The Rees and Carrington Extracts
THE REES AND CARRINGTON EXTRACTS CUMULATIVE INDEX – PEOPLE, PLACES AND THINGS – TO 1936 (INCLUSIVE) This index has been compiled straight from the text of the ‘Extracts’ (from January 1914 onwards, these include the ‘Rees Extracts’. – in the Index we have differentiated between them by using the same date conventions as in the text – black date for Carrington, Red date for Rees). In listing the movements, particularly of Kipling and his family, it is not always clear when who went where and when. Thus, “R. to Academy dinner” clearly refers to Kipling himself going alone to the dinner (as, indeed would have been the case – it was, in the 1890s, a men-only affair). But “Amusing dinner, Mr. Rhodes’s” probably refers to both of them going, and has been included as an entry under both Kipling, Caroline, and Kipling, Rudyard. There are many other similar events. And there are entries recording that, e.g., “Mrs. Kipling leaves”, without any indication of when she had come – but if it’s not in the ‘Extracts’ (though it may well have been in the original diaries) then, of course, it has not been possible to index it. The date given is the date of the diary entry which is not always the date of the event. We would also emphasise that the index does not necessarily give a complete record of who the Kiplings met, where they met them and what they did. It’s only an index of what remains of Carrie’s diaries, as recorded by Carrington and Rees. (We know a lot more about those people, places and things from, for example, Kipling’s published correspondence – but if they’re not in the diary extracts, then they won’t be found in this index.) Another factor is that both Carrington and Rees quite often mentions a name without further explanation or identification.
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