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KUMIflW rUKUW Chief Fioures in Connection With Becker Case KAY5 WITH HIS Llrfc, MAYYIELDWARSAW Ill IN EXPIATION FOR Probable Evacuation of Polish U. S. Demands That Food Be Capital Indicated in Petro- Permitted to Reach Starving SHARE IN grad Dispatches. People of Capital. KAISER PLANS STATE ENTRY Former Police Lieutenant Protests to Very MUST KEEP RAILROADS OPEN Moment of Doom Innocence of Gambler Capture of City Will Be Made American Citizen Assaulted by Occasion for Great Celebra¬ Zapata Soldiers and Stars and Rosenthal's Killing and Asks Forgive¬ tions in Germany. Stripes Tramped Upon. ness for Those Who Have Wrongly 'A ASIIINGTON, July 20.. I'rtront rep-' Condemned Him. Events reHentation demanding. in the name of Momentous humanity, that food bo permitted to in Warsaw Section reach the starving people of Mexico' DENIES GUILT IN DYING STATEMENT City were sent hy (he State Df partment to-nltrht to are nlgns that nioincii toun r,i>n<>ra!s Carranza. Villa and AND PAYS TRIBUTE TO LOYAL WIFE TIIEini-:rvratd me liiippt'iiInK around Zapata. The notes declare avenues of fl'nrnniT, If fin- e\ii<-unt Inn of the transportation to M^xi<*o City must he I'nllnh cnplfnl luis not ill mill > liei&un. opr-nod to provision trains and kept In Death House at , Former Chief of New It In believed In ninny unnrterM that the ivltliilriimil of the IIukkIiiiik In open. York's Strong-Arm Squad Is Electrocuted.Current not fnr off. Although the text of the representa¬ Is Turned On at 5:47 tions was not made public, it is known o'Clock, and Life Leaves Hte At various point* In Poland the that the document is a forerunner of Two Minutes Later.He Dies With Cross in RimHtfiDM Body continue to clirck the more definite action soon to be taken Auntro-(»ernifiiin In tlielr elTortu to His Hands, and His Last Words Are Have in the form of a demand that the Mexi¬ "Jesus, encircle Womun, hut the eonncnnUH on of vlrw* of the mlllttiry critic* of can factions end their strife and estab-' Mercy Me." the I*ettorrnil nenxpappm nccinn to lish a constitutional government hy point to the fenr tlint tlir ItiiMilnii* means of a Joint conference. Officials will not Ioiik In- nhi.* to back OSSINING, N. Y.t 30..Charles Becker the keep believe General Carranza at Vera Oru7. July paid penalty- the t rem e nilon o pren*«irc of the Teu¬ to-day for instigating the murder three of Herman tonic allien. is in a position to tl»e railroad to years ago ke'-p Rosenthal, the gambler. He was electrocuted in Sing Sing Mexico City from Vera Cruz opon for prison one hour after sunrise. Life left his body at 5: 47 o'clock, Neither the German* nor the Au»- transportation of food beyond Pachuca two minutes after the trinnn elnlui tttty new advance* nlon>c at least, and that either he or electric current was turned on. He died Zapata, a the' .' with cross ncmlcln-ulnr line «hlcli runn in co-opr-ration with Villa, can control (s) m /Vs-sn. in his hands. His last words were: "Jesus, have from the linltle province* ncro** the the line beyond that point mercy on us." frontier of Gallcia. On the contrary Official reports from Mexico City to¬ Ch<3Lrl, Becker met his death without flinching. He entered the fliey admit that the ltii**1iinn on the day said ther<* was actual starvation death Nnre\r front, to th»* *oiillicn*t of there, and that conditions chamber with two priests at his side. They were chant¬ j generally a Wamaw mid In \orthcrn < . it 11 <*la nre were worse than ever. People of all ing litany. Becker joined in, repeating, "Have mercy on us, harrinK their «n)' with henv.v raun- classes are suffering for food, although have mercy on us." terattaekn, anil that the situation there is money in plenty to purchase MURDER OF ROSEHTHAL He walked to the death north of the Mrini-n Hirer and In it. steadily chair, and, taking his seat, thr ooiithcimt, la the l.uhlln dlntrlet, A message from Vera Cruz detailing glanced squarely into the eyes of the witnesses for a brief mo¬ Konerullv In unohniiKctl. an assault upon an American citizen ment. Then he continued the chant, "Have mercy on us, have near Puebla and violation of the mercy on us." Eircpt for the |i t II re of a nfw American flag soldiers a ( by Zapata While the straps were adjusted the chanted a ficrinan ponltlon In the Yn*ge*. rela¬ few days ago served to arouse officials' Lt Is Swift Culmination of Sensa¬ being priests tive prayer, which Becker repeated In it he con¬ calm pretall* on the niM>ttru liete to the extreme gravity of the! tional Gninhler .Made phrase by phrase. front from the *ra Charges his soul to the to Alsnce. In situation. Against lievkcr. signed Almighty. the Itnlian theater both AtiNtrlnut A new division of Mexican affairs Becker received the electric shock in the midst of the prayer. and Italian* are claiming *llglit Vic¬ was created to-day in the State De-I - One m-iiiute later a second* shock was toria*. . GISPKa.c-AROVSED IJY sent through his body and- I partmont Leon J Oarova wltS tie-~t the him i pointed chief of the new division,* wftlch! physician pronounced dead. will handle all diplomatic correspon¬ Head of Strong-Arm Squad, Suspect- PROCLAIM HIS INNOCENCE IN DYING I/iN'PON, July 2!>..The probable' ed STATEMENT dence and other business relating to From First, Is Indicted, Given AND PAYS TRIBUTE TO WHO STOOD evacuation of Wnrww and the whole Mxico here-ifter. Two Trials, Convicted and Con¬ WIFE, BY HIM Polish salient by the Russians is in- DETERMINKI) EFFORT TO demned to Death. At 4:30 o'clock Becker gave out the following tyewritten statement as rttcatcd in dispatches received from gkt si itmks tiihoi.gii his dying declaration, signed in his own handwriting: Petrograd to-day. This derision would I Advices to the American Red Cross NEW "VORK, July 30..Herman Rosen- Statement. hal, the for "My Dying come as a surprise to all outside the from Charles .1. O'Connor, its special gambler, whose murder "Gentlemen: .'ha rle.s Becker died ii, the el.-ctric councils of tin* Russian representative dlrectinp relief work inj* "I stand before general Mexico City, were communicated to Sec-t' .hair this morning, was shot to death you in my full senses, knowing that no power on earth staff, as the splendid resistance the retary Lansing to-day. He announced 1 >y hired gunmen in the early morning can save me from the grave that is to receive me. In the face of that, in ' if 10, 1012, in from of the Russians have been offering to the Ger¬ later that a determined effort to get July Hotel the teeth of those who condemned me, and in the presence of my God and man effort* to »ncirele the f-uppllos to the capital would ho made. iletropole, on Forty-third Street, a feu*! city wore tens from your God, I proclaim my absolute innocence of the foul crime for which ' M O'Connor's The- murder believed to be evidence of Ietropole. traction of Statements Re¬ When Whitman Refuses Wife's Plea are 111 hi& Prussia and Gallola. it is explained by more chaotic than ever, and there! premises day and night. Forty-third Street. Just olV Broad- flecting on Ciinracter. is not a ,vay. Wliitiiian hurries to the scene rOUGHKEEPSIE. N. T., July 23.In tained The critics, and, while in doing so, they single government official with! tOSEV'riIAL St MMOVnP TO silence, seldom speaking even whom to deal. and thwarts police effort* to cover a dimly lighted room of the Nelson to Mr. Johnston. She sat in the rendered great service to the western CniJII.VAL COL"UTS III' II.DING tlic trail. WHOLLY UNTRUE, HE DECLARES quietly 'There is a genuine reign of terror up House here to-night, Mrs. Charles corner of the Albany Hotel or In the allies and intlicterl terrible losses on These charpes were published and both Austrlans and in Mexico City, in so far as legal pro¬ July 17.Shapiro and I.lbby, own¬ Becker, whose husband must die to¬ trains gazing out the windows into Germans, they may "strli't Attorney Whitman an ers of murder car." arrested. Shocking to Governor of cedure is concerned." read a message began -uray Suspect morrow morning at Sine Sing for the space. Few recognized her, and she now give up all and more than they nvestigatlon of them. He They saj Jack Hose hired the car. State. Could to to the department from Vera i summoned! Stoop Assail With murder of Herman Rosenthal, pleaded recognized no one. gained. Cruzi Rosenthal to the Criminal Courts Buiid- is.ltose surrenders and Is dated July 2S, which also detailed an ,|Mly Unfounded Charges Helpless Man futilely with Governor Whitman to A crowd as large as that often COI'JiTRV WIM. nic ng and listened to his An lield for murder. seen assault upon Allan Mallory. an Ameri¬ story. np- in Very Shadow of Grave. commute her husband's sentence to here on regatta days had !>io.\tni:i» of iiesoihci:s 'ointment was made with ill.llridjiie Weber arrested gathered can citizen, by Zapata soldiers near Rosenthal for! July life imprisonment. about the Nelson House when he next Before the and is held lor murder. the Gov¬ It is anticipated by the Petrograd Puebla. day. time came | OSSINTNO, N. V.. July 20.The Inst Weeping slightly, but maintaining ernor's car rolled up about 5:30 o'clock. Rosenthal was . Vallon papers that the whole country, if murdered. jnjy llarry snrreivdered such control that the Governor later Ten minutes later a car AMERICAN FLAG | When the assassins had and is held tor murder. Whitman hope of Charles Becker, under sentence bearing Mrs. evacuated, will be denuded of resources tr a done their! remarked admiringly on her composure, Becker and Mr. Johnston arrived. m Pl.i;d u x nr;it foot lT"'k ran across names the four uuniiicn as actlial to die early to-rnorrow morning for Mrs. which might prove valuable to the Ger¬ they the street, jumped! she based her appeal solely on her be¬ Bcckcr, unsupported, stepped as Mallory was in an automobile with a; nto a automobile killers. briskly mans, has been done in most of the gray which was wait-! Instigating the murder of Herman! lief in her husband's innocence. There throneh the lobby 10 the son of the Chilean minister and twoi ng at the curb July 2." Daiio l'rnnk elevator and territory heretofore given up. and whirled away up-i arrested.^ Rosenthal, vanished when ho was told* was no offer either by her or John B. ascended to the second Spaniards. The car, en route to own. A -!. Weber and Valiou floor, where the The capture of Warsaw naturally the! by-stan.ier caught the license July Hose, to-night that Ills wife had failed Johnston, one of Becker's attorneys, Governor was cojist. flew the American lumber of turn Stale's evidence, accuse Lieu¬ waiting. would bo made the. occasion for great flag, and was! the car. move Governor Whitman to grant himtoj who accompanied her, to expose any¬ MUS. IIKCKKR AI.ONK celebrations 1 carrying diplomatic correspondence. District tenant ( l.aries llccker of instlK»tiilK in Germany, and it is re- Attorney Whitman, notified' which a reprieve. This Mrs. Hooker asked of thing in exchange for the convicted IX DAHKBM'D ROOM that Near Puebla the automobile was >y telephone of the murder. they procured, ported Emperor William has ar¬ stopped! murder, reached' flecker arrested just before mld- the Governor at a conference with him man's life. For more than an hour, while Mr. to a by a company of Zapata soldiers. he police station ranged make state entry into the j The: where Rosenthal's 11 i K ¦ . t. at Pouglikeepsle. Kailing in her "Governor, I know Charlie is no Johnston pleaded his occupants were pulled out and »o»ly j mis-1 points of law city, accompanied by the Empress. thej lay before dawn, lie aroused his! Au trust I.White? I.ewis arrested. sion, she motored here to break saint." was her repeated assertion, "but with the Governor, Mrs. The has American flap torn from Its staff and! letectives from their the; Becker sat Empress been on a visit to sleep and spread! Aumist .*».Meeker formally pleads news to her husband, hut it had reached he is not the foul murderer that he alone in a darkened room. Meanwhile, trampled upon the . Field Marshal von Jiindenburg's head¬ by soldiers, who1 dragnet over the city for the mur.let not utility. him before she arrived. has been branded." the halls outside filled with at took Mallory and his companions nr. It was n^wspaper quarters Allensiein, East Prussia, before! found before night. Its! Aiitrust 10.Sam Schepps arrested i Becker, it was said, had not The Governor was visibly affected, men and and a Zapata officer. were expected photogrupheis several of and left there yesterday with iho They searched, river, Louis Shapiro, nnd Louis Lihbev ns witness in Hot Springs, Ark., and clemency. Almost at the moment the but he shook his head negatively. the curious. Crown Princess ' their papers taken and the two tart, were j Cecelle, for Keidenburg, Span-1 owner, arrested, and Mr returns voluntarily. news was received the prisoner gave "I he "but 1 want Two women walked to the door vf which Is across the iards sentenced to be executed.1 Vhitman asserted cannot," said, you Polish border. i openly in an em- August 15..lack Hose publishes a letter that he had written to to feel free to tell me If the room Mrs. Becker and In the Whether sentence was carried out I .hatic statement of murder. He (out everything. occupied meantime, lighting of the Is' that the police had compiete story says Governor Whitman, In which he at- there is that know asked her if she would like to to greatest not known, the message hearing evi¬ betted the murder. l.o collected #1*0,1100 In Kraft for anything you that talk intensity continues around the tacked the exeefitive for havinR. as ho you have not told that you think would them. Polish triangle, and, as dence of having been censored on this New \ ork Hcckcr. P.crlin claims City, already interested in (indicated, driven to the newspapers or that I should "No." she murmured, leave no important success, point. Mallory protested against the he charpes of September 11."Hyp the !IIood'» help your husband, "please except the re- police corruption, re-! statements which cast a "foul aspersion know, you may tell it to me now with me alone. That is all I ask." pulso of Russian sentencing of the Spaniards. ponded to the news anil "l.efty l.oule" arrested. attacks, it is pre¬ of the murder as! on my character," and for which ho the. fullesi assurance that it will bo When the Governor had sumed that the Russians are "Keep your mouth shut or you will t to a call to October 7.Becker's trial bcK«ns. completed holding arms. Becker, who had demanded a retraction. regarded as absolutely confidential." his conference with Mr. Johnston, the off the Austro-Germans. he shot." he was told by the officer, ieen the chief of October 21.llccker found guilty target Rosenthal's of murder In the lirst dcKree. ItICITICItATKS IWOriSNCK "There is nothing to tell," Mrs. doors of the zoom were opened, and In the west there hns been little who later released him. An investiga¬ ccusatlons. was openly the Governor tion has been ordered. suspected Me! October JM».llccker sentenced to OK ItO.sKVrif At, MCltURR BeCker replied. "I only know he Is walked over to Mrs. happening beyond tho usual bombard¬ relieved of his command of week of Becker. She rose ments and Paul Hudson, editor of the the die dtiriuK December ». 1012, In his letter, Becker again reiterated i nnocent." immediately and be¬ sapping, mining and bomb¬ Mexican tronp-arm squad and transferred to put in Siiik Sing death house. gan to talk to him. and his are his innocence of the crime for ATTOHXKV AIMM&AI.S ing operations. Herald, family, still pris-j he Bronx. Jack his November 10.I'our Kuameii con¬ which Mrs. Rose. Brnft col-1 . Becker appeared to have her oners in Mexico City, another message l ector. walked into victed of lirst tlcgrec murder. he has been convicted. roil A IIEPRIKVK the Criminal Courts The nerves under belter control than did FIVE SHIPS DAY'S TOM, . said. Orders for their release, 21, 1011.llecker's con¬ I statement follows: to Mrs. the signed1]>uilding the day after the murder and February Prior seeing Becker, Gov¬ the Governor. His face was OF viction set aside! new trial I "Sir,. You are credited in the flushed, CiEHMA.N Sl llMAHIMlS by President Chasero,. head of the!* tirrendered to the district ordered, public, ernor conferred with Mr. Johnston. his collar wilted and Mexican convention attorney, de- (iunineii's case aflirmed. press this morning with three he stood wearily (Special Cable to Tho City government. r laring he had nolhlnp to fear. j state-| The attorney appealed for a reprieve, clasping his hands together when ho Times-Dispatch.] are said to have been ignored, and Harry' April i:t.t>uiimen executed. ments concerning me, each of in that the case bo taken LONDON, July -0..Five ships, one ap-i^ allon and Rridpie Webber, May tl.lleckcr's second trial them; ordQr might saw several newspaper men soon after peals from American citizens anil the gamblers! wholly untrue and unwarranted. to the Court of a neutral,' were reported sunk in the nd ft lends of Rose and Recker, were callcd. Appeals, and also he had left her. Hrazilian minister J.ave been fruitless. "First. It la said that 1 offered to asked the Governor to German submarine campaign against rrested as witnesses, The grand jury i )ltiy llccker convicted the sec¬ permit former) "I suppose," he said, very The Villa agency issued a plead guilty to murder In tho second and slowly, merchantmen to-day. The total death to-night epan its investigation. ond time and sentenced to die dar- Justices Edgar M. Cullen Charlesj "that you want to ask me if have statement week degree. on the brink of 1 list, it is believed, will reach forty-one. denying the evacuation of Rose lay In prison twelve IUK of July tl. Standing tho Andrews to pass on the appeal for a seen Mrs. Becker. I have, and have Torreon. days with-' 25.Conviction grave, I ask you to name Thirty vessels are known to have been tit word from May upheld by solemnly the commutation or reprieve as specially told her that I cannot intervene." Becker, and, believing hlKher court and date of execution person to whom I offered to sunk by the Germans within the last lis chief had deserted him. confessed, plead appointed commissioners. Turning then to Mr. the set for week licKlnnliiK July 12. guilty to murder In tho second degree The executive, declined both Johnston, three days. BARS DIAMOND allon and Webber corroborated his Reprieve of two weeks Krnnled requests. Governor said: "You had better mako IMPORTS by of any crime whatever. When asked to a The latest victims were the Belgian tot j. He told of his lonp association Whltaian to allow new motions In j grant reprieve, that a statement now." "It would be too shocking to susprct b«» steamer Princess Maria Jose, tho Fin¬ IlrltlMh Itovnl I'rooliimnt ton Eti'IikIm vlth Meeker, of police corruption which cnsc. new evidence might submitted, tho Mr. Johnston then explained the that the Governor of this State could Governor said there wns nish steamers Urania and Leo, the CiiMPt Stont'M nit Precaution. ixisted as Rosenthal had charged, of July 20.Hcckcr issues 15,000 word none. legal points in the case which he had but (stoop to assail with unfounded was Swedish bark Fortuna, and the Grims¬ housands collected Recker for statement, (iovernor decline* to charges The conference here arranged raised, and the Governor told on what LONDON. July 29..A royal procla¬ by ikiIIcc commute sentence. a helpless man in tho very shadow of the by trawler Dovey. mation . roteetlon of his only after telephone wires between! ground h^ had refused to prohibits the importation into and, finally, Commis- July 2«.Justice Ford hears ar¬ death. I to assume that consider The heaviest loss of life occurred the prefer you Albany and Camp Whitman, where the; them just cause for his Unifed Kingdom of unset diamonds, ion by Becker to arranpe to have gument order to show cause why have been but I interfering In the Baltic, where tho Urania and oxcept under special license. 1 iosenthnl killed «|ii minted. demand. In the Governor had gone to review the New' with thh execution. by gunmen.a com- new trial should not be granted. name of Justice that you are sworn to Leo were sent down. Dispatches from This step has been taken presumably i nlssion he 27.New trial denied. York State militln, had beon kept As the Governor finished he on executed. July administer, that you state how the mis¬ busyj talking, Copenhagen state that the Urania's account of the. alleged sale recently July .10.llccker put to dentil. for several hours In an attempt to! moved over to a chair and »at of That night. July 20, 1012, District At- conception was for the down considerable quantities of German caused, state- locate him. on the arm limply. \ (Continued on Second Pagof) stones on the on English market. 1 (Continued Second PageT)