The Future of the Past: Science in Archaeology Illinois Antiquity Vol
The Future of the Past: Science in Archaeology Illinois Antiquity Vol. 50, No. 3 September 2015 REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS ARCHAEOLOGY AND ECOLOGY: BRIDGING THE SCIENCES THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH By Carol E. Colaninno LiDAR ILLUMINATED By Michael Farkas IDENTIFYING BLACK DRINK CEREMONIALISM AT CAHOKIA: CHEMICAL RESIDUE ANALYSIS By Thomas E. Emerson and Timothy R. Pauketat SOURCING NATIVE AMERICAN CERAMICS FROM WESTERN ILLINOIS By Julie Zimmermann Holt, Andrew J. Upton, and Steven A. Hanlin Conrad, Lawrence A. 1989 The Southeastern Ceremonial Complex on the Northern Middle Mississippian Frontier: Late Prehistoric Politico-religious Systems in the Central Illinois River Valley. In The Southeastern Ceremonial Complex: Artifacts and Analysis, edited by P. Galloway, pp. 93-113. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln. 1991 The Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Central Illinois Valley. In Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Midwest, edited by T. E. Emerson and R. B. Lewis, pp. 119-156. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Dye, David H. 2004 Art, Ritual, and Chiefly Warfare in the Mississippian World. In Hero, Hawk, and Open Hand: American Indian Art of the Ancient Midwest and South, edited by R. F. Townsend, pp. 191-205. The Art Institute, Chicago. Fie, Shannon M. 2006 Visiting in the Interaction Sphere: Ceramic Exchange and Interaction in the Lower Illinois Valley. In Recreating Hopewell, edited by D. K. Charles and J. E. Buikstra, pp. 427-45. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. 2008 Middle Woodland Ceramic Exchange in the Lower Illinois Valley. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 33:5-40. Fowles, Severin M., Leah Minc, Samuel Duwe and David V.
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