402 the Classical Journal Programofthetwenty
402 THE CLASSICAL JOURNAL PROGRAM OF THE TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEET ING OF THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE MIDDLE WEST AND SOUTH, TO BE HELD AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, APRIL 14-16 THURSDAY, 9:00 A. M. MICHIGAN UNION Meeting of the Executive Committee THURSDAY, 2:00 P.M. 25 ANGELL HALL ERMA H. PRITZ, High School, New Albany, Indiana: "Meeting Varying Ability." RAYMOND D. HARRIMAN, University of Utah: "The Acquisition of a Vocab ulary in Latin." RAYMOND D. COON, Indiana University: "The Reversal of Nature as a Rhetorical Figure." BERTHOLD L. ULLMAN, University of Chicago: "The Teaching of Latin Pronunciation." LILLIAN B. LAWLER, University of Kansas: "The Easter Dances at Megara." Announcement of Committees. Statement of motions to be considered at the Business Session. At 4:30 the members of the Association will be the guests of the President and the Regents of the University of Michigan at a tea in Betsy Bar bour House. THURSDAY, 8:00 P.M. AUDITORIUM, NATURAL SCIENCE BUILDING WALTER MILLER, University of Missouri, presiding. Address of Welcome, PRESIDENT C. C. LITTLE, University of Michigan. SELATIE EDGAR STOUT, Indiana University: "The Propraetorship of Pliny in Bithynia." R. S. CONWAY, University of Manchester, England: "The Chivalry of Vergil." After the program the members will be the guests of the President and the Regents of the University of Michigan at a smoker, University Club, Alumni Memorial Hall. FRIDAY, 9:00 A. M. 25 ANGELL HALL ELIZABETH M. ROFF, High School, Ashland, Kentucky, presiding. HOWARD BYRN, Indiana State Normal School: "The Supernatural Element in Vergil." MARY VIRGINIA CLARK, Westport Junior High School, Kansas City, Missouri: "Latin in the Junior High School." MARY JOHNSTON, Illinois Woman's College: "Roman Gardens." T.
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