Guinness Choice would have a few years later in The effects are impressive, .iml Worl

105 mins, USA, col pulled, three parapsychologists receives his first major exposure as effective comedy use of big l)iiil||»| Dir (Murray, Aykroyd and Ramis) Weaver's nerdish neighbour, but special effects, the stupendnu* Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, decide that their only alternative Aykroyd and Ramis (who also co- marshmallow man, stampcdiiiH , Harold Ramis is to become professional ghost wrote the screenplay) are curiously through the city with a malcvolpiil catchers. The three stumble across muted as Murray's ghostbusting grin on his puffy white face. Ilin proof of unusually high paranormal colleagues. As a result. Bill Murray film's success was cemented by

The biggest comedy hit of the activity in the apartment of their gets all the best lines. On finding the chart success of Ray P.iikiM ji'i year, Ghostbusters successfully very first client, cellist Dana Barrett that Weaver has been transformed catchy theme tune 'Ghostbu-.li'u' combined breathtaking special (Weaver), and end up fighting to into a living stone hell-hound, his produced .1 effects with the comedy talents save New York from the wrath of an only observation is: 'OK, so she's a host of other comedy stars in llm of television show Saturday Night ancient Sumerian god. dog.' Murray had by now perfected , including , Live's Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd. The film has its tongue firmly in its his line in stony-faced wisecracks, and , iimio Although the film was originally cheek, and Murray is at his most and this film remains the most of whom enjoyed the box-of(i( e conceived as a vehicle for Aykroyd laid back as he steadfastly refuses effective use of his screen persona success experienced by the st,ii'( and the late , it is to take any of the chaos seriously. (although his performance in of Ghostbusters - a success lliey actually Murray's show all the way. Sigourney Weaver is provided with 1993's Groundhog Day admittedly all went on to repeat in 1989's After their research funding is fewer opportunities than she comes a pretty close second). sequel Ghostbusters II.