12 71 74 52 38 25 Singpur 2,442.25 22 23 125 71 54 9 5 53 47 40 25

26 Mariyado 683.10 16 17 79 47 32 6 7 29 17 6 22 7 27 Palaspani 848.64 16 17 81 45 36 26 25 17 11 3 21 5 28 Beelpati S. 774.79 9 9 63 37 26 36 26 21 11 29 Itawa Khurd 3,948.09 55 63 308 160 148 17 17 58 59 7 1 95 48 30 Kurinayapura 6,238.00 72 76 468 227 241 Jl 11 155 145 7 1 147 108

31 Habeebnagar 1,082.65 10 10 59 32 27 14 10 18 17 17 15 32 Larkui P M H T D Po 3,040.19 339 378 1,751 935 816 102 95 97 81 349 36 493 233 33 Tikamod "" P.. 3,433.32 114 117 546 301 245 31 31 84 72 44 3 163 38 34 Ratanpur 1,496.10 18 19 100 50 50 8 10 14 19 27 25 35 Pattalai 712.18 9 9 65 33 32 11 9 1 16 13

36 Semalpani Jadeed 826.88 34 34 171 96 75 2 2 89 66 3 51 41 37 Narela S. 1,992.17 25 30 165 86 79 16 8 50 60 6 50 37 38 Gutwani 5,388.54 35 39 218 109 109 5 5 78 83 5 77 48 39 Amba P. 1,424.18 69 71 308 166 142 26 24 38 35 37 102 66 40 Soner 1,170.22 17 17 70 36 34 19 17 7 7 5 20 14

41 Kankaria 1,417.12 22 25 115 59 56 11 6 33 32 2 29 29 42 RampuraChakaldi P,M,D,S,Po. 3,617.23 306 338 1,436 735 701 72 64 148 158 219 23 427 102 43 Basantpur Pangri 6,534.18 78 84 470 253 217 6 4 172 155 2 148 89 44 Gularpura p. 1,626.33 71 83 367 189 178 .144 47 46 49 24 2 118 94 45 Lanchor 2,143.43 39 44 213 118 95 26 29 23 1 68 41

46 NabarKhera P. 2,110.31 34 38 174 95 79 10 12 51 49 22 2 54 29 47 Kot~ra Pipalla P. 1,886.42 55 55 271 133 138 10 11 67 77 10 80 65 48 N~dlakhera Bajyaft P,S. 854.78 29 31 131 65 66 2 4 47 53 17 4 40 39 49 Klshanpur P. 2,811.10 40 40 197 95 102 I 3 9 1 55 18 50 Hameedganj (Tumri) P. 4,530.27 100 100 437 224 213 79 79 71 60 27 2 147 70 279 NASRULLAGANJ TAHSIL

WORKERS-A______Non- r------...,. Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. I No. ,...--'-.....,. ,..._.A.--,. ,...-.A.--,. r 4 r--.A.--. !r:'--4.._...,. r--.A.--. , A .. ,...--4..--,. ,--.A.-...,. M F M F M F M F • M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 17 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 1

8,m 3.875 5,119· 4.730 407 66 934 131 39 31 77 1 313 18 40 •• 1,083 318 11,010 16,571 Z6/6

12 7 ...... 8 8 1 45 34 10 3 14 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 64 79 2 95 65 1 20 9 20 1 73 121 3 7 5 3 12 10 4 9 9 20 30 25 3 oJ 19 29 5 22 19 ...... 12 10 6 54 40 4 3. I 3 5 34 32 7 7 4 ...... 1 5 8 Uninhabited .. 9 20 22 15 14 10

20 24 .. 2 24 31 41 11 29 1 30 2 32 17 12 73 51 2 3 .. .. 28 38 13 75 60 24 23 12 2 5 7 51 59 14 8 5 8 8 15

6 2 3 .. .. 5 7 16 87 30 109 3 3 1 5 108 98 17 44 .. 40 67 3 1 53 50 18 65 47 21 6 1 45 59 19 18, 10 2 16 19 17 28 20

169 156 10 12 6 8 13 126 131 21 15 16 13 8 22 12 15 I 18 .. 22 20 23 22 34 .. 4 26 3 1 45 66 24 37 23 2 2 1 31 29 2S

16 2 7 3 1 25 25 26 20 4 1 1 .. 24 31 27 7 11 .. 14 .. 16 15 28 44 32 48 9 7 1 2 65 100 29 135 72 10 36 2 80 133 30

14 3 3 12 ...... IS 12 31 191 134 135 67 16 51 10 I .. 1 36 1 1 61 21 442 5&3 32 115 11 29 23 10 5 4 4 138 207 33 21 17 6 7 I 23 2S 34 15 9 I 4 - 17 19 35 40 27 11 14 .. 45 34 36 19 15 29 22 .. 1 36 42 37 53 8 21 40 1 .. .. 2 32 61 38 70 35 28 30 1 1 ) 1 2 64 76 39 12 10 5 4 2 1 16 20 40

20 15 9 14 ...... 30 27 41 162 2 117 73 6 .. 78 21 1 1 2 26 34 5 308 599 42 102 64 40 24 5 I 1 .. .. lOS 128 43 74 38 41 47 .. 1 .. 3 8 71 84 44, 53 34 12 6 1 I 1 1 SO 54 4S

32 5 19 23 2 41 SO 46 59 42 19 23 .. 2 53 73 47 27 2S 10 13 .. I 1 1 1 2S 27 48 33 .. 20 18 2 .. .. 40 84 49 88 20 49 49 2 3 I 1 .. - I 3 77 143 SO 280 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-___..A.. __-, ,.--__:_..A.._-, ,-_..A.._-. ,--...... -..., ,--.A.--. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IQ 17

51 Cbhapri P. 4,455.30 68 15 362 200 162 15 16 134 106 7 122 91 52 Jhirnia P. 943.09 39 42 195 103 92 29 35 41 45 10 68 49 53 Bhadakui P,Po. 1,993.99 138 138 612 312 300 52 51 61 57 51 3 198 149 54 Panchor P. 1,507.87 123 128 532 259 273 52 52 46 62 58 4 160 110 55 Hathighat P. J,625.69 87 89 422 218 204 19 19 2 34 3 129 20

56 Gohan 911.98 17 17 67 29 38 .. 9 6 2 22 14 57 Harmhow 1,040 92 8 13 40 23 17 I 7 6 8 3 14 7 58 Jamonia Bajyaft S. 912.87 30 31 121 62 59 12 12 17 ' 20 7 44 37 59 Palasi Khurd 1,066.41 .. ., Uninhabited ...... 60 Palasi Kalan P. 1,794.49 50 50 255 126 129 I3 15 61 61 17 62 7

61 Bainsad P. 890.52 58 58 252 133 119 30 24 14 3 75 57 62 Bhimgaon 932.59 5 5 45 23 22 5 4 .. 2 17 10 63 Dhandia 847.67 37 37 183 97 86 23 26 1 11 1 57 23 64 Rithwar P. 760.27 89 89 443 223 220 38 36 7 8 38 3 147 2 65 Barodia 1,426.57 33 33 149 79 70 9 5 31 30 6 55 36

66 Tajpura P. 726.86 63 84 313 162 151 22 16 1 19 6 110 79 67 Chichlaha Kalan 1,061.53 27 33 149 69 80 4 8 32 29 8 1 45 46 68 Chichlaha Khurd S. 820.40 17 17 80 40 40 7 8 26 30 3 27 22 69 Dhamanda 1,099.48 9 9 47 24 23 4 5 .. 1 17 8 70 Mohai P. 2,382.77 78 78 386 203 183 30 26 87 82 32 123 60

71 Manji Kheri 2,481.23 16 20 96 57 39 9 6 42 30 ., 26 20 72 Sham pur P. 4,154.94 92 120 583 298 285 54 49 116 111 48 6 204 158 73 Nimota P. 2,872.77 137 186 825 438 387 51 46 157 154 50 8 297 164 74 Dhannas 626.93 24 24 102 55 47 12 19 1 4 10 31 26 75 Chhitgaon Moji P,Po. 1,891.68 191 193 880 449 431 69 71 60 86 80 9 281 223

76 Pipa1kota 1,353.46 29 41 194 98 96 52 45 .. 7 1 59 54 77 Nipania P. 1,457.45 67 68 283 145 138 29 22 16 19 39 7 92 69 78 Soyat P,S. 1,646.05 112 112 526 282 244 30 26 4 5 61 7 157 115 79 Bhabbar , .. 348.96 " .. Uninhabited .. 80 Borkhera Khurd P. 1,262.60 42 42 213 105 108 22 26 48 44 38 7 61 24

81 Bankot P. 764.68 48 50 215 118 97 23 24 .. 21 2 69 24 82 Magaria P. 1,698.20 155 101 439 227 212 50 50 32 32 52 5 138 99 83 Kharsania P. 1,656.09 107 107 532 271 261 51 54 25 20 37 1 168 126 84 Joglan P. 942.65 50 50 193 109 84 12 13 1 1 28 1 68 45 85 Mal!_rugaon 1,666.94 29 29 118 61 57 18 12 15 5 39 24

86 Khatia Kheri P. 649.11 38 38 216 118 98 12 11 50 63 18 4 74 38 87 Khanpura P. 1,012.07 47 49 247 125 122 2 3 6 4 21 1 78 50 88 Itawa Jadeed 763.93 9 9 38 17 21 9 9 2 to 6 89 Chichli 1,056.51 40 40 175 98 77 31 31 4 1 2 62 12 90 Bain P,M,D,Po. 1,390.03 87 no 491 247 244 57 54 65 85 65 10 159 79

91 Sukarwas P,S. 1,736.16 135 135 607 314 293 35 36 39 42 39 6 191 55 92 Mahagaon Kadeem P. 2,114.58 47 55 217 110 107 33 31 10 9 15 77 71 93 Semalpani Kadeem P. 2,602.08 117 148 682 355 327 75 74 135 158 49 1 225 123 94 Nimnagaon P, 2,097.43 131 131 620 314 306 73 69 56 53 49 6 170' 61 95 Bijlan P. 1,593.34 64 64 268 142 126 44 45 15 14 21 9 87 39

96 Nandgaon M,S,Po. 2,169.30 107 107 483 257 226 24 23 8 13 50 11 168 75 97 Satrana P. 918.68 60 65 272 140 132 23,· 21 26 5 86 72 98 Ramgarha P. 582.36 21 21 88 37 51 7' IO 7 8 5 26 16 99 Kalwana P. 1,500.72 76 76 362 176 186 42 43 21 28 14 109 90 100 Rinjharia 495.07 23 23 108 55 53 11 8 7 32 17 281 NASRUJ.L'AGANJ TAHSIL

W'o"RKBRS--A.____ Non- __ ...... __------_.___ ---"" Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ~ r--~ ~ "...--A-----. r~ r=.A.----. r,-.A.----. r-.A.-...... M F M F M F M F M F r~. M F M~ M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28' 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

81 38 91 2 78 71 51 38 28 27 20 .. 2 ',' 1 .. 35 43 52 70 46 87 l()O 'r3 17 " .. 1 3 1 .. 7 I 114 151 53 86 53 37 36 3 22 19 : . .. 4 '1 7 2 99 163 54 71 9 29 9 15 7 1 6 2 89 184 55

14 8 14 7 24 56 4 1 10 6 9 10 57 36 25 7 12 , 1 18 22 58 .. ~ .. .. 'Uninhabited ...... 59 51 5 5 2 5 64 122 60

43 38 26 17 1 2 2 3 58 62 61 6 4 4 2 ,7 4 6 12 62 35 15 18 8 , 3 40 63 63 84 .. 33 2 l( Ii 7 76 218 64 36 10 15 26 ., 2 2 24 34 65 I 73 53 25 23 7 2 5 52 72 66 21 13 23 33 1 .. 24 34 67 15 13 Jl 8 I 1 13 ,18 68 9 .. 7 8 ., .. ., 1 7 15 69 47 ,6 62 51 3 3 4 7 80 123 70 8 7 14 13 .. 4 .. 31 19 71 122 106 72 52 2 3 ...... 3 2 94 127 72 99 2 166 161 6 I 8 4 1 10 3 141 223 73 14 12 15 14 .. .. . , .. .. ., 2 .. 24 21 74 118 75 102 135 18 4 24 5 3 6 10 2 168 208 75

30 18 29 36 .. .. ., .. .. 39 42 76 32 5 47 62 4 I .. 2 7 1 53 69 77 75 26 66 82 6 3 1 1 8 4 125 129 78 . , ...... UninhabiteJ •• .. .. 79 28 I 29 23 I 3 44 84 80 26 9 37 15 2 .. 2 2 .. 49 73 81 73 44 48 53 7 3 7 2 89 113 82 85 70 65 50 2 .. 9 4 I 6 1 103 135 83 35 23 22 21 4 1 5 2 41 39 84 18 10 20 14 1 22 33 85

25 4 31 31 9 2 2 6 44 60 86 59 40 17 10 .. I 1 47 72 87 6 I 4 4 I 7 15 88 50 " 11 12 1 ., ., ...... 36 65 89 70 14 67 63 8 1 1 I 12 J 88 165 90

130 I 37 50 II 2 2 2 ., 9 123 238 91 57 53 17 17 I 1 2 33 36 92 161 101 51 22 4 6 2 1 130 204 - 93 83 4 79 57 ., 5 ., 3 .. 144 245 94 25 3 38 34 2 17 2 5 55 87 95

71 I 51 69 3 12 ., J 2 4 24 4 89 151 96 51 40 25 29 3 1 2 I 1 5 54 60 97 10 7 II 8 2 1 I 1 1 11 35 98 61 45 33 45 7 6 i. 2 67 96 99 15 7 17 10 .\ 23- 36 100 282


Occu­ Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres sea holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~ __-A_~,-A_~,-A_~ .---"-~ ,.----"-____, PM F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Bori 828.31 18 18 82 42 40 3 3 7 1 21 5 102 Gorakhpur P. 2.377.50 ]39 80 390 217 173 13 6 45 50 42. 2 124 66 103 Chandagahan P. 1,289.71 67 67 327 178 149 53 49 20 4 102 50 104 Rala P. 7,073.66 204 206 1,036 547 489 42 44 17 20 130 14 328 132 105 Agra P. 1,192,76 47 48 237 126 111 14 13 Jl 9 18 1 81 59

106 Patrani 949.26 2 2 12 5 7 I 3 ., 107 MalaJpur P. 791.79 36 36 158 84 74 11 9 3 5 19 60 37 108 Pipalla Khalsa 658.46 3 3 14 11 3 2 .. 6 .. 109 Borghatj P. 963.13 28 28 126 71 55 7 3 5 38 2 110 PipaJia 7]5.72 21 21 111 61 50 17 15 1 34 5

111 Barkheri 850.39 43 43 187 93 94 25 19 10 7 19 55 15 112 Kumantal P. 2,278.87 125 81 323 172 151 39 42 2 2 27 2 1\7 26 113 Dobhan P. 1,349.08 87 54 209 104 105 25 22 24 29 12 3 74 6 114 Bansdeo P. 2,559.54 213 141 656 349 307 87 82 13 13 84 12 205 86 115 Borkhera Kalan P. 3,596.93 175 193 834 432 402 68 69 34 44 83 10 289 183

J16 Rujan KberJ P. 1,210.34 50 58 . 3J3 158 155 18 15 I 51 15 94 54 117 Nasrullaganj P,H,T,D, Hos. 2,177.98 676 743 2,933 1,516 1,417 102 104 71 60 685 312 866 167 Mcw,MP(O),Po,To,E,Ed,Ei. 118 Amlara P. 764.33 68 329 166 163 15 15 104 105 42 107 89 119 Chandpura P. 616.65 ~} 52 194 95 99 .. 18 .. 69 3 120 Nadiakhera Khalsa P. 738.75 39 39 157 78 79 10 8 15 11 19 2 53 2

121 Bachgaon P. 1,368.85 71 71 378 198 180 14 16 16 II 37 121 20 J22 Sarsodia 426.70 .. Uninhabited .. 121 Hawa Kalan M. 2,145.36 175 94 46] 241 221 S5 53 10 8 81 10 14S 84 ]24 Gilhari P. 1,543.07 59 31 173 92 81 23 17 23 3 50 37 125 Gillor P,D,S. 2,033.97 93 105 532 311 221 45 46 219 151 112 7 141 '86

126 Sonha P. 1,867.12 90 106 505 256 249 41 45 11 12 56 2 158 89 127 Parlia P. 1,277.82 40 40 230 114 116 13 11 23 32 16 75 53 ]28 Digwar P. 1,902.13 157 157 635 328 307 39 35 9 1 90 218 110 129 Basania P. 1,348.29 40 40 195 112 83 10 13 8 7 31 I 52 1 130 Gopa)pur P. 1,867.50 227 138 671 323 348 58 58 29 23 96 18 198 75

131 Barnagar P. 1,633.97 39 40 198 109 89 46 37 16 12 10 1 63 49 132 Halia Kheri P. 2,592.93 80 83 405 211 194 68 65 33 36 45 3 121 102 133 Richharia P. 882.99 58 58 336 176 160 56 55 5 6 62 14 111 59 134 Mahagaon Jndeed P. 2.025.66 101 101 469 235 234 20 17 114 131 40 2 154 87 135 Dhankot 951.93 21 21 85 48 3'1 6 2 39 34 5 2S

136 Seegaon P. 2,262.97 90 90 445 230 215 63 67 1 2 24 .. 148 114 137 Itarsi D. 1,722,39 164 141 676 351 325 55 54 33 31 81 14 204 84 138 Pandagaon 1,107.28 35 40 212 103 109 16 16 24 28 2 .. 63 :7 139 Chieh P,M,D,Rhc,Hos. 2,235.61 124 124 504 .270 234 47 44 1 2 79 12 182 148 Mew, Po. 140 Bor Kheri P. 1,064.03 57 57 266 138 128 19 23 38 3 80 33

!41 Tilaria P. 1,723.78 151 lSI 800 414 386 47 44 10 7 163 19 293 156 ]42 Jhagar 937.05 16 16 95 49 46 3 3 46 43 5 34 8 143 Shamoogaon P. 856.63 47 47 225 118 107 53 52 8 2 30 2 72 35 144 Bagwara P. 2,309.41 109 III 523 283 240 78 67 7 7 24 1172 1\1 145 Jamonia Pandagaon P. 1,101.85 43 51 267 145 122 30 30 7 11 18 86 25

146 Balagaon P. 1,889.53 158 158 723 348 375 57 54 (;3 66 60 11 215 181 147 Atralia P 996.16 82 82 359 180 179 66 68 14 12 29 119 93 148 Neelkanth 1,725.36 85 85 367 188 179 21 22 13 8 15 109 87 149 Manjhli P. 652.06 48 48 225 116 109 9 12 19 6 68 48 150 Sisli P. 1,305.38 48 48 195 109 86 23 10 7 9 10 1 74 48 283 NASRULLAGANJ TAHSIL

WORKERS-A--______~ Non- L.e. Workers No. I II III IV V , VI VII VIII IX X \ ..-'---. ,.--~ ,--~ ,.--..A.--, r---"----. r--l-..A.--, r---"---. r--..A.--. r---"---. r--..A.--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 ,23 24 25 26 27 28' 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

16 1 3 4 2 21 35 101 52 3 53 .. 17 .. 2 93 107 102 34 '~ 76 99 103 19 36 " 1 17 .. 8 .. 6 " 155 36 89 84 9 27 2 1 8 39 10 219 357 104 56 50 J5 9, 6 4 45 52 105

2 ., 1 2 7 106 31 18 19 J9 , " 9 " 24 '37 107 6 .. .. I . 5 3 lOS 29 8 2 1 33 53 109 23 10 5 1 27 45 110

35 19 J5 1 38 79 111 72 3 40 23 '.. 2 3 55 125 112 37 3 36 3 ,...... J 30 99 113 109 23 73 62 '1 .. 12 1 .. 4 .. 6 144 221 114 158 92 65 84 15 1 25 5 6 5 1 15 143 219 115

28 7 44 32 .. .. 6 .. " ., .. .. " .. 16 15 64 101 116 104 4 97 79 25 4 89 J4 19 J 7 150 1 16 359 64 650 1250 117 70 ' 59 36 30 1 59 74 118 54 3 14 1 26 96 119 23 2 29 .. J '25 77 120

77 41 19 2 77 160 121 ...... Uninhabited ...... 122 52 ., 79 81 5 2 3 6 1 96 137 123 35 26 15 11 .. .. ~ ...... 42 44 124 94 62 7 5 8 2 11 2 21 15 170 135 125

52 14 83 72 14 9 3 98 160 126 52 40 23 13 ...... 39 63 127 115 61 107 29 5 8 3 110 197 128 33 . , 13 I 1 ...... 5 .. 60 82 129 66 6 95 65 12 1 1 12 13 2 J25 273 130

34 17 27 32 1 " 1 .. 46 40 131 82 72 22 17 2 .. .. I 14 13 90 92 132 56 11 40 46 3 2 5 .. 7 65 101 133 110 315 43 50 1 1 81 147 134 15 10 23 37 135

85 70 44 38 ., .. 15 3 .. " 2 2 3 82 101 136 93 .. 84 77 2 1 12 1 4 2 11 1 147 241 137 40 18 23 39 ...... 40 52 138 98 78 47 67 17 I 1 2 17 88 86 139 54 22 22 11 3 58 95 140

150 70 103 11 21 2 4 13 74 121 230 141 ., 21 4 " 9 8 15 38 142 52 14 19 21 .. .. 1 46 72 143 103 57 62 53 6 1 1 .. 111 129 144 60 17 22 7 2 2 1 59 97 145

125 112 63 66 15 3 11 133 194 146 52 42 55 51 .. " 8 .. .. " 4 .. 61 86 147 39 32 59 51 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 79 92 148 38 24 27 24 1 .. 1 .. I 48 61 149 14 13 51 34 2 1 3 4 35 38 150 284 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(I-IX) r--_.A.---. ,-----'-_-. ,---A..---. ,--..10..---. ,--J.---:<. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

]5] Jhaklaha 1,803.84 .. Uninhabited 152 Dholpur P. 1,625.34 91 100 463 236 227 60 52 14 16 69 7 151 54 ]53 Nandkot 411.88 9 9 42 26 16 4 4 2 6 16 154 Soh an Kheri ],073,21 ]2 12 57 32 25 6 8 16 9 2 20 13 155 Mandhi P. 1,488.02 71 71 346 173 173 35 37 21 12 42 5 lOS 107

156 Khargaon P. 1,609.17 88 88 " 427 221 206 24 19 43 2 143 118 157 Babri P. 2,306.60 106 106 488 265 223 36 30 1 2 79 6 143 127 158 Narayanpura P. 656,50 43 43. 182 103 79 14 9 1 .. 21 2 58 39 159 Ranipura P. 1,376.58 44 44 209 106 103 67 64 8 10 18 2 '70 53 160 Chorsa Khcri P. 938.66 51 51 273 134 139 22 32 21 3 76 67

161 Seelkanth P. 1,323.60 75 75 329 174 155 56 48 26 14 15 1 116 59 162 Chhitgaon Kachhi P,Po. 2,559.25 162 162 738 375 363 46 48 33 43 73 2 221 13 163 Richariya Jadeed ],424.40 22 22 95 46 49 6 7 32 3 164 Demawar P,D,Mcw. 3,025.52 160 160 772 389 383 36 46 100 11 241 102 165 Chhipaner P,M,H,D, 1,711.19 264 266 1,253 676 577 109 94 41 42 224 4S 344 154 Po.

166 Satdeo P,S. ],647.62 9S 9S 427 213 214 42 50 55 82 18 135 77 167 Tigali 782.62 21 21 91 48 43 9 12 1 29 17 168 Bargaon P. 916.99 49 49 205 107 98 13 16 3 3 16 65 5 169 A_nba Jadeed P. 1,299.18 62 62 324 166 158 10 13 7 4 46 2 95 18 285


WORKERS Non- ~------.----~--- ~ Workers L·C. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,_.A.---, ,_.A._-. ,-.A._-. ,--.A._--. ,-.A.--"\ ,-.A.---, r--.A.~ ,-.A.----. ,.---A----. r-_.A,---. M F M F M F M F M F 1M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Uninhabited 151 81 3 51 50 6 3 9 85 173 152 13 2 " 1 10 16 153 15 13 5 12 12 154 48 53 46 54 8 6 65 66 155

102 90 23 28 2 9 1 6 78 88 156 89 81 34 45 1 13 1 5 122 96 157 28 21 27 18'. 2 1 45 40 158 24 14 41 39 4 36 50 159 44 43 27 24 . 4 58 72 160

67 26 37 33 8 3 58 96 161 115 2 81 3 , 15 3 10 5 154 350 162 22 3 IO ," ...... 14 . 46 163 123 17 74 72 2 29 5 .. 1 2 1 1 9 5 148 281 164 87 6 157 120 _ ' 11 20 2 2 9 10 7 1 47 19 332 423 165

79 43 46 32 7 2 3 78 137 166 15 4 13 13 1 19 26 167 56. .. 8 5 .. 1 42 93 168 72 IO 19 8 2 2 71 140 169 286

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES 7 HUDNI TAHSIL Location Serial Location Serial Serial Code No. No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Vlltase 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

A G I Akola 22 17 42 Ganjit 151 127 1 Haraowapura 43 Gadar 17 47 2 Amon 39 63 44 Gehun Kheda 104 93 3 Anwaligbat 150 103 45 Gonda Kheda 38 48 46 Gondi Guradia 103 92 B 47 Gowadia 122 146 4 Baktara 19 68 48 Gurar Khera 124 116 5 Bansgahan 28 49 49 Guwadia Shahganj 24 36 6 Bardha 62 97 H 7 Bansapur 73 7 1 Misgltat Railway C"b;" 50 Hathnora 46 30 8 Bagwada 80 5 51 Hatlawa 64 13 9 Bamhori 88 75 52 Hirani 75 10 10 Bayan 111 139 53 Hignasir 59 59 11 Baneta 43 25 54 Holipura 119 141 12 Barkhera 143 108 1 Jala Khera 13 Basania Kalan 149 101 55 Hoda 5 46 14 Berkhedi 115 148 15 Debra Khedi 144 106 16 Bhim Kothi 52 149 56 Isharpur 16 41 17 Bharklll 94 84 57 Itwar 35 32 122 ]8 Bhomda 137 109 58 Itarsi 109 19 Billeka / 36 43 J 20 Bikrampu:r 53 20 5~ Jait 58 55 100 ZI Bisa Khedi 83 77 60 Jajna 156 22 BiMa 127 ,136 .61 Jawahar Kheda 34 24 23 Bodra 13 33 62 Jamonia Kalan 63 95 24 Borna 60 58 63 Jahanpur 82 8 25 Bordhi 78 82 64 Janwasa 84 78 26 Bordl'la Khera 93 156 1 Janakpur 27 Bori 107 83 65 Jahajpura 141 128 28 Budhni 98 I 66 Jamonia Shabganj 116 3 C 1 Gawonia T.T.C. 67 Jhuliapur 61 150 29 ebaEdla Kala. 1 52 68 Jontala 50 70 30 Chekli 7 53 69 Joshipur 100 4 31 Cbakla 72 151 K 32 Cbahmow 74 9 33 Charwa J48 129 70 Kakarda 128 113 8 54 D 71 Kari Talai 40 72 Khoha: 15 3'4 Derawadi 42 30 152 73 Khawada 27 35 DeogaorJ 11 120 142 74 Khatpura 32 36 Dehri 87 73 1 Dabr; 64 37 Dhankot 134 125 75 Kheri Silgana 48 65 38 Dipa Kheda 135 13J 76 Khitwai 49 39 96 Dobi 47 57 77 Kheri 77 40 86 Dongri . 89 89 78 Khanpura 79 138 41 D1IVIgariya II 23 79 Khandabad 90 287

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES 7 BUDNI TAHSIL-Cone/d•. Location Serial Location Serial Serial ("..ode No No. Serial Code No. No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

80 Khargawali 102 81 119 Pandadoh 113 137 1 Janakpuf\ 120 Pangra 145 104 121 Pathaura 147 126 81 Khapa Khurd 114 157 122 Phulara 146 123 82 Khadli 136 110 123 Pipaliya Khera 45 28 83 Khiria Kurmi 2 51 106 88 84 Kosmi 105 91 124 Pipalia Bazyaft 143 85 Kosmi 40 69 125 Pilikarar 91 86 Kusam Khera 76 72 R 126 Rampura 6 34 M 127 Ramnagar 81 Ii 87 Mathar 20 153 128 Ratanpur 95 85 88 Machwai 37 56 J Palni 89 Makodia Shahganj 41 15 129 Rehti 123 112 90 Madhawan 57 26 130 Reogaon 153 107 91 Mana ,97 145 131 Richhora 9 50 J Railway Station s 92 Malibayan 117 117 132 Samnapur 3 44 93' Mau Kalan 121 147 133 Sankhedi 14 35 1 Patal Kho 134 Saidganj 21 19 94 Makoria Rehti 125 114 135 Satra Mau 26 39 95 Manjarkui 138 III J Khiriapura 96 Mathni 140 132 136 Sagpur 29 66 97 Mardanpur 154 105 137 Sahria Ginnor ,] I 45S 98 Matt~lagaon 157 99 138 Sardar Nagar 65 31 99 Mogra 133 120 J Natan Kheri I Neemkhedi 139 Sagonia 108 '90 100 Murraha 139 124 140 Salkanpur 118 U3 101 Murari 4 45 141 Satar 130 134 102 Mundia Kheda 86 79 142 Satumadi 142 130 N 243 Samri Khatkuwa 70 '94 103 Naganpur 23 18 144 Sanwal Khera 152 102 104 Naharkola 51 154 1 Ratanpura 105 Narainpur 66 60 145 Semaria 132 liS 1 Khiriaghat 146 Seyagahan HI 61 J06 Nandner 67 62 147 Shahganj 5'6 tl 107 Nayagaon 129 119 I Nayapura 108 Nahlai 155 98 148 Somalwara 92 76 109 Neemton 12 37 149 Sudania 44 29 110 Neem Khedi 25 38 150 Sudon 42 2( III Neenor 131 140 T 1 Makodia 151 Talpura 96 144 112 NQ..n Bhet 69 74 152 Tamcharu 101 8t o 153 Thikri 68 71 154 Tillot 85 61 113 Okai 10 27 114 Ondia 126 133 u P 155 Uncha Kheda 112 t3S 115 Panari 33 22 y 116 Paraswada 54 14 156 Yarnagar 7t 87 127 Pahar Khedi 55 16 118 Panguraria I 10 121 z 1 Nilkaehhar Gondipura 2 Nilkaehhar Sindhipura 157 Zarrapur 2 288 ,VmLAGE 'D1RECl'OR:Y

'Workers Name Area Occu- Literate 'r----- 'L,C. of IFacilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~ r_.A.~ ,-_.A.---,\ r--A.--", ,..._.....,..~ P M F M F M F M 'F M F 11 .2 3 4 5 -6 11 8 9 10 11 'l2 1'3 14 15 16 17

265,961-10 10,32511,251 50,82826,61224,216 3,563 3,213 2,896 3,2S1 7,146 1,12615,7048,514

'1 'Chandla Kalan 936,41 4 6 22 12 10 4 5 '1 ... 11 5 2 KhirialKurmi P. 1,391.69 77 8S 367 2()2 165 22 18 48 45 18 1 118 79 3 Samnapur 2,684.25 .-. \ Uninhabited 4 Murarl 1,636.18 36 47 218 118 100 15 9 '1 65 20 '5 Hoda 1,954.54 31 33 151 80 71 6 6 35 43 18 47 33

6 Rampura 1,573.65 24 29 105 46 59 3 15 18 2 35 31 7 Chekli P. 233.13 39 48 212 120 92 19 18 26 19 23 65 32 8 Kari Talai 292.50 14 13 80 40 40 10 24 16 9 Richhora 366.91 38 42 182 103 79 15 12 12 63 28 ]0 Okai 1,546.53 Uninhabited

11 Dungariya P. 1,719.20 57 71 312 174 138 5 4 22 2S 42 98 39 12 Neemton P. 1,373.23 51 65 310 164 146 13 9 11 16 26 88 32 13 Bodra 377.16 8 9 50 27 23 4 4 I 17 12 14 Sankhedi 581.77 44 50 200 100 100 14 12 31 30 5 66 56 15 Khoha 833.14 76 93 438 233 205 29 22 17 22 42 3 135 99

16 Isharpur 438.44 22 29 160 77 83 4 2 21 44 29 17 Gadar P. 717.71 64 89 472 270 202 16 16 I 61 8 148 65 18 Seyagahan P,MP(O),S. 1,53}.73 122 128 502 260 242 30 29 . 71 \ 185 151 19 Baktara P,M,H,MP(O), 3,403.43 331 363 1.589 853 736 65 60 22 24 280 26 500 387 S,Po. 20 Mathar lJ,638.oo 32 32 173 94 79 2 68 71 5 70 45

0 21 Saidganj S. 3.644.44 9 9 48 29 ]9 22 10 2 3 It <> 22 Akola M,Po. 1,932.24 140 150 737 377 360 126 129 3 10 47 18 191 94 23 Naganpur 972.97 .. Uninhabited .. 24 Guwadia Sbahganj 554.69 35 44 223 100 123 19 65 47 25 Neemkhedi 372.31 31 32 143 78 65 2 3 53 44 9 51 40

26 Satra Mau P. 1,173.99 62 74 399 212 187 25 20 I 38 .. ]25 103 27 Khawada P. 1.436.48 87 108 523 260 263 16 17 20 35 50 5 155 117 28 Bansgahan 1,191.60 32 36 210 106 104 17 ]2 .. 18 .. 64 19 29 Sagpur P,D. 948.42 74 86 370 206 164 24 22 1 1 64 6 125 56 30 Delawadi 2,186.00 26 26 100 59 41 4 5 15 8 17 2 28 15

31 Sahria Ginnor 5,322.00 .. Uninhabited .. 32 Khatpura 9,458.23 22 22 84 46 38 42 37 35 18 33 Panari 984.14 25 26 95 SI 44 !l 38 24 34 lawahar Kheda 775.53 62 74 278 IS9 119 5 3 7 5 20 S 91 45 35 It war 541.35 32 39 153 73 80 5 5 5 9 25 4 49 21

36 Bineka 510.02 8 8 29 It 18 11 16 .. 5 12 37 Machwai P. 1,226.01 95 125 552 297 255 26 20 5 8 78 3 187 141 38 Gonda Kheda 466.79 3 4 19 11 8 3 2 1 ., 6 5 39 Amon P,S, 904.35 92 92 406 214 192 15 14 59 7 122 92 40 Kosmi P,S. 707.42 44 44 267 132 135 31 27 55 75 63

41 Makodia (Shahganj) S. 685.28 5 5 23 12 11 .. 1 6 1 7 2 42 Sudon P. 452.53 46 48 216 119 97 4 2 43 43 26 7 67 25 43 Baneta P. 940.89 98 t08 490 273 217 34 33 59 1 145 31 44 Sudania P. 721.55 30 42 176 85 91 q 19 ] 22 3 61 27 45 Pipaliya Khara P. 1,131.99 75 90 378 195 183 28 27 8 7 61 12 126 56

46 Hath nora P. 1,482.23 ]20 131 605 301 304 39 41 28 64 76 21 178 66 47 Dobi M,Po. 1,682.26 175 208 945 486 459 49 49 6 17 148 20 300 152 . 48 Kheri Silgana P,S. 2,217.17 149 149 664 344 320 7 7 85 3 171 91 49 Khitwai P,S. 319.88 51 51 225 121 104 13 13 32 .. 77 52 50 Jontala P,S. 2,449.48 198 198 925 475 450 55 47 58 63 164 33 297 251 289 BUDNI TAHSIL

WORKBRS-A______~ Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. r--"---. ,...-A~ ,~ ,--"-_-, ,--A._-, ,_..A..---, ,-A_, ,---"-~ ,--~ M F M F M F M F M F ~--A.F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

7,541 3,928 3,369 3,062 827 145 953 351 25 9 319 147 455 79 234 .. 1,981 793 10,908 15.702 26/7

1 .. 6 '4 4 .. 1 5 1 69 49 28 22 3 7 .. .. 11 8 84 86 2 ...... Uninhabited .. 3 43 20 17 .. 5 .. 53 80 4 14 11 29 22 2 I 33 38 5

23 16 9 15 ' 2 1 11 28 6 29 7 27 24 4 .. 5 I 55 60 7 20 15 1 1 1 .. 1 I 16 24 8 42 20 14 8 6 .. .. 1 40 51 9 .. Uninhabited . . 10

48 7 39 32 2 .. 6 " 3 76 99 11 54 6 22 23 i·· 8 3 4 76 114 12 10 8 4 4 3 10 11 13 47 42 12 14 4 1 2 34 44 14 76 65 44 34 9 6 98 106 15 33 23 11 6 ...... 33 54 16 91 40 38 21 2 1 2 .. 5 3 1 9 122 137 17 114 98 45 43 .. 10 5 ...... 3 .. 13 5 75 91 18 263 207 89 116 5 60 29 3 1 1 32 9 2 45 25 353 349 19 56 40 3 11 5 24 34 20

6 5 4 3 1 .. .. 18 11 21 121 9 30 47 2 11 5 .. 2 25 33 186 266 22 .. .. Uninhabited .. 23 62 47 o. 00 3 .. 35 76 24 37 29 8 4 4 1 2 6 27 25 25

88 75 22 24 10 1 3 3 2 87 84 26 100 76 32 34 13 3 3 1 7 3 105 146 27 43 7 16 10 I 2 .. 1 1 1 1 42 85 28 72 24 39 28 1 .. 3 1 .. 2 8 3 81 108 29 2 8 13 11 2 3 4 31 26 30

.. " " Uninhabited .. .. 31 8 11 .. .. 8 2 1 ., 18 5 11 20 32 4 ) 4 3 .. 28 20 2 13 20 33 32 5 14 5 o. 1 44 35 .. 68 74 34 18 10 20 10 2 3 6 24 59 35

1 2 4 10 ...... o' o • o' 6 6 36 118 105 55 26 1 7 5 1 1 5 4 110 114 37 ., 2 2 4 3 .. " .. .. 5 3 38 80 71 24 10 8 4 5 1 5 6 92 100 39 58 39 12 22 3 2 2 57 72 40

2 2 1 2 2 5 9 41 39 o. 20 25 5 .. o. 3 52 72 42 73 3 31 23 19 4 9 4 9 128 186 43 40 16 20 11 .. o. .. o • 1 .. 24 64 44 56 28 37 27 3 17 1 2 10 1 69 127 45

., RO 16 73 50 9 5 .. .. o. 3 .. .. 8 123 238 46 106 44 67 74 8 32 18 2 27 6 23 3 3 32 7 186 307 47 130 62 33 5 4 " 7 4 17 173 229 48 58 39 15 12 .. .. 1 ...... 3 1 44 52 49 162 128 73 91 1 1 28 18 2 6 5 25 8 178 199 50 290


Dccu- Workers Area pied Literate ,----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres kers (I-IX) ses holds ,-Total__ Population...... __---. ,_..A._-,Castes ,_..A._-.Tribes ,_..A._-.Educated ,-_...... --.. P M F M F M F M F M.F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Naharkola 1.176.00 3 3 14 8 6 4 4 3 5 3 52 Bhimkothi 5,326.00 Uninhabited 53 Bikrampur .. 267.21 ...... " Un'nhabited 54 Paraswada P,S. 318.33 32 43 172 76 96 3 2 4 9 49 48 55 Paharkhedi P,S. 671.36 42 53 267 136 131 16 21 29 9 79 57

56 Shahganj Hos,S,Po. 2,804.44 511 596 2.876 1,487 1,389 141 155 23 26 563 153 765 200 57 Madhawan P. 612.46 33 36 187 97 90 8 14 .. 21 3 54 17 58 Jait P,M,P(l. 1,493.96 120 128 626 316 310 33 35 18 15 138 12 186 57 59 Hignasir S. 706.28 22 25 100 50 50 4 2 .. 12 1 34 16 60 Borna P. 837.00 51 5) 223 III 112 11 14 4 3 33 3 66 32

61 Jhuliapur 1,032.00 7 7 34 24 10 14 8 15 7 62 Bardha 3,700.98 30 32 165 105 60 83 63 11 23 19 75 39 63 Jamonia Kalan 2,599.95 23 23 100 50 50 7 6 36 29 9 30 24 64 Hatlawa S. 404.82 23 26 129 69 60 10 13 19 14 18 42 34 65 Sardar Nagar P. 3,106.20 228 241 1,156 580 576 70 58 17 16 189 4 364 195

66 Narainpur 1,118.74 74 85 385 205 180 15 12 76 8 128 72 67 Nandner P,D,Rhc.Po. 3,019.20 120 112 1,167 611 556 94 63 29 25 162 35 365 134 68 Thikri P. 1,246.40 65 73 315 169 146 33 16 11 13 44 5 112 85 69 Non Bhet P. 1,063.96 84 87 333 181 152 14 II 41 S3 41 126 109 70 Semri Kbatkuwa P. 4,517.69 51 52 211 109 102 14 9 9 6 23 4 59 51

71 Yarnagar 3,~02.58 5 5 18 10 8 4 5 5 4 72 Chakla 6,678.00 2 2 7 6 1 3 5 1 73 Bansapur P,T,S,E,Ed. 10,732.62 21 46 133 82 51 3 2 18 10 27 7 50 74 Chahmow 2,379.58 13 21 90 45 45 32 32 7 27 20 75 Hirani 646.65 36 36 149 80 69 18 16 3 1 18 48 37

76 Kusam Khera P. 1,550.71 65 89 365 19S 170 38 39 13 18 Ii 9 128 88 77 Kheri P,Po. 1.171.11 65 65 273 147 126 17 17 17 22 45 4 86 42 78. Bordhi P. 2,805.99 96 96 446 221 225 30 40 2 3 53 9 156 171 79 Khanpura 2,007.88 31 31 146 77 69 .. 20 15 14 2 43 38 80 Bagwada P. 3,881.58 157 158 758 371 387 113 101 45 61 95 5 213 190

81 Ramnagar p' 2,57452 40 50 233 128 105 11 12 21 25 55 4 68 38 82 Jahanpur P. 1,533.01 53 51 228 123 105 11 12 29 17 49 8 72 47 83 Bisakhedi 463.88 19 23 107 56 51 6 4 25 18 9 32 31 84 Janwasa 983.05 67 76 382 199 183 28 17 34 39 70 16 119 60 85 Tillot 535.15 28 30 130 68 62 6 6 19 37 5

86 Mundia Kheda P. 1,197.71 80 90 405 204 201 18 16 7 19 48 7 112 79 87 Dehri P. 589.40 71 73 314 167 147 20 15 1 4 57 2 113 91 88 Bamhori 636.82 33 35 144 7S 69 30 28 1 .. 15 51 49 89 Dongri 2,456.54 27 27 123 58 65 22 35 13 38 35 90 Khandabad 6,198.74 7 7 19 13 6 .. 1 1 8 4 91 PeIikarar 1,428.94 4S 46 225 117 108 20 2 73 26 92 Somalwara 373.59 25 26 95 46 49 9 8 24 22 2 33 32 93 Bordha Khera 485.70 ...... Uninhabited 94 Bharkul P. 1,435.67 59 60 281 142 139 35 33 29 24 34 5 84 75 95 Ratanpur 5,456.88 54 56 257 131 126 :30 30 59 66 10 2 81 77

96 Talpura 1,690.27 42 48 218 114 104 32 26 42 39 15 1 62 38 97 Mana Po,To. 672.12 163 166 671 363 308 73 75 67 70 • 90 21 191 70 98 Budhni P,H.D.Rhc,Hos,Mcw, 1,875.70 607 521 2,103 1.158 945 102 76 31 43 591 164 619 134 PO,To,E,Ed,Ei. 99 Zarrapur P. 57.Ul 59 62 281 155 126 110 91 6 6 41 9 77 16 100 Joshipur M,Po. 813.72 94 110 530 266 264 147 134 5 3 85 2S 150 69 291


______WORKERSA __~_-- ______~ Non- Workers I . II III IV V' VI VII VI1I IX X L.C. ,-_.A._____ No. ,..-_-"--_-, ,-_.A._-, ,---'----. ,-.J-._-, ,-_.A.._-, ,---A.=-, ,---"---, ,-_.A.._-, ,---A.--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

5 3 3 3 51 .. . . Uninhabited .. ., 52 ...... Uninhabited ., ...... 53 18 17 16 8 5 5 10 17 27 48 54 43 27 22 12 3 11 18 57 74 55

230 27 116 75 16 5 50 16 6 41 12 74 10 18 214 54 722 1,189 56 31 14 16 .. 6 2 .. 1 1 43 73 57 80 25 36 12 12 10 .. to 5 37 15 130 253 58 19 7 6 2 2 3 .. 5 6 16 34 59 37 17 9 2 I 1 16 15 45 80 60

14 '7 1 .. 9 3 61 31 24 3 3 10 14 27 2 30 21 62 17 19 4 4 4 1 2 3 .. 20 26 63 22 16 17 10 · ...... 3 8 27 26 64 226 104 107 76 3 14 8 4 1 10 6 216 381 65

73 35 44 35 6 2 .. .. 5 .. 77 108 66 125 26 90 56 27 1 45 34 2 25 3 5 46 14 246 422 67 56 45 41 36 5 2 " " 2 2 6 2 57 61 68 61 55 49 52 9 2 .. 1 6 .. 55 43 69 25 18 8 12 14 20 I 2 2 7 1 50 51 70

I ., 4 4 5 4 71 5 1 .. I 72 .. .. 49 1 .. 32 51 73 8 12 13 · . 6 8 18 25 74 29 31 2 3 13 6 32 32 75

40 17 73 71 6 2 .. 2 4 67 82 76 18 '7 36 34 6 3 .. .. 1 22 .. 61 84 77 56 34 6::1 77 15 5 38 2 20 15 2 65 54 78 30 26 2 12 6 ., 2 . . 3 ...... 34 31 79 50 37 35 31 43 50 3 1 1 81 71 158 197 80

36 19 1 6 23 18 60 67 81 33 33 11 " 9 19 14 51 58 82 16 19 16 12 ...... 24 20 83 88 38 16 19 4 2 1 1 8 2 80 123 84 25 I 12 4 31 57 85

68 38 29 36 2 1 7 2 .. 2 4 2 92 122 86 60 42 31 35 6 8 12 4 2 I 3 54 56 87 34 34 17 13 .. ., 2 .. 24 20 88 13 10 14 22 6 3 2 3 .. 20 30 89 7 1 4 5 2 90

39 10 7 12 5 3 18 3 44 82 91 21 23 11 8 I 13 17 92 ...... Uninhabited ...... , 93 32 24 30 47 5 1 13 2 4 1 58 64 94 44 45 15 23 7 1 12 6 3 2 50 49 95 44 .. 9 38 9 · . .. " ...... 52 66 96 32 19 7 2 12 5 2 7 3 2 50 76 43 172 238 97 65 21 36 75 5 2 5 84 7 53 299 100 539 811 98 17 3 .. 10 .46 2 2 12 1 78 110 99 31 10 I 10 42 15 I 7 4 16 47 33 116 195 100 292 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu. Workers Area pied Literate ,...-- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses - holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,...---A._..... r--""'-----. ,...__.A.----"", ,...--A.----,\ ,...__.A. _ '"" P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

101 Tamcharu P,D. 786.78 83 97 400 194 206 26 30 63 75 36 7 118 99 102 Khargawali P. 1,535.35 155 171 751 373 378 27 32 3 1 70 6 225 179 103 Gondi Guradia P. 1.511.15 95 99 465 227 238 17 21 40 68 42 ] 161 153 ]04 Gehun Kheda MP(O). 819.68 24 27 118 61 57 14 7 12 13 17 5 41 23 ]05 Kosmi Rehti 606'39 24 24 112 65 47 3 3 21 33 3 41 26 ]06 Pipalia Bazyaft 608.45 13 13 55 22 33 10 18 4 2 17 17 ]07 Bori P. 1.347.60 34 34 163 80 83 15 21 16 16 15 4 50 39 108 Sagonia P. 1,513.31 51 52 218 111 107 8 5 27 39 42 4 70 52 109 Itarsi , P. 1,901.96 62 64 327 169 158 64 60 31 35 31 6 104 88 1]0 Panguraria P,S. 6,182.09 ]46 ]55 642 342 300 31 27 33 36 122 16 198 47 111 Bayan M,D,Mcw,Po. 7,087.66 228 228 995 534 461 44 38 54 96 185 33 319 149 112 Uncha Kheda 2,400.94 15 IS 81 41 40 41 40 5 26 3 113 Pandadoh 842.01 33 34 140 77 63 8 5 42 37 10 46 17 114 Khapa Khurd 756.88 .. .. Uninhabited ...... 115 Berkhedi P. 652.22 112 215 456 241 215 21 19 5 8 51 8 147 88 116 Jamonia Shahganj P,T. 963.37 76 87 378 240 138 9 9 .. .. 160 41 97 7 ))7 Malibayan 982.99 41 43 176 88 88 6 Jl 45 43 15 1 54 43 118 Salkanpur S. 1,562.14 57 58 237 121 116 32 17 43 74 14 2 90 72 119 HoJipura P. 1,998.91 58 65 344 176 168 13 14 45 88 16 1 105 54 120 Deogaon 968.45 8 8 35 18 17 4 1 13 6 121 Mau Kalan P. 1,528.27 71 91 497 265 232 27 27 79 69 66 2 157 57 122 Gowadia P. 817.17 52 70 332 183 149 25 25 50 76 44 4 108 33 123 Rehti P.H,D,Rhc.Hos, 2,293.78 555 602 2,564 1,350 1,214 120 117 48 43 493 131 759 233 MP(O),S,Po,E,Ed. ]24 Gurarkhera 823.34 .. Uninhabited ...... 125 Makoria Rehti 1,012.47 35 40 183 94 89 23 23 5 3 62 54 126 Ondia 905.50 10 II 16 21 25 5 14 2 3 .. 11 11 127 Bibda 1,11906 27 29 113 55 58 3 4 7 11 9 I 36 2 128 Kakarda P. 847.28 27 2) 149 83 66 9 9 2 13 17 5 49 9 129 Nayagaon p.S. 1,310.33 63 76 381 196 185 20 16 5 5 59 6 107 46 130 Satar 293.81 2 2 20 1I 9 II 9 6 7 131 Neenor p. 3.543.74 153 161 803 410 393 17 21 206 181 100 13 230 38 132 Semaria 409.64 13 15 67 36 31 12 10 1 1 3 24 15 133 Mogra P. 2,117.45 127 131 676 349 327 37 33 10 14 105 12 189 160 134 Dhankot 1.132.27 34 37 150 76 7t 18 17 17 28 13 48 38 J35 Dipa Khera P. 574.87 27 31 120 66 54 8 4 4 35 23 136 KhadJi 796.89 35 35 161 81 80 16 22 .. 10 ., 54 41 137 Bhomda 635.16 20 20112 68 44 4 5 1 .. 2 1 40 25 138 Manjarkui 1,826.88 94 100 442 232 210 36 28 19 25 43 2 145 109 139 Murraha P. 1,351 12 82 91 375 198 177 35 35 19 15 68 5 131 101 140 Mathni P,S. 1.375.23 126 128 491 261 230 38 28 6 22 38 3 162 90 141 Jahajpura P. ].750.23 186 187 786 418 368 41 41 2 19 84 9 250 65 142 Satumadi 841.87 7 8 34 13 21 . . . . 5 10 4 .. 10 4 143 Barkhera P. 1,738.12 85 86 355 174 181 2~ 28 29 41 19 3 110 96 144 Behra Kheri 797.47 8 10 50 12 28 I 6 14 4 .. 15 14 145 Pangra P. 821.89 52 57 254 135 119 24 27 28 31 40 2 82 53 146 Phulara 537.93 35 36 133 75 58 34 27 13 13 II 4 54 35 147 Pathaura ],482.96 67 86 370 185 185 23 14 57 40 37 9 116 83 148 Charwa P. 633.29 63 65 336 J80 J50 ,JS 26 93 81 18 J05 76 149 Basania Kalan 653.92 25 25 100 4S 52 '16 15 2 . . 3 .. 30 25 150 Anwalighat P. 1,560.67 39 45 273 157 116 24 Jl 35 33 26 1 101 32 151 Ganjit 1,222.25 42 49 188 97 91 35 19 43 45 15 2 58 52 152 Sanwal Khera ].911.39 50 50 210 118 92 36 18 6 2 12 76 25 153 Reogaon P. 836.53 28 28 146 79 67 22 19 9 17 18 1 43 15 154 Mardanpur M,D,Hos,MP(O). 2,018.79 146 146 702 336 366 106 80 2 6 129 30 191 55 P. 155 Nahlai P. 621.52 37 37 218 108 110 30 22 27 36 29 2 62 18 156 Jajna P. 1,292.17 73 73 318 159 159 20 16 87 81 30 6 103 14 157 Matthagaon 1,520.87 35 35 163 87 76 60 48 10 16 8 1 57 19 293


WORKERS..A.. ______Non­ I II III -. Workers IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No.

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 61 44 41 50 5 2 9 5 76 107 101 151 117 49 57 3 10 5 84 76 54 .76 11 143 199 102 12 5 5 23 14 9 9 2 3 66 85 103 30 19 8 7 2 2 20 34 104 2 1 24 21 105 7 9 8 7 2 I 26 19 10 .. 5 16 106 18 5 2 2 1 39 31 27 21 3 6 30 44 107 1 41 55 103 41 32 29 48 9 18 8 68 2 17 l' 17 2 2 3 65 70 109 2 24 2 20 50 42 144 253 110 157 47 76 97 11 14 18 I 2 5 8 47 4 215 312 III .. 6 , .. 2 . . 16 7 7 5 15 37 112 18 10 31 46 113 ...... Uninhabited •. 24 6 21 II 4 114 2 3 83 67 10 94 127 liS 8 15 4 6 16 12 27 29 7 2 65 1 143 131 116 34 27 24 .. .. I 3 1 34 45 117 32 5 3 3 I 68· 43 5 3 10 3 18 11 31 44 118 10 6 2 22 6 71 114 119 3 5 II 120 91 29 18 28 20 2 26 108 175 121 58 6 26 27 12 4 237 62 126 73 8 .. 75 116 122 23 111 28 4 .. 18 92 20 128 70 591 981 123 37 35 19 19 Uninhabited .. 124 3 2 32 35 125 7 6 3 5 27 2 4 10 14 126 31 6 16 3' 4 19 56 127 I .. 59 II 39 35 2 34 57 128 6 7 4 I 89 139 129 5 2 130 131 5 60 28 21 2 10 13 II 8 4 3 2 6 2 180 355 131 142 125 28 32 I ...... 12 16 132 (; I 3 2 9 160 167 133 14 9 26 19 7 21 10 8 12 2 I 28 36 134 4 31 31 135 39 31 3 3 5 2 34 18 4 5 5 7 27 39 136 2 .. 2 28 19 137 66 36 57 73 II 7 72 59 34 38 " .. 4 ., 87 101 138 5 14 3 r 5 I 67 76 139 76 31 60 54 5 .. 12 5 3 I 5 99 140 140 168 " 36 58 7 2 26 3 3 2 168 303 141 4 J 4 3 2 9 64 " .. 3 17 142 66 25 28 4 (; 10 12 5 2 10 2 64 85 143 47 24 23 28 . . .. 7 14 144 3 9 I 53 66 145 30 20 17 15 2 70 40 3 2 21 23 146 32 41 5 2 5 64 58 22 18 .. 3 69 102 147 17 9 5 I 13 75 80 148 3 16 .. 2 35 21 2 4 .. 8 .. 18 27 149 7 3 1 56 4 56 84 150 34 26 16 26 48 2 3 2 39 39 151 19 19 6 8 32 7 I 42 67 152 5 8 2 3 94 21 37 20 " .. I .. 36 52 153 2 24 7 5 2 27 7 145 311 154 32 10 20 8 8 46 92 155 47 12 32 2 20 2 35 14 15 3 I 56 145 156 3 6 1 2 30 57 157



S1. No. Pages

Appendix I-Industrial Establishments 297·310 , Appendix II-Towns and ViUages served by metaJled roads (All villages having roads in the village itself or within one mile of the village are included in the Appendix) 311·312 Appendix nT-Towns and Villages having railway stations within five miles 313

Appendix IV-Towns and Villages having bus-stops 314 Appendix V-Towns and Villages having public libraries 315 Appendix VI-Towns and Villages having public reading rooms 316 Appendix VII-Towns and Villages having pucca wel1s for the supply of drinking water together with their number 317·321

Appellldix VIII-Towns and Villages having public latrines 322

Appendix IX-Towns and Villages having drains 323 Appendix X-Towns and Villages in which weekly or fortnightly markets are held together with the days on which held 324

Appendix XI-Towns and Villages having co· operative societies together with the description of the society ... 325-327


INDUS TIl.IAL ESTABLISHMENTS Note-This appendix bas been prepared from infdrnlation abstracted from the houselists. It is arranged first districtwise; that is, under the name oH·he district bave been arranged the industries in ascending order of minor groups, showing the total nUfuber of establishments within brackets next to each minor group. The information has bren shown by total, rural and urban separately. The figures for the tahsil f How the figure, for tbe district. as a whole. The total, rural and urban figures for each tahsil for each minor group of industry showing the number of establishments in each in brackets have been prpsented fi st. Then fonows the list of the villages in the order of their location code numbers with the lo~ation code number appearing first, followed by the name of the village. Against each village is shown the minor group or minor groups ()f indus,try found in the village with the number of establishments in that minor group shown within brackets against each minor group. For towns, figures have been pn'sented separately f( r each ward, tbe number of ward being given first, followed by the iu?ustrial code numbers etc. as in the case of villages. 'l'he following example8 will make the above note clear .-

Seh' re District total 200(05) sig~ifies that there are 305 establishments in Sehore District pertaining to Minor Group 200, which stands for "Production of rice, atta, flour etc. by milling, dehusking and processing bf crops arid foodgrains". Berasia TahsIl total 207(33) signifies that there are 33 establish­ ments in Berasia Tahsil pertainillg to Minor Group 207, which stands (or "Production of edible fats and oils" Idther than hydrogeneted oil'·.) Village 1 Surajpura 369(1) signifies that in village Suraj­ pura, which has 1 as its location code number there IS one establishment ·pertaining to Minor Group 369, which stands for "Manufacture of sundry bardwares such as G. I. pipe, wire net, bolt, screw, bucket, cutlery" Berasia Town, Ward No.2, 282(1) that there is one establishment located in Ward No.2 of Berasia Town pertaining to Minor Group 282, which stands for "Manufacture of structural wooden goods (including treated timber) such as beams, parts, doors windous."


lotal-200(305), 202(2), 203(2), 205(33), 206( ~), 207(267), 280(34), 281(80), 282(1), 283(4),284(45), 288(17), 209(400). 210(1), 212(2). 214(8), 215(1), 216(3), 289(4), 292(15), 300(5), 302(24), 303(12), 310(27), 220(149),225(1), 230(52), 232(1),233(10), 235(247), 311(165), 313(5), 314(1), 320(12), 322(1), 331(1), 2 6(5), 2 7(1), 239(1). 2 '4(4),255(5),266(1).271(4), 332(1), 333(10) 335(10). 336(5), 339(3), 344(1), 272(21), 273(1,001), 274(9), ~78(2), 280(45), 281 (9l), 350(69), 360(7), 362(7), 365(21), 367(72), 368(22), 282(3), 2g3(1, 169), 284(193), 288(367), 289(7), 292( 15), 369(67), 372( 10), 373(7), 374(5), 375(3), 377(10), 300(5), 302(28), 303( 12), 310(358), 311 (1,692),} 13(45). 378(16), 379(8), 380(3), 384(84), 388(163), 389(1), 314(15), 320(12), 322(1), 331(1), 332(1). 333(16), 392(30), 393(122), 394(8), 399(33). 335(1:), 336(5), 339(3), 340,3), 347. (3), 344 (1), 350(7.12), 360(7), 362(7), 364( I), 365(32), 367(72). 368(22). 369605), 372(10), 373(7), 374(5). 375(3), 377(10), 378(16), 379(8), 380(3), ·3g4(84), 388(165), 1 BERASIA TAHSIL 389( 1). 392(30), 393(330), 394(8), 399(63). Rural 200(134), 20l(I), 205(1), 206(1), 207(213) 209(91), 212(1). 220(2). 230(16}, 235(110), 236(4), 239(1), Total-2oo(16), 207(33), 209(12), 220(2), 230(1), 235(14), 244(4), 255(5), 271(4). 27217), 273(541), :;:74 (7), 237(1), 239(1), 273(65), 281( I), 282(1), 283(176), 278(2). 2f:0(11), 281(13), 282(2), 283(1,165), 284(148), 284(20), 288(80), 310(31), 311(168), 333(2), 342(1). 288(350),289(3),302(4),310(331),311(1,527),313(40), 350(113), 367(1). 369(85), 388(2), 393(17), 399(6). 314(14), 333(6-), 340(3}, 342(3), :50(673) 364(1), Hural--20D(Il), 207(24), 209(4), 235(14), 239(1), 273(46). 365(11), 369(538). 38?(2). 393(~08), 399(30). 281(1), 283(175), 284(17),288(76), 310(31), 311(153). Urban-200( 171), 202(2), 203( I), 205(32), 206(2), 207(54) 333(2), 342(1). 350( 106), 369(.84), 393( 13};399(2). 209(309), 210(1), 212(1), 214(8), 215(1), 216(3), Urban-200(5), 207(9), 209(8), 220(2), 230(1), 237(1), 220(147),225(1), 230(36),232(1), 233(10),235(137), 273(19), 282(1), 283( I), 284(3), 288(4). 311(15), 236( I), 237(1), 266{ I), 272(14), 273P60), 274(2), 350(7), 367(1), 369(1), 388(2), 393(4), 399(4): 298




Location code number and name of villoge:- 139 Parason 228( 1). 140 Dhoot Khedi 207(1\. 288(3,,369(3). 1 SoraJpura 369(1). 146 Parsora 283(3), 369(1). 3 Khatakheri 311(1), 350(1). 151 Megra Kalan 273(2), 283(3), 288(1), 310(3), 350(2), 4 Ganakhedi 311(9), 369(1). 5 Majedgarh 311(3). 152 Arrairaisingb 311(1). 7 KhedJi 283(1), 153 Dungariya 273(4). 283(5), 288(3), 350(2). 369(3). 8 Garha Brahman 311(2). 155 Mundlacband 283( I). 12 Kolukhedi Kburd 283(1). 157 Kolukhedi Kalan 209(3). 15 Sindhoda 273(1), 393(1). 160 Ibmhora 283(1). 16 Rawatpura 283(1). 165 Semri Khurd 283(2), 288( 1). 26 Khejraghat 207(1). 283(1), 311(1), 350(1). 166 Bairagarh 283(1). 29 Najirabad 200(1), 283(3),288(3). 311(1). 167 Lalaria 200(1), 207(3), 273(2). 283(5), 288(5), 310(6), 31 Karha!ya Kalan 283(1), 350(5), 369(1). 31\(3), 333(2), 350(2). 32 Menapura 283(1). 173 Baksi 283(5). 311(5). 369(1). 38 Barbelikalao 284(3). 288(2). 311(1). 174 Kotra 369(2). 39 Khajuriya 284(2), 288(2), 311(1). 369(2). 175 Dbanora 283(1). 45 3Bheelkho 283(3). 288(1), 310(1), 311(1). 342( I), 350(4). 69(4). 176 Bhojapura 310(1), 311(1). 47 Dongargaon 311(1). 177 Ramgarha 28?t(1).311(1). 48 Bebrawal 207(1). 284(3). 178 Habibganj 283(4). 53 Naisamaod 283(1). 350(6). 179 Saloisangraj 350(2). 57 Amarpor 283(3). 288(1). 180 Keetkbedi 283(1). 5S Barkhedakalao 283(1). 369(1). 181 Garentiya Bazyaft 283(1), 350(1). 59 Neem Kbedi 369(1 ). 182 Jajaokhedi 273(2), 283(1), 310(1). 350(1). 60 Bbujpura Kalan 273(1). 283(2). 311(3). 350(1). 369(1). 183 Semrabberonpura 283(2). 62 Garba Kbord 273(1), 288(3). 311(1). 350(5). 190 Karariya 235(1), 311 (1). 68 Bandarua 283(2). 191 Kulhore 207(1), 283(2). 310(2). 350(1). 72 Bicbbnai 273(1). 193 Latifpur 350(1). 73 Bbanwaha 200(1).311(1),350(1). 369{l). 194 MeetbiCbhapri 311(1). 75 Jagmeri 311(1). 195 Jbirnia 283(1), 311(1), 350(1). 369(1). 77 Garbakalan 200(1). 273(1), 283(4). 196 Karbaiyakbo 239(1). 288(3), 311 (2). 79 Gujartodi 283(9). 197 Laloi 207(1). 2R3(2). 288(2), 369(2). 82 Tarawali Kburd 350(3). 283(2). 198 Mahuakheda 288{l). 83 Jamusarkalan 283(2). 350(5). 199 Khejragopi 311(2). 84 Sobaya 273(1). 283(2). 288(3). 311(2), 350(3), 369(3). 85 Dobaya 350(1). 200 Pipaliya Hasanbad 283(2). 202 Basai 200(1), 207(1}, 283(2), 288(2), 310(3). 350(1) 87 Dbaturia 283(2), 311(7), 350(1). 393(4), 399(1). • 88 Porakbao8 350( 1). 204 Jhikariya Khurd 283(1). 91 Ankiya 273(1). 283(1). 350(2), 369(1). 206 Karbaiya Chanwar 281(1), 288(1), 369(2). 95 Semra 284(1). 207 Danlatpura 311(2). 96 Karbaiya Shab 273(1). 283(5). 103 Runaba 273(1). 283(5). 284(2). 288(4), 350(3). 369(2). 208 Birbasbatnkhedi 284(2), 369(1). 210 Tlkan Khedi 311(1). 112 Hiuotla Piran 283(1), 311(1). 211 Barriebeelkbeda 311(2). 113 Barral 369(1). 212 ImallYa,Narendra 283(5), 288(2), 311(13), 350(1). 115 Hlagoui 311(to). 214 Damkheda 207(3), 273(4), 288(12). 310(1), 311(10). 118 Maugalprh 200(1), 369(2). 350(1). 123 HinotiJ. 283(2). 215 Agra 235(2), 283(6). 369(1). 393(1). 128 Cbatahecli 273(1), 283{3). 288{1). 2J8 Chapariya 273(1), 369(1). 130 KlaejraMisar 283(1),350(1). 220 Kbajooriya Ramdas 283(2). 311(5). 131 Jamusar Klanrd 283(1). 223 Bhoorasa 311(2). 137 Babac:hiya 200(1), 283(5), 273(5), 288(2), 311(1), 350(2), 369(2). 393(1), 399(1). 224 Dau&roli 288(2). 311(3). 369(1). APP-ENDIX,I-Oontd. INDI:1SWIAL'II'.STkBLISIfi\tlNJS

1 DERASIA TAHSIL (RURAL}-Contd. 1 DE RASIA TAHSIL (RURAL)-Concld. 301 Ratuaratanpur 273(1), 3SO(2), 369(2). 225 Laugarpur ~11(1), 350(3}, 369(1). 226 Rampura Dahl Chon 283(6}, 369(2). 303 Mundia Kbeda 283(2), 350(1). 221 Bawllkbar 350(2}. ' 306 PJpaiia JUDnardar 3SO(l). 228 Jhirniyakanka.. 283{2}, 288(1}, 350(2). 308 Cheelkbeda 369(l}. 229 Khukluirla 27~(1), 288(,2), 350(2). , 1 BERASIA TAHSIL (UllBAN) 231 Naikhedll 273(2). 310(1}, 311(2), 350(2), 369(2). Ward No. 2- 282(1), 283(1). 232 Bheds~ 273(J). 283(1). 284(2). 233 Semra Kalan 200(.1). 207(1), 283(2), 288(2). 350(1}, Ward No. 3- 200(2), 207(3). 209(3), 22f){2), 273(7), 367(1), 369(12). 369(1), 393(1). 234 Saphawa 283(1), 3.11(1). Ward No. 4- 200(1). 237(1), 273,(3), ~(1), 3118(1). 235 Bineka 311(2). " Ward No. 5- 2QO(l), 207(1), 209(1,), 273(1}. ~(l). 311(10). 236 Kaclmariya 283(3). 350(2). Ward No. 6- 207(5}, 209(2), 273(2), 284(1), ~_8(4), 311(S}. 238 Garentia Dangi ,273(1f, 283(2). 350(2), 388( I). 239 Sagonikalan 311(I}.': Ward No. 7- 209(2). 230(1). 273(6). 350(5), 393(1). 399(4). 241 Cbataua 283(1}, 31t(,I}, 350~4h 398(3). Ward No. 8- 200(1), 393(2). 243 Hiraakhedl 283(1). 3~O(lt, 369(2). 244 Tarawali Kalan 283(1). 369(1). 245 Sonkachh 288(1}. 2 SEHORE TAHSIL, 249 Arrawati 311(2). Total-2()(Y31), 205 (2), 207 (63), 209 (91). 214 (2). 252 ,Barrigujar 273(1). 220 (33), 230(13), 233(3), 235(166), 244(4), 272(2). 254 Barkbcda Daramad 207(3), 283(4}, 288(4), 350(2).369(1). 273(237), 278(1), 280(3). 281(14), 283(266}, 284(50), 256 Peepal'Kbedi Bajyaft 283(1), 2~8(1), 311(3), 350(1). 288(119), 289(1), 302(1), 310(123), 311(377), 313(2), 257 Maboli Daramad 273(3), 283(2), 311(4), 36Q(2). 314(11), 333(2). 336(2). 342(2), 350(184), 362(2), 258 Barkhedi Daramad 311 (9). 365(17). 367(2}, 368(3), 369(142), 378(1), 388(20}. 259 Dbamarra 283(2), 369(1). 392(3), 393(78), 399(20), 262 Roojbiya B!tzyaft 350(3). 263 Junapani 207(1). 235( 10), 273(1). 283(1}. 288(1). 311(3) Rural-200( 18), 207(50), 209(26), 220(1), 23Qrn, 2lS(S6). 393(1 ). 244(4), 273(131}. 278(1~ 280 (2), 281(1}. 283 (266), 265 Rondiya 207(2). 273(1), 283(2), 284l1), 288(1). 310(1), 284(38), "288 (109), 310(98, 311(328), 313(1), 314(11). 311(9). 350(1), '369(1). 333(2),342(2), 350(170), 369(120),393(50), 399(11). 266 Ijgiri 310(4),311(2), 369(lj. 267 D~ 200(1), 273(1). 283(4), 310(6).311(3),350(2). 369(1). Urban-200(13), 205(2), 207(13), 209(65}, 214(2), 220(32), 268 Harrakbeda 207(1),273(2),283(1), 310(1),311(2), 230(8). 233(3), 235(110), 272(2}. 273(106), 280(1)- 350(3), 369(1). 281(13), 284(12), 288(10), 289(1), 302(1), 3IQ(2S>- 311(49). 313(1}, 3~6(2}, 350(14), 362(2), 365(17). 270 Kesbokhedi 288(1), 369(1). 367(2), 368(3), 369(22), 378(1), 38$(~0), 3~(:l). 271 BagraJ 369(1). 393(28), 399(9). 273 Khajda Babar 283(1), 350(1). 275 Rusallimutlasil DHiod 273(1). VILLA,GE$ 276 Hinotisadak 207(1), 311(2). Location code number and name o/village:- 271 Pardi 283(1), 350(1), 369(1). 2 Barnawad 283(1). 278 Kalara 200(1), 283(2). 311(2). 350(2). 36914), 393(1). 3 Pater 283(3}. 279 PeepaU.beda 283(1). 4 Bansia 283(2). / 280 Unt Kbeda 350(1). 7 Mendora 311(2}. 282 PipaiiakaAlim 311(1). 8 Gaw. 283(3), 288(3), 350(2), 369(1). 288 Manikbedi 283(1), 311(1), 350(2). 11 Durgaon 283(2), 369(1}. 291 Dandikbedi 311(5). 13 Loclipura 283(~). 292 Sukalia 23S(1}, 350(1). 369(2}. 14 Cbandbar 284(2), 288(3}, 350(2), 369(I}. 293 Dhenskbeda 369(1). 16 Magarda 283(1), 350(3). 369(2). 296 Dbungiyai 283(l}. 19 Munllaoli 283(2), 350(1), 369(l}. 298 Karondla 283(2). 20 Manpura 283(21. 299 Gunga 200(1), 207(I}. 209(1), 283(2), 288(1), 311(1), 350(1). 393(1). 23 Slllmera 3~5). 3~), ~:l). 300 Jalpura 283(I}. 24 Bazar ~50(2). 300



25 Rawat Kbera 283(1), 311(1). 99 Bichhia 207(1), 273(1), 369(1). 26 Chhatarpora 283(3}, 310(1). 102 Bar Kheri 311(2}. 27 283(1), 350(2), 369(1). Motipura 103 Sar Khers 369(1). 29 AclJaroi 283( I), 369(1). 104 283(1), 310(5), 350(3), 369(4). 30 Saokala 207(1}, 284(2). 350(1). Khadampur 106 Gu) Kheri 244(4), 283(2), 311(3), 350(1). 34 Barkhera Hasan 200(1), 207(4), 209(3), 235(17). 273(1), 281(1),283(5),311(1), 350(2), 369(2), 393(1), 399(8). 107 Nivaria ~00(1). 283(1). 284(1), 311(4}. 37 Charoal 273(6). 283(2), 369(3), 393(2). 109 Kasbadoraha 200( I), 209(3}, 220(1), 273(7), 280(2), 41 Garbibagraj 369(1). 311{6). 150(2). 369(5), 393(1). 113 Patao 207(3), 773(2), 283(4). 288(8), 310(6), 31t( 15). 42 - Parlia 283(1), 3ll(9). 350(3), 369(1), 393(3). 43 Aroia Sultaopora 311(6), 369(1). 115 Khaodwa 200(2), 207(2}, 230(5). 273(5), 283(1), 284(8). 44 Pilu neri 273(1), 310(3). 311(1) 369(2). 350(5), 369(2), 393(2). 45 HasaopOr Tinooia 273(3}, 283(2): 311(10), 369(1), 350(2). 116 Khajooria Khurd 271(1), 2~3(1), 310(Il, 311(8}, 350(2), 46 Bao Khera 273(3}. 283(4). 369(1). 369(1). 48 Ahmadpur 2000). 209(3), 273(6}, 283(1), 310(1), 311(4) 1I 7 Moonj Khera 283(1), 350(1). 350(2), 393(2). ' 118 Mittu Kheri 283(1). 49 Manjbera 350(1), 369(1). 121 Jhar Kbera 207(1). 273(61, 283(6). 310(1), 311(6), SO Sua Kbera 207(1),209(1), 283(2), 311(1), 350(1),369(1). 350(4), 369(4), 393(1). 51 Naiherj 350(1). 123 Sonkatch 283(3}, 310(1}. 52 Dehri 311(2), 12'; Jajan Kheri 273(1). 283(1), 31l(t}. 350(1). 53 PadyaJa 273(2), 283(4), 310(3), 311(6), 350(3), 369(2). 127 Nooi Kberi 283(2), 350(1). 54 GopaJpura 283( I), 350(2). 128 Saradi 28317), 310(14), 393(1). 129 Raradi Kalan 314(1). 350(1). 57 Azmamagar 283(1),369(1). 130 Khusamda 283(1), 310(5). 60 Chbatri 200(1), 235(16), 273(1), 283(3),284(2),310(12) 350(1}, 369(3). . 'J 131 Dhabi Kheri 369(2). 63 Ramjakheri 273(1), 283(1), 350(1). ' 133 Kachnaria 283(1), 284(2). 311,(2), 369(1), 393(2). 64 Pipalkhera 283(4), 369(1). 134 Khajooria Kalan 200(ll, 273(2),284(10),288(1),310(1), 65 Rasoolpur 235(6}, 288(1). 311(13), 350(2), 369(2), 393(2). 66 Maod Kbera 283(3), 311(1), 369(1). 135 Karanj Khera 369(1). 69 Hiogoni 310(3). 139 Jamooiya ~hurd 283(2), 369(1). 70 Bamulia 200(1), 273(1), 283(4), 310(7), 369(1). 140 Deoli 273(1). 283(1). 72 Bairagarb Chbatri 310(5). 141 Londia 283(2). 73 Khaikhera 273(7), 283(3), 310(1), 311(7), 350(2), 369(2) 142 Dhan Kheri 201(1), 283(4), 311(4), 350(1), 369(1). 3~{l~ , 143 Magar Kbera 284(2), 310(1), 311(2), 350(1), 369(1). 74 Sikandarpura 369(2). 144 Nipania 350(1). 75 Dolatpura 350(1). 145 Barbeli 273(1), 283(1). 76 GhatpaJasi 273(3), 283(1), 350(1), 369(1). 148 Satornia 369(1}. 77 Barri 273(1), 311(2), 369(1). 150 Kapoori 283(1), 311(7). 79 Barkhera Dews 310(7), 350(6), 369(2). 151 Nipania 273(1), 283(2), 350(1), 393(1). 81 Hiooti 283(1), 310(9), 350(4), 369(1). 152 Sekhpura 273(1), 283(1), 350(1), 369(2). 82 Hatya Khera 207(1), 273(2}, 310(1), 350(2), 369 (4). 154 Muhali 207(1), 273(1), 283(1), 311(2), 393(1). 84 Rawaokhera 350(1). 369(1). 155 Semaradangi 273(3), 283(4), 311(4), 350(1), 393(2). 85 Bairagarb Khuman 273(2). 283(2), 369(1). 156 Dobra 283{l). 311(3), 350(1). 86 Kasarkberi 310(1), 350(2)' -158 Janpurbawaria 273(1), 283(2), 350(2), 369(2), 393(1). 87 Shabjabanpur 283(2), 311(1), 369(1). 159 Rola 1200(1). 283(1). 350(1), 369(1). 88 Panbihar 288(29). 160 .Mungaoli 200(1), 207(2), 283(6), 350(3), 369(3), 393(1). 90 Bicbhni 273(1), 283(4), 310(3), 311(5), 350(2), 369(1), 399 (2). 162 Narela 283{l). 91 Mahua Kbera 311(4). 350(1), 369(1). 163 Dodi 207(1). 283(1). 93 Barkhera Kharet 314(6). 165 Kar"iabhil 283(1). 94 Takia 200(1). 166 MoondaKalan 207(1),273(1),283(1), 31t{3), 369(1), 393(1). 96 Kadrabad 283(3), 350(1), 369(1). 168 Manpura 393(1). 97 Mukhtar Nagar 273(1), 283(1). 288(39), 342(2). 350(3), 169 Raju Kberi. 273(1). 283(1). 369 (I). 170 Jakha Kheri 283(1). 98 Kasba Shampur 200(3), 207(4), 209(11), 235(17), 273(7), 278(1), 283(3). 284(2), 288(2), 311(19), 171 Raipura 273(1). 333(1), 350(3), 369(2), 393(1)' 173 Kbamalia 273(1), 283(4), 311(1), 369(1), 393(2). 301



174 Taj 283(t). 255 Titora 283(0, 311(1). 175 Dupadiabbil 273(2), 283(1), 369(1). 256 Barkberi 207(1}, 283(1), 314(1). 176 Mana~era 207(1), 311(2). 257 Hirapur 273(2), 283(1), 311(2), 369(1). 178 ebbapri Kburd 283(lt 311(1), 3500). 258 Dhabla 200(1). 207(3), 283(1), 311(2). 179 Bakta) \283(3), 314(3), 350(5), 369(1). 261 Chainpura 311(1). 180 Kodiacbh~tu 207(1), 283(2), 311(1). 262 Sonda 273(2). 283(1). 181 Semli Kh~rd 311(2). 266 Barnagar 207(2), 283(1). 311(12). IR3 Nonikheri Cusain 283(1). 267 Pipainer 311(1). 184 Amrod 283~1). 268 Ralawati 283(3). IRS Chondi 283(1), 350(1). 270 Kbedll 273(1), 283(1), 311(2), 350(3). 1R6 Semali Kalan 200(1). 271 Bbandeli 283(1), 313(1), 350(1). 187 Kacbnuia 2010), 283(1), 311(1), 369(2). 272 Satpipalla 273(1}, 311(5). 350{2}, 369(2). 188 Moondla Khur4 273(2), 31 ](), 350(2), 369(1). 273 Amajhir 207(3), 273(2), 283(2), 288(1), 311(6), 369(1), 393(1). 189 Rotu Kheri 3~?(4). 274 Dbaboti 273(1), 283(2). 311(12), 350(3). 190 ebhapri .Kat" '1283(2). 275 Bamolia 207(2), 273(2), 283(13), 311(7), 369(2), 393(5), 191 Bijora 310(1). , 399(1). 192 Bijori 273(1), 283(3), .31112l. 276 Bbensakberi 283(2),.. 311(5). 1()3 Thuna Khun! 2~3(1 I. 369(1). 277 Uljbawan 207(4), 273 (4), 283 (7). 2538 (2), 311 (7), 194 Thuna Kalan 109(1 1,' '17~('), 283(5), 2~8(8_l, 311 (I), 350(3), 369(1), 393(2). 350(2), 393(1). 278 Rama Kheri 283(1), 311(4), 369(1). 195 Raipurnaya Kheda 273 (1), 283(1), 311(1), 350(3). 279 Bhojnagar 283(1), 311(1), 393(1)._ 196 Kaharl Kadim 2R3(1). 280 Bilkisganj 207(5), 209(4), 273(3), 283(5), 284(7), 288(4), Iq7 Lasoodia Khas 273(1). 393(1). 311(11), 333(1), 350(3), 369(2), 393(2). 198 SagrampuT 283(1), 311(1). 282 Sagoni 311(1). 200 Sewania 311(2). 285 Patni 207(1), 28~(2), 311(8), 350(2).

20~ Kharpa ~ II (I). 289 Dhaman Kbera 311(5). 206 Ramkheri' 369(1). 290 Shikarpura 311 (8), 350(5). 207 Lasoodia Dhakar 273(1), 311(1), 350(2), 369(1). 295 Kabari Jadid 311(5). 208 Mahodia 273(4), 283(3), 350(Il, 369(1). 2 SEHORE TAHSIL (URBAN) 212 Takipur 273(2), 283(1). SEHORE TOWN 213 Lasoodia Parhar 273(1), 283(4), 369(2). Ward No, 1-200(2), 209(1), 214(1), 235(10), 280(1), 281(1), )14 Jamni 283(2), 369(2). 215 Hedarganj 2070), 283(1), 311(2), 393(1). Ward No. 2-207(1), 209(5), 273(2), 284(6), 289(1), 310(25), 216 Bishlln Khera 200(1). 350(9), 365(7), 369(1), 388(5). 393(2). , 221 Barwakheri 311(2). Ward No. 3-200(1), 393(1). 223 Muskura 273(5), 283(2), 311(11), 350(2). Ward No. 4-207(1), 209(16), 214(1), 230(4), 273(5), 281(1) 224 PachpipaJiya 283(7), 393(1). 284(6). ' 225 Chitorialakha 283(6), 393( I). Ward No. 5-207(1), 209(1), 281(1), 336(1). 228 Qareeqganj 283(1). Ward No. 6-200(2), 205(1), 207(4).209(4), 220(16), 235(12), 232 Bijlon 283(1), 288(2), 350(1), 369(1). 273(6), 281(3), 288(10), 311(1), 350(1), 368(3), 233 Kulans Kalan 283(3),311(6),350(2),369(1 ),380(1 ),3,)3( I}. 369(1). 388(1), 393(2). 234 Dendi 273(1 ). Ward No.7 -200(1), 207(1),209(10)220(10), 230(1), 273(11), 236 Amla 311(2), 3S0(2}. 281(2), 311(10), 313(1), 365(1), 369(1), 388(7) 393(2). ' 240 Gurbhela 207(1), 273(1). 283(1), 288(1), 311 (6), 350( I), 369(2), 393(1}. Ward No. 8-200(3). 209(13), 220(3), 230{3}, 233(2), 273(28), 241 Jabangirpura 273( 1). 311138}, 362(1}, 365(6), 367(2). 369(13), 392(3), 243 Pipalyamira 283(1). 393(4), 399(5). Ward No. 9-209(7), 220(2), 235(1), 273(19), 302(1), 336(1), 244 Alampura 283(2), 350(4}, 393(1). 362(1}, 365(2), 369(4), 378(1), 388}6), 393(14). 245 Kulas Khurd 283( I), 288(1). 350(3). 399(1). 248 Mullani 311(3). Ward No. 16-235(83), 281(2). 250 {,ala Kheri 311\5), 350(2), 369(2), 393(1). Ward No. 11-200(2), 205(1), 207(5), 209n). 235(1), 272(2), 252 Jata Khera 283(1), 350(1). 273(27), 350(4), 393(1), 399(3). 253 M~graram 273(2), 283(3), 288(2), 3]] (2), 350(5), 393( I). Ward No. 12-200(2), 209(5), 220(1), 233(1). 235(3), 273(2), 254 Halinabad 350(3), 283(1). 281(3}, 365(1), 388(1), '393(2). 302



. Total-200(157), 202(2), 203(1). 205(30), 206(2), 207(40), 74 Semrasyed 283(1), 369( I). 209(215),210(1), 212(1),214(6),215{ I), 216(2), 220{ Ill), 75 Kalakheri 273(1), 369(1). 225(1),230(19), 232(1), 233(6), 235(2),255(4),266(1), 77 Cbandukberi 273(1), 283(2), 311(3). 272(17), 273(335), 274(2), 280(32), 281(66), 283(93), 78 Korana 207(2), 283(2), 350(1), .369(1). 284(46), 288(43), 289(3), 292(14), 300(5), 302(23), 80 Parewakbeda 273(2), 369(1). 303(12), 310(15), 311(100), 313(5), 314(1), 320(12), 84 Gbatkbedi 283(1), 369 (I). 322(1), 331(1), 332(1), 333(3), 335(9). 336(3). 339(3). 85 Kalyanpur 200( I), 273(2). 344(1),350(87),360(7),362(5),365(3).367(68),368(19), 86 Tumra 207(1). 284(4), 350(3), 369(3). 369(127), 372(10), 373(7), 374(5), 375(3), 377( 10), 87 Ratanpur 369( I). 378(15), 379(8), 380(3). 384(84), 388(131), 389(1), 89 Parwaliya Sadak 207(1), 209(1), 273(4),283(1), 350(2), 392(26), 393(70), 394(6), 399(19). 369(1) .. 92 Gondarmau 283(2), 288(2), 311(1). -. Rural-200(15}, 207('17), 209(7), 220(1), 230(4). 255(4), 272(5), 93 Badwai 283(3). 288(1), 311(2), 350(1). 273(50), 283(92), 284(20), 288(42), 310(13), 311(30), 94 Lambakhera 200(1), 283(1), 2S4(lt__ 311(2), ,369(1). 313(1), 350(58), 365(1), 369(90), 393(16), 399(1). 96 Pipaliya Bajkban 283(1). Urban-200(142), 202(2), 203(1). 205(30), 206(2), 207(23), 97 Malikberi 369(1). 209(208), 210(1), 212(1), 214(6), 215(1), 216(2), 98 Choprakalan 273(2), 283(2), \ 369(1). 220( 110), 225(1), 230{l5), 232{l), 233(6), 235(2). 99 Pipaliya Zahirpir 273(1), 283(1), 311(1). 350(5). 266(1), 272(12), 273(285), 274(2), 280(32), 281(66), 101 Barkhera Bondar 369(1). 283(1), 284(26), 288(1), 289(3), 292(14), 300(5), 103 Palasi Jagir 283tl), 311(2). 302(23), 303(12), 310(2), 311(70), 313(4), 314(1), 105 Karhodkalan 284(3). 320(12), 322(1). 331(1),332(1),333(3),335(9), 336(3), 107 Khejra Baramad 273(2), 283(1), 284(1),311(1),350(1),1 339(3), 344(1), 350(29), 360(7), 362(5),365(2), 367(68), 369(1). 36S(l9), 369(37), 372(10), 373(7), 374(5), 375(3), 108 Sewaniya Ookara 273(1), 369(1). 377(10), 378(15), 379(8), 380(3), 384(84), 388(131), 110 Barkbera Salam 273(1), 283(2), 350(1), 369(2), 393(1). 389(1), 392(26), 393(54), 394(6), 399(18). 112 Bairagarhkalan 283(2), 350(1), 369(1). 113 Laukberi 283(1). Location Code number and name 0/ villages:_:_ 117 Bhanpur 288(1), 369(1). 120 Moali Jagir 393(2). 10 Chanderi 350(1), 369(1), 393(1). 121 Damkbeda 273(1). 15 Hinotiya 283(1). 123 Kanasaiya 284(1), 288(1). 16 Nipanipajat 200(1), 283(1), 313(1). 124 Bakaniya 273(1), 350(2), 369(5). 17 Raslakhedi 283(1), 288(1). 19 Agariyajagir 283(1). 125 Bhouri 273(2), 350(1), 369(2), 393(1). 21 Balampur 288(1), 350(1). 128 Nayapura 209«1). 134 Narela Sbankari 273(1), 283(4), 288(1). 23 Bagoniya 350(1), 369(1). 28 Khajuri 283(1). 140 Kolukheri 369( I). 141 Jamoniyachbir 200(1). 29 Beenapur 283(3). 142 Bhensakbedi 283(1). 30 Kbamkbeda 283(2). 146 Hataikhera 200(1), 273m, 283(2), 288(1). 33 Ganyari 311(1). 149 'Phanda Kalan 200(1), 272(4), 288(2), 369(4), 393(1). 39 Manikberikot 311(2). 151 Kbajurl Sadak 200(1). 42 Bheronpur 283(1). 153 Beelkbera Dian 283(1), 369(2). 47 Mungaliyahat 207(1), 273(2), 283(1), 350(4), 393(2). \ 155 Bishankheri 283(1), 48 Tarasewaniya 200(1), 207(2),220(1), 273(2),283(3),350(1) 165 Sankal 273(1), 283(1), 288(1), 369(1). 52 A L_ 369(1), 393(1). c.... rpur. 273(1). 166 Pipaliya D~akar 369(1), 54 latkherl 350(1). 167 Intkberi Clihap 283(1). 56 Islamnagar 283(1). 168 MUllgaliyaCbbap 200(1), 207(1), 230(3), 255(4), 273(4), 61 Amoni 284(1). '283(5),288(S), 310(9), 350(3), 369(4). 393(2). 62 PempDra 288(1). 170 KhaJurl Kalan 283(1), 350(2), 369(3). 67 Chandpur 311(1). 180 Barkhera Natbu 273t2), 283(1), 350(1), 369(1). 69 ParwaJiyasanl 284(1), 369(1). 181 Gora 283(1), 311(1), 369(1). 70 Arwaliya 284(1), 310(1). 182 Sewaniya Gond 209(1). 73 Imallya 283(1), 288(1), 350(1), 369(2). 184 Pipaliya PeadekbaD 284(1), 350(1). APPENDIX I-Oontd.


ISS Barkhera 'Padula. 200(1). 283(1), 350(3), 369(3). I BHOPAL-URBAN 196 Jamomya ~alan 283( I); 350( 1), 369(3). L!)cation Code number and name of Town:- 187 DangroH 283(3), 369(1). 189 Borkberi 283(1). Ward No. 1-200(4}, 209(9), 273(6), 350(4),365(1), 384(2), 190 Sayallta Kberi\ 369(1). 399(1). 193 Kodiya 283(3)., 393(2). Ward No. 2-200(4), 205( 1), 201(1), 209(1). 273(1), 300(1), 196 Neelbad 369(1). 302(1), 320(1), 384(4), 388(2). 197 Bsrkberi Kalan P3(1), 369(2). Ward No. 3-200(3), 281(10). 320(1), 379(2), 384(1). 204 Bag Sewanlya ~8(l), 369(1). Ward No. 4-200(2), 209(4), 274(1), 384(1), 388(3), 399(2). 205 BagmuDgllliya 2880), 310(1), 311(1). Ward Nu. 5-200(2), 273(1), 388(2). 206 Laharp.r 283(1). Ward No. 6-200(3), 209(3), 214(1), 230(1), 272 (1), 273 (9), 211 Tilakberi 283(1), $69(1). 281(1), 289(1), 302(1), 311(1), 331 (1), 335 ~3), 214 SiIlandrabad 207(1)'; 209(1). 283(1). 3690), 399(1). 362(2), 368(2), 377(1), 384{4), 388(4),393(2). 221 Bavariya Kalan 200(1), 2t)7('3), 273(3), 283(3), 288(9), Ward No. 7-200(5), 205(4), 207(1), 209(15). 210(1). 214 (I), 350(2), 369(1). 272(4), 273(38), 281(7), 284(1), 302(2), 303(3). 222 Abmadpur Kalan 369(1). 311(36), 365(1), 368(3), 369(1). 378(1), 384 (2), 223 Katara 283( 1). 388(7), 392(4)' 393(8), 399(8). 224 Barral 200(2), 283(1), 350(2), 369(2). Ward No. 8-200(2),209(15),266(1),272(3), 273(22), 281(5), 225 Bavariya Khord 350(2), 369(1). 284(3), 302(2), 322(1), 333(1), 335 (I), 367 (2), 226 Padariya Jat 310(1). 369(2), 379(1), 388(4), 392(8), 393(10), 399(1). Ward No. 9-200(4), 205(3), 207(3). 209(4), 214 (1), 220 (2), 228 Narela 369(1). 273(21), 281(2), 283(1), 292(1), 311(2), 320 (5). 230 Semri Bazyart 207(1), 283(1). 335(2). 350(2), 367(1). 368(2), 369 (1), 315 (1), 239 Jatkbedi 283(1), 288(2). 378(2), 379(1), 384(10), 388(6), 389(1), 392(1), 240 Bagli 283(1). 350(2). 399{i). 241 Semri Khurd 284(1), 31l(2). 244 Mundla 350(1). Ward No. 10-200\3), 202(1), 207(4), 209(9), 220(1), 230(1), 272(1), 273(3), 280(2), 302(2), 320(1), 367(56), 245 Jhagariya Kburd 369(1). 252 Misrod 207(4), 209(2), 2300), 272(1), 273(4), 283(3), 368(2), 369( 10), 377(2), 378(1), 379(1),384(20). 288(1). 31l(l). 350(3),365(1), 369(1), 393(2). 388(30). 399( 1), . 256 Ranpadiya 273(1), 283(1), 350(2), 369(1). Ward No. 11-200(1). 209(1), 220(7), 273(7), 280(1), 284(2), 300(1), 320(1), 336(1), 344(1), 368 (5), ~69 (4), 255 Hagroda 200(1), 273(4), 284(1),288(1),311(4), 350(1), 372(1), 377( I), 384(14), 388(3). 369(4), 393( I). Ward No. n-200(3), 209(3), 273(3), 311(2), 369(2), 384(1). 263 8airagarh 283(11, 288( 2), 369( 1). Ward No. 13-200(4), 209(1), .292(8), 369(1), 372(3). 264 Hinotiya Alam 283(1), 369(1). Ward No. 1-4-200(15). 202(1), 205(3), 207(6), 209(21),214(2). 268 Ratanpur 288(1), 311(2), 350(1), 369(1). 220(i I" 230(3), 233(1),273(19), 280(1),281(1), 269 Cbban 350(1), 369( 1). 284(7), 302(1), 303(1), 311(4), 339 (i), 360 (7), 270 Deepri 283(1), 350(1). 369(2). 367(2), 368(2), 369(7), 372(4), 378 (5), 384 (4), 272 Bangrasiya 283'(1). 388(7), 392(5), 393(3), 394(1), 399(1), 276 Borda 283( I). Ward No. IS-200(5), 203(1), 206(1), 209(10), 220(9), 273(4), 282 Guradi Ghat 369(1). 281(1),288(1),292(2),302(3),303 m, 37J(2)~ 375(1), 388( I). 284 Narela HallUlDatltsingh 311( I}, 369(2). 285 Samardha Kaliya Soat 273(1), 284(4). Ward No. 16--200(3), 2M(2), 209(7), 220(6),230 (1'), 272 (3), 273(3), 281(1), 292(1). 300(Z), 3OZm, 303(4). 288 Tbuakbera 200(1). 289 Amravad Kalan 209(1),273(1), 283(1).288(1), 311(2), 31l(12), 333(1), 362(2), 373(5), 375(1)~ 378(2). 399(2Y. 350( I), 369(1). 379(1), 388(10), 392(6), 393(16). 298 Gole (Jagir) 369(1). Ward No. 17-200(3), 205(4), 207{2~, 209(7}, 22Q {I), 230 ~1)t 301 Bandori 273(1). 213(12), 281(4).284(1), 292(2),3)6(1).362(1), - 302 Suraiya Nagar 283(1), 288( I), 369(1). 367 (1), 368(1), 377(1), 378(2), 379(1), 384(2), 303) ILIlandabad 310(1). 388(8), 392(1), 394(5). 304



I Ward No. 18-200(6), 209(2), 220(2), 273(7), 300(1), 388(5). Urban-2oo(7), 207(8), 209(22)." 216(1), 230(7), 235(24). Ward No. 19-200(2), 209(2), 220(3), 273(2), 281(2), 311(1), 236(1), 273(34), 280(1), 283(2), 284(1). 288(1), 384(0, 388( I). 292(1), 3IlOl), 333(1), 335(l), 350(5), 369(3}, 388(6), Ward No. 20-200(8), 205(5), 209(6), 216(1), 220(3), 225(1), 392(1), 393(27). 394( 1). 273(12).281(5), 303(1),311(5),368(1), 369(1), 388(8). Location Code numher and name of Vil!age:- Ward No. 21-200(7), 209(17), 220(11).230(5),273(11),284(1). 311(1), 350(7). 388( 10). I Sulkberi 311(1). Ward No. 22-200(3), 205(2), 209(8). 220(18), 273(10),281(3). 2 Maina 200(2), 207(2), 209(3), 235(13), 273(8), 283(8), 335(2), 350(16), 377(4), 378(1), 384(1),388(6). 288( I). 311 (10), 333(2), 350( 14), 369(5), 393(3), 399(1). Ward No. 23-200(1),209(8), 215(1). 216(1), 233 (I), 235 (I), 3 Godi 283( I). 393(1). 273(6), 280(14). 28\(2), 320(1), 372(2), 377(1). 4 Loras Kburd 273(1), 283( 1), 350(3), 393(1). 380(3}, 384(4). 5 Kamalpur Kberl 311(1). Ward No. 24-200(3}, 205(3), 209(5), 220(4). 230 (2), 233 (I), 6 Husainpur Kberi 283(1),311(4), 369(1). 273(7). 281(4). 284(1). 302(l}. 311(2). 367(1). 7 Atralia 283(1). 311(3), 350(2), 369(1). 369( 1), 384(2), 388(6). 8 NipanlaKalan 200(1),207(1),273(1),283(4), 311(11). Ward No. 25-200(4), 209(2), 220(10), 273(3), 280(7), 281(6), 350(5), 369(2), 393(1), 399(1). 302(1), 333(1), 335(1). 384(1), 388(6), 392(1). 9 Bor Kbera 273(1), 283(4), 311(4), 350(1), 393(1). Ward No. 26-200(16), 207(2), 209(4). 220(4), 230(1). 273(9), 10 Mandla Mobabba 200(1), 311(3). 280(2), 281(2), 284(1), 311(2), 320(2). 369(2), 12 Murawar 283(1), 311(3), 350(1), 393(1). 384(2), 388(5). 13 Karman Kheri 311(6), 350(3). 393(1). Ward No, 27-200(1), 207(1). 209(3), 220(2), 273(3), 281(1), 14 Kurawar 273(1), 283(5), 311(7), 350(1), 369(2),393(1). 311(1), 384(1), 388(1}. 16 Kbamkbera Bejmatb 200(1), 207(3), 209(1), 273 (5), Ward No. 28-200(8), 209(9), 220(1), 232( I), 233(2), 273(8), 283(6), 311(14), 340(1), 350(8), 369(1), 393(3). 280(3), 284(3), 288(5). 17 Pao Kheri 311(1). Ward No. 29-200(4), 207(1), 212(1), 273(3), 274(1). 280(1). 18 . Sihoda 207(2). 273(5), 284(5), 311(9), 350(7), 369(3). 310(2), 332(1), 339(2), 379(1), 384(1), 388(1). 20 Kumrawada 283(1), 311(1). Ward No. 30-200(1), 209(2), 273(3), 281(5), 314(1), 369(1), 21 Pataria Goyal 283(2). 388(1). 23 Mundla 311(1). II GOVINDPURA (H.E.L.) 24 Hirapur 200(1), 273(1), 283(4). 311(1), 369(2). 25 Lasuria Sukba 283(3), 311(2), 369(1). 200(4), 209(4), 273(2), 374(5), 388(2). 26 Cboparia 200( I), 273( 1), 283(2), 288(2), 311 (2), 350(2). 369(1 ). III BAIRAGARH 27 Shiv Kheri 273(1). 200(8), 205(3), 206(1), 207(2), 209(25), 214(1), 220(15). 28 Kachnaria 273(1), 283(1), 311(1), 340(1),350(1),369(1). 233(1), 235(1), 273(23}, 280(1), 28J(4}, 284(6), 289(2),302(2). 29 Parwa Gosayan 200(1), 311(3). 303(2), 311(1), 313(4). 336(1), 367(5), 368(1), 369(4), 378(1), 30 Malna Kheri 311(2). 388(13), 393(15). 399(1). 31 Mana Khedi 200(1). 283(2), 311(4). 32 Lasuria Khas 273(1), 283(2), 311(1), 369(1). 33 Gadra Kherl 283(1). 4 ASHTA TAHSIL 35 Bheel Kberi 283(2), 311(1). TotaJ-200(34), 205(1), 207(76), 209(34), 216(1), 230(9), 36 Beesu KMri 283(1), 311(4), 350(2). 235(58), 236(1). 273(157), 280(3), 281(5),· 232(2), 37 Kajlas 207(1), 273(5), 280(1), 283(5), 311(12), 350(5), 283(273), 284(30), 288(fO), 292(J), 302(4), 311(469), 369(4), 393(2). 313(10), 3J4(3), 333(3), 335(1). 340(3), 350(192), 38 Kundia Nathu 311(2). 364(1), 365(7), 369(89), 388(7), 392(2), 393(81), 39 Jiwapur: Mahoria 311(2). 394(1), 399(7). 40 Kalapipal 3 \l (2). RaraJ-200(27), 205(1),207(68). 209(12), 230(2), 235(34), 41 Harnawada 311(2), 350(1),369(\). 273(123), 280(2), 281(5), 282(2), 283(271), 284(29), 44 Hajipur 273(1). 288(19), 302(4), 311(438), 313(10), 314(3), 333(2), 45 Kalyanpura 207(1), 311(1). 340(3), 350(187), 364(1), 365(7), 369(86), 388(1), 47 8ejuatb 207(2), 273(1), 283(3), 311(2), 350(3), 369(1). 393(54), 399(7). 49 Titoria 207(1), '273(1), 284(2), 311(3), 3SO(l)· 'APPENDIX 'I-Cotttd. lNlllISTIU.u. ..ES'IUIJaHMENTS 1 4 ASHTA TAHSIL (RURAL)-Contd. 4 ASHTA TAHSIL (RURAL)-Colltd.

50 Dub 284(1). 311(3). 112 Jata Kbera 283(10). 51 Dbanaaa 283(1). 284(1), 288(S). Il3 Samarda 207(1). 273(3). 283(1), _2), -nits)· 52 Lakbmipur' 273(1), 283(1). 114 Rasulpura 283(2), 311(5), 350(1). 53 Bagraoda ~3(1). 350(1). 115 Samardi 3ll(2). 54 HakimLbad ,273(1), 284(3), 311(3). 350(1), 393(1). 116 Kandra Kberi 283(2). 55 Tanda 311(2). 118 Kundia Dbaoga 311(3). 56 Loras Kalan '311(3). 119 Semli Bari 311(1). 57 Cbhapri 311(2}. 120 Metwara 200(2), 230(1), 281(2), 282(2), 283(9). 284(1~ 58 Cbacha Kbedl 207(1). 283(1). 311(5), 350(3), 369(2). 393(2) •. 399(2). 59 Kev Kberi '273( 1): 124 Shekbu Kbera /283(17), 284(1), 311(2). . 60 Duparia 200(1). 107(2), 273(1), 283(3), 311(5), 350(8). 369(1). ' 125 Pipalia Salarsi 350(1). 128 Jbalela 200(1), 207(1). 283(5), 369(2). 61 Mobammadpur 27~(1), 283(3). 129 Pardikheri 288(1), 311(4). 62 Jafrabad 273(1), 28~(1), 311(1), 350(1), 369(1). 130 Rupa Kbera 311(1). 63 Bomuliakheecbi 273(1), 283(2), 311(2), 350(2), 369 (4). 131 Bheronpur 273(3), 283(1). 311(9). 3")(9). 64 Molu kberi 200(1),,311(4), 350(1). 132 ParoJia 311(1). 65 Kotbri Calao 200(10, 207(5), 209(3), 235(4), 273(6), 134 Tajpura 283(1). 284(5), 311( 14). 350(10). 369(3), 39;l(~ 137 Bbagwanpura 283(3). 67 Bamulia Raimal 283(3), 311(4). 69 Par1talia Cbohan 283(1), 311(3). 142 Wafapur (Drakni) 207(2). 235(2), 283(2),,3I1(7).:3SO(l). 143 MugU 235(8), 273(3), 311(9), 369(1), 393f4). 71 Ba) Kbedi 311(5). 144 Mubarakpur 207(1). 283(4), 311(7), 369(1). 72 Arolia (Jawar) 283(2). 311(2), 350(2). 73 Tigaria 273(4), 283(8), 311(6). 350(2). 393(1). 145 Kasampura 283(4). 74 Arniaghajbi 207(2), 273(3), 283(3), 311 (3), 350 (I), 147 Guraria Roopchand 283(1). 393(1). 149 Ismail Kberi 273(2), 283(1). 76 Pboodra 273(1), 283(2), 288(4), 311(3), 3SO{I). 150 Bhaaa Kherl 369(1). 77 Harniagaon 283(3). 311(8), 369(1). 1;3 Kbatsura 311(3). 78 Hakimpura 2H3(l), 350(1). 156 Gawala 283(2), 311(3). 369(1). 79 Kbari 200(1), 207(3). 273(4). 283(6). 311(9), 350(11), 157 Gawali 200(1). 207(1), 273(2), 350(2), 369("). 36} (2), 393(2). 160 Atralia 273(2), 311 (3). 80 Bbamoora 273(1), 311(1). 162 Amla MajJu 283(2). 311(3). 369(1). 81 Dabri 311(1). 163 Bandarla Hat 283(2). 369(1). 83 MUlldi Kberl 31111). 165 Barkbera 207(2}. 283(3). 369(2), 393(1). 84 Mali Kberi Bazyaft 273(3), 311(1). 166 Lacbbl Rampura 283(11), 311(5). 393(1). 85 Dalpatpura 314(3). 167 Arolia 283(4), 311(3), 350(4), 369(2). 393(1). 86 Sandbo Kberl 273(1). 31113). 168 Paladia 283(3). 3 1l(3), 369(1). 87 Bedakheri 283(4). 311(6), 393(1). 171 Guraria Sirajuddin 350(3), 88 Umarpnr 235(4). 273(1), 311(1), 393(1). 172 Bamulia Dbad 273(3). 283(2), 3JJ(2), 3~>..S93(1). 90 GawaKhera 207(3), 273(2). 283(6), 311(7).350(2),369(1), 174 Norangpur 311(l), 350(1). 91 Jawar 200(3). ;'05(1), 207(8), 209(4),273(6),280(1).283(5), 175 Sbankarpur 283(1). 288(5), 311 (14), 350(12), 364(1), 365(5). 369(2) 388(1), 393(5). , ' 176 Anandipura 311(1). 92 Kbajuria Jawar 207(1), 273(1), 283(2), 311(2), 350(1). 180 Donia 3lJ ( I ). 93 Dar Khera 273(1), 283(1), 311(4),350(1).369(2),393(1). 181 Bbonrasa 273(2), 283(1), 311(1). 94 Dodi 273(1). 283(1), 311(1). 182 Bapcba 283(1), 311(2), 369(2)~ 96 Rupeta 283(4), 311(6). 183 Bager 283(8), 311(1), 393(3). 97 Mirzapur 311(1). 18S Beelpan 283(1), 311(3). 350(2). 98 Cbannotba 207(1). 283(2), 311(6). 313(3). 186 Guraria Verma 273(2), 283(2), 311(4), 350(2). 369(1). 188 Barcbhapur 200(1), 273(1), 284(2), 311(~ .369(1), 99 Gopalpur 311(1),350 (I). 393(1). 399(3). 100 Pagaria_Cbor 207(1), 283(1), 313(1). 102 Cbacbrasi 283(1). 189 KurU Kalan 283(1), 311(3). 106 AJipura 200(1). 207(1), 230(1), 273(14), 281(3), 284(2), 191 Urli 350(1). 302(4). 340(1). 350(1), 365(2),369(3), 393(2). 192 Gajaa 311(1). APPENDIX I-001t.td.



196 KbaJuda Kalam 207(1). 283(2), 311(3). 369(3). Total-2oo(l2), 207(32). 209(7). 220(3).. 230(6), 233(1). J97 Pataria Chob.a 311(1). 235(1), 271(4), 272(2), 273(81). 280(5). 281(3). 199 Mall Khed 283(1). 283(118), 284(3). 288(28), 289(1), 310(188), 311(1'06), 200 Mead. Kheri 369(1). 333(6), 350(109}, S65(2), 367(1), 369(36). 388(4), 204 Barodi. Gadrl 350(1). 369(1). 393(29), 394( I), 399(3). 205 Bhonphor 207(2). 283(2), 311(4). 208 Har Rajkhedl 207 (1), 209 (I), 283(2), 311(4), 350(1), Rural- 200(8), 207(31), 209(1). 230(1), 271(4), 272(2), 369 (2), 393 (2). 273(65). 280(5), 281(2). 283(118), 288(27), 289(1), 210 P.ngri 207(1), 311(1). 350(3). 310(188), 311(106). 350(95). 369(32). 393(20), 3990). 211 ArDia RaDl 283(3). Urbau-200(4), 207(1), 209(6). 220(3). 230(5), 233(1), 2350), 213 Arma DaDd 283(2), 311(3). 350(4). 273(16), 281(1). 284(3), 288(1), 333(6), 350(14), 214 KhaDdorapar 311(3), 350(5). 365(2), 367(1), 369(4). 388(4), 393(9), 394(1). 399(2). 216 Bhonra 200(1). 283(3), 350(8). 369(1). 225 Lakhi,a 207(6), 283(3). 311(3). 350(5), 369(1). 227 Neelbar 207(1). 283(1), 284(2), 311(3). 350(2). Location Code number and name of village:- 228 PagariaHat 207(1), 273(2). 283(1). 284(3), 313(6). 350( 1), 369(2). 1 Bhadskbedi 283(1), 310(3).311(1). 234 KanllOd 207(1). 2 Amlaba 200(2). 273(2). 280(5). 283(1), 310(2), 311(2), 236 KhaDl Khera Jatra 283(1), 369(1), 393(1). 350(1), 369(1), 393(1). 239 Kbeniyapara 311(4). 3 Patariya Banka 283( I). 244 Arnia Johri 283(3),. 311(1). 4 Mohanpur Leady 310(2). 245 Dburada Kalan 311(5). 6 Patariya Seedba 273(1), 310(2), 350(3). 246 Jbajanpara 311(1). '1 Sukaliya Haasraj 310(2). 248 Slddlqgan' 200(1), 207(2),283(5),284(1). 311(6), 350(1). 8 Kaliya Kbedi 273(1). 250 Baja Kheri 283(1). 11 Narsingb Kbeda 207(2), 273(2), 283(3), 288(1). 310(3), 252 I1abi 273(1). 311(3), 350(1). 254 JasDlat 207(1), 273(1), 283(6), 311(1), 393(2). 12 Lasudiya Ram 283(1),311(4).350(1). 255 Pipalia Raidas 311(1). 13 Kankad Kbeda 207(2), 272(1), 273(2). 283(5). 288(1). 256 Bapeha Baramad 207(0, 273(1). 311(4), 350: 1). 310(9), 350(3), 369(1). 393(1). 258 Udaipur 273(0. 283(2), 311(2). 14 Dbamanda !o7(3), 273(5). 283(2). 288(2), 310(14). 311(1), 350(2). 369(3), 393(4), 39:i(l)" 259 Kachrod (Khacbrod 200(1). 207(1), 273 (1), 283(5). 15 Durgpura 207(1), 283(1). 310(5). 311 (6). 350(3), 369(1). 393(1). 265 RollagaoD 200(1). 273(1). 283(1), 369(2), 393(1). 16 Nagli 283(1), 310(1), 350(2). 266 Lakhn Kberi 311(1). 17. Partappura 310(1). 269 Cbbapar 288(1). 18 Jamoniya Hatesingh 283(1). 310(1), 350(5). 276 Naugaon 200(1); 235 (3), 273 (1), 283 (4). 311 (I), 19 Bhaukhedi 200(2),207(2), 271(4).273(3). 2R3(5), 288(3), 369(1). 393(1). 310(3), 350(5). 369(7), 393(2). 290 Narpa Xhed 283(1), 350( I). 20 Kudi 310(4). 292 Rampura "a1aD 311(6). 369(1). 21 Chbapri Talluk 288(1). 22 Golu Kheda 283(3),. 2g8(1). 310(3). ASHTA TOWN-URBAN 23 Bishan Kheda 310(2). Ward No. 1-273(2). 24 Barkheda 207( I), 273(2), 283(1). Ward No. 2--2oo(l), 209(7), 280(1). 333(1), 394(1). 25 KUlhad.i 283(2). Ward No. 3-207(4), 230(2). 273(7), 288(1), 393(3). 27 Bisban Kbedi 283(3), 310(2), 369(1). Ward No. 4-200(2), 207(1), 273(2), 283)1). 28 Mola Khedi 310(2). Ward No. 5-200(1),209(11),273(19),292(1),311(2),335(1), 29 Amla Ramjipura 283( I), 288(2). . 369(2). 388(6), 392(1). 393(20). 30 Palkb'edi 273(2), 283(4), 288(1), 310(1). Ward No. 6-200(1). 207(3), 209(1), 230(2), 273(2), 350(1), 33 Lao Kbedi 207(1), 273(1), 283(1), 310(1). 369(1 ). 393(3). 34 Lasudiya Sekbu 283(1), 350( I). Ward No. 7-216(1), 230(1), 235(22), 350(4). 35 Torniya 207( I), 273( I), 283(2), 310(3), 350(1), Ward No. 8-200(2). 231,,(1), 311(23). 42 Dhablamata 283(2). 311(1). Ward No. 9-209(3). 230(1), 235(2), 236(1), 173(2), 283(1). 46 Neeltukheda· 369(1).' 284(1). 311(6). 393(1). 50 Lasudiya Goyal 283(2), 310(2), 350(1). 307


51 Moiga 283(1), 310(2), 369(1). 135 Pbangiya 310(1) 52 Siradi 310(2). 138 LaJiya Kbedi 310(4). 56 Kbejra 273(1), 283(2), 311(2). 139 Jhar Kbed,a 310(1). 57 Semli Jadid . 207(3), 273(2), 283(2), 311(6), 350(1). 140 Bawadiya Gusbain 207(1), 283(3), 310(3), 350(1). 59 Abidabad 200(1), 288(2), 369(1). 141 Beerpura 288(1}. 310(1). 60 Dbabla Ray 2,83(4), 273(3). 311(9), 350(8), 369(1). 143 Dbain Kbeda 3IO(I}. 61 RamNagar 207(2), 273(3),310(6),350(2), 369(1),393(1). 145 Haraspur 310(2). 63 Haliya Kbedi 3tQ(2). 147 Dudlai 283(3), 310(3). 66 Kalayanpura Dbokad 311(1). 151 Daulatpur 273(3). 283(2), 288(1}, 310(4).350(1),369(1). 68 Mogra 310(1). \ 71 Bawadiyanoabad 310(2). 75 Sohankbeda 311(2)~ VII ICHHA WAR TOWN-URBAN 79 Jatkhedi 283(1), HI(3), 350(4). 80 Satpipaliya 273(6). 31I(4). Ward No. 1-200(1). 393(2). 81 Balapura 310(2). Ward No. 2-273(9), 284(3). 350(10). 365(2), 367(1), 369(4), 82 Jhalki 207(3), 2'73(1). 283(7), 310(5), 350(4). 388( I). 393( 2). 83 Pangra Kbati 283(1), 310(3),350(1). Ward No. 3-200(1), 207(1),_209(4). 220(2), 230(1), 233(1), 84 Kalapipal 207(2), 273(3), 283(5). 310(13), 350(2), 235(1), 273(3), 333(6), 388(2). 393(3), 399(2). 393(1). Ward No. 4-209(2), 220(1), 230(4), 273(1). 281(1), 288(1), 85 Gajikbedi 310(4), 350(3), 369( I), 393(1). 350(4), 388(1), 393(1), 394(1). 86 Ramgarb 310(2). Ward No. 5-200(2), 273(3). 393(1). 88 Bavadiya Cbore 311(2), 369(1). NASRUlLA GANJ TAHSIL 92 Ratanpur 310(2). Total-200(28). 207(17). 209(17). 210(4), 235(4). 236(4), 93 Umarkbal 28~( I). 273 (75). 274 (7). 281 (1), 283 (138). 284 (19), 288(27), 95 Nayapura 273(4), 283(3), 310(7). 350(7). 369(2). 310(1). 311(219). 313(28), 350(30), 365(3), 369)60), 96 Nipaniya 310(2). 388(1), 393(29), 399(7). 97 Siwaniya 310(9). 350(2). 98 Lasudiya Kangar 288(2), 310(2), 311 (9), 350(1). _ Rural-200)28), 207(17), 209(17), 230(4). 235(4), 236(4), 100 Gaukbedi 283(1), 310(3), 369(1). 273(75), 274(7), 281 (1 j, 283( 138), 284(19), 288(27), 103 Diwadia 200(1), 207(6), 230(1), 272(1), 273(4), 283(4), 310 (I), 311 (219). 313 (28), 350 (30), 365(3), 369(60), 288(4), 310(2), 350(4), 369(1), 393(3). 388(1). 393(29). 399(7). 105 Kaneriya 310(2). 311(1). Urban- NIL 1I0 Jamuniya Fatebpur 310(6). Location Code number and name 0/ VilIage:- III Sbabpura 310(2). . 2 Dabri 283(2), 311(2). 112 Himmatpura 310(2). 14 Bhilai 283(1). 113 Kusbalpura 310(2). 17 Piplani 273(1). 114 Amlanoabad 283(3), 31I(3), 350(2). 19 Jbali 283(2). 311(4). 116 Bordi Kalan 283(6), 311(11), 350(2), 369(1). 20 Sirali 311(3). lJ8 Cbainpura 283(2). 310(2). 21 Ameerganj 284(1). 311(1), 369(1). 119 Bijori 310(1). 29 Itawa Kburd 311(4), 369( 1). 121 Mundla 311(5). 32 Larkui 200(2), 207(2), 209(2}, 273(6),283(11), 311(11). 122 Ramdasi 283(1), 311(5), 369(1). 350(4). 369(4). 393(3). 123 Nilbad 273(1), 283(4), 350(2). 33 Tikamod 273(1), 283(1). 311(2). 124 Kheri 200(1), 273(1), 283(4), 311(18), 350(9), 369(1), 34 Ratanpur 311(2). 393(1). 37 Narela 311(1). 125 Jamli 288(1), 311(1). 39 Amba 283(1), 311(2). 126 Brijisnagar 200(1), 207(1}, 209(1), 273(7), 281(2), 40 Soner 311(1). 283(3), 288(2), 289(1), 311(12), 350(9}, 41 Kankaria 311(1). 369(2), 393(5). 42 Rampura Chakaldi 200 (2), 207 (4). 209 (2). 230(2). 129 Ariya 273(4}, 283(10), 288(2), 310(3), 350(4), 369(2). 273(10), 283(2), 284(7), 288(6), 350(4), 369(3)' 393(3). 134 Gudari 283(1), 310(6). 44 Gularpura 311(2). 30S-.



45 Lanchor 273(1), 274(1), 311(1). 120 Nadiakhera Kbalsa 200(1).· 51 Chhapri 283(1), 311(1). 121 Bachgaoo 393(1). 52 Jbirnia 283(1), 311(1). 123 Itawa Kalan 273(1). 283(2). 3Il(5). 393(1). 53 Bhadakui 273(1), 283(1), 311(9). 313(1). 124 Gilhari 283(1). 311(1). 54 Panchor 273(1). 283(1), 288(17), 311(4), 369(3). 125 Gillor 31I(3), 369(1). 55 Hathigbat 273(5), 283(2). 126 Sonha 283(2). 311(2). 369(1). 60 Palasi Kalan 311(1), 369(1). 128 Digwar 200(1). 273(4). 283(4). 311(2). 350(4), 369(1). 63 Dhandia 369(1). 393(3). 64 Rithwar 283(1). 369(5). 130 Gopalpur 200(1),209(1), 230(1), 235(1). 273(1). 284(2). 65 Barodia 283(1). 31I(2), 369(1). 393(1), 399(3). 66 TaJpura 283(1). 350(2}. 131 Barnagar 311(1). 369(1). 67 Chichlaha KalaB 284(2). 133 Richharia 274(1), 283(1), 311(2). 68 Chichlaha Khurd 311(2). 134 Mahagaon Jadeed 283(1), 311(2). 369(1.). 70 Mohai 369(1). 136 Seegaon 273(1). 283(2). 311(7). 393(2). 71 Manii Kheri 283(3), 313(1). 137 Itarsi 283(5), 350(1), 369(1). 72 Shampur 284(1), 311(2). 138 Pandagaoo 283(2), 311(3), 369(1). 73 Nimota 200(1), 273(1). 311(8), 393(1). 139 Chicb 200(1), 207(1). 209(1), 273(2), 283(3). 311(8), 75 Chhitgaoo Moji 200(1). 235(2). 273(1),274(5),283(8), 369(1). 311 (7). 369(1). 393(1). 141 Tilaria 273(1), 283(5), 313(10), 393(1), 77 Nipania 273(1). 284(1). 311(1). 143 Shamoogaon 273(1), 313(2). 78 Soyat 283(2), 311(1). 144 Bagwara 283(3), 311(3). 81 Baokot 311(4). 145 Jamonia Pandagaon 235(1). 273(1).283(1).369(1). 82 Magaria 313(1), 369(2). 14~ Balagaon 200(1), 273(1). 283(2), 311(2), 369( I). 83 Kharsaoia' 273(1), 283(4). 311(1), 369(1). 147 AtraHa 236(4), 273(1), 283(2), 311(5), 369(1) 84 Joglao 3t1(2). 148 Nealkanth 311(2). 86 Khatia Kheri 311(2), 350(1). 149' Manjhli 311(1). 87 Khanpnra 283(1). 150 Siri 311(1). 89 Chicbli 311(1). 152 Dholpur 283(1), 31 ](2). 393(1), 90 Baio 200(1}. 273(2). 288(1), 3Il(5). 3l>9(1). 154 Sohan Kheri 283(1). 91 Sukarwas 207(2), 283(2), 311(5),350(1). 369(3). 393(1). 155 Mandhi 283(3). 311(5). 156 Khargaon 200(1), 273(1), 283(1), 3 11(3), 369(1). 92 Mahagaon Kadeem 284(1). 311(1), 369(1). 157 Babri 200(1), 207(2). 273(1), 283(5). 311(1), 393(1). 93 Semalpaoi Kadcem 283(3), 311(1), 369(1). 158 Narayanpura 311(1). 94 Nimnagaoo 273(1). 283(2), 313(7), 369(1) 159 Ranipura 311(2), 95 Bijlan 283(4), 311(4). 350(2). 369(1). 160 Chorsa Kheri 311{2}. 96 Naodgaon 200(1), 273(2), 283(1). 311(5). 161 Seelkanth 283(1),311(2),350(3). 97 Satraoa 369(1). 162 Chhitgaon Kachhi 273(1). 283( 1). 311(3), 350(1),369(1), 99 Kalwana 273(1). 164 Demawar 207(1),273(3).283(3). 311(2),313(1).350(3). 102 Gorakbpur 283(1). 311(2). 369(1). 103 Chandgahan 311(7). 369(1). 165 Chhipan(1r 200(1), 207(1), 273(1), 283 (6), 311 (9). 104 Rala 200(1). 273(2). 283(3), 284(4). 311(3). 369(1), 369(2). 393(2). 393(3). 166 Siltaies 207(2). 2R3(1), 311(3),350(1),369(2). 105 Agra 369(1). 168 Bargaon 311(3). 107 Malajpur 283(1), 369(1). 169 AnbaJadeed 283( I). 1I2 Kumaotal 283(1), 313(5). 113 Dobhan 311(1). 114 Bansdeo 200(1), 283(1). ~84(1). 311(1), 369(1). 7 BUDNI TAHSIL lIS Borkhera Kalan 200(1). 207(2). 273(2). 283(4) 311(5) 350(1), 369(1), ' • Total 200«27), 203(1), 206(1).207(6),209(24). 212( I), 235(2). 116 RujaD J{heri 283(3). 310(1), 369(1). 255(1), 273(51). 278(1). 280(2), 281(3), 283(105). 117 Nasrullagaoj 200(9),209(11). 230(1), 273(14), 281 (1), 283 (5), 288 (3). 311 (5). 350 (3), 365(3), 369 (I), 388(1) 284 (25). 288 (50). 289 (2). 311(253), 350(27). 369(66). 393(4). 399(4). ' 393(26), 399(1). APPENDIX I-Oontd.


Rural-200(27) •. 203(1). 206(1). 207(6), 209(24), 212(1). 60 Borna 273(1), 311(2), 235 (2). 255 (1), 273($1), 278(1), 280(2), 281(3). 62 Bardba 311(2), 283(105). 284(25), 288(50). 289(2). 311(253), 350(27), 64 Hatlewa 283(1), 369(66). 393.~26). 399(1). 65 Sardarnagar 255 (1),273 (2), 283 (3), 288 (I), 311(10), Urban- NIL 350(2), 369(2), 393(4), 66 Narainpur 283(2), 311(2), Location Code number and name o/VilIage:- 67 Nandneer 200 (2), 209 (1), 273 (2), 283(4}, 311 (8), 350(3}, 369(2}, 393(2), 2 Kbiria Kurmi 288~2). 311(2). 369(3)'. 68 Tbikri 288(1},311(3), 4 Murari 288(3). 31 ~(2), 369( I), 69 Nonbbet 283(2), 311(5), 5 Hura 288(1), 76 Kusumkhera 273(1), 369(1), 9 Ricbora 311,(2), 77 Kheri 283(2), 311(2), 36911), 11 Dungaria 369(1 ). 78 Bordbi 283(1), 311(4), 12 Neemton 369(1). 84 Janwasa 273(1). 369(1), 14 Sankhedi 273(1), 283(1). 311(1). 85 Tillot 311(2). IS Kboba 283(1),311(2).369(1), 86 Mundiakhera 311(6), 369(1). 17 Gadar 273(3),311(3\,369(1). 87 Debr! 278(1), 283(2), 311(1), 369(1). 18 Seylagaban 207(2), 273(1), 283(11. 31l(4), 369(2), 88 Bambori 288(1). 19 Baktara 200(1), 209(3), 273(2), 283(5), 288(3),311(11), 91 Pelikarar 311(1). 350(1), 369(2), 393(3), 94 Bbarkul 283(9), 311(6). 22 Akola 273(1), 288(5). 311(7), 350(2), 369(2), 95 Ratanpur 311(4). 24 Guwaria Sbabganj 273(1), 393(1). 97 Mana 289(2). 369(1). 26 Satramau 283(1), 288(1), 311(5), 369(1}, 393( I), 98 Budhni 200(2}, 209(10), 273(3). 281(2),284(18),288(2). 27 Kbawada 273 (I), 283 (2), 288 (1), 311(4), 369(1), 101 Tamcharu 200(1), 283(2), 288(1), 3I1(5). 393(1), 102 Khargawli 200(2), 273(1), 283(2), 288(2), 311(4). 28 Bans Gaban 200(1}, 283(1), 369(J}, 393(1) 103 Gondiguraria 283(2), 311(2). 29 Sagpur 273(2}, 283(1), 311(1), 369(1), 104 Gehunkbera 283(1). 311(1). 35 Itwar 283( I). 105 Kosmi (Rehti) 311(1), 369(1). 37 Macbb\\ ai 283(1}, 311 (6), 369(2), 106 Pipalia Bazyaft 369( I). 39 Amon 200(1), 283(1)~'31l(3}, 369(1}, 107 Bori 209(1), 311(4). 40 Kosmi 311(3), 108 Sagoniya 283(1), 311 (I). 42 Sudon 288(1). 369(1), 109 Itarsi 288(3). 43 Bineta 283(1), 288(2), 311(6), 369(1). 110 Panguraria 200(1), 273(3), 281(1), 284(5), 311 (5), 45 Pipalia Khera 200(1), 235(2), 273(2), 283(2), 311(6), 350(1), 369(1}, 393(1). 369(1}, III Bayan 200 (1), 212 (I), 273 (I), 283(2), 369(2), 393(2), 46 Hatnora 200(1). 283(2), 288(2}, 311(4}, 369(2), 399(1). 47 Dobi 200(1), 273(5}, 283(2). 311(4). 350(4), 369(2). 113 Pandadoh 311(1). 48 Khori Silgana 273(1),283(3), 311(7}, 369(1), 115 Berkheri 283(1). 118 Salkanpur 311(4). 49 Kbitwai 200(1),311(1),369(1), 119 Holipura 3IH2). 50 Jontala 200(2), 209(1), 273(2), 283(2). 311(13). 369(1), 121 Maukalan 200(1), 311 (l). 393(2), 122 Guwadia Budnl 311 (2), 369( I). 55 Paharkheri 288(2), 311(4), 369(1), 56 Shabganj 200(2), 207(3), 209(7) 273(9), 280(2), 283(7), 123 Rebti 200 (2), 203 (1). 206 (I), 209 (1), 273 (I), 283(8). 288(5), 311(7). 350(2), 369(1). 393(1), 288(1),311(12), 350(2), 369(3), 393.3). 57 Madhawan 311 (3), 129 Naya gaon 283(2), 311 (I). 58 Jait 273(1),283(1). 288(1}. 31l(3}, 369(2), 393(2), 131 Neenori 273(1),283(2), 311(2}. 369(1). 310 APPENDIX I-Oaneld. INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS


133 Moan 200(1), 283(5). 350(1), 393(1). 145 Pangra 311(1). 134 DbaDkot 283(1). 146 PllUlara 311(2), 369(1). 136 K;bareJi 283(2). 311(1). 147 Patbora 283(1), 311(1), 369(1). 137 Bbomda 311(1). 149 Basania Kalan 311(1). 138 Maojarkui 200(1), 283(1), 311(1). 369(2). 150 Anoligbat 311(2). 139 Murabi 273(1). 283(2). 311(1). 151 Ganjit 283(3), 311(1). 140 Matbnl 200(1). 207(1), 273(1), 288(3), 311(2). 369(1). 153 ReogaoD 311(2). 141 Jabajpura 200(1). 283(2). 284(2). 311(3), 350(5). 154 Mardanpur 283(1), 288(6). 311(3). 350(4), 393(2). 143 Barkbera 283(2). 311(1), 369l1). 156 Jajna 311(5). AP-PENDIX. II


1 BE.R.ASIA TAHSIL 3 HUZUR. TAHSIL Urban UrbaR Lqcatioll code "umber and ntlme of town: .... Locatio" code number and name of town:- BHOPAL TOWN GROUP VI BERASIA I BHOPAL Rural II GOVINDPURA (H. E. L) III BAIRAGARH Location code number and name of village:- , Rural 26 Khejraghat. 29 Nazirabad, 30 Barkheda Khurd, 31 Kadhaiya Kalan. 48 Behrawal 59 Neemkhedi Location code number and name of village: - 60 Bhujrura Kalan. 74 B"ujpura Khurd. 90 Bijawan Kalan: 3 Dupariya, 4 Ra{pur, 1~ Hlnotiyi, 16 Nipania Jat, 91 Ankiya. 101 Surner, 103 Runaha. 104 Sunga. 117 Megra, t7 Rasalakhedi. 29 Beenapur, 30 Khamkheda, 40 Golkheri, 118 Mangalgarh, fZO Padli. 121 Karhaiya Khurd, 41 Kanch Bavli, 42 Bheronpur. 47 Mungalia Hat, 122 Badli, 123 Hinotiya. 145 Netapura. 146 Parsora, 53 Hajjampura. S4 Intkheri, 5S Ghaslpur-a, 56Isiamnag"r, 158 Shukla, 160 Banthora, 175 Dhanora, 176 Bhojapura, 63 Jhirniya, 69 Parwaliya Sanl, 70 Arwaliya, 76 Rasuliya, 177 Ram!!arh, 178 Habibganj. 185 Daknai. 186Imaliya Swa- 77 Chandukheri: 78 Kurana, '89 Parwallya Sadak, roop, 187 Dewalkheda 199 K;hejragopi. 201 Ibrahimpura, 91 Mubarikpur, 92 Gondar Mau. 94 Lampakhera, 202 B~sai, 203 Mankhiyai. Jhikariya Khurd, 209 Birhai. 204 95 Nabi Bag. 96 Pipaliya Bajkhan, 97 Malikhac!i, 101 B~r­ 210 Tlkankhedi. 211 Barricheel Kheda. 212 Irnaliya Nare­ khera Bondar, 102 Pipalner. 103 Palasllagir, 104 Rlisaili, nd~a. 214 Darnkheda, 2 0 Khajooriya Ramdas, 221 Nahella Balyaft. 222 Azarnpur. 223 Bhonr8sa, 232 Bhens-oda, 238 105 Karhod Kalan, 106 Rasalal



106 AMpur., 107 :Kajikherl, 109 Patehpur Kilerama, 104 Rala, 115 Borkbeda Kalan, 116 Rujankheri, 110 Baonpura. III Muradpura, 119 Samlibarl, 120 Met­ 117 Nasrullaganj, 123 Itawa Kalan, 12!5 Gillore, 126 Sontia, wara, ,121 Bbatikheda, 122 Mohammadpur, 123 Gudaria­ 1)1 Barnagar, 136 SeegaoD, 137 Itarsi, 138 Pandagaon, Mandha. 124 ShekhJ,1khera, 125 Pipalia Salarsi, 126 Gudaria 145 Jamonia Pandagaon. Banda, 127 Bhaonkhera, 128 Jhalela, 131 Bheronpura~ 139 Ghanshayampura, 140 Jagannatbpura, 141 Abdullapur.

7 BUDNI TAHSIL 5 !CORA\\,AR TAHSIL Urban Urban-N11 Nil £iJeIl1'itnt'cdile *"""n tJIfd "ome of town:­ VII ICHHA WAR Rural Location code number and name of village:- Rural LoetJtiotl «Ide IIlImber and name of vi/lage:- 11 Dungaria. 18 Seyagahan. 19 Baktara, 21 Saidganj,

26 Satra Mau, 30 Delawadi, I 32 Khatpura. 33 Panari, I Bbadakhedi, 2 Amlaha, 13 Kankadakbeda, 34 Jawaharkheda, 35 Itwar, 36 Bineka. 37 Machhwai, !of Sharbayar Ne.... , 5!5 BJaakpura 38 'Gondakhedi, 39 Amon, 40 Kosmi. 41 Makoria Sha­ ganj. 42 Sudon, 43 Baneta. 45 Pipalia Khara, 47 Dobi, 49 Khitwai, 51 Nahar Kola, 54 Paraswara, 55 Paharkheri, 56 Sh~hganj, 57 Madhawan, 60 Borna. 64 Hatlewa. 6 NASRULLAGANJ TAHSIL 70 Semri Katkuwa, 72 Chakla. 73 Bansapur, 74 Chach Mau, Urban 75 Hirani. 79 Khanpura. 80 Bagwada, 89 Dongri. 91 Pili Nil Karar. 95 Ratanpura. 96 Talpura, 97 Mana, 98 Budni, 99 Zarrapur. 100 Joshipur, 105 Kosmi (Rehti). 106 Pipalia Rural Bazyaft. 107 Bori. 108 Sagonia. 109 ltarsi, 110 Panguradia tIl. Bayan, 112 Unchakheda. 113 Pandadoh. 116 Jamo­ , LDd¥tfDn eode lIufliher and nome of piltllge:- niya Shaganj. 117 Mali Bayan. 118 Salk an pur. 120 Deogaon, 88 !tawa Jadeed, 96 Nandgaon, 97 Satraua, 98 Ra~ 123 Rehti. 126 Ondia 127 Bibda, 130 Satar, 135 Dipa­ ,arba, 99 Kalwana, 100 Rinjbaria, 103 _Cbandgaban, kheda. 140 Mathni. 313



1 BERASlA T~JL 3 HUZUR T AHSIL....!Co1fcld. Urbao Shankari, 138 Dhamaniya, 139 Khetlakhedi, 140 Kolu­ Mil kheri, 141 Jamoniya Chhir, 142 Bbensa Khedi, 143 Bor­ ban, 148 Kharkhedl, 149 'Pffilnda lh'ttih, ISO *IlIi~ia­ Rura) Kheri, 151 Khajuri Sadat, 153 Beelkhera Kalan, Location code number and name o/village:- 155 (Amkheda). 166 Pipaliya Dhakad, 167 Intkhedi Chhap, 175 Phanda Khurd, 176 Du'bdi, 177 Lasudliya Ghat, 59 Neemkheri, 294 Chhatri. 178 Kajlas, 184 Pipaliya Pendekhan, 188 Kallal i{heii, 2 SEHORE TAHSIL 189 Borkhedi, 190 Sayasta, Kh~ri, 191. Khulmriys. 'UrbaD 198 Barkhedi Keurd, 200 Chhawni, 204 Bagsewaniya 205 Bagmungaliya., 206 Lahar.pur, 221 Bavadiya Kalan. Location code numb~r and name 0/ town:­ 222 Ahmadpur Kailln 223- 'ltatafa, 224 Barrai. lV SEHORE 235 Akbarpur. 236 Nayapura, 237 Salaiya, 238 Sankbedi, 239 Jatkhedi, 240 Bagli, 250 Cheechli, 2S1 Cfenbl:(nk~edA. Rum) Location code number 'and name a/ village:- 252Misrod,253Bheronpur,254'Maksi, 255 Kapadiya.256 Bag­ roda. 263 Bairagarh, 264 Hlnotiya Alam, 265 Dohri Kalan, 131 Dhobi Kbert. 132 ,Rampalasi, 140 Deoli, 266Suhagpur, 267BiI KhiriyaKhurd, 268Ratanpur.269Chhan, 150 Kapoori, 151 Nipania, 163 Dodi, 164 Rata Khera. 270 Deepdi. 271 Pipaliya KtlDjadgarh. 272 Bangrasiya. 165 Karariabhil, 166 Modnda Kalan, 168 Manpura, 281 Pipaliya Kesbo, 283 Kodi, 284 Nareia Hahtifruintsin'glf, 169 Rajukheri, '1'18 Jakhakb~i, 174 Taj. 175 Dupedia­ 285 Samardha Kaliyasot, 291 Sewani~a, 2.9~ ~bad B~moo­ bhil, 176 Manakhera, 177 Menikheri. 178 Chhapri Khurd, liya, 293 'l>ipatiya 'Rani, 294 'Kottil, ~tJ3 khanda Bali. 180 Kadiachhitu, 181 SemH Khurd, 18~ Jamonia, 184 Amrod. 185 Chondi,.186 Semali Kalan. 187 Kachnaria, 188 Moondla Khurd. 189 Rolukheri, 191 Bijora, 192 Bijori, 194 Thuna Kalan, '195 Ralpur Nayakhera, 197 Lasoodia Urban Khas, 199 Kalyanpura, _ Sewania, 201 Awanti­ Nil pura, 202 Abdullapur, 203 Pachwan, 209· Shivpuri. Itoli) 210 Shah pur Kodia, 211 Sh1ttfur, 212 Takipur, 213 Lasoo­ Mt dia Padhar, 214 Jamni. 219 Mugispur, 221 Barwakheri, 224 Pachpipaliya. 229 Mabadakheri, 230 Sarangkheri 5 ICHHA WAit TAHSIL 231 Chanderi. 241 Jabansirpura. 242 BhagwaBpura. ltr1,'lid 243 Pipaliya Mira, 254 Hasnabad. Nil 3 HUZUR TAHSIL Urbao _HI Location c('de number and name o/town:­ Nil' BHOPAL TOWN GROUP 6 NASRULLAGANJ TAHSIL I BHOPAL II GOVINDPURA (H. E. L.) urbaJi lJI BAIRAGARH Nil ,Rural Rlir~ Nil Location code number and name 0/ vi{/age;~ 19 Agariya Jatir, 34 Pliatabt)ut, 39 Manilc:hetikot, -; BubNI TAtiSIL 17 Chando Klieri, 78 Kurana, 90 Badarka sadak, Urban 91 Mllbafikpur, 92 Gon4ar Mau, 93 BadWai. ,. Lthtfm ... khera, I)S Nabiba!h, 96 Paip.Ura Bajlchatl, 91 MaUkhedi Ntl 101 Barkhera Bondar, 102 Pipalner, 103 Palasi Jagir: Rural 104 Russali, 105 Karhod Kalan, 106 Rasalakhedi Jadid, 107 Khejara Baramad, 108 Sewaniya Onkara, 110 Barkhera Location code/number and name 0/ village:- Salam. 112 Bairagarh Kalan, 113 Laukheri, 114 Singar 72 Chakla, 73 Bansapur. 91 Pili Karar, 96 Talpura, Choii, 115 Neori, 117 Bhanpur. 120 Mohali Jagir, 97 Mana, 98 Budni, 99 Zarrapur, 100 Joshipur. 121 Damkheda, 122 Aredi, 125 Bhouri, 126 Behanta, 113 Pandadoh, 115 Barkheri, 116 Jamoniya Shabganj, 127 Halalpur, 128 Nayapura, 133 Kolua Kalan, 134 Narela 121 Mau Kalan, 122 Guwadia Budni. 314



1 BE RASIA TAHSIL 4 ASHTA TAHSIL Urban Urban Location code number and name of town:­ Location code number and name of town:­ VI BERASIA V ASHTA

Rural Rural Location code number and name of village:- Locatian code number and name ofvlllage:- 29'Nazirabad, 268 Harrakhera. 269 Kolukheri, 2 Maina, 54 Hakimabad, 65 Kothri Kalan, 91 Jawar, 120 Metwara, 248 Siddiqganj. 2 SEHORE TAHSIL Urban 5 ICHHAWAR TAHSIL Location code number and name of town:- Urban IV SEHORE Location code number and name of tOWIl:­ VII ICHHAWAR Rural Rural Location code number and name ofvillage:- Location code number and name 0/ vi/lage:- 34 Barkhera Hasan, 37 Charnal, 48 Ahmadpur, 2 Amlaha. 64 Pipalkhera, 65 Rasoolpura, 73 Khaikhera, 98 Kasba Shampur, 109 Kasba Doraha, 121 Jharkhera, 123 Son­ katch, 134 Kbajooriya Kalan, 194 Thuna Kalan, 6 NASRULLAGANJ 280 Bilkisganj. Urilan 3 HUZUR TAHSIL Urban Nil Location code number and the name of town:­ Rural BHOPAL TOWN GROUP Location code number and name ofvillage:- I BHOPAL 88 Itawa Jadeed, 97 Satrana, 104 Rala, 115 Barkhed. II GOVINDPURA (H. E. L.) Kalan, 117 Nasrullagaoj, 12S Gillore, 137 !tarsi. III BAIRAGARH

Rural 7 BUDN. TAHSIL Location code number and name df vi/lage:- Urban 3 Dupariya, 13 Barkhdri Aiiam, IS Hinotiya, Nil 16 Nipaniya Jat, 40 Golkheri. 47 Mungaliya Hat, Rural 54 Intkheri, 63 Jbirniya, 70 Arwalia, 89 Parwaliya Sadak, Location code number and name ofvillage:- 90 Badrka Sadak, 94 Lambakhera, 95 Nabi Bagh, 105 Karhod Kalan, 114 Singar Chhoti, 127 Halalpur, 11 Dungaria, 19 Baktara, 30 Delawadi, :32 Khatpura, 128 Nayapura, 142 Bhensaklleri, 147 Bilkhiriya Kalan, 33 . Panari, 34 Jawaharkheri, 41 Makoria Shahganj, 148 Kharkhedi 149 Phanda Kalan, lSI Khajuri Sadak, 47 Dobl, S4: Paraswara, S6 Shahganj, 80 Bagwada, 165 Sonkal, 222 Ahmadpur Kalan, 252 Misrod. 91 Pili Karar, 98 Budni, 111 Bayan, 112 Unchakhera, 272 BanBrasiya, 285 Samardha Kaliyasot. 113 Pandadoh. 117 Mali Bayan, 118 Salkanpur, 123 Rebti. 315




Urban Urban Nil Nil

RlII'aJ Rural Location code number and name 0/ village:- Nil 29 Nazirabad.


2 SEHORE TAHSIL Urban Nil UrbaD Location code number and name 0/ town:- Rural IV SEHORE NIl Ward No. 7(1).

Rural 6 NASRULLAGANJ TAHSIL Location code number and name 0/ village:- 192 Bijori. Urban Nil


Urban Location code number and name 0/ town:- 7 BUDNI TAHSIL BHOPAL TOWN GROUP I BHOPAL Urban Ward Nos. j~ S;· 13. 15, 24 and 28. !f!I II GOVfNDPtJRA (H. E. L.) III BAIRAOARH Rural

Location code number and name of vi/l(l~~:_;_ Bw'aJ 22 Akola, 27 Khawada. Nil 316 APPENDIX-VI



Urban UrbaD Location code number and name of town:- Nil VI BERASIA Rural Ward No.3. Nil Rural Location code number and name af village:-

29 Nazirabad, 83 Jamusar Kalan, 84 Sohaya, 5 ICHHAWAR TAHSIL 87 Dhaturia, 136 Barkheda Yakub, 137 Babchiya, 151 Megra Kalan, 153 Dungariya, 167 Lalaria, 197 Laloi, Urban 202 Basai. 208 Birha Shymkhedi. 214 Damkheda. Nil 226 Rampura Balachon. 229 Khukharia, 232 Bhensoda, 233 Semra Kalan, 243 Hirankhedi, 254 Barkheda Baramad Rural Gunga, 256 Peepalkhedi Bajyaft, 265 Rondiya, 267 DilIod, Nil 268 Harra Kheda, 273 Khejra Babar, 278 Kalara. 293 Bhens Kheda, 299 GUnga, 301 Ratua Ratanpur.

2 SEHORE TAHSIL UrbaD (; NASRULLAGANJ TAHSIL Location code number and name of town:- Urbaa IV SEHORE Nil Ward No.2 (I), Ward No.7 (I), Rural Non-Municipal Urban Area (1). Nil Rural Location rode number and name of village:- 44 Pilukheri, 60 Chhatri. 7 BUDNI TAHSIL 3 HUZUR TAHSIL Urban Urban Nil Location code number and name of town- Rural BHOPAL TOWN GROUP I BHOPAL Location code number and name of villale:- Wards Nos. 1. 2, 3. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 11. 12, 13, IS, 16, 18. 24. 26 and 28. 22 Akola. II Govindpura (H.B.L.) III Bairagarh Rural Nil 317



1 BERASIA TAHSIL 1 BERASIA TAHSIL-Conc1d. Urban 198 Mahuakheda (2), 199 Khejragopi (I), . 200 Pipaliya Location code number and name 0/ town:- Hasanbad (2), 201 Ibrahimpura (2), 202 B~sai (8), 203 Mankhiyai (1), 204 Jhikariya Khurd (2), 205 Chhapariyai VI BERASIA (2), 206 Karhaiya Chanwar (2), 207 Daulatpara (4), 208 Ward No. 1 (3), Ward No.2 (4), Ward No. 3 (6), Birhasham Kbedi (3), 210 Tikankhedi (1), 211 Barri­ Ward No. 4 (2)~, Ward No.5 (5), Ward No.6 (5), Ward cheel kheda (1), 212 Imaliya Narendra (1), 214 Dam­ No.7 (4). Ward No.8 (9). Ward No. 9 (2). kheda (7), 216 Ajabpura (2), 217 Karanpura (1), 218 Chapariya (1), 219 Rehtai (I). 220 Khajooriya Rarndas Rural (4), 221 Narella Bajyaft (1), 223 Bhonrasa (1), 224 Dangroli (l), 225 Langarpur (2), 226 Rampura Balachon Location code number and name 0/ village:- (4), 227 Bawlikhar (1), 228 Jhiraniya Kanka.r (2), 229 I Surajp"llra (3). 2 Amlya (1), 3 Khatakhedi (2). Kbukaria (4), 231 Nalkheda (6), 232 Bhensoda (5), 233 4 Ganakhedi (1). 5, Majedgarh (2), 6 Babookhedi (I). Semra Kalan (3), 234 Saphawa (1), 236 Kachnariya (4), 8 Garha Brahman (I), 9 Umariya (2), 10 Beejapur (1), 237 Chak Kheda (1), 238 Garentia Dangi (1), 240 Jhika:­ 11 Chandpura (2), 12 Kolukhedl Khurd (2), 15 Sindhora riya Kalan (1), 241 Chataua (4), 242 Goriya Sankheda (I), (5), 19 Khejda Kalyanpur (1), 20 Ramaha (I). 23 Khan­ 243 Hiran Khedi (1), 244 Tarawali Kalan (5), 245 S,on­ dariya (1), 25 Kherkhedi 0). 29 Najirabad (6), 38 Bar­ kachh (I), 247 Darwaji (1), 248 Khujarkhedi.(2), 249 beli Kalan (4), 42 Karhaiya Kota (2), 45 Bheelkl10 (2), Arrawati (1), 250 Ganga Pipalia (2), 251 Undrai (1), 46 Badbeli Khurd (1), 47 Dongargaon (I), 48 Behrawal 252 Bard Gujar (1), 253 Tanda (1), 254 Barkheda Bara­ (3), 51 Nekali (1), 52 Manakund (2), 53 Naisamand (2), mad Gunga (3), 255 Barodi (2), 256· Pee pal Khedi Baj­ 54 Malkhari (2), 56 Barkhedi (1). 57 Amarpur (I), 58 yaft (2), 257 Maholi Bara'mad (3), 258 Barkhedi Baramad Barkheda Katan (2), 59 Neemic1!:edi (2), 60 Bhujpura (2), 259 Dhamarra (3), 260 Serori Kalan (2), 261 Char Kalan (1), 62 Garha Khurd (I), 66 Kandi Khedi (1), Pahari Bajyaft (1), 262 Ronjhiya Bajyaft (2), 263 Juna­ 67 Tinoniya (1), 70 Hinotiya Ghat (I), 73 Bhakwaha (2), pani (2), 264 Jafrabad (2), 265 Rondiya (2), 266 Ijgiri 75 Jagmeri (1), 77 Garha Kalan (2), 78 Pasaiya (1), 81 (3), 267 Dillod (5) 268,.Harrakheda (6), 269 Kolukbedi Indarpura (1), 82 Tarawali Khurd (1), 83 Jamusar Kalan (2), 270 Keshokhedi (1), 271 Bagraj (2), 272 Barri Mutsil (1), 84 Sohaya (5), 85 Dohaya (3), 90 Bijawan Kalan (1), Bagraj (2), 273 Khejra Babar (2), 275 Rusalli, MutsiI 91 Ankiya (4), 95 Semra (2), 96 Karbaiya Shah, (3), Dillod (1), 276 Hinoti Sadak (4), 277 Pardi (2), 278 99 Khajuri Rani (1), 103 Runaha (1), 104 Sunga (2), Kalara (I), 279 Peepal Kheda (2), 280 Untkheda (1), 105 Karhaiya Brahman (I), 106 Damila (2), 108 Sesapura 282 Pipalia Kadim (2), 284 Bhoodor Kalan (1), 285 (I), 109 Gondipura (2), 110 Shahpura (2), 112 Hinoti}a Unida /(1), 287 Khedi (3), 288 Manikhedi (1), 289 Piran (2), 113 Barrai (2), 114 Parsoriya (2), 118 Mangal Khadimpur (1), 291 ~andikhedi (1), 292 Sukalia (6)" Garh (3), 120 Padli (2), 121 Karhaiya Khurd (I), 123 293 Bhenskheda (2), 296 Bhungiyai (4), 297 Kutkipura, Hinotiya (1), 125 Bagapura (I), 128 Chatahedi (2), 129 (1), 298 Karondia (2), 299 Gunga (3), 300 Jaitpura (2)" Rampura Khurd (1r; 130 Khejramisar (2), 13l Jamusar 301 Ratua Ratanpur (I), 303 Mundia Kheda (1), 305. Khurd (l), 133 Arrai Sardars ngh (I), 134 Barela Kheda Kotra Chopra (2), 306 Pipalia Junnardar (1). I (1), 135 Parwariya (1), 137 Babachiya (8), 08 Laharpur (1), 139 Parason (I), 140 Dhootkhedi (I), 143 Bhaopura 2 SEHORE TAHSIL (1). 146 Pars ora (1), 147 Junapani (1), 148 Khitwas (I), Urban 149 Pathariya(i), 151 Megra Kalan(4, 152 Arrai Raisingh Location code number and name o/Iown:- (1), 153 Dungariya (6), 155 Mundlachand (2), 157 KOlu­ khedi Kalan (4), 158 Shukla (1), 159 Jangliapura (I), IV SEHORE 160 Bamhora (I), 162 Nidanpur (I), 164 Dhenkpur (2), Ward No.1 (20), Ward No.2 (15), Ward No. 3. (21), 165 Semri Khurd (I), 166 Bairagarh (4), 167 Lalaria Ward No.4 (2), Ward No.5 (22), Watd-No. 6 (13t. WN\l (12), 169 Narela Damodar (3), 171 Khajuri Ranku (5), No.7 (12), Ward No. 8-(:'1), Ward No.1j (al1) W.af4 lifo. 172 Manikhedi (I), 173 Baksi (1), 174 Kotra (3), 175 10 (27), Ward No. 11 (£4}, Ward ,No. nl(50). Dhanora (2), 176 ~hojapura (2), ,177 Ramgarha (2). 178 Non Municipal Urban Area<+(2) Habibganj (2), 179 SalOl Sangraj (I), 180 Keetkhedi (2), 181 Garentiya Bajyaft (2), 182 Jagan Khedi (I), 186 Rural lmaliyaswr,oop (1), 187 Dewal Kheda (I). 190 Karariya(2) Location code number and l!time 11/ ~ilIage: 191 Kulhore (2), 193 Latifpur (I), 194 Meethichhapri (I), 2 Barmuvad (1), Pater ~fl 4 Bansia (lh ~ &ta». 195 Jhirnia (I), 196 Karhaiya Kho (1), 197 Laloi (II), bari (2). ,7.MMdora (1), 8,.Gawa,~), 10 Mahua Khera(l) 318




11 Durgaon (I), 12 Magardikhurd 0). 13 Lodipura 205 Kharpa (1), 206 Ramkheri (J). 207 Lasoodiadb.kar (2), (3). 14 Chandbar (I), 15 MagarElikalan (I), 16 Magarda 208 Mahodia (4), 209 Shivpuri (11, 211 Sherpur (I), (t). 11 Patera (1), 19 Mungaoli (3), 20 Manpura (1), 212 Takipur (I), 213 Lasoodiapadhar (3). :!14 Jamni (2), 21 Bisankhera (I). 22 Jetla (1), 23 SUkhera(3). 24 Bazar 215 Hedarganj(l), 216 Bishankhera (2), 217 Chitoryaban(2). (3), 26 Chbatarpura (~), 27 Motipura (1), 28 Jugrajpura 218 Mographool (4),219 MUgispur(l), 220 Padli(2), 221 Ba­ (I), 29 Acharoi (2), 30 Sankala (2), 31 Kakukheri (2), rwakheri (3). 223 Muskara (2), 224 Pachpipali(3), 225 Cbi­ 32 Path aria (I). 33 Kolukheri (I), 34 Barkhera Hasan IN.A.), toriya lakha (4), 227 Cbitioriyanema (2), 230 Saranga­ 35 Marhati (2), 37 Charna1(8}, 38 Gundi (1). kberi (I), 232 Bijlou (3), 233 Kulaskab~n (3), 236 Am­ 40 Phanda (1). 41 Garhi Bagraj (1). 42 Parlia (2), la (I), 239 Naplakheri (1),240 Gurbhela (S), 241 Jahar..gir­ 43 Arnia Sultanpura (1), 44 Pilukheri (5), 45 Hasanpur pur.(3), 242 Bbagwanpura (ll, 243 Pialiyamira (5),244 Alaro Tinonia (5). 46 Bankbera (5). 48 Ahmadpur (10). pura (I). 245 Kulaskhurd (1). 246 Sikandarganj (I). 49 Manjhera (2), 50 Suakheri (3), 52 Dehri (1), 247 Cbapribaramad Ashta (2), 248 Mullani (l). 250 Lala 53 Padyala (5), 54 Gopalpura (2), 55 Bbilakheri (l), kheri (1). 252 Jata Khera (4),253 Mograram (4), 254 Hasna 60 Chhatri (4), 61 Bhojakheri (I), 62 Kbastakheri (I), bad (2). 255 Titora (I), 256 Barkheri (2), 251 Hirapur (1), 63 Ramjakheri (3). 64 Pipalkhera (3), 65 Rasoolpur (3). 258 Dbablll (t). 260 Nllpli (I). 261 Cbainpura (2), 162 Son. 66 Mandkhera (3), 69 Hingoni (3), 70 Bamulia (5), da (3), 263 Udpura (I). 264 Konajbir (l). 26S Kala­ 71 Soti (8). 72 Bairagarh Chhatri (l). 73 Khaikhera (3), pahad (1), 266 Barnagar (2). 267 Pipaloer (I), 268 Rala­ 14 Sikandar Pura (2), 78 Waheedganj (I). 79 Barkhera wati (l), 269 Sikandarpura (2), 210 Khedli (I). 271 Bban­ Dewa (8). 80 Boodakbera (1), 81 Hinoti (2), 82 Hatya deli (2). ·272 Satpipalia (S), 273 Amlljbir (6), 274 Dha­ khera (4), 84 Rawankhera (I). 86 Kasarkberi (1), boti (2), 275 Bomolia (16). 276 Bhansakheri (2), 88 Panbihar (2), 89 Raipur (2), 91 Mabuakhera (5), 277 Uljhawan (8), 278 Ramakheri (l). 279 Bhojnagar (3) 93 Barkbera Kbaret (2), 94 Takia (1), 96 Kadrabad (2), 280 Bilkisganj(12), 282 Sagoni (l), 283 Barkberabajyaft (I), CJ7 Mukhtar Nagar(S),98 Kzsba Sham pur (30),99 Binhia (10), 285 Patni (I). 288 Khari (1). 289 Dhamankhera (l). 101 Choki (1). 102 Barkheri (I), 103 Sarkhera (4), 290 Shikarpur (2), 291 Imlikhera (1), 293 Lilakberi (I). 104 Khadampur (4), 105 Hirankheri (I). 106 Gulkberi 296 Khutiakheri (1), 299 Awalikbera (1) (2). 107 Nivaria (2), 109 Kasba Doraha (14), 113 Patan 302 Ammamai (I). (I), liS Kbandwa (18), 116 Khajooriakhurd (2), 3 HUZUR TAHSIL 117 Moonjkhera (I). 118 l\.{ittukheri (2), 121 Jbarkbera (2). 123 Sonkatch (2), 124 Satpon (1). 125 Jajankheri(l). Urban 127 Nonikberi (1). 128 Saradi (6), 129 Baradikalan (3), BHOPAL TOWN GROUP 130 Khusamda (2). 131 Dhobikheri (2), 132 Rampalasi (2). 133 Kachnaria (10). 134 Khajooriakal.n (11). Location code number aud name 0/town:- 135 Kar.njkhera (I), 136 JetJi (I), 137 Dbankheri (I), 1 BHOPAL 138 Jhagaria (1). 139 Jamoniakhurd (6), 140 Deoli (1). 142 Dhankheri (2). 143 Magarkhera (3), 144 Nipania(2), Ward No.1 (3). Ward No.3 (3). Ward No.4 (4), Ward 14S Barbell (2), 147 Atralia (I), ISO Kapoori (2), No 8 (3), Ward No. 10 (2), Ward No. II (I), Ward No. lSI Nipania (5), 152 Sekhpura (4), 153 Waheedganj (3), 12 (2), Ward No. 13 (4). Ward No. IS (I). Ward No. 16 (1), (54 Muhali (3), ISS Semara Dangi (8), 156 Dobra (3), Ward No, 17 (I). Ward No. 18 (3). Ward No. 21 (2). Ward 157 Cbhaprj (3), 158 Janpur Bawaria (4), 159 Rola (3). No. 22,(2), Ward No. 23 (2), Ward No. 25 (2), Ward No. 160 Mung.oli (4), 163 Dodi (4). 164 Ratakhera (1). 26 (3), Ward No. 28: (5), Ward No. 29 (4) 165 Karari.bhil (1), 166 Moondakalan (2), 168 Man. 11 GOVINDPURA, H.S.L. pura (2), 169 Rajukberi (4). 170 Jakbakberi (3) III BAIRAGARH. • 71 Raipura (2), 172 Hasanpura (I), 173 Khamalia (6), 174 Taj (3), 175 Dupadiabhil (3), 176 Manakhera (2), , Raral 178 Cbbaprlkhurd (I), 179 Baktal (1), 180 Kadia Cbhi~ Location code nUmber aM narne of,lItage:- tu (4). 181 SemUkburd (1), 182 Jamonia (2). 183 Noni­ khedgusaln (2), 184 Amrod (1). 18S Chondi (1), 186 Sema­ 1 Sagonia (1) 2 Kachhibarkbera (I). l Dupadiya (I). Ulcalan (I). 187 Kacbnaria (I), 190 Chbaprikalan (I), 4 Raipur (2). 6 kanera (I), 8 Kadhiya (I). 10 Chan­ 191 Bijora (2), 192 Bijori (3), 193 Thunakhurd (2). deri (1), 11 Kutbar (4). 1l Deopur (I), 13 Barkheri (94 ThuDablan (5). 195 Raipumayakhera (2). 197 Laso­ Hajam (n, 14 Shah pur (3). 15 Hlnottya (I), 16 NJpa. odiakhlll (1). 198 Sqrampur (2), 200 Sewania (2). niya Jat (2), 17 Raslakhedi (1). 19 Agariyajapr (1) 201 Awantipura (I), 2OlAbdul~apur (1), 203 Pachawan (4) 23 Bagooiya (4), 24 Jbaopadiy. (I), 25 Nipani,. '3l9




Sukha (2), 27 Ratatat (2), 31' Sumer Kheri (I), 255 Ranpadiya (5). 256 Bagroda (3), 257 Khurchani(l). 39 Manikl!.erikot (I), 40 Golkhadi (I). 4: Kanch Baali (I). 263 Bairagarh(3). 2€S Dohri Kalan (I), 266 Suhagpur{l1 47 Mungaliyaha (8), 48 Tarasewaniya (6). 49 Pipa­ 269 Chhan (1), 272 Bangrasiya (2), 2'73 Badjhiri <0" Iiyachhapa~ Baad (l), 50 Pirthipura (1), 5~ Guradiya (2), 274 Anwla (5), 276 Derda (1), 277 Inayatpur (II. 52. Acharputa(1), 53 Hajjampura(l). 54 Intkheri(2), 55 Gh­ 278 Kankadiya (2), 281l Semri Kalan (I), 283 J{odi(l~ asipura (3), 56 Islamnagar (8), 63 Jhlrniya (I), 64 Rati­ 284 Nareia Hanumantsingh(l), 285 Samardhakaliya Sot (2.), bad (2), 66 Khejradeo (2), 69 Parwaliyasani (3), 70 Arwa­ 286 Samasbpura (1). 287 Mahavadiya (1), 289 Amrava4 liya (3), 75 JCalakheri (2). 76 Rasuliya (2), 77 Chan­ Kalanm, 290 Bhojnagar(2), 291 Sewaniya(l}, 294 l{otr;l ·dukheri (4), ,. Kurana (4), 79 Dobra (3), 80 Parewa­ (I), 298 Gole (Jagir (2), 299 Sobhapur Jabej (1), Kheda (3). 81 aisankhedi (4), 86 Tumra (5), 87 Ratan­ 301 Bandori (I), 302 SuraiyaNagar(I). Pur (I), 88 Neel~ad (2), 89 Parwaliya Sadak (2), 90 lJadar Ka SMak, (2). 91 Mubarikpur (3l, 92 Gondar(JIau (2), 4 ASHtA TAHSIL 93 Badwai (4), 94 Lamhakhera (4). 95 Nabi'Bagh (2), 96 Pipaliyabajkhan (2), 97 Malikheri (2). Urban 100 Samardha (I), 101 Barkherabondar (2). Location code number and name oftown:- le2 Pipalner (2). 103 Palasi Jagir (2), 104 Rusalli (I), IllS Karhod Kalan (I), 106 Rasaia Khedi Jadid (I), V ASHTA ·)07' Khejara Baramada (I), lOS Sewaniya Onkara (2), 109 Kbori (I), 110 Barkhera Salam (7), 112 Bairagarb Ward No. 2 (1). Ward No. 3 (3), Ward -No. 4 (4)~' Kalan (4), 113 LaukhCri (3), 114 Singar ChoU (2), Ward No.9 (2), US Neori (2), II 7 Bhanpur (2), 120 Mohalijagir (3) Rural 123 Kanasaiya (I), 124 Bakaniya ,5), 12S Bhouri (3). 126 Behanta (I), 121 Halalpur (I), J28 Nayapura (I), Loca#on code number lind nam. of yillage:- 134 136 133 Kolua Kalan(I), Narela Shankari(3), Chha­ I Sulkheri (2l, 2 Maina (10), 3 Godi (2). 4 Loras Khurd (~ wni Adampur (2), 138 Dhamaniya (I), 139 Khetla 5 Kamalpur Kheri (I), 6 Husainpur Kited' (Z~ Khedi (1), 140 Kolu Kheri (I), 141 Jamoniya Chhir (2), 7 Atralia (4). 8 Nipania Kalan (6), 10 Mandl.. Mohabba (71 142 Bhensa Khedi (4), 143 Borban (3), 146 Hatai Khera (I), 147 Bil-khariya Kalan( I), 148 Khar Khedi(4), 12 Murawar (2), 13 Karman Kheri (2), 14 Karamr (6),' 149 Phanda Kalan (10), ISO Khamla Khedi (I), 16 Kham Kbera (Bejmath) (4), I~ Pao Kheri (2), 18 Si~ 151 Khajuri Sadak (3), 1.52 Lakhapur (I), 153 Beelkhera hoda (4), 19 Banbirpur (1), 20 Kumrawada (1),- Kalan (2) 155 Bishankheri 161 Khajuri Khurd (I), 21 Pataria Goyal (I), 22 Shambhu Kberi (2), &3 Muftdla (3),' 164 Kolua Khurd (2), 165 Sal'lkal (I), 166 Pipaliya Dna­ 24 Hirapur (1), 2S Lasuria Sukha (I), 26 Cbopa~ kaT (3), 167 Intkheri Chhap(2), 16il Mu,ogaliya Chhap(3). ria (5), 28 Kachnaria 13), 3i Mana Kheri (1), 32 Lasuria' 170 Khajuri Kalan (I), 175 Phdnda Khurd(2), 176 Dubdi Khas (2), 33 Gadra IQheri (2), 35 Bheel "bed W~ (I), 178 Kajlas (10), 179 Rolu Kheri (I), J80 Barkhera l6 Beesu kbedi (2), 37 Kajlas (I), 38 Kundia Nathu m", Nllthu (6), 181 Gora (3), 182 Sewaniya Gond (I), 39 Jiwapur Mahoria (l), 40 Kalapipal (2). 41 Harna~J-1 1114 Pipaliyapende Khan (2), 185 Barkhera Pathani (I) da (2), 42 Bhonri Kalatl (1). 43 Gau Kberi (2) 44 Hajj:", 192 Jatkhedi (I), 193 Kodiya (5), 194 Lasudliya Gosai pur (3), 45 Kalyanpura (3), 46 Kania It.b.eri (~. (l). 195 Mali Khedi (4), 196 Neelbad (4). 197 Ban;:iJt"ri 47 Bejnath (3), 48 Ch8psifl~, '49 THoria l2), '2 Lakhmi­ Kalan (I), 198 Barkherl Khurd( ,), 204 Bag Sew'; Khurd(l), 208 Jhangariya(2), 209 Amjhira (2), 211 lila 60 Du.paria (1), 61 M0bananwipnr Pakooi ~1), 63 ~~u­ Kheri (3), 212 Nandni (4), 213 Kharp'i (I), 214 Sikdn­ lia Khe&ncili (4), 64 M&lukberi (5), . 65 Kot,~itt~~D ,(ip,), dr4bad (21, 215 [(11 Klerd (5). 217 M4ndori (1), 67 'Bamuliarailnal 14), 69 ·Parwa!~~C~Qh.~,;,"(R}, 221 Bavariya Kalan (6), 222 Ahmadpur Kalan (I)t 73 Tigaria (6), 74 Arnia Ganji (5), '';5 Kesbopur (1) 223 Katara (2), 224 BaMa.i (J). 22S Bavariya Khurd (I I, 226 Padariya Jat (2). 228 Narela (3), 229 Kharpa (2). 76 Phoodra (3), 77 Harania Gaon (2), 78 Hakimpur (2), 230 Semri Bazyaft (I), 231 Ratibad(2), 236 NaYdpura(I), 79 Khari (4), 80 -BftaMOOAll(t), ~f~lSi'i (3), 83 Mundi 237 Salaiya (2), 239 Jat Kbedi (2), 240 Bagli (2), Kheri (1), 84 Malikheri Baj),art (2), 85 Dalpatpura (2), 241 Semri Khurd (3), 242 Dahriya Kalan (2). 243 Kal­ 86 Sandho Kheri (3), 87 ~~a"kheri (5), 88 Umarpur(3), yanpur (2), 244 Mundla q). 24S Jhagariya Khurd (2). 89 Teepa Kheri (1), ~ Ow ~~\' 8J\.Ie ...\~ 246 Sarvar (I), 247 Phatehpur Dobra (I); 250 Chichli 92 Khajuria Jawar (4). 93 Dar Khera (I). 94 Dodi (1), (1), 252 Misrod (4). 253 Bheronpur (1). 254 Maksi (I), 9S Kankaria Kheri (I), 96 Rupeta (3), 98 Channotha (2), 320




99 GOpalpur (2). tOO Palaria Chor (4). 101 Hamid Kheri VII JCHHAWAIl (2), 162 Cbacbrasi (1). 105 MaJipura Ashta (J). 106 Alipura Ward No. 1 (36), Ward No.2 (11), Ward No. 3 (8) (4). 107 Karl Eberl (2,. 109 Falehl.'ur Kilerama (II. WHrd NQ. 4 (II), Ward No.5 (4). 110 Ba(}opura (2). 112 latakhera (I). 113 Samarda (2). 114 Rasulpura (I), 116 Kandra Kberi (2). 117 Mullani Rura. MangaJpur(l). 118 Kundiadbanga(l). 1l9Semii Bari(Z). l.ocaJion code number IInti name o/vWage:- 'flO Metwara (6). 122 Mohammadpur (1). 124 Sbekbu Khera (3), 125 PipaliasaJarsi (I). 126 Gurada Banda (I), 1 Bhadakhedi (2), 2 Amlaha (3), 4 Mohanpurlendy (I), 128 Jbalela (I), 129 Pardi Kheri m. ]30 Rupahera (2). 7 Sukaliyahansraj (ll, 8 Kaliyakhedi (2),1 I Narsinghkheda(4) 131 Bheronpur (I), 137 Bhagwanl.'ura (I), 138 Sagmal­ 12 Lasudiyaram (3), B Kankadkheda (2), 14 Dbaman. pur (2), 139 Ghanshyamplira (I). 142 Wafapur Dhakni da (5), 15 Durgpura (I). 16 Nagll (I), 17 Partappura (1) (2), 143 Mugli (2), 144 Mubarakpur (1). '145 Kasam­ ]8 Jamoniahatesi~gb (2), 19 Bhaukbedi (4), 20 Kudl (l). pura (It, J4(t Amipnr 0), 147 Guraria Roopchand (I). 21 Cbhaprtalluk (I), 22 Golukhcda (2), 13 Bisbao­ 148 Jbeekri (Jawar) (2), 149 limailkheri (2), 150 Bhana­ kbeda (I), 24 Barkheda (41. 2S Kulbadi. (I) 26 Chha. kherl (3), 152 Nijamrl (2). 153 Kbatsura (2). 154 Sat­ parikaran (I), 27 Bishankhedi (S), 28 Molakhedi (2), bara (I), ISS Cbintamanpura m. 156 Gawala (5). 29 Amlaramjipura (I), 30 Palkhedi (3), 32 Bicbholi (I), iS7 Gawall (5), 158 Sbabpurapan~hapura (I), 159 Khejra­ 33 Laokhedi (I), 34 Lasudiyashckhu (1). 35 TaimYR (4), Xbera m. 161 Gunjari (I). I62Amlamajju (6). 163 'Ban­ 36 Rampura (l), 37 Dehkbedi (I), 38 Jograkhedj (2), datiahat (2). 164 LasuriaJlw (2). 165 Barkhera (6). 39 Atraliya (I), 49 BhHgwatpur (,2), so Lasudiyag<>yal (1) 166 Lachbi Rampura CI), 167 Arolia (2). 170 Richharia 51 Molga (2), 52 Siradi (I), 56 Khejra (I), 57 Semli (I). ~71 Ourada Sirajuddin (1). 172 Bamulia Bhati (21. jadid (2), 58 Nawafpurl\. (I). 59 Abidabad (2), 60 Dha.­ 174 Norangpur (l), 175 Shankarpur (I), 179 Sobhakberl blaray (2). 61 Ramnagar (5). 63 Haiyakhedi (I), 66 Kalyall (2). 181 Bhonrasa (I). 182 Bapcha (3), 183 Bager (3). pura (f). 68 Mogra (2). 71 Bawadiyanoabad (I), 184 Barjbiri (I), 185 Beelpan (2), 186 Ouraria Verma 12 MohanpuCRoabad II). 73 Mawada (2). 74 Pau,arj (I) (6). 187 Haliakheri (I), 188 Barchbapura (4), 189 Kur­ 75 Sobankheda (I), 76 Balondiya (I) 79 Jatkhedi (I), fikalan (I), 191 UrJi (3}. 192 Gajna (3), 196 Kbajuria 80 Satpipliya (2) 8l Balapura (3), 82 Jhalld (4}. 83 hagra­ fcasam (3), 202 Deeplakheri (1), 203 Lasuria Bijaisingh khali (2). 84 Kalapipal (l), 88 Bavadiyachore (2), (3). 20S BhoQphor(I), 206 Shampur Tappa (2). 208 Har­ 89 Khajuriya Ohcngi (2), 90 Gorakhedi (I), 92 Ratanpur (2). rajkheri (2). 210 Pangrl (I), 211 Amia Ram (I). 93 Umarkhal (2), 95 Nayapura (4). 96 Nipa.niya (I), :l13 Amia Daud (2), 214 Khandorapura (I), 215 BbatoDi 97 Siwaniya (2" 98 Lasudiyakangar 0), 100 Gauklledi (I). (2). 216 Bonra (4), 218 Dhurarakhurd (I). 220 Katla(t), 103 Diwadia (14), 105 Kaneriya (I), 106 L<>tiya (0, 224 Bandaria Dalia (I). 225 Lakhiya (2). 2260uraria 110 Jamuhiyafatehpur (2). III Shahpura (2), III Himmat tburd (I), 227 Neel Bat (2), 228 Pagaria " Hat (2), pura (2), 113 Kusbalpura (I), 114 Amlanoabad (3), 229 Sbahl'ura Magarda m. 231 Dewankheri m, 116 Bordikalan (4), 119 Bijori (I), 120 BagaJlkheda (JI. 2.13 Morukbeti (1). 234 Kannod (3). 235 Nanakpur (I), 121 Mundla (2), 122 Ramdui {3), 123 Nilbad (2). 236 ICbamkhera (latra) (3), 237 Ibarkhcri (2), 238 Sheel­ 124 Kberi (Ill. 125 Jamli (2), 126 8irjisnagar (13), kher! Baramad (I), 239 KhcalyaplJra (I), 241 Magarkheri 129 Ariya (4), 131 Moyapani (I), 134 Gudari (2,. (I). 244 ArDia Johri (2). Z4S Ohuradakalan (31. US Phangiya (l}. 139 1harkheda (I). 140 Bawadi,. 248 SiddJqgaoj (4), 254 llUmat (l), 256 Bapcha- Gushain (3), 141 Bcerpura (l), 142 Semallpura (2), Baramad (I), 2S8 Udaipur (I), 259 Kac:hrod 144 Saras (1), 145 Haraspur (I), 147 DUdlai (I), 148 (Khacbrod) (2). 260 PipaJlacharnaraa (I). Z61 Bargbati (I). Rupdi {l), 149 Borepanidhundlawa 0), 150 Lohapatbar (I). 268 Mitthupura (1). 269 Chhapar(IJ. rio Naugaon (3), 151 Daulatpur (3) (52 Raghunathpura (1), 153 Rupadeb (I), 277 Kadukberl (2). 278, Singarcbori (1). 280 Maniram 154 Gadiya(l), 159 Nadhan (I), pura (I), 281 Jassupura (I), 292 Rampurakalan (2), '. : .3 Pirauakherl U). , NASRULLAGANJ TAHSIL J ICHHAWAR TAHSIL

U..... tIlbal CMotiOll cod, IIU1IIHr ami ,."",. 0/ towa:- NU .1 APJ:lUDD m-ootatlcl. TOWNS AND Vlt:LXCFsRAVlN'G Pt1CCA' WIU.S ftJI'11II SUfKy,O, DRINKING WATD TOG&TIID WITH THEIR NUMBER (1"B~)


lural 147 Alraita (4), 148 Neelkanth (I), 150 Sisti (5), 152 Dbo).. pr (4), 158 Narayanpura (3'), t!9 Ranipura (1), 160 Chorsa­ lAIcntion code number and name of villoge:- kheri (I). 162 Chhitgaookacbhi (1), 163 Ricbariya­ 2 DabrJ (2), 3 1C1iajoori (1). 5 NawaJgaon (2), jadeed (I). J65 Chbipan~r (3),. 9 Sirali (I). 11 "ftJooh (1). 13 Sewania (I), 14 Bhilai(l), 15 Chatarkota (J')f "16. Donglapani (2), 17 Iiplani (2), 7 BUDNI TAHsIL 18 Rafiq8ft'} (LtMhtil'(2). 19 Jflan~2), 2l) Sirati (I), 21 Ameerganj (3)" 26 Mariyado (I), 27 Pa)aspani (1), Uc". 28 Beelpati (I)" 29 ,Jtawakhurd (I), 30 Kuri Nayapura (1), ~Q. 32 Larkui (10), ~, tikamod (5). 34 Ratanpur (1), ..... 35 Pattalai (1). 36 $emalpani Jadeed (2), 37 Narela (2), l.o_loII code number an4 a/ villtIte:- 38 Outward (2), 39 AJDba (2), 41 Kankaria (I), nq,.. 42 Rampura Chakal~i (4). 43 Basantpur Pangri (2), I Cbandlakalan (I), 2 Khiriakurmi (2), "Murad (I), 44 Gularpura (4), 45 ILancbor (1), 46 Naharkbera (I). 5 Hoda (l}, 6 Rampura (1). 7 Cbekli (2). 8 Kartalai (1). 47 Kothra Pipalia (ll, 48 Nadiakhera Bajyaft (I), 9 Richhora (2). 11 Dungariya (3). 12 Neemton (2), 49 Kishanpur (3), 50 Hameedganj (Tumri) (4), 51 Chhapri ]4 Sankhedi (I}, 15 Khoha (4), 16 lslw,ur (1), 18 Seya~ (1), 52 Jhirnia (1), 513 Bhadakui (9), 54 Panchor (2). ganan (2), 19 Baktara (3)t 20 Matbar (1). 22 .Akola (4), 25 Neemkhedi (I), 27 Kbawada (2). 28 Ba~SBaqan, (3), 55 Hathigba( (2), 56 Goban (1), sa /amollia Bajyaft (I) 60 Palasikalan (2). 6] Bainsad (2). 63 Dhandia (l). 29 Sagpur (2). 30 Delawadi (I), 33 Panari (I), 341awa~ 64 R~war (3), 65 Barodiil (2). 66 Tajpura (2), 68 Chi- harkbeda (1). 35 Itwar (1), 36 Bineka (1), 37 Macbwai (]) chlahakhitrd (2), 70 Mohai (4), 71 Manjikheri (1). 38 Gondakbeda (I), 39 Amon (1), 40 Kosmi (2), 41 Ma.. n Sbampur (6). 73 Nimota (6), 74 Dhannas (1), kodia (Shahganj) (I), 42 Sudon (2). 44 Sudania (1), 45 Pi­ 75 Cbitgaon Moji (15), 76 Pipalkota (I), 17 Nipania (4), paliyakhara (2) 46 Hatbnora (1), 47 Dobi (5). 48 Kheri 78 Soyat (12), 80 Borkheta Khurd HI, 81 Bankot (2), silgaDa (3). 49 Khitwai (2), SO Ioniala (2), 54 Pal'aS­ 82 Magaria (2), 83 Kharsania (7). 84 Joglan (4), wada (2). 5~ Pabarkheri (3), 56 Shahganj(6), 58 Jait (I) 85 Mabrugaon (3). 86 Khatiakheri (I). 87 Khanpura (1). 60 Borna (1). 62 Bardha 0). 63 Jamoniakalan (2). 89 Chicbli (2). 9Q_Bain (1S), 91 Sukarwas (4), 92 Maha­ 65 Sardarnagar (1). 67 Nandner (1). 68 Thikri (1). gaon Kadeem (2), 93 Semalpani KaJeem (2). 94 Nimna­ 69 Nonbhet (2), 72 Chakla (1), T1 Kheri (4), 78 Bol'~ gaon (5). 95 Bijlan (4). 96 Nandgaon (3), 97 Satrana (I), dhi (3). 79 Khanpura (1), 80 Bagwada (3). 82 Jahaoput I) 99 Kalwana (4), 100 Rinjharia (I). 101 Bori (2), 83 Bisakberi tH, 86 Mundiakhera. (L), 87 Debri (I), 103 Chandagahan (4), 104 Rala (5), 105 Agra (I), 88 Bamhori (1), 89 DoDglli (I), 91 Pili~rar (2). 94 Bbar~ 107 Malajpur (2), 109 Borghati (I), 110 Pipalia (2), kul (2), 95 Ratanpur (3) 96 T~Jpura (1). 97 Mana (3). ] Il Barkheri (I), 112 Kumantal (2), 113 Dobhan (2), 98 Budni (7), 100 Jo&liij)llr (2), 101 Tamcharu (3), 1,14 Bansdeo(3), 115 Borkhera Kalan (3),116 Rujankheri(4). 102 Khargawali (5~ 103 Gondiguradia (12). lOll O"~UD­ '} 17 NasrulJaganj (20), 119 Chandpura (I), 121 Bachgaoll (2), kheda (1). 105 Kosmirehti (1), 106 Pipaliabazyaft (]). 123 Itawakalan (2), 124 Gilhad (I), 125 <1illor (2), 107 Bori (3). 108 Sagonia (1). 109 Itatsi (3); 110; Pangu­ 126 Sonha (4), 127 Parlia (1), 129 Basania (I), raria (3), 111 Bayan (8). 112 Unchakheda (1), 113 Pan­ 130 Gopalpur (4), 131 Barnagar (1), 132 Haliakheri \8), dadoh (1). 115 Barkbedi (2). 117 Maij!>a~an '(21 133 Richharia (2), 134 Mahagaonjadeed (2), 136 Seegaon (5) 118 Salkanpur (7), 120 Deogaon (2), 123 Rehti {2S). ]37 !tarsi (5), 139 Chich (3), 140 Borkheri (2). 144 Bag­ 125 Makoriarehti (1). 126 Ondia (2), 128 Kakarda (2), wara (9), 145 Jamonia~ndagaon (I). 146 Balagaon (4). 129 Nayagao (3). 131 Neenor (I). 132 Semaria (I). 322


I BERASIA TAHSIL it '.\SmA' TAHS IL Urbao Urban Nil Location code number and name of town:- Rural V ASHTA Nil Rnra) 2 SEHORE TAHSIL Location code number and name 0/ vlllage:-

Urban 65 Kothri Kalan, 126 Gudaria Bonda. Location code number and name of Jown:- 5 ICHHAWAR TAHSIL IV SEHORB Urban Ward No.2 (1), Ward No.3 (1), Ward No. , (I) and Ward No.6 (I). Nil Rural Rural Location code number and 1Ulme of village:- Nil 34 Barkhera Hasan, 37 Charoal, 43 Aroia Sultanpura, 109 Kasba Doraha, 253 Mogra Ram. 6 NASRULLAGANJ TAHSIL Urban 3 HUZUR TAHSIL Nil Urban Rural LfU:QI;on t;ode number and name of town:­ Nil BHOPAL TOWN GROUP I BHOPAL 7 BUnNI TAHSIL Wards Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. Urban II GOVINDPURA (H. E. L.) Nil III BAIRAGARH Rural Rural Location code nllmber and name of village:- 'LfU:ation code number and name of r1llage:- 98 Budni. 56 Islam Nagar. 323 APPENDIX IX


I BERASIA TAHSIL 4 ASHTA TAHSIL Urbaa Urban Nil Location code number and nOlJle of town:- Rural V ASHTA Nil Rural Location code number and nalne of village:- 2 SEHORE TAHSIL 91 Jawar. Urbaa Location code number and IIQme of town:- 5 leHnAWAR TAHSIL IV SEHORE Urban Ward Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12. Location code number and name of town:- Rural Vll ICHHA W AR NIl Wards Nos. I, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Rural 3 HUZUR TAHSIL Nil Urban 6 NASRULLAGANJ 'TAHSIL Localion codt' IIlImber alld name of 1011'11:- Urban BHOPAL TOWN GROUP Nil I BHOPAL Rural Wards Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, IS, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Nil 28, 29 and 30. n GOVINDPllRA (H. E. L) 7 BUDNI TAHSIL III BAIRAGARH Urban Rural Nil

Location code number anti name of vjl/ag~:- Rural 89 Parwaliya Saralc. Nil 324


1 BERASIA TAHSIL 4 ASHTA TAHSIL Urban Urban Location code number and name o/Iown:- Location code number and name of town:­ V ASHTA VI BERASIA Ward No. 3 (Wednesday). Ward No.4 (Thursday). Rural Rural Location code number and name oj vilioge- • 1 Locatifln code number and name of village:- 2 Maina (Saturday). 37 Kajlas (Friday), 6S Kothr 29 Nazirabad (Friday), 77 Garha Kalan (Saturday), Kalan (Saturday). 79 Khati (Monday), 91 Jawar (Thu­ 84 Sohaya (Sunday), 137 Babcbiya (Tuesday), t 57 Kolu~ rsday). 120 Metwara (Sunday). 216 Bhonra (Sunday), kbedi Kalan (Monday), 214 Damkheda (Monday), 228 Pagaria Hat (Tuesday). 248 Siddiqganj (Friday). 267 Dillod (Wednesday), 268 Harrakheda (Tuesday), 273 Khajda Babar (Monday), 293 Bhainskheda (Saturday), 5 ICHHAWAR TAHSIL 299 Gunga (Saturday). Urban Loca tion code number and name 0/ town:- 1 SEHORE TAHSIL VII ICHHA WAR Urban Ward No. 2 (Thursday). Location code number and name of town:- Rural IV SEHORE Location code number and name of village:- Ward No 2 (Tuesday). 2 Amlaha (Friday), 19 Bhaukbedi (Monday), Rural 67 Ram Nagar (Sunday), 88 Bawadia Chor (Friday), Location code number and name of village:- 103 Dewaria (Wednesday), 126 Birjis Nagar (Saturday).

14 Cbandbar (Wednesday). 34 Barkhera Hasan (Satur­ 6 NASRULLAGANJ TAHSa day), 37 Charnal (Sunday). 48 Ahmadpur (Tuesday), Urban 98 Kasba Shampur (Friday), 109 Kasba Doraha (Monday). Nil 280 Bilkisganj (Sunday). Rural Location code number and name of village:- 3 HUZUR TAHSIL 32 Larkui (Sunday), 42 Rampura Chakaldi (Tuesday). Urban 90 Bain (Sunday), 117 Nasrullaganj (Thursday). 121 Location code number and name of town:- Bacbgaon (Monday), 130 Gopalpur (Friday). BHOPAL TOWN GROUP 7 BUDNI TAHSIL I BHOPAL Urbtla, Ward No. 18 (Saturday), Ward No. 27 (Saturday), Nil II GOVINDPURA (H.E.L.) (Sunday). Rural III BAIRAGARH Location code number and name 0/ village:- Rural 17 Gadar (Wednesday). 19 Boktara (Friday), 47 Dobl (Sunday), 56 Shahganj (Monday), 67 Nandner (Thurs­ Location code number and name of village:- day), 98, Budni (Monday). 111 Bayan (Monday), 123 86 Tumra (Thursday). Rehti (Wednesday). 325



Note :-In this Appendix (i) C. C. S. stands for Co-operative Credit Society (ii) M. P. S. for Multipurpose Society, (iii) I. C. S. for Industrial Co-operative Society and (IV) '0' stands for Other Societies.


Urban 109 Kasba Doraha (C. C. S.), t 13 Patan (0), 115 Khandwa (C. C. S.), 121 Jharkhera (C. C. S.). 131 Dbobikheri (C. C. S.), 132 Rampalasi (C. C. S.), Nil 133 Kacbnaria (C. C. S.), 134 KhajooriakallJn (C. C. S.), 140 Deoli (0), 142 Dhankheri (0), 143 Magarkhera Rural (C.C.S.), 150 Kapoori (0), 151 Nipania (0), 152 Sekh­ pura (0), 154 Muhali (0), 155 Semaadangi (C. C. S.). Location code ~umbe, and name of village :- \ 158 Janpurbawaria (C.C.S.), 159 Rola(O), 160 Mungaoli

5 Majedgarh (C. C. S.).29 Najirabad (0), 83, Jamu­ (C.CoS.), 165 Kararia BhU (0), 166 Moondakalan (0), sarka Ian. (C. C. S.) 84 Sohaya (C. C. S.), 87 Dhaturiya 167 Molga (0), 168 Manpura (0), 171 Raipura (C.C.S.), (C. C. S.), 103 Runaha (C. C. S.), 137 Babachiya (C. C. S.), 172 Hasanpura (C. C. S.), 175 Dupadia Bbit (C. C. S.), 160 Bamhora (0). 167 Lalaria (C.C.S.), 169 Narela Damo­ 177 Menikheri(O), 178 Chhaprikhurd(O). 179 Baktal(O), dar (C.C.S.), 181 Garentiya Bajyaft (C. C. S.) 198 Mahua­ 182 Jamonia(C.C.S.), 192 Bijori(O), 194 Thunakalan(O). kheda (C. C. S.), 208 Birhashamkbedi (C. C. S.). 226 Ram­ 206 Ramkheri (0), 207 Lasoodia Dhakar (0). 208 Maho­ purabalachon (C. C. S.), 231 Nalkheda (0), 233 Semra dia (0), 213 Lasoodiapadhar (C. C. S.), 224 Pacbpipaliya kalan (C. C. S.), 241 Chataua (C. C. S.), 254 Barkheda (0), 231 Chanderi (C. C. S.), 233 Kqlaskalan (C. C. S.), Baramadgunga (C. C. S.) 256 Peepalkhedi bajyaft (0), 240 Gur Bhela (0), 241 Jabangirpura (0), 253 Mogra 257 Maholi baramad (C. C. S.). 259 Dhamarra (0). Ram (0), 264 Konajhir (0), 265 Kalapabad (0), 260 SemrikaJan (C. C. S.), 267 Dillod (C. C. S.), 268 Ha­ 272 Satpipalia (C. C. S.). 273 Amajhir (0), 274 Dbaboti rrakheda (C. C, S.), 273 KhejraBabar (C.C.S.). 276 Hinoti (0). 275 Bamolla (0), 277 Uljhawan (C.C.S.), 280 Bil­ sadak (C. C. S.), 293 Bhenskheda (C. C. S.), 299 Gunga (0) kisganj (C.C.S.), 289 Dhamankhera (0), 295 Kaharija­ 301 Ratuaratanpur (C. C. S.). . did (01. 3 HUZUR TAHSIL 2 SEHORE TAHSIL Urban Urban Location code number and name of town :- Location code number and name 0/ town :-- BHOPAL TOWN GROUP IV SEHORE I BHOPAL Ward 4 (0), Ward 9 (C.e.S.). Ward No.1 (C.C.S.), (O),Ward No.2 (0). Ward No, 3 Rural (C.C.S.), (0), Ward No. 4(M.P.S.), (0), Ward No.5 (0), Ward No. 6 (0), Ward No.7 (0), Ward No. 9 (I.C S.), Location code number and name o/vil/age: Ward No. 10 (I.C.S.) (0), Ward No. 11 (0), Ward No. 12 15 MagardikaJan (C. C. S.), 16 Magarda (C, C. S.), (0). Ward No. 13 (0), Ward No. 14 (0), Ward No. 15 22 letla (C. C. S.), 26 Chhatarpura (C. C. S.), 29 Acha­ I.C.S.), (0), Ward No. 16 (I,C.S.). (0), Ward 17 (0), Ward No. 18 (0). Ward No. 19 (0), Ward No. 21 (I.C.S.) roi (0), 34 Barkhera Hasan (C. c. S.), 35 Marhati Ward No. 22 (M.P.S.), Ward No' 23 (0), Ward No. 25 (C. C. S.), 37 Charnal (C. C. S.), 41 Garhi Bagraj (0), (I.C.S.), Ward No. 26 (0), Ward No. 29 (J.C.S.), (0). 43 Arnia Sultanpura (C. C. S.), 44 Pilukheri (C. C. S ). 45 Hasanpur Tinonia (0). 46 Bankhera (e. C. S.), II GOVINDPURA. H.E.L.-(O). 48 Ahmadpur (0), 54 Gopalpura (C. C. S.l. 57 Azmnt III BAIRAGARH.-(J.C.S.) and (0) Nagar (0), 60 Chhatri (C.C.S.), 62 Kbastakheri(C.C.S.), Rural 63 Ramjakheri (C.C.S.), 73 Khaikhera (0), 84 Rawan­ Location code number and name o/vil/age:- khera (0), 85 Bairagarh Khuwan (0), 91 Mahuakhera (C. C. S.), 96 Kadrabad (0), 98 Kasba Shampur(C.e.S.), 3 Dupadiya (0), 4 Raipur (0), 10, Chanderi (C.C.S.), 99 BicLhia (C.C.S.), 103 Sarkhera (0).104 Khadampur (0), 13 Barkherihajjam (0), 15 Hinotiya (0),16 Nipaniya Jat (0), 326



3 HUZUR TAHSIL (RuraJ)-Concld. 5 ICHHAWAR TAHSIL-Concld. 48 Tarasewaniya (0), 78 Kurana (0). 86 Tumra (0). Rural 110 BarkherasaIam (C,C.S,). HZ Bairagarhkalan (C.C.S.), Location code number and nome o!'village:- 113 Laukheri (C,C.S.), 124 Bakaniya (C.C.S.), 126 Behanta (C,C.S.), J42 Bbensakhedl (C.C,S.) J43 Horban (C.C.S.). 2 Amlaba (0), 3 Patariya Banka (0). 4 Mohanpur 149 Phandakalan (C.C.S.), (I.C.S.). 175 Phandakburd Lendy (0), 6 Patariya Seedha (0), 7 Sukaliya Hansraj (0), (I,C.S,), 178 Kajlas (('_C.S.). 192 Jatkheri (C.C.S.), 9 Bhojpura (0), 11 Narsinghkheda (0), 12 Lasudiyaram 193 Kodiya. (C.C.S.), 211 Tilakheri (C.C.S.), 272 Bangca­ (0), 13 Kankadkheda (0). 15 Durgpura (0). 16 Nagli siya (0). (0). 17 Partapura (0), 18 Jamoniya Hatesingh (0), 4 ASHTA TAHSIL 20 Kudi (0). 22 Golukheda (0), 23 Bishankheda (0). 24 Barkheda (0), 26 Chhaprikaran (0), 27 Bishankhedi Urban (0), 28 Molakhedi (0), 29 Amla Ramjipura (C. C. S.), Location code number and name of town:- 30 Palkhedi(O) 34 Lasudiya Shekhu\O), 35 Torniya (0)., 36 Rampura (0), 37 Dehkhedi (0), 38 Jograkhedi (0), V ASHTA 39 Atraliya (0), 42 Dhabla Mata (0), 49 Bhagwatpur(O), Ward No. I (C.C.S.). Ward No.7 (I.C.S.), Ward No. 8(0). 50 Lasudiyagoyal (0), 51 Moiga (0). 52 Siradi (0), 55 Binakpura (0), 56 Khejra (0), 57 Semlijadid (0). Ward No.9 (0). 60 Dhabla Ray (0). 61 Ram Nagar (0), 62 Goyalkhedi(O), Rural 63 Haliyakhedi (O), 66 Kalayan Pura Dhakad (0), Location code number and name of village:- 68 Mogra (0), 71 Bawadiya Noabad (0), 72 Mohan Pur Noabad (0). 73 Mawada (0), 75 Sohan Kheda (0). 80 2. Maina (C.C.S.), 9 Borkhe'ra (C.C.S.), 10 Mandia Satpipliya (0). 82 Jhalki (C C.S.). 83 Pangrakhati (0) Mobabba (0), 12 Murawar (0), 13 Karmankheri (0), 84 Kalapipa1(0l, 85 Gajikhedi (C.C.S.), 86 Ramgarh(O). 14 Kurawar (C.C.S.). 16 Khamkhera (Bejmath) (M.P.S.), 88 Bavadiyachore (0), 91 Arwaliya (0). 92 Rat(lnpur (0) 18 Sihoda (C. C. S.), 21 Patariagoyal (C. C. S.). 93 Umarkhal (O), 95 Nayapura (0). 96 Nip:miya (O), 24 Hirapur (C.C.S.), 26 Cboparia (0), 28 Kachnaria (0), 97 Siwaniya (0), 98 Lasudiyakangar (0). _100 Gallkhedi 36 Beesukhedi (M,P.S.), 37 Kajla, (C.C.S.), 4S Kalyan (0), 103 Dewadia (0). 105 Kaneriya (0), 110 Jamuniya pura (C.C.S.) (0), 46 Kaniakheri (C.C.S.), 51 Dhanana Fatehpur (0), III Shahpura (0), 112 Himmatpura (0), (C.C.S.) 54 Hakimabad (C.C.S.). 61 Mohammadpur Pakh­ 113 Kushalpura (0), 114 Amla Noabad (0), 116 Bordi ni (C.C.s.). 64 Molukheri (C.C.S.), 65 Kothrikalan (C.e.S.) kalan (0), 118 Chainpura (OJ, 119 Bijori {OJ, 120 B:..g:1O 66 Chhayankhurd (M.P.S.), 73 Tigaria (M.P.S). 74 Arnia khed;! (0), 121 Mundla (0). 122 Ramdasi {OJ. 123 Nil­ Ganji (M.P.S.), 76 Phoodra (C.C.s.), 77 Haraniagaon bad (0), 124 Kheri (0), 125 Jamli (0), 126 Brijisnagar (C.C.S.), 79 Khari (C.C.S.), 89 Teepakheri (C.C.S), (0). 129 Ariya (0). 131 Moyapani (0). 134 Gudari (0), 90 Gawakbera (C.C.S.), 91 Jawar (M.P.S.), 92 Khajuria 135 Phaugiya (0), 138 Laliyakhedi (0), 139 Jharkheda jawar (M.P.S.), 99 Gopalpur (C.C.s.). 100 Pagariachor (0), 140 Bawadiya Gushain (OJ. 145 -Haraspur (0), (0), (C.C.S.), 102 Chachrasi «(,.C.S.) 106 Alipura 147 Dudlai (0), 148 Rupdi (0). 151 Daulatpur (0), 114 Rasulpura (C.C.S.), 120 MetwaTa (C.C.S.). 126 Gu. 153 Rupadeh (0), 154 Gadyia (0). raria Banda (0), 130 Rupahera (C.('.S.), 132 Parolia (C.C.S.). 134 Tujpura CC.C.S.), 143 Mugli (C.C.S.). 6 NASRULLAGAl'IlJ TAHSIL 157 GawaJi (0), 167 Arolia (C.C.S.), 196 Khajuriakasam (0), 208 HarraJkheri (C.C.S.). 225 Lakhiya (0), 244 ACOIa Johri (0), 248 Siddiqganj (e.C.S.), 254 Jasmat (C.C.S.), Urban 256 Bapchabaramad (C.C.S.). 258 Udaipur (C.C.S.). 259 Kachrod (Khachrod)(C.C.S.) 260 Pipalia Cham.uan(O), Nil 269 Chhapar (0), 276 Naugaon (C.C.S.), 292 Rampura "-alan (C.C.S.). Rural

5ICHHAWAR TAHSIL Location code number and name village:- , 0/ Urban 17'Piplani (0), 21 Ameerganj (C.C.S.), 32 Larkui ... ocation code number and name 0/ town :- (C.C.S.), 38 Gutwani (0), 50 Hameedganj (Tumrit) (O)~ 60 Palasikalan {C.C.S.). 61 Bainsad {C.C.S.). 70 Mohal VII lCHHAWAR (0), 73 Nimota (0), 75 Chhitgaun-Moji (C.C.S.), 76 PiP~1 Ward No.2 (0). kota (C.CS .. ), 77 Nipania (C.e.S.), 78 Soyat (C:C.S.;, 327




80 Borkherakhurd (0), 83 Kharsania (C.C.S.), 90 Buio(O), Rural 93 Semalpanikadeem (C.C.S.), 94 Nimnagaon (C.t.S.), Location code number and name af village:- 95 Bijlan (C.C.S.), 104 Rala (0), 107 Malajpur (C.C.S.), 114 Baosdeo (0), ll5 Borkherakalan (C.C.S.), 117 Nasru II Dungariya (C.C.s.). 12 Neemton(O), 15 Khohu(O), Uaganj (C.C.S., M.P.S.O.), 118 Amlara (0), 123 Itawakalan 17 Gadar (C.C.S.), 18 Seyagahan (0), 19 Baktara (0), (C.C.S.), 124 Gilhari (0), 127 Parlia (0), 128 Digwar 27 Khawada (C.C.S,), 29 Sagpur (C.C.S.), 40 Kosmi (e.C.s.), (C.C.S,), 133 Richharia (C.C.S.), 134 Mahagaon ladeed 43 Baneta (C.C.S.), 45 Pipaliyakhara (0), 47 Dobi (0), (C.C.S.), 137 harsi (C.C.S.), 139 Chich (0), 146 Balagaon 48 Kheri Silgana (0), 50 10nta[a (C.C.S.), 56 Shahganj (C.C.S), 155 Mandhi (C.C.S.), 164 Demawar (0), )65 Chhi­ (e.C.S,O.), 58 Jait (C.C.S.), 59 Hignasar (C.C.S.), 67 Nand­ paner (C.C.S.), 166 Satdeo (C.C.S.). , ner (I.C.S.), 76 Kusamkhera (0), 78 Bordhi (0). 80 Bag­ wada (0), 82 Jahanpnr (C.e.S.), 98 BUdni (I.C.S.), 7 BUDNI TAHSIL 106 Pipaliabazyaft (I.C.S.), 111 Bayan (C.C.S.). 123 Rehti Urban (C.C.S.,LC.S.), 133 Mogra (C.C.S.), 135 Dipakheda (e.C.S.), 138 Manjarkui (C.C.S.). 140 Mathni (0), 154 Mardanpur (0).


1:bis part contains some useful official statistics pertaining to the district collected and compiled from various agencies (the agency or source is' indicated below each Table or Statement) and from 'official publications. These are presented under the following heads :-

1 Rainfall and Temperature

2 Economic Statistics: \ '(a) Agricultural;

(\) , Prices a.nd Wages (c) Live-stock and Taccavi

(d) Co-operation, Banking and Insurance

(e) Consumer's price index for working class

3 Administrative Statistics

4 Progress of Community Development Programme

5 Educational Statistics

6 Health, Medical and Vital Statistics-

(a) Health and Medical

(b) Vital Statistics

7 Communications Statistics

8 Miscellaneous 330 TABLE MONTHLY RAINFALL

SEHORK (a) Number of Rainy days. (b) Monthly Rainfall.

Recording Years 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Station r-_A--. r---..A.----. ,----"-----, ,..----"----. ,..----"----. ,----"---...... Months (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (LJ) (a) (b) (a) (b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sebore January N.A. N.A. 2 17.5 2 i9.3 2 1].4 February N.A. N.A. 1 13.7 March 1 4.8 N.A. N.A. April N.A. N.A. May N.A. N.A. .. . , . . June 8 141.5 9 116.8 4 33.3 4 77.7 15 265.9 July 10 181.6 15 583.9 19 413.0 20 4~3.0 10 234.7 August 9 161.5 13 351.& \9 546.9 9 &:1,,8 19 769.6 September 2 17.3 4 55.4 6 155.2 18 428.7 _ 15 413.0 October 1 8.6 1 3.1 1 13.5 4 182.4 November N.A. N.A. December N.A. N.A.

Total 31 515.3 42 1,111.0 50 1,165.9 55 1,129.7 65 1.877.0

Asbta January N.A. N.A. 3 24.4 2 11.9 7.4 February N.A. N.A. I 5.8 March N.A. N.A. 1.0 April 1 15.2 N.A. N.A. 4.6 May 1 9.7 .. N.A . NA. June 7 149.6 11 253.5 I 32.5 6 57.9 .. 'July 11 228.6 13 435.1 15 115.8 10 171.2 7 203.2 August 6 70.6 12 310.1 17 440.9 14 148.1 21 464.8 September 1 4.8 2 22.9 6 116.6 17 466.3 14 291.1 October 1 10.9 0.3 1 28.2 5 250.7 November December

Total 28 489.4 38 1021.9 42 730.2 51 890.4 49 1,221.8

Berasia January N.A. N.A. 2 22.9 2 11.2 2 15.2 February N.A. N.A. 3 24.6 " .. .. 1 10.7 March 1 7.6 N.A. N.A. 1 6.3 April . , N.A . N.A. ., 1.8 May 1 8.6 N.A. NA. 1 9.4 June 4 42.7 10 196.9 2 10.2 2 36.6 J1 189.5 July 10 124.5 11 323.6 14 200.1 10 293.1 8 56.6 August 15 336.3 13 178.8 12 204.5 13 128.3 23 563.9 September 3 13.2 1 6.1 8 84.8 20 437.4 15 369.8 October 1.6 1.8 3 18.3 3 87.6 November December 1.0

Total 34 534.5 38 732.8 38 522.5 53 951.3 62 1,284.4

Bhopal January N.A. N.A. 0.5 3 21.5 3 26.4 4 32.5 February N.A. N.A. lOA 2 1l.7 March 1 17.0 1.0 N.A. N.A. 1.5 2.0 April 4.3 N.A. N.A. " . . May .. N.A. • N.A. 0.8 i 5.3 June 9 125.5 9 155.2 2 85.6 7 65.8 7 154.7 July 7 17D.4 11 256.3 16 440.4 15 399.5 11 150.9 August 12 236.5 9 273.3 16 380.0 13 186.9 19 530.3 September 2 42.0 4 78.0 6 52.1 17 397.5 12 404.9 October 2 20.} } 3.3 2 20.6 5 200.7 November December 2 7.4

Total 33 611.5 37 786.4 44 982.9 S9 1,110.7 59 1,481.3 331

1.1 AND RAINY DAYS ( 1951 TO 1960 )


(in millimetres)

1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Recording __.A. __ --. , __.A._-----. .----"---., ,--""---. ;--_.A._~ Months Mation (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) ,-_.A._--. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2

11.4 3 35.8 4 43.9 January Sehore February 2 43.2 1 21.8 March April 3 90.7 2 27.7 L 11.4 May 7 266.9 5 116.6 4 83.6 4 90.4 7 206.0 June 25- 775,5 10 342.9 19 355,1 17 80.4 12 260.6 July 10 441.7 13 740.2 14 390.5 18 540.3 16 751.5 August 7 138.2 7 153.9 11· 318.5 14 496.8 3 16.5 September 3 39.6 1 7.6 1 39.6 8 137.2 I 5.8 October I ... 1 15.2 November December

55 1,752.6 39 1,415.8 50 1,202.5 66 1,408.6 45 1,317.5 Total

4.6 5.9 3 31.5 January Ashta February 5 27.4 .. 2 29.2 March .. .. 1.3 1.8 April 3 80.3 2 12.5 2 16.1 May N.A. N.A. 7 110.5 4 51.3 - 3 452 7 130.3 June N.A. N.A. 9 3058 16 455.9 14 634.0 II 590.6 July 11 ,130.3 II 423.1 18 323.1 18 455.9 18 589.2 August 5 104.7 5 50.8 10 373.4 II 379.0 3 82.8 September 4 88.4 1 11.4 2 25.9 3 54.4 0.5 October 1 8.6 I 11.8 .. November 3 25.4 December

25 416.9 38 929.6 51 1,247.4 55 1,613.6 46 1,472.6 Total

3 14.2 104 3 45.4 January Berasia .. February 4 35.1 14.5 March .. 4.6 April 3 59.4 .. . , 2 52.0 I .. May 4 119.6 6 103.6 4 98.0 2 34.0 10 113.5 June 23 55!.7 14 269.0 17 332.7 14 374.0 13 231.9 July 13 333.5 12 266.5 16 233.9 13 398.5 19 402.7 August 7 99.8 3 131.1 12 224.8 7 1100 2 20.6 September 3 46.7 1 49.8 I 5.9 8 142.7 October November 2 18.3 0.8 December

58 1,243.2 41 866.3 50 895.3 46 1,111.2 49 833.2 Total

2 7.9 5.3 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. January Bhopal .. February 9 75.7 N.A. N.A. March April 2 73.9 1.8 .. May 7 150.1 9 15,-).8 7 239.5 N.A. N.A. 8 122.0 June 19 41l.S 14 238.8 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 13 334.8 July 12 321.1 17 3203 15 337.6 N.A. N.A. 19 409.2 August 6 162.8 7 1105 14 383.3 N.A. N.A. 3 72.7 September 3 19.3 2 6.1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2 42.1 October 1.8 N.A. N.A. Novemher 25.4 1.3 December

52 1 173.8 59 919.6 36 960.4 45 981.4 332 TABLE MONTHLY RAINFALL

SEHORE (8) Number of Rainy days. (b) Monthly Rainfall.

1954 1955 Recording Years 1951 ,..__ 1952.A...... --, 1953 Station ,.--...... ----'\ r-----"----, r-----"----, ,--...-A-._---, r----A.--..., Months (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (IJ) (a) (b) (a) (bJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Budni' January N.A. N.A. 1.S 3.8 I 7.6 5 30.7 February N.A. N.A. 2 13.5 .. 2 125 March N.A. N.A. April N.A. N.A. May .. N.A. N.A. . . June 7 153.4 9 124.2 3 27.2 7 109.2 IS 2RS.8 July 12 238.0 16 421.4 14 451.9 14 329.9 II 213.1 August IS 145.0 14 277.4 10 351.8 16 305.3 19 6!\2.2 September 4 79.8 4 97.5 7 1649 JR 440.9 14 345.9 October 2 20.8 I 12.7 2 10.7 6 207.0 November . . .. December " N.A. N.A.

Total 40 637.0 4S 935.8 36 1,012.3 60 1,216.1 70 1,767.7

lebb.war January N.A. N.A. J 20.6 2 23.6 2 16.0 February N.A. N.A. 8.9 .. 8.1 N.A . NA. March 1 8.9 .. N.A. N.A. 2.0 . . April 2 6.9 N.A. N.A. I 3.8 May .. N.A. N.A. . . I l)9 June 5 112.8 9 177.5 4 37.1 4 67.3 13 2228 July 10 211.3 13 349.0 20 351.0 16 330.7 II 160.3 August 10 147.3 12 474.0 16 423.9 13 142.2 19 674.4 September 2 24.9 2 12.9 6 84.8 21 521.7 14 331.0 October 1 6.3 I 32.0 1 10.7 4 185.4 November N.A. N.A. December t.8 .. N.A. NA.-

Total 29 511.5 39 1,031.0 50 949.4 58 J,106.3 65 1,600.6

Rehti January N.A. N.A. .. ) .8 J 25.4 2 20.1 February N.A. N.A. 2 8.4 . . .. 2 12.7 March 2.8 1 6.3 N.A. N.A. 1 3.3 April N.A. N.A. .. May .. N.A. N.A. 1.0 .. . . June 2 805 9 222.5 3 104.1 6 74.7 12 :317.5 July t2 246.4 21 516 I 14 324.1 13 410.0 10 345.9 August 13 228.1 14 497.6 N.A. N.A. J3 444.3 23 429.5 September 6 253.5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 17 3R2.3 10 317.0 October I 3.8 6 168.1 November .. December 0.8 N.A. N.A.

Tota} 33 811.3 47 1,253.5 17 428.2 54 1,357.5 63 1,598.1

Nasrullagani January N.A. N.A. I 3.1 2 .5 3 1 21.3 3 23.4 February N.A. N.A. 2 9.4 .. 2 9.7 March 1 7.6 N.A. N.A. April .. .. N,A. N.A . 8.9 1.5 May 1 2.5 I 4.8 N,A. N.A. " June 6 95.5 6 150.1 4 30.7 6 73.! II 153.2 July 13 273.1 15 371.6 11 331 7 11 2225 12 228.3 August 11 154.2 10 200.1 12 360.4 14 224.5 26 449.1 September 7 47.7 4 36.1 5 152.7 19 626.6 15 284.5 October I 5.2 0.3 3 18.0 1 8.9 8 225.0 November December

Total 40 585.8 39 775.S 37 898.8 54 1,186.6 76 1,373.9

AI 956.0 39 836.6 5ti 1,118.6 64 1,525.6 333

1.1 AND RAINY DAYS ( 1951 to 1960 )


( In millimetres )

1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Recording r---'---""'"l r--"----. r-_.A.----. r--.A-~ ~-_.J_--""'"l Months Station (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) ,...---A---. 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2

1 26.4 2 16.5 2 52.9 January Budni February 6 100.1 2.5 ., 16.5 March .. 1.8 April 1 61.5 .. .. 1 36.8 6 80.8 May 10 233.7 N.A. N.A. 5 43.7 3 97.8 10 236.7 June 23 639.1 13 168.9 15 317.7 . 15 676.4 18 552.7 July 14 255.3 18 432.6 IS 177.5 18 370.6 2 35.3 August 14 212.3 6 69.6 13 259.3 14 223.3 3 47.5 Sertember 3 17.8 2.3 2 24.4 3 54.9 Octoher 2 2(',4 November 9.1 December

68 1,455.2 44 799.9 51 825.1 S6 1,478.1 42 1,022.4 Total

4 23 1 3 587 January Ichbawar February 7 49.3 . I 27.9 March ...... April 3 7-4 9 .. 2.3 1 9.9 Mav l> 123.7 4 :n5 4 64.0 .'\ 127.0 10 145.0 June 21 594.2 14 2997 17 283.5 11 709.2 12 310.2 July 12 1669 14 415.0 15 269.2 15 299.5 16 543.7 August 8 1(\00 I) 115.8 12 415.0 12 2205 5 32.3 September 6 113.0 2 24.1 6 100.8 4 224 October 0.5 1 4.6 Novflmber 16.5 December

59 1.049.2 45 913.8 51 1,063.3 60 1,490.0 51 1,140.2 Total

January Rehtl February March April 5 72.1 May 7 127.0 June 2S 761.7 July II 147.1 August September October November December

48 1,107.9 Total

25.1 2 15.0 4 114.3 January Nasrullagani February 5 44.2 N.A. N.A. March 2 13.5 2.5 April 2 88.9 .. J 6.3 I 31.7 May 9 155.2 10 138.4 3 57.7 6 lIS.4 June 21 623.8 11 244 3 6 95.0 14 647.2 12 281.2 July 14 167.9 II 533.7 19 319.8 16 416.8 20 595.6 August 10 230.1 5 70.6 17 472.9 14 163.6 I.3 September 7 78.5 14 3734 5 90.1 4 59.0 October 3 22.6 1 46.3 November 1 4.6 December

67 1,371,6 4S 1,069,8 57 1,309.9 55 1,396.7 47 1,198.5 Total

54 1,196.3 44 987.8 49 1,072.0 48 1,214.0 46 1,131.9 District Average 334



MONTHSA ______~ r- Year January February March April May June July August September October November Decem- ber

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 1951 A 25.1 28.7 33.1 36.3 40.9 37.3 32.9 B 28.7 32.3 34.7 30.9 26.3 28.9 34.4 36.7 40.0 43.9 42.2 37.8 32.2 36.1 37.8 33.3 29.4 C 9.2 11.4 17.8 20.6 25.2 25.4 8.9 D 23.8 22.6 21.6 20.5 15.l 5.0 3.9 15.6 15.0 21.1 22.2 21.7 20.0 17.2 17.2 10.6 6.1 1952 A 27.4 30.7 33.5 39.4 41.8 35.9 30.7 27.6 31.3 33.4 29.6 27.3 B 30.0 34.4 39.4 42.2 43.9 41.7 35.0 30.6 33.9 35.0 31.7 30.0 C 10.& 14.3 16.2 22.9 27.5 25.2 18.2 12.5 12.1 D 23.1 21.9 21.8 5.6 8.9 10.6 18.3 21.7 20.0 20.6 20.6 19.4 I 12.8 10.0 8.3 1953 A 248 31.2 36.8 38.7 42.8 38.3 29.9 28.9 31.2 32.0 29.3 27.9 B 29.4 36.1 39.4 42.2 45.6 43.3 36.7 31.7 33.3 34.4 32.8 30.0 C 10.2 14.7 18.5 22.4 27.7 26.8 23.4 22.7 21.8 17.4 12.3 10.9 D 5.0 10.0 55.0 19.4 25.0 23.9 22.2 21.1 19.4 12.8 8.3 8.3 1954 A 24.8 29.3 33.8 38.7 42.2 38.3 30.3 29.4 27.8 29.6 28.7 26.1 B 29.4 34.4 37.8 42.2 45.0 43.3 35.0 33.9 31.1 30.6 30.0 30.6 C 9.6 13.8 17.4 21.8 27.0 25.7 23.4 22.5 22.0 16.6 13.0 . 10.1 D 4.4 7.2 12.8 16.7 21.7 21.7 21.1 20.0 19.4 12.2 9.4 5.0 1955 A 25.4 2&.5 35.0 36.2 39.9 36.4 31.2· 28.7 28.9 28.6 27.0 25.1 B 28.3 33.3 38.9 41.1 41.7 42.S 34.4 32.2 32.2 32.2 28.9 26.7 C 12.1 13.0 18.7 19.8 26.0 25.0 23.2 22.8 22.1 17.9 11.5 10.3 D 7.2 7.2 12.8 14.4 22.8 21.7 21.7 21.7 20.6 12.2 9.4 4.4 1956 A 25.6 28.4 34.3 38.3 40.8 34.0 28.1 28.2 29.9 29.9 26.1 25.4 B 28.9 34.4 38.3 41.1 43.3 361 34.4 31.7 32.8 32.8 28.9 28.3 C 11.3 12.1 ]7.3 22.3 27.0 24.4 22.4 21.6 21.3 18.4 128 10.9 D 7.2 7.2 12.8 18.9 21.1 20.6 21.7 19.4 20.0 13.9 7.8 &.3 1957 A 25.0 26.9 30.5 36.7 39.5 37.9 30.2 29.5 30.4 32.2 301 27.6 B 28.2 31.2 35.6 39.5 41.8 41.3 36'4 32.7 33.1 34.6 32.2 29.8 C 10.1 9.8 15.4 21.2 24.3 25.1 23.1 22.7 20.7 17.8 15.9 12.6 D 5.8 3.8 8.8 17.6 21.0 19.5 21.7 20.7 18.1 12.3 12.3 9.1 1958 A 27.3 29.2 33.8 39.1 40.9 39.5 29.6 29.9 28.8 30.2 279 16.0 B 29.8 32.3 38.3 44.2 43.6 43.3 36.4 33.4 31.1 31.5 30.1 27.7 C 11.9 12.0 18.1 23.8 26.3 26.6 23.3 23.2 21.9 18.6 14.1 11.4 D 6.9 8.3 12.3 19.0 23.8 22.7 20.0 22.0 19.9 13.8 11.3 7.1 J959 A 25.5 2&.1 35.0 37.6 40.6 37.0 29.6 28.4 29.7 30.9 28.4 26.5 B 30.5 33.6 38.6 41.3 44.1 39.8 37.9 31.4 .33.4 33.0 32.1 31.0 C 11.1 11.9 17.3 22.2 25.7 25.7 22.2 22.1 21.5 19.3 D.2 10.6 D 7.2 7.0 11.7 17.1 20.1 22.3 19.0 21.4 18.5 15.0 9.1 5.3 1960 A 23.2 30.6 32.0 37.9 40.7 37.6 31.9 27.4 31.9 31.3 18.6 27.9 B 28.6 34.3 37.6 40.9 44.1 43.0 37.4 30.2 34.8 34.0 30.7 31.0 C 9.4 12.4 16.4 20.6 25.0 25.7 23.1 222 21.7 17.6 12.3 12.6 D 4.3 7.6 11.2 14.2 19.9 22.2 20.8 20.7 18.7 12.1 8.1 7.1

A- Mean Maximum, B- Highest, c- Mean Minimum, D- Lowest. Source:-Director, Regional lH;:teorological Centre, Nagpur. :335 TABLE M.I LAND UTILISATIO~ STATISTICS ( 1951-51 to 1960-61 )

SEHORE DISTRICT (In Acres) Area not available Area cultivated for cultivation , ______Area cultivableA ______--. ,-___.A.. ___--. r:------"---- -. Land under misc. Permanent tree pastures crops and Area Land put Barren Fallow land and groves not according to non- and other than other included current grazing in net area Net Area Current to village agricul- uncultur- Clliturabl~ fallows Year papers Foresi tura! uses able land waste fallows lands sown sown I 10 1\ 2 3 I 4 5 6 7 8 9 41,670 1951-52 2,308,920 551,300: 105,800 93,700 398,500 63,900 130,800 300 922,950 I L.-:-__y ___....J L.______~------....J 1952-53 2,308,533 552,700 198,300 571,530 970,403 15.600,

1953-54 2,308,596 558,100 55,320 130,100 394,100 26,900 129,900 300 1,003,176 10,700

1954-55 2,308,555 562,300 55,400 124,700 378,500 20,000 130,200 350 1,023,405 13,700

1955-56 2,308,658, 580,600 55,326 118,719 356,416 21,489 128,449 267 1,029,512 17,880

1956-57 2,308,593 579,621 104,123 68,683 355,Q43 22,139 326,965 839,697 12,322

1957-58 2,308.593 579,236 104,174 68,888 343,790 23,548 326,680 852,414 9,863

1958-59 2,308,593 579,349 104,364 68,443 336,397 22,754 325,676 863,641 7,969

1959-60 2,308,593 580,989 106,658 65,668 510,533 29,624 122,634 882,354 10.133

1960-61 2,308,593 581,802 108,855 8,096 42,506 5,677 650,207 891,489 19,961

Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 336 TABLE AREA UNDER



, ______BASIC FOOD.A. ______CROPS ""'"\ Fruits Condi. Total and ments Other r--- vege- Sugar and Food Year Rice Wheat Jowar Cereals Pulses--'------. Foodgrains tables cane apices crops

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1951-52 2O,85!! 247,148 133.315 417,253 182,744 599,997 4.700 7.765 3,680 2 1952-53 14,044 226.267 206,499 468,552 ]83,738 652,290 5,887 2,514 4,639 18 1953-54 14,818 283,097 194,742 513,433 187,174 700,607 5,715 4,479 4,804- 3 1954-55 13,739 322,023 184,894 537,243 \ 170,913 708,156 5,334 6,109 4,896 51 1955-56 13.06'2 414,754 133,929 578,241 159,035 737;276 5,172 8,197 4,455 15 1956-57 15,177 491,050 76,175 598,375 137,787 736,162 5,185 9,636 5,041 2 1957-58 18,103 415,953 155,980 607,129 146,300 753,429 4,714 10,245 4,888 4 1958-59 18,114 421,887 165,243 622,886 149,004 771,890 4,873 7,752 5,464 9 1959-60 18,901 513,590 117,679 666,989 144,959 811,948 6,124 8,358 4,906 4 J960-61 19,173 468,703 162,103 666,288 150,836 817,124 5,981 '9,661 4,993 337


PRINCIPAL CROPS to 1960-61 )


( In Acres) Total Total area Area sown Net food Ground- , Total Total sown under more than area crops nut Oil-seeds Cotton Fibres all crops once sown Year

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

616,144 1,883 74,358 40,274 44,878 929648 6,698 922,950 1951-52 665,348 2,434 63,380 67,682 71500 995.342 24,939 970,403 1952-53 715,608 2,450 60,649 52,313 55,225 1,027,298 24,122 1,003,176 1953-54 724.546 2,775 54,500 67,555 70;672 1,046,840 23,435 1,023,405 1954-55 755,115 1,523 40,162 55,734 60,003 1,052,936 23,424 1,029,512 1955-56 756.026 1,284 69,787 35,306 37,924 864,734 25,037 839,697 1956-57 773,280 1,249 63,528 32,863 35,811 874,738 22,324 852,414 1957-58 789,988 1,425 59,374 36,115 39,954 891,786 28,145 863,641 1958-59 831,340 1.828 60,205 15,253 17,836 910,943 28,589 882,354 1959-60 837.759 1,811 54,369 21,406 24,004 918,396 26,907 891,489 1960-61

Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 338



Total Total Total Total Total Irrigated Net Cereals Total Food Sugar- Food Non-food area under Irrigated Year Rice Wheat 8 millets Pulses grains cane crops Cotton crops all crops area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 10 11 12

1951-52 78 1,818 1,955 655 2,610 7,649 13,604 • 94 13,698 11,235 1952-53 594 6,158 6,842 4,123 10,965 2,512 18948 9 250 19,198 .18,240 1953-54 60S 9,239 9.954 4,042 13,996 4,479 23,830 88 310 24,140 23,440 1954-55 270 9,481 9,861 3,095 12,956 6,109 23,776 7 204 23,980 23.244 1955-56 124 11.778 12,009 2,333 14,342 8,193 27,004 15 170 27,174 26,515 1956-57 226 10,OSI 10.391 1,702 12.093 9.636 26,708 80 182 26;890 26.470 1957-58 302 11,844 ]2,211 2,426 ]4,637 10,244 28,866 99 28,965 28,525 1958-59 281 16.644 17,011 2,704 19,715 7,751 32,345 114 32,459 31,743 1959-60 170 13.659 13,897 2,198 16,095 8,358 29,687 1 101 29,788 29,243 1960-61 266 12,776 13.103 2,186 15,289 9,661 30,187 87 30,274 29,711 Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh.


Year Canals Tanks Other wells Other sources Total ~------~------~ Government Private Total

2 3 4 5 6 7 9

1951-52 783 783 793 7,652 2,007 11,235 1952-53 890 890 1,480 13,020 2,850 18,240 1953-54 1,880 1,880 2,210 14,750 4,600 23,440 ]954-5' 1,913 1,913 2,644 14,796 3,891 23,244 1955-56 2,540 2,540 2,735 16,280 4,960 26,515 1956-57 2.716 2,716 2,405 16,156 5,193 26,470 1957-58 2,890 2,890 2,423 17,261 5,951 28,525 1958-59 2,783 2.783 3,163 18,789 7,008 31,743 J959-60 3.21S 3,218 2,721 ,17,611 5,693 29,243 1960-61 3,321 3,321 2,739 ; 18,136 5,515 29.711

,source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 339



SEHORE DISTRICT Area under Principal Estimate of Gross area commercial Year ofca- Costs invol- irrigated crops (the mmencement ved by upto the Future irriga­ area affected Name of Tahsil and or when Iike1r Stage of stages latest year tion Potential by the project S. No. Project Village to start progress (in Rs.) (in acres) (in acres) (in acres) ,.....,...., r--""--....,. ·r-..A..---. ,....---.J..._-\ r-__"'-'_""'" ,--..A..---. r-..A..--, ,...._...... _-"'" ,....---A---""", 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Hathai Khera Huzur Tahsil 1958 Head works 25.42 5,000 'l-Iathai Khera completed Lakhs . Village in 1960

Note: -Major Projects cost more than Rs. 5 crores. Medium Projects are those costing between Rs. 10 Lakhs and 5 crores. , " Sou,.ce:-Executive En,ineer, Irrigation Division, Bhopal.

TABLE 2A.6 YIELD RATES OF PRINCIPAL CROPS PER ACRE IN LBS. (1955.56 to 1960-61 ) SEHORE DISTRICT Year Rcice Jowar Bajra Maize Wheat Gram Tur Potatoes 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1955-56 561 347 305 500 432 1956-57 504 523 471 159 647 629 507 5,998 1957-58 352 867 478. 363 398 403 540 11,461 1958-59 784 611 506 670 603 443 756 10,173 1959-60' 676 581 405 364 619 581 465 11,179 1960-61 601 787 546 635 563 518 614 10,134

TABLE 2A.6-Concld.

Rape and Year Sugarcane Ground-nut Castor seed Sesamum mustard Linseed Cotton 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1955-56 1,910 121 402 157 105 1956-57 1,913 281 582 144 224 236 117 1957-58 1,979 448 589 144 229 155 220 1958-59 1,773 242 628 156 223 202 166 1959-60 1,840 317 81 249 220 69

1960-61 1,493 419 456 69 248 I 119 240

Source:-Director of Land Records. Madhya Pradesh. 340 TABLE


(19m (a) 1st Fortnight. (b) 2nd Fortnight. SEHORE ( .. ) Denotes that Figures were not available,

Food. January February Ma'rch April May June Year Market Grains Varieties r--__"'-"-'\ ,-_.A..----. ,--"---., ,-~ r-_""'_-, ,---"---, , (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1957 Bhopal Jowar White 12.37

1958 Bhopal Rice Fine 23.00 23.00 20.12 20.00 20.00 19.25 19.00 20.69 20.00 Medium 23.00 21.50 19.00 19.00 21.00 19.00 Coarse ...... Wheat Superior 15.12 14.00 15.50 13.50 18.00 18.00 16.81 18,00 18.50 20.03 Medium 13.12 14.00 13.00 14.31 14.35 15.75 16.95 17.22 18.17 Inferior 14.00 15.00 .. 15.12 Jowar White 9.06 8.50 9.00 9.00 9.37 ., 9.19 9.03 9.25 9.70 10.85 11.51 Gram Deshi 9.75 11.25 12.12 14.56 Bajra 9.75 11.40 Sehore Wheat Superior 15.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 20.00 Medium 16.00 15.00 16.00 18.50 Inferior 14,()O 16.00 16.50 17.50 Gram Deshi . . 12'00 .. 11.50 12.50 13.00 Gulabi 14.00

1959 Bhopal Rice Fine 23.50 23.50 22.50 22.25 17.00 22.00 IS.50 19.00 20.50 22.00 22.25 20.00 Medium 21.21 .. . . 2000 .. 16.25 16.50 Coarse 15.50 14.50 17.00 .. ., 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.25 Wheat Superior 22.50 30.50 25.87 23.75 23.25 19.10 17.12 17.75 16.44 .. 16.37 15.87 Medium 22.50 24.75 25,00 19.75 16.25 16.75 17.00 17.00 16.00 16.00 14.75 14.75 Inferior .. 22.66 . . 14.00 . . 15.75 15.25 13.75 15.00 14.50 Jowar White 13.40 14.25 14.25 13.25 13.25 12.75 12.50 12.12 12.25 11.73 11.37 Yellow .. 11.25 11.50 Bajra ...... 17.00 . . '. . . 12.00 Gram Deshi IS.50 21.00 23.20 18.00 18.97 18.37 14.00 14.37 14.50 15.62 13.97 12.00 Gu1abi 17.50 Sehore Wheat Superior 23.00 25.88 23.50 20.50 19.25 16.00 14.50 14.25 16.00 15.75 15.67 16.00 Medium .. . . 15.67 13.75 14.00 15.00 14.75 14.83 15.15 Inferior 20.00 ...... 14.33 13.00 13.25 13.00 14.00 14.25 14,50 Gram Deshi 20.00 ' 22.00 20.00 20.50 20.00 17.17 15.00 15.00 14.25 14.75 15.50 14.75 Gulabi 22.00 .. 25.00 22.00 18.67 17.00 16.50 14,50 16.00 16.00 26.00

1960 Bhopal Rice Fine 21.75 22.00 22.00 28.00 25.00 25.75 30.00 24.00 24.00 Medium 15.25 15.00 .. 16.00 16.00 .. 16.00 16.50 16,25 17.50 Coarse 15.00 16,00 16.20 16.00 17.00 18.00 Wheat Superior 17.30 17.00 17.00 15,00 15.83 15.00 15.25 16.00 16.00 15.00 15.00 MediunI 16.50 16.50 16.00 14.50 14.58 14.50 14.50 15.00 \5.00 14.25 \4.00 14.00 Inferior 14.87 15.00 13.50 13A2 13.00 13.25 14.00 14.50 12.87 12.12 13.00 Jowar White 12.75 13.00 12.50 12.50 12.04 11.75 12.50 13.75 13,75 12.75 12.12 12.75 Yellow ...... 13.25· 13.25 Bajra 17.50 15.50 17.00 .. 17.00 17.00 15.00 15.00 .. . . Gram Deshi 12.50 13.00 13.50 13.75 12.33 11.75 13.00 1325 12.87 12.50 12.25 Gu1abi

Sehore Wheat Superior 18,0) 17.00 17.00 15.75 14.83 14.50 .14.00 14.00 16.50 15.75 15.75 16.~O MedIUm 17.50 15.75 i5.50 14.75 14.33 14.00 . 13.00 13.00 15.50 14.50 14.50 15.50 Inferior 16.50 14.75 14.50 14.00 }3.83 13.50 12,00 12.00 13.50 \3.00 13.00 \3.50 Gram Deshi 12.00 12.00 12.)0 13.00 12.33 11.75 12.00 12.00 12.50 12.25 12.00 12.50 Gulabi 1600 24.00

Source ~ Director of Land Reeo. ds, Madhya Pradesh. 341

2JU STAPLE FOOD GRAINS ( In Rupees per maund 1

to 1960) DISTRICT

July August September October Novemb~r December Year ,-__..A..~ ,---A._~ ,-----"---...... I r-___.A.. __,-,\ r--...... A..-r-"-'\ r----"----,"" (a) (b) (a)' (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28


.. 24.00 2S.00 25.00 24.25 ~3.25 21.00 1958 , 21.25 21.50 23.12 23.00. 19.00 ...... _.. 17.50 17.81 15.00 16.75 20.44 20.15 21.60 21.58 22.62 23.50 21.15 25.78 23.50 24.50 27.45 26.50 18.48 19.25 19.00 2~25 20.50 21.00 20.75 23.00 22.07 2200 22.77 24.25 . . .. I •• .. 22.25 . . 20.19 20.00 20.62 2300 12.25 12.50 13.00 14iOO 14.50 13.67 13 88 12.50 12.62 11.15 13.37 13.50 14.75 IS. l2 15.00 15.88 16.42 19.:.\7 20.l2 17.25 19.50 17.69 19.50

24.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 21.00 23.00 24.00 24.50 25.00 23.00 23.00 . . 20.00 22.50 20.00 2[,00 2050 21.00 22.50 22.00 22.00 .. 1900 ;20.00 2000 . . .. 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 13.50 14.00 14.25 14.00 15.00 15.33 16.50 17.00 18.50 20.00 22.62 21.00

24.00 21.75 21.00 J8.62 .. 21.00 24.50 24.00 ,. 21.00 1959 22.00 18.00 .. 21.25 17.00 n.50 .. 18.62 15.50 1600 In.25 16.00 1600 16.50 .. .. 16.50 . . 15.00 . . 16.00 17.12 16.75 IQ.OO 20.50 19,50 20.50 19.00 18.17 17.75 17,12 15.00 15.00 16.00 1650 17.00 18.00 20.25 .. 17.15 17.12 1662 ...... 16.50 . . . . 16.25 17.50 15.00 .. 12.50 12.12 12.50 12.50 12.50 14.36 14.75 13.25 13.17 11.75 13.12

" ...... 12.50 11.75 15.25 13.12 11.00 12.94

16.50 16.00 16.00 16.50 19.50 16.00 1900 19.00 18.67 18.25 1800 15.75 15.25 15.00 15.50 19.00 15.50 17.50 18.00 17.67 17.25 17.50 J4.75 14.50 14.50 15.50 18.00 14.50 17.00 16.67 16.25 16.50 13.50 15.50 1450 15.50 15.50 15.50 14.00 14.00 12.83 12.00 1200 16.00 22.00 18.50 22.00 22.00

24.00 21.37 24.67 21.75 2200 22.00 21.37 22'.00 24.00 22.00 2400 1960 .. 19.25 PUO 22.00 .. 19.00 21.00 20.50 16.00 20.50 15.00 t9.00 18.87 ., 1900 18.00 18.75 17.00 13.50 .. 15.50 15.11 15.75 16.25 15.12 15.25 15.00 15.25 1500 16.50 18.25 15.00 15.00 16.00 14.00 ., 14.50 14.50 14.00 14.00 14.50 .. .. 13.54 15.50 13.50 13.50 1400 13.25 13.00 J3.00 13.50 15.12 14.06 15.00 14.75 13.50 13.75 12.50 12.75 13.00 12.37 12.50 13.00 12.50 11.00 ., " .. ., t4.75 15.00 14.75 14.87 15.50

16.00 16.50 15.83 15.00 15.50 11).00 14.00 15.50 15.50 1500 1400 14.50 15.00 13.00 IH)O 15.00 15.00 14.17 13.25 14.00 12.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.75 14.50 15.50 14.00 342


DAILY WAGES (In Rupees) PAID TO MALES FEMALES ~ND PERSONS IN SPECIFIC AGRICULTURAL AND SEHORE A-Unskilled LabourersA- or______Farm Servants ..... Year Reporting and village r----Plough. Sowers and Transplanters Weeders Reapers & Harvesters month centre men ,--____,.A___~ r-----_J,_-----""" ,-_____.A. _____..... M F Non-adults M F Non-adults M F Non-adults

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1958 January Doraba February " 1.50 1.00 0.75 March 1.50 1.25 1.00 April 1.25 May .. 1.25 June .. 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 July .. 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.62 0.50 0.37 Augua.t •• 1.25 0.50 0.62 0.50 September .. 1.25 0.75 0.62 0.50 October .. 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.62 0.50 November 0.62 0.50 " J.50 1.25 1.25 1.00 0.75 December 0.75 0.62 0.50 " 1959 January Doraba February .. March .. 1.50 1.50 1.00 April .. May ,. 1.50 June .. 2.00 July .. 1.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.62 0.62 0.50 August .. 1.50 0.75 0.62 0.62 September .. 1.50 October 1.00 0.75 0.75 " 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 November .. 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.15 0.75 December .. 1.00 0.75 0.75 1960 January Doraba February .. March " 2.50 2.00 April .. 2.50 2.00 - May .. June .. July .. 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 August .. 1.00 0.81 0.81 0.81 September .. 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 - October .. 1.00 2.00 1.50 November .. 1.00 1.00 1.00 December .. 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.00 343

2 B. 2


A':Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-SkiIled Labourers or Artisaos r------,-----'----"'------"""\ _..A.. __--. Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers Reporting Year and r------"--.- .-- """\ Carpenters Black-smiths Village M F Non..,adults M P, Non-adults centre month

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1958

1.25 1.25 0.75 0.50 3.50 4.00 Doraha January •• February 1.25 .. \ 1.25 0.75 0.50 3.50 4.00 •• 1.25 1.50 1.00 0.75 3.50 4.00 March 1.25 " April 1.25 0.62 0.50 3.50 4.00 " 1.25 1.25 0.62 0.50 3.50 4.00 .. May 1.50 1.50 1.00 0.75 3.50 4.00 June 1.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 4.00 July 1.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 4.00 .. August September 1.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 4.00 " 1.50 1.00 0.15 0.50 3.50 4.00 October 1.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 4.00 November 1.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.50 4.00 December 1959

1.50 1.25 0.75 0.50 3.50 4.00 Doraha January 1.50 1.25 0.75 0.50 3.50 4.00 .. February 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.00 3.50 4.00 March 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.00 3.50 4.00 .. April 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.00 3.50 4.00 May 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.25 3.50 4.00 June 1.50 1.50 1.00 0.75 3.50 4.00 July 1.50 1.50 1.00 0.75 3.50 4.00 .. August 1.50 1.25 0.75 0.62 3.50 4.00 September 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 3.50 4.00 October 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 3.50 4.00 November 1.:!5 1.00 4.00 " 1.50 0.75 3.50 " December 1%0 l.SO 1.25 1.00 0.75 3.50 4.00 Dorab. January 1.25 1.00 0.75 3.50 4.00 1.50 " February 1.50 1.25 1.00 3.50 4.00 ,. March 1.50 1.25 1.00 3.50 4.00 " April 1.00 4.00 1.75 1.50 4.00 " May .. June 1.75 1.50 1.00 4.00 4.00 July 1.50 4.00 4.00 " 1.75 " August 1.75 1.50 4.00 4.00 September 1.75 1.50 1.00 1.00 4.50 4.00 .. October 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 ff November 1.75 1.50 0.75 4.00 4.00 December SDurce: Director of Land Records, M.P. 344

TABLE 2 C. 1



Number of r------'------'"" Sheep and ' Oil Electric Sugarcane Year Cattle Buffaloes Goats Tractors engines pumps crushers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1956 (Census) 514,555 106,773 60,482 59 285 2 767 1961 (Census) 538,499 117,896 70,223 42 664 62 470

Source:-Director of Land Records, Madbya Pradesh.

TABLE 2 C. 2

TACCAVI LOANS DISTRIBUTED ( 1956-57 to 1960-61 )


Type of Taccavi 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61

1 2 3 4 5 6 Seeds 1,344 318,241 94,185 Manure 9,163 13,880 129,416 3,308 Rahats .. 10,905 12,650 Pumping sets 35,740 121.850 103,500 Tractor purchases 12,000 Horticultural 12,000 2,700 2,500 (Development) Wells 169,945 180,415 296,375 200,245 Tractor ploughing 64,957 38,410 Soil conservation 81,929 800 Source:- District Agricultural Officer, Sehore. 345

TABLE 2 D. 1



Type of Society Year No. of ,No. of Owned Funds Working Capital Loans Advanced Societies $embers (in Rupees) (in Rupees) (in Rupees)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

'I Credit I (a) Central Bank 1951 1952 1953 Not Available 1954 1955 1956 1 89 584,901 1,594,416 37i ,842 1957 1 110 646,771 1,388,875 570,455 1958 1 175 792,190 2,090,460 1,814,390 1959 1 281 1.059,300 4,568,848 4,029,562 1960 1 395 1,303,831 6,563,716 5,461,000

(b) Agrcultural Societies 1951 245 10,453 1952 231 7,446 1953 232 7,477 1954 214 7,185 1955 214 7,185 .. 1956 167 5,831 36,000 160,000 22,000 1957 150 6,130 36,000 759,000 591,000 1958 161 8,289 88,000 1.714.000 1,342,000 1959 Il2 :3,658 651.000 2,600,000 2,500,000 1960 192 12,533 817.000 3,400,000 3,119,000

1951 2 138 (c) Non-Agricul tural Societies 1952 2 107 1953 1 118 1954 4 139 1955 6 374 1956 3 307 12,000 21,000 28,000 1957 5 396 16,000 33,000 32,000 1958 3 267 11,000 32,000 44,000 1959 17 625 27,000 63,000 75,000 1960 8 615 65,000 67,000 77,000

II Non-Credit 1951~ (a) Agricultural to Not Available other than 1959) Primary Rural Areas 1960 30 9,000 13,000 10,000

(b) Non-Agricultural Societies 1951 4 272 1952 2 260 1953 5 283 1954 10 603 1955 6 578 .. 1956 15 544 7,000 253,000 45,000 1957 25 1,595 37,000 762,000 313,000 1958 19 834 465,000 999,000 533,000 1959 42 1,693 584,000 1,500'GGG 346;000 1960 68 3,017 684,000 1,957, 61,000 Source:-Assistant Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Bhopal. 346

TABLE 2 D. 2 STATISTICS OF INSURANCE AND NATIONAL SAVINGS SEHORE DISTRICT Amount invested Year No. of Policies issued Amount insured Yeal' in National Savings (In Lakhs )j (in Rupees) 1 2 3 4 5 1959 N.A. 102.47 1959-60 5,550,249 1960 137.13 1960-61 7,277,676 "

Source:r-l Divisional Manager, Life Insurance Corporation of India. Indore. 2 Regional Director, National Savings Otganisation, Indore.


S. No. . Name of Banks Head Office or Branch Office Location 1 2 3 4 1 State Bank of India, Branch Office Ashta, Sehore, Bhopal and Pipiani Sehore and Bhopal 2 Punjab National Bank Ltd., " 3 United Commercial Bank Ltd., " Bhopal 4 Bhopal Co-operative Bank Head Office .. 5 Indore Bank Branch Office 6 Allahabad Bank .. ..

So",.ce:-Collc~or, Sehore. 347

TABLE 2 E CONSUMER PRICE INDEX NUMBER FOR WORKING CLASS (1951-60) BHOPAL CITY «Base Year I~Sl-IOO) \ Year General Food Fuel + Lighting Clothing, Bedding Miscellaneous and footwear 2 3 4 5 6 1951 100 100 100 100 100 1952 10'1 98 96 99 97 1953 97' 97 87 89 105 1954 91 86 96 95 104 1955 87 78 114 97 102 1956 98 94 U8 100 103 1957 101 94 120 106 111 1958 111 103 121 114 136 1959 116 110 121 113 142 1960 111 101 121 123 137 1961 113 104 121 128 140


January 112 103 121 128 136 February 113 104 121 128 137 March 114 105 121 128 137 April 115 107 121 128 138 May III 101 121 128 140 June 111 10J 121 128 140 July 113 103 121 128 140 August 113 104 121 128 140 September 114 104 121 128 144 October lIS lOS ill 128 145 November 115 106 121 128 145 December 116 105 122 12B 14S

Source: Director of &:onomics aDd Statistics. M.P. 348

TABLE 3.1 STATISTICS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE (1957 to 1960) SEHORE DISTRICT Number of Courts No. of Sessions cases No. of persons put up Convicted decided involving for trial ,--___.A. ______...... , ____.A. ____ ...... ,--__-.A. ___ ...... r:-----.A.----.., Magistrates Sessions Add}, Offences Offences Year Judge Sessions against against M F M F Judges persons property 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,-__.A. __""\ ,.---"---.., 1957 20 1 1 847 751 10,486 270 1958 18 1 1 589 566 3,115 335 1959 17 I I 461 478 2,303 136 1960 17 1 I 778 881 4,.581 349 Saurce:-District & Sessions Judge, Bhopal.


Year Number of Police Number of Police Number of Jails Daily average number of Stations Constables convicts in the Jail 1 2 3 4 5 1951 14 300 4 1952 14 300 4 1953 )4 300 4 1954 14 300 4 1955 14 315 4 1956 14 315 4 1957 14 315 4 19.58 14 315 4 195 1959 14 315 4 202 1960 14 315 4 281 Source:- 1. Senior Supdt. of Police, Sehore. 2. I.G. of Prisons, M. P.



Receipts from (In Rupees) ,--______.A. ______.~ - ______• ___ --, Entertainment Excise Motor Sprit Forest Tobacco Year Sales Tax Tax Revenue Tax Sales of Stamps Revenue Tax 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1951 N.A. 45,700 1,665,000 242,300 1.107,800 200,7~5 1952 N.A. 100,100 1,474.400 231,100 1,333,800 472,414 1953 N.A. 127,400 1,670,700 249,500 1,499,500 579,378 1954 N.A. 130000 1,662,200 400,300 2,057,100 586.855 1955 N.A. 161.000 1,618,300 315,200 2,853,'JOO 491,501 1956 N.A. 202,000 2,068,900 424,100 2,821.300 621,419 ]957 2,337,900 356,900 2,816.200 453,800 3,402,800 522,878 1958 2,164.200 356,500 3,922,100 313,800 615,900 3.383,200 653,790 ]959 2,982,200 390,200 3,728,900 420.000 694,400 3,817,600 773,395 ]960 3,465,400 496,200 7,560.800 512;700 1:128,300 3,558,100 765,823 Source: Colleclor, Sehore. 349


DEMAND (In Rupees) r------A.------'""' Collection Year Regular Arrears 1 2 3 4 1951-52- 2,203,918 100,167 2,203,898 1952-53 2,227,123 99,455 2,220,572 J953-54 2,780,825 110,939 2,794,783 J954-55 3,103,520 113,903 3,081.554 J955-56 3,\46,747 108,476 3,134,825 1956-57 3,165,731 116,766 3,124,186 1957-58 3,175,593 132,344 3,162.899 1958-59 3,185,776 129.843 2,64MB 1959-60 3,192,405 ]40,721 3,184,140 1960-61 3,196,469 145,832 3.203,932 Source: -Collector, 'Sehor e. TABLE 3.5 STATISTICS OF REGISTRATION (l9S1 to 1961) SEHORE .DISTRICT Year No. of documents registered Value of property transferred (in Rupees) 2 3

1951 121 88,325 1952 225 266,734 1953 402 231,663 1954 237 297,710 ]955 308 218,335 1956 368 451,428 ]957 448 1,017.519 1958 389 481,903 1959 289 436,954 1960 374 540,164 Source:-Sub-Registrar, Sehore.


( i) Income and Expenditure of Municipal Council, Sehore.

TNCOME EXPENDITURE (In Rupees) ,--~------'-"""------. r~------...... ------"'"'\ Public safety Non-Tax including Year Tax-Revenue Revenue Other Income lighting Public Health Education Public Works Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1951-52l r NOT AVAILABLE 1952-53) 1953-54 121.312 35,138 36,900 21,919 82,206 13,074 69,483 1954-55 141,065 31,785 25,000 32,369 93,646 16,536 77,476 1955-56 164,643 31,453 64,000 30,581 99.154 50,559 76,648 1956-57 174,739 34,238 25,000 29,575 86,525 8,816 83,165 1957-58 203,940 37,059 25,000 31,793 99,177 21,993 91,301 1958-59 170,946 30,308 29,250 23,792 92,601 20,124 93,093 ]959-60 166,349 34,341 25,000 23,459 89,409 10,708 71,614 1960-61 185,585 37,115 25,000 28,646 101,874 17,567 90,833 Source: Chi6f Municipal Officer, Sehorc, 350

TABLE 3.6-0ontd. STATISTICS OF LOCAL BODmS (Ii) Income and Expenditure of Municipal Coun~il, Bhopal. ( 1951-52 to 1960-61 ) SEHORE DISTRICT

INCOME EXPENDITURE (In Rupees) r------A..------"""'\ ~------~------Public safety Non-Tax including Public Public Year Tax Revenue Revenue Other Income lighting Health Education Works Others 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 238,602 1951-52 103,308 1,109,421 157,100 84,399 281,527 591,238 298,101 511,211 308,811 1952-53 1,116,252 107,466 316,000 134,402 318,083 1953-54 1,052,138 168,758 382,337 127,415 347,053 591,445 341,737 593,247 325,253 1954-55 1,253,356 46,541 180,000 129,368 375,733 1955-56 1,433,587 126,154 182,000 168,212 396,202 682,492 485,202 888,021 427,644 1956-57 1,825,702 164,810 182,000 150,043 518,537 1957-58 2,113,146 274,920 182,000 175,592 568,570 1,150,763 580,275 1,376.819 564,141 1958-59 2,368,923 481,840 1,288,800 141,186 598,220 1959-60 675,641 1,667,616 2,397,296 1,556,885 1,087,968 153,795 626.567 1960-61 2,923,964 1.709.574 980,066 174,556 835,429 2.032,853

I .Source: Chief Municipal Officer, Municipal Committe'e, Bhopal.

(iii) Income and Expenditure of Paochayats (1955-56 to 1960-61}

1955-56 10,932 4,195 8,770 121,768 32,982 234,303 3,696 97,055 1956-57 45,961 113,068 5,169 10,817 4,170 9,526 1957-58 10,817 4,170 9,526 97,055 45,961 H3,068 5,169 161,988 1958-59 108,153 75,968 263,460 3,483 15,903 8,662 121,064 1969-60· 17,876 45,001 194,757 247,612 i4,242 58,513 238,061 11,725 488,226 1960-61 109,192 20,732 737,138 5,710 19,555 15,761 548,200

'" Figures of Raisen District are also included. Source: Divisional Panchayats and Social Welfare Officer, Bhopal. 351



SEHORE DISTRICT Percentage Percenta~e Percentage to total of total area of villages population of the " No. of of the Population of the Name of Name of Date of Area in district \ villages district covered district No. Block Tahsil Inception Sq. miles covered '. covered covered (1961) covered Remarks 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

16.96 - 18.41 98,048 24.32 Started as C.p· I Sehore So11oTe 2-10-52 612 280 Bhopal, reverted to P.I. on 1-4-58 and to post stage II on 1-4-63.

2-10-52 517 14.33 274 18.01 53,698 13.32 Started as C. P. 2 Phanda Huzur Bhopal,~revertedto P.I. on 1.4.58 and to post stage II , on 1-4--63.

I 8.74 34,127 8.47 Started as C. P. 3 Ichhawar lchhawar 2-10-52 429 11.89 133 Bhopal, reverted to P. J. on 1.5.58 and to post stage II on 1-4-63.

18.47 64,310 15.96 Started as N.B.S. 4 Berasia Belasia 2-HM3 550 15.24 281 converted to C.D. on 1.4.55 and re- verted to stage II on 1-4-59.

83,008 20.59 Started as N.B.S. 5 Ashta Ashta 2-10-53 562 15.58 261 17.17 converted to C.D on 1.4.55 and re-. verted to stage II on 1-4-59.

37,168 9.22 Started as N·5·S. 6 Budni Budnl 1- 7-55 416 11.53 144 9.47 converted to C. D. on 1-4-58. Re- verted to stage II on 1-4-61.

I. 7 Nasrullaganj Nasrullilganj 2-10-56 522 9.73 32,728 8.12 Post stage 14.47 148 Extended upto 30--9-63.

Source:-Planning and Development Department, M. p,


NOle:- Information was not furnished by the District Educational Officer, Sehor", 352


HEALTH STATISTICS (1951 to 1960)


Year Description r------___--A. ______--'\ 1951 1952 1953 1~54 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

8 9 10 11 I 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Primary Health Centres 7 7 (a) Number 7 110 no 110 (b) No. of beds 2 Hospitals including Nursing Homes 9 9 (a) Number 9 9 9 349 349 349 (b) No. of beds 160 198 2 2 2 3 Dispensaries Number, 2 2 9 9 9 (a) M.C.W.S. Number 9 9 185 185 185 (b) No. of beds N.A. N.A. 4 Special Medical Institutions 1 1 1 ( I) Leprosy Home 1 1 1 (11) T. B. Clinics 1 1 1 5 No. of Registered Medical Practitioners 7 7 (a) Allopathic 7 24 22 20 6 No. of Registered Nurses 8 8 84 100 102 111 7 No. of Registered Midwives 35 12 12 12 8 No. of Registered Vaccinators 12 12 9 list of Family Planning Clinics 5 7 10 (a) Government

~ource:-Civil Surgeon, Sehore. Civil Surseon, Bhopal. 353



( 1958-60 ) SEHORE DISTRICT , SEHORE DISTRICT Year No. of NO. of Remarks Vaccinations Revaccinations Number of Number to whom ,--____.A. ___~ 4 contraceptives 1 2 3 "'Year Vaseqomies Tube Tying have been issued 1956 50,091 26,936 21,429 2,305 1 Z 3 4 1957 1958 12,307 5,954 1958 2· 2 512 1959 14,403 7,856 1959 14 57 609 1960 18,098 6,828 1960 48 86 788 Source: Civil Surgeon, Sehore. Source:- 1 Civil Surgeon, Sehore. 2 Civil Surgeon, Bhopal.

TABI.. E 6.A.5 TABLE 6.A.4 PROGRESS OF NATIONAL MALARIA B. C. G. CAMPAIGN ERADICA nON PROGRAMME ( 1952-1960 ) ( 1959-60 to 1960-61 ) SEHORE DISTR ICT SEHORE DISTRICT S.No. Year Tested Vaccinated Remarks 1 2 3 4 , Villages protected during ,-______.A. ____~ Total No. of 1 1952 88,736 26,505 The work was Year villages ht Round lind Round 2 1953 44,299 17.065 not done every 3 1954 76,153 34,147 year. The teams 1 2 3 4 4 1955 ,88,063 39,154 moved from 1959-60* 3,087 3,087 3,151 5 1956 109,289 42,677 district to dis- 1960-61* 3,087 3,153 3,057 6 1957 65.013 25,007 trict. 7 1958 36,002 15,866 8 1959 16,777 4,261 9 1960 20,556 11,811 Source:-Malaria Medical Officer, N. M. E. P. Unit, Source:- B.C.G. Superivisiog Medical Officer. lie B.C.G. RatJam. Teams, Indore. *Figures of Raisen District are also included. 35(


BIRTHS AND DEATHS CL~SS(FJED BY SEX in Rural and UrbfJ'/t AretJ8 Separately ( 1956 to 1960 ) SEHORE DISTlCf Births Deaths Infant Deaths Infant ,-__--A. __~ Total/Rural! ,----"---~ ,-----"----, Birth Death Death Year Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Rate Rate Rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1956 T 9,879 5,143 2,880 1,779 1,289 1,104 28.82 8.95 159.30 R 6,908 3,238 1,975 963 1,173 1,030 U 2,971 1,905 905 816 116 74

1957 T 8,292 7,063 3,173 2,663 1,168 851 28.80 10,9 355.76 R 5,882 4,933 2.628 2,316 1,083 802 U 2,410 2,130 545 347 85 49 1958 T 4.327 3,892 2,654 2,399 990 926 30.30 9.8 343.98 R 3,933 3,564 2,550 2,325 971 913 U 394 328 104 74 19 13

1959 T 4,316 3,516 1,450 1,358 538 480 1M3 ~.38 129.98 R 3,909 3,151 1,370 1,301 521 473 U 407 365 80 57 17 7 1960 T 7,015 ' 6,409 2,373 1,763 683 533 24.60 7.93, 90.59 R 4,215 4,051 1,522 1,366 611 483 U 2,800 2,358 851 397 72 50 Source:-Civil Surgeon, Sehore.

TABLE 6 B. 2 DEATHS IN THE DISTRICT FROM SOME SELECTED CAUSES ( 1955 to 1960) SEHORE DISTRICT Year ,------"------=------, Causes 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cholera 42 13 3

2 Small pox 28 3 Plague

4 Fever 3,365 3,262 3,167 2,000 3,211

5 Dysentry 87 85 34 98 146

6 T. B. 10 77 80 30 34 87

7 Injuries 3 2 3 3 2

8 Natal and Post Natal 16 12 31 40 26

9 Cancer 12 7 10 14 27 31 10 Heart diSease 3 17 2+ 26 23 Source:-Civil Surgeon, Bhopal. Civil SurKeon, Sehorc. 355

TABLE 7.1 COMMUNICATION STATISTICS-ROADS ( As on 31.3.1964) SEHORE DISTRICT Type Le. All Total distance weather, Perma- filling in the nent or fair S.No. Name of Road From To \ district weather Class Kind ,.:....--.-0..----, Miles Furlongs

~ 3 4 S 6 7 9 I National Highway 1 Bhopal-Narsingarh Bhopal Narsingarh (upto 27 All Weather I Black Topped Parvati River) II State Highwal I .( Bhopal-Sehore-Ashta Bhopal Ashta 46 " n III Major District Roads '} Sehore-Narsingarh Sehore Shampur 17 5 I .. 2 Sehore-Ichhawar ~ehore Ichhawar tI 6 J Black Topped and " W.B. M. Source:-Executive Engineer :P. W •. D. (B. & R.) Sehore Division, Sehore.

TABLE 7.2 DISTANCE FROM SEHORE TO THE HEADQUARTERS OF CONTIGUOUS DISTRICTS, DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS, STATE CAPITAL TOWNS AND ALL CITIES HAVING MORE THAN ONE MILLION POPULATION (lll Kms.) Serial No. Name of District Distance by Rllil Distance by Road Remarks 2 3 4 4 A Contiguous Districts 1 Dewas 186 (Via Ujjain) llS 2 Shajapur 103 (Berchha to Shajapur 19 Km. by road 174 3 Rajgarh 102 4 Vidisha 92 (Via Bhopal) 106 (Via Raisen) 5 Raisen 83 6 Hoshangabad 113 (Via Bhopal) 142 B Divisional Headquarters Bhopal 39 2 Indore 208 (Via Ujjain) 3 Gwalior 427 (Via Bhopal) 4 Jabalpur 376 5 Rewa 609 (Via Bhopal-Bina Katni) Satna to Rewa 51 Km. by out-aier.(,;y 6 Raipuf 730 (Via Bhopal-Jtarsi-Nagpur) 7 Bilaspur 777 (Via Bhopal-Bina-Katni) C State Capitals and Cities having more than One Mtllion Population

"'Hyderabad 1,013 (Via Bhopal-Itarsi-Nagpur-Wardha­ Kazipeth) 2 Shillong 2,137 (Via Bhopal-Jhansi-Luckhnow-Siliguri­ Gohati to Shillong 99 Km. Gohati) by out-agency 3 Patna 1,121 (Via Jabaipur-Allahabad) 4 "'Ahemdabad (602) Via Ujjain-Nagda-Ratlam) S Shrinagar 1,627 (Via Delhi-Ambala-Jallandhar-Pathankot) Palhankot to Shrinagar 401 Km. by out-agency 356


Serial No. Name of District Dis\ance by rail Distance by road Remarks t 2 3 4 5 6 Trivendram 2,347 (Itarsi-Nagpur-Vijaywada-Madras­ Trichinapalli) 7 Bhopal 39 37 8 *Madras ],522 (Via Bhopal-Itarsi-Nagpur) 9 *Bombay 837 (Via Bhopal) 10 Mysore 1.781 (Via Itarsi-Kbandwa-Purna­ Secunderabad-Dronachalam-Banglore) It Bhuvneshwar 1,479 (Via Itarsi-Nagpur-Raipur­ Vijaynagaram-Khudra Road) 12 Chandigarh 986 (Via Bhopal-Delhi) 13 Jaipur -665 (Via Nagda-Sawai Madhopur) 14 Luckhnow 622 (Via Bhopa!-Jhansi) 15 *Calcutta }.572 (Via Bhopal-Katni-Allahabad-Mugalsarai) .• ]6 *Delhi 842 (Via Bhopal) 17 *Banglore 1,642 (Via Itarsi-Khandwa-Purna­ Secl!nderabad-Dronachalam)

* Cities having more than 1 million population. Source: 1 Railway Time Table. 2 Executive Engineer, P.W.D. (B & R), Sehore Division.


S. No. Name of Station S. No. Name of Station

Broad Guage: Western Railway 2 Misrod 1 Sehore 3 Mandidip 2 Phanda 4 Obaidullaganj 3 Bairagarb 5 Barkhera 4 Bbopal 6 Budni I Broad Guage: Central Railway North side I I South Side 1 Sukhil Sewania 1 Habibganj 2 Dewa:nganj SOllrce:-Railway TimeTable. 357



Whether telegraph and Whether telegraph and S. Type of telephone S. Type of telephone No. Name Office facilities also exist No. Name Office facilities also exist 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 Berasia Tahsil 7 Bhopal Jinsi Sub-office 1 Berasia Sub-otfice T.O. 8 Bhopal lahangirabad .. T.O. 9 Bhopal lumerati T.O.; P.C.O. 2 Lalaria Branch office 10 Bhopal Palace " T.O.; P.C.O. 3 Laloi " u 11 Bhopal Secretariate T.O.; p.e.o. 4 Suhaya 12 Bhopal Shahjanabad T.O.; P.C.O. S Berkhera Baramad Gu/nga " T.O.; p.e.o. 6 GUnga 13 Bhopal Shishmahal .. .. 14 Bhopal Sikandar Sarai Sebore Tahsil 15 Bhopal Sultania Infantary Sehore Sub-office T.O.; P.C.O. Lines 2 Kbajuri Kalan BranFh-office 16 Bhopal T.T. Nagar T.O. 3 Shivpur 17 Bhopal Vidya Bihar Sub-office P.C.O. 4 Sehore R.A.K. 18 Ahmedpur Branch office Agriculture College Sub-office ]9 Amarabad 5 Sehore Ganj Ba'zaria Branch office 20 Berkhera Esan 6 Sehore Mandi ., 21 Idgah 7 Sehore Town " 22 Tnt Kheri " 8 Bamalia 23 Islam Nagar 9 Bilkishganj 24 Kamaria Kalan " JO Barkhera Hasan to 25 Bairagarh Sub-office T.O.; P.C,O. II Kotri 26 Bhori Branch office 12 J ahangi rpu ra 27 Gandhi Nagar 13 Mahadeo .. 28 Govindpura (Bhopal) Sub-office T.O. 14 Mograram .. 29 Piplani Administrative office .. 15 Mundla Kalan 30 Misrod Branch office 16 Mungawli " 31 Mungalia Chap " 17 Ranyal 32 Nabi Bag 18 Thuna Kalan 33 Phanda .. 19 Uljhawan 34 Raipur " Shyampur 20 Sehore Sugar factory Sub-office 35 21 Sewada Branch office 36 Berkhera Nathoo 37 Tilakheri " 22 Charmal .. 23 Duraha 38 Toomara .. 24 " Khai Khera .. Ashta Tahsil 25 Kbandwa 1 Ashta (Bhopal) Sub-office T.O. 26 Sonthe to 2 Bamodia Bhati Branch office 27 Kbajl.lIia Kalan .. 3 Bhora 28 Berkbera 4 Dadi Huzur Tahsil 5 Gwali 6 Hakmiaba(j 1 Bhopal Head office TO,.; PCO. 7 Khadi 2 T.B. Sanatorium Bhopal Branch office t. 8 Khamaria 3 Bhopal Budhwara " " 9 Kurabar t' 4 Bbopal Chouk Sub-office To; p.e.o. 10 Mania 5 Bhopal Chhavani Vilatyan .. .. 11 Metwara 6 Bhopal Ginnori " 12 Pagaria Hat 358


Whether telegraph and Whether telegraph and S. Type of telephone S. TyPI' of telephone No. Name Office facilities also exist No. Name Office facilities also exist 2 3 4 2 3 4 SEHORE DISTRICT 13 RolagaoD Branch office 6 Chitgaon Kacbi Branch office 14 Siddiqganj 7 Chitgaon Moji 15 Tigaria .,.' S GilJori " )6 Javar Sub-office 9 Gopalpur lebb"... Tahsil 10 Larkai .. 11 Nandgaon I Ichhawar Sub-office T.O. 12 Nometa " 2 Arya Branch office 13 Bayan " 3 Brajish Nagar " 4 Bhan Kheri " BudDi Tahsil 5 Bordi Kalan 6 Diwadia 1 Budni R. S. Sub-office T.O., P.C.O. 7 Daulatpur 2 Budni Ghat Branch office

8 Kheri 3 Chakaldi It 9 Ram'Nagar 4 Joshipur .. }O Bishao Kberi 5 Nadoer .. JI Amlaha 6 Kheri 7 Mardanpur " NasruJlaganJ Tahfil 8 Mathani " 1 " NasrulJaganj Sub-office T.O. 9 Rehti 2 BaiBari .. Branch office 10 Dobi 3 Bhadkui 11 Shahganj 4 Cheech " 12 Bakhtara " S Chhipaner ..

Note:-T.o.-Telegrapb office, P. C. O.-Public Call orffict:.

Source-Superintendent of Post offices. Bhopal. TABLE 8.1 LIST 0' IMPORTANT FAIRS AND MELAS SEHORE DISTRICT Duration of the Place where When Held Local religious or Mela or S. Mela or ,.....------...... ------~ other occasion of Fair (in Average total Who manages No. Fair is held Hindi Months Enalish Months the Mela or Fair days) attendance the Fair/Mela

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 BE RASIA TAHSIL

1 Tarawali March 2,000 Gram Panchayat 2 Berasia September 5,000 Town Area Committee

2 SEHORE TAHSIL 3 Sehore Chaitra Sudi 13 March/April Mahabir Jayanti 1 50 Jain Community 4 Sehore Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavmi 1 4,000 Mahant of the temple 5 Sehore Chaitra Badi 5 March/April Rang Panchmi 1 3,000 Municipal Committee 6 Sehore Bhadra Badi 8 August/September Janmashtami 1 4,000 Mahant of the temple ~ 7 Sehore Bhadra Sudi 4 August/September Ganesh Chaturthi I 4,000 Mahant of the temple 8 Sehore Bhadra Sudi 11 August/September Dol Gyaras 1 10.000 Mahant of the temple 9 Sehore Oetooer 2 Gandhi Jayanti t 1,000 Congress Commi'ttee 10 Sehore Mandi December/January VashiMela 30 4,000 Municipal Committee 11 Phanda Kalan Phalguna Sudi 14 February/March Harihar Mandir Mela 3,000 Gram Panehayat 12 Sehore Phalguna Badi 13 February /March Shivratri 13 Sehore MoharruD1 10,000 J HUZUR TAHSIL 14 Bhopal Jyaistha Sudi 10 May/June Ganga Dashahra Hindu Festival Committee 15 Bhopal Bhadra August/September Alba Udal Mela Hindu Festival Committee 16 Bhopal Bhadra August/September Bhujariya 3 Hindu Festival Committee 17 Bhopal Bhadra August/September Gunal Chaveli Hindu Festival Committee 18 Bhopal Bhadra Sudi 11 August/September Dol Gyaras Hindu Festival Committee 19 Bhopal Asvina Sudi 10 September/October Dashahra 10 Hindu Festival Committee 20 Bhopal Pausa/Magha January Makar Sankrant Hindu Festival Committee 21 Bhopal Phalguna Badi 13 February/March Shivratri Hindu Festival Committee .. A5HTA TAHSIL 22 Alipur May Cattle Fair 6,000 Toy, n Area Co 5 ICHHAWAR TAHSIL

23 Ichhawar Ashvina September/Oclober Kali Devi 10,000 Tabsildar 24 Ichhawar Kartika October /November Bara Khamba Mela 1,500 Gram Panchayat Nilsand 6 NASRULLAGANJ TAHSIL

25 Wasdeo Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavmi 15 3,000 Gram Panchayat 26 Hathighat Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavmi 1 SO Gram Panchayal 27 Ladkui Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavmi 1 200 Gram PaDchayat 28 Chhinagaon Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavmi 1 100 Gram Panchayat 29 Semalpani Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavrni 1 ]00 Gram Pancbayat 30 Sujan Khedi May Bhilat Baba Fair .. 2,000 Police 360


Duration of the Place where When Held Local religious or Mela or S. Melaor r------A------. other occasion of Fair (in Average total Who manages No. Fair is held Hindi Months English Months the Mela or Fair days) attendance the Fair/Mela 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 31 NasruUaganj Sravana July/August Sravani 1 500 Police 32 NasruJlaganj Bhadra Badi 8 August/September Janmashtami 1 500 Police 33 Nasrultaganj Bhadra Sudi 1 t August/September Dol Gyaras 800 Police 34 NasruJlaganj Ashvina Sudi 10 September/October Dasahra 1,000 Police 35 Chhipaner Ashvina Sudi 10 September/October Dasahra 1 500 Police 36 Ladkui Ashvina Sudi 10 September /October Dasahra 1 300 Police 37 Gopalpur Ashvina Sudi 10 September /October Dasahra 1 300 Police 38 Sothiya Ashvina Sudi 10 September/October Dasahra 200 Police 39 Nasrullaganj Kartika October/November Diwali 1 500 Police 40 Chhipaner December Dada Dhuni wale 7 1,000 Police 41 Ladkui Phalguna Sudi 15 February/Marcb Holi 1 ISO Police 42 Diyaner Phalguoa Sudi 13 February /March Holi 1 200 Gram Panchayat Chhipaner 43 Nilkanth Phalguna Badi 13 February/March Shivratri 3 500 Police 44 Nasrullaganj Idul Fitur 150 Police 45 Nasrullaganj Id 2 150 Police 46 Nasrullaganj Moharrum 2 300 Police 47 Ladkui Moharrum 2 100 Police


48 Saklanpur Pausa/Magha January Sankrant 15 50,000 Police

$ource;-Superintendent of Police, Sehore. 361



S.No. Name S. No. Name Vijay Printing Press, Sehore. l2 Alok Press, Bhopal. 2 Kamal Printing Press, Sehpre 13 Kisan Printing Press, Bhopal. 3 Vyas Printing Press, Sehore 14 Alwi Printing Press, Bhopal. 4 State Press, Bhopal. 15 Asi" Printing Pres~, Bhopal. 5 Nav Bharat Press Jabangirabad, RhopaJ )6 Lalwani Printing Press Marwadi rO:Ad, Bhopa-l. 6 Bhaskar Printing Press, Bhopal. 17 Nav Jeewan Printing Press, Bhopal. 7 Jagaran Press, Bhopal. 18 Prakash Printing Press, Bhopal. 8 Hitvada Printing Press, Shabajanabad, Bhopal. 19 Chetna Printing Press, Bhopal. 9 Krisbak Jagat Press, Bhopal. 20 Lucky Printing Press Bairagarh. Bhopal 10 Vindhyachal Printing Press, Bhopal. 21 Bhandari Printing Press, Marwadi Road, Bhopal. 11 Navjeevan Press, Bhopal. 22 Government Printinli Pres~, Buiragarh, Bhopal.

S.urce:-Collc:ctor, Sehore.



S. No. Name Locatioll I Bhopal Talkies, Hamidia Road, Bhopal. 2 Bharat Talkies, Hamidia Road, Bhopal. 3 Laxmi Talkies, Bhopal. '" Alpana Talkies, Hamidia RoM!, Bhopal. 5 Rang Mahal Talkies T. T. Nagar, Bhopal. 6 Natraj Talkies, Heavy Electricals Area, Bhopal. 7 Sehore Talkies, Sehore. SAmar Talkies, Sebore•

.s ource:-Celhlliltor. Schorc=.