Publisher: India Mission Coordination Committee Issue 29, Nov 26th, 2020


By Rev. Dr. Wati Longchar, Associate Missionary for Theological Education in East Asia, American Baptist International Ministries

The Covid-19 pandemic has left many vulnerable people in the lurch. It has intensified untold miseries to migrant workers, daily wage earners, domestic workers (especially women), elderly, disabled, the destitute, and students. Many poor are starving to death due to an unjust economic system. Racial attack, religious fundamentalism and casteism/tribalism is on the rise. The world is also experiencing an unprecedented climate catastrophe. All these contribute to fear, anxiety, and uncertainty among the people. Instead of nurturing with words of love, compassion and care, people are threatened by misinterpreting the Bible. Prosperity theology is dominating the pulpit and Christian fundamentalism is on the rise. We tend to focus more on the wrath of God, rather than on the love of God. It is said that Covid-19 will stay with us. How do we respond to the post-pandemic? How do we address the humanitarian crisis? What kind of long-term strategies are required to help the marginalized communities? What is the role of church leaders in times of pandemic? All these questions relate to justice concerns. We need to think of Christian witness beyond charitable work and narrow evangelism. It requires long-term planning and engagement. Enhancing the leadership capacity of the church leaders to help vulnerable communities is the need of the hour.

The Covid-19 pandemic also challenges us to rethink the one-sided urban development, urban consciousness, and educational system. All the development works are concentrated in urban areas. Rural areas are neglected in many countries; one will notice that even basic amenities such as medical dispensaries, power, and water supplies are not provided. There is no proper road connection and people have to walk miles in developing countries. There is a strong notion that investment in rural areas is a waste of resources. The development planners advocate for smart cities and see it as the only paradigm of civilization; moving to and settling in the urban cities should be the prime objective in one’s life; the rural area is projected as uncivilized and primitive. Due to the negligence of rural places no one is interested to work and live there. Migration from rural to urban is seen as liberation. Consequently, numerous metro cities in Asia are over-populated and the majority of the population survive by selling their labour, many of them living and working like slaves. The urban cities will stay with us, but this trend of development is unhealthy. The Covid-19 crisis challenges us to rethink population redistribution and rethink the development paradigm.

Our education system, including theological education, promotes elitist urban consciousness. Curriculums are also designed and controlled by the urban elites to gather the need for urban dwellers. Graduates do not want to work in rural places. Even worse, those who cannot get an opportunity to work in an urban setting or acquire white-collar jobs are looked down upon as incapable, or unable to compete with other colleagues. This elitist paradigm of education is a serious mistake in human civilization. Many pandemics, including Covid-19, are spreading due to overcrowding and unhygienic living conditions in urban locations.


Reflecting on the Asian scenario of theological education, Kwok Pui-lan rightly said that “In theological education, a large part of the curriculum has been the study of the lives and thoughts of white, male, Euro-American theologians, to the exclusion of many other voices. More importantly, the theologies done by these people are considered normative, which set the standards and parameters of what `theology’ should be.” This is our reality in theological education (also in general education). Today we are confronted with many challenges. While emphasizing academic excellence, theological education is detached from the real-life experiences of the people and does not provide much scope for community transformation.

Theological education in Asia is controlled by the western trained theologians and the driving force is the western paradigm. “Curriculums are prepared mostly by a few middle-class theologians trained in the West and living in the metro cities.” It produces unemployable graduates in rural places. But graduates who cannot get placement in the urban context are looked down upon as incapable. The present pattern of theological education brings a sharp division between the urban and rural, between the rich and poor, between the privileged and underprivileged people. Rural is seen as a place of punishment.

Theological education gives more emphasis on cognitive development and “clerical paradigm”, especially to serve the Christian community, but not skill-oriented education for community transformation of Christian as well as the larger society. We measure the credibility of our education by western affiliation/accreditation policies. The more serious issue is: Upholding that the western university system is normative, while the other forms of education are relegated as primitive and not important for academic pursuit.

It is in this context of those flaws in theological education that we need to search for an alternative. Theological education must be an agent of transformation, especially for marginalized people who are struggling for life due to injustices. A transformative curriculum is critical and we need to develop courses on Colonization and the Decolonizing Process; Social Analysis; Bible and Social Transformation; Community Bible Study Tools; Theology of Life, Land and Water; Jesus Movement and Marginalized People’s Liberation; Theology of Community Spiritual Formation; Christian Mission and Agri-production for Community Development; Christian Education for Community Transformation; The Bible and Christian Leadership in Multi-faith Context; Theology of Transformative Diakonia and Christian Spirituality; Christian Ethics, Dignity of Labour and Entrepreneurship; Market Capitalism, Commercial Tourism, Objectification of Nature and Indigenous People; Management of Care Centres and Support Mobilization; Management of Land Resources and Community Development; Peace Initiative for a Just Society and Integrated Living; Indigenous Spirituality and Eco-theology; Migration and Human Rights; Christian Social Work for Community Development, etc. These are just a few examples.

We need to take a bold step to change the existing curricula. A paradigm shift from a theology-philosophy approach to a theology-social analysis-community development approach in theological studies will enhance the leadership capacity of graduates to serve not only in the church as pastor, but also create opportunities to work in diverse community development works. In this way, Christianity will become a force for the nation’s building on all social fronts, not only the exclusive Christian community. It will also provide opportunities for our graduates to impact the entire community through diverse community development, not only as priests. This reversal is possible only when theological education is located in the context of the margins. It is here that theological education should take a courageous stand and endeavour to make a difference among the people.


Rev. Sukamal Mohapatra and Ms. Soma Chakraborty


a) So far 4,49,131 are affected by novel Coronavirus in West Bengal and 4,15,609 people have recovered, nearing 7,950 died due to Coronavirus in West Bengal. After the last festive season there is a hike in active cases in West Bengal. Everyday about 3000 people are diagnosed with Coronavirus and the percentage of fatality is rising steadily these days.


b) The church service inside the building is possible maintaining the social distancing protocols but the believers are still panicked. Churches are not yet opened in the cities and they still continue with online services. c) The biggest challenge now for the believers of rural churches is managing livelihood. d) According to the reports, Schools will remain closed till the first week of December and the government will then determine and issue the detailed guidelines for reopening of schools in West Bengal. e) The children who do not have the electronic devices are suffering due to online classes. f) The farmers are preparing to harvest their crops.


a) Odisha's Covid-19 tally rose to 3,13,323 while 3,03,897 people have recovered so far, and total 1,625 people have deceased. Now the numbers of positive cases have slowed down but there is a growth in the fatality cases. b) The believers of Ho Churches and Gudikhania Baptist church under BCCEI are going through very tough time in managing their livelihood and even it is very difficult to manage two square meals daily. Some believers of the Ho Churches are going 20 kilometres away for work and many youths from Ho churches have left their home and gone to other states for their livelihood. c) According to the reports one believer of Jharanaghati Baptist Church under BCCEI has tested Corona positive and he is under treatment at the Balasore Corona hospital. d) The state government has authorized the local authorities to permit public worship in religious places for worship with appropriate restrictions, but still the church service in the church building has not yet started.


a) Total 2,29,969 people are so far affected in Bihar by novel Coronavirus Covid-19 and 2,23,153 have recovered. Nearing 1,215 patients have died due to coronavirus in Bihar. 5,603 patients are still in hospital and recovering. The recovery percentage in Bihar is very high. b) The Schools and other educational institutions in Bihar will be remain closed till further order. c) Reported by the Persecution Relief that a Pastor who runs a house church in Jamui district of Bihar was threatened by a local Hindu Priest not to conduct any worship in the locality, later complained against the Pastor in the local police station. The pastor was further warned by the Police to not to be seen in the village.


a) Total 2,19,404 people are so far affected in Chhattisgarh by novel coronavirus Covid-19. 1,96,896 have recovered. Nearing, 2,695 patients died due to coronavirus in Chhattisgarh. 19,817 patients are still in hospital and recovering. b) The Chhattisgarh government said, the schools in the state will continue to remain closed till further orders in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.


a) The State’s total positive cases rose to 1,06,491 and 931 patients have succumbed to this virus. The State now has 2,669 active COVID-19 cases, while 1,02,891 people have recovered from the disease so far. b) All the churches under BCCEI are having regular worship services maintaining the social distance norms but the believers are having difficulties in managing their livelihoods. c) After getting no work in their area, few youth of Dhalbhumgarh have gone to Bangalore for their livelihood. d) Religious gatherings in Jharkhand are allowed with maximum 50 people but in the cities the churches are yet to reopen. e) The Jharkhand State Assembly last week passed the resolution mentioning, “Tribal are not Hindus” and demanded separate code for their religious identities as followers of ‘Sarna’ religion. The Tribal


or ‘Adivasis’ according to 2011 census account to 9.2% population in the country with an approximate number of about 150 million. If accepted this will reduce the number of Hindu populations in the upcoming census of 2021.


1. Pray for our youth and children that they may spend their time in personal devotion during this time of crisis. 2. Pray for the healing of those who are affected and under treatment. 3. Since in many places the church services have not started, pray for the spiritual life and growth of the believers. 4. Pray for grieving families who have lost their loved ones to the Coronavirus. Even as their hearts are breaking, pray they would experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit. 5. Pray for all the pastors and their families that God may provide all their needs and protect them from Corona virus. 6. Pray for the protection of all the believers and their family members. 7. Pray for all the believers that they would rise up to pray and to support the affected ones. 8. Pray that Central and State Government officials may start some employment schemes so that people will get job opportunities. Because the unemployment is the major and main issue in the country.


Reports compiled by Monison Teron, .


Due to increasing number of Covid-19 related deaths in , the state government has prohibited the burning of garbage in West Garo Hills district. The district magistrate of West Garo Hills banned the burning of garbage including dry leaves under section 144 Cr PC and Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Solid Management Rules, 2016 as it can further cause the severity of the respiratory disease. A 16-year-old girl of Mawrusyiar village in West Khasi Hills district was sexually assaulted by a man who was later arrested by the police. Police said that the 25-year-old accused molested the minor when she was on her way to school in the morning. Locals later caught the accused and handed him over to the police after receiving information from the victim’s family. ASSAM:

Former Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi (86) died at Gauhati Medical College Hospital due to post Covid-19 complications at 5:34 PM on November 23.

Assam Covid-19 Dashboard Details Figures C Confirmed 210068 A Active 4389 R Recovered 204718 D Deceased 958 M Migrated 03


(Mr. Jaywant Raj, Youth Secretary, ABC)

The 53rd Annual General (Business) Meeting of Assam Baptist Convention was held on November 19, 2020. The meeting was hosted at its headquarter at Golaghat, Assam from 9:00 AM onwards.


Total Associations participated: 6 Total delegates: 70 (Approximately)


A recent antibody survey conducted in the State reported that 34% of the population (i.e. about one third) of the population have already developed the antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 in the state. The sero (serology) survey was conducted in the state from 15th to 17th October, 2020 in 30 selected clusters in eight districts of the state to assess the status of development of antibodies amongst the people against the novel corona virus infection. In the survey, altogether 4,800 blood samples were collected from eight districts. These samples were tested in the Microbiology Department of the Agartala Government Medical College. As per the survey report, the district wise positions of the survey are: North District – 22.09%, Unokuti District – 37.06%, Dhalai District – 25.53%, Khowai District – 39.53%, West Tripura District – 41.76%, Sepahijala District – 41.40%, Gomati District – 40.50% and in South Tripura District – 19.50%. North Tripura District and South Tripura District have been advised to test at least 10 people who came in contact with the Covid-19 positive patients considering the lower rate of antibody development amongst the population in both the districts, sources said. It is said that with development of 34% antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in the population, the state has not attained the ‘Herd Immunity’ or also known as ‘Population Immunity’ against the Covid-19. It is also said that the ‘Herd Immunity’ or ‘Population Immunity’ is achieved when it attains development of 50% to 90% antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, in the population.

Meanwhile, as per the report dated 22/11/2020 of the Health & Family Welfare Department, the total positive cases detected in the state is 32,431 while 31,246 reported recovered with total death toll of 366. The positivity rate is 6.32% with recovery rate of 96.34% while the fatality rate remained at 1.12%.

A shocking, horrifying violent clash took place between public and police personnel in the North Tripura District on 21st November, 2020 which led to death of two persons. One civilian died of bullet injury from police firing and a fireman, a staff of the Directorate of Fire & Emergency Services, Govt. of Tripura, was brutally beaten to death by frenzied mob, sources said.

This violent incident took place owing to a road blockade called by so called ‘Joint Movement Committee’ comprising of namely “Nagarik Suraksha Mancha” and “Jampui Mizo Convention” of Kanchanpur Sub- Division of North Tripura District on the National Highway at Panisagar in North Tripura District on 21st November, 2020. This road blockade by the ‘Joint Movement Committee’ was in protest against the Tripura Government’s decision for providing re-settlement of about 10,000 displaced Bru- families from State in the government land of Kanchanpur Sub-Division under North Tripura District in accordance to the Re-settlement Agreement signed between the Central Govt., Mizoram Govt., Tripura Govt. and displaced Bru-. The indefinite strike called by the ‘Joint Movement Committee’ in Kanchanpur Sub-Division area has been going on from last week. Situation is tense in North Tripura District though police authorities claimed that it is under control, media reports.

In the midst of pandemic due to Covid-19, yet another shocking heinous crime of gang rape took place on two young tribal girls of Tripura on the night of 14th November, 2020 at Nilambazar of Karimganj District of Assam, media reports. The victims are from Shanicherra area of Churaibari Police Station, North Tripura District of Tripura. The victims were returning back by a hired Indica car to their home from Silchar after visiting their ailing mother, a cancer patient undergoing treatment at Silchar Medical College & Hospital. The driver of the Indica car drove the victims to another road, took them to a under construction building and raped them there with his five other accomplices. It is reported that out of the six accused, three are from North District of the State of Tripura and other three are from Karimganj District of Assam State. All six, accused in the rape case, have been apprehended by the Assam police, as reported in the media.

The Sadar North Baptist Association (SNBA) of Tripura Baptist Christian Union (TBCU) has conducted ordination and induction programme at Bhuban Chantai Baptist Church on 22nd November, 2020. Five Provisional Pastors (PP) have been ordained to full time pastor and four Evangelists have been inducted as Provisional Pastor (PP). Additionally, seven Deacons, on completion of deaconship, have been awarded ‘Life Deacon Certificate’ as recognition to their selfless services for the church and the society. The Ordination of Pastors, Induction of Evangelists as Provisional Pastor (PP) and awarding of ‘Life Deacon


Certificate’ were done by Rev Dr. C.K. Debbarma, General Secretary, TBCU and the programme was conducted by Rev Ranjit Debbarma, Executive Secretary, SNBA, sources of SNBA said.


1. Pray for peace and tranquillity among the people of Tripura in view of the violent incident that took place in the North District of Tripura.

2. Pray for leaders of TBCU and its Associations that God may lead and guide them in shouldering their responsibilities for His kingdom. 3. Pray that God may give strength to the believers to witness His Gospel even in the midst of this difficult time. 4. God may control the spread of Covid-19 and heal the infected persons.


(Through IBH Correspondent) a) A conglomeration of Mizoram’s civil societies called NGOs Coordination Committee have demanded early fulfillment of the Bru Agreement of January 16, 2020. On January 16, 2020, a meeting between the central government and the state governments of Mizoram and Tripura, which was also attended by representatives of Bru community, agreed that the Bru refugees who refused to return to Mizoram despite several attempts to repatriate them, would be resettled in Tripura. “The NGOs Coordination Committee demanded the central government and the state governments of Mizoram and Tripura to take speedy actions in fulfilling the agreement,” a statement of the committee said. Meanwhile, the plans to resettle the Bru migrants in North Tripura bordering Mizoram are facing a fierce protest by the local people.

As the protests took an ugly turn, a fire service personnel succumbed to severe injuries received in the clash between police and anti-Bru resettlement protesters at Panisagar sub-division in North District of Tripura on Saturday (i.e. 21st November), taking the death toll to two. As many as 23 persons including 15 police and security personnel were injured in the clash. Two security personnel including Biswajit Debbarma were referred to Govind Ballabh Pant hospital in Agartala on Saturday in critical condition. Biswajit later succumbed to the head injury suffered in the clash, said a police official on Saturday.

Two local organizations namely Nagarik Suraksha Mancha and Mizo Convention, under the banner of Joint Movement Committee, started an indefinite strike at Kanchanpur in North district against permanent resettlement of Bru migrants on November 16. They want Bru migrants to be settled in all the eight districts of the state and not be concentrated in Kanchanpur sub division. The movement later spread to different parts including Panisagar, Pecharthal and Kailashahar in Unakoti district. They blocked National Highway-8 at Panisagar on Saturday where the protesters turned violent and tried to snatch weapons from the security personnel. The police had to resort to lathi charge, and then open fire to bring the situation under control, said police. A 46 year old protester Srikanta Das who is a carpenter, died in the firing.

Over 32,000 Bru migrants have been staying at six relief camps located at Kanchanpur and Panisgar sub divisions in North District for over two decades after they came here from Mizoram’s Mamit, Kolasib and Lunglei districts in 1997, escaping an ethnic clash. After these years, in January, the Centre signed an agreement with the governments of Tripura, Mizoram and the Bru migrants for their permanent settlement in Tripura. The Centre also announced a Rs 600 crore package for their resettlement.

The state government has ordered a magisterial inquiry into the violent clash, to be done by North District Magistrate Nagesh Kumar and the report would be submitted within one month. The government also announced Rs. 5 lakhs as compensation for the dead carpenter’s family. The clashes at the Tripura-Mizoram border have lasted for over a month now and the agitation continues to take an ugly turn every time authorities try to contain the situation.


b) Thirteen new infections of novel coronavirus today took Mizoram’s COVID-19 cases to 3,660. Mizoram now has 463 active cases, while 3,192 people have recovered from the disease and five patients, all from Aizawl district, have succumbed to the infection. The recovery rate among the coronavirus patients in the north eastern state now stands at 86.57 per cent, the official said. The state has tested 1,40,073 samples for COVID-19 so far, the official added.


(Jennifer Tesong Monsang, )

Covid-19 Statistics: Manipur reported 270 new Covid-19 positive cases in the last 24 hours at JNIMS, RIMS, Shija Hopital, and respective District Hospitals of the state. The total number of cases is nearing 23,018 including 17,259 recoveries, 2,972 active cases and 233 deaths in the state. The Manipur Chief Minister Shri N. Biren Singh was tested positive for Covid-19 on 16th November; his health is stable and he is in home isolation. A low intensity IED blast occurred near Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal main entrance gate injuring two people who came for health check up. On 19th November, 10 Sector Somsai Batallion, Ukhrul in association with Ukhrul town Biker Groups held a biker rally across Ukhrul to spread awareness on Covid-19 appropriate behavior under the banner “Spread Compassion not Covid-19”.

Ministry Despite the situation in Manipur, the Manipur Baptist Convention successfully held its Council Meeting and Annual General Assembly On 19th and 20th November. A farewell party was also held after the AGM for the outgoing MBC Cabinets namely; Rev. Alani Shongsir, Ex-Mission Secretary, Rev. Boipu Serto, Ex- Youth Secretary, Ms. Lhingboi Kipgen, Ex-Women Secretary, and Rev. Onisima Ex-Finance Secretary. On 18th November, MBC lost a great soul, Rev. Bonny Kilong, the Executive Secretary of Chongthu Baptist Churches Association left for his heavenly abode due to underlying health condition at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences.

Some of the Ministries under Lamkang Naga Baptist Association (LNBA): The LNBA from the beginning of the pandemic exteneds their ministry especially to the migrant workers and students returning from other parts of India. They personally went to the quarantine centers and prayed for them and encouraged them by raising funds for those in quarantine centers. They also spread awareness to the churches not to stigmatize but to accept them when they returned home. Some of the churches’ women fellowships also helped in cooking for the district headquarters quarantine centers and served the frontline workers such as police personnel on duty by providing them meals.


Nagaland Green Christmas: Nagaland is all set to celebrate an environment-friendly Christmas this year through the “Nagaland for Green Christmas” campaign. The campaign, an initiative of the state planning and coordination department’s Sustainable Development Goals Coordination Centre (SDGCC), was launched on Monday. The key objective of this campaign is to align the Christmas festival celebrations with the dissemination of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals and mobilize all people to celebrate a sustainable and green Christmas, said a report.


Celebration and Sorrow With great joy, the Ordination of Mrs. Onenlemla Ao was celebrated on November 8th at the Molungyimsen Baptist Church by the Ao Baptist Arogo Mundang (ABAM). Rev. Onenlemla Ao serves with her husband, Rev. B. Lanutemjen, as Associate Missionaries with the ABC-USA International Ministries in partnership with ABAM and the Baptist Convention of Banjara Churches among the Banjara population in Telangana. Sadly, just days following the ordination Rev. Onenlemla’s aged father passed into eternity. Gratefully the family was in Nagaland and able to be with other family members through these difficult days of farewell and loss. Kindly uphold Rev. Onenlemla, her husband Rev. Lanutemjen and their family in prayer. They will be returning to the mission field in Telangana after a brief time in Nagaland


By Adv. Loreign Ovung

Delhi’s Covid-19 situation continues to increase and remain critical. The nation’s capital has been witnessing a spurt in coronavirus cases since October 28, when the number of cases in a day breached the 5,000-mark for the first time and recorded the highest single-day spike of 8,593 cases on November 11.

As part of measures taken to control the rising number of cases, the Delhi Government has increased the fine for spitting and consumption of tobacco in public places, violation of COVID-19 quarantine rules, not wearing of masks and not maintaining social distancing from Rs.500/- to Rs.2000/-. The Government has also directed district officials to visit Covid-19 patients under home isolation to ensure that they follow isolation rules as well as stricter monitoring of contact tracing and effective isolation till the test results come out.

Another interim measure taken by the Delhi government is reverting to allowing a maximum of 50 people at weddings instead of 200 permitted under the earlier unlock guidelines.


1. Pray for the stability of the Covid-19 status in Delhi. 2. Pray for the health care professionals who are discharging their duties to keep everyone else safe. 3. Pray that the vaccines which have been developed will be effective and soon reach people across the world. 4. Pray for wisdom for the Government in dealing with the pandemic. 5. Pray for patience among the people so that they continue to follow various measures imposed for the benefit of all. 6. Pray that people will find ways to open their hearts to reach out to the community and help them. 7. Pray that the Churches will continue to spread messages of hope, encouragement and strength to their congregations in this time of uncertainty.


By D. Robert Surya Prakash, Hyderabad


ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 181 1 4,631 61 ANDHRA PRADESH 19,246 147 8,62,213 6,938 KARNATAKA 28,899 285 8,73,046 11,654 KERALA 76,586 357 5,62,696 2,050 PUDUCHERRY 904 9 36,648 609 TAMIL NADU 26,173 236 7,69,995 11,605 TELANGANA 13,195 53 2,63,526 1,430 TOTAL 1,65,184 1,088 33,72485 34,347


After a brief drop in COVID positives cases in our country, the latest headlines in the national newspapers, scream of Night curfew, closing of schools and the scare of second wave of Corona cases. India has crossed 91.25 lakhs case load and 1.34 lakhs deaths. Karnataka remains in the second spot on the table.

ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Union Territory: a) The Union Territory has reported 181 fresh COVID cases and 1 death during the fortnight. All efforts are being taken by the administration to protect the vulnerable tribes, yet the increase of fresh cases is a worry in Andaman & Nicobar. b) On 14/11/20 an earthquake of magnitude 4.9 was reported near Campbell Bay in Andaman and Nicobar island, according to Indian National Centre for Seismology. The epicentre of the earthquake was 255 km south east of Campbell Bay. The earthquake struck at 12.03 AM IST at a depth of 10 km from surface. c) The Church has a greater role in this U T as more than 21% are Christians, and need our sustained prayers. Continue to uphold and Pastor Saytha, for his dedicated services to the people here.

ANDHRA PRADESH: a) The State is bracing up for cyclone Nivar. Parts of south coastal A P and parts of Rayalaseema districts are on high alert as cyclone NIVAR has been brewing over the Bay of Bengal from Sunday according to weather reports. b) Andhra Pradesh has reported 19,246 fresh COVID-19 cases during the fortnight and 147 deaths. With this the total surge in positive cases has gone up to 8,62,213 and 6,938 deaths. c) Education Minister A. Suresh on Saturday said classes would commence for the students of Class 8 from November 23 (Monday). In a statement on Saturday, the Minister said parents were willing to send their children to school, and this was reflected in the increasing number of children attending their daily classes. The students of classes 9 and 10 have been attending schools since November 2. The Minister said that sessions for students of classes 8 and 9 would be conducted on alternate days while those of class 10 would attend school every day. Steps were also being taken to open classroom teaching for the students of classes 6 and 7 from December 14, the Minister said. A decision on classes for primary school children (classes 1 to 5) would be taken after assessing the situation and the response of the stakeholders after December 14, he added. In view of winter, the schools would function from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., he said. They were at present functioning from 9 a.m. to 1.45 p.m. The changed timings would come into effect from Monday (November 23), he added.


Kakkunje village celebrates Mala Adiga’s entry into Biden team.

Mala Adiga’s appointment as the policy director of Jill Biden, the US First Lady in waiting and wife of President-elect Joe Biden, has brought cheer to Kakkunje village in Kundapur taluk. Mala is from the family of K Suryanarayana Adiga, founder of the erstwhile undivided Dakshina Kannada district’s premier private sector Karnataka Bank Ltd. Dr Ramesh Adiga, 84, father of Mala, who graduated from Bangalore Medical College, had migrated to the US when he was 24. Dr Jaya Adiga, Mala’s mother, also a doctor, predeceased Dr Ramesh last year. Eldest daughter of Dr Ramesh, her twin brothers Shekar and Sridhar are working as engineer and lawyer in California and Chicago, respectively. Her husband is Charles Biro, and the couple has 15-year old daughter Asha.

With 8,73,046 positive cases and 11,654 total deaths Karnataka stands second in the table of most affected state in our country. Last fortnight there has been 28,899 fresh cases and 285 new deaths. A second wave likely to hit the date if people do not take proper care.

Pray for the senior Baptist pastors and leaders affected by the COVID and recuperating in hospitals and home quarantine.

1) Pray for the churches and the ministries that have opened up for worship post Unlock 5.0 2) Pray for the Doctors and Medical Professionals who are providing COVID care.



Kerala, which was once the benchmark for effective COVID-19 management, recorded the second highest number of active COVID-19 cases in India in November.

During the Fortnight Kerala reported 76,586 fresh positive cases and 357 deaths. Total cases surged to 5,62,696 while the death rate is 2,050. The state administration was blamed for not taking proper measures during the recent Onam festival.

As a Baptist Community let’s us sincerely pray for the bereaved families and also for children who may be going through such crises.

1) Pray for the expats and the migrants. 2) Pray for the Pastors and the Baptist Churches in Kerala.

PUDUCHERRY Union Territory:

During the past fortnight 904 fresh cases were recorded in the Union Territory and 9 fresh deaths. There are 36,693 COVID cases till date and 609 have succumbed to the pandemic. All the four districts have reported positive cases with highest being from Puducherry Dist. 11.1% is the active ratio and 87.2% being the recovery ratio. The fatality ratio is 1.7% in the Union Territory of Puducherry.

The Union Territory is kept on high alert to face the Cyclone NIVAR that may hit by 25/11/20.

1) Pray for the Doctors and the paramedics in the U T 2) Pray for the Pastors, Evangelists and the independent Baptist missionaries serving in this U T. 3) Pray for the effective control of the pandemic in the U T


With a total case load of 7.70 lakh Tamil Nadu stands fourth in the most affected states in our country. As many as 26,173 fresh COVID-19 cases were recorded in the last fortnight and 236 people succumbed to the virus during the week.

CHENNAI: The low-pressure area over Bay of Bengal has become well marked and is likely to concentrate into a depression and intensify into a cyclonic storm and cross Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts on November 25 bringing heavy rains, the Met department said on Sunday. Under its influence, on November 25, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Karikkal regions are likely to witness rainfall at most places with heavy to very heavy showers at a few places and extremely heavy rains at isolated places.

Sea condition would be rough and wind speed is likely to gradually increase from Sunday onwards, "gusting 100 kmph over southwest Bay of Bengal and along and off Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts around the region of landfall on November 25," a bulletin said.

1) Pray for the migrant workers stranded in Chennai without any source of income and unable to return to their homes. 2) Pray for the Doctors, Nurses, paramedical staff and the frontline workers 3) Pray for the Tamil and Telugu Baptist churches in Tamil Nadu. 4) Pray for the Pastors, Evangelists and mission workers 5) Pray for the Tamil Nadu Baptist Convention and its Leaders


There has been a series of political activities in Telangana. A by election for a assemble constituency was over and the elections for Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation has been hurriedly announced. Since there are more than 7 lakh Christians living in the City, the secular political parties are involved in wooing the community.


The Persecution Relief reports about a Pastor and his elderly mother visiting a believer’s house for cottage meeting in the Balapur Mandal of Ranga Reddy district where they have been severely beaten by the fanatics and seriously injured while the prayer was going on.

November, most of the Baptist Churches in Telangana are observing the Thanksgiving Sunday. On Sunday 15/11/20, Centenary Baptist Church Nalgonda, established by the pioneer ABFMS missionaries, celebrated their Harvest Festival and Annual thanksgiving and Invited Rev. Dr. Chiranjeevi, to deliver the word of God and invited Bro. Selvaraj and Bro. D. Robert Surya Prakash as guests of honour. Bro. D. Robert Surya shared the greetings of behalf of IMCC and Deccan Association of Telugu Baptist Churches. A beautiful hall for Sunday School Children was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. J. Chiranjeevi and a Committee Hall was dedicated by Bro. D. Robert Surya Prakash

The Deccan Baptist Women’s Association celebrated the Christmas with the wives of Baptist Pastors in Telangana. It has been a tradition for past 60 years to honour the ’PASTOR AMMAS’ (wives of the pastors) and women evangelists during Christmas season and give them gifts and share a meal. Due to pandemic this year they have celebrated field wise.

The Secunderabad field Pastor Amma Christmas celebration was at Baptist Church Ramnagar Hyderabad last week. Bro. D. Robert Surya attended the celebration and extended the Christmas greetings on behalf of IMCC and Deccan Association. Bro. Selvaraj IMCC Youth Forum Member coordinated the celebrations.

1) Pray for the Pastors and evangelist as the Churches are opening for worship services, post Unlock 5.0 2) Pray for the healing of many Baptist believers under COVID treatment in Telangana, 3) Pray for the Baptist Unity in Telangana

Editorial Team

Rev. Samaresh Nayak Email: [email protected] Mobile/WA: 094370 60553 Rev. P. A. Stephen Kumar Email: [email protected] Mobile/WA: 090428 10089 Rev. Catherine Longkumer Email: [email protected] Mobile/WA: 081328 06973

Designing Team Mr. Joseph Noel Voola, Mr. M. Srinivas