Language | Technology | Business October/November 2015

Region Focus: China Localization in the Nordics Your Studio. Your Way. Introducing just three of many new features in SDL Trados Studio 2015

Auto Suggest Type less, translate more Trans 1 with SDL AutoSuggest 2.0 lation Prod uctivity

Get the most out of your Studio translation 2 memories with AnyTM

Update translation 3 memories directly from your target files with Retrofit

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MultiLingual #155 Volume 26 Issue 7 October/November 2015 Meet our international editorial board Editor-in-Chief, Publisher: Donna Parrish One of MultiLingual’s strengths is its editorial advisory board. These Managing Editor: Katie Botkin are people who have decades of hands-on experience with language Proofreaders: Bonnie Hagan, Bernie Nova technology, processes and best practices, and they collaborate with News: Kendra Gray articles, comments and reviews of material for the magazine. We are Production: Darlene Dibble, Doug Jones grateful to our fine board members for their many contributions over Cover Photo: Katie Botkin the years — they have helped to make the language industry and this Technical Analyst: Curtis Booker magazine what they are today. Assistants: Shannon Abromeit, Chelsea Nova Circulation: Terri Jadick Miguel Bernal-Merino David Filip Aki Ito Special Projects: Bernie Nova Marketing Coordinator: Marjolein Groot Nibbelink Advertising Director: Jennifer Del Carlo Advertising: Kevin Watson Finance: Leah Thoreson Editorial Board Miguel Bernal-Merino, David Filip, Aki Ito, Nataly Kelly, Ultan Ó Broin, Jost Zetzsche Advertising works nonstop to raise is secretary, editor and liaison has been involved in [email protected] awareness of issues within officer of OASIS XLIFF TC and the localization industry the game and localiza- a former cochair and editor of since 1996. He previously 208-263-8178 tion industries. He holds a the W3C MultilingualWeb-LT served on the Globaliza- doctorate in video game Working Group. His specialties tion and Localization Subscriptions, back issues, localization and is currently include open standards, process Association board of customer service lecturing at the University metadata and meta-workflow directors and is currently [email protected] of Roehampton in London. automation. a consultant. subscriptionInformation Submissions, letters [email protected] Editorial guidelines are available at Nataly Kelly Ultan Ó Broin Jost Zetzsche Reprints: [email protected] MultiLingual Computing, Inc. 319 North First Avenue, Suite 2 Sandpoint, Idaho 83864-1495 USA [email protected] © MultiLingual Computing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. For reprints and e-prints, please e-mail [email protected] or call 208-263-8178. MultiLingual (ISSN 1523-0309), Oct-Nov 2015, is published monthly is vice president of is responsible for enabling is a translator, a localiza- except, Apr-May, Jul-Aug, Oct-Nov for US $58, international $85 per year by MultiLingual Computing, Inc., marketing (localization) at Oracle partners in user tion consultant and a 319 North First Avenue, Suite 2, Sandpoint, ID 83864-1495. Periodicals Hubspot, a marketing and interface design and in widely published author postage paid at Sandpoint, ID and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MultiLingual, 319 North First sales software company. development produc- on the technical aspects Avenue, Suite 2, Sandpoint, ID 83864-1495. She has extensive experi- tivity best practices world- of translation. A native ence in the translation, This NewPage paper has been wide. He has two decades of Germany, he earned chain-of-custody certified by localization and interpret- of experience and insight a PhD in the field of three independent third-party ing industry. into globalization issues. Chinese. certification systems. MultiLingual is printed on 30% post-consumer recycled paper. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 3 Katie Botkin Post Editing

The maturing Chinese market

China is unique, bridging a very few websites outside of China as an impressionable 20-year-old. tech-savvy modern market and an were blocked by the Great Firewall Even the quiet orderliness of this emerging, rural one. of China. Even so, international last arrival into China felt strange. It Kaiser Kuo of Baidu, China’s biggest companies such as Twitter and was so easy, routine. Nothing like I search engine, noted at the last Asian Facebook lagged far behind local remembered from over a decade ago CLocWorld that he is “hard-pressed” competitors. at the border crossing from Hong to find an example of an American China has undergone massive Kong to mainland China, nothing internet giant that had succeeded in whatsoever like being pressed forward China, mostly due to bad localization. changes in the past 20 years. I was in Although most people tend to Shanghai this past spring, and from in an untamed crowd of human flesh blame this on the governmental the first moment there, I knew it was toward an official stamp in your firewall, Kuo pointed out that different than what I remembered passport. between the years 2002 and 2008, from a trip to China 14 years prior In many ways, China and the Chinese market have matured, but localization is still tricky. Jacob Stempniewicz, Matt Arney, Louise Law and Alex Matusescu all examine Chinese localization and translation, offering various tips and cultural explorations. John Tinsley outlines some challenges in Chinese machine translation. Micaela Andrich’s article compares Chinese terminology guidelines with those for German and English. Outside of our magazine’s focus, we have an article on localization in the Nordics from Anne-Marie Colliander Lind and Cecilia Enbäck. We also have a column from Andrew Lawless on doing business in China; a column on Translators without Borders from Jeannette Stewart; and a couple of technology reviews. Richard Sikes offers a massive review of SDL Trados Studio 2015, and Angelika Zerfaß has an equally in-depth comparison of this tool with memoQ 2015. Our Takeaway is by Daniel B. Harcz and covers working from home in the localization industry. The Chinese market is indeed maturing, and still has some hurdles to overcome. With the help of our We’re hard at work. experts, we hope that you can overcome them, whether you are localizing to or from China. W

4 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] MultiLinguaOctober/November 2015l Language | Technology | Business #155 Volume 26 Issue 7 n Up Front n Region Focus: China n 3 29 Terminology guidelines n 4 Post Editing and the n News — Micaela Andrich n 7 News 33 Machine translation and n 11 Calendar the challenge of Chinese — John Tinsley n Reviews 37 Journey to the West — 西游记 12 SDL Trados Studio 2015 — Jacob Stempniewicz — Reviewed by Richard Sikes 42 Localization in China and Up Front 18 memoQ 2015 and SDL Trados Studio 2015 tomorrow’s translators — Louise Law & Alex Matusescu — Reviewed by Angelika Zerfaß 46 Quality localization n Columns and Commentary to and from China — Matt Arney 24 Localization Business School — Andrew Lawless n Localization 26 Community Lives — Jeannette Stewart 51 Localization in the Nordics 64 Takeaway — Daniel B. Harcz — Anne-Marie Colliander Lind & Cecilia Enbäck n 54 Basics n 56 Buyer’s Guide 63 Advertiser Index

About the cover: Housed in China’s Shanghai Museum, this ancient scroll depicts a group of court ladies waiting before a music performance. October/November 2015 MultiLingual 5 REGISTER EARLY TO SAVE! October 26-28, 2015 Hyatt Regency Hotel, Santa Clara, CA USA

The Internationalization and Unicode® Conference (IUC) is the premier event covering the latest in industry standards and best practices for bringing software and Web applications to worldwide markets. This annual event focuses on software and Web globalization, bringing together interna- tionalization experts, tools vendors, software implementers, and business and program managers from around the world. Expert practitioners and industry leaders present detailed recommenda- tions for businesses looking to expand to new international markets and those seeking to improve time to market and cost-efficiency of supporting existing markets. Recent conferences have pro- vided specific advice on designing software for European countries, Latin America, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Middle East, and emerging markets.

This highly rated conference features excellent technical content, industry-tested recommenda- tions and updates on the latest standards and technology. Subject areas include Web globalization, programming practices, endangered languages and un-encoded scripts, integrating with social networking software, and implementing mobile apps. This year’s conference will also highlight new features in Unicode Version 7.0 and other relevant standards published this year.

Reasons to Attend Include:

Tutorials and sessions for beginners, to train you and your staff on basic practices and implementation techniques for creating international software Learn recommended solutions to difficult problems or sophisticated requirements from industry leaders and experts in attendance Find help from tool and product vendors to get you to market quickly and cost-effectively


For up-to-date information or to register: VISIT: E-MAIL: [email protected] Unicode and the Unicode Logo are trademarks of Unicode, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. IMUG now at over 1,200 participants

Silicon Valley GILT events organized News by the International Multilingual User Group (IMUG) have rebounded with over 1,200 participants regularly flock- ing to 120-seat events, after dwindling to 12-person round tables only a few years ago. Founded in 1987, early IMUG participation peaked in 1995 when 300 people eagerly packed an Apple audito- rium to watch four guys surf multilingual websites. 15 years later, attendance had Above: Ed Bice of Meedan giving an fallen off quite a bit. IMUG talk at Facebook. Below: Re- Relaunched in 2010 with the help of cent IMUG networking event at a lo- tools like and social media, cal bar in Mountain View, California. the group is once again organizing well- Left: More IMUG networking. attended talks and networking events, hosted by Adobe, Box, Facebook, Google, Groupon, PayPal and other companies in California’s South Bay area. The talks are often webcast, then released on video via the archives of past events. Inspired by these results, similar meetups have launched in New York, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle and Vancouver. Recent IMUG talks have included lead- ers of the Google Translate team on their approach to crowdsourcing; Ed Bice on Meedan’s aggregation of multilingual each December throws an international people from around the world who find social media for the National Geographic potluck and holiday bash, featuring themselves in Silicon Valley changing Out of Eden Walk; and Ken Lunde on good food and good conversation with the way we communicate. joint development by Adobe and Google of the world’s first open source pan-CJK typeface families. Alolita Sharma and her Twitter team | SolutionS for Sdl language WorkerS recently explained the language tech- nologies and processes that are helping - Twitter build a small world after all. Shay Boechler of the Endangered Languages Project and Craig Cornelius of Google presented a joint effort to preserve global linguistic diversity. And a special panel moderated by Claudia Galván of ABI.Local shared their experiences of internationalization at startups. In March, IMUG once again organized a special evening with Translators without Borders featuring several keynote speakers cORpORATE TERM MANAGEMENT including — via Skype from Africa — Paul TAkE MULTiTERM TO ThE cOLLAbORATivE wEb 3.0 Warambo of Translators without Borders Kenya. Hosted by PayPal, the fundraising wORdS iN REcORd Ti ME portion included a silent auction of items donated by Common Sense Advisory, WEB POWER FOR YOUR CAT TOOLS Content Rules, Welocalize, MultiLingual magazine and LocWorld. IMUG also organizes GALA network- wORdS iN REcORd TiME AppROvALS MAdE EASY TURN QUERiES SOLUTiONS fOR ing nights every other summer, and iNTO kNOwLEdGE LANGUAGE wORkERS October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 7 Localization Care People ■■ suma, a translation company, has hired Andrea Montebelli as quality as- Recent industry hires surance assistant. ■■ Affordable Language Services, a trans- suma lation and interpreting service provider, has ■■ KantanMT, a cloud-based statistical hired Mark Hibshman as interpreter recruit- machine translation solutions provider, ing coordinator. Bobbi Krimmer has joined has hired Poulomi Choudhury as content the interpreter scheduling team and Paula developer in the Dublin office. Birkett joined the accounting team. KantanMT Affordable Language Services ■■ TOIN Corporation has hired Rena Bra- cha as a project manager based in Israel. ■■ Localization Care, a translation and Fabiana Schwarstzhaupt has been hired as localization agency, has hired Karolina lead linguist based in Pelotas, Brazil. Kotowska as a junior project manager. TOIN Corporation

Featured Reader Profile

Elena Futina, Avanta Translating (Russia), CEO/owner.

Where do you live? I split my time between London and the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, where my business is situated.

How did you get started in this industry? Though I had a passion for languages at school, I didn’t choose translation as my profession at first. Back then there wasn’t much space for foreign languages in Chelyabinsk, as it was one of the “closed” cities in the Soviet Union where many factories operated in secret and produced What do you like to do in your spare time? military equipment. Anyone with hopes I love traveling. Discovering the multitude to be employed there had to abandon any of translation and localization conferences contact with foreigners. around the world was like an awakening for me. It is easy to fly to most European The political movement Perestroika events from London, and it’s always excit- changed everything. As the public spending ing to meet people from the industry there. on science collapsed, I lost a marvelous We’re such a friendly bunch, localization job in a chemical research institute. Things professionals. got brighter soon after, though, as I fell in love with a man who was in love with My other hobby is studying, as I always translating. And with love I just stepped like to learn something new. Currently I’m into this wonderful occupation. I started learning a new language. studying linguistics and management at a university while I was already working for Why do you read MultiLingual? my company. When I decided to expand my business into the European market, I realized how How long have you worked in the industry? different the translation industry here is This year is my twentieth anniversary. from what I got used to in Russia. My team and I have our work laid out for us if we Whose industry social feeds (twitter, blog, have any hopes of becoming successful in LinkedIn, Facebook) do you follow? Europe. MultiLingual magazine is my first I’m a member of several groups on Face- aid kit, a study book to bring me up to book, including Translation Events and speed with the global trends. I read it and ELIA. Sometimes I check conversations on encourage my colleagues to read it as well LinkedIn. — and they do.

8 [email protected] News

■■ Memsource, a developer of cloud customer experience platform. larger office space in Cordoba, Argentina. translation software, has hired Junko LinguaSys, Inc. SpeakLatam Kato as a trainer and consultant. Memsource Crystal Hues adds Singapore office All Clear Translations Crystal Hues Limited, a provider of now part of GlobalDoc Financial marketing communication and localiza- All Clear Translations, LLC, has become tion services, has opened an office in part of GlobalDoc, Inc., a provider of lan- Transifex receives Series A funding Singapore. The company is also celebrat- guage solutions. Linda Richardson, for- Transifex, a developer-centric, cloud- ing its twentieth anniversary. mer president of All Clear Translations, based localization platform, has secured Crystal Hues Limited is now director of business development $4 million in Series A funding led by Toba for the US market for GlobalDoc. Capital, with participation from seed Lan-bridge opens Wuhan office GlobalDoc, Inc. VC investors NEA, Arafura Ventures and Lan-bridge Communications, a pro- angels including Parse founder and CEO, vider of language solutions, has opened thebigword expands Tokyo office Ilya Sukhar. its tenth office in China, located in Wu- thebigword, a language company pro- Transifex, Inc. han, the capital of central China’s Hubei viding services to the banking, defense, province. The company is headquartered travel, manufacturing, retail and health Iconic receives seed funding in Chengdu. care sectors, has relocated its Tokyo, Ja- Iconic Translation Machines Ltd., a lan- Lan-bridge Communications pan, office. guage technology software company, has thebigword received seed funding of over €400,000 from a number of investors, including TransPerfect now in Helsinki Resources Enterprise Ireland and business angel TransPerfect Translations, Inc., a fam- investment from Bloom Equity and the ily of companies providing language Open source book platform Boole Investment Syndicate through the services and technology solutions, has Pratham Books, a nonprofit publisher, Halo Business Angel Network. opened an office in Helsinki, Finland. has introduced StoryWeaver, an open Iconic Translation Machines Ltd. TransPerfect Translations, Inc. source platform that hosts stories in lan- guages from India and beyond. All stories are available under Creative Commons Clients and Partners SpeakLatam relocates licenses meaning that the stories are SpeakLatam, a provider of solutions for free to read, can be translated into new Sajan selected by Africa for Growth language translation and software/web- languages, new stories can be created Sajan, a language services and transla- site localization in English, Spanish and and artworks can be accessed by children, tion management technology provider, has Brazilian Portuguese, has relocated to a librarians and educators without being been selected as the preferred language services partner of Africa for Growth, an initiative aimed at helping small to mid- sized companies in the United Kingdom expand into African markets. Sajan

ISO17100 Certified by LICS Business ISO 9001:2008 Certified by CERMET CPSL expands US presence CPSL, a provider of language services, is expanding its operations in Mas- sachusetts. Quality manager Tenesoya Pawlowsky has relocated to the Boston area to oversee US operations. CPSL

LinguaSys sells technology assets LinguaSys, Inc., a provider of multi- lingual human language technologies, has sold its technology assets to Aspect Software, a cloud-based consumer ser- vice company. The company’s text-based natural language understanding product will convert one-way text messages into multilingual text messages for Aspect’s October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 99 News

controlled by restrictive copyrights. tance of languages and social networks, Memsource, XTM and Wordbee. Pratham Books as found on prominent websites. These tauyou benchmarks represent an industry-level Report measures content consensus among the largest and most Cloudwords file sharing quality and consistency visible players, with separate charts for platform integrations Acrolinx GmbH, a developer of content 25 industrial sectors and 30 subsector Cloudwords, Inc., an online transla- quality software, has published “Measur- vertical industries. tion management platform, has enabled ing How Consistent the World’s Leading Other research includes reports on the new file sharing platform integrations Brands Are With Their Content,” the top ten telephone interpreting compa- for Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Micro- second installment of its Global Content nies and the top 20 onsite interpreting soft OneDrive and Sharepoint Online to Impact Index series. The company used companies for 2015. simplify the localization of content and its linguistic software to review and Common Sense Advisory, Inc. its accessibility to collaborators, regional score the content of 170 of the largest teams, partners and stakeholders. global companies, studying the variance Cloudwords, Inc. in quality between the different types of Products and Services content produced. Urban Translation Services Acrolinx GmbH Unified rate for video and adds languages telephonic interpretation Turkish translation company Urban Insourcing in the context of recent CyraCom International, a provider of Translation Services has added Arabic, market activity, 2015 website index language interpreting services to health Farsi, Greek, Azerbaijani, Armenian and Common Sense Advisory, Inc., an in- care, has introduced unified per-minute Russian to the list of languages trans- dependent market research firm special- pricing for telephonic and Video Remote lated in its Istanbul office. izing in the language service industry, Interpretation (VRI). VRI is a modality of Urban Translation Services has released “Amazon Shows a Profit and interpretation that combines the benefits Invests in Global Growth,” a report cov- of onsite and telephonic interpreting. ering insourcing in the context of recent CyraCom International Announcements market activity, including Amazon’s ru- mored acquisition of MT provider Safaba. tauyou plugin ACP Traductera celebrates ten years Common Sense Advisory has also re- tauyou, a provider of machine transla- ACP Traductera, a.s., a provider of leased the “Global Website Assessment tion and other natural language process- localization services such as translation, Index 2015.” The report provides data and ing tools for the translation industry, has software engineering, DTP and testing, is charts to help make the business case for released a plugin for memoQ and SDL celebrating its tenth year in business. languages, and shows the relative impor- Trados Studio. Other integrations include ACP Traductera, a.s.

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10 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] October MT Summit XV October 30-November 3, 2015, Miami, Florida USA.

Elia Networking Days Krakow Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Calendar October 1-3, 2015, Krakow, Poland. European Language Industry Association, www.elia-association. org/Networking_Days/Networking_Days_Krakow November Course: Introduction to Localization 56th ATA Conference October 5-December 7, 2015, Seattle, Washington USA. November 4-7, 2015, Miami, Florida USA. UW Professional & Continuing Education, American Translators Association courses/localization-intro/downtown-seattle-autumn-2015

TriKonf 2015 Help & Localization Conference October 9-11, 2015, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. November 5, 2015, Helsingor, Denmark. The Alexandria Library, Write2Users, conference-2015 TAUS Annual Conference October 12-13, 2015, San Jose, California USA. 1st Croatian Translation Forum TAUS, November 5, 2015, Zagreb, Croatia. taus-annual-conference-2015 Croatian Association of Translation Agencies LocWorld29 Silicon Valley October 14-16, 2015, Santa Clara, California USA. tcworld 2015 - tekom Localization World, Ltd., November 10-12, 2015, Stuttgart, Germany. tekom, Understanding Multilingual Tweets October 15, 2015, Mountain View, California USA. Hellenic Language and Terminology International Multilingual User Group, November 12-14, 2015, Athens, Greece. IMUG-Silicon-Valley/events/220143985 Hellenic Society for Terminology LavaCon Conference October 18-21, 2015, New Orleans, Louisiana USA. The Global Content Experience LavaCon, November 19, 2015, San Jose, California USA. International Multilingual User Group, Game Developers Conference China IMUG-Silicon-Valley/events/220144091 October 25-27, 2015, Shanghai, China. UBM Tech Game Network, Nordic Translation Industry Forum November 19-20, 2015, Reykjavik, Iceland. How to Become the Ultimate Salesperson Anne-Marie Colliander Lind, Cecilia Enbäck, October 26-27, 2015, Brussels, Belgium. Common Sense Advisory, Inc. Gameacon November 19-22, 2015, Atlantic City, New Jersey USA. Fox Marketing LLC , 39th Internationalization & Unicode Conference (IUC39) October 26-28, 2015, Santa Clara, California USA. EXPOLINGUA Berlin Object Management Group, November 20-21, 2015, Berlin, Germany. ICWE GmbH, Translating Europe Forum October 29-30, 2015, Brussels, Belgium. InDialog European Commission, DGT, November 20-21, 2015, Berlin, Germany. translation/programmes/translating_europe/index_en.htm ICWE GmbH,

Translation Technology Terminology Conference LT-Accelerate October 29-30, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia. November 23-24, 2015, Brussels, Belgium. Iolar, LT-Innovate, Alta Plana Corporation METM15 October 29-31, 2015, Coimbra, Portugal. Translating and the Computer 37 Mediterranean Editors and Translators November 26-27, 2015, London, UK. AsLing, October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 11 12 R initiatives toprovide awide-ranging qualityrating framework rating solutions. SDLTrados 2015 goesbeyond theseindividual | the September2013 issue of cofunded opensource product initiatives suchastranslate5 (see which is quitenewandgainingadoption.There have also been use), through theTAUS Dynamic QualityFramework (DQF), years ranging, forexample, from LISA(quiteold,butstillin several mainstream quality models advanced over thepast and subcontracted translators. To this end, there have been customers and of those delivered to them from their employees how toobjectively quantifythequalityoftheir deliverables to TQA andRetrofit, sowe’llbeginwiththemrightaway. what theyhave deemedtobetwonewkillerfeatures. Theseare that raises thebarinareas thattranslators willfind very helpful. impression is thatSDLhasaddedcompellingnewfunctionality triptych: “Quality, Productivity andPersonalization.” Myfirst release toexplore whatSDLenvisions underthe2015 buzzword MultiLingual such ashort periodoftime. SDL couldjustify yet anothernewversion after ing ofa2015 release, Iwascurious tolearnhow the release largely lived uptoitshype.Uponhear- Language serviceproviders continuallyfacethedilemmaof Translation QualityAssessment(TQA) Reports by betatesters have beenlargely unanimous about This articleconductsahigh-level sortiethrough thenew MultiLingual our coauthored review published intheJune2014 “Easier, Smarter and Faster.” As documented in stressed product attributescategorizedunder leased Trados Studio2014. The2014 version Reviews Roughly 21 months have passedsinceSDLre- and industrybest practices. His currentfocusisontranslation technologies He hasbeenimmersedinlocalization since1989. tant ofLocalizationFlow Technologies. Richard Sikesiscofounderanda principalconsul- October/November 2015 Reviewed byRichardSikes Changing thevaluepropositionbalance SDL TradosStudio2015 , AngelikaZerfaßandIagreed that MultiLingual ) thatprovide quality

between SDLTrados Studioandsomecompetitive products. enterprises inthepast(Figure 1).Italso closeswhatwasagap vider (LSP)thathastypicallybeenrestricted tothe province of palette totheindividualuser orsmaller languageservicepro- ity standards caneasilygenerate reports forproject stakeholders. ing, soresources responsible forevaluating andmaintainingqual- mode. Thequalityassessment platformalso incorporates report- to anytranslation unitinatype ofexpanded“change tracking” ing qualityscores withtranslation units. Theymayaddcomments threshold needstobeset.Revisers are notlimitedtojust associat- Penalties. Inadditiontosettingupthequalitycriteria,apass/fail on Categories, optionalSubcategories, Severities andScoring can definetheirownhierarchy ofissue tracking elementsbased Therefore, theSDLTrados platformis also configurable. Users approaches andcustomized derivatives ofexisting approaches. are prepackaged intheformofproject templates. LISA, TAUS DQF,approaches four MQMandSAEJ2450.The that embraces fourpopularapproaches by default.Theyare on prefinalized target documents innative file formats. This ers have asked foranoptiontoincorporate revision performed column Word format orcan’tuse SDLXLIFFfiles. SDLcustom - in bilingualenvironments. Somerevisers don’tlikethetwo- their customer base, real-world revision doesnot always occur The inclusion of the TQA platform brings a functionality Butthere are numerous othercurrent initiatives, alternate In planningthenewfeature set,SDLrecognized thatamong Retrofit Companies andagencies:from$1300.Upgrades:$275. Word 2003orhigher.Prices:Starter:Freelancersfrom$615. For processingRTFandPDFfiles,Studio requiresMicrosoft Microsoft Office2007-2013and2000-2003 fileformats. Microsoft Wordforspellchecking.Studiofullysupportsall Office 2013,2010or2007forpreviewingdocumentsand the operatingsystemused.Studio2015requiresMicrosoft the numberofsupportedlanguagescanvarydependingon other userswithwhomyouaresharingpackagesbecause recommends thatyouusethesameoperatingsystemas versions ofWindows10, 8andWindows 7.SDL to runtheStudio installer.Studio2015runsonthelatest System requirements:Upto2.5GBofavailablediskspace SDL TradosStudio2015 [email protected] Reviews

Figure 1: The configurability of quality assessment criteria is extensive. Shown here is the default TAUS DQF configuration. is now enabled with a feature dubbed the incorrectly spelled word. Change Because AutoSuggest 2.0 also provides Retrofit, which essentially is a type of candidate words are stored in a set of input from MT at the fragment level, it selective alignment. Retrofit retrieves files. The lists, which are now the same could potentially initiate a major change changes made in the original target as the 136-language default lists offered in how translators incorporate making file formats. It displays the changes in by Microsoft Word, can be amended or use of MT. Translators no longer must an intermediate view, so that editors extended in the Settings. patiently post-edit entire segments of or project managers can evaluate the marginal MT output. They now receive scope before committing them back to AutoSuggest 2.0 that output in the form of relevant frag- the translation environment (Figure 2). Previous versions of SDL Trados Stu- ment suggestions to be leveraged or Retrofit will function with all supported dio shipped with an AutoSuggest feature ignored. This occurs in real-time as they file formats. that provided fragmentized output from type in the translation. translation memory as potential phrase AutoSuggest 2.0 is not limited to the AutoCorrect suggestions. In the previous version, it SDL MT offering. Any MT engine can be The AutoCorrect feature is new. The was necessary to generate AutoSug- incorporated or combined with any other functionality is very much like Auto- gest lists from aligned data or transla- MT engine, TM or AutoSuggest diction- Correct in Microsoft Word, in which tion memories (TMs). Although this is ary. MT no longer controls translators’ real-time correction is offered as one still possible, it is no longer the only throughput efficiency. The augmented writes. Frequently misspelled words are option. The upgraded version — Auto- plethora of potential match sources corrected on the fly. For example, “Mutli- Suggest 2.0 — now supports inclusion might, however, produce so many can- Term” is automatically changed to “Mul- of machine translation (MT) output as didates as to overwhelm a user. SDL has tiTerm” moments after the writer enters an AutoSuggest source. mitigated possible confusion by providing October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 13 Reviews

Figure 2: The Retrofit Alignment Editor previews where changes have been made. After being imported back into the SDLXLIFF format, changes in the edited file are shown with the change tracking view active.

Figure 3: The Advanced tab with AnyTM, Bookmarks and Insert symbol.

settings that govern the number of input been included in the core product. AnyTM TMs that are in opposite language-pair characters after which match candidates is notable among these (Figure 3). directions, for example, German>English are suggested. Users can also set a ceiling Prior releases of SDL Trados Studio and English>German. If desired, both on the number of suggestions offered. have strictly enforced the language pair TMs may be updated simultaneously With AutoSuggest 2.0, translators definitions. For example, suppose a in the appropriate language directions now have greater control over MT, having translator has a TM about Product A in with newly confirmed translation units. been granted the opportunity to use MT French for France and a TM for Prod- AnyTM makes this possible now in the in a smarter and more productive manner. uct B in French for Canada. Now sup- core product without the add-on. pose there is a request for translation A final scenario in which AnyTM can be AnyTM of Product C, which is an amalgama- useful is that of a mixed-source language SDL’s strategy in creating the Open- tion of products A and B. Previously- document that is being translated into Exchange site in which independent app enforced language pair strictness would one target language. In this situation, in developers can provide useful add-on have precluded referencing both TMs to order to find matches as the translator features has begun to pay off for both retrieve the most appropriate matches. moves through the document from lan- users and the app developers them- Or else it would have required lengthy guage section to language section, more selves. OpenExchange’s rich variety of workarounds involving exporting and than one TM needs to be referenced. optional functionality — much of it free importing TMs to merge all relevant AnyTM automatically detects the source of charge — creates a kind of democra- content for the new language pair. The document language at the segment level, tization of SDL Trados Studio. It moves OpenExchange AnyTM applet provided searching and updating in conjunction Studio’s market positioning away from a solution that enabled the wider ref- with the appropriate TM. Should the being just a translation productivity erence panorama. This functionality is necessity arise, for example in the case of application and into the configurable now built into the SDL Trados Studio two very similar source language variants, productivity platform space. As of this 2015 release. In order to prevent pol- the automatic detection may be overrid- writing, this positioning represents a lution of one language variant with den by the user, also at the segment level. unique value proposition in the transla- translation units from another variant, Cynics may jump to the conclusion that tion technology market. the user can select into which TM any SDL has plundered the OpenExchange Now, several selected apps from what newly confirmed segments are returned. for good ideas and then just plonked currently amounts to a range of over 140 Imagine another scenario in which a them into the core product. This is not possibilities listed on OpenExchange have translator has two subject matter-related so. To keep the creative juices flowing,

14 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Reviews

acter Map, then searching for a desired Ribbon paradigm in Studio 2014. This symbol, having forgotten where it was brought the user interface in line with located in the Character Map the last the then ubiquitous Microsoft Office time it was needed. The Insert Symbols products. The Ribbon in Studio 2015 has feature enables the user to quickly and been redesigned to blend harmoniously easily insert a special character while with the flatter look and feel of newer using the translation editor (Figure 4). Microsoft product releases. Although Perhaps the most compelling attribute this redesign is not a personalization of this feature is the ability to associ- feature per se, the look and feel is now ate shortcut keys with frequently used more like Office 2016 or Windows 10. characters. In addition, the sections of the 2015 The good news for users of SDL Trados Ribbon have been rearranged to more Studio 2014 is that AnyTM, Bookmarks closely reflect how they are arranged and Insert Symbols can be downloaded in Microsoft Word. The Cut, Copy and from the OpenExchange website, and Paste icons are on the left end of the Figure 4: The Insert Symbol dialog they are free. The good news for users Ribbon, just inside the Project Settings dropdown list offers many different of prior SDL Trados Studio versions who icon. While this particular example is kinds of symbols that can be inserted. upgrade to the 2015 version is that they not an actual change, the new, flatter can now find these useful functions look of the Ribbon makes it more obvi- SDL compensates the original develop- embedded in the core product. No addi- ous. Moving across the Ribbon to the ers for their contribution in addition to tional download and install is required. right, the user encounters some format- providing increased quality control and ting icons directly following the File software maintenance manpower. This Personalization Actions section. These are in a location enhances the quality and performance SDL Trados Studio designers have similar to the formatting icons in Word, of the newly mainstream product com- once again devoted thought to future although in Word there are many more. ponents. Many are developed on specu- proofing. SDL originally adopted the Finally, at the far right, just as in Word, lation by SDL employees to serve niche needs, but not put into the core product. This keeps it from becoming overloaded with features that serve only a small con- stituency. Given the number of apps now available on OpenExchange, the model appears to be working well. Bookmarks Another small but very useful feature is the new Bookmark function. Trans- lators working on longer documents will appreciate the ability to set book- mark points to which they can easily jump at a later time. A typical spot for bookmarking might be a questionable term that the translator thinks might come up again later in the document. Another could be a term that needs to be queried, or it could be the place in the file where work has been stopped for the night. Much like in Microsoft Word, a bookmark enables the transla- tor to jump directly to the place in the file where work ceased in the prior ses- sion immediately upon opening the file. A translator can also leave a reference note associated with a bookmark, for example, where a definition of the term in question might be found. Insert Symbols Many of us have wasted innumerable minutes launching the Windows Char- October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 15 Reviews

SDL has included a number of smaller feature enhancements. For example, the 255-character limita- tion on term recognition has been removed. More information about such smaller enhancements can be gleaned by perusing the advertising material or downloading the free 30-day trial version. Two somewhat more important new features need to be mentioned, though. These reside in the rubric of file format support. In the interest of future readi- ness, the development team has embarked on a larger-scale upgrade of support for changes to ubiqui- tous existing file formats, as well as for newly-emerging file types. The first upgrade in this series is fully redesigned support for the most recent Microsoft Word for- mat. The redesign enhances sup- port for inline tags as well as for sophisticated Word features such as WordArt and content controls. This filter is available as an option alongside the existing filter that supports Word releases 2007 through 2013. As a by-product of Figure 5: The MultiTerm Ribbon customization provides this filter rework, SDL’s developers configurability for individuals or templates for groups of users. have begun to add more user- friendly decision options to replace there is an Editing section comprising While we would like to think that our what might have been interpreted as Find, Replace and Select functions. review changed SDL’s attitude about cryptic error messages in past releases. More precisely to the point for person- this issue, we expect that it is more Given that such error messages were a alization is granting users the ability in likely that vocal users ganged up on the focus of criticism in the past, we heart- the 2015 release to customize the Ribbon forums or lobbied directly with SDL to ily encourage SDL to continue down tabs and the Quick Access toolbar. Icons have more shortcut key configurability. this path. may be added, removed and regrouped In any case, the functionality is there. Probably the most problematic file to suit an individual user’s taste and daily Thank you, SDL. Better late than never! format in the world is PDF. Industry usage needs. Our review of the 2014 There is more to the story than just participants could sometimes believe release observed that the Ribbon seemed configurability. SDL brought a user expe- that it was invented with the intent to somewhat cluttered and that some of the rience resource solely dedicated to the turn all translators’ hair white. SDL has icons were located in places that seemed SDL Trados Studio development team now included direct support for OCR- unintuitive. Users can now change things into the mix for the 2015 version. This based importing of scanned PDF files. around to suit their own intuitions for new influence resulted in greater visual This is based on the PDF OCR conver- usability and user interface (UI) design. consistency within groups of function- sion engine from software developer At this point it would be appropri- ally-related icons. SDL has clearly real- Solid Document. For more information ate to mention another criticism that ized that certain competitive products on this engine and the 14 languages it we published in our review of the 2014 have gained momentum by virtue of a currently supports, visit www.soliddocu- release. Zerfaß is a real fan of using key- reputation for great usability. Steps are board shortcuts, as opposed to having being taken to mitigate the perceived As with all OCR products, the Solid to navigate around the monitor expanse disadvantage without making changes Document engine works better on some to click on icons. She felt strongly that so radical that the loyal Studio user base languages and files than on others. The a significant deficit of the 2014 release suffers from excessive transition pain. gating factors are associated with the was what she perceived as a paucity of scan quality, as well as the application shortcuts. SDL has addressed this in the Other noteworthy changes and the layout of the document origi- 2015 edition. Shortcut keys are con- This article concentrates on the nally used to create the PDF. So, if the figurable and there are a lot of options. big-ticket items, but rest assured that original files are not available, there is

16 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Reviews a chance that the translator might get business management platforms such as port one application communicating lucky. Or perhaps frustrated. Whatever Plunet or XTRF to extend functionality with another application or with users. the outcome, it is now built into SDL laterally. GroupShare 2015 includes two Among many others, these attributes Trados Studio 2015. No secondary OCR main areas of enhancement. The first is include performance, scalability, sim- product is required. Good luck! easily understandable by the layman; the plicity and modifiability. This is impor- second is not. tant to ensure continual improvement in MultiTerm As GroupShare gained in adoption the user experience and integration with I was recently stunned to learn that and deployments became populated other associated industry applications. employees at one of my LSP clients did with many projects, better archiving of SDL Trados Studio 2015 is a compel- not realize that MultiTerm is delivered as past projects has become increasingly ling upgrade because it combines new a component of SDL Trados Studio. That important to customers. SDL has paid productivity and quality assessment fea- company did not even comprehend that attention to these customer require- tures with improved user-friendliness. they could sell terminology creation and ments by enriching the options as to SDL continues to work at dispelling the management as an additional service, how and when projects are archived, notion that its user support is deficient even though they had the tools avail- and how they may be restored if future by creating and contributing to user able. LSPs that have purchased the SDL needs so require. forums and communities. Upgrade costs Trados Studio products really should Also, in the continued theme of have also become more affordable for make use of their investment! future-proofing its product palette, SDL the rank-and-file user base. Given that MultiTerm is a powerful, robust and has invested in enhancing the Repre- previously less expensive competitive mature product. But, as with any soft- sentational State Transfer (REST) API. products have gradually become more ware product, it has some issues. For REST is a popular architecture used by expensive, the value proposition offered the 2015 release, SDL has opted to con- web applications. Simply stated, confor- by SDL makes increasing sense. Individ- centrate primarily on fixing bugs — over mance with this architecture enhances ual users and LSPs alike should not fail 70 issues reported over the years have numerous useful attributes of applica- to download the 30-day trial and give been addressed in this release. SDL has tions such as GroupShare that sup- the new version a full evaluation. M also included incremental functionality upgrades, instead of introducing new whiz-bang features. A number of long- standing issues, for example, handling of cross-references between terms, have been addressed. In keeping with the UI changes in SDL Trados Studio, there has been an equiva- “German. With lent refresh of the MultiTerm UI including Ribbon customization capability (Figure linear precision, 5). Users can create settings templates that can be shared with other users. This feature will be particularly helpful for and between large-scale deployments. In addition, MultiTerm now has secure entry class the lines.” options for security-conscious enterprises. Language support has also been upgraded to achieve parity with other SDL products and current operating sys- tems. This raises the total to over 500 languages and language variants. Karoline Rheinschrift team GroupShare GroupShare is SDL’s offering in the translation collaboration space. It is a multicomponent solution that combines SDL’s Translation Memory Server, Termi- nology Server and Project Server amal- gamated within one environment. It is Our team brings to German methodology one of several conceptually similar web- a world-class flexibility. Measurable success based products that provide an environ- for 20 years! LANGUAGE SERVICES ment for multiple resources to work on a single project simultaneously. Group- Share is used by enterprise clients and Made in Germany – since 1995 | Tel: +49 (0)221 801 928-0 | LSPs in combination with translation October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 17 18 | of thetool.Maybedevelopers should thinkaboutlettingthe — this makesthemharder tofind. in favor of icons being faint in color and looking very similar looking for, butthatmightjust beme.Iamalso notsomuch menus are more structured anditis easiertofindwhatoneis of pull-downmenus. Personally, Istillthinkthepull-down icons aswellfrom Microsoft’s move toward ribbons instead strong influence from the web with their simplified and clean going rather thangivingallthedetails on individualfeatures. mention here, butthepointis tolookatwhere thetools are individual andwonderfulfunctionalities, notallofwhichI tools have been going over the last two years. Each tool has or lesserextent,asIwouldliketoshow where ourtranslation A MultiLingual

More andmore, theuser can customize thelookandfeel Let us start with thelookand feel ofthe tools. Weseea I focus primarilyonfeatures thatbothtools have toagreater some oftheneworenhancedfunctionalities. dos Studio2015), I would like to draw attention to systems on the market (memoQ 2015 and SDL Tra- With examples from twoofthemostpopularTM alities, whereas others openupnewpossibilities. like minorimprovements toexisting function- new features beingdeveloped. Someofthemseem been around forquitesometime,there are always Reviews Although translation memory(TM)tools have translation tools andrelatedprocesses. worked freelanceasatrainerand consultantfor before joiningTRADOSin1997. Since 2000,shehas worked attheJapaneseEmbassy inBonn,Germany, Angelika Zerfaßholdsadegreein translationand October/November 2015 Reviewed byAngelikaZerfaß Comparing currentnewfeatures intranslation memorysystems memoQ 2015andSDLTradosStudio

support users ofthetools by telling themwhere toclick. play around withthese things, hellforanybodywhoneeds to what thetools allow now—heaven forthoseofus wholike to customize theribbons themselves (Figures 1and2).Whichis would expect. Well,ifyou can’t make everybody happy, let them the ribbonorare to befoundonadifferent ribbonthanthey plain thattheoneortwofunctions theyalways use are noton tain everything they need andare easytouse; others willcom - mean theyare more usable. icons lookcoolerwithlesscolororadifferent imagedoesnot and colors ofthefeatures onewishes touse. Just because the version ofthetool.Itis hard enoughtoremember alltheicons ask thedevelopers tonotchange theicons withevery new pop-up informationandshortcuts. And here Iwouldliketo (like reviewing adocument).Icons are complementedby text, tionalities orfunctionalitiesthatare used inacertainsituation and soon. functionalities thatimprove quality, fileformatsupport,speed menus? OK, I’ll stop here; these things are minor compared to user interfaceinsuchawaythatonecandefineone’s own pull-down menus back?Or at least achance to customize the some pointinthefuture, wewillgetsomenicelystructured know that the developers will hate me for that — or maybe at user customize the icons as well; this is just a thought and I When lookingattheribbons somemightsay thattheycon- The ribbonmenus trytobringtogetherthemost-used func- Ribbons WebTrans isnowincludedinmemoQservers. managers startat€1000.PerpetualmemoQserver:€6060. Translator pro:startsat€600.Generalpricesforproject memoQ 2015prices:Cloudserver:from€130amonth. Companies andagencies:from$1300.Upgrades:$275. SDL TradosStudio2015prices:Freelancers:from$615. [email protected] Reviews

Figure 1: Home ribbon in the translation editor in SDL Trados Studio.

Figure 2: Translation ribbon in the translation editor in memoQ. File types and filters New features are added regularly to the supported file types in both tools. Here we can see a move toward more interoperability, as SDL Trados Studio has added a default filter for memoQ XLIFF files. memoQ has been focused on data interchange from the start and offers import filters for bilingual files from other tools (SDLXLIFF, Wordfast TXML) as well as packages (SDL Trados Studio, STAR Transit, TIPP and World- Server). It is also becoming easier and easier to export data from a tool to pro- cess it outside of the tool with another Figure 3: An LQA-marked segment and the list of messages for this segment in memoQ. The QA message on different punctuation was converted to the corresponding LQA error. application and then import the results. With XLIFF-based formats and Word filters, where one can use an XML filter embedded text to the most commonly tables, both tools offer a good way to for the file itself, add an HTML filter for used file formats such as XML and Excel. exchange translation data. content formatted in HTML-style, and One of the most misused file formats With evermore complex file formats or then add a third filter to markup place- is definitely Excel — and it is always the possibility to embed text of one file holders as tags with the Regex Tagger amazing what kind of content one can format into another (like HTML within filter. These filter combinations can be have in an Excel document. Often, the XML or Excel), the filters of the tools used for almost any combination of file files need to be bilingual or multilingual also needed to become more complex formats in memoQ, whereas SDL Trados after translation. memoQ has a very and combinable. memoQ uses cascading Studio at the moment restricts the use of clever way for project managers to deal

Figure 4: List of TQA messages and marked segments in the editor in SDL Trados Studio. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 19 Reviews

information contained in other columns and measured), the tools are adding can be added as a comment or context more functionalities to their quality information about the segments. assurance (QA) and evaluation features. PDF is another file format that unfor- Kilgray calls it linguistic quality tunately is sent to translation with assurance (LQA) and implemented it in increasing frequency (or, at least, is used memoQ 2013; SDL calls it translation for analysis of word count statistics). quality assessment (TQA) and imple- The translation tools are adding more mented it in SDL Trados Studio 2015. and more capabilities to make it possible Both use a setup where one can define to work with these file formats, although categories (plus subcategories) of errors, we all know that this should not be the such as terminology errors, punctuation default setting for our projects. errors or number errors, and then assign Both memoQ and SDL Trados Studio severities like critical, major or minor, Figure 5: SDL Trados Studio pre-installed apps. offer conversions of PDF files that were all with penalty points. This kind of QA created out of regular text documents. step is a manual step, although memoQ with multilingual Excel files. The file is Studio has now added optical character offers a possibility to map LQA error cat- imported into a multilingual project (for recognition capability to be able to also egories automatically to the regular QA that a project management license is convert documents that were scanned messages that the QA checker produces, required; translator licenses don’t allow or consist only of images. This is a nice provided that a suitable category such as more than one target language per proj- development, but it still does not help the use of a forbidden term is available. ect). One defines which column should if the PDF file is copy- or password- In other cases, where a translation is not hold which target language and memoQ protected and produces only garbled correct because of a misunderstanding outputs several separate files for trans- segments when one tries to convert it. on the part of the translator, the error lation. In the end, memoQ combines the So try to get the original file whenever category has to be set manually. columns into one single file again. SDL you can; PDF is just not the way to go. In addition to the customized set- Trados Studio offers something similar, tings, memoQ also offers a list of pre- but at the moment it looks like the fil- Quality control set LQA models based on the LISA QA ter works for bilingual Excel files only, Together with the discussion on qual- model, TAUS and J2450 translation not multilingual ones. As with memoQ, ity (what it is and how it can be checked quality metrics.

Figure 6: memoQ MT plug-ins and memoQ list of online dictionaries.

20 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Reviews

Figure 7: Top: Access to the yen symbol in the edit ribbon. Above: Access any symbol through the table of symbols. Left: Shortcut for yen symbol added to the list of symbols.

In the editor, memoQ uses a red ating a project. It would be nice to have tasks on the files in the project at once, highlight to mark segments with LQA an easier way to find them, especially like pre-translation, analysis and so on. errors. For each segment, the review in the online help as they are a valu- memoQ has always been project- pane shows the list of messages, which able resource. The predefined templates based, but the templates and further messages have been set manually by use the TAUS, LISA, J2450 and MQM automation was added only recently in the reviewer, and which have been con- quality models. The models need to be version 2014. The automation is con- verted to LQA errors (Figure 3). in the project setup when importing nected with the template-based projects In previous versions, one had to attach documents. Attaching a TQA model to only, but offers automated tasks at sev- the LQA model to the document during already imported files does not seem to eral points in the project. import of the document. In the latest be possible. Before importing the document, when version of 2015, the LQA model can also In the editor, SDL Trados Studio shows the file is still outside the memoQ project, be attached later, after the documents a comprehensive list of manually created a script could be run on the file — to save have been imported into the project. TQA messages for the entire file. Within a text-based file to Unicode encoding, In SDL Trados Studio, the TQA mod- the segment, the area that the TQA mes- for example. Then, after the import of ule can be edited either in the options sage belongs to is marked with a yellow the documents into the project, memoQ or the project settings. At this point highlight (Figure 4). It does not seem could run an analysis, a pre-translation there are no predefined models; one has to be possible to add a TQA message and export the files to a bilingual docu- to set up a model from scratch. without marking something in the seg- ment format for further processing with After some feedback from Richard ment (which is hard to do if one wants other tools. With the Wrap Up step, one Sikes, who did a review on SDL Trados to mark a missing punctuation mark). could tell memoQ to export the trans- Studio for this issue of Multilingual and lated documents, update the Master TMs who had seen predefined TQA models in Automation/templates and delete the Working TMs. an online session with SDL, I went to SDL Trados Studio introduced proj- This will probably be an area where search for these models. Unfortunately ects and project templates with SDL more and more enhancements will show they are not mentioned in the online Trados Studio 2009. The user could up as users request automation of their help under TQA, TAUS, LISA or similar either base a project on the settings favorite tasks or task sequences. search words. Here is where I finally of an existing project, or could create found them: In the setup of SDL Trados a new and separate template out of a Plug-ins and apps Studio some predefined TQA templates choice of available project settings. And As no product usually has all the can be imported. After that they will the project setup was accompanied by functionalities all possible users would appear in the list of templates when cre- the possibility to run several (batch) want, our translation memory tools October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 21 Reviews

One can even skip the review of the alignment, if the structure of the file has not changed. The only time this kind of function- ality does not work too well in both tools is if the reviewed file contains new text that has no counterpart in the translated, bilingual file, or when para- graphs have been moved around in the document. Special characters With the customization of the ribbons, memoQ also added more customizability of shortcuts. One can create one’s own Figure 8: Top: Yen symbol available from shortcuts for memoQ functionalities, QuickInsert Tag list or with shortcut for one but also to insert special characters. For of the seven user-defined symbols. Above: example, one could define the shortcut Access any symbol through the table of CTRL-ALT-Y to add the yen (¥) symbol symbols. Left: List of QuickInsert characters to texts (Figure 7). added in DOCX file type. Yen symbol added Studio allows one to add any number by the user. of custom characters to the QuickInsert list, but this will have to be done by file format in the project settings or options. offer ways to use plug-ins or additional Implementing changes from a Unfortunately, it is not possible to add apps to enhance them. reviewed target language file one’s own shortcut to get at all these On SDL’s OpenExchange App pages The review of a translation should characters, but only for the first seven (, happen in the bilingual file so that an characters, which can be placed on the users can find many little helpers cre- update of the translation memory is eas- tag icons on the toolbar (Figure 8). ated by different developers. Some are ily done. But what if the review is done free; some have to be purchased. And, in the final target language file? How Help and support every so often, an app that has become does one get these changes back into Translators need to type a lot and very popular makes its way into SDL the translation memory so that they are any help a tool can give here is greatly Trados Studio, like “AnyTM,” which available next time around? Previously appreciated. memoQ calls it predictive allows the use of TMs that do not have this was a step where someone had to typing and shows content from term the exact language variation or have the insert the changes manually into either bases, non-translatables lists, auto- opposite language direction required for the bilingual file or the translation mem- translation rules, concordance hits and a project. ory directly — which oftentimes did not muses (for SDL Trados users, this is simi- In SDL Trados Studio, the area above happen at all, because of the popular “no- lar to an AutoSuggest dictionary) after a the navigation shows the link to the time-for-this-at-the-moment” or “we few letters have been typed. App Store as well as any apps one has -will-do-this-after-the-project-is- In SDL Trados Studio, the AutoSug- installed — some of them are already finished” syndromes. gest feature calls on the AutoSuggest pre-installed (Figure 5). memoQ made a start with this process dictionaries (lists of phrase pairs, cre- Access to MT systems can be achieved in memoQ 2013 when it introduced the ated out of TM content), the TM (for through the Language Cloud services. import of the monolingual review file. exact and fuzzy matches as well as for memoQ works with plug-ins that the Basically, the segments of the reviewed concordance hits), on the term bases, user can activate or deactivate. At the file are compared to the target lan- on the AutoCorrect lists and on any MT moment there are plug-ins for access- guage segments in the bilingual file provider that is attached to the project. ing TaaS online terminology, several of the project and get displayed in an The results are nicely marked with dif- MT systems (for which you will need a alignment-like editor. The user can con- ferent colored icons to show where they registration key or possibly a purchased nect previous translations with current come from. license, depending on the system) as (reviewed) translation segments. These In addition to online help articles well as online TMs such as TAUS or segments overwrite the old translations. there have always been other ways for MyMemory. These plug-ins come with From there the segments can go into us to find solutions to our questions, memoQ and depend on what Kilgray the TM. be it a forum or the official knowledge implements there. SDL Trados Studio offers a similar base of support cases from the tools In addition, the user can add favor- feature, called Retrofit, new as of Studio manufacturers. With the newer versions ite online dictionaries for terminology 2015. The segments from the reviewed of the tools, we can access these help- lookup or select one from the extensive target language file are aligned with the ful resources more easily from within list that is already set up (Figure 6). target segments of the bilingual file. our translation tool. Studio provides

22 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Reviews a separate ribbon where one will find match values and although I was skeptical tools) and to, for example, filter for all a lot of information ranging from the at first whether this really would be fea- segments where a tag contains a certain regular online help to the knowledge sible, I have to confess that it was a great attribute. OK, this goes a little beyond base (, from access help during the translation of my memoQ the everyday use for translators, but to your own SDL account on the SDL training manual. more and more project managers and home page, from blogs to events to ■■ Regular expressions: Granted, using language engineers need to manipulate product activation, and for checking for regular expressions is not something that or check files for certain items and this updates. many users feel comfortable with. But for would help a lot. memoQ uses a similar approach and those of us who use them regularly, they offers online help, access to videos are a blessing. Most prominently, I would More wishes and guides on their website as well as use them for searching through the list of Something that has come up repeat- recorded webinars. What I miss here is segments. Some examples: searching for edly in my work in the past years was the direct access to the memoQ knowl- all segments that contain a number; all the question on statistics for terminol- edgebase at segments that have a certain character at ogy. How many terms from a term base the beginning or end; all segments that appear in a document? How many of Nice-to-haves contain an expression that contains at these terms already have a translation; And here are some things that only least three capital letters; all segments how many need to be updated with a exist in either memoQ or SDL Trados that have a dot at the end with only a few translation? Which or how many terms Studio, but which would be really nice preceding letters (to find abbreviations); in the list of terminology extraction to have in the other tool, too. and so on. The list of use cases is endless candidates already appear in a term ■■ Support for embedded objects in and every one of us has our own special base? These kinds of statistics would be Office files: One thing that as far as I things that we search for. very useful when it comes to estimating know only STAR Transit has been doing Both tools allow the use of regex for how much effort needs to be put into is the import of text from files embedded file filters and in their QA component. terminology work. in other files, as with Excel tables in Word But Studio also allows it in the search But before I go into a full wish list files. memoQ added this functionality in dialog or the display filters (when filter- of things that I would like to see in memoQ 2014, so that one can now import ing the list of segments in the transla- our tools, let me summarize: TM tools the content of the first layer of embed- tion editor), memoQ up to now does have steadily developed, and I am sure ded files (not text from files embedded in not. I hear that it is on the list of things will continue to develop, new features embedded files), when one is dealing with to be implemented and I would again that can be very useful. With manifold Office files. It is essential that the files are most politely ask that this gets a higher feedback channels, we are empowered embedded and not only referenced. priority. to give input to the tools developers. ■■ Influencing the word count: SDL Connected with this would be my wish And it looks like they closely watch each Trados Studio now allows the user to to be able to search within tags (in both other’s developments, too. M select in the setup of a TM if a word that is written with a hyphen should be counted as two words (which would be the default setting for SDL Trados Studio TMs) or as one word. ■■ Adding abbreviations to the segmen- tation rules on the fly: memoQ can now send an abbreviation to the abbreviations list in the segmentation rules from within the translation editor — and it can also resegment the file with this setting while one is still in the translation editor. The document does not have to be imported Your experts in translation and localization since 1997 again with the new settings. ■■ Bookmarks: The new bookmark feature in SDL Trados Studio 2015 is also something that I find very useful: a way to mark segments with bookmarks in addi- tion to the previously-available feature of A Central Hub for Full Localization Automation. setting comments on segments. -Translation Business Management System ■■ Correction of segments with the help of known elements: memoQ 2015 introduces MatchPatch, which can adjust Visit us online at matches from the TM with other known elements like terms from the term base or Tel: +1(312)863-1966 Email: [email protected] non-translatables. This can improve the October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 23 Localization Business School Andrew Lawless

Column Building trust in China

While I was out to dinner on my first night in your level of knowledge. The theory goes that a professor knows China, someone entered my room, examined the more than a master’s degree student, who in turn knows more content of my laptop and suitcase, and installed than a high school graduate, and a PMP knows more about proj- ect management than a self-trained localization manager. spyware on my MacBook. In 2011, I was an invited While I do not subscribe to that common belief, Chinese Wguest and the only Western participant at the people tend to value education more than most nations — and Localization Service Industry Forum in Shenzhen. especially teachers in academic institutions. China, for example, has the largest education system in the world. Investments in It may have been coincidence, but my hotel was education account for about 4% of total gross domestic prod- placed in the middle of the elite academy of the uct. If you have no academic degree, a well-written white paper Communist Party. or self-published book will often also do. Experience: You may have met or heard of those people who Today, the Translation Association of China name me one of know everything in theory, but cannot implement anything the most trusted Westerners in localization in China. Here is what themselves. We typically call them intellectuals. In China, how- I learned in getting there. Disclaimer, I am in no way an expert on ever, university professors often practice what they preach. China, its people, culture or economy. I just was somehow able to For example, Professor Chai Mingjiong is dean of the Gradu- build trust. This is a synthesis of my observations. ate Institute of Interpretation and Translation, and he also runs the for-profit language services company Shanghai Language The process of trust-building Services Center for Cultural Trade. A poster child of an academic Don’t expect it to be fast. Building trust takes time. A lot of turned successful owner of a language services company is time. It has a process and it can be measured in four areas: Dr. James Wei. He has an academic background in science and 1. Knowledge research and successfully runs a premier Chinese localization company, EC Innovations. 2. Experience In China, universities and government support or drive 3. Likability businesses much more than elsewhere in the world. Take, for 4. Dependability example, Jack Ma. Before he founded Alibaba, he headed an This order is important. For example, if you are likeable, but information technology company established by a department have limited knowledge or experience, people will not trust you of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, with a project that requires specific subject matter expertise. which is now called Ministry of Commerce, and which in turn While being nice and accommodating may make it easy to get supports and directs the Translators Association of China (TAC). your foot in the door, you better also have something substan- In China, it is never really clear where collaboration between tial to say, or you will be out of the door in no time. academia, universities, business and association begins and This is not specific to China, however. I believe that the where it ends. But in order to build trust, it is essential to show a process of building trust is similar in all cultures. If you are a sufficient combination of knowledge and expertise. Likability: You may have worked with specialists your customers foreigner, it just takes longer no matter where you are. Here are the four steps of building trust in detail. Knowledge: Demonstrating knowledge is crucial for establishing Andrew Lawless is the president and founder of Rockant, which trust in professional relationships. That’s why people use academic focuses on localization training and consulting. He is focused on credentials or certifications in their signatures. They usually signal inspiring and priming localization professionals for success.

24 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] love because of their phenomenally great One ultimate sign of approval for a work, but who also have significant dif- man, though, seems to be going to a bath ficulties in social interaction and nonver- house together, where it is absolutely bal communication. You will entrust them normal to talk real business, totally naked, with specific tasks that fit their knowledge while sweating in a sauna or soaking in a and expertise, but will not have them talk hot tub. to a customer unsupervised, having such Dependability: How dependably you conversations managed by someone with deliver on your promises, actually made people skills instead. or perceived, will determine whether you Likability is a key business competence. achieve the highest level of trust. This may You will especially need it when trying be the hardest thing to achieve. Since it to build a relationship in China — or is not always clear what Chinese business anywhere outside the context of your partners expect from you, it is also easy to culture. Interestingly, putting too much disappoint without even knowing it. emphasis on avoiding cultural blunders I briefed a Chinese partner once on what can actually make you less likable. You and what not to say in a customer presen- UNLEASH YOUR may prevent yourself from offending tation. As many sales people do, he decided POTENTIAL anyone, but you also will have come to give his presentation his way after all. with across as less authentic. When the meeting turned out a failure I Be yourself, avoid extremes and under- had, in their eyes, betrayed the relation- stand that no other person sees your real- ship. However, they never shared their sen- ity. So do not impose yours on them. They timents with me, but went silent instead. It won’t see it the way you do. Just observe took me two years and a mutual friend to what others are doing, and follow. get the relationship back on track. One of the internal mottos in Team You never really fully know where you Lawless is to work hard and be nice. It’s stand, but when you have the right con- difficult to do it right all the time. We nections, it’s amazing what you can get are not always at our best. But people done in China. will forgive cultural mistakes when they In May 2014, I was all set to deliver know you as a hard worker who gener- my keynote speech at the International ously and genuinely gives. Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) in Chinese business partners will usu- Beijing. There was only one problem. My The best all in one ally be friendly and welcoming. They are presentation did not work as intended. often great hosts. That, however, is not a Internet censorship and access restric- solution token of acceptance, but sheer polite- tions from China did not allow me to ness. Chinese people, more than Western- show the web localization I’d focused on ers, inherently understand that people because the referenced sites were simply will reveal themselves over time. Some- not available. For one, my company’s TRANSLATE times it can take a lot of time before own website was blocked. But so was they feel truly comfortable around you. video content on the home page of The Your first business meeting might end World Bank. So, I jokingly mentioned COLLABORATE with some friendly handshakes. Then you that Rockant was on the same level with may start having dinners together. When The World Bank. your Chinese partners take you to a foot And then, something amazing hap- MANAGE massage, you have climbed up the lad- pened. A Chinese official pulled me aside der of trust. If you are a man, do not be after my speech and said in excellent surprised when you are asked if you also English: “So, you cannot access your data? DELIVER want “a beautiful Chinese girl” that can I sincerely apologize. You will be able to give you a “happy ending.” do so in about an hour.” And I was! My response to that question usually is My only question is: How did he that I would either need to tell my wife or make that happen? How did he know sign up today for take it to my grave — and neither option to let my computer, specifically, a 30 day free trial at: is attractive. I usually get sorry looks in through the big firewall of China? I return. I do not know what that level of guess you never really know where you trust in China looks like for a woman. stand in China. M 25 Community Lives Jeannette Stewart

Column Translators without Borders

In 1859, Jean-Henri Dunant, a Swiss business- client was Médecins Sans Frontières, the original French ver- man traveling in Italy, witnessed the Battle of sion of Doctors Without Borders. Thicke and Smith-Thomas seized the opportunity to offer the translation for free and Solferino. Its aftermath left well over 20,000 dead requested that the saved money be considered a donation and wounded. Shocked at the lack of facilities to going straight back to the field. Thicke fondly remembers Isafely treat the wounded, Dunant abandoned his those early days: “I almost volunteered so many times, but I trip and devoted himself to helping those in need. was always too busy, so when Doctors Without Borders asked for a translation, I realized that here was my chance to do This heroic act of volunteerism was no one-off. something good.” Dunant went on to be instrumental in the found- One project was followed by another and a small group of ing of the Red Cross, one of the most celebrated translator volunteers gathered together to respond to the ris- ing needs. It was natural to call themselves Translators without humanitarian organizations in history. Borders. For 17 years they helped nonprofits save around $2 Volunteerism did not begin with this selfless act. In fact, it million by offering free translation and project management. had been in existence for some time, particularly with military This small informal community of volunteers was working service and in some religious orders. However, the growing efficiently until the Haiti crisis in 2010, when the demand for awareness in the nineteenth century of the plight of many translation from many rescue organizations such as Red Cross, disadvantaged people led to many initiatives to put altruism to US Navy and the UN was so overwhelming that the need for a good and practical effect. formal organization was evident. Not all volunteer initiatives are motivated by battlefield So Thicke approached prominent translation industry profes- carnage. In the present day, other needs have given rise to sionals, asking them to join her in the creation of a nonprofit measures offering the skills of experts. This is especially the as board members and help the organization meet its growing case in a pluralistic, multilingual world of often stark social demands. Most of them accepted. One of these early board differences manifesting during a crisis. One such organi- members was Salvatore “Salvo” Giammarresi, currently head zation that is tackling this head on is Translators without of globalization at PayPal. He agreed to join the new nonprofit Borders. because he already knew about the group and believed in its In 1993 Lori Thicke and Ros Smith-Thomas received a call mission to help reduce language barriers in crisis situations. at their translation company in Paris, Lexcelera-Eurotexte, Translators without Borders seemed a perfect fit, and he felt from a prospective client. Little did they know then that his long experience in management, operations and globaliza- this call would propel them to start a major volunteering tion would help the organization be more effective and fulfill movement within the translation industry. The prospective its vision and mission. In those early days everyone was helping the best they could and roles were not very well defined. This gave them incredible freedom to experiment, but also called Jeannette Stewart is the former CEO of CommuniCare, a translation for an all-hands-on-deck approach, which was sometimes hard company for life sciences. An advocate for the language industry, she to manage and scale. founded Translation Commons, a nonprofit online platform facilitating Giammarresi today is responsible for Translators without community collaboration. Borders’s governance and operational excellence. He ensures

26 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Column that the board is functioning properly editors who are continually trained and a half a million dollars. In 2013 the and that there is a lightweight system nurtured by Andriesen. audited total revenue, gains and sup- of checks and balances. Today, the ini- As with most start-ups ready to port reached $2 million, with 85% of tial board of directors, which was the graduate to full service organizations, this as donated services. operational arm of the nonprofit, has Translators without Borders had to With funds at hand, the organization been split into an executive board and find an optimum way of funding in managed to employ its first full-time a board of advisors. order to afford the expansion that the member, Rebecca Petras, as program With the recent hiring of its first increased demand was dictating. With director. She was a board member for full-time employee, a defined structure a vision of a world where knowledge two years and prior to her appointment started emerging and culminated in the knows no language barriers and a served on the executive committee as the compilation of a board policy manual strategic framework of connecting head of marketing. Along with another that details the governance framework. nonprofits to translators, building local seven volunteers, Petras is part of the It clearly defines the strategic and capacity and raising awareness of lan- team that manages the organization’s oversight role of the board as opposed guage constraints, it is no wonder that day-to-day operations. This eight-mem- to the execution and operational role most of the industry has been eager ber executive board, along with a team of the managing director and of the to support. Translators on a monthly of 18 advisors and a small two-member many volunteers. “It is amazing to see basis donate thousands of words, large awareness team, ensure that both the how TWB’s community of volunteers language service providers and inter- mission and core values are translated in continues to respond and help people net companies donate both services a sustainable and scalable future. in need across the world,” said Giam- and money and many other industry In addition to the Kenyan train- marresi. “Haiti, the Ebola crisis and players find ways to give. When the ing center, the crowd-sourced com- Nepal are just some examples of their organization started, it had a mere munity of volunteers through the amazing work. Our volunteers are the few thousand dollars, mostly from the Workspace managed by is heart and soul of TWB.” newly formed board. Financial dona- currently handling a couple of impor- Simon Andriesen, managing director tions this year are estimated to reach tant projects. The Health Education of MediLingua Medical Translations, was another early board member. Andriesen was originally approached by Thicke, who asked if MediLingua could review hundreds of medical test translations offered by prospective volunteer trans- lators in the wake of the Haiti disaster. Several tests were so good that the translators and editors were asked to Translations for the Life Sciences, start volunteering that same day. After Andriesen joined the board he focused Medical, IT and Technology Sectors initially on operations. When donated the Translation Workspace in 2011, which now boasts an average of 700,000 words translated every month by volunteers, he redirected his focus to Translation & Localization training. The board quickly realized that crisis Layout, Graphics & DTP situations requiring language assistance are most likely to arise in underdevel- oped regions where there are not many Software Engineering professional translators. Consequently, they decided to set up training centers to train local health care translators. Multimedia Localization Their pilot site is in Nairobi, Kenya, where they started the translators’ training program in March 2012. The program focuses on Swahili as well as a number of the other 40-plus languages spoken in Kenya. The course training material focuses on health care infor- mation, which is crucial for any country Certified under ISO 17100:2015 with too many patients and very few doctors. The translation and training Bonn | Barcelona | Stockholm | Copenhagen center currently has ten translators and October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 27 and Training (HEAT) project from The be overcome by coordinating transla- Open University was ambitiously set up tion memories (TMs) with nonprofits. to train 250,000 frontline health care She has taken the initiative in the workers across sub-Saharan Africa by past to share TMs with colleagues who 2016. Translators without Borders is are donating to the same nonprofit. helping The Open University achieve its Her wish is for this informal sharing goal by translating the health modules to become a standard practice with into languages used by the community proper procedures in place so data can health workers. be tracked and be available to all vol- Another high-profile project is the unteers. This will be particularly helpful 100 x 100 Wikipedia Project, which when large documents are required envisions the translation of the 100 urgently and are split, so many transla- most widely read Wikipedia articles tors can work on them simultaneously. on health issues into 100 languages. Heinen is willing to volunteer herself To make these easier for the aver- and start building TMs as she feels age person to understand, the articles that “improving efficiency is what is are edited into simplified English and required for the future.” vetted by physicians and health care Within the larger language industry experts before translation. The project Translators without Borders is very well is well underway — dozens of articles perceived, but its biggest challenge have been translated into a still grow- is exposure to the general public and ing number of languages. Funding from specifically to the nonprofit environ- The Indigo Trust has allowed extending ment and crisis agencies. Many nonprof- the project into east Africa, ensuring its and crisis agencies are not aware of the translated content is available on or equipped to deal with the language mobile phones. barriers that impact their visions and With 500 nonprofits to support, missions. To help with exposure in the the translator volunteers are the true nonprofit world, the Board will seek to heroes of the organization managing add members from the larger nonprofit to transcend cultural barriers. There environment. Language awareness and are nearly 3,000 translators tested and the general constraints that lack of signed up in Workspace who are ready understanding bring in crisis situations to offer their services. Nearly two will also raise awareness to the broad thirds of them have already offered language for-profit industry and elevate 26.5 million words. As in most vol- its function to society. unteer communities, translators have Translators without Borders’ main various motivations for giving. The mission to assist during crises is by largest demographic donates their design part of a first response along time and effort during a slow profes- with all other crisis agencies. Even with sional period for a cause they support data analytics and predictive technolo- and believe in. New translators and gies developing rapidly, it’s clear that graduates will offer their time to gain crises will continue to endanger us experience and exposure to real-life with little or no notice. Even if we do translation. have some foreboding of disaster, how I spoke with one volunteer translator, will we know what translation require- Danièle Heinen, who has donated over ments our response will need? This 200,000 words in the last four years. makes planning next to impossible for She had heard about the organization Translators without Borders. Yet they from ATA colleagues and in 2011 she can still prepare. Training, experience, applied and passed the test. She had proficiency and commitment fac- already been a volunteer translator for tor in when urgency demands a rapid a couple of organizations in Canada, response. but had lost touch during an assign- Translators without Borders is ment overseas. It was the right time harnessing a massive potential with for her to resume volunteering, as she its model for volunteerism and has its had transitioned from a permanent job sights set on fulfilling a growing need. to freelance translator again. Heinen As global awareness of multilingual- said her biggest challenge when she ism increases, we can expect Transla- volunteers is the lack of language con- tors without Borders to pick up the sistency and continuity, which could pace too. M

28 [email protected] Region Focus

Terminology guidelines and the Chinese language

Micaela Andrich

Terminology guidelines are rarely discussed A terminology guideline also serves as orientation for at conferences and trade fairs for the transla- the modeling of terminology databases and is the reference tion industry. However, terminology guidelines document for cleaning the data collected in terminology extraction projects. Therefore, a terminology guideline are crucial for ensuring consistent translation should be considered as a strategic document that supports Tand therefore translation quality. A terminol- organizations in establishing a corporate language and cre- ogy guideline is a document containing rules ating controlled vocabularies. While a great number of governmental organizations have for the correct use of preferred language. A already completed the creation of terminology guidelines and terminology guideline is the first step toward glossaries, manufacturing companies in all industries and the creation of controlled vocabularies and the countries are still struggling to keep order in their terminol- first “to-do" when starting a terminology man- ogy collections. One reason for the delay in implementing terminology management is the complexity of this task. In agement project. As the result of the diligent fact, terminology management projects usually involve the and constant work of terminology curation, a organization in its whole and require a great amount of terminology guideline is paramount for ensur- resources — time, people, know-how, technology and money. ing the success of terminology management Another reason for the delay in the implementation of ter- minology management is the fact that these projects often implementation. end up revealing organizational problems (such as untimed processes or poor knowledge management) whose solutions In particular, a terminology guideline: would require an additional amount of resources. ■■ Collects terminology examples from text corpora. As a result, companies delay the implementation of termi- ■■ Describes methods for selecting preferred terms among nology management projects until streamlined processes are in synonyms (muffler or silencer? Anschnallgurt or Sicherheits- place. The rise of semantic components (such as HTML5) and gurt? Textgestaltung or Layout?) semantic technologies (such as semantic search) is increasing ■■ Defines the rules for the correct use of standard language the awareness for the relevance of terminology management at (registration number versus rego) management level. The result is a better understanding for the ■■ Gives directions for the spelling of terms (retry versus re-try) ■■ Defines methods for the creation of consistent abbre- Micaela Andrich is the founder and managing viations (surfactant versus surface active agent, RegDir versus director of, a company specialized Regionaldirektor) in content curation and online marketing. Before ■■ Provides the rules (compounding, derivation) and exam- founding termlogica, she worked as a terminology ples for term creation. management consultant for 15 years. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 29 Region Focus

creation principles are not subjected to Character Meaning Transcription POS an international or European standard (DIN 2330: 1993, p 12), Annex 1 ISO 定位 位 — position dìngwèi noun 740: “Term formation patterns depend on the lexical, morphosyntactic, and 本地化 地 — localization to foreign environment běndìhuà noun phonological structures of individual languages and recommendations 国产化 cannot be given in an International 国产 — to localize, in terms of production guóchǎnhuà verb Standard" (ISO 740, A.1). Nevertheless, through this table could be highlighted the possibility of an international 本土化软件 化软 běntǔhuàruǎnjiàn — software localization noun standard in the same terms as present for the “adoption of standardized ter- Table 1: Different Chinese terminology for localization. POS = part of speech. minological entries in standards" (ISO 10241-2) or in the ontology web lan- various meanings of semantic and the general principles of terminology work guage. Table 3 does not list all methods returns on investments of terminology contained in terminology norms DIN for term formation. For a full list of management. Document management (Deutsches Institut für Normung), ISO term formation methods please refer to systems, knowledge management sys- (International Organization for Stan- the norms DIN, ISO and GB. tems and online marketing techniques dardization) and China’s GB (国家 标准 (such as search engine optimization) all Guojia biāozhǔn, National Standard). Terminology in China perform best when a set of terminology Chinese terminology norms are the The opening of China to the world rules and controlled vocabularies are adaptation of ISO norms, and my goal in the 1990s also started the process of provided — taxonomies, metadata and is to highlight the similarity of prin- harmonization of standards between keyword lists. ciples in an interlinguistic perspective. China and Europe. Successful coop- The use of graphic symbols (ideo- DIN 2330 (1993: 6) mentions eration in the field of standardization — grams) to represent an idea or a concept being “Genauigkeit, Knappheit und recently the translation of 60,000 DIN is the most relevant characteristic of the Orientierung am anerkannten Sprach- standards into Chinese — proves the Chinese language. Unlike alphabetic gebrauch" (unambiguous, concise, strong bond between China and the rest languages, where the symbols reflect appropriate and in use in a language of the world. Worth mentioning in the the pronunciation of words and not the community). ISO 704 (2009) lists “trans- context of terminology harmonization meaning, in Chinese, ideograms transmit parency, consistency, appropriateness, is the work of ISO/TC 37, International semantic meaning. In the Chinese writing linguistic economy, derivability, linguis- Information Center for Terminology system, the relation between a term and tic correctness and preference for native (Austria) and Internationales Termi- a concept is unique and unambiguous. language.” The Chinese Standard GB / T nologienetz (Austria). Since the 1980s Words using the same character but hav- 10112 (1999: 5) refers to the work of TC these organizations have been support- ing different meanings are rare in Chi- / 37 (ISO) and since 1988 has mentioned ing the international knowledge trans- nese, and due to this monosemic nature, “clarity, what is most used in a language fer in the field of terminology research the Chinese language is much more pre- community, conciseness and focus on and providing valuable inputs to the cise than nonideogrammatic languages. standard language." The statement dec- China National Institute of Standard- Nonideogrammatic languages present laration makes clear that the ISO norms ization (中国标准化研究院) and the a high frequency of polysemy and have undergone an adaptation for the China National Committee for Terms in homonymy, which can result in confu- specificity of the Chinese language. Sciences and Technologies (全国科学技 sion — consider the words bank (in the Table 2 highlights the adaptations mak- 术名词审定委员会) for the harmoniza- context of rivers or money) and mouse ing clear that the majority of principles tion of standards. With 93 subject field (in the context of computers or rodents), as stated in ISO 740 can also be applied subcommittees and more than 3,000 for example. The term localization itself for the Chinese language. scientists participating in examining is ambiguous in German, English, Italian and approving scientific and techno- and Spanish. The Chinese language, on Term formation methods logical terms, China is demonstrat- the contrary, uses different characters in German and Chinese ing organizational excellence for the to express different meanings. As seen A comparison of methods for term establishment of curated monolingual in Table 1, the semantic component of formation as mentioned in DIN and GB and bilingual terminology resources. the ideograms make clear what kind of norms should highlight the similarity Noteworthy in this context are the localization is meant. between different language systems terminology collections carried out by and suggest the answer for the ques- the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中 Term creation in DIN, ISO and GB tion: “Which rules should a terminol- 国科学院). Since the 1980s its publish- To analyze similarities and differ- ogy guideline for the Chinese language ing house has published terminology ences of the principles for term creation contain?" I am aware that I am doing collections for dozens of subject fields, between languages belonging to dif- something different compared to the among them astronomy, physics, bio- ferent language groups, I compare the statements of DIN and ISO that term chemistry and electronics. M

30 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Region Focus

ISO 740 DIN 2330 GB/T 10112 Example/Explanation

monosemy (unambiguous): A term should be attributed to only one The goal of standardization is to reduce homonymy eineindeutig 单义性,单名性 concept and a given concept is and synonymy within a subject field. represented by only one term. transparency: The concept it chalk board vs. blackboard designates can be inferred, at least transparent 透明性 Allstrommotor vs. Universalmotor partially, without a definition.

consistency: The terminology of any nylon, orlon, dacron No mention of this principle subject field should be a coherent systemisch Wärmetauscherplatte, Wärmetauscherrohr in GB/T 10112. terminological system.

appropriateness: Proposed terms 稳定性, nuclear energy vs. atomic energy should adhere to established pat- am anerkannten Sprach- 使用频率较高 muffler vs. silencer terns of meaning within a language gebrauch orientiert 约定俗成 高级模式 (PRC) 进阶模式 () community.

linguistic economy: concise. A term 简明性, term base vs. terminological data base knapp shall be as concise as possible. 基本术语越简短 Dehnstiftschraube vs. Dehnungsstiftschraube

linguistic economy: accurate. A term genau 准确性 Hutschienenhalter vs. Halter shall be as accurate as possible.

derivability: Productive term forma- herb vs. medicinal plant tions that allow derivatives should ableitungsfähig 派生性 herbaceous, herbal, herbalist be favored. 印版折边 ,印版折边装置

linguistic correctness: A term should conform to morphological, morpho- No mention of this principle sprachlich richtig syntactic and phonological norms of in GB/T 10112. the language in question.

DIN 2330 does not mention this principle. Neverthe- preference for native language: less it is a recognized principle for terminology work Native language expressions No mention of this 合乎本族语言习惯 also in Germany. should be given preference over principle in DIN 2330. The Chinese government prohibits the use of foreign direct loans. terms in publications.

No mention of this principle in ISO sprechbar [easy to be No mention of this principle The "compounding" principle enables the German 740. spoken aloud] in GB/T 10112. language to create very long words. Sometimes the compounds become so long that they are then difficult to pronounce: Inbussschraube vs. Innensechskantschraube (DE)

No mention of this principle in ISO einprägsam [easy to No mention of this principle The "compounding" principle in German is at work 740. remember] in GB/T 10112. here also.

No mention of this principle in ISO übersichtlich [avoid No mention of this principle The "compounding" principle in German is at work 740. complexity] in GB/T 10112. here yet again.

Table 2: Comparison of the principles of term creation as mentioned in terminology ISO, DIN and GB norms. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 31 Region Focus

Rule German/English Chinese Note

Chinese uses the terminologization Terminologiesierung Maus 鼠标 method the same way English and terminologization (computer) mouse shǔbiāo German do.

Compounding more words into Wortzusammensetzung one single word is a characteristic Wechselplattenspeicher 可换式磁盘存储器 compounding more words into of both Chinese and German interchangeable disk memory kěhuànshì cípáncúnchúqì one word languages. The majority of Chinese words are compounds.

Mehrwortbenennung feuerfeste Wechselplattenspeicher 耐热可换式磁盘存储器 Chinese doesn't have this issue compounding using separated fire-proofed interchangeable disk because words are not separated nàirè kěhuànshì cípáncúnchúqì words memory by spaces.

Wortableitung Ultraschall 超声 Chinese has many prefixes; here Derivation by adding one or more ultrasound chāoshēng 超 (ultra-) morphological elements (prefix)

Wortableitung Sozialismus 社会主义 Chinese has many suffixes; here (suffix) socialism shèhuìzhǔyì 主义 (-ism) derivation

lokalisieren (V) Konversion Lokalisierung (S) 本土化 The majority of verbs in Chinese conversion localize (v) běntǔhuà can be used as substantive. localization (s)

Entlehnung aus einer anderen asymmetrischer digitaler 非对称式数据用户线 Often in use for words in Sprache Teilnehmer-Anschluss information technology: HTML, fēiduìchènshìshùjù yònghùxiàn loan translation (calques) Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line Kbps, LAN, WAN, XML.

Virus (Medizin) Entlehnung aus einem anderen Chinese uses the disciplinary bor- Virus ( 病毒 Fachgebiet rowing the same way English and Virus (medicine) bìngdú disciplinary borrowings German do. Virus (inform. tech.)

Kurzüngsverf./ 华师大 huá​shī​dà​ Uni-Graz Chinese uses clipped terms the Abbrechkürzung 华东师范大学 Universität-Graz same way English and German do. clipped terms huádōngshīfàndàxué

Kurzüngsverf./ ALGOL 阿戈语言 Chinese uses initialism the same Initialkürzung Algorithmische Sprache ā gē yǔyán way English and German do. Initialism Algoritmic Language

Kurzüngsverf./ 联合国教科文组织 Chinese uses acronyms the same Akronyme UNESCO liánhéguójiàokēwén zǔzhī way English and German do. acronyms

Table 3: Comparison of term formation rules in German, English and Chinese.

32 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Region Focus

Machine translation and the challenge of Chinese

John Tinsley

If you search the web, you will easily find a and Korean. As a spoken language, there are many distinct great deal of information on machine translation regional variations, Mandarin being the most common. Spo- ken Chinese makes extensive use of tones and the same writ- (MT) technology: how it can be used, what it’s ten word can have radically different meanings depending on good for and when it should and should not be the tone in which it is said. Fortunately, that is not an issue for Iused. However, what is not often readily avail- MT, but for other language technologies such as speech rec- able is why; why does MT quality vary across ognition and generation, it adds a further layer of complexity. Chinese is written using a set of characters known as projects? Why does it make strange mistakes? hanzi. There are more than 100,000 individual characters, And, particularly, why is MT better at translat- though only around 3,000-4,000 are required for basic ing between some languages than others? literacy. Roughly speaking, each character corresponds to a syllable and, as such, they can either be used alone (in From the linguist and language enthusiast’s perspective, some cases) or in combination with others to form words. In the latter question is often one of the more curious aspects fact, unlike most other languages, Chinese actually has no of language technology. When we answer this question and spaces between words. This means that unless there is full dig a little deeper into the challenges that language tech- understanding of the context, the sequence of characters in nologists and researchers are tackling in this area, that’s a sentence may cause ambiguity. when things get really interesting. More recently, written Chinese has been split into two Broadly speaking, the more similar two languages are to forms: Simplified and Traditional. Simplified Chinese uses a one another, the easier it is to develop an MT solution for reduced character set with less complex characters. It is used them. What do we mean by similar? Ultimately, it boils down in Mainland China, whereas Traditional Chinese persists to similarities in grammar. More specifically, the closer two elsewhere — for instance, in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. languages are in terms of the order of the words in their An official transliteration system called , which uses sentences, their morphology and verb conjugation, the less the Latin alphabet, has also been developed to facilitate pro- linguistic and technical effort is required to develop trans- nunciation and language learning. lation technology. For this reason, similar languages, such Relative to English, Chinese actually has quite a simple as those in the Romance family of languages, are typically grammar. Chinese lacks inflection and most words have only “easier” for MT. a single form. Morphologic variants such as number (singular One language that does not share too many similarities and plural) and verb tense are not expressed grammatically. with others across the globe is Chinese. There are more dif- Rather, they are inferred through the wider context in the ficult languages on the spectrum, but Chinese is certainly sentence. Furthermore, articles (such as the, a, an and so on) up there. And as one of the most widely spoken languages and prepositions (to, for) simply do not occur. in the world with more than one billion native speakers, the demand to come up with solutions to address these dif- ficulties is ever increasing. So what is it about Chinese that makes it such a challenge for MT? Let’s take a closer look. John Tinsley is the CEO of Iconic Translation Machines Ltd. He holds a PhD in machine Characteristics of written Chinese translation (computing) from Dublin City A member of the Sino-Tibetan language family, Chinese has University and also consults as a language influenced many other major languages such as Japanese technology expert with the European Commission. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 33 Region Focus

For instance, consider the verb 的 (de) — the most frequently occur- to eat. The Chinese verb 吃 (chī) can ring character in Chinese — which can mean to eat, eat, eats, eating and so on. cause real difficulty for MT. In order to express tense, additional words like temporal adverbs (yester- How this affects MT day, tomorrow, now, later) can be used When developing MT engines, and explicitly with no change to the verb particularly those engines developed form, as shown below in red: using statistical approaches (which ■■ 我吃 (wǒ chī): I eat. still underpin most practical applica- Figure 1: Words may be single or multiple ■■ 昨天我吃了 (zuótiān wǒ chī): yes- tions), a certain level of performance characters, which affects segmentation. terday I ate (Literally, yesterday I eat). can be achieved using just data-driven ■■ 明天我吃 (míngtiān wǒ chī): techniques whereby models are gener- tomorrow I will eat (Literally, tomorrow ated over large collections of aligned I eat). parallel data from translation memo- In other cases, morphological infor- ries, for example. mation is implied by the context. The While this approach can work Chinese noun 图 (tú) means figure reasonably well and produce usable but it does not change if we are talk- engines for similar languages, it simply Figure 2: Two Chinese words combined to ing about more than one figure. This does not cut the mustard for languages make a new word. is simply inferred by the number, as like Chinese. The purely statistical shown below: approaches lack the ability to learn topics at leading universities working ■■ 和图2所示 (hé tú 2 suǒ shì): as complex sentence structure differences on MT. shown in Figure 2. such as those caused by the de particle. We will come back to that later but ■■ 和图4-6所示 (hé tú 4-6 suǒ shì): as In order to account for this and other first, let’s take a look at what the big- shown in Figures 4-6. characteristics of Chinese, language- gest hurdles are for Chinese MT and In terms of basic word order, Chi- specific solutions related to each of how developers are addressing them. nese is generally classified as a sub- the particular challenges need to be ject-verb-object (SVO) language, like developed. Segmentation English. However, there are consider- Some of the challenges have been Before we can even get started pro- able exceptions to this when it comes well researched and mature meth- cessing Chinese for MT, we face a to anything beyond the most basic odologies have been developed for challenge that we do not typically sentences. For instance, with noun handling them in an effective manner. have to worry about with other lan- phrases, the head noun always occurs Others are less straightforward and the guages, Japanese being a notable at the end of the phrase, while relative best way to resolve them remains an exception: the fact that there are no clauses always come before the noun. open question. These challenges tend spaces between the words. In order to These are indicated by a special particle to form the core of active research translate one word into another, we first need to actually determine which sequences of characters in a given sen- tence go together to form words. Once identified, the words are delimited with spaces, and this process, as illustrated in Figure 1, is known as text segmentation. However, it is not quite as straight- forward as it sounds. Complications arise because segmentation is ambigu- ous. There are frequently multiple ways in which a given sequence of characters can be segmented, with each way hold- ing a different meaning from the other. This can be seen in Figure 2 where the four characters together mean claim (as in a patent claim) but if they are seg- mented into two words, each containing two characters, then we get a completely different meaning for this sequence. As text segmentation is not only the starting point for MT, but also many other natural language processing (NLP) applications, it has been well

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Figure 3: Words can move around Figure 4: Simplified and Traditional Chinese equivalents of the same words. within a translated sentence. researched and as a consequence it’s many other languages, is the different In theory, we can effectively detect a relatively well-understood problem. word order caused by fundamental sentences that have such syntax by Current state-of-the-art techniques differences in grammar and syntax. recognizing the 的 (de) particles. The give a high level of accuracy using One specific instance of this challenge problem arises when the boundaries of approaches based on conditional ran- that occurs frequently in Chinese is the (various) noun phrases need to be dom fields, a probabilistic approach with noun phrases. Noun phrases are identified so that they can be placed to prediction that aims to detect word moved to the end of sentences, par- in the correct order in the translation. boundaries. This approach can be ticularly around the 的 (de) particle, This does not happen naturally in supplemented by resources such as as shown in Figure 3. standard statistical MT so a distinct dictionaries in order to introduce an Generalizing over this example, we process needs to be used to find out additional layer of domain knowledge, can say that adjacent noun phrases which parts of the sentence are which which is often required for certain types (NPs) in Chinese change order in Eng- — noun phrases, verb phrases and so of subject matter, like highly technical lish: Chinese [NP1, NP2] → English on. This process is known as syntactic content. [NP2, NP1]. Things get more compli- parsing. Solutions for Chinese text seg- cated as sentences become longer and Syntactic parsing, or simply pars- mentation have been implemented in more complex, containing multiple ing, is a long-studied topic in NLP a number of software tools, such as noun phrases and other phrase types. though principally for English. Over the Stanford Word Segmenter (http:// Further examples of general phrase the last decade, however, big strides order changes between Chinese and have been made in developing and shtml) and the ansj segmenter, (https:// English include: adapting parsing technology for which ■■ Three noun phrases: Chinese [NP1, Chinese as seen in tools such as the are extensively used in both academic NP2, NP3] → English [NP3, NP2, NP1]. Berkeley Parser (http://nlp.cs.berkeley. research and commercial applications. ■■ Prepositional phrases: Chinese [PP, edu/software.shtml). NP1, NP2] → English [NP2, NP1, PP]. The first step in the process is to More complex challenges This is known as a reordering prob- identify the individual parts of speech The biggest source of difficulty lem for MT and solving it, particularly for each Chinese word. These are then with Chinese-English MT, as with for Chinese, is still a work in progress. expanded to find the boundaries of

A thousand different workflows.One Solution. The Business Management Solution for the Translation Industry October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 35 Region Focus

longer phrases. This process can be As it stands, this type of approach to Research trends and activity supported using rules (based on the solving complex word order changes The complexity of Chinese for lan- generalizations above, for example) for Chinese works to an extent. How- guage technology coupled with its to try to identify the relationships and ever, it is far from perfect and as the increasing strategic importance on a dependencies between the phrases. At complexity of the challenge increases global scale, means that it is a very this point, the constituent parts of the — with longer sentences, complex attractive topic for universities and sentence can be machine translated subject matter and multiple nested research groups working on MT. This as normal and statistical models and instances of noun phrases and de par- has been fueled by readily available rules for reordering can be applied. ticles — the less effective it becomes. funding opportunities not only within As a consequence, research in this China itself — which has seen a sig- area is still very active with various nificant increase in research funding approaches being explored includ- in the past couple of years — but also ing the use of hierarchical models in the West through various Defense and classifiers that take into account Advanced Research Projects Agency semantic and discourse context. programs such as GALE and BOLT. Not only are some languages harder Within China, some of the lead- than others for MT, but even within a ing research groups working on MT given language pair, one translation include the Chinese Academy of Sci- direction can be harder than the other. ences (CAS), Harbin Institute of Tech- Because of the lack of inflection nology (HIT) and Northeast University in Chinese, it is significantly more (NEU), among others. A comprehen- difficult to develop MT engines for sive survey on “Machine Translation Chinese into English than the other in China” was published in the journal way around. This is because we don’t of the Asia-Pacific Association for MT always know what tense the verb (AAMT) in 2011. should be (grow versus grows in Figure China has a strong tradition of 3), or where we need to insert words exporting postgraduate students which that don’t exist in the Chinese sen- has ultimately led to the increased tence (articles such as the) and so on. capacity for research groups around Again, to effectively address this issue, the world to strengthen their work linguistic techniques such as part of in the area of Chinese MT. Notable speech tagging and morphological groups in this regard include the MT analysis need to be used. team in the ADAPT Centre at Dublin Another aspect of the Chinese City University (my own alma mater) language that MT engines need to be in Ireland co-led by well-known Chi- aware of is which version of written nese MT research leader, professor Qun Chinese we are dealing with. As men- Liu, as well as NICT-ACT and NTT in tioned above, Traditional Chinese has Japan and Carnegie Mellon University a much richer character set (and more in the United States. There is also an complex characters, as shown in Figure increasing number of commercial 4) so if we develop MT engines with companies investing in research and only Simplified Chinese data (which is development (R&D) specifically for by far more prevalent) then there will Chinese MT including the likes of be a lot of Traditional Chinese words Fujitsu R&D Center, Baidu, Microsoft that we cannot translate. Research Asia, and my own company, Solving this problem involves devel- Iconic Translation Machines. oping a process to convert between the Supporting these MT research two variations which, while nontrivial, efforts, organizations such as the is possible. In the simplest case, a list Linguistic Data Consortium, European of character mappings can be used to Language Resources Association and perform conversion. This works effec- TAUS have worked long and hard on tively when going from Traditional the collection of large parallel corpora into Simplified Chinese. However, needed to train MT engines. converting in the other direction is less The space is very active and that straightforward as there is significant trend is only going to continue to grow. ambiguity and each Simplified Chinese While there are still significant chal- character can map to many different lenges to overcome, and they are not all Traditional Chinese characters. In such going to be solved in the short-term, the cases, wider context is required in right people are on the job. The future order to disambiguate. of Chinese MT is in good hands. M

36 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Region Focus

Journey to the West — 西游记

Jacob Stempniewicz

Have you heard of the novel Journey to the ship that still drives China's economy today. Recent decades have opened up the country to foreign investment, trade and West? It’s a tale of the pilgrimage of Xuanzang, tourism, and with floodgates ajar, the world’s fourth largest a monk from the Tang dynasty, who went to country, inhabited by 20% of the Earth’s population, has been India to obtain sacred Buddhist texts. His com- relentlessly rebuilding its position on the world stage. Hpanions on the epic journey are Sun Wukong, Although the first priority for Chinese companies is the domes- tic market, the business environment in China is becoming diffi- Zhu Wuneng and Sha Wujing, plus a white cult. Across industries, businesses that once thrived are now under horse that is actually a dragon prince. extreme pressure to look at foreign expansion due to intense com- petition, increased labor costs and heightened regulatory scrutiny. Doesn’t ring any bells? For Chinese companies, globalization strategy is not a question of It’s one of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature “if,” but “when.” Given this fact and the sluggish domestic growth known by virtually all citizens of the world’s most populous in recent years, China is looking for opportunities abroad. country. It’s also the source of cultural inspiration influencing endless works of art in China and beyond (see Figure 1 for an Going out — 走出去 example). Journey to the West has strong roots in Chinese folk The government is encouraging expansion because it wants religion, mythology, Taoist and Buddhist philosophy, and the to shed the country's image as a cheap, mass manufacturing pantheon of Taoist immortals and Buddhist bodhisattvas are location and turn it into a center of innovation. Zou chu qu, still reflective of Chinese religious attitudes today. Its impact on loosely translated as go out, is the message the country's leaders Chinese culture is comparable with that of Tolkien’s world of are sending to the business community. As part of the strategy elves, dwarves and dragons. to encourage Chinese companies to invest overseas, the gov- But that’s an old story. Nowadays, the Middle Kingdom is ernment mobilized state-owned banks to facilitate outgoing embarking on a faraway journey of another kind. flows of capital. These banks increasingly support overseas investments, as well as mergers with and acquisition of foreign To get rich is glorious — 致富光荣 companies. Chinese companies now obtain 80% to 90% of their China is one of the world’s oldest cultures, with written funding from domestic banks. historical records from as early as 1200 BCE. Groundbreaking Between 2004 and 2013, China’s overseas investments inventions attributed to the Chinese include papermaking, the increased 13.7 times and reached $102.9 billion in 2014, smashing compass, gunpowder and printing. Throughout the ages, suc- through the 100-billion mark for the first time. This is a 14.1% ceeding Chinese dynasties ruled parts or all the territory of what rise compared to the previous year and much better than the 1.7% is now Peoples’ Democratic Republic of China, and enjoyed a gain recorded in foreign direct investment in China, which was dominant position in the region. The dragon was asleep during most of the twentieth century, throughout the Cultural Revolu- tion and political reforms of the Mao Zedong’s era. It was Deng Xiaoping, the country’s de facto leader during the 1980s, who introduced far-reaching market economy reforms and opened it to international cooperation and trade. Although there is debate Jacob Stempniewicz is VP of marketing at on whether Deng actually said it, his perceived catchphrase “To localization provider Andovar. He speaks four get rich is glorious" unleashed a wave of personal entrepreneur- languages and has lived in Asia for over a decade. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 37 Region Focus

Figure 1: The four protagonists of Journey to the West, left to right: Sun Wukong, Tang Sanzang (on the white dragon horse), Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.

$119.6 billion. China’s outward foreign own rookie mistakes: using Google mar is very simple compared to what we direct investment for the first five months Translate or a local equivalent; asking know from Indo-European languages. of 2015 was up nearly 50% from the same internal staff to translate; not using While that’s great for Chinese developers period in 2014 and judging from the cur- translation technology, termbases or creating Chinese-only versions of soft- rent speed, the country will soon become style guides; and treating localization as ware, games or websites, it’s a headache a net outbound investor, a historic turning an afterthought, to be dealt with quickly when you want to localize. The problems point. at the very end of the production cycle. are two-fold. First, translators looking at The United States does more invest- The results are predictable: poor individual strings in Chinese will have a ment overseas than any other country, quality, miscommunication, a struggle hard time understanding them without tallying $338 billion in 2013. Japan was to build a brand and reputation abroad, context; and second, because string second at $135 billion, with China in frustration and despair. concatenation that works like a charm third. But if China’s numbers continue to But there is more bad news. Not only in Chinese will not make sense in a lan- register double-digit growth, spurred on are these early approaches resulting in guage with more complex grammar. by government policies, it will soon pass subpar results, the process is also more Regardless of the writing system, Chi- Japan and eventually catch up with the difficult than average. Why? nese as the source presents challenges to United States. Because they are translating from the current Western-oriented translation While you have probably heard that Chinese. technology solutions. Everybody in the Chinese giant Alibaba’s debut on the New localization industry knows that at the York Stock Exchange was the biggest The many "problems" beginning of any project you first need IPO in the history of the bourse, there are with Chinese — "中文之伤" to analyze the source files and get the plenty of other Chinese companies assert- Chinese is unlike anything you’ve word count and repetitions. How do you ing themselves in foreign markets, such seen among the major languages in the get a word count in Chinese though? You as Xiaomi, Lenovo, Huawei and Baidu. West. Thanks to Chairman Mao’s deci- don’t, because there is no agreement on The rise of China as a global power- sion to fight analphabetism by reducing what constitutes a word. One character house during the last two decades was the complexity of the traditional set may translate to one or several words in incredibly fast, and localization provid- of characters, the so-called simplified English. You can do dictionary checks ers both at home and around the world writing system is the only one in use in but that doesn’t work very well, so you scrambled to cover the demand for Mainland China. Traditional script stays use characters. Chinese does segment translation into Chinese. Now that the alive in Chinese communities in Hong correctly, however, so repetition count- trend of foreign investors flocking into Kong, Macau, Taiwan and elsewhere. ing works fine. China is being reversed, the direction of There are also many languages and dia- Because Chinese packs more meaning translation is due to follow. Localiza- lects spoken. The main one is Mandarin, into each character than languages using tion providers used to rolling their eyes a standard form based on the Beijing Latin-based alphabets, issues with text when prospects fail to grasp differences dialect. Then there is Cantonese, Hakka, expansion are huge. While text translated between different types of Chinese can Hokkien, Shanghainese and many other from English to German may expand by soon start rolling them in the opposite regional varieties. up to 50%, after translation of Chinese direction — at their Chinese prospects, In Chinese there are no genders, no into English, it will take at least twice new to localization, and making their cases, no tenses — and overall, gram- as much space compared to the original.

38 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] And that’s English — one of the most compact of the Western languages. It’s common that user interfaces have to be significantly redesigned to make room for longer strings. For example, the two characters 下载 represent download and easily fit on a tiny button, but in English what was once two characters becomes an eight-letter word. Another issue is the vagueness of Chinese. It is easy to create new words and sentences by mixing existing char- acters, but the result may be difficult to translate. One character’s meaning can vary wildly and it’s up to the translator’s ingenuity to understand what’s meant and find an appropriate rendition in the target language. Use of wordplay, ono- matopoeia and homophones is easy and prevalent in Chinese, used, for example, to infuse company and brand names with additional, implied meaning, which is not easy to replicate in English. However, by far the biggest challenge is finding good translators. Transla- tion from English into Chinese has been around for decades and there is a large pool of skilled and experienced native-speaking resources. The same cannot be said of Chinese-to-English. Until recently, the demand was low and opportunity to gain experience in real- world localization projects was sparse. Native English speakers with mastery of Chinese are few, Chinese living in China often lack sufficient English skills, and those who’ve moved abroad may have lost touch with the language as it’s used today. Like every country undergoing rapid development, China has had to quickly adapt its language to a torrent of new concepts and technologies that were unknown until recently, and the lan- guage used by the youth differs signifi- cantly from that used by their parents. Coupled with the inherent difficulty of translation between these two languages, which limits the available pool further, you face a recruitment nightmare. Our company has found that recruit- ing and vetting Chinese-to-English translators takes more time and effort than almost any other language pair. In addition to language challenges, com- mon issues include lack of access to a decent workstation with reliable internet and the latest software. The fraction of good people who not only pass linguistic evaluation but check all the remaining boxes is very low. 39 Region Focus

When in Rome — 入乡随俗 Double-check whether it’s Simplified or Varieties of Chinese Chinese to English is also difficult for Traditional script. cultural reasons. While this doesn’t really Character length restrictions need to be matter when you’re translating washing Text expansion known before translation. Otherwise, be machine manuals or automotive specifi- ready to resize UI fields. cation sheets, it does in the case of more Try to avoid in development! A later creative content. For the past year and a Concatenations half we’ve dealt with several Chinese-to- workaround may be possible but painful. Recruit early and extensively. Try using English game localizations at Andovar. Resource crunch The Chinese gaming industry has been China-specific channels such as Weibo. going from strength to strength in recent Low quality localization kits Get access to actual source files. years thanks in part to protectionist mea- Accept that some wordplay may be sures employed by regulators who didn’t Vagueness of meaning impossible to replicate. just open the gates to Western gaming giants indiscriminately. While foreign Make easier to understand by adding games are allowed in China and many Content embedded in Chinese culture tutorials and explanations, removing/ have found great success there, in most changing some references. cases the price was having to work and Clients uninterested in mature processes Educate, educate, educate share revenues with a local partner. This provided an opportunity for Chinese game Table 1: What to check for in Chinese localization. developers and publishers to learn the ropes quickly and increase the quality of comparable to watching a kung fu movie bad, because we were cut off from the their own creations in a few short years. with subtitles — not immersive and imme- actual developer and had to work via So much so that with the home market diately recognized as foreign. middlemen in two countries with differ- getting more and more crowded, they have What we faced was a huge MMORPG ent levels of localization understanding. started selling their games internationally. (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Play- Add to that the time zone differences and While this is an understandable next ing Game, for the non-gamers out there) the fact that all executive decisions were step, game localization may be the hardest set in the universe of Journey to the West. made in China and you get a serious case type of translation. Why? Because it com- Yes, the same story I mentioned at the of Chinese whispers. bines all the problems known from soft- start of this article is frequently used as The very first struggle was explain- ware projects, like string expansion and a foundation in Chinese games. The cli- ing that simply forwarding a set of Excel concatenations, with challenges of literary ent was the US branch of a Chinese game spreadsheets with endless rows of cryp- translation multiplied even further by the developer. It was good because there tic Chinese strings was not all that was cultural distance between China and the were no communication problems and needed. Especially since the file and folder West. Simply translating a Chinese game we dealt with someone who appreciated names became corrupted by the archiving into English would result in an experience the cultural differences. But it was also tool, whose developers apparently needed

40 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] China Showcase

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some localization awareness of non- where. Rather than throwing the player issues. Involving the localization partner Latin scripts. Then came the drawn-out into the thick of the story right away, as early as possible helped to flag pos- explanations about why termbases, style an extensive tutorial and introduction sible challenges a game may present guides and other reference materials are had to be added. Finally, Chinese players and deal with them before the eleventh not only helpful but critical in a complex are accustomed to aggressive in-game hour. Table 1 includes further lessons we project such as this one. Then we had to monetization (known as “pay-to-win” in learned, but the most important one is adjust the initial optimistic but impossible gaming parlance), which had to be toned this: do not underestimate the challenge. turnaround time estimates. down for the Western release. Addition- Chinese poses hurdles from a linguistic, The second was working with the cli- ally, Chinese-developed games tend to cultural and technical point of view that ent to understand which elements of the have menus and user interfaces that look are all different from what the localiza- game would work in Western markets cluttered and unorganized to Western tion industry is used to. Be humble and and which needed to be adapted. It is gamers, and may need to be redesigned. work as closely as possible with the cli- actually common for Chinese games to Finally, as mentioned earlier, find- ent to help each other succeed. be rooted in the culture or at least include ing the right people to actually do the Despite all the problems and hard- some of its elements, such as mythol- translation proved difficult. The game ships in translating games to an Eng- ogy, acupuncture, herbs, numerology, included references to ancient events lish audience, Chinese companies are Chinese zodiac, cuisine or martial arts. and culture, which was a challenge for still trying. Many are flush with cash, While it doesn’t make sense to remove some translators. aren't afraid to spend and are looking all these references, you can make them to expand their market from an already easier to understand, adjust some minor All things are difficult before loaded scene at home. aspects and explain explicitly what they are easy — 万事开头难 In Journey to the West, the brave players will see on the screen rather than How did the project go? To be hon- adventurers return to China with the expect that they will just know. While est, it went anything but smoothly and Buddhist scrolls and are all rewarded the characters and adventures of Journey both sides made mistakes that taught us handsomely with riches and fame. Let’s to the West are immediately recognizable a lot. Having a Chinese-speaking project all hope for similar success in localiza- to any Chinese player, it is not so else- manager helped address communication tion from Chinese. M October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 41 Localization in China and tomorrow’s translators

Louise Law & Alex Matusescu Region Focus

China has a culture that goes back nearly 4,000 years and currently hosts the world’s fast- est-growing economy. The Chinese economy grew at an average rate of 10% a year for the Cthree decades up to 2010. In per capita terms — a rough indication of living standards — China advanced by 1,300% from 1980 to 2010. Over the past few years, economic growth has slowed down. In 2014, the Chinese economy grew 7.4% and the International Monetary Fund’s most recent forecast is 6.8% growth for 2015 and 6.3% for 2016. However, the Chinese government wanted a slowdown and after decades of growth, it is inevitable and better to have a gentle slowdown rather than crash. Even with a slowdown in growth, China is the second biggest importer of goods and services in the world. With a population of 1.3 billion, it is not hard to conclude that there is also a growing demand for Chinese language services. As western goods and services flood the Chinese market, global the report with 65% of its revenue coming from outside of organizations have to be able to communicate and engage China. This accelerated globalization in and out of China with customers in native Chinese locales. over the past two decades shows that the Chinese localiza- Many Chinese are keen to buy foreign brands and now tion industry has grown rapidly. have the disposable income to afford them. The Chinese In China, it is known that there is a lack of translator government is also actively promoting Chinese goods and retention in the localization industry. Many qualified people culture, which is generating demand for content to be do not stay in the role of translator in the long term because translated from Chinese into top languages such as English translation is not perceived as a desirable profession by many and French. Chinese parents and communities. Qualified translators see In Interbrand’s latest report in October 2014, Chinese tele- translation as a stepping stone to another career path, and communications and network equipment provider Huawei translators are often seen as the lowest link in the localiza- made global brand history as the first Chinese brand to enter tion production chain. This leads to high turnover, which can impact translation quality for enterprise clients and those Louise Law is global communications manager and writing chief at clients seeking highly accurate Welocalize. She has worked in communications for over 20 years with technical translations when many global brands and holds a degree in marketing. using less experienced or quali- Alex Matusescu is director of China production business unit at fied language service providers. Welocalize. He worked in supplier management and operations in (also China for over 12 years and holds a degrees in finance and law. known as Mandarin, Putonghua

42 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Region Focus

642 with 2,083 individuals, although TAC statistics show that there is a shortage of experienced, senior trans- lators, which could restrict the indus- try’s development. It would seem many young people are training as translators because it is highly desirable to be fluent in English and Chinese, though it is not consid- ered a long-term profession. Many of those working in the Chinese transla- tion industry are highly qualified. Fig- ures issued by TAC show that 96% of full-time translators have a bachelor’s degree, 23% have a master’s degree and 9% have a doctorate degree. Translation as a starter career is popular, especially Chinese into English, as the English language is very important in China. Liang Shuang is head of the trans- lation department of The School of Translation and Interpreting at the Bei- and Guoyu) is classed as a mega- elsewhere for career development and jing Language and Culture University language with nearly 1.2 billon native higher income. (BLCU). Liang Shuang explained how the speakers (around 16% of the world’s Chinese translation service compa- BLCU offers a wide range of translation, population). Standard Chinese includes nies are optimistic about the future of computer-aided translation and project the writing systems of Traditional and business having Chinese as a source or management courses. Each translation Simplified Chinese. In the Welocalize target language. The Translators Asso- course is given by native language 2014 Language Report, Simplified Chi- ciation of China (TAC) was founded teachers and in terms of applicants, nese was second in the language rank- in 1982 and it is the only national there is increasingly more competition to ing with Traditional Chinese ranking association for the translation and enter the Master’s Degree of Translation twelfth in word count. The demand for interpreting service industry in China. and Interpreting (MTI) each year. translation into Chinese has increased According to the latest TAC report, the “To qualify as a professional trans- significantly as the Chinese economy number of organizations registered is lator in China, the academic way is to has grown. According to independent research firm Common Sense Advisory in 2015, global marketers need 14 languages to reach 90% of the world’s population and simplified Chinese ranks right up there as the number two top tier language, with 21% share of the global online audience and 36.5% share of online gross domestic product. Chinese translation service industry Even though China has experienced massive economic growth over the Art of localization past years, the translation services Mastering it for 20 years industry remains relatively imma- ture. Many small and medium sized companies use university students for Translation • Quality Management translations. This is good for language Language Technology • Testing students to supplement their income; however, this can impact quality and it also puts a downward pressure on email: [email protected] the income of the professional transla- +1 (855) 5268799 tors, both freelance and in-house. As ISO 9001:2008 and opportunities open up in other areas of EN 15038:200605 certified industry, qualified translators will look October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 43 Region Focus

study the MTI program for two years ESIT Paris and one year as an intern, I global business world. Many students in then work for one to two years as an still felt I had a long road to run to be China study language and linguistics but intern,” said Liang Shuang. “When I able to deliver translations that were may not have the right skills to be able qualified after three years of study in high enough quality to be used in the to apply this knowledge to translation in the international business world.” Salary prospects seem to be one of the key drivers to creating stickiness in this profession in China. As the cost of living in China continues to rise, espe- cially in the mainland’s first tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai, it is not just the respect that certain professions earn that attracts talented young people to certain careers, but more importantly the long term salary prospects. “It is relatively easy to find work as a translator, freelance or otherwise, because there is such a strong demand for translations in a number of language pairs,” said Shuang. “However, in China, translation is perceived as a hard career without a good income. Many see it as a stepping stone to work for a large inter- national company in a more ‘profitable’ or ‘easier’ job, like project management, quality management or engineering. Historically, these roles only existed in Europe and the United States but now these opportunities exist in China with many of the multilanguage vendors

44 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Region Focus providing full-time opportunities in Where does the future lie? from Chinese to foreign languages, but these areas. We do find that interpreting One of the key factors to creat- only a few foreign translators have Chi- is a popular area because many of the ing more stickiness in the Chinese nese as language B or C in their language students think interpreting will provide translation industry is to forge strong pair. So we have to train more Chinese a better income after they graduate, and links between industry and education translators to be qualified to do these they’re right, interpreting work gener- institutions, such as BLCU. This will jobs. The Chinese government has set up ally does pay more in China.” attract talent, provide them with the projects with the purpose of connecting In China, many small to medium- right skills to have a lifetime career China with other countries and promot- sized translation companies use univer- in translation and not just a stepping ing Chinese culture to the outside world. sity students. This means that anyone stone to other more lucrative careers. We have to train our students to know who understands English could apply More information and education on languages but also other skills that will for translation work. This affects the translation as a long-term career will help them further understand the extent income of professional and in-house help older Chinese generations and soci- and impact of their translations.” translators, as it pushes up the supply eties view translation as a desired, cov- How do we raise the perceptions of of translators. This can also negatively eted profession. As Western goods and tomorrow’s Chinese translators? The impact quality. However, as the demand services continue to enter the Chinese answer does seem to lie in establish- for Chinese translations for all content market, the demand for high-quality ing strong links between industry, types, from technical documentation translations will increase, giving appro- academia and government initiatives. through to transcreation, increases priately paid work to qualified transla- This will ensure translators have the from large, global brands, it will create tors, rather than using inexperienced right skills to work in the localization demand for high quality translations. individuals who are good linguists but industry long-term, meeting growing Not only do large global organiza- not necessarily good translators. demand and quality levels. Hopefully, tions require language skills, they also The demand for translation for mar- over time, translation will be further require translators who have knowl- keting and sales materials is increasing established as a well-respected and edge about the target markets and the and this type of content requires the appropriately paid profession. As products and services for which they skills of a professional translator and China continues its rise on the world- are translating. Today’s translators can command a good salary that over wide economic stage, the demand for must also possess the right computing time will increase the perception of language services in a variety of lan- skills and ability to integrate transla- translation as a profession. guage pairs and content types is there tion automation into the work. “A challenging part of localization and set to grow. With institutions such “There are a lot of translators in the and translation in China is the increased as BLCU working closely with indus- Chinese market but it is difficult to find demand in work from Chinese to English try, the future is looking bright for the very good translators who deliver qual- or into other languages, like French,” next generation of translators working ity translations and can work with the said Shuang. “A lot of translations are in China. M relevant computer tools,” noted Emily Wei, sales manager at Linguitronics Co., Ltd., in Shanghai. “It takes several Nordic Translation Industry Forum years for them to qualify and they need to experience a lot of projects for them to become professional translators. In WELCOME China, though most people learn at TO least two languages, only a few people can transfer the two languages freely, NTIF 2015 skillfully and artfully to meet the high standard required by industry. Students do see translation as a stepping stone to other professions, such as management positions in a large global company, because those professions pay well.” Wei continued, “As the localiza- Reykjavik, Iceland, 18–20 November 2015 tion and translation industry draws more and more attention, the situation might be changed some day. With the increase in demand for localization and translation projects in China, we do find it a challenge to find qualified It’s all about business! translators with the right level of expe- Go Nordic! Expand your horizons and join our 5th translation industry conference. rience. At Linguitronics, we continu- All information about this year’s program on our website: ously recruit and train translators to help them develop their skills.” October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 45 Quality localization to and from China

Region Focus Matt Arney

In recent years, Chinese companies have been a beverage industry veteran, the drink producer was unable attempting globalization on an unparalleled to gain popularity overseas because its brand name, Jian- scale. Yet for all their attempts at going global, libao, which targeted Chinese consumers, prevented it from connecting with the average Western consumer. On top of these companies have been met with mixed improper cultural adoption, Jianlibao also expanded overseas Isuccess. There are a number of factors that can prematurely, with a budget insufficient to make the necessary affect a company’s international expansion. promotional investments. Forced to return to China, the com- Of course, it isn’t just Chinese companies that pany watched as Coca-Cola succeeded where they could not. The Western company had already effectively connected with struggle when localizing — Western companies Chinese consumers, famously translating its Chinese name encounter issues of their own; however, their to “kekou kele,” which sounds similar to the original and cultural expectations of success allow them to translates as delicious happiness. Although Jianlibao had a be persistent in foreign markets. For Chinese high-quality product and both Chinese and foreign consum- ers enjoyed the taste, it lacked a sound globalization strategy, companies that can demonstrate patience during international experience, a strong translated brand name and cultural adaptation, success should soon follow. sufficient marketing investments, all of which were necessary to establish its position across borders. Chinese brands often fail to understand the necessity of Another company that failed to understand the need for quality cultural adoption or localization that better targets cultural adoption is the Chinese sports apparel company international consumers. Although they offer quality prod- Li Ning. This company was named after its founder, one of ucts that appeal to a broad range of consumers, companies China’s most famous athletes, who was hoisted up in 2008 to prevent themselves from reaching outside markets by target- light the Olympic torch at the Bird’s Nest stadium — an image ing only their local consumers. that most Chinese citizens will never forget. In the United Jianlibao Group, producer of what was once the number States, however, Li is a far less familiar figure, so when Li Ning one beverage in China, decided at one point to expand in opened its first overseas store in Portland, Oregon, it lost the over a dozen international markets. Despite hiring Jack Shea, celebrity factor that drove brand popularity in China. Another issue that restricted Li Ning’s success in the US market was the lack of understanding of the US market and customer needs in Matt Arney is currently senior vice president of the West. It was reported that Li Ning only actually employed corporate development at CSOFT and has been with 28 people for its entire US operations and continued to make the company since 2004. Prior to CSOFT he worked in the majority of the big decisions from Chinese headquarters. Japan's software industry for ten-plus years. He holds This helps to explain the lack of money and resources commit- a degree in international business. ted for effective cultural and language adoption.

46 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Region Focus

Identifying the issues company in China and the West. In of translating product branding and So where are companies going the United States, a big branding customer-facing content, such as user wrong? There are several theories that error or poor customer service can manuals and product packaging, into address why Chinese companies are damage the reputation of a company target languages to meet local cus- failing to successfully globalize. beyond repair, while in China the tomer requirements and taste. The end One theory suggests that Chinese consumers are much more tolerant goal is to make the product appear as companies have grown impatient to mistakes and allow the chance for if it’s manufactured locally for local due to their expectation of quick these companies to recover. When customers. However, many Chinese success. Urbanization, moderniza- Li Ning entered the US market they companies fail to realize the impor- tion and industrialization were more chose an NBA player to sponsor, tance of quality localization. Instead, rapid processes in China than they but they selected a player who was they employ non-native speakers or were in the United States. It is com- less well known than the sponsor of amateur linguists to produce subpar mon for Western companies to have their competitors. This was clearly a translations, which ultimately hurt little to no expectation of making a cheaper option than that of Nike and the quality of the product that they profit in their early, start-up stages. Adidas, which is to be expected for a are trying to market internationally. Rather than expecting a quick return, newer brand in the market. However, In many of these cases, the transla- they are prepared to invest time and the stigma associated with selecting a tion reflects on the product itself, money for some time before they turn lesser-known sponsor can damage the projecting the image to international a profit and experience success. Chi- company’s reputation beyond repair customers that, like the translation, nese companies, on the other hand, in the Western market, more so than the product is cheap or poor quality. are used to the rapid speed at which it would in China. Because the West- China developed. Because they are ern consumer is less forgiving than Problems from the West accustomed to experiencing quick Chinese consumers, it is difficult for Branding mishaps do not occur profits, they lack the longevity to wait Chinese companies to identify these just from East to West, nor is it the out slower foreign markets. Compa- branding errors as “errors.” They do only time that marketing strategies nies that do not see quick success do not realize they are making mistakes are called into question. In fact, even not stick around to see the turn in that they may not recover from. some of the largest western brands profit that local companies patiently A third theory that attempts to have made errors when entering the wait for, but rather, after targeting the explain why Chinese companies are Chinese market. Western market for a relatively short struggling with globalization proposes KFC has experienced high levels period of time, the companies deem that Chinese companies lack commit- of success in almost every country their business venture a failure and ment to quality product localization. that they have targeted as they have return to China. If senior management is not commit- expanded globally. They claim to be Another suggestion as to why Chi- ted to investing in high quality local- “a truly global brand with a local nese companies are failing at going ization, this may lead the brand to fail heart” with “growth ready franchisees global is the different magnitude a to meet local customer requirements. around the world who understand mistake has on the reputation of a Product localization is the process their markets.” However, when they October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 47 Region Focus

opened their first store in Tiananmen which has allowed them to better your ancestors back from the grave.” Square in Beijing back in 1987, their their closest competitor in the United Although in many cultures this innocent famous slogan, “finger lickin’ good,” States, McDonalds. mistake could have been laughed off, in was (according to popular legend) Soft drink producer Pepsi faced simi- China, a country whose culture highly translated literally to “we’ll eat your lar translation issues with their slogan prizes ancestors, this mishap did not go fingers off.” This of course led to mass when bringing their product to China. over well with local consumers. confusion surrounding the new mys- While the slogan supposedly given to It isn’t simply mistranslations that terious American company entering translators read “Come alive with Pepsi,” lead to issues regarding expansion. This China. Since then, KFC has invested in China, due to improper translation, was quickly discovered by Starbucks substantially in quality localization legend goes that Pepsi promoted their when they expanded to China and and has adapted to the local market, soft drinks with the slogan: “Pepsi brings looked for ways to attract the Chinese


Ágnes Varga, PhD memoQ Developer Mónika Antunovics Software Architect

48 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Tools & ServicesRegion Showcase Focus

Europe’s No. 1 Translation Services Medical Translations Greek Localizer Provider in SEE MediLingua is one of Europe’s few companies CIKLOPEA is one of the leading translation and specializing in medical translation. We provide Since 1986, EuroGreek has been providing high- quality, turnkey solutions, encompassing a whole localization services providers in the region of South all European languages and the major languages East Europe (SEE) specialized in translation projects, of Asia and Africa as well as the usual translation- range of client needs, for the following language combinations: interpreting and localization into the languages of related services. the region (Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Bosnian, Our 450-plus translators have a combined • English into Greek Macedonian, Montenegrin, Albanian, Bulgarian medical and language background. • Greek into English and Romanian). Our fields of specialization are: • German into Greek • Manufacturing, consumer products, We work for manufacturers of medical • French into Greek engineering, industry, technology, IT devices, instruments, in-vitro diagnostics and All EuroGreek’s work is produced in our Athens software; pharmaceutical companies; medical • Medical, pharmaceutical, health services, production center and covers most subjects: life sciences, law publishers; national and international medical • Technical organizations; and medical journals. • Economics, business, finance, insurance • Medical/Pharmaceutical • Marketing, PR, communication, tourism Call or e-mail Simon Andriesen or visit our • IT/Telecommunications CIKLOPEA is certified in accordance with website for more information. • Economics/Legal |ISO 9001:2008, EN 15038:2006 and All EuroGreek’s work is fully guaranteed for ISO 27001:2005. quality and on-time delivery. MediLingua BV Leiden, Netherlands EuroGreek Translations Limited CIKLOPEA d.o.o. [email protected] London, UK • Athens, Greece Zagreb/Rijeka, Croatia • Belgrade, Serbia [email protected] • [email protected] •

consumer. It is common knowledge due in part to the fact that it is easier the pre-boom of the internet in the late that China has, and always has had, a to recover from reputation damaging 1990s: a flurry of elation and a handful very large tea drinking culture. China mistakes in Asian markets. The biggest of good ideas. also promotes a culture in which sitting reason behind their continued success, It is hard to believe that just 30 years and relaxing in a comfortable environ- however, is that Western companies ago, this metropolis was a scarcely ment can last for hours on end. This understand that due to cultural and populated fishing village, a virtually created an interesting dynamic for a linguistic differences, they won’t be nonexistent city. Now home to over 15 Western coffee company promoting immediately successful in the Chinese million people, it has become the go-to the “grab and go” style interaction market and they demonstrate the persis- place for the world’s hardware start- used to get a quick caffeine boost. It tence required to achieve success. Each ups, and has already been dubbed Chi- raised the question of whether Western company has spent massive amounts of na’s Silicon Valley. World-renowned coffee companies would ever be able time and money on their localization companies such as Google, Facebook to become successful in China. It was efforts, demonstrating how imperative and Apple have purchased hardware only in 2010 that Starbucks adapted its correct localization is to succeed in a companies there with billion dollar stores and product line to suit the needs foreign market, a concept that is still variations in the last year. Shenzhen’s of the local consumer. They changed being developed within many Chinese manufacturing prowess combined with their store layouts to feature more seat- companies. its engineering talent makes it the ideal ing space, and in addition placed nine However, one Chinese city is lead- ground for hardware startups. different types of tea on the menu. ing the way in terms of changing their Shenzhen Special Economic Zone After years of failing to adapt, their mindset and aiming to become a truly (SEZ) was established back in 1980 by new localization efforts have proved international city. Chinese revolutionary Deng Xiaoping successful, and Starbucks continues to and was the first SEZ in the People’s expand in China, opening more stores China’s Silicon Valley Republic of China. This combined with around the country. There is a positive mood that seems its close proximity to Hong Kong have While many Western companies to surround China’s Pearl Delta River been the key contributors to the city’s have made errors and faced issues, these megacity, Shenzhen. Those visiting financial success. multinational companies managed to the vibrant city are quick to label the The potential of this up-and-coming succeed internationally. Perhaps this is general atmosphere as similar to that of city was not overlooked by Tencent, October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 49 the parent company for well-known Chinese online brands QQ and WeChat. The company, which employs over 25,000 globally, provides a workspace for over 12,000 team mem- bers in its newly built twin tower headquarters in Shen- zhen. Tencent’s mobile app, WeChat, has quickly grown in popularity in both China and overseas. WeChat boasts 550+ million active users worldwide, 70+ million of whom are users from outside China. Following this success, the com- pany has adopted a localization strategy of hiring celebrities as part of its marketing efforts. Internationally renowned soccer player Lionel Messi has appeared in an advertising campaign run in 15 countries including Brazil, Italy, South Africa and India. The tech giant has also designed emoti- cons featuring local big names. In India, popular Bollywood actors Parineeti Chopra and Varun Dhawan star in an emoji, a cause for frenzy in the country. WeChat is also establish- ing connections with brands globally, including Chang, a Translate well-known beer company in Thailand. The playful features of the app, combined with strong marketing efforts, have sent the app’s popularity soaring across global markets. smarter, As a city, Shenzhen has recognized the need for local- ization. Most of the companies located there have the advantage of being well developed technologically and they are also more advanced in terms of their interna- not harder. tional cultural understanding. It is a growing, innovative and exciting city that shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. Last year, CSOFT International, Ltd., announced its partnership with the Shenzhen Municipal Government for the creation of a China-wide, four-week “Global Etiquette” public service campaign. The program aims to explore the The modern mindset and etiquette required for a truly international city. The creation of this campaign suggests that the city will continue to lead the way for China’s expansion into way to translate more sophisticated markets. As China has begun moving away from cheap manufacturing and focusing instead on innovation and technology, this kind of program has apps, websites never been more crucial. Tang Lixia, director of the for- eign affairs office of the Shenzhen Municipal Government, reflected on the impact that each citizen of Shenzhen has and docs. on the city and their efforts to improve the reputation and quality of Shenzhen citizens and to continue to expand their minds. By providing its inhabitants with as much global know-how as possible, the local government is promoting this growth through educating locals. Localization is still fairly uncharted territory, and for most Chinese companies it remains a relatively new > concept. Although Western companies do not always have initial success at going global, their cultural ten- +1 866.70.SMART dencies toward persistence in terms of time and money often allow them to make crucial adjustments that allow eventual success. In order for Chinese companies to grow and expand internationally, it’s crucial that they learn to be patient while waiting for a profit, that they invest in quality translations that focus on attention to details and that they continue to research the necessity of localiza- tion. There is still a lot of work to be done. However, with forward thinking minds in cities such as Shenzhen, there is hope for a bright future for the globalization of Chinese companies as they journey down the road of innovative thinking, market research and cultural adaptation. M 50 [email protected] Localization

Localization in the Nordics

Anne-Marie Colliander Lind & Cecilia Enbäck

The Vikings were world travelers a thousand well as their autonomous regions (the Åland Islands, the Faroe years ago and discovered the Americas long Islands and Greenland). Scandinavia, on the other hand, more properly refers only to the three monarchies of Denmark, Norway before Columbus. They made tours to Constanti- and Sweden. Scandinavians share a North Germanic heritage and nople — you can even see runes as a form of early their languages are related. Tgraffiti in the Hagia Sofia — and followed Rus- Despite their small size in terms of population, the Nordics is a language-intense region with 13 official languages and many sian rivers all the way to the Caspian sea. They large immigration languages to be added to the list. The official eventually brought home influences from other languages adhere to different language branches, of which the cultures, and the region is made up of the people Germanic languages have the largest number of speakers. The who live there and the influences it gets from Germanic languages include Swedish (the official language in Sweden and Finland), Danish (Denmark, Germany, Greenland, the outside world. Maybe the Vikings can’t take Faroe Islands), Norwegian (Norway – with two main vari- credit for what the Nordic region is today with its ants, bokmål and nynorsk), Icelandic (Iceland), Faroese (Faroe high educational level, language diversity, influ- Islands) and the minority languages Yiddish (Sweden) and Ger- ential brands and exporting industry, but they man (Denmark). There are also Finno-Ugric languages in the Nordic region, already made clear that we must embrace other and Finnish has by far the largest number of speakers. Both cultures and languages to develop our own. Finnish and Sami are recognized in the three Nordic countries of Finland, Sweden and Norway (in Norway, Finnish is also Much has changed, but much has stayed the same in the known as Kven), whereas Meänkieli has minority language last thousand years. As you drive your Volvo home, sit on an status only in Sweden. Greenlandic, within the Greenlandic IKEA couch to listen to music from Spotify on your Bang & language family, is an official language in Greenland. The Indo- Olufsen stereo, or play Angry Birds while your kids assemble Iranian language Romani is recognized as a minority language Lego blocks drinking orange juice from a Tetrapak carton, you in three countries, namely Norway, Sweden and Finland. may not realize how many Scandinavian products you are con- So what is this language diversity based on? It is gener- suming. With a population of only 26 million, Scandinavia has ally based on a language's long-standing history within each the highest number of top brands per capita in the world. But country. But keep in mind that the status and classification of wait a second — are you consuming Scandinavian products? Or languages vary quite a bit from one country to the other. In Fin- are they Nordic products? Is there a difference between Scandi- land, both Finnish and Swedish are official languages, while in navia and the Nordic countries? Yes, there is. To be able to shed some light over this entrepreneur- Anne-Marie Colliander Lind is the CEO of, a management ial region in northern Europe we consulting company based in Sweden. She is the co-organizer will start by sorting out defini- of the Nordic Translation Industry Forum. tions. The Nordics consist of five Cecilia Enbäck is CEO and partner of Swedish LSP Translator countries: Denmark, Finland, Scandinavia. She has been working in the language industry since the Iceland, Norway and Sweden, as mid-1990s and is a co-organizer of Nordic Translation Industry Forum. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 51 Localization

Languages in the Nordic region — official, main, minority and administrative languages.

52 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Localization

Sweden, Swedish is the official language Sweden, the largest of the countries in take quality and capability into consid- but Finnish is counted only as one of five the Nordics, has one of the most generous eration, focusing instead on the lowest minority languages and does not have immigration policies in Europe. Twenty- price. This forces some players to use the status of being an official language. five percent of the Swedish population unskilled translators and interpreters Likewise, in the Faroe Islands, both Faro- (of 9.2 million) is composed of first or for the government demand, in some ese and Danish are official languages, second generation immigrants. Anyone cases leading to security risks. Here while in Greenland, only Greenlandic is who is not a Swedish native speaker has industry organizations can put pressure an official language and Danish is an the right to an interpreter or the right to on the governments to make sure that “administrative" language. have their personal documents translated competence among the immigrants is at no cost. The policy drives the demand taken into consideration and to secure They all speak English anyway for translations and interpretation to a language training in many languages. Everyone in the Nordics speaks Eng- large variety of immigrant languages and When designing a language strategy, lish, right? Well, yes and no. It’s known LSPs specialized in supplying the need. keep these elements in mind if you want that English proficiency as a second This is one of the reasons why local LSPs to get a share of the Nordic wallet: language is very high in this region. In can grow to impressive size and coexist ■■ For consumer products and apps, fact, four out of the five Nordic countries with international LSPs without really localize into the five official languages: compete only with the Netherlands to competing with each other. Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian occupy the top five positions in the EF High income levels (and taxes) put the and Swedish. English proficiency index, which ranks 63 Nordic languages among the most expen- ■■ Don't assume that everybody countries by how well they speak English. sive languages in the global marketplace. speaks English. The tradition to learn English early on There is nothing too strange about that, ■■ Be prepared to pay: Swedish com- is long and essential for communication considering the small populations. The petes with Japanese as the most expen- across borders for such small countries. high demand and low supply of quali- sive language to translate into. Another thing affecting good English fied translators and interpreters allow ■■ Consider the minorities: Arabic is skills in the region is that all foreign local professionals and freelancers to one of the most widely spoken languages movies and TV shows are subtitled pick and choose who they want to work in the region. rather than dubbed, with the exception for. Ask any of the larger international ■■ Last but not least, never call a Finn of media aimed for small children. LSPs outside of the region and they can a Scandinavian. Even given all this, however, don’t all confirm that it is not easy to find sup- The Nordic countries always appear at count on English to be sufficient for a pliers for the Nordic languages — at least the top in every global economic or social successful product launch in the Nor- not at the price they are prepared to pay. ranking of statistics. They are proud of their dics. When mentioning the 13 official But, at the local level, LSPs face accomplishments, cultures and languages. languages in the region we haven’t even the challenge of huge downward price Engaging with them in their own language touched on the complexity of the many pressure from governments that seldom is a sure path to success in business. M large immigration languages widely spoken throughout the countries. English might be the second language for most of the population born in the region, but for a large number of immigrants, English is probably the third or even fourth language. Arabic is the third most commonly spoken language in Sweden after Swedish and Finnish, which many people are not aware of, even in Sweden. The translation industry landscape There are seven translation companies headquartered in the Nordics in Common Sense Advisory’s latest top 50 list of the largest language service providers (LSPs) in the world. Some of them act as any other international LSP or multi-language vendor serving corporate clients locally and internationally. But two of these solely rely on in-country government demand for translation and interpretation as their main revenue stream and you will find very few corporate clients, local or inter- national, in their client database. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 53 Basic terminology

Basics This section offers terminology, abbreviations, acronyms and other resources, especially as related to the content of this issue. For more definitions, see the Glossary section of MultiLingual’s annual Resource Directory and Index (

application programming interface (API). A software representatives. ISO acts as a bridge between public and interface that enables applications to communicate with each private sectors. other. An API is the set of programming language constructs internationalization (i18n). Especially in a computing or statements that can be coded in an application program context, the process of generalizing a product so that it can to obtain the specific functions and services provided by an handle multiple languages and cultural conventions (currency, underlying operating system or service program. number separators, dates) without the need for redesign. computer-aided translation (CAT). Computer technol- Internationalization Tag Set (ITS). A set of attributes ogy applications that assist in the act of translating text and elements designed to provide internationalization and from one language to another. localization support in XML. ITS 2.0 is the current version content management system (CMS). A system used of the standard. to store and subsequently find and retrieve large amounts localization (l10n). In this context, the process of adap­ of data. CMSs were not originally designed to synchronize ting a product or software to a specific international lan- translation and localization of content, so most have been guage or culture so that it seems natural to that particular partnered with globalization management systems. region. True localization considers language, culture, cus- crowdsourcing. The act of taking a task traditionally per- toms and the characteristics of the target locale. formed by an employee or contractor and outsourcing it to an machine translation (MT). A technology that translates undefined, generally large group of people, in the form of an text from one human language to another, using termi- open call. For example, the public may be invited to develop a nology glossaries and advanced grammatical, syntactic and new technology, carry out a design task, refine an algorithm, semantic analysis techniques. or help capture, systematize or analyze large amounts of data. natural language processing (NLP). A main focus of The Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA). A computational linguistics, the aim of NLP is to devise topic-oriented XML-based document architecture managed techniques to automatically analyze large quantities of by the DITA Technical Committee at the Organization for the spoken (transcribed) or written text in ways that parallel Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). what happens when humans perform this task. eXtensible Markup Language (XML). A programming OASIS Open Architecture for XML Authoring and language/specification pared down from SGML, an inter- Localization (OAXAL). A technical committee encouraging national standard for the publication and delivery of elec- the development of an open standards approach to XML tronic information, designed especially for web documents. authoring and localization. hanzi. A logogram, literally meaning Han character, used Organization for Advancement of Structured Infor- in writing Chinese. These Chinese characters have also mation Standards (OASIS). Formerly called SGML Open. been borrowed for use in Japanese (kanji), less frequently An IT standardization consortium based in the state of Korean (hanja), and formerly Vietnamese (hán tự), and other Massachusetts. Its foundational sponsors include IBM and languages. Microsoft. Localization buy-side, toolmakers and service International Organization for Standardization (ISO). providers are also well represented. A network of national standards institutes from 145 coun- OSCAR. LISA’s technical committee (special interest tries working in partnership with international organi- group) for actual standardization work. Explanation of the zations, governments, industry, business and consumer acronym is somewhat strained, meaning Open Standards

54 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Basics for Container/Content Allowing Reuse. OSCAR was dis- another by a computer that learned how to translate from solved along with LISA in February 2011. vast amounts of translated text. project management (PM). The systematic plan- TMX (Translation Memory eXchange). An open XML ning, organizing and controlling of allocated resources to standard for the exchange of translation memory data cre- accomplish project cost, time and performance objectives. ated by computer-aided translation and localization tools. PM is normally reserved for focused, nonrepetitive, time- Traditional Chinese. A Chinese character set that is con- limited activities with some degree of risk. sistent with the original Chinese ideographic form that is return on investment (ROI). In finance, the ratio of money several thousand years old. Today, traditional characters gained or lost on an investment relative to the amount of are used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and by some over- money invested. The amount of money gained or lost may be seas Chinese communities, especially those originating referred to as interest, profit/loss, gain/loss or net income/loss. from the aforementioned regions/countries or people who rule-based machine translation (RBMT). The applica- emigrated before the widespread adoption of simplified tion of sets of linguistic rules that are defined as corre- characters in the People’s Republic of China. spondences between the structure of the source language translation management system (TMS). Sometimes and that of the target language. The first stage involves also known as a globalization management system, a TMS analyzing the input text for morphology and syntax — and automates localization workflow to reduce the time and sometimes semantics — to create an internal representa- money employed by manpower. It typically includes process tion. The translation is then generated from this repre- management technology to automate the flow of work and sentation using extensive lexicons with morphological, linguistic technology to aid the translator. syntactic and semantic information, and large sets of rules. translation memory (TM). A special database that Simplified Chinese. Refers to one of two standard Chi- stores previously translated sentences which can then be nese character sets of printed contemporary Chinese writ- reused on a sentence-by-sentence basis. The database ten language, officially simplified by the government of matches source to target language pairs. the People’s Republic of China in an attempt to promote Unicode. The Unicode Worldwide Character Standard literacy. Simplified Chinese is used in mainland China and (Unicode) is a character encoding standard used to repre- Singapore, modified to be written with fewer strokes per sent text for computer processing. Originally designed to character. support 65,000 characters, it now has encoding forms to simship. Simultaneous shipment of a product to dif- support more than one million characters. ferent markets worldwide, as opposed to releasing in the Web Ontology Language (OWL). A family of knowl- home market first and in other locales later. edge representation languages or ontology languages for simultaneous interpreting. The interpreter reformulates authoring ontologies or knowledge bases. The languages the message into the target language as quickly as possible are characterized by formal semantics and RDF/XML-based while the source speaker is speaking. Normally, in simulta- serializations for the Semantic Web. OWL is endorsed by neous interpreting between spoken languages, the inter- the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and has attracted preter sits at a microphone in a soundproof booth, usually academic, medical and commercial interest. with a clear view of the speaker, listening through head- whispering interpreting. Also called chuchotage, the phones to the incoming message in the source language. interpreter sits or stands next to the intended audience The interpreter then relays the message in the target lan- and interprets simultaneously in a whisper. This mode guage into the microphone to whoever is listening. does not require any equipment. Whispered interpretation social games. In this context, a social network game is is often used in situations when the majority of a group a type of online game distributed primarily through social speaks one language, and a limited number of people do networks such as Facebook. Social games are usually char- not speak the source language. acterized by community, often built around the existing XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF). An social network, and the ability to drop in and out of the XML-based format for exchanging localization data. Stan- game without ever winning or losing. dardized by OASIS in April 2002 and aimed at the localiza- source language (SL). A language that is to be trans- tion industry, XLIFF specifies elements and attributes to aid in lated into another language. localization. XLIFF could be used to exchange data between statistical machine translation (SMT). A machine companies, such as a software publisher and a localization translation paradigm where translations are generated vendor, or between localization tools, such as translation on the basis of statistical models whose parameters are memory systems and machine translation systems. derived from the analysis of bilingual text corpora. SMT xml:tm (XML-based Text Memory). A standard for is the translation of text from one human language to XML to allow ease of translation of XML documents. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 55

Associations 56 Conferences 56 Language Project and our execution with sharing trans- onsulting ervices C S 56 lation memory data and quality evaluation metrics. Desktop Publishing 56 TAUS Amsterdam, Netherlands, 31-299-672028 Email: [email protected], Web: Enterprise Solutions 57 Rockant Training & Consulting Localization Services 57 Conferences Rockant provides training and consulting to managers of Nonprofit Organizations 60 international programs, products and services. Rockant consultants represent the buyer community. Programs Project Management 60 and services constantly evolve with the needs of buyers of localization services and the capabilities of the mar- Terminology Mgmt 60 ketplace. Rockant's in-depth knowledge of the vendor community stems from experience with actual imple- Translation Mgmt Systems 60 The 39th Internationalization & Unicode Conference mentation projects. Rockant provides online training and

uyers's Guide consulting where managers of international programs, Translation Services 61 The Internationalization & Unicode Conference (IUC) is the premier technical conference focusing on multilingual global products and services need it most: from managing your Translation Tools 62 software and web internationalization. Each IUC covers cur- subject matter experts to automating translation and im- B rent topics related to web and software internationalization, proving time to enter new geographies, Rockant prepares globalization and Unicode. Internationalization and Unicode your global workforce to beat expectations. experts, implementers, clients and vendors are invited to at- Rockant Training & Consulting Rockville, MD USA Associations tend. Meet and exchange ideas with leading experts, find out 301-825-5418, Email: [email protected] about the needs of potential clients, or get information about Web: new and existing Unicode-enabled products. The Unicode Consortium Mountain View, CA, USA 781-444-0404, E-mail: [email protected] Web: 1 12/8/14 3:52 PM Ad on page 6 Desktop Publishing Elia C M

Elia, the European Language Industry Association, brings Y together translation, localization and interpreting compa- CM MY

nies that do business in Europe. The association provides CY its members with tools and opportunities to improve CMY K their businesses such as training and networking events, LocWorld resources for business development and joint marketing LocWorld conferences are dedicated to the language Global DTP efforts. Above all, Elia is a community of peers. It is a place and localization industries. Our constituents are the Global DTP s.r.o., based in the Czech Republic, offers professional multilingual desktop publishing and media for language companies to learn, grow, socialize and share. people responsible for communicating across the Join us. Discover Elia. Share the enthusiasm. engineering solutions to the localization industry. For boundaries of language and culture in the global the past ten years, Global DTP has become one of the Elia Leeds, United Kingdom, +393458307084 marketplace. International product and marketing man- Email: [email protected], Web: leading DTP companies. We have been delivering high- agers participate in LocWorld from all sectors and all quality and cost-effective services for at least eight of the geographies to meet language service and technology pro- top 20 LSPs and many other companies/agencies. Given viders and to network with their peers. Hands-on prac- our extensive experience in localization and knowledge of titioners come to share their knowledge and experience the prepress, media and publishing industries, our team and to learn from others. See our website for details on of 20 in-house professionals handles more than 400 proj- upcoming and past conferences. ects every year. Our core services are multilingual desktop Localization World, Ltd. Sandpoint, ID USA, 208-263-8178 publishing and Flash, video and HTML engineering. Email: [email protected], Web: Global DTP Brno, Czech Republic, +420 603 574 709 Globalization and Localization Association Ad on pages 66-67 Email: [email protected], Web: The Globalization and Localization Association is a

fully representative, nonprofit, international industry association for the translation, internationalization, localization and globalization industry. The associa- onsulting ervices tion gives members a common forum to discuss issues, C S Follow us on Twitter create innovative solutions, promote the industry and offer clients unique, collaborative value. @MLConnect Globalization and Localization Association Andover, MA USA 206-494-4686, Email: [email protected] @multilingualmag Web: LocalizationGuy, LLC LocalizationGuy, LLC, is a consultancy serving buyers and providers of language services. We help companies that buy language services to identify and deploy optimal localization solutions to fit their needs. We offer veteran expertise as our clients navigate the many personnel, TAUS process and technology decisions involved in running TAUS is a resource center for the global language and effective localization operations, whether in-house or translation industries. Our mission is to increase the through external localization vendors. LocalizationGuy size and significance of the translation industry to help also helps language service providers formulate business the world communicate better. We envision trans- goals, develop and implement sound business strategies lation as a standard feature, a utility, similar to the and launch strategic marketing efforts. LocalizationGuy is internet, electricity and water. We support buyers and led by a 20-year localization industry veteran and former providers of language services and technologies with a chairman of the Globalization and Localization Associa- comprehensive suite of online services, software and tion. knowledge that help them to grow and innovate their LocalizationGuy, LLC Minneapolis, MN USA, 1-612-986-3108 businesses. We extend the reach and growth of the Email: [email protected], Web: translation industry through our vision of the Human

56 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected]

Buyer’s Guide

have propelled STAR to its current market position. Enterprise Solutions Core services: information management, transla- tion, localization, publishing, on-demand printing and consulting. Core technologies: Transit (transla- tion memory), TermStar/WebTerm (terminology management), GRIPS (product information man- agement), MindReader (context-sensitive authoring Alliance Localization China (ALC) assistance), STAR CLM (corporate language man- ALC offers document, website and software translation Across Systems and localization, desktop publishing and interpreter ser- Multiple Platforms agement), STAR CPM (corporate process manage- ment), i-KNOW (competence management) and vices. We focus on English, German and other European Across Language Server is a market-leading soft- languages to and from Chinese, Japanese, Korean and ware platform for all corporate language resources SPIDER (Interactive Electronic Technical Manual). Languages All other Asian languages. We use TRADOS, CATALYST, and translation processes. Within a very short time, SDLX, Transit, Wordfast, memoQ and other CAT tools, STAR Group Ramsen, Switzerland, 41-52-742-9200 the use of Across can increase the translation qual- as well as DTP tools including CorelDRAW, Frame- ity and transparency, while reducing the workload 216-691-7827, Email: [email protected] Web: Ad on page 10 Maker, FreeHand, Illustrator, InDesign, PageMaker, and process costs. The Across translation manage- Photoshop and QuarkXPress. Our customer-oriented ment software includes a translation memory, a approach is supported by strong project management, a terminology system, a powerful PM and workflow team of specialists, a large knowledge base and advanced control tools. It allows end-to-end processing for a Localization Services methodologies. We always provide service beyond our seamless collaboration of clients, LSPs and trans- customers’ expectations at a low cost and with high lators. Open interfaces enable the direct integra- quality, speed, dependability and flexibility. Languages tion of third-party solutions like CMS, ERP or Major Asian and European languages others. Customers include Allianz Versicherungs Alliance Localization China Beijing, P.R. China, 86-10-8368-2169 AG, HypoVereinsbank, SMA Solar Technology, Email: [email protected] ThyssenKrupp and hundreds of other leading com- Web: panies. Languages All ADAPT Localization Services Across Systems GmbH Karlsbad, Germany, 49-7248-925-425 ADAPT Localization Services offers the full range Email: [email protected] of services that enables clients to be successful in Across Systems Inc. Glendale, CA USA, 877-922-7677 international markets, from documentation design Email: [email protected], Web: Ad on page 8 through translation, linguistic and technical localiza- Capita Translation and Interpreting tion services, prepress and publication management. Are you looking to expand into new markets? Do you

Serving both Fortune 500 and small companies, need documents translated reliably and securely? Well, ADAPT has gained a reputation for quality, reliabil- Capita Translation and Interpreting (Capita TI) wants ity, technological competence and a commitment to give you the solutions you need to succeed. We don’t to customer service. Fields of specialization include just want to sell solutions though. We want to work in diagnostic and medical devices, IT/telecom and web partnership with you as we care about your objectives content. With offices in Bonn, Germany; Stockholm, and are passionate about helping you to achieve them. STAR Group Sweden; and Barcelona, Spain, and a number of certi- We are one of the fastest growing language services pro- Multiple Platforms fied partner companies, ADAPT is well suited to help viders in the world, and the chosen partner of blue-chip STAR Group was founded in Switzerland 30 years clients achieve their goals in any market. Languages corporations, SMEs, government ministries and agen- ago with the exclusive focus of facilitating cross- More than 50 cies as well as NGOs and third sector organizations. cultural technical communications in all languages. ADAPT Localization Services Bonn, Germany, 49-228-98-22-60 Languages 150+ The company has grown to be the largest privately Email: [email protected] Capita Translation and Interpreting Delph, Oldham, United Kingdom held multilingual information technology and ser- Web: +44 845 367 7000, Email: [email protected] vices company in the world with 46 offices in 31 Ad on page 27 Web: Ads on pages 34, 63 countries. Its advanced technology developments

Enterprise Solutions October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 57 Buyer’s Guide

iDISC Information Technologies Total Solutions for Your Business EuroGreek Translations Limited iDISC, established in 1987, is an ISO 9001 and EN E4NET is a total localization solutions provider, specialized Established in 1986, EuroGreek Translations Limited 15038 certified language and software company based in Asian localization covering all major Asian languages is Europe’s number one Greek localizer, specializing in in Barcelona with branches and teams in Argentina, (including Korean, Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chi- technical and medical translations from English into Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia and Guatemala. We have dedi- nese, Thai and Vietnamese) as well as all other regional tier Greek and Greek into English. EuroGreek’s aim is to cated teams for web content, software localization 3 languages. We have 20+ years of extensive and successful provide high-quality, turnkey solutions, encompassing and translation of technical, business, automotive, localization production experience with many major proj- a whole range of client needs, from plain translation to biomedical and marketing documents. Our software desktop/web publishing to localization development ects for customers such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, development engineers and translation teams provide Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, LG Electronics, Panasonic, IKEA and testing. Over the years, EuroGreek’s services have been extended to cover most subject areas, including high-quality and on-time production solutions that and more. E4NET specializes in the fields of IT, but our are cost-efficient, flexible and scalable. Languages service also covers other industries such as medical/health German and French into Greek localization services. All of EuroGreek’s work is produced in-house by a team of Spanish (all variants), Portuguese (all variants), Cat- care, travel, fashion, games, financial, governmental and 25 highly qualified specialists and is fully guaranteed for alan, Basque, Galician, Valencian, K’iche’, Quechua, automotive. We continuously develop and apply innova- quality and on-time delivery. Languages Greek Aymara, Guarani tive leading-edge technology such as MT throughout our EuroGreek Translations Limited London, United Kingdom iDISC Information Technologies Barcelona, Spain production process, and also provide associated services to Athens, Greece, 30-210-9605-244 34-93-778-73-00, Email: [email protected], Web: maximize production/service efficiency. Languages 60+ Email: [email protected], Web: E4NET Co., Ltd. Seoul, Republic of Korea, 82(2)-3465-8500 Ad on page 49 Email: l10n@e4, Web:

New markets for your products and solutions Janus Worldwide Inc. Precision Matters in Translation Janus is a leading provider of language solutions to the For over 17 years, EC Innovations has specialized in cus- world’s most global companies. Our flexible, scalable tomized solutions and subject matter expertise to fit al- GlobalWay Co., Ltd. and proven approach enables our team to deliver ser- most any budget for most industry verticals. Originally GlobalWay, a leading localization company in Korea, vices with top-quality results both on time and on bud- known as a supplier to suppliers, ECI has quickly become provides professional localization and globalization get. Industries we serve include IT, telecom, life sciences, one of the fastest growing language service providers in services with exceptional quality and also offers a energy, financial and automotive. Some of the services the marketplace. Today, EC Innovations has grown into wide range of content and document management we offer are: functional and linguistic testing; software, 14 strategically located global offices with 300+ full-time services including voiceover, testing and DTP. We website and multimedia localization; and technical, e- employees offering full localization support into 60+ have highly qualified in-house linguists who trans- learning and marketing translation. Our processes are languages. EC Innovations continues to build upon its late and review a variety of content with professional backed by the ISO 9001:2008 and EN 15038:2006-05 reputation as a customer-centric organization focused on knowledge. Our experienced engineers and project quality certifications and our clients include Microsoft, high-quality standards, technological creativity and value- managers can help you to get exactly what you want. IBM, Siemens and Volkswagen. We have nine offices in added services to accommodate any type of localization GlobalWay and its partners worldwide are ready to Asia, Europe and the US to facilitate communication program. Languages All support your growing business and localization globally. Languages 80 and growing EC Innovations, Inc. Wilmington, DE USA, 312-863-1966 tasks. Feel free to contact us for more information. Janus Worldwide Inc. Vienna, Austria, + 43-680-320-53-17 Email: [email protected], Web: Languages: Asian and European Las Vegas, NV USA, 855- 5 26-87-99, E-mail: [email protected] Ad on page 23 GlobalWay Co. Ltd. Seoul, Republic of Korea, +82-2-3453-4924 Web: Ad on page 43 Email: [email protected], Web:

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58 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Buyer’s Guide

of-a-kind Multilingual Testing Center is specially equipped and staffed to offer the ultimate testing environment for localized products. EN 15038:2006, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 certifications and Moravia a long-standing reputation for quality have earned Moravia is a leading globalization solution provider, Net-Translators the trust of industry leaders world- TOIN Corporation enabling companies in the information technology, wide. TOIN has achieved a 50-year track record of excel- e-learning, life sciences, consumer electronics and Languages More than 60 lence by, as our clients say, being consistently “pres- telecommunications industries to enter global mar- Net-Translators ent” to meet their needs. TOIN offers a spectrum of kets with high-quality multilingual products. Mora- USA Cupertino, CA USA, 800-320-1020 translation, localization and consulting solutions to via’s solutions include localization, product testing, Email: [email protected] Global 1000 companies across a range of industries multilingual publishing, technical translation, con- USA Marlborough, MA USA, 617-275-8128 including automotive, IT, telecommunications, life tent creation, machine translation and workflow con- Email: [email protected] sciences, e-learning, software, gaming, semiconduc- sulting. Adobe®, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and Toshiba Europe London, England, +44-20-3393-8385 tors and consumer products. TOIN provides excep- are among some of the leading companies that de- Email: [email protected] tional strength in Asia as well as a global reach, with pend on Moravia for accurate, on-time and economi- Middle East Or Yehuda, Israel, +972-3-5338633 offices in Japan, China, Korea, the United States and cal localization. With global headquarters in Brno, Email: [email protected] the United Kingdom. Languages Japanese, Tradi- Czech Republic, Moravia has local offices in Europe, South America Posadas-Misiones, Argentina, +54-3764-487029 tional and Simplified Chinese, Korean, Malay, Thai, the United States, Japan, China and Latin America. Email: [email protected] Vietnamese and European languages To learn more, please visit us at Web: TOIN Corporation Languages All Ad on page 44 Japan Tokyo, Japan, 81-3-5759-4353 Moravia Email: [email protected], Web: USA Newbury Park, CA USA, 805-262-0055 North America Minneapolis, MN USA, 1-612-986-3108 Email: [email protected], Web: Email: [email protected], Web: Europe 420-545-552-222, Email: [email protected] Europe London, United Kingdom, 44-7890-290123 Email: [email protected], Web: Ireland 353-1-709-9822, Email: [email protected] China Shanghai, P.R. China, 86-21-3222-0012 Asia 86-25-8689-6500, Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected], Web: Japan 81-3-3354-3320, Email: [email protected] Argentina 54-341-481-2992, Email: [email protected] Ad on page 68 Greek Localization Experts Since 1983 Founded in 1983, ORCO S.A. is a leading translation and localization provider, specializing in software localization and technical translations (IT, telecom- munication, medical, automotive, engineering, mar- Ushuaia Solutions NZTC Pasifika keting, financial, EU). ORCO deals primarily with Ushuaia Solutions is a fast-growing Latin American NZTC Pasifika is a division of New Zealand-based English into Greek projects, although translation company providing solutions for translation, local- global language service provider NZTC Interna- from several other European languages can be taken ization and globalization needs. Ushuaia Solutions is tional and is dedicated to the languages of the aboard. With its experienced in-house personnel, focused on being creative and proactive to meet tight Pacific Islands including Samoan, Tongan, Fijian, ORCO offers high-quality services, including local- time frames with a high level of quality and a cost- Cook Islands Māori, Tokelauan, Niuean, Kiribati and ization, product testing, engineering, DTP and more. effective budget. Customizing its processes, Ushuaia Tuvaluan. With three decades of experience, NZTC Our client list includes long-term collaborations with assures project consistency and technical and linguis- International offers foreign-language desktop pub- companies such as Abbott, Canon, Cummins, Ford, tic accuracy, thus reducing clients’ time-to-market. lishing, software and website localization, interpret- General Electric, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Ushuaia combines state-of-the-art technology with ing services, subtitling and voiceovers, and is also a Sony and important international institutions such top-notch experienced native translators, editors and leading provider of translations for New Zealand’s as the EU (CdT, DGT, European Parliame­ nt) and software engineers. Our mission is to work together indigenous Māori language. We offer other language UNHCR. Language Greek with our clients, thereby creating a flexible, reliable service providers and clients an unrivaled base of ORCO S.A. Athens, Greece, +30-210-723-6001 and open relationship for success. Languages Spanish target-market cultural and linguistic knowledge. Email: [email protected], Web: (all varieties), Portuguese (Brazil) Languages New Zealand Māori, Samoan, Tongan, Fi- Ushuaia Solutions Rosario, Argentina, 54-341-4493064 jian, Cook Islands Māori, Tokelauan, Niuean, Kiribati Email: [email protected] and Tuvaluan Web: Ad on page 40 NZTC International Wellington, New Zealand, +64 4 801 4814 Email: [email protected], Web:

Localization and Globalization Partner Your Vision. Worldwide. Saltlux is a language service provider that specializes in supplying Korean, Japanese, S-Chinese,T-Chinese and other Asian languages. Our services encompass Vistatec Full-service Translation, Localization translation, localization, DTP, MT post-editing, We have been helping some of the world’s most and Multilingual Testing planning and writing of technical manuals. We have iconic brands to optimize their global commercial Net-Translators provides turnkey translation, lo- extensive experience in medical equipment and potential since 1997. Vistatec is one of the world's calization and multilingual testing services and pharmaceutical products, cosmetic and cosmeceuti- most innovative, progressive and successful localiza- customized strategy-to-deployment localization cal products, IT, software, electrical, automotive and tion solutions providers. Headquarted in Dublin, Ire- solutions. For over ten years, it has helped technol- technical industry, and so on. With 36 years accu- land, with offices in Mountain View, California, USA. ogy companies and medical device manufacturers mulated know-how, Saltlux will be your ideal global Think Global. prepare their products and services for global mar- communication partner. To learn more, please visit Languages All kets. For software applications (GUI, online help and Languages Korean, Traditional Vistatec documentation),marketing materials, websites and and Simplified Chinese, Japanese and other Asian Europe Dublin, Ireland, 353-1-416-8000 more, Net-Translators’ customer-focused, profes- languages, European languages North America Mountain View, CA USA, 409-898-2364 Email: [email protected], Web: Ad on page 53 sional teams deliver consistent, accurate results in Saltlux, Inc. Seoul, South Korea, 822-379-8444 compliance to international regulations. Their one- Email: [email protected], Web: October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 59 Buyer’s Guide

efforts. Brands that rely on Smartling include Four- Nonprofit Organizations Terminology Management square, GoPro, HotelTonight, Path, Pinterest, Shutter- stock, Spotify, SurveyMonkey, Vimeo and more. The Smartling platform currently serves billions of page views per month in more than 100 languages across the globe. Smartling New York, NY USA, 1-866-707-6278 The Rosetta Foundation Kaleidoscope Email: [email protected], Web: Ad on page 50 Access to information is a fundamental and univer- quickTerm manages the entire terminology life cycle. If sal human right. It can make the difference between you would like to see your SDL MultiTerm terminology prosperity and poverty, freedom and captivity, life and used enterprise-wide, Kaleidoscope has the ideal add-on: death. The Rosetta Foundation is a nonprofit organi- quickTerm. With quickTerm, individuals do not need to be zation registered in Ireland promoting equal access to terminology-savvy power users or have their own Multi- information and knowledge across the languages of the Term license to quickly and easily access terminology. world. It maintains the Translation Commons (www. Users can simply search for terminology from within any Wordbee Translator matching nonprofit translation proj- application or via a web browser. This alone significantly Web-based ects and organizations with the skills and interests of raises the level of terminology adherence. Additionally, Wordbee is the leading choice for enterprises and language volunteer translators. quickTerm enables enterprise-wide participation in termi- service providers that need to save money and make their Languages All nology discovery, approval and revision processes, which company run more efficiently. Wordbee has the most com- plete feature set of any cloud solution: project manage- The Rosetta Foundation Dublin, Ireland, +353-86-7851749 further ties in colleagues in the terminology process. ment, portal, business analytics, reporting, invoicing and a Email: [email protected] Languages German, English user-friendly translation editor. Tasks such as project and Web: www.therosettafoundation. com Kaleidoscope GmbH Maria Enzersdorf, Austria, 0043223643498-0 workflow setup, job assignment, deadline calculation, mul- Email: [email protected], Web: tiple phase kick-offs and cost management can all be auto- Ad on page 7 mated in the collaborative translation platform. Also, the Beebox connects CMSs, DMSs or any propriety database source with the TMS of the translation vendor or internal translation team. Languages All Translation Wordbee Soleuvre, Luxembourg , +352 2877 1204, +1 503 287 0023 Email: [email protected], Web: anagement ystems Translators without Borders M S Translators without Borders is an independent regis- tered nonprofit association based in France that assists non-governmental organizations (NGOs) by providing free, professional translations. Founded by Lexcelera in 1993, Translators without Borders has provided over Plunet BusinessManager two million dollars worth of free translations. Thanks XTM: Better Translation Technology Multiple Platforms Multiple Platforms to the funds saved, NGOs are able to extend their Plunet develops and markets the business and workflow humanitarian work. Languages 11 XTM is a fully featured online CAT tool and translation management software Plunet BusinessManager — one management system available as a pay-as-you-go SaaS Translators without Borders Paris, France, 33-1-55-28-88-09 of the world’s leading management solutions for the Email: [email protected] or for installation on your server. Built for collaboration translation and localization industry. Plunet Business- Web: and ease of use, XTM provides a complete, secure and Manager provides a high degree of automation and scalable translation solution. Implementation of XTM flexibility for professional language service providers Cloud is quick and easy, with no installation, hardware and translation departments. Using a web-based plat- costs or maintenance required. Rapidly create new projects form, Plunet integrates translation software, financial roject Management from all common file types using the templates provided P accounting and quality management systems. Various and allocate your resources to the automated workflow. functions and extensions of Plunet BusinessManager XTM enables you to share linguistic assets in real time can be adapted to individual needs within a configu- between translators. Discover XTM today. Sign up for a rable system. Basic functions include quote, order and free 30-day trial at Languages All invoice management, comprehensive financial reports, Unicode languages flexible job and workflow management as well as dead- XTM International Gerrards Cross, United Kingdom line, document and customer relationship manage- +44-1753-480-469 ment. Email: [email protected], Web: Ad on page 25 Turnkey Language Solutions Plunet GmbH Berlin, Germany, +49-(0)30-322-971-340

Global Language Solutions (GLS) is a full-service Email: [email protected], Web: Ad on page 35 ISO 9001:2008 and EN 15038:2006 certified transla- tion and interpreting company delivering solutions in over 100 languages. GLS provides turnkey proj- ect management, culturally and linguistically ac- curate document translations, website localization, multilingual typesetting/graphic design, linguistic Read and share our validation, conference interpreting and voiceovers. The company's clients include leaders in the medical Smartling online articles at: devices, pharmaceutical, health care, financial, legal, Smartling provides an innovative, cloud-based trans- manufacturing, marketing and technology indus- lation management platform that lets companies tries. GLS is a WBENC-certified Women's Business quickly translate and deploy their websites and dy- Enterprise (WBE) with offices in Asia, Europe, South namic web applications, mobile applications and America and the United States. Languages More than business documents across the entire corporate 100 digital infrastructure. By streamlining the transla- online-articles/ Global Language Solutions Irvine, CA USA, +1 949-798-1400 tion management process, Smartling ensures confi- Email: [email protected], dence with high-quality translations every time and reduces time-to-value on globalization and localization

60 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Buyer’s Guide

XTRF Translation Management Systems Multiple Platforms Lionbridge XTRF provides a global management system for trans- Diskusija – Translation and Localization Diskusija is a regional LSP specializing in the languages Lionbridge enables more than 800 world-leading lation agencies and localization departments. It is a brands to increase international market share, speed of the Baltic countries and Central, Eastern and South- user-friendly and highly customizable web-based col- adoption of products and effectively engage their eastern European languages. Our core business is serv- laboration platform for a company's clients, vendors and customers in local markets worldwide. We provide ing other LSPs. If you need translation into any of these managers. Available as SaaS or installed on-premises, it translation, online marketing, global content man- streamlines all daily activities, supports project manage- languages, we are ready to help in whatever way suits agement and application testing solutions that ensure ment, invoicing, quoting, ISO 9001 reports and CRM. you best. Your goal to provide your customers with the global brand consistency, local relevancy and tech- With rich APIs, integrated with CAT tools and accoun- best services is our goal! We always try to be an extension nical usability across all touch points of the global tancy software it reduces administrative costs and proj- of our client’s team in order to understand the require- customer life cycle. Using our innovative cloud tech- ect overhead by automating workflows and repetitive ments and the working style, to find the best solutions nologies, global program management expertise and tasks. With a tool designed by translation and localiza- together, and, in other words, to become real partners. our worldwide crowd of more than 100,000 profes- tion professionals supported by a great team of IT and If you are looking for a flexible, adaptable partner, we sional cloud workers, we provide integrated solutions business consultants, XTRF is ready to become your are your choice. Languages Baltic, Central, Eastern and that enable clients to successfully market, sell and technology partner. Southeastern European languages support their products and services in global mar- XTRF Kraków, Poland, 48-12-255-14-80 Diskusija Vilnius, Lithuania, 370-5-2790574, Fax: 370-5-2790576 kets. Languages All Email: [email protected], Web: Email: [email protected], Web: Lionbridge Waltham, MA USA, 781-434-6000 Email: [email protected], Web: Ad on page 39

Translation Services

Asianlization with HansemEUG With more than 180 trained in-house staff and EN15038 and ISO9001 certification, HansemEUG has Medical Translations Only become the largest LSP in Korea. Specialized in Ko- Medilingua is one of the few medical translation spe- Translation Services Provider in SEE rean, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay, In- cialists in Europe. We only do medical. We provide all donesian, MEA and African languages, HansemEUG Ciklopea is one of the leading translation and local- European languages and the major languages of Asia provides a one-stop solution with a broad spectrum ization services providers in the region of South East and Africa, as well as translation-related services to of language services including: HQAS (Hansem Qual- Europe (SEE) specialized in translation projects, in- manufacturers of devices, instruments, in vitro diag- ity Audit Services) with a medical advisory board, ex- terpreting and localization into the languages of the nostics and software; pharmaceutical and biotech- pedited services with in-house DTP production, MT South region (Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Bosnian, nology companies; medical publishers; national and engine optimization, data solution and system devel- Macedonian, Montenegrin, Albanian, Bulgarian and international medical organizations; and other custom- opment, technical authoring and consulting services Romanian). Our fields of specialization are manufac- ers in the medical sector. Projects include the transla- for Chinese GB compliance. Our headquarters and turing, consumer products, engineering, industry, tech- tion of documentation for medical devices, surgical sales office are located in Korea and the UK, and a nology, IT, medical, pharmaceutical, health services, instruments, hospital equipment and medical software; language center is in Vietnam. Languages Korean, medical information for patients, medical students and life sciences, law, economics, business, finance, insur- Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, physicians; scientific articles; press releases; product ance, marketing, PR, communication and tourism. Malay, Lao, Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Central Asian and launches; clinical trial documentation; medical news; Ciklopea is certified in accordance with ISO 9001: 2008, African EN 15038:2006 and ISO 27001:2005. Languages More and articles from medical journals. Languages 45, in- HansemEUG, Inc. Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea cluding all EU languages than 25 languages Korea: +82-(31)-226-5042, Email: [email protected] Ciklopea d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia, +385-1-3751736 UK: 44-(20)-8644-8685, Email: [email protected] MediLingua Medical Translations BV Leiden, Netherlands Email: [email protected], Web: Ad on page 49 N. America: +1-(800)-532-4176, Email: [email protected] +31-71-5680862, Email: [email protected] Web: Ad on page 49. Web: Ad on page 9

RR Donnelley Language Solutions RR Donnelley Language Solutions is a leading global provider of premier multilingual communication ser- LinguaLinx Language Solutions, Inc. vices to the world’s top companies in the financial, LinguaLinx is a leading provider of global content legal, life sciences, institutional and corporate commu- When it comes to translation, we hear you and language translation to organizations around the Delivering results, solutions and resources to vendor nications sectors. Thanks to our innovative translation world. The content experts at LinguaLinx help man- technology, including our market-leading translation managers, project managers, production managers, age and localize messaging to enhance efficiency and management system, MultiTrans™, dedicated teams of directors and C-level executives of MLV language provide consistency across all forms of communica- service provider companies. On-time and on-budget. tion. With offices around the world, LinguaLinx pro- 5,000+ specialized linguists, ISO-certified quality stan- Polish and other CEE languages. 25,000,000+ words vides organizations with localization solutions that fit dards and a 24/7/365 global service platform, we are translated and localized. 17,000+ projects completed. their needs including: translation and interpretation, able to tailor our solutions to meet the specific local- 25+ fields of expertise covered. 5+ types of content marketing communications and website localization, ization and translation needs of our clients. RR Don- covered. 130+ LSP-MLV customers served. 200+ end- translation memory deployment, multilingual SEO, nelley's solutions can help reduce costs, drive top-line clients' content dealt with. 150 actively collaborating translation readiness assessment and global content growth, enhance ROI and increase compliance for our linguists. No more headaches, no more after hours. management. Unify your global organization with a customers. Languages All Ten years and counting. customized content intelligence strategy and ensure RR Donnelley Language Solutions, 24 offices worldwide CONTRAD Olsztyn, Poland, +48 89 614 11 00 that your messages resonate across borders. To learn New York, NY USA, +1-212-658-5081 Email: [email protected], Web: more, visit Languages All Email: [email protected] Ad on page 47 LinguaLinx Language Solutions, Inc. Troy, NY USA, 518-388-9000 Web: Email: [email protected], Web: October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 61 Buyer’s Guide

out the world, memoQ and other Kilgray tools are accepted and appreciated as premiere translation tech- nologies. Languages All Kilgray Translation Technologies Béke sugárút, Hungary +36-30-383-9435, Email: [email protected], Web: Ad on page 48

Rheinschrift Übersetzungen, Ursula Steigerwald Outstanding localization requires world-class experi- Tetras translations ence. Rheinschrift gives your business a native voice Tetras is headquartered in Munich, operates in Europe in the German-speaking world. We offer more than and America with five locations around the world and has 20 years’ experience providing translations and local- been a service provider in the technical translation, inter- izations for software and hardware manufacturers as preting, localization, DTP and technical documentation well as for the sectors of business, technology, legal sector since 1998. Today, Tetras works with translators, Personalized Translation Software proofreaders, experts and academics from more than 40 matters and medicine/medical applications. Our ser- Windows, Mac, Linux vices also range from glossaries, post-editing, proj- countries around the world, employs internal translators Precision Translation Tools publishes Slate Desktop, the ect management and desktop publishing services to for many languages and has more than 1,500 satisfied world's first Personalized Translation Software™. Slate many other related services. Rely on Rheinschrift to customers. Our translators have years of experience in the Desktop runs on personal computers where translators deliver the most competent translations and meet electrics, mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics, machine and and localization engineers convert their TMs to Personal- your deadline, whatever it takes. Languages German computer software, physics and chemistry fields, as well ized Translation Engines™. CAT and TMS tools with MT to/from major European languages as a wide range of knowledge of various technological connectors use the engines without the internet or service processes. Our translation agency specializes in technical Rheinschrift Übersetzungen Ursula Steigerwald Cologne, Germany subscriptions. Our customers include freelance translators, +49-(0)221-80-19-28-0, Email: [email protected] translations in Eastern and Western European, Scandina- top-ranked translation companies and Fortune-ranked Web: Ad on page 17 vian and Asian languages. Languages More than 40 multinationals who automate translation processes and Tetras translations, Munich, Germany +49 89 716 7216 30 work faster with total control and security. Languages: 29 Email: [email protected], Web: Ad on page 15 languages (812 language pairs), more on request. Precision Translation Tools Pte. Ltd. Singapore +65 6 227 2407 Email: [email protected] Web: Ads on pages 28, 57 SpanSource SpanSource provides translation, localization and re- lated services from Western European languages into all regional varieties of Spanish as well as other lan- TripleInk Multilingual Communications guage combinations through our network of select As a multilingual communications agency, TripleInk has SLV partners. Our domain focus is on health care and provided industrial and consumer products companies life sciences, software and IT, heavy machinery and with precise translation and multilingual production ser- SDL Language Technologies automotive, legal and financial, oil and gas, corpo- vices for audio-visual, online and print media since 1991. Windows rate training and educational materials. Our compre- Our experience in adapting technical documentation SDL Language Solutions offers a unique language technol- hensive service portfolio also includes unparalleled and marketing communication materials covers a wide ogy platform — from translation memory productivity desktop publishing and multimedia localization en- range of industries, including biomedical and health tools for the individual translator to collaboration soft- gineering support for e-learning materials. Our in- care; building and construction; financial services; food ware for project managers, from translation management house staff of 25 includes project managers, senior and agriculture; high-tech and manufacturing; and hos- solutions for LSPs to cloud-based machine translation for linguists, desktop publishers, software engineers and pitality and leisure, as well as government and nonprofit corporate localization teams. You are not just investing in graphic designers, which prove to be fundamental organizations. Using a total quality management process a market-leading translation productivity tool when you in SpanSource’s centralized, customer-centric ap- and state-of-the-art software and equipment, our team of buy SDL Trados Studio, you are investing in a CAT tool proach. Languages Focus on Spanish and Portuguese, foreign language professionals delivers the highest quality that integrates with the full SDL language technology plat- other language combinations through partners translations in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. form including the new innovative Language Cloud. Find Languages All major commercial languages SpanSource SRL Rosario, Argentina, 54-341-527-5233 out more from Languages All Email: [email protected], Web: TripleInk Minneapolis, MN USA, 612-342-9800, 800-632-1388 SDL Language Technologies Email: [email protected], Web: Maidenhead, United Kingdom, +44-1628-417227 Email:[email protected] Web: STEPPING STONE Translation Tools Ad on page 2 Technical and Life Science Solutions Stepping Stone leverages almost 15 years of experi- ence and scalability whilst maintaining a refined, hands-on, responsive service synonymous with a boutique-style agency. Your single-stop for transla- tion, localization, DTP and testing requirements, we tailor environments to handle all CAT/design tools Kilgray Translation Technologies and are specialists with structured documentation Windows and multichannel distribution. Our medical team Kilgray Translation Technologies is the world’s fast- supports medical device companies, CROs and phar- est growing provider of computer-assisted translation maceuticals. We use small, experienced and adept tools. In 2005 the company launched the first version of teams rather than adopting a 1,000-resource selec- memoQ, an integrated client-server translation environ- tion lottery, thus building solid relationships with all ment designed to facilitate interoperability and teamwork. involved— perhaps it’s time we build one with you. All of Kilgray’s products — memoQ, the memoQ In a world changing from quality to quantity — we’re server, memoQWebTrans, qTerm and Language Ter- standing firm. Languages 70+ including all Euro- minal — optimize productivity and control of the en- pean, Middle Eastern and major Asian languages tire translation process and environment. Rated #1 by Stepping Stone Riga, Latvia, +371 6728 1110 Common Sense Advisory among translation-centric Find us on Facebook Email: [email protected], Web: TMS systems, and used by thousands of translators, language service providers and enterprises through-

62 | MultiLingual October/November 2015 [email protected] Buyer’s Guide Career 0pportunities

Join our energetic Sales team NOW ! Capita Translation and Interpreting is growing rapidly and has opened two new offices in the UK within the last six months. We are currently looking for new talent from the localization industry to join our energetic sales team NOW. Become part of the evolution of this young yet ambitious LSP, apply for our business development roles (UK, US, Europe) and enjoy the many benefits that come with working for an FTSE 50 company.

Send your CV and a cover letter to [email protected]

Advertiser Index Across Systems GmbH 8 JFA Marketing 41 Precision Translation Tools 28, 57 ADAPT Localization Services 27 Kaleidoscope GmbH 7 Rheinschrift Übersetzungen 17 Afaf Translations LLC 41 Kilgray Translation Technologies 48 SDL Language Solutions 2 Assoc. for Machine Trans. in America 36 Lionbridge 39 Smartling 50 Capita Translation and Interpreting 34, 63 Localization Care 58 STAR Group 10 Ciklopea d.o.o. 49 Localization World, Ltd. 66-67 Tetras Translations 15 CONTRAD 47 MediLingua Medical Translation BV 49 The Unicode Consortium 6 EC Innovations 23 Moravia 68 Ushuaia Solutions 40 Elite Translations Asia Pte. Ltd 41 MultiLingual Computing, Inc. 4, 63 Vistatec 53 EuroGreek Translations Limited 49 Net-Translators 44 XTM International 25 HansemEUG, Inc. 9 Nordic Translation Industry Forum 45 Janus Worldwide Inc. 43 Plunet GmbH 35


[ A new look

[ A new web site

[ More great content

We’re putting the pieces in place. October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 63 64 | may stillmake bad choices—hiringlinguists whopretend to services ofthemostprofessional-appearing freelancers, you other reason is that despite your efforts to identify and use the of Englishwithvariedlevels Englishcomprehension. The ny project manager communicates withare nonnativespeakers riers, asmostfreelancers thatanall-round translation compa- tion liepreeminently incultural differences andlanguagebar- foreign freelancers youbarely know. is especiallytruewhenyoudobusinesswithalarge numberof curate inyourwording andbeingconcise totheextreme. This need tofindthefinelinebetweenbeingtoo precise andac- not beread infull,andpartswillbeomittedbythe reader. You use apedantic,verbosestyle,chancesare yourmessage will the riskisthatyou’re toosuccinctandunder-specified. Ifyou project beingdealtwith.Ifyouusesimplifiedbusiness English, response that’s entirely outof touch withthebasicsof worded andemailsare composed.Otherwise, youmaygeta to beextremely precise inthewaywork order instructionsare get twistedormisunderstood ifitpossiblycanbe.You need international scene,itisalmostinevitableforsomethingto international communicationismisunderstandings. Onthe frustration. Forme,oneofthemostunbearable aspectsof industry-specific stimulithattriggered immensestress and ing projects from myhome,Ihadtoendure awidearray of B MultiLingual October/November 2015 Takeaway The reasons behindmisunderstandings and miscommunica- In thecourse ofthealmosttwodecadesIspentmanag- there are alsopreventive measures onecantake. managers inourindustryare subjectedto,but managers andself-employedtranslation company There are manystress factors thatremote project free life.Unfortunately, thisistotallyuntrue. friends whotellmethatImusthavesuchastress- established itin1997,Iamconstantlyenviedby tion businessfrom myhomeofficeeversinceI Being self-employedandmanagingmytransla- Daniel B.Harcz the translation industry Home officestress in

contribution [email protected]. To offeryour own Takeaway onalanguage-industryissue,send a Daniel B. Harcz hasbeenrunningHarcz&Partner Ltd.since1998. work aloneorsomefamilymembers helpyouinonewayor them offinaswiftanddecisivemanner. tion companydirectors needtobeaware ofinorder tofend and easilyidentifiabletraits thatproject managers andtransla- pretending tobeprofessional freelancers. Bothhaveunique most widespread scamsinvolveoperating withvoidchecksor these. Identifythreats before theyinflict harmonyou.Thetwo translation industryandyoushouldbeaware ofandalertto scammers. There are several well-knowntricksusedinthe ing yourclients. significantly, andyouavoidtheembarrassment ofdisappoint- assignments. Thisway, thechancesoflatedeliveryare reduced employing forseveral years now)istoneveracceptimmediate half aday. Anotherpreventive measure (whichIhavebeen you canincludeasafetycushionofcouplehours oreven only possibleinthecaseofnon-rushprojects, buteventhen, one ortwodaysbefore yourowndeadline.Ofcourse, thisis ion. Thedeadlineyougiveyourfreelancer shouldbeatleast The solutiontothisproblem istoalwayshaveasafetycush- same project), yourfrustration levelcanrisetothemaximum. an extensionofyourdeadline(oftenseveral timeswithinthe from homeoffices,andwhenalinguistcausesyouto request ment butisequallypresent inthecaseofprojects assigned This isnotonlycharacteristic ofhome-officeproject manage- in deliveryormissingdeadlinescancauseamajorheadache. down bythefreelancer youassignedyourproject to.Delays also acommonsource ofmiscommunication. be qualifiedforthetaskathandbutactuallyaren’t, andthisis Being ahome-officeagencydirector meansthat youeither A seriousincrease inyourstress levelcan becausedby Another widespread source ofhome-officestress isbeinglet [email protected] Column another. Running your business alone translation company clients, but is encountered issues that slow down means that your ability to complete usually impossible in the case of other their progress. These issues can range your projects and deliver the finished types of clients (end clients or direct from difficulties with the format or translations to your clients depends sig- clients). The latter is usually a gamble, layout, poor legibility (especially in the nificantly on your personal well-being. which is a major source of stress and case of handwritten or poorly scanned If you fall ill during a large multilingual uncertainty. documents) or terminology that needs project, or are hospitalized or tempo- I find the Blue Board of to be researched. Requests can also be rarily incapacitated, your business will an extremely useful tool for screen- as far-fetched as weekend work being grind to a halt. It is possible that you ing translation company clients before a price factor. This can be annoying, as will be unable to forward queries and accepting a project. Since this service it is akin to blackmail. Although I usu- answers between freelancers and your was launched 13 or 14 years ago, I ally do not succumb to such requests, it client, manage the quality assurance have been able to filter out nonpaying did happen a few times that I granted phase of the project (by forwarding files clients based on the reports and scores a rate increase in order to ensure that to editors and proofreaders), deliver entered by fellow members of the the linguist kept working and met his the translations to your client by the international translation community, or her deadline. Obviously, this can deadline or respond to queries sent and since 2002, we have been paid for raise your stress level considerably. You after delivery. On the whole, you will almost every translation and editing are put in a difficult position since you be unable to make sure the project is project completed. need to ensure that the original trans- completed successfully. lator does not abandon Even if one of your the project and you family members can simultaneously need help you in one way “Running your translation business alone comes to stay within your or another, he or she is budget. There is usually unlikely to be quali- with all sorts of stressful stimuli. However, on the no time to reassign the fied to arrange your whole, the amount of frustration you endure is project to another free- project in a professional lancer. The preventive manner. probably still less than what would be present at a measure is very careful One way to resolve workplace” translator recruitment this issue is to provide and selection, as well your translators with as close control over the contact details of ongoing projects. the editor and proofreader, and in turn, The way applicants respond to job Running your translation business provide your editor and proofreader postings published on Traduguide, ProZ. alone comes with all sorts of stressful with the name and email address of com or elsewhere can also serve as the stimuli. However, on the whole, the your client when the project kicks off. trigger of unneeded stress. It often hap- amount of frustration you endure is You can ask translators to deliver the pens that I am addressed as “Mr. Daniel” probably still less than what would be completed files to the recipients in your as opposed to “Mr. Harcz,” which to me present at a workplace where you are absence should you not confirm receipt sounds almost as if the person sending subjected to the orders of a boss and of their deliveries within a couple of the message is mocking me. Some other your freedom is compromised. Work- hours, or if they are notified through applicants fail to address me at all, or ing from home allows you to take your auto responder that you are tem- fail to answer the specific questions a break whenever you want, accept porarily unable to forward deliveries. contained by my job posting. Instead, only the projects you feel comfortable Stress can also result from nonpay- they send a noncustomized, standard with and reject everything else. There ment or delayed payment on the part application message containing general is no need to accommodate coworkers of your clients. Sending constant information about their services, rates or colleagues, and you can even go payment reminders or chasing cli- and capabilities. I find this odd, as if out for a walk between two emails, ents for your money often takes an these applicants do not really want to not to speak of being able to wear immense amount of time and effort. receive projects from my company and your most comfortable clothing every Threatening your nonpaying clients are just wasting my time. It can also be day while you work. Spending more with publicity (payment lists) or legal annoying to receive applications from time with your family is a definite action can be extremely stressful, other translation agencies when it was advantage as well. especially if you’re a one-person com- specified in my job posting that only Considering these advantages vis-á-vis pany whose chances in court against freelancers should apply. The solution is the various stress-related disadvantages a large client would be negligible. The simple: specify that inappropriate and of a home-based translation business, in solution to this possible headache is incomplete applications be automati- my judgement, working from home still to screen clients by using payment cally deleted, and that some specific has the edge. If you take precautions forums where freelancers share their senders are blocked. and employ the preventive measures experiences with translation company It often happens that translators described above, running your home clients. This usually works when gath- attempt to ask for a higher rate in the business can be much less stressful and a ering information about first-time middle of a project, claiming to have great occupation. M October/November 2015 MultiLingual | 65 “The Internet of Things”

LocWorld29 Silicon Valley October 14-16, 2015 Santa Clara Convention Center

The conference for international business, translation, localization and global website management - offering the following8 tracks: • Preconference (Oct 14) • Advanced Localization Management (Oct 15 & 16) • Content Strategy (Oct 15 & 16) • Global Business (Oct 15) • Global Web (Oct 16) • Inside Track (Oct 15 & 16) • TAUS (Oct 15 & 16) • Unconference (Oct 16) PLUS:

A Keynote Presentation by Scott Amyx - CEO, Amyx+McKinsey

A Keynote Panel with Walter Paulsen - Qvivr (Swypcard), Sergio Pelino - Google, Andy Jacobson - Blackboard and moderator Smith Yewell - Welocalize

An opening reception at the Hyatt Regency, sponsored by CSOFT

Vesey And a networking dinner at LEVI’S® Stadium, thanks to Moravia. Creative “The Internet of Things”

PLUS A wealth of exhibits from these industry peers

The world’s #1 Localization Conference & Exhibition Series “The future is already here — it’s just not evenly distributed.”

William Gibson

Ultralocalization will replace localization.

Millions of new consumers will come online and flex their purchasing power across Africa, Southeast Asia and South America. Even fluent speakers of dominant languages will come to expect content and products in their first language or dialect. Such ultralocalization will soon become a disruptive force in many industries, transforming what we now consider “long-tail languages” into mainstream targets for savvy global organizations.

Michael Stevens Growth Manager Moravia

Flexible thinking. Reliable delivery.

68 Moravia #155.indd 68 9/17/15 11:08 AM