The Macphersons of the Far North of New Zealand
The Macphersons of the Far North of New Zealand Reynold Macpherson, 5 February 2011 Alfred Sinclair Macpherson, 1895-1968 Eric Gordon Macpherson, 1907-1979 Not for sale, free download available from The Macphersons of the Far North of New Zealand1 Reynold Macpherson, 5 February 2011 Introduction My earliest memory is of Queen Victoria‟s breasts, although at first I assumed that they were Papatuanuku‟s. At the top of the Mangatoetoe (plume grass stream) Valley where I was raised are a pair of rounded hills (see right). A.W. Reed reputedly claimed in Place Names of New Zealand that they were “Named in honour of the Great White Queen, The Breasts of Kuini Wikitoria,” to which a leading historian of the Far North observed dryly that “it is doubtful whether she would have appreciated this honour done to her by her Māori subjects.” (Ramsey, 2001, p. 2) Like most New Zealanders, I learned early the Māori creation myth which explains that the Earth Mother, Papatuanuku, nurtures humankind under the gaze of Ranginui the Sky Father. Ranginui sometimes weeps at being separated forever from his lover by their children; the gods of the forest, sea, weather, peace and war, and their descendents, people. This showed that when I first „situated my appreciation‟ of the view from our lounge room window, instead of „appreciating the situation,‟ my early imagination was already shaped by a blend of Anglo-Celtic and Māori perspectives. With this context of largely unrealised and ongoing interculturalism in mind, I will now explain how Macphersons came to be in the Far North of New Zealand, not knowing if they were related to the McPhersons, living plural lifestyles in a Polynesian paradise, and integrated with many other families of British, Māori and Dalmation descent.
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