I|Mid-Summer Ii
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TfffiSPAY, JULY 30, "" THE SAN FRANCISCO CALK 1912. 3 GAMBLING TRAGEDY BARED BOURBONS MAKE WOMEN LEAVE MEXICO WILD WEST Rose Confesses Becker Ordered Slaying WOOL SCHEDULE MormonsandChildren Flee in Fear SHOW Jack BRONCHO-BUSTING AN OPEN ISSUE Rebels Destroy Mountain Colonies of Ameri- CONTEST wt van yaqve&os and cowbot cans and Menace Those Who Remain oxsxe in cotxntrt LIEUTENANT OF House Democrats Reject Senate Police Amendment and Excise Bill EL PASO, July 29.?Nearly «00 horses have ridden on the sidewalks of ROUND-UP OF OUTLAW American women and children, hungry our little settlements, and we have for Campaign Purposes and worn out with fatigue and fear, been compelled to take to the streets." HORSES POLICE FACES Lieutenant arrived here late today. They came City officials of EI Paso have housed on another special train of refugees the refugees in tents, and city and AT Tariff Being Paramount Issue of from the Mormon colonies in the Casas county physicians are attending the Charles Struggle, They Grandee district, 200 miles south of the sick. The women are used to camp MURDERCHARGE Presidential United States border at this point. life, but their anxiety at leaving be- Opening The train departed for more and hind their "men folks" occasions scenes Spar for expected pathos. SALINAS Becker still more are on another of "They made me leave > Rosenthal Killed to Head Of! train due to arrive here early to- them," said one woman, referring to [Special Dupakh to The Call] morrow. her husband and sons. JULY 29 to AUG. 4 Threatened Exposures of Graft charged WASHINGTON, July 29.?President That the exodus of Americans from The Mormon settlers hi Mexico are thorough Taft will not be required to veto the Mexico will be is evidenced the last to send their families out of Protection Money by already La Follette wool bill passed by the events today. There are the country. They have remained and REDUCED ROUND-TRIP with more than 800 refugees from the col- have succeeded in the varying changes senate last week if the democratic government RATES onies in this city. These refugees are of to keep on* good |erms [Specie/ Di'paich to The Call] leaders of the house stand firm in the with both federals and the many fac- from, the large small NEW YORK. July 29.?Lieutenant attitude decided upon today, as a result three and three tions of rebels. They have continued FEOH was duty first independent meeting of the colonies, each with an almost- entire to till their fields and harvest their \u25a0 Charles Becker on desk in of an American population?Dubian, with crops, and while their ways and losses have been the Bath Gate avenue police station majority members of the 1,200; Juarex, with 800; Diaz, with 750 great, they have succeeded until now \u25a0A3T F&AKCIBCO, OAXZJUn), tonight, but things were unusually degree means committee. ?and three minor mountain settle- in retaining their lands and homes. XOWTAXV VIEW, NEWABK quiet and Becker had gone from his members of the ways ments with from 250 to 300 population AJTD ALL STATIONS BETWEEN i The democratic each. Orozco Admits Disarmament desk to a typewriter which he was committee decided to reject and means WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST JUAREZ, Mex., July 29.?General polishing, amendment to the wool bill, Pascual Orozco, murder the senate figures commander in chief of ordinary According to conservative the rebels, LIVE STOCK EXHIBIT Leaning over the desk.blotter was and also the excise bill. Under given today admitted that he was by the Mormon church digni- Captain much nothing responsible for the order disarming Dennis J. Brennan, ab- circumstances there would be taries here, more than 3,650 in Mexico the Mormons FLYING AND for the 24 grave danger. and declares that the AUTO sorbed in the entries last in remarkable in this disagreement. The consider themselves in United States is to blame. rear room were step for the house to Only the women and children are be- RACES I hours. In the the next would be ing remaining, H\u03b2 takes the ground that he must for a conference at which the dif- moved, the men dis- have reserve police, some of them playing ask helpless. arms and ammunition in some ferences would be patched. armed and manner and that taking -y.iiockers, others dozing or smoking. Rosenthal The epitome of the situation was In those of men entered. Captain Brennan WILL APPEAL TO COUNTRY the Americans he is doing no harm, Two sounded today by Enrique E. Bowman for, he naively says, looked up and exclaimed: Majority Leader Underwood and S\u03b3.. a prominent merchant of Colonia if the revolution SOUTHERN should be crushed, as says, "Glad t<-» pep you. Reasseau. Glad Speaker Clark, however, have deter- Dubian and high church dignitary. He Madero to see you, Raynes." case for a conference with there is no need for Americans to be mined not to ask appeared before a meeting of El Paso armed in Mexico. ?' PACIFIC The new comers were detectives the senate, according to the Informa- business men in the local Chamber of the from the office of District Attorney leaked out. For Instead of plan aid If United States will recognize BAN FRANCISCO tion that Commerce building, called to his government, Flood Palace Hotel. Whitman. going over the ground that was cov- for the helpless ones who flood this he says, and permit Bide. Terry BMff. him to import cartridges and arms, Phone Kearny 3180 ?'Welcome to the Bronx." ered at the last session, they intend city. As Bowman began his talk, his Third and Towaaeod Sts. Phone Kearar ISC Becker laughed, hut the laugh where he will agree to protect all foreigners. Then to let the tariffissue remain Just voice broke and he wept. "We have H\u03b2 says he OAKLAND had not a hearty ring. Reasseau said it is at present and fight the matter endured inconveniences and indignities demonstrated his ability to Thtrteeath u>4 Broadway. Phone Oak. 182 something Becker. The latter arose do so until the United States shut off to through the approaching election. As and loss," he said, "and now the con- his supply to his feet, his face went white and he they put it, they intend to appeal to dition has become intolerable. We of ammunition. seemed to stagger. the country, not to the senate. could not fight?we had the women and Becker, his face bloodless, dark rings GANG LEADERS OFFER The general expectation has been children. lam going back to join my under his eyes and his fingers twitch- that after disagreement to the amend- two sons." ing- convulsively, stood motionless. ments of the house wool bill?the La DRUNKEN REBELS THREATEN Becker was still at the desk, but ! being re- EVIDENCE Follette bill the amendments begun seemed hardly to what TO STATE He told how the rebels have know he ferred to?the house would ask for the was doing. Before the desk stood the last session to drink heavily and to threaten usual conference. At the Americans, saying all who remained two detectives. this course was followed, and the sen- "I want to change my uniform for Continued from Pace 1 would be killed. ate conferees and the house conferees "For many weeks the rebels on their other clothes," said Becker finally. and Rose. They declared their charges claimed over the telephone to Becker. agreed on a compromise that was a PRISOAER CALLS FAREWELL would alive in the morning or the "My God, this is awfulV cross between the democratic bill and be- insurgent bill. While the change was being made dead. And Rose swore that Becker replied: the La Follete the two detectives stood at the door. detectives MEASURE VETOED on the of authority 'Oh, don't worry. I will protect HYBRID Becker appeared, hat in hand, and ready It can be said best was sent to go with the have story to you. I will come right down." This hybrid measure YANKEES' THIRST to district attorney's men. that Rose would told his And Becker did. President Taft, who promptly vetoed Checker playing stopped. Heads ap- grand jury long before, but that he was framed without refer- peared and eager policemen the When he got down town, according it because it at the door police And before ence to the republican principles of tried to learn the news. They could feared a high official. to Rose and Weber, he took the two the grand jury men aside and, walking them protection and without reference to the get nothing, for the door was closed Rose agreed to go into east in which then being: FOR WANES ,, Forty-second Investigation was BEER a bang. his story street, stood with them in wi.th room tonight and tell he ex- the Murray by the tariff board. "Physically fit ?the strong "Goodby, captain." said Becker, as shadow of the hillbaths and made a promise from the district attor- them, saying President Taft had more reason to h« wrung Captain Brennans hand. !acted reassured they had noth- [Special Diipatch to The Call] man who carries no excess ney that his wife and three children ing to fear; that he had sufficient in- veto the bill at this time because con- Captain Brennan then shook hands ! gress had the scientific information CHICAGO. July 2».?The federal dis- with two detectives, and the three fluence in the police department to the ?would be cared for. guarantee protection. supplied by the tariff board, and yet weight. The Vanadium- hurried from the police station.