FROM THE HEADTEACHER As we come to the end of our centenary year, I hope that you will get a flavour of the wide variety of activities that have taken place this term from the newsletter. A highlight was of course our school production of Hairspray which performed to four sell out audiences. My congratulations to all involved and grateful thanks to staff for making it happen.

To those of you have been coming to our musical events you will know that we have been raising funds for a new grand piano for the hall. I am glad to say that through the generosity of so many of you, we have reached our target of £10,000 and in the last assembly of term we unveiled our new piano, a fitting legacy of our centenary.

It was lovely to see so many parents and friends at our Carol Service, held again this year at St. Francis of Assisi Church. A selection of readings and musical items from our choirs and instrumental groups provided a memorable start to the Christmas season.

Founders’ Day was again an opportunity to celebrate and share in the successes of so many of our pupils in academic work and the wider life of the school. This year the prizes and certificates were awarded by the Mayor and Mayoress of and Jazz Morley, former pupil of the school who now is a successful singer-songwriter. We also saw the presentation of certificates by Mrs Jane Stichbury to the pupils who have completed the Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at school. Congratulations to all girls who participated in any way to make this such a memorable occasion.

It was lovely to welcome older friends of the school to our annual tea party and carols organised by members of the sixth form.

It was good to hear news that we appeared again in the Sunday Times Parentpower survey. We were


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NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 FROM THE HEADTEACHER CONTINUED.... top performing state school in and Hampshire, the 7th top performing state school in the southwest and ranked 68th in the country.

We have also just had the good news that our application to the government’s Selective Schools Expansion Fund was successful. We have agreed to increase our published admission number from 166 to 180 and also to work to increase the number of less advantaged families making application to our school. As a result we have been given grant funding of around £1 million to support building works to improve our Design and Technology and PE facilities. This is excellent news indeed!

At the start of next term we welcome back Ms Thomas as she returns from maternity leave. Our sincere thanks go to Mr Scammell and also to Mrs Darling, Miss Graves and Mrs Banks for their support this term.

Year 11 mock examinations start on our return in January. Girls have been issued with their exam timetables, and a separate letter explaining arrangements should have reached parents. Please go through these arrangements with your daughter and ensure that she has a sensible programme of revision in place. A reminder also to all year 11 pupils that confirmed A level choices should be handed in by 31st January once you know your mock examination results. If you know of any girls attending other schools who did not attend our open evening but might be interested in joining our sixth form we will be having an open morning for them when they can find out more about what we have to offer.

May I conclude by wishing all members of the BSG community and their families a Happy Christmas and a prosperous and successful New Year! Term starts on Monday 7th January 2019.

Alistair Brien


ith our centenary year drawing to a close it is a good time to reflect on the year past and progress made. It has been an W incredibly busy year, with various memorable events to remind us of the centenary and what life was like for BSG girls long ago. In the midst of a long hot summer the tea party provided an outstanding opportunity to meet many pupils from years gone by, to listen to fond recollections of school life, and see at first hand the great affection in which BSG is held. The Centenary Ball likewise provided another welcome occasion for those associated with the school, in the past and present, to support the school. The Governors’ Annual Report was approved at our full Governors’ meeting on the 5th December. It was pleasing to note the “clean“ report from independent auditors. The Annual Report detailed the outstanding academic achievements of the year (recognised as the top performing state school in Dorset and Hampshire) and also explained the role of the governing body and increasing emphasis on the governance of Academies. In this context I would wish to welcome the three recently elected parent governors: Dr Sarita Alner, Mr Dario Di Felice, and Mr Julian Robbins. Each bring exceptional skills to the governing body, which will be invaluable in support of the school. We all know that funding remains an area of significant challenge. It was exciting therefore to receive confirmation that BSG’s bid under the Selective Schools Expansion Fund has been successful. It will be incredibly rewarding to be able to deliver improvements to the school estate, and much enhanced facilities, over the coming months.


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 GOVERNOR NEWS CONTINUED... The aims of BSG remain the provision of a broad and balanced education within a stimulating environment, achieving the highest academic standards. These objectives were readily demonstrated by a presentation at our Governors’ meeting, given by year 9 pupils. Their theme was “what makes a good teacher?” They raised issues such as pressure to achieve, homework, the power and influence of enthusiastic teaching, and reward (“carrot”) as an incentive. These students impressed all with their insights, analysis and sense of future. We all felt absolutely inspired by the quality of their work. This is but one example we have encountered over the year which shows that the vision of “nurturing individual talents of all our pupils so that they are able to make a difference in the wider world” is an enduring reality. May I take this opportunity to extend deep appreciation to all staff at BSG for their dedication and tireless work. Heartfelt thanks are emphasised to all governors for their support and time spent on behalf of the school. Finally, may I wish you and your families a peaceful and enjoyable time together over Christmas.

Jane Stichbury Chair of Governors

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY OF FORTHCOMING PSA EVENTS PSA Second Hand Uniform Sale — 24th January 2019


School Uniform We want to get the new term off to a good start with school uniform. If your daughter needs a new skirt or jacket because her old one has become too small please pay a visit to Stevensons. We will be having a uniform check at the start of term. To avoid embarrassment please make sure that your daughter is in correct uniform that fits. A full list of uniform is in your daughter’s planner.

Keeping in Touch

Thank you to all of you who have signed up for our new In Touch and SIMS Parent App services. These are the ways in which we will routinely make contact with you. Over 200 parents still have not returned their forms giving consent to us sending you an email to sign up for these services. May I ask you to do so as a matter of urgency if you have not already done so.

Please check that we have your most up-to-date contact details should we need to get in touch in an emergency. Where parents are no longer together do we know what the latest access/custody arrangements are? We can only go on the last written evidence that we have.

If you would like to keep up-to-date with the latest news from BSG then why not follow us on Twitter? Our Twitter name is @BSGupdate. We will also use this medium as an additional way of getting urgent messages out to the school community.


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

Snow time?

As the winter months approach I thought it might be helpful to remind parents of the arrangements we have in place should it be necessary to close the school.

Closing a school of this size is never an easy or straightforward decision and given the difficulty we know this causes you, the parents, I thought you would welcome some background to the decision making process. The decision to close a school is taken by the headteacher, following a risk assessment that is based on a number of factors. This decision has to be taken without knowing how the weather will progress during the day. Issues considered include site safety, the likely level of staffing, the availability of catering and also if bus services are running. Before any decision is taken, the headteacher of Bournemouth School, Dr Lewis and I liaise and seek advice from senior colleagues, the site staff and the bus companies.

Although some staff, pupils and parents are able to move safely to and from school, no matter how severe the conditions, we listen carefully to the police and the bus service providers. We do not wish to pressurise any pupil, parent or member of staff into making a journey that they believe to be unsafe. We also consider the level of adult supervision that is likely to be available at school. Should there be a predicted high level of staff absence, it would be very hard to guarantee a worthwhile day for those pupils who do manage to struggle in. If at all possible the school will remain open when there is snow. If there is a snowfall overnight we always endeavour to have made a decision by 7am.

We will let you know of our decision in the following ways:

 An email message will be sent to all parents who have signed up for In Touch communications

 A message will be posted on the school’s website and Twitter @BSGupdate

 Radio messages will be broadcast on Heart FM, Radio Solent, Fire FM and Wave 105 (their web- sites will also list the school as being closed);

If in doubt, please wait for confirmation before setting off for school.

If the weather deteriorates during the school day, we make the decision as soon as possible.

If it is necessary, in the interests of pupil welfare, to close a school because of extreme weather conditions, you would be notified as follows:

 An email message will be sent to all parents who have signed up for In Touch communications

 A message will be posted on the school’s website and Twitter

 Pupils will be able to contact you directly using their mobile phones if they have one.

Should we need to close the school during normal school hours, girls who already have parental permission to leave the school site in such circumstances will do so after having registered with their tutor. The remaining pupils will stay with their tutor until contact with home has been made.

If the school should have to close, we will seek wherever possible to post meaningful work on the VLE which pupils can access from home.


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 MATHS UKMT Senior Team Challenge—3rd December 2018 Four girls from years 11 and 12 recently took part in the UKMT Senior Team Challenge at . Activities promote mathematical dexterity, teamwork and communication skills. They also give pupils the opportunity to compete against pupils from other schools in their region. A total of 22 teams entered this year and our team came a very respectable 8th.

Lucyna from 11F writes "The UKMT Senior Mathematics Challenge was a very enjoyable experience from start to finish. It allowed me to both learn new mathematical ideas and put ones I already knew into practice in unconventional ways during the preparation sessions, the afternoon itself getting the team to really bond together stronger than before."

Laura Jenkins Head of Mathematics


UKMT Senior Maths Challenge

ell done to the 18 girls from year 12 and Erin Bruce from year 9 who took part in this year’s UKMT Senior Maths Challenge run by the School of Mathematics at Leeds University. This W is a national competition with over 80,000 pupils from across the UK returning scripts (10% receiving Gold certificate, 20% Silver and 30% Bronze). Well done to Erin Bruce who won Best in School and a Silver award, together with the other six girls who were awarded silver certificates and ten who were awarded bronze certificates.

Laura Jenkins Head of Mathematics


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 MATHS Year 12 Maths (Problem-solving) To build on our knowledge of mathematical skills and techniques, several students in year 12 are currently undertaking a short course in maths problem-solving. The 3-hour sessions, run by the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme in Poole , were led by an experienced and knowledgeable tutor, who provided us with very challenging, but thought-provoking problems that encompass all corners of mathematics. Although many of the questions were very tough as they were from past STEP papers (a competitive entrance exam for maths-rich subjects at University), we always had something to take away from it each time, making every session very worthwhile.

By Ruby Zhang, Elene Odisharia and Milly Campbell ENGLISH RSC actor Patrick O’Kane, visits BSG

n Monday 26th November, the English department were fortunate enough to be visited by RSC actor Patrick O’Kane who had played Macbeth in 2007 at the Swan theatre in O Stratford. Mr O’Kane spoke to year 11 students for an hour, sharing his experiences of playing Macbeth and focusing on the decisions that an actor makes when approaching a text. The lecture concentrated on two key scenes: one where Macbeth is fraught with anxiety as he decides whether to commit the murder of his king and the other scene was directly after the murder as he contemplates the magnitude of his crime. The students were then able to ask questions and left the lecture stating that they now felt enlightened! It was both a very interesting and a useful time. Thanks to Mr O’Kane for giving up his time and sharing his experience and insight with us. Susan Driscoll English Department.


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 ENGLISH A Level National Theatre Live screenings

he English department organised two trips this autumn to view National Theatre Live productions. The first was to see “King Lear” at the Tivoli theatre in Wimborne. Ian McKellan’s T performance was entrancing and all were astonished by the physicality of his performance and the passion of his delivery. We also watched Ralph Fiennes and Sophie Okonedo in a gripping and moving portrayal of “Antony and Cleopatra” at the Lighthouse theatre. There was certainly not a dry eye in the house at the end of this epic performance. Susan Driscoll English Department.

DEBATING Sixth Form Debating

t’s been a busy term for sixth form debating, with friendly debates against Bournemouth School, the Mace debating competition against schools from across Dorset, and culminating in Jessica I Boyd, Nia Ninikuri and Kirsten Tilley winning the Bournemouth School inter-house competition.

On Monday, 3rdDecember we - Nia, Kirsten and Jess, all in Year 12 - took part in the BS sixth form inter-house debating competition, arguing against Scott house that the expressive arts should be a compulsory part of the school curriculum. It was a thought-provoking experience with a very positive result that we were all delighted to hear. We all genuinely feel that the experience was highly rewarding and cannot wait for our next opportunity to be involved in the spirit of debating once more!

Nia started off the debate outlining the vital skills, such as compassion, empathy, and confidence we gain through the arts. She sparked a highly interesting discussion between our team and the opposing team setting our side off on a clear, strong start.

Being the second speaker, it was Jess’ task to address the points that the opposing side made and form arguments against them on the spot. The rest of her speech addressed the crucial need for the arts in our society today, such as the need for the arts within our jobs, and the importance of making the creative industry within reach and accessible to all children.

Kirsten’s job as the final speaker was to summarise our arguments, and to further establish the flaws in the opposing side’s points, for which she did an excellent job. Although Scott did come up with some interesting points, she was able to successfully explain to the floor and the judge why our side, the proposition, deserved to win.

Not only did we win this specific debate, and the popular vote, but we won the whole competition! Moreover, Jess was announced as the second-best speaker out of 18 very strong debaters. We all feel extremely proud to have been a part of such an enthralling event. The benefits of public speaking are clear, and we would encourage anyone thinking of becoming involved to do so – you won’t regret it!

By Jess Boyd, Nia Ninikuri and Kirsten Tilley


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 DEBATING Year 8 Public Speaking Competition

very year girls in year 8 take part in the Public Speaking Competition in their English lessons. They present speeches on subjects of their own choice and two students are selected E from each form to compete in the final. Talking to an audience of over 160 of one's peers and a panel of judges is no mean feat and the girls never fail to impress with the quality of their presentations.

This year the final was held on 11th December and the standard was exceptional. Every speech was well researched, convincing and persuasive. The topics ranged from perceptions of beauty to the problem of homelessness to university tuition fees, footballers’ wages and robots.

The judges had a difficult task in deciding a winner and eventually awarded first place to Poppy-Grace Bott in 8F. Teresa Mathew of 8C came second and Maya Range of 8S was third. Shelley House won overall with Franklin and Parks in second and third places respectively.

Six of the finalists have now been invited to take part in the Rotary Youth Speaks competition.

The future of public speaking at BSG looks as though it will continue to thrive.

Congratulations to all involved.

Rachel Burdett Head of English


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


n Wednesday 17th October, BSG took ten year 9 pupils to a cyber security day at J.P Morgan. The O day consisted of various talks from different individuals working in cyber security. To kick off the day, a JP Morgan employee talked to us about cyber security within the company. She told us about the millions of threats from all around the world every day and the precautions put in place to keep the company and data safe. Next, we had a talk about the history of computing. It was eye opening to see the rapid rate of technological advances in the last century and the stage at which computing is at now. It made us realise that if the technological industry can achieve so much in such a short space of time, then what can we expect in the very near future? After a lunch break and time to replenish, there was a talk from a GCHQ representative who worked at the National Cyber Security Centre. He talked to us about the huge opportunities for women within this field of work. It was staggering to hear that only 12% of the IT and cyber work force in the UK is comprised of women, when in fact the first ever programmer, Ada Lovelace was a woman! Then, a representative from the South West Police Cyber Security section gave us an interactive talk about his work, which personally I found particularly interesting. It was shocking to see the extent to which some people go to cause havoc on the internet and some of his personal anecdotes were fascinating. After the presentations, we had the opportunity to personally talk to each speaker and ask any questions we had. It was interesting to find out about the different lines of work for women in the field of cyber security and with having to choose my options in the New Year, it definitely made me rethink my choices and has given me a lot more insight into the world of cyber security.

Kitty Oldfield 9F

Register now for the CyberFirst Girls Competition 2019! See Mr Peddle in A11 to register teams of up to 4 people (Year 8 only).


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 GEOGRAPHY Dorset Geographical Association Sixth Form Conference

number of Year 12 and 13 A Level Geography students attended the Dorset A Geographical Association Sixth Form Conference at on Thursday 29 November. There they enjoyed two excellent lectures:‘Can adaptation and mitigation reduce the risks of climate change?’, by David Redfern, and ‘Sustainable Cities’, by Stewart Barr, Professor of Geography at Exeter University. Sue Stowe Head of Geography

FOOD AND NUTRITION Yes Chef cooking competition

ince October several girls from years 9 and 10 have been getting ready for the Yes Chef cooking competition. On Wednesday 28th November we had four judges come to BSG for S the in-school heat to decide who will be going through to the next round. The brief set by the judges was to cook a seasonal soup or broth and then either a sponge with custard or autumnal fruit dessert. All ten girls did absolutely amazingly well, and the judges took through four pupils instead of three! Huge congratulations to Sophie 10A, Jeanette 10F, Mia 10R and Scarlett 7C who have made it through to the next round in February at Bournemouth and Poole College.

Sophia Payne, Design and Technology Department


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 HISTORY Visit from Henry Schachter, Holocaust Survivor, Talk to year 9, 20th November

hen we were first told about the talk, there was no doubt that we were excited to learn about this massive event in history from someone who was actually there (which W normally you can’t do with history) and we can definitely say that it lived up to our expectations.

We thought that it was really interesting, the way Henry talked about the past of his family and how they came to be in Germany, and how he talked about their experiences before and after the rise of Hitler, giving a full story. It was really shocking about how bad the journeys were when he was just a baby, and the fact they had to live in an attic really hit home as we obviously know about the story of Anne Frank but this is someone here, alive, telling you about the awful conditions they’d had to live in, It was also very clever how Henry continued the story of his parents as well as his own story after the separation and you could see how emotional it was for him, talking about the death of his parents in death camps in 1945.

We think some of the most moving parts were definitely the last goodbye to his mother; when he was around five and his mother came to visit him after having to give him up for his own safety, and he didn't hug her for a silly reason and he never saw her again (this made us want to go home and hug our mums), and another moving moment was actually seeing the pictures of the treatment of the Jews on the screen. It makes you actually realise the terror they must have felt, not to mention having their status as a human with rights stripped (literally) away from them, and how tragic an event it really was.

In conclusion, we very much enjoyed the experience, and it was great to learn from a primary source and also focus on a particular family and how it affected the family as a whole as it felt more personal as well as interesting.

Natalie Parnell and Eden Taylor 9.4


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 HISTORY Year 12 and 13 Trip to the Houses of Parliament

n Monday, 5th of November, Year 12 & 13 politics students, including myself, had the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament in Westminster. With an early 7:15am start, we O merged with the rush hour traffic to join the throng of commuters into the heart of central London. The bustle of parliamentary life was immediately evident, and it was clear that on this auspicious occasion, (being the anniversary of the day Guy Fawkes attempted the infamous Gunpowder Plot) that parliamentary spirits were high, and after a stressful (and quite desperate) fifteen minute search for the nearest toilet, and the obligatory security checks, the real fun began.

Our tour guides began giving us an insight into how the home of British democracy is run, taking us through a number of rooms including one adorned with paintings of previous British monarchs, and another specifically made for the Queen to prepare for her annual speech to open Parliament! It was heartening to see the eager faces of primary school children around us also visiting, and I think it was visible that our own faces displayed the same interest.

We reached the House of Lords, which displayed wonderful ornate qualities; including the Sovereign’s throne, elaborately gilded with intricate detail, and the whole room embellished with gold which gave a tremendously regal feel to the chamber. This was completely different to the House of Commons, which in comparison seemed simple and plain, however suitable for its purpose as the elected chamber. In both houses, we were unsurprisingly not allowed to sit down on the seats - so perhaps we will have to wait until we are either elected MPs, or appointed Baronesses before we have this privilege!

After a short sighting of John Bercow, the Speaker of the House of Commons, we engaged ourselves in our own form of parliamentary debate, led by another fantastic guide. We were able to decide our own motion to discuss, and thus chose to argue whether the sale of single-use plastic should be banned. I really felt the essence of parliamentary discussion here, and all throughout the day, my eyes were opened to what turned out to be a brilliant and worth-while trip on the whole. It is safe to say we all left the Houses of Parliament wearing the “Future Voter” badges given to us with pride.

Jess Boyd 12.1


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 HISTORY Visit from the Right Honourable Tobias Ellwood MP to Year 12 and 13 Politics—9th November

omewhat ironically, Year 12 and 13 politics classes made a visit to the S Houses of Parliament on the 5th of November; where we enjoyed an extremely educational and interesting day – except that Tobias Ellwood was unable to meet us as arranged. However, he certainly made up for it by coming to the school the following Friday.

For those of you who are not aware, Tobias Ellwood is the MP for Bournemouth East, is a member of the Conservative party, and currently serves as the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Defence, People, and Veterans. As an MP, his role is to represent the people of Bournemouth East, and make sure their voices are heard in Parliament.

One of the most recent examples of this is his decision to vote against the construction of wind farms in Bournemouth, although many Bournemouth residents disputed this verdict. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to print any interesting Ellwood quotes due to his session with us being strictly off the record, however I can discuss the topics he answered questions about. From Brexit to university fees, to nuclear disarmament, Ellwood certainly seemed willing to respond to questions on a variety of subjects – however, perhaps due to his being a politician, he did seem to enjoy avoiding the subject on multiple occasions. What I can write about is his opinion on being an MP for Bournemouth East. As expected, he sometimes finds it difficult treading the line between constituency representation and party allegiance, but does enjoy his job and hopes he does his job of representing his constituency well.

As an MP, he often faces disapproval, however his name found headlines in March last year when he risked his life in an attempt to save PC Keith Palmer in the midst of the terror attack at Westminster Bridge. He mentions the experience being one of drama and vulnerability, so despite various political views, we all hold a deep respect for the MP for Bournemouth East.

Emily Tennant 12.6


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 HISTORY Year 12 and 13 History Trip to the Tower of London, 5th November 2018

n the 5th November, A Level history students had the brilliant opportunity to visit the notorious O Tower of London, a castle complex which was once a prison and is currently the resting place of many historical artefacts, including the crown jewels of many kings and queens. As a history student myself, I found the visit incredibly fascinating. The place, of course, was guarded, especially around the artefact areas. We were allowed to see much more than I had originally thought, coming close enough to view every little jewel on Victoria’s crown or the ceremonial sword of George I. We found the rooms of the Tower particularly interesting as were able to see original carvings in the walls left by prisoners of the past, such as Robert Dudley, preserving their last thoughts. Overall, the experience gave me the chance to bring together my understanding of the course as a whole, as well as the knowledge of the rich and insightful past of the Tower. I would definitely recommend visiting the Tower of London. Sadia Uddin 12.6

Year 9 Legacy 100 End of World War One Project The legacy of 1918: the role of women Making a film about the legacy of 1918 felt extremely important, especially it was now one hundred years since the armistice, the opening of our school and women getting the vote. One theme ran through all though: women. We decided to make a film looking at the contributions of women throughout the war and how it led to them getting the vote. We filmed in the nearby village of Throop and made Lily Boyington, Sophie Ring and Tejal Harihar to walk in the shoes of factory workers, the Women’s Land Army and a Suffragette. We did this by making them dress up and act, whilst Lucy Chen and I narrated and Naomi Ottevanger filmed. Needless to say, we did get a few odd looks! However, it was still really fun to do as we had been studying the role of women in our history lessons, so we were able to talk about all the things we had learnt in a new and exciting way. All of us really enjoyed making this film and if you would like to see it follow the link below.

Lilly Cattini Collins 9R


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]



Autumn Concert – 15th November 2018 All of BSG’s various choral and instrumental ensembles took part in an evening’s entertainment which included everything from Vaughan Williams to Chuck Berry! An audience of over 300 enjoyed the concert, which was raising money for the new school hall piano.

BSMA Carol Festival– 20th November 2018 On Tuesday 20th November, BSG’s Festival and Chamber Choirs took part, along with Glenmoor and Winton Schools and Bourne , as well as various Primary Schools, in this year’s BSMA Carol Festival at the Pavilion Theatre in Bournemouth, directed by former BSG student and now eminent choral director Linn Marsh. Congratulations to all!


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 PERFORMING ARTS —28th November to 1st December 2018

A cast of over 100 students from BSG and BS, a top-class student band, students backstage, front of house and technical helpers and, finally, many staff all combined to put on a wonderful four night sell -out production of Hairspray. “ incredible and energetic production of Hairspray” “memorable and impressive”

“absolutely amazing production” “What an amazing evening!”

“a really professional and dynamic show” “…a spectacular show!!”

“A wonderful evening of A* entertainment!” “absolutely fantastic show”

…and finally It is very exciting to report that we ordered a new grand piano for the school hall. The existing Bluthner piano dates from the 1930s and was really showing its age. Thanks to a very generous ‘starter’ donation from Lisa Lewis, our ex-piano teacher who retired from BSG last academic year, we were then able to raise funds through the course of this term, receiving many additional generous donations. We took delivery of the new piano before the end of term. Richard Burdett Director of Music and Performing Arts


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 PERFORMING ARTS BSG Carol Concert – 13th December 2018 St Francis’ Church

All of BSG’s choral ensembles, as well as the Sinfonia orchestra and Brass Ensemble took part in our annual ‘Festival of Christmas Words and Music’. A very full church enjoyed a wide range of music including a joint-choir performance of ‘For Unto Us a Child is Born’ from Messiah as well as ‘We Three Kings’, ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ and much more!

Richard Burdett Director of Music and Performing Arts


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


On Tuesday 13th November, six experts in technology, strategy and digital transformation from digital design company RedWeb joined forces with Bournemouth School for Girls for Digital Day. An annual event organised by the tech sector, Digital Day sees some of the UK’s leading digital experts head into schools around the country to inspire future talent and raise awareness of digital careers.

Research has found that only 41.5% of students have any knowledge of the potential for a career in the digital industry. After taking part in Digital Day, that response increased to 97.7%, of which, 72.6% said they’d be looking into learning digital skills after participating in Digital Day.

With that in mind, staff set about inspiring and encouraging over 40 year 10 Graphics students throughout the day, focusing on three challenges set by Vodafone, BBC and the Football Association (FA). A winning team will be chosen for each challenge in January, with a prize of £500 for the school and a workshop with one of the Challenge Partners.

Forming into ten groups, each group of girls could pick one of the following challenges:

 A big idea to promote the new digital-only series Earthlings for BBC Studios  An innovative idea to increase young girls’ engagement with football and boost viewership of the Lioness’ upcoming FIFA World Cup games for the FA  A VR or AR solution to change how we shop on the high street for Vodafone.

This year’s challenges provided a great springboard to get the students creating and devising their most innovative and exciting ideas yet. RedWeb’s specialists not only helped the students develop their work, but also informally engaged with them about the opportunities and pathways into digital.

James Winrow, Deputy Head of Design & Technology at Bournemouth School for Girls says: “Digital Day has become a really enjoyable fixture in the Bournemouth School for Girls’ calendar, one which our students really enjoy and take a lot from.”


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


Dawn Sherring, Contract Manager at Redweb says:

“I thoroughly enjoyed organising Digital Day alongside James, with the support from BIMA. We felt the day was a great success, with all the students getting involved, enjoying the challenges, learning about the digital industry and discussing opportunities available to them.”

All of the students had very innovative ideas and we wish them the best of luck for the winner announcement in January!

James Winrow Design & Technology, Deputy Head of Department © BOURNEMOUTH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS

CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


he annual Careers Convention was held here on 18th October. The event is rotated between Bournemouth School For Girls, Bournemouth School and . The evening T was extremely busy with students and parents in years 9-13 attending. There were over 50 employers and careers represented from a wide range of sectors, with talks taking place from professionals. The feedback has extremely positive from both employers and students giving them an excellent insight into a wide range of careers and opportunities open to them for their future. Next year’s event will be held at Talbot Heath School.

Nicola Ruby Careers Advisor

AMNESTY NEWS This half-term, the Amnesty group has been working on creating cards for prisoners of conscience and writing messages of support in the cards they have made. These will be posted before the end of the year.

We have also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and have created a new display on our noticeboard based on this ground-breaking document. Thanks go to Izzy and Jessie in year 13 for creating such a powerful piece of imagery.

We wish you a happy and peaceful holiday. Dr Ellsmore


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 ART AND DESIGN Year 7 Centenary Collage Project

arlier this year all year 7 pupils (now year 8) produced a mixed media collage to celebrate the school’s 100th birthday. They selected photographs of pupils past and present going right back E to the early days of the school in the 1920s, sections of interesting collage materials containing text such as maps of the area and school timetables and also images of objects that summed up life at school for them in 2018. Using the work of mixed media artists including Valery Koshlyakov and Lucy Jones for inspiration the girls cut, tore, arranged, layered and coloured their compositions before we brought them all together as a large collaborative piece on the back wall of the dining hall where it is still available to view.


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 ART AND DESIGN CONTINUED... Year 10 Visit to the National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery, London—30th October

n Tuesday 30th October, year 10 GCSE students enjoyed a stimulating visit to The National and National Portrait Galleries in London, where they were able to see at first hand diverse O works by artists such as Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Holbein, Van Dyke, Freud and Vermeer, as well as more contemporary portraits of celebrities. We had very informative and entertaining talks on some of the paintings at the National Gallery, which really helped us to consider what a portrait is, or could be, as well as understand the symbolism in these famous art works.

All the girls worked very hard and made some excellent drawings of paintings which they were able to see at very close quarters, and will use this research to help develop their ideas for their first GCSE coursework unit. We were very pleased with their mature response to the tasks set at the gallery, and with the standard of work they achieved; they were a credit to the school.

Tudor portraits

Contemporary portraits A mirror image?


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


Face to face………………………… the National Portrait Gallery

A talk on portraits at the National Gallery


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 ART AND DESIGN CONTINUED... Year 12 drawing visits to Mudeford Quay and St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery, Lymington — November and December

n preparation for their coursework unit, “A sense of place: Coast”, year 12 made two visits this term. The first was to Mudeford Quay and Avon beach, where the main aim was to make drawings of I different aspects of the coast, from close-up details of lobster pots to whole views of Christchurch harbour and Hengistbury Head. Despite a biting wind, the girls achieved an excellent range of drawings and photos to stimulate ideas for their personal projects.

Drawing lobster pots at Mudeford Quay……..and Christchurch Harbour

Beachcombing for objects to draw, Avon Beach Um….the sea’s behind you girls!


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 ART AND DESIGN CONTINUED... Year 12 drawing visits to Mudeford Quay and St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery, Lymington — November and December

he second visit was to the “Coast” exhibition at the St. Barbe Museum and Art Gallery in Lymington, where the girls were able to study artists’ responses to the Coast at first hand. T There was work from a variety of contemporary artists whose diverse subject matter and techniques were truly inspirational. (This exhibition finishes on 13 January 2019, if you were interested in seeing it). We came away feeling energised and ready to start exploring ideas for our own projects.

Year 12 studying a range of work by artists Angie Lewin and Michael Porter

And finally we wish our year 11 students all the very best for the Christmas break, and their preparation for the mock exams!

Judith Gear Head of Department

FORTHCOMING SCHOOL EVENTS: For all of our forthcoming events for the Spring Term, including parents’ evenings, events and trips, please visit our website:


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 COMPUTER SCIENCE A Level Computer Science Visit to the National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park

arly in December a group of year 12 and year 13 Computer Science students visited The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park near Milton Keynes. Bletchley Park was the E secret code-breaking centre where the first computer Colossus was invented in World War Two:

Figure 1- rebuilt Colossus computer “It was really interesting to see the complicated mechanisms that were used to encrypt ciphers with the Enigma machine and the Lorenz cipher machine.“

“I found the trip very interesting, especially when we saw the Lorenzo Cipher Machine which had more possible combinations of ciphers than there are atoms in the world. I was also fascinated at how British engineers designed and made incredibly complex decryption machines that were used to save thousands of lives during WW2.

I was inspired by the WRNS (Women’s Royal Navy Service) working tirelessly with the Bombes to help decipher German messages for British Intelligence. I hope to return one day to look at Colossus in more depth.”

Other exhibits traced the development of computing with three constant trends – faster, smaller, more affordable.

Students had hands-on experience with punch tape, hard-disks over a metre in diameter and a car phone bigger and heavier than a brick.

Steve Gerry, Computer Science Department Snake game running with 1980s 8 colour display


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]

NEWSLETTER: DECEMBER 2018 COMPUTER SCIENCE A Level Computer Science Visit to the National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park — continued

tudents programmed Snake games using an early BASIC language on 1980s BBC computers, rapidly getting to grips with a much simpler and therefore less forgiving interface. S Students also worked on a modern program based on the Turing Test, where the program tries to answer questions to fool us into thinking that it might be human. Alan Turing, who worked at Bletchley Park devised the test as a way to discuss Artificial Intelligence.

One student said, “It was cool to program on the old computers and see how they worked as well as to experience a VR headset recreating the Colossus in action. I would have loved to have spent more time there as the history of the machines it is really interesting.”

Capturing the past – 1980s game captured with smartphone Steve Gerry Computer Science Department


usten House continues its established association with James Burns House, with volunteers visiting every week on A either Monday or Tuesday. This week Austen Choir, ably led by Rhianydd Davies, visited to sing Christmas songs and carols. Here they are with some of the residents, who made their pleasure at the singing clear, and Katie, who is in charge!

Caroline Owen Head of House


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


Sixth Form News December 2018

his has been a busy term for year 13 students, many of whom have been completing applications for UCAS – to date, well over 100 have been sent off. In the last week several T students have had interviews for places at Oxford or Cambridge University, and we wish everybody good luck with these, but also know they have been well prepared with practice interviews conducted by Governors. We also have a large cohort of students (16) applying to medical school, and almost every one of them has already been notified of an interview opportunity. We have prepared for these by asking doctors to interview them, and by putting on “multi-mini” practice sessions. These last three weeks have also seen final presentations by year 13 students on topics as diverse as a new male contraceptive, redesigning the school gym sustainably, and whether damage done to the Great Barrier Reef can be reversed. For year 12, the second half of term has been hard work with both the volume and depth of work increasing; but the recent progress check and parents’ evening showed that most students have adapted well to a more independent style of learning, and have “stepped up” to the standard of work required to be successful at A level. They have also embarked on Duke of Edinburgh or Lions Club awards, become passionate members of Amnesty International, PolSoc or Debating Society (to name just a few) and thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the amazing Hairspray production. Mrs Holman, Head of Sixth Form

ome students have just completed a term of weekly court observations at Bournemouth S Crown Court, and I am pleased to attach some of their reflections. “My experience at the law court was extremely eye-opening, but was actually not what I expected. At first I was surprised that the public were actually allowed to observe the trials going on as I thought they would have been completely confidential as well as the fact that any observers may be off-putting. However, it was a great chance to get some different work experience.” (Lucy) “Upon entering the court building..I was amazed at how the accused person was sitting in the same waiting area as both the members of the public and the barristers working on the case. I guessed they would be in a separate area in case there was a “backlash” from members of the public, or just to give them some “down time” before their trial without being surrounded by people who were going to observe them and the outcome of their trial.” (Lola-Rae) “…another thing that struck me, was how varied the cases were and how versatile lawyers have to be and the amount of research they must undertake. For example, during a case about a car accident, both sides were thoroughly analysing the angles, forces and technical measurements of each car and the exact speeds they were travelling at. It was fascinating to see how much information could be extracted from a single diagram.” (Anna) “I was never nervous to attend any of the hearings at the Crown Court, however, I would say I was shocked by the level of personal details shared in the descriptions during particular cases. I understand that this is a necessity in order to achieve a clear verdict on the defendant and sentence, but I can’t say I anticipated the graphic descriptions…it was more surprising than anything else, just knowing that the victims had actually experienced such things, and hearing about it in such a professional and formal environment.” (Victoria)


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


he football season has started well for Bournemouth School for Girls with entry into a variety of competitions, National league, County Cup and for the first time a 5-a-side indoor tournament. T The favourable weather has been advantageous in allowing matches to go ahead. We have had a good number of students attending after school training.

U13 ESFA National League — Round 1

The U13 squad entered the National League for the first year facing opposition from local school Glenmoor. The structure of the national league is based on local fixtures and if the team is successful they progress through to play teams nationally. This was the first time the team had played as a unit and saw some encouraging performances. However, Glenmoor proved to be the stronger team winning 5-3, progressing to the next round.

Back row - Left to right- Sofia Ipate 8S, Olivia Jones 8S, Sophia Whelan 8F, Eve Bailey 8P, Martha Sharp 8A, Seren Hince 8R

Front row – left to right- CAPTAIN Yasmin Wall 8F, Kiera Strutt-Drury 8F, Ellie Carmichael 8C,

U14 Dorset County Cup The Dorset County Cup draw was published in September and saw nine teams split into two groups, with the top two teams progressing to the finals. With the favourable weather BSG were able to play all fixtures by the end of the autumn term. In group 2, BSG faced opposition from Highcliffe, Glenmoor, St Peters and Ringwood. We await the group results to see if the team have progressed through to the finals. Congratulations to all squad members for some of whom this was their first experience of playing a competitive match.


BSG v Highcliffe Highcliffe won 5-2

BSG v St Peters St Peters won 3-2

BSG v Glenmoor BSG won 5-1

BSG v Ringwood BSG won 4-0


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


U14 Dorset County Cup continued...

Back row left to right- Yasmin Wall 8F, Kiera Strutt Drury 8F, Maya Clowes 9C, Eve Hartley (GK) 8P, Sophia Whelan (GK) 8F, Olivia Jones 8S, Charlotte Hannibal 9P, Sophie Dawson 9S.

Front row left to right –

Emily Sadoui 8A, Ava Crowhurst 9A, Daisy-Mae Johnson 9A, Martha Sharp 8A, CAPTAIN Saskia Wetton 9C, Sofia Ipate 8S, Seren Hince 8R and Ellie Carmichael 8C.

Squad members not in the photo:

Isobel Ball 9S

ESFA National U16 Girls’ Competition After a successful 2017/2018 season BSG reached the last 8 in the national league. In 2018/2019 the process starts again. The opening game in Round 1 was away to Leaf Studio, and proved to be an exciting and thrilling opener with BSG winning 5-3. Round 2 was at home to Mountbatten School from Winchester. Having won previously, formation and tactics stayed the same with BSG securing a 6-0 win and progressing to Round 3. School visited BSG for an extremely wet and windy game but were unable to unseat the home team with BSG securing a win 11-0 and progressing to Round 4. Lucy Ansell (Captain) 11S Hermione Cull 10A Ella Tekeli 10R Zoe Johnson 11S Emilie Castagna 10F Kayleigh Rees 10P Bethany Whiting 11S Alexandria Avoth 10F Sophie Wilding 10P Isabella Reeves 11R Jodie Exley 10R Hannah Saunders 10C Leah Rogers 11R

Southampton Ladies’ Football Academy Congratulations to Emilie Castagna 10F who has been selected to play for Southampton Ladies’ Academy, where she will join her fellow BSG team member Hermione Cull 10A. Southampton Ladies’ Academy is a Regional Training Centre and we wish both students success for the forthcoming season.

England U15 Ladies’ Football Congratulations to Hermione Cull 10A who was invited to attend an U15 training camp at Warwick University on the weekend of the 26th-28th October. She has previously attended various training camps and was one of three goal keepers selected. This training camp was specifically to select a squad to represent England in 2019. Squad selection will be announced towards the end of the year, so we wish Hermione all the very best for the future.

Dorset Schools U15 Football Squad Congratulation to Jodie Exley 10R who has been selected to represent Dorset Schools in the U15 squad, we wish her and the team much success for this forthcoming season. © BOURNEMOUTH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS

CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


St Peter’s 5-a-side Indoor Tournament St Peter’s hosted two indoor 5-a-side tournaments for both year 7 students and year 8/9 students, for the very first time. This was a good opportunity for students to gain experience in playing a very different style of football. This was the first time for many of the year 7 squad playing competitively and indoors. All students were very excited and really immersed themselves in the tournament. Captained by Ellie Beckett 7P Bournemouth School For Girls achieved two draws against Glenmoor and St Peter’s in their pool, going through to play it out for 3rd/4th place, which they lost to Arnewood School. It was a fantastic experience and enjoyable afternoon.

Year 7 squad left to right: Back row—Aiofe Griffiths 7S, Eloise Wall 7S GK, Camryn Palmer 7F.

Front row— Imogen Camp 7C, Alisha Ahmed 7C, Grace Rawlinson 7A and Captain Ellie Beckett 7P.

The year 8 & 9 competition saw teams split into two pools with winners from each pool going through to the final. BSG captained by Saskia Wetton 9C drew their first match with St Peter’s 2, but after a fantastic free kick by Yasmin Wall 8F they won the second match against St Peters 3. In the finals BSG played a nail biting end to end game against St Peter’s 1 resulting in a 0-0 draw. The final went to penalties (10 in total) with neither team conceding thanks to the brilliant goal keeping. But unfortunately St Peter’s managed to convert and won the tournament. Congratulations to all students who participated.

Year 8 & 9 team left to right:

Yasmin Wall 8F, Maya Clowes 9C, Khadijah Ameliyah 9P (GK), Captain Saskia Wetton 9C and Amber Stranix 9P.


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


Dorset Schools’ Table Tennis Competition

SG entered teams in the Dorset Schools’ Table Tennis Competition held at Budmouth College, Weymouth. The competition is organised so that each team has four players and matches B consist of eight games. The U16 team age group had three entries with Bournemouth School for Girls being placed 2nd. The U13 group had two entries, so it was a clear match between Bournemouth School For Girls and Budmouth College. The games were extremely close with Bournemouth School for Girls taking second place. Well done to all students who participated.

U16 Team – Left to right:

Kayleigh Rees 10P, Katie Holt 11C, Leah Rogers 11R and Lucy Hill 11P

U13 Team – Left to right

Alisha Ahmed 7S, Isabella Golder 8A, Isabella Watson 8S and Shayla Macey 8A.


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


his term has seen many new faces participating in the lunchtime netball clubs which has been really fantastic! The increasing number of new players, particularly in year 9, has really T improved the quality of their performances on the court. Everyone is welcome to come to the lunchtime clubs, even if you have not been before. The emphasis is on fun games mixed with a little competitive spirit. The Bournemouth Schools’ Netball League began in September with all BSG squads performing very well and most games won, some by very large margins, particularly by the year 7 team! There is currently a break in the league fixtures as the hours of daylight become shorter. The league resumes in late February through to the climax of the season just before Easter.

U19, U16 and U14 County Finals Our U19, U16 and U14 netball squads have already enjoyed much success this season. All squads successfully qualified from the Bournemouth Schools Area tournament through to the County Finals. The U19 County Finals are always highly competitive and this year’s tournament at School proved no different. BSG had four matches in the group round and unfortunately we did not get off to a good start, losing our first match to Sherborne Girls. However, following this game the squad rose to the occasion and won their next two matches against Blandford School and Thomas Hardye. During these matches the squad really showed great team spirit and excellent play throughout the court, attacking with pace and flair. The next match against proved highly challenging and despite our team playing some of their best netball of the day, Canford finished victorious. This outcome prevented any further progression and sadly we did not qualify for the semi-finals. However the team must be congratulated for all their hard work, fantastic team spirit and being such great ambassadors for BSG. In torrential rain on Wednesday 21st November BSG entered two sixth form Netball Teams to compete in the Challenge Cup and defend last year’s title. To say it rained was an understatement. The rain was relentless but then again so was the determination, skill and resilience of BSG’s teams. Each team played matches against Bournemouth School, Twynham, Gillingham, Bournemouth University, Gryphon, Poole High and Blandford. BSG’s 2 team reached the semi-finals, which they won, and then played Twynham in the Final. The final score was 5-5 but due to poor weather the decision was based on goal difference which BSG won! BSG 2 team won three of their matches and narrowly lost two resulting in them finishing in fifth place. Huge congratulations to both teams not just for such an outstanding level of netball but for the exceptional team spirit and camaraderie. In those, you were definitely second to none!


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


U19, U16 and U14 County Finals continued...

The U16 County Finals were held at Budmouth College in Weymouth and BSG were in an initial group section with Bryanston, Woodroffe, Glenmoor, Budmouth and Parkstone Grammar. We got off to a strong start with an impressive 19-3 win against Budmouth. Following this we faced the challenge of Parkstone Grammar, and despite the game being very evenly matched in the end Parkstone won the match 11-8. After this closely contested match BSG really stepped up their level of play and won their remaining group matches against Bryanston, Woodroffe and Glenmoor. We then faced Canford School in the semi-finals and they took an early lead against us, which we then challenged and created some good attacking play of our own. Despite all our efforts, really disappointingly we lost this game, and therefore in our final match we were challenging for 3rd and 4th placings. It was time to challenge Parkstone Grammar again, who also lost their semi-final. This time BSG dominated the play and took an early lead. With the game remaining closely contested throughout BSG held their nerve and won the match 11-8. A fantastic result having lost against Parkstone earlier in the group stage. Finishing the County Finals in 3rd place was a superb effort and the whole squad should be very proud of their performance!

Teams BSG1 BSG2 Lola-Rae Quin Olivia Dark Anabel Bound Isobel Brearley Emily Moss Kitty Mallorie Anna Collins Ophelia Lieng Evangeline Ashton Stephanie Batchellier Alice Nevin Libby Watton Harriet Leaton Yolanda Littleboy Clarisse Holden Holly Snellgrove Phoebe Lowe

This season our U14 Squad have really progressed and the squad has been strengthened by some additional players, which is always great to see. The U14 County Finals were held at Canford School starting with a very challenging match against Sherborne Girls, which finished at a highly intense moment with the score at 8 – 8. Following this, we then faced another extremely tough match against Parkstone Grammar which was a very even contest, however, disappointingly, we lost the game 10 -8. We then had two impressive wins against Colfox and Thomas Hardye. This meant that we needed to win our final match against Clayesmore to have a chance of qualifying for the semi- finals. Again, it was another very exciting match with both teams demonstrating their high skill level and working at full capacity to regain possession of the ball. Sadly for BSG, Clayesmore gained a lead which was difficult to counter and the game finished 15-7 to Clayesmore. It was truly a thrilling tournament with many twists and turns along the way. A huge congratulations to the U14 squad who played with great skill and passion throughout the tournament. Excellent performances by all players and very well done to those new players who joined the squad this year!!


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


U19, U16 and U14 County Finals continued...

The U14 Netball Squad for the County Finals: Olivia Wilford, Indya Wills, Victoria Jacobs, Molly Miller, Molly Lowe, Kitty Oldfield, Erin Bruce, Ava Crowhurst, Anya Lamparelli and Rosie Siviter.


Dorset Schools’ Tumbling Competition

n Sunday 18th November BSG took part in the Dorset Schools’ Tumbling competition at Rossmore Leisure Centre. We entered two teams, a junior team consisting of year 7& 8 O girls and a senior team consisting of Year 9, 10 and 11 girls. The competition was of a high standard this year and our teams were challenged to produce their best. Both teams executed their tumbles with control and speed and reached the finals. The final was very close with each team performing clean, well-executed dynamic tumbles. BSG’s junior team secured the bronze medal with 33.1 points, 0.2 behind the silver medal, and the senior team won gold and the prestigious Harry Sharpe Trophy awarded to the highest scoring team of the day. Huge congratulations to both teams for such a fabulous result.


Senior Team Junior Team

Kirsten Shek—Captain Annabel Edem—Captain

Tess Donnelly Millie Shek

Lily Rayner Aimee Young Charlotte Hannibal Ella Boyce Esme Lewis Sophie Cousins


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]



PEDSSA Cross Country Race

n Thursday 6th December our keen cross country runners took part in the last PEDSSA cross country race at . Thankfully there were only minor wind blasts and O light rain, the usual typical cross country weather! For the year 7 team this was their first experience at competing in cross country and their performance certainly stands them in good stead for the Dorset Schools’ cross country event in January, all of them finishing in the top 40. BSG’s year 8 & 9 team achieved very creditable results with 4 /5 girls finishing in the top 20. A special mention to Martha Preece who finished 2nd and is only in Year 8! Finally, Holly Webster was our only competitor in Year 10, due to illness of the rest of the team, and whilst she was running, the heavens opened. She too should be proud of her achievement finishing 4th! Well done to all the girls. I look forward to seeing them race again in the New Year. Teams Year 7 Team Place Year 8 & 9 Team Place Yeasr 10 Place

Gaby Fisher-Wyatt 21 Martha Preece 2 Holly Webster 4

Elena Clarke 33 Lara Roderick 8

Megan Bullen 36 Annabel Vines 12

Martha Sharp 17 Ruby O’Driscoll 33 PE Department © BOURNEMOUTH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS

CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]



Headteacher: Mr A Brien School telephone number: 01202 526289 Deputy Headteacher: Mr D Sims School fax number: 01202 548923 Deputy Headteacher: Ms A Collins School e-mail address: [email protected] Deputy Headteacher: Mrs M Braye School Website:

Head of Sixth Form Mrs L Holman — [email protected]

Head of Austen House Mrs C Owen - [email protected]

Head of Curie House Miss L Cooper - [email protected]

Head of Franklin House: Mrs S Mantle - [email protected]

Head of Parks House Mrs M Vincent - [email protected]

Head of Rossetti House Mrs S Turner - [email protected]

Head of Shelley House Mrs S Davies - [email protected]


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]


CASTLE GATE CLOSE. CASTLE LANE WEST. BOURNEMOUTH. BH89UJ. | t: 01202 526289 | e.: [email protected]