MARCH 2016


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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

Document Status

Approved for Issue

Rev Author Reviewer Date Distributed Name Date To Draft M Macdonald M Hay 02/03/2016 S Grein M Hamilton 02/03/2016 Revision M Macdonald M Hay 03/03/2016 S Grein M Hamilton 03/03/2016

ecologia Environment (2016). Reproduction of this report in whole or in part by electronic, mechanical or chemical means including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, in any language, is strictly prohibited without the express approval of Mount Gibson Mining and/or ecologia Environment.

Restrictions on Use This report has been prepared specifically for Mount Gibson Mining. Neither the report nor its contents may be referred to or quoted in any statement, study, report, application, prospectus, loan, or other agreement document, without the express approval of Mount Gibson Mining and/or ecologia Environment. ecologia Environment 1/224 Lord Street PERTH WA 6000 Phone: 08 96168 7200 Email: [email protected]

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses




3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...... 9 3.1 FLORA ...... 9 3.2 VEGETATION ...... 10 3.3 SURVEY LIMITATIONS ...... 26

4 CONCLUSIONS ...... 29

5 REFERENCES ...... 31


Table 3.1 – Floristic groups at Iron Hill ...... 23 Table 3.2 – Floristic group and vegetation mapping (Bennett 2000) comparison ...... 24 Table 3.3 – Floristic subgroup and vegetation mapping (Bennett 2000) comparison ...... 25 Table 3.3 – Survey limitations ...... 26


Figure 2.1 – Mean monthly, 2014 (–) and 2015 (–) rainfall (Paynes Find BoM 007139) ...... 5 Figure 2.2 – Species accumulation curve for 167 quadrats ...... 7 Figure 2.3 – Iron Hill quadrats, transects and significant flora records (ecologia 2015) ...... 8 Figure 3.1 – Mt Gibson Iron Hill floristic analysis (Bray-Curtis coefficient) ...... 15 Figure 3.2 – Iron Hill floristic groups ...... 17 Figure 3.3 – Mount Gibson Ranges floristic groups ...... 18 Figure 3.4 – Regional quadrats by floristic group ...... 19

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mount Gibson Mining Limited is seeking to obtain environmental approvals for the operational expansion of hematite production from its Mount Gibson Iron Ore Mine and Infrastructure Project, including a proposal to mine the Iron Hill deposits, approximately 2.5 km south of the existing Extension Hill mine. To provide additional data on the flora and vegetation of the proposed Iron Hill disturbance area, including the delineation of floristic groups, Mount Gibson Mining engaged ecologia to complete a flora and vegetation assessment, including sampling 17 additional quadrats (each 20 x 20 m) within and adjacent to the proposed Iron Hill development envelope and floristic analysis to assess the vegetation at Iron Hill, incorporating the new floristic data and previously collected data. In addition, Priority flora searches were conducted across the study area in areas not known to be covered by previous targeted flora searches. A total of 115 vascular flora taxa were recorded from the 17 quadrats and transects surveyed in April/May 2015. Eight of the quadrats are located within the area covered by the Iron Hill proposal and nine are located in similar vegetation nearby. The vegetation condition in all quadrats sampled in 2015 was rated as either ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’. One Threatened flora species (Darwinia masonii) was recorded, within areas where the species has previously been recorded. No Priority flora taxa were recorded. Three range extensions were recorded: Hibbertia hypericoides, Hemigenia macphersonii and Sclerolaena eriacantha and eight additional taxa were recorded at the edge of their range: Eremophila eriocalyx, Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia, Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207), Mirbelia sp. Bursarioides (T.R. Lally 760), Philotheca sericea, Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi, Protanthera patens, Sida sp. Golden calyces glabrous (H.N. Foote 32). One introduced species (*Pentameris airoides subsp. airoides) was also recorded. The 167 quadrats in the floristic analysis were classified into 14 floristic groups. Six of these floristic groups (A, B, C1, C2, E and K) are recorded at Iron Hill and Iron Hill South (collectively known as Iron Hill). Floristic groups are related to the geographic location of the quadrats, whereby the quadrats from Iron Hill ironstone ridges and slopes belong exclusively to groups E and K, and those from the shrublands and woodlands of the adjacent plains are represented in groups A, B , C1 and C2. Within the proposed Iron Hill development envelope, floristic groups E and K are associated with the ironstone hills and slopes and are considered to be key components of the Priority 1 Mount Gibson Range vegetation complexes (banded ironstone formation) Priority Ecological Community. Floristic group K, the largest PEC floristic group (with respect to both number of quadrats and area mapped) was further divided into three subgroups, K1, K2 and K3. These three subgroups are similar in species composition and many taxa are common to all three subgroups, but may be represented in different frequencies.

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses


1.1 BACKGROUND Mount Gibson Mining Limited is seeking to obtain environmental approvals for the operational expansion of hematite production from its Mount Gibson Iron Ore Mine and Infrastructure Project, including a proposal to mine the Iron Hill deposits, approximately 2.5 km south of the existing Extension Hill mine. The proposed Iron Hill Development Envelope is approximately 2.5 km wide and covers 112 hectares (ha). The Western Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) issued an Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) outlining additional environmental assessment works required prior to submission of the Public Environmental Review (PER) for the Iron Hill project. In particular, this report and its content address the following ESD requirements: 10. In areas not already surveyed or where survey information is not of acceptable quality (such as incorrect survey season), standard and/or the proponent intends to use results from surveys at a lower level than a Level 2, justification will be required to ensure those surveys are relevant, representative of the development envelope, and were carried out using methods consistent with current best practice. A peer review of the vegetation and flora information by a botanist with appropriate experience and expertise would also be required. 11. Identify and map vegetation units (including sub-units of the assemblages of the Mt Gibson Range PEC) and DRF, Priority flora and other conservation significant flora species and their areas to be cleared or indirectly impacted as defined in EPA Guidance Statement 51. Provide details of the methodology used in the identification and mapping of vegetation units. The vegetation units should be based on floristics, rather than structural vegetation features. Describe the condition of the vegetation. Conservation significant as defined in Guidance Statement 51 includes flora other than those that are listed at the State or national level as threatened, Priority and specially protected (e.g. endemic or restricted taxa, new taxa or affinities, taxa at the limits of their range, etc.). 12. Assess the impact on the different vegetation units (including sub-units of the plant assemblages of the Mt Gibson Range PEC). To provide additional data on the flora and vegetation of the proposed Iron Hill development envelope, Mount Gibson Mining engaged ecologia to complete a flora and vegetation assessment, including sampling 17 additional quadrats within and adjacent to the proposed Iron Hill development envelope and floristic analysis to assess the vegetation values at Iron Hill, incorporating the new floristic data, and that previously collected by ATA Environmental in 2005 (ATA 2006b) and the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) Banded Iron Formation (BIF) survey conducted in 2005 (Meissner and Caruso 2008b). In addition, Threatened and Priority flora searches were conducted across the study area at approximately 50 m intervals, concentrating on areas not previously covered by targeted searches for Threatened and Priority flora. Threatened and Priority flora taxa with potential to occur within the Iron Hill development envelope include: • Darwinia masonii (Threatened) listed as Vulnerable under the WC Act and EPBC Act; • Lepidosperma gibsonii (Threatened) listed as Vulnerable under the WC Act); • cerastes (Priority 1); • Allocasuarina tessellata (Priority 1); • Chamelaucium sp. Yalgoo (Y. Chadwick 1816) (Priority 1); • Grevillea scabrida (Priority 1); • Micromyrtus trudgenii (Priority 3);

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

• Persoonia pentasticha (Priority 3); and • Podotheca uniseta (Priority 3).

1.2 PREVIOUS FLORA AND VEGETATION ASSESSMENTS Previous flora and vegetation assessments completed in the Mount Gibson Ranges include: • Muir Environmental (1995): Observations on the Presence and Distribution of Rare Flora, especially Darwinia masonii, near Mt Gibson; • Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000): Flora and Vegetation of Mt Gibson; • ATA (2004): Targeted Search at Mt Gibson for the Declared Rare Flora Darwinia masonii; • Armstrong (2004): Vegetation Assessment and Rare Flora Search between Perenjori and Mt Gibson; • Griffin (2005): Numerical Analysis of Floristic Data in Mt Gibson Area, (based on the ATA (2006b) data); • ATA (2006a): Chamelaucium sp. Yalgoo Supplementary Survey – Mt Gibson; • ATA (2006b): Mt Gibson Magnetite Project Supplementary Vegetation and Flora Surveys; • ATA (2006c): Targeted Survey at Mt Gibson for a new Lepidosperma sp. Mt Gibson; • Coffey (2008a): Location of Darwinia masonii (DRF) Associated with Phase 1 Drill Pads – Extension Hill; • Coffey (2008b): Locations of Lepidosperma gibsonii; • Meissner and Caruso (2008b): Flora and vegetation of banded iron formations of the Yilgarn Craton: Mount Gibson and surrounding area; • Borger and Nicholls (2013): Survey of Proposed Drill Lines in Tenement M59/339 at Extension Hill; • Martinick Bosch Sell (2013): Targeted Flora Survey: Extension Hill Hematite Project, Midwest Region, – Iron Hill and Gibson Hill Prospect Areas; • Eco Logical (2014): Mount Gibson Ranges Darwinia masonii Census; • Globe (2014): Iron Hill Deposit Assessment of the Threatened Taxa Category for Darwinia masonii using IUCN (2012) Criteria; • Maia (2014): Mt Gibson Ranges Targeted Darwinia masonii Survey; and • Martinick Bosch Sell (2014): Extension Hill Hematite Operations Annual Declared Rare Flora Monitoring. The original floristic data from the ATA (2006b) and Meissner and Caruso (2008) surveys were sourced for inclusion in the floristic analysis of this study. 1.3 Mid-west Regional Floristic Analysis In addition to the floristic analysis presented in following sections, a separate regional floristic analysis was completed by van Etten (2013), which places the previously collected Iron Hill quadrats in the context of other district and regional quadrats. The regional floristic analysis includes the (ATA 2006b) and Meissner and Caruso (2008b) datasets from the Mt Gibson Ranges used in this analysis, as well as the following regional data sources: • DEC Tallering BIF Survey – 103 quadrats (Markey and Dillon 2008); • DEC Koolanooka and Perenjori Hills BIF Survey – 50 quadrats (Meissner and Caruso 2008a); • DEC Gullewa BIF Survey – 50 quadrats (Markey and Dillon 2010); • DEC Yalgoo BIF Survey – 55 quadrats (Markey and Dillon 2011); • Sandplains – 53 quadrats (Knuckey 2011); and • EnviroWorks Mummaloo Flora and Vegetation Survey – 98 quadrats (EnviroWorks 2012).

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

For analysis, quadrats from ironstone ridges at Mount Gibson Ranges were assigned as three groups: ‘Mount Gibson’ (generally the eastern part of the range); ‘Extension Hill’ (generally the northern part of the range); and, ‘Iron Hill’ (in the central part of the range). The ordination output (Appendix A) shows that the Mount Gibson Ranges quadrats are similar to each other. As a collective set, the ‘Mt Gibson’ quadrats are generally similar in floristic composition to Tallering quadrats, whereas ‘Extension Hill’ quadrats and most of the ‘Iron Hill’ quadrats are more similar to the BIF quadrats of Koolanooka and Perenjori Hills, although there is some overlap. Not unexpectedly, ‘Iron Hill’ quadrats are similar to ‘Mt Gibson’ in some cases and ‘Extension Hill’ in others. Based on the regional analysis, van Etten (2013) found that: • Analysis of the EnviroWorks Consulting (2012) quadrat data using alternative multivariate techniques had given strong support for the vegetation classification; in particular, the main plant communities defined by EnviroWorks Consulting (2012) closely matched those found in the multivariate study. This means that the technique is a strong surrogate for identifying floristic similarity between quadrats mapped as communities; • Using only perennial species data in the multivariate analysis did not dramatically alter the vegetation classification with the main community types being consistently delineated and identified; • A high level of floristic similarity was found between 100 m2 and 400 m2 quadrats surveyed. This supported the use of data from smaller sized quadrats in local and regional analyses; • Multivariate analyses of the regional quadrat dataset shows that the vegetation of the Mummaloo area is dissimilar to the vegetation reported in other survey areas of the region. It is important to note that there is no broad-scale vegetation survey available for the region, with most surveys being restricted to particular geologies/landforms or development sites (e.g. Mt Gibson Iron Ore mine); and • The vegetation of Mummaloo area and the flats adjacent to ranges is distinct from vegetation on ironstone and greenstone ranges of the region, including the PECs at ironstone ranges at Mt Gibson, Koolanooka and Blue Hills. Other evident findings were: • Floristic composition in quadrats on most of the Mount Gibson tenements (Mt Gibson Mining), being the sandplains and flats adjacent and partly within the PEC (but not on ironstone ridges or slopes) were largely dissimilar from quadrats on ‘Mt Gibson Surrounds’ (Figure 1.1). The clear distinction shows that the floristics of communities mapped on the Mt Gibson surrounds do not show general characteristics of the upslope or ironstone ridge communities; • Mt Gibson ironstone communities and ‘Tallering BIF’ quadrats were similar, and clearly far more similar overall than ‘Mt Gibson Surrounds’ flats/plains or other regional ironstone ridge quadrats (being Yalgoo, Gullewa and Koolanooka-Perenjori). While they were similar to each other, they clearly are different to the floristics in quadrats adjacent to them on the flats and sandplains; • The Iron Hill quadrat data map well within the typical set of floristic similarities from quadrats over Mt Gibson Ranges indicating that it is not atypical or unusual in its floristic composition for ironstone ridges or within the Mt Gibson Ranges.)

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses


2.1 FLORISTIC SURVEY Seventeen quadrats (20 x 20 m) were surveyed by two ecologia botanists from 29 April to 2 May 2015 (Matthew Macdonald and John Grantham under DPaW Licence to Take Flora for Scientific or Other Prescribed Purposes SL010976 and SL01141, respectively). Approximately 70% of the field survey duration was utilised establishing the floristic quadrats and the remaining time focussed on conducting traverses in areas which have not previously been targeted for Threatened and Priority flora. The nearest long term weather station is at Paynes Find (BoM Station 007139) approximately 60 km north-east of Iron Hill (BoM 2016). The mean rainfall (rainfall records from 1919 to 2016) for March and April is 24.7 mm and 26.0 mm respectively, but prior to the 2015 field survey 54.8 mm of rain was recorded in March and 32.6 mm recorded in April. Mean monthly rainfall and rainfall recorded at Paynes Find for the 12 months prior to the field survey are shown in Figure 2.1. The favourable conditions at the time of survey are corroborated by the presence of fruit and/or flowers on 49% of the vascular flora recorded. 60



30 Rainfall (mm) Rainfall 20




Figure 2.1 – Mean monthly, 2014 (–) and 2015 (–) rainfall (Paynes Find BoM 007139) Previous surveys completed at Iron Hill and incorporated into this assessment (ATA 2006b and Meissner and Caruso 2008b) were conducted in spring 2005 and include a total of 150 quadrats. This survey of 17 quadrats was conducted after autumn rains and is therefore suitable as a supplementary survey. Eight of the 17 quadrats are located within the area covered by the Iron Hill proposal and nine are located in similar vegetation nearby. Due to the spread of the previously sampled quadrats across the Mt Gibson Range and nearby hills and plains, the 17 quadrats from this survey were concentrated in and around the Iron Hill development envelope. Quadrat locations were selected to represent the range of vegetation at the site without duplicating sampling in areas where quadrats have been previously surveyed. The locations of the quadrats are shown in Figure 2.1.

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

Data collected at each quadrat includes: • Percentage cover for each species present using the cover ranges cited by NVIS and as a percentage cover estimate (rounded to nearest 5%) along with presence/absence of fruit/flowers; • Landform element (morphological type, position and element type) that the plot occupies; • Degree and nature of any site disturbance (based on Trudgen (1991) scale); • Presence of coarse fragments on the surface (type and abundance); • Presence of rock outcrops (type and abundance); • Soil type (colour, profile, field texture and surface type); • Vegetation structure (scoring three layers for dominance, growth form, height and estimated cover consistent with the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) Level V); and • Data on position, slope, and aspect. Data from 150 previously surveyed quadrats (all quadrats were 20 x 20 m) from the following assessments was included in the floristic analysis: • 100 quadrats from ATA (2006b); and • 50 quadrats from Meissner and Caruso (2008b) which were sampled in September and October 2005. Floristic analysis of the amalgamated dataset, incorporating the newly collected (2015) floristic data, along with data previously collected by ATA Environmental in 2005 (ATA 2006b) and from the DEC BIF survey (Meissner and Caruso 2008b) was undertaken by experienced ecologia ecologist Dr Matthew Macdonald, who has extensive experience in multivariate statistical and floristic analysis. Floristic analysis was undertaken on presence/absence data from each quadrat, with species of annuals and geophytes excluded. Some taxa were consolidated to produce a single consistent dataset from the three data sources, consistent with Meissner and Caruso (2008b). The site by species matrix used in the floristic analysis therefore consisted of 167 quadrats and 184 taxa. A species accumulation curve is shown in Figure 2.2. The incidence-based species richness (ICE) is estimated at 238 species, of which the 184 taxa included in the analysis represent 77% of the expected species richness. A consolidated list of vascular flora recorded from the three surveys and included in the analysis is provided in Appendix B. Quadrats were classified into floristic groups based on differences in species composition using the Bray- Curtis coefficient and flexible UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Mean Average) using PATN multivariate statistical program. The locations of quadrats representing these floristic groups formed the basis for mapping of the vegetation groups across the Mount Gibson Ranges and surrounding slopes and plains. Other sources of data which were used to inform the mapping of floristic groups include: terrain (elevation contours); locations of Threatened and Priority flora taxa, particularly the Threatened (Vulnerable) species Darwinia masonii and Lepidosperma gibsonii and field observations made during this survey and by Eco Logical for delineation of floristic group E across the Mount Gibson Ranges.

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses






100 Species 80




0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Quadrats

Figure 2.2 – Species accumulation curve for 167 quadrats

2.2 TARGETED SURVEY Areas within the Iron Hill development envelope which have not been searched during previous surveys were traversed at approximately 50 m intervals to record Threatened and Priority flora in these areas. Most of the steeper areas associated with Iron Hill itself have previously been searched for Threatened and Priority flora (particularly Eco Logical 2014, but also other references listed in section 1.2). These previous targeted surveys cover virtually all of the Mt Gibson Range PEC; therefore additional targeted surveys outside the Iron Hill development envelope were not undertaken.

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*# *# *# *#


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*# *#


*# *# *#*#


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*# 515000 516000 517000

(! 48 MTGB32 *# 6726000

*# *# 42 43 K (! *#(! (! MTGB17 (!41 0 0.25 0.5 40 Kilometres Absolute Scale - 1:12,000

3 )" 9 E)" E8 D)" 2 *# 1 )" MTGB31 *# 45 )" *#MTGB19 (! 17 MTGB18 44 )" 4 )" MTGB20 *#(! 16 10 )" E)"

11 MTGB21 *# )" 6725000 E 14 )"

46 (! 13 )"

Legend 5 )" E Darwinia masonii (Threatened) 12 )" D Hibbertia hypericoides (Range Extension) 6 )" Proposed Iron Hill Development Envelope 7 )" ecologia (2015) Quadrat )" (! ATA (2006b) Quadrat # * Meissner and Caruso (2008b) Quadrat 15 )" Track

6724000 Figure: 2.3 Drawn: MM Project ID: 1639 Date: 04/10/2015 Iron Hill Coordinate System Quadrats, Tracks and Significant Flora Records (ecologia 2015) Name: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Projection: Transverse Mercator Datum: GDA 1994 A4 Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses


3.1 FLORA A total of 115 vascular flora taxa were recorded from the 17 quadrats and transects surveyed in 2015 (see Appendix B). Quadrat species richness varied from nine taxa at quadrat numbers 2 and 17 from sandplain shrubland to 26 taxa from quadrat numbers 9 and 11 from hilltop/hillslope shrubland. Site descriptions are provided in Appendix C. The most species rich families were with 20 taxa, with 18 taxa, Lamiaceae with 8 taxa, Chenopodiaceae and Proteaceae with 7 taxa each and Poaceae with 6 taxa. The most species rich genera were Acacia, with 13 taxa; Eucalyptus with 7 taxa; Melaleuca with 6 taxa; and Eremophila and Grevillea with 5 taxa each. One listed Threatened flora species, Darwinia masonii (Vulnerable under the WC Act and EPBC Act) was recorded from Quadrats 8, 9, 10 and 11 on Iron Hill, within areas where the species has previously been extensively recorded (Eco Logical 2014). Three range extensions were recorded: • Hibbertia hypericoides – recorded at Quadrat 8 (outside the Iron Hill development envelope), approximately 100 km north-east of the nearest vouchered record. This species has also been recorded from both the ATA (2006b) and Meissner and Caruso (2008b) Gibson Range surveys, but apparently no specimen has been lodged with the Western Australian Herbarium; • Hemigenia macphersonii – recorded from Quadrats 7 and 9 outside the Iron Hill development envelope, and quadrats 14 and 16 inside the Iron Hill development envelope, approximately 100 km south of the nearest vouchered record. This species has also been recorded from both the ATA (2006b) and Meissner and Caruso (2008b) Gibson Range surveys, but apparently no specimen has been lodged with the Western Australian Herbarium; and • Sclerolaena eriacantha – recorded from Quadrat 10, inside the Iron Hill development envelope, approximately 100 km south of the nearest vouchered record. Eight additional taxa were recorded at the edge of their range: • Eremophila eriocalyx – recorded from Quadrat 10, inside the Iron Hill development envelope. • Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia – recorded from Quadrats 2 and 3 inside the Iron Hill development envelope, and quadrats 4 and 15 outside the Iron Hill development envelope. This taxon was also recorded in the Meissner and Caruso (2008b) survey. • Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207) – recorded at Quadrats 7 and 15 outside the Iron Hill development envelope, and Quadrats 13 and 14 inside the Iron Hill development envelope. This taxon has also been recorded from both the ATA (2006b) and Meissner and Caruso (2008b) surveys. • Mirbelia sp. Bursarioides (T.R. Lally 760) – recorded from one opportunistic collection on the lower slopes of Iron Hill approximately mid-way between Quadrats 12 and 13 within the Iron Hill development envelope. This taxon was also recorded in the Meissner and Caruso (2008b) survey. • Philotheca sericea recorded at Quadrats 5 and 7 outside the Iron Hill development envelope, and Quadrats 11 and 14 inside the Iron Hill development envelope. This species has also been recorded from both the ATA (2006b) and Meissner and Caruso (2008b) surveys. • Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi – recorded from Quadrats 15 and 17 outside the Iron Hill development envelope, and Quadrats 13 and 16 inside the Iron Hill development envelope. This taxon was also recorded in the Meissner and Caruso (2008b) survey.

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

• Protanthera patens – recorded from Quadrat 7, outside the Iron Hill development envelope. This species has also been recorded from both the ATA (2006b) and Meissner and Caruso (2008b) surveys. • Sida sp. Golden calyces glabrous (H.N. Foote 32) – recorded from Quadrat 5, outside the Iron Hill development envelope. Figures showing the distribution of vouchered records for range extension and range edge records are provided in Appendix D (Western Australian Herbarium 1998-2016). Specimens representing range extension and range edge records will be lodged with the Western Australian Herbarium (see Appendix E for list of voucher specimens). One introduced species (*Pentameris airoides subsp. airoides) was from Quadrat 11 (inside the Iron Hill development envelope).

3.2 VEGETATION The 167 quadrats in the floristic analysis were classified into 14 identifiable floristic groups based on the dendrogram produced by the PATN analysis (Figure 3.1). Six of these floristic units (A, B, C1, C2, E and K) are represented within the Iron Hill proposal and are summarised in Table 3.1. In general, the groupings are related to the geographic location of the quadrats, whereby the quadrats from Iron Hill ironstone ridges and slopes belong exclusively to Groups E and K, those from the footslopes belong to Group C2 and shrublands and woodlands of the adjacent plains are represented in Groups A, B and C1. This pattern of floristic composition changing with landscape position is consistent with the previous floristic analyses of the Mount Gibson Ranges (Griffin 2005; Meissner and Caruso 2008b). A two-way table of floristic groups and taxa is provided in Appendix F. The vegetation condition in all 17 quadrats sampled in 2015 was rated as either ‘Excellent’ (13 quadrats) or ‘Very Good’ (4 quadrats).

3.2.1 Floristic Groups Quadrats included in the floristic analysis of the 167 quadrats are clustered in the 14 floristic groups as follows (Figure 3.2): • A: Eucalyptus kochii sparse woodland over Melaleuca hamata, Acacia anthochaera and Acacia ramulosa shrubland over Dianella revoluta herbs and Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus tussock grasses. This floristic group is represented by five quadrats from the 2015 survey, all of which are located on the sandplains to the west of Iron Hill, in particular two quadrats (quadrats 2 and 3) are within the northern section of the proposed Iron Hill disturbance area, and three quadrats (quadrats 1, 4 and 17) are outside and adjacent to the proposed haul road alignment. • B: Eucalyptus horistes open woodland over Acacia ramulosa and Cryptandra apetala shrubland over Triodia scariosa open hummock grassland. This floristic group is represented by two quadrats from the 2015 survey, both of which are located on the sandplains to the west of Iron Hill, one within (quadrat 16) the proposed haul road alignment and one outside (quadrat 6). • C1: Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis and/or Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryissa woodland over Acacia tetragonophylla, Acacia anthochaera, Acacia assimilis subsp. assimilis, Eremophila clarkei, and Ptilotus obovatus shrubland over Austrostipa elegantissima tussock grasses. This floristic group is represented by six quadrats, four from the ecologia 2015 survey, and two from the DEC (Meissner and Caruso 2008b) survey. One ecologia 2015 quadrat (quadrat 13) is located within the Iron Hill development envelope, whereas the three remaining ecologia 2015 quadrats (quadrats 5, 7 and 15) are located on the colluvial plains to the west of Iron Hill, with one

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

DEC quadrat to the east of Extension Hill (MTGB30) and one quadrat from the near the Yandhanoo Hills (YAND9). • C2: Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis, Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryissa and/or Eucalyptus horistes mallee woodland over Acacia acuminata, Eremophila clarkei, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, Philotheca brucei, Dodonaea inaequifolia and Melaleuca hamata shrubland over Austrostipa elegantissima tussock grasses. This floristic group is represented by five quadrats, one from the ecologia 2015 survey, and four from the DEC (Meissner and Caruso 2008b) survey. One ecologia 2015 quadrat (quadrat 14) and two DEC quadrats (quadrats MTBGB21 and MTGB31) are located within the proposed Iron Hill development envelope, and the DEC quadrat MTGB32 located on the footslopes to the west of Iron Hill, with one DEC quadrat to the east of Mount Gibson (MTGB27). • D: Represented by a single ATA quadrat at Mt Singleton. • E: Calycopeplus paucifolius, Acacia tetragonophylla and Ptilotus obovatus open shrubland over Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns and Austrostipa elegantissima tussock grasses. This floristic group is represented by 15 quadrats on ironstone ridges, four within the Iron Hill proposal (DEC quadrats MTGB18, MTGB19 and MTGB20 and ATA quadrat 44) and the remaining eleven quadrats outside the proposed development envelope at Iron Hill (2015 quadrat 8), Iron Hill North (MTGB17 and ATA 42), and Mount Gibson (MTGB24, MTGB25). One DEC quadrat from near the Great Northern Highway (GNH3) and one from Yandhanoo Hills (YAND3), and two more distant ATA quadrats (ATA 63 and 64) also cluster with this group. This floristic unit includes Community Type 5 (six quadrats) and Community Type 1 (two quadrats) of the (Meissner and Caruso 2008b) assessment, and ATA (2006b) mapped vegetation units T3 (one quadrat), T5 (one quadrat) and HS1 (two quadrats). • F, G, H, I, and J: All quadrats representing these groups are located away from the Mount Gibson Ranges, such as Yandhanoo Hills, Mount Singleton, Warroo Well and along the Great Northern Highway and the Emu Proof Fence. • K: Allocasuarina acutivalvis, Melaleuca nematophylla and Grevillea obliquistigma shrubland over Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns. This floristic group is represented by 74 quadrats which clearly cluster floristic compositions on ironstone ridges across the Mt Gibson ranges; five within the Iron Hill proposal and the remaining 69 from Extension Hill, Extension Hill North, Extension Hill South, Iron Hill North, Iron Hill East, and Mount Gibson North. Based on the ATA (2006b) quadrats this floristic unit is equivalent to mapped vegetation units T1 (33 quadrats), T3 (seven quadrats), T5 (three quadrats), T6 (eight quadrats), T12 (three quadrats) and M4 (one quadrat) as well as Community Type 6 (14 quadrats) and Community Type 4 (one quadrat) from the Meissner and Caruso (2008b) survey. The relatively large number of quadrats in this unit is a function of the high density of quadrats on the Mt Gibson Ranges. Due to the large number of quadrats representing Floristic Group K, this group was divided further into three floristic subgroups to investigate finer-scale vegetation patterns. The subgroups are similar in species composition and many taxa are common to all three subgroups, but represented in different frequencies.

o K1: Calycopeplis pauciflorus, Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill, Philotheca sericea, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, Eremophila clarkei, Grevillea paradoxa and Melaleuca nematophylla shrubland over Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns This floristic subgroup is represented by 13 quadrats, four of which are from the ecologia 2015 survey, four from the Meissner and Caruso (2008b) assessment and five from the ATA (2006b) survey. Three quadrats from this subgroup are within the Iron Hill development envelope (ecologia quadrats 10, 11 and 12). Three of the Meissner and Caruso (2006b)

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quadrats represent Community Type 6 and one represents Community Type 4. Floristic subgroup K1 is largely associated with Iron Hill with four quadrats inside and one just north of the Iron Hill development envelope, but there are also 6 quadrats on the north-east of Extension Hill and the remaining two quadrats are relatively isolated: one at Extension Hill South, and the other north of Mount Gibson.

o K2: Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, Melaleuca nematophylla, Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. obliquistigma, Aluta aspera subsp. hesperia, Acacia assimilis subsp. assimilis and Philotheca sericea shrubland over Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns This floristic subgroup is represented by 39 quadrats, 30 from the ATA (2006b) survey and nine from the Meissner and Caruso (2008b) assessment. No quadrats from this subgroup are within the Iron Hill development envelope. All nine of the Meissner and Caruso (2006b) quadrats represent Community Type 6. Floristic subgroup K2 is largely associated with Extension Hill, with 35 quadrats representing the subgroup from Extension Hill and the remaining four quadrats from Iron Hill East (two quadrats) and the lower slopes of Mount Gibson (two quadrats).

o K3: Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. obliquistigma, Calycopeplus pauciflorus, Melaleuca nematophylla, Grevillea paradaoxa and Philotheca sericea shrubland over Xanthosia kochii herbs and Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns This floristic subgroup is represented by 22 quadrats, 20 of which are from the ATA (2006b) survey and two from the Meissner and Caruso (2008b) assessment. One quadrat from this subgroup is within the Iron Hill development envelope (ATA 45). Both of the Meissner and Caruso (2006b) quadrats represent Community Type 6. Floristic subgroup K3 appears to be generally associated with the higher peaks of the hills (but with some exceptions) and often near the Group E quadrats which is restricted to the steepest, most unstable slopes of the range. The quadrats are widely distributed across the range at Extension Hill, Extension Hill South, Iron Hill, Iron Hill North, Mt Gibson and Mount Gibson South. • L: Eucalyptus oldfieldii open woodland over Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, Aluta aspera subsp. hesperia, Enekbatus stowardii, Melaleuca fabri and Acacia coolgardiensis subsp. effusa shrubland over Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus grassland and Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns. This floristic group was not sampled in the ecologia (2015) assessment, but is composed of seven previously sampled quadrats: one ATA (2006b) quadrat (ATA 2) and six DEC (Meissner and Caruso 2008b) quadrats (MTGB03), MTGB05, MTGB07, MTGB11, MTGB16 and MTGB29). Five of the DEC quadrats constitute Community Type 6 (Meissner and Caruso 2008b) . All seven quadrats from this floristic group are associated with the Extension Hill section of the Mount Gibson Ranges on slopes and footslopes. • M: The single quadrat from this group is located away from the Mount Gibson Ranges, at the Emu-proof fence. All floristic groups as defined in this floristic analysis are also well represented by quadrats from outside the Iron Hill development envelope. This analysis shows: • The six floristic groups from within the proposed Iron Hill development footprint also occur outside the proposed development footprint within the Mt Gibson Ranges or elsewhere; and • A clear distinction between ridge tops/slopes, foot slopes/flats and sandplains is evident in the analysis.

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

Vegetation mapping from the floristic groups was extrapolated over areas where floristic quadrats were limited or absent, but where vegetation previously mapped by Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) provides information on the vegetation present (Figure 3.3). Within the proposed Iron Hill development envelope, Floristic Groups E, K and L are associated with the ironstone hills and slopes and are considered to be components of the Priority 1 Mount Gibson Range vegetation complexes (banded ironstone formation) PEC. Of these Floristic Groups considered to represent components of the PEC, quadrats representing Groups K and L are restricted to the Mount Gibson Ranges, whereas three of the quadrats representing Group E are present on a hill to the north of the Great Northern Highway, approximately 8 km north of the Mount Gibson Ranges and one quadrat at Yandhanoo Hills approximately 8 km north-east of the Mount Gibson Ranges (Figure 3.4).

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

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Group Iron Hill Proposal Location Floristic DPaW Bennett Non‐impact M1/T9 Impact T9 Sandplain west of Mt Non‐impact A T9 Gibson Ranges Non‐impact T9 Impact T9 Non‐impact Sandplain west of Mt M1 B Impact Gibson Ranges M1 Non‐impact M1 Non‐impact Colluvial Plains M1 Non‐impact around Mount M1 C1 Impact Gibson Ranges and M1 ‐ Yandhanoo Hills CT3 T8 ‐ CT3 ‐ Impact M1/T3 Impact CT4 T9 Footslopes of Mount ‐ C2 CT4 T10/W5 Gibson Ranges Non‐impact CT4 T9 Impact CT4 M1 ‐ Mt Singleton D ‐ Non‐impact T3 ‐ CT5 T6 ‐ CT5 T6 ‐ CT1 ‐ ‐ CT1 ‐ Non‐impact T5 Non‐impact Mount Gibson Ranges CT5 T5 Impact (Iron Hill, Iron Hill E T3 Impact North, Mt Gibson) CT5 T3 Impact CT5 T3 Impact CT5 T3 ‐ HS1 ‐ HS1 ‐‐ ‐ W2 ‐‐ Great Northern ‐ CT2 ‐ Hwy/Emu Proof F ‐‐ Fence ‐‐ ‐ CT1 ‐ ‐ CT1 ‐ ‐ CT3 ‐ ‐ CT1 ‐ ‐ CT1 ‐ ‐ CT1 ‐ Great Northern Hwy, ‐ CT1 ‐ Yandhanoo Hills and G ‐ CT1 ‐ Warroo Well ‐ CT1 ‐ ‐ CT2 ‐ ‐ CT2 ‐ ‐ CT2 ‐ ‐ CT2 ‐ ‐ CT2 ‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐Yandhanoo Hills and H ‐‐Great Northern Hwy ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐Mt Singleton I ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐Mt Singleton/Emu J ‐‐Proof Fence ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Non‐impact T3 Impact T3 ‐ CT6 T6 Impact T3 Impact Mount Gibson Ranges T3 Impact (Extension Hill, T3 ‐ Extension Hill South, K1 T1/T12 ‐ Iron Hill, Iron Hill East CT6 T1 ‐ and Mt Gibson) CT6 T1 ‐ T12 ‐ T12 ‐ CT4 T12 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1/T12 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1/T3 ‐ T1 ‐ T3 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1/T3 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ Mount Gibson Ranges T1 ‐ (Extension Hill, Iron T1 K2 ‐ Hill East and Mt T1 ‐ Gibson North) CT6 T1 ‐ CT6 T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ CT6 T1 ‐ T1 ‐ CT6 T3 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ CT6 T1 ‐ CT6 T1 ‐ CT6 T1/T3 ‐ CT6 T3 ‐ CT6 T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 Non‐impact T3 ‐ T1 ‐ CT6 T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T1 ‐ T3 ‐ T3 Non‐impact T3 ‐ Mount Gibson Ranges T6 ‐ (Extension Hill, CT6 T6 ‐ Extension Hill South, T6 K3 ‐ Iron Hill, Iron Hill T6 ‐ North, Mt Gibson and T6 ‐ Mt Gibson South) T6 Non‐impact T5 ‐ T6 ‐ T6 ‐ M4 Non‐impact T5 ‐ T6 Non‐impact T5 Impact T3 ‐ T1/T3 ‐ CT7 T3/T12 ‐ BIF Hills (Extension CT7 T9 ‐ Hill & Extension Hill L CT7 T1 ‐ South) CT7 T2 ‐ CT7 T2 ‐ CT6 T1 ‐ Emu Proof Fence M ‐ Figure 3.1 ‐ Mt Gibson Iron Hill Floristic Analysis (Bray‐Curtis coefficient) Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

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515000 516000 517000

K E E K K K 0 0.25 0.5

A Kilometres K Absolute Scale - 1:12,000 E

A A C2 E K E A A E E B K

K C2 6725000


C1 K




Legend C1 Floristic Group Mapping Floristic Group Quadrat Proposed Iron Hill Development Envelope A (Sandplain Shrublands) )" A (Sandplain Shrublands) Quadrat Data Source B (Sandplain Woodlands) )" B (Sandplain Woodlands) (! ATA (2005) C1 C1 (Plain Woodlands) )" C1 (Plain Woodlands) *# Meissner and Caruso (2008)

C2 (Foothill Mallee Woodlands) )" C2 (Foothill Mallee Woodlands) )" ecologia (2015)

6724000 E (Ironstone Outcrop Shrublands) )" E (Ironstone Outcrop Shrublands) K (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) )" K (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) L (Foothill Woodlands)

Figure: 3.2 Drawn: MM Project ID: 1639 Date: 03/03/2016 Iron Hill Coordinate System Floristic Groups and Quadrats Name: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Projection: Transverse Mercator Datum: GDA 1994 A4 512000 514000 516000 518000 520000 522000

H G G 6730000 J C1 H H G G H Legend K1 L K1 Iron Hill Development Envelope L K1 C1 Key PEC components (E, K and L) K2 K2 (! K3 K2 K1 Floristic Group Mapping K2 K3 K2 (! L A (Sandplain Shrublands) L K2 K3 *#(! K3 B (Sandplain Woodlands) K2 K2 L E (!*# K2 E K3 K2

6728000 C1 (Plain Woodlands) C2 (Foothill Mallee Woodlands) K2 L K2 E (Ironstone Outcrop Shrublands) E K3 (! E K1 (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) K2 K2 K2 (! K2 K2 (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) K2 K2 L K2 K1 K3 (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) K2 K2 C2 L (Foothill Woodlands) K3 E K3 (! K1 *#(! (! K3 K3 Floristic Group Quadrat K3 E (! K3 K2 K3 K3 K2 )" A (Sandplain Shrublands) C2 K2 K3 K3 K3 E E 6726000 )" B (Sandplain Woodlands) K3 E K3 K3 K3 E )" C1 (Plain Woodlands) E E A K1 )" C2 (Foothill Mallee Woodlands) A C2 A E E A A E )" E (Ironstone Outcrop Shrublands) B E K1 K3 C2 K1 )" C2 K1 (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) )" )" K2 (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) C1 K1 E C1 )" )" K3 (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) K1 C2 B *# E C1 )" L (Foothill Woodlands) E *# *# C1 Quadrat Data Source K E A *#(! 6724000 (! ATA (2005) 0 0.5 1 )" E *# Meissner and Caruso (2008) Kilometres )" ecologia (2015) Absolute Scale - 1:40,000 *# Figure: 3.3 Drawn: MM Project ID: 1639 Date: 28/02/2016 Gibson range Coordinate System Name: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Floristic Groups Projection: Transverse Mercator Datum: GDA 1994 A4 500000 510000 520000 530000

Nubev Land System G *#*##*# Bandy Land System G G* G

Watson Land SystemYowie Land System E Carnegie Land System Kalli Land System *#(! E H (! H(! E (!H G G *# *# G H Gabanintha Land System *# (! Waguin Land System I I J Graves Land System )")" (! Tindalarra Land System I )"I I Watson Land System )" I )" I )")" J I )"I I (! Doney Land System ( J 6740000 Jundee Land System Rainbow Land System E D *#(! G J G *#(! (! )" *#*# ( J Doney Land System Singleton Land System H H Legend (! (! Mount Gibson Range PEC (DPaW 500 m buffer) H H Floristic GroupBannar LandQuadrat System (!(! Moriarty Land System G F F E )" A (Sandplain Shrublands) )" )" F )" *#*# Campsite Land System )" )" J *#(! G M (!!J Doney Land System )" B (Sandplain Woodlands) (!(!( H J J Watson Land System )" C1 (Plain Woodlands) G G Olympic Land System Illaara Land System *# *# )" C2 (Foothill Mallee Woodlands) E G )" E (Ironstone Outcrop Shrublands) G *#(! *#(!*# Euchre Land System H )" J C1 G 6730000 K1 (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) (! *# H (! K1 L #(!*# G *# *( )" K2 (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) K1*#(!*#(! C1 H G (!(! *# (!(!(!L Yowie Land System (!#(!L )" K3 (Ironstone Hill Shrublands) *#*#(!(!*(!*# K2 *#(!(!*# L Challenge Land System *#L ! )" L (Foothill Woodlands) Joseph Land System ( K2 K2(!(!!#((!*# (*(!(! Tallering*#*#(!(! Land System Quadrat Data Source *# *# K (! (! *#!(! *# E E (!K1(! K2((!(!(! *#E (! ATA (2005) (!(! (!*#(!*#(! E 0 2 4 A *#(! K3 E (! A "C2 E E K2 " )")*#)"#*#)"(! E *# B)")")A )"**#(!)" (! Meissner and Caruso (2008) C2 *#" )"E K3 C2))" (! K1 Kilometres )")" )" )" ecologia (2015) B)")"C1 K1 Pindar Land System Absolute Scale - 1:140,000 Road Lake Bed Land System

Figure: 3.4 Drawn: MM Project ID: 1639 Date: 04/10/2015 Iron Hill Coordinate System Name: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 Regional Quadrats by Floristic Group Projection: Transverse Mercator Datum: GDA 1994 A4 Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

3.2.2 Floristic Group Comparison with Previous Vegetation Assessments The six floristic groups represented by quadrats within the Iron Hill development envelope are summarised in Table 3.1, and compared to the vegetation mapping completed by Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) in Table 3.2. This enables the results of previous studies to inform this study in areas where floristic quadrats are limited or absent, In summary: • A: All five quadrats representing floristic group A are located within vegetation unit T9 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), although one quadrat is located on the boundary vegetation units T9 and M1. All five floristic group A quadrats are from the current field assessment. • B: Quadrats representing floristic group B are located within vegetation unit M1 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), although both floristic group B quadrats are from the current field assessment. • C1: Four of the six quadrats representing floristic group C1 are located within vegetation unit M1 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000). The remaining quadrats are located in vegetation units T8 (one quadrat) and one quadrat is located outside the extent of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) vegetation mapping, near Yandhanoo Hills. This floristic group also includes two of the three DEC quadrats that represent DEC community 3 (Meissner and Caruso 2008b). • C2: One of the five quadrats representing floristic group C2 is located within vegetation unit M1 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), and one quadrat is located on the boundary of vegetation units M1 and T3. The remaining quadrats are located in vegetation unit T9 (two quadrats) and on the boundary of T10 and W5 (one quadrat). This floristic group also includes four of the five quadrats representing community 4 (Meissner and Caruso 2008b). • E: Five of the 15 quadrats representing floristic group E are located within vegetation unit T3 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000). The other quadrats are located in related vegetation units: T5, T6, HS1 (two quadrats in each) and W2 (one quadrat to the east on Ninghan Station). Three additional quadrats are located outside the extent of the Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) vegetation mapping. This floristic group also includes two of the ten DEC quadrats that represent DEC community 1 and all six quadrats representing community 5 (Meissner and Caruso 2008b). • K: Thirty-nine of the 74 quadrats representing group K are located within vegetation unit T1 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), 13 are from vegetation unit T3, which includes the quadrats on Iron Hill) and ten are from vegetation unit T6. The remaining quadrats are located in related vegetation units: T5, T12 and M4. This floristic group also includes 14 of the 15 DEC quadrats that represent community 6 and one quadrat representing community 4 (Meissner and Caruso 2008b). o K1: Five of the 13 quadrats from subgroup K1 are located within vegetation unit T3 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), three are from each of the vegetation units T1 and T12, and one from T6. An additional quadrat straddles the boundary of vegetation units T1 and T12. This floristic subgroup also includes three of the 15 DEC quadrats that represent community 6 and one quadrat representing community 4. o K3: Nine of the 22 quadrats from subgroup K3 are located within vegetation unit T6 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), five are from vegetation unit T1, four from T3, three from T5 and one from M4. This floristic subgroup also includes two of the 15 DEC quadrats that represent community 6 (Meissner and Caruso 2008b)

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

Therefore, in the vicinity of Iron Hill and the Mount Gibson Ranges, the floristic groups are equivalent to the vegetation units of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) and community types of Meissner and Caruso (2008b) as follows: • Floristic group A is equivalent and a subset of vegetation unit T9 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), but being located away from the Mt Gibson Range, is not equivalent to any community of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). • Floristic group B is equivalent to a subset of vegetation unit M1 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), but being located away from the Mt Gibson Range, is not equivalent to any community of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). • Floristic group C1 is equivalent to a subset of vegetation unit M1 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), and equivalent to community 3 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). • Floristic group C2 is equivalent to a subset of vegetation unit M1 and unit T9 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), and equivalent to community 4 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). • Floristic group E is mostly equivalent to a subset of vegetation unit T3 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), and equivalent to community 5 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). • Floristic group K is equivalent to a subset of vegetation units T1 and T3 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), but vegetation unit T1 is restricted to Extension Hill. Floristic group K is also equivalent to community 6 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). o Floristic subgroup K1: is equivalent to a subset of vegetation T3 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) and a subset of community 6 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). o Floristic subgroup K3: is equivalent to a subset of vegetation T6 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) and a subset of community 6 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b)

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Table 3.1 ‐ Floristic Groups at Iron Hill

Quadrats Area (ha) as mapped Floristic Group Desciption Photograph Within Iron Hill Proposal Outside in Figure 3.2 118.6 A Eucalyptus kochii sparse woodland over Melaleuca hamata, Acacia Within Iron Hill Sandplain anthochaera and Acacia ramulosa shrubland over Dianella revoluta herbs ecologia 2, 3 ecologia 1, 4 and 17 Proposal = 17.8 ha Shrublands and Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus tussock grasses (15%)

B 140.2 Eucalyptus horistes open woodland over Acacia ramulosa and Cryptandra Sandplain ecologia 16 ecologia 6 Within Iron Hill apetala shrubland over Triodia scariosa open hummock grassland Woodlands Proposal = 3.4 ha (2%)

Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis and/or Eucalyptus kochii subsp. ecologia 13 ecologia 5, 7, 15 383.1 C1 amaryissa woodland over Acacia tetragonophylla, Acacia anthochaera, Within Iron Hill Plain Woodlands Acacia assimilis subsp. assimilis, Eremophila clarkei, and Ptilotus obovatus Proposal = 26.7 ha (7%) shrubland over Austrostipa elegantissima tussock grasses ‐ MTGB30, YAND9

Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis , Eucalyptus kochii subsp. ecologia 14 ‐ C2 amaryissa and/or Eucalyptus horistes mallee woodland over Acacia 771.3 Foothill Mallee acuminata, Eremophila clarkei, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. Within Iron Hill Woodlands prinsepiana, Philotheca brucei, Dodonaea inaequifolia and Melaleuca Proposal = 19.0 ha (2%) hamata shrubland over Austrostipa elegantissima tussock grasses MTGB21, MTGB31 MTGB27, MTGB32

ecologia 8 ‐ E Calycopeplus paucifolius, Acacia tetragonophylla and Ptilotus obovatus 16.7 MTGB17, MTGB24, MTGB25, GNH3, Ironstone Outcrop open shrubland over Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns and Austrostipa MTGB18, MTGB19, MTGB20 Within Iron Hill YAND3 Shrublands elegantissima tussock grasses Proposal = 4.3 ha (26%) ATA 44 ATA 42, 58, 59, 63, 64 ecologia 10, 11, 12 ecologia 9 MTGB01, MTGB02, MTGB04, MTGB06, MTGB08, MTGB09, MTGB10, MTGB12, ‐ MTGB13, MTGB14, MTGB15, MTGB22, K 647.2 Allocasuarina acutivalvis, Melaleauca nematophylla and Grevillea MTGB23, MTGB26, MTGB28 Ironstone Hill Within Iron Hill obliquistigma shrubland over Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns ATA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Shrublands Proposal = 40.5 ha (6%) 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, ATA 45, 46 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60

ecologia 10, 11, 12 ecologia 9 Calycopeplis pauciflorus , Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill, Philotheca sericea , 129.9 K1 Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsipeana , Eremophila clarkei , Grevillea Within Iron Hill Ironstone Hill ‐ MTGB01, MTGB2, MTGB12, MTGB23 paradoxa and Melaleuca nematophyla shrubland over Cheilanthes Proposal = 39.4 ha Shrublands adiantoides ferns (30%) ATA 46 ATA 1, 3, 6, 15

ATA 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsipeana, Melaleuca nematophyla, ‐ 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, K2 Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. obliquistigma, Aluta aspera, Acacia assimilis 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 47, 48 Ironstone Hill 392.7 No image available subsp. assimilis and Philotheca sericea shrubland over Cheilanthes Shrublands MTGB04, MTGB06, MTGB09, MTGB10, adiantoides ferns ‐ MTGB13, MTGB14, MTGB15, MTGB26, MTGB28

Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsipeana , Grevillea obliquistigma ATA 22, 25, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, K3 ATA 45 124.6 subsp. obliquistigma , Calycopeplus pauciflorus , Melaleuca nematophyla, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60 Ironstone Hill Within Iron Hill No image available Grevillea paradaoxa and Philotheca sericea shrubland over Xanthosia Shrublands Proposal = 1.4 ha (<1%) kochii herbs and Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns ‐ MTGB08, MTGB22 Table 3.2 ‐ Floristic Group and Vegetation Mapping (Bennett 2000) Comparison Vegetation Type (mapped by Bennett 2000) Floristic Group Description # Quadrats Code Description Eucalyptus kochii sparse woodland over Melaleuca Dense thicket of Acacia species, Hakea species, Eucalyptus brachycorys and hamata, Acacia anthochaera and Acacia ramulosa T9 E. oldfieldii with emergent Callitris glaucophylla, over low open shrubland of 4 A shrubland over Dianella revoluta herbs and Amphipogon mixed species on sand caricinus var. caricinus tussock grasses T9/M1 One quadrat is located on the boundary of these vegetation types 1

Eucalyptus horistes open woodland over Acacia Open Tree Mallee of Eucalyptus brachycorys, E. hypochlamydea subsp. B ramulosa and Cryptandra apetala shrubland over M1 hypochlamydea, E. loxophleba subsp. supralaevis and Callitris glaucophylla 2 Triodia scariosa open hummock grassland over Thicket of Acacia species over Low Shrubland and Herbs on Loam Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis and/or Open Tree Mallee of Eucalyptus brachycorys, E. hypochlamydea subsp. Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryissa woodland over M1 hypochlamydea, E. loxophleba subsp. supralaevis and Callitris glaucophylla 4 Acacia tetragonophylla, Acacia anthochaera, Acacia C1 over Thicket of Acacia species over Low Shrubland and Herbs on Loam assimilis subsp. assimilis, Eremophila clarkei, and Ptilotus obovatus shrubland over Austrostipa Dense Thicket of Melaleuca sp. Wongan Hills and Acacia ramulosa over mixed T8 1 elegantissima tussock grasses species on loamy clay soil

Open Tree Mallee of Eucalyptus brachycorys, E. hypochlamydea subsp. Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis, Eucalyptus M1 hypochlamydea, E. loxophleba subsp. supralaevis and Callitris glaucophylla 1 kochii subsp. amaryissa and/or Eucalyptus horistes over Thicket of Acacia species over Low Shrubland and Herbs on Loam mallee woodland over Acacia acuminata, Eremophila C2 clarkei, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, M1/T3 One quadrat is located on the boundary of these vegetation types 1 Philotheca brucei, Dodonaea inaequifolia and Melaleuca Dense Thicket of Acacia species, Hakea species, Eucalyptus brachycorys and hamata shrubland over Austrostipa elegantissima T9 E. oldfieldii with emergent Callitris glaucophylla, over low open shrubland of 2 tussock grasses mixed species on sand T10/W5 One quadrat is located on the boundary of these vegetation types 1

Dense Thicket of Acacia assimilis, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana T3 and Melaleuca nematophylla over Low Shrubland of Hemigenia sp. Pynes Find 5 and Hibbertia crassifolia in loam pockets in Jaspilite rocks

Thicket of Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana and Grevillea obliquistigma with emergent Callitris glaucophylla over Low Shrubland T5 dominated by Darwinia masonii, Hibbertia crassifolia, Melaleuca radula and 2 Phylotheca brucei subsp. brucei over Open Herbs of Xanthosia bungei in loam Calycopeplus paucifolius, Acacia tetragonophylla and pockets in dense jaspilite rocks Ptilotus obovatus open shrubland over Cheilanthes E Thicket of Acacia aneura and Acacia stowardii over Low Shrubland of mixed adiantoides ferns and Austrostipa elegantissima tussock T6 species with large numnbers of Darwina masonii in loam with abundant rocks 2 grasses on the surface

Low Heath of Ptilotus obovatus with emergent shrubs of Acacia stowardii and HS1 2 Calycopeplus paucifolius over Herbs in loamy clay amongst large boulders

Dense to Open Woodland of Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis with occassional Callitris glaucophylla over a thicket of Acacia species dominated W2 1 by A. assimilis over Herbs dominated at the time of survey by Velleia rosea on silty sand

Dense Thicket of mixed species dominated by Acacia species, Allocasuarina T1 acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, Calycoopeplus paucifolius, and Melaleuca 39 nematophylla over Low Shrubland in Jaspilite rocks with pockets of loam

Dense Thicket of Acacia assimilis, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana T3 and Melaleuca nematophylla over Low Shrubland of Hemigenia sp. Pynes Find 13 and Hibbertia crassifolia in loam pockets in Jaspilite rocks

T1/T3 Three quadrats are located on the boundary of these vegetation types 3 Thicket of Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana and Grevillea obliquistigma with emergent Callitris glaucophylla over Low Shrubland Allocasuarina acutivalvis, Melaleauca nematophylla and T5 dominated by Darwinia masonii, Hibbertia crassifolia, Melaleuca radula and 3 K Grevillea obliquistigma shrubland over Cheilanthes Phylotheca brucei subsp. brucei over Open Herbs of Xanthosia bungei in loam adiantoides ferns pockets in dense jaspilite rocks Thicket of Acacia aneura and Acacia stowardii over Low Shrubland of mixed T6 species with large numnbers of Darwina masonii in loam with abundant rocks 10 on the surface Thicket of Acacia ramulosa with emergent Eucalyptus oldfieldii and T12 Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis over a Low Shrubland over Herbs in 3 loam with pebbles common on the surface T1/T2 Two quadrats are located on the boundary of these vegetation types 2 Very Open Woodland of Callitris glaucophylla and Eucalyptus loxophleba M4 subsp. supralaevis over an Open Thicket of Acacia acuminata over a Herbland 1 in sandy loam Table 3.3 ‐ Floristic Subgroup and Vegetation Mapping (Bennett 2000) Comparison Floristic Vegetation Type (mapped by Bennett 2000) Description # Quadrats Subgroup Code Description

Dense Thicket of mixed species dominated by Acacia species, Allocasuarina T1 acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, Calycoopeplus paucifolius, and Melaleuca 3 nematophylla over Low Shrubland in Jaspilite rocks with pockets of loam

Dense Thicket of Acacia assimilis, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana Calycopeplis pauciflorus, Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill, T3 and Melaleuca nematophylla over Low Shrubland of Hemigenia sp. Pynes Find 5 Philotheca sericea , Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. and Hibbertia crassifolia in loam pockets in Jaspilite rocks K1 prinsipeana , Eremophila clarkei , Grevillea paradoxa and Melaleuca nematophyla shrubland over Cheilanthes Thicket of Acacia aneura and Acacia stowardii over Low Shrubland of mixed adiantoides ferns T6 species with large numnbers of Darwina masonii in loam with abundant rocks 1 on the surface Thicket of Acacia ramulosa with emergent Eucalyptus oldfieldii and Eucalyptus T12 loxophleba subsp. supralaevis over a Low Shrubland over Herbs in loam with 3 pebbles common on the surface T1/T2 Two quadrats are located on the boundary of these vegetation types 1

Dense Thicket of mixed species dominated by Acacia species, Allocasuarina T1 acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, Calycoopeplus paucifolius, and Melaleuca 31 Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsipeana, Melaleuca nematophylla over Low Shrubland in Jaspilite rocks with pockets of loam nematophyla, Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. K2 obliquistigma, Aluta aspera, Acacia assimilis subsp. Dense Thicket of Acacia assimilis, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana assimilis and Philotheca sericea shrubland over T3 and Melaleuca nematophylla over Low Shrubland of Hemigenia sp. Pynes Find 4 Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns and Hibbertia crassifolia in loam pockets in Jaspilite rocks

T1/T3 Three quadrats are located on the boundary of these vegetation types 3 T1/T2 Two quadrats are located on the boundary of these vegetation types 1

Dense Thicket of mixed species dominated by Acacia species, Allocasuarina T1 acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana, Calycoopeplus paucifolius, and Melaleuca 5 nematophylla over Low Shrubland in Jaspilite rocks with pockets of loam

Dense Thicket of Acacia assimilis, Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana T3 and Melaleuca nematophylla over Low Shrubland of Hemigenia sp. Pynes Find 4 and Hibbertia crassifolia in loam pockets in Jaspilite rocks Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsipeana , Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. obliquistigma , Calycopeplus Thicket of Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana and Grevillea K3 pauciflorus , Melaleuca nematophyla, Grevillea paradaoxa obliquistigma with emergent Callitris glaucophylla over Low Shrubland and Philotheca sericea shrubland over Xanthosia kochii T5 dominated by Darwinia masonii, Hibbertia crassifolia, Melaleuca radula and 3 herbs and Cheilanthes adiantoides ferns Phylotheca brucei subsp. brucei over Open Herbs of Xanthosia bungei in loam pockets in dense jaspilite rocks Thicket of Acacia aneura and Acacia stowardii over Low Shrubland of mixed T6 species with large numnbers of Darwina masonii in loam with abundant rocks 9 on the surface Very Open Woodland of Callitris glaucophylla and Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. M4 supralaevis over an Open Thicket of Acacia acuminata over a Herbland in sandy 1 loam Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

3.3 SURVEY LIMITATIONS According to the EPA Guidance Statement (No. 51) for Terrestrial Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Western Australia (EPA 2004), flora and vegetation surveys may be limited in several respects. An assessment of this study against these aspects is provided in Table 3.3. Table 3.4 – Survey limitations

Aspect Comment Flora and Vegetation Assessments previously completed at Mt Gibson, include: Sources of • Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000): Flora and Vegetation of Mt Gibson; information and • Armstrong (2004): Vegetation Assessment and Rare Flora Search between Perenjori and Mt availability of Gibson; contextual • ATA (2006b) Mt Gibson Magnetite Project Supplementary Vegetation and Flora Surveys; and information (i.e. pre-existing • Meissner and Caruso (2008b) Flora and vegetation of banded iron formations of the Yilgarn background versus Craton: Mount Gibson and surrounding area. new material) In addition, numerous targeted flora surveys have been conducted at Mount Gibson, in particular for the Threatened (Vulnerable) Darwinia masonii and Lepidosperma gibsonii. The scope (i.e. what life forms were The vascular flora of the study area was sampled in accordance with Guidance Statement 51. sampled?)

Proportion of flora From the 17 new quadrats of the 2015 survey, 115 vascular flora taxa were recorded, which is collected and 62.5% of the (Chao 2) estimated richness of 176 taxa. When the 50 DEC quadrats (Meissner and identified (based on Caruso 2008b) and 100 ATA (2006b) quadrats were included, the data from all 167 quadrats sampling, timing yielded 184 taxa (77.3%) of an estimated total 238 taxa (Chao 2 Classic incidence-based richness and intensity) estimator). Completeness and further work which might be needed Sixteen quadrats have now been sampled within the study area, and all areas have been searched (e.g. was the for Threatened and Priority flora at approximately 50 m search grids or finer, either from this relevant area fully assessment or previously (Eco Logical (2014) Mount Gibson Ranges Darwinia masonii Census). surveyed?) Aerial imagery was available and the number and distribution of quadrats was considered Mapping reliability adequate for definition of vegetation within the study area. Vegetation mapping information from previous surveys was made available by Mt Gibson Mining. The survey was conducted in late April/early May 2015, following above average rainfall Timing/weather/ (53.9 mm of rain recorded at Mt Gibson (BOM Station: 010075) in March and 25.8 mm in April. season/ cycle Approximately 50% of taxa were recorded with reproductive material. Disturbances (e.g. Some sections of the Iron Hill proposal have been burnt in 2003, but not since that date. Previous fire, flood, mining and exploration activities are also widespread in the study area, but quadrat locations accidental human were selected outside the area of these disturbances. intervention) Intensity (in Quadrats were distributed across the Iron Hill proposal at a density of 1 quadrat per 7 ha. The retrospect, was the species accumulation curve suggests that approximately 62.5% of the taxa expected to be intensity present in the study area were recorded in the 2015 survey, and 76.6% when data from all 167 adequate?) quadrats were included. A total of 8 person days was expended, providing comprehensive coverage of the study area and Resources regional data from adjacent areas. Existing exploration tracks throughout the study area provided excellent access, with all parts of Access problems the study area readily accessible.

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Aspect Comment The project manager (Shaun Grein) has been involved in multiple botanical surveys at Mount Gibson and in the surrounding area, including: • ATA (2006a): Chamelaucium sp. Yalgoo Supplementary Survey – Mt Gibson; • ATA (2006b): Mt Gibson Magnetite Project Supplementary Vegetation and Flora; Experience levels • ATA (2006c): Targeted Survey at Mt Gibson for a new Lepidosperma sp. Mt Gibson; (e.g. degree of • Coffey (2008a): Location of Darwinia masonii (DRF) Associated with Phase 1 Drill Pads – expertise in plant Extension Hill; and identification to • Coffey (2008b): Locations of Lepidosperma gibsonii. taxon level) Dr Matthew Macdonald also has experience with Darwinia masonii Survival and Health Analysis (ecologia 2014), as well as experience on other BIF ranges of the Yilgarn Craton, such as Helena and Aurora Range, Jackson Range and Weld Range. John Grantham has previous experience in flora and vegetation assessments in WA, including in the Pilbara and South-west and well as experience on BIF ranges including Koolyanobbing Range.

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4 CONCLUSIONS With the inclusion of the 17 new quadrats surveyed in 2015 (eight within the proposed Iron Hill development envelope and nine in adjoining vegetation), five quadrats from Meissner and Caruso (2008b) and three from ATA (2006b) previously sampled, there are 16 quadrats within the proposed Iron Hill development envelope. This represents a high density of quadrats, approximately one quadrat every 7 hectares, which is considered sufficient to adequately describe the vegetation of the proposed Iron Hill development envelope. All quadrats from the proposed Iron Hill development envelope are 20 x 20 m in size and have been completed consistent with current guidelines. The increased floristic sampling from quadrats and systematic transects in areas not previously covered in targeted flora searches provides satisfactory level of information for impact assessment on flora values of the proposed Iron Hill development envelope. All six floristic units as defined in this analysis that are represented by quadrats within the Iron Hill development envelope are also represented by quadrats from outside the Iron Hill development envelope: • Floristic group A is represented across the sandplains to the west of Iron Hill, and is located primarily within vegetation unit T9 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000). • Floristic group B is also represented across the sandplains to the west and south west of Iron Hill, and is located within vegetation unit M1 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000). • Floristic group C1 is represented by quadrats on the colluvial plains west of Iron Hill, as well as on similar landforms to the east of the Mt Gibson Ranges and near the Yandhanoo Hills. Most quadrats from this floristic group are located within vegetation unit M1 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) and represents community 3 Meissner and Caruso (2008b). • Floristic group C2 is represented on the footslopes west of Iron Hill, as well as on a similar low landforms to the east of Mt Gibson. Most quadrats from this floristic group are located within vegetation units M1 and T9 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), and also represents community 4 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). • Floristic group E is represented on the nearby ridges at ‘Iron Hill North’ and ‘Mount Gibson’, in addition to ‘Iron Hill’. In the vicinity of the Iron Hill proposal, this floristic group is located within vegetation unit T3 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), and also represents community 5 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). • Floristic group K is well represented across the ironstone ranges at ‘Extension Hill’, ‘Extension Hill North’, ‘Extension Hill South’, ‘Iron Hill North’, ‘Iron Hill East’, and ‘Mount Gibson North’ as well as at ‘Iron Hill’. In the vicinity of the Iron Hill proposal, this floristic group is located within vegetation unit T3 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), and also represents community 6 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). Floristic Group K was further divided into three subgroups of very similar floristic composition: o Floristic subgroup K1 is largely associated with Iron Hill with four quadrats inside and one just north of the Iron Hill development envelope, but there are also 6 quadrats on the north-east of Extension Hill and the remaining two quadrats are relatively isolated: one at Extension Hill South, and the other north of Mount Gibson. This floristic subgroup is is equivalent to a subset of vegetation T3 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) and a subset of community 6 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). o Floristic subgroup K3 appears to be generally associated with the higher peaks of the hills (but with some exceptions) and often near the Group E quadrats which is restricted to the steepest, most unstable slopes of the range. The quadrats are widely distributed across the range at Extension Hill, Extension Hill South, Iron Hill, Iron Hill North, Mt Gibson and Mount Gibson South. This floristic subgroup is equivalent to vegetation unit

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

T6 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000) and a subset of community 6 of Meissner and Caruso (2008b). Three floristic groups (E, K and L) are considered to represent key components of the Priority 1 Mount Gibson Range vegetation complexes (banded ironstone formation) PEC, due to their association with ironstone range landforms. In the vicinity of Iron Hill, floristic groups E and K are approximately equivalent to the structural vegetation units T1 and T3 of Bennett Environmental Consulting (2000), which is also associated with the ironstone range, and equate to the DEC communities 5, 6 and 7 (Meissner and Caruso 2008b). Therefore the outer boundary of floristic groups E, K and L is considered to represent the key component of the PEC across the Mount Gibson Ranges.

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses

5 REFERENCES Pilbara Development Commision. 2010. Available at: Accessed Armstrong. 2004. Vegetation assessment and rare flora search between Perenjori and Mt Gibson. Unpublished report by Paul Armstrong and Associates for Mount Gibson Mining Ltd. ATA. 2004. Targeted Search at Mt Gibson for the Declared Rare Flora Darwinia masonii. Unpublished report prepared by ATA Environmental for Mount Gibson Mining Ltd. ATA. 2006a. Chamelaucium sp. Yalgoo Supplementary Survey - Mt Gibson. Unpublished report by ATA Environmental for the Environmental Protection Authority on behalf of Mount Gibson Mining Ltd. ATA. 2006b. Mt Gibson Magnetite Project Supplementary Vegetation and Flora Surveys. Unpublished report by ATA Environmental for Mount Gibson Mining Limited. ATA. 2006c. Targeted Survey at Mt Gibson for a new Lepidosperma sp. Mt Gibson. Unpublished report prepared by ATA Environmental for Mount Gibson Mining Ltd. Bennett Environmental Consulting. 2000. Flora and Vegetation of Mt Gibson. Unpublished report by Bennett Environmental Consulting Pty Ltd for Mount Gibson Iron Ltd. BoM. 2016. Bureau of Meteorology. Available at: Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. Borger, J. and Nicholls, I. 2013. Survey of Proposed Drill Lines in Tenement M59/339 at Extension Hill. Unpublished report prepared for Extension Hill Pty Ltd. Coffey. 2008a. Location of Darwinia masonii (DRF) Associated with Phase 1 Drill Pads – Extension Hill. Unpublished report prepared by Coffey Environments Pty Ltd for Asia Iron Australia Pty Ltd. Coffey. 2008b. Locations of Lepidosperma gibsonii. Unpublished report prepared by Coffey Environments Pty Ltd for Asia Iron Australia Pty Ltd. Eco Logical. 2014. Mount Gibson Ranges Darwinia masonii Census. Unpublished report prepared by Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd for Mount Gibson Mining Limited. ecologia. 2014. Darwinia masonii Survival and Health Analysis. Unpublished report prepared by Ecologia Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd for Mount Gibson Mining Ltd. EnviroWorks. 2012. Level 2 Flora and Vegetation Survey – Mummaloo. Report by EnviroWorks Consulting for Top Iron P/L. EPA. 2004. Terrestrial flora and vegetation surveys for environmental impact assessment in Western Australia. Guidance for the Assessment of Environmental Factors No. 51. Environmental Protection Authority, Western Australia. Globe. 2014. Iron Hill Deposit Assessment of the Threatened Taxa Category for Darwinia masonii using IUCN (2012) Criteria. Report prepared by Globe Environments Australia Pty Ltd for Mount Gibson Mining Ltd. Griffin, E. A. 2005. Numerical analysis of floristic data in Mt Gibson area. Unpublished report by E. A. Griffin and Associates for ATA Environmental. Knuckey, C. 2011. Effects of fire on shrubland vegetation of the semi-arid sandplains of Western Australia. BSc (Hons) thesis, Edith Cowan University, Perth. Maia. 2014. Mt Gibson Ranges Targeted Darwinia masonii Survey. Unpublished report prepared by Maia Environmental Consultancy Pty Ltd for Mount Gibson Mining Ltd.

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Markey, A. S. and Dillon, S. J. 2008. Flora and vegetation of the banded ironstone formations of the Yilgarn Craton: the Central Tallering Land System. Conservation Science Western Australia. 7:121-149. Markey, A. S. and Dillon, S. J. 2010. Flora and vegetation of the Banded Iron Formations of the Yilgarn Craton: Gullewa. Conservation Science Western Australia. 7:531-556. Markey, A. S. and Dillon, S. J. 2011. Flora and vegetation of the banded iron formations of the Yilgarn Craton: Yalgoo. Conservation Science Western Australia. 8:113-136. Martinick Bosch Sell. 2013. Targeted Flora Survey: Extension Hill Hematite Project, Midwest Region, Western Australia - Iron Hill and Gibson Hill Prospect Areas. Unpublished report prepared by Martinick Bosch Sell Pty Ltd for Mount Gibson Mining Ltd. Martinick Bosch Sell. 2014. Extension Hill Hematite Operations Annual Declared Rare Flora Monitoring. Report prepared by Martinick Bosch Sell Pty Ltd for Mount Gibson Mining Ltd. Meissner, R. and Caruso, Y. 2008a. Flora and vegetation of banded iron formations of the Yilgarn Craton: Koolanooka and Perenjori Hills. Conservation Science Western Australia. 7:73-88. Meissner, R. and Caruso, Y. 2008b. Flora and vegetation of banded iron formations of the Yilgarn Craton: Mount Gibson and surrounding area. Conservation Science Western Australia. 7:105- 120. Muir Environmental. 1995. Observations on the presence and distribution of Rare Flora, especially Darwinia masonii, near Mt Gibson. Report prepared by Muir Environmental for Extension Hill Pty Ltd (Formerly as Asia Iron Ltd). Trudgen, M. E. 1991. Vegetation Condition Scale. In: National Trust (WA) 1993 Urban Bushland Policy. National Trust of Australia (WA), Wildflower Society of WA (Inc.), and the Tree Society (Inc.), Perth, Western Australia. van Etten, E. 2013. Mummaloo Project and Regional Vegetation Assessment. Report for EnviroWorks Consulting for Top Iron Pty Ltd. Western Australian Herbarium. 1998-2016. FloraBase - The Western Australian Flora. Government of Western Australia Department of Parks and Wildlife. Available at:

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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses


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By Eddie van Etten

Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity 2D Stress: 0.18 Site Mt Gibson Extension Hill Iron Hill S C Mummaloo N N Mt Gibson Surrounds

N EE N Gullewa BIF C C N C Tallering BIF

C N North of Mt Gibson BIF Yalgoo BIF C Sandplain Koolanooka-Perenjori BIF

Site Codes:

Mt Gibson: ATA and DPaW quadrats on Mt Gibson BIF Extension Hill: ATA and DPaW quadrats on Extension Hill North BIF Iron Hill: ATA and DPaW quadrats on Iron Hill BIFs (East, North and South) Mummaloo: Enviroworks/Connell quadrats at Mummaloo BIF rise, south of Mt Gibson Mt Gibson Surrounds: ATA quadrats from 2006 survey to west of Mt Gibson and Extension Hill (mostly not BIF) Gullewa BIF: from DPaW quadrats in Gullewa area, west of Mt Gibson Tallering BIF: DPaW quadrats on Tallering land system to west of Mt Gibson North of Mt Gibson: ironstone hills and rises to north and east of Extension Hill and Mt Gibson (including Mt Singleton and Yunhanoo Hills) Yalgoo BIF: DPaW quadrats BIFs in Yalgoo area to west of Mt Gibson Sandplain: Quadrats on sandplains in Mt Gibson area (from Knuckey Hons Study, ECU) Kookanooka‐Perenjori BIF: DPaW quadrats on BIFs in Kookanooka‐Perenjori area to west of Mt Gibson

For Iron Hill quadrats – the follow letter indicate position: N=north, S=south, C=central, E=east

References and further information on these surveys are included below:

Author/ Report/Paper Details Quadrats Area For‐ Have? Consultant mat Meissner & Flora and vegetation of 50 Mt Gibson, Excel Yes Caruso (2008) banded iron formations of 20x20m Extension Hill & [DEC BIF study] the Iron Hills, and Yilgarn Craton: Mount areas to north. Gibson and surrounding Uplands and area. Conservation Science slopes only. W Aust 7 (1) : 105–120 See below for sites

Markey & Dillon Flora and vegetation of the 103 20x20m Tallering BIF: Excel Yes (2008) banded iron formations of Minjar‐Jasper Hill [DEC BIF study] the Yilgarn Craton: the ‐ Blue Hills Range central Tallering Land – Karara. Uplands System. Conservation and slopes only. Science W Aust 7 (1) : 121=149 Meissner & Flora and vegetation of 50 Koolanooka – Excel Yes Caruso (2008) banded iron formations of 20x20m Perenjori Hills BIF [DEC BIF study] the Yilgarn Craton: Koolanooka and Perenjori Hills. Conservation Science Western Australia 7: 73–88

Markey & Dillon Flora and vegetation of the 55 Yalgoo BIF: Excel Yes (2011) banded iron formations of 20x20m Gnows Nest [DEC BIF study] the Yilgarn Craton: Yalgoo, Range, Wolla Conservation Science Wolla and Western Australia 8: 113‐ Woolgah– 136. Wadgingarra Hills Markey & Dillon Flora and vegetation of 50 Gullewa BIF: Excel Yes (2010) [DEC BIF banded iron formations of 20x20m Buddadoo Range, study] the Yilgarn Craton: Edamurta Range, Koolanooka and Perenjori Mugga Mugga Hill Hills. Conservation Science and Western Australia 7: 531‐ Murdaburia Hill 536 EnviroWorks/S Level 2 Flora and 98 10x10 Mummaloo Excel Yes Connell (2012) Vegetation Survey – Project Area (just Mummaloo – Report for south of Mt Top Iron P/L Gibson) ATA Mt Gibson Magnetite 76 Mt Gibson pdf* Yes Environmental Project Supplementary 30x30 mining area, but (2006) Vegetation and Flora mostly in Surveys surrounds to west – not on BIF but some on lateritic slopes ATA (sourced Numerical Analysis 100 20x20m Extension Hill, pdf* Yes from E.A. Griffin Cover Iron Hills & Mt & Associates Perennials only Gibson BIF and report) surrounds (20 km radius) Ridges and slopes of BIF See below for localities Knuckey 2011 Hons thesis ECU 53 20x20m Sandplain of Excel Yes Cover region All Species

In summary, Mt Gibson BIFs are generally similar in floristics to Tallering BIFs, whereas Extension Hill and most of the Iron Hill quadrats are more similar to the BIFs of Koolanooka – Perenjori Hills, although there is some overlap (see grouping in middle of ordination)

Also note that the ATA quadrats on Mt Gibson, Extension Hill and Iron Hill BIFs are distinct from the DPaW quadrats in the same area – they are grouped to the top‐left side of ordination (see labelling of sites below – you may need to zoom in to read labels, but the ATA quadrats have a ‘G’ prefix). It is unclear why this is, but the ATA quadrats were floristically less rich than DPaWs (maybe sampled during dry spell?).

Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity 2D Stress: 0.18 Site G80 G100 G93 G97 G99 Mt Gibson G96 G98 G62 WADG21 G65 WALA02 GNOW24 G95 Extension Hill G59 G84 G85 MNJR17 MNJR04 WARR04 GNOW07WADG14 YAND08 GNOW02 GNOW23 MNJR05 WADG16 MUGG01 Iron Hill G83 GNOW14 G9 YAND06MURD11 G56 G44WARR03MNJR03 GNOW13MURD08 WADG12 G46 WIND11MNJR15 YAND07 WALA01MUGG08GNOW11GNOW17WADG04 YAND02MNJR09MNJR02MNJR23MNJR06GNOW25 MURD03MURD01EDAM01 WOLL03 MTGB26 GNH01 WRHL01YAND04WRHL07 MURD10WOLL01 EDAM05CAGA01 G22 WARR01YAND05 BUDD01WOLL05 WADG13 Mummaloo WOLL04GNOW19WRHL02 WADG11 MNJR08PINY08MNJR24PINY03WIND14YAND03MURD05GNOW18 WADG01 WADG24BUDD06 REDH01WIND20MNJR21MNJR16CHUL01 BUDD08 EDAM03 WOLL06 G86G87 G41 G55 JASP07 WARR02WRHL09PINY01GNOW09MURD09 GNOW05 G31 G54G7G14 G64 MNJR14KARA07MUGG05 WADG05EDAM06WADG17 GNOW10WADG15 G34G60 G25G29G30G21G38G39 G20 MNJR18WRHL06GNH02 JASP05MNJR13 WOLL02WADG18BUDD07 BUDD13 G13G40G28G17G26 MTGB23WIND07WIND06MNJR20WRHL08MNJR07GNOW01KARA16 PINY06BUDD11WADG09BUDD02 G23G8 MNJR22WIND17WIND01KARA02JASP06CHUL05 WIND19 GNOW20PINY09EDAM09MURD02EDAM11 CAGA02BUDD14 Mt Gibson Surrounds G33 G51G12 G63 WRHL05 PINY02WADG19GNOW04GNOW06MURD06GNOW22MURD04 BUDD12 G27 G49G4 G11 MTGB14MTGB15 WIND03MNJR26RBFW01 JASP03PINY07PINY05MUGG07WIND04GNOW12BUDD05BUDD03WADG22WADG10EDAM08EDAM10EDAM04BUDD04 WIND12MTGB24 JASP02WIND18WRHL04 MUGG02WADG23BUDD09BUDD16 G32 MTGB11 MTGB10 KARA03 MNJR01WIND16MNJR11 GNOW21 WADG07 G35G53G43G1G10 CHUL02 WIND08KARA11YAND01 MNJR19 WADG02GNOW08 EDAM02 G37 G50G18 G3 MTGB13G42KARA13MTGB22 MTGB25KARA17GNH03 WRHL03 PINY04 G52 G36G47G48 KARA10 KARA12JASP04 MNJR12 MURD12WADG03BUDD10 BUDD15EDAM07 Gullewa BIF G19 G24 MTGB28 KARA04KARA09KARA01KARA05 MTGB20MNJR25 MUGG03 WADG06 G16 MTGB01 KARA08WIND02KARA06JASP01REDH03 MTGB18GNOW03GNH04 GNOW16 MTGB16 MTGB17WIND09 GNOW15 G45 G15 MTGB05 MTGB02 KOOL40 KOOL41 MUGG04 MUGG06WADG20 G5 G57 PERE07KARA14 WIND15CHUL03KARA18WIND13 MNJR10MURD13 WADG08 G2 G6 ATAQ5A KARA19MTGB08MTGB12 WIND10 G61 ATAQ2B KOOL39MTGB04 KOOL33 KARA15MTGB19 PERE05 Tallering BIF ATAQ21 G74 MTGB03 MTGB29 KOOL34 MURD07 REDH02 MTGB06MTGB09G58 PERE08PERE01 KOOL03 PERE04PERE02PERE06 WIND05 YAND09KOOL36 KARA20 KOOL15KOOL35KOOL38 CHUL04 KOOL09KOOL01MTGB31KOOL32KOOL16 KOOL27 KOOL17 KOOL10 ATAQ3CATAQ16B KOOL07KOOL29KOOL24KOOL20 KOOL19 PERE09 KARA21MNJR27 KOOL26 ATAQ5BATAQ1AATAQ1B MTGB07 KOOL02 MTGB32MTGB27 PERE03ATAQ9C KOOL37 North of Mt Gibson BIF G71 ATAQ11B KOOL11 KOOL04KOOL18KOOL14 ATAQ2D q68 KOOL08MTGB30 ATAQ22 ATAQ2A KOOL05 ATAQ13A q10 G66G67 ATAQ1C KOOL23ATAQ20B KOOL06 KOOL22KOOL21 G70G75 ATAQ4F ATAQ3B ATAQ9B q16 G72 ATAQ18CATAQ32ATAQ34q22 q1 ATAQ9A q87 q34ATAQ13C G68G69 KOOL13ATAQ27KOOL31KOOL12 q13 q98 q76 q77 Yalgoo BIF ATAQ4EATAQ20A ATAQ18B q89 ATAQ28 ATAQ9Dq15q72 G73ATAQ16AATAQ12C ATAQ18AKOOL30 q26 G88 aq5 aq7 q46aq4q97q23q81 ATAQ4DATAQ10D ATAQ10A q90ATAQ17C q9 q20 q12 q11q95 q7 qa43 q92 q75 ATAQ8A ATAQ17BKOOL28 ATAQ17AATAQ16CATAQ10C q14q54q80 q19 q29q56 ATAQ8B ATAQ12BKOOL25 q43q88 q28q21 MTGB21q85 q96q30 ATAQ19G92 G78G79 G89 q63 ATAQ14BATAQ12A q91 ATAQ13B aq2 aq1q3aq3q33q31 q32 Sandplain ATAQ10EATAQ4G G77 ATAQ3Aq57 q53 q65q50 q47 q84 ATAQ14A ATAQ2CATAQ11C ATAQ23 ATAQ24ATAQ15Aq2 q79 q82 ATAQ4B ATAQ7A q94 q42 ATAQ25 q86q73 q35 ATAQ31 ATAQ4AATAQ10B G76 ATAQ15B ATAQ6AATAQ35 ATAQ30 ATAQ26 ATAQ33 q27 q67 q55 Koolanooka-Perenjori BIF ATAQ4C ATAQ6B G94ATAQ7B q61q45 q52 q24 q17 q69 JOSFF3.6 q60 q71q5 q66 q59 JOSFF2.9 ATAQ11A q18 q58 aq6 JOS2.4 q62 q39 JOS2.3JOSFF3.3 G91 q6 q44 JOSFF3.1JOSFF2.7JOS2.1JOSFF3.10 JOSFF3.7 q64 q48q78 ATAQ15C q49 q25 JOS2.2JOSFF2.4 ATAQ29 q4 q70 q8 JOSFF2.1JOS2.6JOSFF2.2 q74qa49 qa23 JOSFF3.2 JOSFF3.9 q83q38q41 JOSFF2.13 JOSFF2.6 JOS2.10. JOS2.11 JOSFF3.5JOSFF3.8JOS2.5 q36 JOS2.12 JOSFF3.4JOS2.7 G90 q40 JOSFF2.12 JOS2.9 ATAQ6C q51 JOSFF2.5 JOSFF2.8JOSFF2.3JOSFF2.11 JOS2.14JOS2.13

JOSFF2.10 JOS2.8 q37



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Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses


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Appendix A ‐ Vascular Flora List Family Taxon Status ATA (2005) CALM (2005) ecologia (2015) Analysis Aizoaceae Cleretum papulosum Introduced • Amaranthaceae Ptilotus drummondii • • • Yes Amaranthaceae Ptilotus gaudichaudii var. gaudichaudii • Amaranthaceae Ptilotus helipteroides • Yes Amaranthaceae Ptilotus nobilis • • Yes Amaranthaceae Ptilotus obovatus var. obovatus • • • Yes Apiaceae Daucus glochidiatus •• Apiaceae Hydrocotyle pilifera var. glabrata • Apiaceae Hydrocotyle rugulosa • Apiaceae Platysace trachymenioides • Yes Apiaceae Trachymene cyanopetala • Apiaceae Trachymene ornata •• Apiaceae Trachymene pilosa • Apiaceae Xanthosia kochii • • • Yes Apocynaceae Alyxia buxifolia • • • Yes Apocynaceae Rhyncharrhena linearis • Yes Asparagaceae Arthropodium curvipes •• Asparagaceae Arthropodium dyeri •• Asparagaceae Chamaexeros macranthera •• Yes Asparagaceae Dichopogon capillipes • Asparagaceae Dichopogon tyleri • Asparagaceae Thysanotus manglesianus •• Asparagaceae Thysanotus multiflorus • Asparagaceae Thysanotus patersonii • Asparagaceae Thysanotus pyramidalis • Asphodelaceae Bulbine semibarbata • Asteraceae Actinobole ?uliginosum • Asteraceae Arctotheca calendula Introduced • Asteraceae Asteraceae sp. • Asteraceae Bellida graminea •• Asteraceae Blennospora drummondii •• Asteraceae Brachyscome iberidifolia • Asteraceae Brachyscome perpusilla • Asteraceae Brachyscome pusilla •• Asteraceae Calocephalus multiflorus • Asteraceae Calotis hispidula •• Asteraceae Calotis multicaulis •• Asteraceae Cephalipterum drummondii • Asteraceae Ceratogyne obionoides • Asteraceae Chthonocephalus pseudevax • Asteraceae Cratystylis subspinescens • Yes Asteraceae Feldstonia nitens • Asteraceae Gilberta tenuifolia • Asteraceae Gilruthia osbornei • Asteraceae Gnephosis tenuissima • Asteraceae Helipterum craspedioides • Asteraceae Hyalosperma cotula • Asteraceae Hyalosperma demissum • Asteraceae Hyalosperma glutinosum subsp. glutinosum • Asteraceae Hyalosperma glutinosum subsp. venustum • Asteraceae Hypochaeris glabra Introduced • • Asteraceae Isoetopsis graminifolia • Asteraceae Lawrencella davenportii • Asteraceae Lawrencella rosea •• Asteraceae Millotia myosotidifolia • Asteraceae Myriocephalus guerinae •• Asteraceae Myriocephalus pygmaeus •• Asteraceae Olearia dampieri • Yes Asteraceae Olearia humilis • • • Yes Asteraceae Olearia muelleri • • Yes Asteraceae Olearia pimeleoides • • Yes Asteraceae Podolepis canescens •• Asteraceae Podolepis lessonii •• Asteraceae Podotheca gnaphalioides • Asteraceae Podotheca uniseta P3 • Asteraceae Rhodanthe battii • Asteraceae Rhodanthe charsleyae • Asteraceae Rhodanthe chlorocephala • Asteraceae Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea • Asteraceae Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. splendida • Asteraceae Rhodanthe citrina • Asteraceae Rhodanthe collina • Asteraceae Rhodanthe laevis •• Asteraceae Rhodanthe manglesii •• Asteraceae Rhodanthe maryonii • Appendix A ‐ Vascular Flora List Family Taxon Status ATA (2005) CALM (2005) ecologia (2015) Analysis Asteraceae Rhodanthe polycephala •• Asteraceae Rhodanthe pygmaea • Asteraceae Rhodanthe spicata • Asteraceae Rhodanthe stricta • Asteraceae Roebuckiella cheilocarpa • Asteraceae Roebuckiella ciliocarpa • Asteraceae Schoenia cassiniana •• Asteraceae Schoenia filifolia subsp. filifolia •• Asteraceae Senecio glossanthus • Asteraceae Sonchus oleraceus Introduced • • Asteraceae Sondottia connata • Asteraceae Urosperma picroides • Asteraceae Ursinia anthemoides • Asteraceae Waitzia acuminata var. acuminata •• Asteraceae Waitzia nitida • Asteraceae Waitzia suaveolens var. suaveolens • Boraginaceae Halgania integerrima • Boryaceae Borya sphaerocephala • Yes Brassicaceae Brassica tournefortii Introduced • Brassicaceae Carrichtera annua Introduced • Brassicaceae Lepidium oxytrichum • Brassicaceae Stenopetalum anfractum • Brassicaceae Stenopetalum filifolium •• Campanulaceae Lobelia winfridae • Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia gracilenta • Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia tumidifructa • Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. prinsepiana • • • Yes Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina campestris • Yes Celastraceae Psammomoya grandiflora •• Yes Celastraceae Stackhousia muricata • Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae sp. • Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium melanocarpum • Chenopodiaceae Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa • Yes Chenopodiaceae Maireana georgei • Yes Chenopodiaceae Maireana marginata • Yes Chenopodiaceae Maireana thesioides • Yes Chenopodiaceae Maireana trichoptera •• Yes Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia drummondii • • Yes Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia sp. Watheroo (R.J. Cranfield & P.J. Spencer 8•83) • Yes Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena cuneata • Yes Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena eriacantha • Yes Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena fusiformis • Yes Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena gardneri 2 Colchicaceae Wurmbea densiflora •• • Colchicaceae Wurmbea deserticola • Crassulaceae Crassula closiana • Crassulaceae Crassula colorata var. acuminata • Crassulaceae Crassula colorata var. colorata •• Crassulaceae Crassula extrorsa • Crassulaceae Crassula tetramera • Cupressaceae Callitris columellaris • • • Yes Cuscutaceae Cuscuta epithymum Introduced • • Cyperaceae Lepidosperma costale • Yes Cyperaceae Lepidosperma gibsonii Threatened • Yes Cyperaceae Schoenus nanus •• Dilleniaceae Hibbertia acerosa • Yes Dilleniaceae Hibbertia aff. rostellata • Yes Dilleniaceae Hibbertia ancistrophylla • Yes Dilleniaceae Hibbertia arcuata • • • Yes Dilleniaceae Hibbertia crassifolia • Yes Dilleniaceae Hibbertia glomerosa var. glomerosa • • Yes Dilleniaceae Hibbertia hypericoides • • • Yes Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea hastifolia • Yes Droseraceae Drosera andersoniana • Droseraceae Drosera macrantha subsp. macrantha •• • Ecdeiocoleaceae Ecdeiocolea monostachya • Yes Ericaceae Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman •207) • • • Yes Euphorbiaceae Calycopeplus paucifolius • • • Yes Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia boophthona • Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila • Euphorbiaceae Poranthera microphylla • Fabaceae Acacia acanthoclada • Yes Fabaceae Acacia acuaria •• Yes Fabaceae Acacia acuminata • • • Yes Fabaceae Acacia andrewsii • • • Yes Appendix A ‐ Vascular Flora List Family Taxon Status ATA (2005) CALM (2005) ecologia (2015) Analysis Fabaceae Acacia aneura •• Yes Fabaceae Acacia anthochaera • • Yes Fabaceae Acacia assimilis subsp. assimilis • • • Yes Fabaceae Acacia cerastes P• • • Yes Fabaceae Acacia colletioides • • Yes Fabaceae Acacia coolgardiensis subsp. effusa •• Yes Fabaceae Acacia effusifolia • Yes Fabaceae Acacia erinacea • Yes Fabaceae Acacia exocarpoides • • • Yes Fabaceae Acacia kochii • Yes Fabaceae Acacia longispinea • Yes Fabaceae Acacia neurophylla subsp. erugata • Yes Fabaceae Acacia obtecta • • Yes Fabaceae Acacia oswaldii • Yes Fabaceae Acacia quadrimarginea • Yes Fabaceae Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa • • • Yes Fabaceae Acacia sibina • Yes Fabaceae Acacia sibirica • Yes Fabaceae Acacia stereophylla var. stereophylla •• Yes Fabaceae Acacia tetragonophylla • • • Yes Fabaceae Acacia umbraculiformis • Yes Fabaceae Daviesia benthamii subsp. benthamii • Fabaceae Gastrolobium laytonii • • • Yes Fabaceae Leptosema aphyllum • Yes Fabaceae Mirbelia depressa • Fabaceae Mirbelia microphylla • Fabaceae Mirbelia sp. Bursarioides (T.R. Lally 760) • • Yes Fabaceae Senna artemisioides subsp. artemisioides • Yes Fabaceae Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia • Yes Fabaceae Senna charlesiana • • Yes Fabaceae Senna glutinosa subsp. chatelainiana • Yes Fabaceae Senna glutinosa subsp. x luerssenii • Yes Fabaceae Senna sp. Austin (A. Strid 202•0) •• Yes Fabaceae Senna stowardii • • Yes Fabaceae Trifolium capestre Introduced • Geraniaceae Erodium cicutarium Introduced • Geraniaceae Erodium cygnorum •• • Goodeniaceae Brunonia australis •• Goodeniaceae Goodenia ?peacockiana • Goodeniaceae Goodenia berardiana •• Goodeniaceae Goodenia corynocarpa • Goodeniaceae Goodenia havilandii • Goodeniaceae Goodenia mimuloides • Goodeniaceae Goodenia occidentalis • Goodeniaceae Goodenia pinifolia • Yes Goodeniaceae Goodenia pinnatifida •• Goodeniaceae Scaevola spinescens • • • Yes Goodeniaceae Velleia cycnopotamica •• Goodeniaceae Velleia hispidula • Goodeniaceae Velleia rosea •• Gyrostemonaceae Codonocarpus cotinifolius • Yes Haloragaceae Glischrocaryon aureum • Yes Haloragaceae Glischrocaryon flavescens • Yes Haloragaceae Gonocarpus nodulosus • Haloragaceae Haloragis odontocarpa forma rugosa • Haloragaceae Haloragis trigonocarpa • Hemerocallidaceae Caesia sp. Wongan (K.F. Kenneally 8820) • Hemerocallidaceae Dianella revoluta var. divaricata • • • Yes Hemerocallidaceae Tricoryne elatior • Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis occidentalis var. occidentalis • Juncaginacae Triglochin isingiana • Lamiaceae Hemigenia botryphylla • Yes Lamiaceae Hemigenia ciliata • • Yes Lamiaceae Hemigenia macphersonii • • • Yes Lamiaceae Hemigenia sp. Yalgoo (A.M. Ashby 2624) • Yes Lamiaceae Microcorys sp. Mt Gibson (S. Patrick 2098) • Yes Lamiaceae Pityrodia teckiana • Lamiaceae Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi • • Yes Lamiaceae Prostanthera magnifica •• Yes Lamiaceae Prostanthera patens • • • Yes Lauraceae Cassytha nodiflora •• Yes Loganiaceae Phyllangium sulcatum • Loranthaceae Amyema gibberula var. tatei • Yes Malvaceae Androcalva loxophylla • Yes Malvaceae Androcalva luteiflora • • Yes Appendix A ‐ Vascular Flora List Family Taxon Status ATA (2005) CALM (2005) ecologia (2015) Analysis Malvaceae Brachychiton gregorii •• Yes Malvaceae Keraudrenia velutina subsp. velutina • • Yes Malvaceae Sida atrovirens • Yes Malvaceae Sida chrysocalyx •• Yes Malvaceae Sida sp. dark green fruits (S. van Leeuwen 2260) • Yes Malvaceae Sida sp. Excedentifolia (J.L. Egan •925) • Yes Malvaceae Sida sp. Golden calyces (H.N.Foote 32) • Yes Myrtaceae Aluta aspera subsp. hesperia • • • Yes Myrtaceae sp. Mt Gibson (R.Meissner & Y.Caruso •9) • Yes Myrtaceae Baeckea sp. Wanarra (M.E. Trudgen MET 5376) • Yes Myrtaceae Calothamnus gilesii • Yes Myrtaceae Calytrix leschenaultii • Yes Myrtaceae Darwinia masonii Threatened • • • Yes Myrtaceae Enekbatus stowardii • • • Yes Myrtaceae Eucalyptus horistes • • Yes Myrtaceae Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia • • Yes Myrtaceae Eucalyptus kochii subsp. plenissima • Yes Myrtaceae Eucalyptus leptopoda subsp. leptopoda • Myrtaceae Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis • • • Yes Myrtaceae Eucalyptus oldfieldii • • • Yes Myrtaceae Eucalyptus sp. • Myrtaceae Malleostemon tuberculatus • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca atroviridis • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca conothamnoides x nematophylla • Myrtaceae Melaleuca cordata • • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca eleuterostachya • • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca fabri • • • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca fulgens subsp. fulgens • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca hamata • • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca leiocarpa • • • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca nematophylla • • • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca radula • • Yes Myrtaceae Melaleuca uncinata • Yes Myrtaceae Micromyrtus clavata • Myrtaceae Micromyrtus racemosa • • Yes Myrtaceae Micromyrtus trudgenii P3 • Yes Myrtaceae Thryptomene costata • Yes Myrtaceae Thryptomene cuspidata • Yes Orchidaceae Caladenia flaccida • Orchidaceae Caladenia latifolia • Orchidaceae Cyanicula amplexans • Orchidaceae Cyanicula sp. • Orchidaceae Diuris porrifolia • Orchidaceae Thelymitra ?petrophila • Pittosporaceae Cheiranthera filifolia var. simplicifolia •• Yes Plantaginaceae Plantago aff. hispida (R.Meissner & Y.Caruso •2•) • Poacaeae Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus • • • Yes Poacaeae Aristida contorta •• Yes Poacaeae Austrodanthonia caespitosa • • Yes Poacaeae Austrostipa blackii • Poacaeae Austrostipa elegantissima • • • Yes Poacaeae Austrostipa eremophila • Poacaeae Austrostipa hemipogon • Poacaeae Austrostipa nitida • Poacaeae Austrostipa scabra • Poacaeae Austrostipa sp. •• Poacaeae Austrostipa trichophylla • Poaceae Bromus arenarius • Poaceae Elymus sp. •• Yes Poaceae Lachagrostis plebeia • Poaceae Monachather paradoxus • • Yes Poaceae Neurachne alopecuroidea • Yes Poaceae Pentameris airoides subsp. airoides Introduced • • • Yes Poaceae Triodia scariosa • Yes Poaceae Vulpia muralis Introduced • Polygalaceae Comesperma integerrimum • • • Yes Portulacaceae Calandrinia baccata • Portulacaceae Calandrinia eremaea •• Portulacaceae Calandrinia sp. Bungalbin (G.J. Keighery & N. Gibson •656) • Portulacaceae Calandrinia sp. Truncate capsules (A. Markey & S. Dillon 3474) • Portulacaceae Calandrinia translucens • Primulaceae Lysimachia arvensis Introduced • Proteaceae Grevillea acacioides • Yes Proteaceae Grevillea extorris • Yes Proteaceae Grevillea hakeoides subsp. stenophylla • Yes Appendix A ‐ Vascular Flora List Family Taxon Status ATA (2005) CALM (2005) ecologia (2015) Analysis Proteaceae Grevillea hookeriana subsp hookeriana • Proteaceae Grevillea juncfolia subsp. temulenta • Yes Proteaceae Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. obliquistigma • • • Yes Proteaceae Grevillea paradoxa • • • Yes Proteaceae Grevillea pityophylla • Yes Proteaceae Grevillea sarissa subsp. sarissa • Yes Proteaceae Grevillea scabrida P• • Yes Proteaceae Grevillea sp. • Yes Proteaceae Hakea minyma • Yes Proteaceae Hakea preissii • Yes Proteaceae Hakea recurva • • Yes Proteaceae Persoonia manotricha • Proteaceae Persoonia pentasticha P3 • Proteaceae Persoonia sp. • Yes Pteridiacae Cheilanthes adiantoides • • • Yes Pteridiacae Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi •• • Ranunculaceae Clematis linearifolia • Yes Rhamnaceae Cryptandra apetala var. apetala • Rhamnaceae Cryptandra connata • • Yes Rubiaceae Opercularia vaginata • Yes Rutaceae Phebalium tuberculosum • Rutaceae Philotheca brucei subsp. brucei • • • Yes Rutaceae Philotheca deserti subsp. deserti • Yes Rutaceae Philotheca sericea • • • Yes Rutaceae Philotheca thryptomenoides • Yes Rutaceae Philotheca tomentella • Yes Santalaceae Exocarpos aphyllus • Yes Santalaceae Santalum acuminatum • Yes Santalaceae Santalum spicatum • • • Yes Sapindaceae Dodonaea inaequifolia • • • Yes Sapindaceae Dodonaea sp. Ninghan (H. Demarz 5•••) • Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila clarkei • • • Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila eriocalyx • Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila forrestii subsp. forrestii •• Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila georgei • Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila glutinosa • Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila granitica • Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila latrobei subsp. latrobei • • • Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila oldfieldii subsp. angustifolia •• Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila oppositifolia • Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila serrulata • Yes Scrophulariaceae Eremophila sp. • Scrophulariaceae Zaluzianskya divaricata • Solanaceae Anthocercis anisantha • Solanaceae Nicotiana rosulata • Solanaceae Nicotiana rotundifolia • Solanaceae Solanum ellipticum • Yes Solanaceae Solanum lasiophyllum • • • Yes Solanaceae Solanum nummularium • Yes Solanaceae Solanum orbiculatum subsp. orbiculatum • Stylidiaceae Stylidium confluens • • • Yes Thymelaeaceae Pimelea avonensis •• Yes Thymelaeaceae Pimelea microcephala • Urticaceae Parietaria cardiostegia • • Yes Zygophyllaceae Zygophyllum eremaeum •• Zygophyllaceae Zygophyllum ovatum • Zygophyllaceae Zygophyllum tesquorum • Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses


March 2016 47

Site: 1 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0515504 6725261 Habitat: Undulating Plain Slope: Negligible; Surface Layer: Loose; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: No Rocks; Rock Size: No Rocks; Rock Abundance: None (0%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 4%

Taxa: Acacia anthochaera Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus Asteraceae sp. Dianella revoluta Enekbatus stowardii Eucalyptus kochii subsp. plenissima Hakea minyma Melaleuca leiocarpa Philotheca deserti subsp. deserti Wurmbea densiflora Site: 2 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0515940 6725285 Habitat: Undulating Plain Slope: Negligible; Surface Layer: Loose; Crust; Soil Colour: Red; Orange; Soil Texture: Sand; Rock Type: No Rocks; Rock Size: No Rocks; Rock Abundance: None (0%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 3%

Taxa: Acacia anthochaera Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Asteraceae sp. Erodium sp. Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia Eucalyptus sp. Melaleuca eleuterostachya Melaleuca hamata Microcorys sp. Mt Gibson (S. Patrick 2098) Site: 3 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0516151 6725485 Habitat: Low Rise Slope: Gentle; Surface Layer: Loose; Crust; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sand; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Few (<10%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 2%

Taxa: Acacia anthochaera Acacia longispinea Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. acutivalvis Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus Asteraceae sp. Baeckea sp. Wanarra (M.E. Trudgen MET 5376) Dianella revoluta Ecdeiocolea monostachya Enekbatus stowardii Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia Eucalyptus kochii subsp. plenissima Grevillea juncifolia subsp. temulenta Hakea minyma Hemigenia botryphylla Hibbertia glomerosa var. glomerosa Melaleuca hamata Thysanotus manglesianus Site: 4 Date: 29/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0516282 6725157 Habitat: Hillslope ‐ Footslope Slope: Gentle; Surface Layer: Crust; Gravel; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Common (10‐30%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 1%

Taxa: Acacia anthochaera Acacia longispinea Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Aluta aspera subsp. hesperia Asteraceae sp. Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi Dianella revoluta Enekbatus stowardii Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia Melaleuca fabri Melaleuca hamata Site: 5 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0516507 6724568 Habitat: Undulating Plain Slope: Negligible; Surface Layer: Crust; Soil Colour: Orange; Brown; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Common (10‐30%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 3%

Taxa: Acacia acuminata Acacia andrewsii Acacia anthochaera Acacia tetragonophylla Alyxia buxifolia Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus Asteraceae sp. Austrostipa elegantissima Cheilanthes adiantoides Chenopodiaceae sp. Comesperma integerrimum Eremophila granitica Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis Exocarpos aphyllus Hakea recurva Maireana thesioides Monachather paradoxus Olearia humilis Olearia muelleri Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi Ptilotus obovatus Ptilotus sp. Scaevola spinescens Sclerolaena cuneata Senna stowardii Thysanotus manglesianus Wurmbea densiflora Site: 6 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0516148 6724391 Habitat: Undulating Plain Slope: Negligible; Surface Layer: Crust; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sand; Rock Type: No Rocks; Rock Size: No Rocks; Rock Abundance: None (0%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 8%

Taxa: Acacia acuminata Acacia anthochaera Acacia anthochaera Acacia colletioides Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus Asteraceae sp. Cheilanthes adiantoides Cryptandra apetala Enekbatus stowardii Eremophila granitica Eucalyptus ?horistes Hemigenia botryphylla Hibbertia arcuata Thysanotus manglesianus Triodia scariosa Site: 7 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0516678 6724297 Habitat: Undulating Plain Slope: Negligible; Surface Layer: Crust; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sand; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Few (<10%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 2%

Taxa: Acacia anthochaera Acacia assimilis subsp. assimilis Acacia obtecta Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Acacia tetragonophylla Alyxia buxifolia Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus Austrostipa elegantissima Callitris columellaris Cheilanthes adiantoides Dianella revoluta Eremophila sp. Erodium sp. Hakea recurva Hemigenia ?macphersonii Hemigenia botryphylla Monachather paradoxus Olearia humilis Olearia pimeleoides Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi Santalum spicatum Scaevola spinescens Sida sp. dark green fruits (S. van Leeuwen 2260) Site: 8 Date: 1/05/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0516690 6725380 Habitat: Hillslope ‐ Ridgetop Slope: Moderate; Surface Layer: Rocky/Stony; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Boulders (can't pick up); Rock Abundance: Continuous (>70%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 2%

Taxa: Acacia effusifolia Acacia exocarpoides Actinobole ?uliginosum Amanita carneiphylla Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus Asteraceae sp. Austrostipa elegantissima Calycopeplus paucifolius Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi Darwinia masonii Dodonaea inaequifolia Eremophila clarkei Eremophila latrobei subsp. latrobei Grevillea ?juncifolia Hakea recurva Hibbertia hypericoides Monachather paradoxus Philotheca brucei subsp. brucei Philotheca sericea Ptilotus obovatus Sida sp. dark green fruits (S. van Leeuwen 2260) Sida sp. Golden calyces glabrous (H.N. Foote 32) Site: 9 Date: 1/05/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0516941 6725414 Habitat: Hillslope ‐ Midslope Slope: Gentle; Surface Layer: Crust; Rocky/Stony; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Other; Rock Abundance: Common (10‐30%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 3%

Taxa: Acacia acuminata Acacia exocarpoides Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. acutivalvis Aluta aspera subsp. hesperia Asteraceae sp. Cheilanthes adiantoides Darwinia masonii Dodonaea inaequifolia Dodonaea inaequifolia Eremophila clarkei Eremophila latrobei subsp. latrobei Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. obliquistigma Grevillea paradoxa Hemigenia ciliata Hemigenia macphersonii Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207) Melaleuca nematophylla Micromyrtus racemosa Olearia humilis Philotheca sericea Prostanthera patens Scaevola spinescens Sida sp. dark green fruits (S. van Leeuwen 2260) Solanum lasiophyllum Wurmbea ?densiflora Xanthosia kochii Site: 10 Date: 1/05/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0517069 6725109 Habitat: Hillslope ‐ Midslope Slope: Moderate; Surface Layer: Crust; Rocky/Stony; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Common (10‐30%) Vegetation Condition: Very Good (slight disturbance) Disturbance Type: Mining Activities; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 3%

Taxa: Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. acutivalvis Asteraceae sp. Calycopeplus paucifolius Darwinia masonii Dodonaea inaequifolia Eremophila clarkei Eremophila latrobei subsp. latrobei Eucalyptus oldfieldii Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. obliquistigma Grevillea paradoxa Hemigenia ciliata Hibbertia glomerata subsp. glomerata Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207) Micromyrtus racemosa Olearia humilis Philotheca brucei subsp. brucei Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi Thysanotus manglesianus Xanthosia kochii Site: 11 Date: 1/05/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0517144 6724986 Habitat: Rocky Outcrop Slope: Moderate; Surface Layer: Crust; Rocky/Stony; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Other; Rock Abundance: Common (10‐30%) Vegetation Condition: Very Good (slight disturbance) Disturbance Type: Mining Activities; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 2%

Taxa: Acacia acuminata Acacia assimilis subsp. assimilis Acacia exocarpoides Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. acutivalvis Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus Asteraceae sp. Austrodanthonia sp. Calycopeplus paucifolius Cheilanthes adiantoides Comesperma integerrimum Darwinia masonii Dodonaea inaequifolia Eremophila clarkei Eremophila latrobei subsp. latrobei Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. obliquistigma Hemigenia macphersonii Hibbertia hypericoides Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207) Melaleuca nematophylla Melaleuca radula Micromyrtus racemosa Parietaria cardiostegia Pentameris airoides Philotheca brucei subsp. brucei Philotheca sericea Xanthosia kochii Site: 12 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0517239 6724478 Habitat: Hillslope ‐ Footslope Slope: Gentle; Surface Layer: Loose; Crust; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Few (<10%) Vegetation Condition: Very Good (slight disturbance) Disturbance Type: Vehicle Tracks; Mining Activities; Time Since Fire: 2‐5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 5%

Taxa: Acacia acuminata Acacia assimilis subsp. assimilis Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. acutivalvis Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus Asteraceae sp. Cheilanthes adiantoides Dodonaea inaequifolia Eremophila clarkei Eremophila granitica Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia Grevillea obliquistigma subsp. obliquistigma Grevillea paradoxa Hibbertia glomerosa var. glomerosa Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207) Micromyrtus racemosa Olearia pimeleoides Philotheca brucei subsp. brucei Pimelea microcephala Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi Wurmbea densiflora Xanthosia kochii Site: 13 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0516914 6724671 Habitat: Undulating Plain Slope: Gentle; Surface Layer: Crust; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Quartz; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Few (<10%) Vegetation Condition: Very Good (slight disturbance) Disturbance Type: Vehicle Tracks; Litter; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 3%

Taxa: Acacia anthochaera Chenopodiaceae sp. Comesperma integerrimum Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa Eremophila clarkei Erodium sp. Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis Exocarpos aphyllus Maireana thesioides Maireana thesioides Olearia pimeleoides Sclerolaena cuneata Senna charlesiana Wurmbea ?densiflora Zygophyllum ?eremaeum Site: 14 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0516690 6724899 Habitat: Hillslope ‐ Footslope Slope: Gentle; Moderate; Surface Layer: Crust; Cracking Clay; Soil Colour: Red; Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Few (<10%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 5%

Taxa: Acacia acuminata Acacia andrewsii Allocasuarina acutivalvis subsp. acutivalvis Asteraceae sp. Cheilanthes adiantoides Dodonaea inaequifolia Eremophila clarkei Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis Hemigenia macphersonii Melaleuca hamata Melaleuca leiocarpa Philotheca brucei subsp. brucei Scaevola spinescens Sida sp. dark green fruits (S. van Leeuwen 2260) Thysanotus manglesianus Wurmbea densiflora Site: 15 Date: 30/04/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0517003 6724075 Habitat: Undulating Plain Slope: Negligible; Surface Layer: Crust; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sandy‐Clay; Rock Type: Ironstone; Quartz; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Few (<10%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 4%

Taxa: Acacia andrewsii Acacia anthochaera Acacia assimilis subsp. assimilis Acacia tetragonophylla Alyxia buxifolia Austrostipa elegantissima Chenopodiaceae sp. Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa Eremophila eriocalyx Eremophila granitica Eremophila granitica Erodium sp. Eucalyptus kochii subsp. plenissima Exocarpos aphyllus Hakea recurva Maireana thesioides Melaleuca eleuterostachya Olearia pimeleoides Platysace trachymenioides Ptilotus obovatus Rhagodia drummondii Scaevola spinescens Sclerolaena eriacantha Senna charlesiana Site: 16 Date: 1/05/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0515328 6725127 Habitat: Undulating Plain Slope: Negligible; Surface Layer: Crust; Soil Colour: Orange; Soil Texture: Sand; Rock Type: No Rocks; Rock Size: No Rocks; Rock Abundance: None (0%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 4%

Taxa: Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Acacia sibina Amphipogon caricinus var. caricinus Asteraceae sp. Comesperma integerrimum Cryptandra apetala var. apetala Eucalyptus ?horistes Hakea minyma Philotheca sericea Stylidium sp. Thysanotus manglesianus Triodia scariosa Site: 17 Date: 1/05/2015 Botanist: Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham Quadrat Size: 20 X 20 m North‐west Corner: 50J 0515080 6725181 Habitat: Undulating Plain Slope: Negligible; Surface Layer: Crust; Soil Colour: Orange; Yellow; Soil Texture: Sand; Rock Type: Ironstone; Rock Size: Gravel/Pebble; Stones (can pick up); Rock Abundance: Few (<10%) Vegetation Condition: Excellent (no obvious disturbance) Disturbance Type: No Disturbance; Time Since Fire: > 5 years; Leaf Litter Cover: 1%

Taxa: Acacia anthochaera Acacia longispinea Acacia ramulosa var. ramulosa Asteraceae sp. Dianella revoluta Enekbatus stowardii Eucalyptus kochii subsp. plenissima Hakea minyma Melaleuca eleuterostachya Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses


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Appendix C ‐ Mt Gibson Iron Hill Range Extensions


Appendix C ‐ Mt Gibson Iron Hill Range Edge Taxa


Appendix C ‐ Mt Gibson Iron Hill Range Edge Taxa


Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses


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Appendix E ‐ Herbarium Voucher Specimens Specimen Code Taxon Collector Date Significance Coordinate System Easting Northing 1639‐09‐27 Hemigenia macphersonii Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Extension GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516941 6725414 1639‐11‐18 Hemigenia macphersonii Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Extension GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517144 6724986 1639‐14‐09 Hemigenia macphersonii Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Extension GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516690 6724899 1639‐08‐01 Hibbertia hypericoides Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Extension GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516690 6725380 1639‐11‐14 Hibbertia hypericoides Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Extension GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517144 6724986 1639‐7‐22 Hibbertia hypericoides Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Extension GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516678 6724297 1639‐15‐23 Sclerolaena eriacantha Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Extension GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517003 6724075 1639‐15‐16 Eremophila eriocalyx Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517003 6724075 1639‐02‐07 Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 515940 6725285 1639‐03‐15 Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516151 6725485 1639‐04‐11 Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 29‐Apr‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516282 6725157 1639‐12‐06 Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517239 6724478 1639‐09‐06 Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207) Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516941 6725414 1639‐10‐07 Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207) Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517069 6725109 1639‐11‐23 Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207) Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517144 6724986 1639‐12‐20 Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A. Burgman 1207) Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517239 6724478 1639‐MJM14 Mirbelia sp. Bursarioides (T.R. Lally 760) Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 2‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517090 6724579 1639‐08‐06 Philotheca sericea Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516690 6725380 1639‐09‐03 Philotheca sericea Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516941 6725414 1639‐11‐05 Philotheca sericea Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517144 6724986 1639‐16‐05 Philotheca sericea Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 515328 6725127 1639‐05‐08 Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516507 6724568 1639‐07‐21 Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516678 6724297 1639‐10‐05 Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517069 6725109 1639‐12‐04 Prostanthera althoferi subsp. althoferi Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 30‐Apr‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 517239 6724478 1639‐09‐26 Protanthera patens Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516941 6725414 1639‐08‐08 Sida sp. Golden calyces glabrous (H.N. Foote 32) Matthew Macdonald/John Grantham 1‐May‐15 Range Edge GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50 516690 6725380 Mount Gibson Mining Iron Hill Flora and Vegetation Assessment Based on Regional and Local Floristic Analyses


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