Congressio~Al Record~Hous~. May 1
4672 CONGRESSIO~AL RECORD~HOUS~. MAY 1, observation does not apply in this case. No time has yet been fixed standing inuebtedness dne to him from certain bands of said Indians, which has never been paid to said Crooks, nor to his le~al representatives; and for Congress to adjourn, and it can not at present be said that this Whereas the said Ramsay Crooks, in his lifetune, tiled said claims in the is the last month of the session. office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, showing that there was due to At the same time I suggest to the Senator that he agree that the him from the Pllla~er and Lake Winnebagoshish band the sum of $6,410.80, and from a certain other band, known as the Chippewa Indians of the Missis Senate shall meet to-morrow at the usual time (to-morrow being sippi, the sum of $3,308.82, making a total amount of such indebtedness of Saturday, it will be almost impossible to get Senators here earlier $9,TI0.62: Therefore than that hour) and proceed with the bill immediately after the B e i t enacted, etc., That there be, and there hereby is, appropriated, out of the Treasury of the United States, from any money not otherwise appropri ordinary morning business is concluded, which will consume a ted. the sum of $9.TI9.62, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to examine some ten or fifteen minutes. Then let the general discussion go said claims a gainst the Pillager and Lake Winnebagoshish band of Indians in on until half past 2 o'clock, and after that under a ten-minute the sum of $6,410.80 a.nd the Chippewa Indians of the Minnesota band in the sum of $3,303.82, and l?ay said amount, or so much thereof as he shall find to rule, with the distinct understanding that we shall remain here be due, to the administrator of the estate of said Ramsay Crooks from the and finish the bill to-morrow night.
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