TAKE A DIP IN BATHS AT THE LOFT PAGE 7. VOLUME XLIII, ISSUE XXIV THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2011 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG WHAT THE F? Donald Glover Headlines Comedy Event “Community” actor will perform at the first large-scale comedy festival, where “Last Comic Standing” first-season winner Dat Phan will also perform. By Jonathan Kaslow * Contributing Writer Illustration by Rebekah Hwang onald Glover, who performed the ballroom is at maximum capacity. As nizers will need to nd a new source of at the Sun God Festival last a result, the show will be oversold. ose funding. year, will be back on campus who cannot get into the main venue may WTF will not, unlike the Sun God Dnext month to headline the Winter be able to watch a live feed of the show Festival, feature student organizations Triton Festival comedy event. at the Lo. or vendors. Artist merchandise will be “Donald Glover was our rst choice,” “It’s called ‘festival’ because we also available for purchase. AVP of Concerts and Events Brian Wong have [programming at] the Lo on that e show represents a shi on the said. “It just worked out perfectly. He got night,” Wong said in an e-mail. “Cur- part of the A.S. Concerts and Events of- such a great response at Sun God. We re- rently, [it’s] an overow for the ballroom. ce, as the majority of the shows it puts ally wanted him back.” We are looking into a live feed so people on are concerts. Pham said that other He will be joined at the festival by who couldn’t get into the ballroom can shows were considered, but the council comedian Dat Phan, a San Diego native still enjoy the show.” decided a comedy show would be a good who won the rst season of NBC’s “Last e event is designed to be an an- event for Winter Quarter. Pham also Comic Standing.” nual complement to FallFest and Sun expressed enthusiasm for the comedians e festival — currently scheduled God Festival. is is the rst year of the that signed on for the show. for Feb. 5 in the Price Center West Ball- festival, which is funded by A.S. Coun- For the past several years, Winter room — will be free to students, who can cil’s mandated reserves that is composed Quarter has lacked the major social get up to two wristbands with a valid of unused fees from past students. Ac- events that mark the other academic UCSD ID at the UCSD box oce. cording to Vice President of Student Life quarters. Previously, WinterFest pro- Although a ticket will be required, it Kristina Pham, if the event is successful does not guarantee entry to ensure that and continues beyond this year, orga- See COMEDY,Êpage 6 D.R.E.A.M.ÊActÊRevivedÊinÊCaliforniaÊAssembly Gov. Brown’s By Regina Ip this not going to take away from the current can draw from sources like alumni associations N E students,” Ceja said. and university scholarship programs, according Although more students will be eligible to to Ceja. Budget Cuts After the D.R.E.A.M. Act failed in the U.S. receive financial aid, the funds for the aid “There have been a lot of universities Senate last month, proponents who want to packages will come from a private pool of who wanted to give scholarships out to allow eligible undocumented students to receive funds, so the change would not place additional undocumented students,” Ceja said. “But the law $500 Million the same financial aid benefits as residents are financial burdens on the state. being the way it is right now, they were scared to reintroducing a new version of the act under a “When we presented the D.R.E.A.M. Act, we give money to undocumented students.” new governor’s office. were very careful to take care of two key issues,” Ceja said the law will help both the students On Tuesday, Jan. 11, Assemblyman Gil Cedillo Field Deputy Fredy Ceja said. “The first is that and the universities. From UC System (D-Los Angeles) — the author of the original this will not take any existing resources from This law would actually clarify the California D.R.E.A.M. Act — introduced a bill students. AB 130, which is the new title for ambiguities with giving money to undocumented By Elena Chang to grant illegal immigrants access to community the bill, is going to allow for institutionalized students and it would pretty much give them a C W colleges’ Board of Governors fee waiver, as well funding, which is fee waivers and scholarships green light to go ahead and allow undocumented For the first time in the UC system’s as additional financial aid programs. from each university.” 143-year history, revenue from student fees “The biggest issue is letting people know that These funds from individual institutions See D.R.EA.M.,Êpage 6 will exceed the state’s contribution to the university operating budget. On Jan. 10, Gov. WINTER Jerry Brown put forward a budget proposal that cuts $1.4 billion from California’s higher SHUFFLE education system — $500 million of which Students passing through will be taken from the UC system. Library Walk were The rest of the $1.4 billion will be deducted bombarded with flyers from the CSU system and community colleges. Although the UC system has from clubs at the Winter experienced major cuts before, the proposed Student Organization Fair $500 million cut would eliminate about one- on Wednesday, Jan. 12. sixth of current state funding. From selling Korean BBQ, UC Student Association President handing out candy to Claudia Magana said the UCSA board is blasting music, student working with budget analysts to get an organizations tried understanding of the budget issue before various methods to deciding what do to next. recruit new members, “We first have to figure out what we can who met current officers do,” Magana said. “We hope to talk about and signed up for events. what action plan to take at the Student Lobby MICHELLE JACONETTE /GUARDIAN See BUDGET,Êpage 2 WEBÊPOLLSPOKENSPOKEN FORECAST SUNRISE NIGHTÊWATCHNIGHTÊWATCH SURFÊREPORTSURFÊREPORT GASÊPERÊGALLON INSIDE LOW WILL YOU ATTEND THURSDAY FRIDAY ComicsÊ..................................2 THE WINTER TRITON 6:52 A.M. Height: 2-3 ft. Height: 3-5 ft. $3.15 NewÊBusinessÊ........................3 FESTIVAL? THURSDAY FRIDAY Wind: 6-9 mph Wind: 5-9 mph Quick Trip, El Cajon H 69 L 49 H 75 L 51 THURSDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY Water Temp: 58 F Water Temp: 58 F 596 N. Mollison Ave & I-8 LifeÊinÊLettersÊ.........................4 Yes √ SUNSET HIGH LetterÊtoÊtheÊEditorÊ................5 √ No SATURDAY SUNDAY DruthersÊ.................................8 √ I don’t know Height: 4-6 ft. Height: 4-6 ft. $3.89 SATURDAY SUNDAY Wind: 5-8 mph Wind: 3-8 mph 76, Point Loma ClassifiedsÊ...........................10 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG P.M. 1704 Rosecrans St. & Nimitz Blvd. H 74 L 50 H 72 L 51 5:05 SATURDAY SUNDAY Water Temp: 58 F Water Temp: 58 F SudokuÊ................................10 2 THE UCSD GUARDIANÊ THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 2011Ê NEWS CLOSE QUARTERS By Kat Truong AngelaÊChen Editor in Chief TrevorÊCox Managing Editor ReginaÊIp News Editor NishaÊKurani Associate News Editor CherylÊHori Opinion Editor MargaretÊYau Associate Opinion Editor LiamÊRose Sports Editor TylerÊNelson Associate Sports Editor NedaÊSalamat Focus Editor Zo‘ÊSophos Associate Focus Editor ArielleÊSallai Hiatus Editor By Dami Lee AS PER USUAL RenÊEbel Associate Hiatus Editors NedaÊSalamat AmyÊGuzdar Copy Editors NaomiÊSweo JohnÊHanacek Photo Editor AndrewÊOh Associate Photo Editor MelodyÊChern Design Editor BinhÊNgo Associate Design Editor RebekahÊHwang Art Editor Page Layout MelodyÊChern,ÊPraneetÊKolluru,ÊBinhÊNgo,ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ArielleÊSallai,ÊVivianÊZhang Copy Readers MonicaÊHaider,ÊAmandaÊKu,ÊMelissaÊStanley BudgetÊAddressesÊ$25.4ÊBillionÊDeficit,ÊUCÊSystemÊBracesÊForÊDrasticÊChanges General Manager EmilyÊKuÊ Business Assistant ▶ BUDGET, fromÊpageÊ1 “The responsible approach is to students face the looming probability like an entity of California. Right now TiffanyÊHan Conference that will happen at the take the governor at his word and of another fee increase within the is not the time for drastic cuts.” Marketing CyrusÊAzari,ÊJocelynÊCoca,ÊBrandonÊKatzer,ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ end of February in Sacramento.” assume the cuts are coming and next year. AnnieÊWang,ÊKiaraÊWilliams The budget is a move to confront work hard to decide the right way to “I know we are in debt, but these Readers can contact Elena Chang at Advertising Design and Layout AlfredoÊH.ÊVilanoÊJr. California’s estimated $25.4 billion execute them,” King said. “We are still are too drastic of cuts for one year. [email protected]. A.S.ÊGraphicÊStudioÊ deficit. Brown suggested at Monday’s going to be in Sacramento making Even if they cut that down by half, Distributors press conference that it was time for the case that we are tremendously it would still be too much. We voted RobertÊEspinoza,ÊScottÊHavrisik the state to pay its debts, in spite of important to the future of this state.” him in for governor because we TheÊ UCSDÊ GuardianÊ isÊ publishedÊ MondaysÊ andÊ CORRECTIONS ThursdaysÊduringÊtheÊacademicÊyearÊbyÊUCSDÊstudentsÊ the inevitable difficulties ahead. Vice President of External Affairs thought he understood that we could andÊ forÊ theÊ UCSDÊ community.Ê ReproductionÊ ofÊ thisÊ newspaperÊ inÊ anyÊ form,Ê whetherÊ inÊ wholeÊ orÊ inÊ part,Ê Brown suggested a five-year Michael Lam is skeptical about what barely pay for school,” Lam said. withoutÊ permissionÊ isÊ strictlyÊ prohibited.Ê ©Ê 2011,Ê allÊ rightsÊ reserved.Ê TheÊ UCSDÊ GuardianÊ isÊ notÊ responsibleÊ extension of higher taxes — a plan the UC system will do for its students. Lam senses that UCSD will feel An Jan. 6 article titled “UCSD forÊtheÊreturnÊofÊunsolicitedÊmanuscriptsÊorÊart.ÊTheÊviewsÊ expressedÊhereinÊdoÊnotÊnecessarilyÊrepresentÊtheÊopin- that requires voter approval — to “So far, [UC President Mark the impact immediately. Considers $80 Quarterly Tech Fee” ionsÊofÊtheÊUCSDÊGuardian,ÊtheÊUniversityÊofÊCaliforniaÊ G.
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