Chameleon Club - page 5 OL XIX, NO. 58 (he. independent student neuspajxr ser\ mg m >m dame .mil s.unt man's FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1984 Trustee is ‘troubled’ m with University policy on female admissions By SARAH HAMILTON Associate Vice President for News Editor Residence Life John Goldrick, who formerly served as admissions direc­ Board of Trustees member Philip tor, rejected this recommendation. He said converting men’s dorms Hawley said he is “enormously “would put us light-years back.” troubled” with Notre Dame’s admis­ Goldrick referred to when the Uni­ sions policy of accepting a lower versity became coeducational, percentage of women than the describing that change as “a harrow­ Sil percentage of women who apply, ing experience” because men and he said he will bring the issue up resented surrendering their halls to for discussion at today’s meeting of women. the board. Introducing Cahill, Student Body “Long range, you can’t have a dis­ Vice President Cathy David pointed criminatory admissions policy ... it out another observation made by cuts to the heart of the University the student panel: the lack of woman community,” Hawley said at yester­ role models. “I don’t find many day’s meeting of the board’s Student female role models” that help wo­ These two students are awaiting an answer in a started at midnight Wednesday and continues Affairs Committee during student men students deal with the problem big game of Trivial Pursuit yesterday in through noon Saturday. All proceeds will go to the government’s presentation. of integrating a marriage, a career LaFortune's New Orleans Room The junior class is Hope Rescue Mission and the Suicide Prevention Hawley’s comments followed a and a family. She referred to the low sponsoring the Trivial Pursuit marathon, which Center. presentation by Lyons Hall presi­ number of women on the faculty dent Joan Cahill on the role of wo­ and administration and the high men at Notre Dame. Cahill number of redresses who are nuns. recommended that more women be admitted to the University without The number of women qualified Pre-med intern program to expand increasing enrollment. She said that and interested in teaching at a uni­ 28 percent of the freshman class are versity or serving as administrators B y BETH WHELPLEY senior currently involved in the Dame or Saint Mary’s may apply for women while 36 percent of the stu­ is relatively small, admitted Cahill, News Staff Elkhart program, also met with the the program, worth one credit, in dents that applied for admission but the problem cannot be ignored. Memorial Hospital administrator. In the fall semester. The internship in­ were women. Cahill said, “It is a special problem, Pre-med students at Notre Dame the meeting, the hospital agreed on volves four hours work per week at “There is definitely a need to es­ but we think women must be incor­ and Saint Mary’s will be able to serve an internship program for 16 stu­ the hospital as well as periodic tablish an identity of the Notre porated into the departments as role as patient/family liaisons at South dents. meetings to discuss the students’ ex­ Dame student as a woman. Women models. We recommend more wo­ Bend’s Memorial Hospital next se­ Referring to the students as periences. should be a fully integrated and men be worked into administrative mester, because of the success of a “interpersonal specialists,” Press In the spring semester, the one- equal part of the community ... that level positions as role models.” similar program at Elkhart General said, “The program gives students an credit program will be a lab for a is not always the case,” said Cahill. Hospital. opportunity to see what sickness three-credit course taught by Press: The consensus of those at the In the program, students are an in­ and treatment is like from the pa­ Cultural Aspects of Clinical Medical Student Affairs Committee Chair­ meeting was that an awareness of tegral part of the hospital emer­ tient’s perspective.” Anthropology 454. Enrollment is man Anthony Earley agreed with women’s needs must be raised; atti­ gency staff. Interns also provide a Bowman said the program is ben­ already filled for this spring semes­ Cahill and Hawley. He said the Uni­ tudes must change. But it was not communication link between the eficial to the students as well as the ter. versity should “let the chips fall denied that progress has been made family and patient, offering personal patients, families and hospital staff. Press said they may have to more where they may” in the admissions during the 12 years since women service and assisting busy doctors “I think it is a good opportunity be­ rigorously define eligibility for the office and accept the most eligible were first admitted to the Univer­ and nurses. cause it opens doors for pre-meds. course and lab as he prefers to have applicants, regardless of their sex. sity. Trustee Donald Keough said, Last week, Dr. Irwin Press, head of They can look behind the doors and students with an anthropology back­ “Just seeing it over a period of years, the internship program and anthro­ see relationships develop,” she said. ground, but not necessarily anthro­ Although most people in atten­ you can see the role of women pology professor at Notre Dame, and pology majors. dance supported a less dis­ emerging.” Father Robert Austgen, assistant “The nurses and the doctor have criminatory admissions policy, the In another presentation, Execu­ dean of the College of Arts and Let­ been very helpful. None of the emer­ According to Press, Saint Joseph’s mechanics of amending the policy tive Coordinator Alison Yurko pro­ ters, met with James Skogsberg, the gency room doors are closed to us. Hospital is a not now a possibility for was debated. Among other options, posed to the committee that the vice president of Memorial Hospital, We are not viewed as students, but an internship program. Yet Press Cahill suggested changing men’s and Head Nurse Bev Baldwin. as part of the staff,” Bowman said. said, If the program grows suffi­ dorms to women’s dorms. see BOARD, page 3 Tracey Bowman, a Saint Mary’s Pre-med students from Notre ciently, who knows?” Faculty members are not elected to the Board of Trustees Editor’s note: The follow ing is the nance of the University with the voiced instead through the Aca­ important issues, ” O’Meara said. ate report which he believes nas last of five articles examining the division of power in our nation’s demic and Faculty Affairs Commit­ Before the board meets, each not been properly acted upon. Notre Dame Board o f Trustees. The capital. tee of the board. This com mittee is trustee of the committee visits a “The Faculty Senate is still await­ series will concentrate on who “In Washington D C., we distin­ composed of trustees and faculty University department and listens ing adequate response from the makes up the board, what its re­ guish the different functions of the members, Bartell said. to the faculty members in that de­ Administration and the Board of sponsibilities include, and the government: the legislative, judi­ “They meet for a full day, make partment, Bartell said. Trustees on a student aid report question of a student on the cial and executive branches,” he reports, and then the chairman of One trustee on the Academic submitted two years ago,” he said. board. said. “Perhaps this is a good model the committee makes recommen- and Faculty Affairs Committee for the University.” visited English department Chair­ Bartell disagreed. “The report By KEITH HARRISON JR. Nonetheless, two faculty mem­ man Edward Kline, and he was was discussed in the full board, and Assistant News Editor bers are on the Board of Trustees. Board of Trustees pleased with results. a very positive statement was series “This trustee did take our prob­ made in response,” he said. Faculty members are not In addition to Bartell, Father lems to the board, and then re­ Bartell said the board agreed elected to the Board of Trustees Thomas Blantz, chairman of the ported the results to me,” Kline with the report that student aid is because the board should be ob­ history department, is also a trus­ said. “I think they (the trustees) all essential, but disagreed with the jective and independent from all tee. They both became Fellows of dations to a meeting of the entire should come into the classrooms. ” senate’s plan for raising aid money. other University parties, said Fa­ the University before joining the board,” he said. These visits show an increased “It was a minor difference,” Bar­ ther Ernest Bartell, University trus­ faculty, and all fellows are ex of­ The Academic and Faculty Af­ effort on the part of the board to tell said. “The report recom­ tee and executive director of the ficio members of the Board of fairs Committee does have an ef­ enlarge faculty participation, ac­ mended charging a high tuition, Kellogg Institute. Trustees. fect on board decisions, according cording to Bartell. while the board decided that the “The board is meant to provide “We do not really serve as adv­ to Timothy O’Meara, University The Faculty Senate is another or­ money should be raised from independent review and oversight, ocates of the faculty,” Bartell ex­ provost. ganization which can present fac­ outside sources.” so the trustees should not be the plained. “We serve in the same “Their effect is not really in the ulty' views to the board, Bartell As a result, money for student same people that the board is manner as the other board mem­ day-to-day operations of the board, said.
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