Sunday, June 5 2 Pm Santa Barbara
2 A Thursday, May 26,1983 Daily Nexus :....... -A Fond Farewell............. • Nexites tend to get very self-indulgent two times during the year (that we admit to ): • April Fools’ Day and the last issue of the year. 2 The latter, especially, is a time for inside jokes, sappy sentimentality, thank-yous and • general Nexican Nonsense. Even more important, it is a time to mention as many names 2 as possible of the people who worked on the paper one last time before the year ends. • Obviously, this is not the last issue of the year, but it is the last Arts & Entertainment • section, and so, as editor, I am proud to indulge in the aforementioned self-indulgence, and • at the same time, fill some of the huge holes Spector gave me this week (I know, Jeff, I • asked for it!). 2 First, to all of the people who wrote for me this year, Jonathan “ Deadline, what • deadline?” Alburger, Jane Mooser, John Krist (you’re an okay writer and with a little • work, you could even be good), Evie Dutton, Greg Harris (only once, but it was hot!), Jay • De Dapper (between you and Alburger I had approximately seven nervous breakdowns • this year), Hugh Haggerty (it’s your baby now), Peter Lefevre (House Comic), Catie Lott, J-Cathy Bowman, Dan Gursky (also an incredible sports editor), Alex Llamas, Julie • Desnick, Cheryl Rosenstein, Cyndy Rotolo, Katherine Zimbert, Kathy Ryan, Jonathan • Chard (maybe you can be our English correspondant next year), Rick Dulaney, Rob • Palmer, Anne Marcus, Noel Hastings, Ed Evans, Evette Justus, Johnny Graham, Dan • “The Blues” Flynn, Charles Crellin, Scott Brown, Robert Woodruff, Greta Wedul, Bill J Shinbrot, Rob Noxious, and newcomers Vanessa Grimm and Dan Miller (you did good), • thank you and I ’m sorry for all the times I snapped at you (I warned you never to try to 2 communicate with me on Wednesdays).
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