Quantum Storytelling Annual Review (QSAR) 2019 David M. Boje, Editor QSAR is published by Tamara-Land Publications
[email protected] 4700 Dunn Drive Las Cruces, New Mexico 88011 CONTENTS Quantum Storytelling Annual Review (QSAR) 2019 David M. Boje, Editor 断弦风筝 ‘Duàn xián fēng zhēng’ - Kite with broken string Judy Chan The role of antenarratives in interprofessional collaboration: Isabelle Horvath Betty Beeler David M. Boje Grace Ann Rosile Marc Bonnet Who Killed The French Broad? Wilma Dykeman’s Contribution to Storytelling Research David M. Boje Yue Cai Hillon Mark E. Hillon The Living Book Bolles Potter Another Vision of Home: Storytelling Pathways using Geo-spatial Mnemonics Debra Butler Embodied Restorying Process Dr. Jeanne Flora & Dr. Tim Ketelaar What’s the story morning glory? Deceiving stories or stories from W.A.F.E.L. Michel Fortier, titular professor ‘W’ Theory, Framework for Intelligent Management of Work Stress in Organizations Dr. Patrick J. M. Haim, HDR, IMSES Oneness, and Interview with the Environment Julia Hayden Worker-Driven Social Responsibility and Critical Pedagogy: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers Campaign to Reform Global Supply Chains Richard Herder Coaching in the age of Gaia: A story making framework for relational reflexivity Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen Pauline Fatien Diochon Introduction References Arendt, H. (1958). The Modern Concept of History. The Review of Politics, 20(4), 570–590. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034670500034227 Organization, 9(4), 641–656. https://doi.org/10.1177/135050840294007 Discovering Your Slice of the Pie: Investigating the Self via acting techniques of Michael Chekhov Wil Kilroy An Ontology: Storytelling, and Collective Sensemaking in the Age of Global Technologies Thomas E.