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Calling All Nature Lovers YlsH fbs Specid Nature Section in Our hok Store 11l1glnaaofBooksonOutdoorUe WE WIU OBTAIN PROMPTLY ANY BOOK rn PZlINT NOT ALREADY IN STOCK A FTELD GUIDE TO THE BlRDS by Roger Tory Peterson. The stan- dard book for field identification. 1000 illustrations--500 in color. 1947 edition $3.50 AWUBON BIRD GUIDE by Richard H. Paugb. Covers 275 spe- cie of land birds occurring east of the Rockies. 400 illus- htians in color $3.50 BIRDS OF TENNESSEE by Albert F. Ganier. A 64 gage distri- butional list, supplementmg the Guides, to show when and where all Tennessee birds are to be found -50 BIRDS OF AMERICA by T. Gilbert Pearson. 834 pages, illus- trated by photos, drawings and 108 color plates by Fuertes. "One of the very finest books on American birds ever pub- 1ished'John Frisbie Weatherdl $5.95 AMERICAN BIRDS IN COLOR by Hal H. Harrison, Much infor- mation on 450 species. Illuskated by 387 photographz-102 in natural color $5.00 ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOFFJ3IA ON NORTH AMBXICAN BIRDS by L. A. Hausmann. 541 gages. Brief accounts of each; 700 drawings, 16 color plates $2.49 NATURE LOVERS TRFASURY by Marsball McClintwk Con- tains I00 of the most enthralling nature stories and studies. 800 gages $3.50 FOOTPIOTES ON NATURE by John Kieran $3.00 LOST WOODS by Edwin Way Teale $4.00 HWNTING AND FISHING THE GREAT SMOKES by Jim Gasque - $3.75 BIRDS OF THE GARDEN by Margaret McKcnny; with excel- lent color plates $2.98 and Many Others Mail Ordem Handled Pm~tls.We Can Obtain Any Book Dmhd The Methodist Book Store 810 Broad Skeet WashdIe (2) Tennesiee TeL 42-1611 Patronhe Our Advedser~cmd Mentlon THE MIGRANT THE MIGRA-NT VOL. 81 DECEXBER, lg5O No. 4 BIFtDIS OF CAETEB C10UNTY, By LEE R. HERNWN The following annotated list of birds rovers those observed in Carter County, Tennessee, by members and guests of the Elhbethton Chapter of the Tennessee Omdthological Society since February, 1944. Carter CounQ is near the rmtheasbrn comer of Tmnessee. It mrf~in elevation from abut 1500 feet to about 6300 feet on Ram Mountaim. Wahuga bake, dch is mentimed frequently in the following last, is a kge artiirdal m voir whom impoundment began on December 1, 1948. A description of the mea mylx Nund h an article mWed "A Survey of Upper Errst Ten- n-e Birds and their Habitats," by Fred W. Behrend (THE MIGRANT, 20: 26-32. 1849). Included in the following annotated notes on many species are the extreme dates on which records of the species have been made. The initials used in the list refer to the following observe=: F.WB. -Fred W. Behrend; J.C.B.4. C. Browning; L3.-Louise Browning; E. E. Ebbie Evans; T.W.F.-Thomas W. Finucane; L.M.H.-Lois M. Herndon; U.H.-Le B. Herndon; L.R.H. @.-lee R. Herndm, jr.--J.C.H.Jw C. Howell; W.F.P.-William F. Pearson; MS.-Margot SWin; E.T.-Evan Thnm; M.T.-Marjay momas; E.H.W.-E. W. Wabn; Al3.W.-Adele EL West; E.M.W.-Eugene 116. West. ANNOTATED LIST COMMON LOON (Gavla Cmmer). Rare Spring and Fall migrant ID47 and 1948 on Watauga Fhver and Lake Phi- Nelson. Fairly common on Watauga Lake in Spring and Fall since impounding. Apr. 16 to May 7 and Nov. 2 to Dec. 15. RED-THROATED LOUN (Gaolp debEs). On November 6, 1949, five obwmem (AH.W., E.M.W., T.W.F., M.S., L.R.H.) In a cabln cmhr on Wautauga Lake saw a small loon that was verg light underneath and the edges of the feathers appeared to have light edgings. It was icknbified as a Red-throakd Loon. This was near the old site of Pllsh Springs. Fur- ther up the lake near old Butler (in Johnson Co. just amthe Carter Co. line) several other Loons, both Common and W-throated Loons, were found, providing an opportunity to compare the two species. In all five b six Rwl-throat& hnswere observed, =me et fairly close range, and or four Common Loom. More Red-throated lnons were ob- served on April 6 (11, April 22 {a), and May 7 (I), 110, near old Butler (A.H.W., EXW.). This appears to be a first record for the State. HORNED GIlEBE ICdpmbm atu~tps). Very rare in Fall until Wa- tauga ];age was impounded. Fairly common transient, Spring and Fall 58 THE MIGRANT DECEMBER on Watauga Lake. Feb. 25 to Agr. 22 and Oct. 15 to Dec. 19. PIED-BILLED GREBE (PaWlymbtls podhem). Fairly common migrant in Spring and Fall 1944 through 1948. Wintered in appreciable nudwrs an Watauga Lake 1049-1950. Probably breeding on Lake PhilTip Nelson (3500'1 where observed throughout Summers of 1948 thru 1950. Two young each observd JuIy 24 and August 7, 1949. (F.W.B.) DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT (Phalamocorax au*). Extremely rare as only one pair has been observed in this area, from Nov. 30 to Dec. 18, 1948. (F.W.B., EX., A.H.W.) GREAT BLUE HEFtON (Ardca hervdias). Fkk4 common Spring and Fa11 migrant, more abundant in Fall, rather rare in Winter and early Summer. \ AMERICAN EGRET (Ca$unerodIns albus). Fairly common Summer and Fall visitan6 more common in late Summer and Fall. Extreme dates June 18 to Nov. 5. LITTLE BLUE HERON (Florida cawaleo). Rare until Watauga Lake was impounded. Fairly common during Surnmer 01 1949 on Watauga Lake. Extreme dates Apr. 12 to Sept. 3. GREEN HERON (Butwldts virmm). Common Summer resident. Extreme dates Apr. 1 (1949) to Nov. 27 (1948). BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON (Nycticomx nyotiaorsx), Rare but regular Spring migrant. March 23 to May 6. Only one Fall record, bird found dead on Dec. 15, 1946 (LBN.). AMERICAN BITTERN (Bohmm Ientigitlmns). ExtremeIy rare, only one bird recorded for the county on May 4, 1947 (L.M.H.,L.R.H.), on CounB Farm. CANADA GOOSE; (Bran& canaden&), W1y common ad re Smbg and Fall transient. Fkb. 26 to Agr. 3, Segt. 14 b NQV.27. AdALLARD RUCK (Anas platyrhynchos). Rare transient until Wa- tauga Lake -pounded, then fairly common Spring and Fd migrant. Jan. 14 to Apr. 10 and Qct. 16 to Nov. 22. BLACK DUCK (Anas mbripes). Fairly rare bansiant until Watauga Lake impounded, then iairIy common Spring and Fall migrant. Jan. 1 to May 1 and Mov. 8 to Dec 14. GADWALL DUCK (Chanlchmus strewms). Vhy rare transient; fimt observed on Watauga River above Sycamore Shoals on March 20, 1Q4P (L.R.H.), everal records since, particularly on Watauga Lab. F&. 26 to Apr. 17. BALDPATE DUCK (Harea amerigana). Regular and fairb common migran& more abundant since impounding of WaQuga Lake. PINTAIL, DUCK (Daacuta). Very rare transient; Watauga River, Wagner's Island, Oct. f 6, 1948 (EX.). BLUE-WINGED TEAL (QuerquedP dlsmrs). Fairly common migrmt March 16 to May 18; Sept 9 to Nov. 29. SHOVELLER DUCK (Spatnla c1ymta). Uncommon but iairly regular migmnt Ebb. 20 h Apr. 16, Mov. 1 ~boDee, 22. WOOD DUCK (Ah sponsa). Fairly common migrant, Mar. 16 to Apr. 2, anel Segt. to Nov. 22. Few summer reca& podbly breedfng. 1950 THE MIGRANT I REDHEAD DUCK (Aythya americana). A pair ~eenon Watauea Lalrc above site of old Butler on the Watauga River prong, Nov. 6, ID49 (E.M.W. et al). One female obsemed on Wilbur Lake Mar. 12, 13, and 14, 1950 (EX.). RINGdNECKED DUCK (Aythya mllarls). Uncommon went, SprLng and FaU, until Wahuga Lake was impounded, then common at I~Ms. Mar. 9 to Agr. 24, Dct. 16 to Nov. 27. CANVASBACK (Aythya valhherh). One male observed at Ra%or Farm on Mar. 27, 1947 (F.W-B. et d). GREATER SCAUP DUCK (Aythya marIla). Fht Wwly identified on Wilbur Lake Mar. 10, 1950 (J.C.B., L.B.). Four birds identified by green head on Watauga River Mar. 26, 1950 (L.R.H.). LESSEX SCAUP DUCK (Aythya afifnb). Fairly common migrant Spring and Fall, abundant after Watauga Lake was impounded, Mar. 12 to July 31, Nov. 11 to Dec. 22. AMERICAN GOLDEN-EYE (Bucep~m). Rare bamient Spring and Winter. Jan. 18 to Apr. 9; one fall record! Nov. 6, 1948. BUFFLE-HEAD DUCK (Chpritoneiia dbcola). Rare transient Spring and Fall. Mar. 20 to Apr. 27, Dec. 14 to Dec. 24. RUDDY DUCK (Oxyura m).Very rare transient h Fall. Oct. 23 to Nw. 21. HOODED MERGANSER (Lophodyb ctlcdlatus). FairIy common mi- grant, Spring and Fall, rare Wnter resident. Jan. 8 to May l and Nw. 22 b Dec. 20. AMERICAN MERGANSER (Me- me-). Very rare transient, having been recorded on Watauga River in Elhabethim Feb. 19, 1947 (L.R.H.) and Nov. 27. 1948. RED-BREASTED mGANSER (Wergus imrator). Uncommon migrant Spring and Fall untiI Watauga Lake was impounded, then fairly corn- man at times. March I7 to May 1 and Nov. 29 to Dec. 24. TURKEY VULTURE (Cathark aura). Uncommon permanent &dent, lea oonmon $1 we. BLACK VULTURE (Corngyps ahhis). Vary m Summm vigibnt EASTEFW GOSHAWK (Astnr ntrI~apillw).Very rare Merit in Fall: mbona cwrse kt. I, 1944 (L.R.H.); Siam bridge Sept. 28, 1947 (LBH. et al); Wflbur Lake Sept. 25, 1948 (L-RH., E-T).. SHARP-SHINNED HAWK (Adplter *W). Rare permanent M- dent; however, we have no July records. Fairly common migrmt in Fall. COOPEIC'S HAWK (hipiiter cooperil). Fairly mmmon permanent ree- ident; comrnon Fall migrant. FLED-TAILED HAWK (Bnteo hmabmk). Rare permanent resident; common Fall migrent REDSHOULDERED HAWK (Bnteo UDsntua). Rare permanent &dent. BROAD-WINGED HAWK (Bnteo plPbptems).