American Baptist Foreign Mission Society

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American Baptist Foreign Mission Society American Baptist Foreign Mission Society x937 ONE-HUNDRED-TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT Presented by the Board of Managers at the Annual Meeting held in Philadelphia, Pa., May 20- 25, l 937 Foreign Mission Headquarters 152 Madison Avenue New York Printed by THE JUDSON PRESS 1701-1703 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Printed in U. S. A . CONTENTS PAGE OFFICERS, BOARD OF MANAGERS ............................................................ 5 GENERAL AGENT, STATE PROMOTION DIRECTORS ............ 6 B Y - L A W S ................................................................................................................................... 7 P R E F A C E .................................................................................................................................... 11 GENERAL REVIEW OF THE YEAR ............................................................. 1 3-5 8 A T ransitional Y e a r ................................................................................................ 15 S u r g in g T ides of A l ie n F orces ...................................................................... 15 H o p e f u l S ig n s o n W orld H o r izo n s ............................................................ 16 P r o b l e m s F a c in g t h e W o r k A broad ............................................................ 17 C h a l l e n g in g O pportunities A broad ............................................................ 18 M is s io n a r y S t a f f ....................................................................................................... 19 * N e w M issionaries ....................................................................................................... 20 E v a l u a t io n S t u d y ....................................................................................................... 21 T h e C o u n c il o n F in a n c e a n d P r o m o t io n ................................................ 23 T h e F o r w a r d F u n d ..................................................................................................... 24 F o r w a r d M o v e m e n t ..................................................................................................... 24 A fter C o m p l e t in g t h e F o r w a r d F u n d .......................... 25 S t e w a r d s h ip E m p h a s e s ........................................................................................... 25 N e w C onstitution for I n d ia G oes I n to E ffect .................................... 26 T h e P r o ble m of U ntouchability ................................................................... 27 S t a t e m e n t b y t h e N a t io n a l C h r i s t i a n C o u n c il of I n d ia .......... 28 T r a n s f e r of M is s io n S t a t io n s ........................................................................ 29 S e c r e t a r ia l V is it of R . L . H o w a r d ............................................................... 29 « S o c ia l a n d P o l it ic a l C o n d it io n s in C h i n a ........................................... 31 -I n c r e a se d O p p o r t u n it y for C h r is t ia n W okk in C h i n a .................... 31 * C h r i s t i a n A d v a n c e i n C h i n a ........................................................................... 32 * C e n t e n n ia l of B a p t is t M is s io n s i n C h i n a ........................................... 32 T h ir t ie t h A n n i v e r s a r y , U n iv e r s it y of S h a n g h a i ........................... 33 T w e n t y -F if t h A n n i v e r s a r y , W est C h i n a U n io n U n iv e r s it y . 34 J a p a n ’ s S o c ia l a n d P o l it ic a l D evelopments ......................................... 34 S e r io u s P r o b le m s for t h e C h r i s t i a n M o v e m e n t i n J a p a n .... 35 E m p h a s i s on R u r a l W o r k in J a p a n .......................................................... 36 P l a n s for S e m i n a r y T r a i n i n g , Y o k o h a m a .............................................. 36 T h e C ommonwealth G o v e r n m e n t , P h i l ip p in e I s l a n d s ................. 37 P r o t e s t a n t O p p o r t u n it y in t h e P h il ip p in e s ......................................... 37 P rogress i n P h i l ip p in e D e v o l u t io n ........................ 38 B e l g ia n C ongo ........................................................................ 38 V is it of D r . W . O . L e w is ....................................................... 39 E v a n g e l is m A r o u n d t h e W orld ........................................................................ 40 T h e I nternational M is s io n a r y C o u n c il ................... 45 T h e P roposed C o n f e r e n c e a t H a n g c h o w ................................................... 45 W h a t t h e H a n g c h o w C o n f e r e n c e W il l D is c u s s ............................. 46 F oreig n M is s io n s C o n f e r e n c e of N o r th A m e r ic a ............................. 46 R eorganization of t h e A f r ic a C o m m it t e e .............................................. 47 T h e B oard of M a n a g e r s ............................................................................................ 48 A c t iv it ie s of t h e H o m e D e p a r t m e n t ............................................................... 49 P u b l ic it y a n d L i t e r a t u r e ........................................................................................... 50 D e p u t a t io n S e r vice of M issionaries ............................................................... 50 H o m e s for M issionaries ............................................................................................ 51 4 CONTENTS GENERAL REVIEW OF THE YEAR (Continued) page • E n d of L if e ’ s Jo u r n e y ............................................................................................ 51 F a n n i e D o a n e H o m e for M issionaries ’ C h i l d r e n ......................... 55 N o r t h e r n B a p t is t Y o u t h C o n f e r e n c e s ...................................................... 56 C o u n c il o n C h r i s t i a n E d u c a t io n .......................... 56 A P r o g r a m for t h e I m m e d ia t e F u t u r e ................................................. 56 SUMMARY OF REPORTS FROM THE MISSIONS ......................... 5 9 -1 2 8 B u r m a .................................................................................................................................... 61 A s s a m .................................................................................................................................... 72 S o u t h I n d ia ...................................................................................................................... 82 B e n g a l -O r is s a ................................................................................................................. 93 C h i n a ..................................................................................................................................... 98 E a s t C h i n a ...................................................................................................................... 99 ■ S o u t h C h i n a .................................................................................................................... 104 W e s t C h i n a ............................................................................................................... 109 J a p a n ....................................................................................................................................... 112 P h i l i p p i n e I s l a n d s ...................................................................................................... 116 B e l g ia n C o n g o ........................................................................................................... 121 E u r ope .................................................................................................................................... 127 FINANCIAL REVIEW OF THE YE A R .......................... 1 29 -144 S u m m a r y of O u t c o m e —R e g u l a r B udget ................................................ 131 A n a l y s i s o f D o n a t io n R e c e ip t s ......................................................................... 131 I n c o m e fr o m S o u r c e s O u t s id e D o n a t io n s ................................................. 132 B u dget E xpenditures ............................................................ 133 S pe c if ic B udget ............................................................................................................... 134 L e g a c ie s a n d M a t u r e d A n n u i t i e s .................................................................. 134 R eserv e for A n n u i t y A g r e e m e n t s ................................................................. 136 P e r m a n e n t F u n d C h a n g e s ............................................................................. 136 D e s ig n a t e d T e m p o r a r y F u n d s ............................................................................. 137 I n v e s t m e n t o f F u n d s ................................................................................................ 138 M o rtgages a n d R e a l E s t a t e ................................................................................ 140 F iv e -Y e a r B ud g et P r o g r a m R evised ..............................................................
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