Language Outlets Hook -Up for Live Programing
will carry over into daytime and provide a The $10,000 Pyramid (7.9 rating, 28 good lead -in to ABCs new 12 noon share) and Rhyme and Reason, which, in Spanish -language outlets Showoffs game, which in the second week its first three weeks on the air, is averaging hook -up for live of July hit a 6.4 rating and 25 share, better a solid 31 share. programing than the show it replaced (Password) but With the two soap operas it runs from 3 The first interconnection of Spanish - still third in the time period, behind CBS's to 4, General Hospital (8.2 rating, 26 language television stations was scheduled highly successful contemporary serial, share) and One Life to Live (7.1 rating, 22 for last Saturday (Aug. 10) when four TV The Young and the Restless (8.5 rating, share), ABC is suffering an even more ag- stations in California were to be joined in 33 share), and NBC's new Magnificent gravated form of what's happening to the live -time as affiliates of the Spanish Inter- Marble Machine game (which hit a 7.7 rat- CBS soaps from 2 to 3: declining ratings national Network. ing and 30 share its first week on the air). and unusually poor. demographics. But The four stations, including one that From a third -place position at noon, Mike Brockman is not about to panic. began broadcasting that same day, are though, ABC may be in the process of "The beauty of a soap opera," he said, "is KMEx -TV Los Angeles, flagship of the moving into first place at 12:30, the new that you can always regenerate it with new mini -network; San Francisco, time period of its most popular show, the stories and new faces.
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