As Amended in Board 11/5/01

FILE NO. __ 0.:....1_1...,:.9...:..,.7...:..,.6 _ RESOLUTION NO. __ ~8..1..85~:..-.-~o::...!t__

1 [Committee to Save St. Brigid Church] 2 Resolution commending the parishioners of and Committee to Save Saint Brigid lw Church for their service and efforts to preserve th!1:rchitecture,and cultural history of 1/5 3 4 Saint Brigid Church, and to make the neighborhood in which it stands a better, cleaner,

5 and safer place by its preservation.

6 WHEREAS, Saint Brigid Church (corner of Van Ness and Broadway), in

7 stands at the crossroads of several San Francisco neighborhoods, occupying a 8 central place in the City's transportation, residential and commercial milieu; and, 9 WHEREAS, The Parishioners of Saint Brigid Church have served the people of San - .. . __ ....__ ._. __ ..._._ ..... _...._._ ...... _m_. - - ..._. ...--.--.- .... -.. ..-.- ..----Fj--i g-n-t 0" .---0·····-·-·- ..... _.. __ .. . _ ...._. ..__ . _ _ .. lw Francisco from the same location for One Hundred Thirty~ Years; and, 1/5 10 11 WHEREAS, The Committee To Save Saint Brigid Church continues to provide social lw the neighborhood; 1/5 12 service to the needy of San Francisco by outreach to otLel neighborhoods; and, 13 WHEREAS, The Department of the Interior has recognized the 14 considerable architectural and historical significance of Saint Brigid Church by declaring it

15 formally determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places; and,

16 WHEREAS, Saint Briqid Church and School is the alma mater of San Francisco's

17 beloved former mayor, the late George Moscone, whose memory and association with Saint 18 Brigid Church and School are worthy of preserving; and,


WHEREAS, The Committee to Save Saint Brigid Church has worked assiduously for lw 20 S AVAIL L1/521 the past.4-years to reopen the Church for the community interests cited above;:afI'€I; 22 RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco

23 commends the Parishioners and Committee to Save Saint Brigid Church for its service and lw use and L1/ 5 24 efforts to preserve the-tarchitecturefand cultural history of Saint Brigid Church, San Francisco,



j:\groupsmew50m\rnike\ac;ccmadations\resolution - saint brigld.doc 1 California and to make the neighborhood in which it stands a better, cleaner, and safer place 2 to live and work by its preservation; and be it 3 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors forward a copy of

4 this resolution to the Parishioners of Saint Brigid Church, represented by the Committee to 1w 11/5 5 Save Saint Brigid Church,Jepresented by the Committee to Save Saint Brigid Church, Robert

6 Bryan, Chairman, P.O. Box 641318, San Francisco, California 94164-1318


8 9

10 11 12





17 18 19 20 21 22

23 II 24 I 25 II II

**GAVIN NEWSOM, II Page 2 ' II BOARD OF SUPERVISORS il 10/30/01 II j:\groups'lnewsom\mike\accomadations\resoiulion • sent briqld.doc !i City Hall City and County of San Francisco 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 Tails Resolution

File Number: 011976 Date Passed:

Resolution commending the parishioners of and Committee to Save Saint Brigid Church for their service and efforts to preserve the use, architecture, and cultural history of Saint Brigid Church, and to make the neighborhood in which it stands a better, cleaner, and safer place by its preservation.

November 5,2001 Board of Supervisors - AMENDED November 5, 2001 Board of Supervisors - ADOPTED AS AMENDED Ayes: 11 - Ammiano, Daly, Gonzalez, Hall, Leno, Maxwell, McGoldrick, Newsom, Peskin, Sandoval, Yee

City and County of Sail Francisco 1 Printed at 3:22 PM 011 1116101 File No. 011976 I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was ADOPTED AS AMENDED on November 5, 2001 by the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco.

Date Approved

City and County of Sail Francisco 2 Prill ted at 3:22 PM on 11/6/01 Tails Report