November 21, 2019, Vol. 61, No. 47
Bolivia: Una gran resistencia 12 Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! Vol. 61 No. 47 Nov. 21, 2019 $1 Racist coup in Bolivia sparks resistance By Sam Ordóñez joined right-wing protests, and the Armed Fernando Camacho, ultra-right- growers’ union he had led before becom- Forces announced on television that they ist leader of the opposition movement, ing president. After sheltering 20 MAS Nov. 15—Evo Morales, president of the were calling for Morales’ resignation, thus entered the Palacio Quemado to take a members in its embassy, the Mexican gov- Plurinational State of Bolivia, resigned on also joining the coup d’état. photo kneeling before the flag and the ernment offered asylum to the president, Nov. 10, along with the vice president and It didn’t matter that the government Bible. At his side, a pastor declared, and at the time of this writing Morales is the majority of his cabinet. This happened had already accepted what the protesters “Bolivia belongs to Christ.” in Mexico City. after the national police abandoned their were supposedly asking for: new elections In the following days the situation Meanwhile, in the streets of Bolivia a defense of the elected government and with a new Supreme Electoral Tribunal. developed that should not surprise those great resistance to the coup is develop- who know the history of Latin America: ing— to defend democracy and also to The police forcefully repressed protests reject and resist the racism unleashed by in working-class neighborhoods and the coup victory. killed at least six people, persecuted civil In the city of El Alto, near the admin- servants and elected officials of the rul- istrative capital of La Paz and famous for ing party Movement Toward Socialism its history of overthrowing dictators, the (MAS), and arrested union, peasant and inhabitants, mostly Indigenous peoples, Indigenous leaders.
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