WREK Grabs Top Honor in Creative Loafing
Friday, OctoberNEWS 5, 2007 Technique • Friday, October 5, 2007 • 1 “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” After much antici- pation, Halo 3 is worth the wait. Volume 93, Issue 11 28 pages Page 15 ONLINE www.nique.net TECHNIQUEServing Georgia Tech since 1911 WREK grabs top honor in Creative Loafi ng By Denisse Gonzalez at all. Usually a radio station of for Best Overall Radio Station than the in-your-face popular Contributing Writer our caliber just goes for best non- in Atlanta. stations. Listeners are thankful commercial radio station, but To Th omas Shanks, a fi fth- for our eff orts to provide diverse Taped to the door leading out to step up and year Computer and interesting music, sports and of the WREK radio station offi ces go above and Science and community affairs program- is a sign that reads “What did you beyond 99X, “...to step up E l e c t r i c a l ming,” Shanks said. do today to make WREK awe- Project 96.1, and go beyond... Engineering In addition to sports and some?” On Sept. 26, the 110 staff and all these major, win- public affairs programming, members who work to make the other commer- all these other ning the title WREK broadcasts rock, rhythm station “awesome” were rewarded cial radio sta- commercial radio was overdue. and blues, classical music, jazz by Creative Loafi ng critics, who tions is really Shanks, who and a number of specialty shows, named WREK Best Overall monumental,” stations is really has been an including Indian Masala, featur- Radio Station in the newspaper’s Petrick said.
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