Natalie Deacon

Integration of FriendFeed at Corporate Level Lesson Plans

Incorporating Aggregation Applications

Objectives- Employees will be able to incorporate FriendFeed into team activities and project development with 100% effectiveness. Employees will be able to effectively discuss the merits of social network aggregators in a professional setting.

Materials- -Computers with internet access -Projector FriendFeed Account Optional- other networking application accounts (LinkedIn, 12 Seconds)

Procedures -Walk employees through FriendFeed’s purpose and capabilities. -Explain procedure used to upload materials. -Show employees how to link feeds as friends. -Introduce applications that can be compiled on FriendFeed. -Demonstrate how to add accounts from LinkedIn and -Ask employees to contribute their thoughts on how sharing these two sites could benefit the company. (LinkedIn is a professional networking site. is a video sharing website where the maximum duration is 12 seconds. This site could be used by employees to give each other updates on projects and company happenings.) -As an activity for after the lesson, have employees generate accounts for FriendFeed, LinkedIn and 12seconds. They can then connect to others via FriendFeed. Ask everyone to upload a video work update from 12seconds and leave comments on others’ videos.

Using FriendFeed for Research and Information Sharing

Objectives- Employees will be able to contribute information relevant to a given research topic to a feed with 100% accuracy.

Materials- Computers with internet access Projector FriendFeed accounts

Procedures - Walk employees through FriendFeed’s purpose and capabilities. -Explain procedure used to upload materials. -Show employees how to link feeds as friends and how to join a “room.” -If people have laptops open in front of them, ask them to follow along. -Discuss merits of brainstorming ideas as a group.

“Brainstorming is a useful and popular tool that you can use to develop highly creative solutions to a problem. It is particularly helpful when you need to break out of stale, established patterns of thinking, so that you can develop new ways of looking at things. This can be when you need to develop new opportunities, where you want to improve the service that you offer, or when existing approaches just aren't giving you the results you want.” -

-Have above site linked to FriendFeed room for reference. -Give employees a company-wide issue that needs to be resolved. Ask them to conduct some online research and to post their findings or helpful sites on the feed. -Prompt workers to generate a team idea and leave constructive comments on each others’ posts.

Adapted from

Using FriendFeed to Address Training Opportunities (Background- I work in the Deans’ Office in the School of Management. All teachers and employees are required to attend 3-5 events per year that help them to further themselves as teachers or workers. These events are compiled on their annual performance evaluation, but aren’t ever discussed.)

Objectives -Using their FriendFeed accounts, employees will provide information on upcoming events and their reactions or reflections on advancement workshops/conferences that they have attended.

Materials- Computers with internet access FriendFeed accounts

Procedures - Walk employees through FriendFeed’s purpose and capabilities. -Explain procedure used to upload materials. -Show employees how to link feeds as friends and how to join a “room.” - Ask employees to reflect on their conference/workshop experiences over the past years. Did they ever discuss what they thought or learned? -Present FriendFeed as a coordination and conversation tool that can be used to discuss these events. -As an ongoing activity, ask that employees record their conference/workshop plans on FriendFeed. Use the site like a message board. Post upcoming events, and ask that employees post what they learned or their general reflections after the event.