TWO LEWISTON EVENING TE LL ER . TUE8DAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1903 The twist of a bow, the pose of some of the Instructors in the Institu­ tions of learning. In the discussion of 5ÊVEL0PIXG OAMM M A L L O R Y & LYOON plume bespeak the master touch tl\e paper Introduced by the Rev. Mr. BRIEF NEWS Livery, Feed A nd Sale Stableg Haynes, on the “Authority In Religion,” NEW TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY Rev. Mr. Marshall said: First class Rigs apa careful drivers at WILL OPEN RICH WHEAT LANDS. “When there Is any question between all hours of the day or night. Corner FROM SUMMIT myself and the church as to my method C and Fourth streets. Roal to Ran Wholly oa Domlolou High Class of procedure in any matter I take the Telephone No. 17 Word of God. We need only the Word Territory—Premier Laarier’a Plan of God to guide us in our actions. We to Make Commercially In­ Wedding of Miss Guerneet and dependent. do not want any philosophy—that won’t HOTEL . . LEWISTON Millinery at help us in our difficulty. We don’t need The opening of the vast and almo«: Mr. Jones Solemnized Dill & Eichenbcrger Block to cower before the university profes­ unknown regions of northern America r Sunday Morning so rs.” is the object of the new transconU LEWISTON, IDAHO The Fashion Said another minister: “I was told nental railway which is about to b. Steam heat, hot and cold water in recently that a teacher in the univer­ constructed by the Canadian gover.a each room. Newly furnished through­ (Special to Evening Teller.) sity. in one of his classes, said that In ment, and in many respects it is tu. out. SUMMIT, Ida., Nov. 24.—The mar­ most remarkable undertaking of •(- the words at the beginning of the Bible, First-class restaurant and home riage of Miss Ada Guernett and Jo­ kind ever planned. saying ‘In the beginning God created cooking. M iss Kennedy seph Jones, was celebrated at the Con­ the earth.’ etc., might be better stated The scheme has the support of bn gregational church at 10 o'clock yes­ and closer to the facts, if it said. ‘In Wilfrid Laurier, premier of Canada MRS. S. B. HAWES, Manager terday morning. The ceremonies were the beginning there was spontaneity.’ and the Dominion parliament is asked performed by the Rev. Healee. Oscar to ratify an agreement made by tlx Now those young people who were BL. ®®®®®®®®®8®®®®®®®®®®®®®®«f E. Bashor was the best man and Miss present undoubtedly have a great re­ government with a company organiz« t\ Clarji Scott acted as bridesmaid. The spect for the learning of the teacher under the auspices of the Grand Trunk church was tastily decorated with flow­ When they hear suph words from such Railway company for the construction PANTORIUM I ers and evergreens. Only relatives a man It gives them a feeling that and operation of a transcontinental Piano Sale and a small number of friends were there possibly is something wrong. It road through the northern portion «»>' I am still doing a big business in present. Mr. Jones is the son of E. A. gives them a feeling of doubt and un­ the wheat belt. Tbe road will not only Among the many Pianos we represent are Jones of Myrtle. He has been engaged easiness in the Word.” be the most northern railway in tl,. Strauss Bro/s Suits In the butcher business here. Miss world, running, as it will, to Dawson Crusade Against Evil Doers Insnection invited Stein way & Sons of N ew York Guernett is the daughter of Felix City, but its western terminus at 1’on Kranich & Bach of New York At the suggestion of the Rev. Zane Simpson Is nearly 500 miles north ui We are still cleaning and' pressing Guernett of this village. She is one of clothes the belles of town society. The popu­ Batten of the First Baptist church in the western terminus of the Canadian Behr Bros of New York lar young couple will make their homes the meeting of the ministerial associa­ Pacific railway at Vancouver. Chickering Bros of Chicago tion Monday morning a committee, J. B. POLLARD In Summit. • For the greater part of its route tip- Schaeffer of Chicago The Summit tramway will be in ope­ consisting of Mr. Batten, Secretary new road is to traverse a practically 234 M ain S tree t. T elephone 296 ration the latter part of the week. The Mayne and the Rev. Mr. Haynes, pas­ unknown and uninhabited country, a Emerson of Boston wind last week blew thirteen towers tor of the First Christian church, was land that has generally been consM A. B. Chase down and a force of men are at work appointed to investigate the social evil ered as far north of the range n in the city. civilization and cultivable land. lu­ readjusting the cable and tow’ers. J. McGARY, The paper of the meeting, presented cent surveys have brought to light tb-- Steam heat Free baths D. CHANT MUSIC CO The new hall will be finished this MANAGER week and the event will be celebrated by the R*ev. Mr. Haynes, was heard and fact, however, that there are enornio- - Free, ’Bus to and from all -trains by a basket social to be held Friday some discussion arore over the su­ tracts of rich wheat lands in the.far SPOKANE MOSCOW LEWISTON evening, for the benefit of the Congre­ preme "Authority in Religion.” In his north of the Canadian wilderness and gational church. paper Dr. Haynes stated that there are that the northern warm line of wheu' Grand Hotel three authorities, the inward conscious­ in w e ste rn C an a d a is h u n d re d s o f mil«-« Phelps & Jones are holding a turkey EUROPEAN PLAN shoot here today. There are some good ness of man, that of the Bible and that nearer to the pole than It Is in the on«' shots in the large crowd participating of God. He snid that the Holy Word It is this development of far norther«, H. B. SMITH, Proprietor forest and agricultural lands, who-«- m m m m tm tm i* In the fun. should be accepted without question, over and above that of the inward nothing but arctic desolation was poo- First class restaurant in connection man, because it is the Word of Christ. ularly supposed to exist, which giv«>s Lewiston Idaho Reed&Brashears Clyde J. Vassar | He declared that there are many things much of the interest to the route of which we can not conceive of. “The the new railway. Another interesting STAPLE AND FANCY WANTSTÖ STOP finite can not conceive of the infinite. fact in connection with the enterprise Yet God gives us His Book ^nd if we and one upon which, the Canadians are GROCERIES, obey Him we must accept jhe Book especially congratulating themselves i- without question.” that for the first time in its history the B E R T C O X SUNDAY TRAINS Dominion will possess a through line FRUITS I of railway from the Atlantic to the Pa House Furnisher CLUB WOMEN OF TEXAS clflc, every mile of which will be upon AND j» VEGETABLES Telephone 1921 The Rev. M. W. Lorimer Dis­ Canadian territory, with Canadian Residence 1923 Entertained This Week by Local Club ports forming its terminals on bor! NUFF SED P h o n e 1 6 3 . M a i n St. o p p o s ite I O O F h a ll oceans. approves Belated Foot­ at Fort Worth Sir Wilfrid Laurier made the mos; 238 Main, opposite Idaho Trust Co. of this fact in Introducing the measure ball Excursions (Special Telegram to Evening Teller.) » ------, in parliament recently, claiming. 1; FORT WORTH, Tex., Nov. 24.—The RANGE MARKET THATCHER HOlSE (Special to Evening Teller.) Home Restaurant in connec­ annual meeting of the Texas Federa­ NEW ORLEANS RACE PLANS ■LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 24.—The Rev. tion of Woman’s clubs, which began in Dill Bros., Proprietors. tion.. R a te s, $1.00 per day. r Table board, $4.50 per week. Mr. Lorimer of the United Presbyter­ this city today, is well attended by del­ Creacent City Jockey Club Expect* 11 ian church took issue with the univer­ egates from Austin, Galveston, Dallas, Lively Meeting. Opposite Raymond Hotel Rooms, 50 cents per day. Spe­ m With stakes ranging from $1.000 to cial rates by the week. sity authorities at a meeting of the Marshnll, Gainesville, Houston and Fish, Poultry and Game ministerial association Monday morn­ other cities of the state. Reports of $2,500 in added money for the coming IN SEASON ing and dclared that the college men officers and addresses and discussions racing meet and no purse less than MRS. McNAMARA were unwittingly leading students covering women's activities in various $400 and with improvements to its away from religious and moral traits fields will occupy the three days of the plant entailing an expenditure of $23. of life by permitting football excur­ convention. The club women of Fort 000, the Crescent City Jockey club i« sions and other pleasures on the Sab­ Worth have thrown open their homes out after tbe best class of horses and bath. Special mention was made of the to the visitors, and they will be hand­ racing patrons. A successful meeting Kansas excursion. He said that the somely entertained during their stay. Is anticipated. W in te r rac in g in N ew O rlea n s hie- Today’s authorities did not assume the respon­ VA sibility for the fact that the university been of slow but steady growth. This NEW BALL LEAGUE people did not get home from Kansas year President Bush and his associat«-« are aware of the advent of competition until after 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon. m The trains were due to leave Lawrence South Atlantic States Organize a Base and are making arrangements to hol«! News Today at about 11 o’clock Saturday night, and ball League their own. The most striking improv« 7M ment to the plant Is the abolition of tlx- arrive in Lincoln at 7 o’clock Sunday The principal events of the day hot from morning. But he stated that for some (Special Telegram to Evening Teller > “path.” The track has been rebuilt from two feet below the surface. Tl-«- reason there was delay as there always SAVANNAH, Oa.. Nov. 24.—It is ex­ the wire, as soon as chained lightning old tile draining has been torn out and is in such cases, and hence the young pected that the organization of the a porous substratum of cinders put in can tell them people were compelled to endure the proposed South Atlantic Baseball On top of this has been placed a on travel and excitement of an excursion league will be well advanced if not foot layer of sandy loam, which lun! 4rip hack, missing all Sunday school completed at the meeting of the pro­ EVERY EVENING IN THE to be brought from a great dlstanr« and church services in the morning. mpters here today. The league, ac­ The top dressing is of river sand. Then he said that they are worn out cording to present plans, will have a SIB WILFRID LAURIER. [Premier of Canada.] and must spend the rest of the day in six-club circuit, composed of Jackson­ W hitney to Leave Ensrllah Turf. Lewiston Evening Teller sleep and rest. ville, Augusta. Columbus. Savannah, fact, that it was absolutely necessary According to dispatches from Lon­ to the commercial Independence <>i Wants Action Taken Charleston and Macon. don. William C. Whitney is to retln- C an a d a th a t sh e sh o u ld c o n stru c t su«-;, He declared that action against the from the English turf. a railway. His contention was tl at authorities that will support such from tbe earliest days Canada In:«' F o r 15c t h e w e e k things, should be taken at once, and been dependent upon American frien Smart D m . For Boy*. that they "should be brought to time,” MOSCOW WANTS ship for the transportation of In- In fashions for young folks Vogue “We as pastors are responsible if we go«xis across United States territory illustrates the following: BY CARRIER AT YOUR HOUSE do not lift up our voices against this and that bonding privileges which s! • A navy blue Scotch cheviot Norfolk OR OFFICE desecration of the holy day.” said he, enjoyed might be abolished at any tin:« suit for a boy. with full knicker trou­ and then made a motion that a com­ ^LIBRARY The line will be approximately 3.300 sers. The golf cap has three straps mittee be appointed to look into the miles hi length, beginning nt Moo- over the crown from the front to the question. It was lost for want of a ton, a divisional point on tbe Intereoio second, and the Rev. Mr. Wharton in a Committee at Work to Take the nlul railway, in , an- short speech said that this was only a running west, with a northward tiv part of a very great and common evil, Matter Up With Mr. to Port Simpson, on the Pacific ce-- which springs from the parents and in . Fifty Years the Standard which the children accept as a matter C a r n e g ie Like all national enterprises, t' o f course. new scheme has had to face the fir« ■ "We are not able to talk to the chil­ political controversy, the main ol>j--<- (Special to Evening Teller.) dren and persuade them without the tion b ein g th a t th e line from Mon«-‘«n assistance of the parents.” said he. MOSCOW, Ida., Nov. 23.—The com­ to will run in opposition to t' “There are many people who belong to mittee appointed to see about the Car­ Intercolonial railway, which Is own the church who will ride on the trains negie library is working hard to obtain and operated by the government. S" on Sunday and think nothing of it. and it. They have received a set of ques­ Wilfrid Laurier meets this critic! a I should not marvel if there.are preach­ tions from Mr. Carnegie relative to the by pointing out that the proposed li:: ers right here in this meeting who have building and are investigating all the ] will be from thirty to seventy nii’■ • done this. It is not only the university conditions. They are trying to obtain | distant from the Intercolonial, with • people who desecrate the Sabbath. a $10,000 building. chain of mountains lying b-*w Many who profess to be our best Chris­ Nearly all arrangements are com- I them, and will o*pen up a fertile reg ­ tians. ride to and from their Sunday pleted for the Catholic ball to be he!J | in a section of New Brunswick. services on the street cars, forcing the Thanksgiving evening. The hall is to j Between Quebec and r: motormen and conductors to labor on be given in the I. O. O. F. hall. line will puss through a tract of go the holy day. There is more desecra­ The Latah county teachers are to j farming land larger in area than *' tion by the older people than by the meet November 2K for one day. The j states of Massachusetts. Connect!«-" young people, and it has a worse influ­ following are to take part: Mr. Hodge, Rhode Island, New Jersey and Del- ence. Therefore I make a motion that Louis DeVoigne, Mr. Goode, Miss j ware, und the climate compares fav«- our wo'V in this line be more inclus­ Parks. Miss Watkins and Mr. Fuller j ably with that of . As to t' ive. and that it include the Investiga­ are to furnish the music. Mrs. Me- western division, there is little ro<- tion of the general exercise on the Sab­ Callie is to give a reading and papers I for difference of opinion. bath desecration." will be read by Miss Carlock, Miss | Port Simpson, the western term In-' He made a motion to this effect Showalter, Miss Nichols, Professor | is said by engineers to have the be which was seconded and carried, in j Judson. H. R. Smith and President j harbor on the Pacific coast. It consis*- spite of the fact that the Rev. Mr. Lnri- Black of the Lewiston Normal. in fact, of two harbors, the outer Im-'i. ■ mer protested, saying that he wanted to j three miles long by one and a lia i NORFOLK AND TUXEDO SUITS. BAKING strike the nail on the head. miles wide, perfectly sheltered with FIGHT BETWEEN LIGHT-WEIGHTS back, crossed on top by a narrower "If we start a general investigation j half mile entrance, and the inner Irr strap ending in points under tbe fas­ of Sunday desecration.” he said, “we j bor n e a rly a s long, b u t n o t so wid«- tening straps. will find the question so large and the Fitzgerald and Ryan Have a 10-Round with a 1.300 foot entrance. A Tuxedo suit In unfinished worsted work so difficult that we will be unable Bout Tonight Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been the pi- for boys from nine to sixteen years old. to accomplish anything. I think we mier of Canada since 1806 and Is t: POWDER The coat has a silk faced collar. The ought to strike directly at this one (Special Telegram to Evening Teller.) ! first French Canadian to hold that ol double breasted waistcoat is of white Instance at the state institution.” PORT HURON, Mich., Nov. 24.—A | flee. He Is u lawyer by profession nix' pique. • A w a r d e d Secretary Mayne suggested that in 10-round bout between Willie Fltzger- ! entered the Dominion parliament : i theory there was little difference be- j aid, the Brooklyn lightweight, and ' 1873. Upon the retirement of Edwin-«- tween the use of the steam car and , Buddy Ryan, of Chicago, is the main Blake from the Liberal leadership i- Highest Honors W orld’s Fair. that of the electric car, and that while attraction arranged by the Port Huron j 1887 MY. Laurier, who had already striking at the Sunday use of one. both Athletic club for its patrons tonight, j been recoguized as the bead • of tl - Highest Tests U. S . fiov’t Chem ists should be included. This will be their second meeting. ! French Canadiun wing of the par: Read the Evening Teller Criticised a Professor Ryan having scored a decision over the ! was unanimously chosen to succe«