Dear All

Please kindly find below an update regarding the situation in /dammam, regret to state that there seems to be no respite still In fact there is a general state of bad weather in the gulf sector . Just to give you an insight into the t/s situation for uppergulf , please take note of the below .


Please be informed that Shuaiba Port is closed from 05th July 10:20 am and still not resumed due to bad weather. port operations also getting delayed on and off due to bad weather. Resulting a bunch of vessels are waiting in the queue for berthing in KWT ports. Basis weather forecast next 02/03 days is also bad weather and port will suspend operations till further notice.Subsequently arrival at JAL also will be delayed


1-Primary factors causing delay in feeder schedule from JEA – KWT – crane break down/ slow operations / port closure owing to bad weather - we have had some situations in the recent past where in GEM vessels (eg. BUXCOAST 0114E/ASTRID SCHULTE 1519E )which were supposed to discharge containers at JEA had skipped JEA and containers were discharged at KLF to maintain schedule. Inspite of our best efforts, unfortunately owing to such unfavourable circumstances there has been severe but unavoidable delays in Kuwait transshipments and the bad news is that there is no possibility for situation to improve in the near future. Basis the present scenario, the t/t for Kuwait needs to be reviewed , if the containers are discharged at KLF , the t/t including the idling time at KLF and JEA have increased to 17- 18 days. And if the containers are discharged at JEA directly the t/t is around 12 days .


Please be informed that DAMMAM saillings are suspended due to congestion Port, consequent berthing congestion , slow operations owing to these reasons as well as reduced Ramadan working hours , have led to tremendous delay in the turnaround of dammam feeder vessels.


Due to reduced working hours of Ramadan and summer ban vessel turnaround is badly affected.Container yard movement is also restricted.

Doha port is congested and an average berthing delay for container vessel of 72 hours is expected.

Regret inconvenience caused.